USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
United States
Powerlifting Association
Technical Rules
January 1, 2022
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
PART 1. GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................... 8
Item 1.1 General Rules .............................................................................................................................. 8
Item 1.2 Age Categories ............................................................................................................................ 8
Item 1.3 Bodyweight Categories ............................................................................................................... 8
Item 1.4 USPA Registration ....................................................................................................................... 9
Item 1.5 Team Competition ...................................................................................................................... 9
Item 1.6 Best Lifter Awards / Meet Director Choice Awards .................................................................. 10
Item 1.7 State Affiliation ......................................................................................................................... 10
Item 1.8 Drug Testing .............................................................................................................................. 11
PART 2. EQUIPMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................ 13
Item 2.1 Platform .................................................................................................................................... 13
Item 2.2 Bars and Plates ......................................................................................................................... 14
Item 2.3 Collars ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Item 2.4 Squat Racks & Combo Squat/Bench Press Racks ..................................................................... 15
Item 2.5 Bench ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Item 2.6 Judging Lights............................................................................................................................ 16
PART 3. COSTUME AND PERSONAL EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................... 16
Item 3.1 Singlet ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Item 3.2 Lifting Costume ......................................................................................................................... 17
Item 3.3 Bench Shirt ................................................................................................................................ 18
Item 3.4 Erector Shirts (allowed in Multi Ply only) ................................................................................. 19
Item 3.5 Undershirt ................................................................................................................................. 19
Item 3.6 Underwear ................................................................................................................................ 19
Item 3.7 Support Briefs ........................................................................................................................... 19
Item 3.8 Socks ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Item 3.9 Belt ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Item 3.10 Shoes or Boots ........................................................................................................................ 21
Item 3.11 Wrist & Knee Wraps/ Knee & Elbow Sleeves/Hats, Sweat Bands, Head Gear/Wrist Wraps . 21
Knee Wraps/Knee Sleeves .................................................................................................................. 22
Hats, Sweat Bands, Head Gear ............................................................................................................ 23
Medical Tape/Bandages ...................................................................................................................... 23
Elbow Sleeves: ..................................................................................................................................... 23
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 3.12. Blood Management ............................................................................................................... 23
Item 3.13 Shin Guards ............................................................................................................................. 24
Item 3.14 Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply Equipment Definition .......................................... 24
Item 3.15 Inspection of Costume and Personal Equipment ................................................................... 24
Item 3.16 General ................................................................................................................................... 25
Part 4. POWERLIFTS AND RULES OF PERFORMANCE.................................................................................. 25
Item 4.1 Squat ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Item 4.2 Causes for Disqualification of a Squat: ..................................................................................... 28
Item 4.3 Bench Press:.............................................................................................................................. 29
Item 4.4 Causes for Disqualification of a Bench Press ............................................................................ 30
Item 4.5 Deadlift ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Item 4.6 Causes for Disqualification of a Deadlift ................................................................................... 31
Part 5. WEIGHING IN ................................................................................................................................... 32
Item 5.1 Weighing-In of the Competitors ............................................................................................... 32
Part 6. RULES OF COMPETITION ................................................................................................................. 38
Item 6.1 The Round System .................................................................................................................... 38
Item 6.2 Appointed Officials ................................................................................................................... 39
Speaker/Announcer responsibilities ................................................................................................... 39
Technical Chair responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 40
Referee Chairman responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 40
Timekeeper responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 41
Expeditors responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 41
Scorekeeper responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 41
Spotter/Loader responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 41
Squat ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Bench .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Deadlift ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Platform / Bars ................................................................................................................................ 43
Records Chairman ............................................................................................................................... 44
State Chairman .................................................................................................................................... 44
Item 6.3 Competition Rules .................................................................................................................... 45
Part 7. REFEREES ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Item 7.1 General Rules ............................................................................................................................ 48
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Signals required for the three lifts .......................................................................................................... 50
Squat ................................................................................................................................................... 50
Bench press ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Deadlift ................................................................................................................................................ 51
All Lifts ................................................................................................................................................. 51
Referees General Rules Continued .......................................................................................................... 51
Examples of faults that should be considered a minor oversight........................................................... 51
Examples of infractions that must be corrected prior to the lifter making their attempt are: .............. 52
Examples that should be considered a purposeful attempt to cheat .................................................... 52
Item 7.2 Qualifications for a Referee ...................................................................................................... 52
State Referees ..................................................................................................................................... 52
National Referees ................................................................................................................................ 53
International Referees ........................................................................................................................ 53
Item 7.3 Early Advancement Program .................................................................................................... 54
Part 8. RECORDS .......................................................................................................................................... 54
Item 8.1 State and National Records ...................................................................................................... 54
Part 9. Our Personal Message for our Special and Disabled Lifters and Religious Requirements ............. 57
Item 9.1 Special Needs, Disabled, Missing Limb, Handicap, Adaptive, Mentally Challenged, Medical or
Religious Restrictions. ............................................................................................................................. 57
Item 9.2 Weight Classes .......................................................................................................................... 58
Item 9.3 Costume .................................................................................................................................... 58
Item 9.4. General .................................................................................................................................... 58
Part 10. Multi Ply Division Annex ............................................................................................................. 59
Item 10.1 Lifting Suit ............................................................................................................................... 59
Item 10.2 Bench Shirt .............................................................................................................................. 59
Item 10.3 Support Briefs ......................................................................................................................... 59
Item 10.4 Elbow Sleeves ......................................................................................................................... 59
Item 10.5 Bench press ............................................................................................................................. 60
Item 10.6 Squat Platform Personal ...................................................................................................... 60
Item 10.7 Squat Mono-lift .................................................................................................................... 60
Item 10.8 Squat Bar ................................................................................................................................ 60
Part 11. APPROVED EQUIPMENT LIST ......................................................................................................... 60
Item 11.1 Approved Equipment List (https://uspa.net/vendor/approved-gear-2021) ......................... 60
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
A7 INTERNATIONAL:........................................................................................................................ 62
ANDERSON POWERLIFTING: ........................................................................................................... 62
ARSENAL ATHLETICS: ...................................................................................................................... 62
BEAST POWER GEAR: ...................................................................................................................... 63
BODY REAPERS: ............................................................................................................................... 63
CERBERUS STRENGTH: .................................................................................................................... 63
CONTRABAND SPORTS: ................................................................................................................... 64
DB GEAR: ......................................................................................................................................... 64
ELITE FTS: ........................................................................................................................................ 64
EVOLUTIONIZE (also see LIFT.NET & STOIC): ................................................................................. 64
FORCE STRENGTH CO.: .................................................................................................................... 65
GAINZ SPORTSGEAR: ....................................................................................................................... 65
GHOST STRONG: ............................................................................................................................. 66
GIRLS WHO POWERLIFT: ................................................................................................................. 66
GYMREAPERS: ................................................................................................................................. 66
HUSTLE ATHLETICS: ......................................................................................................................... 66
IMPROVED NUTRITION: .................................................................................................................. 67
INVICTUS POWERLIFTING GEAR: .................................................................................................... 67
INZER ADVANCE DESIGNS: .............................................................................................................. 67
IRON BULL STRENGTH: .................................................................................................................... 69
IRON REBEL POWER GEAR: ............................................................................................................. 70
IRON SOUL GYM: ............................................................................................................................. 70
IRON VALLEY POWERLIFTING:......................................................................................................... 70
KALLAS BARBELL:............................................................................................................................. 71
LIFT.NET (Also see EVOLUTIONIZE & STOIC): ................................................................................. 71
LIFTINGLARGE: ................................................................................................................................ 71
MANIMAL: ....................................................................................................................................... 72
MAVA SPORTS: ................................................................................................................................ 73
MOVE WEIGHT: ............................................................................................................................... 73
NIGHTMARE MUSCLE: ..................................................................................................................... 73
NORDIC LIFTING: ............................................................................................................................. 73
NORSE FITNESS: .............................................................................................................................. 73
OVERKILL STRENGTH: ...................................................................................................................... 74
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
THE PAPA BEAR STRONG FOUNDATION: ........................................................................................ 74
PIONEER PRODUCTS / GENERAL LEATHERCRAFT: .......................................................................... 74
PRIMAL POWER:.............................................................................................................................. 75
RDX Sports:...................................................................................................................................... 75
RIGHT 2 FIGHT: ................................................................................................................................ 75
RIP TONED FITNESS LTD. ................................................................................................................. 75
RISE: ................................................................................................................................................ 75
SBD: ................................................................................................................................................. 76
SCHIEK SPORTS: ............................................................................................................................... 76
SERIOUS STEEL FITNESS: ................................................................................................................. 76
SOVEREIGN POWERLIFTING: ........................................................................................................... 77
SERIOUS STEEL FITNESS: ................................................................................................................. 77
SQUAT 2 DEPTH APPAREL: .............................................................................................................. 77
STALLION SQUAD FITNESS .............................................................................................................. 77
STOIC (Also see LIFT.NET & EVOLUTIONIZE): .................................................................................. 77
STRENGTH SHOP USA:..................................................................................................................... 77
STRONGBOW STRENGTH: ............................................................................................................... 78
SUPER TRAINING PRODUCTS / Mark Bell STrong: .......................................................................... 78
THE STRONGHOUSE PROJECT: ........................................................................................................ 78
TITAN SUPPORT SYSTEMS: .............................................................................................................. 78
TUFFWRAPS: ................................................................................................................................... 79
UNBREAKABLE GEAR: ...................................................................................................................... 80
Part 12. Drug Testing-Banned Substance List ............................................................................................. 80
Anabolic Steroids and Agents ................................................................................................................. 80
Amphetamines ........................................................................................................................................ 82
Cocaine .................................................................................................................................................... 82
Designer Stimulants ................................................................................................................................ 82
Diuretics .................................................................................................................................................. 82
Methylphenidate .................................................................................................................................... 83
Miscellaneous Stimulants ....................................................................................................................... 83
+ .............................................................................................................................................................. 84
Other ....................................................................................................................................................... 84
Part 13. Religious Considerations ............................................................................................................... 84
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Part 14. Transgender Lifters ........................................................................................................................ 84
Part 15. Code of Conduct ............................................................................................................................ 84
Discrimination ......................................................................................................................................... 85
Harassment ............................................................................................................................................. 85
Sexual Harassment .................................................................................................................................. 85
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 1.1 General Rules
The United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) recognizes the following:
1.1.1 All "three-lift competitions" must include and be performed in the sequence of the
squat, then bench press, and concluding with the deadlift.
1.1.2 Competition takes place between lifters in categories defined by gender, bodyweight
and age.
1.1.3 The rules apply to all levels of competition - Local, State, Regional, or National.
1.1.4 Each competitor is allowed three attempts on each lift. Any exceptions are explained in
the appropriate section of the rulebook. The lifter’s best valid attempt on each lift,
disregarding any fourth attempts for record purposes, counts toward the competition
1.1.5 The winner of a category shall be the lifter who achieves the highest total. The
remaining lifters shall be ranked in descending order based upon total.
1.1.6 If two or more lifters achieve the same total, the lighter lifter ranks above the heavier
lifter. If there is still a tie both lifters will be re-weighed immediately after the
competition has ended and the lifter with the lighter body weight will be ranked above
the heavier lifter. If they still remain tied, the contested placing will officially be declared
a tie.
1.1.7 As a guest lifter, you cannot place or set records in the competition in which you are
guest lifting. However, your lifts may be used to qualify for future events.
1.1.8 If a lifter bombs-out of an event they have entered, they are still eligible to compete in
other events in which they have registered. For example, a lifter who registers for PL
and BPO and fails to achieve a successful squat, is disqualified from PL but may still
compete in BPO.
Item 1.2 Age Categories
1.2.1 Competitive lifting shall be restricted to competitor’s age 13 years older. The lifter must
have attained minimum age on the day of the competition. The following age categories
are recognized by the USPA for both men and women:
Junior: 13-15 Junior: 16-17
Junior: 18-19 Junior: 20-23
Open: 13-80+ Submaster: 35-39
Master: 40 to 44, 45 to 49, 50 to 54, 55 to 59, 60 to 64, 65 to 69, 70 to 74, 75 to
79, 80-84, 85+
Item 1.3 Bodyweight Categories
1.3.1 The following weight classes are recognized by the USPA:
Mens' Weight Classes: 52.0 kg, 56.0 kg, 60.0 kg, 67.5 kg, 75.0 kg, 82.5 kg, 90.0 kg
100.0 kg, 110.0 kg, 125.0 kg, 140.0 kg, 140.1+kg
Womens' Weight Classes: 44.0 kg, 48.0 kg, 52.0 kg, 56.0 kg, 60.0 kg, 67.5 kg,
75.0 kg, 82.5 kg, 90.0 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, 110+ kg
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 1.4 USPA Registration
1.4.1 Lifters, administrators, referees', committee members and other contest officials
participating in USPA sanctioned competitions, national meetings, and any other form of
official USPA business must maintain current USPA registration.
1.4.2 Competition is restricted to the minimum age of 13, with no maximum age limit. Youth
lifters younger than 13 may lift in USPA sanctioned meets as guest lifters, with prior
approval, if their parent or guardian has signed a waiver form. They will not be able to
establish records or receive awards. Youth lifters will need to purchase a high school
membership regardless if they are in High School. This is for insurance reasons.
1.4.3 All lifters must show proper identification (driver’s license, passport, or school ID) and
their USPA membership card (with expiration date) at the time of weigh-ins.
1.4.4 Annual USPA membership registration will cover the period of 12 months from the date
of issue. USPA membership must be purchased though the USPA website at
www.uspa.net .
1.4.5 Throughout this rulebook, wherever the words “he” or “his” occur, such reference is
deemed to apply to either gender.
1.4.6 The USPA logo shall not be changed in any way and shall always be displayed with the
“R” on the logo. The approved logos are available for download in the meet director
portal. Samples of any proposed deviation of these logo designs, including any color
variations, must first be submitted and preapproved by the USPA National Office before
use in promotional advertising, including but not limited to banners, social media ads, or
other print media. The only exception is for meet t-shirt designs which may contain
color variations to reduce printing costs. Failure to adhere to these requirements shall
be grounds to terminate the usage permission. Please direct any questions or inquiries
regarding this policy to the USPA National office: tyler@uspa.net.
Item 1.5 Team Competition
1.5.1 Local, State, Regional or National Teams are structured as follows:
1.5.2 Each team is allowed a maximum of twelve competitors spread throughout the range of
the twelve-bodyweight categories for both men and women. There must not be more
than two competitors from any one team in the same bodyweight category.
1.5.3 Each team is allowed a maximum of two alternates or reserves. The names and weight
classes of the alternates or reserves must be submitted at the time the original team
roster is submitted (see sec. 1.5.7). Alternate or reserve lifter DOTS scores may only be
used as a substitute for an original team member in the same weight class who bombs-
out of the competition
1.5.4 Teams competing in Local, State, Regional, or National competitions may be mixed with
both men and women lifting on the same team when there are not enough lifters to
compile same gender only teams.
1.5.5 Point scoring shall consist of the top six team member’s DOTS formula from each
participating team towards their team total.
1.5.6 Point scoring shall be according to the DOTS formula. No Master’s formula shall be used.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
1.5.7 Each team must submit to the meet director a team roster giving the name of each
lifter and their bodyweight category on or before the registration deadline of the
competition. No changes of team members are permitted after registration closes.
1.5.8 All competing teams and team members must be in the same gear category.
Item 1.6 Best Lifter Awards / Meet Director Choice Awards
1.6.1 At all competitions where “Best Lifter Awards” are presented, placing will be established
by the DOTS formula. Scoring the best masters lifters will additionally entail the use of
the McCulloch formula.
1.6.2 Best Lifter awards must be given in each event (PL, BPO, DLO, and PP) for both male and
female competitors in Junior, Open, and Master classes in each division (Raw, Classic
Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply) where five or more competitors in each category finish
the meet with totals. Best lifters are automatically calculated by the Iron Comp
software and are displayed on the final Excel score sheet.
1.6.3 Any additional awards beyond the mandatory Best Lifter awards in sec. 1.6.2 are
optional and may be offered at the discretion of the meet director. Any such awards
shall be designated as “Meet Director Choice Awards” on the final score sheet and must
include what, if any, award, prize, or compensation was given to the lifter. Meet
Directors Choice Awards must be given during the awards ceremony at the conclusion of
the contest, not at a future date.
1.6.4 When calculating Meet Director Choice Awards, DOTS scores may not be used to
compare performance across different genders and gear categories.
Item 1.7 State Affiliation
1.7.1 Upon registration, lifters (via their residence mailing address) will designate the specific
state they will represent when competing. A lifter who is registered in one state during
the year and then moves to another state has the options of maintaining the original
state residency registration, competing in that state’s championships, and qualifying for
state records until December 31 of that year. If the lifter chooses to compete in the
state championships of his or her new state location, the lifter must notify the National
Office with their new mailing address listing the new state residency. The lifter will
receive a new registration card with the new address at no additional charge and will
then be able to compete in the state championships of the new location, as well as
qualify for setting state records in that state. A lifter may compete in only one state
championship per year for records purposes.
1.7.2 Lifters may not simultaneously set records in two different states. If a lifter does re-
register, he/she may hold records in two different states that were set during different
1.7.3 Out of state college students have the option of registering in either their home state or
the state in which their college is located (if residency in that state has been
1.7.4 Members of the armed Forces have the option of registering in the state of their
permanent residency or in the state of their duty station.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 1.8 Drug Testing
1.8.1 At the discretion of the USPA National Office, Meet Directors will have the option to
hold drug tested meets if they 1) apply for and pay the sanction fee to conduct a drug
tested meet, and 2) follow all USPA testing guidelines.
1.8.2 The title or name of any drug-tested competition must be clearly distinguished from a
non-tested meet. The contest name must be preceded by the phrase “Drug Tested.” For
example, “Drug Tested State Championships.”
1.8.3 Drug tested, and non-tested competitions cannot be held together and/or on the same
day. If a tested and non-tested contest is held over a weekend, one day can be untested,
and one day can be tested, each being a completely separate contest for all records,
awards, and Best Lifters. Each contest may be performed under one sanction, but two
separate entry registration forms are required.
1.8.4 The Meet Director must pay in-full all laboratory testing fees no later than 14-days
before the scheduled date of a drug tested contest. The fees are paid via the “Drug Test
Lab Payment Form” that’s accessed via the meet director login page on the USPA
Website. Paying the lab fees also serves as an order form to ensure that all the testing
kits and materials are shipped and received by the Meet Director before the contest.
1.8.5 After payment of the lab fees per sec. 1.8.4, the laboratory will ship the drug test kits,
with “extra” kits that may be used as a substitute in the event one or more of the
required kits are damaged or lost. These “extra” kits may only be used at a future
contest if the meet director has pre-paid the laboratory testing fees for the future
contest as stated in sec. 1.8.4.
1.8.6 The Meet Director must submit to the lab the same number of drug tests that were
ordered on the Drug Test Lab Payment Form in sec. 1.8.4. For example, if the meet
director ordered 6 tests, he/she must test 6 athletes and submit to the lab 6 completed
drug test kits. A copy of each athlete’s drug test form shall be submitted to the USPA
National office with the score cards upon completion of every drug-tested meet.
1.8.7 Testing must be performed on all lifters who achieve a DOTS score within the top 10% of
competitors on each day of competition. Example of 10% ratio: if the meet has 40-44
lifters, then it would be rounded down to mandatory 4 lifters tested; if the meet has 45-
50 lifters it will be rounded up to mandatory 5 lifters tested. Upon completion of a
contest, the Iron Comp Software will automatically calculate these ratios and display the
athletes requiring testing under the menu selection of Drug Testing>Mandatory Tests. A
meet director also has the option of testing any athlete that establishes a world record
on any lift each day of competition, regardless of whether their DOTS score is within the
top 10%.
1.8.8 In competitions where there are both male and female participants, the top 10% of
DOTS scores that are targeted for testing must include both male and female lifters
based on the percentage of participation of each gender. Upon completion of a contest,
the Iron Comp Software will automatically calculate these ratios and display the athletes
requiring testing under the menu selection of Drug Testing>Mandatory Tests.
1.8.9 Meet Directors have the option of testing up to a maximum of 10% of Master, Junior,
and Single Lift (Bench Press and Deadlift) competitors based on their DOTS score. Upon
completion of a contest, the Iron Comp Software will automatically calculate the highest
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
DOTS score for the top competitor in Masters, Juniors, Bench Press Only, Deadlift Only
and Push Pull and display the athletes requiring testing under the menu selection of
Drug Testing>Optional Tests.
1.8.10 Meet Directors have the option of A) testing only those candidates that are displayed in
the list generated from the Iron Comp Software under Drug Testing>Mandatory Tests,
or B) selecting candidates from both the Mandatory Tests and the Optional Tests, in
which case you will substitute the athlete with the lowest DOTS score shown on the
Mandatory Tests report with the athlete showing the highest DOTS score shown on the
Optional Tests report.
1.8.11 All tests must be administered immediately after lifting has been completed, conducted
by a USPA official of the same gender. No out-of-meet testing will be performed unless,
due to extenuating circumstances, alternative testing arrangements are mandated by
the USPA national office.
1.8.12 Any Meet Director who conducts a drug-tested contest and fails to perform the required
testing will be 1) ineligible to hold another drug tested contest for 12-months, and 2)
must thereafter satisfy the USPA National Office that any administrative deficiencies
have been corrected.
1.8.13 It is the lifter’s responsibility to remain at the competition venue following a drug-tested
contest to determine if he/she has been selected for drug testing. If the athlete fails,
refuses, or is not available when the testing occurs, their lack of testing will be treated
as a drug test failure subject to a lifetime ban without an opportunity to appeal.
1.8.14 Testing with minor lifters under the age of 18 will be performed with two USPA officials
present, along with the lifter’s parent, guardian, or coach.
1.8.15 Testing is to be performed by urinalysis using the drug testing kits and laboratory
approved as follows: Abbott Laboratories, 3650 Westwind Blvd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403.
No other testing laboratories are permitted.
1.8.16 If a lifter enters a drug tested meet and fails their test, or the appeal period expires or
affirms the positive test results, the lifter will be banned for life from ever competing in
a USPA/IPL tested meet.
1.8.17 Lifters can appeal a positive test and request that the sample B be used to retest at the
lifter’s expense. The appeal must be requested, and all required fees paid in full within
30 days following a positive test. The right to appeal expires after 30 days. If a lifter is
successful in appealing a drug test, the lifter will be reinstated in good standing and all
lifts and/or records will be reinstated.
1.8.18 A lifter that has failed a drug test will be allowed to continue to compete in the untested
divisions after paying a $500 fine for having falsely competed in a tested division.
1.8.19 The USPA/IPL does not allow any therapeutic use exemptions. This means no lifter using
a banned substance (see sec. 12), is allowed to compete in the drug tested division.
1.8.20 The USPA/IPL will recognize drug tested suspension lists from other organizations if the
suspension resulted from use of a substance prohibited by the USPA/IPL. Any lifter on a
suspension or banned list from any other organization for use of a substance prohibited
by the USPA/IPL will not be allowed to compete in any tested divisions but may compete
in the non-tested divisions. Lifters that served their full term of suspension in another
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
organization and have met all eligibility requirements, other than paying said
organization a fine or reinstatement fee, are eligible to participate in the USPA drug
tested division under the condition that they are subject to drug testing at any time
immediately following any USPA drug tested event in which they participate.
1.8.21 If at any time it’s determined that a lifter failed a drug test, for a substance prohibited
by the USPA/IPL, in another organization and despite such failure participated in a USPA
drug-tested event, said athlete will be treated as a failure subject to a lifetime ban.
1.8.22 The USPA will maintain a private list of everyone tested, including both positive and
negative test results, on our Meet Director portal at the USPA website. This list will be
available to State Chairs and Meet Directors as a reference to screen lifters entered in
drug tested meets.
1.8.23 Drug testing is only available at drug-tested meets.
1.8.24 Drug-tested records may only be established in drug-tested competitions.
1.8.25 Non-Tested records can be broken in drug-tested meets. See Section 12 for banned
substance list.
1.8.26 Any lifter who fails a drug test and fails to appeal and/or pay the applicable fine for
reinstatement in the non-tested division, will be permanently banned from all USPA
competitions (both tested and non-tested) if he subsequently registers, attempts to
register, or through oversight, participate in a USPA event without paying the applicable
fine. This will be deemed a blatant disregard of the USPA rules.
1.8.27 In addition to all provisions and penalties referenced herein, any USPA certified staff
official, referee, or meet director who competes in a USPA drug-tested competition will
be subject to a 1-year suspension of their USPA credentials if they fail a drug-test that is
not successfully appealed per sec. 1.8.17.
1.8.28 Transgender athletes are not eligible to compete in the drug-tested division and must
compete only in the non-tested division.
Item 2.1 Platform
2.1.1 All lifts shall be performed on a separately distinct platform, not directly on a stage or
floor, measuring between 2.5 m x 2.5 m (8 ft x 8 ft.) minimum and 4.0 m x 4.0 m (12 ft x
12 ft) maximum. The surface of the platform must be flat, firm, nonslip and level. It must
not exceed 10 cm (4 inches) in height from the surrounding stage or floor.
2.1.2 The surface of the platform may be treated with an approved non-slip coating, grip tape
with a grit rating of 100 or less, a one-piece carpet constructed of a dense tight loop
material, or non-slip rubber matting/sheeting that’s securely attached to the surface. It
is the USPA’s recommendation that all meets are held using the approved one-piece
carpet as the top surface on all platforms. No additives may be applied to, or inserts
incorporated in either the platform or its surface unless it is a specially constructed
weightlifting platform. The platform is subject to approval by the meet director prior to
the commencement of the competition.
2.1.3 If a lifter cannot reach the squat racks, it is permissible to build up the height of the
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
2.1.4 Warm up area platforms will be stocked with an ample number of bars, plates and
safety collars of the same caliber as those required for the main platform. Bumper
plates, and non-approved bars are not acceptable. Rig type warm-up areas, while not
recommended, are allowed with the use of safeties. There shall be a minimum of three
warm up platforms provided for each of the three lifts. The only exception is meets with
10 or less lifters in each flight where a Meet Director can use two warm up platforms.
Item 2.2 Bars and Plates
2.2.1 For all powerlifting contests organized under the rules of the USPA, only calibrated bars
and steel plates are permitted. The use of plates, which do not meet the current
specifications, will invalidate the contest and any records accomplished. Only those bars
and plates that meet all specifications may be used throughout the entire competition
and for all lifts. Bars to be used shall not be chromed on the knurling between the inside
collars. Only bars and plates that have official USPA approval may be used at any USPA
2.2.2 Bars They shall be straight and well knurled and grooved and shall conform to the
following dimensions:
2.2.3 Total overall length not to exceed 2.5 m.
2.2.4 Distance between the collar faces is not to exceed 1.48 m or be less than 1.31 m.
2.2.5 Diameter of the bar is not to exceed 32 mm or be less than 27 mm.
2.2.6 Weight of the standard bar and collars are not to exceed 25 kg.
2.2.7 Weight of the specialized squat bar and collars are not to exceed 30 kg.
2.2.8 Diameter of the sleeve not to exceed 53 mm or be less than 50 mm.
2.2.9 There shall be a circumferential machine marking on the bar taped to measure 81 cm
between markings. No other circumferential machine markings shall be on the bar
except to indicate the bars center for alignment purposes.
2.2.10 The correct bar for each lift shall be used in all competitions. Meet Directors have the
option of using either a 20 kg power bar or 25 kg squat bar during any squat flight and
should notify all lifters well before the meet which bar will be used. During the bench
press only a 20 kg power bar must be used. During the deadlift, only a deadlift specific
20 kg bar must be used. All bars, including those on the main platform as well as the
warm-up area, must be free of any spray on coating such as a polymer ceramic coating,
i.e. Cerakote.
2.2.11 Plates They shall conform as follows:
2.2.12 All plates used in competition must weigh within 0.25 percent of their correct face
2.2.13 The bore hole size in the middle of the plate may not exceed 53 mm or be less than 51
2.2.14 Plates must be in kilogram weight and be within in following range: 1.25 kg, 2.5 kg, 5 kg,
10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg and 50 kg.
2.2.15 For record purposes, lighter plates of 0.25 kg and .5 kg may be used to achieve a weight
of at least 500 grams more than the existing record.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
2.2.16 Plates weighing 25 kg and over must not exceed 5 cm in thickness. Plates weighing 20 kg
and under must not exceed 2.5 cm in thickness.
2.2.17 Plates must conform to the following color code: 10 kg and under - any color, 15 kg -
yellow, 20 kg blue, 25 kg red and 50 kg -green.
2.2.18 All plates must be clearly marked with their weight and loaded in the sequence of
heavier plates innermost with the smaller plates in descending weight arranged so that
the referees can read the weight on each plate.
2.2.19 The first and heaviest plate loaded on the bar must be loaded facing in; with the rest of
the plates loaded facing out.
2.2.20 The diameter of the largest plate shall not be more than 45 cm.
2.2.21 Any plate missing its calibration screw cannot be used in the setting of any USPA record.
2.2.22 It is recommended that 50 kg plates should not be used during meets unless absolutely
Item 2.3 Collars
2.3.1 Collars will weigh 2.5 kg each and always be used in competition.
2.3.2 Bar and collar combination must not exceed 30 kg.
Item 2.4 Squat Racks & Combo Squat/Bench Press Racks
2.4.1 Squat racks/mono-lifts shall be of sturdy construction and provide maximum stability.
The base shall be of such design that it does not impede the lifter or the
spotter/loaders. It may consist of a one-piece unit or two separate stands designed to
hold the bar in a horizontal position.
2.4.2 The squat racks/mono-lifts shall be designed to adjust from a minimum height of 1 m, in
the lowest position to extend to a height of at least 1.70 m, in increments not to exceed
5 cm.
2.4.3 All hydraulic racks must be capable of being secured at the required height by means of
2.4.4 The use of machines with swing arm levers (a.k.a. mono-lift) is permitted. However, the
swing arm lever pin must be in and the swing arm lever cannot be actuated for either
Raw, Classic Raw, or Single Ply lifters who must walk-out their squats per sec. 4.1.4.
Exception: Use of the movable arms is only permissible for Multi Ply lifters.
2.4.5 Only combination squat/bench press racks that have been pre-approved by the USPA
national office may be used in USPA competitions. New or existing manufacturers of
combination racks will only be considered for approval after submitting (at no cost) to
the USPA national office all rack measurements, specifications, and, if requested,
photographs to ensure the rack complies with all specifications in sections 2.4.1 through
2.5.8. The design must also be free of any defect that represents a potential safety
hazard. Racks from the following manufacturers have been approved: ER, Texas
Strength Systems, Eleiko, EliteFTS, West Cary Barbell, State of The Arc, Sam Hell Barbell,
Ghost and NSE-Naspower Strength Equipment.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 2.5 Bench
2.5.1 The bench shall be of sturdy construction for maximum stability and conform to the
following dimensions:
2.5.2 Length - not less than 1.22 m and shall be flat and level.
2.5.3 Width - not less than 29 cm and not exceeding 32 cm.
2.5.4 Height - not less than 42 cm and not exceeding 45 cm measured from the floor to the
top of the padded surface of the bench without it being depressed or compacted. The
height of the uprights on both adjustable and non-adjustable benches shall be a
minimum of 82 cm to a maximum of 100 cm measured from the floor to the bar rest
2.5.5 Minimum width between insides of bar rests shall be 110 cm.
2.5.6 The head of the bench shall extend 22 cm beyond the center of the uprights with a
tolerance of 5 cm either way.
2.5.7 Soft, expansive foam bench pads (“pillow tops”), are not allowed.
2.5.8 All benches used on the platforms during a competition must have a face saver that is
adjustable for each lifter’s individual setting. Face savers must be adjusted to each
individual’s setting to effectively ensure the safety of the lifter. If any official observes
that a safety rack is improperly adjusted, he/she may require a change in the setting
before the lifter is permitted to commence a lift.
Item 2.6 Judging Lights
2.6.1 A system of lights shall be provided whereby the referees make known their decisions.
Each referee will control a white and a red light. These two colors represent a "good lift"
and "no lift" respectively.
2.6.2 The lights shall be arranged horizontally to correspond with the positions of the three
referees. They must be wired in such a way that all lights remain off until all three
officials have made their decision and then all lights come on simultaneously.
2.6.3 For emergency purposes (e.g. a breakdown in the electrical system) the referees will be
provided with small white and red flags or cards with which to make known their
decisions on the Head Referee’s audible command "flags".
Item 3.1 Singlet
3.1.1 The singlet shall consist of a one-piece full-length-lifting suit of Single Ply stretch
material that is non-supportive. Supportive is defined as either the type of material used
in the construction of the garment, or the excessive tightness of the garment when
worn by the lifter, or a combination of the two. The construction of the suit must be
without any patches or padding. Any seams, false or otherwise, that in the opinion of
the referees are incorporated into the costume purely as a form of reinforcement or
bracing, shall invalidate the costume from being used in the competition. The costume
must be form fitting without any looseness when worn by the lifter. The straps must be
worn over the shoulders at all times while lifting in competition.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
3.1.2 It may be of any color or colors and may not have any pockets, buttons, zippers, or a
reinforced collar or seams.
3.1.3 The singlet may bear the badge, emblem, logo and/or inscription of the lifter’s nation,
national association, or sponsor. That which is offensive or liable to bring the sport into
disrepute is not allowed. No part of the lifter’s costume can bear the name, logo, or
image or any other powerlifting organization, other than the USPA/IPL and its affiliate
countries. Any attempt to conceal or cover another powerlifting organization name,
logo, or image, is not permissible.
3.1.4 The non-supportive weightlifting/wrestling-type suits may have a double thickness of
the same material, however, must be size 12 cm x 24 cm or smaller and in the area of
the crotch only.
3.1.5 It must have legs and the length of the leg must not extend below mid-thigh or be
shorter than 2 in from the crotch. The mid-thigh measurement is to be taken on a line
from the top of the knee to the crotch.
3.1.6 A singlet is required to be worn by all lifters during the bench, as well as any lifter not
wearing a squat or deadlift suit during their respective lifts.
3.1.7 Any singlet with straps that have been shortened, in any fashion that may leave the
excessive material intact, may not stitch or reattach the excess material back down to
the suit itself. The maximum amount the excess fabric (“tabs”) may extend is two inches
above the new seam. Velcro is not allowed on the straps or any part of the singlet.
Zippers are not allowed on singlets.
3.1.8 Any portion of the lifters costume that expressly or implicitly implies, or makes any
reference whatsoever, to the use or non-use of performance enhancing drugs is strictly
Item 3.2 Lifting Costume
3.2.1 The lifting costume (commonly known as a bench shirt, squat suit or deadlift suit) shall
consist of a one-piece costume of Single Ply material. The construction of the suit must
be without any patches or padding and have a maximum overall material thickness not
exceeding 1.3 mm at any measured point, except at any seam. Any seams, false or
otherwise, that in the opinion of the referees are incorporated into the costume purely
as a form of reinforcement or bracing, shall invalidate the costume from being used in
the competition. The straps must be always worn over the shoulders while lifting in
3.2.2 Only costumes officially registered and approved by the USPA Technical Chairman shall
be permitted for use in powerlifting competitions. The lifting costume shall also be
subject to the following requirements:
3.2.3 It may be of any color or colors.
3.2.4 The lifting costume may bear the badge, emblem, and/or inscription of the lifter’s
nation, national association, manufacturer’s logo or sponsor. That which is offensive or
liable to bring the sport into disrepute is not allowed. No part of the lifter’s costume can
bear the name, logo, or image of any other powerlifting organization other than the
USPA or IPL and its affiliate states/countries.
3.2.5 Seams and hems must not exceed 3 cm in width and 0.5 cm in thickness.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
3.2.6 Seams may be protected or strengthened by narrow gauge webbing or stretch material
not exceeding 2cm in width and 0.5 cm in thickness.
3.2.7 Any alterations to the costume, which exceed the established widths, lengths or
thickness previously stated, shall make the suit illegal for competition.
3.2.8 Any lifting costume in which straps have been shortened in any fashion that may leave
the excessive material intact, may not stitch or reattach the excess material back down
to the suit itself. The maximum amount the excess fabric (“tabs”) may extend is 2 in
above the new seam. Velcro is not allowed on the straps or any part of any lifting
costume in either the Raw or Single Ply divisions, with the only exception being allowed
on open-back bench shirts (see 3.3.6).
Item 3.3 Bench Shirt
3.3.1 Single Ply bench shirts that have been approved by the Technical Chairman and noted in
the list of approved equipment and clothing within this rulebook, may be worn for the
bench press only. Its' construction may only consist of a Single Ply and must, as a whole,
be of single material construction. The shirt cannot have an open back. The Multi Ply
(consisting of more than one layer) bench shirt may be open back and consist of
multiple layers.
3.3.2 These and similar shirts are not permitted to be worn for the execution of other lifts
under any circumstances. Only an undershirt as defined in the rules shall be worn during
the squat and optionally in the deadlift.
3.3.3 Does not consist of any rubberized or similar stretch material or threading. It must be
made either exclusively of cotton or polyester, or a mixture of cotton and polyester.
Denim is allowed; however, canvas material is not permitted.
3.3.4 Is not constructed so as to place seams in a position, which, in the opinion of the USPA
contest official, might tend to assist the lifter in powerlifting competition.
3.3.5 It shall not have sleeves that terminate below the elbow when worn while the lifter’s
arms are extended down at their sides. Note: Sleeves that extend below the elbow
cannot be rolled up above the elbow; this would be considered Multi Ply.
3.3.6 Velcro is allowed to fasten the shirt to the lifter. Velcro can only be placed on the back
of the shirt and must close the back of the shirt completely. It cannot go around the
lifter; this would make it Multi Ply.
3.3.7 Patches or stitching may not be added anywhere on the lifter’s shirt that may give the
lifter an unfair advantage.
3.3.8 All other material, construction, seams, and specifications found in “Item 2 Lifting
Costume” apply.
3.3.9 When worn by the lifter, the shoulders of the shirt must cover the deltoids, and the
lowest point of the front neckline cannot be below the nipple line. The collar on the
front of the shirt cannot be any wider than 1.25 in.
3.3.10 The bench shirt may have additional non-supportive loops designed to facilitate
securing the sleeves in place. They are sewn into the back side of the bench shirt directly
behind the triceps. The loops are constructed of polyester material or nylon webbing
and are not to exceed a width of 1.5 in and length of 3.5 in. The loop must consist of
Single Ply material and be attached in a loose fashion so as to permit the use of a hand
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
or mechanical hook. Constructed of a Single Ply material, the loop thickness may not
exceed 1/8 in (0.125 cm).
Item 3.4 Erector Shirts (allowed in Multi Ply only)
3.4.1 The “erector” shirt can only be used during the squat and deadlift in the Multi Ply
division only.
Item 3.5 Undershirt
3.5.1 An undershirt (t-shirt) with or without sleeves must be worn under a Raw lifter’s singlet,
and an equipped lifter’s squat suit, during the performance of the squat. A t-shirt must
be worn under a Raw lifter’s singlet during the bench press but is not allowed to be
worn under a bench shirt. While performing the deadlift, women are required to wear a
minimum of a sports bra, and a t-shirt is optional for both men and women. The
undershirt is subject to the following provisions:
3.5.2 It can be of any color or colors, but may not have any pockets, buttons, zippers or a
reinforced collar or seams.
3.5.3 It is not ribbed and does not consist of any rubberized or similar stretch material or
threading. The t-shirt must be made of 100% cotton or a mixture of cotton and
3.5.4 Is not constructed so as to place seams in a position, or have any reinforced seams
which, in the opinion of the USPA contest official, might tend to assist the lifter in
powerlifting competition.
3.5.5 It may have sleeves, or be sleeveless, tank tops are not allowed. The sleeve length may
not extend below the elbows while the lifters arms are down at their sides.
3.5.6 Fits loosely enough on the lifter’s body to ensure that it does not afford the lifter any
physical support.
3.5.7 It may not be worn under a bench press shirt. It must be an individual article of cloth.
The t-shirt may be the official t-shirt of the contest in which the lifter is competing or
have any design that is not offensive or likely to bring the sport into disrepute.
Item 3.6 Underwear
3.6.1 Underwear - A standard commercial "athletic supporter" or standard commercial
underwear of any mixture of cotton, nylon or polyester may be worn under the singlet
or lifting costume while competing in either a Raw, Single Ply, or Multi Ply competition.
It is optional that a lifter wear underwear during a competition.
3.6.2 All underwear will be traditional “brief” style with no legs, also known as having a “V”
cut leg opening.
3.6.3 Any lifter competing while wearing any type of supportive underwear, or underwear
that is not a legless brief style, may be removed from the meet for deliberately
attempting to cheat.
Item 3.7 Support Briefs
3.7.1 Support briefs may be worn in Multi Ply competitions only. The support brief may not
extend beyond the lifter’s mid-torso, nor extend beyond mid-thigh.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
3.7.2 They may be of multiple plies to any thickness but must as a whole be a single
3.7.3 For specific equipment examples see section Part 11, Item 1 for the approved
equipment list.
Item 3.8 Socks
3.8.1 Only one pair of socks may be worn at a time.
3.8.2 They may be of any color or colors.
3.8.3 They shall not be of such length on the leg that they come in contact with the knee or
meet any knee wrapping or knee sleeve when in use.
3.8.4 Full-length leg stockings, tights or hose are strictly forbidden.
3.8.5 During the execution of the deadlift, one pair of knee-length socks must be worn. They
must cover to the top of calf, ending just below the knee joint. See drawings below.
3.8.6 Duct tape may never be worn in place of a knee sock, but may be worn under the sock
as a shin guard as long as all duct tape is covered by the sock.
Item 3.9 Belt
3.9.1 Competitors may wear a belt. It shall be on the outside of the lifting suit with the buckle
in the front or rear of the lifter’s body. However, the lifter cannot wear the buckle of his
belt at his back during the bench press.
3.9.2 Materials and construction are as follows:
3.9.3 The main body shall be made of leather, vinyl or other similar non-stretch material in
one or more laminations, which may be glued, riveted and/or stitched together.
3.9.4 It shall not have additional padding, bracing or supports of any material on the surface
or concealed within the laminations of the belt.
3.9.5 A standard metal buckle and studs are the only non-leather components permitted,
with the exception of the materials used in the “quick release” or ratchet-style
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
mechanism. The buckle shall be attached at one end of the belt by means of studs
and/or stitching.
3.9.6 The belt may have a buckle with one or two prongs, "quick release" type or ratchet
style. Velcro is not allowed anywhere on the lifting belt.
3.9.7 A leather or vinyl tongue loop shall be attached close to the buckle by means of studs
and/or stitching.
3.9.8 The names of the lifter, the lifter’s sponsor, or club may appear on the outside of the
belt. They may be of any color or colors.
3.9.9 Width of belt may be a maximum of 10 cm. (#1 below)
3.9.10 Thickness of belt may be a maximum of 13 mm along the main length (#2 below),
excluding any materials associated with the ratchet mechanism.
3.9.11 Inside width of buckle, maximum 11cm. (#3 below)
3.9.12 Outside width of buckle may be a maximum of 13 cm. (#4 below)
3.9.13 Tongue loop maybe a maximum width of 5 cm. (#5 below)
3.9.14 Distance between end of belt and far end of tongue loop may be a maximum of 15 cm.
(#6 below)
Item 3.10 Shoes or Boots
3.10.1 Lifting shoes or boots shall be worn. They may be of any color or colors.
3.10.2 Shoes may include boots, sport shoes, gymnastic slippers or any foot covering that
covers the entire foot and heel that has a patterned molding or foot type outline that
provides an inner sole.
3.10.3 Shoes with metal or rubber spikes/cleats are not permitted.
Item 3.11 Wrist & Knee Wraps/ Knee & Elbow Sleeves/Hats, Sweat Bands, Head
Gear/Wrist Wraps
3.11.1 Only wrist wraps of one ply commercially woven elastic that is covered with polyester,
cotton or combinations of either materials is permitted.
3.11.2 Wrist wraps may not exceed 1 m in length and 8 cm in width. Any sleeves, and Velcro
patches/tabs or other material (not to exceed 10 cm) for securing, must be incorporated
within the one-meter length. A loop may be attached as an aid to securing. The loop
shall not cover the thumb or fingers during the lift.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
3.11.3 A wrist wrap shall not extend beyond 10 cm above and 2cm below the center of the
wrist joint and shall not exceed a covering width of 12 cm when worn. No portion of the
wrap may be in contact with the bar.
3.11.4 Standard commercial sweat bands may be worn, not exceeding 12 cm in width. A
combination of wrist wraps and sweat bands is not allowed.
Knee Wraps/Knee Sleeves
3.11.5 Only knee wraps of one ply not exceeding 2.5 m in length and 8cm in width may be
used. Any Velcro patches/tabs or other material (not to exceed 10 cm) for securing,
must be incorporated within the 2.5-meter length. If knee wraps are composed of
multiple single ply material sections, they must be joined in a seam that is end-to-end
and does not overlap creating a multi ply seam. A knee wrap shall not extend beyond 15
cm above and 15 cm below the center of the knee joint and shall not exceed a total
covered width of 30 cm.
3.11.6 Alternatively, a one-ply knee sleeve or knee wrap made from commercially available
neoprene or woven elastic that is covered with polyester, cotton or combinations of
either materials of not more than 30 cm in length, and not exceeding 7mm in thickness.
Knee sleeves cannot have any crisscross seams that allow additional support. The
placement of the sleeve is the same as in 3.11.5
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
3.11.7 Raw lifters may only use the optional single ply knee sleeve during their lift, and it may
not have any Velcro on it, must be both non-adjustable and non-fastening.
3.11.8 Knee wraps and knee sleeves shall not be in contact with the socks or lifting suit.
3.11.9 Wraps shall not be used elsewhere on the body.
3.11.10 A combination of a knee wrap and knee sleeve is strictly forbidden.
Hats, Sweat Bands, Head Gear
3.11.11 Hats and dew rags are strictly forbidden to be worn on the lifting platform.
3.11.12 Head sweat bands are allowed with the maximum width of 10 cm.
3.11.13 Lifter safety prohibits the use of any type of head phone or ear plug to be used while on
the platform.
Medical Tape/Bandages
3.11.14 Two layers of bandages or band-aids may be worn by the lifter during the performance
of all three lifts after receiving permission from the Head Referee validating the medical
necessity to use them. However plasters, bandages or band-aids may not be used as
aids to the lifter in the performance of the lift or in holding the bar.
3.11.15 Contingent upon prior approval by the Head Referee the lifter or medical personnel may
apply bandages or wraps to bodily injuries in a fashion that would not grant the lifter an
undue advantage.
3.11.16 At all competitions where no medical personnel are on duty, the Head Referee shall
have jurisdiction over the use of all medical tapes and bandages.
3.11.17 All medical letters in support of a lifter request to allow the use of medical tape or
bandages during their lifts should be presented to the Head Referee prior to the start of
the meet for his determination as to its legality under the rules.
3.11.18 The use of kinesiology tape (KT tape) or similar tapes is not allowed.
Elbow Sleeves:
3.11.19 Elbow sleeves made from commercially available neoprene or woven elastic that is
covered with polyester, cotton or combinations of either materials not exceeding 20 cm
in length and 7 mm in thickness may only be worn in the squat and deadlift. Lifters may
only use the optional Single Ply elbow sleeve during their lift. It may not have any Velcro
on it and must be both non-adjustable and non-fastening.
3.11.20 The placement of the sleeve shall be approximately 10 cm above, and 10 cm below the
elbow joint. The t-shirt sleeve may overlap the elbow sleeve as long as it does not
extend below the lifter’s elbow.
3.11.21 Elbow cuffs may only be worn directly centered on the lifter’s elbow when the arm is
bent at a 90-degree angle. They may not be worn as tendonitis bands on the lifter’s
forearm. All other specs found in sections 3.11.19 and 3.11.20 also apply.
Item 3.12. Blood Management
3.12.1 Blood or open wounds are not allowed on a lifter while on the platform. Any injuries
must be treated and bandaged prior to a lifter’s attempt. Should blood come in contact
with the bar or equipment, the lifting shall be stopped, and the bar or equipment
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
sterilized with a bleach solution, hydrogen peroxide, or isopropyl alcohol. It is the Meet
Director’s responsibility to have such a solution present at the competition.
3.12.2 If a lifter appears on the platform with any blood or open wounds showing it will be
their responsibility to correct the problem before being allowed to continue with their
lift. The time clock will remain running; should they be unable to correct the problem
before their time runs out, they will forfeit the attempt.
Item 3.13 Shin Guards
3.13.1 Shin guards may only be used during the deadlift and must be worn under the socks.
Items such as duct tape, plastic inserts, knee or elbow sleeves, or other materials no
greater than 10 mm in thickness, that will protect the lifters shin during the
performance of the deadlift, without giving any unfair advantage, may be worn. All
forms of a shin guard must be fully covered by the approved lifter’s deadlift sock.
Item 3.14 Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply Equipment Definition
3.14.1 The approved costume and equipment allowed for the Raw division competitions will
be defined as a non-supportive, one-piece, Single Ply singlet (Part 3, Item 1), a t-shirt
(Item 5), optional underwear (Item 6), socks (Item 8), optional belt (Item 9), shoes (Item
10), and optional Single Ply wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and knee sleeves. (Item 11).
Knee wraps of any length are not allowed. The Rules of Performance for all three lifts
are the same for Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply competitors.
3.14.2 The approved costume and equipment allowed for the Classic Raw division
competitions will be defined as a nonsupportive, one piece, Single Ply singlet (Part 3,
Item 1), a t-shirt (Item 5), optional underwear (Item 6), socks (Item 8), optional belt
(Item 9), shoes (Item 10), and optional Single Ply wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and knee
wraps up to 2.5m (item 11). The Rules of Performance for all three lifts are the same for
Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply competitors.
3.14.3 The approved costume and equipment allowed for the Single Ply division competitions
will be defined as a supportive, one-piece, Single Ply squat, bench, and deadlift suit (Part
3, Item 2 and 3), a t-shirt (Item 5), optional underwear (Item 6), socks (Item 8), optional
belt (Item 9), shoes (Item 10), and optional Single Ply wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and
knee wraps up to 2.5 m (item 11). The Rules of Performance for all three lifts are the
same for Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply competitors.
3.14.4 The approved costume and equipment allowed for the Multi Ply division competitions
will be defined as a supportive, one-piece, Multi Ply squat, bench, and deadlift suit (Part
3, Item 2 and 3), a t-shirt (Item 5), optional underwear (Item 6), socks (Item 8), optional
belt (Item 9), shoes (Item 10), and optional Single Ply wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and
knee wraps up to 2.5m (item 11). The Rules of Performance for all three lifts are the
same for Raw, Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply competitors.
Item 3.15 Inspection of Costume and Personal Equipment
3.15.1 Equipment inspections are required and will take place during the weigh-in periods or
before the official weigh-in period begins. It is the lifter’s responsibility to bring all
equipment intended for use during the meet to their weigh-in session and have it
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
inspected by an official. If after the inspection, a lifter appears on the platform wearing
or using any illegal item or article not approved, the lifter may immediately be
disqualified from the competition.
3.15.2 Knee wraps, wrist wraps, or the legs on underwear over permitted length shall be
rejected but may be cut to correct length and resubmitted within the specified
inspection time. It is the lifter’s responsibility to cut any item not in compliance and
bring them within proper specs. The examining referee is not permitted to perform this
3.15.3 Any item considered unclean or torn shall be rejected. Lifters may not appear on the
platform while wearing torn apparel.
3.15.4 All items mentioned previously under Costume and Personal Equipment shall be
inspected prior to the competition together with any other items such as headbands,
mouthpieces, ribbons, etc. that the lifter may wish to wear on the platform. Hats are
strictly forbidden and may not be worn on the platform during lifting. Items such as
watches, costume jewelry, eyewear and feminine hygiene articles need not be
3.15.5 Any lifter successful in a State, National or World record attempt must immediately
present themselves to one of the three referees for inspection. If the lifter is found to be
wearing illegal items, the lift shall be declared invalid, and the lifter may be disqualified
from the competition. If during this inspection a referee cannot determine the legality
of an items or believes the lifter to be in violation of one or more of the equipment
rules, the lifter will be taken to a private area and thoroughly inspected by two meet
officials of the same gender as the lifter to determine the legality of all equipment.
Item 3.16 General
3.16.1 The use of oil, grease or other lubricants on the body, costume or personal equipment is
strictly forbidden.
3.16.2 The use of any form of adhesive, or any other substance on the underside of shoes or
boots is strictly forbidden. Lifters will be allowed to wipe their shoes off on a wet towel
just prior to stepping on the platform.
3.16.3 Baby powder, pool hall chalk, liquid chalk, resin, talc or magnesium carbonates are the
only substances that may be added to the body and attire. The Meet Director may limit
its application to a designated area only.
3.16.4 No foreign substance may be applied to equipment or wraps. Nothing may be purposely
applied to the platform, bench, or bars. This includes, but is not limited to, spray on
adhesives or other substances such as a polymer ceramic coating i.e., Cerakote.
3.16.5 The uses of substance like ammonia caps, smelling salts, etc. cannot be used anywhere
near the lifting platform or in view of the audience.
Item 4.1 Squat
4.1.1 The lifter shall face the front of the platform.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
4.1.2 Not more than five and not less than three spotters/loaders shall be on the platform at
any time. A lifter may not use their own personal back spotter; they must use the same
official meet spotters provided for all other lifters. (See exception 6.2.38)
4.1.3 The lifter may enlist the help of the spotter/loaders in removing the bar from the racks;
however, once the bar has cleared the racks, the spotters/loaders shall not assist the
lifter further with regard to proper positioning, foot placement, bar positioning, etc.
4.1.4 The lifter shall not hold the collars, sleeves or plates at any time during the performance
of the lift. However, the edge of the hands gripping the bar may be in contact with the
inner surface of the sleeves. After removing the bar from the squat racks or the mono-
lift, the lifter must move backwards by taking one or more steps to establish the proper
starting position. The lifter shall assume an upright position with the top of the bar not
more than 3cm below the superior deltoids. The bar shall be held horizontally across the
shoulders with the hands and fingers gripping the bar and the feet flat on the platform
with the knees locked. Note: If a mono-lift is used, the swing arm lever pin cannot be
removed, or the swing arm lever actuated. The lifter must still un-rack the weight and
move backwards to establish his position (see exception 2.4.4).
4.1.5 The lifter shall wait in this position for the Head Referee’s signal. The signal shall be
given as soon as the lifter is motionless with knees locked and the bar properly
positioned. The Head Referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm
and the audible command "SQUAT".
4.1.6 Upon receiving the head Referee’s signal, the lifter must bend the knees and lower the
body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees.
4.1.7 The lifter must recover at will without double bouncing or any downward movement to
an upright position with the knees locked. When the lifter is motionless, the Head
Referee will give the signal to replace the bar.
4.1.8 The signal to replace the bar will consist of a backward motion of the hand and the
audible command "RACK". The lifter must then make a bona fide attempt to return the
bar to the racks.
4.1.9 For reasons of safety the lifter will be requested to “Re-Place” the bar, together with a
backward motion of the arm, if after five seconds they are not in the correct position to
begin the lift.
4.1.10 The correct bar for each lift shall be used in all competitions. Meet Directors have the
option of using either a 20 kg power bar or 25 kg squat bar during any squat flight and
should notify all lifters well before the meet which bar will be used. During the bench
press only a 20 kg power bar must be used. During the deadlift, only a deadlift specific
20 kg bar must be used.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
The diagrams below indicate legal depth in the squat and legal bar position:
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 4.2 Causes for Disqualification of a Squat:
4.2.1 Failure to observe the Head Referee’s signals at the commencement or completion of a
4.2.2 Double bouncing or more than one descending or ascending motion throughout the lift.
4.2.3 Failure to assume an upright position with the knees locked at the commencement and
completion of the lift.
4.2.4 Any shifting of the feet laterally, backwards or forwards, during the performance of the
4.2.5 Failure to bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip
joint is lower than the top of the knees.
4.2.6 Changing the position of the bar across the shoulders after the commencement of the
4.2.7 Contact with the bar by the spotter/loaders between the referee’s signals.
4.2.8 Contact of elbows or upper arms with the legs, slight contact is permitted if there is no
supporting that might aid the lifter.
4.2.9 Failure to make a bona fide attempt to return the bar to the racks.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
4.2.10 Any intentional dropping or dumping of the bar, or action that jeopardizes the safety of
any personnel, will be deemed a serious infraction and may, at the discretion of the
meet director in consultation with the referees, result in immediate disqualification
from the competition or forfeiture or any subsequent attempts on the lift where the
infraction occurs. There must be no fault of the spotters when imposing this discretion.
4.2.11 Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the general description of
the lift, which precedes this list of disqualifications.
4.2.12 If a mono-lift is used and the swing arm lever actuated, and/or the lifter does not move
backwards to establish his position (see exception 2.4.4)
4.2.13 Failing to remove the bar from the racks before the one-minute clock expires.
4.2.14 Deliberate or intentional contact between the bar and the bar-rest supports during the
lift. However, unintentional contact that did not assist the lifter is not reason to turn
down the lift.
4.2.15 If a lifter inadvertently steps in any direction after the completion of the lift, and after
the rack command has been given, it is not reason to red light the lift.
4.2.16 There are several movements to be considered (breath before squat, unhinging hips
before the squat, lowering or raising the bar while the knees are still locked and
unlocking and relocking the knees):
A. The lifter is ready to squat and gets the "SQUAT" command but has not yet unlocked
their knees to start the descent. The lifter takes a big breath to fill the lungs. This may
cause a slight upward and downward movement of the bar on the shoulders. This slight
movement is not considered to be a violation.
B. The lifter is ready to squat and gets the "SQUAT" command. While in the erect
position with knees still locked, the lifter unhinges the hips to align the back prior to
making the descent. This slight hip movement and possibly some slight bar movement is
not to be considered a violation.
C. The lifter is ready to squat and gets the "SQUAT" command. While the knees are still
in a locked position, the lifter bends at the waist or changes the erect body position
which results in the lowering and raising of the bar. This deliberate or unintentional
movement of the body and bar is to be considered a violation.
D. The lifter is ready to squat and get the "SQUAT" command. The lifter unlocks their
knees and then relocks the knees prior to unlocking the knees to commence the descent
in the squat. This is to be considered a violation.
Item 4.3 Bench Press:
4.3.1 The head of the bench must be placed on the platform facing the Head Referee.
4.3.2 The lifter must lie on his back with shoulders and buttocks in contact with the flat bench
surface. This position must be maintained throughout the lift. The head may remain flat
or rise during the lift. The lifter has the option of benching while either flat footed, or on
the toes, as long as the foot remains in contact with the lifting platform. The feet may
move up and down during the lift and come in contact with each other as long as they
do not come in contact with the equipment.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
4.3.3 The hands may grip the bar with a "thumbs around" grip, “thumb less” grip, or “reverse”
grip. They may not grip outside the 81cm mark. Index fingers’ covering the 81 cm ring is
allowed. If a lifter must use an offset or unequal grip, whereby one hand is placed
outside the marking, it is the lifters responsibility to explain to the head referee and
allow inspection of the intended grip prior to making the attempt. The maximum
distance between the lifters index fingers using an offset grip may never exceed 81 cm,
same as a conventional lifter.
4.3.4 To achieve firm footing the lifter may use flat surfaced plates or blocks not exceeding
30cm in total height, or 45cm length x 45cm width, to build up the surface of the
4.3.5 Not more than four, and not less than two spotter / loaders shall assist the lifter on the
platform. The lifter may enlist the help of the spotter / loaders in removing the bar from
the racks. The lift off must be to arm’s length. At no time may the lifter bring in their
own personal side spotters, only official meet side spotters provided can be used (See
exception 6.2.38). They may however use their own center spotter.
4.3.6 If a center spotter is used, they must move off the platform and to one side after the
handoff prior to the commencement of the lift. For safety reasons they will be allowed
to stay in close proximity (but not blocking the referees view) for any emergencies.
4.3.7 After removing the bar from the racks or receiving it from the spotter / loaders, the
lifter shall show full lock-out of both elbows, along with complete control prior to the
“START” command being given.
4.3.8 For reasons of safety, the lifter will be requested to “Re-Place” the bar, together with a
backward motion of the arm, if after five seconds they are not in the correct position to
begin the lift.
4.3.9 Once the lift has begun, the lifter must lower the bar and hold it motionless on the chest
or abdominal area with a definite and visible pause. At no time may the bar come in
contact with the lifters belt. For Multi Ply bench requirements, refer to section 11.5.2.
4.3.10 Once the bar is paused and motionless on the chest or abdominal area, the audible
command “PRESS” will be given. The bar must be pressed upwards with elbows fully
locked. Any pronounced or exaggerated uneven lockout of the bar is not allowed. Note:
If a lifter has any physical abnormality, handicap or incapacity of extending their arm or
arms to arm’s length with elbows fully locked, they must inform and show physical,
visual proof to the Head Referee prior to the start of their lift.
4.3.11 When the bar is held motionless in this position the audible command "RACK" is given.
The spotters / loaders may assist the lifter in returning the bar to the rack.
Item 4.4 Causes for Disqualification of a Bench Press
4.4.1 Failure to observe any of the Head Referee’s signals for the lift.
4.4.2 Any change in the elected lifting position during the lift, other than the head (i.e. any
raising movement of the shoulders or buttocks from their original points of contact with
the bench, or lateral movement of the hands on the bar after the “START” command has
been given.) Feet must remain in contact with the floor, however, incidental movement
as much as half the length and half the width of the lifters foot is permitted.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
4.4.3 Bouncing or sinking the bar after it has been motionless on the chest or abdominal area,
and the “PRESS” command has been given.
4.4.4 Any pronounced uneven lockout of the arms during the execution of the lift.
4.4.5 Any downward movement of the bar in the course of being pressed out.
4.4.6 Failure to press the bar to full extension of the arms at the completion of the lift.
4.4.7 Intentional contact with the bar by spotter / loaders between the Head Referee’s
4.4.8 Any contact of the lifter’s feet with the bench or its supports.
4.4.9 Deliberate or intentional contact between the bar and the bar-rest supports during the
lift. However, unintentional contact that did not assist the lifter is not reason to turn
down the lift.
4.4.10 The bar coming in contact with the lifting belt.
4.4.11 Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the general description of
the lift, which precedes this list of disqualifications.
4.4.12 If a lifter wears the buckle of their belt on his back during the bench presses.
4.4.13 Failure to achieve the proper start position under control, with both elbows fully locked
out prior to the “Start” command being given.
4.4.14 Receiving assistance (e.g. adjusting the shirt, belt, wraps, body position, etc.) from any
person that has either stepped on the platform, or leaned in, before or during the
performance of the lift. (see 6.3.2)
4.4.15 Failing to remove the bar from the racks before the one-minute clock expires.
4.4.16 Double bouncing or more than one descending or ascending motion throughout the lift.
4.4.17 The bar coming in contact with the “face saver” safety rack.
Item 4.5 Deadlift
4.5.1 The lifter shall face the front of the platform.
4.5.2 The lifter has one attempt to complete the lift. Any rising of the bar to the point where
all the plates come off the floor on either or both sides will be considered a bona fide
4.5.3 The bar must be laid horizontally in front of the lifter’s feet, gripped with an optional
grip in both hands. The lifter can start the lift at any time before the one-minute clock
expires. Once started, it must be lifted without any downward movement until the lifter
is standing erect. The bar may come to a stop, but no portion may reverse direction at
any time.
4.5.4 On completion of the lift, the knees, hips, and shoulders shall be locked in a straight
position and the lifter is standing erect.
4.5.5 The Head Referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the hand and the
audible command “DOWN”. The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless,
and the lifter is in the finished position.
4.5.6 The lifter will return the bar to the platform with both hands and under control.
Item 4.6 Causes for Disqualification of a Deadlift
4.6.1 Any downward movement of the bar before it reaches the final position, prior to the
“Down” command.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
4.6.2 Failure to stand erect with the hips fully locked forward, and the shoulders in an upright,
erect, and locked position.
4.6.3 Failure to lock the knees straight at the completion of the lift.
4.6.4 Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift.
4.6.5 Upward and downward “jerking” of the bar commonly known as “hitching”.
4.6.6 Stepping backward, forward, or lateral movement of the foot, either before or after the
down command. Rocking the foot between ball and heel is permitted.
4.6.7 Lowering the bar before receiving the Head Referee’s signal.
4.6.8 After the down command, the bar must be returned to the platform with both hands on
the bar without any force or propelling of the bar downward.
4.6.9 Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the general description of
the lift, which precedes this list of disqualifications.
4.6.10 Should the bar settle as the lifter’s shoulders come back (slight downward motion)
should not be reason to disqualify the lift.
4.6.11 Failing to begin the lift prior to the one-minute time clock expiring. The lift will officially
begin when the lifter makes a determined or deliberate attempt to raise the bar.
4.6.12 Shaking of the body under maximum exertion during the deadlift is not necessarily a
cause for disqualification.
Item 5.1 Weighing-In of the Competitors
5.1.1 All lifters must attend a weigh in session, which will be carried out in the presence of
one to three appointed referees.
5.1.2 An optional early weigh in session may be established by the Meet Director and contest
officials, and the lifters informed accordingly. This session may occur up to, but not
greater than 24 hours prior to the start of the meet.
5.1.3 All weigh in sessions will last a minimum of one and a half hours, except for the early
morning session the day of the meet that can be as short as one hour. It is not
recommended, but the morning of the meet weigh in session can be on an appointment
only basis, as long as it was published this way for all competitors to know about on the
meet entry form in advance.
5.1.4 The weigh in for each competitor will be carried out in a locked room, or behind a
privacy partition, with only the competitor, his coach or manager, and the referees
present. All lifters will be weighed in by an official of the same gender. If an official of
the same gender is not available, one may be appointed for this purpose only.
5.1.5 The lifter’s agreed body weight must not be made public until all the lifters competing in
the particular category have been weighed in. The lifter will initial his body weight on his
score card acknowledging it is accurate.
5.1.6 Lifters will be weighed nude or in undershorts (bras allowed for female lifters) or
optionally in their singlet. For sanitary reasons a lifter is allowed to leave their socks on
during weigh-ins or may place a small paper towel on the scale to protect the feet.
5.1.7 The inspection of costume and personal equipment will take place during the weigh in
period by a USPA official. However, the meet director has the option of performing
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
equipment inspections before the official weigh-ins start. It is the lifter’s responsibility
to compete only in approved equipment. Any violations found by the Referees while the
lifter is on the platform that are considered a “minor” violation will result in a warning
and a possible disqualification of the lift. Any violation by a lifter that is considered
“intentional” (e.g. incorrect undershorts, two ply suit, 3 m knee wraps) will result in the
lifter being removed from the meet).
5.1.8 Each lifter may only officially weigh-in once. Only those whose bodyweights are heavier
or lighter than the category limits of the category entered are allowed to return to the
scales. They must return to the scales and make weight prior to the last official weigh in
session closing.
5.1.9 Lifters being weighed in for the first time take precedence over lifters being re-weighed.
A lifter can only be reweighed after all other lifters have been called to the scales. Lifters
trying to make weight may be weighed as often as time allows. A lifter may only be
weighed outside the time limit of one and a half hours if he presents himself within the
time limit, but due to the number of lifters trying to make weight, he is denied the
opportunity of mounting the scales. He may then be allowed one re-weigh at the
discretion of the referees.
5.1.10 (a) A lifter will have the option of moving up or down one weight class from that in
which he was originally entered. The exception to this rule is at the drug-tested and
non-tested National Championships, drug-tested and non-tested North American
Championships, drug-tested and non-tested IPL World Championships, and the Olympia.
In these competitions, lifters may not go down a weight class from the class they
qualified and entered the competition in. They may, however, go up one weight class as
long as they have 1) met the qualifying total for the higher weight class, and 2) a
vacancy is available on the roster that will allow the meet director to move the athlete
to a new day or flight as necessitated by the change. If a vacancy is not available for the
change in weight class, the lifter may remain on the originally scheduled roster and only
participate as a guest lifter.
(a) A lifter participating in a Qualifying/Local meet may change weight classes, either up
or down, with the permission of the meet director. In a state meet, a lifter may move
up or down one weight class with prior permission from the meet director. For all
regional, national and world level meets, which span multiple days with qualifying
requirements based on weight class, will be allowed to move up one weight class if the
following criteria are met:
a. There is space available at the higher weight class
b. The qualifying total requirements for the higher weight class have been met
during the meet’s qualifying period
c. The meet director approves of the weight class change
In regional, national and world level meets, lifters may NOT move down a weight class
without requalifying at the lower weight class.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
If a lifter cannot meet the above criteria for a weight class change, the lifter may remain
on the originally scheduled roster and only participate as a guest lifter. Please refer to
the table below:
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
** NOTE:
International lifters here on visas may:
1) compete in regional USPA meets if they are a USPA member
2) may not set U.S. records and may not compete in national championships. At
North American Championships all IPL lifters who meet the qualifying
requirements are eligible to compete.
5.1.10 (b) In any competition requiring a qualifying total, including those referenced in sec.
5.1.10, a lifter may qualify to compete in a “more supportive gear category” as long as
they have achieved the qualifying total in that category, even though they may have
qualified is a less supportive gear category.” See table below:
If, in your qualifying
meet, you compete in
the gear category:
And achieve a
qualifying total in the
following gear
You may compete in any of the
following gear categories:
Classic Raw
Raw or Classic Raw
Single Ply
Raw, Classic Raw or Single Ply
Classic Raw
Classic Raw
Classic Raw
Single Ply
Classic Raw or Single Ply
Multi Ply
Classic Raw, Single Ply or Multi Ply
Single Ply
Single Ply
Single Ply
Multi Ply
Single Ply or Multi Ply
5.1.11 If two lifters register the same bodyweight at the weigh in and eventually achieve the
same total at the end of the competition, they will be re-weighed, and the lighter
person will take precedence over the heavier person. However, if they still weigh the
same after re-weighing, they will then share the placing, and each receives an award. In
such circumstances, should two lifters be in first place, and then the next lifter shall be
placed third and so forth.
5.1.12 Lifters are required to check squat and bench press rack heights and foot blocks prior to
the start of the competition.
5.1.13 For any age-related class, proof of age must be provided. Documents unsupported by
photographic proof (i.e. birth certificates) are not acceptable. Only official documents
giving photographic evidence with corresponding personal details will be acceptable (i.e.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
passport, driver license, State or Military I.D., etc.). This shall also apply to master and
junior lifters competing in the open class in support of any record attempts.
5.1.14 If any lifter fails to achieve a total and is eliminated from any competition (a.k.a.
bombing out of the meet), they cannot pay another entry or just re-enter the
competition in another weight class and/or division. Especially if a lifter is eliminated
from a powerlifting competition, he cannot re- enter into the single lift bench or deadlift
portion of the competition. Also, if a competition is held over a number of days and a
lifter is eliminated from one day’s lifting, he cannot pay another entry to re-enter the
competition in another higher or lower weight class and/or division on the next day of
the competition.
5.1.15 At the meet director’s discretion, a lifter that has been eliminated from the competition
for failing to achieve a total in one of the lifts, may be allowed to complete the meet.
The lifter will not be eligible for any awards or records and will be considered a “guest”
lifter only.
5.1.16 All weigh-ins will be done on a certified calibrated kilo scale accurate to the tenth of a
kilo. All weights will be recorded on the lifter’s official score card to the tenth of a kilo
and initialed by the lifter and official as accurate. (e.g. 110.0 kg is correct, 110 kg is not
5.1.17 All first attempts will be given by the lifter or their coach to the weigh-in official at this
time. It will be entered on their official score card in pencil by the official only, and
initialed by the lifter or their coach acknowledging its accuracy.
5.1.18 It is the lifters responsibility to notify the weigh-in official if any of their opening
attempts will be for a State, National or World Record. This must be noted by the official
on the lifter’s score card by circling either a “S” for State Record, a “N” for National
Record or a “W” for World Record next to the requested amount in kilos.
5.1.19 All lifters must be current USPA members prior to weighing in. If a lifter is not a current
member, the lifter will fill out a membership application online, along with paying the
application fee, prior to being allowed to weigh in. No lifter may compete without
current membership and a signed waiver.
5.1.20 All minors younger than 18 years of age must be weighed in with two adult officials of
the same gender present in the room. No one other than the lifter, two officials, and a
parent, or parental approved coach, may be present in the room at the time of the
weigh in. Both officials must sign the lifter’s card verifying they were both present at the
time of the weigh in. In addition, the parent, or parental approved coach, must sign the
score card next to the lifters signature.
5.1.21 Only certified officials (referees or staff officials) are allowed to perform all duties
required at weigh in sessions, including, but not limited to - filling out the lifter’s cards,
assisting lifters with rack heights, doing the actual weigh ins, and performing gear
5.1.22 All weigh in officials are required to validate the specs of all lifters’ gear to be worn
during the meet. This would include gear both on, and not on our approved list. If not
certain an item is within the required specs found in the rule book, it may be necessary
to use a calibration tool to determine the legality of the gear.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 6.1 The Round System
6.1.1 At the weigh in, the lifter or his coach must declare a starting weight for all three lifts in
kilos using increments of 2.5kg unless it’s for a record. These must be entered on the
lifter’s official meet card, initialed by the lifter or his coach and retained by the official
conducting the weigh in. Having made or missed the first attempt at a lift, the lifter or
their coach must decide upon the weight required for the second attempt within the
one-minute allotted time. Responsibility for submitting attempts within the time limit
rests solely with the lifter or his coach. Failure to submit the lifter’s next attempt on
time will result in the lifter’s next attempt being repeated at the same weight if they
missed the last attempt or increasing it 2.5 kilos if the lift was successful. The requested
weight will be filled in on the lifter’s official meet card by the appointed official. The
same procedure is to be used for third attempts, and any fourth attempts that may be
granted under the rules regarding record attempts. At no time may a lifter request an
attempt that is less than any attempt previously un-successful.
6.1.2 Where 16 or more lifters are competing in a competition or flight, individual flights must
be formed consisting of approximately equal numbers of lifters per flight. A flight can
have a minimum of 8 lifters or a maximum of 15 lifters competing in the same flight. A
flight can be composed of a single bodyweight category or any combination of
bodyweight categories at the discretion of the organizer for purpose of presentation.
Flights should be classified using letters A, B, C, etc.
6.1.3 Flights shall be determined by lifter’s bodyweight categories, age group categories and
first attempts they listed during the weigh-ins. The lifter grouping with the lowest
bodyweight categories, in conjunction with the lowest first attempt numbers will form
the first flight (Flight A). The next lifter groupings will be with progressively higher
bodyweight categories, in conjunction with the lowest first attempt numbers to form
further flights (Flights B, Flight C, etc.) as necessary.
6.1.4 Each lifter will take his first attempt in the first round, his second attempt in the second
round and his third attempt in the third round. All fourth attempts will follow the end of
the third round for each lift.
6.1.5 When a flight consists of less than 10 lifters, compensatory time allowances shall be
added at the end of each round as follows: for 9 lifters add 1 minute; 8 lifters add 2
minutes; 7 lifters add 3 minutes. Three minutes is the maximum time allowance
permitted at the end of a round.
6.1.6 The bar must be loaded progressively during each round on the principle of a rising bar.
At no time will the weight of the bar be lowered within a round except for errors. Based
on the type of error (clerical, loading, spotter / loader, etc.), the Head Referee will
determine when the attempt will be taken during that round.
6.1.7 Lifting order within each round will be determined by the lifter’s choice of weight for
that round. In the event of two lifters choosing the same weight, the lifter with the
lower lot number will lift first. If lot numbers are not being used, then the lighter
weighing lifter will lift first.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
6.1.8 If unsuccessful with an attempt, lifters must wait until the next round before they can
make another attempt at the same weight or go up in weight. In a round where, an
attempt is unsuccessful due to a wrongly loaded bar or spotter error, the lifter will be
granted a further attempt at the correct weight. However, the extra attempt can only be
taken at the end of the round in which the error occurred. If the lifter was the last lifter
in the round, they shall be granted a three-minute rest prior to making their attempt;
second to the last lifter in the round, a two-minute rest period; and, third to the last
lifter in the round, a one-minute rest period will be given.
6.1.9 A lifter is permitted one change of weight on the first attempt of each lift. The change of
weight may be higher or lower than that originally submitted and the order of lifting in
the first round will be changed accordingly. If the lifter is in the first group, this change
may take place at any time up to within five minutes before the start of the first round
of that lift. The following groups are accorded a similar privilege up to within five
attempts from the end of the previous group’s last round of that lift. Prior notice of
these deadlines should be made by the announcer.
6.1.10 A lifter must submit his second and third attempts within one-minute of completing his
preceding attempt. If no weight is submitted within the one-minute time allowance and
the lifter’s preceding attempt was successful, he will automatically be given a 2.5 kg
increase. If the preceding attempt was not successful, he will be given the same attempt
6.1.11 Weights submitted for second round attempts on all three lifts cannot be changed.
Similarly, third round attempts on the squat and bench press cannot be changed.
6.1.12 In the third round of the dead lift, two weight changes are permitted. The change of
weight may be higher or lower than the lifters previously submitted third attempt.
However, these are only permitted provided that the lifter has not been called to the
bar already loaded to his previously submitted weight, and the new weight is not less
than the lifter’s weight on the bar that just lifted before them.
6.1.13 In the single lift bench press, deadlift, and push/pull competitions the rules in general
are the same as for three lift competitions. However, in the third round, two weight
changes are permitted as stated in Item 6.1.12 above for the deadlift.
6.1.14 If a lifting session consists of a single group, i.e. up to a maximum of 15 lifters, an
interval of not less than 30 minutes shall be allowed between the squat, bench and
deadlift. This is to ensure adequate time for all lifters and personnel to prepare the
platform for the next lift.
6.1.15 When two or more groups take part in a session upon a single platform, it will be up to
the Meet Director to decide if any additional breaks will be given between lifts for staff
and Referee breaks.
6.1.16 Lifters may not compete in multiple gear categories unless they lift in a separate flight
for each gear category.
Item 6.2 Appointed Officials
Speaker/Announcer responsibilities
6.2.1 The speaker acts as Master of Ceremonies (MC) and is responsible for the efficient
running of the competition. MC announces the weight required for the next attempt
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
and the name of the lifter. Additionally, the MC announces, in order, the three lifters
succeeding the lifter called to the platform. Attempts announced by the MC will be
taken from projector/TV screen.
6.2.2 When the bar is loaded, and the platform cleared for lifting, the Head Referee will
indicate the fact to the MC that “the platform is ready”, who will in turn announce, “the
platform is ready”, and call the lifter by name to the platform.
6.2.3 The MC will abstain from announcing that the lift "looks good to me."
6.2.4 At all meets, regardless of the sanction level, any lift that will be either a State, National,
or World record will be announced to the platform judges and audience prior to the lift.
If the appropriate officials are not seated to validate a record, a reasonable amount of
time will be allowed to fulfill the requirements necessary for that level record.
Technical Chair responsibilities
6.2.5 The Technical Chair will oversee all activity on and off the platform. The Technical Chair
may act alone in his/her authority to ensure all USPA rules are being correctly
implemented and interpreted. In the absence Technical Chair at any meet, the meet
director, or an official designated by the meet director, will then be responsible for
performing his duties.
6.2.6 He will work with all staff members, Referees, and lifters to resolve any disputes during
the course of the meet based on the USPA rule book and his interpretation.
6.2.7 He will constantly evaluate and suggest additions or corrections to the USPA rule book.
6.2.8 Will be entrusted with the examination of all requirements and proposals of a technical
6.2.9 Decisions are subject to approval of the USPA president or executive committee.
6.2.10 Will be responsible for inspecting all competition and personal equipment as defined in
the handbook. Based upon activities, he may delegate some inspection responsibilities
to a qualified referee to expedite the overall process. Responsible to review all
equipment that has been submitted by various manufacturers for the sole purpose of
being able to use the words "USPA approved" in their commercial advertisements. If the
item or items submitted meet all current USPA rules and regulations, a fee may be
levied, and a certificate of approval will be issued by the Technical Chairman.
Referee Chairman responsibilities
6.2.11 To write and administer all written exams for both new referees and for the
advancement of current Referees to the next level. When possible, he will oversee the
practical exam given at meets, or ensure that a qualified National or International
referee does so in his absence.
6.2.12 He and the President of the Association will constantly evaluate all Referees
performances while on and off platform, to ensure consistent fair judging, as well as
6.2.13 Informs the USPA President as to which referees are eligible to referee after
examination or re- examination.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Timekeeper responsibilities
6.2.14 Once the clock is running for a lifter, it can only be stopped by the completion of a time
allowance, by the start of a lift, or at the discretion of the Head Referee. Consequently,
it is of great importance that the lifter or his coach check the height of the squat and
bench racks prior to being called, as once the platform is announced as being ready, the
clock will be started. Any further adjustments to the racks must be made within the
lifter’s one-minute allowance.
6.2.15 The lifter is allowed one minute from the time of the announcement "the platform is
ready" to begin the lift. For the squat and bench, this means removing the bar from the
racks. For the deadlift, this means making a determined or deliberate attempt to
remove the bar from the floor. If the lifter does not comply with this rule within the
time allowed, the timekeeper will call "TIME" and the Head Referee will give the audible
command "RACK". The lift will be declared "NO LIFT" and the attempt will be forfeited.
When the Timekeeper calls "TIME" the Head Referee will make the final determination
if the lifter has violated the one-minute time clock.
6.2.16 On the squat and bench press a lifter can re-rack one time to adjust bar placement,
tighten their belt, etc. Wraps cannot be adjusted on the platform and the lifter may not
leave the platform once they have un-racked the bar without forfeiting the attempt.
Once the bar is re-racked a lifter has a maximum of 30 seconds in which to un-rack the
bar or they will be considered timed-out for this attempt.
Expeditors responsibilities
6.2.17 Expeditors are responsible for collecting the weight of required attempts from the lifters
or their coaches and passing the information on without delay to the score keeper. The
lifter is allowed one minute between completing his last attempt and informing the
expeditor of their next attempt. The expeditor will have a clip board, kilo conversion
chart, and a lifter flight sheet available. All expeditors must be certified officials.
Scorekeeper responsibilities
6.2.18 Scorekeepers, in conjunction with the meet director, are responsible for accurately
recording the progress of the competition.
6.2.19 In conjunction with the score keeping software, the scorekeepers are responsible for
the data input of all the lifters’ personal information (weight class, scale weight, age,
category entered, etc.), the lifters’ attempts, the structuring of the lifting flights and the
completion and accuracy of the final score sheet.
Spotter/Loader responsibilities
6.2.20 All spotter / loaders (S/L) shall work together as a team and should be neatly dressed in
clean appropriate attire including the official meet t-shirt.
6.2.21 Spotter / loaders are responsible for loading and unloading the bar, adjusting squat
racks, and/or benches as required, cleaning the bar or platform at the request of the
Head Referee, and generally ensuring that the platform is well maintained and presents
a neat appearance at all times.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
6.2.22 Except for the deadlift, which requires one back spotter, there shall be no less than two,
nor more than 4 spotter / loaders on the platform during the execution of the bench
press, and not less than 3, nor more than 5 during the execution of the squat.
6.2.23 When the lifter prepares for his attempt, the spotter / loaders may assist him in
removing the bar from the racks. They may also assist in replacing the bar after the
attempt. However, they shall not touch the lifter or the bar during the actual attempt
(i.e. during the period of time that elapses between the commencement and
completion signals). The only exception to this rule being that if the lifter is in jeopardy
and likely to result in injury to the lifter, the spotter / loaders may, either at the request
of the Head Referee or the lifter himself, or it is obvious to the spotter / loader the lifter
is in serious trouble and is at risk of possible injury, step in and relieve the lifter of the
6.2.24 If the lifter is deprived of an otherwise successful attempt by the error of a
spotter/loader and through no fault of his own, he may be awarded another attempt at
the discretion of the referees at the end of the round.
6.2.25 Every spotter / loader should be routinely rotated out, and / or into different positions
so they have personal time. This will ensure they stay alert while on the platform at all
times, possibly averting any potential accidents that could be due to fatigue.
6.2.26 All spotter / loaders must report any equipment malfunctions at once to the Head
Referee, so they may assess the problem and take any necessary action to rectify it.
6.2.27 During the performance of all three lifts there should never be any unnecessary
movement around the bar or platform by any official or spotter / loader that could
distract the lifter.
6.2.28 It is the spotter / loaders responsibility to establish a rapid pace that will keep the meet
moving, but one that is both safe while efficient. Remember, during some lifts the lifters
will have painfully wrapped their knees or wrists ahead of time in preparation for their
upcoming attempt. Any delay in the process could have an effect on their lift or delay
the meet if we have to award additional time because of an extended delay caused by
the platform personnel.
6.2.29 It is important that the platform manager reads the Projector/TV screen for the rack and
safety heights to prevent further delays or for errors that could result in the lifter having
to re-lift at the end of the round.
6.2.30 The loaders should listen to the Head Referee for the correct plates that will be needed
for each lift. If a projector and screen is being used, they should also visually verify the
load is correct.
6.2.31 At any time, should there be a question about any load or safety issue, it must be
brought to the Head Referee’s attention immediately.
6.2.32 All spotters/loaders are official meet personal, and therefore cannot at any time, while
working on the platform, make any comments of any type to a lifter prior to or during
the lift.
6.2.33 Any additional spotters that a lifter may need must be identified prior to the start of the
meet and receive a spotter/loader briefing 30 minutes before the meet begins. The
additional spotters must be available to all lifters for specific events.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
6.2.34 While back spotting for the squat, the hands should never be around the lifter’s side
protruding out the front or holding the chest. The spotter should be directly behind the
lifter with their arms bent up at the elbows just behind the lifter’s back, hand height
approximately just below the lifter’s arm pits. The spotter’s body should follow the
lowering and raising of the lifter’s body during the lift. Should the lifter get into trouble
the back spotter will then immediately come under the lifter’s arm pits with their arms,
taking control of the lifter while returning to the rack. The back spotter should position
his hands to provide the critical support in the rapid manner, but not to obstruct the
side referees view of the depth in the squat. The side spotters should stabilize the
weights during the process. If the back spotter has their arms protruding under the
lifter’s arms and the lifter suddenly dumps the weight for whatever reason, this could
result in very serious injury to the back-spotter’s arms or wrists.
6.2.35 During the performance of the squat there may be up to five spotter / loaders on the
6.2.36 While spotting for the bench, both side spotters must keep both hands directly under
the bar at all times. They must also never be distracted from the lifter during their lift,
keeping their eyes on the bar.
6.2.37 The center handoff man must immediately step completely off the platform after the
hand off, and must lift the bar to full arms extension and avoid any appearance of a
“soft hand off”. If there is a camera set up to film the event, the center spotter must exit
the opposite side of the camera.
6.2.38 The center spotter shall remain close to the platform and lifter in case of emergency, so
they may re-enter and assist with the bar.
6.2.39 The bar loader apparatus will not be left directly behind the lifter on or off the platform
where the lifter could lose their balance during the lift, or pass out after, and fall on it.
The center spotter / loader during the deadlift should stand directly behind the lifter on,
or just off the edge of the platform to assist the lifter should they start to lose control or
Platform / Bars
6.2.40 The first plate must always be loaded facing in, all others will be loaded facing out,
followed by the required collars.
6.2.41 The platform is to be kept free from any objects being set on or near it at all times. This
includes plates of any size, water bottles, snacks, towels, brushes, etc.
6.2.42 After the bar has been loaded it is the head S/L’s job to ensure that the bar is centered
in the rack (squat and bench) and is ready for the lifter. For the deadlift the bar will also
be centered side to side, and parallel on the platform.
6.2.43 The collars must be tightened during every load, this includes spinning and tightening
the inside collar so there are no gaps between any plates or the bars inside collar.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
6.2.44 The deadlift bar will be wire brushed and wiped down prior to the start of each flight,
and at the Head Referee’s discretion prior to the start of the third attempts. The lifter or
the lifter’s coach may also request the cleaning of the bar prior to the bar being
declared loaded and ready.
6.2.45 When cleaning the deadlift bar, it should be moved to a portion of the platform not
used during any lifter’s performance, so the chalk or baby powder dust does not get on
any lifter’s shoes. It may also be necessary to clean off the platform after cleaning the
bar if there is a concern that the chalk or baby powder dust could remain an issue for
any lifter.
6.2.46 At any time during the meet should any lifter, coach, official, or spotter / loader see any
blood or other foreign material on the bar or platform, the meet must be stopped
immediately so the bar or platform can be properly sanitized with the required solution
as per the rule book.
6.2.47 The National Records Chairman is accountable for all new National records set at
sanctioned USPA meets. The State Records Chairman is responsible for all new State
records (whose lifters reside within their State) set at sanctioned USPA meets.
6.2.48 Upon the completion of the competition, the Meet Director must assure all Records
Chairmen that all successful record attempts have been properly verified, met all USPA
requirements, and are noted within the official score sheet.
6.2.49 The meet director will have 5 business days to submit an official copy of the score sheet
to the National Office (see rule 9.1.9).
Records Chairman
6.2.50 All Records Chairman will work with the President of the Association to establish all
guidelines used to maintain records.
6.2.51 All Records Chairmen will at all times maintain accurate records, along with all
supporting documentation that may be required for future research.
6.2.52 All new records will be updated on the appropriate web sites within 7 days after the
official results are posted.
State Chairman
6.2.53 Each State Chairman is responsible for the referees within their state. The State
Chairman is responsible to keep track of referees and nominate them for promotion
when eligible.
6.2.54 State Chairmen will recruit, as needed, those qualified individuals that would like to
become referees within a given state. The State Chair will ensure the prospective
referee meets all the eligibility requirements outlined in section 7.2.1 through 7.2.12.
6.2.55 State Chairmen will help in promoting meets in their state along with coordinating
referees to help support those meets. They will also communicate with all meet
directors in their state making sure they are following the USPA rules.
6.2.56 State Chairmen, including those that are active meet directors, will work with other
meet directors to collectively coordinate growth and approve the schedule of upcoming
events within their state. Event planning and coordination shall not be restricted based
on the notion that a specific meet director has exclusive rights or ownership to a
territory, rather it should be based upon meeting the increased demand for additional
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
events within their state and equitably providing opportunities to meet directors to fill
those demands. The national office may assign meet directors to areas not being
serviced in a given state.
6.2.57 State Chairmen will serve a term of two years from the date they were originally
appointed. Thereafter, the USPA Executive Committee may, at any scheduled
committee meeting, vote by majority to either reinstate the existing State Chairmen for
another 2-year term, temporarily extend their term for a specific time period, rescind
the 2-year appointment, or replace them with another candidate.
Item 6.3 Competition Rules
6.3.1 During any competition taking place, only the lifter and his coach, officiating referees
and spotter/loaders will be allowed around the platform or on the stage. During the
execution of a lift, only the lifter, spotter/loaders and the referees are permitted to be
present on the platform. Coaches shall remain within the designated coaching area as
defined by the Head Referee in charge.
6.3.2 A lifter shall not wrap or adjust any part of his costume or equipment while on the
platform. The only exception to this rule is that he may adjust his belt. At no time may
any person step on the platform or lean in and assist the lifter in any way, with the
exception of a designated spotter or coach who may hand-off for the bench press
and/or center the bar on the lifter’s back for the squat and immediately step-off the
platform once the centering is complete. Items such as inhalants, ammonia caps, etc.
cannot be utilized within the vicinity of the platform or in view of the audience.
6.3.3 In all USPA recognized competitions, the weight of the barbell must always be a multiple
of 2.5kg. The progression must be at least 2.5kg between all attempts. The weight shall
always be announced in kilograms. Exceptions to this rule are as follows:
6.3.4 In a record attempt, the weight of the barbell must be at least 500 grams in excess of
the current record. This record attempt must be taken in the normal sequence of
increasing weight during the competition.
6.3.5 During the course of the competition, a lifter may request a record attempt that is not a
multiple of 2.5 kg but is to be attempted within his prescribed attempts.
6.3.6 Record attempts may be taken on any or all of a lifter’s prescribed attempts provided
that they maintain a minimum increase of 500 grams. For example, if the current record
is 100 kg, then a lifter may take the following attempts: 1st - 100.0 kg, 2nd - 101.0 kg,
3rd - 101.5 kg, 4th 102 kg. Attempts 2, 3, and 4 if successful will all be records
irrespective of the fact that he did not increase the weight the minimum of 2.5 kilos per
attempt for competition purposes from 100kg.
6.3.7 The Head Referee will be solely responsible for decisions taken in the case of loading
errors or incorrect announcements by the MC. His decision will be given to the MC who
will make the appropriate announcement.
6.3.8 If the bar is loaded to a lighter weight than originally requested and the attempt is
successful, the lifter may accept the successful attempt or elect to take the attempt
again at the originally requested weight. If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
granted a further attempt at the originally requested weight. In both the above cases,
further attempts may only be taken at the end of the round in which the error occurred.
6.3.9 If the bar is loaded to a heavier weight than originally requested and the attempt is
successful, the lifter will be granted the attempt. However, the weight may be reduced
again if required for other lifters. If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be
granted a further attempt at the originally requested weight at the end of the round in
which the error occurred.
6.3.10 If the loading is not the same on each end of the bar; or any change occurs to the bar or
plates during the execution of the lift; or the platform is disarranged, if despite these
factors, the lift is successful, the lifter may accept the attempt or elect to take the
attempt again. If the successful attempt is not a multiple of 2.5 kg, then the lower
closest multiple of 2.5 kg will be recorded on the score sheet. If the attempt is
unsuccessful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt. Further attempts may only be
taken at the end of the round in which the error occurred.
6.3.11 If the MC makes a mistake by announcing a weight lighter or heavier than that
requested by the lifter, the Head Referee will make the same decisions as for errors in
6.3.12 If for any reason it is not possible for the lifter or his coach to remain in the vicinity of
the platform in order to follow the progress of the competition and the lifter misses his
attempt because the MC omitted to announce him at the appropriate weight, then the
weight will be reduced as necessary and the lifter allowed to take his attempt, but only
at the end of the round. Three unsuccessful attempts in any lift will automatically
eliminate the lifter from the competition.
6.3.13 Other than initial removal of the bar from the racks, the lifter will not receive any help
from the spotter/loaders in positioning himself for an attempt.
6.3.14 On the completion of an attempt, a lifter shall leave the platform within thirty seconds.
Failure to comply with this rule may result in disqualification of the attempt at the
discretion of the referees. The only exception to this rule is if a lifter's equipment is
being inspected after a record attempt. The lifter is required not to leave the platform
for this inspection to certify the records attempt.
6.3.15 If, during warm up or competition, a lifter suffers injury or in any other way exhibits
signs of a condition which may unduly or significantly jeopardize the competitor’s health
and well-being, the official doctor, Meet Director, or Head Referee has the right to
examination. If considered inadvisable for the lifter to continue, the lifter and / or their
coach will be notified of the decision and the lifter will be removed from the meet.
6.3.16 After the display of misconduct by a lifter and/or coach and issuing an official warning,
any subsequent misconduct would then need to be handled by the Meet Director or
Head Referee in the form of a disqualification notification (“you are hereby disqualified”
directly to the lifter) followed by a direct order for the lifter and coach to leave the
venue (“you are required to vacate the premises immediately”). There is no deviating
from this directive. The actions from this directive must be followed up and confirmed
(both visually and physically) by the Meet Director or Head Referee as to the offending
person(s) leaving the premises. This may even include stopping the event to handle this
directive. An implied statement without direct contact with the lifter and/or coach is not
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
adequate. A Meet Director may at his/her discretion remove a lifter or coach from the
venue based upon misconduct at the event, but banning of a lifter and/or coach from
the association or future USPA events is at the sole discretion of the USPA National
Office. A meet director or USPA State Chairman must submit documentation to support
the disqualification and removal of a lifter and/or coach from a competition.
