2024 AAML Midyear Meeng – Speakers
Michèle Bissada
Equity Compensaon: Determinaon of Income Available for
Support; Complex Income Calculaons; Vesng, Timing and
Tax Consideraons
Michèle Bissada, a partner at Flicker, Kerin, Kruger &
Bissada, LLP, located in Menlo Park, in the heart of
Silicon Valley is a Cered Specialist in Family Law
(ACFLS); a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML); a Fellow of the
Internaonal Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL); and is a member of the Associaon of Family
and Conciliaon Courts (AFCC), a naonal organizaon addressing children's issues in divorce. In
her 30th year of pracce, Ms. Bissada is a prominent and seasoned ligator and mediator,
specializing in complex custody and nancial maers. She has experse in navigang and
guiding clients through complex venture capital, hedge fund and private equity cases, as well as
the most complex of custody issues, including children who resist or refuse to see one parent,
gatekeeping and relocaon (move-away) cases.
In 2025, Ms. Bissada will transion out of ligaon to focus 100% on consultaon and neutral
work, including serving as a mediator for pares directly and aorney-assisted mediaon; as
well as serving as private selement judge and temporary judge. Ms. Bissada is rated by
Marndale Hubbell as an AV Preeminent aorney in her eld and has been nominated for Best
Lawyers® by US News & World Report, as well as Super Lawyers® by Thomson Reuters, which
she has earned each year since 2006. She has been included in the Super Lawyers® Top 50
Women since 2019 and as Bay Area Top 100 Aorney since 2020 and the Top 10 since 2021. In
2023, Ms. Bissada has also earned the addional disncon as 2023 Best Lawyer for San Jose
and ranked #3 of the Top 100 aorneys in all of Northern California by Super Lawyers®.
Judge Bruce R. Cohen
Families in Transion (FIT): A Prevenve and Scalable High-Conict Parent
Educaon Program to be Used Early in the Separaon/Divorce Process
Bruce R. Cohen was appointed as a Superior Court Judge to the
Maricopa County Superior Court in May, 2005. Since joining the
bench, he served on a family court assignment for six years (four of
which was as Associate Presiding Family Court Judge), followed by a
four-year assignment to the Criminal Department of the Court (two
years of which he was the Managing Judge of the Post-Convicon
Relief Unit), three years assigned to the Juvenile Court and one year on a Civil Court calendar.
From June, 2019 through June, 2023, he served as the Presiding Judge of the Family
Department of the Maricopa County Superior Court. He now presides over a criminal
department calendar.
In the mid to late 1970s, before entering the legal profession, Judge Cohen worked in the
concert industry. He produced shows with many top acts, including Bruce Springsteen, The
Eagles, Bob Seger, Journey, Yes, Janis Ian, Melissa Manchester, Billy Joel, Emerson Lake &
Palmer, Yvonne Elliman, Black Sabbath (with Ozzy), The Beach Boys, Herbie Mann, Stanley
Clarke, Kenny Loggins, Dicky Bes of the Allman Brothers, Harry Chapin, Elvis Costello, George
Carlin, Cheech and Chong, Bob Hope, and the Rolling Stones (featuring Linda Ronstadt). He
helped produce a benet concert held at the U of A Football Stadium in 1977 headlined by
Fleetwood Mac and the Marshall Tucker Band, which was aended by 67,000 people and which
raised over $400,000 for the American Heart Associaon, from whom he was given their 1977
Outstanding Service Award.
Aer graduang from the University of Arizona with a B.A. in Psychology in 1978, Judge Cohen
aended law school and earned his J.D. at Arizona State University (now known as “Sandra Day
O’Connor College of Law”). While in law school, he appeared on two game shows—“High
Rollers” (1979), hosted by Alex Trebek and “Match Game” (1980), hosted by Gene Rayburn.
Judge Cohen has remained acvely engaged with the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. In
2001 and again in 2021 and 2022, he served as an adjunct family law professor and has been a
guest speaker on many other occasions. He and his wife sponsored an annual scholarship
project for a number of years through 2012 for rst year law students on the issue of
professionalism. In the summer of 2010, he helped develop a mentor program for 1L law
students to be paired with judicial ocers.
