Summary of Stream Habitat Inventories on the Blue Ridge and Chattooga
River Districts of the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia 2014
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Southern Research Station
Center for Aquatic Technology Transfer
1710 Research Center Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060-6349
C. Andrew Dolloff, Team Leader
Report prepared by:
Colin Krause and Craig Roghair
September 2015
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Site Selections and Reach Layout ............................................................................................................ 3
Habitat Inventory ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Depth and Width ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Habitat Area.............................................................................................................................................. 5
% Fines and Substrate .............................................................................................................................. 5
Large Wood .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Hemlock Abundance and Condition......................................................................................................... 6
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Availability ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Appendix A: Field Methods for Stream Habitat Inventory ....................................................................... 51
List of Figures
Figure 1. Streams inventoried on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia. ......................................... 9
Figure 2. BVET inventory start and end locations on Lovinggood Creek, Chester Creek, and Frick Creek
on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia. ........................................................................................ 10
Figure 3. BVET inventory start and end locations on Bryant Creek and Board Camp Creek on the
Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia. ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4. BVET inventory start and end locations on High Shoals Creek and Chastain Creek on the
Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia. ................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5. BVET inventory start and end locations on Martin Creek, Tuckaluge Creek, Walnut Fork, and
Holcomb Creek on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia. .............................................................. 13
Figure 6. Maximum pool depth and residual pool depth for each stream inventory . ............................... 14
Figure 7. Percent pool, glide, riffle, run, and cascade habitat area. ........................................................... 19
Figure 8. Percent of each pool and riffle channel bottom comprised of fine sediment.............................. 20
Figure 9. Dominant and subdominant substrate category present in pools ................................................ 25
Figure 10. Dominant and subdominant substrate category present in riffles ............................................. 30
Figure 11. Quantity of large wood per kilometer ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 12. Count of large wood within individual habitat units in each stream inventoried ..................... 36
Figure 13. Hemlock abundance and condition shown longitudinally for each stream inventory .............. 41
List of Tables
Table 1. Summary of streams inventoried on the Chattahoochee National Forest, 2014. ......................... 45
Table 2. GPS coordinates recorded at the downstream (start) and upstream (end) extent of stream habitat
inventories. .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Table 3. Summary of BVET stream habitat attribute averages collected. ................................................. 47
Table 4. Stream area and unit count of pool, glide, riffle, run, and cascade habitat as observed during
BVET habitat inventories. .......................................................................................................................... 48
Table 5. Percent occurrence of dominant and subdominant substrate size categories in pools (includes
glides) and riffles (includes cascades and runs) in each stream inventoried. See appendix A for substrate
size categories. ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Table 6. Large wood (LW) per kilometer observed during BVET habitat inventories. LW size classes:
LW1 = 1-5 m length, 10-55 cm diameter; LW2 = 1-5 m length, >55 cm diameter; LW3 = >5 m length,
10-55 cm diameter; LW4 = >5 m length, >55 cm diameter; RW = rootwad. ............................................. 50
Past land management practices including logging and road building, have left trout streams on
the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest (CONF), Georgia with a legacy of degraded habitat, including
long shallow riffles, lack of pool habitat, large deposits of sediment in pools, and decreased amounts of
large wood (Waters 1995). Both native (Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis) and naturalized (Brown
Trout, Salmo trutta; Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) trout populations on the CONF are impacted
by these conditions. If other conditions (water temperature and chemistry, exploitation rates, etc.) remain
the same or improve, the recovery and persistence of the trout resource could be supported by habitat
restoration including the control of excess sediment inputs and the transport and addition of large wood.
Trout populations can be impeded by lack of deep pools, high amounts of fine sediment, and
insufficient large wood to create complex habitat. Wood of all sizes is an important feature of streams
flowing through forested areas. In particular, large wood (LW) and other obstructions such as boulders
slow flow, trap sediments, and damp and delay flood peaks (Montgomery et al. 2003). Tree boles (i.e.
tree trunks or rootwads) are major pool forming elements and wood contributes to aquatic habitat in
diverse ways such as providing cover from predators, refuge from high velocity flow, as well as the LW
being the substrate and organic matter for macroinvertebrates (Benke and Wallace 2003, Dolloff and
Warren 2003). Large wood is considered so beneficial that riparian forests today are managed for LW
inputs (Boyer et al. 2003, Jacobs 2004) and where recruitment or loading is judged insufficient, LW is
intentionally added to stream channels (Reich et al. 2003).
Wood naturally enters stream channels by various avenues including bank undermining or
blowdown of individual trees or groups of trees and transport en masse in debris flows or landslides from
upstream channels or adjacent riparian areas (Swanson 2003). Although logging was one of the more
dramatic causes for the decline in large wood loading, other human influences such as the construction of
roads and trails and land clearing in general have influenced both the rate and amount of large wood
entering streams (Nakamura and Swanson 2003). Invasive species can also lead to variation in the rate of
LW recruitment. Since the beginning of the 20
century a fungus, inadvertently brought to North
America on nursery stock from Asia, has killed nearly all American chestnut (Castenea dentate) trees.
American chestnut was a dominant tree throughout much of the eastern US where, except for areas of
salvage, its demise resulted in higher than expected rates of large wood and large wood recruitment to
streams and riparian areas. Today, hemlock wooly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), an aphid-like insect from
Japan threatens another keystone species of eastern forests, eastern hemlock, with a similar fate. Eastern
hemlock trees in the CONF watersheds are infested by the hemlock wooly adelgid resulting in a rapid
decline of hemlock trees, a major component of streamside vegetation. With seedling hemlock trees
unable to reach maturity in the presence of hemlock wooly adelgid, dead hemlock trees located in the
riparian area are a temporary source of large wood for these streams. Dead or dying hemlocks may be
allowed to recruit to the stream channel through natural processes, or may be intentionally added to the
stream channel.
Large wood additions will encourage pool formation and sediment scour, increasing the amount
of suitable spawning habitat for trout (Ryan et al. 2014, Faustini and Jones 2003, Thompson 1995).
Habitat assessments are needed to optimize the effectiveness of habitat remediation projects. In summer
2014, the CONF partnered with the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Aquatic
Technology Transfer (CATT) to complete stream habitat inventories in the Blue Ridge District and
Chattooga River District of the CONF (Figure 1). Our goals were to: 1) quantify current stream habitat
conditions; and 2) describe Hemlock abundance and condition within the riparian area. The CATT
deployed a 6-person crew to the CONF from August 7-14, 2014 to inventory stream habitat and describe
hemlock abundance and condition.
Site Selections and Reach Layout
The streams inventoried, and the inventoried reach extent on each stream, were selected by Mike
Joyce, CONF Forest Fish Biologist.
Habitat Inventory
We performed a basinwide visual estimation technique (BVET) habitat inventory on 11 streams,
two of which were split into a lower and upper section due to different crew members performing the data
observations (Figure 1, Table 1) (Dolloff et al. 1993). The BVET is a two-stage visual estimation
technique to quantify stream habitat. During the first stage, habitat was stratified into similar groups
based on naturally occurring habitat units including pools (areas in the stream with concave bottom
profile, gradient equal to zero, greater than average depth, and smooth water surface), and riffles (areas in
the stream with convex bottom profile, greater than average gradient, less than average depth, and
turbulent water surface). Glides (areas in the stream similar to pools, but with average depth and flat
bottom profile) were identified during the inventory, but were grouped with pools for some data analysis.
Runs (areas in the stream similar to riffles but with average depth, less turbulent flow, and flat bottom
profile) and cascades (areas in the stream with > 12% gradient, high velocity, and exposed bedrock or
boulders) were grouped with riffles for some data analysis.
Habitat in each section of stream was classified and inventoried by a 2 or 3 person crew. One
crew member identified each habitat unit by type (as described above), estimated average wetted width,
average and maximum depth, riffle crest depth (RCD), substrate composition, and percent fines. The
length of each habitat unit was measured with a hip chain. Average wetted width was visually estimated.
Average and maximum depth of each habitat unit were estimated by taking depth measurements at
various places across the channel profile with a graduated staff marked in 5 cm increments. The RCD
was estimated by measuring water depth at the deepest point in the hydraulic control between riffles and
pools. The RCD was subtracted from average pool depth to obtain an estimate of residual pool depth.
