Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhavan
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110002
Website: www.trai.gov.in
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg
New Delhi – 110 002
Website: www.trai.gov.in
Consumers’ Handbook on Telecommunications
Protecting the interests of consumers of telecom services is one of
the primary tasks of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
To this end, TRAI has been issuing Regulations, Directions and Orders
on various consumer-centric issues from time to time. However, for a
consumer to take advantage of the various measures put in place by TRAI,
it is important that they and consumer organisations are made aware of
these initiatives.
Dissemination of relevant information to consumers is a multi pronged
activity. TRAI reaches out to consumers through its Outreach Programmes
and publications. It is with this purpose that this handbook, titled
“Consumers’ Handbook on Telecommunications”, has been published.
The handbook is written in a simple consumer-friendly language for ease
of understanding. It covers all matters related to obtaining services of
any telecom service provider.
This handbook is intended for free distribution at the regional
consumer education workshops organised by TRAI, to registered
consumer organisations, and to consumers through other means and at
other outreach programmes.
I am condent that this handbook will prove eective in creating
awareness amongst telecom consumers about their rights and privileges.
Dated: 16
February, 2015
(Rahul Khullar)
Table of Contents
Chapter-1 Enrolment as a Consumer of
Telecommunication services
1. Taking a mobile connection 1
2. Start up Kit 1
3. Vouchers 2
4. Information to pre-paid consumers on 3
activation of a Voucher
5. Information to pre-paid consumers relating 4
to usage
6. Past Usage details in respect of pre-paid 5
mobile connections
7. Information about the account of the consumer 5
Chapter-2 Complaint Redressal
1. Establishment of Complaint Centre 7
2. Handling of complaints at the Complaint Centre 7
3. Time limit for handling complaints and service 8
4. Handling of queries 8
5. Operation of IVRS on Customer Care Number 9
6. Appeal to Appellate Authority 9
7. Advisory Committee 9
8. Handling of Appeals 10
9. Disposal by The Appellate Authority 10
10. Web based Complaint Monitoring System 11
11. Telecom Consumers Charter 11
12. Publication of information in Newspapers 12
and website
Chapter-3 Quality of Service and Billing
1. Quality of Service 13
2. Monitoring of Quality of Service 13
3. Billing Accuracy 14
Chapter-4 Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
1. Porting procedure 16
2. Eligibility for porting 17
3. Grounds for rejecting porting request 18
4. Withdrawal of a porting request 19
5. Porting time 19
6. Activation of ported number 19
Chapter-5 Curbing of Unwanted Commercial
1. Main feature of Telecom Commercial 20
Communications Customer preference Regulations
2. How to register 23
3. Complaints in case of UCC after registration 25
Chapter-6 TelecommunicationTari
1. Protection against hike in tari 26
2. Tari plan with longer validity, including 26
lifetime plans
3. Taris for roaming services 27
4. Safeguards for prepaid subscribers 28
5. Safeguards for Post-paid subscribers 29
6. Refund of Security Deposit 29
7. Credit Limit for post-paid subscribers 29
8. Safeguards common to Pre-paid and post-paid 30
9. Tari plans with misleading titles prohibited 30
10. Publication of Tari Plans/Tari advertisements 31
10. Black Out Days 32
Chapter-7 Value Added Service (VAS)
1. Instructions on activation & charging for VAS 33
2. Deactivation of Value Added Services 34
Chapter-8 Saving of Telephone Numbers
& Dialing procedure
1. Saving of Mobile Numbers in the mobile handset 36
2. Dialing Tips 36
Chapter-9 Consumer Education and
Online Survey Tool
1. Online Survey Tool 38
I Important QoS parameters 39
(Basic and Cellular Mobile Services)
II Important QoS parameters (Broadband) 40
List of Consumer Advocacy Groups 41
Registered with TRAI
Content Disclaimer
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) was established in 1997
through an Act of Parliament, viz., the Telecom Regulatory Authority of
India Act, 1997. The Authority’s mission is to ensure that the interests
of consumers are protected and at the same time to nurture conditions
for growth of telecommunications, broadcasting and cable services in
a manner and at a pace which will enable India to play a leading role in
the emerging global information society. For achieving these objectives,
the Authority issues from time to time regulations, directions, orders,
recommendations and guidelines with focus on transparency in the
provisioning of service and for providing consumer with adequate choice,
aordable taris and quality of service.
TRAI has in the recent past issued regulations on consumer protection,
complaint redressal system, unsolicited commercial communications and
mobile number portability. TRAI has laid down the standards of quality of
service to be provided by the service providers to create conditions for
consumer satisfaction.
Even though the TRAI Act does not envisage dealing with individual
complaints by the Authority, complaints received in TRAI help the
Authority to gauge the performance of the sector and take further
regulatory measures to address the issues. In fact many regulations,
directions and orders issued by TRAI can trace its roots to the complaints
received in TRAI from the consumers.
This handbook contains the gist, from consumer point of view, of all
the Regulations, Orders and Directions issued by the Authority. Starting
from enrolment as a consumer of telecommunication service, all that are
relevant to the consumer like complaint redressal, tari, quality of service,
mobile number portability, value added services, unsolicited commercial
communications, saving mobile numbers in the handset, dialing tips and
consumer education have been dealt in separate chapters. Details of
which are available in the TRAI website: www.trai.gov.in
Enrolment as a Consumer of Telecommunication
Chapter 1
Taking a mobile connection
In a service area, which is generally
co-terminus with a state, there are
several telecom service providers,
licensed by the Government of
India (Department of Telecom).
As per the license, they provide
either basic (land line) or mobile
telephone or internet/ broadband
services or a combination of these
services. A person interested in
getting any of these services has
to approach the service provider
of his choice or its authorized sales
outlets and submit an application
form, generally known as the
Customer Acquisition Form (CAF),
along with photographs and proof
establishing address and identity.
In the case of mobile connection, a
customer may opt for a post paid or
pre-paid connection (plan).
Start-up Kit
At the time of enrolment for a
mobile connection, the customer
should get from the service provider
or its authorised sales outlet a start
up kit containing inter alia:
(a) SIM card
(b) a mobile number, (other than
in cases of mobile number
(c) information about the type of
connection- prepaid or post-
(d) information about Consumer
Care Number, General
Information Number and
appellate authority;
(e) abridged version of the
Telecom Consumers Charter.
The Start-Up Kit will not contain any
Special Tari Voucher. However,
a tari plan can be provided.
In addition to Start-Up Kit, the
customer shall be provided a copy
of the Customer Acquisition Form.
Vouchers (for pre-paid
mobile customers)
In order to avail the services, a
customer has to buy separately the
vouchers he requires. The service
provider can oer only four types
of vouchers, mentioned below:
(a) The plan voucher (Red Colour)
- used to enroll a consumer
into a tari plan and it would
not provide any monetary
value. Using this voucher the
customer can also change his
tari plan.
