Division of Graduate Medical Sciences
Boston University School of Medicine
Amended January 2010 from Guidelines
771 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Title Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Introduction 3
Required Forms 3
Length of Thesis 4
Deadlines for Submitting MA in Medical Sciences Theses 4
Preparation of the Thesis 5
Spacing, Font and Margins 5
Pagination 6
Preliminary Pages 7
Title Page 7
Copyright Page 7
Readers Approval Page 7
Dedicatory Page 7
Acknowledgement Page 7
Preface 8
Abstract Page(s) 8
Table of Contents 8
List of Tables, Figures, Illustrations and Schemes 8
List of Abbreviations 8
Glossary 8
Body of Thesis 8
Specific Aims, Current Study or Objectives 8
Appendices 9
List of Journal Abbreviations 9
References 9
Vita 9
Figures and Tables 9
Permission to Use Copyrighted Material 10
Quality of Paper 10
Delayed Circulation 11
Procedure for Submitting a MA in Medical Sciences Thesis to the Division
of Graduate Medical Sciences 11
Sample Title Page 13
Sample Approval Page 14
Sample Abstract Page 15
The completion of a thesis is a major requirement for the Masters of Arts in Medical Sciences
(MAMS) degree at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM). A thesis is a scholarly work
that must be approved by a minimum of two faculty members in the field of study and must have
an original conclusion. A Master’s thesis project is to be well-conceived and of modest scope.
The research project may involve library research alone, a laboratory research project alone, or
may be a combination of library and laboratory research. The First Reader for the MAMS thesis
must be a faculty member of the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS) at BUSM. The
Second Reader does not need to be a member of GMS.
Any student working with a Second or Third Reader who is not a member of GMS must
complete the Special Service Appointment Form and submit a copy of the non-GMS reader’s CV
to GMS for approval. This rule applies to all non-GMS readers whether from other BU schools
(i.e., BUSM, SPH, BUSDM, or CAS) or from another institution outside of the BU community.
The Special Service Appointment form provides temporary faculty appointment for qualified
mentors. The function of the “in-house” Division faculty member as First Reader assures and
assumes responsibility that the work is conducted appropriately.
For readers outside of the BU community, the Guideline Letter for Mentors Outside Boston
University which provides information about the MAMS program, the thesis process, and thesis
requirements is available at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/home/mentorletter-2/
All students should provide their readers the document entitled Thesis Reader Responsibilities
available under M.A. in Medical Sciences Thesis Information at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/master-
Students should review the format, content and style of the sample theses that are available in the
GMS office (L-315) or at BUSM Alumni Medical Library (L-12).
All forms are due to the GMS Registrar approximately 6 months prior to submission of the final
thesis. For exact due dates, check the current Graduation Calendar available at
The Thesis Title Form must be signed by both the First and Second Readers and include a
preliminary thesis title. This title can be altered before the final submission of the thesis.
This form is available at: http://www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/home/thesistitle/
Students who choose to pursue an “A” grade for completing a laboratory thesis (rather
than Pass/Fail credit as for a library thesis) must submit the Thesis Agreement Form
signed by both the First and Second Readers. This form is available at:
A Special Service Appointment Form and your mentor’s C.V. are required if the thesis is
completed at an institution other than BUSM or if one of the readers is not a GMS faculty
member. This form is available at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/files/2008/08/special.pdf
Students must submit a Diploma Application Form prior to thesis submission. The
deadline can be found on the Graduation Calendar and is usually 3 months prior to the
thesis submission deadline. The Diploma Application Form is available at :
A library thesis should be approximately 50 but not less than 45 pages in length, excluding the
Prepages, Appendices (if any), References and Vita. It should not be a collection of abstracts on
a particular scientific area; rather, the writer should evaluate relevant scientific information and
develop an original conclusion based on the literature. A library thesis generally includes the
following sections: Introduction, Published Data, Discussion, Conclusion, Future Plans and/or
Proposal. A library thesis is graded on a pass/fail basis only.
A laboratory thesis may be submitted in publication format or in conventional thesis format and
must be a minimum of 35 pages, excluding the Prepages, Appendices (if any), References and
Vita. The format generally includes the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and
Discussion. A Laboratory thesis may earn a Grade of “A” following review by the Thesis
Committee and upon the recommendation of the research mentor who indicates that the student’s
contribution and quality of work performed are deserving of an “A” grade. Laboratory theses
that do not earn a grade of A will receive a Pass/Fail grade similar to a Library thesis.
