New bias adjustments reduce uncertainty in temperature trends for the United States.
ince 1987, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administrations (NOAAs) National Climatic Data
Center (NCDC) has used observations from the U.S.
Historical Climatology Network (HCN) to quantify
national- and regional-scale temperature changes in the
conterminous United States (CONUS). To that end, U.S.
HCN temperature records have been “corrected to
account for various historical changes in station loca-
tion, instrumentation, and observing practice. The HCN
is actually a designated subset of the NOAA Cooperative
Observer Program (COOP) Network—the HCN sites
having been selected according to their spatial coverage,
record length, data completeness, and historical stability.
The U.S. HCN, therefore, consists primarily of long-term
COOP stations whose temperature records have been
adjusted for systematic, nonclimatic changes that bias
temperature trends.
b y Ma t t h e w J. Me n n e , Cl a u d e n. wi l l i a M s Jr., a n d ru s s e l l s. Vo s e
In support of its climate monitoring and assessment
activities, NCDC has recently developed an improved
U.S. HCN dataset (hereafter called HCN version 2). In
this paper we describe the HCN version 2 temperature
data in detail, focusing on the quality-assured dataset
sources as well as the bias adjustment techniques em-
ployed in version 2 to further reduce uncertainty in the
U.S. instrumental temperature record. The HCN bias
adjustments are discussed in the context of their effect on
U.S. temperature trends and in terms of the differences
between version 2 and its widely used predecessor (now
termed HCN version 1).
DATA. Network development. The U.S. HCN is a refer-
ence station network (Collins et al. 1999), that is, a subset
of long-term climate stations managed as part of a larger
networkin this case the COOP Network shown in Fig. 1.
Fi g . 1. Distribution of COOP
stations in the CONUS (black
dots) and the U.S. HCN version
2 sites (red triangles).
The original HCN stations were iden-
tified in the mid-1980s by examining
station records (and metadata) from
the COOP Network with the goal
of maximizing record length, data
completeness, and stability in sta-
tion location (Quinlan et al. 1987).
To be designated as part of the HCN,
a COOP station was ideally required
to be active circa 1987 and to have a
period of record of at least 80 years.
In practice, these criteria were some-
times relaxed to provide a more uni-
form distribution of stations across
the country and to incorporate the
recommendations of the nation’s state
climatologists. The resulting network
contained 1,219 COOP stations, 84
of which were composites formed
using consecutive records from two or more stations
to achieve the minimum period of record goal.
The actual subset of stations constituting the HCN
has changed twice since 1987. By the mid-1990s, sta-
tion closures and relocations had already forced a
reevaluation of the composition of the U.S. HCN as
well as the creation of additional composite stations.
The reevaluation led to 52 station deletions and 54
additions, for a total of 1,221 stations (156 of which
were composites). Since the 1996 release (Easterling
et al. 1996), numerous station closures and relocations
have again necessitated a revision of the network.
As a result, HCN version 2 contains 1,218 stations,
208 of which are composites; relative to the 1996
release, there have been 62 station deletions and 59
Figure 1 depicts the locations of the 1,218 stations
in HCN version 2. Consistent with previous releases,
the spatial distribution is reasonably uniform across
the CONUS, although station density is higher across
the eastern CONUS than in the intermountain west.
Moreover, as depicted by Fig. 2, the composition of the
network is not uniform in time. For example, there is
a rapid increase in the number of stations reporting
until about 1925, with spatial coverage increasing
most prominently in the west during these early years.
The number of stations reporting remained relatively
consistent until the end of the twentieth century, after
which it has declined because of station closures.
Source data. To maximize data completeness, HCN
version 2 was derived from the following five comple-
mentary source datasets archived at NCDC:
• DSI-3200:U.S.CooperativeSummaryoftheDay,
• DSI-3206:U.S.CooperativeSummaryoftheDay
• DSI-3210:U.S.SummaryoftheDayFirstOrder
• DSI-3220:U.S.SummaryoftheMonth,and
• U.S.HCNversion1monthlydata.
The first three datasets contain daily records,
while the last two consist of monthly means. Each
source contains estimatedvalues and quality
assurance (QA) flags; however, to standardize QA
across data sources, neither the estimated values nor
the quality flags were employed in building HCN
version 2. Instead, each daily data source was sub-
jected to the suite of QA reviews listed in Table 1. The
QA checks were performed in the order in which they
appear in the table, with each procedure operating
on only those values that did not fail any of the pre-
ceding tests. The thresholds were selected and the
performance of each check was evaluated using the
AFFILIATIONS: Me n n e , wi l l i a M s , a n d Vo s e NOAA/NCDC,
Asheville, North Carolina
NCDC, 151 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC 28801
The abstract for this article can be found in this issue, following the
table of contents.
In final form 5 December 2008
Fi g . 2. Number of U.S. HCN stations with temperature records.
