Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College, Boston, MA
Post Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy
September 2016
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
January 2005
Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology with a minor in Psychology
May 1999
Licensed Occupational Therapist, Massachusetts (lic # 8989)
Registered Occupational Therapist, National Board of Certification of Occupational Therapists
(reg # 1074443)
Certified Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP), Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology
Society of North America (RESNA)
Adjunct Faculty
September 2009 present
Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University, Boston, MA
Primary instructor for two courses in entry level occupational therapy doctoral programs
Facilitate hands-on application session in graduate level assistive technology course
Coordinate interdisciplinary content experts and guest lecturers to enhance the student experience
Develop course content and learning assessment in compliance with accreditation standards
Design and advise independent study and graduate assistant experiences
Doctoral Project Academic Mentor
May 2017 present
Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University, Boston, MA
Support post-professional students with scholarly work in remote post-professional doctoral program
Provide feedback and guidance on development of student cumulative doctoral project
Collaborate remotely with faculty to refine and revise curriculum and program
Adjunct Faculty
July 2020 present
Massachusetts General Institute of Health Professions, Boston MA
Developed and led an elective graduate course on assistive technology
Develop assignments and objective grading criteria to assess student learning
Adjunct Faculty
September 2017 December 2017
Department of Occupational Therapy, Regis College, Weston MA
Developed and led a graduate course on clinical reasoning
Coordinate interdisciplinary collaboration experiences with other medical professions at Regis College
Develop assignments and objective grading criteria to assess student learning
Occupational Therapist & Assistive Technology Professional
Canton Public Schools, Canton, MA
Identify supports to promote success for special education students
Provide consultation to educators to optimize inclusion and classroom participation
Develop assistive technology consultation initiatives at elementary and middle schools
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Per Diem Occupational Therapist:
The Boston Home, Dorchester MA
December 2012-present
Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, Braintree, MA
April 2008 September 2017
Perform evaluations and implement treatment plans in neurobehavioral physical rehabilitation setting
Mentor clinical staff to develop skills for assistive technology assessment, implementation and training
Senior Assistive Technology Specialist
October 2018 February 2019
Clinical Supervisor
December 2014 September 2018
Assistive Technology Specialist
November 2012 December 2014
Easter Seals Massachusetts, Worcester MA
Lead interprofessional team of Assistive Technology (AT) Professionals
Perform assessments, installation, customization and training in the use of Assistive Technology to meet client goals
Coordinate programs for vocational rehab, post-secondary education & independent living clients with disabilities
Manage grant funded programs and initiatives including state funded Independent Living AT program
Improve capacity and quality of service through staff development and program evaluation
Develop and provide professional education opportunities statewide
Determine appropriate technology to assist individuals with disabilities to meet their educational, vocational, and
independent living goals in the home and at work
Perform ergonomic assessments to optimize performance and prevent musculoskeletal injury
Fabricate custom adaptations to improve access to assistive devices
Create and deliver training seminars and workshops for professional and lay audiences
Occupational Therapist
April 2009 November 2012
The Boston Home, Dorchester, MA
Evaluate and treat adults in advanced stages of progressive neurological conditions in long term care setting
Guide rehabilitation aides in assisting residents in performing home exercise and rehabilitation programs
Perform assistive technology assessments and training for individuals with a variety of client factors including low
vision, perceptual impairments, upper extremity function impairments, and cognitive impairments
Mentor volunteer and fellowship resources in providing assistive technology support
Provide staff education on assistive technology setup and positioning device use for specific residents
Occupational Therapist II
April 2008 March 2009
Massachusetts Hospital School, Canton, MA
Directly supervise COTA, rehabilitation aide and OT graduate interns as well as provide mentorship to OTR
Evaluate and treat children and young adults with neurological conditions in the clinic, residence, and classroom
Educate staff and monitor compliance with medical and therapy feeding recommendations on an interdisciplinary
dysphagia team
Occupational Therapist
January 2005 April 2008
Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation Unit, Braintree, MA
Perform evaluations and implement treatment plans in neurobehavioral physical rehabilitation setting
Lead team to integrate upper extremity robotics and functional electrical stimulation program
Lead team of therapists to integrate research protocol for a blinded clinical trial
Supervise and mentor full time graduate-level occupational therapy interns
Perform seating assessments and produce letters of medical necessity in outpatient wheelchair clinic
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Course Instructor and Student Advisor
December 1999 June 2004
Boston University
Training for the Future
Recovery Center
Programs, Boston, MA
Develop curricula and instruct classes focusing on life skills, computer competency, and Internet use in a
community-based program for adults with psychiatric disabilities
Supervise and mentor classroom assistants and new staff
Perform individualized academic advising to support participation in program and career development
Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team in program development
Website Administrator
December 1998 June 2004
Boston University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Psych Disability, Boston, MA
Create and maintain a 700+ page Internet site for an internationally recognized mental health organization
Assist in participant recruitment, data collection, and data analysis for NIDRR funded research projects
Assist in design and launch of an Internet-based professional development distance-learning program
Employee Spirit Award, Easter Seals Massachusetts, 2013
Certificate of Appreciation Award, New England Occupational Therapy Education Council, 2012
Florence G. Hunter Award, Boston University Occupational Therapy Department, 2004
Berner, K. (2016). Outcomes of assistive technology servics in a community based organization. Doctoral Project Manuscript,
Boston University, Boston.