Substrates were assigned to one of nine size classes (Appendix A). Dominant substrate (covered greatest
amount of surface area in habitat unit) and subdominant substrate (covered 2
greatest amount of surface
area in habitat unit) were visually estimated. Percent fines is the percent surface area of the stream bed
consisting of sand, silt, or clay substrate particles (particles < 2 mm diameter).
Where encountered, the distance at the upstream end of channel features, as well as additional
attributes described in Appendix A, were recorded for waterfalls, tributaries, side-channels, braids, seeps,
landslides, and ‘other’ miscellaneous features encountered (e.g. campsites, fish habitat structures, etc.). In
addition, a photograph and GPS ID (as well as additional attributes described in Appendix A) were
recorded for waterfalls and crossing features (bridges, fords, dams, and culverts).
The second crew member classified and inventoried large wood (LW) within the bankfull channel
and recorded all data. LW was assigned to one of four size classes (Appendix A). All wood less than 1.0
m long and less than 10 cm in diameter were omitted from the inventory.
The first unit of each habitat type selected for intensive (second stage) sampling (e.g. accurate
measurement of wetted width) was determined randomly. Additional units were selected systematically
(every 10
habitat unit type for streams >1000 m and every 5
habitat unit type for streams <500 m). The
wetted width of each systematically selected habitat unit was measured with a meter tape across at least
three transects and averaged. For the reach between each second stage fast water habitat unit, we
estimated the abundance and condition of Hemlock trees within the riparian area (Appendix A).
The ratio of measured to visually estimated area was used to calibrate all estimates, which
enabled the calculation of total stream area by habitat type (Hankin and Reeves 1988). The BVET
calculations were computed with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet using formulas found in Dolloff et al.
(1993). Data were summarized using Excel spreadsheets. See Appendix A for detailed field methods.
From August 7-14
2014 we inventoried 11 streams totaling 50.2 km of stream habitat on the
CONF (Figure 1-5, Table 1). GPS coordinates for the start and end location of the inventories, are
available in Table 2.
Depth and Width
Mean residual pool depth (the riffle crest depth was subtracted from average pool depth to obtain
an estimate of residual pool depth which could occur during low flow conditions) ranged from 12 cm to
28 cm among the inventoried streams (Table 3). All streams tended to have somewhat deeper maximum
pool depths in the downstream reaches than in reaches upstream that are higher in the watershed (Figure
6). The average wetted pool width ranged from 1.6 m for Board Camp Creek to 7.2 m for Chester Creek
(lower), followed by 6.5 m for Holcomb Creek (Table 3). The average wetted riffle width ranged from
2.4 m for both Board Camp Creek and Chester Creek (upper) up to 8.6 m for High Shoals (upper),
followed by 6.9 m for Chester Creek (lower) (Table 3).
Habitat Area
Only a few streams had >30% slow water (pools + glides) habitat; Walnut Fork, Holcomb Creek,
and Chester Creek (lower) (Figure 7, Table 4). Fast water (riffle + run + cascade) habitat made up the
majority, being >50% for all streams except Holcomb Creek (Figure 7, Table 4). Fast water habitat
exceeded 90% in Chastain Creek and High Shoals Creek (upper) (Figure 7, Table 4). Though the
majority of the habitat area is fast water habitat (a result of larger unit size), the quantity (i.e. unit count)
of slow water units (pool and glide) to fast water units (riffle, run, cascade) was similar for most streams
(Table 4). Holcomb Creek had the highest percentage of pool (32%), glide (16%), and run (10%) habitat
(Figure 7, Table 4). The cascade habitat area was ≥5% for Tuckaluge Creek, Walnut Fork, Lovinggood
Creek, and Martin Creek (Figure 7, Table 4).
% Fines and Substrate
The average percent fines (percent of habitat unit’s channel bottom covered by sand, silt, or clay)
in pools was high (i.e. ≥35%) in all streams except High Shoals Creek (lower), which had 25% fines
(Table 3). The percent fines in riffles were much lower, never exceeding an average of 20% in any of the
streams (Table 3). Tuckaluge Creek and Lovinggood Creek had the most consistently high percent fines
in pools (Figure 8).
In pools, the dominant substrate was most frequently sand, cobble, and bedrock; the substrate
types small gravel, large gravel, and boulder were also present, but typically as a subdominant substrate
(Table 5, Figure 9). In riffles, the dominant substrate was most frequently large gravel, cobble, boulder,
and bedrock; the substrate types sand and small gravel were also present, but most often as a subdominant
substrate (Table 5, Figure 10). In some streams there are noticeable changes in substrate type with
distance upstream. In Lovinggood Creek riffles, boulder and bedrock substrate transitions to small gravel
and large gravel at ~3,300 m (Figure 10). In Bryant Creek, there is a change from bedrock to gravels at
~3,400 m in both pools and riffles (Figure 9 and 10).
Large Wood
The total pieces of large wood per kilometer (LW/km) ranged from 124 LW/km in High Shoals
Creek (lower) to 245 LW/km in Tuckaluge Creek (Figure 11, Table 6). The majority of LW was in small
diameter size classes (10-55 cm diameter) (Figure 11, Table 6). Bryant Creek had the largest amount (11
LW4/km) of size class 4 (>5 m length, >55 cm diameter) (Figure 11, Table 6). Large wood is distributed
fairly evenly throughout the inventoried reaches; there are occurrences of log jams resulting in higher
wood counts within an individual habitat unit (Figure 12).
Hemlock Abundance and Condition
Hemlocks were present in the riparian area of all streams and showed varying degrees of
infestation with Hemlock Wooly Adelgid (Figure 13). The following streams had high hemlock
abundance for the majority of the inventoried reach: Tuckaluge Creek, Lovinggood Creek, Holcomb
Creek, and Chester Creek (lower & upper) (Figure 13). The following streams had long reaches where
dead Hemlocks were present: Lovinggood Creek, Chastain Creek, Chester Creek (lower), and High
Shoals Creek (upper) (Figure 13).
The inventoried streams are characteristic of those impacted by early 20
century forestry
practices. Many of them have long and shallow riffles, shallow residual pool depths, high percent fines,
and low amounts of LW in the largest size classes. Many also contain log weir fish habitat structures
such as K-dams, installed by the CONF and its partners to mitigate the impacts of those early forestry
practices. While some of these structures are recent additions and others are reaching the end of their
designed lifespan, they were all installed to increase habitat complexity by creating pool habitat and cover
for fish, as well as to trap spawning gravel and flush out fine sediments (Seehorn 1992).
The large-scale loss of hemlocks from hemlock wooly adelgid infestations, though tragic, also
presents a new opportunity as the CONF continues to address the impacts on the Forest from historical
land use. The riparian areas of all the inventoried streams contain hemlock trees infested with hemlock
wooly adelgid. Over time some of these hemlocks will naturally fall into the stream channel, or they can
be manually felled and placed. Many of the inventoried streams have low amounts of LW/km (Walnut
Fork, Frick Creek, Chastain Creek, Board Camp Creek, and High Shoals Creek lower all had <150
LW/km) and all were largely lacking in LW4/km, with the possible exception of Bryant Creek (>10%
LW4). Given the high number of dead or dying hemlocks, these streams are prime targets for LW
Sand was prevalent as both a dominant and subdominant substrate in many of the streams, as is
evident by the high percent fines observed in most pools. In addition to large wood improving stream
habitat though pool creation and habitat complexity, newly formed plunge pools could help flush out fine
sediments and expose patches of spawning gravel for trout (Ryan et al. 2014, Faustini and Jones 2003,
Thompson 1995).
Land management practices such as wholesale logging in the watershed in the early 1900’s are
still impacting the number and size of trees available, as well as sediment inputs. Efforts to reverse or
mitigate habitat degradation effects have been ongoing for decades and will continue into the foreseeable
future. Clearly, decisions made by today’s land managers will impact large wood recruitment and
retention, and sediment transport and deposition, for decades to come. New challenges may present new
opportunities and we encourage the CONF and its partners to continue their work to improve stream
Data Availability
Summer 2014 stream habitat data reside in a MS Access database, which is managed by the
CATT, and a copy has been provided to Mike Joyce, CONF Forest Fish Biologist. We will work with the
CONF to develop custom queries and reports for the MS Access database, as needed.
