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Eect of ocean acidication on microbial diversity and
on microbe-driven biogeochemistry and ecosystem
Jinwen Liu, Markus G Weinbauer, Cornelia Maier, Minhan Dai, Jean-Pierre
To cite this version:
Jinwen Liu, Markus G Weinbauer, Cornelia Maier, Minhan Dai, Jean-Pierre Gattuso. Eect of ocean
acidication on microbial diversity and on microbe-driven biogeochemistry and ecosystem functioning.
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 2010, 61 (3), pp.291-305. �10.3354/ame01446�. �hal-03502078�
Aquat Microb Ecol
Vol. 61: 291305, 2010
doi: 10.3354/ame01446
Published online October 11
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO
increases in the atmosphere due to the anthropogenic
input of CO
through the burning of fossil fuel, cement
production and land-use change. It has increased by
32% between 1880 and 2000 (280 to 379 µatm;
Solomon et al. 2007), leading to changes in the Earth’s
climate and the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.
Over the past 250 yr, the world’s oceans have absorbed
about one-third of the anthropogenic CO
, which is
now distributed from the surface to depths ranging
from a few hundred to a few thousand metres (Sabine
et al. 2004). The uptake of anthropogenic CO
foundly affects the parameters of the carbonate chem-
istry (e.g. Gattuso & Lavigne 2009), leading to an
increase of pCO
and of the concentrations of dissolved
inorganic carbon (DIC) and bicarbonate ions (HCO
as well as to a decrease of pH and of the concentration
of carbonate ions (CO
). The term ‘ocean acidifica-
© Inter-Research 2010 · www.int-res.com*Corresponding author. Email: gattuso@obs-vlfr.fr
Effect of ocean acidification on microbial diversity
and on microbe-driven biogeochemistry and
ecosystem functioning
Jinwen Liu
1, 2, 3
, Markus G. Weinbauer
1, 2
, Cornelia Maier
1, 2
, Minhan Dai
Jean-Pierre Gattuso
1, 2,
INSU-CNRS, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, BP 28, 06234 Villefranche-sur-mer Cedex, France
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche, 06230 Villefranche-sur-mer, France
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, 361005 Xiamen, China
ABSTRACT: The ocean absorbs about 25% of anthropogenic CO
emissions, which alters its chem-
istry. Among the changes of the carbonate system are an increase in the partial pressure of CO
) and a decline of pH; hence, the whole process is often referred to as ‘ocean acidification’.
Many microbial processes can be affected either directly or indirectly via a cascade of effects through
the response of non-microbial groups and/or through changes in seawater chemistry. We briefly
review the current understanding of the impact of ocean acidification on microbial diversity and pro-
cesses, and highlight the gaps that need to be addressed in future research. The focus is on Bacteria,
Archaea, viruses and protistan grazers but also includes total primary production of phytoplankton as
well as species composition of eukaryotic phytoplankton. Some species and communities exhibit
increased primary production at elevated pCO
. In contrast to their heterocystous counterparts, nitro-
gen fixation by non-heterocystous cyanobacteria is stimulated by elevated pCO
. The experimental
data on the response of prokaryotic production to ocean acidification are not consistent. Very few
other microbial processes have been investigated at environmentally relevant pH levels. The poten-
tial for microbes to adapt to ocean acidification, at either the species level by genetic change or at the
community level through the replacement of sensitive species or groups by non- or less sensitive
ones, is completely unknown. Consequently, the impact of ocean acidification on keystone species
and microbial diversity needs to be elucidated. Most experiments used a short-term perturbation
approach by using cultured organisms; few were conducted in mesocosms and none in situ. There is
likely a lot to be learned from observations in areas naturally enriched with CO
, such as vents,
upwelling and near-shore areas.
KEY WORDS: Ocean acidification · Microbial diversity · Microbe · Bacteria · Phytoplankton · Viruses ·
Biogeochemistry · Meta-analysis
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher
Contribution to AME Special 4 ‘Progress and perspectives in aquatic microbial ecology’
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 291305, 2010
tion’ (Caldeira & Wickett 2003) relates to the decrease
in pH but does not imply that the pH of ocean surface
waters will become acidic (i.e. below 7) any time soon.
If the current trends in CO
emissions continue to
increase, the pH of the global surface ocean could
decrease by about 0.4 units by the end of the century
compared to pre-industrial times. Changes will be more
pronounced in areas such as the Southern Ocean, which
will become undersaturated with respect to aragonite in
2050 (Orr et al. 2005), and the Arctic Ocean where arag-
onite undersaturation will occur even sooner (Steinacher
et al. 2009). This change in the chemistry of the oceans is
quantifiable and predictable for a given level of atmos-
pheric pCO
. Observations at several time-series
stations, even though all of them relatively short (<20 yr),
confirm the predicted changes in the carbonate
chemistry (e.g. Santana-Casiano et al. 2007).
The biological, ecological and biogeochemical re-
sponses of marine organisms and communities have
only been actively studied in the past few years, and
there is still a high level of uncertainty and debate on
the significance and magnitude of those responses
(Hendriks et al. 2010, Dupont et al. 2010). A meta-
analysis of the response of marine organisms to ocean
acidification recently performed by Hendriks et al.
(2010) only partly covers microbial groups and micro-
bial biogeochemistry. Marine microbes, here consid-
ered as single-celled organisms (i.e. prokaryotes and
protists) and viruses, are very diverse, as they thrive in
a large range of habitats and perform a wide range of
functions. They are therefore involved in virtually all
geochemical reactions occurring in the oceans (Kirch-
man 2008). Some of these functions are even exclu-
sively performed by prokaryotes. Some prokaryotes are
able to withstand extreme pH values with optimal pH
for growth ranging from 0.7 to >10 (Cavicchioli 2002).
The microbial group that has been investigated most
thoroughly with respect to the effect of ocean acidifica-
tion is eukaryotic phytoplankton (Riebesell 2004, Gior-
dano et al. 2005, Beardall et al. 2009). In contrast, other
groups such as viruses, Archaea, Bacteria and hetero-
trophic protists have received considerably less
attention. In a recent ‘perspective’ paper, Joint et al. (in
press) asked ‘Will ocean acidification affect marine
microbes?’ In a narrative (sensu Gates 2002) review,
Joint et al. (in press) looked at some of the relevant lit-
erature and came to the conclusion that ‘perhaps the
most appropriate null hypothesis to test is that marine
microbes possess the flexibility to accommodate pH
change and there will be no catastrophic changes in
marine biogeochemical processes that are driven by
phytoplankton, bacteria and archaea’ and recognised
that calcification and photosynthesis could be affected.
Narrative reviews have the potential for serious bias,
which could lead to misleading conclusions (Gates
2002). Meta-analysis was developed to overcome most
biases of narrative reviews. It statistically combines the
results (effect size) of several studies that address a
shared research hypothesis.
Here we used a meta-analytic approach to compre-
hensively review the current understanding of the
effect of ocean acidification on microbes and microbial
processes, and to highlight the gaps that need to be
addressed in future research.
