Guide to Creating a Bar Chart in Microsoft Word
The following guide provides step by step instructions for how to create a bar chart in Microsoft Word.
Open Microsoft Word, go to the “insert” tab on the ribbon, and select the “chart” icon.
Step 2
Once the “chart” wizard window has opened, select “column” and then select “clustered bar type.” Then select “OK.”
Step 3
Enter your data (labels and numbers/percent’s) in the Excel window that opens and then close out of the window by
selecting the “red X” in the upper right corner of the window. Note: You have the ability to resize the data chart range
by adjusting the blue range line (drag the right corner to desired size).
Notes for data entry:
Category = what you are examining/studying. It could be:
o Time points (quarters, months, weeks, days, etc.)
o Reasons why something occurred (reasons families use the ER, reasons families missed their scheduled
home visits, etc.)
o Etc.
Series = what you are comparing. It could be:
o Your program’s data compared to the learning collaborative data
o Your program’s data broken down by prior to the improvement and following the improvement
o Your programs data broken down by quarter
o Etc.
Step 4
Edit your chart as needed. Here are some items you may want to consider:
Add a title
Add labels to your x and y axis
Add data labels to your bars
Move or remove the key, if needed
To add a title to your chart:
Click on the title box on the chart and type the title you desire. OR
Go to “Chart Tools” on the ribbon (this option will appear when you click on the chart).
o Go to “Layout”
o Select “Chart Title”
o Select where you would like to place the title.
To add labels to your x and y axis:
Go to “Chart Tools” on the ribbon (this option will appear when you click on the chart).
o Go to “Layout”
o Select “Axis Titles”
o Select “horizontal” or “vertical”
o Select where you would like to place the title.
Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14
Number of Families
Number of Families that Received the
Expected Number of Home Visits
To add data labels to your bars:
Right click on a bar on your chart
Select “Add Data Labels”
Select position of data labels on your chart:
o Right click on the bar on your chart again
o Select “Format Data labels”
o Select the “position” of your data labels
To move or remove key:
To move (note: If you have a series, you will want to keep the key. You may want to move the key to a different
location than where Microsoft Word automatically places it.)
o Right click on key
o Select “Format Legend”
o Select where you would like the key to appear on your chart.
To remove (note: If you do not have a series, you will want to consider if the key adds more information. If you
determine that it does not, you will want to remove the key.)
o Select key on chart
o Delete key