Literature Cited
Benke, A. C. and J. B. Wallace. 2003. Influence of wood on invertebrate communities in streams and
rivers. In McMinn, J. W., D. A. Crossley, Jr. Biodiversity and coarse woody debris in southern
forests, proceedings of the workshop on coarse woody debris in southern forests: effects on
biodiversity; 1993 October 18 20; Athens, VA. General Technical Report SE-94. Asheville,
NC: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.
Boyer, K. L., D. R. Berg, and S. V. Gregory. 2003. Riparian management for wood in rivers. Pages 407-
420 in S. V. Gregory, K. L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The ecology and management of
wood in world rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda, Maryland.
Dolloff, C. A., D. G. Hankin, and G. H. Reeves. 1993. Basinwide estimation of habitat and fish
populations in streams. General Technical Report SE-83. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.
Dolloff, C. A. and M. L. Warren, Jr. 2003. Fish relationships with large wood in small rivers. In Gregory,
S. V., K. L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The ecology and management of wood in world
rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda, Maryland.
Faustini, J.M. and J.A. Jones. 2003. Influence of large woody debris on channel morphology and
dynamics in steep, boulder-rich mountain streams, western Cascades, Oregon. Geomorphology
Jacobs, R. 2004. Revised land and resource monitoring plan, Sumter National Forest. Management
bulletin R8-MB-116A. Atlanta, GA: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern
Montgomery, D. R., B. D. Collins, J. M. Buffington, and T. B. Abbe. 2003. Geomorphic effects of wood
in rivers. In McMinn, J. W., D. A. Crossley, Jr. Biodiversity and coarse woody debris in southern
forests, proceedings of the workshop on coarse woody debris in southern forests: effects on
biodiversity; 1993 October 18 20; Athens, VA. General Technical Report SE-94. Asheville,
NC: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.
Nakamura, F. and F. J. Swanson. 2003. Dynamics of wood in rivers in the context of ecological
disturbance. Pages 279-298 in S. V. Gregory, K. L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The
ecology and management of wood in world rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37,
Bethesda, Maryland.
Reich, M., J. L. Kershner, and R. C. Wildman. 2003. Restoring streams with large wood: A synthesis.
Pages 355-365 in S. V. Gregory, K. L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The ecology and
management of wood in world rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda,
Ryan, S.E., E.L. Bishop, and J.M. Daniels. 2014. Influence of large wood on channel morphology and
sediment storage in headwater mountain streams, Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado.
Geomorphology 217:73-88.
Seehorn, M. E. 1992. Stream habitat improvement handbook, Technical Publication R8-TP 16, USDA
Forest Service, Southern Region, 1720 Peachtree Road, N. W., Atlanta, GA.
Swanson, F. J. 2003. Wood in rivers: A landscape perspective. Pages 299-314 in S. V. Gregory, K. L.
Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The ecology and management of wood in world rivers.
American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda, Maryland.
Thompson, D.M. 1995. The effects of large organic debris on sediment processes and stream morphology
in Vermont. Geomorphology 11:235-244.
Waters, T. F. 1995. Sediment in streams: sources, biological effects, and control. American Fisheries
Society Monograph 7.
Figure 1. Streams inventoried on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia.
Figure 2. BVET inventory start and end locations on Lovinggood Creek, Chester Creek, and Frick Creek
on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia.
Figure 3. BVET inventory start and end locations on Bryant Creek and Board Camp Creek on the
Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia.
Figure 4. BVET inventory start and end locations on High Shoals Creek and Chastain Creek on the
Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia.
Figure 5. BVET inventory start and end locations on Martin Creek, Tuckaluge Creek, Walnut Fork, and
Holcomb Creek on the Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia.
Figure 6. Maximum pool depth (bars) and residual pool depth (circles) shown longitudinally for each
stream inventory.
Figure 6 continued. Maximum pool depth (bars) and residual pool depth (circles) shown longitudinally
for each stream inventory.
Figure 6 continued. Maximum pool depth (bars) and residual pool depth (circles) shown longitudinally
for each stream inventory.
Figure 6 continued. Maximum pool depth (bars) and residual pool depth (circles) shown longitudinally
for each stream inventory.
Figure 6 continued. Maximum pool depth (bars) and residual pool depth (circles) shown longitudinally
for each stream inventory.
Figure 7. Percent pool, glide, riffle, run, and cascade habitat area.
Figure 8. Percent of each pool (solid circles) and riffle (open circles) channel bottom comprised of fine
sediment (sand, silt, and/or clay).
Figure 8 continued. Percent of each pool (solid circles) and riffle (open circles) channel bottom
comprised of fine sediment (sand, silt, and/or clay).
Figure 8 continued. Percent of each pool (solid circles) and riffle (open circles) channel bottom
comprised of fine sediment (sand, silt, and/or clay).
Figure 8 continued. Percent of each pool (solid circles) and riffle (open circles) channel bottom
comprised of fine sediment (sand, silt, and/or clay).
Figure 8 continued. Percent of each pool (solid circles) and riffle (open circles) channel bottom
comprised of fine sediment (sand, silt, and/or clay).
Figure 9. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present in pools.
Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds form; 3 Silt
= slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large Gravel = 17-64
mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 9 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present in
pools. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 9 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present in
pools. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 9 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present in
pools. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 9 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present in
pools. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 10. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present in riffles.
Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds form; 3 Silt
= slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large Gravel = 17-64
mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 10 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present
in riffles. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 10 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present
in riffles. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 10 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present
in riffles. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 10 continued. Dominant (solid circles) and subdominant (open circles) substrate category present
in riffles. Substrate size categories: 1 Organic Matter = dead leaves, detritus, etc.; 2 Clay = sticky, holds
form; 3 Silt = slippery, doesn’t hold form; 4 Sand = silt-2 mm; 5 Small Gravel = 3-16 mm; 6 Large
Gravel = 17-64 mm; 7 Cobble = 65-256 mm; 8 Boulder = >256 mm; 9 Bedrock = solid rock.
Figure 11. Quantity of large wood (LW; dead and down, any part within bankfull channel) per kilometer. LW size classes: LW1 = 1-5 m length,
10-55 cm diameter; LW2 = 1-5 m length, >55 cm diameter; LW3 = >5 m length, 10-55 cm diameter; LW4 = >5 m length, >55 cm diameter; RW =
Figure 12. Count of large wood (bars = size classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and rootwad combined; open circles = size
4 only) within individual habitat units in each stream inventoried. Tuckaluge Cr. LW n=1,284 and habitat
unit n=263, Walnut Fk. LW n=759 and habitat unit n=311, and Frick Cr. LW n=614 and habitat unit
Figure 12 continued. Count of large wood (bars = size classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and rootwad combined; open
circles = size 4 only) within individual habitat units in each stream inventoried. Lovinggood Cr. LW
n=1,272 and habitat unit n=346, Chastain Cr. LW n=147 and habitat unit n=24, and Holcomb Cr. LW
n=1,569 and habitat unit n=342.
Figure 12 continued. Count of large wood (bars = size classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and rootwad combined; open
circles = size 4 only) within individual habitat units in each stream inventoried. Bryant Cr. LW n=1,078
and habitat unit n=350, Board Camp Cr. LW n=266 and habitat unit n=96, and Martin Cr. LW n=428 and
habitat unit n=145.
Figure 12 continued. Count of large wood (bars = size classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and rootwad combined; open
circles = size 4 only) within individual habitat units in each stream inventoried. Chester Cr. (lower) LW
n=568 and habitat unit n=150, and Chester Cr. (upper) LW n=347 and habitat unit n=72.
Figure 12 continued. Count of large wood (bars = size classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and rootwad combined; open
circles = size 4 only) within individual habitat units in each stream inventoried. High Sholas Cr. (lower)
LW n=279 and habitat unit n=95, and High Shoals Cr. (upper) LW n=489 and habitat unit n=53.
Figure 13. Hemlock abundance (0 = none; 1 = 1-10; 2 = 11-50, 3 = >50) and condition (0 = Healthy, 1 =
Early Infestation, 2 = Late Infestation, 3 = Mortality, 4 = LW Recruiting) shown longitudinally for each
stream inventory (see appendix A for detailed categories).