Data were collected from the EPOCA/EUR-
OCEANS database (Nisumaa et al. 2010), the tables or
text of papers, or interpolated from figures. Only papers
reporting the effect of elevated pCO
or decreased pH in
the range of values expected during the period spanning
the last glacial maximum and the year 2100 were se-
lected. Unless mentioned otherwise, pH values are re-
ported on the total scale (Dickson 2010). pCO
were calculated from pH and other ancillary data with
the R software package seacarb (Lavigne & Gattuso
2010) as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Data permit-
ting, 2 effect sizes were calculated for each variable:
H:C, the value at high pCO
versus the value at control
; and C:L, the value at control pCO
versus the
value at low pCO
. The ranges of high (H), control (C)
and low (L) pCO
were 450 to 1500, 300 to 450 and 100 to
300 µatm, respectively. These levels roughly correspond
to ‘future’, ‘present’ and ‘glacial’ conditions. For meso-
cosm experiments, in which pCO
was drifting, the data
were categorised into the ‘low’, ‘control’ and ‘high’ pCO
categories according to the pCO
values at the begin-
ning of the time period considered. Only the data col-
lected during the pre-bloom phase of mesocosm exper-
iments were used because the termination of the blooms
may have distinct causes in addition to nutrient exhaus-
tion (e.g. viral lysis): Days 5 to 14 for PeECE I (Engel et al.
2005), Days 0 to 14 for PeECE II (Grossart et al. 2006a)
and Days 6 to 9 for PeECE III (Riebesell et al. 2008).
There are 2 exceptions. The community respiration data
reported by Egge et al. (2009) exhibit a large day-to-day
variability and only Day 8 was considered. Tanaka et al.
(2008) did not report alkaline phosphatase activity data
for Days 6 to 9; hence data from Days 13 to 19 were used.
The effect size is shown in Fig. 1 (see Fig. 1 in ‘Results’.
It is important to note that the effect is monotonous when
H:C and L:C are both above or below 1, whereas the ef-
fect exhibits an extreme when one of the effects is above
1 and the other below 1.
Meta-analyses were performed with the R package
meta 1.1.8 (Schwarzer 2010) to test the significance of
the effect sizes H:C and L:C. The results are shown in
Tables 1 & 2. Fixed and random effects models can be
Liu et al.: Ocean acidification effects on microbes
used in a meta-analysis (Borenstein et al. 2009). The
fixed effect model generally assumes that all studies
shared a single effect, whereas the effect could be dif-
ferent from study to study in the random effects model.
There is no reason to assume that ocean acidification
has the same effect on a variable measured in different
species and/or under different experimental condi-
tions. However, some have argued that the fixed effect
method is valid without assuming a common true
effect size (Borenstein et al. 2009); hence, both models
were used. Inverse variance weighting was used for
pooling and the DerSimonian-Laird estimate was used
in the random effects model. Hedges’ adjusted g was
applied to calculate the standardised mean difference
(SMD). The heterogeneity of responses with a random
effects model was assessed using the Q statistics as
well as with the H and I
indices (Borenstein et al.
2009). I
is 0 when all variability in effect size estimates
is due to sampling error within studies; I
values of 25,
50 and 75% correspond to mean low, medium and
high heterogeneity, respectively. When H < 1.2, there
is no heterogeneity within the studies, while there are
obvious differences between studies when H > 1.5.
Marine microbes have an optimum pH range that
varies between species, and many physiological pro-
cesses are pH-dependent. It is therefore critical that
Tanaka et al. (2008)*
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2008)
Levitan et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Czerny et al. (2009)
Barcelos e Ramos et al. (2007)
Larsen et al. (2008)*
PeECE I (2001) (unpubl. data)*
Larsen et al. (2008)*
PeECE I (2001) (unpubl. data)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Rochelle−Newall et al. (2004)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
PeECE I (2001) (unpubl. data)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
PeECE I (2001) (unpubl. data)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2006a)*
Allgaier et al. (2008)*
Rochelle−Newall et al. (2004)*
Schulz et al. (2008)*
Rochelle−Newall et al. (2004)*
Egge et al. (2009)*
Engel et al. (2004)*
Engel (2002)
Engel (2002)
H:C response ratio
C:L response ratio
TEP production
DOC concentration
CDOM concentration
BPP (total)
BPP (free)
BPP (attached)
csBPP (total)
csBPP (free)
csBPP (attached)
BA (total)
Nitrogen fixation
uptake (>10 µm)
Fig. 1. Impact of ocean acidification on microbial processes and on the parameters involved. The H:C ratios, i.e. the values at high
partial pressure of CO
) versus the values at control pCO
, are shown as filled circles, whereas the C:L ratios, i.e. the values
at control pCO
versus the values at low pCO
, are shown as open circles. The nitrogen fixation rate reported by Hutchins et al.
(2007) at low pCO
was 0; hence the C:L ratios could not be calculated. Asterisks (*) indicate data collected in a mesocosm exper-
iment during which pCO
was drifting (see ‘Methods’). TEP: transparent exopolymer particles; DOC: dissolved organic carbon;
CDOM: chromophoric or coloured dissolved organic matter; BPP: bacterial protein production; attached and free: Bacteria
attached on particles or free; csBPP: cell-specific bacterial protein production; BA: bacterial abundance; HBA and LBA: abun-
dances of high- and low-fluorescence Bacteria; VA: viral abundance; HVA and LVA: abundances of high- and low-fluorescence
viruses; APA: alkaline phosphatase activity
Fig. 1 (continued on next page)
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 291305, 2010
intracellular pH (pH
) is maintained by a pH homeosta-
tic system (Booth 1985). pH
depends on the external
pH, cytoplasmic buffers, the intracellular generation of
acids and bases, and an active transport of H
(or OH
On short time scales, micro-organisms are often able to
buffer external changes in pH, thereby preventing
damage to internal processes and functioning. Few
studies on pH control were performed on marine
microbes, and all were carried out in experimental
conditions that are not environmentally relevant
(Takeuchi et al. 1997, Labare et al. 2010). Cultures
were done in highly enriched media and the context of
disposal, hence at CO
and pH levels that are not
relevant to ‘natural’ ocean acidification. For example,
Labare et al. (2010) reported morphological changes
and a temporary inhibition of growth in the marine
bacterium Vibrio sp. grown at pH (scale not men-
tioned) 5.2. The recovery of growth after 6 h indicates
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2007)
Fu et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Levitan et al. (2007)
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2007)
Fu et al. (2007)
Kranz et al. (2009)
Czerny et al. (2009)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Levitan et al. (2007)
Barcelos e Ramos et al. (2007)
Piontek et al. (2010)
Piontek et al. (2010)
Tanaka et al. (2008)*
Grossart et al. (2005)*
Grossart et al. (2005)*
Grossart et al. (2005)*
Delille et al. (2005)*
Egge et al. (2009)*
Piontek et al. (2010)
Egge et al. (2009)*
Delille et al. (2005)*
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2007)
Fu et al. (2007)
Czerny et al. (2009)
Barcelos e Ramos et al. (2007)
Schulz et al. (2008)*
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Engel et al. (2002)
Engel et al. (2002)
Engel et al. (2005)*
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2007)
Fu et al. (2007)
Czerny et al. (2009)
Barcelos e Ramos et al. (2007)
Schulz et al. (2008)*
Engel et al. (2002)
Engel et al. (2002)
Engel et al. (2005)*
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2008)
Fu et al. (2007)
Fu et al. (2007)
Levitan et al. (2007)
Kranz et al. (2009)
Czerny et al. (2009)
Barcelos e Ramos et al. (2007)
Schulz et al. (2008)*
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Hutchins et al. (2007)
Engel et al. (2008)*
Engel (2002)
Engel (2002)
Engel et al. (2005)*
H:C response ratio
C:L response ratio
C:N ratio
C:P ratio
N:P ratio
Net community respiration
Carbon loss
Net primary production
Enzyme activity (protease)
Enzyme activity (
Enzyme activity (
Enzyme activity (APA)
Enzyme activity
(extracellular glucosidase)
Cyanobacterial growth rate
Cyanobacterial CO
fixation rate
Fig. 1 (continued)
Liu et al.: Ocean acidification effects on microbes
an efficient pH regulation system. It is unknown how
long such compensation mechanisms can withstand an
environmentally relevant decline of pH, and whether
adaptation may occur over longer time scales.
