Motor Carrier Services
August 2021
Trucking Guide
Although we make every eort to assure that the informaon provided is accurate, the Missouri Trucking
Guide, is drawn from Missouri and Federal rules, laws and regulaons and mul-jurisdiconal agreements that
are subject to change. It is impossible to guarantee the absolute accuracy of the material contained herein.
Please visit the Missouri Department of Transportaon Motor Carrier Services website at
for the most recent informaon.
The Missouri Highways and Transportaon Commission (MHTC), MoDOT, Motor Carrier Services Division and
its employees shall not assume any responsibility for omissions, errors, misprinng, or ambiguity contained
within this guide and shall not be held liable in any degree for any loss or injury caused by any such omissions,
errors, misprinngs or ambiguies present in this publicaon. This is a guide and is not a legal interpretaon
of Federal or Missouri laws and/or rules/regulaons. MHTC, MoDOT, MCS and its employees are not rendering
legal, accounng or other professional services or advice through this Guide. If legal advice or other expert
assistance is required, seek the services of a competent professional.
Getting Started 6
New Motor Carrier Resources 6
Vehicle Safety Requirements 7
Commercial Motor Vehicle Denion 7
Vehicle Idencaon (Markings) 7
Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Motor Vehicles 9
General Requirements 9
Record-Keeping Requirements 9
Post-Trip Inspecon Report 9
Pre-Trip Inspecon Report
Periodic Inspecon 10
Driver Safety Requirements 11
Qualicaon of Drivers 11
Driver Requirements 11
Commercial Drivers License 12
Hours of Service for Drivers 14
Drivers Record of Duty Status
Electronic Logging Devices 16
Subming/Retaining Duty Status Log 16
Alcohol and Drug Tesng Requirements 16
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Regulaon Resources 17
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Mandate 18
Introducon 19
Opening an IRP Account
Cab Card Credenal 20
Annual Apporoned Plate Renewal 21
IRP Online Transacons – MoDOT Carrier Express 21
Record retenon for IRP 22
72-hour Trip and Hunters Permits 22
Closing an IRP Account 22
IRP Denions 23
Introducon 24
Are you subject to IFTA reporng and record keeping requirements? 24
Applying for an IFTA license
Annual Renewal 25
Quarterly Tax Returns 25
Credits and Refunds 26
Account Changes 27
IFTA and Leasing Situaons 27
Fuel Trip Permits 27
Record-Keeping Requirements 28
Unified Carrier Registration 30
Introducon 30
Compliance 30
Registraon and Annual Renewal 30
Missouri Intrastate Operating Authority 31
Introducon 31
Registraon and Annual Renewal 31
Insurance 31
Canceling Registraon 31
Property Carrier Registraon 31
Passenger Cercate or Permit 32
Household Goods Cercate or Permit 32
Hazardous Waste Transporter License 35
Introducon 35
Applicaon and Annual Renewal 35
Credenal and Fees 35
Insurance Requirements 35
Waste Tire Transporter Permit 36
Compliance 36
Applicaon and Annual Renewal 36
Oversize Overweight 37
Introducon 37
Single Trip Permit 37
Commercial Zone Single Trip Permit 38
Blanket Permits 39
Superloads 40
OSOW Holiday Travel Restricons 41
Travel Limitaons 42
Agricultural Exempons 42
Addional Resources 42
MoDOT Carrier Express 44
Online Service & Login 44
Electronic Payments 44
Carrier and Driver Credenaling Checklists 45
Motor Carrier Resources 46
Helpful Web Resources 47
Trucking Guide
Safety is MoDOT’s rst priority.
And what beer way to encourage safety than to make it easy to nd answers to the quesons that all new
motor carriers – and even experienced carriers – have?
This booklet, our website and MoDOT Motor Carrier Services’ sta of professional agents and invesgators
are excellent sources for informaon you can trust. MCS folks are experts in safety regulaons and pracces,
industry requirements and keeping your business on the right side of the law. And they are true public
servants. Your peers award them with outstanding customer service rangs year aer year.
For drivers and everyone involved in the motor carrier business, me is money. The easier we make it for you
to do business, the easier it is for you to make a living. Look into MoDOT Carrier Express, our online system.
It allows you to make changes to your registraon accounts, submit applicaons and check safety scores any
me. Don’t wait for us to get into the oce. If you need a permit or to add a unit to your eet, login right away
We hope you nd this guidebook useful. Keep in mind that it hits the high points. There is a lot to learn and
pracce as the safe, protable motor carrier company we hope you become. We are proud to be your partner
in that eort.
MoDOT Motor Carrier Services
Trucking Guide
Any person wishing to form or conduct business in Missouri as a corporaon (including, among others, for-
prot, nonprot and professional corporaons), limited liability company, limited partnership, limited liability
partnership, limited liability limited partnership, or under a cous name, must rst apply to the Oce of the
Missouri Secretary of State for authority to do so.
The MoDOT Motor Carrier Services website is a wonderful resource for carrier companies of any age. Find
applicaons for new carriers, specialized maps, forms, instrucons and more within its pages.
Be sure to subscribe to MoDOT MCS’ email service to stay in the know.
Find a link to MoDOT Carrier Express, our online system, that allows motor carriers to conduct business with
the State anyme, from anywhere. A dedicated page,, includes step-by-step
instrucons for the most-used funcons. Our professional sta of motor carrier agents are available to assist
you. They’re a toll-free phone call away at 1-866-831-6277.
If you have quesons about the rules and regulaons that apply to motor carriers in Missouri, be sure to
visit for detailed safety and compliance informaon. Sll unsure? Give our courteous
invesgators a call at 1-866-831-6277 for guidance in your situaon.
Trucking Guide
When used in interstate commerce, a vehicle is dened as a commercial motor vehicle when it:
has a gross vehicle weight rang, gross combinaon weight rang, gross vehicle weight
or gross combinaon weight of 10,001 lbs. or more, or
is designed or used to transport nine or more passengers – including the driver, or
is used in transporng hazardous materials in a quanty that requires placards.
When used in intrastate commerce – that is, wholly within Missouri’s borders – a vehicle is dened as a
commercial motor vehicle when it:
has a GVWR, GCWR or an actual weight of 26,001 lbs. or more, or
is designed or used to transport nine or more passengers – including the driver, or
is used in transporng hazardous materials in a quanty that requires placards, or
has a GVWR, GCWR or an actual weight of 10,001 lbs. or more and is used to transport
any quanty of hazardous material.
Every CMV operated by a motor carrier in interstate commerce must be marked, on both sides of the vehicle,
with the following:
The motor carriers legal name or trade name
The motor carriers idencaon number preceded by USDOT
If the name of any person other than the operang carrier appears on the CMV, the name of the
operang carrier must be followed by the same informaon as above, and preceded by the words
operated by
Other idenfying informaon may be displayed if not inconsistent with the above size, shape, locaon,
and color
The marking must:
Appear on both sides
Contrast sharply in color with the background
Be legible, during daylight hours, from a distance of 50 feet while the CMV is staonary
Be maintained in a manner that retains legibility
Construcon and durability
The marking may be painted on the CMV or may consist of a removable device that
meets the above requirements.
Trucking Guide
Every CMV operated for hire by a motor carrier only in intrastate commerce must be marked, on both sides of
the vehicle, with the same informaon as provided above, except that:
The motor carrier ID number preceded by “USDOT”, then the leers “MO” shall be
included in the vehicle markings, immediately following the USDOT number,
(e.g., USDOT 654321 MO)
Intrastate for-hire passenger carriers operang limousines or vans with the total capacity
of 13 or fewer (including the driver), are allowed to display only the USDOT number
anywhere on the rear of the vehicle instead of the vehicle side
Intrastate for-hire carriers must also mark one side of their vehicle with the name of the owner and address
from which the vehicle is operated.
Every CMV operated by a private motor carrier only in intrastate commerce must display in a conspicuous
The name of the owner
The address from which the vehicle is operated
Each local commercial vehicle must also display in a conspicuous place the word “local”.
Trucking Guide
Every carrier must systemacally inspect, repair, and maintain all commercial motor vehicles under its control.
Motor carriers must maintain the following informaon for every vehicle that they have controlled for 30 days
or more:
Idenfying informaon: company number, make, serial number, year, and re size
A schedule of inspecons to be performed, including type and due date
Inspecon, repair, and maintenance records
Records of tests conducted on buses with push out windows, emergency doors, and
marking lights
These records must be retained for one year at the locaon where the vehicle is garaged and maintained for
six months aer the vehicle leaves the carriers control via sale, trade-in, or scrap.