Berner, K. (2014, September 22) Unable to type, comedian with multiple sclerosis connects with his voice [Blog post],
Retreived from:
Berner, K. (2004). The relation between applied cognitive function and performance of ADL/IADL for persons receiving
rehabilitation. Unpublished master’s thesis, Boston University, Boston.
Jacobs, K., Berner, K., DeGroat, E., Eisenstein, M., Finn, K., Guberman, C., Hasseline, K., Hladky, C., Lockhart,
R., Josephson, R., McCloy, A., Nemet, C., Patterson, E., & Trieu, L. (2003). Everything You Should
Know About Assistive Technology and The Aging Worker, But Were Afraid to Ask! OT Practice, 8, 12-17.
Berner, K. & Jacobs, K. (2002). The gap between exposure and implementation of computer workstation
ergonomics in the workplace. Work, 19, 193-199.
Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Berner, K., Espiritu, T., Salz, J. & Harris, E. Mainstream home automation devices for maximizing independence
for individuals with physical disabilities. 2020 American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and
Expo. (March 28, 2020; conference canceled).
Berner, K. Free speech: Speech recognition as a a solution across platforms for unlikely users. 2019 American
Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo. New Orleans, LA (April 6, 2019).
Berner, K. Poster Presentation: Developing a best-practice, outcome-oriented interprofessional assistive technology services program at a
community-based organization. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and
Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia PA (March 31, 2017).
Berner, K. & Espiritu, T. Free speech: Using speech recognition as a solution across platforms with unlikely users. Tech Access
Annual Conference, Warwick, RI. (November 18, 2016).
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Peer Reviewed Presentations (continued):
Berner, K., Practical application of assistive technology across the continuum of care. Annual Conference for the
Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, Norwood MA (October 26, 2012).
Berner, K. & Wilbur, D. Internet training for persons with psychiatric disability. 2
Annual Conference for the
Massachusetts Chapter of the International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services,
Worcester, MA (September 18, 2002).
Invited Presentations:
Berner, K. Interprofessional approaches in assistive technology practice. Emerson College. (April 7, 2021).
Berner, K. Assistive Technology Assessment & Aids to Daily Living, Regis College. (March 16, 2021).
Delaney, A., Berner, K., Segal, A. OT: Who are we and what do we do? Canton Parent Advisory Council to Student
Services. (March 4, 2021).
Berner, K. Interprofessional approaches in assistive technology practice. Emerson College. (November 10, 2020).
Berner, K. Universal Design and Mainstream Assistive Technology for Individuals with Neurological Impairments.
Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital 41st Annual Neurorehabilitation Conference. (November 7, 2020).
Berner, K. Assistive technology in pediatric practice. Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health
Professions. (November 4, 2020; canceled for COVID-19 protocols).
Berner, K. Using universal design, assistive technology and adaptations to address sensory and learning needs. JFK
Elementary School Professional Development on Universal Design. Canton, MA. (December 10, 2019).
Cedar, B., Sannicandro, T., Miller, E., Connell, J., & Berner, K. Panel discussion for managers on hidden
disabilities. Executive Office of Health and Human Services Office on Diversity and Human Rights, Boston MA
(October 29, 2018).
Berner, K. Accommodations and assistive technology in learning environments. Baypath University Occupational
Therapy Department. Longmeadow, MA (October 1, 2018).
Invited Presenter: Berner, K. Assistive technology and community resources for adults wth disabilities.
Massachusetts Association of Adult Foster Care, Natick, MA (Setember 19, 2018)
Invited Presenter: Berner, K. Using assistive technology to maximize functional potential. University of Massachusetts
Medical School, Worcester MA (June 11, 2018).
Berner, K. Gamache, M. & Shor, A. Advanced training: Assistive technology for ADRC members and community partners.,
Aging and Disability Resource Consortia, Harwich, MA. (May 30, 2018).