(b) The top up voucher (Green
Colour) - oers only monetary
value expressed in rupee
without any restriction on its
validity or usage. It is available
only in multiples of ten rupees
and no other voucher can be
oered in multiples of ten
(c) The special tari voucher
(STV) (Yellow Colour) -
Intended to provide only tari
benets to the subscriber who
desires to avail the benet of
altering one or more of the
tari components. Examples
are - STV of Rs. 40/- providing
tari for STD at 40 paise per
minute, valid for 30 days, STV
of Rs. 30/- providing 500 SMS
free for 7 days etc. The STV
indicates the plan to which it is
applicable, tari for dierent
items and also the validity,
which does not exceed ninty
days. STV pertaining to SMS
or data, having validity of
more than 7 days may be
renewed after obtaining
the explicit consent of the
consumer in the prescribed
manner - through SMS by
sending “Yes” or by e-mail or
letter or FAX and in the case of
web based program through
separate ”Yes” button for
giving consent. Also it can be
deactivated at any time on
the request of the customer,
following the prescribed
procedure for deactivation -
through IVR and SMS to toll
free short code or through
web link.
(d) Combo Voucher (Blue Colour)
- It alters one or more items
for a period not exceeding
ninety days, in the tari plan
and adds monetary value to
the prepaid account.
Information to pre-paid
consumers on activation of
a Voucher
Immediately on activation of a
voucher, the service provider
should inform the pre-paid
consumer through SMS the
following information:-
(a) on activation of Plan
(i) title of the plan;
(ii) validity period of the
(b) on activation of Top Up
(i) total amount charged;
(ii) processing fee or
administrative charge,
as the case may be;
(iii) taxes deducted;
(iv) net monetary value
(v) total available monetary
(c) onactivationofSpecialTari
(i) total amount charged;
(ii) validity period of the
(iii) benets specic to the
(d) on activation of a Combo
(i) total amount charged;
(ii) benets specic to the
(iii) validity period of the
specic bentts;
(iv) net monetary value
(v) restrictions, if any on
usage or validity period
of monetary value.
Information to pre-paid
consumers relating to usage
Immediately on making any
deduction from the account of a pre-
paid consumer, the service provider
should inform him through SMS or
USSD, the following information:
(a) after every call--
(i) duration of the call;
(ii) charges deducted for
the call;
(iii) balance in the account;
(iv) in case of Special Tari
Voucher, minutes of
usage deducted and
balance minutes of
usage available;
(b) after every session of data
usage over mobile, ---
(i) quantum of data usage;
(ii) charges deducted;
(iii) the balance in the
(c) after activation of any
service including Value
Added Service (VAS)--
(i) amount deducted;
(ii) purpose for which the
amount deducted;
(iii) balance in the account;
(iv) the validity period of the
Value Added Service.
Note: These provisions will
not apply to a consumer if he
is roaming outside his service
Past Usage details in
respect of pre-paid mobile
A prepaid consumer does not
get monthly bills. However, he is
entitled to get from his service
provider, at a reasonable cost,
subject to a maximum of Rs. 50/-,
information relating to:
(a) itemized usage charge for all
(b) number of SMS sent and the
amount charged for such
(c) VAS availed and the amount
(d) Premium Rate Service availed
and the amount charged;
(e) roaming charges;
The service provider has to provide
this information within thirty days
of receipt of such request. It will be
obligatory on the part of the service
provider to provide information for
a period of six months preceding
the date of request.
Information about account
of the consumer
Consumer, can also get the
following information by sending
SMS to a separate toll free short
(a) tari plan opted by him
(i) rates for local and long
distance (STD) calls, and
dierential charges, if
any, applicable for on-
net and o-net usage;
(ii) rates for SMS;
(iii) rates for data service;
(b) balance available in the
account of the pre-paid
consumer; and
(c) Value Added Services
activated on his telephone
number (155223);
Note: It is not obligatory on the
part of the service provider to
provide such information to
a consumer who is roaming
outside the country.
Deactivation of a cellular mobile
telephone connection due to non
No prepaid connection shall
be deactivated for non usage
for a minimum period of 90
Non usage means absence
of any incoming or outgoing
call or outgoing SMS or data
session or usage of value
added services or payment of
Beyond 90 days, an amount
not exceeding Rs 20 shall
be deducted from the
prepaid account, if balance
is available, for extension of
the period of non usage by 30
days at a time.
Safe Custody Scheme for postpaid
mobile telephone connections
Postpaid mobile consumers can
keep their number in safe custody
by paying an amount not exceeding
Rs. 150/- for every three months.
Grace period for reactivation:
A consumer whose connection
is deactivated shall be given a
minimum grace period of 15 days
within which he can reactivate the
same number by paying an amount
not exceeding Rs.20.
Complaint Redressal
Chapter 2
Framework for complaint
The Telecom Consumers Complaint
Redressal Regulations deal with
the framework for handling of
consumer complaints, service
request and provision of information
to consumers by service providers.
Establishment of Complaint
Complaint Centre is the rst stage
of complaint redressal by service
providers. The complaint centre
will have ‘Consumer Care Number’,
which is toll free. The complaint
centre shall also be accessible to
consumers in person as well as
through email and post.
In case a consumer has a complaint,
he has to approach the Complaint
Centre of his service provider
through the toll-free “Consumer
Care Number”. The Complaint
Centre has to be open at least from
8 O’clock in the morning to 12 O
‘clock at midnight on all days of the
week. In case his telephone/ mobile
is faulty, he can use a connection
from any other service provider
to contact the Complaint Centre
for which a separate number is
mandated. The consumer may opt
to speak in Hindi or English or in the
local language of that service area.
Handling of complaints at
the Complaint Centre
Every complaint is registered
by allotting a ‘unique docket
number’. The Complaint Centre will
communicate the unique docket
number along with date and time
of registration and the time limit for
resolution of the complaint through
SMS. Also on completion of action
on a complaint, the consumer will
be informed, through SMS or email
or post, of the action taken and the
procedure for preferring appeal to
the Appellate Authority. Details of
complaint will remain in the system
for at least three months against
each docket number.
The consumer is advised to store
the unique docket number and
the information on action taken.
In case he is not satised with the
redressal, he can use these details
while preferring an appeal.
Time limit for handling
complaints and service
The time limit for handling
complaints and service requests is
as specied in the Quality of Service
regulations, given in Annex–I &
II. In cases where no time limit is
specied in the QoS regulations,
the complaints and service request
have to be addressed within 3
Handling of queries
In case a consumer needs certain
information from the service
provider, he may dial the “General
Information Number established
by the service provider. If he calls
the Consumer Care Number and
asks for information, he may be
directed to call General Information
Number. The service provider may
charge the consumer for speaking
to the agent providing general
information. Charging will take
place only when one presses the
key for speaking to consumer care
agent in the IVRS menu.
