Madam Secretary Benson. !
I trust this letter finds you in good spirits. It is with a profound sense of gratitude and honor that
I address you today as I tender my resignation as a commissioner on the Michigan
Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC), A position that I have held with great
humility, honor, and dedication. !
Serving on the MICRC has been an extraordinary privilege, and I have approached my
responsibilities with a deep sense of duty and commitment. Collaborating with fellow
commissioners and engaging the various communities across our great state has been both
enriching and enlightening. Together, we embarked on a mission to create the fairest district
maps ever known in Michigan for the State House, Senate, and U.S. Congressional voting
The opportunity to contribute to the democratic process by ensuring fair representation for the
people of Michigan has been a source of immense pride. I believe that our collective eorts laid
the foundation for a more just and equitable electoral landscape, and I am grateful for the trust
placed in me by the citizens of Michigan. !
The decision to move to Illinois to start a new career path was not made lightly. It was originally
going to be a temporary move to gain experience while ultimately returning to Michigan.
However, life often has other plans. After a lot of thought, I have decided to make this a
permanent career move. A Decision which was dicult to make as I in fact have left the
protective bubble and embrace of friends and family. I have thus ocially registered to vote in
the state of Illinois which necessitates my resignation from the MICRC as I am no longer a
registered and eligible voter in Michigan. A requirement set forth in the state constitution. !
I leave my position with a heavy heart but the knowledge that the commission is comprised of
dedicated individuals who will continue the vital work of promoting fairness and representation
if called to again draw district maps through outcomes of pending litigation. !
In a bidding farewell, I reflect on the countless moments of collaboration, the laughter, the
arguments, the shared commitment to the democratic process, and the countless residents
that shared their voice with us. I will also miss the twelve commissioners that I had the pleasure
of working alongside. The memories will forever hold a cherished place in my heart. I am proud
to call you not just fellow commissioners on this inaugural commission, but friends that I hold
in the highest regard. !
As I embark on this new chapter in Illinois, I am reminded of the words of Winston Churchill:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” My departure
marks not the end but a transition to new horizons. May the shared experiences, laughter , and
the saying, “What would Dustin do?” echo through long after my departure.!
Thank you once again for the opportunity to serve the people of Michigan. I remain ever
committed to the principles of fairness and justice, and I am confident that the MICRC will
continue to uphold these ideals in the many census cycles to come. !
With sincerest regards,!
Dustin J. Witjes!
Commissioner - Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission.