Mission Statement: To strengthen families through connuing educaon,
leadership development and volunteer community support.
29Extension Office Closed
5-7IEHA Conference
13Council Meeting (9:30 am)
Newsletter Deadline
Submissions for the August/September Issue
are due by July 15.
Submissions may be emailed to Melissa Phillips, Newsletter Editor,
(PCS.ServingHim@gmail.com) and Lisa Pitts ([email protected]).
Hand written copies may be given or mailed to
Melissa Phillips (9388 S. County Road 100 W., Clayton, IN 46118).
Ä President: Rosie Lenihan
Ä Vice President: Deloris Elza
Ä Secretary: Karla Janning
Ä Treasurer: Judy Ricketts
Ä Education: Sharon Lytle
Ä Leadership: Shannon Wagner
Ä Home & Family Arts Show: Joanna Sell
Ä Volunteer Community Support: Charlotte Lloyd
Ä 1st Member at Large: Sharon Fruits
Ä 2nd Member at Large: Ellen Looney
Ä 3rd Member at Large: Lynn Lillard
Ä 4th Member at Large: Kim Weber
Ä News Chair: Melissa Phillips
Ä HHS EducatorBeth Switzer
A BIG thank you to all of our 2022-2023 Officers for serving this past year!
Ä President: Melissa Mikesell
Ä Vice President: Karla Jenning
Ä Secretary: Ellen Looney & Joanna Sell
Ä Treasurer: Judy Ricketts
Ä Education: Sharon Lytle
Ä Leadership: Ellen Looney
Ä HHS EducatorBeth Switzer
Ä Home & Family Arts Show: Joanna Sell / Kim Weber
Ä Volunteer Community Support: Charlotte Lloyd
Ä 1st Member at Large: Rosie Lenihan
Ä 2nd Member at Large: Shannon Wagner
Ä 3rd Member at Large: Lynn Lillard
Ä 4th Member at Large: Kim Weber
Ä News Chair: Melissa Phillips
NEW 2023-2024 Officers
Calendar of Events
4Extension Office Closed
11 & 12Open Class Registrations (3-7 p,)
13-Open Class Registration (9 am 3:00 pm)
15Submit Open Class Entries
16-23Hendricks County 4-H Fair
16Baked Goods Auction (5 pm)
20”Just Be Kind” Presentation
20Zucchini Contest
So thankful for the ladies that have stepped up to serve this coming year!
Graduaon and Cookouts!
It is that me of the year. Please remember to be smart when aending
either of these events. It is geng warmer and food safety is a major issue
this me of the year.
Please remember to do the following when hosng:
· Keep cold foods COLD.
· Have separate serving utensil for each item.
· Do NOT add to the potato salad, etc., replace the bowl with a new one that was in the refrigerator.
· Remember the elderly and the young; they are more likely to get food poisoning than a healthy adult.
· When in doubt, do without! If you think it will go bad, it probably will. Regardless of the cost of the food,
a food borne illness is never inexpensive!
When aending an event:
· Eat something prior to arriving so you don't go crazy at the party and eat everything!
· DO NOT double dip.
· Get a new plate, bowl, or glass when geng rells. Cross contaminaon is easy to do and you need to
avoid it.
· If you have allergies, avoid possible contaminates. You may not know what is in the recipe and you
probably do not need it.
· Keep your hands out of things - nuts, chips, veggies, etc. You may take the one you touch, but why have
someone look at you like you don't have any manners? lol
Enjoy the me with family and friends. Since COVID, we've all avoided events like these. We are all smarter
aer COVID, so be smart, enjoy, and spend me with friends and loved ones.