Operation of IVRS on
Customer Care Number
The Interactive Voice Response
System (IVRS) at the “Consumer
Care Number” operates in the
following manner:
Appeal to Appellate Au-
If a consumer is not satised with
the redressal of his complaint, or
his complaint remains unaddressed
or no intimation of redressal of
the complaint is received within
the specied period, he can
approach the Appellate Authority
for redressal of his complaint. The
contact details of the Appellate
Authority is available in the start-up
kit, web site of the service providers
and their sales outlets.
There is no fee or charge for ling
an appeal. He may le the appeal
either through e-mail or fax or
post or in person or even through
the Customer Care Number of the
service provider, within thirty days
after expiry of time limit prescribed
for redressal of complaint. The
presence of the appellant is not
obligatory, but he may, if he so
desires, appear in person to present
his case before the Appellate
Advisory Committee
There would be an Advisory
Committee to the Appellate
authority of the service provider in
every service area. It would have
two representatives – one from the
service provider and the other from
Consumer Advocacy Group (CAG)
registered with TRAI. The Advisory
Committee has to give its advice
on every appeal to the Appellate
Authority for its consideration.
Handling of appeals
The secretariat of the Appellate
Authority has to:
Register an appeal
immediately on receipt by
assigning a unique appeal
Acknowledge the appeal,
within three days of its
receipt, by sending the unique
appeal number through SMS
or e-mail to the consumer.
Forward, within three days
from the date of receipt of
the appeal, a copy of the
appeal to the service provider
concerned for ling a reply,
within seven days, along
with relevant information,
document or record; and
Place before the Advisory
Committee for its
consideration the reply of the
service provider along with
the appeal, within two days
of receipt of reply from the
service provider.
The Advisory Committee has to
render its advice on every appeal
placed before it withinfteendays.
The secretariat has to place the
advice of the Advisory Committee
before the Appellate Authority,
within two days of receipt from the
Disposal by the Appellate
When an appeal is placed before
the Appellate Authority, it may
conduct such inquiry as it considers
necessary and dispose o the
appeal within ten days by passing
a reasoned order in writing,
stating therein the points for
determination and the decision
thereon. The Appellate Authority is
expected to give due consideration
to the advice given by Advisory
Committee. In case the Appellate
Authority decides the appeal
against the advice of the Advisory
Committee, it should record the
reasons for the same in the order
passed by it.
The secretariat of the Appellate
Authority has to intimate the
decision on the appeal, through
SMS or email or post, to the
appellant and the service provider.
Web based Complaint
Monitoring System
Every service provider is mendated
to set up a Web based complaint
monitoring system through
which the consumers can track
their complaints. The process for
monitoring complaints is also to be
published in newspapers every six
Telecom Consumers Charter
All service providers are required
to publish a Telecom Consumers
Charter in Hindi, English and the
local language of the service area.
The Charter will contain inter-alia
information on the following:
terms and conditions of
information about complaint
redressal mechanism,
complaint redressal proce-
dierent time frames
specied by the Authority for
various complaints under QoS
Consumer Care Number-Toll
General Information Number-
Toll Free or Chargeable Basis,
Various procedures related to
services like mobile number
portability, termination or
disconnection of service
oered by the service
rights of the consumers under
dierent regulations, orders
issued by the Authority,
duties and obligations of
service providers under
dierent regulations, orders
and directions issued by the
Authority etc.
The Start-up Kit, which a mobile
customer gets at the time of his
enrolment, would contain an
abridged version of the Telecom
Consumers Charter.
Publication of information
in Newspapers and website
The service providers have to
publish the following information
in leading newspapers in Hindi or
English and a local language once
every six months and also make the
same available in their web site:
Customer Care Number
General Information Number
Contact details of the
Appellate Authority
Procedure for monitoring
of complaints on the web
based complaint monitoring
Chapter 3
Quality of Service and Billing Accuracy
The TRAI Act provides that the Authority shall lay-down the standards
of quality of service to be provided by the service providers and conduct
periodical survey of such services so as to protect the interest of the
consumers of telecommunication service.
Quality of Service (QoS)
TRAI has laid down the Quality
of Service standards for various
services through QoS regulations
issued, from time to time. TRAI has
seperate QoS regulations governing
the standards of quality of service
for wireline (Basic), cellulor mobile
telephone services (2G & 3G),
broadband services and recently
for wireline data services. The
important parameters on quality
of service and the benchmarks
for meeting the parameters by
the service providers are given at
Annex-I & II.
Monitoring of QoS in TRAI
In order to ensure quality of service
and to monitor the performance
of service providers, TRAI adopts
mainly a threefold strategy: (i)
Quarterly Performance Monitoring
report from service providers; (ii)
Audit of QoS by third party agencies
and (iii) Survey of Customer
satisfaction through third party
TRAI also obtains Point of
Interconnection (POI) congestion
reports on monthly basis from the
service providers.
The audit of the network for QoS
of mobile telephone service is
presently done on quarterly basis
in all the service areas, while the
audit for basic and broadband
services is done on yearly basis. The
survey of customers to ascertain
the level of customer satisfaction
is done on half-yearly basis. The
audit and survey are carried out
through independent agencies
and the ndings are published in
the website for information to the
The regulations also provide for
levy of nancial disincentives in
case the TSP’s do not meet the QoS
Billing Accuracy
In order to protect the interest
of subscribers from inaccurate
billing and charging, the Authority
has prescribed a uniform code of
practice for metering and billing
accuracy. The service providers
have to audit their Metering and
Billing System annually through
one of auditors empanelled by TRAI
and an audit certicate for each
nancial year has to be furnished
to the Authority not later than
31st July of every year. The service
providers are also required to
submit to TRAI by 15th November
of every year Action Taken Report
on inadequacies, if any, pointed out
by the auditor in the audit report.
During the audit, call data records
of one month for the following
tari plans have to be audited in
each Quarter:
(a) three prepaid and two
post paid plans having
the maximum number of
customers at the beginning of
the Quarter.
(b) two new prepaid and post
paid tari plans launched
during the Quarter;
(c) two Special Tari Vouchers
having maximum number
of customers at the start of
(d) two prepaid data plans
having maximum number
of customers at the start of
Quarter; and
TRAI has issued a detailed checklist
for audit and Guidelines for
implementation of metering and
billing regulation. The audit covers
checking of overbilling, roaming
charges levied on customers vis-à-
vis the published tari, charging for
value added services, verication
of bill delivery process, redressal
of billing complaints and complaint
handling process, activation time
for recharges etc.
