Career Development Center
Middle Tennessee State University
action words
hiring audience
Introduction to the Professional Resume 2
Step 1 | Complete a Career Profile 3
Step 2 | Build your Document Structure: Format and Design 5
Step 3 | Develop Your Content 8
Step 4 | Final Review and Conversion to Web Ready Format 12
Table of Contents
table of contents
Introduction to the Professional Resume
A well–crafted, professional resume will open many doors and give you the best possible chance for getting an
interview. Once you land the interview, then it’s up to you to land the job. So, resumes don’t get you the job, but
they are a critical element of the job search that leads to an offer.
The staff at the Career Development Center at MTSU builds hundreds of resumes each year and also trains
for resume writing by reviewing thousands of resumes written by professional resume writers. We also listen to
feedback from recruiters and hiring managers. Although you’ll find that just about everyone has a different opin-
ion on how to write a resume, our goal is to help you create your own resume based on core principles so that
you’ll have a professional resume throughout the course of your career.
So what exactly is a resume anyway? Let’s start with a basic definition. When you think about it, a resume is
actually a marketing document that highlights your unique knowledge, skills, education, experience and achieve-
ments that meet your target audience’s needs.
A well–crafted resume will accomplish several key outcomes for you:
1. Highlight who you are and demonstrate how you can meet your hiring audience’s needs in simple yet
dynamic language.
2. Create interest from an employer to offer you an interview.
3. Communicate your brand or what your competitive advantage is compared to other candidates.
4. Demonstrate motivation and professionalism through commitment to creating a high quality marketing tool.
5. Create a structure to help prepare you and the hiring manager for the interview.
Are there other applications where a professional resume is important? Yes!
1. Applications for graduate or professional school, fellowships, scholarships, proposals, grants and other
academic merit awards.
2. Promotions or other performance based programs with your current employer.
3. Appointments to boards, panels and committees.
Three key elements that you will need to master in crafting a professional resume are:
1. Content: The actual word choice and phrasing should be concise yet descriptive and speak to the needs
of your targeted hiring audience.
2. Format: How the information is structured or organized to best present your content.
3. Design: These elements include font type, font size, color, underline, bold or italic script, use of white
space, graphics, and other tools outside of content.
Name (as it will appear on the resume):
Mailing Address (Street and Number):
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address (needs to be professional):
Phone Number (needs to have some type of voice mail):
1.1 | Contact Information
Career/Education Summary (Usually 3-5 sentences or bullet statements that show core areas of expertise, indicate
a career direction, and begin to describe unique qualications that meet your hiring audience’s needs. Start by review-
ing 3-5 job postings that interest you and then highlight the core areas of expertise you have that are required by these
jobs. Use these terms as a foundation for your branding section)
Key Skills/Knowledge/Expertise (Again, using real job listings, develop a list of key terms of additional skills,
knowledge, and/or expertise that t your career goals and direction. Shoot for a list of 9-15 items)
1.2 | Branding Section
Exact Degree Title:
Exact Major(s): Exact Minor(s):
Projected Date of Graduation:
Cumulative GPA: Major GPA:
Achievements (Honors, Awards, Scholarships, Research):
Leadership/Activities (Leadership roles, Activities, Signicant Projects):
Study Abroad/Fellowship/Internships:
Most Relevant Coursework (9-15 courses):
*repeat above as needed for additional degrees
1.3 | Education Credentials
Step 1 | Complete a Career Profile
The idea of a career profile is to gather as much content as possible for use in crafting your resume. Don’t worry
with any format/design concerns and don’t focus on your word choice for now. Just work on collecting as much
factual information about yourself as possible.
complete a career profile
For each position, rst think of your duties and responsibilities. Then, begin to list your skills and the results you
achieved with the group or organization. The more you can focus on skills and results, the more effective your experi-
ence section will be. Also, stay focused on your hiring audience’s needs.