Figure 13 continued. Hemlock abundance (0 = none; 1 = 1-10; 2 = 11-50, 3 = >50) and condition (0 =
Healthy, 1 = Early Infestation, 2 = Late Infestation, 3 = Mortality, 4 = LW Recruiting) shown
longitudinally for each stream inventory (see appendix A for detailed categories).
Figure 13 continued. Hemlock abundance (0 = none; 1 = 1-10; 2 = 11-50, 3 = >50) and condition (0 =
Healthy, 1 = Early Infestation, 2 = Late Infestation, 3 = Mortality, 4 = LW Recruiting) shown
longitudinally for each stream inventory (see appendix A for detailed categories).
Figure 13 continued. Hemlock abundance (0 = none; 1 = 1-10; 2 = 11-50, 3 = >50) and condition (0 =
Healthy, 1 = Early Infestation, 2 = Late Infestation, 3 = Mortality, 4 = LW Recruiting) shown
longitudinally for each stream inventory (see appendix A for detailed categories).
Table 1. Summary of streams inventoried on the Chattahoochee National Forest, 2014.
Site # Stream Name Topo Quad Start End habitat (km) Start Location
2014-01 Tuckaluge Creek Rabun Bald 8/7/14 8/9/14 5.2 FS boundary
2014-02 Walnut Fork Rabun Bald 8/8/14 8/10/14 5.3 FS boundary
2014-03 Frick Creek Noontootla 8/11/14 8/12/14 4.1 Chester Creek confluence
2014-04 Lovinggood Creek Noontootla 8/11/14 8/12/14 5.3 Noontootla Creek confluence
2014-05 Chastain Creek Macedonia 8/10/14 8/10/14 1.0 Jakes Branch confluence
2014-06 Holcomb Creek Satolah, Rabun Bald 8/8/14 8/10/14 9.3 Top of gorge 250 m upstream of 3 Forks
2014-07 Bryant Creek Mulky Gap 8/11/14 8/12/14 5.5 Cooper Creek confluence
2014-08 Board Camp Creek Coosa Bald 8/13/14 8/13/14 2.0 Logan Creek confluence
2014-09L Chester Creek (lower) Noontootla 8/13/14 8/14/14 3.6 Noontootla Creek confluence
2014-09U Chester Creek (upper) Noontootla 8/13/14 8/13/14 1.8 Davis Creek confluence
2014-10L High Shoals Creek (lower) Tray Mountain 8/14/14 8/14/14 2.3 750 m upstream of FS boundary
2014-10U High Shoals Creek (upper) Tray Mountain 8/14/14 8/14/14 2.4 1st trib on left, upstream of Maple Spring Br.
2014-13 Martin Creek Rabun Bald 8/8/14 8/8/14 2.3 Rock Mountain Creek confluence
Total 50.2
Table 2. GPS coordinates recorded at the downstream (start) and upstream (end) extent of stream habitat inventories.
Site # Stream Name Downstream Inventory Start Upstream Inventory End
2014-01 Tuckaluge Creek N34.89987 W83.29929 N34.92660 W83.33071
2014-02 Walnut Fork N34.90861 W83.27467 N34.94530 W83.29630
2014-03 Frick Creek N34.66033 W84.17898 N34.65480 W84.14505
2014-04 Lovinggood Creek N34.69545 W84.21598 N34.66487 W84.21951
2014-05 Chastain Creek N34.87409 W83.62648 N34.87915 W83.63451
2014-06 Holcomb Creek N34.96630 W83.21609 N34.98224 W83.29099
2014-07 Bryant Creek N34.75498 W84.04173 N34.78210 W84.01450
2014-08 Board Camp Creek N34.76522 W83.99317 N34.76630 W83.97594
2014-09L Chester Creek (lower) N34.67238 W84.19704 N34.65422 W84.17827
2014-09U Chester Creek (upper) N34.65422 W84.17827 N34.64201 W84.17008
2014-10L High Shoals Creek (lower) N34.81719 W83.72419 N34.79956 W83.71537
2014-10U High Shoals Creek (upper) N34.79969 W83.71526 N34.80080 W83.69744
2014-13 Martin Creek N34.89125 W83.34288 N34.90201 W83.35909
Table 3. Summary of BVET stream habitat attribute averages collected.
*Residual pool depth = average pool depth riffle crest depth
Pools Riffles Pools Riffles Pools Riffles Pools Riffles
2014-01 Tuckaluge Creek 40 15 63 34 28 4.8 4.2 74 20
2014-02 Walnut Fork 38 17 55 29 26 3.7 3.7 44 16
2014-03 Frick Creek 32 17 52 40 17 3.5 3.6 58 18
2014-04 Lovinggood Creek 35 21 54 35 16 4.2 3.8 60 20
2014-05 Chastain Creek 28 18 43 36 12 3.7 3.5 57 17
2014-06 Holcomb Creek 50 29 77 50 28 6.5 5.7 48 20
2014-07 Bryant Creek 34 17 44 27 20 3.7 4.3 40 14
2014-08 Board Camp Creek 30 14 39 23 20 1.6 2.4 35 12
2014-09L Chester Creek (lower) 47 28 67 49 22 7.2 6.9 44 14
2014-09U Chester Creek (upper) 28 11 43 28 20 3.5 2.4 51 13
2014-10L High Shoals Creek (lower) 37 17 47 29 23 4.1 3.9 25 10
2014-10U High Shoals Creek (upper) 28 10 42 26 20 2.6 8.6 36 8
2014-13 Martin Creek 32 17 43 30 17 3.2 3.8 49 12
Avg. %
Avg. Wetted
Width (m)
Site #
Stream Name
Mean Avg.
Depth (cm)
Mean Max.
Depth (cm)
Mean Residual
Pool Depth
Table 4. Stream area and unit count of pool, glide, riffle, run, and cascade habitat as observed during BVET habitat inventories.
Site # Stream Name Pool Glide Riffle Run
Total Pool Glide Riffle Run
Pool Glide Riffle Run
2014-01 Tuckaluge Creek 5,465 540 14,289 1,462 1,173 22,929 24% 2% 62% 6% 5% 121 9 103 16 14
2014-02 Walnut Fork 4,010 2,537 13,287 348 1,088 21,269 19% 12% 62% 2% 5% 116 42 128 8 17
2014-03 Frick Creek 1,310 128 12,290 364 327 14,418 9% 1% 85% 3% 2% 55 4 54 5 2
2014-04 Lovinggood Creek 4,823 1,343 13,540 0 1,266 20,973 23% 6% 65% 0% 6% 146 36 150 0 14
2014-05 Chastain Creek 240 49 2,978 33 0 3,300 7% 1% 90% 1% 0% 8 3 12 1 0
2014-06 Holcomb Creek 19,238 9,770 22,989 6,064 1,990 60,052 32% 16% 38% 10% 3% 116 58 119 28 21
2014-07 Bryant Creek 3,911 1,605 15,962 364 420 22,261 18% 7% 72% 2% 2% 120 49 168 11 2
2014-08 Board Camp Creek 449 80 3,594 0 106 4,230 11% 2% 85% 0% 2% 41 7 47 0 1
2014-09L Chester Creek (lower) 6,158 2,261 17,038 0 459 25,915 24% 9% 66% 0% 2% 57 24 64 0 5
2014-09U Chester Creek (upper) 598 261 3,604 21 0 4,484 13% 6% 80% 0% 0% 33 5 33 1 0
2014-10L High Shoals Cr. (lower) 1,531 185 7,485 35 0 9,236 17% 2% 81% 0% 0% 43 4 47 1 0
2014-10U High Shoals Cr. (upper) 256 9 19,425 36 0 19,727 1% 0% 98% 0% 0% 25 1 26 1 0
2014-13 Martin Creek 751 699 5,937 390 442 8,219 9% 9% 72% 5% 5% 30 29 67 13 6
Habitat Area (m
Percent Area
Unit Count
Table 5. Percent occurrence of dominant and subdominant substrate size categories in pools (includes glides) and riffles (includes cascades and
runs) in each stream inventoried. See appendix A for substrate size categories.
Organic M.
Small G.
Large G.
Organic M.
Small G.
Large G.