JULY 2009
method outlined in Durre
et al. (2008). Collectively,
the daily QA system had
an estimated false-positive
rate of 8% (i.e., the per-
cent of flagged values that
appear to be valid) and a
miss rate of less than 5%
(the percent of true errors
that remain undetected).
Monthly means were then
derived from the quality-
assured daily data, with a
requirement that no more
than nine values be f lagged
or missing in any given
The five sources were
subsequently merged by
COOP station number to
form a comprehensive data-
set of serial monthly tem-
perature values. Duplicate
rec ord s b e t we en d at a
sources were eliminated
based on a simple data-
set priority scheme (i.e.,
est ranking, followed by
resulting merged dataset
was then subjected to the
three additional monthly
QA checks listed in Table 2;
together, these checks had
a false-positive rate of 15%
for maximum temperature
and 10% for minimum tem-
perature. Note that the two
spatial checks were performed after the climatological
check; furthermore, each was applied iteratively until
no additional spatial inconsistencies were detected.
The monthly QA reviews removed fewer than 0.2%
of monthly maximum and minimum temperature
process of removing systematic changes in the bias
of a climate series is called homogenization, and the
systematic artificial shifts in a series are frequently
referred to as “inhomogeneities.” In the HCN, there
are a number of causes behind inhomogeneities,
including changes to the time of observation, station
moves, instrument changes, and changes to condi-
tions surrounding the instrument site. An assessment
of each of these causes is discussed below.
Bias caused by changes to the time of observation.
The majority of the COOP Network observers (and
also HCN) are volunteers who make observations at
times that are more convenient than local midnight.
However, the time at which daily maximum and
minimum temperatures are observed has a systematic
effect on the calculation of the monthly mean (Baker
1975; Karl et al. 1986). This “time of observation bias”
would be of little concern with regard to tempera-
Ta b l e 1. Quality assurance checks applied to daily data.
Data problem Description of check
Simultaneous zeros Identifies days on which both maximum and minimum
temperature are −17.8°C (0°F)
Duplication of data Identifies duplication of data between entire years,
different years in the same month, different months within
the same year, and maximum and minimum temperature
within the same month
Impossible value Determines whether a temperature exceeds known world
Streak Identifies runs of the same value on >15 consecutive days
Gap Identifies temperatures that are at least 10°C warmer or
colder than all other values for a given station and month
Climatological outlier Identifies daily temperatures that exceed the respective
15-day climatological means by at least six standard
Internal inconsistency Identifies days on which the maximum temperature is less
than the minimum temperature
Interday inconsistency Identifies daily maximum temperatures that are less than
the minimum temperatures on the preceding, current, and
following days as well as for minimum temperatures that
are greater than the maximum temperatures during the
relevant 3-day window
Lag-range inconsistency Identifies maximum temperatures that are at least
40°C warmer than the minimum temperatures on the
preceding, current, and following days as well as minimum
temperatures that are at least 40°C colder than the
maximum temperatures within the 3-day window
Temporal inconsistency Determines whether a daily temperature exceeds that on
the preceding and following days by more than 25°C
Spatial inconsistency Identifies temperatures whose anomalies differ by more
than 10°C from the anomalies at neighboring stations on
the preceding, current, and following days
Mega” inconsistency Looks for daily maximum temperatures that are less than
the lowest minimum temperature and for daily minimum
temperatures that are greater than the highest maximum
temperature for a given station and calendar month
ture trends provided that the observation time at a
given station did not change during its operational
a widespread conversion from afternoon to morning
observation times in the HCN. Prior to the 1940s,
for example, most observers recorded near sunset in
accordance with U.S. Weather Bureau instructions.
Consequently, the U.S. climate record as a whole
contains a slight positive (warm) bias during the first
half of the century. A switch to morning observation
times has steadily occurred since that time to satisfy
operational hydrological requirements. The result has
been a broad-scale reduction in mean temperatures
that is simply caused by the conversion in the daily
reading schedule of the Cooperative Observers. In
other words, the gradual conversion to morning
observation times in the United States during the
past 50 years has artificially reduced the true tem-
perature trend in the U.S. climate record (Karl et al.
et al. 2007a).
To account for this time of observation bias (TOB)
in the HCN version 2 monthly temperatures, the
adjustment method described in Karl et al. (1986)
was used. The robustness of this method, which was
also used to produce version 1, has been verified by
adjustment requires documentation of changes to the
accuracy of the U.S. HCN time of observation history
using an independently generated source of metadata
(DeGaetano 2000). In addition, the predictive skill of
the Karl et al. (1986) approach to estimating the TOB
was confirmed using hourly data from 500 stations
during the period 1965
2001 (whereas the approach
was originally developed
using data from 79 stations
during the period 1957–64).
Given these verifications,
the Karl et al. (1986) TOB
adjustment procedure was
used in HCN version 2
without modification.
