Technical Communication Graduate Certificate (15 credits)
Job Outlook and Salary
According to a 2015 report from the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, careers in technical communi-
cation are growing in both demand and pay.
National Median Pay (2015)
Nebraska Median Pay (2015)
Number of Jobs (2014)
Job Outlook (2014 - 2024)
10% increase, or 5,300 more jobs—
the fastest growth for all occupations.
Learn More
Advance your career with the Certificate in
Technical Communication from UNO.
Contact Dr. Tracy Bridgeford
Technical Communication Program Director
Tech Comm: Where Accurate
Content Meets Thoughtful Design
Technical communicators relay complex information in
ways that people can easily understand.
Technical Communicators
Use audience analysis to guide decisions
Convey technical material in a concise and
effective manner
Pay attention to details
Gather information from many different sources
Program Objectives
The Technical Communication Graduate Certificate
from the Department of English complements your
primary degree. Through this program, you will learn
how to:
Organize information
Design print and digital documents
Edit for clarity and style
Work with real clients
Make ethical choices
Conduct audience analysis
Create infographics
Genre Development
Technical communicators also write and design across a
number of genres, including:
• Reports
• Websites
• Memos
• Proposals
• User manuals
The Tech Comm Certificate taught
me to recognize and appreciate the
connections between writing, design,
and audience, which has made all
the difference in my web design ca-
reer.” Käj Jorgensen, MA, UNO Graduate
Technical Communication Graduate Certificate (15 credits)
Top Careers in Tech Comm
Technical writers and communicators go on
to successful careers in academia, industry,
publishing, research, and much more.
Some Job Titles Related to Tech Comm:
Content Strategist
Information Designer
Documentation Specialist
Project Manager
Technical Writer or Editor
Training & eLearning Development
Usability Engineer
Content Developer
Required Courses (9 hours)
The following courses, or other approved courses in
consultation with your advisor, are required:
ENGL/JMC 8816 Digital Literacies for Technical Com-
municators (3 credits)
ENGL/JMC 8836 Technical Communication (3 credits)
ENGL/JMC 8856 Information Design for Technical
Communicators (3 credits)
Electives (6 hours)
Some courses from English or the School of Communi-
cation may be substituted with the director's approval.
ENGL 8806 English Internship (1-3 credits)
ENGL/JMC 8876 Technical Editing (3 credits)
ENGL/JMC 8896 Capstone Course in Technical Com-
munication (3 credits)
CMST 8156 Corporate Training and Development
(3 credits)
CMST 8196 Computer Mediated Communication
(3 credits)
CMST 8536 Intercultural Communication-US
(3 credits)
ENGL 8900/CACT 8610 Seminar: Professional and
Technical Writing (3 credits)
Exit Requirements
Students will assemble a portfolio representing their
achievements in the five courses (15 hours). The portfo-
lio will contain at least one writing sample/project from
each course and will be reviewed by the Technical Com-
munication program director and one other member of
the Graduate Faculty from the Department of English
or the School of Communication. Faculty teaching these
courses will be aware of this portfolio requirement and
will assign work that can be used as part of the portfo-
lio (e.g., a report, users manual, website, etc.).
A Message from the Director
The Graduate Certificate
in Technical Communica-
tion (Tech Comm) prepares
students with core compe-
tencies in writing, editing,
and designing of technical
documents. This certificate is available from
either the Department of English (www. in the College of Arts &
Sciences, or from the School of Communication
( in the College
of Communication, Fine Art, and Media.
This 15-credit certificate program provides you
with an introductory foundation in Technical
Communication skills and knowledge. Whether
you are getting the certificate to enter the job
market as a technical communicator or getting
it to complement another degree, you will find
the skills invaluable to your chosen career. The
Tech Comm Certificate offers students an excit-
ing opportunity to combine studies of writing
and technology in practical, career-focused
Dr. Tracy Bridgeford
Technical Communication Program Director