Tuckaluge Creek 0% 0% 0% 89% 1% 0% 2% 2% 6% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0% 12% 38% 20% 27%
Walnut Fork 0% 0% 0% 49% 1% 6% 5% 11% 27% 0% 0% 0% 3% 1% 13% 15% 29% 39%
Frick Creek 0% 0% 7% 64% 3% 5% 8% 2% 10% 0% 0% 0% 7% 16% 23% 31% 3% 20%
Lovinggood Creek 0% 0% 0% 69% 4% 1% 8% 8% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 19% 36% 26% 15%
Chastain Creek 0% 0% 27% 27% 18% 9% 18% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 0% 85% 8% 0%
Holcomb Creek 0% 0% 0% 48% 2% 2% 9% 10% 29% 0% 0% 0% 8% 4% 5% 15% 31% 37%
Bryant Creek 0% 0% 0% 37% 1% 6% 20% 5% 31% 0% 0% 0% 2% 2% 14% 43% 7% 32%
Board Camp Creek 0% 0% 0% 19% 0% 0% 48% 4% 29% 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 73% 6% 19%
Chester Creek (lower) 0% 0% 0% 44% 0% 1% 9% 19% 27% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% 16% 39% 39%
Chester Creek (upper) 0% 0% 0% 55% 0% 0% 11% 3% 32% 0% 0% 0% 6% 9% 21% 26% 0% 38%
High Shoals Creek (lower) 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% 64% 17% 15% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 96% 4% 0%
High Shoals Creek (upper) 0% 0% 0% 27% 8% 15% 19% 8% 23% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 22% 63% 7% 7%
Martin Creek 0% 0% 0% 53% 3% 7% 12% 8% 17% 0% 0% 0% 1% 4% 11% 45% 19% 21%
Tuckaluge Creek 0% 0% 1% 10% 22% 2% 21% 12% 32% 0% 0% 0% 18% 3% 23% 26% 23% 8%
Walnut Fork 0% 0% 4% 35% 6% 15% 13% 12% 15% 0% 0% 3% 32% 5% 18% 29% 9% 4%
Frick Creek 0% 0% 2% 17% 19% 12% 19% 15% 17% 0% 0% 2% 21% 38% 15% 15% 5% 5%
Lovinggood Creek 0% 0% 5% 19% 9% 13% 13% 31% 10% 0% 0% 0% 11% 8% 20% 31% 25% 4%
Chastain Creek 9% 0% 0% 45% 18% 0% 18% 0% 9% 0% 0% 0% 15% 54% 23% 8% 0% 0%
Holcomb Creek 0% 0% 1% 29% 15% 9% 10% 21% 15% 0% 0% 0% 12% 9% 16% 22% 31% 10%
Bryant Creek 0% 0% 1% 38% 12% 15% 18% 7% 9% 0% 0% 0% 18% 11% 30% 18% 22% 1%
Board Camp Creek 0% 0% 4% 50% 2% 23% 15% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% 0% 71% 13% 10% 0%
Chester Creek (lower) 0% 0% 0% 36% 2% 10% 14% 19% 20% 0% 0% 0% 16% 1% 3% 35% 35% 10%
Chester Creek (upper) 0% 0% 3% 34% 13% 8% 13% 18% 11% 0% 0% 0% 29% 6% 21% 32% 6% 6%
High Shoals Creek (lower) 0% 0% 2% 28% 2% 23% 21% 17% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 83% 4% 10% 2%
High Shoals Creek (upper) 0% 0% 0% 38% 27% 8% 15% 8% 4% 0% 0% 0% 7% 0% 41% 33% 11% 7%
Martin Creek 2% 0% 0% 25% 10% 8% 25% 14% 15% 1% 0% 2% 11% 4% 26% 26% 22% 8%
Pool Dominant Substrate
Riffle Dominant Substrate
Pool Subdominant Substrate
Riffle Subdominant Substrate
Table 6. Large wood (LW) per kilometer observed during BVET habitat inventories. LW size classes: LW1 = 1-5 m length, 10-55 cm diameter;
LW2 = 1-5 m length, >55 cm diameter; LW3 = >5 m length, 10-55 cm diameter; LW4 = >5 m length, >55 cm diameter; RW = rootwad.
Site # Stream Name
LW n
2014-01 Tuckaluge Creek 113 2 121 3 6 245 593 10 637 14 30 1,284 5.2
2014-02 Walnut Fork 106 0 31 6 0 144 561 0 165 32 1 759 5.3
2014-03 Frick Creek 80 1 62 3 2 149 329 5 257 13 10 614 4.1
2014-04 Lovinggood Creek 123 0 113 3 1 240 650 1 601 15 5 1,272 5.3
2014-05 Chastain Creek 73 0 65 1 2 141 76 0 68 1 2 147 1.0
2014-06 Holcomb Creek 79 1 84 3 4 170 727 9 774 26 33 1,569 9.3
2014-07 Bryant Creek 112 4 68 11 1 196 619 20 373 60 6 1,078 5.5
2014-08 Board Camp Creek 76 4 50 5 1 136 149 8 99 9 1 266 2.0
2014-09L Chester Creek (lower) 76 0 76 2 3 158 275 0 275 8 10 568 3.6
2014-09U Chester Creek (upper) 100 1 84 2 2 188 184 1 155 3 4 347 1.8
2014-10L High Shoals Creek (lower) 56 0 61 4 2 124 126 1 138 9 5 279 2.3
2014-10U High Shoals Creek (upper) 112 0 85 2 1 200 273 1 208 4 3 489 2.4
2014-13 Martin Creek 135 1 37 7 3 184 313 3 87 17 8 428 2.3
Large Wood per Km
Large Wood Count in Sample Reach
Appendix A: Field Methods for Stream Habitat Inventory
Guide to Stream Habitat Characterization using the BVET Methodology
in the Chattahoochee National Forest, GA
Prepared by:
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Southern Research Station
Center for Aquatic Technology Transfer (CATT)
1710 Research Center Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24060-6349
C. Andrew Dolloff, Team Leader
July 2014
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 54
References cited in this manual: .............................................................................................................. 55
Outline of BVET Habitat Inventory........................................................................................................ 56
Section 1: Getting Started ........................................................................................................................ 57
Equipment List ......................................................................................................................... 57
Duties ....................................................................................................................................... 57
Header Information .................................................................................................................. 58
Starting the Inventory .............................................................................................................. 58
Section 2: Stream Attributes .................................................................................................................... 59
Unit Type (see abbreviations) .................................................................................................. 59
Unit Number (#) ....................................................................................................................... 60
Distance (m) ............................................................................................................................. 61
Estimated Width (m) ................................................................................................................ 61
Maximum and Average Depth (cm) ........................................................................................ 62
Riffle Crest Depth (cm) ........................................................................................................... 62
Dominant and Subdominant Substrate (1-9) ............................................................................ 63
Percent Fines (%) ..................................................................................................................... 64
Large Wood (1-4 and rootwad) ................................................................................................ 64
Actual Width (m) ..................................................................................................................... 65
Hemlock Condition (0 - 4) ....................................................................................................... 65
Hemlock Abundance (0 - 3) ..................................................................................................... 65
Photo (ID#) .............................................................................................................................. 66
GPS (ID) .................................................................................................................................. 66
Features .................................................................................................................................... 67
Section 3: Wrapping Up ........................................................................................................................... 68
Section 4: Summary .................................................................................................................................. 69
Section 5: GPS Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 70
How to Find a Waypoint on GPS: ........................................................................................... 70
Changing Waypoints:............................................................................................................... 70
Garmin GPS Oregon 400T Cheatsheet .................................................................................... 71
Appendix: Field Guide, Equipment Checklist ....................................................................................... 72
Equipment Checklist ................................................................................................................ 74
The Basinwide Visual Estimation Technique (BVET) is a versatile tool used to assess streamwide habitat
conditions in wadeable size streams and rivers. A crew of two individuals performs the inventory using
two-stage visual estimation techniques described in Hankin and Reeves (1988) and Dolloff et al. (1993).
In its most basic form the BVET combines visual estimates with actual measurements to provide a
calibrated estimate of stream area with confidence intervals, however the crew may inventory any number
of other habitat attributes as they walk the length of the stream. Experienced crews can inventory an
average of 2-3 km per day, but this will vary depending on stream size and the number of stream
attributes inventoried.
Before a crew begins a BVET inventory they must receive adequate training, both in the classroom and in
the field. Estimating and measuring a large number of habitat attributes can confuse and overwhelm an
inexperienced crew. Individuals must have an understanding of the basic concepts behind the BVET and
be familiar with habitat attributes before they can effectively and efficiently perform an inventory.