Every carrier must require its drivers to prepare a wrien post-trip inspecon report at the end of any driving
day in which the driver discovers a vehicle defect or a defect is brought to their aenon, for example, during a
roadside inspecon. Every driver is responsible for preparing such a report for each vehicle driven. This report
must cover at least the following parts and accessories:
Service brakes - including trailer brake connecons
Parking (hand) brake
Steering mechanism
Lighng devices and reectors
Windshield wipers
Rear-view mirrors
Coupling devices
Wheels and rims
Emergency equipment
The report must list any condion that the driver either found or had reported to him/her that would aect
safety of operaon or cause a breakdown. The driver must sign the report in all cases. If the last vehicle
inspecon report notes any deciencies, the driver must review and sign to acknowledge that necessary
repairs were completed. The report does not have to be carried in the vehicle.
Roadside inspecon defects xed prior to the end of the work day do not need to be listed on the report.
EXCEPTIONS: The Post-Trip Inspecon Report shall not apply to a private motor carrier of passengers
(nonbusiness), a driveaway-towaway operaon, or any motor carrier operang only one commercial motor
Trucking Guide
Pre-Trip Inspecon Report
Before dispatching the vehicle again, a carrier must cerfy that any defect or deciency noted in the latest
post-trip inspecon was corrected, or state that the deciency does not require immediate correcon. Before
starng out, the driver must be sased that the motor vehicle is in safe operang condion.
Periodic Inspecon
Every commercial vehicle, including each segment of a combinaon vehicle, requires a periodic inspecon.
The inspecon must be performed at least once every 12 months. At a minimum, inspecons must include all
items enumerated in the Minimum Periodic Inspecon Standards, Appendix G to Subchapter B. Carriers may
perform required annual inspecons themselves if they meet the inspector qualicaon requirements found
in 396.19. The motor carrier must retain the original or a copy of the periodic inspecon report for 14 months
from the report date.
Equivalent to Periodic Inspecon
The motor carrier may meet periodic inspecon requirements through:
Self-inspecon by qualied employee or
Third party inspecon by qualied individual
Documentaon of the most recent periodic inspecon must be kept on or in the vehicle.
Inspector Qualicaon
Motor carriers must ensure that persons performing annual inspecons are qualied. Inspectors must:
Understand the inspecon standards of Part 393 and Appendix G
Be able to idenfy defecve components
Have knowledge and prociency in methods, procedures and tools
Find Part 393 and Appendix G online atons.
Inspector Training or Experience
Inspectors may have gained experience or training by:
Compleng a state or federal training program, or earning a state or Canadian province
qualifying cercate in commercial motor vehicle safety inspecons
A combinaon of other training or experience totaling at least one year
Evidence of Qualicaons
Motor carriers must retain evidence of an inspectors qualicaons unl one year aer the inspector ceases to
perform inspecons for the carrier.
Trucking Guide
Motor carriers must assure that all drivers of commercial motor vehicles meet minimum qualicaons. A le
must be kept at the motor carriers principle place of business containing the following items:
Drivers applicaon for employment
Inquiry to previous employers – 3 Years
Inquiry to state agencies – 3 Years
Annual review of driving record
Annual drivers cercaon of violaons
Drivers road test cercate or equivalent
Medical examinaon record and, if applicable, corresponding Skills Performance
Evaluaon (SPE) Waiver
Vericaon medical examiner is listed on the naonal registry *See below.
Entry-level driver training cercate
Each drivers qualicaon le must be retained for as long as a driver is employed by the motor carrier and for
three years thereaer.
A driver must meet the following requirements in addion to having the above documents on le at their
employers principle place of business:
Be at least 18 years of age if operang in Missouri intrastate commerce – unless
transporng any quanty of hazardous materials.
Be at least 21 years of age if transporng any amount of hazardous materials or while
operang in interstate commerce.
Speak and read English well enough to converse with the public, understand highway
trac signs and signals, respond to ocial quesons, and able to make legible entries on
reports and records
Be able to drive the vehicle safely
Know how to safely load and properly block, brace, and secure the cargo
Have only one valid drivers license
Not be disqualied
A Department of Transportaon physical exam can be performed only by a medical professional who has
passed training authorized by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administraon and is listed on the Naonal
Registry of Cered Medical Examiners.
Drivers need to ensure they maintain their current mailing address and current medical exam cercate led
with their State Driver License Oce to avoid a record keeping lapse.
*To locate a cered medical examiner, visit hps://na
Trucking Guide
Commercial Drivers License
Drivers must hold a commercial drivers license if they operate in interstate, intrastate, or foreign commerce
and drive a vehicle that is:
A single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more, or
Has a gross combined weight rang or gross combined weight (GCWR/GCW) of 26,001
pounds or more, inclusive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle weight rang or gross
vehicle weight (GVWR/GVW) of more than 10,000 pounds, or
Designed to transport at least 16 passengers including the driver, or
Transporng a quanty of hazardous materials that requires a placard.
In addion to general knowledge and skills tests, drivers who operate specialized commercial motor vehicles
must pass addional tests and obtain endorsements on their CDL, as follows:
T –– Double/triple trailers (knowledge test only)
P –– Passenger (knowledge and skills tests)
N –– Tank vehicle (knowledge test only)
S –– School Bus (knowledge and skills tests)
H –– Hazardous materials (knowledge test only)
X –– Combinaon of tank vehicle and hazardous materials (knowledge tests)
Common CDL Restricons
If an applicant fails a secon of the knowledge test, or performs the skills test in a vehicle not ed with
certain equipment the CDL, if issued, will indicate that the license holder may not operate any CMV ed with
that equipment. For a complete list of CDL restricons, contact the Missouri Department of Revenue at
(573) 751-2730. Common examples of restricons include:
No air brake
No manual transmission
No h wheel aachment
Medical variance required
Intrastate only
For-Hire License (Class E) -- Eligible Age 18
A Class E is a commercial drivers license that qualies a person to drive a vehicle commercially when
that vehicle does not require a CDL. It is required of anyone who receives pay for driving a motor vehicle
transporng 14 or fewer passengers, and those who transport property for pay or as part of their employment.
Anyone who regularly operates a motor vehicle for his or her employment, whether the vehicle is owned
by that person or another person and the vehicle is designed to carry freight, merchandise or is operated in
furtherance of a business or commercial enterprise, must also have a Class E license.
Missouri Classicaon System
Trucking Guide
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The Missouri Department of Revenue issues several classes of CDL to those who
demonstrate the required knowledge and skills. Tesng of knowledge and skills is
performed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Class A CDL Holders are allowed to operate any combinaon of vehicles with a
GCWR/GCW of 26,001 or more pounds provided the GVWR/GVW of the vehicle(s)
being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
Class A CDL holders may also, with appropriate endorsements, operate all vehicles
within Class B and C, as well as those which may be driven by a holder of a Class E or
Class F license.
Examples of vehicles operated by Class A drivers include, but are not limited to those
pictured below, plus those pictured for classes B and C.
GVWR – Gross Vehicle
Weight Rang
GCWR – Gross
Combinaon Weight
Class B CDL Holders are allowed to operate a single vehicle with a GVWR/GVW of 26,001 or more pounds or
any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds GVWR/GVW.
Class B CDL holders may also, with appropriate endorsements, operate all vehicles within Class C, as well as
those which may be driven by a holder of a Class E or Class F license.
Examples of vehicles operated by Class B drivers include, but are not limited to those pictured below, plus
those pictured for Class C.
Class C CDL Holders - This CDL class group applies only to vehicles which no not meet Class A or B
requirements, but must be placarded for hazardous materials or are designed to transport 16 or more persons,
including the operator. A holder of a Class C license may drive all vehicles which may be driven by a holder of a
Class E or Class F license.
Examples of vehicles operated by Class C drivers include, but are not limited to those pictured below:
Trucking Guide
Disqualifying Oenses/Suspensions for Trac Violaons
Employers must not knowingly allow a driver whose license is suspended to operate a CMV. The disqualifying
reasons include convicons for:
Driving a CMV while under the inuence of alcohol and/or a disqualifying drug or other
controlled substance. In parcular, having a blood alcohol concentraon of 0.04 while
operang a CMV or a BAC of 0.08 while operang any other motor vehicle.
Refusing to take an alcohol test as required by a state or jurisdicon under its implied
consent laws or regulaons.
Leaving the scene of an accident.
Using a vehicle to commit a felony.
Driving with a disqualied, revoked, suspended, or canceled license.
Using a vehicle to cause a fatality.
Using a vehicle to commit serious trac violaons.
Violang an Out-of-Service Order.
Violang the railroad-highway grade crossing rule.
CDL license-holders are subject to the moving violaon standards in 383.51 when driving a personal vehicle.
Hours of Service for Drivers
General Rule
The hours of service rules apply to all motor carriers and drivers of commercial motor vehicles.