Theses must be submitted to the GMS office prior to the established deadlines in December,
April and August in order to graduate in January, May, or September, respectively. Refer to the
current Graduation Calendar for specific deadlines.
You may not submit your thesis to the GMS office until you have completed all academic
requirements including the remediation of incomplete grades. Thesis submission is the last
requirement you fulfill at the University before you are awarded your degree.
In order to ensure that you complete the revisions and modifications that are suggested by your
readers, you should plan to submit a complete draft of your thesis to your readers at least 6-8
weeks prior to the thesis submission deadline. The exact due date for the draft should be
determined by the student and readers well in advance to ensure that all parties are aware of the
Once your first and Second Readers have approved the text of your thesis, you need to arrange
for format review by the GMS Registrar, Ms. Millie Agosto. Provide a hard copy and an
electronic copy (on CD) of the complete thesis draft to the GMS office and Ms. Agosto will
review it for adherence to formatting guidelines. The hard copy with Ms. Agosto’s comments
will be available for you to pick up at the GMS office 1 to 2 days later. Special arrangements can
also be made directly with the Registrar if you intend to complete your thesis outside of the
Boston area. Do not prepare the final thesis copies until you have received Ms. Agosto’s
approval of your thesis format.
This document is intended to explain the thesis standards and required formats established by
both GMS and Mugar Memorial Library. This guide does not provide directions on HOW to
research or write a thesis. Nor does this guide set major stylistic rules for the author. Your
readers may suggest or require you to follow a specific journal or other style for your work and
this should be discussed with them. Additional information can be found under M.A. in Medical
Sciences Thesis Information available at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/master-arts-medical-
Spacing, Font and Margins. All textual material in the body of the thesis and its preliminary
pages must be double-spaced, and printed single-sided, unless otherwise indicated.
The Table of Contents, Abstract Page, List of Tables List of Figures and List of
Abbreviations must be double spaced.
Figure legends and long quotations may be single-spaced.
The References section may be single-spaced with one double space between citations.
Long quotations must be single-spaced and indented 0.5 in from the right/ left margins.
Limit your font to Arial or Times with a font size between 12 and 10 points.
Font type and point sizes must be consistent throughout the thesis.
Footnotes or tables may be in a smaller font than the main text, but not smaller than 10 pt
The required margins are:
Top Margin: 1.5 inches to first line of text or heading
Left Margin: 1.5 inches
Right Margin: 1 inch with or without right margin justification
Bottom Margin: 1 inch from the bottom of the page
These margins must be used at all times and apply not just to the text, but to footnotes, figures,
tables, illustrations, references and vita. The only printed material that can be outside of the
margins is the page number. If a table or figure is too wide to fit within the left and right margins,
rotate the page 90 degrees (i.e., print the page in landscape format). If a page is printed in
landscape format, the margins and page numbers do not move along with the figure. The page
number on any landscape page must be in the portrait position.
Pagination. Every page, starting with the title page and ending with the last page of the vita,
must be assigned a number. The preliminary pages must have lower case Roman numerals (e.g.,
iii, iv, xii) placed at the bottom center of the page. The main text of the thesis must have Arabic
numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3) which may be placed at the bottom center, top center, or top right of the
page. The title page and approval page must have page numbers assigned to them, but these
numbers should NOT be printed on the pages themselves. The preliminary pages should appear
in the following order:
Title Page i (counted, number not printed)
Copyright Page (optional- see below) ii (counted, number not printed)
Readers’ Approval Page (counted, not printed) ii (counted, number not printed)
Dedicatory Page (optional) iii
Acknowledgments (optional) iv
Abstract (maximum 3 pages) v
Preface (optional) vii
Table of Contents (may be more than 1 page) viii
List of Tables (if any) ix
List of Figures (if any) x
List of Illustrations or Schemes (if any) xi
List of Abbreviations (if applicable) xii
Glossary (if applicable) xiii
Introduction (first page of body of thesis) 1
Each section of the preliminary pages starting with the Acknowledgments can be more than one
page in length, if necessary. If you do not include a particular optional section, simply continue
the pagination with the next section that is included in your thesis. The Table of Contents must
include the number of the page where each entry occurs. The Lists of Tables, Figures,
Illustrations or Schemes must include the number of the page where each respective table, figure,
etc. begins.