This document was developed to serve as a guide for classroom and field instructions specific to the
Chattahoochee National Forest BVET habitat inventory and to provide a post-training reference for field
crews. It includes an overview of the BVET inventory, defines habitat attributes, instructs how and when
to measure attributes, and provides reference sheets for use in the field. Each trainee should receive a
copy of this manual and is encouraged to take notes in the spaces provided.
References cited in this manual:
Armantrout, N. B., compiler. 1998. Glossary of aquatic habitat inventory terminology. American
Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
Bunte, K., and S. R. Abt. 2001. Sampling surface and subsurface particle-size distributions in wadable
gravel- and cobble-bed streams for analyses in sediment transport, hydraulics, and streambed
monitoring. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-74. Fort Collins, Colorado: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
Dolloff, C. A., D. G. Hankin, and G. H. Reeves. 1993. Basinwide estimation of habitat and fish
populations in streams. General Technical Report SE-83. Asheville, North Carolina: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Southeastern Forest Experimental Station.
Hankin, D. G., and G. H. Reeves. 1988. Estimating total fish abundance and total habitat area in small
streams based on visual estimation methods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Rosgen, D.L., and L. Silvey. 1998 Field Guide for Stream Classification, Wildland Hydrology Books,
Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Outline of BVET Habitat Inventory
1. Enter ‘Header’ information on the data sheet: --- Header’ information includes date, stream, start
location, crew, etc. and is vitally important to record for future reference.
2. Enter downstream of the starting point, then move upstream and begin the inventory. Tie off the
hipchain, proceed upstream to the starting point, reset the hipchain to zero, and proceed upstream
estimating parameters and recording data in every habitat unit.
3. At the paired sample units perform visual estimates, and then perform measurements. Pair a
minimum of 3 fast and 3 slow-water units; pair more if possible. Typically inventories longer
than 1 km can pair every 10
fast and slow water habitat unit; inventories shorter than 1 km pair
every 5
4. Progress upstream estimating attributes for every unit until the next paired sample unit is reached,
then repeat step 3.
The crew should also take care to record roads, trails, tributaries, dams, waterfalls, road crossing types,
riparian features (wildlife openings, trails, campsites, roads, timber harvest, etc.), and other pertinent
stream features as they progress upstream. Be sure to record hipchain distances when noting such
features. Some features may also require a picture number to be associated with them.
The following sections describe the BVET habitat inventory in detail:
Section 1: Getting Started equipment, header info, random numbers, starting the inventory
Section 2: Habitat Attributes definitions, how to estimate or measure, when to record
Section 3: Wrapping Up what to do when the inventory is completed
Section 4: Summary
Section 5: GPS Instructions
Appendix: field guide, random number tables, equipment checklist
Section 1: Getting Started
Equipment List
Extra string for hipchain
Wading rod
50 m tape measure
Waterproof backup datasheets
Handheld GPS unit
BVET field guide on waterproof paper
Topographic maps
Non-slip wading boots or waders
Cell Phone
First Aid Kit
Water Filter
Rain Gear (optional)
Toilet Paper
The BVET crew consists of two individuals, the ‘observer’ and the ‘recorder’. The observer wears the
hipchain and carries the wading rod. The recorder wears the data logger and carries other equipment in
the backpack. The duties of each individual are listed below.
Designate habitat units
Track location on quad map
Measure distance
Record data
Estimate width
Determine paired sample location
Estimate depths
Classify and count Large Wood (LW)
Classify substrates
Locate features
Document features
Estimate percent fines
Both crew members are needed to measure actual widths at designated units. Although the crew has
assigned duties, they should not hesitate to consult with each other if they have questions or feel that a
mistake may have been made. Working as a team will provide the best possible results.
Header Information
Header information is vitally important for future reference. Take the time to record all categories
completely and accurately.
Stream Name
Full name of stream
National Forest District name
USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle name
Record date(s) of inventory
Full name of recorder
Full name of observer
Record at start and end locations, always use NAD83, Decimal degrees
Detailed written description of start point, include landmarks, road #, etc.
Record signs of activity in area, water conditions, other pertinent information
Starting the Inventory
After the crew has organized their gear, determined their measurement interval, selected a random
number, and recorded all the header information they are ready to begin the habitat inventory.
The observer should enter the stream slightly downstream of the starting point, tie off the hipchain,
progress upstream to the starting point, reset the hipchain to zero and begin walking upstream through the
first habitat unit. As the observer moves upstream they use the wading rod to measure depth at several
locations in the habitat unit and make observations of unit type, width, substrates, and percent fines.
When they reach the upstream end of the habitat unit they stop, turn to face the unit and report the unit
type, maximum and average depth, riffle crest depth (where appropriate), dominant and subdominant
substrate classes, percent fines, estimated width, and hipchain distance to the recorder.
As the observer moves upstream through the unit, the recorder follows behind, recording the amount of
LW in the habitat unit. The recorder also assigns a number to the habitat unit. The recorder tells the
observer if a unit is designated for measurements (i.e. if it is a ‘paired sample’ unit) only after they have
recorded visual estimates.
The crew continues upstream making estimates in every habitat unit and making estimates and
measurements in every paired sample unit until the inventory endpoint is reached.
Definitions of habitat attributes, how to measure and when to record them, and what to do when the
inventory is complete are covered in the following sections.
Section 2: Stream Attributes
Unit Type (see abbreviations)
Unit Type
Fast water, turbulent, gradient <12%; shallow reaches characterized
by water flowing over or around rough bed materials that break the
surface during low flows; also include rapids (turbulent with
intermittent whitewater, breaking waves, and exposed boulders),
chutes (rapidly flowing water within narrow, steep slots of bedrock),
and sheets (shallow water flowing over bedrock) if gradient <12%
Fast water, turbulent, gradient >12%; highly turbulent series of
short falls and small scour basins, with very rapid water movement;
also include sheets (shallow water flowing over bedrock) and chutes
(rapidly flowing water within narrow, steep slots of bedrock) if
gradient >12%
Fast water, non-turbulent, gradient <12%; deeper than riffles with
little or no surface agitation or flow obstructions and a flat bottom
Slow water, surface turbulence may or may not be present, gradient
<1%; generally deeper and wider than habitat immediately upstream
and downstream, concave bottom profile; includes dammed pools,
scour pools, and plunge pools
Slow water, no surface turbulence, gradient <1%; shallow with
little to no flow and flat bottom profile
Stream channel is dry or not containing enough water to form
distinguishable habitat units
*modified from Armantrout (1998)
How to estimate:
Habitat units are separated by ‘breaks’. Breaks can be obvious physical barriers, such as a debris dam
separating two pools or a small waterfall separating a pool and riffle, or may be less obvious transitional
areas. Questions often arise as to whether a break is substantial enough to split two habitat units and
where the exact location of the break occurs. When in doubt, the observer should consult with the
recorder and the team should ‘think like a fish’. To determine if a break should be made, consider
whether a fish would have to make an effort to move across the break and into the next habitat unit. If
not, then it is probably a single habitat unit.
The channel may have both pool and riffle type habitat in the same cross-sectional area. Determine the
predominate habitat type and record it as the unit type. For example if an area contains both pool and
riffle, but the majority of the flow is into and out of the pool habitat, then call the unit a pool.
Questions also often arise as to the minimum size of individual habitat units. Generally, if a habitat unit
is not at least as long as the wetted channel is wide, then do not count it as a separate habitat unit. This
rule may need to be adjusted for streams wider than 5 m. Use best professional judgment in such cases.
See the section 2.1 for a list of features that should also be recorded while performing the inventory.
When to record: every habitat unit
Unit Number (#)
Count of habitat units of similar types, used to determine location of paired sample units
How to estimate:
When counting habitat units, group pools and glides (slow water) together, and group riffles, runs, and
cascades (fast water) together. For example, consider the following sequence of habitat units:
Pool Riffle Pool Pool Riffle - Cascade Riffle - Glide Riffle Pool Run Pool Riffle
Habitat units in this sequence would be counted in the following manner (similar types are shaded same
Unit Type
Unit Number
In the above example, the crew has counted six slow water (pool/glide) units and seven fast water
(riffle/run/cascade) units.
