EST. 1955
Band • Jazz • Orchestra • Choir • Marching/Color Guard
Music Awards
from The Instrumentalist
Honoring Excellence in
School Music Programs
The Work Continues
In normal years, the process of receiving orders and ship-
ping awards to schools each spring is a busy time that we
look forward to as a change from our usual efforts producing
The Instrumentalist magazine. Because directors lead such
hectic lives, most opt for standing orders to be shipped each
March or send in electronic orders, although there are
many long-time customers or new directors asking advice
who we enjoy speaking to each year.
During these past two challenging years, we have talked to many
more directors than usual. Across the country, we all seem to feel the
need to connect a bit more. You have shared stories of hard work and
determination, and an unwillingness to give up no matter what obsta-
cles you have faced. Your unflagging dedication inspires us.
It also reminds us that to many our awards are more than
marble and brass, wood, paper, and ribbon. They represent
excellence, tradition, continuity, and higher purpose. They
record a program’s past, honor the present, and push the next
generation to reach for greatness.
On our hardest, longest days, we remember the remarkable
work happening in music programs everywhere. Let us know how we
can help.
Detailed information about award policies can be found on page 30. If you have any
questions about them or which awards would be most suitable for your school,
please give us a call or send an email. We would be happy to help you. 888-446-
Concert Band
John Philip Sousa Band 4
Director’s Award for Band 7
Patrick S. Gilmore Band 8
Jazz Band
Louis Armstrong Jazz 10
Woody Herman Jazz 13
National School Marching 14
National School Color Guard 14
Leonard Bernstein Musicianship 16
Quincy Jones Musicianship 18
Certificates 19
National School Orchestra 20
Director’s Award for Orchestra 22
National School Choral 24
Director’s Award for Chorus 26
Frédéric Chopin Award 23
Certificate Frame 19
Add-on Plaques 27
Special Magazine Rate
The Instrumentalist 29
Information Pages
Standing Orders 28
Award Policies 30
Shipping 30
Order Form 31
Table of Contents
Online Store: • Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 888-446-6888 or 847-446-5000 • Fax: 847-446-6263
Sousa Certificate (11" x 8.5")
(frame sold separately, see p. 19)
Do not put certificates through a printer.
The official Sousa Student Award is
the Sousa Combination Set that
includes the deskpiece with a white
marble base and bright medallion
of Sousa, a certificate with an
embossed gold seal, and a pin.
($64, #21CB)
(actual size)
Sousa Student Award
Sousa Deskpiece
(Base: 3" x 2.5", Height: 3")
John Philip Sousa Band Award
The John Philip Sousa Band Award
is the gold
standard for high school band students and recognizes
superior musicianship and dedication. It was introduced
in 1955 with the approval of Sousa’s daughters, Helen
and Priscilla. The award should be presented to the top
student in the band program for:
“Outstanding achievement and interest in
instrumental music, for singular merit in
loyalty and cooperation, and for displaying
those high qualities of conduct that school
instrumental music requires.
Since 1955, this award
has been nationally
recognized as the
highest honor high
school band students
can achieve.
Band Awards
1. Winning students must receive at
least one element of the official stu-
dent award. (See p. 30 for full details.)
2. Sousa Registry: Add your students’
names to the National Registry of
Sousa Award Winners. Fill out the
online form or send an email to post
the names of winning students. You
can send current students’ names as
well as those from past years. Submit
names and view the registry at
3. Restricted Quantity: To preserve the
integrity of this top award, schools are
limited to one set of student awards
per year (or two in the event of a tie).
Quantities of The Gilmore Award
(p. 8), and The Director’s Award for
Band (p. 7) are not limited and may
be used to honor additional students.
4. The parts of the combination set also
may be purchased separately: Desk-
piece $60 (21DN), Pin $7 (21PN),
Certificate $7 (21CT). However, all
portions of a combination set must be
given to the same student,
not divided among
several students. In
the event of a tie,
each student must
receive identical
A matching Add-on Plaque is
available when the original is
filled. It has 12 additional name
plates and is designed to hang
directly below the wall plaque.
($74, #21AO)
Sousa Wall Plaque
Order the solid walnut Sousa
Wall Plaque to hang in the band
room. Each year add the name
of the winning student(s) to
highlight the band’s history and
traditions and inspire students
for decades to come.
