Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services – Request Form Page 1 of 2
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The Manager
Bank of India,____________________Branch.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Request for availing BOI Star
(Core Banking) Services- Internet/ SMS/ WAP/ Tele Banking
First Name Middle Name Last Name
My Customer ID(s)
Residential Status: Indian Resident Non Resident Indian Foreigner
Name of the Firm*
Activity Type* Trading Manufacturing NGO Services Others __________________
(* Applicable in case of Sole-Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Body Corporate concern)
Date of Birth __________________ Mother’s Maiden Name____________________________
I wish to have any one of the following User ID mentioned in the order of preference.
Guidelines for User ID* selection
1) The first character has to be an alphabet only
2) Minimum length is 6 and maximum length is 10
3) Cannot contain special characters like * ,_, @, & ,+
4) Cannot contain spaces
* User ID shall be allotted to you subject to its availability and shall be advised by a PIN Mailer at your communication address.
Services Required (
please tick ; your choice
Internet Banking
Fund Transfer Facility Yes No WAP Banking
SMS Banking
Tele Banking
With out Fund Transfer With Fund Transfer
Communication address
City State Pin Code
Phone(O) Phone(R)
Mobile Fax Email
I confirm that I have read and understood the “Terms and Conditions” annexed hereto / as given on the Bank’s web site for the usage of Bank of
India Star
Core Banking
) Services and unconditionally accept and agree to abide by the same and such other modifications made by
Bank of India (BOI) from time to time. I am aware of the nature of services offered by Bank of India through Star
Core Banking
Services and shall pay charges / taxes as applicable, from time to time, as set forth in Bank of India’s web site or communicated / demanded by
Bank of India from time to time. I also agree to all the terms / conditions of opening / applying / maintaining / operating as applicable / modified
for usage of Bank of India Star
Core Banking
) Services - as may be in force from time to time. I further authorize Bank of India to
debit my Account(s) towards charges for availing of services through Bank of India Star
Core Banking
) Services. I declare that all the
particulars and information given in this form are true, correct, complete and up-to-date in all respects and I, have not withheld any information. I
agree and undertake to provide any further information that Bank of India may require. I agree and understand that Bank of India reserves the
right to reject any application or block or withdraw the Bank of India Star
Core Banking
) Services - to any or all account(s) without
assigning any reason. I authorize Bank of India or their agents to make references and enquiries which BOI or its agents consider necessary in
respect of or in relation to information in this application/further applications.
Date____/___/______ Signature _____________________________
Place______________ Name (___________________________ )
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Request form for availing Bank of India Star
(Core Banking) Services
(Internet / SMS / WAP / Tele Banking) for Individual / Sole-Proprietorship concern
Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services – Request Form Page 2 of 2
Serial Number.
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For Branch use only
Strike out which ever is not applicable
1. Customer Details (
Please tick ; relevant boxes)
Name : __________________________________________
Gender : Male Female
Status : Individual Sole Prop. HUF Karta Director Partner Others
Marital Status : Single Married Divorced
Education : Under Graduate Graduate Post Graduate Doctorate.
Occupation : _______________
Type : Staff General Valued Customer
Annual Income : _______________
2. The Customer’s particulars, signature/s and details have been duly verified and the same are as per the
Bank’s record.
3. Resolution/ Documents (wherever applicable) is obtained and kept on record
4. We recommend for providing the Bank of India Star
Core Banking
) Services to the
applicant and confirm that the applicant has been enabled for Internet Banking / Tele banking / Both
set at the Finacle Core on __________________
Date: ___/___/20___ Signature:……………………..………… Sign Code:__________
Place ________________ Name:__________________________________________
For Office only
Request Form received on
Request Entered on (Int. Banking)
Request Verified on (Int. Banking)
Request Entered on (Telebanking)
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Request form for availing Bank of India Star
(Core Banking) Services
(Internet / SMS / WAP / Tele Banking) for Individual / Sole-Proprietorship concern
Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services –Agreement cum Indemnity Page 1 of 5
Annexure A
Agreement cum Indemnity
THIS AGREEMENT is made at …………………….on this the…….day of……………….
20…… Shri/Smt/M/s………………………………………………………………residing at/
having their registered office at……………………………………………………………...