The systemic deciencies observed
during audit are to be corrected in
a time bound manner. The audit of
the metering and billing system has
helped in identifying many systemic
issues and has also helped the
service providers to improve their
system processes in billing and
thereby reduce incidences of billing
Chapter 4
Mobile Number Portability
Mobile Number Portability means the facility which allows a subscriber
to retain his mobile telephone number when he moves from one Service
Provider to another irrespective of the mobile technology or from one
cellular mobile technology to another of the same Service Provider within
a licensed service area. The portability process involves three parties, (i)
the subscriber interested in moving, (ii) the Donor Operator or service
provider from whom the subscriber wants to move and (iii) the Recipient
Operator (New Service Provider) to whom the subscriber wants to move.
Porting Procedure
A subscriber desirous of porting his
mobile number needs to:-
Contact Recipient Operator
(RO) to whom he wants to
port his mobile number.
Obtain Customer Acquisition
Form (CAF) & Porting Form
from the R.O.
Read the eligibility, permissible
grounds for rejection of
porting requests and other
conditions carefully.
Obtain ‘Unique Porting Code’
(UPC) from Donor operator
by sending SMS from the
mobile number to be ported.
To obtain UPC, send SMS to
number ‘1900’ with the text
‘PORT’ followed by space
followed by the 10 digit
mobile number to be ported.
It may be noted that the UPC
so obtained will be valid for
15 days for all service areas
except J&K, NE & Assam
Service Areas where it will be
valid for 30 days.
Note: As pre-paid SMS is not
permitted in Jammu & Kashmir
the subscriber has to dial ‘1900
to get an UPC. The operator at
‘1900will provide the UPC after
verifying subscriber number.
If eligible, ll up the CAF and
Porting Form, mentioning
Submit the duly lled Porting
Form and CAF along with
documentary proof to the
Recipient Operator.
A post paid subscriber should
also submit a paid copy of the
last bill along with Porting
Form and CAF.
Obtain new SIM card from the
Recipient Operator.
Corporate Customers
In case of porting of a corporate
mobile number i.e. the mobile
phone number allotted in the
name of a body corporate, rm or
any organisation or body, porting
request should also be accompanied
by an authorisation letter from
the authorized signatory of the
subscriber permitting such porting
in the prescribed format.
The porting request, in case of
corporate mobile number, should
not seek simultaneous porting of
more than fty mobile numbers
and porting charges of each such
mobile numbers shall be payable.
The porting request, if made for
more than one corporate mobile
number, such numbers belong to
the same Donor Operator.
Eligibility for porting
A subscriber holding a mobile
number is eligible to make a porting
request only after 90 days of the
date of activation of his mobile
connection. If a mobile number is
already ported once, the number
can again be ported only after 90
days from the date of the previous
At the time of porting request, a
post paid subscriber is required to
submit an undertaking that he has
already paid all the dues as per the
last bill to the Donor Operator and
that he/she would be bound to pay
all the dues to the Donor Operator
till its eventual porting and agrees
that in event of non-payment of any
such dues to the Donor Operator,
the ported mobile number is liable
to be disconnected by the Recipient
In the case of a pre-paid subscriber,
he needs to give an undertaking
that he understands that at the time
of porting, the balance amount of
talk time, if any, would lapse.
Grounds for rejecting
porting request
Porting request can be rejected if:
(a) outstanding payment is Rs.
10/- or more.
(b) it has been made before
ninety days from the date
of activation of a new
(c) change of ownership of the
mobile number is under
(d) mobile number sought to be
ported has been prohibited by
a Court of Law.
(e) subscriber has applied for
inter-service area porting.
(f) unique porting code
mentioned in the porting
request does not match
with the unique porting
code allocated by the Donor
Operator for the mobile
number sought to be ported
or validity of UPC has expired.
(g) validity period of any Unique
Porting Code has expired
before its receipt by the Donar
Withdrawal of a porting
A subscriber may withdraw his
porting request within 24 hours
of making a request for porting
by informing recipient operator
in writing. However, the service
provider is not obliged to refund
the porting charges paid.
Porting time
The regulation envisages a
maximum time period of 7 working
days for the completion of porting
process in all licensed service areas
except in the case of J&K, Assam
and North East licensed service
areas where the maximum time
allowed is 15 working days.
Activation of ported number
The Recipient Operator will
intimate the date & time of
porting to subscriber.
The service disruption time
will be around 2 hrs during
night time on the date of
Replace the old SIM with
the new SIM provided by
the Recipient Operator after
the specied date and time.
(Note: Balance in the account
of the prepaid connection will
not be carried forward to the
new SIM).
Chapter 5
Curbing Unwanted Commercial Communications
In order to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communications(UCC), which
are a major cause of disturbance and inconvenience for telecom users,
TRAI notied the The Telecom Commercial Communications Customer
Preference Regulations, 2010” on 1st December 2010. It envisages a
National customer Preference Register (NCPR), where the customer
can opt to block all commercial communication or can selectively block
SMS from specied seven categories of 1) Banking/insurance/ nancial
products/credit cards; 2) Real Estate; 3) Education; 4) Health; 5) Consumer
goods and automobiles; 6) Communication/ Broadcasting / Entertainment/
IT and 7) Tourism and leisure or can continue to get all calls/ SMS.
Main feature of Telecom
Commercial Communica-
tions Customer
preference Regulations
TRAI has been continuously
monitoring implementation of
these regulations and has addressed
the various issues that have come
up during implementation of these
regulations. To plug-in possibilities
for misusing the system and to
tighten the regulatory framework,
TRAI has issued a number of
amendments to these regulations
and directions. The salient
features of the framework for
controlling Unsolicited Commercial
Communications, as per The Telecom
Commercial Communications
Customer Preference Regulations,
including various amendments and
the various directions issued are
given below:
(i) Telemarketers have to register
with TRAI by paying Rs.5000
as registration fee and have to
deposit Rs.50,000 as security
deposit with the operator
before taking telecom
(ii) Stringent penalty provisions
for violation of regulations
with provision for recovery
of penalty from the security
deposit of the telemarketer.
(iii) If the telemarketers violate
the provisions of the
regulations on six occasions,
all their telecom resources
will be disconnected and they
will be blacklisted, by which,
they cannot take any telecom
resources for the next two
(iv) Separate number series
starting with ‘140’ for
telemarketers for voice calls,
which will facilitate easy
identication of telemarketing
voice calls
(v) Double ltering process, by
which both the telemarketers
and the Access Providers
should ensure proper ltering
of unsolicited commercial
calls and SMS so that no call or
SMS is sent to any customer
registered on NCPR unless he
has opted for it.
(vi) Separate headers for
transactional and promotional
messages to facilitate easy
identication by consumers.