($115, #21PL)
Sousa Wall Plaque (12" x 15")
Sousa Add-on Plaque (12" x 6")
Turn the page
for biographical
information on
Sousa to share
with students.
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Sousa Award Information & Policies
John Philip Sousa was a trailblazer as a composer and
as a band director. He wrote 136 marches, 15 operettas,
70 songs, 11 waltzes, and 20 band fantasies. He also
wrote seven books, of which two were novels. Some of
his most famous marches are Stars and Stripes Forever,
Semper Fidelis, The Washington Post, El Capitan, and The
Sousa was born in Washington, DC in 1854. He learned to play the violin and
wanted to join a circus band at age 13. His father was a Marine and decided that
the boy should enlist in the Marines as an
apprentice musician instead. Sousa spent
almost 20 years in military service over sever-
al stints. He became the leader of the Marine
Band at age 26. It was there that he perfected
his musical skills.
When Sousa left the military, he formed
the Sousa Band, which played everywhere for
huge crowds. He hired the best musicians and
always programmed several featured soloists. The Sousa Band brought perform-
ances of fine music to smaller cities that did not have symphony orchestras. He
was always eager to help struggling young composers, and his band probably played
more new, unpublished American music than any other musical organization in the
country at the time.
John Philip Sousa
(1854 - 1932)
The John Philip Sousa Band
Award was created in 1954 on the
100th anniversary of Sousa’s birth
with the enthusiastic approval of
his daughters, Helen and Priscilla.
Band Awards
Begun in 1973, The Director’s Award for Band
honors out-
standing members of a junior high or high school band. Each
year present the winning students the walnut Student Award. u
The award may be given to multiple deserving students.
The large plate offers room to
engrave the name of the recipi-
ent, school, director’s name, and
presentation date.
t Add the beautiful walnut
Wall Plaque to your order to
hang in the school and dis-
play the names of the winners
as inspiration for students. A
matching Add-on Plaque with
12 additional name plates
may be purchased when the
original is filled (see page 27).
Wall Plaque
(10.5" x 13")
For the band room
Student Award
(5" x 7")
The Director’s Award for Band
The Director’s Award
for Band
Dir. Band Student Award $56
Best Value: Dir. Band/
Conductor’s Combination $65
(25CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Dir. Band Wall Plaque (25PL) $105
Dir. Band Add-on Plaque $74
Quantities are not limited.
Use as a Junior High Band Award
or as Runner-up to the Sousa Award
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Award Policy: If you present this
award, you must give the official
student award to the winner(s).
The Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award
was introduced in 1994 in
honor of the legendary bandmaster and impresario. Like the
Sousa Band Award, it recognizes outstanding achievement and
dedication to the band program.
Add-on Plaque (10.5" x 6.5")
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
(5" x 7")
Many schools use the Gilmore Award
as a runner-up to the Sousa Award
to honor additional students.
Quantities are not limited.)
Gilmore Prices
Gilmore Student Award (31AW) $53
Gilmore Conductor’s Combination $62
(31CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Gilmore Wall Plaque (31PL) $105
Gilmore Add-on Plaque (31AO) $74
Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award
Each year give the Gilmore
Student Award to the winners.
The award is made from solid
walnut to last a lifetime. The
line is for engraving the stu-
dent’s name and presentation
Gilmore Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
Order the beautiful walnut Wall
Plaque (right) to hang in the band
room as a permanent record of your
students’ achievements.
(Note: If you present this award at your
school, you must give the official student
award to the winner/winners).
Gilmore Student Award
When the 15 plates on the
plaque are filled, a matching
Add-on Plaque (left) is available.
Father of the American Concert Band
Patrick S. Gilmore
(1829 - 1892)
Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore (1829-1892) played for
every president of his day, including Abraham Lincoln.
He was the music director for the dedication of the
Statue of Liberty. In 1891 he made some of the earliest
commercial recordings at Thomas Edison’s laboratory
in New Jersey. Among Gilmore’s most famous compo-
sitions are When Johnny Comes Marching Home, Good
News from Home, We Are Coming Father Abraham, Seeing Nellie Home, and
Famous 22nd Regiment March.
