The accompanying Sample is published as a service to the IIAT membership. It is offered only
for general information purposes, and is not intended to provide specific advice about individual
legal, business or other matters. It was prepared solely as a guide, is not a substitute for
independent evaluation of all provisions included in a contract, and is not a recommendation that
any contract be accepted or rejected. No attorney-client relationship will be established by use of
all or any part of this sample contract. Specific legal advice is required and desired. The
services of an appropriate, qualified attorney should be sought.
This sample was prepared by Thomas M. Braniff, JD, CPCU. Mr. Braniff is the Managing
Partner of Braniff Attorneys / Counselors, and President of Texas Insurance Consulting. Both
firms concentrate their activities in the area of insurance, regulatory and risk management
matters. Mr. Braniff has previously owned and operated general lines agencies, managing
general agencies, and insurance companies. He can be contacted directly for additional
information or regarding representation at 713-664-0604 or [email protected].
This Agreement Is Subject To Arbitration
Under The Texas General Arbitration Act
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into effective the __ day of ________________, 2012
the “Effective Date”), by and between ____________________________, individually (hereinafter
referred to as "Seller") and _______________________________________________, a Texas
corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer").
WHEREAS, Seller is engaged in the business of operating an independent insurance agency in
the name of _______________ Insurance Agency (hereinafter referred to as “Agency”) having its
principal place of business at ________________, Texas; and
WHEREAS, Seller owns one hundred percent (100%) of the assets (hereinafter referred to as
"Assets" and/or “Accounts” and/or “Policies”) of the Agency, and Seller desires to sell to Buyer
certain of the Assets, Accounts and/or Policies of the Agency, as more fully set forth in this
Purchase and Sale Agreement and/or Exhibits thereto (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement");
WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase those certain Assets, Accounts and/or Policies of Seller
upon the terms and conditions set forth herein; and
WHEREAS, the respective parties deem it advisable and in their best interest for Buyer to acquire
said Assets, Accounts and/or Policies of Seller and for Seller to sell the Assets, Accounts and/or
Policies to Buyer:
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations, warranties and covenants
contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. CLOSING. The date of Closing ("Closing") shall be on or about _______________ __,
201_. The place of Closing shall be at the office of _______________________________
in __________________________, Texas, at 10:00 a.m.
(a) At the Closing, Seller shall deliver:
(i) An executed copy of this Agreement and/or other instruments of
conveyance as Buyer may reasonably require (if any) to transfer to the
Buyer good, valid and marketable title and beneficial ownership of all of the
assets referred to in Exhibit "A" hereof, free and clear of all liens, claims,
security interests, encumbrances, restrictions or other charges of any kind.
(ii) All files, expiration records, dailies and other documents relating to the
Accounts or Policies. Seller shall provide immediate access to such records
and other documents so that Buyer may take possession thereof.
(iii) Copies of the insurance agent licenses currently held by Seller and staff
(iv) All moneys that have been collected by Seller for Policies with an
effective date on or after the effective date of this Agreement, including a
detailed listing of all prepaid amounts by Account for reconciling
payments made to Seller prior to the Effective Date.
(v) Such other instruments and documents of conveyance or assignment as
may be reasonably necessary to transfer the Assets being acquired, and to
carry out the requirements and intent hereof.
(b) At the Closing, Buyer shall deliver:
(i) A Producer Agreement in a form agreed to between the parties prior to
execution of this Agreement.
(ii) Such other instruments and documents as may be reasonably necessary
to carry out the requirements and intent hereof.
(c) After the Closing, all parties shall execute and deliver such additional instruments
and documents as may be reasonably required to transfer to Buyer title to the
subject Assets, further secure Buyer’s or security in the Assets, and/or to carry out
the terms, conditions and intent hereof.
2. ASSETS BEING TRANSFERRED. Seller hereby agrees to sell, assign, transfer and
convey to the Buyer, and Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from Seller the Assets, more
particularly described as follows:
(a) Seller’s book of insurance business consisting of policies and customer lists,
expiration information and other written material relating to all property, casualty,
life, health and disability insurance policies, including rights to renewals thereof,
and all records and documents relating to all insurance handled by Seller,
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Accounts” or "Policies"). A description
and listing of the Policies and customers issued and outstanding as of
__________, 201_, in alphabetical order, each client’s name, address, contact
information, and the annual premium and commissions earned from each during
the previous twelve (12) months, is attached thereto as Exhibit "A" of this
(b) The exclusive rights to use the trade names “___________ Insurance Agency” and
“______________ Insurance”, or derivatives thereof, so long as Buyer performs all
obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
(c) The telephone numbers used by Agency as of the date of Closing, which include
any yellow page and magazine advertisements pertaining to said phone, fax and
data service numbers, domain names URL/websites and email addresses and
other means of communication; and assignment of Agency’s post office box
numbered in ______________, _______________ County, Texas, as well as all
domain rights associated with Agency’s URL/websites, email addresses and other
means of communication; with future costs for all of the above to be assumed by
Buyer on and after ______________ __, 201_.
(d) All items of furniture, fixtures, equipment, machines, computers and peripheral
supplies and any business property of Seller (as generally described in Exhibit “B”
attached hereto) used in the operation of the Agency as of the close of business on
_____________, 201__; subject to no implied or expressed warranty as to use for
intended purpose merchantability or condition.
(e) Those certain agency agreements which Seller now has with insurance companies
that Seller represents as an agent/broker. Buyer acknowledges that none of said
agency agreements are assignable without the consent of the insurance
companies which are parties thereto. Seller makes no warranty or representation
with respect to whether said entities will grant such requisite consent, and it is
understood and agreed that the grant of such consent by any or all of said
insurance companies shall not be a condition precedent to the obligations of Buyer
hereunder. Provided, however, Seller does agree to use his/her best efforts
diligently and in good faith to assist Buyer in obtaining the consent of such
insurance companies to said assignment and/or the appointment of Buyer as
agent of said companies under a new agreement.
(f) All forms, form letters and templates, both software and printed, developed by
Agency, and used by Agency prior to ____________, 201_. Buyer acknowledges
that continued use shall be solely at Buyer’s own risk and without liability to Seller.
(g) Those certain employment agreements and/or covenants not to compete in effect
between Seller, Agency and its current and former employees, if any.
3. PURCHASE PRICE. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in
reliance upon the representations, warranties and covenants of Seller, Buyer shall
purchase the Assets, Accounts and/or Policies in exchange for the following consideration:
(a) Buyer shall execute a Promissory Note to Seller in the principal amount of $___,
000 payable in __ payments of $___________ each, which shall include percent
(__%) annual interest on the declining balance, the first payment of which shall be
payable on _______________, 200_, with the remaining __ payments payable on
the __the of each month thereafter, with the final payment being due and payable
on _________________________, ______.
(b) As collateral to secure Buyer’s obligation set forth above, Buyer agrees that Seller
may file and record a security statement evidencing its interest in the book of
business and expiration rights in Seller’s book of business.
4. ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE PRICE. The parties hereto agree that the total
consideration to be paid hereunder shall be allocated as follows. The parties further
acknowledge the fairness and reasonableness of the following allocations, and agree that
for tax purposes they will each report the same in accordance with such allocations.
(a) The amount of _______________ percent (___ %) of the purchase price shall be
allocated specifically as consideration for the Accounts or Policies listed in Exhibit
"A" hereof.
(b) The amount of _______________ percent (___ %) of the purchase price shall be
allocated specifically as consideration for the goodwill of the Seller.
(c) The amount of _______________ percent (___ %) of the purchase price shall be
allocated specifically as the consideration for the protective and restrictive
covenants of Seller contained in this Agreement.
(d) The amount of _______________ percent (___ %) of the purchase price shall be
allocated specifically as consideration for the tangible personal property of the
Seller described in Section 2(d) hereof, and listed in Exhibit “B” hereof.
5. SELLERS’ RIGHT TO AUDIT. Seller shall have the right to audit those books and
records of Buyer that pertain to the administration and servicing of the Accounts or
Policies being transferred by this Agreement. Should Seller elect to exercise his right to
audit, he shall do so by notice to Buyer in writing. Said notice shall designate the date (not
sooner than five (5) days from the date of notice) and time of such audit which shall be
conducted on the premises of Buyer during normal business hours or otherwise as the
parties may agree; provided, however, no such audit may be conducted by Seller during
such time as Buyer’s books and records are being audited by Buyer’s auditors for tax
purposes or any other legitimate business purpose. Buyer shall instruct its personnel to
cooperate with Seller’s representatives in the conduct of such audit. In the event such
audit shall determine that an error has been made in said accounting, then the parties
shall may such adjustment as may be required within thirty (30) days following completion
of said audit. Seller shall have the right to conduct such audits not more often than once
in any six (6) month period. Said audit(s) shall be at the sole expense of Seller.
6. SERVICING OF EXISTING POLICIES. From and after the Effective Date, Buyer hereby
agrees to service the in force business generated by Seller prior to the closing. Buyer will
handle all of Seller’s receivables, and payables with insurance companies, brokers and
other providers, that are due to or from Seller as of the Effective Date. Seller, however,
shall remain responsible for any amounts that Buyer may be requires to pay in connection
with such transactions.
An escrow account will be established by Buyer under the name _________________
Escrow Account. Seller shall deposit into this account an amount equal to the accounts
payable indicated in Seller’s Balance Sheet, plus any prepaid amounts as provided in
Section 1 (a) (iv) of this Agreement. Buyer will pay refunds or other amounts to Accounts
or insurance companies, brokers and other providers in excess of the balance of the
Escrow Account, and charge the amounts to the Escrow Account balance. In the event
Buyer pays refunds due to Accounts or insurance companies, brokers and other providers,
Buyer may charge the expense against other amounts due from Buyer to Seller. When all
such refunds or other amounts pertaining to business placed by Seller prior to the
Effective Date of this Agreement are paid in full, any amount remaining in the Escrow
Account shall be the property of Seller.
The following provisions shall apply with respect to accounts receivable and accounts
payable, as well as additional and return commissions and premiums:
(a) All of Agency’s or Seller’s accounts receivable, and all commissions and other
revenues actually received by Seller which are attributable to the insurance placed
by Agency or Seller with an effective date of coverage prior to the Effective Date of
this Agreement shall remain the property of and/or be the responsibility of Seller.
(b) All of Agency’s or Seller’s accounts payable, as well as all return commissions or
premiums due in connection with revenues received by Agency or Seller prior to
the Effective Date of this Agreement, shall be the responsibility of the Seller.
(c) Agency and/or Seller shall account for and deliver to Buyer all funds Agency and/or
Seller may have collected for business written with an effective date of coverage
on and after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Thereafter, Agency and/or Seller
shall remit to Buyer forthwith upon receipt of any such payments.
(d) All commissions on Agency Bill policies with a policy effective date prior to the
Effective Date of this Agreement, and actually billed and having a payment due
date prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, shall be the property of Seller;
and those with a policy effective date, or that are billed, or that have an installment
payment due date on or after the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the
property of Buyer.
(e) All commissions on Direct Bill policies actually received by Seller from insurance
carriers and other providers before the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be
the property of Seller; and those actually received from insurance carriers and
other providers on or after the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the
property or Buyer.
(f) All additional commissions as a result of audits, endorsements or other
transactions actually received by Agency or Seller before the Effective Date of this
Agreement shall be the property of Seller. All additional commissions as a result of
audits, endorsements or other transactions actually received on or after the
Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the property of Buyer, regardless of
effective date of the transaction.
(g) Buyer shall be entitled to all contingent or override commissions that may be
received for increased production, and commissions for endorsements, audits and
installment payments received on or after the Effective Date of this Agreement,
regardless of when earned.
8. PROFIT SHARING / CONTINGENCY BONUSES. Contingency, bonus or profit sharing
payments, if any, that may be received, that are based on production or performance of
Seller and/or Agency during calendar years ____ and ____, from either ____ Insurance
Company or _________________ Insurance Company, shall be shared pro-rata between
Buyer and Seller in accordance with the volume of premium written, with each insurance
company during those calendar years. Thereafter, Seller’s right to contingency, bonus or
profit sharing payments shall be governed by the Producer Agreement executed between
Buyer and of Seller.
9. TRIPS / REWARDS / INCENTIVES. With respect to any trips, prizes, rewards or other
similar non-monetary gifts or incentives that are received by Buyer or Seller in conjunction
with premium production or other performance during calendar years ____ or ____ (but
not actually awarded until ____ or ____, as the case may be) shall be divided between
Buyer and Seller as equally as may be possible under the circumstances. Any such
awards or incentives received by Buyer in conjunction with premium production or other
performance taking place during calendar years ____ and thereafter, shall be the property
of Buyer, to be distributed as Buyer's in its sole discretion may decide.
10. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF SELLER. Seller hereby represents and
warrants to Buyer as follows, which warranties and representations shall be true and
complete as of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall survive thereafter.
(a) _______________ Insurance Agency, _____ is a Texas ________________ duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Texas and is duly qualified in each jurisdiction in which Seller conducts operations
to carry on the business in which it is engaged, and to execute and deliver and
carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
(b) Seller has full power and authority to execute and deliver and carry out the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
(c) Seller and Agency are, and on the effective date will be, duly licensed by the State
of Texas to conduct business as an insurance agent, under the authority granted
by a General Lines Agent’s license. Agency has full power and authority to
conduct all of its business as now conducted.
(d) Seller holds good and marketable title to the Assets to be sold and transferred
hereunder free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests, encumbrances,
restrictions or other charges of any kind. No other person, firm or corporation
owns or has any record, beneficial or security interest in said Assets or Policies or
any part thereof; and, upon final execution hereof, Buyer will acquire good, valid
and marketable title, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests,
encumbrances, restrictions or other charges of any kind.
(e) All of the Policies are for direct Accounts owned exclusively by Seller, free of all
liens, encumbrances, claims and demands of all persons. None of the Policies
have been produced for Seller by any producer or employee, nor have any of the
Policies been “brokered” into Seller by anyone, nor have any of the Policies been
purchased by Seller or otherwise acquired from anyone within forty-eight (48)
months immediately preceding the date of execution of this Agreement.
(f) Seller is not a party to any agreement, whether written or oral, which in any
manner restricts their right to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the terms
and conditions hereof.
(g) Seller is not in arrears or in default of their obligations under any of the agency
agreements with insurance companies and other providers, and Seller is in good
standing with all the insurance companies or other providers with whom it has
done business.
(h) There is no pending or threatened litigation against Seller or proceeding before any
administrative or licensing authority which in any manner may affect the value of or
title to the Assets and/or Policies being sold hereunder, and there are no unsettled
or unpaid judgments against Seller.
(i) Seller has filed all federal, state and municipal income tax returns and all other
applicable federal, state and municipal tax returns required to have been filed by it,
and has paid the taxes due, and no waivers or extensions of the statutory period of
limitation within which assessments may be made have been granted with respect
to any such returns.
(j) All premiums properly due and payable (meaning those not the subject of
legitimate dispute, which dispute has been raised by Seller in writing directed to
the claimant) to insurance companies or general agents for business written with
an inception date prior to the effective date of this Agreement have been paid or
will be paid, prior to any default thereon.
(k) Exhibit "A" is a true and complete list of all the Accounts and Policies; and all of the
Policies listed in Exhibit "A" are, to the best of Seller’s knowledge, active accounts
with property, casualty, life and/or health insurance in force as of _____________
__, 201_.
(l) Seller is not in arrears in the payment of any producer commissions, or wages, or
withholding social security or other taxes thereon.
(m) Neither Seller nor Agency have any contracts, agreements, understandings or
arrangements of any kind, either oral or written, with respect to the sharing of fees
or commissions in connection the Accounts or Policies being transferred under this
Agreement; including, but not limited to, any contract, agreement, arrangement or
understanding with any insurance carrier (except for the agency agreements with
insurance companies) or with any insurance agent or broker, or with any trade
group or association or any other person or entity with respect to any of the
Policies or Accounts.
(n) Within the ___________ (__) months prior to the date of this Agreement, no other
potential buyer or other insurance agent or broker or representatives thereof have
received copies of or have had access to Seller’s or Agency’s files and records
containing information relative to the Policies including, but not limited to,
expirations, dailies, customer lists and customer account records.
(o) There has been no known material adverse change in the condition, financial or
otherwise, of Seller or of any of the Assets to be transferred to Buyer hereunder.
(p) Seller and/or Agency have in effect a policy of errors and omissions insurance
issued by ________________ Insurance Company, effective ______________,
201__, through , 201__, being policy No._____________ with limits of
liability of not less than $__________ million per occurrence and $_________
million annual aggregate with a deductible of not more than $ _______ per
occurrence. Seller hereby covenants it will notify its errors and omissions carrier of
this transaction and obtain an extended claims reporting clause or extension
added to their existing policy for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) months
following the Effective Date of this Agreement.
(q) All of the tangible personal property of Seller listed on Exhibit "B" is now in good
and proper working order and will be delivered to Buyer at the Closing in good and
proper working order without material damage thereto.
(r) At no time during the past five (5) years have Sellers ever operated or conducted
business under any fictitious name other than _____________ Insurance Agency.
Said trade name is owned by Seller, free of the claims and demands of all persons.
(s) Seller shall add Buyer’s name to all of the insurance company premium
trust/escrow accounts currently maintained by Seller, and pass control of those
accounts to Buyer, in order to provide a smooth transition of cash flow following the
Closing. Buyer shall be authorized to deposit and withdraw funds from the
trust/escrow accounts. Seller shall audit all such trust/escrow accounts prior to
Closing and provide Buyer a detailed reconciliation indicating funds to be retained
by Seller, and funds to be left in the accounts to be paid to insurance companies
and other providers. In the event the funds left in the accounts are not adequate to
fulfill Agency’s or Seller’s obligations to the insurance companies in question, then
Seller shall immediately upon notice from Buyer deposit the funds necessary.
11. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER. Buyer hereby represents and
warrants to Seller as follows, which warranties and representations are true and complete
as of the date hereof and, shall be true and complete as of the Effective Date of this
Agreement, and shall survive thereafter:
(a) Buyer is a _______________________________ duly organized, validly existing
and in good standing under the laws of the State of Texas and is duly qualified in
each jurisdiction in which Buyer conducts operations, with full power and authority
(corporate and other) to carry on the business in which it is engaged and to
execute and deliver and carry out the transactions contemplated by this
(b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of the
transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized, and do not and will
not result in a breach of or constitute a default under any provision of the Articles of
Incorporation or By-Laws or Member or Partnership Agreement of Buyer; or any
lease, license or other agreement to which it is a party or is bound, or by which any
of its properties or assets may be bound or affected, or violate any order, of any
court or administrative agency.
(c) On and after the Effective Date hereof, this Agreement will be a valid and binding
obligation of Buyer enforceable in accordance with its terms except as limited by
bankruptcy, insolvency and similar laws affecting creditor’s rights generally and by
equitable principles.
(d) Buyer has adequate markets in which to renew substantially all existing Policies
and has sufficient and adequately trained personnel to service the Policies in a
proper and businesslike manner.
(e) There is no pending litigation against Buyer nor any pending proceedings against
Buyer before any administrative or licensing authority, and Buyer has no
knowledge of any threatened litigation against it or any threatened proceedings
against it before any administrative or licensing authority which in any manner has
any material affect upon its financial condition, its operations or its ability to enter
into this Agreement and carry out the transactions contemplated hereby.
(f) Buyer is not a party to any agreement, whether written or oral, which in any
manner restricts or impairs its right to enter into this Agreement and to carry out
the terms and conditions hereof, and no approval or consent is necessary from any
government agency or any individual or entity not a party hereto in order to effect
the transactions embodied herein.
(g) Buyer has in effect a policy of errors and omissions insurance issued by
______________ Insurance Company, effective ___ , 201_ through
_______________, 201_, being policy No.___________, with limits of liability of
not less than $_____________ per occurrence and $____________ annual
aggregate with a deductible of not more than $ __________ per occurrence.
Buyer hereby covenants it will maintain in effect for a period of not less than
____________ months following the Closing Date. Buyer further covenants that it
will notify its errors and omissions insurance company and pay any additional
premium that may be required in order to purchase coverage for matters that may
arise from acts or omissions of Buyer or its representatives which occur after the
Effective Date of this Agreement.
12. NO ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES BY BUYER. Except as expressly and specifically
provided herein, Buyer shall be under no obligation to assume and shall not be deemed to
have assumed any obligation, liability, contract or commitment of Seller of any kind
whatsoever; including, but not limited to, any liability under any employment agreement,
consulting arrangement, pension or profit sharing plan, stock option or purchase plan or
other employee contract, federal and state taxes, all of which liabilities shall remain the
exclusive obligation of Seller.
13. PRESERVATION OF RECORDS. Buyer agrees that it shall preserve all of the records in
connection with the Accounts and Policies transferred hereunder for a period of not less
than ___________ (__) months from the date of Closing. Buyer shall permit Seller or their
appointed representatives access to said records.
14. CODING OF POLICIES. Buyer agrees to segregate and establish separate codes in its
computer system for all Policies purchased thru this Agreement, for a period of not less
than ____________ (__) months after Closing. Said coding shall not be deemed to imply
any ownership interest in the Accounts and Policies by Seller.
15. SELLER’S INDEMNIFICATION OF BUYER. Seller hereby agrees to indemnify,
reimburse, hold harmless and defend Buyer from any and all debts, claims, taxes, costs
and expenses of any and every nature whatsoever (including attorney's fees and other
costs) resulting from (a) any and all errors and omissions claims arising out of or with
respect to insurance policies placed or which should have been placed by Seller prior to
the effective date, (b) the operation and conduct of Seller’s or Agency’s business prior to
the effective date hereunder, (c) any other obligations or liabilities of the Seller or Agency,
and/or (d) any breach by Seller of any of the obligations, agreements, covenants,
provisions, representations or warranties made by Seller herein or in any other agreement
or document. Buyer shall have no obligation or duty to detect or discover latent errors and
omissions of Seller or Agency (including their agents, servants and employees) with
respect to insurance business placed or which should have been placed by Seller prior to
the Effective Date of this Agreement; and Seller shall indemnify, defend or hold Buyer
harmless of any claim with respect to such errors and omissions.
16. BUYER’S INDEMNIFICATION OF SELLER. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify,
reimburse, hold harmless and defend Seller from any and all debts, claims, taxes, costs
and expenses of any and every nature whatsoever (including attorney's fees) resulting
from (a) its operation and conduct of Buyer’s business following the effective date, (b) any
other financial obligations or liabilities of Buyer, and (c) any breach by Buyer of any of the
obligations, agreements, representations or warranties made by Buyer herein or in any
other agreement or document.
17. NOTICE OF CLAIM. In the event a claim shall be made against Buyer or the Assets
acquired by Buyer hereunder, due to the actions of Seller or on account of a breach by
Seller of any of the terms and conditions hereof, then Buyer shall notify Seller within five
(5) days of receipt of such notice, and upon the failure by Seller within fifteen (15) days of
notice of such claim, to assume the defense of such claim, Buyer shall be permitted and
entitled to defend, settle and pay said claim on its own. The reasonable cost of any such
defense, judgment or settlement, including expenses incurred by Buyer, shall be the
responsibility of Seller.
18. BUYER'S RIGHT OF OFFSET. Any sums which Seller may owe to Buyer hereunder,
whether on account of the obligation to indemnify Buyer for certain actions or on account
of any breach of warranty, representation or covenant herein contained or provided for, or
on account of premiums or commissions which Buyer may be required to pay or allow,
which premiums or commissions are the obligation of Seller, may be offset by Buyer
against any and all sums which Buyer may owe to Seller hereunder; provided, however,
such right of offset shall not relieve Seller of their obligation to indemnify or reimburse
Buyer, as aforesaid, but shall be only as a matter of convenience for Buyer should it elect
to make such offset in whole or in part.
19. PROTECTIVE AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. In recognition of the fact that Seller
has been engaged in a personal service business involving confidential information and
personal relationships with insureds, the success of which business is in large part due to
the exclusive retention of confidential information and continuation of such personal
relationships with customers and prospects, Seller does hereby covenant and agree as
follows and acknowledges that the following covenants are reasonable and necessary for
the protection of Buyer and may be enforced to the extent set forth herein or to such
extent as a court of appropriate jurisdiction may deem reasonable and proper.
(a) All information concerning the Accounts or Policies being acquired under this
Agreement, including expiration data in connection therewith, is confidential
information constituting trade secrets and will be treated as such; and Seller will
not, from the effective date, directly or indirectly, make use of such information for
Seller’s own benefit, or for the benefit of anyone else, except Buyer; nor will Seller,
directly or indirectly divulge such information to anyone.
(b) Except on behalf of or for the benefit of Buyer, Seller will not, for a period of
___________ (__) months following the effective date, directly or indirectly, solicit,
obtain, accept from or in any way transact insurance or financial services business
for any of the Accounts or customers being transferred to Buyer hereunder; nor
directly or indirectly aid or assist any other party in the solicitation or placement of
insurance or financial services business for the customers or Accounts being
transferred hereunder.
(c) Except on behalf of or for the benefit of Buyer, for a period of ___________ (__)
months following the date of termination of Seller’s association with Buyer as a
Producer, Seller will not solicit, attempt to obtain, accept or transact insurance or
financial services business; or in any manner engage in the insurance and/or
financial services business for any of the Accounts or customers that Seller may
develop and write business for during the term of the Producer Agreement
between Buyer and Seller.
(d) The promises and covenants of each of the parties provided in Section __ of this
Agreement shall apply within the geographic area of _______________ County,
Texas; and shall apply outside that area only to the extent that the protected
customers or Accounts have operations, locations, or affiliates outside the area. In
the event the provisions of Section __ of this Agreement should be deemed to
exceed the time, scope, or geographic limitations permitted by applicable laws,
then such provisions shall be reformed to the maximum time, scope, or geographic
limitation permitted by such applicable laws.
(e) The parties hereby acknowledge that a breach or threatened breach of the
provisions of Section ___ of this Agreement would cause irreparable harm to
Buyer or the other individuals or agencies that are or that may have been
associated with Buyer, the amount of which would be impossible to calculate in
monetary terms. Should Seller violate or threaten to violate any of the provisions
of this Agreement, then Buyer shall, in addition to its other rights or remedies, be
entitled to injunctive relief to restrain Seller from violation or threatened violation.
Buyer shall not be required to post a bond or other security in connection with such
restraining order(s) and/or injunction(s).
(f) In the event that any action, suit or proceeding, in law or in equity, is brought to
enforce the provisions of this Agreement, and such action results in the award or a
judgment for monetary damages and/or the granting of a restraining order or
injunction in favor of Buyer, Buyer shall also be entitled to recover from Seller all
reasonable expenses incurred, including attorney’s fees, court costs, and other
expenses associated with the matter.
20. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. The parties agree that, prior to the Closing hereunder,
except as otherwise required by law, any and all public announcements or other
communications with anyone, whether public or private (including, but not limited to, any
communications to those insurance companies which Seller represents) concerning this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereunder, shall be subject to the approval
of all parties.
21. ARBITRATION. Except with respect to the rights of Buyer under Section 15 of this
Agreement, for which a court of competent jurisdiction may grant a restraining order or
injunction in favor of Buyer, the parties hereby agree that any claim or controversy
regarding this Agreement which cannot by settled by Buyer and Seller shall be submitted
to binding arbitration upon the written request by either party to the other. The arbitration
shall be conducted at ______________, Texas, in the absence of and or agreement
otherwise between Buyer and Seller.
Unless both parties agree on a single Arbitrator within fifteen (15) days of the request to
arbitrate, then each party shall select an Arbitrator. The two (2) Arbitrators shall be
disinterested persons, knowledgeable about the insurance agency business in Texas, that
have not engaged in business with either party.
The two (2) Arbitrators shall then select a competent and disinterested person
knowledgeable about the insurance agency business in Texas as a third Arbitrator within
an additional fifteen (15) day period. If the two (2) Arbitrators cannot agree upon a third
Arbitrator within said period, each Arbitrator shall nominate two (2) individuals that are
knowledgeable in the insurance agency business in Texas to serve in that position. The
four (4) nominees’ names shall be placed on identical slips of paper and deposited into an
opaque receptacle by a disinterested person. The person whose name is drawn out by
the disinterested person shall serve as the third Arbitrator.
A decision of any two (2) of the three (3) Arbitrators shall be final and binding on both
Buyer and Seller. The decision shall be in writing signed by the three (3) Arbitrators, and
given to Buyer and Seller within sixty (60) days after the date of the request for arbitration.
Each of the parties to this Agreement agree to bear all the expenses of its selected
Arbitrator and equal shares of all other arbitration expenses; except in the event that a
single Arbitrator is used, in which case each party shall equally bear all arbitration
22. NOTICE. Any notices required hereunder shall be in writing and deemed to have been
received (a) on the date delivered if delivered in hand, (b) the next following business day
after being sent if sent by overnight delivery service, or (c) two (2) business days after
mailing, postage prepaid, by certified mail, return receipt requested to the party entitled to
notice at the addresses indicated below, or such other address as may be directed by
written notice given hereafter. A business day shall be deemed any day on which the
United Postal Service shall have regular mail deliveries to the address to which the notice
shall be directed.
If to Buyer: If to Seller:
(a) This Agreement may not be modified, revised, altered, added to, or extended in
any manner, or superseded except by an instrument in writing signed by Seller and
(b) This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same
instrument representing the agreement of the parties hereto.
(c) The failure by any party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be in
any way construed as a waiver of any such provision nor prevent that party
thereafter from enforcing each and every provision of this Agreement.
(d) The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall
not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all
respects so as to permit the enforcement of each provision hereof to the fullest
extent permitted by law.
(e) This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their successors and assigns; provided, however, no assignment by a
party of it rights and/or interest in and to this Agreement shall in any manner
relieve the assigning party of or from any of it obligations, liabilities or undertakings
herein contained. Buyer hereby consents to such assignment of this Agreement
by the Seller; provided, however, Buyer shall not be bound by such assignment
unless and until it shall have received notice that such assignment has occurred
and notice of the terms thereof.
(f) This Agreement (including all Exhibits hereto) contains the entire agreement
between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior agreements,
arrangements or understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter
hereof. No oral understandings, oral statements, oral promises, or oral
inducements exist. No representations, warranties, covenants or conditions,
express or implied, whether by statute or otherwise, other than as set forth herein,
have been made by the parties hereto.
(g) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Texas. Any legal proceedings (other that arbitration) shall be
conducted solely in the courts of the State of Texas in ______________ County
unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing by Seller and Buyer.
(h) The section headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties, and
in no way alter, modify, or amend, limit or restrict the contractual obligations of the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have each caused this instrument to be executed in their
respective names and on their respective behalf by them individually, or by a duly authorized
owner or officer, effective as of the date first above written, it being understood and agreed that no
signatory hereto shall be bound hereunder until this Agreement shall be executed by all parties
___________________________________________ ("Buyer")
By: ___________________________________________
_______________________, President
________________________________ ("Seller")
_____________________________________ ("Agency")
By: __________________________________________
______________________________, ___________
_____________________, INDIVIDUALLY (“Spouse”)
THIS EXHIBIT forms a part of the Purchase And Sale Agreement entered into effective the 1
of ______________, 20__, by and between ____________________________, individually
(referred to as Seller”) and _______________________________________________________,
a Texas Corporation (referred to as “Buyer”).
The following is a list of all Accounts comprising the book of business, customer lists, expirations,
and renewal rights being transferred to Buyer from Seller.
THIS EXHIBIT forms a part of the Purchase And Sale Agreement entered into effective the 1
of ______________, 20__, by and between ____________________________, individually
(referred to as “Seller”) and _______________________________________________________,
a Texas Corporation (referred to as “Buyer”).
The following is a list of all furniture, fixtures, equipment, machines, computers, and peripheral
supplies and business property of Seller and Agency that is being sold and transferred to Buyer
as provided in the Purchase And Sale Agreement:
The undersigned, being the spouse of _________________________, does hereby acknowledge
that he / she has read the foregoing Purchase And Sale Agreement executed in connection with
the sale of certain insurance accounts and other assets by _______________________________
to _________________________________________, Inc., a duly organized Texas Corporation,
and / or an entity that is affiliated therewith, and that he / she has had the opportunity to retain
independent counsel in reviewing its terms. The undersigned does, for himself or herself, his or
her heirs, representatives, and assigns, hereby agrees to all terms, conditions and provisions of
said Agreement, and to be bound thereby, and agrees to join in the execution and delivery of any
document required or convenient in carrying out the intentions and purpose of said Agreement.
Spouse: Dated:
_____________________________________ _____________________________