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are major
components of marine aggregates that are enriched in
carbon relative to nitrogen or phosphorus, contribute
to carbon export and provide habitats and sites for
attachment of Bacteria (Passow 2002). Bacterial degra-
dation can be an important pathway of TEP loss
(Passow 2002). The effect size is above 1 (Fig. 1), sug-
gesting a monotonous effect of elevated pCO
that sti-
mulates TEP production. However, the SMD of TEP
production between high and control pCO
is signifi-
cantly different from 0 with the fixed effect model but
it is not significantly different from 0 with the random
effect model (Table 1). The SMD between the control
and low pCO
is not significant with any of the models.
Engel (2002) reported that the production of TEP by
natural phytoplankton communities increases with
increasing pCO
but that at present-day pCO
production is already saturated. Higher pCO
levels, as
predicted for the future, would not lead to higher TEP
production even though primary production might be
stimulated (see below). In another mesocosm experi-
ment, TEP production normalised to the abundance of
Emiliania huxleyi was significantly higher in the high
treatment ‘future’ (~710 µatm) than in the ‘pre-
sent’ (~410 µatm) and ‘glacial’ (~190 µatm) treatments
(Engel et al. 2004). This indicates a possible direct
effect of pCO
on polysaccharide exudation. However,
the enhanced DIC level did not cause an increase in
the particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations,
possibly due to an increased TEP production, which
stimulated particle aggregation and accelerated sedi-
mentation as previously observed by Logan et al.
(1995) and Engel (2000). Mari (2008) also investigated
the effect of seawater acidification on aggregation and
sedimentation of TEP. Their results were similar to
those of Engel et al. (2004) and suggested that a
decrease of seawater pH would lead to a significant
increase of the TEP pool. The most recent study avail-
able to date did not find a significant effect of elevated
on the TEP concentration (Egge et al. 2009). In
contrast to other studies, Mari (2008) found that the
buoyancy of TEP is pH-dependent, and increases in
pH cause TEP to ascend in the water column.
Chromophoric or coloured dissolved organic matter
(CDOM) is the fraction of the dissolved organic matter
(DOM) that absorbs light in both the ultraviolet
and visible ranges. CDOM diminishes light and is de-
graded by UVA and UVB light and thus likely plays an
important optical and ecological role in surface waters.
There is a consensus that heterotrophic Bacteria pro-
duce CDOM (Nelson et al. 1998, Rochelle-Newall et al.
1999). However, how ocean acidification will affect
heterotrophic Bacteria and CDOM release is still
poorly understood. Only 1 study reported the effect of
elevated pCO
on the concentration of CDOM, pre-
venting the use of meta-analysis. The effect size on the
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration is
around 1 (Fig. 1) and the SMD of TEP production
between high and control pCO
is significantly differ-
ent from 0 with both the fixed and random effect model
(Table 1), suggesting an overall significant impact of
elevated pCO
on the DOC concentration. Too few
data are available to test the significance of the SMD
between the control and low pCO
This result contrasts with the conclusions drawn
from the 2 individual studies available to date. In a
mesocosm experiment carried out under different ini-
tial pCO
(190, 414 and 714 µatm), no impact of pCO
was observed on the concentrations of CDOM and
DOC (Rochelle-Newall et al. 2004). In the same exper-
iment, DOC was neither related to the abundance of
Emiliania huxleyi nor to TEP concentration (Engel et
al. 2004). No statistically significant effect of the CO
treatment on DOC concentration was found, although
during the course of the bloom, the DOC concentration
increased in 2 of the 3 ‘future’ mesocosms and in 1 of
the ‘present’ mesocosms, but in none of the ‘glacial’
mesocosms (initial pCO
of 714, 414 and 190 µatm,
respectively). Engel et al. (2004) suggested that the dif-
ferent response of TEP (discussed above) and DOC
may be due to differences in their bioavailability,
which could have generated a rapid response of the
microbial food web, possibly obscuring the effect of
on the DOC production of autotrophic cells. No
statistically significant CO
treatment effects on the
concentration of DOC were detected in other PeECE
experiments (Rochelle-Newall et al. 2004, Grossart et
al. 2006a, Schulz et al. 2008) or in a mesocosm experi-
ment with similar CO
treatments (Kim et al. 2006).
Primary production
A relatively large number of studies have investi-
gated the effect of elevated pCO
on photosynthesis at
the organismal level, especially to clarify the physio-
logical and molecular mechanisms governing the car-
bon-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). DIC is mostly
fixed via the enzyme ribulose biphosphate carboxylase
(RUBISCO), which has a relatively low affinity for CO
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 291305, 2010
In most species, RUBISCO is less than half saturated at
present CO
levels (Giordano et al. 2005). Hence,
autotrophs that only rely on diffusive entry of CO
have poor photosynthetic efficiency. However, all
cyanobacteria and most algae have developed CCMs
to elevate the concentration of CO
at the site of car-
boxylation. It is beyond the scope of this paper to cover
this literature extensively, as several excellent reviews
are available (Riebesell 2004, Giordano et al. 2005,
Beardall et al. 2009). We will focus on cyanobacteria
and community primary production below and simply
wish to point out that large differences in the CO
sensitivity between the major groups of eukaryotic
phytoplankton exist (Riebesell 2004).