Berner, K. Gamache, M. Mercier, T. & Bonney, K. Advanced training: Assistive technology for ADRC members and
community partners., Aging and Disability Resource Consortia, Hopkinton, MA. (May 18, 2018).
Berner, K. Gamache, M., Mercier, T. & Shor, A. Advanced training: Assistive technology for ADRC members and
community partners., Aging and Disability Resource Consortia, Fall River, MA. (May 10, 2018).
Berner, K. Gamache, M., Mercier, T. & Bonney, K. Advanced training: Assistive technology for ADRC members and
community partners., Aging and Disability Resource Consortia, Waltham, MA. (May 7, 2018).
Berner, K. Gamache, M., Mercier, T. & Bonney, K. Advanced training: Assistive technology for ADRC members and
community partners., Aging and Disability Resource Consortia, Roxbury, MA. (April 30, 2018).
Berner, K. Assistive Technology Assessment & Aids to Daily Living, Regis College. (April 3, 2018).
Berner, K. Gamache, M. & Shor, A. Advanced training: Assistive technology for ADRC members and community partners.,
Aging and Disability Resource Consortia, Westboro MA. (December 5, 2017).
Invited Presenters: Burnham, A. & Berner, K. Designing, adapting, and implementing assistive technology for adults with
progressive neurological disorders. 38
Annual Neurorehabilitation Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury,
Stroke and Other Neurologic Disorders, Boston MA. (November 11, 2017).
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Invited Presentations (continued):
Berner, K. Gamache, M. & Shor, A. Introduction to assistive technology for ADRC members and community partners. Aging
and Disability Resource Consortia, Mashpee Council on Aging, Mashpee MA. (October 27, 2017).
Invited Presenters: Mallozzi, A., Berner, K., Oates, D., Albertorio, F., Fitzgerald, K., & Melia, E. Panel Discussion:
Maximize Innovation with Universal Design, Boston HubWeek Spoke Event, Boston MA (October 11, 2017).
Berner, K. Apps for work: Using mobile devices to succeed at work. Partners for You With Disabilities: Youth Leadership
Forum, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA. (July 11, 2017).
Invited Presenter: Berner, K. Using assistive technology to maximize functional potential. University of Massachusetts
Medical School, Worcester MA (June 12, 2017).
Berner, K. & MacRae, M. Integrating assistive technology and community training to maximize functional outcomes. Association
of Developmental Disability Professionals Annual Conference, Worcester MA (May 4, 2017).
Berner, K. & Tonevski, L. Introduction to assistive technology for ADRC members and community partners. Aging and
Disability Resource Consortia, Boston MA. (March 6, 2017).
Berner, K., & Bly, C. Maximizing job success using assistive technology. Building on Success: Employment First
Conference: Expanding Employment Opportunities, Marlborough, MA. (November 30, 2016).
Berner, K. Apps for success at work. Partners for You With Disabilities: Youth Leadership Forum, Bridgewater State
University, Bridgewater, MA. (July 15, 2016).
Berner, K. & Mahoney, P. Enabling professional opportunity and development with assistive technologies. Assistive Technology
Industry Association 2016 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (February 4, 2016).
Berner, K. & Malozzi, A. Keynote address: How Assistive Technology Improves Independence for Individuals with Disabilities.
Easter Seals Massachusetts Regional Board’s Connect for a Cause, Cambridge, MA (November 5, 2015).
Kiran, S., Ellis, T., Guenther, F. & Berner, K. Panel discussion: How technology is changing rehabilitation. Health Matters
Virtual Conference, Boston University College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Sargent College, Boston MA
(September 17, 2015).
Oddleifson, E, Peak-Oliveira, K., & Berner, K. Assistive technology to help people live, learn, work and play. MassMutual
Technology Center, Springfield, MA. (September 3, 2015).
Berner, K. How do OTs think: Occupational therapy and the assistive technology process. Principals and Practice in Assistive
Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (September 29, 2014).
Bendix, K, Berner, K, Aaronson, M. & Troy, L. Pressure relief, propulsion, power and advanced skills for the physical
therapist. Northeastern University, Boston MA. (August 12, 2014).
Berner, K. Computer workstation ergonomics for the modern computer user: Preventing injury and accommodating for disability.
Assistive Technology Expo Summer 2014, Holyoke, MA. (August 6, 2014).
Berner, K. Yes you can: options for controlling your world. Assistive Technology Expo Summer 2014, Holyoke, MA.
(August 6, 2014).
Bendix, K & Berner, K. Seating assessment for physical therapist, lab instruction. Northeastern University, Boston MA.
(August 5, 2014).