Rosie & Deloris
The May 10th meeting of the Chat `N` Do Homemakers was held at
Ms. B’s Teas in Clayton, IN. We got a head start on Mother’s Day and
used that time to remember our own Mothers. There were 12
members gathered for our meeting. We covered the council meeting
information and signed the sheets for open class fair watchers and for
members to set at the IEHA booth during the fair. Then we moved on to
new business and old business. Our Health and Safety Leader, Deb
Culler, reminded all of us that May is melanoma and skin cancer
awareness month. She passed out an information sheet titled “How do I know if I’m using the right
sunscreen?” Thanks Deb! We all ordered tea (so many kinds to choose from) and lunch was served
and enjoyed by all! Ms.B’s was a great place to meet food was good and there were so many things
to look at surrounding us. Meeting was adjourned and we all headed to the Antique shop right next
door for some shopping!!!!! (Submitted by Sheliah Kinnaman)
Fairfield Homemakers:
Fairfield Homemakers are keeping in touch with nature. We have ours. Where are yours? We are
carrying shiny brown buckeyes for the mythical good luck charm! Other lessons and discussions
have been lessening stress, benefits of cats and dogs to relieve stress, Will Rogers’ sayings to
make you smile, healthy well-being numbers, personal visions, submitting recipes to The
Republican, baking cookies for Holiday Fest, preparing for Achievement Day exhibit of “Quilts by
Indiana Homemakers” and learning about the quilts that club members made or are keeping as
family heirloom quilts, helping with Make a Difference Day and Helping Hands projects, and enjoying
friends with pitch-in lunches at Hummel Park in Plainfield and lunch at Ms B’s Teas in Clayton, IN.
With sad hearts, we are remembering long-time club member, Kay Frye. (Submitted by Helene
Modern Homemakers:
In March we had a wonderful and informative meeting. First, we welcomed a new member,
Marsha Warren, who also brought a guest and prospective new member. After a brief meeting with
updates from the Senior Services Center and a count of items donated to Susie’s Place, we
welcomed our guest speaker Hendricks County Sherriff Deputy, Brent Johnson. Officer Johnson is
also the School Resource Officer for the Mill Creek School Corporation. Officer Johnson gave
an instructive and informative presentation on personal and home safety. He gave us tips on
what to do when we are out and about and then when we are at home to keep ourselves safe.
As the incoming County President my hopes are to continue on with be-
loved traditions and maybe start a new tradition or two. We will be experiencing
some expected changes (new location for Open Show) and possibly some
unexpected changes. Life happens. If you should have any thoughts, con-
cerns, or ideas you wish to share, please call, text, e-mail or USPS mail. My
info is Melissa Mikesell, 2581 N Co Rd 525 W, North Salem, IN 46165.
(Phone/Text: 765-730-2993; Email: [email protected]) If no an-
swer please leave a message and I will try to get back to you.
I have been a member since 2012-2013 after participating in a Make a Dif-
ference Day activity of sewing for Riley. Got to know a few homemakers there,
and joined the Modern Homemakers Club. After a few years with them, I joined the Young
Moderns club that is closer to home. My involvement has taken me from serving on the county
council, attending State Conferences, serving as district treasurer, serving on an IEHA State Logo
committee, and even served a 3-year term as Boone County Treasurer.
Hope to see you at one of the many events coming soon. It’s almost FAIR Time.
Melissa Mikesell
He stressed we should always be aware of our surroundings, play the “what if game” and always
have a plan for emergency situations. He suggested we read the book “The Gift of Fear. He
wrapped up the presentation with a question-and-answer session. In April we shifted our meeting
place to Ms B’s Tea Room in downtown Clayton. President Ellen Looney made arrangements for the
antique shop next door to stay open late for shopping before our meeting. The owner. Mich Bignell
aka Ms B, greeted us to a lovely, informative, and delicious tea experience. The tables were
decorated with beautiful teacups and various tea related items. We dined on tea sandwiches,
homemade scones, and small desserts which were served with lemon curd and English style clotted
cream. We were also served a tasting of several of her most popular teas. Ms B gave us a
wonderful presentation on the history of tea and how tea parties and afternoon teas got started. It
was a wonderful evening.
On our May Achievement Day, Modern Homemakers were in charge of decorations. We used
many beautiful quilts that were created by our members and their families, some which were
decades old. We had over 25 quilts and hand sewn items on display. The front of the stage was
adorned with lovely quilt squares of all shapes, sizes, patterns, many made with antique fabric. Jane
Pfaffenberger also donated quilt books for members to take home with them. Our Education Exhibit
was on Home and Personal Safety. It gave many great tips on how to keep you and your family safe
at home and while away.