Prior to his appointment to the Bench, Judge Cohen was in private pracce for 24 years. He was
a cered specialist in Family Law and served on the Family Law Board of Legal Specializaon
for the State Bar of Arizona, as well as the Family Law Execuve Council for the State Bar of
Arizona. He was a Fellow in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and was named
annually to the Marndale Hubbell Preeminent Lawyers in America. In 1990, he was named
Volunteer Lawyer of the Year by the Maricopa County Bar Associaon. In the 1990s, Judge
Cohen co-authored legislaon adopted in Arizona on parent informaon programs and
adopon of special needs children. Aer four years of eort, he helped secure the passage of
legislaon in Arizona in 2021 that allowed sexual assault survivors who became impregnated to
seek terminaon of parental rights of their assailants.
In 2013, Judge Cohen worked in collaboraon with others to return to Arizona the “Anytown”
program, which brings together high-school aged children for a weeklong camp focused on
stamping out bias, prejudice and bigotry and celebrang diversity. He served as a co-director
for the 2014 and 2016 camps.
Judge Cohen has served on numerous commiees, boards and task forces, including: Arizona
Supreme Court Child Support Guidelines Commiee for four quadrennial reviews, commencing
in 1996, (Chairperson for the 2008-2010 Review and again as a member for the 2020-21
review); Arizona Supreme Court Family Law Rules Review Commiee and on the Admission on
Moon Task Force; Arizona Supreme Courts Standing Commiee on the Impact of Domesc
Violence and the Courts (2019-2023), the Family Court Improvement Commiee, and the
Commission on Access to Jusce; Judicial Execuve Council member for the Maricopa County
Superior Court (2014-15 and 2019-2023); Chairperson of the Arizona State Bar Professionalism
Advisory Council; Arizona Supreme Court commiee on spousal maintenance (2022-23); and
Maricopa County Superior Court Peer Support Program (founding member). He is also past
president of the Arizona Associaon of Family and Conciliaon Courts (1992) and served as a
member of the AzAFCC Board through January, 2011. Judge Cohen chaired 2010-11 AzAFCC
Summit Project, which focused on developing communicaon skills for parents. In May, 2023,
he was an invited to be part of the AFCC Internaonal Symposium of Family Law Judges,
aended by judges from across the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore and
Judge Cohen has worked in concert with the Naonal Conference for State Courts and Arizona
State University to develop the Families In Transion Program (“FIT”). With funding from the
State Jusce Iniave, FIT is a computer-based interacve program designed for early
intervenon in cases where there is risk of the family becoming engaged in high-conict
parenng. He also served as the naonal co-chair for the Family Law Workgroup of the Naonal
Judicial Task Force on Mental Health and the Courts. This group developed an “Understanding
Series” regarding mental health issues in family court proceedings and is published on the
website of the Naonal Conference of State Courts.
During his 18 years on the Bench, he received a number of awards, including: Arizona Family
Support Council’s 2010 Judicial Ocer of the Year; 2011 AzAFCC Outstanding Service Award,
2011 “Improving Public Trust and Condence in the Arizona Court System” award from the
Arizona Supreme Court; 2013 Maricopa County Superior Court Pendleton Gaines Collegiality
Award; nominaon for the US Jusce Department 2014 Naonal Crime Vicms’ Service Award;
“Lifeme Achievement Award” from the State Bar of Arizona- Family Law Secon in 2016; and
the Phoenix Chapter of the American Board of Trial Aorneys 2019 “Judge of the Year.” For his
work on judicial educaon, he was a co-recipient of the 2021 Excellence in Judicial Educaon
Award from the Arizona Judicial College, was awarded the naonally presgious 2022 “Irwin
Cantor Innovave Program Award” from the Associaon of Family and Conciliaon Courts, and
the “2022 Promong Judicial Branch Excellence Award” from the Arizona Supreme Court. He
was recently the recipient of the 2023 “Jusce Michael D. Ryan Award for Judicial Excellence”
from the Public Lawyers Secon of the State Bar of Arizona and the 2023 “Making a Dierence
Award” from the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the
State Bar of Arizona Family Law Secon. In November, 2023, Judge Cohen was named the
Judicial Ocer of the Year” by the Maricopa County Bar Associaon.