The main body of thesis follows the preliminary pages. The body of the thesis is numbered with
Arabic numerals starting at 1 and is assembled in the following order:
Main Thesis Body (page 1)
Appendices (if applicable)
List of Journal Abbreviations (if applicable) This list should be in the same
format as the List of Abbreviations in the preliminary pages.
Vita (last numbered page(s))
Title Page. The thesis title should be a short, meaningful description of the work. The use of
acronyms is discouraged, but not prohibited. For terms such as or  students should write out
the terms as alpha or beta. A sample title page is included on page 14.
Copyright Page. It is your decision whether or not to have your work copyrighted. Most MAMS
students do not. You may want to ask your advisors for their opinion on this issue and, if
necessary, refer to Mugar Library’s guidelines at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/home/thesisgd/
There may be fees associated with the procurement of a copyright. If you decide not to obtain
copyright protection for your thesis, then you do not include a copyright page.
Readers Approval Page. Every MAMS thesis submitted to GMS and Mugar Library must have
a Readers’ Approval Page with the original signatures of all readers. Photocopied or faxed
signatures are not acceptable. A sample approval page is provided on page 14. Authors should
place each reader’s highest degrees and official title after his/her name (e.g., Professor of
Biochemistry, Associate Professor of Physiology, etc.). If your readers are not BUSM faculty
members, you should place the names of their institutions after their official titles.
Dedicatory Page. This page is optional and can be written in the format of your choice.
Acknowledgements. This page is optional. Candidates often insert a brief acknowledgement to
those who assisted in the thesis work and/or their graduate education. This page is the first
numbered page and must be listed in the Table of Contents.
Preface. This page is optional. Format must be similar to the rest of thesis (i.e., double-spaced).
Abstract. Each thesis must include an abstract, regardless of whether the document is a library or
laboratory thesis. The abstract should contain a clear and brief statement of the problem, the
procedure(s) and/or method(s) used, the results and the conclusions. The abstract should be a
succinct account of the entire thesis. A sample abstract page is provided on page 15. Graphs,
charts, tables, references and illustrations should not be included in the abstract. Symbols,
abbreviations and acronyms should be minimized. The length of the abstract is not limited, but
most abstracts do not exceed 3 pages.
Table of Contents. The Table of Contents must list the sections of the thesis from the Title Page
to the last page of the Vita. Page numbers should be indicated for all entries. Even though no
page numbers are included on the Title Page and Readers’ Approval Page, they should be
numbered (i) and (ii) in the Table of Contents.
Lists of Tables, Figures, Illustrations and Schemes. A List of Tables including table number,
title and page number must follow the Table of Contents. A List of Figures, in the same format,
should follow the List of Tables. A List of Illustrations or Schemes, if they are included in the
thesis, should follow the List of Figures.
List of Abbreviations. If you use abbreviations in your thesis, you must include a List of
Abbreviations after the last List of Figures, Tables, or Illustrations and Schemes. The List of
Abbreviations must be arranged alphabetically according to the abbreviation, not according to the
order of appearance in the text, and should be prepared using the following format:
AD Alzheimer’s disease
-amyloid beta amyloid
PBS phosphate-buffered saline
SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Glossary: A glossary (if applicable) should follow the List of Abbreviations and be in a similar
Specific Aims, Current Study, or Objectives: Both library and laboratory theses should include a
section called Specific Aims, Current Study or Objectives, as appropriate. This length of this
section is variable and can be included as part of the Introduction or as a separate section that is
positioned before the Methods section at the end of the Introduction. The Specific Aims, Current
Study or Objectives section states why you undertook the study, what your hypothesis and goals
were, what you planned to do specifically (in list or paragraph form) and what you hoped to learn
from the study. This section is approximately one page in length.
Appendices: Appendices should precede the References section and can be single-spaced or 10
point font provided they are readable and have the correct margins.
List of Journal Abbreviation: If you use abbreviated journal titles in the References section, then
you must include a List of Journal Abbreviations, in alphabetical order, with the corresponding
complete titles (available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/journals). The List of Journal
Abbreviations should be placed before the References section. The format for the List of Journal
Abbreviations is as follows:
BMJ British Medical Journal
EMBO J. EMBO Journal
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America
References: You may single-space your citations, but leave one double-space between citations.