Company Name:
Company Location:
Brief Description of Company (Size, Industry, Products/Services):
Job Title and Location:
Dates of Employment:
Description (Describe your role in one to two sentences):
Accomplishments (List your accomplishments. Focus on the skills you used, the results you achieved, and any proj-
ects you completed along with key problems you solved. Ask yourself if you did anything to increase revenue, reduce
expenses, or make anything more efcient. Were you commended for doing anything well? Take a look at any annual
performance reviews for positive feedback about your results.):
Company Name:
Company Location:
Brief Description of Company (Size, Industry, Products/Services):
Job Title and Location:
Dates of Employment:
Description (Describe your role in one to two sentences):
Company Name:
Company Location:
Brief Description of Company (Size, Industry, Products/Services):
Job Title and Location:
Dates of Employment:
Description (Describe your role in one to two sentences):
*repeat above for each position
1.4 | Work Experience
complete a career profile
Take a look at the principles below to give your document effective format and design. Format has to do with the
way your information is organized, while design deals with the many elements that will give your resume visual
appeal. Format and design choices should be intentional and speak to your hiring audience. We like to use the
word principles rather than rules because resume writing is a subjective process and many opinions exist. Our
advice is to always consider your hiring audience first and then utilize resume guides for tips and examples of
how the professional resume is created.
Principle #1 - Resume length.
Consider limiting your resume to one page if you can describe your relevant and persuasive content within that
frame. If you have a lot of content or you’re a seasoned professional with years of experience, you may need
more than one page. What you don’t want is a partial page as this communicates an inability to be concise or
that you lack content.
Principle #2 - Eye catching name and contact information.
You want your name and contact information to get your readers’ attention and be easy to read. However, try to
avoid using large graphics, photos, and gaudy font color.
Principle #3 - Start your resume with a branding section.
A branding section should come after your name and contact section. The focus should be on how you meet
your hiring audience’s needs in dynamic and concise language. The top third of your first page is critical in
getting your reader’s attention and encouraging them to read the rest of your resume. There are many ways to
construct a branding section but a proven method is to include a narrative summary of your career/preparation
and a list of core competencies/knowledge/skills.
Principle #4 - Follow your branding section with an education section.
For an upcoming graduate or recent graduate, it’s best to follow your branding with education rather than expe-
rience. Even if you have significant experience, listing the education section first gives context to your present
Principle #5 - For experience use a reverse chronological format.
For the vast majority of resumes, an experience section listed in reverse chronological format will work best. You
may choose to have two experience sections, one with related experience that highlights your relevant skills and
accomplishments. The second experience section will show additional employment history that may not be as
Other sections you might include in your format:
1. Research
2. Internships
3. Volunteer Work
4. Leadership
5. Laboratory Skills
6. Publications
7. Professional Memberships
8. Presentations
Step 2 | Build your Document Structure: Format and Design
build your document structure
Sans Serif: Serif Font:
Calibri Trebuchet Garamond Century Schoolbook
Tahoma Georgia Palatino
Lucida Sans Myriad Pro (Mac Native) Book Antiqua
Minion Pro (Mac Native)
2.1 | Suggested fonts
Design Elements
Design can give your resume instant visual appeal and is critical in getting your readers’ attention. Design in-
cludes a cohesive strategy that seeks to maximize the use of font size and type, borders, margins, color, head-
ings, white space, graphics, shading and other elements. All the design choices are in service of your hiring
audience’s preferences. So, consider the industry, company culture, and type of position you’re targeting.
Principle #1 - Dene your container rst.
We suggest you define your document margins to be ½ inch to no more than ¾ of an inch all around the docu-
ment with even borders. The reason is that you will need plenty of space to add content that is specific enough
to be meaningful and not feel too crowded or text heavy. Many resumes with wide margins often have bullet
statements that are too short or general and simply do not add any value for the hiring audience in terms of spe-
cific skills or results.
Principle #2 - Select a font and font size.