(hereinafter referred to as the " Customer" which expression shall include his/her/its/their, heirs,
executors, administrators and permitted assigns as the case may be) in favour of Bank of
India, a body corporate constituted under Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of
Undertakings) Act, 1970 having its Head Office; at Star House, C - 5, G Block, Bandra Kurla
Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051. and a Branch Office amongst others
referred to as the “Bank" which expression shall include its successors and assigns).
The term "Customer" shall include User/s in applicable cases and wherever the context so
requires (in the event there are more than one individual ) shall mean and be construed as
"Customers” and the masculine gender, wherever the context so requires shall mean and be
construed as the feminine.
A. The Customer is a constituent of the Bank, maintaining the following accounts with the
Branches of the Bank:
Account(s) Type and No
Branch Name
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “said Accounts” which expression shall also
include any other accounts of the Customer which may be opened in future at any of the
Branches of the Bank and provided with Core Banking facility).
B. The Customer understand that the Bank has introduced “Bank of India Star Connect
(Core Banking) Services” to facilitate its selected Customers (maintaining accounts with
the branches of the Bank connected with Core Banking), to have the following facilities
and to allow operations like:
i) Viewing the details of the Account(s) of the Customer
ii) Fund transfer from the Account(s) of Customer
iii) Third Party Fund transfer(only credit without linking third party account)
iv) External account linkage (credit and/or debit)
v) Request for cheque books, issuing stop payment of cheque
vi) Opening of LC Bill lodgment
vii) and such other facilities as the Bank may at its sole discretion provide from time
to time
(all or any of the aforesaid facilities may be provided on such terms and conditions as
Bank may stipulate from time to time and such facilities may be modified or withdrawn or
suspended at the sole discretion of the Bank. All or any of the aforesaid facilities which
may be provided by the Bank from time to time to the Customer are hereinafter
collectively referred to as "said Core Banking Facilities" or “said Services”)
C. At the request of the Customer and the Customer interalia agreeing to pay the
fees/charges as may be fixed by the Bank from time to time, the Bank has agreed to
provide/provided said Core Banking Facilities in all or any of the said Accounts (which
Bank may decide at its sole discretion) interalia on the terms and conditions contained
In consideration of the above, the Customer hereby agree and undertake with the Bank
as follows:
1. The Customer has read and understood the terms and conditions of the “said Core
Banking Facilities” displayed on Bank’s Web site /contained in the
annexere to the Application Form for the “said Core Banking Facilities” and agree to fully
abide by the said terms and conditions and also the time to time modifications that may
be made by the Bank in the said Terms and Conditions. The Customer irrevocably agree
that any modifications made by the Bank to the said terms and conditions and displayed
Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services –Agreement cum Indemnity Page 2 of 5
on the Bank's Web Site or on the notice Board of the Branch shall be binding on the
Customer and the Customer waives a separate notice for the same from the Bank.
2. The Customer and User/s shall maintain secrecy and confidentiality of the User name,
Password and other secret code and the same shall not be shared or divulged to any
other person. In the event the User name, Password and other secret code are allotted
at the Customer’s request to a User/s to act in a representative capacity on Customer’s
behalf, the Customer shall ensure that the said User/s maintain secrecy and
confidentiality of the User name, Password and other secret code and that the same
shall not be shared or divulged to any other persons by the User/s.
3. The Customer further agree and undertake that the Person/s authorised by him/them
to operate the Customer’s accounts on his/their behalf (User/s) under the “said Core
Banking Facilities” shall follow the terms and conditions of the “said Core Banking
Facilities” and the Customer shall be bound by all acts and / or omissions on the User/s
part and the Customer undertake responsibility for the acts or omissions of the User/s
and it shall not be challenged by the Customer for any reason whatsoever so as to make
the Bank liable for the same.
4. The Customer hereby agree that the Bank shall not be held liable or responsible for any
unauthorised access beyond the system/security provided by the Bank through hacking
etc.. to the Customer’s accounts/records, by any third parties and the same shall not
amount to breach of the Bank's duty of secrecy and the Customer waive his/their rights
and privileges in this regard.
5. The Customer agree and undertake that the Customer shall only be liable and
responsible for any liability, claims of any nature, loss and any damages that may arise
due to misuse or otherwise of the said Core Banking Facilities either by the Customer,
its staff, agents, the User/s authorized by the Customer or by any person making an
unauthorised access to the Customer’s accounts.
