United Way of the Tri-Valley Area
Employee Campaign Manager
FUN-Raising Guide
Thank you for leading the United Way Campaign in your workplace!
We have put together this guide to fun special events that you can use to raise money
towards your goal. Getting together for fun is a good way to remind people about the
United Way campaign, answer questions individuals may have,
and add to employee payroll contributions.
Volunteer Day
Employees who give at or above a certain level are rewarded with eight hours they can use volunteering in the
community any way they wish.
Paper Airplane Contest
Have a paper airplane contest with an entrance fee going to United Way and prizes awarded for longest and
straightest flight.
Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest
Plan a Halloween theme and hold a pumpkin-carving contest. Find a local business
willing to donate pumpkins for your organization to sell to your employ-
ees. Employees buy pumpkins for their families to use in the contest.
Charge $5 to enter and $1 per vote. Award prizes for various catego-
ries: best traditional, most creative, best effort by group, best effort by
an individual. Throw a party to end your campaign.
Putt-putt Contest
Design and set up your own wacky miniature golf course within your office, lobby or
work area. Charge each person to play and award a prize to the player with the lowest
score. Flag each hole with a fact about United Way.
Food Drive/School Supplies
Conduct a food drive or collect school supplies for needy children as a part of your
campaign. This is a great way for people to participate who may feel like they can't
afford payroll deduction or a monetary gift.
Vacation Day
Employees "buy" a vacation day. When an employee chooses to participate, his or her wages from the day's
work are deducted from his or her paycheck. The organization may choose to match the amount deducted,
with all proceeds donated to the community. Win-win situation: the organization achieves high participation, the
employees get a vacation day, and the community is helped.
Greeting Card Sales
Have staff design various greeting cards (Congratulations, Birthday, Thank you, Anniversary, and personal-
ized) and sell them with proceeds benefiting United Way. Have a contest between different departments to see
which can sell the most! Give prizes on Kick-Off Day.
Casual Day
Sell "casual day" badges allowing employees purchasing them to dress casually on certain days. Employees
purchase badges for $5 each. The badges carry an expiration date, depending on the amount donated.
Designate certain casual days as "crazy days" and encourage your employees to show their wild side: Tues-
day Stupid Hat Day Wednesday Outrageous Sock Day Thursday Sports Team Day.
CEO Car Wash
Employees donate $5 to have their car washed at high noon by their "boss."
Charge for Polaroid photos of the employees and the boss washing their cars.
Charge extra for special services such as interior cleaning and polishing tire rims.
Balloon Pop
Employees donate prizes for this event - a variation of a traditional raffle. Before
filling a balloon with helium, put a note inside with the name of a prize. Employees
pay $1 to buy a balloon and pop it to find out what prize they've won. Include a
United Way fact in each balloon.
Employee Cookbook
Collect and group recipes and household hints into a customized cookbook. Have employees' children create
illustrations for the cover and categories. Print books in-house or by a local business, pro bono. This has been
so popular that some organizations have not been able to fill all requests. Plan for an enthusiastic response.
Potluck Luncheon
Have employees bring a dish and then charge $3-$5 to each lunch. You may want to set a
theme such as Italian Food, Mexican Food, International, Vegetarian, etc. Don’t forget
Paycheck "Pocket Change"
For a period of time, employees donate any change above an even dollar from their
Spelling Bee
Organize a spelling bee with participants paying an entry fee. Have other employees pay to place bets on the
winner. Award the winners with a special incentive.
Coin War
Set up large, empty bottles for each department or floor in the cafeteria. Have employees drop their spare
change into the bottle. Coins are positive, while paper money is negative. Employees can sabotage other bot-
tles by dropping paper money into them. The department with the most money in their bottle wins, with the
money going to United Way.
Lunch Box Auction
Have employees create gourmet lunches to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Give prizes
for the most creative, nutritious, elegant or humorous.
Karaoke Party
Have participants pay to enter the contest or pay to have company executives sing the song of their
choice. Have costumes and props available.
Nacho Party
Plan an afternoon to sell nachos or popcorn to interested employees in your break room. Employees pay $2 for
each serving with all proceeds benefiting the United Way of the Tri-Valley Area.
Thank you Gram
This is a great way for your employees to raise money for United Way and also say thanks to a colleague for
their hard work or friendship.
Decide on a product you would like to sell such as flowers, candy, office supply baskets, coffee mugs
with hot chocolate or instant coffee inside, bags of cookies or snack mix, balloons etc.
Recruit a committee of delivery people (can be your campaign committee)
Put out an email or memo to all employees with an order form telling them that they can purchase a spe-
cial thank you gift and have it delivered to their own special person in the office.
Make sure you charge enough to make a profit which will be included in your Special Events money for
your campaign.
Pick a special day and time to have your team deliver the gifts to the recipients.
Attach a note with the gift explaining that this gift will also help provide funding for solutions to UWTVA’s
most pressing issues, include the name of the person who purchased the gift.