To calculate the effect of
the TOB adjustments on the
HCN version 2 temperature
trends, the monthly TOB-
adjusted temperatures at
each HCN station were
converted to an anomaly
relative to the 1961–90 sta-
tion mean. Anomalies were
then interpolated to the nodes of a 0.2 × 0.25°
latitude–longitude grid using the method described
by Willmott et al. (1985). Finally, gridpoint values
were area weighted into a mean anomaly for the
CONUS for each month and year. The process was
then repeated for the unadjusted temperature data,
and a difference series was formed between the TOB-
adjusted and unadjusted data, as shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4 indicates that removing the time of
observation bias progressively elevates the mean
U.S. temperature relative to the raw value during
the period that coincides with the gradual shift to
morning observation times in the network. The net
effect of the TOB adjustments is to increase the overall
trend in maximum temperatures by about 0.015°C
(±0.002) and in minimum temperatures by
about 0.022°C decade
(±0.002) during the period
Ta b l e 2. Quality assurance checks applied to monthly data.
Data problem Description of check
Climatological outlier Identifies temperatures that exceed their respective
climatological means for the corresponding station and
calendar month by at least five standard deviations
Spatial inconsistency Compares z scores (relative to their respective
climatological means) to concurrent z scores at the nearest
20 neighbors located within 500 km of the target; a
temperature fails if (i) its z score differs from the regional
(target and neighbor) mean z score by at least 3.5 standard
deviations and (ii) the target’s temperature anomaly differs
by at least 2.C from all concurrent temperature anomalies
at the neighbors
Spatial inconsistency Identifies temperatures whose anomalies differ by more
than 4°C from concurrent anomalies at the five nearest
neighboring stations whose temperature anomalies are well
correlated with the target (correlation >0.7 for the cor-
responding calendar month)
Fi g . 3. Changes in the documented time of observation
in the U.S. HCN.
JULY 2009
18952007. This net effect is about the same as that
of the TOB adjustments in the HCN version 1 tem-
perature data (Hansen et al. 2001), which is to be
expected since the same TOB-adjustment method is
used in both versions.
Bias associated with other changes in observation
practice. In addition to changes in the time of obser-
vation, most surface weather stations also experience
changes in station location or instrumentation at vari-
ous times throughout their histories. Such modifica-
tions generally entail alterations in sensor exposure
and/or measurement bias that cause shifts in the
temperature series that are unrelated to true climate
variations. In HCN version 1, the effects of station
moves and instrument changes were addressed using
the procedure described by Karl and Williams (1987).
Because this procedure addressed changes that are
documented in the NOAA/NCDC station history
archive, the HCN version 1 homogeneity algorithm
was called the Station History Adjustment Program
Unfortunately, COOP station histories are in-
complete. As a result, discontinuities may occur
with no associated record in the metadata. Since
undocumented discontinuities remain undetected by
methods like SHAP, a new homogenization algorithm
was developed for the HCN version 2 temperature
data (Menne and Williams 2009). This new algorithm
addresses both documented and undocumented dis-
continuities via a pairwise comparison of temperature
records, which avoids problems associated with the
use of reference series in undocumented change-
point detection (Menne and Williams 2005). In the
pairwise approach, comparisons are made between
numerous combinations of temperature series in a
region to identify and remove relative inhomogene-
ities (i.e., abrupt changes in one station series relative
to many others).
The pairwise approach works best when there are
many neighboring series available for comparison
with each target series. Thus, to maximize the num-
ber of potential neighbors for each HCN station, all
COOP temperature series were used as input by the
pairwise algorithm. In contrast, the SHAP used in
HCN version 1 was restricted to intercomparing only
HCN series, in large part because digital monthly
COOP temperature data (and metadata) were more
limited back in the 1980s. Since that time, digitiza-
tion efforts under the Climate Data Modernization
Program (CDMP 2001) have markedly increased the
volume of digital station data and histories avail-
able for the early years of the Cooperative Observer
Program, as shown in Fig. 5. As noted in the “Data”
section, these historical temperature values were
merged with other COOP Network data sources,
which effectively increased the density of the obser-
vations (as well as the correlation between all series
tested), thereby improving the ability of the pairwise
algorithm to detect relative inhomogeneities.
As in HCN version 1, homogeneity testing in HCN
version 2 was conducted separately on monthly-
mean maximum and minimum temperature series.
Figure 6 depicts the frequency and magnitude of
shifts detected by the pairwise algorithm for each
variable. Overall, the pairwise algorithm identified
around 6,000 statistically significant changepoints
in maximum temperature series and roughly 7,000
shifts in minimum temperature series. Since there are
approximately 120,000 station years of temperatures
in the HCN version 2 dataset, this represents an aver-
Fi g . 4. Average annual differences over the CONUS
between the TOB-adjusted data and the unadjusted
(raw) data.
