2nd Session 105–458
24, 1998.—Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State
of the Union and ordered to be printed
Mr. S
, from the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs,
submitted the following
[To accompany H.R. 3211]
[Including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office]
The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, to whom was referred the
bill (H.R. 3211) to amend title 38, United States Code, to enact into
law eligibility requirements for burial in Arlington National Ceme-
tery, and for other purposes, having considered the same, reports
favorably thereon with an amendment and recommends that the
bill as amended do pass.
The amendment is as follows:
Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof
the following:
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Arlington National Cemetery Burial Eligibility Act’’.
(a) I
.—Chapter 24 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by add-
ing at the end the following new section:
‘‘§ 2412. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for burial
‘‘(a) P
.—The remains of the following individuals may be bur-
ied in Arlington National Cemetery:
‘‘(1) Any member of the Armed Forces who dies while on active duty.
‘‘(2) Any retired member of the Armed Forces and any person who served on
active duty and at the time of death was entitled (or but for age would have
been entitled) to retired pay under chapter 1223 of title 10.
‘‘(3) Any former member of the Armed Forces separated for physical disability
before October 1, 1949, who—
‘‘(A) served on active duty; and
‘‘(B) would have been eligible for retirement under the provisions of sec-
tion 1201 of title 10 (relating to retirement for disability) had that section
been in effect on the date of separation of the member.
‘‘(4) Any former member of the Armed Forces whose last active duty military
service terminated honorably and who has been awarded one of the following
‘‘(A) Medal of Honor.
‘‘(B) Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force Cross, or Navy Cross.
‘‘(C) Distinguished Service Medal.
‘‘(D) Silver Star.
‘‘(E) Purple Heart.
‘‘(5) Any former prisoner of war who dies on or after November 30, 1993.
‘‘(6) The President or any former President.
‘‘(b) E
.—The remains of the following individuals
may be buried in Arlington National Cemetery:
‘‘(1) The spouse, surviving spouse, minor child, and, at the discretion of the
Superintendent, unmarried adult child of a person listed in subsection (a), but
only if buried in the same gravesite as that person.
‘‘(2)(A) The spouse, minor child, and, at the discretion of the Superintendent,
unmarried adult child of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty if such
spouse, minor child, or unmarried adult child dies while such member is on ac-
tive duty.
‘‘(B) The individual whose spouse, minor child, and unmarried adult child is
eligible under subparagraph (A), but only if buried in the same gravesite as the
spouse, minor child, or unmarried adult child.
‘‘(3) The parents of a minor child or unmarried adult child whose remains,
based on the eligibility of a parent, are already buried in Arlington National
Cemetery, but only if buried in the same gravesite as that minor child or un-
married adult child.
‘‘(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the surviving spouse, minor child, and,
at the discretion of the Superintendent, unmarried adult child of a member of
the Armed Forces who was lost, buried at sea, or officially determined to be per-
manently absent in a status of missing or missing in action.
‘‘(B) A person is not eligible under subparagraph (A) if a memorial to honor
the memory of the member is placed in a cemetery in the national cemetery sys-
tem, unless the memorial is removed. A memorial removed under this subpara-
graph may be placed, at the discretion of the Superintendent, in Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery.
‘‘(5) The surviving spouse, minor child, and, at the discretion of the Super-
intendent, unmarried adult child of a member of the Armed Forces buried in
a cemetery under the jurisdiction of the American Battle Monuments Commis-
‘‘(c) S
.—For purposes of subsection (b)(1), a surviving spouse of a person
whose remains are buried in Arlington National Cemetery by reason of eligibility
under subsection (a), who has remarried is eligible for burial in the same gravesite
of that person. The spouse of the surviving spouse is not eligible for burial in such
‘‘(d) D
.—In the case of an unmarried adult
child who is incapable of self-support up to the time of death because of a physical
or mental condition, the child may be buried under subsection (b) without require-
ment for approval by the Superintendent under that subsection if the burial is in
the same gravesite as the gravesite in which the parent, who is eligible for burial
under subsection (a), has been or will be buried.
‘‘(e) F
.—In the case
of a person eligible for burial under subsection (a) who is buried in Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery as part of a group burial, the surviving spouse, minor child, or un-
married adult child of the member may not be buried in the group gravesite.
‘‘(f) E
gibility for burial of remains in Arlington National Cemetery prescribed under this
section is the exclusive eligibility for such burial.
‘‘(g) A
.—A request for burial of remains of an individual
in Arlington National Cemetery made before the death of the individual may not
be considered by the Secretary of the Army or any other responsible official.
‘‘(h) R
.—(1) The Secretary of the Army shall
maintain a register of each individual buried in Arlington National Cemetery and
shall make such register available to the public.
‘‘(2) With respect to each such individual buried on or after January 1, 1998, the
register shall include a brief description of the basis of eligibility of the individual
for burial in Arlington National Cemetery.
‘‘(i) D
.—For purposes of this section:
‘‘(1) The term ‘retired member of the Armed Forces’ means—
‘‘(A) any member of the Armed Forces on a retired list who served on ac-
tive duty and who is entitled to retired pay;
‘‘(B) any member of the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve who
served on active duty and who is entitled to retainer pay; and
‘‘(C) any member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces who has
served on active duty and who has received notice from the Secretary con-
cerned under section 12731(d) of title 10, of eligibility for retired pay under
chapter 1223 of title 10.
‘‘(2) The term ‘former member of the Armed Forces’ includes a person whose
service is considered active duty service pursuant to a determination of the Sec-
retary of Defense under section 401 of Public Law 95-202 (38 U.S.C. 106 note).
‘‘(3) The term ‘Superintendent’ means the Superintendent of Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery.’’.
(b) P
.—Not later than 180 days after the date
of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Army shall publish an updated
pamphlet describing eligibility for burial in Arlington National Cemetery. The pam-
phlet shall reflect the provisions of section 2412 of title 38, United States Code, as
added by subsection (a).
(c) C
.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 24
of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new
‘‘2412. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for burial.’’.
(d) T
.—Section 2402(7) of title 38, United States Code, is
(1) by inserting ‘‘(or but for age would have been entitled)’’ after ‘‘was enti-
(2) by striking out ‘‘chapter 67’’ and inserting in lieu thereof ‘‘chapter 1223’’;
(3) by striking out ‘‘or would have been entitled to’’ and all that follows and
inserting in lieu thereof a period.
(e) E
.—Section 2412 of title 38, United States Code, as added by
subsection (a), shall apply with respect to individuals dying on or after the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(a) I
.—Chapter 24 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by add-
ing after section 2412, as added by section 2(a) of this Act, the following new sec-
‘‘§ 2413. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for placement in col-
‘‘(a) E
.—The cremated remains of the following individuals may be
placed in the columbarium in Arlington National Cemetery:
‘‘(1) A person eligible for burial in Arlington National Cemetery under section
2412 of this title.