For the main body of your resume, you will want to use a sans- serif font. These fonts are easier to read on a
computer monitor or tablet device where your resume will likely be read first. You might consider a serif font for
your name or headings but keep in mind that some fonts don’t work well together and that certain fonts may not
fit the message you’re communicating to your audience.
Start with a font size of 11 point for your main body and 16-24 point for you name. Be careful not to use too
many font sizes which will give your resume a cluttered look.
Insider Tip: You can choose from thousands of fonts. Just remember to save your final resume file as a
document file and also as a PDF before submitting your resume. Always submit the PDF version of your re-
sume unless directed otherwise. Saving as a PDF “bakes” the fonts you use into the document so it doesn’t
matter if the recipient has those fonts on their machine or not.
Principle #3 - Use color effectively.
When deciding whether to use color or not, you should first think about the position, company and industry.
Consider the world we now live in with graphics, color, photos and videos. This is a very visually rich environ-
ment and black text on a white background has considerably less visual appeal. Think about using color for your
name, headings and bullet symbols as a subtle way to add visual interest without overwhelming the content.
3 Samples to Consider:
1. RGB= 32, 73, 125 Blue (Conservative, Calming, Stability)
2. RGB= 55, 121, 52 Green (Growth, Environment, Freshness)
3. RGB= 148, 54, 52 Red (Energy, Excitement, Risk)
Insider Tip: In Word, from the “Home” tab, click the “Font Color” drop down tab and choose “More Colors”.
From there, choose “Custom Colors” and enter the RGB values.
build your document structure
Principle #4 - Use white space.
Make sure you use white space effectively to enhance the readability of your document. Ample white space be-
tween sections will keep your resume from looking too text heavy and crowded. White space allows your read-
er the visual space to pause and process your information. Too much white space will give the impression that
you’re lacking in related skills and experience.
Principle #5 - Apply style to your text in a consistent manner.
Use bold, underlined, or italicized fonts and indent your text in consistent ways to add emphasis and improve
the readability of your resume. All caps, horizontal lines, borders and tables can also be used to highlight your
Principle #6 - Use bullet point symbols.
Bullet symbols are a great way to highlight content in your resume such as achievements or other items that
might be in a short list. You don’t want all of your text to be bulleted though as this will diminish the effect and
the resume will lose readability and sense of flow. You can use the “bullet” drop down box in the Paragraph tab
in Word to help keep your use of bullets consistent. Additionally, you can choose to use the “Wingdings” font to
use other bullets and manually manage your spacing.
Diamond Bullet
Box Bullet
Diamond Dot Bullet
Principle #7 - Avoid Widow and Orphan Lines.
Although you will not have large blocks of text, you still want to eliminate any widow or orphan lines on your
resume. In the typesetting and publishing world, a widow line is a line of text at the end of a paragraph that
begins on a new column or new page. An orphan line occurs when the beginning of a paragraph appears on one
column or page with the rest of the paragraph on a separate page. Although you won’t likely have multiple text
columns on your resume, the same principle applies. You don’t want to have one-word or two-word lines be-
cause this wastes valuable space on your resume that you need to be using for relevant and persuasive informa-
tion. Consider reworking your text so that you’re not wasting valuable space.
build your document structure
Sample #1
C++, Perl, Object Oriented Design/Development, Windows, Unix
Information systems graduate with four years of programming and application development experience. Skilled
in creating error-free programs and identifying and solving system problems. Software design and development
in C++, C, Java, Perl, and PHP in Windows, UNIX and Linux.
Core Strengths:
System Analysis and Design Program Logic Development Database Design
Web Design and Development User Training Software Testing
Sample #2
A self-motivated communicator who energizes teams and organizations to achieve positive public relations
using effective interpersonal communication skills, project management skills, and social media outreach
strategies. Strengthens client relationships through blogging, special event promotions, and engagement on
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
MicrosoftOfceandPublisher BasicHTMLskills PressReleases
Emmamarketingprogram APwritingstyle EventPlanning
FinalCutProvideoediting PublicSpeaking Photoshop
3.1 | Sample Branding Sections
Step 3 | Develop Your Content
Principle #1 - Create an effective branding section.