Gilmore was known for grandiose performances and enthusiastic promotion. At
the 1864 inauguration of a Louisiana governor, he enlisted a brass band of over
500, a chorus of 6,000, a battery of artillery, 50 anvils, and the church bells of the
city. Later performances would employ an even grander scale of ensemble and
helped build Gilmore’s reputation and fame.
Gilmore’s career came to an end just two days before the inaugural concert of
John Philip Sousa’s newly formed professional band. As a tribute, Sousa chose
Gilmore’s own composition, The Voice of a Departing Soul, for the opening number
on his program. Thus, as one era in American bands ended, another was just
Band Awards
Add-on Plaque
A matching Add-on Plaque is available
when the original is filled. It has 12
additional name plates and is designed
to hang directly below the wall plaque.
(14" x 5")
Wall Plaque
Place the beautiful walnut Wall Plaque
in the band room as a permanent
record of your outstanding students.
(14" x 12")
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
This award is the top honor
for students in jazz band.
The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
was introduced in
1974 to honor the outstanding jazz musician at each high
school who exhibits superior dedication, musicianship, and
Louis Armstrong was
the epitome of jazz as
a trumpeter, singer,
and improviser. His
imagination and
phenomenal skill
dazzled audiences
worldwide and
revolutionized jazz.
Armstrong Student Combination Set $64
(23CB Deskpiece, pin, and certificate)
Armstrong Conductor’s Combination $73
(23CC student award
plus The Instrumentalist)
Armstrong Wall Plaque (23PL) $115
Armstrong Add-on Plaque (23AO) $74
Certificate Frame (29PL see page 19) $31
Turn the page
for biographical
information on
Armstrong to
with students.
Jazz Band
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
1. Winning students must receive at least one
element of the official student award. (See p. 30 for
full details.)
2. Restricted Quantity: To preserve the integrity of
this top award, schools are limited to one set of
Armstrong student awards per year (or two in the
event of a tie). Quantities of The Woody
Herman Award (p. 13) are not limited and may
be used to honor additional students.
3. The parts of the combination set also may be
purchased separately: deskpiece $60 (23DN), pin
$7 (23PN), certificate $7 (23CT). However, all
portions of a combination set must be given to
the same student, not divided among students. In
the event of a tie, each student must receive the
same award(s).
The official Armstrong Student
Award is the Armstrong Combination Set
that consists of a deskpiece with a
white marble base and medallion of
Armstrong, a certificate with an
embossed gold seal, and a pin.
($64, #23CB)
Armstrong Student Award
Armstrong Certificate
(8.5" x 11")
(frame sold separately, p. 19)
Do not put certificates through a printer.
(actual size)
(Base: 3" x 2.5", Height: 3.5")
Armstrong Award Policies
© Louis Ouzer
Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong was a jazz pioneer and one of
America’s best ambassadors of goodwill abroad. From his
fabled beginning in a New Orleans orphanage, he was
introduced to the trumpet by a band director.
Early on he played with several New Orleans bands
but soon left for the bustling musical city of Chicago. He
went on to play with Joe Oliver, Fletcher Henderson,
and Coleman Hawkins and later formed his own band.
When the Great Depression hit in the late 1920s the music industry suffered
greatly. A number of clubs closed, and some musicians had to take jobs in other
In the 1930s Armstrong moved to Los Angeles and gained popularity among the
Hollywood stars who came out to see his club dates. He appeared in several movies
and also performed extensively throughout Europe.
In 1948 he appeared on one of the earliest television broadcasts, a show called
Toast of the Town that would later be known as the Ed Sullivan Show. Armstrong’s
trumpet playing would continue to inspire jazz musicians for decades to come. As
Miles Davis once said, “you can’t play anything on a horn that Louis hasn’t played.”
Armstrong helped bring the American art form of jazz to the world, and his influ-
ence on music will never be forgotten. Outstanding examples of Armstrong’s play-
ing can be found on the albums Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy, Satch Plays
Fats, and Ambassador Satch.
Louis Armstrong in 1956
Jazz Band
Woody Herman led a series of bands from 1936 to 1987
and was noted for hiring up-and-coming young musicians,
many of whom became leading jazz performers. The Woody
Herman Jazz Award was created in 1989, shortly after his
death, as a way to honor outstanding jazz students.
