The Plaintiff, the State of Indiana, by and through its Attorney General
Theodore E. Rokita
, files
this Complaint
pursuant to statutes as set forth below
CASE NO. ________________
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individual, and DAVID MANCHESTER, an individual, (collectively Defendants).
The State of Indiana brings this action to enjoin the Defendants from further
pursuit of an aggressive and illegal robocalling and telemarketing operation that
targeted Hoosier homeowners offering them cash payments in exchange for a future
interest in the sale of the homeowner’s real property. Defendants' Homeowner
Benefit Agreement (HBA) is nothing more than a disguised extension of credit with
implicit interest to be paid back by the homeowner at a future date. The HBA is
designed to strip the homeowner’s equity in their real property. Through its
misrepresentations and omissions of information related to the true nature of the
HBA product, Defendants have caused substantial and ongoing harm to Hoosier
The marketing, sale, and servicing of the HBAs by Defendants are illegal,
unfair, deceptive, and abusive under numerous Federal and State consumer
protection statutes. Plaintiff seeks to permanently enjoin this illegal conduct, void
and release all HBA agreements and related liens attaching to real property, obtain
restitution for consumer victims, and seek civil penalties for which Plaintiff is entitled
to obtain on behalf of its residents in its role as parens patriae and by operation of
law. In support thereof, the State of Indiana alleges as follows:
This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant
to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1337(a), 1355, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
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(TCPA), 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(2),
the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse
Prevention Act (Telemarketing Act)
, 15 U.S.C. § 6103(e), and the Telemarketing
Sales Rule (TSR), 16 C.F.R. § Part 310; the Truth-in-Lending Act, (TILA”) 15
U.S.C. § 1601
et seq.,
12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A), and
Home Ownership
and Equity Protection Act (
), 15 U.S.C. § 1639,
§§ 1639a 1639h,
15 U.S.C. § 1640(e)
. T
he Court has pendant jurisdiction over the state law claims
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367.
Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b), 1395(a),
47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(4), 15 U.S.C. § 6103(e),
12 U.S.C. § 5552(a)(1), and 15 U.S.C.
§ 1640(e)
. A substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims
alleged in this Complaint occurred in this District.
Plaintiff notified the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of this
civil action prior to instituting such action, as required by 15 U.S.C. § 6103(b).
Plaintiff notified the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) of this civil action prior to instituting such action, as required by 47
U.S.C. §§ 227(e)(6)(B) and (g)(3).
Plaintiff notified the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (
of this civil action prior to instituting such action, as required by 12 U.S.C. § 5552(b)
and 15 U.S.C. § 1640(e).
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Plaintiff, State of Indiana, by and through its Attorney General
Theodore E. Rokita, by undersigned counsel, is authorized by 47 U.S.C. §
227(g)(l) to file actions in federal district court to enjoin violations of, and
enforce compliance with, the TCPA on behalf of residents of the State of
Indiana, and to obtain actual damages or damages of five hundred dollars
($500) for each violation, and up to treble that amount for each violation
committed willfully and knowingly.
The Attorney General
is authorized by
U.S.C. § 6103(a) to file actions in federal district court to enjoin violations of and
enforce compliance with the TSR
and to secure remedies allowed under the
U.S.C. § 6103.
Section 1036(a)(l)(A) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
("CFPA"), 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(l)(A), authorizes the Plaintiff to bring actions for
violations of other Federal consumer financial laws set forth in the CFPA, including
TILA, 15 U.S.C. § 1601, et seq. and HOEPA. The Attorney General is authorized by
12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(1)(A) to file actions in federal district court to enjoin violations of
and enforce compliance with the Truth-in-Lending Act and to secure remedies
allowed under TILA. The Attorney General is authorized by 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(l)(A)
to file actions in federal district court to enforce HOEPA and to secure remedies
allowed under that statute.
The Attorney General is an enforcement authority
under Indiana state law and is therefore authorized to bring this action and to
seek injunctive and other statutory relief pursuant to Indiana Code § 24-4.7
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(Telephone Solicitation of Consumers), § 24-5-14
et seq.
(Auto-Dialer Act), §
et seq.
(Telephone Solicitation), § 24-5-0.5
et seq.
(Consumer Sales), § 24-
et seq.
(Home Loan Practices Act), and § 24-5-10,
et seq.
(Home Solicitation Sales
Defendant MV Realty of Indiana, LLC is an Indiana domestic limited
liability company incorporated November 4, 2021, with a principal office address
of 219 N. Dixie Blvd., Delray Beach, FL, 33444.
Defendant MV Realty Holdings, LLC is a Florida limited liability
company incorporated on August 19, 2019, with a principal office address of 219
North Dixie Blvd., Delray Beach, FL, 33444.
Defendant MV Realty PBC, LLC is a Florida limited liability company
incorporated on August 5, 2014, with a principal office address of
219 N. Dixie Blvd.,
Delray Beach, FL, 33444.
Collectively MV Realty of Indiana, LLC,
MV Realty Holdings, LLC,
and MV Realty PBC, LLC
will be referred to in this complaint as MV Realty HBA
Defendants as the State of Indiana seeks to assert joint and several liability as
to each claim asserted.
Defendant MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC (MV Brokerage) is an
Indiana domestic limited liability company incorporated October 3, 2022, with a
principal office address of 219 N. Dixie Blvd., Delray Beach, FL, 33444.
Brokerage of Indiana, LLC maintains an expired Real Estate Broker Company
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License No. RC52200259 and is managed by its Managing Broker, Kenton
Williams, License No. RB14023379.
MV Brokerage of Indiana's Real Estate Broker Company License No.
RC52200259 expired on June 30, 2023. At the time of this filing, MV Brokerage
of Indiana's Real Estate Broker Company License No. RC52200259 remains
expired and renders MV Brokerage unable to engage in the practice of real
Upon information and belief, MV Realty Holdings, LLC is the entity that
owns one hundred percent of MV Realty PBC, LLC.
Upon information and belief, MV Realty of Indiana, LLC and
Brokerage of Indiana, LLC
are affiliates or wholly owned subsidiaries of MV Realty
MV Realty PBC, LLC operates substantially the same line of
business across at least 32 states using multiple corporate entities. In this case,
it is alleged that each state-specific LLC formed for the purpose of conducting
business there is simply an alter ego of the Florida-based company and its
executives, officers, and agents.
Collectively, this entire enterprise will be referred to as MV Realty.
MV Realty encompasses all corporate Defendants and individual Defendants.
Another broker license was issued in the name “MV Realty,” license no.
RC52100307, also expired, with no clear connection to any of the entities named in
this Complaint.
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Each corporate Defendant above has transacted business in the
Southern District of Indiana by utilizing a network of Indiana-based sales
associates to engage in consumer transactions, as well as, by placing liens on real
property located in Indiana as a means of securing payment from consumers
related to MV Realty’s disguised credit transactions known as HBAs.
Defendant Amanda J. Zachman f/k/a Amanda Zuckerman (Zachman)
is an individual residing in Florida. At all times relevant to this Complaint, she was
a manager and lead broker of MV Realty and directly participated in, managed,
operated, controlled, and had the ability to control the operations of MV Realty PBC,
LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
At all times relevant to this Complaint, acting alone or in concert with
others, Zachman formulated, directed, controlled, had the authority to control, or
participated in the acts and practices of MV Realty, including the acts or practices
set forth in this Complaint.
Through her direct participation in, and control over, MV Realty,
Zachman had knowledge of the acts and practices constituting the violations alleged
herein, had control over them, and directly participated in them.
Defendant Zachman personally participated in the design and execution
of Homeowner Benefit Agreements on behalf of Defendant MV Realty of Indiana,
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Defendant Antony Tony Mitchell (Mitchell) is an individual residing
in Florida. At all times relevant to this Complaint, he was an executive of MV Realty
and directly participated in, managed, operated, controlled, and had the ability to
control the operations of MV Realty PBC, LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
At all times relevant to this Complaint, acting alone or in concert with
others, Mitchell formulated, directed, controlled, had the authority to control, or
participated in the acts and practices of MV Realty, including the acts or practices
set forth in this Complaint.
Through his direct participation in, and control over, MV Realty,
Mitchell had knowledge of the acts and practices constituting the violations alleged
herein, had control over them, and directly participated in them.
Defendant Mitchell is an officer of Defendant MV Realty Holdings, LLC.
Defendant David Manchester (Manchester) is an individual residing
in Florida. At all times relevant to this Complaint, he was the Managing Director and
Chief Operating Officer of MV Realty and directly participated in, managed,
operated, controlled, and had the ability to control the operations of MV Realty PBC,
LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries.
At all times relevant to this Complaint, acting alone or in concert with
others, Manchester formulated, directed, controlled, had the authority to control, or
participated in the acts and practices of MV Realty, including the acts or practices
set forth in this Complaint.
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Through his direct participation in, and control over, MV Realty,
Manchester had knowledge of the acts and practices constituting the violations
alleged herein, had control over them, and directly participated in them.
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester are officers of
MV Realty PBC, LLC.
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester are officers of
Defendant MV Realty of Indiana, LLC.
Defendant Manchester led MV Realty's operations team, which included
Defendant Zachman.
Defendants Manchester and Zachman had access to, could review, and
could respond to emails sent to and from [email protected] and
Defendant Zachman has responded to consumer complaints.
Defendant Manchester was responsible for reviewing and approving MV
Realty's advertising.
As principals, officers, and agents of MV Realty, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester, acting both individually and collectively, have directed the business and
affairs of MV Realty, and are jointly and severally liable for the unfair, deceptive, and
abusive acts and practices as alleged in this Complaint.
As principals, officers, and agents of MV Realty, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester have all transacted business in the Southern District of Indiana.
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As principals, officers, and agents of MV Realty, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester have so misused to corporate form as to promote fraud, injustice, and
illegal activities as stated herein.
MV Realty Holdings, LLC and MV Realty PBC, LLC are both Florida-
based companies operating in Indiana and in at least 32 other states.
MV Realty of Indiana, LLC and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC are both
Indiana domestic limited liability companies affiliated with the Florida-based
companies with common ownership and control.
Sometime in 2019, MV Realty designed and began aggressively
marketing a product called the Homeowner Benefit Agreement (HBA). MV Realty
began the program in Florida and quickly expanded into multiple jurisdictions,
including Indiana.
MV Realty refers to the entire program of selling HBAs as the
Homeowner Benefit Program. In training and marketing materials, MV Realty uses
the terms Homeowner Benefit Program and Homeowner Benefit Agreement
To market HBAs, MV Realty employed Transfer Specialists, who were
remote telemarketers, and Sales Agents, who were licensed Indiana real estate
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As part of its investigation, Plaintiff deposed Todd W. Schneider on
March 17, 2023. Mr. Schneider was a Sales Agent working for MV Realty. A true and
accurate copy of the deposition is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit A. A true
and accurate copy of the exhibits shown to Mr. Schneider as part of the deposition
are attached as Exhibit B.
As of the date of this filing, MV Realty and related entities and
individuals have been sued by Attorneys General in Florida, Ohio, Massachusetts,
North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
A Massachusetts court has entered a preliminary injunction against MV
in which the Court found:
“that the Commonwealth is likely to succeed in
proving that MV has engaged in a pattern of unfair
and deceptive conduct . . . by tricking homeowners
into thinking that they would never have to repay
the amounts that MV advanced to them and that
they would owe no interest to MV, hiding the fact
that MV would record a mortgage on the
borrower’s property . . ., falsely representing that
MV would serve as their agent in selling their home
when MV never had any intent of doing so, not
giving the borrower homeowners copies of their
contract with and mortgage to MV until after the
three-day period to rescind the arrangement
expires, . . . and unlawfully closing mortgage loans
without being represented by an attorney.”
Emphasis added.
Decision and Order Allowing the Commonwealth’s Motion for Preliminary
Injunction (Ordered February 21, 2023), https://www.mass.gov/doc/20230221-comm-
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A North Carolina court also entered a preliminary injunction against
MV Realty.
As early as January 2022, MV Realty began recording HBA agreements
in county recorders offices across Indiana.
MV Realty rapidly expanded to include, to-date, at least 366 HBAs
recorded across at least 65 Indiana counties.
Defendants marketed the HBA program as a loan alternative, offering
between a $300 to $5,000 payment if the homeowner agrees to use MV Realty as their
listing agent should they decide to sell their home in the next forty (40) years.
The amount paid to consumers, as a Promotion Fee, was based on a
valuation model designed within Defendants’ proprietary case management system.
Using this system, Sales Agents would offer cash payments totally approximately
0.3% or .003 of the home’s total estimated value.
During the summer of 2022, MV Realty changed the amount offered to
consumers to 0.27% or .0027 of the home’s total value, based on a directive from
investors to respond to changing market conditions and rising interest rates.
Pursuant to the HBA agreement, consumers are purportedly bound by
a forty (40) year contract with MV Realty wherein they are required to retain the
Attorney General Josh Stein Wins Preliminary Injunction in MV Realty Case,
Attorney General Josh Stein (Aug. 31, 2023), https://www.mass.gov/doc/20230221-
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company as listing agent should they decide to sell the home any time in the forty
(40) year period.
Upon information and belief, a forty (40) year listing agreement is far
more onerous than the industry standard for real estate listing contracts in the State
of Indiana.
In Indiana, the largest Promotion Fee paid to a Hoosier was $2,080 for
a homeowner in Morgan County. The lowest payment was $340 to a homeowner in
St. Joseph County.
The average payment to Indiana consumers in return for signing an
HBA agreement was a mere $635.09.
Sales Agents were paid a $500 commission, as employees, for each
homeowner they were able to sign up for an HBA.
In some circumstances, the Sales Agents received a larger commission
than the homeowner received as an incentive payment in connection with the HBA.
In Indiana, MV Realty paid their Sales Agents more in commission than
118 homeowners were paid to sign an HBA. Thus, MV Realty paid more in
commission for approximately 32% of their Indiana HBAs.
MV Realty actively monitors and strictly enforces the one-sided and
onerous terms of the HBA if the homeowner deviates from contract, requiring an
Early Termination Fee to be paid in an amount equal to 3% of the market value of
the home (as determined by MV Realty at the time the fee is assessed).
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The market value of the home used in determining the 3% is the greater
of the property's value at the time the HBA was signed or the fair market value of
the property when there is an Early Termination Event or breach. This is determined
by MV Realty.
The HBA agreement grants MV Realty a purported right to receive sales
proceeds from homeowners, resulting in a minimum 10x rate of return for MV Realty
upon repayment. For a token amount of money paid to a homeowner, MV Realty
unfairly stands to gain potentially tens of thousands of dollars in return.
The incentive payment paid to homeowners, described in the HBA as a
Promotion Fee, is a disguised credit transaction with an implied rate of interest
that can be quantified when either: a.) the homeowner utilizes MV Realty as their
listing broker and consummates a sale; or b.) the homeowner is subject to an Early
Termination Event subjecting them to have to pay an Early Termination Fee. In
either case, the implied rate of interest is usurious, unfair, deceptive, and abusive.
If a homeowner were to pass away during the 40-year HBA term, which
has happened to homeowners subject to the agreements in Indiana, MV Realty has
sought to have their heirs either assume the obligations of the HBA and use MV
Realty as their listing broker or pay 3% of the value of the home (valued at MV
Realty’s discretion) as an Early Termination Fee.
As part of the investigation into the HBAs, Plaintiff sent surveys to
Hoosier homeowners with an HBA attaching to their real property.
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Seventy percent (70%) of homeowners surveyed reported that they were
not adequately informed that the agreement would last for 40 (forty) years.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of homeowners surveyed reported that they
were not informed that the HBA agreement could possibly be binding on their heirs.
Seventy-eight percent (78%) of homeowners surveyed reported that they
were not informed of their ability or timeline to cancel or rescind the agreement.
Ninety-one percent (91%) of homeowners surveyed indicated that they
were not informed that MV Realty would record a Memorandum of Homeowner
Benefit Agreement in the county recorder’s office where their real property was
At least one targeted homeowner had previously been diagnosed with
dementia and was subject to a power of attorney at the time the HBA agreement was
purportedly executed because he was not able to handle his own financial affairs.
With the assistance of his Power of Attorney, he returned the money to MV Realty in
the form of a check demanding that they release him from his agreement. The
consumer reported that the check remains uncashed and that MV Realty has not
responded to his correspondence.
Another consumer survey respondent indicated that he had been trying
to contact MV Realty to sell his house and that they would not respond to his requests
for a listing.
MV Realty recorded the HBA agreements or a Memorandum of HBA in
the public record of the county recorder’s office where the real property is located.
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This action, of which 91% of surveyed consumers are not even aware, has created a
lien or cloud on title that restricts homeowners from selling or transferring any
interest they have in the real property without making repayment to MV Realty.
The lien also restricts homeowners from accessing their home equity
without paying a usurious and abusive rate of interest in the form of an Early
Termination Fee to MV Realty.
In sum, the HBA prevents homeowners from selling, refinancing, or
otherwise accessing their home equity without first satisfying the lien.
Mr. Schneider testified that other Sales Agents at MV Realty were
having issues with the HBA being lifted to do a refinance. Ex. A (Schneider
Deposition) at 92:9-16. Further, MV Realty would not lift the HBA in some cases
because the person did not have enough equity. Id at 156:21-157:4.
The language in the HBA relating to public recordings deceptively states
as follows:
This language does not explicitly indicate that MV Realty intends to file
a lien against the homeowner’s property.
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In fact, it is deceptively inconsistent with the FAQ on MV Realty’
website at the time of filing, which states as follows
Instead of just directly indicating that the Memorandum of HBA can
and will likely constitute a lien that must be released prior to the homeowner
consummating a sale, refinance of their mortgage debt, or other disposition involving
a homeowner’s real property, MV Realty suggests that the HBA might only be a lien
in the event of a homeowner’s breach of the HBA.
MV Realty’s communications with homeowners regarding the HBA
constituting a lien against their real property are false and misleading and meant to
conceal the fact that the Memorandum of HBA can and will serve as a cloud on a
homeowner’s title to their home from the moment their executed HBA is executed
and subsequently recorded.
In MV Realty’s marketing materials and communications with
homeowners, MV Realty conceals the fact that these memoranda act as liens against
the homeowners’ real property.
Frequently Asked Questions, MV Realty, https://homeownerbenefit.com/?src=9#faq
(last visited July 5, 2023).
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MV Realty also instructed its Sales Agents not to send homeowners the
HBA contract in advance of the signing of the HBA. Ex. A at 86:4-22; 175:5-7.
In MV Realty marketing and training materials as well as in
communications with borrowers, MV Realty deceptively states that the money they
lend to homeowners does not have to be paid back.
Despite deceptively claiming that the money they were providing to
homeowners in exchange for the HBA was not a loan and not required to be paid back,
MV Realty at various times purchased lead data for those whose purpose in providing
their information was for Refinance, Cash Out, VA and FHA as well as personal
loans evidencing a clear intent to target homeowners seeking loans.
At the time of this filing and since June 30, 2023, MV Brokerage of
Indiana has an expired Real Estate Broker License.
MV Brokerage of Indiana and Defendants are currently unable to legally
sell a home for a commission in Indiana.
On August 23, 2023, Defendant Mitchell sent Plaintiff a response to a
consumer complaint. In the response, Defendant Mitchell wrote: MV stands ready
to assist [consumer] in selling her home in the event that she, in her sole discretion,
ever decides to do so.
Defendant Mitchell signed the letter as President of MV Realty of
Indiana, LLC.
Defendants are therefore unable to legally perform their agreed duties,
even if ephemeral, pursuant to the HBAs they executed with Indiana consumers.
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In addition to the foregoing, MV Realty’s document execution
procedures failed to ensure that homeowners had a meaningful opportunity to review
and understand the written terms of the agreement prior to execution.
To execute the HBA, MV Realty sent a third-party notary to meet the
homeowner, typically at his or her home. MV Realty rarely provided a copy of the
HBA prior to the appointment with a notary.
In response to Plaintiff's survey, seventy percent (70%) of respondents
indicated that they were not offered time to review the documents prior to signing.
Further, at the notary signing, the Sales Agent tasked with executing
the 40-year HBA was typically not present, and only available by phone to answer
MV Realty’s document execution procedures have caused consumer
confusion because the terms hidden in the small type of the HBA materially differ
from the simple deal that MV Realty represented to consumers in MV Realty's
marketing and solicitation calls.
MV Realty fails to disclose critical contract terms in their
communications with homeowners, rarely provides advance copies of the HBA, and
engages in swift document execution, leaving consumers trapped by fine print and
legalese that they had no real opportunity to read and understand.
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MV Realty has boasted: “[t]he company’s Homeowner Benefit Program
has grown from 7,778 contracts in 2021 to 32,000 as of August 2022 and that it is
on track to expand its portfolio to over 100,000 over the next 12 months.
To meet these aggressive goals, MV Realty relied on their relentless
illegal robocalling and telemarketing campaign.
MV Realty devised a robocalling and telemarketing scheme that
targeted Hoosiers, including Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List and National
Do Not Call Registry.
MV Realty's robocalls and telemarketing calls invaded Hoosiers' privacy
and resulted in monetary losses to Hoosiers, including consumers.
MV Realty used telemarketing employees, called Transfer Specialists,
that initiated or made outbound calls, left prerecorded voicemails, and/or sent text
messages to Hoosiers.
MV Realty also used Indiana licensed real estate agents, Sales Agents,
to initiate telephone solicitations to Hoosiers. Under this model, Sales Agents
transformed into telemarketers, using their own cell phones and landlines to make
outbound calls to leads that MV Realty required them to call.
If a consumer was interested in learning more and it was a call from a
Transfer Specialist, the Transfer Specialist would transfer the Indiana consumer to
an Indiana Sales Agent to complete the HBA sales process.
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On several occasions, Indiana consumers complained about receiving
robocalls and prerecorded voicemails to Sales Agents. At times, these Sales Agents
would then bring up complaints during weekly meetings and trainings.
For many of these trainings and weekly meetings, Defendants Zachman
and Manchester would be present.
Internally, MV Realty used Slack so that the Sales Agents, Transfer
Specialists, other employees, and management, including Defendants Zachman,
Mitchell, and Manchester, could communicate.
Upon information and belief, Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester had the ability to view MV Realty Slack messages sent by MV Realty
Broker Kenton Williams was in an Indiana-specific Slack channel with
other Indiana Sales Agents.
In this Indiana-specific channel, Indiana Sales Agents would discuss
issues, including issues with MV Realty's telemarketing.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester were on notice and/or had knowledge that MV Realty's telemarketing
programs were violating federal and state telephone privacy laws and/or consumer
protection laws.
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MV Realty's telemarketing program regarding Transfer Specialists was
designed, managed, and implemented by Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and
MV Realty's telemarketing program regarding Indiana Sales Agents
was designed, managed, and implemented by Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester.
Transfer Specialists - Robocalls and Telemarketing
Defendants controlled the MV Realty telemarketing and robocalling
operation from their headquarters in Florida. Defendants provided their employees
with sales scripts and telephone numbers (leads) to call. Further, Defendants
monitored and controlled the calls using a customer relations management (CRM)
software platform.
Defendants used a third-party platform or platforms to initiate or make
telephone solicitations, and to leave prerecorded messages on Hoosiers' voicemails.
Defendants made, initiated, or caused to be made or initiated telephone
solicitations and/or telephone sales calls to Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List
and National Do Not Call Registry.
Defendants made, initiated, or caused to be made or initiated telephone
solicitations and/or telephone sales calls to Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List
and National Do Not Call Registry.
Defendants made, initiated, or caused to be made or initiated telephone
calls, including telephone solicitations, that left a prerecorded message on Hoosier's
voicemails, including Hoosier's cell phones and/or residential lines.
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Defendants provided false and misleading information to consumers
about the Homeowner Benefit Program in both live calls and on prerecorded
voicemail messages.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigated MV
Realty’s use of PhoneBurner for telemarketing and robocalling. On January 24, 2023,
the FCC ordered all U.S.-based voice service providers to prevent the transmission
on their networks of suspected illegal robocall traffic from MV Realty using the
PhoneBurner platform.
The FCC concluded that MV Realty placed nearly 12 million calls to
phone numbers listed on the National Do Not Call Registry.
The FCC found:
a. The calls were telephone solicitations;
b. Called homeowners did not give consent to be called and did not
have an established business relationship with MV Realty;
c. MV Realty frequently called consumers who repeatedly and
affirmatively asked MV Realty to stop calling them;
Fed. Commc’n Comm’n, Public Notice: FCC Enforcement Bureau Notifies All U.S.-
Based Providers of Apparently Illegal Robocall Traffic from PhoneBurner, Inc. and
MV Realty PBC, LLC, File No. EB-TCD-22-00033721, pp. 2-3,
https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DA-23-65A1.pdf (Jan. 24, 2023).
Id. at 4.
Id. at 2.
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d. MV Realty [f]ailed to remove homeowners from its calling list
despite being notified by MV Realty’s own employees” that those
homeowners had asked to be removed; and
e. [T]hat 10,926,635 calls were placed to wireless numbers and
1,022,739 calls were placed to landline phone numbers actively
listed on the DNC Registry.
Upon information and belief, MV Realty engaged in the same conduct in
Indiana and with Hoosier homeowners.
Defendants purchased, gathered, and received leads from third parties.
Once Defendants obtained a lead, they aggressively telemarketed MV
Realty’s Homeowner Benefit Program.
In several instances, Hoosiers asked to opt-out of MV Realty's
telemarketing campaigns, only to continue being called by MV Realty.
Sales Agents notified Defendants during their weekly calls that MV
Realty was recycling leads that were on MV Realty's internal do not call list.
Effectively, MV Realty did not have or follow an internal do not call
procedure or policy, nor did MV Realty avoid calling Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not
Call List or the National Do Not Call Registry. Thus, Hoosiers had no effective way
to stop or avoid receiving MV Realty's telemarketing calls.
Id. at 4.
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produced call detail records to Plaintiff. Based on these
a. MV Realty made or initiated approximately 29,478 telephone
solicitations to telephone numbers with an Indiana area code;
b. MV Realty left approximately 17,288 prerecorded voicemails on
telephones that had an Indiana area code;
c. MV Realty made or initiated approximately 3,121 telephone sales
calls to Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List;
d. MV Realty made or initiated approximately 1912 telephone sales
calls that left a prerecorded voicemail to Hoosiers on the Indiana
Do Not Call List;
e. MV Realty made or initiated approximately 12,483 telephone
solicitations to Hoosiers on the National Do Not Call Registry;
f. MV Realty made or initiated approximately 8,157 telephone
solicitations that left a prerecorded voicemail to Hoosiers on
National Do Not Call Registry.
The data produced by PhoneBurner is a conservative estimate of calls initiated by
or on behalf of MV Realty. Plaintiff has not obtained complete call records from
PhoneBurner, MV Realty's Sales Agents, who used their personal phones, and from
MV Realty's telemarketing vendors, who also initiated telephone solicitations on
behalf of MV Realty.
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MV Realty produced to Plaintiff a set of leads that were purchased from
various sources, including but not limited to, PX Inc. and the Wisdom Co.
The price per lead ranged from $0.05 to $2.
Upon information and belief, MV Realty did not have the requisite
consent to call its leads and/or does not possess the requisite proof consent.
In a contract with PX Inc., MV Realty agreed to following language:
Consumer information may not have been collected from
Consumers who have provided prior express written
consent as required under the TCPA and/or Do Not Call
List requirements and any applicable rules, regulations
or guidelines. As a result, PX does not make any claim,
representation or assertion that Client, or any third
party, may: (a) call any telephone or mobile phone
numbers contained within any Lead, without first
scrubbing against the National Do-Not-Call-Registry;
and/or (b) call any telephone or mobile phone numbers
contained within any Lead through the use of an
automatic telephone dialing system, pre-recorded or
artificial voice message, or text message, without first
separately obtaining prior express written consent from
each such Consumer, as required under the TCPA.
In a contract with Wisdom Co., MV Realty agreed to be solely
responsible for compliance with all federal and state laws, including the TCPA and
all regulations regarding the National Do Not Call Registry. MV Realty agreed to
take on all the risk that the leads purchased were not compliant with the TCPA.
MV Realty provided Plaintiff with records of 77,901 third-party leads
(MV Realty Lead List) related to Indiana consumers.
The MV Realty Lead List had total of 64,035 unique phone numbers.
Each lead contained a phone number, resident name, and address.
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MV Realty provided Plaintiff with an internal do not call list (MV
Realty Internal Do Not Call List) that contained 1,644 entries.
Of these 1,644 entries, six phone numbers were on the list twice.
Of these 1,644 entries, 140 entries included a date and time the person's
phone number was added to the MV Realty Internal Do Not Call List.
Approximately 12,881 phone numbers on MV Realty Lead List were on
the Indiana Do Not Call List.
Approximately 29,996 phone numbers on the MV Realty Lead List were on the
National Do Not Call Registry.
Approximately 344 phone numbers on the MV Realty Internal Do Not
Call List were on the Indiana Do Not Call List.
Approximately 988 phone numbers on the MV Realty Internal Do Not
Call List were on National Do Not Call Registry.
Approximately 34 phone numbers on the MV Realty Customer List were
on the Indiana Do Not Call List.
Approximately 135 phone numbers on the MV Realty Customer List
were on the National Do Not Call Registry.
Approximately 578 phone numbers on the MV Realty Lead List were on
the MV Realty Internal Do Not Call List.
Approximately 5 phone numbers on the MV Realty Customer List were
on the MV Realty Internal Do Not Call List.
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Approximately 82 phone numbers on the MV Realty Lead List were on
the MV Realty Customer List.
Upon information and belief, MV Realty used caller IDs with Indiana
area codes so that they could match the area codes with the called party.
This practice is called neighborhood spoofing, and it is intended to trick
the call recipient into thinking the call is coming from a fellow Hoosier compared to
a company based in Florida.
The Transfer Specialists' calls and voicemails were telephone
solicitations and/or telephone sales calls.
To initiate or make outbound telephone calls, a Transfer Specialist
would use MV Realty's CRM platform.
Once a Transfer Specialist was ready to initiate or make a telephone
call, the platform would select the phone number to call and then dial the phone
If a consumer would answer the phone call, the Transfer Specialist
would then follow a script provided by MV Realty.
If the call went to voicemail, the Transfer Specialist would click a button
to leave a prerecorded voicemail.
An example of a prerecorded voicemail was
Actual audio of a Realty Scam exploiting the MV Realty Brand captured by
YouMail Inc., YouTube (Feb. 6, 2023),
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5oq7AdFw7c. See also 704-368-0726, YouMail,
https://directory.youmail.com/phone/704-368-0726 (last visited July 6, 2023).
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Hi, this is Amanda with MV Realty. We're offering cash
homeowners as a part of our homeowner benefit program
you can receive up to $5000 without selling your home or
paying us back. For more details and to find out how
much money you can get please call us back or dial 866-
When a prerecorded voicemail was left, the call would end for the
Transfer Specialist. MV Realty's system, on its own or in combination with a third-
party, would then leave the prerecorded voicemail on the consumer's voicemail.
Simultaneously, the system would begin calling the next lead.
Upon information and belief, the prerecorded voicemail above and other
voicemails were recorded by Defendant Zachman.
If a consumer answered the phone, MV Realty trained its Transfer
Specialists to use calling scripts.
MV Realty's Script 1 read:
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Script 2 read:
Script 3 read:
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In all the scripts, MV Realty instructed its Transfer Specialists to tell
the called person that he or she was not going to be asked to pay MV Realty back.
This is a clear misrepresentation of the HBA program.
Further, all the scripts omitted material provisions of the HBA.
As an example, these omissions included, but are not limited to, that the
HBA would create a lien on their property, that the HBA was a 40-year contract, and
that there would be a strictly enforced and large cancellation fee.
In Scripts 2 and 3, MV Realty instructed its Transfer Specialists not to
use the name of the company.
In training sessions, MV Realty instructed Transfer Specialists to say
they were calling from the Homeowner Benefit Program.
This is a clear violation of the TSR and Indiana law, as the Homeowner
Benefit Program was not the name of the entity making the telemarketing call.
Further, MV Realty and its employees made a false representation
and/or implication as to the identity of the entity making the telephone solicitation.
In other trainings and documents, MV Realty instructed its employees
on how to respond to the most common questions. MV Realty called these questions
and/or comments objections.
These objections included misrepresentations or omitted material
provisions of the HBA.
One common objection and response was:
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MV Realty verbally instructed and trained Transfer Specialists to
continue their pitch to call recipients that wanted put on MV Realty's Do Not Call list
or did not want to be called.
Another common objection and response script was:
These are misrepresentations of the nature of the HBA and how the filed
memorandum operates under Indiana law.
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Transfer Specialists were required to make between 60 and 70 calls an
hour, and up to 400 to 450 calls per day. Transfer Specialists also were required to
hit a goal of a ten percent transfer rate for all answered calls.
Upon information and belief, MV Realty hired third-party telemarketers
that initiated or made telephone calls that played a prerecorded message or used an
artificial voice on behalf and to the benefit of MV Realty.
MV Realty sent, made, or initiated text messages to Hoosiers.
At this time, Plaintiff does not know how many texts were sent to
Hoosiers, including Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List and the National Do
Not Call Registry.
The text messages produced by MV Realty are indicative of MV Realty's
aggressive, deceptive, and abusive sales strategy.
Some of the texts included but were not limited to:
Own a home? Receive up to $5000 cash today without selling. Find out how much you
can get: {SENDER_PHONE}
Our Homeowner Benefit Program can pay you up to $5000, without selling your home.
Find out how much you can get:{SENDER_PHONE}
Hi, this is Amanda. We pay homeowners for the opportunity to list their home if they
ever decide to sell. Clients never need to sell or pay it back. Reach us at
{SENDER_PHONE} to find out how much you qualify for.
Hi, it's Amanda from the Homeowner Benefit Program. We pay homeowners for
agreeing to use MV Realty if they decide to sell their home in the future. Reach us at
{SENDER_PHONE} to find out how much you qualify for.
We want to sign you up for the Homeowner Benefit program - where the Agent pays you.
{SENDER_PHONE} to find out more.
Get paid today without selling your home. Call {SENDER_PHONE} to find out how
much you can get.
Receive a check from the Homeowner Benefit program today - no need to sell. Call
{SENDER_PHONE} to learn more.
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Indiana Real Estate Agents - Telemarketing
MV Realty employed licensed real estate agents as Sales Agents.
The Sales Agents' job was to sell HBAs through telemarketing.
This telemarketing included inbound and outbound calling using the
Sales Agent's personal phone.
At this time, Plaintiff does not have access to the Sales Agents' phone
records, as the Sales Agents used their personal phones. Thus, there are likely far
more Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List and National Do Not Call Registry
that were called by Defendants.
MV Realty trained their Sales Agents in telemarketing the HBAs.
MV Realty did not train their Sales Agents in how to sell the homes of
those clients that had an HBA.
For an example, below is a MV Realty new agent training schedule:
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The Sales Agents were required to claim a minimum of 30 leads per day,
and 150 leads per week.
To claim a lead, the Sales Agent would use MV Realty's CRM platform.
The platform would identify a lead to call, and the Sales Agent would cold call the
lead. During this process, the Sales Agent would input information about the call into
the CRM platform.
Sales Agents had to receive at least 15 inbound calls per week. Inbound
calls were those calls that a Transfer Specialist transferred to a Sales Agent.
When a Transfer Specialist transferred an Indiana inbound call, every
Indiana Sales Agent's phone would ring. The first person to answer the call would
claim the inbound lead.
At some point in July or August of 2022, MV Realty increased the
number of inbound calls to eight per day. Ex. A at 48:8-16.
Further, the Sales Agent had to have two HBA appointments per week,
which is where the HBA sales process would be closed.
Mr. Schneider testified he did not like inbound calls because, among
other things, we would start our spiel, and these people had no idea what or why
they were being called. Id. at 51:1-15.
Further, Mr. Schneider stated: One gentleman . . . He said he got a call,
left a voicemail to call back, something about a prize, and then he called back. And
then he was routed to me because we live in Indiana. Id. at 52:2-17.
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Mr. Schneider received transferred calls where the Indiana resident
thought the MV Realty calls were related to a government program. Id. at 52:18-25.
MV Realty provided their Sales Agents with a script for dealing with
inbound calls from Transfer Specialists:
When making outbound calls, Sales Agents had to claim the lead in MV
Realty's CRM platform. After a Sales Agent claimed a lead, MV Realty had a specific
workflow the agent would have to follow. The purpose of this workflow was to follow
up with the Hoosier until an HBA sale was made. This was the workflow:
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Even when the first call did not work, MV Realty trained their Sales
Agents to continue calling:
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Effectively, MV Realty required its employees to continue bothering
Hoosiers, and Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List and National Do Not Call
Registry, over and over until MV Realty sold an HBA.
If a Sales Agent followed MV Realty's instruction, the call recipient
would receive up to five telephone solicitations and/or telephone sales calls before
being put back in the marketing funnel.
Thus, the total number of telephone calls made to Hoosiers on the
Indiana Do Not Call List and the National Do Not Call Registry could be multiples
more than indicated above.
Further, MV Realty trained their Sales Agents on how many calls the
most successful sellers make:
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Internally, this was called smiling and dialing. Id. at 172:1-7.
During the weekly meetings with the Sales Agents, MV Realty trainers
would list who did the most that week, and then anybody who got four of them
[HBAs] or above, they were mentioned by name. Id. at 186:9-17.
Despite all this pressure to make sales, MV Realty's Sales Agents were
instructed not to sell HBAs to friends and family. MV Realty's CRM training guide
specifically stated:
MV Realty provided Sales Agents with calling scripts.
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For example:
Regarding outbound calls, Mr. Schneider stated: Most people see the
call, so they don't answer, so I leave a short message like this is Todd with the
Homeowner Benefit Program, blah, blah, blah. Id. at 54:1-5.
It is a violation of the TSR and Indiana state law to not include the name
of the business in telemarketing and/or telephone sales calls. Homeowner Benefit
Program is not the name of MV Realty.
Again, MV Realty and its employees made a false representation and/or
implication as to the identity of the entity making the telephone solicitation.
Further, MV Realty trained the Sales Agents on common questions
(objections) and provided sample responses. For example:
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When asked how often call recipients said this sounds like a scam, Mr.
Schneider stated: Not all of them obviously, but many of them did say this sounds
like a scam. Id. at 154:3-6.
Further, MV Realty did not want their Sales Agents to use the word
lien when discussing the HBA, and they were instructed to say memorandum. Id.
at 174:6-21.
Sales Agents were instructed to ask their customers for referrals.
Upon information and belief, Sales Agents would initiate or make
outbound telephone solicitations and/or telephone sales calls to these referred
MV Realty's Do Not Call Policy
Defendants were not registered to receive the Indiana Do Not Call List.
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Defendants were not registered as a telephone solicitor with the
Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General.
MV Realty had an internal do not call policy (Policy).
According to the Policy, consumers were directed to contact Defendant
Manchester with questions or concerns.
Despite these policies, MV Realty made or initiated calls to Hoosiers who
asked MV Realty not to be call them and Hoosiers on the National Do Not Call
Registry and the Indiana Do Not Call List.
Further, Transfer Specialists were instructed to continue the telephone
solicitation when Hoosiers asked to be placed on MV Realty's internal do not call list.
In a compliance document, MV Realty stated: Management is routinely
informed of and overseas (sic) the Internal Do Not Call list and its adherence.
Depending on how the Sales Agents entered or did not enter information
into the CRM when claiming a lead, consumers could become trapped in a never-
ending cycle of MV Realty calls.
For example, Mr. Schneider stated:
[T]ere was one lady that I spoke with in approximately
the August or September time frame. I guess I accepted
her out of the CRM, and then made the call, then sent the
text. And then, I don't know, I got sidetracked or
whatever, and then she got cycled back in because I didn't
fulfill my thing of saying, hey, I reached out again
through the CRM. Because that's the only way I have to
self report. So I didn't do that, she got cycled back in,
somebody picked her up again and called her, and then
they didn't do what they were supposed to do, and then
she get cycled again. And I think she talked to four
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different people that called her that day whenever I got a
hold of her. And I think I was like the fourth one on the
same day, and I said that's next to impossible. I said
that's not possible, and I apologized. But she says please
don't call me. I put her on the DNC list. And then I made
an inquiry on the Monday meeting, and they said on the
Monday meeting that -- they explained how that can
happen because you didn't disposition properly. In other
words, you didn't click on it and say, hey, I made contact,
you didn't follow-up, so she cycled back into the system
and kept going, and somebody didn't follow-up and didn't
-- you know.
Id. at 148:13-149:14
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester are also individually
liable for the conduct alleged herein.
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester, as officers of MV
Realty, possessed and exercised the authority to control the policies and trade
practices of MV Realty; were responsible for creating and implementing the illegal
policies and trade practices of MV Realty that are described herein; participated in
the illegal trade practices that are described herein; directed or supervised those
employees of MV Realty who participated in the illegal trade practices that are
described herein; and knew or should have known of the illegality of the trade
practices that are described herein and had the power to stop them, but rather than
stopping them, promoted their use.
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester controlled the illegal
conduct of MV Realty and is vicariously liable for its conduct.
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Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester operated through MV
Realty, and their conduct was one and the same.
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester' conduct through MV
Realty has caused harm to consumers.
Treating MV Realty and Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester as separate entities would further sanction a fraud, promote injustice,
and lead to an evasion of legal obligations.
Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester are liable for the illegal
conduct alleged herein because they directly participated in the conduct, authorized
and directed others who committed the illegal conduct with knowledge of its illegality,
and in the case of Defendants Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester, because he/she
controlled the illegal conduct of MV Realty and acted through his/her company to
harm others.
Violations of the TCPA 47 U.S.C. §§ 227(b)(1)(A)(iii) and (b)(1)(B)
(Prerecorded Calls to Cellular and Residential Telephone Lines)
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
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In enacting the TCPA, Congress determined that unwanted prerecorded
voice message calls were a greater nuisance and invasion of privacy than live calls
and that such calls delivered to wireless phones can be costly.
The TCPA prohibits any person within the United States, or any person
outside the United States if the recipient is within the United States, from making
any call using an artificial or prerecorded voice to any cellular telephone, with
exceptions for certain emergency calls or calls placed with the prior express consent
of the called party. 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii).
The TCPA prohibits any person within the United States, or any person
outside the United States if the recipient is within the country, from initiating any
telephone call to any residential telephone line using an artificial or prerecorded voice
to deliver a message without the prior express consent of the called party, unless the
call is initiated for emergency purposes, or is exempted by rule or order of the FCC.
47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(B)
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(1)(iii) and 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii) by
engaging in a pattern or practice of initiating or making telephone calls to cellular
Rules and Regulations Implementing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of
1991, CG Docket No. 02-278, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd. 14014, 14115, para. 165
(2003) (2003 TCPA Order).
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telephone lines using artificial or prerecorded voices to deliver a message without the
prior express consent of the called party and where the call was not initiated or made
for emergency purposes or exempted by rule or order of the Federal Communications
Commission under 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(2)(B).
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(2) by engaging in a pattern or practice of
initiating telephone solicitations to cellular telephone lines in Indiana using artificial
or prerecorded voices to deliver a message advertising MV Realty's products and
services without the prior express written consent of the called party.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(3) and 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(l)(B) by
engaging in a pattern or practice of initiating telephone calls to residential telephone
lines of Indiana residents using artificial or prerecorded voices to deliver a message
without the prior express written consent of the called party and where the call was
not initiated for emergency purposes or exempted by rule or order of the Federal
Communications Commission under 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(2)(B).
A telephone solicitation means the initiation of a telephone call or
message for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or rental of, or investment in,
property, goods, or services, which is transmitted to any person. 47 C.F.R. §
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Defendants' telephone calls were telephone solicitations.
Defendants' HBA is a good or service.
The violative calls include, but are not limited to, prerecorded voicemails
left on Indiana consumers' residential lines and/or cellular phones by MV Transfer
Upon information and belief, Defendants made or initiated
approximately 17,288 violative calls to Indiana residents.
It is believed and averred that Defendants made and/or participated in
additional calls that violated the TCPA; the numbers, dates, and times of said calls
are known to Defendants, but are not known to Plaintiff at this time.
Plaintiff asserts that Defendants may have committed additional
violations of the TCPA arising from their participation in these additional calls.
Defendants' violations were direct and/or vicarious violations.
Defendants’ violations were willful and knowing.
Violations of the TCPA 47 U.S.C. §§ 227(c) and 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2)
(Calls to Telephone Numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry)
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The TCPA recognized that there is a need to protect residential
telephone subscribers’ privacy rights to avoid receiving telephone solicitations to
which they object. 47 U.S.C. § 227(c)(1). To meet this directive, a single national
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database of telephone numbers was compiled of residential subscribers who objected
to receiving telephone solicitations. See 47 U.S.C. § 227(c)(3).
Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2), all persons and entities are
prohibited from initiating any telephone solicitation to a residential telephone
subscriber who has registered his or her telephone number on the National Do Not
Call Registry, which registrations must be honored indefinitely, or until the
registration is cancelled by the consumer.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2) and 47 U.S.C. § 227(c) by engaging in
a pattern or practice of initiating telephone solicitations to residential telephone
subscribers in Indiana whose telephone numbers were listed on the National
Do Not
The violative calls include but are not limited to the telephone
solicitations initiated by Transfer Specialists and Sales Agents to Indiana consumers
on the National Do Not Call Registry.
Upon information and belief, Defendants made or initiated
approximately 12,483 violative calls to Indiana residents through PhoneBurner.
Upon information and belief, Defendants made or initiated at least one
telephone solicitation to Indiana residents on the MV Realty Lead List.
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Upon information and belief, Defendants made or initiated
approximately 29,996 telephone solicitations to Indiana residents on the MV Realty
Lead List that were on the National Do Not Call Registry.
In total, Defendants made or initiated approximately 42,479 violative
It is believed and averred that Defendants made and/or participated in
additional calls that violated the TCPA; the numbers, dates, and times of said calls
are known to Defendants, but are not known to Plaintiff at this time.
Plaintiff asserts that Defendants may have committed additional
violations of the TCPA arising from their participation in these additional calls.
Defendants' violations were direct and/or vicarious violations.
Defendants’ violations were willful and knowing.
Violations of the Telemarketing Sales Rule
16 C.F.R. §§ 310.3-310.4
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
Pursuant to the Telemarketing Act, Congress directed the FTC to enact
rules prohibiting abusive and deceptive telemarketing acts or practices. 15 U.S.C. §
6102(a)(1). In response, the FTC adopted the TSR, 16 C.F.R. § 310 et seq.
The TSR prohibits abusive and deceptive acts or practices by sellers
telemarketers and, under 16 C.F.R. § 310.3(b), further prohibits persons from
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providing substantial assistance or support to any seller or telemarketer when that
person knows or consciously avoids knowing that the seller or telemarketer is
engaged in any act or practice that violates the TSR.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester are sellers and/or telemarketers, within the meanings of 16 C.F.R. §
310.2(dd) and 16 C.F.R. § 310.2(ff)
Many of Defendants' telephone calls to Indiana residents were
telemarketing, within the meaning of 16 C.F.R. § 310.2(gg),
These telephone calls included calls from Transfer Specialists and Sales
Defendants' HBA is a good or service.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated the TSR either directly, or Defendants provided substantial
assistance or support to sellers and telemarketers that were violating the TSR in
contravention of 16 C.F.R. § 310.3(b) when Defendants knew or consciously avoided
knowing that the seller or telemarketer is engaged in any act or practice that violates
the TSR.
Defendants' violations of the TSR include:
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a. Misrepresented material restrictions, limitations, or conditions to
purchase, receive, or use goods or services, in violation of 16
C.F.R. § 310.3(a)(2)(ii);
b. Misrepresented material aspects of goods or services, in violation
of 16 C.F.R. § 310.3(a)(2)(iii);
c. Misrepresented material aspects of the nature or terms of the
Defendants' refund, cancellation, exchange, or repurchase
policies, in violations of 16 C.F.R. § 310.3(a)(2)(iv);
d. Made false or misleading statements to induce any person to pay
for goods or services, in violation of 16 C.F.R. § 310.3(a)(4);
e. Initiated or caused the initiation of outbound calls to telephone
numbers of Indiana residents where the person has stated to
Defendants that he or she does not wish to receive an outbound
telephone call by Defendants, in violation of 16 C.F.R. §
f. Initiated or caused the initiation of outbound calls to telephone
numbers on the National Do Not Call Registry, in violation of 16
C.F.R. § 310.4(b)(1)(iii)(B);
g. Initiated or caused the initiation of outbound telephone calls that
delivered prerecorded messages, in violation of 16 C.F.R. §
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h. Failed to disclose the identity of the seller of the goods or services
truthfully, promptly, and in a clear and conspicuous manner to
the person receiving the call, in violation of 16 C.F.R. §
i. Failed to disclose the purpose of the call was to sell goods or
services, in violation of 16 C.F.R. § 310.4(d)(2); and/or
j. Failed to disclose the nature of the goods or services, in violation
of 16 C.F.R. § 310.4(d)(3).
Upon information and belief, Defendants made and/or assisted and
facilitated at least one telemarketing call that violated the TSR to the 64,035 unique
phone numbers on the MV Realty Lead List.
Upon information and belief, Defendants made and/or assisted and
facilitated in the making of 29,478 violative telemarketing calls to Indiana residents
through PhoneBurner.
In total, Defendants made and/or assisted and facilitated in the making
of approximately 93,513 violative calls.
Further, these approximately 93,513 calls include approximately 42,479
violative calls to Indiana residents on the National Do Not Call Registry.
It is believed and averred that Defendants made and/or participated in
additional calls that violated the TSR; the numbers, dates, and times of said calls are
known to Defendants, but are not known to Plaintiff at this time.
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Plaintiff asserts that Defendants may have committed additional
violations of the TSR arising from their participation in these additional calls.
Violations of the Telephone Solicitation of Consumers Act (TSCA)
Ind. Code 24-4.7
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The Telephone Solicitation of Consumers Act (TSCA) prohibits certain
persons and entities from making, causing to make, or assisting and facilitating in
the making of telephone sales calls to Hoosiers on the Indiana Do Not Call List.
Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-4.7-3-1, the Office of the Attorney General
quarterly publishes a no telephone sales solicitation listing (the Indiana Do Not Call
List). Consumers place their telephone numbers on the Indiana Do Not Call List
when they do not want to receive telephone calls soliciting the sale of a consumer
good or service, as defined in Ind. Code § 24-4.7-2-3.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated the TSCA when Defendants made, caused to be made, or
assisted and facilitated in the making of telephone sales calls to Indiana consumers
on the Indiana Do Not Call List and/or when Defendants made, caused to be made,
or assisted and facilitated in the making of telephone sales calls where the solicitor
did not use business name or the first and last name of the solicitor.
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The telephone calls described above were telephone sales calls because
they were made to solicit the sale of a consumer good or service or to obtain
information to be used to solicit the sale of a consumer good or service including,
without limitation, the HBA.
By making or causing to be made telephone sales calls to consumers
residing in Indiana, Defendants are doing business in Indiana, within the meaning
of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-2-5, regardless of where the telephone calls originated or where
Defendants are located.
By contacting or attempting to contact subscribers in Indiana by
telephone, Defendants are callers, within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-2-1.7.
By doing business in Indiana, Defendants are telephone solicitors, within the
meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-2-10.
By regularly engaging in or soliciting consumer transactions, whether
or not Defendants deal directly with consumers, Defendants are
suppliers, within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-2-7.7 and § 24-5-0.5-2.
The Indiana residents who were called were consumers, within the
meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-2-2.
Many of the telephone sales calls were made to telephone numbers
included on Indiana’s Do Not Call List at the time of the calls. By making or causing
others to make telephone sales calls to telephone numbers on the Indiana Do Not Call
List at the time of the calls, Defendants committed many violations of the TSCA, Ind.
Code § 24-4.7-4-1.
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As telephone solicitors, suppliers, and/or callers, Defendants may not
sell, transfer, or make available to another person for solicitation purposes a
consumer’s telephone number if the telephone number is included in the most current
version of Indiana’s Do Not Call List. Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-7(b).
Defendants knew or should have known that these telephone numbers
were included in the applicable version of Indiana’s Do Not Call List.
As telephone solicitors, suppliers, and callers, Defendants may not
transfer a live call to one or more persons if the call has been placed to a consumer in
violation of the TSCA, Ind. Code 24-4.7 or the Auto-Dialer Act, Ind. Code 24-5-14.
Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-7(c). Upon information and belief, Defendants may have
transferred live calls to people where the calls had been placed in violation of the
TSCA and/or the Auto-Dialer Act.
As telephone solicitors, suppliers, and callers, Defendants must
immediately disclose: the solicitor's true first and last name; the name of the business
or person on whose behalf the telephone solicitor is soliciting; and the person with
which the solicitor is employed or has contracted. Defendants use of telephone sales
calls that did not use business name or the first and last name of the solicitor violated
Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-2.
These telephone sales calls included but were not limited to every
voicemail left by a Transfer Specialist when the voicemail was recorded by another
person, and whenever a Transfer Specialist or Sales Agent referred to business name
as something other than MV Realty.
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As telephone solicitors, suppliers, and callers, Defendants may not
provide substantial assistance or support to another person if Defendants know or
consciously avoid knowing that the person has engaged in any act or practice that
violates the TSCA. Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-7(d). Upon information and belief,
Defendants provided substantial assistance or support to other people whom
Defendants knew or consciously avoided knowing were engaging in acts or practices
that violated the TSCA.
Defendants may not provide substantial assistance or support to any
other telephone solicitor, supplier, or caller if Defendants know or consciously avoid
knowing that the telephone solicitor, supplier, or caller has engaged in any act or
practice that violates the TSCA. Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-7(e). Upon information and
belief, Defendants may have provided substantial assistance or support to other
telephone solicitors, suppliers, or callers even though Defendants knew or consciously
avoided knowing they were engaging in acts or practices that violated the TSCA.
Each telephone sales call made to telephone numbers on Indiana’s Do
Not Call List is a violation of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-1 and constitutes a deceptive act,
within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-5-1.
Each telephone sales call made to Indiana consumers where Defendants
did not immediately disclose the solicitor's true first and last name and/or the name
of the business on whose behalf the telephone solicitor was soliciting is a violation of
Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-2 and constitutes a deceptive act, within the meaning of Ind.
Code § 24-4.7-5-1.
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Upon information and belief, Defendants made, caused to be made, or
assisted and facilitated in the making of approximately 3,121 violative calls to
Indiana residents on the Indiana Do Not Call List through PhoneBurner.
Upon information and belief, Defendants made, caused to be made, or
assisted and facilitated in the making of at least one telephone sales call to Indiana
residents on the MV Realty Lead List.
Upon information and belief, Defendants made, caused to be made, or
assisted and facilitated in the making 12,881 telephone sales calls to Indiana
Consumers on the MV Realty Lead List that were on the Indiana Do Not Call List.
In total, Defendants made, caused to be made, or assisted and facilitated
in the making approximately 16,002 violative calls to Indiana Consumers on the
Indiana Do Not Call List in violation of the TSCA.
It is believed and averred that Defendants made and/or participated in
additional calls made to telephone numbers on Indiana’s Do Not Call List; the
numbers, dates, and times of said calls are known to Defendants, but are not known
to Plaintiff at this time.
Plaintiff asserts that Defendants may have committed additional
violations of the TSCA arising from their participation in these additional calls.
Violations of the Regulation of Automatic
Machines Dialing Act (Auto-Dialer Act)
Ind. Code 24-5-14
(As to all Defendants)
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Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The Automatic Machines Dialing Act (Auto-Dialer Act) prohibits
certain persons and entities from using certain types of devices and/or software to
send unwanted robocalls to Hoosiers.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester violated the Auto-dialer Act, when Defendants used, caused to be used,
or assisted and facilitated in the using of an automated dialing-announcing device to
make telephone calls to Indiana residents that left a prerecorded message.
The recipients of the telephone calls described above were subscribers,
as defined in Ind. Code § 24-5-14-4.
By contacting or attempting to contact subscribers in Indiana by
telephone, Defendants are callers, within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-14-2.
The telephone calls that left a prerecorded voicemail, as described above,
were made by an automated dialing-announcing device, within the meaning of Ind.
Code § 24-5-14-1.
An automatic dialing-announcing device is a device that: selects and
dials telephone numbers and working alone or in conjunction with other equipment,
disseminates a prerecorded or synthesized voice message to the telephone number
called. Ind. Code § 24-5-14-1.
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The software and/or devices, including but not limited to the MV
Realty's CRM and/or PhoneBurner, used by the Transfer Specialists was an
automatic dialing-announcing device.
The software and/or devices selected and dialed Indiana consumers'
phone numbers, and then it disseminated a prerecorded message to the telephone
number called in the form of a prerecorded voicemail.
Upon information and belief, the recipients of the prerecorded messages
did not knowingly or voluntarily request, consent, permit, or authorize receipt of the
The prerecorded messages were not preceded by a live operator who
obtained each recipient’s consent before the message was delivered.
By using or connecting an automatic dialing-announcing device to
telephone lines in Indiana and disseminating prerecorded voice messages without the
required consent or authorization, Defendants committed many violations of the
Auto-Dialer Act, Ind. Code § 24-5-14-5(b).
Each of the automated dialing-announcing device calls is a violation of
the Auto-Dialer Act and constitutes a deceptive act that is actionable by the Indiana
Attorney General under Ind. Code § 24-5-14-13.
Upon information and belief, Defendants made, caused to be made, or
assisted and facilitated in the making of approximately 17,288 violative calls to
Indiana residents.
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It is believed and averred that Defendants made and/or participated in
additional Auto-Dialer calls to Indiana telephone numbers; the numbers, dates, and
times of said calls are known to Defendants, but are not known to Plaintiff at this
time. Plaintiff asserts that Defendants committed additional violations of the Auto-
Dialer Act arising from its participation in these additional robocalls.
Violations of the Telephone Solicitations Act
Ind. Code 24-5-12
(As to all corporate Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
Telephone solicitors that make a false representation or implication as
to the identity of the person making the solicitation must register as a telephone
solicitor with the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Indiana Attorney
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC violated the Telephone
Solicitations Act, Ind. Code 24-5-12, when Defendants failed to register with the
Office of the Indiana Attorney General before doing business in Indiana.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC are persons, within the
meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-12-4.
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The corporate Defendants' employees, including the Transfer Specialists
and Sales Agents, were salespersons, as defined by Ind. Code § 24-5-12-7.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC were sellers, within the
meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-12-8.
Defendants, personally or through a salesperson, or through the use of
an automated dialing and answering device, made a solicitation where there was a
false representation or implication as to the identity of the person making the
The telephone calls made by Defendants or Defendants' salespersons to
Indiana consumers were solicitations, within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-12-9.
The HBA was an item, within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-12-2.
When a Sales Agent and Transfer Specialist made a solicitation and said
he or she was calling on behalf of the Homeowner Benefit Program, instead of any
MV Realty entity, Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC,
MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC made a false
representation or implication as to the identity of the person making the solicitation.
As sellers, Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings,
LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC must register with
the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Indiana Attorney General before
doing business in Indiana, as required by Ind. Code § 24-5-12-11.
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Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC never registered with the
Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, even
though Defendants did business in Indiana.
By failing to comply with any provision of Ind. Code 24-5-14, Defendants
MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and
MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC committed deceptive acts that are actionable by the
Indiana Attorney General under Ind. Code § 24-5-12-23.
Violations of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (“DCSA”)
Ind. Code 24-5-0.5
(As to the MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) were, and remain involved in,
consumer transactions in Indiana within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-2.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants are suppliers, within the meaning of
Code § 24-5-0.5-2.
As alleged herein, the MV Realty HBA Defendants have regularly
engaged in a pattern or practice of unfair, abusive, and/or incurable deceptive acts,
omissions, and/or practices affecting Indiana consumers in connection with real
estate transactions, in violation of Ind. Code 24-5-0.5-3(a) and (c), by marketing their
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Homeowner Benefit Program and related Homeowner Benefit Agreements in a
manner that knowingly and intentionally deceived Indiana consumers.
These unfair, abusive, and/or incurable deceptive acts and practices
include a pattern of committing at least the following violations of law with the intent
to defraud or mislead Indiana consumers:
a. Misrepresenting or omitting information that MV Realty intends to
record a lien against the consumer’s home in the county recorder’s
office where their real property is located in connection with the HBA
agreement in violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(1) and Ind. Code §
b. Misrepresenting or omitting information that the HBA agreement
would be binding on a consumer’s heirs and successors in interest in
violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(1) and Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(8);
c. Targeting vulnerable consumers in financial distress by advertising
that consumers can receive quick cash without taking out a loan,
paying interest, or having monthly payments, in violation of Ind. Code
§ 24-5-0.5-3(b)(1) and Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(8);
d. Both explicitly and implicitly suggesting to consumers that the benefit
payment was not a loan and would not have to be paid back, in violation
of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(1) and Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(8);
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e. Misrepresenting the services that MV Realty will provide if and when
a consumer decides to sell their home in violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-
0.5-3(b)(1) and Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(8);
f. Describing the HBA incentive payment as a stimulus or benefit
funds in various advertisements, intending to mislead consumers into
believing that the HBA program had the sponsorship or approval of a
government or non-profit entity or that the HBA program otherwise
had benefits, uses, or characteristics that it did not in fact have, in
violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(1);
g. Unfairly and deceptively providing false and misleading information to
consumers about the Homeowner Benefit Program in telephone
solicitations, robocalls, emails, and text messages to Indiana
consumers, in violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(1) and Ind. Code §
Violations of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (“DCSA”)
Ind. Code 24-5-0.5-3(b)(19)
(Failing to Comply with the TCPA Prerecorded Calls)
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
As set forth in Count I, Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
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Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester, committed unfair and deceptive acts, omissions,
and practices violating Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(19) by:
a. Engaging in a pattern or practice of initiating telephone calls to cellular
telephone lines using artificial or prerecorded voices to deliver a
message without the prior express consent of the called party and
where the call was not initiated for emergency purposes or exempted
by rule or order of the Federal Communications Commission under 47
U.S.C. § 227(b)(2)(B), as prohibited by 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii); and
b. Engaging in a pattern or practice of initiating telephone calls to
residential telephone lines of Indiana residents using artificial or
prerecorded voices to deliver a message without the prior express
written consent of the called party and where the call was not initiated
for emergency purposes or exempted by rule or order of the Federal
Communications Commission under 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(2)(B), as
prohibited by 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(l)(B) and 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(3).
Violations of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (“DCSA”)
Ind. Code 24-5-0.5-3(b)(19)
(Failing to Comply with the TCPA’s National Do Not Call Registry)
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
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As set forth in Count II, Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester committed unfair and deceptive acts, omissions,
and practices violating Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(19) by engaging in a pattern or
practice of initiating telephone solicitations to residential telephone subscribers in
Indiana whose telephone numbers were listed on the National Do Not Call Registry,
as prohibited by 47 U.S.C. § 227(c) and 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2).
Violations of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (DCSA)
Ind. Code 24-5-0.5-3(a)
(Failing to Comply with the Telemarketing Sales Rule)
(As to all Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV
Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester committed unfair and deceptive acts, omissions, and practices violating
Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a) by engaging in conduct in violation of the Telemarketing
Sales Rule, 16 C.F.R. §§ 310.3-310.4, as set forth in Count III above.
Violations of the Home Loan Practices Act (“HLPA”)
Ind. Code 24-9, et seq.
(As to the MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
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The Home Loan Practices Act (HLPA) prohibits a person from
engaging in deceptive acts in an act or practice in connection with mortgage
transactions or real estate transactions.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) are persons within the meaning
of Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants are creditors within the meaning of
Ind. Code § 24-9-2-6(a)(1) and Ind. Code § 24-9-2-6(2).
The MV Realty Homeowner Benefit Agreements as described herein are
mortgage transactions within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-9-3-7(a).
The MV Realty Homeowner Benefit Agreements as described herein are
real estate transactions within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-9-3-7(b).
As alleged herein, the MV Realty HBA Defendants have engaged in
deceptive acts, omissions, and/or practices affecting Indiana consumers, in violation
of Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7, by marketing Homeowner Benefit Agreements in a manner
that knowingly and intentionally deceived Indiana consumers.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants violated the Home Loan Practices Act
by misrepresenting and omitting the characteristics of the Homeowner Benefit
Program by failing to disclose material terms of the program and by omitting
important information about the legal effect of the HBA contracts and their
subsequent recordation against a consumer’s real property, in violation of Ind. Code
§ 24-9-2-7(a)(1).
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Violations of the Home Loan Practices Act (“HLPA”)
Ind. Code 24-9, et seq.
(As to the MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) violated the Home Loan Practices
Act by targeting the Homeowner Benefit Program to vulnerable consumers in need
of quick cash or small loans by deceptive advertising that consumers can receive
quick cash without taking out a loan, paying interest, or having monthly payments
and by explicitly and implicitly misrepresenting that the benefit payment was not a
loan and would not have to be paid back, including deceptive language such as
“[t]here’s no obligation to repay the money you receive under this program”
These alleged misrepresentations were material misrepresentations in
violation of Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7(a)(1).
Violations of the Home Loan Practices Act (“HLPA”)
Ind. Code 24-9, et. seq.
(As to the MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) violated the Home Loan Practices
Act by misrepresenting or omitting to consumers that the Memorandums of
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Homeowner Benefit Agreements filed with a county recorder do not constitute a lien
against a consumer’s real property. In reality, they do constitute a lien and the MV
Realty HBA Defendants have filed responsive pleadings in mortgage foreclosure
lawsuits in other jurisdictions alleging that the Homeowner Benefit Agreements are
enforceable liens against real property.
These alleged misrepresentations were material misrepresentations in
violation of Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7(a)(1).
Violations of the Home Solicitation Sales Act (HSSA)
Ind. Code 24-9, et seq.
(As to the MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) are persons within the meaning
of Ind. Code § 24-5-10-5.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants are suppliers within the meaning of
Ind. Code § 24-5-10-6.
The MV Realty Homeowner Benefit Agreements as described herein are
consumer transactions within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-10.
The MV Realty Homeowner Benefit Agreements as described herein are
home consumer transactions within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-5-10-4.
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The MV Realty HBA Defendants failed to provide each consumer who
executed a Homeowner Benefit Agreement with a notice of cancellation rights that
met the requirements of Ind. Code § 24-5-10-9.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants have knowingly interfered with each
consumer’s ability to exercise their rights under the Home Solicitations Sales Act in
at least the following ways:
a. By not providing the requisite notice of cancellation rights;
b. By refusing or failing to make a full refund to consumers who
have requested to cancel their HBA agreement; and/or
c. By refusing or failing to make a full refund to consumers who
have had to make payment to the MV Realty HBA Defendants
pursuant to the HBA agreement despite consumers having never
received a notification of their right to cancel the transaction.
Ind. Code § 24-5-10-16 states that a consumer’s right to cancel a home
consumer transaction cannot be waived by contract or otherwise.
Violations of the federal Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA)
15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.
(As to the MV Realty Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
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Plaintiff is empowered by the CFPA to bring civil enforcement lawsuits
for violations of the statute committed by "covered persons." 12 U.S.C. §§ 5552 and
Section 1036(a)(l)(A) of the CFPA prohibits covered persons from
offering or providing consumer financial products or services that are not in
conformity with "Federal consumer financial law" or otherwise committing any act or
omission in violation of a "Federal consumer financial law." 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(l)(A).
TILA are each a "Federal consumer financial law." 12 U.S.C. § 5481(14)
(defining "Federal consumer financial law" to include "enumerated consumer laws"
and "any rule or order prescribed by the Bureau under this title"); 12 U.S.C. §
5481(12)(0) (defining "enumerated consumer law" to include TILA).
MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty
Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) are “covered person[s]” within the
meaning of 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6)(A) because Defendants offer or provide consumer
financial products or services to consumers to use primarily for personal, family, or
household purposes. The service offered or provided constitutes a "financial product
or service" because it is "extending credit and servicing loans, including acquiring,
purchasing, selling, broking and other extensions of credit." 12 U.S.C. §
At all times relevant hereto, by entering into the Homeowner Benefit
Agreements as described herein, the MV Realty HBA Defendants regularly extended
consumer credit for which a finance charge is or may be imposed and are the
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persons/organizations to whom the debts are initially payable. Such defendants are
thus creditor[s] within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1602(g) and 12 C.F.R. §
The MV Realty Homeowner Benefit Agreements as described herein are
transactions made with consumer[s] within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1602(i) and
12 C.F.R. § 1026.2(a)(11).
In the course of entering into the Homeowner Benefit Agreements as
described herein, the MV Realty HBA Defendants failed to provide material
disclosures within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1602(v) including, but not limited to:
a. Disclosure of the finance charge in each transaction as required
by 15 U.S.C. § 1638(a)(3) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.18(d); and
b. Disclosure of the annual percentage rate in each transaction as
required by 15 U.S.C. § 1638(a)(4) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.18(e).
Violations of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (“DCSA”)
Ind. Code 24-5-0.5-3(a)
(Failing to Provide Material TILA Disclosures)
(As to the MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) committed unfair and deceptive
acts, omissions, and practices violating Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a) by omitting material
disclosures including disclosure of the finance charge in each transaction as required
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by 15 U.S.C. § 1638(a)(3) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.18(d) and disclosure of the annual
percentage rate in each transaction as required by 15 U.S.C. § 1638(a)(4) and 12
C.F.R. § 1026.18(e).
Violation of the Indiana Uniform Consumer Credit Code
Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-508
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The requirement in each HBA transaction that funds previously
advanced to homeowners must be repaid upon the occurrence of subsequent events.
creates debt which constitutes consumer loan[s] within the meaning of Ind. Code §
24-4.5-1-301.5(9) and loan[s] within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-106(1).
The MV Realty HBA Defendants are lender[s] as that term is defined
at Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-107(1).
The amount to be repaid to Defendants in each transaction in excess of
the sum loaned to consumers constitutes a loan finance charge as defined at Ind. Code
§ 24-4.5-3-109.
The following examples illustrate amounts loaned based on .03% of
home value per HBA agreements, repayment based on minimum amount required
upon triggering event, the finance charge and the resulting annual percentage rates
Case 1:23-cv-01578-MPB-MG Document 1 Filed 09/05/23 Page 73 of 103 PageID #: 73
Amount of
payment to
Time of
2 Years
5 Years
7 Years
2 Years
5 Years
7 Years
For each repayment required pursuant to a Homeowner Benefit
Agreement in which repayment is or was required within eight (8) years of the
inception of the agreement, the rate charged by the MV Realty HBA Defendants
exceeds the rate permitted by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-508.
Violation of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (DCSA)
Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a)
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs
as if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) committed unfair and deceptive
acts, omissions, and practices violating Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a) by engaging in
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conduct in violation of the usury provision of the Indiana Uniform Consumer Credit
Code, Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-508, as set forth in Count XVII
Violation of the Indiana Uniform Consumer Credit Code
Ind. Code §§ 24-4.5-3-502(3), 24-4.4-2-401(1), Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-502.1(3)
(Failure to be Licensed)
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) regularly engaged in extending
consumer credit as that term is defined at Ind. Code § 24-4.5-1-301.5(39).
Each extension of consumer credit by the MV Realty HBA Defendants
constitutes either:
a. a consumer loan within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.5-1-
301.5(9), or
b. a first lien mortgage within the meaning of Ind. Code § 24-4.5-
301.5(18), or
c. a subordinate lien mortgage transaction[s] within the meaning
of Ind. Code § 24-4.5-1-305.1(42).
The MV Realty HBA Defendants failed to acquire a license from the
Indiana Department of Financial Institutions as required by:
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a. Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-502(3) for consumer [non-mortgage] loans,
b. Ind. Code § 24-4.4-2-401(1) for first lien mortgage loans, or
c. Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-502.1(3) for subordinate lien mortgage
in order to make any of the foregoing loans, as may be applicable.
Violation of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (DCSA)
Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-10(a)(1)
(Failure to be Licensed)
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs
as if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) committed deceptive acts violating
Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-10(a)(1) by engaging in conduct which requires licensure by the
Indiana Department of Financial Institutions, to wit, engaging in consumer loan
[non-mortgage] transactions, first lien mortgage loans or subordinate lien mortgage
loans and failing to obtain licensure, in violation of the licensure provisions of the
Indiana Uniform Consumer Credit Code, including Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-502.1(3), Ind.
Code § 24-4.5-3-502(3), Ind. Code § 24-4.4-2-401(1), as set forth in Count XIX above.
Violations of the federal Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA)
15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.
As amended by the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
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Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
Plaintiff is empowered by the CFPA to bring civil enforcement lawsuits
for violations of the statute committed by "covered persons." 12 U.S.C. §§ 5552 and
Section 1036(a)(l)(A) of the CFPA prohibits covered persons from
offering or providing consumer financial products or services that are not in
conformity with "Federal consumer financial law" or otherwise committing any act or
omission in violation of a "Federal consumer financial law." 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(l)(A).