6. The Customer agree that any discrepancy in the statement of accounts provided to the
Customer shall be brought to the notice of the Bank immediately and in the event of any
dispute or discrepancy between the statement of accounts provided under the “said
Core Banking Facilities” through the Computer and the statement of accounts as
maintained by the Bank at its concerned branch, the statement of accounts as
maintained by the Bank at its concerned branch, shall for all purpose be binding on the
Customer and the Bank shall not be liable to the Customer for any transactions
undertaken or made based on the discrepant statement of Account.
The Customer hereby acknowledge that the Customer and the User/s are fully aware of
the risks involved in availing the said services which, inter alia, includes:-
a. access by any third person using the Customer’s or it’s User’s password. In such
case, the third person would be able to transact through the net and give instructions
including Payment Instructions or Third Party Funds Transfer, by which the Customer
can suffer loss.
b. The Internet per se is susceptible to a number of frauds, misuse, hacking or other
actions which could affect payment instructions to the Bank. Whilst the Bank shall aim
to provide security to prevent the same, there cannot be any guarantee by the Bank from
such internet frauds, hacking and other actions which could affect the
instructions/transactions through the said Services, causing loss to the Customer.
c. The filling of applicable data for transfer and other transactions would require proper,
accurate and complete details. In the event of any inaccuracy, the funds could be
transferred to incorrect accounts. The Customer and the User/s shall therefore be
required to take all precautions to ensure that there are no mistakes and errors and that
the information given by the Customer/User/s to the Bank are error free, accurate,
proper and complete at all points of time.
d. The Customer is fully aware that the Bank is providing the said Services at the
Customer’s sole risk and that the Bank shall not be liable for any loss, damages or
consequences whatsoever arising due to any erroneous or incomplete information or
any delay in executing the instructions for any other reasons. On the other hand in the
event of the Customer’s Account receiving an incorrect credit by reason of a mistake
committed by some other Person, the Bank shall be entitled to reverse the incorrect
credit at any time without the consent of the Customer. The Customer shall be liable and
responsible to Bank and agree to accept the Bank’s instructions without questions for
any unfair or unjust gain obtained by the Customer.
8. The Customer will not hold the Bank responsible for the Internet Data being hacked or
fraudulently used or if the data is used to defame anyone or if the data is used in any
manner adverse to the Customer.
Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services –Agreement cum Indemnity Page 3 of 5
The Customer states that in the course of various business activities of the Customer,
the Customer would be required to make payments to various Parties. For the purpose
of making direct payments to the Parties with whom the Customer has business
relationships, the Customer wish to avail the Third Party Fund Transfer facility by which
the Customer could directly make credits to the linked accounts of the said third Parties,
by debiting the Customers account. The Customer is aware that for availing the said
facility, the said third Party to whom funds are to be transferred also should have an
account with a Branch of the Bank which is connected with Core Banking and the said
third Party should execute a mandate(*) in favour of the Bank in a format acceptable to
Bank. The Customer has requested the Bank to permit such third party fund transfer to
the Parties whose names are mentioned in Schedule I of this Agreement. The details of
the Account of the Parties, maximum amount that can be transferred on a day/month are
interalia stated in the said Schedule I. Any change in the Account number of the Parties,
the maximum amount that can be transferred or any modification (addition or deletion) in
the list of the said third Parties stated in the Schedule I may be done by the Customer
from time to time, by executing and delivering letter in the Bank’s standard format(**)
along with a mandate(*)of the third party to whom funds are to be transferred. The
Customer by executing and submitting to the Bank the Letter and mandate as stated
above and on Bank accepting the same, the Schedule I shall be deemed to be modified
accordingly as if the details are incorporated therein. The Customer shall ensure that
only genuine and bonafide transactions shall be made through the said Core Banking
Facilities and no dispute shall arise with the said Third Parties in connection with the
payment etc. Customer agrees that under no circumstances the Bank shall be held liable
for loss or damage or compensation for any disputes that may arise between the
Customer and the said Third Parties.
The Customer states that in the course of various business activities of the Customer,
the Customer would be required to receive payments from various Parties. For the
purpose of receiving direct payments from the Parties with whom the Customer has
business relationships, the Customer wish to avail the External Account Linkage (Third
Party Debit) facility by which the Customer could directly operate the Linked Account/s of
said third Parties and withdraw amounts there from and credit the Customer’s account.