Woody Herman Jazz Award
Middle schools use this award to honor their
top jazz players, while many high schools offer
it as a runner-up for the Armstrong Award.
Quantities are not limited.)
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Add-on Plaque (10.5" x 6.5")
(5" x 7")
Herman Prices
Herman Student Award (30AW) $53
Herman Conductor’s Combination $62
(30CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Herman Wall Plaque (30PL) $105
Herman Add-on Plaque (30AO) $74
Each year give the Herman
Student Award to the winners.
The award is made from solid
walnut to last a lifetime. The
line is for engraving the stu-
dent’s name and presentation
Herman Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
Herman Student Award
When the 15 plates on the
plaque are filled, a matching
Add-on Plaque (right) is available.
Order the beautiful walnut Wall
Plaque (left) to hang in the band
room as a permanent record of
your students’ achievements.
(Note: If you present this award at your
school, you must give the official student
award to the winner/winners).
Color Guard Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
National School Marching Award
National School Color Guard Award
Marching Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
The National School Marching Award
and the National
School Color Guard Award
recognize the outstanding
achievements, contributions, and dedication of student
leaders in marching band and color guard.
Present your winners with the student awards (right)
each year and order the matching Wall Plaques to dis-
play a permanent record of their achievements (left).
The solid walnut wall plaques come with 15 name
plates to engrave the winners’ names.
Note: As with our other awards, if you are presenting this
award at your school, you must give the official student award to
the winner(s).
When the original plaques are filled, matching
Add-on Plaques with 12 additional plates are available.
(See page 27.)
Marching Award Prices
Marching Student Award (33AW) $53
Marching Conductor’s Combination $62
(33CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Marching Wall Plaque (33PL) $105
Marching Add-on Plaque (33AO) $74
Color Guard Award Prices
Color Guard Student Award (34AW) $53
Color Guard Conductor’s Comb. $62
(34CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Color Guard Wall Plaque (34PL) $105
Color Guard Add-on Plaque (34AO) $74
National School
Color Guard Award
for outstanding contributions
and achievements
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Each year honor your top students who make the
season a success. Present the winners with the Student
Award (5" x 7"). These high-quality awards are beautifully
made from solid walnut wood with a vibrant color
picture. Engrave the student’s name on the metal plate.
National School
Student Award
National School
Color Guard
Student Award
Purchase quantity of these
awards is not limited.
Photo by Rob Clark, Leesville Road HS Band
Leonard Bernstein Musicianship Award
Leonard Bernstein made an indelible mark on the musical
world as a conductor, composer, and teacher. The Leonard
Bernstein Musicianship Award was introduced in 2016 to
honor top music students.
Directors may use this award in a manner most appropriate
for their school, but it is intended to honor students who
participate in any area of the music program whose
contributions, dedication, and creativity set them apart as
deserving of the highest recognition for their achievements.
Quantities are not limited.)
The name and likeness of Leonard Bernstein are U.S. registered trademarks
owned by The Leonard Bernstein Office, and are used under license.
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
(5" x 7")
Bernstein Prices
Bernstein Student Award (35AW) $53
Bernstein Conductor’s Combination $62
(35CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Bernstein Wall Plaque (35PL) $105
Bernstein Add-on Plaque (35AO) $74
Each year give the Bernstein
Student Award to the winners.
The award is made from solid
walnut to last a lifetime.
Engrave the student’s name
on the line at the bottom.
Bernstein Student Award
Add-on Plaque (10.5" x 6.5")
Bernstein Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
When the 15 plates on the
plaque are filled, a matching
Add-on Plaque (right) is available.
Order the beautiful walnut Wall
Plaque (left) to hang in the band
room as a permanent record of
your students’ achievements.
(Note: If you present this award at your
school, you must give the official student
award to the winner/winners).
Leonard Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Massachu-
setts in 1918 and studied music at Harvard
University and the Curtis Institute of Music where
he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner. In 1943 he
was appointed assistant conductor of the New York
Philharmonic and made his conducting debut with
the orchestra when guest conductor Bruno Walter
was stricken with the flu. This nationally broadcast
performance brought him instant fame and led to
many conducting appearances with other orchestras. He was appointed music
director of the New York Philharmonic in 1958 and held this post until 1969.