Hazelwood Homemakers:
The past couple of months have been very busy for our club. At the end of March we treated
ourselves to a luncheon at “Almost Home” in Greencastle. At our April meeting, we started making
the centerpieces for Achievement Day. We had a lot of fun working on them, although we had to
get together another time to finish them. Achievement Day was such a wonderful program this year.
It was so amazing to listen to the speaker give the story of the “Immanuel Quilt”. If you missed it,
you’ll definitely want to learn about it. We are all enjoying the warmer weather finally and looking
forward to the fair and working on various entries to submit. (Submitted by Melissa Phillips)
Achievement Day
Achievement Day was such a special time. We had a chance to thank
Rosie, our county president for the past two years as well as the other
officers who served this past year. We also installed new officers for the
coming year. Let’s support these new officers by being willing to get in-
volved and help.
The speaker, Joni Wolf, told about the “Immanuel Quilt” which is a
unique quilt that proclaims numerous names of Jesus. She told us the
story of its creation and explained the various blocks. She used invisible
thread to create the quilt, and there are even some “invisible” images
throughout the quilt. It
was such an uplifting
story. If you weren’t able
to come to Achievement Day, go to ImmanuelQuilt-
Ministry.com to learn more.
The Treblemakers entertained us after a delicious
lunch with a wonderful selection of songs from vari-
ous movies like Singing in the Rain, Dumbo, or Sis-
ter Act.
We even collected a number of games to do-
nate to Riley’s Children Hospital
Home and Family Arts Open Class Show
The Home and Family Arts Open Class
Show will accept preregistered entries on
Saturday, July 15 from 9:00-12:00 noon in
the South Hall of the Conference Center. I
hope many of you will consider entering
several exhibits this year. Entry fee is
$1.00 per entry and each exhibitor
receives 2 free tickets to enter the fair.
Entries need to be preregistered and entry
fee paid by Thursday, July 13. (See
calendar for registration dates and times.)
Catalogs with information for all the
departments and categories are available
in the Extension Office or on line @
Volunteers for Open Class Show
Volunteers will be needed on Saturday morning, July 15 from 8:30-12:00 to help get exhibits
checked-in and delivered to the various departments. We will also need volunteers to get exhibits
released on Saturday, July 22 from 7:00-8:00. If you are able to help, please contact the Director,
Joanna Sell, at 317-745-5947.
Exhibit Watchers for Open Class
Each club has received a schedule with several times for their club members to be watchers at
the Open Class Exhibit during the fair. Once your club has their volunteers scheduled, they will
receive free tickets to get them into the fair. All tickets will be sent electronically by e-mail. I
will need the e-mail address of all workers.
Extension Homemaker’s Booth
Please coordinate your clubs schedule for manning EHM Booth at the Fair for Club Presidents to
share at June Council Meeting, June 13.
Zucchini ContestJuly 20
It’s a good year for zucchini!!!! HA! Every year is a good year
for zucchini. They are so easy to grow and usually the garden
has an abundance of them. So, with all those zucchinis you
probably have an excellent recipe for zucchini bread, yes?
What other recipes have you found? Zucchini Fritters? Zucchi-
ni Cake? Zucchini Salsa? I found a recipe for Zucchini Gummy
Candy!!!! The sky is the limit. So, start planning, start cooking,
and get ready for the Zucchini Contest on July 20th. For more
information, go to https://extension.purdue.edu/news/county/hendricks/2021/HHS/2023-ehm-
open-class-book.pdf; page 3.
Homemaker Recipes in the Danville Republican Newspaper
Keep ‘em Coming!
Each month a different Homemakers Club is chosen to submit recipes for publication.
One recipe is printed each week of the month. 5-7 recipes are asked from each Club for
your “assigned” month. Our friends at the Republican are very generous with the space
they allow for the recipes and stories. If you have a story about why a recipe is in your
personal recipe book and why you would like to share it with others- please include the
information on the form.