Property Carriers
Drivers are limited to driving 11 hours and a 14 consecuve duty period with 10 hours resng between shis.
Drivers are also limited to 60 hours on duty in 7 consecuve days or 70 hours on duty in 8 consecuve days.
Driving is not permied if more than 8 hours of driving me have passed without at least a consecuve
30 minute interrupon in driving status.
Passenger Carriers
Drivers are limited to driving 10 hours and working no more than 15 hours each day with 8
hours resng between shis. Drivers are also limited to 60 hours on duty in 7 consecuve days or 70 hours on
duty in 8 consecuve days.
16-Hour Exempon
A property-carrying driver is exempt from the 14-hour daily rule, when:
The driver returns and is released from his normal work reporng locaon for the previous
ve duty tours;
The driver returns to his normal work reporng locaon and is released within 16 hours; and
The driver has not used this exempon within the previous six consecuve days, except
that the 16-hour provision may be used aer any period of being o duty for 34 or more
consecuve hours.
Trucking Guide
34 Hour Restart for Property Carrier Drivers
A driver of a property-carrying vehicle may restart the 7/8 day working period aer taking 34 or more
consecuve hours o-duty.
Drivers Record of Duty Status
Every driver shall prepare a record of duty status (drivers daily log) in his/her own handwring for each 24-
hour period, unless operang under the 150 air-mile radius exempon. Failure to complete or retain the log, or
knowingly falsifying logs or other reports, makes the driver and/or carrier liable to prosecuon.
150 Air-Mile Radius Exempon
Drivers are exempt from maintaining the daily log requirements of Secon 395.8 if ALL of the following apply:
The driver operates within a 150 air-mile radius of the normal work-reporng locaon
The driver returns to the work-reporng locaon and is released from work within 14 consecuve hours.
Each 14 hours on duty are separated by at least 8 consecuve hours of o-duty me for passenger carriers
or 10 consecuve hours o-duty for property carriers
The driver does not exceed a maximum of 10 hours driving me following 8 consecuve hours o duty for
passenger carriers or 11 hours driving me following 10 consecuve hours o duty for property carriers.
The motor carrier that employs the driver maintains and retains for a period of 6 months accurate me
records that show the total number of hours the driver is on duty each day; the me the driver reports for
duty each day and the me the driver is released from duty each day
Non-CDL 150 Air-Mile Radius Provision
Drivers are exempt from maintaining the daily log requirements of Secon 395.8 if ALL of the following apply:
The driver operates a property-carrying CMV which does not require a CDL.
The vehicle is operated within a 150 air-mile radius of its normal work reporng locaon.
The vehicle returns to its normal work reporng locaon at the end of the duty tour.
These drivers are required to comply with the following:
The 11 hours driving, minimum 10 hours o-duty, 14 consecuve hour duty period, 60/70 hours in
7/8 days, 34-hour restart.
On any 2 days of every 7 consecuve days, the driver may extend the 14-hour duty period to 16 hours.
There is no requirement that the driver be released from duty at the end of the 14- or 16-hour duty.
Electronic Logging Devices
As of December 18, 2017, most motor carriers and drivers who are required to maintain records of duty status
(RODS) must have installed and be able to use an FMCSA-compliant electronic logging device to collect and
store RODS informaon and collect required supporng documents. Learn more about the ELD requirement at
Trucking Guide
Subming/Retaining Duty Status Log
Records of duty status, with all supporng documents, must be maintained for a minimum of six months at the
carriers principal place of business. A backup-copy of electronic records must be kept on a separate device.
Those Exempt from ELD Use Requirement
The driver must submit the original log sheet to the employing carrier within 13 days aer compleon. When a
motor carrier uses a driver inially or intermiently, that carrier must obtain from him/her a signed statement
giving the total me on duty during the immediately preceding 7 days and the me at which he/she was last
relieved of duty.
Using ELD Informaon for IFTA and IRP Reporng
See Page 28 for guidance on using informaon recorded by an ELD for IFTA fuel tax and IRP apporoned
license plate reporng. Retenon periods for these purposes are signicantly longer.
Alcohol and Drug Tesng Requirements
Drivers who are required to have a commercial drivers license (CDL) are subject to state and federal controlled
substance and alcohol tesng rules.
Company Policy
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulaons require motor carrier companies to develop and deliver to every
driver a wrien policy on controlled substances use and alcohol misuse in the workplace. The policy must
incorporate the companys posion and informaon on virtually all aspects of controlled substances use and
alcohol misuse.
Supervisor Training
Each employer must ensure that all persons designated to supervise drivers receive at least 60 minutes of
training on alcohol misuse and receive at least an addional 60 minutes of training on controlled substances
Inquiries to Previous Employers
With the drivers wrien permission, a motor carrier must make an inquiry with the drivers previous
employer(s) of three years prior to the date of applicaon to obtain the following documents, if they exist:
Alcohol tests with a result of 0.04 alcohol concentraon or greater
Veried posive controlled substances test results
Refusals to be tested
Other violaons of DOT agency drug and alcohol tesng regulaons
Documentaon of the employee’s successful compleon of DOT return-to-duty
requirements (including follow-up tests) for an employee who tested posive.
Trucking Guide
Types of Alcohol and Controlled Substance Tests
Pre-employment: No employer shall allow a driver to perform a safety-sensive funcon
unl a negave controlled substance test result is received for the driver.
Post-accident: As soon as praccal following a crash, each employer must test each
surviving driver who was involved in a crash for alcohol and controlled substances if the
crash involved:
A fatality
Injury requiring immediate medical aenon away from the scene of the crash and
the driver was cited for a safety-related maer
A vehicle being towed from the scene of the crash due to disabling damage and the
driver was cited for a safety-related maer
Random: Companies must sciencally and randomly test drivers at a minimum annual
percentage rate of 10 percent of the number of drivers for alcohol tesng, and 50
percent for controlled-substances tesng.
Reasonable suspicion: An employer shall require a driver to submit to an alcohol and/or
controlled substance test when the employer has reasonable suspicion to believe that
the driver has violated the prohibions concerning alcohol and/or controlled substances.
The required observaons shall be made by a supervisor or company ocial who has
had supervisor awareness training.
Return-to-duty: Each employer shall ensure that before a
driver returns to duty aer tesng posive shall undergo a
return-to-duty controlled substances test with a negave
result prior to performing a safety-sensive funcon.
Find the Missouri Safety and
Follow-up: If a substance abuse professional determines
Compliance Manual Online
that a driver needs assistance for the misuse of alcohol, or
for use of a controlled substance, an employer must ensure
and click on the Safety &
that the driver is subject to follow-up tesng.
Compliance tab.
Click on the Safety and
Compliance Manual bar
and choose either the full
document or a specic
Trucking Guide
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Mandate
Eecve Jan. 6, 2020, all motor carriers employing drivers requiring a CDL must report drug and alcohol
violaons to the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse. Driver pre-employment queries to the clearinghouse must also
be conducted prior to CDL driver employment.
The Clearinghouse is a secure on-line database which will provide access to real-me informaon, ensuring
drivers comming drug and alcohol violaons complete the necessary steps before geng back behind the
wheel or performing a safety sensive funcon.
Motor Carrier Responsibilies:
Create an account with the Clearinghouse if one or more drivers is subject to the FMCSA
drug and alcohol tesng requirements
Conduct pre-employment queries to verify prospecve drivers do not have prior drug or
alcohol violaons
Verify the return to duty process if prior violaons are discovered
Conduct queries of the Clearinghouse at least once a year on current drivers
Report any drug and alcohol violaons discovered on your CDL required drivers
Connue to conduct a 3 year previous employer inquiry for drug and alcohol violaons
unl January 6, 2023.
Please visit to register, choose a Query Plan and nd more informaon.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Regulaon Resources
A complete lisng of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulaons can be found on the FMCSA website:ons/tle49/b/5/3.
MoDOT Safety and Compliance Manual
Trucking Guide
Motor carriers who operate an apporonable vehicle must parcipate in the Internaonal Registraon
Plan. An apporonable vehicle is any power unit that is used or intended for use in two or more member
jurisdicons – states and Canadian provinces – and that is used for the transportaon of persons for hire or
designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportaon of property, and:
has two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight in excess of
26,000 lbs., or
has three or more axles, regardless of weight, or
is used in combinaon, when the gross vehicle weight of such combinaon exceeds
26,000 pounds
when making point-to-point movements in another state or province regardless of weight
Trailers can be apporoned at the opon of the carrier. To apporon trailers, there must be at least one power
unit registered. MoDOT Motor Carrier Services only issues permanent, non-transferable trailer plates. The
Missouri Department of Revenue ( ) oers other opons for plang trailers.