He continued to conduct periodically with the orchestra throughout his life.
Bernstein also gained great acclaim as a composer of such music as West Side
Story, Candide, On the Town, and many concert works.
Bernstein was particularly proud of his work as an educator. One of his many
projects was a series of 53 telecasts of Young People’s
Concerts between 1958 and 1972. These concerts, which
were a Philharmonic tradition when Bernstein began
leading the orchestra, became a centerpiece of his educa-
tional mission. They were broadcast on CBS and covered
the works of many great composers, some of the nuances
of musical theory, and the meaning of music. The pro-
grams were syndicated in 40 countries. Leonard Bernstein
died in 1990, leaving a rich musical legacy that continues
to inspire people today.
Leonard Bernstein
(1918 1990)
photo by Paul de Hueck
In his long musical career Quincy Jones has done
it all as a composer, arranger, performer, producer,
and teacher. Every music program has students who
share this boundless energy and musical versatility.
With his approval we offer this award to encourage
students in their pursuit of music.
Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
Student Award
(5" x 7")
The Quincy Jones Award
honors outstanding students in
band, orchestra, and choir for their
creativity and musicianship.
Quincy Jones Musicianship Award
Each year give the winning students
the walnut Student Award. The award
may be given to multiple deserving
The walnut wood Wall Plaque (far
left) hangs in the rehearsal room to
inspire students for years to come.
(Note: If you present this award at your
school, you must give the official student
award to the winner/winners).
888-446-6888 •
When the original
plaque is filled, there
is a matching Add-on
Plaque with 12 addi-
tional plates is avail-
able. (See p. 27)
Quincy Jones Prices
Q. Jones Student Award (28AW) $53
Q. Jones Conductor’s Combination $62
(28CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Q. Jones Wall Plaque (28PL) $105
Q. Jones Add-on Plaque (28AO) $74
For the principal players in each section.
For outstanding musicianship.
Musicianship Certificate
Merit Certificate
First Chair Certificate
For meritorious progress and service.
3 Choices for Certificates
Because so many students contribute to the
success of a musical ensemble, there may be addi-
tional students you want to honor. These colorful
11" x 8.5" certificates are printed on heavy, high-
quality paper stock. (All shown in certificate frame,
which is sold separately see below.)
Certificate Frame (29PL)
The wood certificate frame will protect
the award and allow students to display their
accomplishment. All of our certificates fit
in the beautiful wood frame with an acrylic
cover to protect the certificates for years to
Unlike the awards, which may be pur-
chased only by schools, parents may order
the frame. $31.
Certificate Prices
Certificate quantities of
1-11 – $4 each
12-24 – only $3.25 each
25+ – only $2.75 each
(Must be all the same certificate for quantity discount.)
Orders of certificates and/or pins alone are sent via USPS
unless rush shipping is requested. Shipping rates will
vary based on quantity. Call or email if you need a quote.
We recommend not putting certificates through a printer.
Add-on Plaque
A matching Add-on Plaque is avail-
able when the original is filled. It has
12 additional name plates and is
designed to hang directly below the
wall plaque. (16" x 4.75")
Wall Plaque
Order the beautiful walnut Wall
Plaque to hang in the music room as
a permanent record of outstanding
achievement each year. (16" x 13")
The National School Orchestra Award is the
counterpart to the Sousa Band Award and
the highest honor you can bestow upon a
member of the high school orchestra.
National School
Orchestra Award
The National School Orchestra Award began in 1960 as
the counterpart to the Sousa Band Award. It recognizes
outstanding contributions and dedication to the ensemble
and superior musicianship.
Orchestra Prices
National Orchestra Combination Set $64
(24CB Deskpiece, pin, and certificate)
National Orchestra Conductor’s Comb. $73
(24CC student award
plus The Instrumentalist)
National Orchestra Wall Plaque (24PL) $115
National Orch. Add-on Plaque (24AO) $74
Certificate Frame (29PL see page 19) $31
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
1. Winning students must receive at least one
element of the official student award. (See p. 30 for
full details.)
2. Restricted Quantity: To preserve the integrity of
this top award, schools are limited to one set of
Armstrong student awards per year (or two in the
event of a tie). Quantities of The Director’s
Award for Orchestra (p. 22) are not limited and
may be used to honor additional students.
