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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Android Licensing Issue
I get the notification that This application is not licensed”. I have paid for the full version and now
I cant open the app.
The licensing scheme implemented by Google requires that you be always logged in with your Google
account on your Android device. If you get this error message, please open Google Play, and make sure
you are logged in with the account id with you purchased the app. After this, the app should open.
Upgrading from Lite to Paid Version
I just bought the paid version. How do I transfer all data that I entered in the lite version?
You can transfer all data from the lite version to the paid version. For this, on iPhone/iPad or Android,
open the lite version of the app, go to Settings, tap the menu item 'Export Data to HomeBudget', and
follow instructions from there.
On a Mac, go to Settings and take a backup from the lite version. Next, open the paid version and
restore the backup just taken from the lite version. If you have setup Family Sync in the lite version,
please delete the group and set it up again.
On Windows, simply install the license file that you get in the mail when you purchase the paid version,
and continue using HomeBudget.
Recurring Expenses/Bills/Income
Now recurring expenses/bills/income have stopped working. They no longer recur?
Please check if you are still using the device these entries were created on. When using Family Sync, the
recurring entries are generated on the device that originally created the entry and then propagated to
other devices in the group. Please open HomeBudget on all devices, and then you will see these entries.
If the device that created the entries is no longer part of the group, you will need to delete and re-create
the recurring entries.
I can’t see the recurring entries for the future months. Why?
When setting up the recurring entries, you have the option to pre-generate all future entries immediately
or to have them generated on their due dates in the future. When you set up a recurring entry with an
indefinite end-date, the entries are generated on the due date in the future. If you need to see all future
entries immediately, please set an end-date and select the “generate now” option.
Multiple Devices/Computers
If I want to run HomeBudget on multiple devices, do I need purchase multiple copies of
I already purchased HomeBudget for iOS. Do I need to purchase again for Android?
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Your purchases on iTunes App Store can be shared across multiple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and
iTouch). For this to work, make sure to login to iTunes with the same iTunes account/user name on all
your iOS devices. iTunes tracks your purchases by your user/account name.
Your purchases on Google Play App Store can be shared across multiple Android devices (phones,
tablets). For this to work, make sure to login to Google Play with the same Google account/user name on
all your Android devices. Google tracks your purchases by your user/account name.
Your purchases for the Mac platform can shared across multiple Mac computers. A purchase for the
Windows platform can be used on up to 5 windows computers in your home.
Note that iTunes and Google Play are separate store entities. Your purchases from these entities are
independent. You will need to purchase the app separately for each platform.
Family Sync will work fine independent of the platform or the account used to purchase the app.
Can you offer bundled pricing? Will I get iPhone version free if I buy the Mac version? Can I get
the Android version free if I buy the Windows version?
Separate purchase is required for each OS platform (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows). Once you buy the software for a
given OS platform, a single purchase can be shared across multiple devices on the same OS platform. We are not
able to offer bundled packages across multiple platforms as versions for each OS platform are sold through different
outlets (Apple iTunes Store, Apple Mac App Store, Google Play Store, and FastSpring). Typically, users have
independent accounts with these outlets, and often with outlets such as Apple, we have no way of knowing who
purchased the software.
Family Sync
I have Family Sync set up. But the sync feature doesn’t seem to be working (or only working
partially) and devices show inconsistent numbers.
These issues are usually the result of not transferring initial data successfully. Please transfer initial data
from the primary device to all secondary devices one more time. And then the devices will start syncing
Whenever I try to receive the data on my second device, it says, "No valid state was found on the
sync cloud." What's wrong??
You will need to send initial data from the primary device before trying to receive it on the secondary
device. The initial data sent c/from the primary device expires within 60 seconds, Hence you need to
receive it within 60 seconds, or send it again.
I just replaced my iPhone (iPad). How do I make my new iPhone (or iPhone 4) the primary device?
Basically, you need to delete the group and recreate it from the new primary device. Here are the general
steps to handle replacement of primary and/or secondary:
1. If you still have the old primary, delete the group from it. This will allow you to use the same group
name in the new primary. If not, it is okay; you will need to use a new group name on
the new primary.
2. On the secondary, leave the group. If you don't have your old secondary, then skip this step.
3. Take a backup from the old primary phone (if it is still accessible), if not, you could use the
backup from the old secondary.
4. Restore the backup from step 3 on the new primary
5. Now create a new group from the new primary
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6. Join the new group from the secondary phone
7. Transfer initial data from the new primary to secondary
8. If you have any recurring entries created on the old primary, delete them and re-create them
again on the new primary (as recurring entries are device specific).
Where is the Settings button located? What I see doesn’t seem to match the screenshots.
Please tilt the iPad to landscape mode and your will see the Settings button on the left. The screenshots
also will match in landscape mode.
How is the new Accounts feature (since version 2.3.0) different?
Calculation of current balance is now dynamic. You only need to set the starting balance as of a specific
date (by looking at your real-world account statement). The app calculates the current balance by taking
into account all transactions between the starting balance date and now. This method of dynamic account
balance calculation allows you to enter transactions in any order and enter a forgotten transaction any
For example, you can set the balance as of August 1 from your bank (or credit card) statement, and then
app will calculate the current balance by taking into account all income/expense/transfers between
August 1 and now. The current balance shown (under All Transactions) in HomeBudget account and the
real world account will match if all transactions have been correctly entered in HomeBudget (or if all
checks issued have been cashed). If the balances don't match, you can go through the reconciliation
process by comparing with the statement and marking each transaction in the account. As you mark (tap
the checkmark next to) each transaction, the reconciled balance will reflect the calculated balance using
only the marked transactions.
We highly recommend setting the account balance periodically (say every month) to match the real-world
balance. This way the day-to-day balance you see with HomeBudget will tend to match closely with your
real-world account.
How do I enter refunds/returns?
You can enter refunds/returns in the Add Expense screen. The new Amount calculator allows entering
negative numbers.