Boston Property Management 500 Victory Road 3
floor Quincy, MA 02171 (617) 282-1400 x 1
Application Check List
Thank you for your interest to apply for an apartment with Boston Property Management.
In order to approve your application, we need the following documents from you.
Application (see document below)
Copy driver’s license or passport
2 recent pay stubs
Landlord Reference (see document below)
W9 for your escrow account (see document below)
Credit / Criminal Background Check (will be ordered through Cozy see document below)
If student: notarized guarantor document (attached) plus recent pay stub from Co-signer
Once approved we will create a lease that you will sign online through DocuSign. All upfront costs will be
collected online through our PayLease / WebAccess website.
What we need before you move in:
Renter’s Insurance
Utility Account Numbers
Broker: ______________________________________________
Cell Phone Number Social Security Number
Date of Birth Student/Professional?
Current Rent
Email Address Phone number
Email Address Phone Number
Email Address Contact Number
Years with Company Position Salary
Personal Reference Email Address Phone Number
Emergy Contact Email Address Phone Number
Apt #: # of Beds Pets? Total # of Occupants Item Amount Due
Date Due
First Months Rent:
Address: H/HW Included?
Broker Fee:
Terms of Lease:
Last Month's Rent:
From:_______ To:__________ Security Deposit:
Concept Properties is due a fee equal to one months rent in the Key Deposit:
amount of $ Lanlord pays $ Tenant Pays: Balance:
Base rent and other monthly charges are due and payable on the first day of each month in advance.
THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACTED UPON BY THE OWNER ON OR BEFORE____________________________________________
Pursuant to Massachusetts law, the Management shall not make any inquiry concerning race, religious creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, (except if a
minor), ancestry or martial status of the Applicant or concerning the fact that the Applicant is a Veteran or a member of the Armed Forces or is handicapped. The Applicant
authorizes the Management and/or Renting Agency to obtain or cause to be prepared a consumer credit report relating to the Applicant.
Neither the Owner nor the Management is responsible for the loss of personal belongings caused by fire, theft, smoke, water or otherwise, unless caused by their negligence.
The undersigned warrants and represents that all statements herein are true and agrees to execute upon presentation a Rental Housing Association lease or Tenancy at Will
agreement in the usual form, a copy of which the Applicant has received or has had occasion to examine, which lease or agreement may be terminated by the Lessor if any
statement herein made is not true. Deposit is to be applied as shown above, or applied to actual damamges sustained by the Owner, except it is to be refunded if said application
is not accepted by the Owner. This application and deposit are taken subject to previous applications.
The Renting Agent is an independent contractor and has no authority to make any representation concerning the premises; the Renting Agent is only authorized to show the
apartment for rent and to assist in the screening of Rental Applications.
Renting Agent: _____________________________
Applicant Signature: ____________________________________________________
Email Address
Are you a convicted felon? Y/N
Type of Company
Occupany Dates:
Name of Applicant
Current Address
Current Landlord
Former Landlord
Current Employer
Landlord References
Name of Applicant: Date:
Proposed Rental Unit:
I, give permission to request information about myself and my
tenant history from my former/current landlord.
Applicant Signature Date
Please check one if it applies to you (sign above, skip landlord portion below);
Applicant has never rented an apartment before.
Applicant has rented an apartment before, but does not right now.
Current Landlord:
Name: Email Address: Phone #:
Address of Apartment: City: State: Zip: Tenancy From/To:
1. What was the monthly rent and does tenant pay on time?
2. Did you have any issues with noise, condition of apartment or unreasonable demands?
3. Would you rent to this person again?
4. Do you have any additional comments you’d like to add?
Rental Agent Name: Rental Agent Email:
Boston Property Management 500 Victory Road 3
floor Quincy, MA 02171 (617) 282-1400 x 1
Criminal and Credit Background Check
Name of Applicant: Date:
Proposed Rental Unit:
My Email: ________________________________________________________
I give permission to send me a background check request from I understand that I will need to pay
for the service (approx. $40) and that my application is not approved until the background check is completed.
Applicant Signature Date
Guaranty of Lease
Not everyone needs a guaranty of lease. Please only fill it out if you have the
following situation.
The guaranty of lease is needed if you are a student or have a low credit score. In
these cases, please fill out the form with your co-signer and have it notarized. We
will also need a recent pay stub or bank account statement from the guarantor to
confirm the ability to pay your rent if needed.
Guaranty of Lease
1. In consideration of the execution of a certain lease (the “Lease”) for the premises located at:
__________________________________________________________, unit #______, Massachusetts starting date
_______________ and by the Lessor named therein, the undersigned jointly and severally guarantees to the Lessor and
its successors and/or assigns the performance of all the covenants set forth in the Lease and any extension or renewal
thereof including any new lease or tenancy for the apartment describe above between the landlord and the Lessee(s)
named herein, including but not limited to the punctual payments of all rents and other payments payable under the
Lease and further including amounts due and owing for damage to the premises during the period of the Lessee’s
occupancy or the leased premises or any extension or renewal thereof.
2. The undersigned hereby waives demand and notice of default or notice of non-payment, and all suretyship defenses
and agrees that the liability of Guarantor herein shall be unlimited, and that but for the execution of this Guaranty by
Guarantor, Lessor would not approve and execute the Lease or any extension or renewal of it. In the event Lessor incurs
attorney fees or any other expenses or damages in connection with the enforcement of the lease, Guarantor shall be
responsible for the same.
3. The undersigned agrees that this Guaranty shall be construed according to the laws of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, and that jurisdiction in the courts of the Commonwealth shall be valid in all actions at law or in equity
arising from this guaranty and from the Lease.
4. Lessor reserves the right to obtain a credit report on the Guarantor. Lessor’s approval of the Lease is subject to receipt
by Lessor of a satisfactory credit report on the undersigned Guarantor.
5. The undersigned Guarantor must provide the Lessor with updated contact information (Home Telephone, Email
Address, Mobile Telephone, Work Telephone) at all times.
Occupant/Lessee(s): ___________________________________Guarantor: _________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________ Social Security #: _________________Home Phone #: __________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________Mobile Phone #: ____________________
Employer: _____________________________Annual Income: _____________ Work Phone #: ____________________
Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Signature______________________________________ Date: ________________
County of:______________________________ State of:_________________________ Date:________________ Then
Personally appeared before me the above named ________________________________________________ and being
first duly sworn acknowledged the foregoing to be free act and deed.
Notary Public __________________________________ My Commission Expires:_________________