Cook Off
You undoubtedly have a few amateur chefs on your staff who love to cook. Have a cook-off featuring the food
of your choice could be lasagna, pies, casseroles, chili, soup, cake, barbeque, cookies or candy and the list
could go on forever. Have your committee set up the rules of the cook-off being very specific about ingredients,
amounts, time limits, etc. as well as what qualities you are looking for along with the judging criteria (hottest,
spiciest, creative, healthiest, etc.).Each participant could pay an entry fee to compete (optional). Have all of the
food prepared and completed by noon. Have employees sample the food and vote for the best one. Provide
ballots and a ballot box for voting. Award prizes to the winner and serve the food as a luncheon. You could
add other items such as carrot sticks, salad, relish trays and drinks to complete the meal. Charge employees
for the meal with proceeds going toward your special event United Way campaign.
Baby Baby who are you?
Ask employees to bring a baby picture of themselves, Display the pictures in the break room
or in a display case if you have one. Number each picture. Create a voting ballot with the pic-
ture number and a line for each. Include the rules of the game and the potential prizes on
the ballot. The voter will identify the employee and record them on a ballot. Include a list of
participating employees to match up. The voter will pay an entry fee for each ballot ($1 each,
five votes for $4 or whatever you choose). You can vote as many times as you wish. The
person who gets all the answers correct wins a prize. If there are multiple winners the names
will be drawn out of a hat for prizes.
Silent Auction
A silent auction is always a simple way to raise money and have a lot of fun too. Ask employees to donate
items to be sold at your silent auction.
Suggestions for items:
Baked item (cake, pie, cookies, lasagna, cinnamon rolls, banana or zucchini bread)
Services such as clean your house, wash your windows, mow your
lawn, clean your garage, handyman services.
Hand crafted items such as quilts, pillows, bird house, wood working, jewelry, painting or art work, pottery,
ceramics, wreaths.
Items can be purchased such as gift certificate for a massage, gift card, tea set, CDs, DVDs, dolls.
Put items on display for a few days in a secure area.
Provide a bid sheet for each item with a full description (including limitations or exclusions) with lines for
each bid. We suggest bids be in a minimum of $1 increments.
Post the deadline for bidding and make sure someone is there to shut down the bidding. The time of the
deadline should be announced at about 30 minutes prior with a page or email to everyone.
Plan a luncheon or potluck and announce the winner after the meal.
Book Sales
Invite employees to donate books they have read and get great deals from other employees. Encourage em-
ployees to bring their donations in early. Sell paperback for $1 and hard cover for $2. Any books left over can
be given to Literacy Volunteers.
Cake Walk
Have employees donate cakes or baked goods. Place numbered pieces of paper on
floor corresponding to the number of cakes or baked goodies in event. Play music like
musical chairs and when music stops, draw a number from a jar and the person standing
on that number wins their choice of goody. Charge an entry fee for those participating
say $1 to $3 per game with all proceeds benefiting the United Way.
Senior Managers Serve as Chefs at a Kickoff Barbecue
Let them serve a pancake breakfast, burger-fry, bake-off or ice cream social.
Give out "survival packets" containing antacids, lemon-lime soda and United Way information flyers.
Office Treasure Hunt
Organize an office treasure hunt. Use United Way oriented “clues” to direct your curious co-workers to a “prize”
hidden in the office.
Funniest Home Videos
Encourage employees to bring in their funniest videos or to create new ones. Allot a time for showing videos.
Establish a small entry fee. Funniest video wins grand prize of a donated DVD player.
United Way trivia contest
Distribute e-mail or printed questions about United Way or an agency every day for a week. Those completing
all the questions go in a raffle drawing.
Brown Bag Lunches
Invite an agency speaker to give a lunch-time workshop on a topic of interest. Contact
United Way at 778-5048 to schedule.
Company Comedy
Have employees bring in their favorite jokes. Combine all the jokes into one volume.
Sell the books at a comedy-themed lunch hour.
Team Fitness Challenge
Break participants into teams, or have them compete individually based on numbers.
Each participant determines how much s/he wants to lose during a determined amount
of time and for each pound s/he puts $5 into a pot. Each person weighs in. Each day
there could be special lunches planned and motivational quotes posted around in sup-
port of the efforts and as a reminder. On the last day everyone weighs in again. For
every pound lost they receive $5. All left over money goes to the United Way.
Prizes and Incentives
Departmental pizza party
Movie tickets
Parking spaces
Company promotional items
A travelling trophy or funny item (like a giant stuffed lizard) that travels to the winning dept. or an individual
your campaign identifies as going above and beyond each year
Sleep in late or leave early coupons
Lunch with the boss
Dress down days
This guide to fun-raising ideas was compiled by the United Way of the Tri-Valley Area. It is important to acknowl-
edge, however, the significant contributions to this guide from United Ways across the country.