Fi g . 5. Digital data availability for COOP stations
before (DSI 3200) and after (DSI 3200 + 3206) the
digitization efforts of the Climate Data Moderniza-
tion Program.
age of about one significant artificial shift for every
15–20 years of station data. In terms of the adequacy
of the HCN metadata, about half of the identified
inhomogeneities are undocumented.
Most of the documented changes in the HCN are
associated with station relocations. In theory, minor
station moves or other changes to sensor exposure
would be expected to have
a more pronounced effect
on minimum tempera-
tures than on maximum
temperatures. The reason
is that minimum tempera-
tures generally occur near
sunrise when calm and
stable atmospheric bound-
ary layer conditions are
prevalent, at which time
near-surface temperature
fields are strongly coupled
to the local surface charac-
teristics (Oke 1987). On the
other hand, during daylight
hours, the boundary layer
is more commonly well
mixed and microclimate
differences between nearby
locations should be less
evident. The larger number
of shifts detected in mini-
mum temperature series
relative to maximum tem-
perature series is consistent
with this reasoning.
Whereas station changes
can cause either an artificial
rise or drop in temperature,
the distribution of shifts
identified in HCN version 2
is not necessarily symmet-
ric about zero. For example,
there are about 400 more
negative shifts than posi-
tive shifts in maximum
temperature series (Fig. 6a).
Most of this asymmetry
appears to be associated
with documented changes
in the network (Fig. 6e)
and, in particular, with
shifts caused by the transi-
tion from liquid-in-glass
maximum–minimum temperature system (MMTS;
Fig. 6g). Quayle et al. (1991) concluded that this
transition led to an average drop in maximum tem-
peratures of about 0.4°C and to an average rise in
coincident station relocation. [These averages were
subsequently used in version 1 to adjust the records
Fi g . 6. Histograms of the magnitude of changepoints (shifts) in U.S. HCN
mean monthly maximum and minimum temperature series: (a), (b) all
changepoints; (c), (d) undocumented changepoints; (e), (f) changepoints
associated with documented station changes; (g), (h) changepoints associated
with the transition from LiG thermometers to the MMTS. A negative shift
indicates that the inhomogeneity led to a decrease in the mean level of the
temperature series relative to preceding values.
JULY 2009
from HCN stations that converted to the MMTS,
primarily during the mid- and late 1980s (Easterling
estimated a somewhat larger MMTS effect on HCN
temperatures and advocated for site specific adjust-
ments in general, including those sites with no docu-
mented equipment move.
Notably, the pairwise algorithm in HCN version 2
allows for such site-specific adjustments to be calcu-
lated for all types of station changes. The subsets of
changes associated with the conversion to the MMTS
are shown in Figs. 6g and 6h. The pairwise results
indicate that only about 40% of the maximum and
minimum temperature series experienced a statisti-
cally significant shift (out of ~850 total conversions to
MMTS). As a result, the overall effect of the MMTS
instrument change at all affected sites is substantially
less than both the Quayle et al. (1991) and Hubbard
of the statistically significant changes (0.52°C for
results for sites with no coincident station move.
For HCN version 2 as a whole, the combined effect
of all adjustments for documented and undocumented
temperature changes is to increase the average U.S.
(±0.007) over the period of record relative
to the values adjusted only for the TOB (Fig. 7). In
contrast, the effect of the pairwise homogenization
algorithm on minimum temperature trends is effec-
tively zero over the period of record. As Fig. 7 indi-
cates, the most significant effect of the adjustments
on maximum temperatures begins after 1985, which
coincides with the beginning of the changeover to
the MMTS. The trend in the difference between the
fully adjusted maximum temperature data and the
TOB-adjusted data reflects the cumulative effect of
the individual instrument changes.
Although the majority of MMTS changes occurred
during the mid- and late 1980s, about 10% of HCN
stations made the switch after 1994 (the last update
to the HCN version 1 digital metadata). In addition,
a number of sites (about 5% of the network) con-
verted to the Automated Surface Observation System
temperature measurements have been shown to be
lower relative to values from previous instruments
(e.g., Guttman and Baker 1996). Such results are in
agreement with the pairwise adjustments produced in
HCN version 2; that is, an average shift in maximum
temperatures caused by the transition to ASOS in the
HCN of about −0.44°C. The combined effect of the
transition to MMTS and ASOS appears to be largely
responsible for the continuing trend in differences
between the fully and TOB-only adjusted maximum
temperatures since 1985. On the other hand, while
the effect of ASOS on minimum temperatures in the
HCN is nearly identical to that on maximum tem-
peratures (0.45°C), the shifts associated with ASOS
are opposite in sign to those caused by the transition
to MMTS, which leads to a network-wide partial can-
cellation effect between the two instrument changes.
Undocumented changes, which are skewed in favor
of positive shifts, further mitigate the effect of the
MMTS on minimum temperatures.
