AA PPrraaccttiiccaall GGuuiiddee ttoo
Statistical & Technical Team
This guide is brought to you by the Statistical and
Technical Team, who form part of the VFM
Development Team. They are responsible for
advice and guidance on quantative, analytical and
technical issues.
For further information about the matters raised in
this guide, please contact:
Alison Langham on ext. 7171
This guide is the latest in a series on sampling. It has
been produced in response to a large number of
requests received by the Statistical and Technical
Team relating to sampling matters. The guide aims to
consolidate the information required for you to
complete the survey process from design to reporting.
It provides this advice in an informal and practical
way which should also help you understand the work
of your consultants, and ask informed questions of
the audited body.
This guide replaces the previous guidance
Use of Sampling - VFM Studies published in 1992.
Other guides related to this matter:
Taking a Survey (1999)
Presenting Data in Reports (1998)
Collecting, Analysis and Presenting Data (1996)
Why sample? 4
Sample design 5
Defining the population 6
Data Protection Act issues 6
Contracting out 6
Sample size 7
Weighting a sample 9
Sampling methods 11
Methods, their use and limitations 11
Selecting an appropriate method 13
Extracting the sample 14
Interpreting and reporting the results 15
Interpreting the results 15
Reporting the results 17
Glossary of terms 18
Appendix 1 19
Relevant formulae for simple random sampling
Why sample?
VFM reports require reliable forms of evidence from
which to draw robust conclusions. It is usually not
cost effective or practicable to
collect and examine all the
data that might be
available. Instead it is
often necessary to draw
a sample of
information from the
whole population to
enable the detailed
examination required to take
place. Samples can be drawn for
several reasons: for example to draw inferences across
the entire population; or to draw illustrative examples
of certain types of behavior.
Sampling can provide a valid, defensible methodology
but it is important to match the type of sample needed
to the type of analysis required.
The auditor should also take care to check the quality
of the information from which the sample is to be
drawn. If the quality is poor, sampling may not be
Do we really use them?
Of the 31 reports published by the end of July of the
1999-2000 session, there are 7 examples of using
judgmental sampling for illustrative case studies and
24 examples of sampling to draw inferences across the
population, of which 19 were the basis for surveys.
Can they provide strong
In the Health area, four studies made extensive use of
sampling and survey techniques to form the majority
of the evidence which identified the potential for a one
off saving of up to £400 million and possible annual
savings of £150 million.
Excerpt from Highways Agency: Getting best value
from the disposal of property
HC58 Session 1999-00
Excerpt from Charitable funds associated with NHS
HC516 Session 1999-00
provides a means
of gaining
information about the
population without the
need to examine
the population
in its entirety.
Recent examples
Sample design covers the
method of selection, the
sample structure and plans
for analysing and
interpreting the results.
Sample designs can vary from
simple to complex and depend
on the type of information
required and the way the sample is
selected. The design will impact upon
the size of the sample and the way in which
analysis is carried out. In simple terms the tighter
the required precision and the more complex the
design, the larger the sample size.
The design may make use of the characteristics of
the population, but it does not have to be
proportionally representative. It may be necessary to
draw a larger sample than would be expected from
some parts of the population; for example, to select
more from a minority grouping to ensure that we
get sufficient data for analysis on such groups.
Many designs are built around random
selection. This permits justifiable inference from
the sample to the population, at quantified
levels of precision. Given due
regard to other aspects of design, random
selection guards against bias in a way that
selecting by judgement or convenience cannot.
However, a random selection may not always
be either possible or what is required, in these
cases care must be taken to match clear
audit objectives to the sample design to
prevent introducing unintended bias.
If you are sampling for the purposes of
a survey then you should also be aware
of the Taking a Survey guidance issued
in 1999.
The aim of the
design is to
achieve a
balance between
the required
precision and
the available
Defining the population
The first step in good sample design is to ensure
that the specification of the target population is as
clear and complete as possible to ensure that all
elements within the population are represented.
The target population is sampled using a sampling
frame. Often the units in the population can be
identified by existing information; for example,
pay-rolls, company lists, government registers etc.
A sampling frame could also be geographical; for
example postcodes have become a well-used means
of selecting a sample. Try to obtain the sample
frame in the most automated way possible for ease
of sampling; for example a database spreadsheet
All sampling frames will have some defects,
despite assurances you may receive from the
holder of the data. Usually there are ways to deal
with this, for example amending the list, selecting a
larger sample and eliminating ineligible items,
combining information from varying sources, or
using estimated or proxy data. If you are having
difficulties identifying a suitable sampling frame
come and discuss this with the Statistical
and Technical Team.
Data Protection Act issues
Often a government database or computer file can be
used to identify the population and select a sample.
You will need to ensure that this data is accurate,
reliable, can be accessed, and that you have
permission to draw a sample. The Data Protection
Act requires us to obtain agreement to use data
which also hold individuals details. Many databases
cannot be accessed because of this or other security
reasons. However, it may be possible to extract
selected information which is sufficient for the
purposes of the study; for example using
summarised data so that the individual cannot be
identified. If you are in any doubt as to your position
in this matter please refer to the Policy Unit.
Contracting out
If you use an outside contractor to carry out the
sample they will normally put forward their
proposed sample design. The design will often
depend on whether you can obtain a suitable
sampling frame from which the sample can be
selected. If you cannot provide a database the
contractor may be able to suggest a sampling frame
to use. The contractor may well use a more complex
sampling design than simple random sampling and
it is important to check that what they have done is
The Statistical and Technical Team hold a database of
contractors previously used by the Office, or you
may wish to search for specific contractors who
specialise in certain fields. A useful starting
point for this is the British Market
Research Associations selectline web
page at:
The Team offer their service as a
reference partner when
drafting the tender for the
work, evaluating the bids,
or assessing the quality of
the work.
A sampling frame is
a list of all units in
your population.
Population size - total
number of items in the
population - only
important if the sample
size is greater than 5% of
the population in which
case the sample size
The population
proportion - the
proportion of items in the
population displaying the
attributes that you are
Margin of error or
precision - a measure of
the possible difference
between the sample
estimate and the actual
population value.
Variability in the
population - the
standard deviation is
the most usual
measure and often
needs to be estimated.
Confidence level -
how certain you want
to be that the
population figure is
within the sample
estimate and its
associared precision.
Sample size
For any sample design deciding upon the appropriate
sample size will depend on five key factors and
these are shown below. It is important to consider
these factors together to achieve the right balance and
ensure that the sample objectives are met.
No estimate taken from a sample is expected to be
exact, inference to the population will have an
attached margin of error. The better the design, the
less the margin of error and the tighter the precision
but in most cases the larger the sample size.
The amount of variability in the population i.e. the
range of values or opinions, will also affect accuracy
and therefore the size of sample required when
estimating a value. The more variability the less
accurate the estimate and the larger the sample size
The confidence level is the likelihood that the results
obtained from the sample lie within the associated
precision. The higher the confidence level, that is the
more certain you wish to be that the results are not
atypical, the larger the sample size.
We normally use 95 per cent confidence to provide
forceful conclusions, however, if you are only
seeking an indication of likely population value a
lower level such as 90 per cent is acceptable.
Population size does not normally affect sample size.
In fact the larger the population size the lower the
proportion of that population that needs to be
sampled to be representative.
It is only when the proposed sample size is more
than 5 per cent of the population that the population
size becomes part of the formulae to calculate the
sample size. The effect is to slightly reduce the
required sample size. If you are in this position
please refer to the Team.
If seeking to sample for attributes as opposed to the
calculation of an average value, the proportion of the
population displaying the attribute you are seeking to
identify is the final factor for consideration. This can be
estimated from the information that is known about
the population, for example the proportion of hospitals
who consider long waiting lists to be a problem.
Our samples tend to be one-off exercises carried out with limited resources.
Sometimes that means that the results can only be representative of the population in
broad terms and breakdowns into smaller sub-groups may not always be
Practical limitations will often be the chief determinant of the sample size. A sample
size of between 50 and 100 should ensure that the results are sufficiently reliable for
the majority of purposes, although there will be occasions when a sample as small as
30 may be sufficient. Samples smaller than this fall into the category of case studies
where statistical inferences to the population cannot be made, however, they can still
form part of a valid and defensible methodology.
The decisions surrounding the sample design and methodology should be discussed
with all the parties involved to ensure their agreement to the process and avoid
problems during clearance.
Figure 1 (opposite) contains a sample size lookup table for samples selected using
simple random sampling, the most frequently used method in the Office. If sampling
for attributes then read off the sample size for the population proportion and
precision required to give your sample size. If there is more than the one outcome,
for example A, B, C or D and the proportions were say 20 per cent, 10 per cent, 30
per cent and 40 per cent then the necessary sample size would be the one for the
highest i.e. 40 per cent at the required confidence level and precision. If you are
unsure of the population proportion then a 50 per cent proportion provides the most
conservative sample size estimate and can also be used to provide an approximate
sample size when determining a numeric estimate.
The table shows the sample size needed to achieve the required precision
depending on the population proportion using simple random
sampling. For example, for 5 per cent precision with a population
proportion of 70 per cent a sample size of 323 is required at
the 95 per cent confidence level.
Should you wish to calculate an exact simple
random sample size for your own
circumstances the formulae to do this are at
appendix 1.
However, should you elect to carry
out a sampling methodology other
than that based on a simple
random sample please contact
the Statistical and Technical
Team who will be able to help
you calculate an appropriate
sample size.
As a general rule, a statistical sample
should contain 50 to 100 cases for each
sample or sub-group to be analysed.
Figure 1: Sample size lookup table
Population Proportion Precision (at the 95 per cent confidence level)
±12% ±10% ±8% ±5% ±4% ±3% ±2% ±1%
50% 66 96 150 384 600 1,067 2,401 9,604
45% or 55% 66 95 148 380 594 1,056 2,376 9,507
40% or 60% 64 92 144 369 576 1,024 2,305 9,220
35% or 65 % 60 87 136 349 546 971 2,184 8,739
30% or 70% 56 81 126 323 504 896 2,017 8,067
25% or 75% 50 72 112 288 450 800 1,800 7,203
20% or 80% 42 61 96 246 384 683 1,536 6,147
15% or 85% 34 48 76 195 306 544 1,224 4,898
10% or 90% 24 35 54 138 216 384 864 3,457
5% or 95% 12 18 28 72 114 202 456 1,824
If you are expecting non-response or a difficulty in locating your sample selections then it is prudent to over sample to
ensure that the sample size achieved provides the required level of precision.
The figures in bold and italics denote sample sizes of less than the recommended minimum.
Weighting a sample
If a normal sample would be insufficient to reflect
the population characteristics then it may be
necessary to look at ways in which this can be
improved. One way of doing this is to weight the
sample. If, for example, you are looking to sample
three regional offices and they have varying
workloads, you may want the sample to reflect the
workloads at each location. Figure 2 shows an
example where a total sample size of 384 (50 per cent
proportion for a 5 per cent precision at 95 per cent
confidence) is required.
A simple random sample of 384 cases might give the
breakdown shown in figure 2. Whilst this does not
reflect the population characteristics it may still be
perfectly valid if you are interested in the locations as
well as the workload. In the last column the sample
has been weighted to reflect the population
characteristics. This approach would be more
suitable if you are interested more in the actual cases
than the locations. The method of calculating the
results for a weighted sample are different than for
the simple random sample.
Figure 2: Example of a weighted sample
The effect on
Location Population % of population A simple random sample size
workload workload sample of the at each location
total workload when the sample
is weighted
North 50,000 13% 128 51
South East 250,000 67% 153 256
South West 75,000 20% 103 77
TOTAL 375,000 100% 384 384
A weighted sample more accurately reflects the workloads at the regional locations.
done by applying the population proportions to the
results of the unweighted sample to produce an
adjusted result. In this case an unweighted result of
37 per cent becomes a weighted proportion of 49 per
Post-weighting the sample
Should this weighting be required, but had not taken
place at the sample selection stage then it is possible
to weight the sample in the results phase. This is
Ensure that the sample reflects
the population characteristics
whether before or after the
sample selection.
Figure 3: Example of a post-weighted sample
Location Simple Displaying Unweighted Location Weighted
Random Required Proportion Percentage Proportion
Sample Attribute
(A) (B) (B/A) (C) (B/A)xC
North 128 21 16% 13% 2%
South East 153 98 64% 67% 43%
South West 103 23 22% 20% 4%
TOTAL 384 142 37% -- 49%
A weighted sample more accurately reflects the workloads at the regional locations.