Cyanobacteria are the largest and the most widely
distributed group of photosynthetic prokaryotes (Burns
et al. 2005). This group has a major impact on the
global carbon cycle and contributes up to 50% of the
Parameters High vs. control pCO
(H:C) Low vs. control pCO
Fixed effect Random effects Fixed effect Random effects
TEP production 0.83 ± 0.18 1.06 ± 1.29 0.26 ± 0.18 0.26 ± 0.18
(p < 0.001) (p = 0.41) (p = 0.15) (p = 0.15)
DOC concentration 0.69 ± 0.22 0.73 ± 0.28 na na
(p = 0.002) (p = 0.009)
BPP (total) 0.12 ± 0.21 0.13 ± 0.78 na na
(p = 0.58) (p = 0.86)
BPP (free) 0.70 ± 0.22 0.73 ± 0.59 na na
(p = 0.001) (p = 0.21)
BPP (attached) 0.25 ± 0.21 0.3 ± 0.6 na na
(p = 0.24) (p = 0.62)
csBPP (total) 0.22 ± 0.21 0.24 ± 0.55 na na
(p = 0.28) (p = 0.66)
csBPP (free) 0.82 ± 0.21 0.84 ± 0.38 na na
(p < 0.001) (p = 0.027)
csBPP (attached) 0.10 ± 0.23 0.21 ± 1.15 na na
(p = 0.65) (p = 0.85)
BA (HBA) 0.43 ± 0.18 1.48 ± 1.34 na na
(p = 0.013) (p = 0.27)
BA (LBA) 0.63 ± 0.17 0.7 ± 0.26 na na
(p < 0.001) (p = 0.008)
BA (total) 0.06 ± 0.1 0.67 ± 0.50 0.38 ± 0.10 0.79 ± 0.78
(p = 0.53) (p = 0.18) (p < 0.001) (p = 0.32)
VA (LVA) 0.42 ± 0.23 1.02 ± 1.22 na na
(p = 0.06) (p = 0.406)
VA (HVA) 0.61 ± 0.22 1.13 ± 1.09 na na
(p = 0.006) (p = 0.3)
Nitrogen fixation 1.06 ± 0.26 1.95 ± 0.68 0.76 ± 0.27 0.66 ± 0.46
(p < 0.001) (p = 0.004) (p = 0.005) (p = 0.15)
C:N ratio 0.05 ± 0.14 0.01 ± 0.51 0.84 ± 0.15 0.68 ± 0.53
(p = 0.72) (p = 0.98) (p < 0.001) (N = 130, p =0.20)
C:P ratio 0.26 ± 0.17 0.27 ± 0.26 1.76 ± 0.23 1.44 ± 0.52
(p = 0.14) (p = 0.3) (p < 0.001) (p =0.005)
N:P ratio 0.48 ± 0.19 0.69 ± 0.59 0.49 ± 0.27 0.17 ± 1.56
(p = 0.01) (p = 0.24) (p = 0.08) (p =0.92)
Community respiration 0.78 ± 0.22 0.55 ± 0.50 na na
(p = 0.001) (p =0.28)
Net primary production 0.21 ± 0.30 0.22 ± 0.81 na na
(p = 0.48) (p = 0.78)
Cyanobacterial growth rate 0.68 ± 0.21 1.06 ± 0.36 1.41 ± 0.33 0.68 ± 1.11
(N = 69, p = 0.001) (N = 69, p = 0.003) (N = 33, p < 0.001) (N = 33, p = 0.54)
Cyanobacterial CO
fixation rate 1.21 ± 0.33 1.58 ± 0.49 0.44 ± 0.60 3.30 ± 3.02
(N = 43, p < 0.001) (N = 43, p = 0.001) (N = 12, p = 0.46) (N = 12, p = 0.27)
Table 1. Summary standardised mean difference (SMD ± SEM) for each parameter calculated using fixed-effect and random-
effect models. N: sample size; na: no data or the data do not meet the requirements for meta-analysis; p: probability.
Other abbreviations as in the legend of Fig. 1
Liu et al.: Ocean acidification effects on microbes
fixed carbon in marine systems (Partensky et al. 1999).
Cyanobacteria are known to utilise CCMs, such as the
active transport of HCO
and CO
, to facilitate CO
fixation and maintain rapid growth at low external DIC
concentrations (Badger & Price 2003, Badger et al.
2006). It is reasonable to assume that increased CO
availability will reduce the need for CCM activity and
hence reduces the allocation of energy or nutrients for
carbon acquisition (Burkhardt et al. 2001, Beardall &
Giordano 2002). This may further affect the photosyn-
thesis, growth rate and other activities.
The effect of elevated pCO
on the growth rate and/or
photosynthesis of the widespread cyanobacterium Tri-
chodesmium spp. was investigated by Barcelos e Ramos
et al. (2007), Levitan et al. (2007), Hutchins et al. (2007)
and Kranz et al. (2009). Four other cyanobacterial species
were investigated: Synechococcus sp. and Prochlorococ-
cus sp. (Fu et al. 2007), Crocosphaera watsonii (Fu et al.
2008) and Nodularia spumigena (Czerny et al. 2009).
Overall, the effect size on the growth rate is above 1
both for the H:C and C:L ratios (Fig. 1), suggesting a
monotonous increase in growth rate as a function of
increasing pCO
. One notable exception, with effect
sizes below 1, is Nodularia spumigena, which exhibits
a monotonous decrease in growth rate as a function of
increasing pCO
. The SMD of cyanobacterial growth
rate between high and control pCO
is significantly
different from 0 both with the fixed effect and random
effects models (Table 1). The SMD between the control
and low pCO
is significantly different from 0 only with
the fixed effect model. An additional demonstration of
species specificity is the result that Synechococcus sp.
exhibits a much greater response to elevated pCO
(750 versus 380 µatm) and temperature (4°C increase)
than Prochlorococcus sp. (Fu et al. 2007). There is some
evidence that the growth rate of Crocosphaera in-
creases at elevated pCO
but only under Fe-replete
conditions (Fu et al. 2008).
The effect size on the cyanobacterial photosynthesis
(i.e. CO
fixation rate) is above 1 both for the H:C and
C:L ratios (Fig. 1), suggesting a monotonous increase
in the rate of photosynthesis with increasing pCO
There is only 1 exception in the study of Levitan et al.
(2007), where photosynthesis was higher at low and
high pCO
than in the control. The SMD of cyanobac-
terial photosynthesis between high and control pCO
was significantly different from 0 both with the fixed
effect and random effects models, but the SMD
between the control and low pCO
was not signifi-
cantly different from 0 (Table 1).