Exempt Vehicles:
Recreaonal vehicle
Vehicles displaying restricted plates
City pick-up and delivery vehicles
Government-owned vehicles
Vehicles having a gross vehicle weight of 26,000 lbs. (11,793.401 kilograms) or less
Trucking Guide
Opening an IRP Account
To open an IRP account, submit the following forms, which can be found at
Call MoDOT Motor Carrier Services at 1-866-831-6277 for assistance.
Motor Carrier Applicaon
Applicable equipment leases
Vehicle tle or validated tle applicaon receipt – in the plate holders name – unless
the vehicle is leased. If the vehicle is leased by the IRP applicant, submit a tle in the
owners name with a copy of the lease. The lease should bear the names and signatures
of both pares and the year, make and VIN of the leased unit.
IRS Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 in the name of the tle holder, plate holder or the
motor carrier responsible for safety
Personal property tax receipt or waiver or waiver for the previous year.
Secretary of State business ling cercate – if the account name is anything other than
the applicant’s given, legal name
Validaons – The names on each form and registraon cercate must match exactly
Proof of residency or established place of business. These can include:
Three of the following documents are
required to prove residency:
A physical structure that meets all of the
following criteria:
A Missouri drivers license Is owned or leased by the applicant or
registrant; and
A Missouri personal property tax receipt Has a true street address; and
Registraon paperwork issued by the
Missouri Secretary of State
Is open for business during regular business
hours; and
A federal income tax return Has one or more permanent employees
managing the trucking business; and
A Missouri vehicle tle Is where eet records are maintained and
are available for inspecon.
A ulity bill in the carriers name at a
Missouri address
* Other forms of proof can be required.
Cab Card Credenal
When IRP registraon is complete and fees are paid, the registrant receives a license plate and a credenal,
known as a cab card, for each registered power unit. The cab card must be carried in the vehicle at all mes. It
must be produced upon request by a law enforcement ocer.
All IRP registrants receive a cab card that lists every parcipang jurisdicon. Once the carrier has a full-
reciprocity cab card, the vehicle can travel in each parcipang state and province without further registraon
acon. At renewal, the carrier will report all miles traveled by all units during the reporng period in each
jurisdicon, per vehicle. Miles cannot be rounded or esmated.
Trucking Guide
If an apporonable vehicle is added to a carriers operaon, it cannot be used unl it is added to the carriers
IRP account. Addions, transfers and deleons of vehicles and annual renewal acons are explained below.
Electronic Credenals
As of Jan. 1, 2019, drivers are allowed to carry IRP cab cards and an IFTA license as electronic images. All
U.S. states and Canadian provinces are required to accept the images. Credenals can be shown to law
enforcement as an electronic image on a computer, tablet or smartphone or as a paper copy. The document
must be accurate, accessible and readable.
Because cellular service and internet access is never guaranteed, it is strongly advised that documents be
stored as a PDF and that devices kept charged suciently. If a driver is unable to provide proof of credenals,
they could be cketed and required to present proof of registraon to a court of law.
Addional Credenals
Carriers that qualify for IRP might need to register in the following programs. Contact MoDOT MCS for help:
Internaonal Fuel Tax Agreement
Unied Carrier Registraon
MoDOT advises carriers to check with other states and provinces to determine whether addional credenals
are required in specic jurisdicons.
Annual Apporoned Plate Renewal
Registraon Period File By Pay By Plate Expires
January 1 to December 31 October 1 December 1 December 31
April 1 to March 31 January 1 March 1 March 31
July 1 to June 30 April 1 June 1 June 30
October 1 to September 30 August 1 September 1 September 30
Late ling penalty = $100 Late payment penalty = $50 per truck to a maximum of $150
If the le by/pay by date falls on a weekend, these are due the rst business day of the month. To learn which
specic documents are needed in a parcular renewal period, visit and nd IRP Renewal
Acvies and Deadlines under MODOT IRP FORMS.
IRP Online Transacons – MoDOT Carrier Express
Annual renewal and changes such as adding a vehicle or transferring a plate can be made online using MoDOT
Carrier Express. MCE requires the use of a user ID and password which is issued to every motor carrier
customer. Contact MoDOT MCS if you have any issue with the user ID/password.
User guides with step-by-step instrucon are available at
Trucking Guide
Record retenon for IRP
Motor carriers and current year registrants are subject to audit at any me. Mileage, lease and other records
must be retained for the current year plus three full calendar years. Failure to produce requested records can
result in nancial and other penales.
For more informaon, nd both a record keeping booklet and video online at
72-hour Trip and Hunters Permits
Out-of-state vehicles that do not bear apporoned plates are eligible for a 72-hour IRP trip permit when
operang temporarily within the State of Missouri as long as federal requirements for interstate travel are met.
Vehicles in transport to join a new leasing agreement are also eligible for the temporary credenal – a Hunters
Permit – which is requested by the most recent motor carrier responsible for the safety of the vehicle.
72-hour permits are available online with MoDOT Carrier Express. Visit and nd
the IRP user guide list. Choose Order a 72-Hour Missouri trip permit and follow the instrucons, including
obtaining a UserID and password for the online system.
If you have received 72-hour permits in the past, you can order permits online on the MoDOT Carrier Express
system at any me with your exisng userID and password.
Closing an IRP Account
If a carrier closes or sells the business, the IRP account must be
What to Know About IRP
ocially closed and the license plates returned.
Send the plates with a leer stang the intent to close the account to:
Apporoned plate registraon
MoDOT Motor Carrier Services
must be renewed each year.
830 MoDOT Drive
Annual renewal and other
PO Box 270
supplemental transacons can
Jeerson City, MO 65102
be processed online at www.
Submit an MCS-150 to the USDOT marking Out-of-Business Nocaon
or Intrastate Operaons Only.
72-hour trip permits and
Depending on the situaon, other programs such as IFTA, UCR and
hunters permits are available.
Missouri Operang Authority might need to be inacvated to end the
carriers nancial and reporng responsibilies.
An IRP account must be
Call MoDOT Motor Carrier Services’ IRP team at 1-866-831-6277 with
ocially closed to end
any quesons.
a carriers nancial and
reporng responsibilies.
The complete Internaonal Registraon Plan is available online at
Trucking Guide
IRP Denions:
Apporonment percentage- the rao of the distance traveled in the member jurisdicon by a eet during the
reporng period to the distance traveled in all member jurisdicons by the eet during the reporng period,
calculated to six decimal places, rounded to ve decimal places, and mulplied by one hundred.
Apporonable Fee- any periodic recurring fee or tax requited for registering vehicles, such as registraon,
license, or weight fees.
Average Per Vehicle Distance – is the distance assigned to the eet by the base jurisdicon.
Base jurisdicon – the member territory (including 48 states, D.C. and 10 Canadian provinces) in which
an applicant applies for apporoned registraon under the Internaonal Registraon Plan (with proof of
residence); or the member state or province that issues apporoned registraon to a registrant under the plan.
Established place of business – a physical structure located within the base jurisdicon that is owned or leased
by the applicant or registrant and whose street address shall be specied by the applicant or registrant. This
physical structure shall be open for business and shall be staed during regular business hours by one or more
persons employed by the applicant or registrant on a permanent basis (i.e., not an independent contractor) for
the purpose of the general management of the applicant’s or registrants trucking related business (i.e., not
limited to credenaling, distance and fuel reporng, and
answering telephone inquiries). Operaonal records
concerning the eet shall be maintained at this physical structure and be made available during business
Fleet – one or more apporonable vehicles designated by a registrant for distance reporng under the
Internaonal Registraon Plan.
Household Goods Carrier-a carrier handling (i) personal eects and property used or to be used in a dwelling,
or (ii) furniture, xtures, equipment, and the property of stores, oces, museums, instuons, hospitals,
or other establishments, when a part of the stock, equipment, or supply of such stores, oces, museums,
instuons, including objects of art, displays, and exhibits, which, because of their unusual nature or value,
requires the specialized handling and equipment commonly employed in moving household goods.
Reciprocity – the reciprocal grant by one jurisdicon of operang rights or privileges to properly registered
vehicles registered by another jurisdicon, especially but not exclusively including privileges generally
conferred by vehicle registraon.
Registrant – a person in whose name a properly registered vehicle is registered.
Rental Fleet- Vehicles the Rental Owner designates as a Rental Fleet and which are oered for rent with or
without drivers.
Reporng period – the period of twelve consecuve months immediately prior to July 1 of the calendar year
immediately preceding the beginning of the registraon year for which apporoned registraon is sought.
If the registraon year begins on any date in July, August, or September, the reporng period shall be the
previous such twelve-month period.
Residence – the status of an applicant or a registrant as a resident of a member jurisdicon.
Restricted Plates – none issued by MoDOT Motor Carrier Services
Total Distance- all distance operated by a Fleet of Apporoned Vehicles
Trucking Guide
you operate a Yehide
for your busmess
You _.\RE subject to IFTA
You _.\RE ~OT subject to IFTA
You ARE subject to IFTA
You _.\RE
NOT subject to IFTA
The Internaonal Fuel Tax Agreement is a pact between 48 states, the District of Columbia and 10 Canadian
provinces. These territories are called jurisdicons. IFTA allows a carrier to le one, usually quarterly tax return,
with the carriers base jurisdicon to report miles of operaon and fuel purchased in all jurisdicons.
Recreaonal vehicles or units that travel solely within their base jurisdicons are exempt from IFTA.
Are you subject to IFTA reporng and record keeping requirements?
A motor carrier must have an IFTA license if it operates in two or more jurisdicons and the power unit:
Has two axles and gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight of 26,001 lbs.
or heavier;
Has three or more axles, regardless of weight; or
Is used in combinaon and the said combinaon has a gross vehicle weight or registered
gross vehicle weight of 26,001 lbs. or heavier.
Trucking Guide
Applying for an IFTA license
Opening an Account
The IFTA applicaon is listed on our website at under MODOT IFTA FORMS. You may
contact our oce to obtain the IFTA applicaon as well at 866-831-6277.
To open a new IFTA account, the applicant must have
A completed Missouri IFTA applicaon
Missouri license plate informaon
Completed registraon cercate from the Missouri Secretary of State, nong the
company name or cous name. A cous name is any name under which a person
transacts business, other than his or her legal name. It is also known as a DBA or “doing
business as” name.
Once registered, each vehicle should display IFTA decals on both sides. Placement instrucons are printed on
the backing sheet of the decals. A copy of the IFTA license shall be carried in the vehicle. The license and decals
are valid from January 1 to December 31.
Annual Renewal
As long as the account is in good standing, IFTA decals are automacally renewed in late November. A grace
period through the end of February exists for acve carriers with prior year decals.
An IFTA license can be suspended and/or a renewal denied if:
Quarterly tax returns have not been led and/or paid.
An outstanding audit balance is due.
The vehicle’s IRP (apporoned) license plates have expired.
The carriers Unied Carrier Registraon has not been paid.
The carriers USDOT number is in Out-of-Service status.
The carrier has not operated outside the state of Missouri for four calendar quarters.
Quarterly IFTA Fuel Tax Returns
IFTA license holders must le a fuel tax return each calendar quarter or in limited cases, annually. The easiest
method is to le online through MoDOT’s website A userID and password is required.
Tax forms are also available as PDFs on a dierent webpage, The PDF can be saved and
emailed or printed and sent through the mail.
The majority of carriers le each quarter, however, aer one full calendar year of quarterly returns, a carrier
may become an annual fuel tax ler if it operated fewer than 5,000 out-of-state miles the prior year. Mileage
and fuel records are sll required, but annual lers only report them once a year – in January. Those who
qualify for annual ler status will receive a noce from MoDOT Motor Carrier Services. Annual lers can
complete an electronic return at, or ll out and email or mail an annual return.
Trucking Guide
The PDF of the return form is located on the MoDOT Motor Carrier Services website at
Informaon needed for fuel tax return reports includes:
1. The total number of miles and the number of taxable miles traveled in each jurisdicon
2. The number of gallons/liters of fuel purchased and consumed in each jurisdicon
3. The type of fuel used
Quarterly returns must be led and paid by the end of the month following each quarter.
Quarter Dates of Quarter File and Pay by
1st Quarter January 1 – March 31 April 30
2nd Quarter April 1 – June 30 July 31
3rd Quarter July 1 – September 30 October 31
4th Quarter October 1 – December 31 January 31
Late-Payment Penales
Penales are incurred when fuel tax returns are led and/or paid aer the date due.
The penalty for ling late is $50 or 10 percent of the tax due, whichever is greater. Renewal of an annual IFTA
license is denied carriers whose accounts are not current.
Some late-ling carriers are required to pay a bond equal to twice the average tax liability. The accounts of
those whose payments are overdue are subject to suspension.
Credits and Refunds
All jurisdicons set fuel tax rates independently. The amount of fuel tax a carrier owes each state or province
depends on the number of miles operated and the amount of fuel purchased in each jurisdicon. If a carrier
operates in two states and only has fuel purchases in one state, then it will have a credit in one state and owe
a balance due in the other. The tax rate will determine whether the carrier will have a credit or have a balance
MoDOT Motor Carrier Services sends a leer to those whose accounts show a credit. Sign and return the
leer to receive a refund. Those who would like to apply a credit to the following quarters fuel tax bill can call
MoDOT MCS to apply the funds.
Trucking Guide
Account Changes
Name Changes and New FEIN numbers
Any me a motor carrier undergoes a name change and/or requests and receives a new Federal Employer
Idencaon Number, the IFTA account is aected. Nofy MoDOT Motor Carrier Services to request an
updated IFTA license.
Purchase, Sale or Trade of a Vehicle
Upon purchase of a new truck, contact MoDOT MCS to request addional decals. A temporary credenal will
be emailed or faxed as proof of compliance unl the permanent decals arrive in the mail.
IFTA decals are non-transferable. They are assigned to the carrier, not the truck. Before a sold or traded vehicle
changes hands, remove the decals and place a note in the vehicle record that the decals are destroyed.
Canceling an IFTA Account
Contact MoDOT Motor Carrier Services at 1-866-831-6277 to cancel the IFTA account. All quarterly returns
must be led and any taxes due paid through the current quarter. Return the IFTA license to MoDOT MCS as
well as any unused IFTA decals.
If the business is closing, be certain to cancel the Internaonal Registraon Plan apporoned license
plates, if applicable.
IFTA and Leasing Situaons
Carriers that hold their own apporoned license plates and lease on with another company are not necessarily
required to have an IFTA account in their own name. The lease agreement should outline which party will hold
the IFTA license and make quarterly tax return reports.
Fuel Trip Permits
A CMV traveling between two jurisdicons that is 26,000 lbs. GVWR or heavier, but does not bear an IFTA
license and decal, can sll travel in Missouri if the driver obtains a 72-hour fuel trip permit. Purchase a permit
from MoDOT Motor Carrier Services by calling 1-866-831-6277.
New accounts must complete a New Customer Form before the permit can be processed, but subsequent
permits can be ordered by phone or online.
A fuel trip permit is required for each state in which the non-IFTA parcipang vehicle travels. Be certain to
obtain a permit before crossing a state line. No grace area is granted by any state.
Some states limit the number of fuel trip permits granted per vehicle, per year. Check with each jurisdicon
before planning an interstate operaon.
Trucking Guide
Record-Keeping Requirements
Distance Accounng and Record Preservaon
IFTA licensees must keep records for each individual vehicle. Carriers can use Individual Vehicle Mileage
Records (trip sheets or trip reports) for this purpose. All travel, whether loaded, empty, deadhead or
bobtail, must be reected in the record. IVMRs must be summarized monthly by vehicle and for the enre
Records must be retained for 4 years from the tax return date or the ling date, whichever is later. For
A second quarter 2019 report due July 31, but led your report on July 10 must be
retained through July 31, 2023.
A second quarter 2019 report due July 31, but you led on September 1 must be
retained through September 1, 2023.
Records must be available upon request for IFTA audits. Failure to retain and preserve records could result
in assessments and penales. Failure to comply can also result in suspension or revocaon of operang
Individual Vehicle Mileage Record Requirements
At a minimum, all of the following informaon should be listed on the IVMR:
Beginning and ending trip dates
Trip origin and desnaon
Route of travel
Beginning and ending odometer readings
Total trip distance traveled
Miles by jurisdicon
Vehicle idencaon and eet number
Licensee’s name
If a licensee fails to maintain accurate records, the base jurisdicon will add appropriate penales and
interest in an audit assessment.
Fuel Accounng
Carriers must maintain complete records of all fuel purchased, received and used. Separate totals must be kept
for each fuel type. Retail and bulk fuel purchases are to be accounted for separately.
Any receipts or invoices that have been altered in any way will not be accepted for tax-paid credits unless the
licensee can demonstrate the receipt is valid. If receipts for fuel purchases or usage are not available, all claims
for tax-paid fuel will be disallowed.
Trucking Guide
Retail Fuel
Retail purchases must be supported by a receipt or proof of purchase. At a minimum, this documentaon must
include all of the following:
Date of purchase
Sellers name and address
Number of gallons (liters) purchased
Fuel type
Price per gallon or amount of sale
Unit numbers
Purchasing company’s name
It is recommended that licensees record fuel purchases on their IVMR.
Bulk Fuel
Bulk fuel is fuel that is delivered into a storage tank owned, leased, or controlled by the licensee and not
placed directly to the fuel tank of a qualied vehicle. The licensee must retain copies of all delivery ckets and/
or receipts. Bulk fuel reconciliaons must be maintained.
A carrier may claim a tax credit on an IFTA return for bulk fuel drawn from a storage tank once the fuel is in
the fuel tank of a qualied motor vehicle and either the purchase price of the fuel including tax paid to the
member jurisdicon in which the tank is located or the licensee has paid fuel tax to a member jurisdicon
where the tank is located. The licensee must maintain the following records:
Date of withdrawal
Number of gallons or liters
Fuel type
Unit number
Purchase and inventory records to substanate that tax was paid on all bulk purchases
O-Road Fuel
Records should be maintained for o-road fuel purchases and use for auding purposes.
Electronic Data Recording Systems
Electronic data recording systems may be used in place of or in addion to handwrien trip reports.
Equipment-monitoring devices that transmit data or that can be used to determine vehicle locaon or routes
traveled may be used to supplement or verify handwrien or electronically generated trip permits.
Any device or electronic system used must meet all of the requirements stated in the IFTA Procedures Manual
(Secon P600 through P670). The procedures manual is available as a download at www.i
Trucking Guide
The Unied Carrier Registraon Agreement is a federally mandated, state administered program for collecon
of interstate registraon fees. MoDOT Motor Carrier Services administers the Unied Carrier Registraon
Agreement for the State of Missouri.
The following are required to comply with the UCR agreement:
interstate motor carriers,
motor private carriers of property,
freight forwarders,
brokers, and
leasing companies
UCR registraons are valid for one registraon year (calendar year) and are not prorated.
Annual registraon expires on December 31 of each calendar year.
Carrier fees are based upon the number of vehicles owned and operated as reported to the USDOT through
the MCS-150 form. Fees are subject to change at the beginning of each registraon year.
Fees collected through the UCR program are used for motor carrier safety programs, enforcement, or
administraon of the UCR agreement.
Applicants that apply and pay fees for fewer vehicles than reported on the latest MCS-150 are subject to audit.
Applicants may le an applicaon online and pay fees at
UCR compliance is veried electronically. There is no paper credenal for the program.
Trucking Guide
Intrastate operang authority is required for motor carriers that transport property, household goods and/or
passengers in intrastate commerce within Missouri. The registraon process promotes motor carrier safety and
because it requires connual ling of insurance, promotes carriers’ economic health while providing protecon
to the traveling public.
Intrastate Operang Authority requires an inial registraon, yearly renewal and annual purchase of a
regulatory decal(s) to be placed on the side of each unit involved in intrastate commerce. The annual
regulatory decals are $10 each. Carriers who also operate in interstate commerce and pay fees under the
UCR program are not required to purchase the annual regulatory decal; however, they are required to obtain
intrastate operang authority.
Applicants can le an applicaon online using MoDOT Carrier Express at or obtain an
applicaon to be mailed or faxed at Call MoDOT Motor Carrier Services at 1-866-831-
6277 for assistance.
MoDOT Carrier Express requires the use of a user ID and password. Carriers with an exisng account can send
an email to Cont[email protected].gov to reset a password. Those who do not have an account will receive
login credenals upon compleon of MoDOTs Motor Carrier Applicaon found under GETTING STARTED at
Intrastate carriers are required to le proof of insurance with the Missouri Department of Transportaon.
Minimum insurance liability limits are contained within the insurance requirements table (Table 1). Intrastate
Operang Authority may be suspended at any me for lapse of insurance or other program requirements.
Intrastate Operang Authority requirements vary depending on the type of authority (Table 2).
Intrastate operang authority remains in eect unl a carrier voluntarily cancels or is revoked of registraon.
When an intrastate carrier goes out of business for any reason, it is important to properly cancel the authority.
Call MoDOT Motor Carrier Services at 1-866-831-6277 for assistance.
Missouri intrastate carriers that transport property in commerce must obtain Property Carrier Registraon.
Carriers and operaons exempted from operang authority requirements include those who transport:
Farm or dairy products from a farm or dairy
Property from farm-to-farm
U.S. Mail, when contracted to the US Government
Property when contracted directly to the State of Missouri or any civil subdivision
Trucking Guide
Freight in vehicles registered and licensed for gross weight of 6,000 lbs or less
Property wholly within a municipality, or between touching municipalies, or within a
commercial zone* (except motor carriers of commodies in bulk to include liquids in
tank or hopper type vehicles)
As a tow truck or wrecker, exclusively used in the business of towing or otherwise
rendering assistance to abandoned, disabled or wrecked vehicles;
Property as a private carrier
Passenger Cercate or Permit
Missouri intrastate carriers transporng passengers in commerce must obtain a passenger cercate or
permit. Common carriers transporng passengers are granted a cercate. Contract carriers are granted a
permit. Carriers and operaons exempted from operang authority requirements include:
School buses
A motor vehicle having a seang capacity of not more than ve passengers, exclusive of
the driver
Those transporng passengers when contracted directly to the State of Missouri or any
civil subdivision
Those transporng passengers wholly within a municipality, or between touching
municipalies, or within a commercial zone* (except to, from or between points located
wholly or in part in counes having a populaon of more than 300,000 persons)
Motor vehicles being used solely by a group of employees commung to and from work,
except that the motor vehicle must be driven by a member of the group
Private carriers
Household Goods Cercate or Permit
Missouri intrastate carriers that transport household goods must obtain a cercate or permit. Common
carriers transporng household goods are granted a cercate. Contract carriers are granted a permit. Carriers
and operaons exempted from operang authority requirements include:
Those transporng household goods when contracted directly to the State of Missouri
or any civil subdivision
Freight-carrying vehicles registered and licensed for a gross weight of 6,000 lbs or less
Private carriers
The exempons listed here are those most-commonly used. For a complete list of exempons, refer to
Missouri Revised Statutes 390.030.
* Commercial zone areas are dened in Missouri Revised Statutes 390.020 and are outlined on the Missouri
Vehicle Route Map. An electronic copy of the map can be found on MoDOT Motor Carrier Services’ webpage
at Send an email to Cont[email protected].gov for a paper copy of the
Missouri Vehicle Route Map.
Trucking Guide
Table 1. Insurance Requirements
Authority Type Form Type Minimum Liability Limits
1 A. Property Carrier Registraon
B. Household Goods
No hazardous materials
Bodily Injury and
Property Damage
Form E or G
$100,000 for injury or death of
one person.
$300,000 for any one accident.
$50,000 property damage for any
one accident.
2 A. Property Carrier
B. Household Goods
To include Hazardous substances, as dened
in 49 CFR 171.8, transported in cargo tanks,
portable tanks, or hopper-type vehicles with
capacies in excess of 3500 water gallons;
or in bulk Division 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 materials,
Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A, or Division 6.1,
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A materials; or
in bulk Division 2.1 or 2.2; or highway route
controlled quanes of a Class 7 material as
dened in 49 CFR 173.403
Bodily Injury and
Property Damage
Form E or G
$5,000,000 Combined Single Limit
3 A. Property Carrier Registraon
B. Household Goods
To include hazardous materials: Oil listed in
49 CFR 172.101; hazardous waste, hazardous
materials and hazardous substances dened in
49 CFR 171.8 and listed in 49 CFR 172.101, but
not menoned in (2 above)
Bodily Injury and
Property Damage
Form E or G
$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit
4 A. Passenger Charter
B. Passenger Other than Charter
C. Passenger Not for Prot
Twelve Passengers or Less
Bodily Injury and
Property Damage
Form E or G
$100,000 for injury or death of
one person.
$300,000 for any one accident.
$50,000 property damage for any
one accident.
5 A. Passenger Charter
B. Passenger Other than Charter
C. Passenger Not for Prot
More than Twelve Passengers
Bodily Injury and
Property Damage
Form E or G
$100,000 for injury or death of
one person.
$500,000 for any one accident.
$50,000 property damage for any
one accident.
6 Household Goods Cargo
Form H or J
Trucking Guide
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - -
- - -
Table 2. Operang Authority Program Requirements
Property Carrier
Other than
Not for
Proof of Bodily
Injury and
Poperty Damage
Insurance(Form E)
Proof of Cargo
Insurance (Form H)
Tari on le with
Motor Carrier
Services Oce
Tari on le at the
Motor Carriers
place(s) of business
Annual Regulatory
Decal (Intrastate
ONLY Carriers)
Financial Statement
(with applicaon,
Trucking Guide
All motor carriers who transport hazardous waste, used oil, or infecous waste on the roads and highways
of Missouri need a Hazardous Waste Transporter License. The Missouri Department of Transportaon
collaborates with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources in administraon of this program.