3. The parts of the combination set also may be
purchased separately: deskpiece $60 (24DN), pin
$7 (24PN), certificate $7 (24CT). However, all
portions of a combination set must be given to
the same student, not divided among students. In
the event of a tie, each student must receive the
same award(s).
Orchestra Award Policies
The official Orchestra Student
Award is the Orchestra Combination Set
that consists of the deskpiece with
white marble base and medallion, a
certificate with embossed gold seal,
and a pin. ($64, #24CB)
National Orchestra Student Award
Do not put certificates through a printer.
(Base: 3" x 2.5", Height: 3")
Orchestra Certificate (11" x 8.5")
(frame sold separately, see p. 19)
photos courtesy of Kirby Fong
The Director’s Award for Orchestra
honors outstanding
members of a junior high or high school orchestra. Each year
present the winning students the walnut Student Award. u
The award may be given to multiple deserving students.
The large plate offers room to
engrave the name of the recipient,
school, director’s name, and pres-
entation date.
t Add the beautiful walnut
wood Wall Plaque to your order
to hang in the school and dis-
play the names of the winners
as inspiration for students. An
Add-on Plaque with 12 addition-
al name plates may be pur-
chased when the original is
filled (see page 27).
Wall Plaque
(10.5" x 13")
For the rehearsal room
Student Award
(5" x 7")
The Director’s Award for Orchestra
The Director’s Award
for Orchestra
Dir. Orch. Student Award $56
Best Value: Dir. Orchestra/
Conductor’s Combination $65
(26CC, student award plus
The Instrumentalist, p. 29)
Dir. Orch. Wall Plaque $105
Dir. Orch. Add-on Plaque $74
Quantities are not limited.
Use as a Junior High Orchestra Award or as a
Runner-up to the National School Orchestra Award
Award Policy: If you present this award, you must give
the official student award to the winner(s).
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Chopin Prices
Chopin Combination Set (27CB) $64
Chopin Wall Plaque (27PL) $105
Add-on Plaque (27AO) $74
Certificate Frame (29PL) $31
Note: You may order the pin, certificate, and
deskpiece separately, but all parts of the combi-
nation set awarded must be given to the same
student. If multiple students receive awards,
they must be given the same part(s). Deskpiece
$60 (27DN), pin $7 (27PN), certificate $7
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Frédéric Chopin Piano Award
The Frédéric Chopin Piano Award was started in 1964 to
honor outstanding pianists in the school music program. It
recognizes exceptional dedication and superior musicianship.
Chopin Certificate (11" x 8.5")
(frame sold separately, see p. 19)
Do not put certificates through a printer.
Chopin Pin
Chopin Student Award
The official Chopin Student Award
is the Chopin Combination Set that
includes the deskpiece with a white
marble base and medallion of Chopin,
a certificate with an embossed gold
seal, and a pin of Chopin.
($64, #27CB)
Chopin Deskpiece
(Base: 3"x2.5", Height: 3.5")
Engrave the winners’ names
on the beautiful walnut wood
Wall Plaque (10.5"x13") and
hang it in the music room to
inspire students for years to
come. (Note: If you present this award
at your school, you must give the official
student award to the winner/winners).
When the 12 plates on the
original are filled, a matching
Add-on Plaque is available with
12 more plates (see page 27).
Choral Add-on Plaque (12" x 6")
The National School Choral Award is the
highest honor for high school choral performers. It
recognizes the dedication and musical achieve-
ment of your top two choral students.
Order the beautiful walnut Wall Plaque as a per-
manent record of outstanding achievement each
year. When the 15 plates are filled, a matching
Add-on Plaque is available with 12 additional plates.
National School
Choral Award
Choral Wall Plaque (12" x 15")
photo by Kirby Fong
Restricted Quantity Policy
To preserve the integrity of this top award, schools
are limited to two sets of student awards per year
(in the event of a tie up to two additional awards
may be given). Quantities of The Director’s Award
for Chorus (p. 26) are not limited and may be used
to honor additional students.
Choral Certificate (11" x 8.5")
(frame sold separately, see p. 19)
The Choral Student Combination Set consists of the
deskpiece with white marble base and bright medal-
lion, a certificate with embossed gold seal, and a
pin. (All parts of the combination set must be given to
the same student.)