The stimulation of net photosynthesis at elevated
is predominantly attributed to changes in cell
division (Hutchins et al. 2007, Levitan et al. 2007) but
also to altered elemental ratios of carbon to nitrogen
(Levitan et al. 2007, Kranz et al. 2009) or nitrogen to
phosphorus (Barcelos e Ramos et al. 2007). Fu et
al. (2007) reported that the photosynthetic parame-
ters of Synechococcus sp. significantly changed at ele-
vated pCO
but only when combined with elevated
Parameters High vs. control pCO
Low vs. control pCO
Q df p HI
(%) Q df p HI
TEP production 45.7 3 <0.001 3.9 93 1.5 2 0.46 1 0
DOC concentration 1.4 1 <0.001 1.2 30 na na na na na
BPP (total) 13.4 1 <0.001 3.7 93 na na na na na
BPP (free) 7.2 1 0.01 2.7 86 na na na na na
BPP (attached) 7.9 1 0.01 2.8 87 na na na na na
csBPP (total) 6.8 1 0.009 2.6 85 na na na na na
csBPP (free) 3.1 1 0.07 1.8 68 na na na na na
csBPP (attached) 26 1 <0.001 5.1 96 na na na na na
BA (HBA) 18.9 1 <0.001 4.4 95 na na na na na
BA (LBA) 1.5 1 0.22 1.2 34 na na na na na
BA (total) 32.8 2 <0.001 4.1 94 42.8 1 <0.001 6.5 97
VA (LVA) 22 1 <0.001 4.7 95 na na na na na
VA (HVA) 17.4 1 <0.001 4.2 94 na na na na na
Nitrogen fixation 33.72 9 <0.001 1.9 73 8 4 0.09 1.4 50
C:N ratio 119.2 12 <0.001 3.2 90 61.4 6 <0.001 3.2 90
C:P ratio 11.3 7 0.13 1.3 38 13.5 4 0.01 1.8 71
N:P ratio 89 12 <0.001 2.7 87 105.7 4 <0.001 5.1 96
Community respiration 2.1 1 0.15 1.5 53 na na na na na
Net primary production 3.7 1 0.06 1.9 73 na na na na na
Cyanobacterial growth rate 27.7 12 0.01 1.5 57 17.1 3 <0.001 2.4 82
Cyanobacterial CO
fixation rate 13.5 8 0.09 1.3 41 9.4 2 0.01 2.2 79
Table 2. Estimates of the heterogeneity of the effect size (Q, H and I
; see ‘Methods’). df: degrees of freedom; na: no data or the
data do not meet the requirements for meta-analysis; p: probability; other abbreviations as in the legends to Table 1 and Fig. 1
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 291305, 2010
There are several reports of increased community
primary production of phytoplanktonic assemblages
(some not microbial) at elevated pCO
. Hein & Sand-
Jensen (1997) indicated that elevated CO
will stimu-
late primary production in the North Atlantic. The
PeECE mesocosm experiments also investigated the
effect of elevated pCO
on net primary production. No
conspicuous change was observed in the PeECE I
(Delille et al. 2005) and II (J. Egge unpubl. data) exper-
iments, but a significant effect was found in the PeECE
III experiment. Riebesell et al. (2007) reported a 27 and
39% increase in net primary production at 2× and 3×
ambient pCO
, and Egge et al. (2009) found a higher
cumulative primary production based on the
porations at higher pCO
towards the end of the exper-
iment. However, other studies had reported that
increased pCO
resulted in no significant increase in
primary production (Tortell et al. 2002).
Bacterial abundance, production and enzyme activity
Bacteria are the main group of organisms able to use
DOC. Since they can be grazed by flagellates, some
of the DOC which would otherwise be lost from the
food web, can be cycled back via grazing (microbial
loop; Azam et al. 1983). Inagaki et al. (2006) reported
that the pH values of the deep-sea sediments overlying
a CO
lake ranged from 4.0 to 6.6 units, in contrast to a
pH (presumably on the National Bureau of Standards,
NBS, scale) of 7.3 outside of the CO
-hydrate zone. In
their study, a strong decline in cell numbers and abun-
dance of specific lipid biomarkers toward the liquid CO
interface on a scale of decimetres was observed: along
this gradient high abundances (>10
) of microbial
cells found in sediment pavements above the CO
decreased to strikingly low cell numbers (10
) at the
liquid CO
-hydrate interface. In other studies per-
formed at pCO
levels relevant to future surface ocean
acidification (190 to 1050 µatm), the total abundance of
Bacteria varied considerably in phytoplankton blooms
triggered in pelagic mesocosms, but pCO
had little or no
effect on bacterial abundance (BA; Rochelle-Newall et
al. 2004, Grossart et al. 2006a, Allgaier et al. 2008). Note,
however, that a significant impact was observed during
the decline of the bloom in 1 of the experiments together
with a higher growth rate and abundance of attached
prokaryotes at the highest pCO
level (700 µatm;
Grossart et al. 2006a). Yamada et al. (2008) also found no
significant effect of pCO
values up to 10 000 µatm.
The H:C effect sizes of the abundance of high DNA
Bacteria (HBA) and low DNA Bacteria (LBA) are lower
than 1, suggesting an inhibition of bacterial abun-
dance under high pCO
, but the C:L ratios are higher
than 1, indicating a minimum abundance at control
and larger abundances at low and high pCO
(Fig. 1). Only 2 SMDs are significantly different from 0:
the high DNA Bacteria H:C ratio and the total BA L:C
ratio, both with a fixed model.
Diverse responses of bacterial production (BPP) to
elevated pCO
were found, partly depending on the
community considered (attached versus free Bacteria)
and on the normalisation used (total BPP or cell-
specific BPP, csBPP). The effect sizes suggest a mono-
tonous response in 4 of the data sets available at low,
control and high pCO
(Fig. 1). The H:C effect size is
most often much higher than the L:C effect size. In the
other 3 data sets, the response does not appear to be
monotonous. Only a few SMDs of bacterial production
between high and control pCO
are significantly dif-
ferent from 0 with the fixed effect model (total and
csBPP of free Bacteria) and the random effect model
(csBPP of free Bacteria; Table 1). Too few data are
available to test the significance of the SMD between
the control and low pCO
Grossart et al. (2006a) reported that the total BPP
(estimated using tritiated leucine incorporation) as
well as the csBPP of total and attached Bacteria are
higher at elevated pCO
. They also found a higher pro-
tease activity at elevated pCO
, whereas the activities
of α- and β-glucosidase remained unchanged. The
preferential stimulation of the abundance and activity
of attached Bacteria may result from an increased pro-
duction of TEP, which would provide surfaces for Bac-
teria and favour aggregation (Grossart et al. 2006b).
Allgaier et al. (2008) suggested that there was no
difference in BPP among pCO
treatments. However,
linear regressions between BPP of free-living Bacteria,
BPP of attached Bacteria or csBPP of attached Bacteria
and C:N ratio of suspended matter were significantly
different between pCO
levels. Yamada et al. (2008)
also reported an increase in bacterial production, but
they used very high pCO
levels ranging between
2000 and 10 000 µatm.
Although there is some evidence that elevated CO
affects some microbial processes such as bacterial
production and degradation, the understanding of the
mechanisms involved is still poor. Extracellular en-
zymes are vital for microbial metabolism, and their
activity could provide clues on the mechanisms
involved. Grossart et al. (2006a) found that the activity
of total protease as well as α- and β-glucosidase was
highest at elevated pCO
levels, but this effect was sta-
tistically significant only for protease activity. Similar
results were reported by Piontek et al. (2010), with
higher rates of extracellular glucosidases at lower pH.