Berner, K. Navigation apps for orienting and connecting with your community. Easter Seals Youth Leadership Forum,
Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA. (July 15, 2014).
Berner, K. Accessibility & I-Devices: Assisting people with diverse abilities to engage in meaningful occupation. webinar. (April 16, 2014).
Kiran, S., Ellis, T., & Berner, K. Interprofessional rounds: Utilizing technology in rehabilitation. Boston University College
of Rehabilitation Sciences, Sargent College, Boston MA (March 27, 2014).
Berner, K. Accessibility & I-Devices. Easter Seals Professional Workshop Series, Boston MA (March 11, 2014).
Berner, K. Assistive technology for adults with neurologic disability. webinar. (January 8, 2014).
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Invited Presentations (continued):
Berner, K., Determining access for electronic devices. Association of Developmental Disability Specialists Technology
Day, Worcester MA (June 6, 2013).
Berner, K., Yes you can! Options for controlling your world. Easter Seals Massachusetts Assistive Technology Expo,
Worcester MA (June 3, 2013).
Berner, K., Computer workstation ergonomics for the modern computer user: Preventing injury and accommodating for disability.
Easter Seals Massachusetts Assistive Technology Expo, Worcester MA (June 3, 2013).
Berner, K. & Burnham, A. Designing, adapting, and implementing assistive technology for adults with progressive neurological
disorders, Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital’s Annual Neurorehabilitation Conference, Cambridge MA
(November 3, 2012).
Berner, K. Practical application of assistive technoloigy in neurological rehabilitation. Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, Braintree,
MA (June 29, 2011).
Berner, K. Upper extremity rehabilitation technologies and occupation. Boston University Sargent College of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston MA (April 20, 2011).
Berner, K. Evaluating executive function: The Kitchen Task Assessment-Modified and the Executive Function Performance Test.
Masachusetts Hospital School Department of Occupational Therapy, Canton, MA (December 8, 2008).
Berner, K. & Templeton, O. Cognition and occupation. Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University,
Boston, MA (October 6, 2008).
Berner, K. & Nichols, M. Upper extremity neurological re-education. Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, Braintree, MA
(February 12, 2008).
Berner, K. The Braintree Scoop: Upper extremity robotics in neurological rehabilitation. Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital,
Braintree, MA (February 8, 2008).
Berner, K. & D’Angelo, L. Technology in neurological rehabilitation. Aphasia Support Group, Braintree Rehabilitation
Hospital, Braintree, MA (December 19, 2007).
Berner, K. & Sharkey, S. Cognition and occupation. Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University, Boston,
MA (October 5, 2007).
Berner, K. Perceptual deficits: Case presentation and intervention demonstration. Boston University Occupational Therapy
lab session, Braintree, MA (November 16, 2006).
Berner, K. & Sharkey, S. Cognition and occupation. Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University, Boston,
MA (September 28, 2006).
Berner, K. & Nichols, M. Kitchen Task Assessment-Modified: Objectively measuring cooking tasks. Braintree Rehabilitation
Hospital, Braintree, MA (March 14, 2005).
Nichols M. & Berner, K. Bioness H200 implementation & use at Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital. Braintree Rehabilitation
Hospital, Braintree, MA (January 12, 2005).
Nichols M. & Berner, K. Application and clinical demonstration of Bioness H200. Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital,
Braintree, MA (January 26, 2005).
Berner, K. Challenge activities & outdoors adventure groups: Relevence for persons served at Children’s Hospital of New Orleans.
Children’s Hospital Occupational Therapy Department, New Orleans, LA (December 9, 2004).
Berner, K. Case study: E.B.. Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, 2 South, Braintree, MA (September 9, 2004).
Berner, K. Literature review: IADL assessments. Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital 2 South Occupational Therapy
Department, Braintree, MA (September 1, 2004).
Berner, K. Academic poster presentation: Challenge activities and groups. Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation
Sciences, Boston, MA (November 22, 2002).
Berner, K. Internet training for persons with psychiatric disability. 27
Annual Conference for the International
Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services, Toronto, Canada (June 12, 2002).
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
Invited Presentations (continued):
Hamilton, K. & Berner, K. Rehabilitation and recovery services at the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Boston University
Occupational Therapy Department, Boston, MA (December 4, 2001).
Berner, K. & McNamara, S. Professional development trainings using the Internet. Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
General Staff Meeting, Boston, MA (October 4, 2000).
Berner, K. Reaching our stakeholders using the World Wide Web: A presentation of innovative RRTC web sites. 22nd Annual
National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (NARRTC) Conference,
Washington, DC (May 7, 2000).