A Hazardous Waste Transporter license is valid for one year from the date of issue.
To apply for a Hazardous Waste Transporter License, nd the HW-1 applicaon at
Fax, email or mail the completed HW-1 applicaon to Motor Carrier Services. The addressing informaon and
fax number are listed on the HW-1 applicaon form.
Renewal applicaons should be led at least 60 days prior to the expiraon of the license. Log into MoDOT
Carrier Express at to complete the process or nd the HW-1 applicaon at www.modot.
org/HazWaste. Fax, email or mail the completed HW-1 applicaon to Motor Carrier Services.
Hazardous Waste Licenses are issued by mail, email or fax upon successful applicaon and fee payment.
Fees are based on the total weight of vehicles used to transport hazardous waste in Missouri; the number
of Missouri hazardous waste shipments and the number of miles traveled in Missouri. The maximum fee for
a Hazardous Waste Transporter License is $25,000, but fees are usually much less. Carriers can add vehicles
to their license throughout the year at a prorated fee. Carriers may also replace vehicles on their license
throughout the year at no fee.
Carriers with a Hazardous Waste Transporter license are required to le proof of insurance (Form E) with the
Missouri Department of Transportaon. Minimum insurance liability limits are the standards set forth by the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administraon for transportaon of Hazardous Materials. If insurance lapses or
other violaons occur, the Hazardous Waste Transporter license can be suspended or revoked.
Find the current minimum insurance liability limits at:
Trucking Guide
The Missouri Department of Transportaon collaborates with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources in
administraon of this program.
A Waste Tire Transporter Permit is required for all persons who transport waste res in Missouri, both in
interstate and intrastate transportaon.
A waste re, or scrap re, is dened as a re that is no longer suitable for its original intended purpose
because of wear, defect or damage.
Persons exempt from obtaining a Waste Tire Transporter Permit include:
A person who does not haul for consideraon or commercial prot
A person hauling warranty res or new defecve res to the retailer, wholesaler or
manufacturer for adjustment or credit
A person hauling waste res which have been generated at his/her own business or
residence provided that his transportaon is done using his/her own employees and
A Waste Tire Transporter Permit is an annual permit that is renewed yearly. The annual permit fee is $100. The
license is valid for one year from the date of issuance.
New applicants must complete a Motor Carrier Applicaon, available at Once
completed, a user ID and password is issued so the carrier can quickly le a Waste Tire applicaon online at
Applicants can also obtain a Waste Tire WT-1 applicaon at and email, fax or mail it
to MoDOT Motor Carrier Services.
Trucking Guide
Motor Carriers who haul non-reducible loads that exceed Missouri’s legal weight and size requirements must
obtain Oversize Overweight permits. The permits outline specic routes and special requirements the carrier
must follow when using the Missouri state highway system. Carriers and drivers must read and obey every
statement within an OSOW permit.
On or within 10 miles of Missouri’s Interstate and Designated Highway System (not in a commercial zone.)
 
WIDTH 8’6” 16’
HEIGHT 14’ 16’
53’ N/A
N/A 150’
65’ 75’
75’ plus 3’ front & 4’ rear
80’ plus 4’ front & 6’ rear
80,000 lbs* 160,000 lbs
152,000 lbs
Trucking Guide
Commercial Zone Single Trip Permit
Travel within a legally-designated commercial zone
WIDTH 8’6” 16’
HEIGHT 15’ 16’
53’ N/A
N/A 150’
LENGTH — AUTO/BOAT TRANSPORTER 75’ plus 3’ front & 4’ rear
80’ plus 4’ front & 6’ rear
Commercial zone permits are only available within a specied radius of Kansas City, St. Louis, Springeld, St.
Joseph and Columbia. You can nd the zones on the Missouri Vehicle Route Map. An electronic copy of the
map can be found in the electronic toolbox at
Send an email to Cont[email protected].gov for a paper copy of the Missouri Vehicle Route Map.
Roune Single Trip Permit Fees
$15 for a load of legal weight
$15 plus $20 per 10,000 lbs. over legal gross weight
$265 house move permit*
* House-moving carriers require special registraon with the State of Missouri. Call MoDOT Motor Carrier
Services for more details – 1-866-831-6277 and select the opon for intrastate operang authority. Ask about
obtaining a Missouri House Mover License.
Informaon Required to Apply for a Single Trip Permit:
Year, make, license number and VIN of power unit and trailer and any other hauling units.
Load descripon, make, serial number and dimensions of load.
Overall dimensions and length of trailer and load if a tractor, semi-trailer combinaon.
Individual axle weights.
Individual axle spacings (center to center).
Origin of route – provide a highway juncon point.
Desnaon of route – provide a highway juncon point.
Trucking Guide
The origin and desnaon points cannot be on an interstate unless the exit number is provided.
The requested route and date of movement.
For oversized, overweight permits on metropolitan city streets, contact:
St. Louis City - (314) 647-3111, ext. 1025
Kansas City - (816) 513-2674
Blanket Permits
Blanket permits are available for carriers who move certain commodies several mes in the course of a year
on state-maintained highways.
Legal Weight and Height Blanket Permits
Loads can be up to 12’6” wide and 150’ in overall length, depending on the items shipped.
Manufactured and Seconal Homes
Pipes, poles and/or beams
Farm implements
Construcon equipment
Like objects
Mulple commodity combinaons
Implements of husbandry
Hay - Hay blanket permits allow width to 12’6” only, with legal length, weight and height.
Farmers and farm implement dealers are allowed blanket permits for legal length,
weight and height for loads up to 14’6” wide for moves within a 100-mile radius of the
principal place of business.
Overweight Blanket Permits
Emergency Response
Concrete Pump Truck
Well Drilling Rig
Longer combinaon vehicles within 20 miles of Missouris western border
Raw milk - up to 85,500 lbs., on non-interstate highways only.
Government movements
Public ulity
Blanket Permit Maximum Fees (prorated by calendar quarter)
Loads up to 12’6”wide and of legal weight
Mulple commodity shipments of legal weight
100-mile radius of legal weight
Emergency response
Water well drill rig
Concrete pump
Raw milk
$128/calendar year
$400/ calendar year
$128/ calendar year
$624/ calendar year
$300/ calendar year
$300/ calendar year
$500/ calendar year
$300/calendar year
Trucking Guide
Loads that exceed the roune permiable maximum are referred to as superloads. Superload perming
involves detailed route studies by MoDOT highway and bridge structure experts, so carriers are advised to
allow extra me, at least two weeks, between applicaon and receipt of a completed permit.
Informaon Required to Apply for a Superload Permit
Year, make, license number and VIN of power unit and trailer and any other hauling
Load descripon, make, serial number and dimensions of load.
Overall dimensions and length of trailer and load if a truck tractor, semi-trailer
Individual axle weights.
Individual axle spacings (center to center).
Origin of route – provide a highway juncon point.
Desnaon of route – provide a highway juncon point.
The origin and desnaon points cannot be on an interstate, unless the origin or
desnaon is an exit/entrance ramp number.
The requested route and date of movement.
Superload Escorts
One (1) front and one (1) rear civilian escort is required for all superloads in excess of
three hundred y thousand (350,000) lbs.;
One (1) front civilian escort is required for all superloads on two- (2-) lane highways,
If a load is required to cross bridge structures at crawl speed in the Kansas City and St.
Louis areas, then one (1) front and two (2) rear civilian escorts are required for that
poron of the move;
One (1) front and one (1) rear civilian escort is required on all secons of dual lane
highways traversed if load exceeds sixteen feet (16’) wide.
In addion to the civilian escorts needed in the situaons above, Missouri State Highway Patrol escorts are
required when:
Sixteen feet (16’) wide on any two- (2-) lane highway;
Eighteen feet (18’) wide on interstate or dual lane highway;
One hundred y feet (150’) overall length on any highway;
Seventeen feet (17’) high on any highway; or
Any me deemed necessary due to complexity of route or load.
Superload Fees
Overweight superload fees are $15 plus $20 per each 10,000 lbs over legal gross weight, plus bridge and
roadway analysis fees of $425 for each permit for moves 0-50 miles in length, $625 for 51-200 miles or $925
for more than 200 miles.
Trucking Guide
Overdimension superload fees are $15 plus $250 for a movement feasibility study.
All superload applicaons require a route survey and emergency plan - to be submied only aer receipt of
MoDOT route approval. Find these forms at
Schedule Of Minimum Limits Of Combined Single Limit Automobile Liability
Type of Move Amount
Roune $750,000
Superloads $2,000,000
House Move $2,000,000
OSOW Holiday Travel Restricons
Movement of OSOW loads is restricted on the following holidays:
New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
The restricons begin at 12:00 noon on the day preceding the holiday or the holiday weekend period.
