THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ,20 , for the sale of Personal Property now
contained on the premises of, the following real property:
Block Section Subdivision
Tax Map #______________________________________________City Zip
County of , State of South Carolina.
For and in consideration of the sum of
Dollars ($ ) in hand paid,
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged:
, Seller, agrees to sell to, , Buyer, the following
described personal property now contained on the premises of the above described real property:
This Bill of Sale is made contemporaneously with the execution of an Agreement to Buy and Sell Real Estate which is dated
for the real property described above. This Bill of Sale is to become effective only upon the consummation
of said Agreement to Buy and Sell Real Estate.
If for any reason
the sale is not consummated, then this Bill of Sale covering Personal Property herein described shall become
null and void and the
Dollars ($ ) consideration paid for this Bill of
Sale shall be returned to the Buyer.
Seller warrants that Seller is the lawful owner of the personal property and states the personal property is free from all liens and
encumbrances. Seller has the right to sell the personal property and will warrant and defend the right against the lawful claims
and demands of all persons.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by the parties.
Date Time
WITNESS: Date Time
BUYER: Date Time
WITNESS: Date Time
SELLER: Date Time
WITNESS: Date Time
SELLER: Date Time
Date Time
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