In 2013, Judge Cohen and family appeared and were champions on Family Feud (hosted by
Steve Harvey) which allowed Judge Cohen to destroy in 17 minutes a favorable reputaon that
had taken decades to develop.
Michelle D. Connell
Panic Moments in Perspecve
Michelle D. Connell is a partner at Connell & Gelb PLLC praccing
exclusively in Family Law at both the trial and appellate court
levels. She is a Board Cered Specialist in the areas of Family
Law and Appellate Law. She is a Fellow in the North Carolina
Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers,
serving as President of the Chapter in 2020. She is the former
Chairperson of both the North Carolina Bar Associaon Family
Law Secon and the Appellate Rules Commiee. She served on the North Carolina State Bar
Specializaon Commiee for Appellate Law. She was recognized as the top Appellate Aorney
in the State of North Carolina in 2022. She was recently named one of the Top Ten Aorneys in
the State of North Carolina in 2024. She is the immediate past Board Chair of the Wake County
Regional SPCA.
Linda Dunikowski
Strategic Case Analysis: Spotlight on the Ahmaud Arbery Trial
Linda Dunikoski is a Senior Assistant District Aorney and head of the
Appellate Secon in the Cobb County District Aorney’s Oce in
Mariea, Georgia. She is a graduate of Indiana University and Georgia
State College of Law. In 2002, she began her career as a prosecutor with
the Fulton County District Aorneys Oce in Atlanta. In 2006, aer
spending a year in the Crimes Against Women and Children Division,
she moved into the Major Case Division, primarily prosecung
homicides and high-prole cases. She was a member of the team that prosecuted the teachers
and administrators involved in the Atlanta Public School Cheang Scandal, the longest RICO
criminal trial, at that me, in the State of Georgia, lasng from August 11, 2014, through April 1,
2015. She has tried over 95 felony cases to verdict. Recently she was the lead prosecutor in the
State v. McMichael et al, the 2021 trial of the three men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery, an
unarmed Black jogger, in Brunswick, Georgia. She regularly presents oral argument to Georgia
Supreme Court on Constuonal issues. In June of 2022, she received the Daily Report’s
Georgia Legal Awards “Aorney of the Year.” In July of 2023, she received the Assistant District
Aorney of the Year award from the Georgia District Aorneys Associaon.
Marie Ebersbacher
Equity Compensaon: Determinaon of Income Available for Support;
Complex Income Calculaons; Vesng, Timing and Tax Consideraons
Marie Ebersbacher is the CBIZ Forensic Consulng Group Senior
Managing Director and has served as the rm’s Forensic &
Financial Services Naonal Pracce Leader since 2010. Marie’s
pracce primarily involves high net worth marital estate
dissoluons, including mul-year and mul-account complex
tracings, apporonment analyses, and business valuaons. Marie holds CPA licenses in
California, New York, and Tennessee. She is a member of the American Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers Foundaon Business & Valuaon Division and a former Chair of CalCPAs Forensic
Services Secon State Steering Commiee. Marie speaks frequently on forensic accounng
topics at state and naonal accounng and valuaon conferences and has presented to the
California Judicial College and at California Family Law Report
Advanced Family Law Courses.
She has earned the designaons of ABV (Accredited in Business Valuaon) and CFF (Cered in
Financial Forensics), presented by the AICPA; and CFE (Cered Fraud Examiner), presented by
the Associaon of Cered Fraud Examiners.
Jay E. Fishman, FASA, FRICS
Dealing with the Now-Untangled Start-Up and Complex Business
Jay E. Fishman, FASA, FRICS is a Managing Director of Financial
Research Associates and has been acvely engaged in the appraisal
profession since 1974. He specializes in the valuaons of business
enterprises and their intangible assets. Mr. Fishman has co-authored
several books, including the Guide to Business Valuaons (with
Shannon Pra),Standards of Value (with Shannon Pra and William
Morrison), and The Business Valuaon Benchbook (with William
Morrison) He has also wrien numerous arcles on business valuaon and has been qualied
as an expert witness and provided tesmony in Federal court, Tax Court, and twelve state
courts. He has taught courses on business valuaon to the Internal Revenue Service, the
Naonal Judicial College, The Hong Kong Society of Accountants and on behalf of the World
Bank in St. Petersburg, Russia.