Standard format for MAMS theses is the APA format. Students may cite articles by authors’ last
name(s) and year such as (Jones, 2009; Smith et al., 2008; Ryan and Williams, 2006) or by
numerical designations such as (33) or (1, 3-5) where the numbers correspond to the number of
the citation in the References section. All citations regardless of format should be placed at the
end of the sentence but before the period. If footnotes are used, then the number of the footnote
should be placed at the end of the sentence after the period.
Vita: This is a short description of your professional life up to the point at which your degree is
awarded. Your vita may be written in either résumé or narrative format but must include your full
name, year of birth (not your birth date), and a contact address where you can be reached for at
least the next 12 years. A vita may also include (but is not limited to) your previous education,
degrees, awards or honors, professional positions held, employment and publications. Please
limit your vita to no more than three pages.
Figures and Tables: Figures and tables may be included within the text of the thesis or at the end
of the thesis. All figures and tables must be numbered sequentially and be referred to in the text.
Color in charts, graphs, or figures is acceptable provided it is of high quality. Each figure or table
must include a clear title (which is included in the List of Tables or List of Figures in the
preliminary pages) followed by a detailed descriptive legend. The table or figure should be clear
to the reader in the absence of the description in the text.
A figure reproduced from a publication should be cited in the legend as follows:
“Figure taken from Smith et al., 2008” or “Table amended from Jones, 2009”.
The full citation should be included in the References section.
A figure that was downloaded from a website should be cited in the legend as follows:
“Figure downloaded from “American Cancer Society at http://www.cancer.org”.
The full citation should be included in the Reference section as American Cancer Society.
Title of Figure, Retrieved September 28, 2008 from http://www.cancer.org.
If references are cited numerically, designate the website by name in the figure legend to
give credit.
Permission to Use Copyrighted Material: If you directly reproduce material from a copyrighted
source in your thesis, you may need to obtain written permission for its use and indicate that
permission in a footnote or caption with the material. Such material may include graphs, charts,
figures, photographs, computer programs, etc.
For most MAMS theses, this is not necessary because a student can quote up to 1.5 single-spaced
pages from one source without asking for permission. If you quote the same source several times
throughout the thesis, you must determine the total number of lines that you have cited to make
sure that you are within the allotted 1.5 single-spaced pages. All reproduced content MUST be
given proper credit and cited to avoid acts of plagiarism.
When reproducing figures from websites or publications, a limit of three figures per publication
is strictly enforced. Reproduce only the figure itself and write your own figure legend. Legends
reproduced from the original text often have fonts that are too small for the thesis.
For further details, please review Research Guide for Writers of Theses and Dissertations at
Quality of Paper: High quality 8.5” x 11” white bond paper should be used for final copies. 20
lb-weight paper with 25% cotton or rag content is required. Acid-free, non-yellowing paper,
sometimes referred to as Archival Bond, is recommended. Many students purchase Southworth
brand paper such as Southworth Fine Business Paper, 25% Cotton, 20 lb, White, watermarked.
Other types of paper are also acceptable provided they meet these requirements and have a
Delayed Circulation: In rare circumstances, a student may not want his or her thesis to be placed
on reserve or be circulated after it is submitted to Mugar Library. Students should discuss this
issue with their thesis advisor initially before choosing a thesis project as delayed circulation is
strongly discouraged. Circulation restrictions are granted only in limited circumstances, but may
be allowed by the University if the author plans to sell the work to a publisher, apply for a patent,
or if the material covers a sensitive subject that cannot safely or appropriately be published at the
time of thesis submission. In such circumstances, you may request a restriction of the circulation
of the thesis for a period not to exceed five years. You must submit a letter to request delayed
circulation to the Associate Provost of the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences in 8 weeks in
advance of the final thesis submission deadline. The letter must contain your reason for the
request for delayed circulation, the time limit for the restriction, an address where you can be
contacted when the time limit expires, and must contain signatures of the student, his/her major
thesis advisor and additional reader(s). Further details about delayed circulation and a sample
letter are provided in the Research Guide for Writers of Theses and Dissertations available at
Students in the MAMS program should submit their theses directly to Division of Graduate
Medical Sciences in Room L-315. The Registrar, Millie Agosto, will accept the thesis and deliver
the copies to Mugar Library. Please follow these instructions when submitting your thesis:
Once your first and Second Readers have approved the text of your thesis, you need to arrange
for format review by the GMS Registrar, Ms. Millie Agosto. Provide a hard copy AND an
electronic copy (on CD) of the complete thesis draft to the GMS office no earlier than one month
prior to final submission and Ms. Agosto will review it for adherence to formatting guidelines.