Tanaka et al. (2008) reported that the specific glucose
affinity of Bacteria at 3 pCO
levels was similar.
Kranz et al. (2009) investigated the external carbonic
anhydrase (eCA) activities of the cyanobacterium Tri-
Liu et al.: Ocean acidification effects on microbes
chodesmium erythraeum in response to pCO
levels of
150, 370 and 1000 µatm. eCA is an enzyme which pro-
motes the conversion of HCO
ions to CO
. They
reported low activities of eCA, which did not change as
a function of pCO
, indicating a minor role of eCA in
the carbon acquisition of this species.
Among the factors which determine the conse-
quences of bacterial DOC consumption are the rate at
which biomass is produced (bacterial carbon assimila-
tion) and the rate at which DOC is converted into CO
(bacterial respiration). However, bacterial respiration
and growth efficiency have not yet been studied with
respect to ocean acidification. Also, there are no data
on bacterial production rates estimated as cell division
rates using incorporation of tritiated thymidine. Thus,
it is not known whether pCO
changes result in differ-
ences of the 2 main methods used for estimating bac-
terial production, i.e. leucine and thymidine incor-
poration. Such differences are known under stress
situations such as UVB exposure.
Organic carbon consumption and loss
Piontek et al. (2010) recently tested the effect of ocean
acidification on the degradation activity of marine
Bacteria in a pH perturbation experiment. Higher loss of
polysaccharides (up to 32%) and POC were found under
lowered pH conditions, which suggested that ocean
acidification could affect the cycling of organic carbon
in the future ocean by weakening the biological carbon
pump and by increasing the respiratory production
of CO
. Riebesell et al. (2007) reported that the commu-
nity consumed up to 39% more DIC at higher pCO
whereas nutrient uptake remained the same. This ex-
cess carbon consumption was associated with higher
loss of organic carbon from the upper layer of the
mesocosm. This has an implication on a variety of marine
biological and biogeochemical processes. In the same
mesocosm experiment, community respiration did not
reveal any clear response to pCO
, neither in terms of
the timing nor of the level of cumulative consumption
for the 24 d of the experiment (Egge et al. 2009).
Inorganic nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate
are vital for microbial growth. Almost all published
studies have investigated the nitrogen cycle. Tanaka et
al. (2008) investigated the availability of phosphate
for phytoplankton and Bacteria at 3 pCO
(350 µatm: 1×CO
; 700 µatm: 2×CO
; 1050 µatm:
). Its response was similar to that of the total
particulate phosphorus concentration and phosphate
turnover time. The phosphate transferred to the
>10 µm fraction was greater in the 3×CO
during the first 6 to 10 d when the phosphate concen-
tration was still high. Also, the lower availability of
inorganic nutrients after the phytoplankton bloom
reduced the bacterial capacity to consume labile DOC.
The specific alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) of
Bacteria tended to be higher at 3×CO
than at 2× and
during the phosphate depletion period.
Nitrogen fixation
Diazotrophic cyanobacteria affect marine ecosystems
by providing reactive nitrogen to otherwise nitrogen-
limited regions. Most effect sizes for heterocystous
cyanobacteria are above 1 (Fig. 1; Barcelos e Ramos et
al. 2007, Hutchins et al. 2007, Levitan et al. 2007, Fu et
al. 2008, Kranz et al. 2009), whereas they are below 1
for the non-heterocystous species Nodularia spumi-
gena (Czerny et al. 2009). The SMDs of nitrogen fixa-
tion between high and control pCO
are significantly
different from 0 with the fixed effect model and the
random effect model (Table 1). The SMD between con-
trol and low pCO
is significantly different from 0 only
with the fixed effect model.
The filamentous non-heterocystous cyanobacterium
Trichodesmium spp. thrives in oligotrophic areas of
tropical and subtropical seas. This group contributes
about half of all marine N
fixation (Mahaffey et al.
2005). The effect of pCO
levels ranging from 140 to
850 µatm revealed that rates of N
fixation per unit of
phosphorus utilisation more than doubled at high CO
(Barcelos e Ramos et al. 2007). In 2 other studies, very
similar results were obtained (Hutchins et al. 2007,
Levitan et al. 2007). Relative to ambient or low pCO
high pCO
levels enhanced N
fixation as well as the
filament length and biomass of Trichodesmium (Levi-
tan et al. 2007). For example, N
fixation increased by
121% between 400 and 900 µatm. Hutchins et al.
(2007) reported a significant increase of N
fixation and
growth rate between 380 and 1500 µatm, with an
increase of 63% at a pCO
of 750 µatm. Kranz et al.
(2009) also reported a stimulation in nitrogen fixation
of T. erythraeum by almost 40% at a pCO
1000 µatm relative to 370 µatm. Only 1 study is avail-
able in a cyanobacterium other than Trichodesmium.
The unicellular diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii
revealed N
fixation rates that were enhanced by 40%
at 750 µatm relative to that at 380 µatm (Fu et al. 2008).
It seems clear that CO
is limiting nitrogen fixation
and that ocean acidification could substantially in-
crease, at least in short-term experiments, the fixation
of N
(and CO
as reviewed above) of Trichodesmium.
Hutchins et al. (2009) pointed out that the magnitude
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 291305, 2010
of the response of nitrogen and carbon fixation to ele-
vated pCO
is the largest physiological response yet
reported for marine microbes. This could fundamen-
tally alter the N and C cycles. It is important to note
that the rate of N
fixation did not continue to rise as
levels were further elevated above 750 µatm.
This suggests that the observed increase of N
by Trichodesmium might level off by the end of the
century (Hutchins et al. 2009).
In contrast to the non-heterocystous cyanobacteria
mentioned above, the heterocystous, bloom-forming
diazotroph Nodularia spumigena showed a slight de-
crease of N
fixation rate at increasing pCO
(Czerny et al. 2009).
Nitrification, another important process in the nitro-
gen cycle, is the biological oxidation of ammonia with
oxygen into nitrite followed by the oxidation of these
nitrites into nitrates. Huesemann et al. (2002) investi-
gated the effects of CO
-induced pH changes on
marine nitrification in the context of deep-sea CO
posal. They found that the rate of nitrification drops
drastically with decreasing pH. Relative to the rates at
pH 8 (presumably on the NBS scale), nitrification
decreased by ca. 50% at pH 7 and by more than 90%
at pH 6.5, while it was completely inhibited at pH 6.0.
Since the growth efficiency of heterotrophic micro-
bes is controlled by the quality of food, any change in
the elemental composition of particulate or dissolved
organic matter (POM or DOM) could directly or indi-
rectly affect processes such as growth rate, respiration
and nutrient recycling (Engel et al. 2005). The effect
sizes on the C:N ratio are distributed around 1 for all
studies but 1 (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, the SMD is signifi-
cantly different from 0 with the fixed effect model
between the high and control pCO
and between the
control and low pCO
(Table 1). The effect sizes on the
C:P ratio do not seem to follow a consistent pattern
(Fig. 1). The SMD between the high and control pCO
is not significantly different from 0 with both the fixed
and random effect models but is statistically different
from 0 between the control and low pCO
(Table 1).