The modern professional resume includes a branding section rather than an objective statement. This is the most
important section of the resume and, unfortunately, is usually the most difficult to write. A well-written brand-
ing section includes a narrative summary of your career that describes your core areas of knowledge, skill and
expertise. The branding section also includes a listing of knowledge, skills and expertise that focuses the hiring
audience on some of the key reasons you meet their needs. Branding sections usually don’t need a heading and
may or may not use a branding title.
The difference between a branding section and its predecessor, the objective statement, is that the branding
section focuses more on how you meet the employer’s needs and the objective statement was more about you
and your career goals. Objective statements also lacked substance and failed to describe specific knowledge and
skills that are relevant to the hiring audience.
Insider Tip: If you’re struggling to put your branding section in to words, do a quick search and print 5
current job postings that fit your interests. Then highlight the skills/knowledge/expertise that you have that
match the needs of the job postings. Make sure you work these qualities into your branding section.
develop your content
Principle #2 - Fully develop your academic content.
If you’re an upcoming or recent college graduate you may not have a substantial body of work experience to
highlight. If that’s the case, focus on developing your educational content as much as possible.
Include your GPA if it is 3.0 or higher
List scholarships, awards and academic achievements
List research and presentations
Include campus leadership and involvement
Include study abroad experiences
Include a table (usually 3x3 items or longer) of related courses
Make sure you have your exact degree title, major, minor and concentration (if applicable) listed correctly. If you
have extensive content in one or more areas under your education section, you may need to create a separate
section for that content.
Principle #3 - Develop content for your experience section.
Write your experience section with the focus on skills used and results achieved rather than just listing duties.
Make sure you’re being descriptive when conveying the results you achieved or projects to which you contributed.
Quantify whenever possible.
Ask yourself these questions:
What problems did you solve?
What revenue did you generate?
What expenses did you reduce?
What projects did you complete?
Did you make any improvements to operations?
Did you develop new ideas that were successfully implemented?
What were you commended for doing well?
There is a definite art to writing effective content about your previous experience. It needs to be dynamic, re-
sults-focused and descriptive enough while still being efficient.
If you have space, you might include a one-line or two-line description of the employer and a one-line or two-
line description of your role at the company. This approach will help you focus on skills and results for your bullet
Principle #4 - Write with dynamic rather than passive language.
Avoid phrases that are focused on duties and use more dynamic action verbs to describe your experience.
Passive Dynamic Action Words
Responsible for Planned and implemented
Duties included Designed and launched
Principle #5 - Quantify when possible.
Use any numbers or metrics you can to show your performance and results.
Sales, profits, expense reduction? Percentage increase in measurable? Performance goals met?
Comparison to peers or competitors? Project outcomes and timelines? Annual review metrics?