We suggest that you do not put
certificates through a printer.
Choral Student Award
Combination set includes
deskpiece, certificate, and pin.
Choral Deskpiece
(Base: 3" x 2.5", Height: 3.4")
National School Choral Award
Ordering Information
National Choral Combination Set (22CB) $64
National Choral Wall Plaque (22PL) $115
National Choral Add-on Plaque (22AO) $74
Certificate Frame (29PL) $31
Note: If you are presenting the Choral Award at your school, you must
give an official student award to the winning student.
Student awards may be purchased separately: deskpiece $60
(22DN), pin $7 (22PN), certificate $7 (22CT) but all portions of
a combination set must be given to the same student, not divided
among students. In the event of a tie, each student must receive the
same award(s).
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Student Award (32AW) $55
Wall Plaque (32PL) $105
Add-on Plaque (32AO) $74
Note: If you are presenting this award at
your school, you must give the official
student award to the winner(s).
The Director’s Award for Chorus honors the top leaders of a
junior high or high school chorus.
Each year present the Student Award
to the winners. The large plate offers
room to engrave the name of the
recipient, school, director, and pres-
entation date. Quantities are not
The beautiful walnut Wall Plaque
hangs in the school to inspire stu-
dents and generate enthusiasm.
When the 12 plates are filled, a
matching Add-on Plaque is available
with 12 additional plates.
Wall Plaque (10.5" x 13")
Student Award
(5" x 7")
Fred Waring Director’s Award for Chorus
Due to ongoing demand, we will continue to offer the Fred Waring
Director’s Award for Chorus. If you do not request the Waring format, you
will receive the standard Director’s Award for Chorus (shown above).
The Director’s Award for Chorus
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Waring Student Award (36AW) $53
Waring Wall Plaque (36PL) $105
Waring Add-on Plaque (36AO) $74
Add-on Plaques
Sousa/Choral Add-on Plaque
(12" x 6")
Four styles of matching add-on plaques are avail-
able to accommodate additional names of recipients
when the original wall plaques are filled.
Please specify which add-on plaque you need as
the plates match the style of the original, and the
plaque is designed to be the appropriate width to
hang under the original wall plaque.
Sousa/Choral Add-on for the Sousa Band and
National School Choral awards.
Armstrong Add-on
National School Orchestra Add-on
Director’s Add-on This style add-on plaque is
used with all of our other wall plaques including
the Director’s Awards for Band, Orchestra, and
Chorus/Waring, as well as the Herman, Gilmore,
Leonard Bernstein, and Quincy Jones awards.
Also available with silver plates for the National
School Marching and National School Color
Guard awards.
All add-on plaques are $74.
Director’s Add-on Plaque
(10.5" x 6.5")
Add-on Plaques
National School Orchestra Add-on Plaque
(16" x 4.75")
Armstrong Add-on Plaque (14" x 5")
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
888-446-6888 •[email protected]
Save time, stress, and money
each year with a Standing Order.
Each spring we get frantic calls from directors who have forgotten to place their award
order and face rush shipping charges in order to receive their awards in time. The end of the
school year is always a busy time. Avoid the rush and put the awards you order each year on
a Standing Order. Even if you make frequent changes, it is simple to adjust the order from
year to year and add a purchase order before shipment.
How it works:
1. You receive a confirmation form and a catalog each January. The confirmation lists the
awards you placed on the standing order as well as the current prices.
2. Make any changes at that time. Add or subtract awards or cancel altogether. You may add
a purchase order number and update any information on your account. If you do not want
to make any changes, simply do nothing, and the awards will be shipped automatically.
Confirm your standing order online at, email awards@, fax 847-446-6263, or call 888-446-6888.
3. Your awards will be shipped in early March (unless you ask for them sooner) and
arrive in plenty of time for your award presentation. Additional awards may be ordered
at any time. There is never any obligation to purchase the awards placed on standing
order, and awards (in good condition) may always be returned.
Contact us today to put your awards on standing order.
All of these awards (including the names and images) are registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and are protected by registered marks. Duplication of these
awards or the creation of similar awards is prohibited and will be prosecuted. Please inform us
of any violation of these registered marks.