Finally, the effect size of the N:P ratio also does not
seem to follow a coherent pattern in the 5 studies avail-
able to date (Fig. 1), but the SMD is nevertheless statis-
tically significant with the fixed effect model between
the high and control pCO
and between the control
and low pCO
(Table 1).
Significant changes in the consumption ratio of vari-
ous inorganic nutrients in response to increasing pCO
were reported by Tortell et al. (2002). They reported
that a pelagic community of the Equatorial Pacific con-
sumed NO
and H
in a ratio close to 1:1 (range
from 1.0 to 1.55) in the high CO
(750 µatm) treatment,
while the consumption ratio was much higher (2.16 to
2.71) at a low pCO
of 150 µatm. In contrast, the as-
similation of nitrate and phosphate was similar in the
treatments investigated by Engel et al. (2005) in
a mesocosm experiment. The concentration of parti-
culate constituents was highly variable among the
replicate mesocosms, likely disguising direct CO
related effects.
Changes in the C:N:P ratios have been shown in cul-
tures of several eukaryotic phytoplankton groups
(Riebesell 2004). Differential effects were observed on
the 2 main cyanobacterial groups: Synechococcus and
Prochlorococcus. Fu et al. (2007) reported that Syne-
chococcus sp. had a slight decrease in C:N and an in-
crease in C:P and N:P at the higher CO
while there was no significant difference in Prochloro-
coccus sp. As mentioned in the previous section, pCO
has an effect on the N
uptake and C fixation rates of
some nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. This could signifi-
cantly affect the C:N and N:P ratios, but the effect
found in the various experiments is not consistent. Ele-
vated pCO
increased the C:N ratio in 3 studies (Levi-
tan et al. 2007, Czerny et al. 2009, Kranz et al. 2009)
but had no effect in another study (Barcelos e Ramos et
al. 2007). The N:P ratio of Trichodesmium sp. increases
at elevated pCO
(Barcelos e Ramos et al. 2007),
whereas the N:P ratio of Nodularia spumigena
decreases (Czerny et al. 2009).
Changes in elemental ratios were also reported at
the community level and could have a considerable
impact on the strength of the biological pump. For
example, in a mesocosm experiment, Riebesell et al.
(2007) found that the stoichiometry of C:N drawdown
increased from 6 at low CO
to 8 at high CO
, thus
exceeding the Redfield C:N ratio of 6.6 in today’s
ocean. These authors speculated that this could trans-
late to an excess CO
sequestration potential, through
the biological carbon pump, of 116 Pg C until 2100. In-
creasing C:N ratios would also lower the nutritional
value of primary-produced organic matter, which may
affect the efficiency of bacterial degradation and
zooplankton reproduction. In the same mesocosm
experiment, Bellerby et al. (2008) also found that the
cumulative C:N and C:P ratios of organic production
until the height of the bloom decreased with increas-
. The C:N:P ratios were 1:6.3:121 at 350 µatm,
1:7.1:144 at 700 µatm and 1:8.25:168 at 1050 µatm.
Other studies also reported species-dependent
changes of phytoplankton C:N:P ratios at elevated
Liu et al.: Ocean acidification effects on microbes
(Burkhardt & Riebesell 1997, Burkhardt et al.
1999, Tortell et al. 2000).
Viral lysis and grazing are the 2 main factors of
microbial mortality. Lysis transfers lysis products such
as the cell content (including viruses) and cell debris
into the DOM pool. This viral shunt (Wilhelm & Suttle
1999) increases bacterial production and respiration
and enhances nutrient recycling. As mentioned above,
grazing on Bacteria transfers organic matter back to
the food web, whereas grazing on phytoplankton is the
first step in the grazing food chain, which also plays a
key role in carbon cycling. Thus, the relative contribu-
tion of viral lysis and grazing is an important factor for
shaping the fate of primary production and bacterial
production. Not much is known about how changes in
could influence mortality.
Rochelle-Newall et al. (2004) reported that elevated
had no effect on total viral abundance (VA),
thus suggesting that viral lysis was not influenced
strongly. Viral lysis rates have not yet been measured
in combination with pCO
changes. For grazing, more
information is available. Riebesell et al. (2007) noted
that the DIC consumption increased with increasing
, whereas the nutrient uptake remained stable.
This leads to an offset in the Redfield ratios, and pos-
sibly causes a deterioration of the food quality. Veloza
et al. (2006) reported that some microzooplankton
groups, e.g. some dinoflagellates, may have the capa-
city to use low quality prey. However, it is still unclear
how and to what extent this takes place. Until now,
only 2 studies investigated the response of microzoo-
plankton grazing to increasing pCO
levels. In the
PeECE III experiment, grazing was highly dynamic
over time, and no effect of CO
on microzooplankton
grazing was found (Suffrian et al. 2008). Rose et al.
(2009) investigated the potential effects of climate
change variables (temperature and pCO
) on the
trophic dynamics using a shipboard continuous cul-
ture system. They observed increases in both the
abundance and grazing rates of microzooplankton in
the high pCO
treatments (690 µatm) relative to ambi-
ent pCO
treatments (390 µatm).
Changes in community composition in the sense of
differences in the relative abundance of large plankton
groups have been documented for pCO
experiments and are basically the result of differences
in the time developments of different groups. Changes
in diversity are considered in the following as changes
of the species composition.
Phytoplanktonic diversity was profoundly affected by
elevated pCO
in some but not all perturbation experi-
ments performed at the community level (Allgaier et al.
2008, Paulino et al. 2008). Changes in phytoplankton
diversity also led to changes in bacterial community
structure and subsequently in bacterial activities.
Tortell et al. (2002) provided direct evidence that
concentrations can influence the species com-
position of a marine phytoplankton assemblage. The
phytoplankton assemblage exposed to pCO
levels of
150 and 750 µatm was dominated by diatoms and
Phaeocystis sp. by the end of the experiment, but the
abundance of diatoms decreased by ~50% at low pCO
relative to high pCO
levels, while the abundance of
Phaeocystis increased by about 60%. This shift associ-
ated with a higher ratio of nitrate:silicate (N:Si) and
N:P consumption at low pCO
also suggested that CO
concentrations could potentially influence competition
among marine phytoplankton taxa and affect oceanic
nutrient cycling.
Mühling et al. (2006) did not find any changes in the
diversity of Bacteria subject to different pCO
levels in
a CO
perturbation experiment carried out in meso-
cosms. Vega Thurber et al. (2009) reported changes in
the diversity of coral-associated microbiota, which
shifts from a healthy-associated community to a com-
munity often found on diseased corals (e.g. Bacteri-
oidetes, Fusobacteria and Fungi) after a strong decline
in pH (8.1 to 6.7). Additionally, decreased pH as well as
other stressors, such as elevated temperature, nutri-
ents and DOC, led to an increased abundance of genes
involved in virulence, stress resistance and production
of secondary metabolites.