He holds a bachelors and masters degree from Temple University as well as an masters in
business administraon from LaSalle University. Mr. Fishman is a Fellow of the American
Society of Appraisers (FASA), a Fellow of the Royal Instuon of Chartered Surveyors, a former
Chairman and current member emeritus of the Business Valuaon Commiee of the American
Society of Appraisers, Editor of the Business Valuaon Review, for many years was the Chair of
ASAs Government Relaons Commiee, a former Trustee of the Appraisal Foundaon(TAF) and
former member of the Appraisal Standards Board and the Appraisal Pracce Board of TAF. He
was a on the Board of Trustees of the Internaonal Valuaon Standards Council nishing his
second term in 2023.
In 2020, in full recognion of his outstanding services in the Society and contribuons to the
appraisal profession, the American Society of Appraisers gave him their Lifeme Achievement
Nancy Grace
Panic Moments in Perspecve
Nancy L. Grace is a principal of Wake Family Law Group in Raleigh, North
Carolina. She is a Board Cered Specialist in Family Law, a Fellow of the
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and a NCDRC cered Family
Financial Mediator.
Ms. Grace received a B. A. degree in Spanish in 1982 and a Masters Degree
in 1986 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She taught
Spanish at North Carolina State University for several years prior to
aending law school. In 1996, Ms. Grace received a J.D. with Honors from the University of North
Carolina School of Law and then served as law clerk to the Honorable James A. Wynn, Jr. of the North
Carolina Court of Appeals (now serving on the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals) prior to entering
private pracce.
Ms. Grace currently serves on the Board of Directors for the NC Chapter of the AFCC. She is a current
State Bar Councilor of the North Carolina State Bar and is a Past President of the Tenth Judicial District
Bar. She is a Past President of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers, a former Chair of the Family Law Secon of the North Carolina Bar Associaon, and a former
Chair of the Family Law Secon of the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers (now North Carolina
Advocates for Jusce). Ms. Grace has a long history of serving on commiees and in leadership posions
in professional organizaons relang to family law and is a frequent speaker or course planner for family
law CLE programs in North Carolina.
David Horowitz
Whats So Funny About Ethics?
David Horowitz specializes in family law and domestic relations
matters, including divorce, paternity, child custody, legal decision
making, parenting time, child support, mediation and arbitration.
David has significant experience in all child-related issues,
including step-parent adoption, grandparents’ rights, parenting coordination, same-sex
parenting, and guardianship/conservatorship. His practice also offers guidance with prenuptial
and post-nuptial agreements, complex divorce (including business valuation and complex
custody and child support issues), collaborative divorce, mediation, arbitration, and court-
appointed special master services. He is also a respected mediator in family law disputes and
serves as a judge pro tem for the Maricopa County Superior Court.
David is a Certified Family Law Specialist (Arizona Board of Legal Specialization) and a Super
Lawyers honoree. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, serves on
the Academy’s board of governors, and chairs its Mediation Committee. He is the current chair
of the State Bar of Arizona’s Board of Legal Specialization Family Law Advisory Commission and
an officer of the State Bars Family Law Executive Council.
David teaches Family Law and Legal Studies at Phoenix College and has been an adjunct faculty
member at the Phoenix School of Law and Arizona Summit Law School. He has been practicing
in Arizona for over 30 years. He received his B.S.B.A. in Business Economics (1987) from the
University of Arizona Eller College of Management and his J.D. (1990) from the University of
Arizona College of Law.
Kevin McGrath
Woe is Me-Diator: When Your Empathy Tank is on Empty
In January of 2011, Kevin McGrath returned to private pracce aer
serving as a Referee in the Hennepin County Family Court for nearly
ve years. Kevin now operates McGrath Dispute Resoluon, LLC,
where he solely focuses on providing a variety of dispute resoluon
services to families in transion.
Prior to joining the Family Court, he was a partner in the Bloomington law rm of Jensen,
McGrath, Mullen & McSweeney, PLLP, where he focused on family law and alternave dispute
resoluon. Kevin was named a Super Lawyer, was selected one of Minnesota’s Top 40 Family
Law Aorneys, and was honored as one of Minnesota’s Top 100 Lawyers. He was a member of
the steering commiee that established the Hennepin County Financial Early Neutral Evaluaon
(FENE) program.