6.3.17 At all competitions, complaints regarding the progress of the competition or against the
behavior of any person or persons taking part in the competition must be made to the
Technical Chairman, Head Referee, or Meet Director.
6.3.18 If deemed necessary, they may temporarily suspend the progress of the competition to
consider the complaint. After due consideration, and upon reaching a decision, they will
return to inform the complainant of the decision. The decision will be considered final
and there will be no right of appeal to any other body.
6.3.19 Upon recommencement of the competition which has been suspended, the next lifter
shall be given three minutes before the platform is declared ready.
6.3.20 If a lifter missing a minimum of 50% of their total fingers, including the thumb, in which
that hand is responsible for gripping a bar in the deadlift, is permitted the use of a strap.
However, this strap may be used only on that hand and attached at the wrist only.
6.3.21 Banging the head on the bar before squatting or benching will not be permitted. The
lifter will be warned once. Any further violations will result in the disqualification of the
6.3.22 Any physical abnormality, handicap, or incapacity of a lifter that may cause an inability
to fully comply with the rules should be brought to the attention of, and explained to,
the appointed Contest Officials. This should be in advance of the start of the lifter’s
Flight. The lifter, Contest Officials, and the platform referees for the particular lifter will
then confer on the matter to best accommodate any special considerations for the
lifter. Deafness, blindness, limb, or joint abnormalities that prevent proper straightening
or extension, are examples for such special considerations.
6.3.23 Within a 30-day period of all USPA sanctioned meets, should clear and credible video of
any record lift become available to the USPA that demonstrates a lift was misloaded, it
will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and a ruling will be made within 14 days as
to the validity of the amount of the lift. If the bar was determined to be under loaded
the correct weight will be credited. If this amount is still a new record, the record will be
awarded at the new lower amount. If the bar was determined to be over loaded the
correct weight will be credited and the new record will stand at the correct amount of
weight as determined by the Committee.
6.3.24 The use of video review will only be used for the purpose of determining whether the
incorrect weight was loaded on the bar. It will never be used to determine if an official’s
judgement was correct or incorrect.
6.3.25 If an official verbally warns a lifter, they must immediately inform all other officials on
the platform that an official warning was given, and the reason for it, so the three
officials can work together as a team at all times. A repeated violation by a lifter will
result in a mandatory red light by all officials.
6.3.26 Meet Directors are not allowed to compete, or coach other lifters, in their own meet or
perform any other duty outside of what is required to run their meet. Their entire focus
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
should be to professionally run a successful meet, and to always make themselves
available to their lifters, and staff at all times. The only exception is that a qualified co-
meet director is pre-approved by the USPA national office prior to sanctioning the
event. During the competition the co-meet director will then assume all duties of the
meet director. Email steve@uspa.net for approval requests.
6.3.27 A lifter who competes in a contest that requires a qualifying total, who we subsequently
learn wasn’t qualified, will be reclassified as a guest lifter on the official contest results
and any state, national or world record lifts will be disqualified.
Item 7.1 General Rules
7.1.1 The referees shall be three in number, the Head Referee (or center referee) and two
side referees. Under no circumstances shall any persons, other than USPA certified
officials and those individuals conducting their practical exams to become a USPA
certified official, shall be seated in the official’s chair(s) or within the designated
competition platform area during a contest.
7.1.2 The same referee must be seated throughout an entire flight once it starts. No referee
changes can occur once a flight has begun. However, the only exception to this rule is if
a record-breaking attempt is being made and the required referee classifications are not
met by the existing seated referees (i.e. two National or International referees for a
National record).
7.1.3 The correct command used by the Head Referee to alert the time keeper, announcer,
and the lifter everything is correct and ready for the lift to begin is “Platform Ready”.
7.1.4 In all three lifts the Head Referee must sit off to one side of the lifter, never in the
center of the platform.
7.1.5 Once the bar has been replaced in the racks or on the platform at the completion of the
lift, the referees will announce their decisions by means of the lights; White for a "good
lift" and red for "no lift".
7.1.6 Before the contest, the three referees shall jointly ascertain that: the platform and competition equipment comply in all respects with the rules. Bars
and plates are checked for weight discrepancies and defective equipment discarded. the scales work correctly and are accurate. the lifters have complied with the weigh-in procedures and time limits for their
bodyweight category (see Part 5). the lifters costumes and personal equipment comply with the rules in all respects.
7.1.7 During the contest the three referees must jointly ascertain that: The weight of the loaded bar agrees with the weight announced by the MC.
Referees may be issued with bar loading charts for this purpose or a computer-
generated bar loading software may also be used and projected on to a screen that
is in a clear and visible location, from the platform, for the three referees.
7.1.8 Prior to the commencement of any lift, if any official observes a minor oversight after
the lifter has been called to the platform by the Head Referee, the lifter will be allowed
to complete their lift uninterrupted. After the lift, the official will call the lifter over and
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
both give a verbal warning, along with instructions on how the lifter must correct the
issue before returning for their next attempt. Failure to correct the minor oversight will
result in an automatic red light from the referee(s), without any further notice or
warning, on any subsequent attempts.
7.1.9 Prior to the commencement of any lift, if either side official observes an infraction, they
will call attention about the fault to the Head Referee. The Head Referee observing an
infraction may act alone. In either case, the referees will be called together to inspect
the lifter. If the fault is considered to be an infraction, the lifter will make all necessary
corrections prior to being allowed to lift while the time clock remains running.
7.1.10 If the fault is considered a purposeful intent to cheat, the lifter shall be disqualified from
the competition. How the fault will be considered, and the action to be taken, will be at
the discretion of the Head Referee. If any referee has reason to doubt a lifter’s integrity,
he must at the completion of the lift, inform the Head Referee of his suspicions. The
three referees may then re-examine the lifter’s costume and personal equipment. If the
lifter is found to be wearing or using any illegal item, the lifter will immediately be
disqualified from the competition.
7.1.11 Referees shall abstain from commentary and not receive any document or verbal
account concerning the progress of the competition.
7.1.12 The lifter or their coach may request the reason for a "no lift" decision from any of the
Referees immediately following their lifter’s attempt. Such request must be made
before the next lifter’s attempt begins, so as not to interfere with the progression of the
7.1.13 A referee shall not attempt to influence the decisions of the other referees.
7.1.14 The Head Referee may consult with the side referees, or any other official as necessary
in order to expedite the competition.
7.1.15 At his discretion, the Head Referee may order that the bar and or platform be cleaned.
7.1.16 Prior to the commencement of the squat, if either side referee does not accept the bar
placement on the lifters back as correct or safe, they will call attention to the Head
Referee. The lift will be stopped, and the Head Referee will make the final
7.1.17 The selection of a referee to act as Head Referee in one category does not preclude his
selection as a side referee in another category.
7.1.18 Referees will be uniformly dressed as follows: The official USPA referee’s polo shirts (provided by the USPA) are as follows:
navy blue for staff officials, red for State referees, blue for National referees, and
grey for International referees. Black pants (dress slacks or Docker style) or black shorts (dress shorts, Docker
or cargo style) are only permitted. Shorts must be 3/4-thigh or longer (no short
shorts or gym shorts allowed). At National, World, or Invitational meets (Example:
Mr. Olympia, all Expos, or any meet World Records can be established), all referees
(male or female) must be dressed in black slacks or “Docker” style pants. No Shorts
are allowed. Only black shoes are allowed. A black leather belt, if needed and the
provided USPA/IPL referee shirt must be worn. Men’s shirts must be tucked in at all
times. Women’s shirts, which are shorter, maybe left untucked.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1 Shoes, boots or tennis shoes must be black. No sandals or open toed shoes
allowed. All apparel items will be neat and clean at all times. Men will be clean shaven or
have the appropriately groomed facial hair.
7.1.19 Cell phones or other similar electronic devices are not allowed while judging.
7.1.20 Officials not judging shall remain outside the judging area while on a break.
7.1.21 It’s the Meet Director’s responsibility that all referees are properly dressed. Any referee
not properly dressed cannot judge but may be allowed to assist at the score table.
Failure to comply with dress code may result in disciplinary action under section 7.1.28.
7.1.22 All USPA judges and staff will refrain from posting, responding too, or using any form of
social media in a negative way when talking about any of our lifters, other officials, or
the Organization. The integrity of the Organization requires we hold everyone to the
highest ethical standards. Failure to follow these standards could result in loss of all
judging credentials, and/or loss of membership.
7.1.23 Should any disciplinary action be required for any rules, or policy violations by any
official, it would be first offense, verbal warning, second offense, loss of judging
privileges for 6 months, third offense permanent loss of judging certification or official
position held.
7.1.24 No USPA/IPL official may judge in any other Organizations competitions that has not
previously taken, and passed said organizations written/practical tests prior to the
competition date. Simply “grandfathering in” without previous testing does not count.
Failure to comply could be seen as a conflict of interest, and you could lose your
USPA/IPL credentials.
7.1.25 All International referees are allowed to conduct practical examinations. National
referees are eligible to conduct practical examinations 1-year from the date they passed
their national referee examination. It is the responsibility of all Meet Directors to
confirm that any official administering a practical examination is qualified to do so.
Signals required for the three lifts
The Head Referee is responsible for giving the necessary signals for all three lifts.
7.1.26 Commencement: A visual signal consisting of a downward movement of the extended
arm, together with the audible command of "SQUAT". The hand will start above the
referee’s head, and move swiftly downward at the exact same time as the command is
given. It will remain frozen in this position until the lifter completes the lift.
7.1.27 Completion: A visual signal consisting of a swift backward movement of the hand
being brought past the referee’s ear, together with the audible command of "RACK".
The arm may not move from the downward position until the lifter has shown
complete control, then the verbal command and arm movement must be in
complete unison.
Bench press
7.1.28 Commencement: A visual signal consisting of a downward movement of the arm
together with the audible command of "START". The hand will start above the referee’s
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
head and move swiftly downward at the exact same time as the command is given. It
will remain frozen in this position until the lifter has demonstrated they are ready for
the next command.
7.1.29 Intermediate: A visual signal consisting of an upward movement of the arm together
with the audible command of “PRESS”. The arm must remain at full length above the
referee’s ear, frozen without movement, until the lifter has demonstrated they are
ready for the last command.
7.1.30 Completion: A visual signal consisting of a backward movement of the arm together
with the audible command of "RACK". The fully extended arm will then swiftly be
brought back behind the referee’s ear at the exact same time as the command is given.
7.1.31 Commencement: No signal required.
7.1.32 Completion: A visual signal consisting of a downward movement of the arm together
with the audible command of "DOWN". From the starting position above the referee’s
head, the fully extended arm will be swiftly lowered until being pointed directly at the
platform, at the exact same time as the command is being given.
7.1.33 During the deadlift the side judges must be in the front corners of the platform, not on
the sides or back corners of the platform.
All Lifts
7.1.34 In all three lifts, it is important that the arm is fully extended at all times, all movements
are swift and coordinated at the exact same time as the verbal commands are loudly
being given, that there is never any distracting, and never any un-necessary arm
movement between commands that could distract or confuse the lifter during their lift.
The first arm position for each lift will be in place prior to each lift beginning and will not
be done so that it could distract the lifter.
7.1.35 While not being required at all meets, any meet that due to a high noise level, the lifters
may be having difficulty hearing the “Platform Ready” command, the Head Referee
should use a hand command directed at the lifter consisting of a swift movement of the
arm from the fully extended position pointing at the lifter, to bringing the hand behind
the referee’s ear, so the lifter will know the platform is ready, and their clock is now
Referees General Rules Continued
Examples of faults that should be considered a minor oversight
(Refer to 7.1.8, page 44)
Socks overlaid or touching the knee wraps or knee sleeves.
Thumb loops not being removed prior to the lift.
The leg length of the singlet exceeding proper requirements.
Deadlift socks not completely covering the top of the calves.
Wrist wraps applied as to obviously exceed allowed dimensions.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Examples of infractions that must be corrected prior to the lifter making their attempt
(Refer to 7.1.9, page 44)
The lifters suit/singlet straps not being worn over their shoulders.
Knee wraps applied as to obviously exceed allowed dimensions.
Items forgotten to be removed that may have been worn for warm-ups or to maintain
warmth (e.g. hats, rubber elbow sleeves, etc.)
Raw lifters not wearing a t-shirt while squatting or benching.
No socks, or ankle socks, being worn during the deadlift.
A lifters bench belt being worn backwards so the buckle will give them an additional
false arch.
Examples that should be considered a purposeful attempt to cheat
(Refer to 7.1.10, page 44)
The use of more than one lifting suit or any suit that has been altered beyond the specs
within the rulebook (Raw, Classic Raw and Single Ply only).
Wearing more than one-pair of underwear or illegal support briefs (Raw, Classic Raw &
Single Ply only).
The use of more than one shirt or an illegal supportive shirt or illegal undershirt.
The use of more than one-pair of wraps, more than one ply (wraps sewn together) or
wraps over regulation length.
Any additions such as body wraps, towel inserts, bracing, etc.
Presence of oil, grease, liquids, or lubricants other than chalk or approved powder.
Item 7.2 Qualifications for a Referee
State Referees
7.2.1 Must be a member of the USPA in good standing.
7.2.2 Must be recommended by your State Chairman and approved by either the USPA
President or the Referee Chairman.
7.2.3 Must be at least 18 years of age, and have completed in at least two or more sanctioned
7.2.4 Must take the Level I written examination and practical examination (approximately 200
lifts) administered by the Referee Chairman (or designee) during a USPA sanctioned full
power meet.
7.2.5 Must achieve a passing score of 90 percent or better on both the written and practical
7.2.6 Must complete the practical examination within 90 days of taking and passing the
written examination. If you are beyond 90 days, you will need to contact our Referee
7.2.7 Must assist in at least one weigh-in session.
7.2.8 Must officiate in at least one USPA meet each year to keep accreditation current. Any
official that has not judged at least one competition within a 12-month period must re-
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
take the written test based on their current level status to refresh them on all current
7.2.9 Must stay current and updated on all USPA rule changes.
7.2.10 Are responsible to maintain a record book with the names and dates of all meets, along
with the number of flights they officiated in.
7.2.11 All referees must register or renew their USPA membership annually in order to
maintain their current qualifications.
7.2.12 A referee who has been inactive for a period of four years, or who fails to register or
renew their USPA membership annually, will forfeit their credentials.
National Referees
7.2.13 Must be a member of the USPA.
7.2.14 Must be recommended by your State Chairman and approved by either the USPA
President or the Referee Chairman.
7.2.15 Must be a state level referee for a minimum of two years.
7.2.16 Within those two years, must have judged at a minimum of eight meets, with an
average of four flights per meet.
7.2.17 Must take the level II written examination, administered by the Referee Chairman and
must pass with a score of 90% or higher.
7.2.18 Must officiate in at least one USPA meets each year to keep their accreditation current.
7.2.19 Must stay current and updated on all USPA rule changes.
7.2.20 Are responsible to maintain a record book with the names and dates of all meets, along
with the number of flights they officiated in.
7.2.21 Must register or renew their USPA membership annually in order to maintain their
current qualifications.
7.2.22 A referee who has been inactive for a period of four years, or who fails to register or
renew their USPA membership annually, will forfeit their credentials.
7.2.23 Must have completed a minimum of 2 weigh-in sessions, 4 flights of working the lifters
cards during the meet, 4 flights of running the meet computer during the meet, and 4
flights of expediting at a meet.
7.2.24 National level referees are prohibited from officiating for other powerlifting federations
unless a meet specific exemption has been requested and approved by the USPA
national office. Failure to obtain an exemption will result in the suspension of the
referees USPA credentials for a period of time determined by the USPA national office.
International Referees
7.2.25 Must be a member of the USPA.
7.2.26 Must be recommended by your State or the National Referee Chairman and approved
by the USPA President.
7.2.27 Must have officiated as a national referee in at least 20 USPA or IPL sanctioned meets,
and judged a minimum of 100 flights.
7.2.28 Must have judged a minimum of 3 world sanctioned USPA or IPL drug-tested or non-
tested competitions (USPA National Championships, IPL Multi Ply Nationals, IPL World
Championships, IPL Olympia or IPL North American Championships).
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
7.2.29 Must take the Level III written examination administered by the Referee Chairman and
passed with a score of 95% or higher.
7.2.30 Must officiate in at least one USPA meets each year to keep their accreditation current.
7.2.31 Must stay current and updated on all USPA rule changes.
7.2.32 Are responsible to maintain a record book with the names and dates of all meets, along
with the number of flights they officiated in.
7.2.33 Must register or renew their USPA membership annually in order to maintain their
current qualifications.
7.2.34 A referee who has been inactive for a period of four years or who fails to re-register or
renew their USPA membership annually will forfeit their credentials.
7.2.35 Must have completed a minimum of 4 weigh-in sessions, 8 flights of working the lifters
cards during the meet, 8 flights of running the meet computer during the meet, and 8
flights of expediting at a meet.
7.2.36 International level referees are prohibited from officiating for other powerlifting
federations unless a meet specific exemption has been requested and approved by the
USPA national office. Failure to obtain an exemption will result in the suspension of the
referees USPA credentials for a period of time determined by the USPA national office.
Item 7.3 Early Advancement Program
7.3.1 The USPA offers an Early Advancement Program (EAP) that could allow officials to
advance to the next level at an accelerated pace. All applicants requesting the EAP must
first have the prior approval of either the National Referee Chairman or the President.
Having met these additional requirements does not mean someone will be guaranteed
the opportunity to use the EAP.
7.3.2 State to National minimum of 16 meets, 64 flights, 1 year: 4 weigh-in sessions (day of
meet does not count, 24 hours is preferred), 8 flights working lifter cards, 8 flights
running meet computer, 8 flights expediting.
7.3.3 National to International EAP is not offered for advancement to international referees.
A national referee may advance to international by meeting all requirements in sec.
7.2.25-7.2.36, regardless of time.
7.3.4 The “Staff Official Program” – This is for anyone that at this time does not plan to judge
lifters during meets but does want to assist Meet Directors by being allowed to help at
weigh in sessions, work the table, and expedite during meets. The written test is still
required, but no practical test is administered. Anyone that is currently a Staff Official
may change their status over the next 12 months and become a fully certified judge by
requesting permission from the Referee Chairman, and then passing a practical test.
Item 8.1 State and National Records
8.1.1 State and National records may be set at any USPA sanctioned meet provided that:
8.1.2 The meet director applied for and was granted a USPA meet sanction.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
8.1.3 The platform, all plates, bars, and collars were inspected by the technical chair or
designated official (see sec 6.2.10) prior to the meet starting, and they all met USPA
requirements and standards.
8.1.4 Only approved kilo plates and collars shall be used for all National and World Records
and are recommended for State Records.
8.1.5 Any new records set must exceed the previous record amount by at least 500 grams.
8.1.6 The lifter and all lifting gear used were inspected prior to leaving the platform at the
time of the lift.
8.1.7 There must be three USPA certified State level or higher Referees judging any State
record attempts, and at least two National or International Referees judging any
National record attempts, and either three International, or two International and one
National Referee judging any World Record attempts.