When to record: every habitat unit; not recorded for features
Distance (m)
Number of meters (rounded to the whole meter) from the start of the inventory to the upstream end of the
habitat unit or distance from the start of the inventory to upstream end of a feature, used as spatial
reference for data analysis and to locate features in the future.
How to estimate:
The observer walks upstream in the middle of the stream channel with a hipchain measuring device.
When they reach the upstream break between habitat units or the upstream end of a feature they stop and
report the distance to the recorder.
Care should be taken to keep the hipchain string in the middle of the stream, especially around bends and
meanders. If the hipchain should break, retreat to the location where the break occurred, tie off the
hipchain, and continue. If the hipchain is reset for any reason be sure to note it in the comments.
When to record: every habitat unit and feature
Estimated Width (m)
Average wetted width of the habitat unit as estimated visually (typically to half-meter accuracy), used to
calculate stream area. Wetted width is the distance from the edge of the water on one side of the main
channel to the edge of the water on the opposite side of the main channel.
How to estimate:
The observer notes the general shape and width of the unit while walking to the upstream end. When they
reach the upstream end of the unit the observer stops, turns to face the unit, and estimates the average
wetted width. Measure the wetted width of the stream before starting each day to calibrate yourself.
When to record: every habitat unit
Maximum and Average Depth (cm)
Maximum Depth vertical distance from substrate to water surface at deepest point in habitat unit
Average Depth average vertical distance from substrate to water surface in habitat unit
How to estimate:
The observer uses a wading rod marked in 5 cm increments to measure water depth as they walk upstream
through the habitat unit. Water depth in deepest spot is recorded as the maximum depth. Average depth
is the average of several depth measurements taken throughout the habitat unit.
When to record: every habitat unit
Riffle Crest Depth (cm)
Vertical distance from the substrate to the water surface at the deepest point in the riffle crest. The riffle
crest is the shallowest continuous line (usually not straight) across the channel where the water surface
becomes continuously riffled in the transition area between a riffle (or a run or cascade) and a pool (or
glide) (Armantrout 1998); think of it as the last place water would flow out of the pool if the riffle ran dry.
How to estimate:
When the observer reaches the upstream end of a riffle (or a run or cascade) leading into a pool (or glide),
they use the wading rod to measure the deepest point in the riffle crest. Record the depth in the RCD
column for the riffle habitat row.
When to record: at the upstream end of any riffle, run, or cascade leading into a pool or glide
Dominant and Subdominant Substrate (1-9)
Dominant Substrate size class of stream bed material that covers the greatest amount of surface area
within the wetted channel of the habitat unit.
Subdominant Substrate size class of stream bed material that covers the 2
greatest amount of surface
area within the wetted channel of the habitat unit.
How to estimate:
The following size classes are used to categorize substrates*. The substrate ‘Number’ is entered into the
dominant and subdominant substrate columns on the datasheet.
Size (mm)
Organic Matter
dead leaves, detritus, etc. not live plants
sticky, holds form when rolled into a ball
slippery, does not hold form when rolled into a ball
silt 2
grainy, does not hold form when rolled into ball
Small Gravel
sand to thumbnail
Large Gravel
thumbnail to fist
fist to head
larger than head
solid rock, parent material, may extend into bank
* these size classes are based on the modified Wentworth scale
As the observer walks through the unit they scan the substrate. When they reach the upstream end of the
unit they stop, turn to face the unit, and determine the dominant and subdominant substrate classes.
Estimate substrate size along the intermediate axis (b-axis). The b-axis is not the longest or shortest axis,
but the intermediate length axis (see below). It is the axis that determines what size sieve the particle
could pass through. Remember that your eyes are naturally drawn to larger size substrates. Be careful
not to bias your estimate by focusing on the large size substrate.
Some units will contain a mixture of particle sizes. Consult with the recorder and use your best
professional judgment to choose the dominant and subdominant sizes.
In units where the substrate is covered in moss, algae, or
macrophytes classify the underlying substrate and make note of the
plant growth in the comments. Only call organic substrate where
there is dead and down leaves or other detritus covering the bottom
of the unit.
When to record: every habitat unit
Percent Fines (%)
Percent of the total surface area of the stream bed in the wetted area of the habitat unit that consists of
sand, silt, or clay substrate particles (i.e. particles < 2 mm diameter).
How to estimate:
As the observer walks through the habitat unit they note the amount of sand, silt, and clay in the habitat
unit. When they reach the upstream end of the unit, they stop, turn to face the unit and estimate the
amount of the total surface area within the wetted channel that consists of sand, silt, or clay.
Where to estimate: every habitat unit
Large Wood (1-4 and rootwad)
Count of dead and down wood within the bankfull channel of a habitat unit
How to estimate:
The recorder classifies and counts LW as they walk through the habitat unit. LW counts are grouped by
the size classes listed below:
Length (m)
Diameter (cm)
short, skinny
short, fat
long, skinny
long, fat
roots on dead and down tree
Only count wood that is:
1 m in length and > 10.0 cm in diameter
Within the bankfull channel
Fallen, not standing dead
Count rootwads separately from attached pieces of LW
Estimate the diameter of LW at the widest end of the piece
A piece that is forked, but is still joined counts as only one piece of LW
Only count each piece one time, do not count a piece that is in two habitat units twice
Enter the total count for each size category into the appropriate column on the datasheet
Where to estimate: every habitat unit
Actual Width (m)
Average wetted width of the habitat unit as measured with 50 m tape, used to calculate stream area.
Wetted width is the distance from the edge of the water on one side of the main channel to the edge of the
water on the opposite side of the main channel.
How to measure:
Use a meter tape to measure the wetted width of the stream in at least three locations. Average the
measurements to obtain the average wetted width.
Where to measure: paired sample habitat units
Hemlock Condition (0 - 4)
Visual estimate of the condition of riparian hemlocks in the stream reach since the previous paired
sample. For the first paired sample, condition of riparian hemlocks since the start of the inventory.
How to measure:
Observe the general condition of hemlocks in the riparian area as you walk between paired sample units.
Select from one of the following categories for hemlock condition:
Wooly needles
Needle loss
Limb loss
Hemlocks falling
< 5 whole hemlocks
recruited as LW
Early infestation
0 25%
Some small
< 5 whole hemlocks
recruited as LW
Late infestation
25 75%
Small, medium
< 5 whole hemlocks
recruited as LW
> 75%
Small, medium,
large branches
and tree tops
< 5 whole hemlocks
recruited as LW
LW recruiting
5 or more whole
hemlocks recruited as
Where to measure: assess throughout reach, but record only at paired sample habitat units
Hemlock Abundance (0 - 3)
Category describing the total number of hemlocks encountered since the last paired sample unit.
How to measure:
Estimate the number of hemlocks as you walk between paired sample units. Observe hemlocks within the
riparian area of the surveyed stream. Select from one of the following categories for hemlock abundance:
0 = no hemlocks; 1 = 1-10 hemlocks; 2 = 11 50 hemlocks; 3 = more than 50 hemlocks
Where to measure: do counts throughout reach but record only at paired sample habitat units
Photo (ID#)
Photograph of habitat unit or crossing feature.
How to measure:
Take photo facing upstream with observer holding wading rod in picture. Be sure to get entire width (and
length if possible) of habitat unit or crossing feature in the photo.
Where to measure: paired sample riffles, runs, or cascades and any crossing features or waterfalls
Name of the point recorded to mark a waterfall, crossing feature or other location in the GPS unit.
How to measure:
Stand as close to the feature as possible and allow the GPS to have a clear view of the sky. Mark a
waypoint on the GPS, then edit the waypoint name as follows:
S## Start location of BVET survey
P## Pause location of BVET survey if survey is not completed that day
E## End location of BVET survey when survey is completed
W##b Waterfall
B##b Bridge
Fd##b Ford
D##b Dam
V##b Culvert
O##b Other, enter a brief description into the note section for the waypoint
## = stream priority number see stream list or map
b = use b, c, d, etc to create unique labels when more than 1 of a feature type are
encountered on a stream; for example if 3 waterfalls are found on stream priority number 5 the
first waterfall would be W5, the second would be W5b, the third W5c
Where to measure: all waterfalls, all crossing features, any other notable features encountered during the
survey that we may want to locate in the future or that could serve as landmarks
See Section 5 below for additional information on GPS use.