Please send the recipes to me by the 15th of the month BEFORE your Club’s assigned month. For
example, if you are scheduled to provide recipes for May 2023, please provide the recipes to me no
later than April 15th so I can get them to the newspaper
early. It is appreciated that all the recipes
for a Club come to be as one group email or at least
together at the Extension Office. It becomes too
hard for me to keep track of items that come trickling in.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Ellen Looney
2023 Monthly Assignments:
June Young Moderns
July Fairfield, Pollyanna & Mailbox Members
August County Chorus- Specialty Club
September Crewel Jewels
October Chat ‘N Do
November Happy Homemakers
December Hazelwood Homemakers
2023 Scholarship Winners
The Hendricks County Extension Homemakers presented three $1,000 scholar-
ships at the May Achievement Day, to Hendricks County Seniors to help further
their educational goals and to encourage their continued development in the
areas of Health and Human Sciences, Food Science, or Education. Thank you
to our County Council and each Extension Homemaker for supporting our activ-
ities which provides these funds. The committee reviewed 28 applications from
7 different high schools.
This year’s recipients are:
· Marissa Schirmer, daughter of Mark and Melissa Schirm-
er, Lizton. Marissa will be a 2023 homeschool graduate
who plans to attend Ball State in the fall to study Speech
Language Audiology and Pathology.
· Bennett Schirmer, Marissa’s older-by-minutes twin broth-
er, Lizton. He will be a 2023 graduate from Tri West High School and Area 31
Career Center. He plans to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of
Southern Indiana.
· Mahala Hess, daughter of Mark and Suzanne Hess, Plainfield. She will be a
2023 Plainfield High School graduate attending Cedarville University in the fall.
Her plans are to become a Nurse with a minor in Global Missions.
Marissa and Bennett were able to attend the lunch and spoke briefly of their plans
for the fall. Mahala had a required AP Statistics National Exam that same day and could not attend
in person but sent remarks to share with those in attendance. The Extension Homemakers of Hen-
dricks County wish these seniors the best of luck in their future adventures.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Wagner, Chair
Leadership Committee, Hendricks County Extension Homemakers
Bennett Schirmer
Marissa Schirmer
IEHA Families Home Page www.ieha-families.org
Purdue Extension Hendricks County www.extension.purdue.edu/county/hendricks
This year the Hendricks County Extension Homemakers are planning a local tour
as part of our CULTURAL ARTS TOUR. The tour is May 24
and we will be
taking a walking tour of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in Plainfield. The
tour is FREE to attend. After the tour, we will be meeting at MCL in Avon for
lunch at your expense.
You can RSVP two ways: Either online at https://hendricksco4h.com/3ZlnCAY or by phone at 317-
745-9260 (office closes at 4:00 pm).
Submitted by Ellen Looney
Helping Hands/Make a Difference Day
We are now getting ready for spring to disappear and summer to come. It didn’t feel like we really
had a proper spring. We are getting ready to blink and it will be July and time for the fair.
I hope you all are going to participate in some way at the fair.
Don’t forget about Helping Hands/Make a Difference Day while you are busy having fun in the
sun. Fall will come just as quickly as summer. So let’s remember to look for deals and bargains on
supplies for when we will be back to helping those in our community. The list is below. Melissa
Phillips found a great deal on fleece and we had a sizable donation so now we will have almost 30
fleece to turn into blankets for Riley Children’s Hospital. A few more washcloths and we will be
ready to put together Hygiene Kits for Headstart and the
homeless. You are all so generous and we couldn’t be as
successful as we are without you.
Remember that we meet the second Thursday of the month at
Barlett Chapel Methodist Church on old US Highway 36. So
our first meeting is September 14th, 10 am-12 pm. We had a
carry-in at the last meeting and it was a great time of food and
fellowship. We will discuss whether you would like to continue
to do that again. We will start in September and it will be great
to get back together again.
See you at the fair!!
Be blessed because you are a blessing!!
Charlotte Lloyd
Things to Collect over the Summer:
#1: Toiletry items, travel size
· Toothpaste
· Toothbrushes
· shampoo and conditioner
· bar soap
· small combs
#2: Fleece
· 2 yard lengths
· washed in scent free detergent
no softener or softener sheets
· Blizzard or anti-pill