Bias associated with urbanization and nonstandard siting.
In HCN version 1, the regression-based approach of
Karl et al. (1988) was employed to account for the
effect of the urban heat island (UHI) bias on tempera-
tures in the HCN (which they found to be important
for minimum temperatures only). In contrast, no
specific urban correction is applied in HCN version 2.
The reason is that adjustments for undocumented
changepoints in HCN version 2 appear to account
for much of the changes addressed by the Karl et al.
(1988) UHI correction used in HCN version 1. In fact,
as discussed in the next section, including adjust-
ments for undocumented changepoints actually has
a greater impact on minimum temperatures than the
HCN version 1 UHI correction. Moreover, adjusting
for both documented and undocumented change-
points effectively removes most of the local, unrepre-
sentative trends at individual HCN stations that may
arise from gradual changes to the environment. The
minimum temperature time series for Reno, Nevada
(Fig. 8), illustrates this effect. Specifically, the unad-
justed data suggest that the station developed a local
Fi g . 7. Average annual differences over the CONUS
between the fully adjusted (TOB + pairwise) HCN data
and the TOB-only adjusted data.
trend beginning in the 1970s, possibly as a result of
a growing urban heat island influence. In contrast,
the fully adjusted HCN version 2 data indicate that
the relative trend changes have been largely removed.
(Notably, the Reno series is also characterized by
by station relocations. Both abrupt changes were also
removed by the HCN version 2 adjustments.) For
these reasons, the average CONUS minimum tem-
HCN stations (based on population metadata) are
about the same as that calculated from the remaining
more rural locations (i.e., 0.07 and 0.077°C decade
respectively) during the period 1895–2007.
It is important to note, however, that although
the pairwise algorithm uses a trend identification
process to discriminate between gradual and sudden
changes, trend inhomogenieties in the HCN are not
actually removed with a trend adjustment. Rather,
the pairwise approach uses a simple difference in
means in the target minus neighbor series (before and
after a step change) to estimate the magnitude of the
shift, even when there was a relative trend between
the two series (as in the case of Reno). Ideally, trend
inhomogeneities would be removed with gradual ad-
justments and step changes with abrupt adjustments.
Unfortunately, unlike rela-
tive step changes, which
occur simultaneously in
all difference series formed
between an HCN tempera-
ture series and those of
its neighbors, a trend in-
homogeneity may begin
and end at different times
with respect to its various
neighbors. This makes it
difficult to robustly identify
the true interval of a trend
inhomogeneity (Menne
and Williams 2009).
Use of a simple differ-
ence in means test does,
however, address both grad-
ual and sudden changes,
producing what arguably
approximates the best
objective hypothetical
climate record available
for the corrected station”
(Pielke et al. 2007b). More
generally, accounting for
both sudden and gradual
changes is critical because spurious results may occur
if only the sudden changes are corrected (e.g., Fig. 10
in Menne and Williams 2009). The reason is that, in
some cases, gradual and sudden changes may not re-
flect station moves and the effect of urbanization but
rather some kind of microclimate peculiarity, such as
the growth and removal of a single tree. In such an
instance, correcting for the sudden change, but not for
the gradual change, would likely produce unrealistic
adjusted temperature values. Even in a case such as
the Reno observations, preserving the local trend (i.e.,
not adjusting for the gradual change) would result in
a double countingof the UHI signal, because the
station likely experienced urbanization effects when
it was located in the city and then again after its
surroundings became urbanized much later).
One implication of using a difference in means
test to adjust for all changepoints is that local trends
are aliasedonto the estimates of step changes
(DeGaetano 2006). To quantify the influence of this
aliasing effect, the pairwise approach was modified
such that only abrupt shifts were removed, thereby
creating a “nonproduction version of HCN in
which local trends were retained (see Menne and
Williams 2009 for details). In the case of minimum
Fi g . 8. (a) Mean annual unadjusted and fully adjusted minimum temperatures
at Reno, Nevada. Error bars depict a measure of the cumulative uncertainty
(95% confidence limits) in the pairwise algorithm’s bias adjustments. The
estimated uncertainty was determined using 100 Monte Carlo simulations
in which a value within the range of pairwise estimates for the magnitude of
each shift was randomly selected and used to adjust the series accordingly.
(b) Difference between minimum temperatures at Reno and the mean from
its 10 nearest neighbors.
JULY 2009
temperature, the resulting distribution of docu-
mented shifts became somewhat less skewed in
favor of negative changes, while the distribution of
undocumented shifts became more skewed in favor
of positive changes (relative to the results presented
in Fig. 6). The reason for these distributional changes
is that there is an apparent and sizable preference
for relative trends between HCN stations and their
neighbors to be negative. In other words, there is a
general tendency for HCN minimum temperature
trends to be smaller relative to surrounding COOP
stations. This means that the local trend aliasing
effect, on the whole, is removing more negative than
positive trend inhomogeneities at HCN stations,
despite cases like Reno. Thus, whereas there are
apparent residual trend inhomogeneities that remain
in some HCN series, they are more likely to be nega-
tive than positive and, collectively, there appears to be
little evidence of a positive bias in HCN trends caused
by the UHI or other local changes. It should be noted,
however, that if there is a regional signal that affects a
number of stations, its effect will be largely preserved
by the homogenization procedure.