(vii) Service providers to obtain
undertaking from new
customers that they will
not misuse the connection
and they shall be liable for
disconnection in case of
(viii) In case a consumer uses his
telephone connection to
send promotional messages,
his telephone connection
shall be disconnected on
the rst complaint and his
name and address shall be
blacklisted for a period of two
years. Upon blacklisting, all
telephone connections in his
name shall be disconnected
by all the service providers
and he shall not get any new
connection for the next two
years. Any complaint against
wrong disconnection shall
be addressed to the service
(ix) In case commercial transaction
has been solicited on behalf
of a person either on the
same mobile number or a
dierent telephone number
the telecom resources of such
person shall be disconnected
after second notice. For
example if unregistered
telemarketers using their
mobile connection solicits
commercial communication
on behalf of say real estate
companies, then the
resources of the real estate
company will also be liable for
disconnection after second
notice of violation.
(x) The service providers have to
ensure that any commercial
communication including
SMS, other than transactional
messages, is sent only
between 0900 hrs and 2100
(xii) For every SMS sent beyond
100 SMS per day per SIM,
customers have to pay
minimum 50 paise per SMS.
SMS pack rate will not be
applicable after 100 SMS in a
(xiii) Service provider to advice
customers frequently through
SMS, at least once in six
months, not to send UCC and
about the consequences of
(xiv) Service providers to
implement web based UCC
complaint lodging system and
a dedicated email address to
enable consumers to lodge
UCC complaints.
(xv) Lodging of a UCC complaint
through SMS has been made
easier. Now the complaint
can be lodged through SMS
by simply forwarding the UCC
SMS to 1909 after appending
the telephone number and
date of receipt of the SMS.
How to Register
A subscriber can register
his preference or change of
preference by making a call
on toll free number 1909
and inform the customer
care executive regarding
preference of registration i.e.
‘Fully blocked or Partially
blocked”, if “preference
is for “partially blocked”,
the choice of preference
among the 7 categories or
any change of choice. The
customer care executive
will conrm and register the
preference of the customer
in the Provider Customer
Preference Register. The
customer care executive
informs about the preference
exercised by him through SMS
and also indicates the unique
registration number.
The subscriber can also
register his preference or
change of preference by
making a call on short code
1909 and select preference to
register or change preference
as prompted by IVRS. The
IVRS will conrm exercise of
preference. The customer will
be informed of his registration
of preference and the unique
registration number.
The subscriber can also
register preference by sending
SMS to 1909. For example,
if the customer wants to
register under fully blocked
category, he has to send
msg. text “START<space>0”
to 1909. For receiving only
banking/insurance related
information, he has to send
msg. text “START<space>1”.
To exercise option for
Partially blocked and choose
more than one options out of
7 categories he has to send
msg. text START<space>1,
The subscriber can stop/
alter his preference by
making voice call to 1909, or
call IVRS (1909) or sending
SMS to 1909. To stop the
message from any partially
blocked/opted preference,
customer has to send SMS
for stopping messages from
opted banking category.
The customer needs to make
call/send SMS for registration
of preference or change of
preference or deregistration
from telephone number
which is to be registered or
Once the subscriber registers
the preference, he would
cease to receive commercial
communications as per the
preference(s) after a period
of 7 days from the date
of registration or change
What to do in case he gets
commercial communica-
tions even after registration
In case a subscriber receives
unsolicited commercial
communication after registration,
he may make a complaint to the
service provider through voice call
or SMS to toll free short code 1909
within 3 days of receipt of such
For registering the complaint
through SMS, the subscriber should
forward the SMS to 1909 in the
following format:
The UCC, XXXXXXXXX, dd/mm/
yy where XXXXXXXXXX is the
telephone number or header of the
UCC. On registration of complaint,
a unique complaint number will be
communicated to the complainant
by the operator and the action
taken on the complaint will be
informed within 7 days.
Telecommunications Tariff
Telecommunication Tari is one of the most important issues concerning
the consumers. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, therefore,
specically provides that the Authority may from time to time notify in the
ocial gazette the rates at which the telecommunication services shall
be provided. Accordingly, the Authority notied the rst comprehensive
tari order in 1999. During the course of the years, Telecommunication
Tari Order, 1999 has undergone several changes and amendments to
address new issues and situations.
Protection against hike in
i. A tari plan once oered
by a service provider shall
be available to a subscriber
for a minimum period of six
months from the date of
enrolment of the subscriber
to that tari plan.
ii. The subscriber shall be free
to choose any other tari
plan, even during the said six
months period. All requests
for change of plan shall be
accepted and implemented
immediately or from the next
billing cycle.
Tariff plan with longer
validity including lifetime
tariff plans
1. i) Any tari plan presented,
marketed or oered as valid
for any prescribed period
exceeding six months or as
having lifetime or unlimited
validity in lieu of an upfront
payment shall continue to be
available to the subscriber for
the duration of the period as
prescribed in the plan. In the
case of lifetime or unlimited
validity plans, the plan is valid
as long as the Service Provider
is permitted to provide such
telecom service under the
current license or renewed
license. In the case of plans
with lifetime validity or
unlimited validity, the service
provider shall also inform the
subscribers of the month and
year of expiry of their current
ii. For any tari plan, the service
provider is free to reduce
taris at any time. However,
no tari item in a tari plan
can be increased by the service
provider within the validity of
the plan-
2. In respect of other tari
plans, within six months from
the date of enrolment of the
Tariffs for roaming services
(i) For customers, whether
prepaid or post-paid, roaming
outside his service area, the
maximum permissible charges
for voice calls and SMSs
while on national roaming,
irrespective of the terminating
networks, and irrespective of
tari plans are as below:
ii) Receiving SMS is free while on
national roaming.
(iii) Customers can also avail of
partially free roaming or fully
free roaming on payment of
xed charges by subscribing
to special tari plans during
Safeguards for Prepaid
Majority of the consumers of
mobile services are users of prepaid
services. Some of the specic
orders and directions intended to
safe guard their interests are:
The charges for replacement
of lost/ damaged SIM card
shall be based on cost with a
reasonable mark-up.
If there is any amount that
is unused at the end of the
validity period, this amount
should be carried over to the
renewed card, if such renewal
is done within a reasonable,
specied period.
All services which do not
aect “talk time value
including incoming voice
calls / SMS shall continue to
be available to the Pre-paid
subscribers during the entire
validity period even after the
talk time value is exhausted.
In case of straight tari
reductions, the subscribers
should automatically get the
benet of such reduction
without any precondition
of any explicit action by the
Subscribers in the existing
lifetime validity plans or
unlimited validity plans can
migrate to new lifetime plans
or unlimited validity plans
with lower entry fee without
having to make additional
payment or recharges.
Every service provider should
oer and make available to
the consumer at least one
top up voucher of Rs.10/-
denomination for adding
monetary value in the account
of pre-paid subscribers.
The Processing Fee levied
on top-up vouchers shall
not exceed Rs. 3/- or 10%
of Maximum Retail Price
whichever is less.
Safeguards to Postpaid
Postpaid subscribers have the right
to demand hard copy of the bill free
of cost.
Bills raised by service providers
should contain sucient
information required by the
customer and in case any customer
requests for itemised bills relating
to long distance calls, it should be
provided free of charge.