8.1.8 All USPA rules were followed exactly as per the rule book.
8.1.9 The Meet Director must use the USPA’s proprietary Iron Comp Software at all USPA
sanctioned competitions. The Iron Comp generated Excel results must be submitted to
the National Office via email to marya[email protected] with 5 business days following
completion of a competition. The score cards must also be sent via US Mail, Fed Ex or
UPS to the USPA National Office (30 Waterworks Way Irvine, CA 92618) within 5
business days following the completion of a contest. Any Meet Director who fails to
submit their results and mail score cards within the 5-business day deadline will: First Offense: Receive a verbal warning. Second Offense: Suspended from running USPA meets for 6 months. Third Offense: Not allowed to direct any future USPA meets.
8.1.10 At any USPA sanctioned meet, the Meet Director has the right to establish their own
local meet, high school, college, gym, or club records. All guidelines established to set
State and National records will still apply to any record set under the USPA sanction.
8.1.11 The requirements for a lifter to request a fourth attempt are: They must have been successful on their third attempt. Be within 20 kilos of the current record. Their fourth attempt must exceed the
current record by at least 500 grams or ½ kg. They must receive permission from one of the platforms three referees or the
platform expeditor, who in turn will notify the Head referee immediately. The
following questions should be asked of the lifter requesting a 4th attempt: Were you successful on your 3rd attempt? What is the current record? If any of these questions is not answered successfully the 4th attempt must
be denied.
8.1.12 The lifter must still report their attempt within 60 seconds from when they completed
their lift.
8.1.13 The exception to this would be if the lifter also set a new record on their third attempt
and was having an equipment check being performed. In that case the lifters 60 seconds
would start after the equipment check was completed.
8.1.14 Any fourth attempts will not count in the lifters meet total, nor a lifters placing in the
competition, nor used to calculate “Lifter Status” classification, nor used for team points
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
scoring, and never used for the Best Lifter calculation. Its only purpose is for setting an
individual lift record.
8.1.15 Fourth attempts will not be included in the record “total” itself.
8.1.16 Only lifters actually competing in a competition may attempt records as fourth attempts
outside the competition. (i.e. lifter that may have bombed out but is still lifting as a
guest lifter).
8.1.17 If two lifters in the same flight both set the same new record, registering exactly the
same weight lifted, the lifter that first set the record will be recognized as the official
record holder.
8.1.18 Lifters may only set records in the division (or divisions) they have entered the meet in
prior to the end of the last weigh in session.
8.1.19 A Junior lifter may set Junior and / or Open records, an Open lifter may only set Open
records, and a Master lifter may set either Master and / or Open records depending on
how they entered the meet.
8.1.20 If at any competition the format for the meet has been established that all lifters can
only compete as Open lifters, despite their true age and classification (Junior or Master),
an exception to 8.1.17, 8.1.19, and 8.1.20 will be given, and they will be able to establish
records in their actual class.
8.1.21 World records may only be established at each years drug-tested and non-tested
National Championships, drug-tested and non-tested North American Championships,
drug-tested and non-tested IPL World Championships, the IPL Olympia, and the IPL
Multi Ply Nationals. Additionally, all other record requirements must still be met in
order for any new record to be valid.
8.1.22 State, national, and world records may be established at any meet that has met all of
the requirements as described in sections 8.1.1 to 8.1.21. In order for a lifter to receive
permission for any fourth attempts, the new record must be at least the sanction level
of the meet, or greater. At drug-tested and non-tested National Championships, lifters
are not allowed any fourth attempts in order to break state records but are allowed
fourth attempts to break national or world records. At the drug-tested and non-tested
North American Championships, drug-tested and non-tested IPL World Championships,
the IPL Olympia, and the IPL Multi Ply Nationals, lifters are only allowed a fourth
attempt to break a world record, not a state or national record.
8.1.23 A lifter requesting to set a new record at a meet that is at a sanction level less than the
one they are competing in (i.e. requesting to break a State Record at the drug-tested or
non-tested National Championships), may only do so by using 2.5 kilo increments (not
500 grams) and must break the current record by at least 2.5 kilos. At the drug-tested or
non-tested National Championships and the IPL Multi Ply Nationals, a lifter can break a
National or World Record using 500 grams, or more. At drug-tested or non-tested IPL
World Championships, the IPL Olympia, and the IPL Multi Ply Nationals, a lifter must
break a State or National Record with 2.5 kilos (not 500 grams) They could, however,
break the World Record using 500 grams, or more.
8.1.24 Lifters attempting to set a new National or World Record that was established with a
minimum standard and is not an actual existing National or World Record with a name
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
and date, may do so by either matching or breaking the minimum standard. They are
eligible for a 4th attempt.
8.1.25 Before stepping on the platform, a lifter must first notify the score table or expeditor
and head referee that a new state, national or world record is being attempted to
ensure that the correct credentialed referees are officiating the lift and the score card
and scoring software are notated accordingly. Failure to notify the head referee and
score table in advance will invalidate the record. Every time a lifter establishes a new
record, they must have a complete gear check done immediately after the lift, just off
the platform by a USPA official before walking away. This must include knee sleeves
verified by attempting to separate the material to demonstrate it is only one ply and the
correct width, knee wraps verified by the lifter removing at least one wrap and the
official holding it up to measure for all to witness, wrist wraps verified by the lifter
removing at least one wrap and the official holding it up to measure for all to witness,
belts either being removed, or the official runs their hand on the inside of the belt to
verify no illegal support has been added, elbow sleeves verified by attempting to
separate the material to demonstrate it is only one ply and the correct width, running
the back of the hand below the crotch line on the side of the lifter, and on the side of
the lifter above the navel area to verify no additional illegal support is hidden under the
singlet, and in the case of a single ply bench shirt that the entire shirt is only one ply
(some manufactures offer two ply sleeves on their one ply shirts), and a quick glance
that nothing has been placed under the front of the shirt to shorten the lifters stroke.
The singlet must also be checked to make sure it is only one ply and meets all other
specs. A last-minute glance of the lifter from head to toe to verify that no other rule
book violations are present that could invalidate the new record.
Part 9. Our Personal Message for our Special and Disabled Lifters and
Religious Requirements
Item 9.1 Special Needs, Disabled, Missing Limb, Handicap, Adaptive, Mentally Challenged,
Medical or Religious Restrictions.
9.1.1 The USPA welcomes all lifters and will always do our very best at all times to
accommodate any special needs or religious requests. The importance of
accommodating the lifter’s requirements while maintaining a safe environment is
essential to the ability of the lifter to perform at the event. If there are any special
requests that a lifter may have, please contact us prior to the meet so we may assist
you, ensuring your having a pleasurable meet. The lifter or coach should fill out the
USPA Contact Form (https://www.uspa.net/contact.html) to make a request for a
special waiver. Each request is addressed on an individual basis and given attention to
lifter safety, adherence to following the rules for performance and providing the lifter
an environment to do their best. Powerlifting is a passion that should never be limited
by ones’ own physical hurdles. Our staff is understanding and experienced in this area
and wants every lifter to feel both welcomed and appreciated at our meets.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Item 9.2 Weight Classes
9.2.1 All standard weight classes will be used for men and women as found in Part 1, Item 1.3
Item 9.3 Costume
9.3.1 A lifting suit (singlet) is not required, but a t-shirt is. Use of both a t-shirt and lifting suit
is permitted. In the case of religious restrictions, special considerations given to attire
and coverings that provide adherence to their needs.
9.3.2 Track trousers, which are non-supportive, fit tightly to both the buttocks and legs, or
snug fitting shorts are the only trousers acceptable. Leg and arm covering will allow the
lifter to lift while again adhering to religious requirement.
9.3.3 Lifting with prosthesis is allowed and orthotics with shoes will be allowed. In the case
where the lifter has an option to use or not use the prothesis, that needs to be declared
at weigh in. This may include those with missing limbs to utilize an approved strap, grip
or other substitute for the missing limb.
Item 9.4. General
9.4.1 Disabled, handicapped, special needs, and adaptive athletes are allowed additional time
to position themselves on the platform prior to getting the appropriate command to
begin the lift. If necessary, this may also permit the coach to be on the platform to assist
in the set-up. If a lifter has a medical condition, such as seizures or blackouts, their
coach or handler may be adjacent to the platform to directly notify the head referee
that the lifter is experiencing a medical episode and is in need of assistance.
9.4.2 If the lifter cannot fully stretch the arms resulting from anatomical deformation of the
elbow, they must report this fact to the three referees before the beginning of each and
every attempt during the competition.
9.4.3 If the lifter cannot fully stretch the legs resulting from anatomical or neurological
disease, they must report this fact to the three referees before the beginning of each
and every attempt during the competition.
9.4.4 Any lifter is allowed to be strapped to the bench with his personal strapping belt.
9.4.5 Strapping is allowed on the legs from the ankles to the hips.
9.4.6 Strapping of the legs must be done by the lifter, the coach, or the loaders, under the
supervision of the referees.
9.4.7 The coach is allowed to help the lifter on arrival at or upon leaving the platform.
Coaches shall remain within the designated coaching area.
9.4.8 The lifter is allowed two minutes in which to start his attempt after being called to the
platform. A warning call and time signal will be given at the one-minute remaining stage.
During that first minute, the coach may be on the platform assisting with preparing the
lifter including any security strapping, wrist wraps tightening, or other adjustments to
ensure the safety of the lifter and associated platform personnel.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
9.4.9 For the bench press, the lifter must lie on his back with shoulders and buttocks in
contact with the flat bench surface. The head may rise during the lift. This position shall
be maintained throughout the attempt. The only exceptions are regarding the heels in
the case of lower limb amputees.
9.4.10 Special and Disabled athletes that have been granted a waiver per sec. 9.1.1, and who
have achieved a class 4 qualifying total in a USPA meet within the designated
qualification period of time, are eligible to register, if spots are available and the meet
director is reasonably able to provide for any special accommodations , for drug-tested
and non-tested National Championships, drug-tested and non-tested North American
Championships, and drug-tested and non-tested IPL World Championships.
Part 10. Multi Ply Division Annex
Item 10.1 Lifting Suit
10.1.1 A lifting suit shall be worn during the competitive lifts. It must be an individual full-
length article of cloth fabric, polyester, denim or canvas and may consist of multiple
plies of any thickness, but as a whole be of a singular construction. The straps must be
worn over the shoulders at all times while performing the competitive lifts. The use of
Velcro material to secure the straps is permitted. The length of the legs must not extend
beyond mid-thigh (mid-point between the top of the kneecap and the crotch).
10.1.2 An erector shirt may be worn with either a squat or deadlift suit during the performance
of these two lifts.
Item 10.2 Bench Shirt
10.2.1 One bench shirt may be worn under the lifting suit. It must be an individual article of
cloth fabric, polyester, denim or canvas. Its construction may consist of multiple plies
but must, as a whole, be a singular component. Sleeves must remain above the elbow
when worn and must cover the armpits. Velcro or open back is permitted.
10.2.2 During the bench press, a lifter wearing an open-back bench shirt has the option of
wearing one plain white t-shirt and meets all general specifications found under Part 3-
Costume and Personal Equipment, Item 5 Undershirt).
Item 10.3 Support Briefs
10.3.1 One pair of Support Briefs of any design may be worn and may extend below the
bottom of the lifting suit leg, provided that the length of the legs does not exceed mid-
thigh, and that the waist does not extend beyond approximately mid-torso.
10.3.2 The Support Briefs must be an individual article of cloth fabric. The construction may
consist of multiple plies to any thickness but must, as a whole, be a singular component.
Item 10.4 Elbow Sleeves
10.4.1 Elbow sleeves may be worn only during the squat and deadlift competition, but not
during the bench press. They may be supportive sleeves of rubberized material
(maximum length of 20cm) They may cover the general elbow area but cannot extend
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
beyond 10cm above or below the mid-point of the elbow joint. The shirt sleeve may
extend over the elbow sleeve as long as it does extend past the elbow joints.
Item 10.5 Bench press
10.5.1 The lifter’s shoes or toes must be in solid contact with the platform or surface. The
position of the head is optional.
10.5.2 As long as the bar is not so low that it touches the lifters belt, the lift is acceptable.
10.5.3 The center spotter is allowed to adjust the lifters belt, shoulders, head, or arms once the
lifter is on the bench from the head position, but the lift must still begin within the one-
minute allowed.
10.5.4 Spray-on “stickem” is allowed to be used on the soles of the shoes only.
Item 10.6 Squat Platform Personal
10.6.1 During the performance of the squat there will be one additional spotter / loader
allowed on the platform that will operate the arm apparatus of the mono-lift. This will
be in addition to the maximum allowed of five spotter / loaders.
Item 10.7 Squat Mono-lift
10.7.1 The use of the mono-lift during the performance of the squat is permitted. The lifter has
the option to remain in place or walk out prior to starting their lift.
Item 10.8 Squat Bar
10.8.1 The use of a 30kg squat bar is permitted in the Multi Ply division only.
Item 11.1 Approved Equipment List (https://uspa.net/vendor/approved-gear-2021)
11.1.1 The latest edition of the USPA Rule Book posted on uspa.net contains the final list of all
lifting apparel/equipment approved for use at all USPA sanctioned competitions in the
current calendar year. The next publication will be in January next year.
11.1.2 Existing manufacturers may submit new equipment for inspection during the current
year between January 1 and June 15th, thereafter any approved items will not be
published until the following calendar year. Any items approved during this time will
only be published in a revised Approved Equipment List that will be released on July 1.
11.1.3 Interested manufacturers, not currently on the list, will not be considered for approval
until the next review period starting August 1, 2022 and ending November 15, 2022. No
gear inspections will be conducted after the November 15, 2022, deadline. No
11.1.4 Manufacturers must submit samples with a $100.00 non-refundable administrative fee
to the USPA National Office during the review period to make sure their equipment
complies with required specifications. If the submitted samples do not comply, the
manufacturer will be notified of the specific deficiency, so they can take corrective
action if they choose. If the samples pass inspection, the items will be added to the
Approved Equipment List. Any vendor that sends equipment to the USPA for inspection
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
must pay all return shipping costs within 30 days if they want the item(s) returned,
otherwise the items will be discarded.
11.1.5 All different versions, variations, and updates of vendors equipment, including sizes,
brands, and colors, must contain a label, patch, logo, or other permanent marking to
identify the manufacturer. All items must be submitted for inspection withing the
deadline dates specified in sec. 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 and approved before they may be
used in the USPA.
11.1.6 All manufacturers who would like to remain on the Approved Equipment List for future
editions of the USPA Rule Book will be subject to an annual fee of $500 for the 1st item
category and $250 for each additional category, payable no later than December 1st of
the year preceding publication.