TILA and HOEPA are each a "Federal consumer financial law." 12
U.S.C. § 5481(14) (defining "Federal consumer financial law" to include "enumerated
consumer laws" and "any rule or order prescribed by the Bureau under this title"); 12
U.S.C. § 5481(12)(0) (defining "enumerated consumer law" to include TILA).
MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty
Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) are “covered person[s]” within the
meaning of 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6)(A) because Defendants offer or provide consumer
financial products or services to consumers to use primarily for personal, family, or
household purposes. The service offered or provided constitutes a "financial product
or service" because it is "extending credit and servicing loans, including acquiring,
purchasing, selling, broking and other extensions of credit." 12 U.S.C. §
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The MV Realty Homeowner Benefit Agreements as described herein
constitute high-cost mortgage[s] within the meaning of 15 U.S.C.
§ 1602(aa) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(a)(1)(i) because, for any such agreement in which
repayment is required within eight (8) years of the inception of the agreement, the
annual percentage rate charged will exceed the average prime offer rate on that date
for comparable transactions by:
a. 6.5 percentage points for first-lien transactions, or
b. 8.5 percentage points for subordinate-lien transactions.
In the course of entering into the Homeowner Benefit Agreements as
described herein, the MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC):
a. Failed to provide the following disclosure as required by 15 U.S.C.
§ 1639(a)(1) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(c)(1):
You are not required to complete this agreement
merely because you have received these disclosures
or have signed a loan application. If you obtain this
loan, the lender will have a mortgage on your home.
You could lose your home, and any money you have
put into it, if you do not meet your obligations under
the loan.
b. Failed to disclose the annual percentage rate as required by 15
U.S.C. § 1639(a)(2) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(c)(2);
c. Engaged in a pattern or practice of extending credit to consumers
based on the consumers’ collateral without regard to the
consumers’ repayment ability, including the consumers’ current
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and expected income, current obligations, and employment,
contrary to 15 U.S.C. § 1639(h) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.34(a)(4) & §
1026.43(c); and
d. Engaged in a pattern or practice of extending credit to consumers
under high-cost mortgages without first receiving certification
from a counselor that is approved by the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development, or at the discretion of the Secretary, a State
housing finance authority, that each such consumer has received
counseling on the advisability of the mortgage as required by 15
U.S.C. § 1639(u) and 12 C.F.R. §1026.34(a)(5).
Violation of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (DCSA)
Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a)
(Failure to make disclosures required TILA, as amended by HOEPA)
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) committed unfair and deceptive
acts, omissions, and practices violating Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a) by:
a. Omitting material disclosures including the disclosures relating
to mortgage and foreclosure required by 15 U.S.C. § 1639(a)(1)
and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(c)(1);
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b. Failing to disclose the annual percentage rate as required by 15
U.S.C. § 1639(a)(2) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(c)(2);
c. Engaging in a pattern or practice of extending credit to consumers
based on the consumers’ collateral without regard to the
consumers’ repayment ability, including the consumers’ current
and expected income, current obligations, and employment,
contrary to 15 U.S.C. § 1639(h) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.33(a)(4) & §
d. Engaging in a pattern or practice of extending credit to consumers
under high-cost mortgages without first receiving certification
from a counselor that is approved by the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development, or at the discretion of the Secretary, a State
housing finance authority, that each such consumer has received
counseling on the advisability of the mortgage as required by 15
U.S.C. § 1639(u) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.34(a)(5).
Violation of the federal Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA)
15 U.S.C. § 1635 et seq.
(Failure to Provide Complying Notice of Right of Rescission)
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
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Plaintiff is empowered by the CFPA to bring civil enforcement lawsuits
for violations of the statute committed by "covered persons." 12 U.S.C. §§ 5552 and
Section 1036(a)(l)(A) of the CFPA prohibits covered persons from
offering or providing consumer financial products or services that are not in
conformity with "Federal consumer financial law" or otherwise committing any act or
omission in violation of a "Federal consumer financial law." 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a)(l)(A).
TILA are each a "Federal consumer financial law." 12 U.S.C. § 5481(14)
(defining "Federal consumer financial law" to include "enumerated consumer laws"
and "any rule or order prescribed by the Bureau under this title"); 12 U.S.C. §
5481(12)(0) (defining "enumerated consumer law" to include TILA).
MV Realty HBA Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty
Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC) are “covered person[s]” within the
meaning of 12 U.S.C. § 5481(6)(A) because Defendants offer or provide consumer
financial products or services to consumers to use primarily for personal, family, or
household purposes. The service offered or provided constitutes a "financial product
or service" because it is "extending credit and servicing loans, including acquiring,
purchasing, selling, broking and other extensions of credit." 12 U.S.C. §
Each Homeowner Benefit Agreement entered into with a consumer
constitutes a security interest within the meaning of 12 C.F.R.
§ 1026.2(a)(25).
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The MV Realty HBA Defendants recorded the Homeowner Benefit
Agreements in the offices of county recorders throughout the State in each
homeowner’s chain of title. As each homeowner was using such property as their
principal dwelling and was the party to whom credit was extended, each homeowner
had the right to rescind the transaction until midnight of the third business day
a. Consummation of the transaction,
b. The date Defendants provided each homeowner with Truth-in-
Lending disclosures, or
c. The date each homeowner received a complying notice of the right
to cancel,
whichever was later, all in accordance with 15 U.S.C. §1635(a) and 12 C.F.R.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants failed to provide notices of the right of
rescission to homeowners in the format required by 15 U.S.C. §1635(a) and 12 C.F.R.
§1026.23(b)(1), Appendix H-8, because:
a. Defendants' notices failed to disclose that cancellation extends to
three days after consummation of the transaction or homeowners
receipt of Truth-in-Lending disclosures or receipt of a complying
notice of the right to cancel, whichever is later,
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b. Defendants’ notices falsely required homeowners to return the
loaned funds prior to Defendants having taken the necessary
steps to cancel the security interests,
c. Defendants’ notices falsely stated that the homeowners were
required to repay the loaned funds within 10 days from the
homeowner’s election to rescind the transaction when, in fact, any
requirement to return loaned funds was not effective until
Defendants cancelled the security interest, and
d. Defendants failed to provide forms for homeowners to exercise
their right to rescind.
Violation of the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act (DCSA)
Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a)
(Failure to Provide Complying Notice of Right of Rescission)
(As to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Plaintiff incorporates and realleges each of the preceding paragraphs as
if fully set forth herein.
The MV Realty HBA Defendants committed unfair and deceptive acts,
omissions, and practices violating Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a) by failing to provide notice
of the right of rescission in the format required by 15 U.S.C. §1635(a) and 12 C.F.R.
§1026.23(a)(1), as more fully set forth in the preceding count.
Consumers in the United States and in Indiana have suffered and
will continue to suffer injury as a result of Defendants’ violations of the TCPA,
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TSR, Truth-in-Lending Act, HOEPA and Indiana law. Absent injunctive relief by
this Court, Defendants are likely to continue to injure consumers and harm the
public interest.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests that this Court:
Enter judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against each Defendant for the
violations as alleged herein;
Grant all legal or equitable relief, as allowable by the laws described
herein, including the specific relief below;
Grant such other legal or equitable relief as this Honorable Court deems
just and proper;
Relief Requested for Count I
(Violations of the TCPA - Prerecorded Calls)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of 47 U.S.C. §
227(b)(1)(A)(iii), 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(B), and/or 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(2), as allowed
by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Enjoin Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings,
LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester from making, initiating, or causing to be made or initiated telephone calls
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which violate 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii), 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(B), and/or 47 C.F.R.
§ 64.1200(a)(2), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Award Plaintiff damages of not more than $1,500 per violation of 47
U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Award Plaintiff damages of not more than $1,500 per violation of 47
U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(B), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Award Plaintiff damages of not more than $1,500 per violation of 47
C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(2), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Upon information and belief, there were approximately 17,288 violative
calls to Indiana residents for a total of $25,932,000.00 in statutory damages under 47
U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii), 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(B), and/or 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(a)(2).
Relief Requested for Count II
(Violations of the TCPA - DNC)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of 47 U.S.C. § 227(c)
and 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Enjoin Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings,
LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester from making, initiating, or causing to be made or initiated telephone calls
which violate 47 U.S.C. § 227(c) and 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2);
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Award Plaintiff damages of not more than $1,500 per violation of 47
U.S.C. § 227(c), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Award Plaintiff damages of not more than $1,500 per violation of 47
C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2), as allowed by 47 U.S.C. § 227(g)(1);
Upon information and belief, there were approximately 42,479 violative
calls to Indiana residents for a total of $63,718,500 in statutory damages under 47
U.S.C. § 227(c), and/or 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(c)(2).
Relief Requested for Count III
(Violations of the TSR)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of 16 C.F.R. §
310.3(a) and 16 C.F.R. § 310.4(b), as allowed by 15 U.S.C. § 6103(a);
Enjoin, as allowed by 15 U.S.C. § 6103(a), Defendants MV Realty of
Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester from making, initiating, causing
to be made or initiated, or assisting and facilitating calls which violate the TSR as
described herein;
Award damages, restitution or other compensation, as allowed by 15
U.S.C. § 6103(a), on behalf of residents of Indiana for telephone calls transmitted by
Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC,
Case 1:23-cv-01578-MPB-MG Document 1 Filed 09/05/23 Page 86 of 103 PageID #: 86
LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester which
violate the TSR as described herein.
Relief Requested for Count IV
(Violations of the TSCA)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of Ind. Code 24-4.7-
4, Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-1, and/or Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4-2;
Enjoin Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings,
LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester from violating Ind. Code 24-4.7-4, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-4.7-5-
Award damages to the Plaintiff up to $10,000 for the first violation by
Defendants, and up to $25,000 for subsequent violations of Ind. Code § 24-4.7-4, as
allowed by Ind. Code § 24-4.7-5-2(a)(2);
Upon information and belief, Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC,
MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester made, caused to be made, controlled those
making, or assisted and facilitated in the making approximately 16,002 violative calls
to Indiana residents on the Indiana Do Not Call List for a total of $400,035,000.00 in
civil penalties;
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Award damages to the Plaintiff against MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester, remitting all the money the Defendants
obtained through a violation of Ind. Code 24-4.7-4, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-4.7-
Award attorney’s fees, and costs against Defendants MV Realty of
Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-4.7-
Relief Requested for Count V
(Violations of the Auto-Dialer Act)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of Ind. Code 24-5-
Enjoin Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings,
LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and
Manchester from violating Ind. Code 24-5-14, as allowed by Ind. Code § 25-14-
Award damages to Plaintiff against MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester and require Defendants to pay civil penalties up
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to $10,000 for the first violation, and up to $25,000 for subsequent violations of Ind.
Code § 24-5-14, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-14-13(a)(2);
Upon information and belief, Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC,
MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester made, caused to be made, or assisted and
facilitated in the making approximately 17,288 violative calls to Indiana residents on
the Indiana Do Not Call List for a total of $432,185,000.00 in civil penalties;
Award damages to Plaintiff against MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV
Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC,
Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester, remitting all the money the Defendants
obtained through a violation of Ind. Code 24-5-14, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-14-
Void all contracts Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty
Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman,
Mitchell entered into where there was a violation of Ind. Code 24-5-14, as allowed by
Ind. Code § 24-5-14-13(a)(1).
Relief Requested for Count VI
(Violations of the Telephone Solicitations Act)
Declare that Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty
Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC were in
violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-12-10, so that such HBAs are cancelable, as allowed by
Ind. Code § 24-5-12-18;
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Enjoin Defendants MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings,
LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage of Indiana, LLC from violating Ind.
Code § 24-5-12, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-12-23(a);
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage
of Indiana, LLC for violations of Ind. Code 24-5-12, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-
Appoint a receiver, as allowed Ind. Code § 24-5-12-23(a);
Declare as void or limit the application of Defendants' contracts or
clauses resulting from deceptive acts, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-12-23(a);
Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring Defendants MV Realty of
Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, and MV Brokerage
of Indiana, LLC to pay restitution to aggrieved consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code §
Relief Requested for Counts VII, XIV, XVI, XVIII, XX, XXII, XXIV
(Violations of the DCSA as to MV Realty HBA Defendants)
Award damages to Plaintiff and against MV Realty HBA Defendants
(MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty PBC, LLC)
for violations of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3 and Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-10, regarding Counts
Enjoin, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c), MV Realty HBA
Defendants from violating Ind. Code 24-5-0.5;
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Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring Defendants to pay civil
penalties up to $500 for each incurable deceptive act, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-
Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay civil penalties up to $5,000 for each violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3, as allowed
by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(g);
Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay civil penalties up to $5,000 for each violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-10, as
allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(g);
Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay triple damages for violations against a senior consumer, as allowed by Ind. Code
§ 24-5-0.5-4(c)(3);
Require MV Realty HBA Defendants to make payments of the money
unlawfully received from aggrieved consumers to be held in escrow for distribution to
aggrieved consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(2);
Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay reasonable costs for Plaintiff's investigation and prosecution of this action, as
allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(4);
Appoint a receiver, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(5);
Declare as void or limit the application of Defendants' contracts or
clauses resulting from deceptive acts, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d);
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Award damages to Plaintiff by requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay restitution to aggrieved consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d);
Declare that MV Realty HBA Defendants’ HBA agreements are void and
unenforceable. In each and every transaction in which the MV Realty HBA
Defendants entered into HBA agreements with Indiana consumers without providing
a requisite notice of right to cancel the transaction in compliance with the Home
Solicitation Sales Act, a final agreement has not occurred, and such transactions are
void as a matter of law pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-10-11;
Each violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-10-17(a) (Home Solicitation Sales Act)
requires a full refund of any harvested HBAs by the MV Realty HBA Defendants
pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-10-18(1);
Each violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-10-17(a) (Home Solicitation Sales Act)
is a separate deceptive act subject to the remedies and penalties of Ind. Code § 24-5-
Relief Requested for Counts VIII and IX
(Violations of the DCSA - TCPA violations)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of Ind. Code § 24-5-
0.5-3(b)(19); regarding Counts VIII and IX;
Enjoin, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c), Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
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Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester from violating Ind. Code 24-5-0.5-
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants pay civil penalties up
to $1,500 for each violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(b)(19), as allowed by Ind. Code §
Require Defendants to make payments of the money unlawfully received
from aggrieved consumers to be held in escrow for distribution to aggrieved
consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(2);
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants to pay reasonable
costs for Plaintiff's investigation and prosecution of this action, as allowed by Ind.
Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(4);
Appoint a receiver, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(5);
Declare as void or limit the application of Defendants' contracts or
clauses resulting from deceptive acts, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d);
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants to pay restitution to
aggrieved consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d).
Relief Requested for Count X
(Violations of the DCSA - TSR violations)
Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants MV Realty
MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV
Brokerage of Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester for violations of Ind.
Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a), regarding Count X;
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Enjoin, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c), Defendants MV Realty
of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, MV Realty PBC, LLC, MV Brokerage of
Indiana, LLC, Zachman, Mitchell, and Manchester from violating Ind. Code 24-5-0.5;
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants pay civil penalties up
to $500 for each incurable deceptive act, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-8;
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants pay civil penalties up
to $5,000 for each violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3. Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(g);
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants pay triple damages
for violations against a senior consumer, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(3);
Require Defendants to make payments of the money unlawfully received
from aggrieved consumers to be held in escrow for distribution to aggrieved
consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(2);
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants to pay reasonable
costs for Plaintiff's investigation and prosecution of this action, as allowed by Ind.
Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(4);
Appoint a receiver, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(5);
Declare as void or limit the application of Defendants' contracts or
clauses resulting from deceptive acts, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d);
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring Defendants to pay restitution to
aggrieved consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d).
Relief Requested for Counts XI, XII, XIII
(Violations of HLPA)
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Award damages in favor of Plaintiff and against MV Realty HBA
Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty
PBC, LLC) for violations of Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7(a)(1).
Enjoin, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-9-8-3(a)(1), MV Realty HBA
Defendants from violating Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7(a)(1);
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants pay
civil penalties up to $10,000 for each violation of Ind. Code § 24-9-2-7(a)(1).
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay reasonable costs for Plaintiff's investigation and prosecution of this action, as
allowed by Ind. Code § 24-9-8-3(3).
Award damages to Plaintiff requiring MV Realty HBA Defendants to
pay restitution to aggrieved consumers, as allowed by Ind. Code § 24-9-8-3(2).
Relief Requested for Count XV
(Violations of the Truth-in-Lending Act)
Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. § 5552(a)(1), 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a), 12 U.S.C. §
5481(14), 12 U.S.C. § 5481(12) and 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq., enter judgment against
the MV Realty HBA Defendants as follows:
Preliminarily and permanently enjoin the MV Realty HBA Defendants
from entering into loan contracts, first lien mortgage transactions or subordinate lien
mortgage transactions without providing disclosure of the finance charge in each
transaction as required by 15 U.S.C. § 1638(a)(3) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.18(d) and
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without providing disclosure of the annual percentage rate in each transaction as
required by 15 U.S.C. § 1638(a)(4) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.18(e).
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
paid any finance charges, award Plaintiff judgment, for the benefit of these
homeowners, in the amount of all such finance charges as provided for by 15 U.S.C.
§ 1640(a)(1) and twice the amount of all such finance charges as provided for by 15
U.S.C. § 1640(a)(2).
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
the triggering event requiring repayment has not yet occurred, enter declaratory
relief in favor of the Plaintiff, for the benefit of these homeowners, that no finance
charges need be paid in order to satisfy consumer obligations pursuant to the HBA
Relief Requested for Count XVII
(Violations of UCCC Usury)
Preliminarily and permanently enjoin the MV Realty HBA Defendants
from entering into loan contracts, first lien mortgage transactions or subordinate lien
mortgage transactions at interest rates in excess of that permitted by Ind. Code § 24-
4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-508.
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
paid finance charges in excess of that permitted by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind.
Code § 24-4.5-3-508, award Plaintiff judgment, for the benefit of these homeowners,
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in the amount of all such excess finance charges as provided for by Ind. Code § 24-
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
paid finance charges in excess of that permitted by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind.
Code § 24-4.5-3-508, upon a finding that the excess charges were made in deliberate
violation of or in reckless disregard of Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-
3-508, award Plaintiff judgment, for the benefit of these homeowners, the amount of
the loan finance charges or ten (10) times the amount of the excess charges, as
provided for by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-5-202(4).
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
the triggering event requiring repayment has not yet occurred, enter declaratory
relief in favor of the Plaintiff, for the benefit of these homeowners, that no sums in
excess of the finance charges permitted by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-
4.5-3-508 need be paid in order to satisfy consumer obligations pursuant to the
agreements, as provided for by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-5-202(3).
Relief Requested for Count XVIII
(Violations of the DCSA for Violations of the UCCC Usury)
Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(1), preliminarily and permanently
enjoin the MV Realty HBA Defendants from committing unfair, abusive or deceptive
acts or practices in violation of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a) by entering into loan
contracts, first lien mortgage transactions or subordinate lien mortgage transactions
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at interest rates in excess of that permitted by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code
§ 24-4.5-3-508.
Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(2), for homeowners who entered
into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and paid finance charges in excess of that
permitted by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-508, award Plaintiff
judgment, for the benefit of these homeowners, in the amount of all such excess
finance charges as provided for by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-5-202(3).
Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(d), for homeowners who entered into
Homeowner Benefit Agreements and the triggering event requiring repayment has
not yet occurred, enter declaratory relief in favor of the Plaintiff, for the benefit of
these homeowners, that no sums in excess of the finance charges permitted by Ind.
Code § 24-4.5-3-201 or Ind. Code § 24-4.5-3-508 need be paid in order to satisfy
consumer obligations pursuant to the agreements, as provided for by Ind. Code § 24-
Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(g), award civil penalties, payable to
the State of Indiana, in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
($1,500.00) for each commission of the aforementioned knowing violations in violation
of Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-3(a).
Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-8, award civil penalties, payable to the
State of Indiana, in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each
commission of the aforementioned incurable deceptive acts in violation of Ind. Code
§ 24-5-0.5-3(a).
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Pursuant to Ind. Code § 24-5-0.5-4(c)(4), award the state its reasonable
expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of this action.
Relief Requested for Count XIX
(Violations of the UCCC Failure to be Licensed)
Declare that all such Homeowner Benefit Agreements are void pursuant
to Ind. Code § 24-4.5-5-202(2) for failure of the MV Realty HBA Defendants to have
the required licensure.
Preliminarily and permanently enjoin the MV Realty HBA Defendants
from entering into loan contracts, first lien mortgage transactions or subordinate lien
mortgage transactions without first obtaining from the Indiana Department of
Financial Institutions:
a. a consumer [non-mortgage] loan license as required by Ind. Code
§ 24-4.5-3-502(3), or
b. a first lien mortgage loan license as required by Ind. Code § 24-
4.4-2-401(1), or
c. a subordinate lien mortgage loan license as required by Ind.
Code § 24-4.5-3-502.1(3),
as may be applicable.
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
paid any part of the principal or the finance charge, award Plaintiff judgment, for the
benefit of these homeowners, the amount of all such principal and finance charges
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paid and, further, declare that homeowners have no further liability for payment, all
as provided for by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-5-202(2).
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
the triggering event requiring repayment has not yet occurred, enter declaratory
relief in favor of the Plaintiff, for the benefit of these homeowners, that homeowners
have no liability for payment, all as provided for by Ind. Code § 24-4.5-5-202(2).
Relief Requested for Count XXI
(Violations of the Truth-in-Lending Act/HOEPA)
Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. § 5552(a)(1), 12 U.S.C. § 5536(a), 12 U.S.C. §
5481(14), 12 U.S.C. § 5481(12) and 15 U.S.C. § 1640(e), enter judgment against the
MV Realty HBA Defendants as follows:
Preliminarily and permanently enjoin the MV Realty HBA Defendants
from entering into high-cost mortgage[s] within the meaning of 15 U.S.C. § 1602(aa)
and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(a)(1)(i) without:
a. Providing the disclosure as required by 15 U.S.C. § 1639(a)(1) and
12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(c)(1);
b. Disclosing the annual percentage rate as required by 15 U.S.C. §
1639(a)(2) and 12 C.F.R. § 1026.32(c)(2);
c. Regard to the consumers’ repayment ability, including the
consumers’ current and expected income, current obligations, and
employment, contrary to 15 U.S.C. § 1639(h) and 12 C.F.R. §
1026.34(a)(4) & § 1026.43(c); and
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d. First receiving certification from a counselor that is approved by
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, or at the
discretion of the Secretary, a State housing finance authority,
that each such consumer has received counseling on the
advisability of the mortgage as required by 15 U.S.C. § 1639(u)
and 12 C.F.R. §1026.34(a)(5).
Enter declaratory relief that all such Homeowner Benefit Agreements
entered into in violation of TILA/HOEPA requirements are void and unenforceable.
For homeowners who entered into Homeowner Benefit Agreements and
paid any finance charges, award Plaintiff judgment, for the benefit of these
homeowners, in the amount of all such finance charges as provided for by 15 U.S.C.
§ 1640(a)(1) and twice the amount of all such finance charges as provided for by 15
U.S.C. § 1640(a)(2).
Relief Requested for Count XXIII
(Failure to Provide Complying Notice of Right of Rescission under the
Truth-in-Lending Act)
Preliminarily and permanently enjoin the MV Realty HBA Defendants
from enforcing the Homeowner Benefit Agreements for failure to include complying
notices of rescission in the format required by 15 U.S.C. §1635(a) and 12 C.F.R.
§1026.23(b)(1), Appendix H-8.
Enter judgment in favor of Plaintiff and against the MV Realty HBA
Defendants (MV Realty of Indiana, LLC, MV Realty Holdings, LLC, and MV Realty
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PBC, LLC), for violations of 15 U.S.C. § 1635, on behalf of all affected homeowners
for recovery of all sums collected from such consumers.
Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable pursuant
to Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Dated: September 5, 2023 Respectfully Submitted,
Attorney General for the State of
Indiana Bar No. 18857-49
/s/ Steven A. Taterka
Deputy Attorney General
Indiana Bar No. 14160-49
/s/ Chase M. Haller
Deputy Attorney General
Indiana Bar No. 29944-49
/s/ Joseph D. Yeoman
Deputy Attorney General
Indiana Bar No. 35668-29
302 West Washington Street
Case 1:23-cv-01578-MPB-MG Document 1 Filed 09/05/23 Page 102 of 103 PageID #: 102
IGCS 5th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-0167 (Taterka)
(317) 232-6285 (Haller)
(317) 234-1912 (Yeoman)
(317) 232-7979 (Fax)
Counsel for Plaintiff
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