Refund of security deposit
The Regulations on Quality of
Service issued contain a parameter
on refund of security deposits within
a period of 60 days after closure
of connection. In case security
deposit is not refunded within the
stipulated period, service providers
are required to pay interest at the
rate of 10% per annum for the delay
Credit limit for post-paid
i. A credit limit is set for every
post-paid subscriber and the
same has to be intimated to
him in advance. The initial
credit limit has to be intimated
within 7 days of activation of
the service.
ii. Consequences of usage and
other applicable charges
exceeding the credit limit
as well as the manner in
which the credit limit could
be enhanced, also has to be
informed to the subscriber in
iii. When the usage and other
applicable charges reaches
80% of the credit limit, an
intimation to this eect should
be provided to the subscriber.
iv. On receipt of the intimation,
the subscriber has the option
to make interim payments in
whole or in part or to restrict
his further usage so that
the credit set for him is not
v. Services to the subscriber
cannot be disrupted until and
unless the credit limit xed
for a subscriber is exceeded,
despite adequate intimation
about the same.
vi. Irrespective of the level of
credit limit, the services of a
subscriber cannot be disrupted
as long as the amounts due
is below the amount of his
security deposit.
vii. The credit limit set for a
post-paid customer has to
be included in his monthly
statement / bill.
Safeguards common to
Pre-paid and post-paid
one second
Every service provider
providing cellular mobile
service should oer to the
subscriber at least one pre-
paid and one post-paid tari
plan with pulse duration of
one second for local and
national long distance calls.
This provision would not
apply to calls terminating
outside the country.
Tariff plans with misleading
titles prohibited
(i) No tari plan should be
oered, presented, marketed
or advertised in a manner
that is likely to mislead the
subscribers. For example, title
of a tari plan, which suggests
absence of rental, (e.g. ‘zero
rental’) would be misleading
if the plan has Monthly
Mandatory Fixed Charge in
one form or other.
(ii) All monthly xed recurring
charges, which are compulsory
for a subscriber under any
given plan, should be shown
under one head.
(iii) Charges for CLIP facility
cannot be made a compulsory
item of tari for subscribers
in any tari plan. Whenever,
CLIP charges are sought to be
levied by the service providers
it should be optional for the
Publication of Tariff Plans
In order to facilitate the telecom
subscribers to choose the tari
plans that best meet their needs,
all service providers have been
mendated to publish the tari
(i) All the tari plans should
be made available to the
subscribers in the prescribed
formats at the Customer
Care Centers, points of sale/
retail outlets as well as on
the website of the service
(ii) Whenever there is a change
in any of the tari plans, the
service provider has to update
the same in the prescribed
formats on their website
and in their customer care
centre, and make available
the updated tari plans in
these formats by the 7th day
of January, April, July and
October at their points of sale
and retail outlets.
(iii) The service providers also
have to publish all the tari
plans in prescribed formats in
at least one regional language
and one English newspaper at
an interval not more than six
Tariff Advertisements
In order to ensure further
transparency in telecom tari
oers and facilitate the telecom
subscribers to choose the tari
plans that best meet their needs,
further instructions have been
issued to all the service providers
on ‘Tari Advertisements’.
(i) Every advertisement
published by the service
provider must be transparent
and non-misleading and the
design, colour, font type &
size, tone & volume of the
advertisement be legible,
audible and unambiguous;
(ii) all tari advertisements
must disclose all material
information which is likely to
inuence the decision of a
subscriber in an unambiguous
(iii) all tariadvertisements must
contain the website address
and customer care number of
the telecom service provider
to enable the customer
to obtain any information
pertaining to the tari plan.
Black Out Days
Special days on which Service
Providers do not allow free/
concessional calls/ SMS are referred
to as ‘Black Out Days’. TRAI has
issued following guidelines to
protect the interest of consumers:
(i) The number of blackout days
is limited to ve days in a
calendar year.
(ii) The service provider cannot
make any addition or
alteration to the number of
days specied as blackout days
after the same is subscribed
by a consumer.
(iii) The SMS/call charges
applicable on such specic
blackout days have to be
indicated on the package
oered to the consumer.
(iv) A consumer shall not be
charged for calls or SMSs on
blackout days in excess of the
rate in the tari plan in which
he is enrolled.
(v) The service provider shall
inform the consumer, through
SMS, not earlier that 72 hours
and not later than 24 hours
prior to the commencement of
blackout day, the occasion and
date of blackout day and the
rate applicable for calls and
SMSs on such blackout day.
(vi) The service providers shall
display the list of blackout days
applicable for the calendar
year in their respective
websites before start of the
Value Added Service
Chapter 7
Instructions on activation
and charging for value
added services
The service provider cannot
provide any chargeable
value added service without
the explicit consent of a
consumer. Any value added
service, which was earlier
being provided free of charge
cannot be made chargeable
without the consumer’s
explicit consent.
The Department of Telecom
has allotted ‘155223’ (toll
free) as common short code
for unsubscription of value
added service.
Prescribed procedure to be
followed by service providers
for unsubscription of VAS
through this toll free short
VAS can be charged to the
customer only after getting
veriable conrmation from
the consumer within 24
hours through consumer
originated SMS or e-mail
or FAX or in writing. As an
alternative to this, the service
providers can implement a
double conrmation process
involving third party gateway
for obtaining explicit consent
of the consumer through
dierent modes of activation
so as to prevent activation of
VAS without consent.
If the customer disputes, that
VAS was activated without his
consent within 6 hours (for
per day chargeable VAS) and
within 24 hours for other VAS,
the amount charged shall be
refunded to the customer.
Conrmation through SMS
to be obtained for renewal
of subscription where there
is insucient balance in the
account of the customer.
If there is insucient balance
in the account of prepaid
subscriber, VAS cannot
be automatically renewed
and money deducted on
subsequent recharge without
explicit consent of the
The service provider has to
inform subscriber at least
24 hrs before the due date
of renewal of a subscribed
value added service, the
due date for renewal, the
charges for renewal and the
toll free telephone number
for unsubscribing such value
added service.
Deactivation of Value
You can deactivate or stop your
VAS through a simple process by
dialing or sending SMS to 155223
(toll free).
Here is how you can deactivate
your VAS Subscription.
Using SMS:
Message/Text the keyword
“STOPfrom your number to
Receive a reply from 155223
with a list of VAS products
activated on your phone.
For example…
To deactivate, reply with Service
1. Caller tunes
2. Cricket Alerts
3. News Alerts
Reply to this message with
the number of the service you
wish to deactivate.
Using IVR:
Call 155223 and listen to the services
currently active on your phone
and select the service you wish to
For example…
To stop Callertunes, press 1
To stop Cricket Alerts, press 2
To stop News Alerts, press 3
Press the appropriate key to
deactivate the service.