Item Categories subject to a fee:
-Wrist Wraps
-Knee Wraps
-Knee Sleeves
-Elbow Sleeves
-Squat Suits
-Bench Shirts
-Deadlift Suits
Items below are not subject to a fee and do not need to be listed on the approval list, but they do need
to meet specifications outlined in our rulebook:
11.1.7 All equipment, whether subject to a fee/prior approval or not, will still be subject to
inspection during the weigh-ins.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
A7 Cone Knee Sleeves - Stiff and Regular - 7mm/30cm - all colors
A7 Spring Knee Sleeves - 7mm/30cm - black
A7 Wrist Wraps - Stiff, Medium and Flex - up to 1M - all colors
KLA 1000, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500 and 4000 Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Titan Max RPM Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Titan Signature Gold Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Titan THP Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Titan Titanium Wrist Wraps - up to 1MKLA 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Titan Max RPM Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Titan Signature Gold Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Titan THP Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Titan Titanium Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
KLA KUFFS Elbow Sleeves 20cm/7mm
Extreme Elbow Sleeves 20cm/7mm
Extreme Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Arsenal Athletics Wrist Wraps (18, 26 and 36-inch) up to 1M
Arsenal Athletics Knee Wraps Red up to 2.5M
Arsenal Athletics Elbow Sleeves Gray/Black 20cm/7mm
Arsenal Athletics Knee Sleeves Gray 30cm/10cm
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Power Series Black/Red Wrist Wraps 18/24/30-inch up to 1M
Power Series Black/White Wrist Wraps 18/24/30-inch up to 1M
Power Series Solid Black Wrist Wraps 18/24/30-inch up to 1M
Power Series Red/Black Knee Wraps up to 2M
Power Series Black/Blue Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Beast Power Neoprene Knee Sleeves 5mm, S to 2XL
Beast Power Neoprene Knee Sleeves 7mm, S to 2XL
Wrist Wraps Women 12-inch Black/Purple up to 1M
Wrist Wraps 18-inch, 24-inch, 36-inch Black up to 1M
Knee Wraps 80-inch Black up to 2.5M
Performance Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Rebound Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Ultra Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Elite Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Extreme Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Classic Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Performance Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Ultra Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Elite Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Extreme Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Rebound Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Power Knee Sleeves 30cm / 7mm
Power Elbow Cuff - all sizes
Multi Elbow Cuff - all sizes
Mega Elbow Cuff - all sizes
Black Label 1870 and 1970 Knee Sleeves - up to 30cm/7mm
Black Label 1050 and 1055 Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Pink Label 1057 and 1067 Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Black Label 1001 Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Pink Label 1007 Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
DB Gear Wrist Wraps up to 1M
DB Gear Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
EFS Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
EliteFTS Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
EFS Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
EliteFTS Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
EFS Heavy Knee Sleeves 30 cm/7 mm
PR Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Stoic Knee Sleeves up to 30 cm / 7 mm
Stoic Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Stoic Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Force Strength Co. 22-inch Wrist Wraps (Retro, Stealth, and G.B.A.) up to 1M
Force Strength Co. Pink 22-inch and 30-inch Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Force Strength Co. Black and Gray 22-inch Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Force Strength Co. Black and Gray 30-inch Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Force Strength Co. Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Eat Greedy Wrist Wraps 18"
Savage Wrist Wraps 18" - Black/Old Gold
Skull Wrist Wraps 18" - Black/White
Maryland Wrist Wrap 18"
Texas Flag Wrap 18" - Blue/White, Red/White
USA Flag Wrist Wraps 18"
HBCU Athlete Wrist Wraps 18"
Love Hate Wrist Wraps 18"
Embrace The Process Wrist Wraps 18" - Pink Female, Red/Black, Black/Black, Black/White, Camo
Exile Performance 24" Wrist Wrap - Black
Exile Performance Wrist Wrap 30" - Red
Savage 24" Wrist Wrap - Red/Black, Red/Yellow
Savage 30" Wrist Wrap - Red/Black, Black/White
Gainz Sportsgear 7mm Knee Sleeves - Sizes S-2XL
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Ghost Strong Wrist Wraps (The Reaper Black) Class: Under 1M
Ghost Strong Wrist Wraps (Ghost Strong Black) Class: Under 1M
Ghost Strong Wrist Wraps (The Reaper MAX Black/Red Stripes) Class: Under 1M
Ghost Strong Wrist Wraps (The Crusher) Class: Under 1M
Ghost Strong Knee Wraps (The Reaper Black) Class: Under 2.5M
Ghost Strong Knee Wraps (Ghost Strong Black) Class: Under 2.5M
Ghost Strong Knee Wraps (The Reaper MAX Black/Red Stripes) Class: Under 2.5M
Ghost Strong Knee Wraps (The Crusher) Class: Under 2.5M
18" GWPL Wrist Wraps in Double Duper Heavy or Omega Red
24" GWPL Wrist Wraps in Double Duper Heavy or Omega Red"
Gymreapers 7mm Knee Sleeves - up to 30cm
Gymreapers Wrist Wraps - Red, Black - up to 21.5"
Hustle Athletics Wrist Wraps 12-inch and 18-inch Black/White up to 1M
Hustle Athletics Wrist Wraps 12-inch and 18-inch Green up to 1M
Hustle Athletics Wrist Wraps 12-inch Pink up to 1M
Hustle Athletics Wrist Wraps 12-inch Stealth up to 1M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Improve Gear Wrist Wraps 18-inch Black/Logo up to 1M
Havoc Wrist Wraps 12"
Hydra Wrist Wraps 18"
Hydra Wrist Wraps 36"
Stars & Stripes Wrist Wraps 24"
Gemini Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Raven Black Knee Sleeves 30cm /7mm
Squat suits:
Champion Squat Suit
Hardcore Squat suit
Leviathan Squat Suit (Multi Ply only)
Leviathan Ultra Pro (Multi Ply only)
Megathrust Suit
TRX Squat Suit
T-Rex Squat suit (Multi Ply only)
Z-Squat suit
Bench shirts:
Bolt Bench Shirt
CB Bench Shirt
Extra High Performance Heavy Duty Blast Shirt (EHPHD)
Heavy Duty Blast Shirt (HD)
High Performance Heavy Duty Blast Shirt (HPHD)
Phenom Bench Shirt
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Phenom Double Ply Open Back Bench Shirt (Multi Ply Only)
Radical Denim Bench Shirt (Multi Ply Only)
Rage Bench Shirt
Rage-X Bench Shirt
Rage-X Double Ply Bench Shirt (Multi Ply Only)
SDP (Superduper) Phenom Bench Shirt (Multi Ply Only)
Standard Blast Shirt
Standard Denim Bench Shirt (Multi Ply Only)
Triple Denim Bench Shirt (Multi Ply Only)
WR Bench Shirt
XB Bench Shirt
Deadlift suits:
MAX DL Deadlift suit
Fusion Deadlift suit
XDL Suit
Elbow Sleeves:
Neoprene Elbow Sleeves - up to 20cm/7mm
IAD Neoprene Elbow Sleeves - up to 20cm/7mm
Knee Sleeves:
Neoprene Knee Sleeves - up to 30cm/7mm
ErgoPro Knee Sleeves - up to 30cm/7mm
Power Knee Sleeves - up to 30cm/7mm
Knee Wraps: up to 2.5 M
Atomic Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Black Beauty Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Gripper Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Iron Knee Wraps Z - up to 2.5M
Power Surge Redline Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Power Surge Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
True Black Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Wrist Wraps: up to 1 M
Atomic Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Black Beauty Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Gripper Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Iron Wrist Wraps Z up to 1M
Power Surge Redline Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Power Surge Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Red Line Wrist Wraps up to 1M
True Black Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
W70 Wrist Wraps up to 1M
W60 Wrist Wraps up to 1M
W50 Wrist Wraps up to 1M
W40 Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Groove Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Heavy Duty Groove Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Predator Brief (Multi Ply only)
Power Pants Brief (Multi Ply only)
Pro Knee Wraps 78-inch Black Class: (Under 2.0M)
Pro Knee Wraps 98-inch Black Class: (Under 2.0M)
Premium Knee Wraps 78-inch Black Class: (Under 2.5M)
Women’s Wrist Wraps 12-inch up to 1M
Pro Wrist Wraps 20-inch, 28-inch, 36-inch up to 1M
Premium Wrist Wraps 20-inch up to 1M
Iron Bull Strength Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Rebel Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Rebel Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
Rhino Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Rhino Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Anaconda Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Anaconda Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Outlaw Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Outlaw Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Raptor Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Raptor Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Performance Knee Sleeves 2.0 up to 30cm/7mm
Compression Elbow Sleeves up to 20cm/7mm"
Rebel Wrist Wraps 18 in. John Haack Series (They are Captain America themed)
Rebel Knee Wraps 2.5 M John Haack Series
Iron Soul Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Iron Soul Heavy Wrist Wraps (Black) up to 1M
Iron Soul Super Heavy Wrist Wraps (Black/Gray) up to 1M
Iron Valley Powerlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm Xtra Small
Iron Valley Powerlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm Small
Iron Valley Powerlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm Medium
Iron Valley Powerlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm Large
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Iron Valley Powerlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm X Large
Iron Valley Powerlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm XX Large
Kallas Barbell Wrist Wraps (Black/White Stripes 28-inch) up to 1M
Kallas Barbell Knee Wraps (Black/White Stripes) up to 2.5M
Stoic Knee Sleeves up to 30 cm / 7 mm
Stoic Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Stoic Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
Savage Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
White Crusher 1 Ply Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Black Crusher 1 Ply Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Parallel Breaker Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Parallel Breaker Knee Wraps - up to 2.5M
Centurion and “Super” Centurion suits
Spartan Squat suit Superior Squat suit
Boss Squat suit (multi-ply only)
F6 Bench shirt Fury Bench shirt
Katana Bench shirt (including Spandex)
Super Katana Bench shirt (including Low Cut Collar and Spandex)
“Psycho” Evil Twin Bench shirt
Velocity Deadlift Suit
Knee Wraps: up to 2.5 M
Max RPM Knee Wrap
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Red Devil Knee Wrap
THP Knee Wrap
Titanium Knee Wrap
Signature Gold Knee
Wrap Wrist Wraps: Up to 1 M
Max RPM Wrist Wrap
Red Devil Wrist Wrap
THP Wrist Wrap
Titanium Wrist Wrap
Signature Gold Wrist Wrap
BOSS Briefs (multi-ply only)
Centurion Boxer Briefs (multi-ply only)
Centurion Briefs (multi-ply only)
Superior Boxer Briefs (multi-ply only)
Superior Briefs (multi-ply only)
Knee Sleeves: Up to 30cm length/7mm thick
Neoprene Knee Sleeves
Yellow Jacket Knee Sleeves without Front Criss Cross Seam
Yellow Jacket with Criss Cross Seam is only approved for the Classic RAW, Single Ply and Multiply
Elbow Sleeves up to 20 cm/7mm
Wrist Wraps (Commander/Convict 36-inch) up to 1M [Black/3 White Stripes]
Wrist Wraps (Guardian/Black Mamba 36-inch) up to 1M [Black/2 White Stripes]
Wrist Wraps (Phantom 36-inch) up to 1M [Black/3 Grey Stripes]
Wrist Wraps (Strangulator/Silver Beast 36-inch) up to 1M
Knee Wraps (Commander/Convict) up to 2.5M
Knee Wraps (Guardian) up to 2.5M
Knee Wraps (Phantom) up to 2.5M
Knee Wraps (Strangulator/Silver Beast) up to 2.5M
Wrist Wraps 17 inches
Power Wrist Wraps 36 inches
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Mava Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Move Weight Black w/White Logo Wrist Wraps (18, 24 and 39-inch) up to 1M
Classic Wrist Wraps Black LVL2 26-inch up to 1M
Classic Knee Wraps LVL1, LVL2, LVL3 Black up to 2.5M
Classic Elbow Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Classic Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Classic Elbow Cuffs up to 30cm/7mm
Wrist Wrap with Flames up to 1 M
Wrist Wrap Super Heavy Duty up to 1 M
Wrist Wrap Super Heavy Duty up to 1 M
Elbow Sleeves up to 20cm/7mm
Elbow Compression Sleeves up to 20cm/7mm
Knee Compression Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Nordic Unisex Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Norse Fitness Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Wrist Wraps (Jormungandr, Berserkr, Fullsterkur) up to 1M
Fullsterkur Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Overkill Strength 24-inch Wrist Wraps White/Logo up to 1M
Overkill Strength Wrist Wraps Loops White/Logo up to 1M
Overkill Strength Wrist Wraps Velcro White Logo up to 1M
Overkill Strength Knee Wraps White/Logo up to 2.5M
Overkill Strength Knee Sleeves Black/Logo 30cm/7mm
Overkill Single Ply Briefs (for Multi Ply only)
Overkill Single Ply Suit
Overkill Single Ply Bench Shirt
Overkill Multi Ply Bench Shirt
Overkill Multi Ply Briefs
Overkill Multi Ply Suit
Heavy Bear Witness Knee Wraps Class: up to 2.5M
Heavy Bear Witness Wrist Wraps Class: up to 1M
Bear Witness Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm/7mm, sizes XS-XL
Wrist Wraps (Lilliebridge 36-inch) Class: Under One Meter [American Flag]
Wrist Wraps (Commander/Convict 36-inch) Class: Under One Meter [Black/3 White Stripes]
Wrist Wraps (Guardian/Black Mamba 36-inch) Class: Under One Meter [Black/2 White Stripes]
Wrist Wraps (Phantom 36-inch) Class: Under One Meter [Black/3 Grey Stripes]
Wrist Wraps (Pioneer Amazon 36-inch) Class: Under One Meter [Gray/Purple Velcro]
Knee Wraps (Lilliebridge) Class: Up to 2.5M
Knee Wraps (Commander/Convict) Class: Up to 2.5M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Knee Wraps (Guardian) Class: Up to 2.5M
Knee Wraps (Phantom) Class: Up to 2.5M
Knee Wraps (Enforcer) Class: Up to 2.5M
Primal Power Wrist Wraps (32-inch) up to 1M
Primal Power Knee Sleeves S, M, L , XL 30cm/7mm
RDX Sports:
W3 Wrist Wraps up to 1M
K1, K2, K3 and K3G Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
Knee Sleeves up to 30 cm/7mm
Elbow Sleeves up to 20cm/7mm
Right 2 Fight Wrist Wraps 18-inch (all colors) up to 1M
Right 2 Fight Knee Wraps 1.9M (all colors) up to 2.5M
Rip Toned Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Rip Toned Fitness 40cm Wrist Wraps Black/2 Red Stripes up to 1M
Rip Toned Fitness 50cm Wrist Wraps Black/3 Red Stripes up to 1M
Rip Toned Elbow Sleeves up to 20cm/7mm
Standard Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Black Edition Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Standard Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
Black Edition Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
Knee Sleeves 7mm/30cm
RPE 10:
FD Choker Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
FD Choker Knee Wraps 2.5 M
FD Choker Wrist Wraps 1M
SBD Knee Sleeves Class: 30cm / 7mm (all sizes)
SBD Weightlifting Knee Sleeves Class: 5mm (all sizes)
SBD Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
SBD Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Eclipse Wrist Wraps up to 1M
1178B and 1178W Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Black Line Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Schiek Line Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Blue Line Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Pink Line Wrist Wraps - up to 1M
Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Serious Steel Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Serious Steel Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Serious Steel Wrist Wraps up to 1M
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Heavy Wrist Wraps 24"
Super Heavy Wrist Wraps 24"
Medium Wrist Wraps 24"
Sovereign Powerlifting Heavy Knee Wraps up to 2.5M
Sovereign Powerlifting Knee Sleeves up to 30cm/7mm
Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Wrist Wraps: Squat2Depth up to 1M
Knee Wraps: Up to 2.5 M
Stallion Squad Fitness 60cm Wrist Wraps up to 1M
Stoic Knee Sleeves up to 30 cm / 7 mm
Stoic Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Stoic Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
STIFF Wrist Wraps (12, 24 & 36in)
SUPER STIFF Wrist Wraps (12, 24 & 36in)
STIFF Knee Wraps (2 and 2.5M)
SUPER STIFF Knee Wraps (2 and 2.5M)
Knee Sleeves: INFERNO up to 30cm / 7mm
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Knee Sleeves up to 30 cm / 7 mm
STrong/World Record/Sling Shot/Gangsta Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M
STrong/Gangsta/POWER/Stretchy/Gangsta Flex/Sling Shot Wrist Wraps up to 1 M
Compression Cuffs (aka Elbow Sleeves) up to 20 cm / 7 mm
STrong/Sling Shot/Sport/Extreme "X" Knee Sleeves/Grippy Extreme "X" Knee Sleeves
Knee Wraps up to 2.5M (Zelus, BIA, Kratos, Savage & BMF)
Wrist Wraps up to 1M (Zelus, BIA, Kratos, Savage & BMF)
Stronghouse Competition Knee Sleeves 30cm/7mm
Stronghouse Elbow Sleeve up to 20cm/7mm
Squat Suits:
Centurion and “Super” Centurion suits
Spartan Squat suit
Superior Squat suit
Boss Squat suit (Multi Ply only)
Bench Shirts:
F6 Bench shirt
Fury Bench shirt
Katana Bench shirt (including Spandex)
Super Katana Bench shirt (including Low Cut Collar and Spandex)
“Psycho” Evil Twin Bench shirt
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Deadlift Suit:
Velocity Deadlift suit
Knee Wraps: up to 2.5 M
Max RPM Knee Wrap
Red Devil Knee Wrap
THP Knee Wrap
Titanium Knee Wrap
Signature Gold Knee Wrap
Wrist Wraps: Up to 1 M
Max RPM Wrist Wrap
Red Devil Wrist Wrap
THP Wrist Wrap
Titanium Wrist Wrap
Signature Gold Wrist Wrap
BOSS Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Centurion Boxer Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Centurion Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Centurion Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Superior Boxer Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Superior Briefs (Multi Ply only)
Knee Sleeves:
Knee Sleeves up to 30cm length/7mm thick Titan Neoprene Yellow Jacket (without Criss-Cross
Seam) are approved for all divisions.
Knee Sleeves up to 30cm length/7mm thick Titan Neoprene Yellow Jacket (with Criss-Cross
Seam) are approved for Classic Raw, Single Ply and Multi Ply, not Raw.
Elbow Sleeves:
All Elbow Sleeves up to 20 cm / 7 mm
Wrist Wraps up to 1 M (16-inch, 27-inch and 30-inch)
Knee Sleeves Training Sleeves 30cm / 7mm
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Knee Sleeves Competition Sleeves 30cm / 7mm
Knee Sleeves Pro Series 30cm / 7mm (X over the knee cap) are approved for Classic Raw, Single
Ply and Multi Ply, not Raw.
Knee Wraps up to 2.5 M (Contender, Annihilator, Destroyer, Enforcers and BULL)
Wrist Wraps up to 1 M (Contender, Annihilator, Destroyer, Enforcers and BULL)
Knee Sleeves up to 30 cm / 7 mm
Elbow Sleeves up to 20 cm / 7mm
Part 12. Drug Testing-Banned Substance List
The information provided herein is for informational purposes only. The USPA national office,
its officers, employees, agents or representatives are not qualified medical professionals and
will not provide medical advice and/or respond to athlete inquiries regarding whether use of a
particular medication or supplement not listed herein is permissible. All athletes intending on
competing in a USPA drug tested event bear the exclusive responsibility of consulting their
own physician or medical professional to determine whether any prescription medications or
other supplements they are currently using may yield a positive test result and/or contain any
substances on this banned substance list.
Anabolic Steroids and Agents
1-Androstendiol, 1-Androstendione or
1-Testosterone metabolite(s)
4-Hydroxytestosterone, Formestane &/or metabolite(s)
6a-Methylandrostendione metabolite
Androstendiol, Androstendione or
Testosterone (T/E 4:1 Ratio)
Bolasterone metabolite
Boldenone metabolite(s)
Calusterone metabolite(s)
Clenbuterol (anabolic agent)
Clostebol metabolite(s)
Danazol metabolite(s)
Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone metabolite(s)
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Desoxymethyltestosterone metabolite(s)
Drostanolone &/or metabolites
Epitestosterone (masking agent)
Estra-4,9-dien-3,17-dione metabolite(s)
Fluoxymesterone metabolite(s)
Formebolone metabolite(s)
Furazabol metabolite
Halodrol metabolite
Mestanolone metabolite
Mesterolone metabolite(s)
Methandriol metabolite(s)
Methandrostenolone metabolite(s)
Methasterone &/or metabolite
Methenolone &/or metabolite(s)
Methyl-1-testosterone &/or metabolite(s) L
Methyltestosterone metabolite(s)
Mibolerone metatabolite
Nandrolone , 19-Norandrostenedione or 19-Norandrost metabolite(s)
Norclostebol metabolite(s)
Norethandrolone metabolite(s)
Oxabolone &/or metabolite(s)
Oxandrolone &/or metabolite
Oxymetholone metabolite(s)
Probenecid (masking agent)
Prostanozol metabolite(s)
Stanozolol metabolite(s)
Stenbolone &/or metabolite(s)
Testolactone (anti-estrogen) metabolite
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Trenbolone metabolite
Methamphetamine (L and/or D)
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Ecgonine Methyl Ester (EME) (Cocaine
Designer Stimulants
Benzylpiperazine (BZP)
Ethacrynic acid
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Miscellaneous Stimulants
Amfepramone (Diethylpropion)
Cathine (Norpseudoephedrine)
Ethamivan (Etamivan)
Ethylamphetamine (Etilamphetamine)
Fenethylline (Fenetylline)
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Testosterone Boosters, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS), or other substances
that may result in a T/E ratio exceeding 4:1
Part 13. Religious Considerations
The USPA welcomes all lifters and will always do our very best at all times to accommodate any
special attire associated with religious needs. Please contact us at
[email protected] prior to the
meet so we may assist you, ensuring your having a pleasurable meet.
Part 14. Transgender Lifters
The USPA doesn't make a distinction between transgender or non-transgender athletes in non-
tested competitions. Everyone is welcome to compete in the USPA and will be held to the same
set of rules as stated in our rule book, whether lifting as a male or female. All lifters must show
ID and a membership card at weigh-ins. Athletes must register within the same gender category
as shown on their membership card. The USPA welcomes all lifters and will always do our very
best at all times to accommodate all members. Our staff is understanding and wants every lifter
to feel both welcomed and appreciated at our meets. If you are a transgender athlete and
would like more information, please email
Part 15. Code of Conduct
The United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) is committed to providing an inclusive,
professional, and safe environment to its members and has adopted a zero-tolerance policy
towards discrimination and all forms of harassment, including but not limited to sexual
harassment. USPA members are prohibited from engaging in behavior or publishing material
that, at the sole discretion of the USPA, is offensive or interferes with the rights of others or
causes harm to any person or entity. Violating our rules of conduct may result in termination of
membership, forfeiture of any membership fees that have been paid, and prohibition from
attending or participating in any USPA sanctioned events.
USPA Technical Rules 2022v1
Any complaints regarding a member who allegedly violates the USPA’s Code of Conduct must be
reported to the USPA Member Advocate at advocate@uspa.net within 30 days of the alleged
occurrence. The Member Advocate will gather all relevant supporting evidence regarding the
allegation and decide whether the case will be forwarded to the USPA Executive Committee to
consider disciplinary action against the member.
Members include all participating athletes, meet directors, referees, certified coaches, or other
officials and/or employees. All members are expected to treat each other with respect and
dignity while upholding the integrity and professional standards of the USPA. All members are
expected to observe all association rules as currently stated in the USPA Rule Book and adhere
to the following principles:
There will be no unlawful discrimination based upon a person’s sex, sexual orientation, age,
race, color, creed, national origin, veteran status, marital status, religion, political affiliation,
disability, perceived disability, personal appearance or any other legally protected characteristic.
Any form of harassment towards others that is illegal, threatening, harmful, abusive or
otherwise objectionable will not be tolerated. This includes behaving, communicating, or
publishing material that invades another’s privacy, is degrading, defamatory, hateful,
fraudulent, libelous, obscene, sexually explicit, or is ethnically objectionable.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment will not be tolerated and includes unwelcome sexual solicitation, physical
touching, transmission of offensive sexually graphic images or written material, or any conduct
that’s sexual in nature that’s abusive, offensive, and intimidating. A member’s conduct will be
considered unwelcome and in violation of the USPA Code of Conduct when the member should
have known the conduct was unwelcome, or when the persons (s) subjected to the conduct