The hard copy with Ms. Agosto’s comments will be available for you to pick up at the GMS
office 1 to 2 days later. Special arrangements can also be made directly with the Registrar if you
intend to complete your thesis outside of the Boston area. Do not prepare the final thesis copies
until you have received Ms. Agosto’s approval of your thesis format.
1. Submit two copies of the thesis with original signatures on the Readers’ Approval Page.
The signature pages must be printed on the same type of paper as the thesis.
Do NOT bind any of the thesis copies. Do not staple it. Do not use binder or paper clips. Put each
thesis copy in a manila envelope or back into the original paper box to protect the documents
while you transport them to the GMS office.
2. If you have conducted a laboratory thesis and previously submitted a Thesis Agreement
Form, you should ask your mentor to write a letter that recommends your thesis for a
grade of “A”. The letter should be addressed to:
Linda E. Hyman, Ph.D.
Associate Provost, Graduate Medical Sciences
Professor, Department of Microbiology
Boston University School of Medicine
72 East Concord Street L315
Boston, MA 02118
This letter should be submitted with the thesis.
A third UNBOUND thesis copy (on REGULAR copier paper) with original signatures
should be submitted for review by the Thesis committee for a grade of “A”. Additional
information can be found at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/master-arts-medical-
sciences/files/2009/08/Thesis-Agreement-Form.pdf need to change title to Graded Laboratory
3. Bring a check or money order in the amount of $25.00 made payable to “Boston
University” with you when you submit your final thesis documents. This covers the cost of
archiving the two copies of the thesis. If you are leaving the area and closing your bank account,
please use a bank or postal money order. The GMS office cannot accept cash for this fee.
4. Fill out the form on which you indicate how you wish your name to appear in the Mugar
Library catalog. This form is provided by GMS when you submit your thesis.
5. When your final thesis copies have been prepared and your readers have examined them
and signed the Readers’ Approval Page, please call (617) 638-5124 or email Millie Agosto
([email protected]) to finalize the time for submission of your documents to the GMS office.
The submission process takes approximately 15 minutes and you must submit your check and all
all forms when you submit the thesis.
Additional resources for writers of theses is available at in the Mugar document Research Guide for Writers
of Theses and Dissertations at http://www.bumc.bu.edu/gms/home/thesisgd/If you are having any difficulties with
your thesis or have questions regarding the procedures for completing your GMS requirements, please contact Millie
Agosto or the GMS office staff.
If you have additional questions about the formatting of your thesis or copyright procurement, please
contact Brendan McDermott ([email protected]), Thesis/Dissertation Coordinator, Mugar Library, Bibliographic
Services, Third Floor. His phone numbers are (617) 353-9387 or (617) 353-3713.
<Sample of Title Page for Final Copies of MAMS Theses>
[Your name should be in order of first, middle, and last]
A.A., Fisher Junior College, 1989
A.B., Harvard University, 1993
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Arts
[year in which degree will officially be conferred]
A Roman numeral does not appear on this page, although the page is counted in the
Table of Contents.
<Sample of Approval Page for Final Copies of MAMS Theses>
Approved by
First Reader _______________________________________________
Name of First Reader, Ph.D.
Professor of ...........................
Second Reader _______________________________________________
Name of Second Reader, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of ...........................
Third Reader ________________________________________________
Name of Third Reader, Ph.D. (if applicable)
Lecturer in ...........................
Harvard University, School of Medicine
A Roman numeral does not appear on this page, although the page is counted in the
Table of Contents.
<Sample of Abstract Page for Final Copies of MAMS Theses>
Title of Master's Thesis in all capital letters, bold and centered
Your Full Name (First, Middle, Last) in all capital letters, bold and centered and
matching name on Title Page)
Boston University School of Medicine, 201__
Major Professor: Name (of your First Reader), Ph.D. /M.D., Professor of ..... (wrap
around to this point if name and title are too long for one line)
The body of the abstract begins here and is double-spaced.
A lower case Roman numeral should be placed at bottom center of this page.