Kevin is a Rule 114 Qualied Neutral for civil and family law mediaon, arbitraon and
evaluave maers. Kevin has conducted trainings on Early Case Management, Financial Early
Neutral Evaluaon, and Social Early Neutral Evaluaon throughout Minnesota and in other
jurisdicons. In addion, Kevin was the primary author of the Financial Early Neutral Evaluaon
Handbook. Kevin is a frequent teacher at Connuing Legal Educaon seminars in Minnesota on
topics such as dispute resoluon, moon pracce, trial pracce, and courtroom conduct. Kevin
frequently presents at the annual Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Divorce Camp, including the
keynote address in 2010 where he relied on his experience with his mothers death as a
touchstone to urge the lawyers, accountants, mental health therapists, and judicial ocers in
aendance to consider the benets of helping pares in family law cases self-determine their
futures. He also gave the opening remarks at the 2023 AAML divorce camp. Kevin has presented
numerous mes at the Associaon of Family and Conciliaon Court naonal and internaonal
conferences on a wide range of topics, including the use and misuse of experts in child custody
cases, the preferences of children, and the suitability of family court as a forum to resolve family
system challenges. Kevin has served as an adjunct professor of Legal Wring and Family Law at
William Mitchell College of Law.
He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School and served as a law clerk at the
Minnesota Supreme Court for Jusce Joan Ericksen and Jusce Russell Anderson.
Karey L. O’Hara, Ph.D.
Families in Transion (FIT): A Prevenve and Scalable High-Conict
Parent Educaon Program to be Used Early in the Separaon/Divorce
Karey L. O’Hara, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at
Arizona State University. She conducts research on risk and
protecve factors that inuence how youth and families adjust
aer stressful events that involve contact with family, juvenile,
or criminal court systems, such parental divorce and parental
incarceraon. Currently, her research focuses on designing, opmizing, and evaluang
intervenons to promote the health and well-being of youth who experience these challenging
stressors. Her work is currently funded by a career development award from the Naonal
Instute of Mental Health (K01MH120321).
Alexandra Peais
Equity Compensation: Determination of Income Available for Support;
Complex Income Calculations; Vesting, Timing and Tax Considerations
Alexandra “Alex” Peais is a partner in the litigation services
department of Gursey Schneider, LLP, specializing in forensic
accounting for complex, high net worth family law matters. Alex
joined Gursey Schneider in 2012 and relocated to San Francisco in
2015 to open and manage the firm’s Northern California office. Her
expertise and services include tracing and apportionment of separate property assets, gross
income available for support, marital standard of living analyses, equity compensation
allocations, and reimbursement claims. Alex has extensive experience with family law issues
pertaining to clients in the alternative asset management industry, including private equity,
venture capital, and hedge funds. She has lectured on topics including equitable
apportionment of business interests and separate property tracings. Alex co-authored a book
about expert witness testimony in compensation related litigation and was a guest contributor
for Forbes regarding marital dissolution issues. She has practiced exclusively in the field of
family law forensic accounting since graduating with her undergraduate and master’s degrees
in accounting in 2008 and 2009, respectively.
Kenneth J. Pia, Jr., CPA, ABV, ASA, MCBA
Dealing with the Now-Untangled Start-Up and Complex Business
Kenneth J. Pia, Jr. is a partner and the leader of the Naonal
Matrimonial and Business Valuaon groups of Marcum LLP.
With more than 30 years of professional business valuaon
and ligaon support experience, Mr. Pia has developed a
naonal reputaon working on a wide range of complex
valuaon engagements. He has performed valuaons of
businesses and paral business interests for a variety of
purposes including, but not limited to, family law maers, employee stock ownership plans,
business damages, buy-sell agreements, shareholder ligaon, estate and gi tax maers, and
buying and selling businesses.
Ken is a past Chair of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Business Valuaon Commiee
and a member of the Naonal Business Valuaon Educaon Sub Commiee. Mr. Pia is also a Co-
Chair of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundaon’s Forensic & Business
Valuaon Division.
Ken is qualied as an expert witness in Federal District Court and State Courts of Conneccut,
Florida, Commonwealth of Massachuses, New York, Virginia and California as well as various
arbitraon proceedings. He has also rendered extensive services relang to court tesmony.
