Choosing an Alternative
Vaccine Schedule
Paul A. Offit
Division of Infectious Diseases
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia
Perelman School of Medicine
The University of Pennsylvania
Too Many Vaccines Too Early
Times have changed
# of shots by 2 # shots at
Year Vaccines years of age one time
1900 Smallpox 1 1
Times have changed
# of shots by 2 # shots at
Year Vaccines years of age one time
1980 DTwP 5 2
Polio (OPV)
Times have changed
# of inocs by 2 # of inocs
Year Vaccines years of age one time
2015 DTaP 26 5
Polio (IPV)
Pneumococcal (conj)
Hepatitis A, B
Fewer immunologic components are
in vaccines today than
100 years ago
Number of antigens in vaccines
Year Vaccine # of antigens
1900 Smallpox 200
Number of antigens in vaccines
Year Vaccine # of antigens
1980 Diphtheria 1
Tetanus 1
Pertussis (wc) ~3000
Polio (OPV) 15
Measles 10
Mumps 9
Rubella 5
Total ~3041
Number of antigens in vaccines
Year Vaccine # of antigens
2015 Diphtheria 1
Tetanus 1
Pertussis (ac) 2-5
Polio (IPV) 15
MMR 24
Hib 2
Varicella 69
Hepatitis A, B 5
Rotavirus 11-15
Influenza 12-14
Pneumococcus 8
Total 150-159
Are infants too young to be vaccinated?
From birth, infants are challenged by
bacteria in the environment (colonizing
bacteria on intestines, skin, and throat;
bacteria inhaled on dust).
Vigorous sIgA responses within the first
week of life keeps colonizing bacteria from
Are infants too young to be vaccinated?
Excellent immune responses to HBV and BCG
vaccines given at birth.
About 95% of infants will develop protective
immune responses to HBV, Hib, DTaP, polio,
and pneumococcal vaccines by 6 months of age.
Need to be fully immunized against certain
infections (Hib, pertussis, pneumococcus) by 6
months of age.
Aluminum Overload
The alternative schedule suggests only one
aluminum containing vaccine at a time in
infant years. By spreading out the shots, you
spread out the exposure so infants can
process the aluminum without it reaching
toxic levels.
Robert Sears, The Vaccine Book, p. 239
Aluminum is the third most abundant
element on the earths surface and the most
abundant metal.
As a consequence, aluminum is in the air
we breathe, the food we eat, and the water
we drink.
Aluminum in food
The greatest source of aluminum is in food.
Adults typically ingest 5-10 mg of
aluminum per day.
Aluminum is found naturally in teas, herbs,
and spices.
Aluminum in food
Aluminum is also added to foods such as
leavening agents, anti-caking agents,
emulsifiers, and coloring agents.
Found commonly in pancake mixes, self-
rising flours, baking powder, processed
cheese, and cornbread.
Aluminum in food
Aluminum is also found in breast milk and
infant formulas.
By 6 months of age:
Vaccines 4 mg
Breast milk 10 mg
Infant formula 30 mg
Soy formula 120 mg
Disposition of aluminum
100% of aluminum is absorbed following
Only 1% of aluminum is absorbed after
Disposition of aluminum
Aluminum enters the circulation, binds to
transferrin, and is eliminated by kidneys.
50% eliminated in 24 hour
85% eliminated in 13 days
96% eliminated in 3 years
Disposition of aluminum
Aluminum is not completely eliminated
from the body.
End of 1
year of life:
Breast milk 0.1 mg
Infant formula 0.1 mg
Vaccines 0.1 mg
Adult 50-100 mg
How do we know aluminum is safe?
Aluminum can cause encephalopathy,
osteomalacia, and anemia in two groups:
severely premature infants and patients on
chronic dialysis.
Must meet two criteria: decreased or
absent renal function AND large source of
exogenous aluminum (i.e., IV solutions or
How do we know aluminum is safe?
Circulating levels of aluminum in those
with symptoms between 100-1,000 ng/ml.
Typically, children and adults have between
1-5 ng/ml of aluminum in blood.
Injected vaccines do not raise that level.
Aluminum references
Baylor, NW et al. Aluminum salts in vaccinesUS
perspective. Vaccine 2002;20:S18-S23
Bishop NJ et al. Aluminum neurotoxicity in preterm infants
receiving intravenous feeding solutions. N Engl J Med
Committee on Nutrition. Aluminum toxicity in infants and
children. Pediatrics 1996;97:413-416
Keith LS, et al. Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding infant diet
and vaccinations. Vaccine 2002;20:S13-S17
Pennington JA. Aluminum content in food and diets. Food
Additives and Contaminants 1987;5:164-232
Too Many Shots at One Time
Are more shots more stressful?
Study showing that two shots are not more
likely to induce cortisol (as a marker for
stress) than one shot.
Ramsay DS, Lewis M. Developmental changes in infant cortisol and
behavioral response to inoculation. Child Development
The Harm
Harm in alternative schedule
Not science based
More likely to induce needle phobia
Increase time during which children are
susceptible to vaccine-preventable diseases
Responsibility to the waiting room
No benefit