Definition: Points on a stream that could potentially serve as landmarks, may be natural or manmade.
How to measure: Record the distance to the upstream end of all features and take a photograph of all
crossing features. Record the GPS ID for all waterfalls and crossing features.
Where to record: wherever found
Channel Feature
What to Record
Distance, estimated height, photos
Distance, average wetted width, into main channel on left or right
(as facing upstream)
Side channel
Distance, average wetted width, whether it is flowing into or out of
main channel on left or right (as facing upstream)
Distance at start and distance at end; continue with normal
inventory up channel with greatest discharge
Seep (Spring)
Distance, left or right bank (as facing upstream), size, coloration
Distance, left or right bank (as facing upstream), estimated size
Distance, description of feature, example: found water intake pipe
going to house here; old burned out shack on side of stream; Big
Gap campground on left; alligator slide here, etc.
must be vertical with water falling through air to be a waterfall and not a cascade, do not record unless
>1m high
two channels, continue with normal inventory up channel with most volume
three or more channels intertwined, continue with normal inventory up channel with most volume
Crossing Feature
What to Record*
Distance, width, height, road or trail name and type (gravel, paved,
dirt, horse, ATV, etc.), photo
Distance, road or trail name and type (gravel, paved, dirt, etc.),
Distance, type, condition, estimated height, dam use, name of road
or trail, if applicable; include beaver dams, photo
Distance, road or trail name, type, # of outlets, diameter/width,
height, material, perch (distance from top of water to bottom lip of
culvert, natural substrate (present or absent through length), photo
* photograph all crossing features with person and wading rod for scale, record ‘Y’ in ‘Photo’ column
We cannot stress enough the importance of fully and accurately describing features. This means
getting out a quadrangle map and finding road, trail, and tributary names and recording them in
‘Comments’ and taking the time to describe the location of features in relation to landmarks found
on quadrangle maps.
Take photos and GPS of all crossing features and waterfalls!
Section 3: Wrapping Up
End the inventory where:
Forest Service property ends
Stream is dry for more than 500 m
Stream channel is < 1.0 m wide for more than 500 m
Record the following in the Comments:
Time and date
Reason for ending the inventory
Detailed written description of location using landmarks for reference
Be sure the header information is completed GPS, etc
When you return to home base:
Immediately download the data and check file to be sure all data downloaded
Check header information to be sure it is complete
Save to the computer and create a backup copy
Document any photographs
If using paper, make a photocopy of the data and store in secure location
Section 4: Summary
Before starting:
fill in header information
Record for every habitat unit:
Unit Type
Unit Number
Estimated Width
Maximum Depth
Average Depth
Dominant Substrate
Subdominant Substrate
Percent Fines
Large Wood
Record for every riffle, run, or cascade leading into a pool or glide:
Riffle Crest Depth
Record for every paired sample pool:
Measured Width
Record for every paired sample riffle:
Measured Width
Hemlock Condition
Record features and full feature descriptions wherever they are encountered.
Photograph all crossings!
Section 5: GPS Instructions
How to Find a Waypoint on GPS:
Turn Power On.
On the main menu screen touch the Where To? icon with the magnifying glass.
Touch the Waypoints icon with the red golf flag.
At the bottom of the next screen touch the ABC pyramid button.
Start typing in the name of the desired waypoint. Once the waypoint name is identified by
the GPS it will list the waypoints associated with that waypoint name.
Note: Touch the left and right arrows at the bottom of the screen to move from
letters to numbers to symbols. Touch the down arrow on the letters to get lowercase
and up arrow to get back to uppercase.
Touch the waypoint name you were looking for when the list pops up.
To navigate to this location touch the big green Go button.
Changing Waypoints:
To switch waypoints close the map screen by touching the X close button in the lower left
corner of the screen.
On the main menu screen touch the Where To? icon with the magnifying glass.
Touch the Stop Navigation button and repeat the top process to get to a new waypoint.
Garmin GPS Oregon 400T Cheatsheet
Turn On
Press Power key, wait for GPS to boot
Turn Off
Press and hold Power key
Backlight Strength
Press and quickly release Power key, adjust with touchscreen options
Create New Waypoint
1. To create a waypoint of your current position touch Mark Waypoint
2. Touch Save and Edit”, touch Change Name”, type desired label, touch Green Check Iconto
Calibrate compass
1. Whenever batteries are removed you must calibrate the compass so the map orients correctly
2. Touch “Setup”, touch Heading”, touch “Press to Begin Compass Calibration
3. Touch “Start”, hold GPS level and rotate it twice on your palm
Data Fields
1. To change the data fields on the map page touch “Map
2. Touch a data field at the top of the map, then select your desired data field
Calibrating the Touchscreen
1. If the touchscreen buttons are not responding properly, recalibrate the touchscreen
2. While the GPS is turned off, press and hold the power key for ~30 seconds
3. Follow instructions on the screen until calibration is complete
Appendix: Field Guide, Equipment Checklist
Record for every habitat unit:
Unit Type pool, riffle, run, cascade, glide, feature (see below)
Unit Number group pools & glides; group riffles, runs, cascades
Distance (m) at upstream end of unit
Estimated Width (m) visual estimate of average wetted width
Maximum Depth (cm) deepest spot in unit
Average Depth (cm) average depth of unit
Dominant Substrate (1-9) covers greatest amount of surface area in unit
Subdominant Substrate (1-9) covers 2
most surface area in unit
Percent Fines (%) percent of bottom consisting of sand, silt, or clay
Large Wood (1-4, RW) count of dead and down wood in the bankfull channel
Record for every riffle, run, or cascade leading into a pool or glide:
Riffle Crest Depth (cm) deepest spot in hydraulic control between riffle type habitat and pool
type habitat
Record for paired sample pools:
Measured Width (m) measurement of average wetted width
Record for paired sample riffles:
Measured Width (m) measurement of average wetted width
Hemlock Condition (0-4) visual estimate of hemlock wooly adelgid infestation
Photo (y or n) picture of habitat unit or crossing feature
Unit Types
Riffle (R) fast water, turbulent, gradient <12%; includes rapids, chutes, and sheets if gradient
Cascade (C) fast water, turbulent, gradient >12%, includes sheets and chutes if gradient >12%
Run (RN) fast water, little to no turbulence, gradient <12%, flat bottom profile, deeper than
Pool (P) slow water, may or may not be turbulent, gradient <1%, includes dammed, scour, and
plunge pools
Glide (G) slow water, no surface turbulence, gradient <1%, shallow with little flow and flat
bottom profile
Underground (UNGR) distance at upstream end, why dry
Waterfall (FALL) distance, height
Tributary (TRIB) distance, width, in on L or R
Side Channel (SCH) distance, width, in or out on L or R
Braid (BRD) distance at downstream and upstream ends
Seep or Spring (SEEP) distance, on left or right, amount of flow
Landslide (SLID) distance, L or R, est. size and cause
Other (OTR) record distance, describe feature in comments
Crossing Features photograph and record the following:
Bridge (BRG) distance, height, width, road or trail name & type
Dam (DAM) distance, type, est. height, road or trail name &type
Ford (FORD) distance, road or trail name & type
Culvert (V) distance, type (pipe, box, open box, arch, open arch), size, material, natural
substrate, perch, road or trail name
Organic Matter dead leaves detritus, etc., not living plants
Clay sticky, holds form when balled
Silt slick, does not hold form when balled
Sand >silt-2mm, gritty, doesn’t hold form
Small Gravel 3-16mm, sand to thumbnail
Large Gravel 17-64mm, thumbnail to fist
Cobble 65-256mm, fist to head
Boulder >256, > head
Bedrock solid parent material
Large Wood
#1 <5m long, 10-55cm diameter
#2 <5m long, >55cm diameter
#3 >5m long, 10-55cm diameter
#4 >5m long, >55cm diameter
RW rootwad, count separately from attached LW, record in comments, do not record wood
<10cm diameter, <1m length
End the inventory where:
Forest Service property ends
Stream is dry for more than 500 m
Stream channel is < 1.0 m wide for more than 500 m
Equipment Checklist
extra string for hipchain
wading rod
50 m tape measure
handheld GPS unit
waterproof backup datasheets
BVET field guide on waterproof paper
topographic maps
water filter
first aid kit
radio/cell phone
toilet paper
non-slip wading boots