Baker-Malone, Sahana. The Baker-Malone sensorimotor protocol for addressing bowel and bladder dysfunction. Boston
University Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: May
2021 - present).
Simmons, Kalie. An occupation based community program for individuals affected by human trafficking. Boston University Post
Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: September 2020 -
Dinan, Carole. Visual perception in school-aged children and its impact on occupational performance. Boston University Post
Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: September 2019 -
Maynard, Margaret. Brachial plexus birth injuries: Online community provider learning modules. Boston University Post
Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: September 2019 -
Panico, Jeanine. An occupation based community program for refugee experiencing resettlement. Boston University Post
Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: January 2019 -
Byrne, Jennifer. Vocational Education for Children with Disabilities in East Africa: Uwezo. Boston University Post
Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: May 2019 - May,
Karkazian, Aleek. RA Empowerment: A health and wellness self-management program. Boston University Post Professional
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: September 2019 - May, 2021).
Chandra, Natasha. Take a stability equilibirum course (take a SEC): An affordable and accessible mental health support program
for graduate students. Boston University Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program.
(Primary Academic Mentor: May 2019 - May, 2021).
Gray, Ashley Nicole. Adolescents with Autism and sexual health: Lets tackle the gap! Boston University Post Professional
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: May 2019 - May, 2021).
Reilly, Mary Siberry. Switching on engagement: Occupational therapy and assistive technology in the classroom. Boston University
Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: January 2019 -
December, 2020).
MacAlpine, Heidi. We CA.R.E. 2: A parent-child community yoga pprogram that promotes health and well being of caregivers and
their children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Boston University Post Professional Occupational Therapy
Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: September 2017 - December, 2019).
Bertran, Christina M. Teach back: An educational program for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to promote
play. Boston University Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic
Mentor: September 2017 - September, 2019).
Logannathan, Shamini. Telehealth for inclusion: Understansing classroom attention and participation. Boston University Post
Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: May 2017 -
September, 2019).
Kevin Berner, OTD, OTR/L, ATP
MENTORING (continued)
Lemisch, Lynda Sue Gwon. School busses for students supporting seniors. Boston University Post Professional
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary Academic Mentor: May 2017 - May, 2019).
Panebianco, Michelle. The INSPIRE model for productive living: A proposed process model for community based occupational
therapy services. Boston University Post Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. (Primary
Academic Mentor: May 2017 - May, 2019).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor, OT 538: Assistive technology. Boston University Entry Level Occupational Therapy
Doctoral Program program. (Spring 2021).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor, OT 940: Economic and political factors that influence occupational therapy. Boston
University Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program program. (Summer 2021).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor & Lab Instructor, OH 776: Special topics in assistive technology. MGH Institute of Health
Professions Entry Level Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program program. (Fall 2020).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor & Lab Instructor, OT 538: Assistive technology. Boston University Entry Level
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program program. (Spring 2020).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor & Lab Instructor, OT 538: Assistive technology. Boston University Entry Level
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program program. (Spring 2019).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor & Lab Instructor, OT 538: Assistive technology. Boston University Entry Level
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program program. (Spring 2018).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor & Lab Instructor, OT 538: Assistive technology. Boston University Entry Level
Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program program. (Spring 2017).
Berner, Kevin. OTH 644: Clinical reasoning in occupational therapy. Regis College Entry Level Masters in Occupational
Therapy program. (Fall, 2017).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructor & Lab Instructor, OT 538: Assistive technology. Boston University Entry Level Masters
in Occupational Therapy program. (Fall 2016).
Berner, Kevin. Course instructo, OT 566: Client fcactors in occupatonal therapy. Boston University Entry Level Masters in
Occupational Therapy program. (Spring 2016).
Beta Tester: Switch Scanning Accessibility Setting, Google LLC, Mountain View, CA (December 2020)
Assistant Coach, Braintree Youth Soccer, Braintree MA (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Spring 2021)
Content Reviewer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional Practice in Assistive Technology course,
Cambridge MA (Fall 2020)
Panel Reviewer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional Practice in Assistive Technology course,
Cambridge MA (Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2017)
Refugee Transition Volunteer, Jewish Family Services of Metrowest, Framingham MA (October 2016-March 2017)
Technology Reviewer, Travis Roy Foundation, Boston MA (October 2016 December 2016)
JWT Memorial Bike/Run/Walk for the Angel Fund, Tiverton, RI, Event Volunteer(July 10, 2010)
St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital Event Volunteer: Big Dreams Start Small, Boston, MA (April 8, 2006 and
September 29, 2007)
Outdoor Explorations, Medford MA; Adventure Volunteer (April 2003-January 2007)
American Occupational Therapy Association member (2000-present)
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (2013-2017)