The diversity of free-living Bacteria of pelagic meso-
cosms assessed by community fingerprinting changes
with pCO
, whereas that of attached Bacteria seems to
be independent of pCO
and coupled to the develop-
ment of the phytoplankton bloom (Allgaier et al. 2008).
Viruses and grazers
Larsen et al. (2008) investigated how the virioplank-
ton community responded to increased levels of CO
during the PeECE III mesocosm experiment. Some
Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 291305, 2010
viral populations detected and enumerated by flow
cytometry did not respond to altered CO
levels. No
clear effect was found in the ‘low-fluorescence viruses’
(LFV), ‘medium-fluorescence viruses’ (MFV) and
‘putative large viruses’ (PLV). However, the ‘high-
fluorescence viruses’ (HFV) exhibited a higher maxi-
mum abundance in the 1×CO
than in the 2× and
mesocosms, thus suggesting changes in viral
diversity. The abundance of Emiliania huxleyi virus
(EhV) and an unidentified double-stranded DNA
(dsDNA) virus decreased with increasing CO
Only 1 study investigated the effect of elevated pCO
on the community composition of viruses (Larsen et al.
2008). In their study, 2 specific large dsDNA viruses
(EhV and CeV, infecting the haptophytes E. huxleyi
and Crysochromulina ericina) were identified. Their
results indicate that the change in parameters of the
carbonate chemistry might affect the marine pelagic
food web at the viral diversity level. It also demon-
strated that in order to unravel ecological problems as
to how pCO
and nutrients affect the relationship
between marine algal viruses and their hosts, an effort
to develop molecular markers used to identify both
hosts and viruses is needed. Nothing is known about
the effect of pCO
on the diversity of grazers.
Microbial processes play an important role in the
functioning and the biogeochemical cycles of marine
ecosystems. Although some obvious effects of ocean
acidification on microbes were detected, their re-
sponse is not always consistent and our understanding
remains poor. There are many gaps and challenges for
future research.
Most data on the effect of ocean acidification on
microbial processes and diversity were gathered in
perturbation experiments carried out in the laboratory
and in mesocosms. Few studies investigated the simul-
taneous effects of ocean acidification and other pertur-
bations. Yet, it is well established that microbial pro-
cesses are greatly affected by changes in temperature
and light, as well as changes in the supply of inorganic
nutrients and organic matter (e.g. Kirchman et al.
2009). It is therefore critical that the interactions
between the carbonate chemistry and other parame-
ters are investigated. Equally critical is the need to use
gradients rather than only 2 pCO
levels to
determine critical threshold levels for parameterising
biogeochemical models. Open water CO
experiments still seem unrealistic (Lance 2009), but it
is potentially rewarding to take advantage of systems
naturally enriched with CO
such as shallow-water
vents (Hall-Spencer et al. 2008), deep-sea vents
(Inagaki et al. 2006), cold-eddies and upwelling sys-
tems (Feely et al. 2008), which have lower pH and high
levels compared to ambient water and are thus
highly suitable to study effects of ocean acidification,
although the data interpretation is challenging due to
factors such as advection or migrations.
There is evidence for acclimation to the pH
tion by a Vibrio strain (Labare et al. 2010). Adaptation,
i.e. adjustment to environmental change by genetic
change, is likely faster in microbes than in multi-cellu-
lar marine organisms. This is due to their short genera-
tion time of a few days, which allows for thousands of
generations by 2100, hence increasing the accumula-
tion of mutations, and, at least for prokaryotes, due to
more efficient lateral gene transfer. Most experiments
have been conducted over short periods (days to
weeks), and there is a strong need to carry out longer-
term experiments to detect if adaptation or acclimation
occurs. Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and
assessment of the expression of specific marker genes
for crucial functions are among the most promising
methods that are or soon will be available to tackle
these problems.
So far, most studies have investigated individual spe-
cies. More research is needed at multi-species and
community scales. Losses of diversity in the sense of
extinction of species are unlikely for free-living micro-
organisms. However, a large body of research supports
the idea that free-living microbial taxa exhibit biogeo-
graphic patterns (Martiny et al. 2006). Recently, the so-
called ‘rare biosphere’ was detected, i.e. bacterial phy-
lotypes which only occur in low abundance (Sogin et
al. 2006) and may serve as seed banks available for
adaptation to environmental changes (such as increas-
ing pCO
) at the species level. Such questions can be
addressed by large-scale sequence approaches such as
high-throughput DNA sequencing. The decrease in
costs is making this approach affordable.
Until now, no standard protocols have been available
to manipulate the carbonate chemistry during pertur-
bation experiments and no guidelines have been avail-
able for data reporting. Consequently, some of the
experiments published to date are difficult to interpret,
for example due to inadequate pCO
levels or the lack
of information in the data reporting, which seriously
hampers comparative studies and meta-analyses. The
publication of the ‘Guide for best practices on ocean
acidification research and data reporting’ (Riebesell et
al. 2010) will hopefully lead to better experimental set
ups and reporting in future publications.
Joint et al. (in press) pointed out that ocean pH is
variable on short time scales in surface waters and also
as a function of depth. They noted that microbial pro-
cesses continue at depths where pH reaches values
projected in the surface ocean in 2100, asked whether
Liu et al.: Ocean acidification effects on microbes
‘microbial assemblages will continue to function at the
lower pH values that are projected for the near future’,
and suggested a null hypothesis that biogeochemical
processes other than calcification will not be funda-
mentally different in a high-CO
ocean. Meta-analysis
is the right tool to test the null hypothesis that ocean
acidification will have no effect on microbial processes.
Although it has not proven to be of great use for many
variables because of the low sample sizes, notable
exceptions are nitrogen fixation, cyanobacterial photo-
synthesis and, to a lesser extent, elemental ratios. This
review and analysis therefore suggests that it is
unlikely that any microbial process will cease to func-
tion due to ocean acidification and that the null
hypothesis of Joint et al. (in press) can be rejected. The
rates of several processes will be affected by ocean
acidification, some positively, others negatively.
Another outcome of our meta-analysis is that the
response of almost all parameters to ocean acidifica-
tion is heterogenous among studies, suggesting the
occurrence of confounding effects. There is no doubt
that the launch of major national and international pro-
jects on ocean acidification will considerably increase
the number of datasets available over the next few
years and will lead to more solid conclusions on the
effect of ocean acidification on microbial processes.
Acknowledgements. The organisers of the 11th Symposium
on Aquatic Microbial Ecology held in Piran, Slovenia, in 2009
kindly invited us to participate. Thanks to A. M. Nisumaa for
invaluable help with data compilation and production of
Fig. 1. This work is a contribution to the European Project on
Ocean Acidification (EPOCA), which received funding from
the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 211384, the ANR
projects AQUAPHAGE and MAORY of the French Research
Ministry and the FR-EPOCA project of the Institut Polaire
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Submitted: March 29, 2010; Accepted: August 12, 2010 Proofs received from author(s): October 4, 2010