A number of recent articles have also raised
concerns about the site characteristics of U.S. HCN
stations by way of photographic documentation
(e.g., Davey ahnd Pielke 2005; Pielke et al. 2007a,b).
Moreover, there is evidence that a large fraction
of HCN sites have poor ratings with respect to the
site classification criteria used by the U.S. Climate
Reference Network (A. Watts 2008 personal com-
munication; refer also to
In at least one study (i.e., Mahmood et al. 2006),
photographic documentation and other sources of
information regarding the exposure characteristics
of COOP and HCN sites were used to link poor
siting with measurement bias. Such evidence raises
legitimate questions about the representativeness of
temperature measurements from a number of U.S.
HCN sites. However, from a climate change perspec-
tive, the primary concern is not so much the absolute
measurement bias of a particular site but rather the
changes in that bias over time, which the TOB and
pairwise adjustments effectively address (Vose et al.
The goal of the HCN version 2 adjustments (and
homogenization in general) is not to ensure that
observations conform to an absolute standard but
rather to remove the effect of relative bias changes
that occur during a stations history of observation.
In this regard, photographic documentation, though
valuable, is most valuable when it is used to document
the timing and causes of such shifts in bias through
time. Ultimately, the magnitude of relative changes
in the bias of observations, whatever the source,
cannot be inferred from the metadata. Instead, the
effect of station changes and nonstandard instrument
exposure on temperature trends must be determined
via a systematic evaluation of the observations them-
selves (Peterson 2006), generally through relative
comparisons. Such an analysis suggests that the effect
of undocumented changes appears to be at least as
significant as documented changes in the HCN and
that homogeneity testing for both types of shifts is
Bias assessment of estimates for missing monthly tem-
perature values. As in HCN version 1, HCN version
2 provides estimates for missing monthly maximum
and minimum temperatures. Estimates are generated
using an optimal interpolation technique known in-
which makes use of the fully adjusted temperature
values at neighboring COOP stations. In essence, the
neighboring series that minimizes the confidence
limits for the difference between the target series
and the average of neighboring series (optimized
separately for each calendar month). The difference
between the target and neighbor average is used as an
offset in the interpolation to account for climatologi-
cal differences between the target and neighbors. The
series where changepoints occur too close together
in time (i.e., less than 24 months apart) to reliably
estimate the magnitude of shift identified by the
pairwise algorithm.
were generated for all mean monthly maximum and
minimum temperatures in the HCN and compared
with the observed values. Specifically, both the mean
difference and the mean absolute difference between
the estimated and observed values were calculated
separately for each decade in the HCN period of
record. As shown in Fig. 9, the mean difference be-
is less than 0.1°C in all decades. In addition, the mean
and the observed values decreases with time as the
density of stations in the COOP Network increases.
For the period of record as a whole, the mean differ-
(1999), as described in the U.S. Climate Reference Network
(2002) Site Information Handbook.
monthly values in the HCN is 0.01°C, while the mean
absolute difference is slightly less than 0.C. As
no systematic effect on HCN temperature trends.
assess the basic temperature differences between
HCN versions 1 and 2 at the national scale, the annual
CONUS averages from the two datasets were com-
pared using the same gridding procedure described
in the “Sources and assessment of temperature bias
in the U.S. HCN” section. Because the HCN version
1 release provides an optional UHI correction, two
difference series were formed for each variable: (i)
HCN version 2 minus HCN version 1 (with TOB
and SHAP adjustments), and (ii) HCN version 2
minus HCN version 1 (with TOB, SHAP, and UHI
Figure 11 indicates that there is a decreasing trend
in the difference series for minimum temperatures
before 1970. The trend is especially evident when the
UHI adjustment is excluded from HCN version 1. The
existence of this trend can be traced to the effect the
SHAP adjustments had on minimum temperatures
in HCN version 1. Specifically, the SHAP adjustments
are limited to documented changes that have a prefer-
ence for downward shifts (Fig. 6). When these shifts
are removed, a mean warming is introduced into the
SHAP-adjusted temperature record relative to the raw
and TOB-only adjusted data (see also Hansen et al.
2001). Notably, the HCN version 1 UHI adjustment
depresses HCN temperature series as a function of
population growth, thereby indirectly compensating
for much (but not all) of the SHAP-induced warming.