You will receive an SMS conrming
your deactivation request through
both modes (IVR/ SMS) followed by
an SMS conrming that your service
has been deactivated.
TRAI has now mandated double
conrmation by service provider
for VAS embedded in the SIM also.
Saving Telephone Numbers in mobile
handset and dialing procedures for call/SMS
Chapter 8
It has come to the notice of TRAI that there had been several instances
of incorrect dialing of landline/ mobile number by customers, resulting
in charging. Consumers may please note the dialing procedure and the
method for saving of telephone numbers in the mobile handset.
Saving mobile numbers in your handset:
(a) Saving local mobile number in mobile phones (for example
number 9812345678):
(b) Saving landline numbers in
mobile phones:
Save landline numbers in mobile
phones with the STD code, for eg.
for saving a Delhi number prex
‘011 followed by the number. The
same number can also be saved
with the prex ‘ +9111’.
Do Not
1. Do not dial or send SMS to
any mobile number, whether
local or outside the service
area, with prex ‘00’ as the
call or SMS may be charged
at international rates eg.
2. Do not dial or send SMS to
any mobile number, whether
local or outside the service
area, with only prex ‘+’ as the
call or SMS may be charged
at international rates eg.
3. Any mobile number, whether
local or outside the service
area, can be dialed from a
mobile phone from anywhere
in the country with prex
‘+91’, for eg. +91-9922345678.
4. For making a call or SMS from
a mobile phone to any local
mobile number, you can dial
the mobile number without
any prex.
5. For making a call or SMS
from a mobile phone to any
mobile number outside your
service area, dial the mobile
number with prex ‘0’ or
‘+91’, eg. 09922345678 or
6. Dial a non-local landline
number from a landline
phone by prexing STD
Code to the number, eg. for
calling Chennai from any
place outside Chennai, the
telephone number should be
prexed with 044.
7. Dial international numbers
with prex ‘00’ or + followed
by the country code & the
Consumer Education and Online Survey Tool
Chapter 9
The telecom sector is a high growth sector. Large percentage of new
customers belong to semi-urban and rural areas. Their awareness and
exposure to various telecom related issues is limited. Hence TRAI has
initiated consumer education through conduct of Consumer Outreach
Programmes in dierent parts of the country. TRAI conducts regional
workshops for consumer education and capacity building of Consumer
Organizations and NGOs registered with TRAI. The consumer education
workshops provide a platform to Consumer Advocacy Group (CAGs)
and service providers to come together and discuss the concerns of the
consumers and understand the local problems.
Online Survey Tool
TRAI regularly conducts customer
satisfaction surveys through
independent agencies to assess
customer perception of services
being provided by the telecom
service providers and gathers
customers’ views to assess
eectiveness in implementation of
various regulations, directions and
orders issued by TRAI in the interest
of consumers. These surveys are
carried out through face to face and
telephonic interviews. Considering
the growing penetration of Internet
and Smart phones, TRAI has
introduced Web based application
as well as Android based app for
assessing the customer perception
of cellular services. The web based
customer satisfaction survey is
available in the ‘consumer info’
section of TRAI website www.trai.
gov.in. The Android app can also
be downloaded from the same
Survey questionnaire has been
framed to assesss customer
perception of service relating to
quality of service parameters laid
down by TRAI and for assessing
eectiveness of the regulations
relating to grievances redressal
mechanism, implementation of
mobile number portability and UCC.
Annex 1
Important QoS parameters (Basic and Cellular Mobile
Important QoS parameters (Broadband)
Annex 2
List of Consumer Advocacy Groups Registered with TRAI
S. N. Name and address of the Consumer
Contact Person Telephone/
Mobile No. & E-mail Ids.
1 Islampur Ramkrishnapally Rural
Welfare Society, At. Ramkrishnapally
P.O. & P.S. Islampur Distt. Uttar
Dinajpur (W.B.)
Mr. Abdul Alim Parvej,
03526-257723 (telefax)
2 Upbhokta Margdarshan Samiti
Rajiv Gandhi Upbhokta Bhawan, Near
12 & 10 Sector Chopasni Housing
Board, Jodhpur (Raj)
Mr. Liyakat Ali, Secretary
0291-2701888 (Fax)
3 People’s Action in Development
(PAID), Post Box No. 127, SV
University Tirupati (A.P.)
Mr. P. Gangadharam,
4 Society for Education, Research
& Village Empowerment (SERVE),
Sirupakkam-P.O. 606123, Thittakudi
(Tk.) Cuddalore -Dt. (T.N.)
Mr. R.K. Senthilkumar, Ex.,
04143-248575, 09443828169
5 Consumer Care Society
593, 24th Cross Banashankari II
Stage, Bangalore (Karnataka)
Mr. R.N. Guru, Secretary
080-26713616 (Telefax)
6 SAMARPIT, Centre for Poverty
Alleviation and Social Research, 37,
Geetanjali Enclave, Ring Road No.2,
Bilaspur (Chhatisgarh)-495001
Dr. Sandeep Sharma, President
07752-402731, 09893428881
7 Voluntary Organization in Interest of
Consumer Education (VOICE),
O-45, Basement, Lajpat Nagar-II,
New Delhi-110014
Mr. Ashim Sanyal, COO &
011-47331000, 47331025
011-29849081 (Fax)
8 Sanrakshan,
101, Ashray Mahesh Apartment
Boring Road Patna (Bihar)
Mr. J.K. Bhagat, Managing
0612-2534134 (telefax)
9 Bharat Jyoti,
46, Diamond Dairy, Kabir Marg,
Lucknow (U.P.)
Mr. Vijay Acharya, Founder
0522-3254455, 0522-2237899
(Fax) 09415028127
10 Himachal Upbhokta Sanrakchan
Parishad (Regd.), Verma Complex, Ist.
Floor, NH-22 Shoghi, Shimla (H.P.)
Mr. Shiv Dutt Bhardwaj,
0177-2661284 (Telefax)
11 National Centre for Human
Settlements and Environment
(NCHSE), E-5/A, Girish Kunj, Arera
Colony, Bhopal (M.P.)
Dr. A.K. Gupta,
Director General
12 Upbhokta Sanrakchhan & Kalyan
Samiti, Upbhokta Bhawan, 119/354
Darshan Purwa, Gumti No. 5
Kanpur (U.P.)
Mr. Padam Mohan Mishra,
0512-2217840, 09450156430
13 Society for Social Transformation
(SST), D.No. 46/162, Budhawarapet,
Kurnool (A.P.)
Mr. V. Anjaneyulu, Director
08518-255050, 08008663861
14 Consumer Guidance Society of India,
Block J, Azad Maidan Opp. Cama
Hospital, Mahapalika Road, Mumbai
Dr. M.S. Kamath, Hon.