In the event a holiday falls on Saturday, the restricon will apply to the preceding Friday. If a holiday falls on
Sunday, the restricon will apply to the following Monday.
The restricon for Thanksgiving begins at 12:00 noon on Wednesday and applies unl one-half (1/2) hour
before sunrise on the following Monday.
When Christmas and/or New Years Day fall on Friday or Saturday, the restricon will begin at 12:00 noon on
the day preceding the holiday. Movement will resume the following Monday. When Christmas and/or New
Years Day fall on Sunday, the restricon will begin at 12:00 noon on the preceding Friday. Movement will
resume the following Monday.
Holiday Holiday Falls On Restricon Begins
at Noon
Restricon Ends 30
Minutes Before Sunrise
Memorial Day and
Labor Day Always Monday Always Friday Always Tuesday
New Years Day
Independence Day, and
Christmas Day Monday through Friday
The day preceding
the holiday
The day following
the holiday
Independence Day Saturday Friday Sunday
Independence Day Sunday Saturday Monday
Thanksgiving Day Always Thursday Always Wednesday Always Monday
Christmas Day and New
Years Day Friday Thursday Monday
Christmas Day and New
Years Day Saturday Friday Monday
Christmas Day and New
Years Day Sunday Friday Monday
Trucking Guide
Travel Limitaons
Christmas Day and New Years Day
No movement is allowed when road condions are hazardous, e.g., when highways are snow and ice covered
or when cross winds aect the movement. If visibility is less than ve hundred feet, movement is not allowed.
Read and understand the rules and condions printed on the permit document before moving within Missouri.
Agricultural Exempons
Farmers are exempt from OSOW permit regulaons when transporng their own property from farm-to-farm,
dealer-to-farm or farm-to-dealer, however the exempon does not apply to travel on interstate highways.
All motorists must observe and obey bridge weight restricons and highway structure height limits.
Raw milk and livestock haulers are allowed to operate a CMV loaded to a gross weight of 85,500, on highways
OSOW Essenals
If the truck and load are at or below the following measures, the load is of legal size and can move
without an oversize overweight permit:
8’6” wide
14’ high - on interstate highways or within 10 miles of a designated or primary
highway. 15’ high in a commercial zone. 13’6” high - on all other state routes.
53’ length – truck-tractor/semi-trailer combinaon
65’ length – truck/trailer combinaon or towed units
45’ length – single units
80,000 lbs. gross weight unless specialized equipment (see Gross Weight Table in
Secon 11 of the Oversize Overweight Permit Regulaons)
85,500 lbs. gross weight when hauling livestock, grain, grain co-products or milk
in specic situaons (see page 42)
If the dimension or weight of the truck and load exceed legal parameters, an oversize overweight
permit is required to move in Missouri.
Read, understand and obey every line of text in the permit. Never travel o the prescribed route. If a
change is necessary, call MoDOT Motor Carrier Services at 1-800-877-8499 to amend the permit.
During six holiday periods, OSOW movement is prohibited. Know and plan for these holidays.
If weather condions make driving hazardous, re-read and obey the travel limitaons printed on the
permit. Err on the side of cauon.
If traveling interstate, be certain to fulll any necessary requirements of the Internaonal Registraon
Program, Internaonal Fuel Tax Agreement and Unied Carrier Registraon before crossing a state line.
Trucking Guide
Milk, Livestock, Grain and Grain Co-Product Allowances
other than interstates, statewide. Vehicles hauling grain and grain co-products can weigh as much as ten percent
more than the maximum weight limitaon indicated in a weight-by-axle chart contained within the law.
When traveling at heavier weights, these loads may NOT use any poron of an interstate highway.
Addional Resources
The revised Missouri State Statutes that govern oversize overweight loads include:
Complete Missouri Oversize Overweight regulaons are available at Contact MoDOT
MCS for a hard copy, if you prefer, at 1-866-831-6277.
A brochure produced by the Missouri State Highway Patrol , “Size and Weight Limitaons”, is also helpful. Find
an electronic copy at
Trucking Guide
Any me, any day, Missouri motor carriers can access their MoDOT account to register equipment, apply for a
permit, le a fuel tax return and more with MoDOT Carrier Express.
Use MCE to
Complete registraon and permit applicaons
Make changes to apporoned plate and fuel tax accounts
File IFTA tax returns
Obtain 72-hour trip permits for trip and fuel
File UCR registraon
Register and update intrastate authority
Monitor Safety Measurement System standings in CVIEW
Helpful guides for each process can be found at
MoDOT Carrier Express works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari. However, soware used to
complete hazardous waste and waste re permit transacons is not compable with app-based devices such
as tablets and mobile phones. These transacons require the use of a program-based computer, such as a PC
or Apple Mac. For more informaon about computer system requirements, visit
and look for MCE System Requirements under USING MODOT CARRIER EXPRESS.
Start working with MCE by vising, then log in.
Carriers with an exisng relaonship with MoDOT Motor Carrier Services already have the user ID and
password that are needed to login. If you don’t recall the informaon, or are a new Missouri motor carrier, visit to learn how to send a request.
MCS accepts e-Check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Convenience fees apply. The fees are
displayed at the me of payment.
Trucking Guide
Carrier and Driver Credenaling Checklists
Acve Carriers
One me – Safety Audit - MoDOT visits with new carriers within the rst 18 months of operaon to ensure
carriers understand and comply with safety requirements.
Biennial – Every other year, update URS with USDOT.on/unied-registraon-system
Annual – Each year, credenal or permit renewals are required to connue operaons in the IRP, IFTA,
OPA and UCR programs. OSOW blanket permits expire on December 31 and can be renewed.
Quarterly – IFTA Fuel Tax Return. Carriers who operate more than 5,000 miles annually must le quarterly
fuel tax returns. Those who operate fewer than 5,000 miles per year can request to le one return
annually. Please contact MoDOT Motor Carrier Services for more informaon on annual ling.
As needed – OSOW permits are issued on an as-needed basis. IFTA audits and S&C invesgaons are
conducted throughout the year.
Biennial – Medical cercate renewal – unless the medical examiner issues medical clearance for less
than 24 months - e.g.; when it is desirable to monitor a condion such as high blood pressure - medical
cercates must be renewed every two years.
Every ve years – Background check for drivers who haul hazardous materials
Every six years – Commercial Drivers License renewal 
Trucking Guide
 
Motor Carrier Safety Regulaons MoDOT Motor Carrier Services Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Hazardous Materials Transport Regulaon 830 MoDOT Drive
PO Box 270
Jeerson City, MO 65102
Fax numbers:
Safety & Compliance
Missouri Intrastate Operang
Administraon – Missouri
3219 Emerald Lane, STE 500
Jeerson City, MO 65109
(573) 636-3246
Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Find the nearest local IRS oce
by vising and
search for “Local IRS Oce.
Internal Revenue Service
Kansas City, MO 65999
USDOT Numbers Federal Motor Carrier Safety
(202) 358-7027 or 7028
Commercial Drivers License Drivers License Bureau
Mo Department of Revenue
301 W. High – Room 470
PO Box 200
Jeerson City, MO 65105
(573) 751-2730
CDL Tesng
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
Missouri State Highway Patrol
(573) 526-6221
(573) 526-6128
Internaonal Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA)
Internaonal Registraon Plan (IRP)
Oversize and Overweight Loads (OSOW)
Unied Carrier Registraon
Intrastate License Plate (travel within
Missouri only)
Household Goods Registraon
MoDOT Motor Carrier Services
830 MoDOT Drive
PO Box 270
Jeerson City, MO 65102
Missouri Business Registraon Missouri Secretary of State
1-866-223-6535 Opon 1
(573) 751-4153
Trucking Guide
American Associaon of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA
Internaonal Registraon Plan, Inc. (IRP,Inc.
Internaonal Registraon Plan Clearinghouse
Internaonal Fuel Tax Associaon, Inc. (IFTA, Inc.
Federal Highway Administration
USDOT Office of Hazardous Material Safety
US Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
GPO Access
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Protect Your Move - Helpful household move information for consumers
National Consumer Complaints Database - Household moving database
Occupational Safety and Health Admin. (OSHA)
National Highway Traffic Safety Admin
DataQs FMCSA System
Missouri Department of Revenue
SEMA (State Emergency Management Agency)
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Missouri Department of Transportation
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Office of the Secretary of State
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - CVSA
Kansas City Police Department
Springfield Police Department
Kirksville Police Department
St. Charles Police Department
St. Louis Police Department
Joplin Police Department
Poplar Bluff Police Department
Motor Carrier Services