‘‘(2)(A) A veteran whose last period of active duty service (other than active
duty for training) ended honorably.
‘‘(B) The spouse, surviving spouse, minor child, and, at the discretion of the
Superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery, unmarried adult child of such
a veteran.
‘‘(b) S
.—Section 2412(c) of this title shall apply to a spouse under this sec-
tion in the same manner as it applies to a spouse under section 2412.’’.
(b) C
.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 24
of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 2412, as added
by section 2(c) of this Act, the following new item:
‘‘2413. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for placement in columbarium.’’.
(c) E
.—Section 2413 of title 38, United States Code, as added by
subsection (a), shall apply with respect to individuals dying on or after the date of
the enactment of this Act.
(a) I
.—Chapter 24 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by add-
ing after section 2413, as added by section 3(a) of this Act, the following new sec-
‘‘§ 2414. Arlington National Cemetery: authorized headstones, markers, and
‘‘(a) G
.—A gravesite in Arlington
National Cemetery shall be appropriately marked in accordance with section 2404
of this title.
‘‘(b) G
.—(1) The Secretary of
the Army shall prescribe regulations for the provision of headstones or markers to
mark a gravesite at private expense in lieu of headstones and markers provided by
the Secretary of Veterans Affairs in Arlington National Cemetery.
‘‘(2) Such regulations shall ensure that—
‘‘(A) such headstones or markers are of simple design, dignified, and appro-
priate to a military cemetery;
‘‘(B) the person providing such headstone or marker provides for the future
maintenance of the headstone or marker in the event repairs are necessary;
‘‘(C) the Secretary of the Army shall not be liable for maintenance of or dam-
age to the headstone or marker;
‘‘(D) such headstones or markers are aesthetically compatible with Arlington
National Cemetery; and
‘‘(E) such headstones or markers are permitted only in sections of Arlington
National Cemetery authorized for such headstones or markers as of January 1,
‘‘(c) M
.—(1) No monument (or similar structure as determined by the
Secretary of the Army in regulations) may be placed in Arlington National Cemetery
except pursuant to the provisions of this subsection.
‘‘(2) A monument may be placed in Arlington National Cemetery if the monument
‘‘(A) the service in the Armed Forces of the individual, or group of individuals,
whose memory is to be honored by the monument; or
‘‘(B) a particular military event.
‘‘(3) No monument may be placed in Arlington National Cemetery until the end
of the 25-year period beginning—
‘‘(A) in the case of commemoration of service under paragraph (1)(A), on the
last day of the period of service so commemorated; and
‘‘(B) in the case of commemoration of a particular military event under para-
graph (1)(B), on the last day of the period of the event.
‘‘(4) A monument may be placed only in those sections of Arlington National Cem-
etery designated by the Secretary of the Army for such placement.’’.
(b) C
.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 24
of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 2413, as added
by section 3(b) of this Act, the following new item:
‘‘2414. Arlington National Cemetery: authorized headstones, markers, and monuments.’’.
(c) E
.—The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with re-
spect to headstones, markers, or monuments placed in Arlington National Cemetery
on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary
of the Army shall publish in the Federal Register any regulation proposed by the
Secretary under this Act.
On February 12, 1998, the Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs
Committee, the Honorable Bob Stump, along with the Honorable
Lane Evans, the Honorable Terry Everett, the Honorable James
Clyburn, the Honorable Jack Quinn, the Honorable Bob Filner, the
Honorable Mike Bilirakis, the Honorable Luis Gutierrez, the Hon-
orable John Cooksey, the Honorable Corrine Brown, the Honorable
Asa Hutchinson, the Honorable Mike Doyle, the Honorable J.D.
Hayworth, the Honorable Frank Mascara, the Honorable Ray
LaHood, the Honorable Collin Peterson, the Honorable Julia Car-
son, the Honorable Sylvestre Reyes, the Honorable Ciro Rodriguez,
the Honorable Gerald Solomon, the Honorable Richard Baker, and
the Honorable Helen Chenoweth, introduced H.R. 3211, to enact
into law eligibility requirements for burial in Arlington National
The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations met on Janu-
ary 28, 1998, to receive testimony regarding waivers of regulations
governing burial at Arlington National Cemetery. The Subcommit-
tee on Benefits met on February 24, 1998, to receive testimony on
the bill. On March 5, 1998, the Subcommittee on Benefits met and
ordered H.R. 3211 reported favorably with an amendment in the
nature of a substitute to the full Committee by unanimous voice
vote. The full Committee met on March 11, 1998, and ordered H.R.
3211 reported favorably with an amendment in the nature of a sub-
stitute to the House by unanimous voice vote.
The bill would codify, with exceptions discussed below, existing
regulatory eligibility criteria for burial at Arlington National Ceme-
tery. Other than the persons specifically enumerated in the pro-
posed legislation, no other person could be buried at Arlington. In
general, eligible persons would include:
a) members of the Armed Forces who die on active duty;
b) retired members of the Armed Forces, including Reservists
who served on active duty;
c) former members of the Armed Forces who have been awarded
the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force
Cross, or Navy Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver
Star, or Purple Heart;
d) former prisoners of war;
e) the President or any former President;
f) members of the Guard/Reserves who served on active duty and
are eligible for retirement, but who have not yet retired;
g) the spouse, surviving spouse, minor child and at the discretion
of the Superintendent of Arlington, unmarried adult children
of a) through f).
The bill would also eliminate the current practice of granting eli-
gibility to Members of Congress and other high-ranking govern-
ment officials who are veterans but who do not meet the distin-
guished military service criteria outlined above. It also provides
that this law would be the exclusive authority for burial eligibility.
Additionally, the bill codifies existing regulatory eligibility stand-
ards for interment of cremated remains in the columbarium at Ar-
lington. Generally, this includes all veterans with honorable service
and their dependents.
Finally, the bill clarifies that only memorials honoring military
service or events may be placed at Arlington and establishes a 25-
year waiting period for such memorials.
This background is derived from material provided to the Com-
mittee by the Department of the Army, the General Accounting Of-
fice, and the Congressional Research Service.
Until the Civil War, the nation’s attention to interment of veter-
ans was haphazard. The massive casualties resulting from that
conflict required the government to establish procedures to make
and preserve records of deceased soldiers and provide places for
their burial. Congress’ initial legislation to establish a national
cemetery system, the Act of July 17, 1862, § 18, 12 Stat. 594, 596,
provided that ‘‘the President of the United States shall have the
power, whenever in his opinion it shall be expedient, to purchase
cemetery grounds and cause them to be securely enclosed, to be
used as a national cemetery for the soldiers who shall die in the
service of their country.’’ At the conclusion of the War, Congress di-
rected the Secretary of War to engage in a program to find, collect
and identify the remains of the war dead. The task was completed
in 1870 with the reinterment of nearly 300,000 remains in 73 na-
tional cemeteries.
The grounds of Arlington Mansion, the home of Martha Washing-
ton’s grandson, George Washington Parke Custis, and his son-in-
law, General Robert E. Lee, were appropriated by the federal gov-
ernment in May, 1861, for a fortification to defend Washington,
D.C. Arlington National Cemetery was established on the estate on
May 13, 1864, as one of the first national cemeteries because burial
areas in the other previously designated national cemeteries - the
Soldiers’ Home in Washington, D.C., and at Alexandria, Virginia -
were rapidly filling. On June 15, 1864, Secretary of War Stanton
formally designated Arlington Mansion and the 200 acres sur-
rounding it as a cemetery for the burial of soldiers dying in the vi-
cinity of Washington.
The cemetery only gradually developed its aura as an historic na-
tional shrine with the burials of famous Civil War generals such
as Phillip H. Sheridan in the 1880’s, the burials of General Per-
shing and President William Howard Taft in the 1920’s, and then
with the dedication in 1932 of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The mystique of the cemetery was heightened substantially after
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and his emotional
funeral and burial there beside an eternal flame in November 1963.
President Kennedy’s gravesite and the cemetery generally became
major public attractions and pressure increased for interments in
the limited space available. Arlington has a total capacity of
263,639 gravesites, with about 60,700 remaining available in 1998.
From the Civil War until 1973, the primary responsibility for the
‘‘care and maintenance’’ of most national cemeteries, including Ar-
lington, was vested in the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary
of War. Administration of other cemeteries was placed under the
supervision of agency heads, such as the Secretary of the Interior.
In 1948, Congress for the first time codified all previous prece-
dent, practices, and legislation affecting eligibility for burial in na-
tional cemeteries. Under the law, four general classifications of per-
sons were accorded the privilege of burial in a national cemetery:
(1) those who die while serving honorably in the Armed Forces of
the United States (2) former members of the Armed Forces (3) citi-
zens of the United States who have served, or may serve, in the
Armed Forces of a nation allied with the United States during war
and (4) the wife, husband, widow, widower, minor children, and, at
the discretion of the Secretary of the Army, adult, unmarried chil-
dren of those otherwise eligible. Adult, unmarried children gen-
erally have been deemed eligible if at the time of death they were
incapable of self-support by reason of physical or mental condition.
In 1959, Congress expanded burial eligibility to any member of
a reserve component of the Armed Forces, the Army and Air Na-
tional Guards, and the Reserve Officers Training Corps of the
Army, Navy and Air Force, whose death occurred under honorable
conditions while serving on active duty. It also added the require-
ment that the Secretary of the Army seek the approval of the Sec-
retary of Defense prior to issuing or amending regulations pertain-
ing to national cemeteries under his jurisdiction.
Restrictive rules for in-ground burial at Arlington were first im-
posed in 1967. The Secretary of the Army was responding to con-
cerns that the combination of increased interest in Arlington re-
sulting from President Kennedy’s burial and an aging veteran pop-
ulation would result in the rapid depletion of burial spaces. From
1962-1966, Arlington’s interment rate rose from 4,000 to 7,000 per
year. Had the trend continued, the cemetery would have been full
by 1968.
The restrictive rules, now codified in federal regulations at 32
CFR 553.13 (1997), limited eligibility to those members of the
Armed Forces who served the nation in an especially distinguished
manner. These criteria have remained essentially unchanged since
1967 and provide for the in-ground Arlington burial of the following
categories of persons:
Active duty members of the Armed Forces, except those mem-
bers serving on active duty for training;
Retired members of the Armed Forces who have served on ac-
tive duty, are on a retired list and are entitled to receive retire-
ment pay;
Former members of the Armed Forces discharged for disability
before Oct. 1, 1949, who served on active duty and would have
been eligible for retirement under 10 U.S.C. 1202 had the stat-
ute been in effect on the date of separation;
Honorably discharged members of the Armed Forces awarded
the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force
Cross or Navy Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star,
or Purple Heart;
Former prisoners of war who served honorably and who died
on or after November 30, 1993;
Provided they were honorably discharged from the Armed
Forces, elected federal officials (the president, vice-president,
and members of Congress), federal cabinet secretaries and dep-
uties, agency directors and certain other high federal officials
(level I and II executives); Supreme Court justices, and chiefs
of certain diplomatic missions;
The spouse, widow or widower, minor child (under 21 years of
age) and, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Army, an un-
married adult child of any of the above, (a surviving spouse
who has remarried and whose subsequent marriage is void, ter-
minated by death, or dissolved by annulment or divorce by a
court; an unmarried adult child may be interred in the same
grave in which the parent has been or will be interred, pro-
vided that the child was incapable of self-support up to the
time of death because of physical or mental condition);
Surviving spouses of service members who are interred in the
cemetery as part of a group burial, but not in the same grave
as the deceased spouse;
The surviving spouse, minor child, and at the discretion of the
Secretary of the Army, the unmarried adult child of any person
already buried at the cemetery;
The parents of a minor child or unmarried adult child whose
remains are already buried at the cemetery on the basis of the
eligibility of a parent.
Veterans who do not meet these requirements may qualify for
placement in Arlington’s columbarium for cremated remains. Any
honorably discharged veteran, spouse and dependent children may
be inurned in the same family niche at the columbarium. Since
1980, the Army has built four columbaria at the cemetery. Eventu-
ally, 50,000 niches capable of holding two urns each will be avail-
able. Additional columbaria could be built in the future to further
increase the capacity for cremated remains.
After the Army imposed the restrictive eligibility requirements in
1967, the number of burials at Arlington declined sharply and then
remained relatively constant until 1988. Since that time, the num-
ber of burials has gradually increased, with the cemetery averaging
2,887 burials per year. Given the expected burial rates, the Army
projects that all gravesites will be full by 2025 unless the cemetery
is expanded.
In 1973, Congress addressed the need for a coherent national
burial policy and management system for national cemeteries. The
National Cemeteries Act of 1973 (Pub. L. No. 93-43) established
within the Veterans Administration (VA) a National Cemetery Sys-
tem consisting of cemeteries already under the VA’s jurisdiction
and national cemeteries transferred to the VA from the Depart-
ment of the Army. The legislation exempted Arlington National
Cemetery and those cemeteries located at the military service acad-
emies, which were left under the authority of the Department of
the Army.
The 1973 Act adopted nearly identical requirements for the
cemeteries as called for under the 1959 Act, but transferred juris-
diction to the VA. The law also made one significant addition by
authorizing exceptions to the eligibility rules for ‘‘[s]uch other per-
sons or classes of persons as may be designated by the Secretary,’’
(38 U.S.C. 2402(6)). In explaining this addition, the Senate and
House reports stated:
This additional category is consistent with authority cur-
rently based on VA Regulation 6200 (C), as revised June
2, 1966. Similar authority apparently resides in the Sec-
retary of the Army pursuant to 32 C.F.R. 553.18(b)(1)
which authorizes ‘‘burial in National cemeteries under
such regulations as the Secretary may, with the approval
of the Secretary of Defense, provide.’’
The 1973 Act also preserved the previously exercised authorities
of the military department secretaries with respect to cemeteries,
memorials and monuments remaining under their jurisdiction.
Finally, Congress ordered that a joint study be conducted by the
Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense on (1) the
advisability of including Arlington National Cemetery within the
National Cemetery System to be administered by the Veterans Ad-
ministration, and (2) the appropriateness of maintaining the
present eligibility system for burial at Arlington. The study submit-
ted to Congress on January 21, 1974, recommended that Arlington
remain under Department of Army jurisdiction and that the exist-
ing regulatory criteria be maintained. Congress took no further leg-
islative action.
The Army regulations for Arlington have never contained an ex-
plicit provision allowing for waivers or exceptions to the eligibility
requirements. Since 1967, however, the Secretary of the Army and
the President have granted what the Army has termed ‘‘exceptions’’
to the general eligibility requirements in individual cases. Unfortu-
nately, such a practice has generally not been well known or com-
monly understood.
In May, 1997, the majority staff of the Committee was provided
anonymous information which called the waiver process into ques-
tion. The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a
public hearing on January 28, 1998, to receive testimony on burial
waivers at Arlington. At the request of the Chairman and Ranking
Member of the Oversight Subcommittee, and the Ranking Demo-
cratic Member of the full Committee, GAO conducted an expedited
review of the waiver process in December, 1997 and January, 1998.
GAO presented its findings at the January 28 hearing, and out-
lined policy options concerning possible improvements to the eligi-
bility process for burial at Arlington. The findings revealed a
flawed waiver process marked by unclear standards and inconsist-
ent application of waiver criteria.
According to GAO, there have been a total of 340 documented
waiver requests since 1967, 196 of which have been granted. GAO
confirmed previous findings of Committee investigators that nu-
merous waivers have been informally sought through the Super-
intendent’s office, but were never documented in cemetery records.
The review also found that the cemetery’s responses to such re-
quests from the general public were varied and inconsistent, add-
ing to the confusion concerning eligibility standards for burial at
GAO reviewed both Presidential and Secretary of the Army waiv-
ers: President Lyndon Johnson granted the first two Arlington
waivers; President Richard Nixon granted three waivers; President
Gerald Ford granted six; President Jimmy Carter individually
granted 16 waivers, while the Army granted two more during his
term of office; the Ronald Reagan Administration granted a total
of 63 waivers, 21 by Presidential action; during the Administration
of President George Bush the Secretary of the Army granted 32
waivers, none were Presidential; and the William Clinton Adminis-
tration has granted 73 waivers, five by Presidential action.
At the Committee’s request, both the American Law Division of
the Congressional Research Service (CRS) and GAO counsel have
conducted a legal analysis of such waiver authority. Although no
express secretarial or presidential waiver authority was found, both
CRS and GAO agreed with the Army’s long-standing position that
it has such authority. Support can be found for this argument in
the legislative history of the National Cemeteries Act of 1973.
In reporting the 1973 bill, the committees addressed the express
waiver authority provided to the VA, and noted that ‘‘similar au-
thority’’ apparently resided with the Secretary of the Army with re-
spect to Arlington National Cemetery (Sen. Report No. 93–55 at 36;
House Report No. 93–131 at 16). The Committee’s Report accom-
panying the 1973 Act appears to have in effect approved the six
waivers granted between 1967 and 1973. But the question of
whether the Army should retain authority over Arlington was left
open for further study since the 1973 Act made clear that all other
national cemeteries fell within the VA’s jurisdiction. As noted pre-
viously, the study submitted to the Congress in January, 1974, rec-
ommended that existing regulations and practices should be main-
tained, and that the Army should retain jurisdiction over Arlington
Cemetery. Congress took no further action on this issue at that
Prior to the January 28, 1998, Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations hearing, the Department of Defense, Department of
the Army and Arlington National Cemetery provided extensive in-
formation and documentation regarding secretarial and presi-
dential waivers. Limited cooperation and few available documents
and information from the White House restricted the ability of the
Committee and GAO to review presidential waivers granted since
1993. The White House also did not respond to the Subcommittee’s
invitation to testify at its January 28 hearing regarding waivers
granted during the current Administration. White House counsel
asserted claims of executive privilege and refused to provide the
Committee copies of several documents relating to waivers. Due to
time constraints and limited Committee resources, the Committee
was unable to extensively research the records of presidential li-
braries regarding waivers by previous presidential administrations.
Despite these obstacles, the Subcommittee was able to acquire
extensive information concerning Arlington National Cemetery eli-
gibility criteria and the waiver process since 1967. The Subcommit-
tee’s review found that most of the 196 waivers for burial at Arling-
ton have been granted for family members of veterans (or members
of the Armed Forces) eligible for burial at Arlington. In most cases,
such waivers have not resulted in the displacement of an eligible
veteran because the family members have been buried in the same
plot as the veterans. A total of 59 Army or presidential waivers
have been granted for persons who are veterans but who did not
meet the restrictive eligibility criteria for burial at Arlington. Given
existing space limitations, the effect of such waivers has been to
displace eligible veterans from burial at Arlington. Such waivers
for individuals not meeting the ordinary eligibility criteria have
been largely based on outstanding contributions to the nation or
the military, or deaths under tragic circumstances while serving
the nation in some noteworthy capacity. In all, thirteen waivers
have been granted to persons with no military service, one of whom
is still living. The living waiver recipient subsequently announced
the withdrawal of his request for burial at Arlington.
Some waivers resulting in the displacement of an eligible veteran
have been for essentially ‘‘humanitarian,’’ highly subjective rea-
sons, and some appear to lack any compelling basis. GAO’s testi-
mony on this point highlighted ‘‘seemingly contradictory decisions
and recommendations’’ by Army officials and ‘‘often undocumented’’
rationale for waiver decisions prior to 1991, when the tenure of the
current cemetery Superintendent began. GAO also found that ‘‘the
reasons for presidential waiver decisions are generally not ex-
plained,’’ and that ‘‘presidential decisions are typically made with-
out explicit reference to criteria.’’
H.R. 3211, as amended, would provide no express or implied
waiver or exception authority to any person. Thus, it would elimi-
nate the authority to grant exceptions which resides in the Sec-
retary of the Army and would also eliminate the authority of any
other officer in the Executive Branch, including the President, to
authorize the burial of persons who do not meet the statutory cri-
teria. The bill would establish clear-cut criteria for primary eligi-
bility under subsection (a) of section 2412 of title 38, United States
Code, on which the Superintendent of Arlington could make min-
isterial decisions without the need for higher level discretionary de-
The Superintendent would also have a limited discretionary au-
thority regarding burial of certain family members under sub-
section (b) of section 2412. The existing Army regulations govern-
ing Arlington place such discretion in the Secretary of the Army.
The Committee believes such discretion is appropriate, albeit better
placed with the Superintendent rather than the Secretary of the
Army. As in the past, the Secretary of the Army would retain over-
all responsibility for the administration and operation of the ceme-
The bill would prohibit the Secretary and the Superintendent
from considering any request for burial in advance of the death of
the individual. It would also require the Secretary to maintain a
public record of all individuals buried in Arlington. Finally, the bill
would require the Secretary to publish an updated pamphlet de-
scribing eligibility criteria within 180 days of enactment and estab-
lishes the date of enactment as the effective date for changes in eli-
gibility made by the bill.
Section 2 codifies regulations governing placement in the col-
umbarium at Arlington National Cemetery. Generally, any veteran
eligible for burial in a national cemetery operated by the Depart-
ment of Veterans Affairs as defined in section 2412 of title 38 is
eligible for the columbarium, including the spouse, minor child, or
at the discretion of the Superintendent of Arlington National Cem-
etery, the unmarried adult child of an eligible veteran.
Section 3 adds a new section 2414 to codify regulations governing
gravesite markers. It directs that graves be marked in accordance
with section 2404 of title 38, which describes the types of markers
which may be used in national cemeteries. Section 3 also prescribes
the conditions under which a private marker may be placed on a
gravesite in Arlington. In general, private markers are restricted to
areas authorized as of January 1, 1947 for such markers. It also
requires the private party to provide for the maintenance of such
markers, limits the Secretary’s liability in case of damage, and re-
quires the markers to be aesthetically compatible with Arlington
National Cemetery.
Finally, section 3 requires that all monuments commemorate a
military event or the military service of an individual or group of
individuals. Monuments may not be placed in Arlington until 25
years have elapsed after the service or event.
Section 1 states the title of the Act is the ‘‘Arlington National
Cemetery Burial Eligibility Act’’.
Section 2 would amend chapter 24 of title 38 United States Code,
by adding a new section 2412.
Proposed section 2412(a) establishes the primary eligibility for
burial at Arlington. Persons eligible are members of the Armed
Forces who die on active duty; veterans who are retired and receiv-
ing retired pay, or would be eligible for retired pay but for their
age, or are eligible for retirement but remain in an active reserve
status; certain former members of the Armed Forces who were sep-
arated for disability prior to October 1, 1949; former members of
the Armed Forces who were awarded any one of the following mili-
tary awards: the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross,
Navy Cross, Air Force Cross, Silver Star or Purple Heart; any
former POW who dies after November 30, 1993; the President or
any former President.
Proposed section 2412(b) establishes the eligibility criteria for
family members of those eligible for burial under 2412(a) and the
conditions of burial.
Subsection (b)(1) of section 2412 authorizes burial of the spouse,
surviving spouse, minor child or, at the discretion of the Super-
intendent of Arlington National Cemetery, the unmarried adult
child of a veteran described in subsection (a) above.
Subsection (b)(2)(A) of section 2412 authorizes burial of an active
duty member’s dependents.
Subsection (b)(2)(B) of section 2412 authorizes burial of a former
member whose dependents were buried at Arlington National Cem-
etery while the member was on active duty.
Subsection (b)(3) of section 2412 authorizes burial of the parents
of a child buried at Arlington based on the eligibility of a parent.
Subsection (b)(4)(A) of section 2412 authorizes burial of certain
dependents of a member of the Armed Forces whose body was not
recovered or was officially determined to be missing or missing in
Subsection (b)(4)(B) of section 2412 denies burial of dependents
authorized in (A) if a memorial already exists elsewhere in the Na-
tional Cemetery System, but authorizes relocation of any such me-
morial to Arlington National Cemetery, thus making such depend-
ents eligible.
Subsection (b)(5) of section 2412 authorizes the burial of certain
dependents of members of the Armed Forces buried in a cemetery
operated by the American Battle Monuments Commission.
Section 2412(c) sets the conditions for burial of a surviving
spouse who has subsequently remarried. It also denies eligibility to
a spouse of the surviving spouse whose eligibility is based solely on
burial of the surviving spouse.
Section 2412(d) authorizes burial of disabled unmarried adult
children who are incapable of self-support up to the time of death
without approval by the Superintendent.
Section 2412(e) provides that dependents of those listed in sub-
section (a) who are buried in a mass grave may not be buried in
the group gravesite, but may be buried elsewhere in the cemetery.
Section 2412(f) states that the exclusive authority for burial eligi-
bility is section 2412 of title 38, United States Code.
Section 2412(g) prohibits the Secretary of the Army from consid-
ering a request for burial at Arlington National Cemetery prior to
the death of the individual for whom burial is requested. The in-
tent of this provision is to prohibit any advance reservation of bur-
ial sites.
Section 2412(h) would require the Secretary of the Army to es-
tablish and maintain a public register of those buried at Arlington
National Cemetery and the authority under which they were in-
terred. While the Committee understands the difficulties that may
arise in compiling the names and locations of all those previously
interred at Arlington, the Committee intends the register to be as
complete a database as possible.
Section 3(a) would add a new section 2413 to title 38, United
States Code, titled: ‘‘Persons Eligible for Placement in the Col-
umbarium in Arlington National Cemetery.’’
2413(a)(1) states that the cremated remains of anyone eligible for
burial under section 2412 of title 38, United States Code, in Arling-
ton National Cemetery is eligible for placement in the columba-
2413(a)(2)(A) authorizes placement of any veteran whose last ac-
tive duty ended honorably.
2413(a)(2)(B) authorizes placement of the cremated remains of
the spouse, minor child and (at the discretion of the Superintend-
ent of Arlington National Cemetery) an unmarried adult child of
such a veteran.
2413(b) applies the same eligibility rules for placement of the re-
mains of remarried surviving spouses as are applicable to applica-
tions for in-ground burial at Arlington.
Section 4(a) would add a new section 2414 to title 38, United
States Code, titled: ‘‘Arlington National Cemetery: authorized
headstones, markers and monuments.’’
Section 2414(a) directs that gravesite markers conform to those
issued by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Section 2414(b)(1) directs the Secretary of the Army to prescribe
regulations for privately furnished gravesite markers.
Section 2414(b)(2)(A) specifies general design criteria for pri-
vately furnished headstones or markers.
Section 2414(b)(2)(B) requires that the person furnishing a pri-
vate marker provide for maintenance.
Section 2414(b)(2)(C) stipulates that the Secretary of the Army is
not responsible for any maintenance or damage to privately fur-
nished headstones or markers.
Section 2414(b)(2)(D) requires privately furnished markers to be
aesthetically compatible with Arlington National Cemetery.
Section 2414(b)(2)(E) restricts placement of privately furnished
headstones or markers to areas designated for such headstones or
markers as of January 1, 1947.
Section 2414(c)(1) prohibits placement of monuments at Arling-
ton National Cemetery unless the monument meets provisions in
either subsection (c)(2) or (c)(3) of section 2414.
Section 2414(c)(2) requires that a memorial must honor the mili-
tary service of an individual or group or a military event.
Section 2414(b)(3) requires a 25-year waiting period between the
military service or event and placement of a monument at Arling-
ton National Cemetery.
Section 2414(b)(4) restricts placement of monuments to areas
designated by the Superintendent.
Section 5 directs the Secretary of the Army to publish any regu-
lations related to this Act in the Federal Register within one year
of enactment.
No oversight findings have been submitted to the Committee by
the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.
Statement of The Honorable John P. McLaurin, Deputy Assistant
Secretary of the Army (Military Personnel Management and Equal
Opportunity Policy) and Mr. John C. Metzler, Jr., Superintendent
of Arlington National Cemetery, before the Subcommittee on Bene-
fits on February 24, 1998, pertaining to H.R. 3211.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I am glad to be here to discuss the
proposed legislation regarding eligibility criteria for burial at Ar-
lington National Cemetery (ANC). As you are aware, the Secretary
of the Army has designated the Assistant Secretary of the Army for
Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASA (M&RA)) as the individual re-
sponsible for oversight of burial policy at ANC. Today, I am rep-
resenting the acting ASA (M&RA) who was unexpectedly hospital-
ized over the weekend. In my capacity as the Deputy Assistant Sec-
retary for Military Personnel Management and Equal Opportunity
Policy, I am here to provide the Army’s comments on the proposed
legislation. Seated next to me is Mr. John C. Metzler, Jr., the Su-
perintendent of Arlington National Cemetery, who is also available
to answer any questions you may have.
Arlington National Cemetery is America’s most prominent Na-
tional Cemetery and serves as a shrine honoring the men and
women who have served in the Armed Forceas and those Ameri-
cans who have made extraordinary contributions to the nation. It
is a visible reflection of America’s appreciation for those individuals
whose acts and accomplishments reflect the highest service to the
Since its founding in 1864, the cemetery has functioned primarily
as a military burial ground. Over the years, the symbolic signifi-
cance of Arlington National Cemetery has evolved. The cemetery
has become recognized as the nation’s foremost national memorial
to its military members and is the final resting place of presidents
and other leading public figures. It has also become the site of
major memorial events and ceremonies, as well as a significant at-
traction for visitors to the Washington area.
As an initial matter, we support the Committee’s effort to set
forth in law many of the rules that have governed eligibility cri-
teria for burial in ANC for the past 30 years. As you know, rules
governing burial in ANC are set forth in title 32 of the Code of Fed-
eral Regulations. We also support your effort to make these rules
readily accessible to the American public in the form of enacted
laws. This legislation will continue the practice of allowing active
members of the Armed Forces, retired members of the Armed
Forces, highly-decorated veterans, former prisoners of war, and cer-
tain veterans discharged due to disability, to be buried in ANC.
We also support your effort to identify in law those categories of
persons entitled to burial in the cemetery who were routinely
granted exceptions allowing them to be interred in ANC. These ex-
ceptions took into account humanitarian considerations and, as a
matter of practice, were granted in cases involving the burial of
disabled, adult, unmarried children in the same gravesite as their
parent(s) and, in certain instances, cases allowing the burial of the
former spouse of an individual eligible for ground burial in the
same grave. We approve of the provisions in the bill that provide
burial entitlements to these individuals.
We are troubled, however, with two aspects of this legislation.
First, this bill eliminates an entitlement that presently exists for
former members of the Armed Forces whose superior contributions
to the nation are reflected in the high legislative, judicial and exec-
utive offices they hold. For example, Robert Kennedy served in the
Navy during World War II and later distinguished himself as the
Attorney General of the United States and as a Senator from New
York before he was assassinated. This bill would preclude his bur-
ial in Arlington today. Similarly, Oliver Wendell Holmes is buried
at Arlington. Holmes served in the Army during the Civil War, and
was later confirmed as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
As in the case of Robert Kennedy, the proposed legislation would
preclude Chief Justice Holmes’ burial despite his brilliant combat
and public service records.
Under the current regulations governing burial at ANC, individ-
uals such as Robert Kennedy and Oliver Wendell Holmes would be
allowed to be buried in ANC based on their distinguished service
to the nation. They would not be eligible for burial based on their
military service alone, unless they were highly decorated. Changing
this rule constitutes a radical departure from current burial poli-
cies and fundamentally changes the character of the cemetery.
Under this legislation, war heroes will no longer lie next to our na-
tion’s most revered statesmen and supreme court justices, an at-
tribute of the cemetery which distinguishes it as the nation’s most
revered burial grounds.
Second, the legislation creates a set of immutable rules that limit
any discretion to grant exceptions in those circumstances that
historically have warranted burial in this hallowed cemetery. For
example, former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall did not
have military service. Yet, due to his extraordinary public service
accomplishments and demonstrated record of supporting this
nation’s highest traditions of freedom and democracy, there was
overwhelming national support for his interment in Arlington.
Under the proposed legislation, Justice Marshall and other extraor-
dinary public servants could not be buried in Arlington National
In addition, this bill would exclude from burial in Arlington indi-
viduals who, while performing a mission on behalf of the United
States, make the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for their
country. For example, Mr. Robert Frasure died in a tragic accident
in an armored vehicle in Bosnia. Mr. Frasure was a Deputy Assist-
ant Secretary of State and a special envoy of the President. He had
no military service and was, therefore, not eligible for burial in Ar-
lington, notwithstanding the fact that he died in an area of hos-
tilities while on an official mission in service of his country. We be-
lieve that individuals like Mr. Frasure, who are dispatched to
strife-ridden areas and make the ultimate sacrifice in service to
their country, should not be excluded from burial in ANC.
Arlington should be preserved as a national shrine honoring the
men and women who have served in the Armed Forces and those
Americans who have made extraordinary public contributions, the
vast majority of which are veterans of our Armed Forces. If there
is one thing we know, it is that life is uncertain. We believe that
there must be a mechanism under the legislation to deal with facts
and events that are impossible to predict with certainty today.
We recommend that language be included in the bill that would
provide the President, through his designee, the Secretary of the
Army the discretion to grant exceptions for burial in ANC to indi-
viduals whose acts, services, or contributions on behalf of the
Armed Forces or the nation are extraordinary and substantially
similar to the acts, services, or contributions made by the individ-
uals who would be entitled to burial under the legislation that you
enact. We note that Congress has conferred similar discretion upon
the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs in connection with the adminis-
tration of cemeteries within the National Cemetery System. The
authority granted could include a proviso that the appropriate
oversight committees be notified of each exception. We note that
decisions concerning burials are time-sensitive and extremely emo-
tional, requiring prompt action.
The draft legislation also includes a provision that addresses the
placement of memorials and monuments, other than private mark-
ers at individual gravesites. We support your legislative efforts to
limit these memorials and monuments to those that commemorate
service in the Armed Forces by an individual or group, and those
that commemorate particular military events. We also approve of
the legislative language that restricts the placement of memorials
or monuments commemorating military events until twenty-five
years after the event. This time period will ensure that the event
being commemorated is of fitting historical significance.
In closing, I would like to emphasize that the Army takes very
seriously its responsibility to administer and to uphold the sanctity
of Arlington National Cemetery as we pay final tribute to men and
women who have served our country with distinction. In this re-
gard, the Army has recently completed a strategic plan, which is
designed to ensure that Arlington will remain active as the nation’s
foremost military cemetery. This plan identifies fourteen parcels of
land that are located in close proximity to the cemetery and that
could be used for future burials. We intend to examine those par-
cels that are readily available so that the future needs of the ceme-
tery are met. These parcels include contiguous land sites that will
be vacated by the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, including a por-
tion of Ft. Myer and the Navy annex. We solicit your support for
this initiative. Funds are included in the President’s budget for fis-
cal years 1999–2003 to prepare concept plans to develop those par-
cels of land owned by the federal government when they become
excess to government needs in the near future. Acquisition of this
property will allow for continued operation of the cemetery through
the twenty-first century.
I appreciate very much the opportunity to be here, Mr. Chair-
man. Mr. Metzler and I would be pleased to answer any questions
you may have.
The following letter was received from the Congressional Budget
Office concerning the cost of the reported bill:
U.S. C
Washington, DC, March 12, 1998.
Hon. B
Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs,
House of Representatives, Washington, DC.
. C
: The Congressional Budget Office has pre-
pared the enclosed cost estimate for H.R. 3211, the Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery Burial Eligibility Act.
If you wish further details on this estimate, we will be pleased
to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Charles Riemann, who
can be reached at 226–2840.
E. O’N
H.R. 3211—Arlington National Cemetery Burial Eligibility
As ordered reported by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
on March 11, 1998
H.R. 3211 would codify many current regulations governing eligi-
bility for burial in Arlington National Cemetery and interment in
its columbarium. The bill would allow certain close family members
of eligible veterans to be buried in the same grave without the need
for a waiver, and it would prohibit burial in other special cases.
Under the bill, future memorials or markers must commemorate
service in the Armed Forces. H.R. 3211 would require the Secretary
of the Army to maintain a public register that would describe the
eligibility of each individual buried in Arlington National Cemetery
after January 1, 1998. The Secretary would also be required to
publish a pamphlet describing eligibility requirements for burial.
CBO estimates that the costs of implementing H.R. 3211 would
not be significant. Most categories of veterans and family members
covered under the bill’s eligibility criteria are already eligible under
current regulations. The bill would grant eligibility to family mem-
bers who are presently ineligible for burial at Arlington National
Cemetery, but because these individuals are small in number and
have tended to receive waivers, the bill would not lead to a signifi-
cant increase in the number of burials at the cemetery. CBO esti-
mates that the costs of producing the register and pamphlet would
be negligible. Because the legislation would not affect direct spend-
ing or receipts, pay-as-you-go procedures would not apply.
The bill contains no intergovernmental or private-sector man-
dates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995,
and would not affect the budgets of state, local, or tribal govern-
The estimate was prepared by Charles Riemann, who can be
reached at 226–2840. This estimate was approved by Robert A.
Sunshine, Deputy Assistant Director for Budget Analysis.
The enactment of the reported bill would have no inflationary
The reported bill would not be applicable to the legislative
branch under the Congressional Accountability Act, Public Law
104–1, because the bill would only affect certain Department of
Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense programs and benefits
The reported bill would not establish a federal mandate under
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, Public Law 104–4.
Pursuant to Article I, section 8 of the United States Constitution,
the reported bill is authorized by Congress’ power to ‘‘provide for
the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.’’
In compliance with clause 3 of rule XIII of the Rules of the House
of Representatives, changes in existing law made by the bill, as re-
ported, are shown as follows (existing law proposed to be omitted
is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in italics, exist-
ing law in which no change is proposed is shown in roman):
2400. Establishment of National Cemetery System; composition of such system;
appointment of director.
* * * * * * *
2412. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for burial.
2413. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for placement in columba-
2414. Arlington National Cemetery: authorized headstones, markers, and monu-
* * * * * * *
§ 2402. Persons eligible for interment in national cemeteries
Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe and sub-
ject to the provisions of section 6105 of this title, the remains of
the following persons may be buried in any open national cemetery
in the National Cemetery System:
* * * * * * *
(7) Any person who at the time of death was entitled (or but
for age would have been entitled) to retired pay under øchapter
67¿ chapter 1223 of title 10 øor would have been entitled to re-
tired pay under that chapter but for the fact that the person
was under 60 years of age¿.
* * * * * * *
§ 2412. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for bur-
(a) P
.—The remains of the following individ-
uals may be buried in Arlington National Cemetery:
(1) Any member of the Armed Forces who dies while on active
(2) Any retired member of the Armed Forces and any person
who served on active duty and at the time of death was entitled
(or but for age would have been entitled) to retired pay under
chapter 1223 of title 10.
(3) Any former member of the Armed Forces separated for
physical disability before October 1, 1949, who—
(A) served on active duty; and
(B) would have been eligible for retirement under the pro-
visions of section 1201 of title 10 (relating to retirement for
disability) had that section been in effect on the date of sep-
aration of the member.
(4) Any former member of the Armed Forces whose last active
duty military service terminated honorably and who has been
awarded one of the following decorations:
(A) Medal of Honor.
(B) Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force Cross, or Navy
(C) Distinguished Service Medal.
(D) Silver Star.
(E) Purple Heart.
(5) Any former prisoner of war who dies on or after November
30, 1993.
(6) The President or any former President.
(b) E
.—The remains of the follow-
ing individuals may be buried in Arlington National Cemetery:
(1) The spouse, surviving spouse, minor child, and, at the dis-
cretion of the Superintendent, unmarried adult child of a per-
son listed in subsection (a), but only if buried in the same
gravesite as that person.
(2)(A) The spouse, minor child, and, at the discretion of the
Superintendent, unmarried adult child of a member of the
Armed Forces on active duty if such spouse, minor child, or un-
married adult child dies while such member is on active duty.
(B) The individual whose spouse, minor child, and unmar-
ried adult child is eligible under subparagraph (A), but only if
buried in the same gravesite as the spouse, minor child, or un-
married adult child.
(3) The parents of a minor child or unmarried adult child
whose remains, based on the eligibility of a parent, are already
buried in Arlington National Cemetery, but only if buried in the
same gravesite as that minor child or unmarried adult child.
(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the surviving spouse,
minor child, and, at the discretion of the Superintendent, un-
married adult child of a member of the Armed Forces who was
lost, buried at sea, or officially determined to be permanently
absent in a status of missing or missing in action.
(B) A person is not eligible under subparagraph (A) if a me-
morial to honor the memory of the member is placed in a ceme-
tery in the national cemetery system, unless the memorial is re-
moved. A memorial removed under this subparagraph may be
placed, at the discretion of the Superintendent, in Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery.
(5) The surviving spouse, minor child, and, at the discretion
of the Superintendent, unmarried adult child of a member of
the Armed Forces buried in a cemetery under the jurisdiction
of the American Battle Monuments Commission.
(c) S
.—For purposes of subsection (b)(1), a surviving
spouse of a person whose remains are buried in Arlington National
Cemetery by reason of eligibility under subsection (a), who has re-
married is eligible for burial in the same gravesite of that person.
The spouse of the surviving spouse is not eligible for burial in such
(d) D
.—In the case of an
unmarried adult child who is incapable of self-support up to the
time of death because of a physical or mental condition, the child
may be buried under subsection (b) without requirement for ap-
proval by the Superintendent under that subsection if the burial is
in the same gravesite as the gravesite in which the parent, who is
eligible for burial under subsection (a), has been or will be buried.
(e) F
.—In the case of a person eligible for burial under sub-
section (a) who is buried in Arlington National Cemetery as part of
a group burial, the surviving spouse, minor child, or unmarried
adult child of the member may not be buried in the group gravesite.
(f) E
.—Eligibility for burial of remains in Arlington National
Cemetery prescribed under this section is the exclusive eligibility for
such burial.
(g) A
.—A request for burial of remains of
an individual in Arlington National Cemetery made before the
death of the individual may not be considered by the Secretary of
the Army or any other responsible official.
(h) R
.—(1) The Secretary of the
Army shall maintain a register of each individual buried in Arling-
ton National Cemetery and shall make such register available to the
(2) With respect to each such individual buried on or after Janu-
ary 1, 1998, the register shall include a brief description of the basis
of eligibility of the individual for burial in Arlington National Cem-
(i) D
.—For purposes of this section:
(1) The term ‘‘retired member of the Armed Forces’’ means—
(A) any member of the Armed Forces on a retired list who
served on active duty and who is entitled to retired pay;
(B) any member of the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine
Corps Reserve who served on active duty and who is enti-
tled to retainer pay; and
(C) any member of a reserve component of the Armed
Forces who has served on active duty and who has received
notice from the Secretary concerned under section 12731(d)
of title 10, of eligibility for retired pay under chapter 1223
of title 10.
(2) The term ‘‘former member of the Armed Forces’’ includes
a person whose service is considered active duty service pursu-
ant to a determination of the Secretary of Defense under section
401 of Public Law 95-202 (38 U.S.C. 106 note).
(3) The term ‘‘Superintendent’’ means the Superintendent of
Arlington National Cemetery.
§ 2413. Arlington National Cemetery: persons eligible for
placement in columbarium
(a) E
.—The cremated remains of the following individ-
uals may be placed in the columbarium in Arlington National Cem-
(1) A person eligible for burial in Arlington National Ceme-
tery under section 2412 of this title.
(2)(A) A veteran whose last period of active duty service (other
than active duty for training) ended honorably.
(B) The spouse, surviving spouse, minor child, and, at the
discretion of the Superintendent of Arlington National Ceme-
tery, unmarried adult child of such a veteran.
(b) S
.—Section 2412(c) of this title shall apply to a spouse
under this section in the same manner as it applies to a spouse
under section 2412.
§ 2414. Arlington National Cemetery: authorized headstones,
markers, and monuments
(a) G
gravesite in Arlington National Cemetery shall be appropriately
marked in accordance with section 2404 of this title.
(b) G
The Secretary of the Army shall prescribe regulations for the provi-
sion of headstones or markers to mark a gravesite at private expense
in lieu of headstones and markers provided by the Secretary of Vet-
erans Affairs in Arlington National Cemetery.
(2) Such regulations shall ensure that—
(A) such headstones or markers are of simple design, dig-
nified, and appropriate to a military cemetery;
(B) the person providing such headstone or marker provides
for the future maintenance of the headstone or marker in the
event repairs are necessary;
(C) the Secretary of the Army shall not be liable for mainte-
nance of or damage to the headstone or marker;
(D) such headstones or markers are aesthetically compatible
with Arlington National Cemetery; and
(E) such headstones or markers are permitted only in sections
of Arlington National Cemetery authorized for such headstones
or markers as of January 1, 1947.
(c) M
.—(1) No monument (or similar structure as de-
termined by the Secretary of the Army in regulations) may be placed
in Arlington National Cemetery except pursuant to the provisions of
this subsection.
(2) A monument may be placed in Arlington National Cemetery
if the monument commemorates—
(A) the service in the Armed Forces of the individual, or
group of individuals, whose memory is to be honored by the
monument; or
(B) a particular military event.
(3) No monument may be placed in Arlington National Cemetery
until the end of the 25-year period beginning—
(A) in the case of commemoration of service under paragraph
(1)(A), on the last day of the period of service so commemorated;
(B) in the case of commemoration of a particular military
event under paragraph (1)(B), on the last day of the period of
the event.
(4) A monument may be placed only in those sections of Arlington
National Cemetery designated by the Secretary of the Army for such