022-22621612, 022-22659715 (F)
15 Ford Trust, Karaikudi KUDIL,
Siravayal Post, Karaikudi (TN)
Mr. C. Paul Alaga Rasan,
Project Director
04577-264334, 09788979901
16 Rajkot Saher Jilla Grahak Suraksha
Mandal,329, Popatbhai Sorathia
Bhavan, Sadar Bazar, Rajkot (Gujarat)
Mrs. Ramaben Mavani,
17 Women Action Group (WAG)
Gangavalli (P.O.),
Attur Taluk, Salem District
Pin 636105 (T.N.)
Mrs. G. Mohana, Secretary
04282-232852, 04282-232219
(Fax) 09442770987
18 Gram Vikas Parishad, Rangaloo
P.O. Jumarmur, Via- Kathiatoll
Distt. Nagaon -782427 (Assam)
Mr. Sirajuddin Ahmed,
Gen. Secretary
0367-2231164 (Telefax),
19 Rastriya Samuddeshiya Vikas
89-C Raj Bhawan, South Bhopa Road,
Muzaar Nagar (U.P.)-251315
Ms. Poonam Sharma,
20 Shramik Varg & Nirmal Varg
Vikas Sansthan Village & P.O.
Patwadhkautuk Block Bilariaganj
Tahsil Sagri Azamgarh (U.P.)
Mr. Indradev Rai, Secretary
21 Indian Institute of Technology &
Entrepreneur Development (IITED),
IICR Campus, Near Mangla Traders,
Shakti Chowk, Bijnor (U.P.)
Dr. R.D. Usmani President/
01342-265992, 09412118240
22 Consumer Coordination Council (CCC)
A-20-21 (NITS Bldg.) Institutional Area,
Sector-62, NOIDA
Mr. S.C. Sharma Director
0120- 2404273 (Fax)
23 Mizoram Consumers’ Union Hqrs.
Aizawl, Lalat Chamber, Tuikual ‘S’
Temple Square,
Dr. Chawngsailova, General
0389-2311514, 09862419156
24 Federation of Consumer Associations,
West Bengal, 39, Shakespeare Sarani,
7th Floor, Room No. 701,
Kolkata (W.B.)
Ms. Mala Banerjee President
033-22805927 (Telefax)
25 Society for Consumers’ & Investors’
Protection (Regd.) 118, 2nd Floor,
DDA Site-1, New Rajinder Nagar,
New Delhi
Dr. G.S. Sood, President
011-28744789 (Fax)
26 Odisha Consumers Association
Debajyoti Upovhokata Kalyan
Bhawan, Bishwanath Lane Cuttack
Mr. Arun Kumar Sahu
Assistant Secretary
27 Citizen Consumer & Civic Action
9/5, II Street, Padmanabha Nagar
Ms. S. Saroja, Co-ordinator
044-24914358 (Fax)
28 Consumers Association
7, F.F. Karuna Sadan, Sec.11-B,
Mr. R.K. Kaplash, Chairman
0172-2245170, 09814173342
29 Rural Organisation for Social &
Education Trust (Rose Trust) 15-G, IInd
Floor, Baskaranar Building, T. Palue
Road, Jayankondam-621802
Ariyalur Distt. (T.N.)
Mr. John K. Thirunavukkarasu
Managing Director
04331-250251, 09489545361
30 Maruti Seva Samiti,
173/12, Ashok Nagar Nr. Maya Misthan
Bhandar, Udaipur (Raj)-313001
Mr. P. K. Jhawar President
0294-2419333, 09414168532
31 Haryana Technical Association,
H.No. 3542, Urban Estate Jind
Mr. Rahul Punia, President
08930432777, 09813363001
32 Mahila Kalyan Samiti Dhori,
Sta Colony, Near Dhori Dispensary,
P.O. Dhori, Distt. Bokaro
Dr. Shyam Kunvar Bharti, Gen
0654-9222117, 09955509286
33 Vasundhara Sevarth Samajik
Sansodhan ani Vikas Seva Sanstha At.
Post- Nanand, Tq. Nilanga
Distt. Latur (MH)-413521
Mr. Deelip Venketrao Patil,
34 Consumer Protection Association,
Vishwakarma Nagar, Himmatnagar
Distt. Sabarkantha-383001 (Gujarat)
Dr. Kashyapnath President
02772-240636, 09413118426
35 Consumer Unity & Trust Society,
D-217, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park,
Jaipur-302016 (Raj)
Mr. George Cheriyan, Director
0141-5133259, 2282823,
2282482 0141-4015395 (Fax)
36 Consumers’ Association Hotel
Soorya City Sudhevan Road,
Sultanpet, Palakkad-678001 (Kerala)
Mr. Surendran P.A., General
9446059952, 0491-2569952 (F)
37 Citizen Awareness Group
#2812/38-C Chandigarh
Mr. Surinder Verma, Chairman
38 Navjeevan Society
19, Sharma Colony,
22- Godown, Jaipur-302019 (Raj)
Mr. Rajendra Sharma,
0141-6450323, 0141-4061405 (F)
39 Deepalaya
556, Dr. A.K. Paul Road,
Kolkata-700034 (W.B.)
Mr. Pranab Kumar Ghosh,
09903278064, 09038467832
40 Manav Kalyan Society. Moh.
Chashrien, B-24,
Barwan Distt. Bijnor (U.P.)-246701
Mr. Shehzed Husauin,
09837061925, 08057559824
41 Consumers Guidance Society, 57-14-16,
2nd Lane, New Postal Colony, Church
Road, Patamata Vijaywada-520010
Ch. Divakar Babu Secretary
0866-2495324, 09440390370
42 Consumer Research, Education,
Action, Training and Empowerment,
2/84, Melachatram Street,
Paramakudi, Ramanathapuram dist.,
Tamilnadu, PIN-623707
Prof. Dr. P. Duraisingam,
04369-220954 (telefax)
NodalOcer Tel. No. & Fax No. & e-mail
Joint Advisor (CA)
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Mahanagar Door Sanchar Bhawan
(Old Minto Road) New Delhi-110002
011-23213036 (Fax)
Consumer’s Handbook on Telecommunications
is also available in the following languages on TRAI website:
1. Hindi
2. Assamese
3. Bengali
4. Oriya
5. Punjabi
6. Gujarati
7. Marathi
8. Malayalam
9. Kannada
10. Tamil
11. Telugu
Content Disclaimer
This handbook has been published for the assistance, education and
information of the consumers and information contained therein is
general in nature, condensed from the original telecommunication tari
orders, directions and regulations. Full text of these telecommunication
tari orders, directions and regulations are available on TRAI’s website
www.trai. gov.in. The users may refer to the TRAI Act, 1997 (24 of 1997),
as amended from time to time and to the text of telecommunication tari
orders, directions and regulations and their amendments, as published
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Under no circumstances shall the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred or suered
that is claimed to have resulted from the use of material contained in
this handbook, including, without limitation, any error or omission, with
respect thereto.
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Website: www.trai.gov.in