In contrast, the undocumented changepoints in mini-
mum temperatures identified in HCN version 2 are
skewed in favor of positive shifts, which collectively
compensate for the negatively skewed documented
shifts (the only changes known to the SHAP). For this
reason, the HCN version 2 pairwise adjustments do
not increase the minimum temperature trend relative
to the TOB-adjusted data (Fig. 7).
Figure 11 also suggests a divergence between
HCN versions 1 and 2 temperatures after 1985, a
difference associated with the adjustments for the
MMTS instrument change in HCN version 1. As
discussed in the “Bias associated with other changes
in observation practice” section, the HCN version 1
MMTS correction appears to be too large when the
effect on the full subset of HCN sites is considered
(i.e., when stations with documented moves coinci-
dent to MMTS installation are included). However,
as Fig. 11 indicates, maximum temperatures recover
from the apparent overcorrection in version 1 after
the mid-1990s. Unfortunately, this recovery is
accidental; in fact, it appears to be a consequence of
two factors: first, the HCN version 1 metadata were
last updated with the Easterling et al. (1996) release;
second, the continued conversion to MMTS (and later
Nimbus)—as well as the introduction of ASOShave
artificially (but unknown to SHAP) cooled maximum
temperatures to a level that currently compensates for
the HCN version 1 overcorrection.
HCN. Figure 12 depicts the U.S. annual time series
for maximum, minimum, and mean [(maximum +
minimum)/2] temperature during the period 1895
2007. In general, all variables exhibit a slight increase
Fi g . 10. Average annual differences over the CONUS
between the fully adjusted HCN data with estimates
for missing values (TOB + pairwise + FILNET) and
the fully adjusted data without missing data estimates
(TOB + pairwise).
Fi g . 9. Difference (by decade) between FILNET esti-
mates and observed monthly values at all U.S. HCN
JULY 2009
until the early 1970s, and finally a more prominent in-
crease into the early twenty-first century. Interannual
variability is markedly lower from the mid-1950s to
the mid-1970s, the so-called benign climate period
minimum temperature, the two highest values
occurred in 1998 and 2006.
(linear) trends in maximum and minimum tem-
perature for the raw, TOB,
and fully adjusted (TOB
+ pairwise) HCN version
2 data as well as the fully
adjusted HCN version 1
data (TOB + SHAP + UHI).
On an annual basis, the
HCN version 2 trend in
maximum temperature is
0.064°C decade
, and the
trend in minimum temper-
ature is 0.075°C decade
(both of which are com-
parable to the global mean
trend of ~0.060°C decade
for t he sa me pe r iod).
Trends in both variables
are largest in winter and
lowest in fall, and increases
in the minimum exceed
those in the maximum in
all seasons except spring.
For reasons described in
the “Bias caused by changes
to the time of observation”
section and “Bias associated with other changes in
observation practice” section, trends in the adjusted
data always exceed those in the raw data. However,
as discussed in last section, the HCN version 2 trends
in minimum temperature are somewhat smaller than
the fully adjusted HCN version 1 trends.
trends in maximum and minimum temperatures
for the period 1895–2007 are shown both for the
adjusted HCN version 2 data and for the raw data.
has increased in most areas except in parts of the east
central and southern regions. Minimum temperature
the pockets of decreasing temperature are displaced
slightly to the south and west relative to maximum
data exhibit more extreme trends as well as larger spa-
tial variability; in other words, the bias adjustments
tend to have a spatial smoothing effect on rates of
change. The reduction in the extent of negative trends
is a function of removing the time of observation bias
and of the adjustments associated with the MMTS
instrument change.
Despite the more coherent pattern, Pielke et al.
(2007a,b) argue that homogenized data are not
useful for calculating regional trends because the
homogenized series lack independence, noting, in
Fi g . 12. Time series of annual temperature anomalies from HCN version 2
averaged over the CONUS. Base period is 1961–90. The trends include 95%
confidence limits (± one standard error) that were calculated by adding the
error in the least squares regression coefficient for the series trend and a
factor quantifying the uncertainty in the adjusted temperature values (as
described in Fig. 8).
i g . 11. Average annual differences over the CONUS
between HCN version 2 and HCN version 1 (Revision
3; Easterling et al. 1996)
particular, that the site-specific
information that would have
been obtained from a well-sited,
stable station cannot be derived
retrospectively. Nonetheless,
Pielke et al. (2007b) state that the
adjusted temperature series may
well be the best objective hypo-
thetical climate record available.
We believe that it follows that the
adjusted series can be used to
infer patterns of climate vari-
ability and change at the surface
(which is one of the principal
motivations behind climate data
homogenization). Moreover, the
increase in interstation correla-
tion in the adjusted data relative
to the unadjusted data is negli-
Fi g . 13. Geographic distribution of linear trends in HCN version 2 temperatures for the period 1895
2007. (a) adjusted maximum temperatures; (b) unadjusted maximum temperatures; (c) adjusted
minimum temperatures; (d) unadjusted minimum temperatures.