This example shows that the most important thing is
to gather sufficient information to enable you to
make judgements about the population that you are
sampling, whether it be that the information comes
to light prior to selecting the sample or as a result of
selecting the sample. Always be aware of what the
results are saying and how true a reflection of the
population they are.
Methods, their use and
There are many different ways in which a sample can be
selected. Nine of the most common methods are illustrated
Select a method that fulfils your
objectives and matches the
information and resources
Definition Uses Limitations
Cluster sampling
Units in the population can
often be found in geographical
groups or clusters eg. schools,
households etc.
A random sample of clusters is
taken, then all units within
those clusters are examined.
l Quicker, easier and cheaper
than other forms of random
l Does not require complete
population information.
l Useful for face-to-face
l Works best when each
cluster can be regarded as a
microcosm of the
l Larger sampling error than
other forms of random
l If clusters are not small it
can become expensive.
l A larger sample size may be
needed to compensate for
greater sampling error.
Using those who are willing to
volunteer, or cases which are
presented to you as a sample.
l Readily available.
l The larger the group, the
more information is
l Sample results cannot be
extrapolated to give
population results.
l May be prone to volunteer
Based on deliberate choice and
excludes any random process.
l Normal application is for
small samples from a
population that is well
understood and there is a
clear method for picking the
l Is used to provide
illustrative examples or case
l It is prone to bias.
l The sample is small and can
lead to credibility problems.
l Sample results cannot be
extrapolated to give
population results.
Definition Uses Limitations
The sample is drawn in two or
more stages (eg. a selection of
offices at the first stage and a
selection of claimants at the
second stage).
l Usually the most efficient
and practical way to carry
out large surveys of the
l Complex calculations of the
estimates and associated
proportional to
Samples are drawn in
proportion to their size giving a
higher chance of selection to
the larger items (eg. the more
claimants at an office the higher
the offices chance of slection).
l Where you want each
element (eg. claimants at an
office) to have a equal
chance of selection rather
than each sampling unit (eg.
l Can be expensive to get the
information to draw the
l Only appropriate if you are
interested in the elements.
Quota sampling The aim is to obtain a sample
that is representative of the
The population is stratified by
important variables and the
required quota is obtained from
each stratum.
l It is a quick way of
obtaining a sample.
l It can be fairly cheap.
l If there is no sampling frame
it may be the only way
l Additional information may
improve the credibility of
the results.
l Not random so stronger
possibility of bias.
l Good knowledge of
population characteristics is
l Estimates of the sampling
error and confidence limits
probably cant be calculated.
Simple random
Ensures every member of the
population has an equal chance
of selection.
l Produces defensible
estimates of the population
and sampling error.
l Simple sample design and
l Need complete and accurate
population listing.
l May not be practicable if a
country-wide sample would
involve lots of audit visits.
The population is sub-divided
into homogenous groups, for
example regions, size or type of
The strata can have equal sizes
or you may wish a higher
proportion in certain strata.
l Ensures units from each
main group are included
and may therefore be more
reliably representative.
l Should reduce the error due
to sampling.
l Selecting the sample is more
complex and requires good
population information.
l The estimates involve
complex calculations.
After randomly selecting a
starting point in the population
between 1 and n, every n
is selected, where n equals the
population size divided by the
sample size.
l Easier to extract the sample
than simple random.
l Ensures cases are spread
across the population.
l Can be costly and time-
consuming if the sample is
not conveniently located.
l Cant be used where there is
periodicity in the
Selecting an appropriate
As you can see there are many methods available for
use with varying degrees of complexity. Certain
methods suit circumstances better than others and
the following diagram is designed to help you select
an appropriate method.
Extracting the sample
For simple random sampling it is possible to use either Excel or SPSS to select the sample for you. An illustration
of how to extract a sample using both of these methods is shown below:
In Excel use Tools > Data Analysis >
Sampling to bring up the dialogue box
shown. Enter the population value range
as the input range and the number of
samples. You can simply put a single cell
at the start of an adjacent blank column
for the output range.
The sample items will then be extracted
and placed in the output range.
In Excel In SPSS
In SPSS use Data > Select Cases then use
the option Random and complete the
dialogue box as above.