The Customer is aware that for availing the said facility, the said third Party should also
have an account with a Branch of the Bank which is connected with Core Banking and
the said third Party should execute a mandate (***) in favour of the Bank in Bank’s
standard format and they should also execute a notarised Power of Attorney(****)in the
format acceptable to Bank in favour of the Customer interalia authorising the Customer
to operate their Account/s and the same should be submitted to the Bank. The third
Parties whose names are mentioned in Schedule II of this Agreement, have given the
mandate and Power of attorney as above to enable the Customer to operate the
account. The details of the Account of the Parties, maximum amount that can be
transferred on a day/month are interalia stated in the said Power of Attorney and in
Schedule II. Any change in the Account number of the Parties, the maximum amount
that can be transferred or any modification (addition or deletion) in the list of the said
third Parties stated in the Schedule II can be made only upon the said third parties
executing and delivering fresh mandate (***) and Power of Attorney as above and the
Customer executing and submitting to the Bank a Letter(*****) as per Bank’s format and
on Bank accepting the same, the Schedule II shall be deemed to be modified
accordingly as if the details are incorporated therein. The Customer shall ensure that
only genuine and bonafide transactions shall be made through the said Core Banking
Facilities and no dispute shall arise with the said Third Parties in connection with the
payment etc. Customer agrees that under no circumstances, the Bank shall be held
liable for any loss or damages or compensation for any dispute that may arise between
the Customer and the said Third Parties. The Customer is also aware that the Customer
shall be able to do the transactions stated hereunder only if there are sufficient funds in
the account of the said Third Parties whose accounts are linked and as long as they do
not give any instructions to the Bank withdrawing their mandate or instruction for
stopping payment.
10. It is further agreed by the Customer that if any suit or claim or other proceedings are
filed/initiated against Bank by any person in connection with the said Services or any
transactions under the same or for reasons arising out of this agreement, the Customer
alone shall be liable and shall ensure that the Customer shall pay all costs, expenses
(including the lawyers charges and other court expenses), claims and damages that may
arise out of such suits/claims.
Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services –Agreement cum Indemnity Page 4 of 5
11. The Customer shall pay the Fees/charges as may be stipulated by the Bank from time to
time in respect of each and every facility under the said Core Banking Facilities.
12. The Customer hereby Indemnify and agree to keep the Bank Indemnified from any loss,
damages, claims, suits (including attorneys fees) that may be caused or sustained by
the Bank due to providing the “said Core Banking Facilities” to the Customer or due to
failure of the system or for violation of any of the Terms and Conditions of the said Core
Banking Facilities by the Customer by the Customer’s representative, User/s or for any
other reason. The Customer further indemnify the Bank for any loss, damages, claims
that may be caused or sustained by the Bank due to failure on the Customer’s or the
Customer’s representative's or User/s’ to maintain the secrecy of the transactions, User
name, Password and Personal identification Number (PIN) or any other codes, any claim
by the said Third Parties etc.
13. The Customer further agree that the “said Core Banking Facilities” shall be made
available to the Customer at the Bank's option and that the same shall be available,
subject to the availability of power, Network connectivity to the system etc….and should
the same be not available for any reason, the Customer shall not hold the Bank liable or
responsible for any reason whatsoever. Bank shall also be within its absolute right to
withdraw all or any of the said Core Banking Facilities at any time without notice and
without assigning any reason to the Customer and/or the User/s which shall be binding
on the Customers and its users.
14. The Customer agree that it shall be the Customer’s obligation to pay all stamp duties,
charges, Taxes and other levies on this agreement and also on the other documents
executed/which may be executed by the Customer from time to time. The Customer
shall also be liable to bear and pay all taxes or other levies if any imposed from time to
time on the said Core Banking Facilities.
In witness whereof executed at _____________ on this ______________ day of __________
Place: Signature, Name, Seal
Date: For M/s…………………………………….
Authorised Signatory
We M/s……………………………………….have authorized the following User/s for operating the
said services on our behalf:
I/We the User/s have read and understood the said Agreement and agree to comply with the
terms and conditions applicable to User/s
Place: Name and Signature of User/s.
Date :
Schedule I
Third Party Funds Transfer (Crediting) - List of Parties
Name of the Party Account No. & Branch Maximum Amount that can be
Transferred (credited)
In a day In a month
Bank of India: Star
(Core Banking) Services –Agreement cum Indemnity Page 5 of 5
Schedule II
External Account Linkage (Third Party debit) - List of Parties
Name of the Party Account No. & Branch Maximum Amount that can be
Transferred (debited)
In a day In a month