Ta b l e 3. U.S. annual and seasonal temperature trends (°C decade
18952007 for adjusted and unadjusted temperature series.
Season Maximum temperature Minimum temperature
Fully adjusted—Version 2 (TOB + Pairwise)
Annual 0.064 0.075
Dec–Feb 0.101 0.107
Mar–May 0.082 0.066
JunAug 0.044 0.067
Sep–Nov 0.025 0.054
Unadjusted (Raw)—Version 2
Annual 0.018 0.054
Adjusted for TOB only—Version 2
Annual 0.033 0.076
Fully adjusted—Version 1 (TOB + SHAP + UHI)
Annual 0.063 0.090
JULY 2009
gible (accounting for the effect of shifts). It is likely
for this reason that Vose and Menne (2004) found
that the same basic relationship exists between sta-
tion density and the error in calculating the mean
U.S. temperature trend, whether unadjusted or
adjusted data are used. In addition, the Vose and
Menne (2004) assessment of the network density
required to capture the overall U.S. trend is about
an order of magnitude less than the current configu-
ration of the HCN. This suggests that temperature
observations from the HCN should be sufficient to
calculate regional trends in most areas. In any case,
all COOP temperature series are homogenized by
the HCN version 2 pairwise algorithm, which ex-
pands the pool of adjusted series beyond the HCN
subset. Consequently, if there is a concern about
the characteristics of a particular HCN site or inad-
equate station density in some areas, adjusted COOP
temperature series can supplement the HCN. This
is only one of the benefits of this unique climate
network, made possible by the efforts of dedicated
volunteers for more than a century.
the collective effect of changes in observation prac-
tice at U.S. HCN stations is of the same order of
magnitude as the background climate signal (e.g.,
artificial bias in maximum temperatures is about
−0.04°C decade
compared to the background
trend of about 0.0C decade
). Consequently, bias
adjustments are essential in reducing the uncer-
tainty in U.S. climate trends. The bias changes that
have had the biggest effect on the climate network
as a whole include changes to the time of observa-
tion (which affects both maximum and minimum
temperature trends) and the widespread conversion
to the MMTS (which affects primarily maximum
temperatures). Adjustments for undocumented
changes are especially important in removing bias
in minimum temperature records. Tests for undocu-
mented shifts, however, are inherently less sensitive
than in cases where the timing of changes is known
through metadata. Thus, metadata are exceedingly
valuable when it comes to adjusting and evaluating
climate trends.
Trends in the HCN version 2 adjusted series are
more spatially uniform than in unadjusted data. This
indicates that the homogenization procedures remove
changes in relative bias and that the background
climate signal is more accurately represented by
the homogenized data. It is important to point out,
however, that although homogenization generally
ensures that climate trends can be more confidently
intercompared between sites, the effect of relative
biases will still be reflected in the mean temperatures
of homogenized series. The reason is that, by conven-
tion, temperatures are adjusted to conform to the
latest (i.e., current) observing status at all stations.
This detail helps to explain why Peterson and Owen
(2005) found evidence of a systematic difference
in mean temperatures at rural versus urban HCN
stations but little evidence of a comparable differ-
ence in their homogenized trends. Moreover, while
changes in observation practice have clearly had a
systematic effect on average U.S. temperature trends,
homogeneity matters most at the station level where
even one change in bias can have a drastic effect on
the series trend (which can occasionally be missed
by changepoint tests). Therefore, the goal behind the
HCN version 2 dataset (and future improvements) is
to make the adjustments as site specific and compre-
hensive as possible, which is especially valuable in the
development of widely used products, such as the U.S.
Climate Normals.
Finally, the U.S. HCN data will be updated
monthly and fully reprocessed periodically to detect
and adjust for shifts from the recent past (see www. for fur-
ther information, including access to the data and
uncertainty calculations). Plans are also in place to
ensure that U.S. HCN monthly means are internally
consistent with NCDCs global daily dataset (the
Global Historical Climatology Network—Daily
dataset). Still, there is always room for improvement
in the field of climate data homogenization. For
example, although the monthly adjustments used
in HCN version 2 are constant for all months, there
is evidence that bias changes often have effects that
vary seasonally and/or synoptically (Trewin and
Trivitt 1996; Guttman and Baker 1996). As shown
by Della-Marta and Wanner (2006), it is possible to
estimate the differential effects indirectly by evalu-
ating the magnitude of change as a function of the
frequency distribution of daily temperatures. Daily
adjustments are thus a promising area for future
HCN development.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors wish to thank
Anthony Watts for his considerable efforts in documenting
the current site characteristics of U.S. HCN stations. The
authors also thank Tom Peterson, Tami Houston, and three
anonymous reviewers whose helpful comments greatly im-
proved this manuscript. Partial support for this work was
provided by the Office of Biological and Environmental
Research, U.S. Department of Energy (Grant DE-AI02-
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