This will create a filter column which
when selected will only allow any analysis
or printing functions etc. to be carried out
on the sample data rather than the
It is also possible to use IDEA to extract the sample,
contact the Statistical and Technical Team if you
want help to do this. If the population is not held
electronically then an interval sample from a random
starting point could be used as an alternative.
If you are not intending to use a simple random
sample then the Statistical and Analytical Team can
advise on how to extract the sample.
Interpreting &
reporting the results
Interpreting the results
The choice of sample design and how well it mimics
the population will impact on the results. The closer
the sample design to the population characteristics
the more precise the estimate from the sample. It is
therefore important to match the calculation of the
results from the sample to the design of the sample.
The following shows an example of a population of
146 properties priced between £176,000 and £17,750
with an average value of £35,760. The population
distribution is illustrated and shows that the
majority of the population is priced below £50,000.
Two samples of 50 properties were selected, one
using simple random sampling and the other
stratifying the population into above and below
The simple random sample gave an average price of
£35,630 ranging between £30,480 and £40,780 i.e. at
the 95 per cent confidence level the average property
value is £35,630 plus or minus 14 per cent. The
stratified sample gave an average of £36,260 ranging
between £34,370 and £38,150 i.e. at the 95 per cent
confidence level the average property value is
£36,260 plus or minus 5 per cent. In this case, the
stratified sample provides a more precise estimate of
the population average.
To obtain the sample estimate for a simple random
sample you can use a package such as Excel or SPSS
which will return not only the average but also the
standard deviation, and the precision at the 95 per
cent confidence level.
In Excel
In Excel use Tools > Data Analysis >
Descriptive Statistics to bring up this
dialogue box. Put the sample values as the
input range.
The output produced is shown above and
provides all the required information.
For attribute sampling the results are often quoted as
70 per cent agreed that cleanliness would reduce
infection. If the sample size was 250 then what
would be the precision of the answer. You could use
the table at Figure 1 to provide an estimate, looking
along the 70 per cent proportion row you will find
that a sample size of 250 lies between 5 and 8 per cent
precision. The accurate result is 6 per cent precision.
In SPSS use Analyze > Descriptive
Statistics > Explore to bring up this
dialogue box. Select the required variable.
The output produced is shown above and
provides all the required information.
The formulae used to calculate the results in this
section are given in appendix 1.
If you are using a sample other than simple random
then seek advice from the Statistical and Technical
Team when it comes to calculating the results.
Reporting the
When reporting the results
of a sample it is important
to cover several key facts:
l the sample size;
l the sample selection
l the estimates resulting from the
sample, and
l the precision and confidence intervals for
the estimates.
Excerpt from Managing Finances in English Further
Education Colleges
HC454 Session 1999-00
Excerpt from Compensating the Victims of Violent Crime
HC454 Session 1999-00
For advice on graphical
presentation of the
data see Presenting
Data in Reports (1998)
or contact the
Statistical and
Technical Team.
of terms
Confidence level The certainty with which the estimate
lies within the margin of error.
Margin of error A measure of the difference between the
estimate from the sample and the
population value.
Population The number of items from which to draw
your sample.
Population The proportion of items within the
proportion population which exhibit the
characteristics you are seeking to
examine, this is only required when
sampling for attributes.
Precision A measurment of the accuracy of the
sample estimate compared to the
population value.
Sample A selection of items from which you may
estimate a feature of the population.
Sample size The number of items in the sample.
Standard A measure of the variability in the
deviation population values, this is only required
when sampling for values.
Sample size
where Z is the z score associated with the confidence
level required, E is the required precision, and p is
the occurrence rate within the population.
Estimate of proportions
where y
=0 or 1, so that the estimate becomes a
count of all the relevant cases divided by the number
of cases in the sample.
Sampling for values
Sample size
If the sample size, n, is at least 5% of the population
size, N, then the calculation becomes:
Adjusted sample size
is an estimate of the standard deviation.
Estimate of the average
where y
are the individual values from the sample.
Appendix 1
Relevant formulae for simple random sampling
Sampling for proportions
Z score values
Confidence level Z score value
80% 1.28
85% 1.44
90% 1.65
95% 1.96
99% 2.58
Designed and produced by the
Naional Audit Office Design Group