Call: 888-446-6888 • Online store:
For seven decades band and orchestra directors have
relied on The Instrumentalist to learn about the latest
developments in music education. As a thank you to our
best customers, we offer a special rate when a magazine
is ordered with awards. Called a Conductor’s
Combination, you will receive a 1-year subscription for
only $9. (Add $19 outside the U.S.)
Give yourself a reward Add the best magazine
for directors to your award order Only $9.
The Instrumentalist
Important 2022 Awards Information
You can make changes to your stand-
ing order until February 28th. Awards
are shipped in early March unless you
request an earlier shipment. You can pro-
vide a purchase order number, change the
shipping address, and add or subtract
awards. Please call, email, or go to our
online store to adjust or confirm your
standing order.
If you do not have a standing order but
your school has purchased awards in the
past, you will receive a 2022 catalog.
Telephone: 888-446-6888
Online store:
Some schools also give a magazine subscription
as an additional award to students planning a
career in music education.
Estimated Delivery Time
3-4 Days
Hawaii and
Alaska 7-10 days.
Award Policies
1. Limited Quantities: The John Philip Sousa Award
, Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
, and the National
School Orchestra Award
are limited to one student per school per year. The National School Choral
is limited to two students per school per year. In the unusual instance of a tie, the director should
certify this fact to us and present an extra award. All portions of a combination set must be given to the
same student, not divided among students.
2. Unlimited Quantities: The Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award
, National School Marching Award
National School Color Guard Award
, Woody Herman Jazz Award
, Director’s Awards for Band
, and Chorus
, Quincy Jones, Leonard Bernstein, Chopin, and the Merit, Musicianship, and
First Chair Certificates are available in unlimited quantities.
3. Awards Recipients are selected by the director, music department, or other school officials, not by The
Instrumentalist. We do not offer engraving services. (These awards should be rotary engraved, not laser.)
4. Money-Back Guarantee: Any award may be returned in good condition for full credit. An award that
is defective or damaged in transit will be replaced.
5. Awards will be sold only to schools and never to individuals. The only exception is the certificate
frame. We will initially bill another entity, such as a booster club or teacher, but the school receiving the awards
is responsible for payment of these items. If an order is placed for multiple schools, the name of the school
giving each award must be specified. Note: if
director at a school has an outstanding balance from a pre-
vious year, we will ship no further awards to the school until the past due amount is paid.
6. All of these awards (including the names and images) are registered with the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office and are protected by registered marks. Duplication of these awards or the creation of sim-
ilar awards is prohibited. In addition, if you are presenting one of these awards, you must present at least one part
of the student award to the winning student.
Amt. of order Shipping*
up to $100 $13
$100.01-$250.00 $18
Over $250 $23
ground shipping/continental U.S.
*Shipping Rates subject to change.
Orders of certificates/
pins only are usually sent
via USPS; shipping rates
will vary based on quantity.
Call or email if you need the
exact rates for your order.
Awards shipped ground FedEx unless oth-
erwise requested. Overnight, 2nd day, and
3-day delivery available. Call for shipping
costs outside contiguous U.S.
Total Price
Shipping (not included in price of awardssee p. 30)
Awards Order Form
Date: ____/___/____
Add a subscription to The Instrumentalist. (Only $9 with purchase of any award.)
Order online:
Call toll free: 888-446-6888
Fax: 847.446.6263
School Name:
School Street Address:
School P.O. Box (if any)
City: State: Zip:
Ship to: School Address above or: (call or email first for a home address.)
FedEx will not
deliver to P.O. boxes.
Awards will be shipped
only to schools.
Director’s Name:
band director orch. director choral director
School telephone:
Director’s school or cell phone:
Director’s email:
Send bill to School Address or:
Purchase Order #
If required by your school.
Put these awards on a
standing order for next year.
Instrumentalist Awards
660 Charlotte Street, Suite #1
Punta Gorda, Florida 33950
The Leonard Bernstein Musicianship Award
The Leonard Bernstein Musicianship
Award (page 16) honors students who
participate in any area of the music
program and whose contributions,
dedication, and creativity set them
“Like all of the awards produced
The Instrumentalist
, [The
Leonard Bernstein Award] is a
high-quality product and looks
Customer Comment
888-446-6888 •[email protected]