Craig Shoemaker
Through the Client's Eyes: Insights for Family Law Aorneys
Craig Shoemaker has had a career in show business, spanning
over four decades as a stand up comedian, actor, author, writer
and producer. He was named Comedian of the Year at The
American Comedy Awards on ABC and garnered two NATAS
Emmy awards. His 90-minute stand-up special, Daditude, aired
prime me on SHOWTIME Network and was on the front page on Nelix for several months.
Craig Shoemaker has performed comedy for four US Presidents, four solo comedy TV specials,
won Standup Comedian of the Year at the American Comedy Awards, appeared on Broadway, is
a two-me NATAS Emmy Award winner, a WGA scribe, an award-winning TV/Film producer, and
best-selling author of a novel and two children’s books. Craig is a prominent speaker and coach;
the founder and creator of Winning With Humor live events, one-on-one coaching, and training
system. Craig has wrien, produced, and starred in two Universal feature lms, Totally Baked,
and The LoveMaster. He has recurred two mes on Parks & Recreaon, and has guest starred in
such lm and TV producons as Pleasantville, Scream 2, Fuller House and Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Craig is the producer/creator/host of the Amazon Prime shows, The Wolf Pac and Comedy
Shoemaker has been included on the IMDB “Top 100 Stand Up Comics” list and had one of the
top 20 stand up specials of all me on Comedy Central. Based on his nonprot foundaon
Laughter Heals, Craig has spoken all over the world, including his acclaimed TED Talk in Ojai, CA.
Craig also founded Winning With Laughter, Craig Shoemaker's Winning with Laughter live
events, one-on-one coaching and training system will help bridge gaps in the boardroom, break
room, and the living room. Science has proven that laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Winning with Laughter's proven methods will give you insights how to reboot and transform
from the inside out!
Adam John Wol
Dealing with the Now-Untangled Start-Up and Complex
For nearly thirty years, Adam John Wol has seled,
and, if necessary, ligated and tried disputes involving
divorce, equitable distribuon, custody and visitaon,
and other areas of family law and matrimonial pracce.
Prior to co-founding the rm now known as Alter Wol Foley & Stutman LLP, Adam pracced
law at Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP (now Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP), where he
similarly focused on family law, including as a partner for eleven years. Prior to joining Kasowitz,
Adam was associated with Rosenman & Colin LLP (now Kaen Muchin Rosenman LLP), where
he pracced general commercial ligaon, as well as family and matrimonial law.
Adam graduated from The University of California at Berkeley School of Law in 1994 and
aended Harvard Law School for his nal year of law school. He received a Bachelor of Science
degree in Economics from The University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business, magna
cum laude, in 1991.
Adam is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers ("AAML"), where he holds a
number of leadership posions, including as Immediate Past President of the New York Chapter
and Co-Chair of the naonal commiees for the AAMLs Naonal Divorce Conference and
Chapter Leaders, and is a parcipant in several other acve commiees. He is also a member of
the Family Law Secon of the New York State Bar Associaon. Adam is a frequent lecturer, to
aorneys, nancial professionals, and mental health organizaons.
Adam’s unique ability to understand complex nancial aspects of complicated cases, while
remaining sensive to the deeply personal issues of family law maers as well as maintaining a
dry wit, disnguishes him in the industry. His commitment to clear and persuasive wring
benets the Firm’s clients in both selement and ligaon. Adam and his wife, Cindy, a
librarian, live in Manhaan with their two college-age sons. They enjoy wring and playing
music together.
Alison York
Finding Resilience: Reclaiming Your Peace Amid Chaos
Alison York Sanderson is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health
Counselor (LCMHC) and Naonally Cered Counselor (NCC) in
Apex, North Carolina. She received her BS and MS degrees in
Economics from the University of Florida and pursued a career in
the soware industry. Realizing her calling was in a dierent eld
she pursued an MA degree in Professional Counseling from
South University. Alison became fully licensed to pracce in 2014 and immediately began
credenaling as a cered EMDR trauma therapist and Emoonally Focused Couples therapist.
Addionally she has extensive experience working with addicon and especially partners of
addicts. She is the co-author of Next Steps: Prepare Yourself for Divorce and Hire the Right
Lawyer for Your Case. Alison is passionate about living a mentally, physically, and spiritually
healthy life and helping others do the same.