develop your content
Accelerate Accomplish Achieve Acquire
Advance Advise Advocate Align
Alter Analyze Anchor Appraised
Approved Architect Arrange Arbitrate
Articulate Assess Audit Augment
Author Balance Back Brainstorm
Brief Budget Capitalize Centralize
Chair Champion Change Charter
Coach Collaborate Compel Compose
Consolidate Construct Consult Continue
Contract Convert Coordinate Counsel
Craft Critique Cut Define
Deliver Delegate Design Detect
Determine Develop Devise Diagnose
Direct Discern Discover Dispense
Display Distinguish Distribute Diversify
Double Downsize Draft Drive
Edit Educate Effect Eliminate
Enable Enact Encourage Endeavor
Endorse Energize Enforce Engineer
Enhance Enliven Entrench Equalize
Establish Evaluate Examine Exceed
Execute Exhibit Expand Expedite
Export Extricate Facilitate Fashion
Finance Focus Formalize Formulate
Foster Fund Further Gain
Generate Guide Halt Handle
Head Help Hire Honor
Identify Illustrate Implement Improve
Increase Influence Inform Initiate
Innovate Inspect Install Institute
Instruct Intensify Interview Introduce
Inventory Investigate Judge Justify
3.2 | Key Verbs
250+ Key verbs you can use to add more dynamic language to your resume and career correspondence
develop your content
Launch Lead Leverage Liaise
License Listen Locate Lower
Maintain Manage Map Market
Master Maximize Measure Merge
Minimize Model Modify Monetize
Motivate Navigate Negotiate Network
Nourish Obtain Observe Operate
Orchestrate Organize Optimize Orient
Outsource Overcome Overhaul Perceive
Perfect Perform Persuade Pinpoint
Pioneer Plan Position Predict
Prepare Present Process Produce
Program Promote Propel Propose
Prospect Provide Publish Purchase
Qualify Quantify Question Rate
Ratify Rebuild Receive Recognize
Reconcile Record Recruit Recycle
Redesign Reduce Reengineer Regain
Regulate Rejuvenate Render Renew
Renovate Report Reposition Represent
Restructure Retrieve Revise Revitalize
Save Schedule Screen Serve
Settle Shape Shepherd Slash
Solidify Spark Speak Start
Stimulate Streamline Strategize Structure
Succeed Suggest Summarize Supervise
Supplement Synthesize Target Teach
Test Total Track Train
Translate Troubleshoot Unify Upgrade
Upsize Use Validate Verify
Watch Win Work Write
3.2 | Key Verbs
develop your content
Is your resume visually appealing and easily readable in just a few seconds on the rst pass?
Are you clearly communicating who you are and your core skills relative to your hiring audience’s needs?
Review actual job postings of interest one more time.
Is there any important content that’s missing?
Is there any content that needs to be deleted or reorganized?
Is the design consistent and the format well-organized?
Is the Experience section focused on skills and results rather than job duties?
Is the resume specic and descriptive while still being concise?
4.1 | Final Checklist for Resume Quality
Step 4 | Final Review and Conversion to Web Ready Format
Principle #1 - Proofread by multiple people.
Find two or three people and have them review your resume before you send the final version to an employer or
contact. Have them critique your content for effectiveness. Also look at the details of spelling, grammar, punctua-
tion and the consistency and appeal of the format/design.
Principle #2 - Save two copies, a Word document and a PDF.
Save your final copy as a Word document but do not submit this to an employer or contact unless specifically
requested to do so. Instead, save another copy as a PDF file. This will eliminate most compatibility issues across
platforms and applications. Additionally, this allows you more fonts to work with since the PDF saves the fonts
to the file, which means that your reader’s computer or tablet does not have to have those fonts in order to be
viewed as you intended.
Principle #3 - Create a text only resume for submission to web based applications.
Many job listing databases and company applications are now available on the Web, which is great. Howev-
er, when you submit your resume in whole or part to a text box on the Web, you’ll need to have a “text only”
resume ready to go. This means that all your hard work on the design elements of your resume will now be
stripped out!
Follow these steps and you’ll be ready to cut and paste your text resume to online databases quickly and effi-
1. Open the final version of your Word document file. “Select All” then choose the “Copy” command.
2. Open Notepad on your PC or TextEdit on your Mac. Then choose the “Paste” command.
3. Review the resume and remove any unusual characters and fix spacing and format problems.
4. Add blank lines to improve the readability.
5. Use keyboard characters to deliver “text only” formatting. This might mean ALL CAPS for headings or
using characters like ***, (___), >, <, #, +, ^ to help highlight your content.
6. Save this “text only” version of your resume and have 2-3 people proofread for you.
For individual assitance with your resume, contact the
MTSU Career Development Center Peer Career Advisors at
final review
For resume examples see our website: