What Types of Jobs Are Available to Professional Writers?
Professional Writing prepares students for careers in non-profits, professional editing and publishing,
technical writing, content management, and web and visual design. It may further prepare students
for further studies in writing, technical writing, rhetoric, the teaching of writing, and the study of
Students with a PW minor are prepared for
jobs such as:
Technical Writer
Grant Writer
Assistant Editor
Communications Coordinator
Social Media Specialist
Freelance Writer
Web Content Writer
User Experience Researcher
Web Communications Specialist
Foundation Development Manager
Digital Marketing Specialist
Content Editor
Companies looking for Professional Writers include:
Oshkosh Corporation
JJ Keller
Blue Door Marketing
Candeo Creative
Future Neenah
Visit Oshkosh
Bemis Corporation
Oshkosh Community Foundation
Silver Star Marketing
Stellar Blue Technologies
What Students Are Saying About Professional Writing?
“When I first started my Bachelor’s degree in English at UW Oshkosh, I had a very narrow view of
technical writing and what it meant to be a technical communicator. I thought that technical
communicators wrote instruction manuals and how-to guidesand that was it. Over time, I learned that
we are all technical communicators in a sense, as we attempt to communicate certain information to
specific audiences on a daily basis. I think it’s also important to note that the technical communication
field is vastand growing quicklywith jobs in engineering, healthcare, computer systems and software
design, media, marketing, business, law, as well as in academia. All of these fields need communicators
who can convey complex information clearly and accurately. Currently, I’m working on my Master’s
degree in Technical Writing & Rhetorics with a special interest in usability/accessibility research and
disability studies. Basically, I consider what audiences are being excluded/marginalized in technical
documents and how we can make technical documents more inclusive/accessible. I believe this kind of
research is preparing me for both industry and academia as it is making me a more responsive writer and
instructor. Alyssa, UWO English alum & current graduate student at Illinois State
“Over the last six months, I realized that my writing deserved the chance to help other people the way it
has helped me. Enrolling in Grant Writing Foundations is my first attempt at suiting up the fight for
equality. I want to use the weight of words, the things that brought me safety and security for so long, to
prioritize and support those who advocate for the benefit of the public.” Emily, Grant Writing
Foundations student
“I have always dreamed of starting a nonprofit organization that increases resources for STEM education
in Haiti. Grants can help to offset some of the expenses associated with such an organization. So far, I am
very pleased that I took this course.” Logan, Grant Writing Foundations student
What is Professional Writing?
Professional Writing is a 21-credit minor for students wishing to specialize in writing as an area
of expertise. The minor prepares students to become creative, imaginative, and expressive
writers and designers who are able to work with a wide range of documents in a variety of
workplaces and prepares students to write for a variety of publics.
Students in the minor will…
(1) develop advanced writing and rhetoric skills with emphasis on writing public and
disciplinary communities;
(2) be prepared with skills to write in digital and technical environments;
(3) and apply editing techniques to a variety of variety of professional contexts.
Want More Information on the Minor?
Contact Dr. Maria Novotny at or (920) 424-7475.
The minor starts in Fall 2019!
Professional Writing Courses
English 207 Introduction to Professional Writing (3 credits)
English 317 Technical Writing (3 credits)
English 389 Digital & Multimodal Writing (3 credits)
English 402 Internship (3 credits)
*English 388 Grant Writing Foundations (3 credits)
*English 385 Topics in Professional & Digital Writing (3 credits)
*English 387 Special Topics in Rhetoric & Composition (3 credits)
*English 322 Theories of Rhetoric & Writing (3 credits)
*English 301 Modern Grammars (3 credits)
*select three of those courses to complete the minor.