Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................2
PURCHASING POLICIES .......................................................................................................................2
GENERAL PURCHASING PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................3
ELIGIBLE EXPENSE CATEGORIES ...........................................................................................................3
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ...............................................................................................................3
Digital Materials .........................................................................................................................3
Stand-Alone Online Class .............................................................................................................3
Internet Resources ......................................................................................................................3
Physical Education ......................................................................................................................4
Books .........................................................................................................................................4
Lab Fees and Materials…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Musical Instruments & Equipment ...............................................................................................5
Electives .....................................................................................................................................5
Field Trips ...................................................................................................................................6
At Home Classroom Furnishings...................................................................................................7
School Supplies ...........................................................................................................................7
Learning Manipulatives/Creative Play Items .................................................................................8
Educational Subscription Kits .......................................................................................................8
Educational Software/Subscriptions .............................................................................................8
CURRICULUM .................................................................................................................................9
TUITION AND FEES ..........................................................................................................................9
Tuition and Fees at an Eligible Private School ...............................................................................9
Tuition and Fees for Home Education Instructional Programs for Personalized Education Program
(PEP) Students .......................................................................................................................... 10
Tuition and Fees at an Eligible Postsecondary Institution ............................................................ 11
Tuition and Fees for an Approved Preapprenticeship Program .................................................... 11
Tuition and Fees for a Full-Time Private Tutoring Program Programs for Personalized Education
Program (PEP) Students ............................................................................................................ 11
Tuition and Fees at an Approved Online or Virtual Provider ........................................................ 12
Tuition and Fees as a Private-Pay Student for Florida Virtual School ............................................ 13
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
STANDARDIZED TESTING FEES ....................................................................................................... 13
PART-TIME TUTORING AND CHOICE NAVIGATOR SERVICES ............................................................ 14
REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide
Florida state law now requires Scholarship Funding Organizations (SFOs) to prepare agreed-upon
purchasing guidelines (the “guidelines”) for authorized uses of scholarship funds and to update the
guidelines at least annually.
These guidelines are intended to be general in nature and to assist student’s families to remain in
compliance when requesting scholarship disbursements. They are not intended to provide detailed
instructions or to prescribe any particular educational programs. Because each SFO is an independent
non-profit organization they each have their own policies and procedures, so it is important that you refer
to your SFO’s Parent Handbook and materials for detailed information about their scholarship
administration processes.
As per Florida Statutes ss. 1002.394 & 1002.395 Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
(FES-EO) and Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship (including Personalized Education Program (PEP)) funds
must be used to meet the educational needs of an eligible student. Using a student’s scholarship funds
for other purposes is a crime. For example, purchasing a product with scholarship funds, returning that
product, and then spending the returned funds on items that do not meet the educational needs of the
scholarship student is illegal. Parents/guardians should contact their Scholarship Funding Organization
(SFO) if they have questions about the legality of a financial transaction using scholarship funds prior to
engaging in this transaction.
SFOs may require parents/guardians to use an online platform for purchases provided their choice of
curriculum or academic programs is not limited. SFOs may also reimburse parents/guardians for their
purchase of eligible products or services that meet their student’s educational needs. Parents/guardians
should verify with their SFO that a purchase is eligible for reimbursement before making the purchase. If
a parent/guardian purchases a product identical to one offered by an SFO's online platform for a lower
price, the SFO is required by law to reimburse the parent/guardian for the cost of the purchase.
Per Florida Statute s. 1000.21(5), “Parent” means either or both parents of a student, any guardian of a
student, any person in a parental relationship to a student, or any person exercising supervisory authority
over a student in place of the parent. For the purposes of the Purchasing Guide, the term “Guardian” will
be used to include all eligible parents and guardians above who manage an ESA account for an eligible
FTC, PEP, or FES-EO student.
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Product Safety: For safety reasons, SFOs should review manufacturers’ recommended minimum age use
when determining if an education product is appropriate for a student.
Monetary Benefit: A family may not receive a payment, refund, or rebate of scholarship funds from a
Out-of-State Service Providers: With the exception of credentialed providers whose services may be
delivered virtually (e.g., tutors, Choice Navigators), services must be delivered in Florida.
Purchase Location: Purchases made online through the direct buying platform using scholarship
funds must be shipped to the Florida residential address associated with the student’s scholarship
Prorating Payments for Multi-User Items: Other family members often use products purchased with
scholarship funds. Consequently, funding for these multi-user items is prorated to only cover the
scholarship student’s cost.
Public and Private Schools Equivalency: Whether a product or service is available in public or private
schools helps SFOs determine whether an item may be purchased with scholarship funds. SFOs also
consider the availability of services and products in other Florida learning options supported by choice
program funds (e.g., full time tutoring).
The pre-authorization process may be used to determine the eligibility of a purchase prior to
spending funds.
In some categories, pre-authorization is required.
FTC/FES-EO scholarship funds may be used to purchase educational products and services in legislatively
defined categories outlined in Florida Statute s. 1002.396. Spending limits and frequency of purchase
policies are listed below by item and category.
Eligible instructional materials include:
Digital Materials
Scholarship funds may be used to purchase digital material such as CDs, DVDs, and digital documents,
including eBooks, and audiobooks. Subscription or membership access to eBooks or Audiobooks for the
student is eligible.
Stand-Alone Online Class
Guardians may purchase online courses that are appropriate for their scholarship student. Scholarship
funds may not be used to pay for full-time online instruction. A stand-alone online class does not permit
live, interactive instruction.
Internet Resources
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Guardians may use scholarship funds to pay for in-home internet services at the Florida residential
address associated with their student’s scholarship application. Modem or router rental from the internet
service provider and billed with a monthly internet service is also eligible.
Physical Education
Authorized P.E. expenses include sports lessons, fees, or equipment (subject to manufacturer’s age
recommendations), including:
Home playset/swing set (including rubber mulch or safety materials)
Exercise equipment (including stationary bike, treadmill/walking pad, weight bench)
Ping-pong table/table sports (ping-pong, basketball shooting games, foosball table, air
Sports lessons (including individual training or group trainings)
Sports equipment (balls, basketball goals, racquets, etc.)
Team fees (including registration, equipment rental, and competition fees)
Stand-alone athletic event fees (including foot or bike race registrations, endurance events,
Special Olympics registrations)
Gym/fitness memberships or “Class Passes” (for the student only), including on- demand
fitness classes
Individual trampoline
Swim goggles, snorkels, masks, fins
Kayak, canoe, surfboards, boogie board, skim board, stand-up paddleboards
Frequency of Purchase: 2 years (for equipment only)
Please note: Adaptive exercise equipment is eligible with pre-authorization.
A pre-authorization is required for P.E. activities occurring outside of the State of Florida.
Prohibited Items:
Motorized equipment (treadmills or walking pads are eligible)
Trampolines (individual exercise trampolines are eligible)
Motorized boats
Motorized scooters or ride-ons (including golf carts)
In-ground or above-ground swimming pools
Single-admission leisure events (including equipment rental)
Activities occurring outside of the State of Florida that are not pre-authorized
Pool tables
Books are neither capped in annual spending nor subject to frequency of purchase. Two copies of a book
are permitted in the event that the second copy is used as a parent or companion reader. However,
requests for more than two copies of the same book will be denied.
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Books with content that may pose a threat to the student or others or promote violence or criminal
behavior are ineligible for purchase.
Lab Fees and Materials
Science, math and computer lab fees and equipment and lab safety equipment may be eligible. Lab
equipment that may pose a threat to the student or others or promote violence or criminal behavior are
ineligible for purchase.
Musical Instruments & Equipment
Frequency of Purchase: Four years per item.
Expenses: Tuning, insurance or service agreements and repair of instruments may be eligible.
Lessons, equipment, or consumables generally associated with elective or enrichment (non-core
academic subjects), may be purchased, including:
Music lessons
Art lessons
Art supplies (including subscription kits)
Club fees (such as Boy/Girl Scouts, and 4H/FFA clubs)
Cooking lessons
Cooking supplies (including subscription kits)
Drama lessons
Foreign language lessons
Sewing lessons
Sewing supplies
Animal husbandry lessons or training programs
Animal husbandry supplies
Woodworking/building lessons or training programs
Woodworking/building supplies (tools must satisfy manufacturer age recommendations)
Mechanical lessons or training programs
Mechanical supplies (tools must satisfy manufacturer age recommendations)
Gardening or horticultural lessons or training programs
Garden supplies (tools must satisfy manufacturer age recommendations)
Safety items (including protective gloves and goggles)
Programming/digital production lessons
Enrichment classes/courses
Eligible providers for enrichment or elective subjects should have one of the following:
A valid or expired Florida educator’s certificate.
At least three years of experience in the relevant subject area as demonstrated by
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
employment records (for example a resume or LinkedIn account).
Currently enrolled in a postsecondary educational institution as a student of the relevant
subject area.
A degree from a postsecondary educational institution in the relevant subject area.
A certification or national accreditation in the relevant subject area.
Frequency of Purchase: Two years for equipment
Prohibited Items:
Commercial-grade tools/equipment
Live animals
Housing/food for live animals
These reimbursements requests must be accompanied by educational benefit documentation
(standardized form will be provided)
Field Trips
The following items are eligible for student admission only. Family admissions reimbursements will be
prorated to cover only the student’s cost. A student’s ticket price must be age appropriate. Tickets or
admission must be purchased directly from the venue/vendor or an authorized third- party seller.
Secondary market or resale tickets are not reimbursable.
Museum admission
Aquarium/zoo admission
Programs or events at museums/zoos/aquariums
Museum or library memberships
Aquarium/zoo memberships
Ticketed events (including plays, musicals, or orchestral performances)
Admission to cultural programming events or facilities
Admission to a Florida theme park
School field trip fees paid to an eligible private school or eligible home education program
Frequency of Purchase: None
These reimbursements requests must be accompanied by educational benefit documentation
(standardized form is provided)
A pre-authorization is required for non-school affiliated Field Trip activities occurring outside of
the State of Florida, but within the United States.
Note on Florida theme park admission: Each scholarship student may submit one
reimbursement request for admission to one Florida theme park during the school year for a
value up to $299 before tax. The parent/guardian may choose either a single or multi-day park
admission ticket or an annual pass, which will be reimbursable at the actual paid rate for the
student’s age group up to $299 plus tax. Because each scholarship student will be allowed one
reimbursement submission, and the parent/guardian may only be reimbursed for the actual
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
amount paid at the time of reimbursement submission, parents utilizing a payment plan must
wait until the ticket or pass has been paid in full (or up to $299) before submitting their
reimbursement request. Reimbursement requests for theme parks may not be bundled with
other reimbursement requests or receipts.
The reimbursement request should contain, in addition to the proof of payment and invoice
with the corresponding student’s name visible. a statement of educational benefit form for the
student (this standardized form is available for download from Step Up For Students).
Please note: Only the actual cost of the basic admission for the scholarship student will be
covered. Additional services (such as parking, food and beverage packages, photographs or
souvenirs, or premium access) will not be covered. Special event ticketing is also prohibited.
For a full checklist of reimbursement procedures, please refer to Appendix B.
At Home Classroom Furnishings
Furnishing used to create an at-home classroom are eligible expenses, including:
Desk (age/size appropriate)
Chair (age/size appropriate)
Storage (including bookshelves and storage or organization containers)
Architect/drafting table (age/size appropriate)
Picnic table
Televisions (up to 55”)
Indoor projector
Standing or drop-down screens
Rugs or foam tiles
Bulletin boards
Educational posters/visual support
Frequency of Purchase: Two years for furniture, or televisions/projectors
Prohibited Items:
Multiples of an item type
School Supplies
School supplies generally found or required in classrooms may be purchased, including:
Writing utensils
Crayons/colored pencils/markers
Math tools (abacus/compass/protractor/ruler)
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Bookbags (backpack, tote bag, messenger bag)
Frequency of Purchase: None
Learning Manipulatives/Creative Play Items
Eligible items utilized for tactile learning, academic practice, or creative play including:
Dolls (and accessories)
Stuffed animals
Board/card games
Chess/checker sets
Dress-up clothing
Play kitchens
Water tables
Frequency of Purchase: None
Games or puzzles with content that may pose a threat to the student or others or that
promote violence or criminal behavior are ineligible for purchase.
Educational Subscription Kits
Educational Subscription Kits curated and mailed to the home by a kit company are eligible for
reimbursement. Subscriptions must be age and size appropriate.
Frequency of Purchase: None
Educational Software/Subscriptions
The following items are eligible for single use/student pricing only. Reimbursements for multi- user
access subscriptions will be prorated to only cover the student’s cost.
Eligible expenses include:
Software Subscriptions (Word processing, Microsoft Office, Adobe, video or music editing
software, LexisNexis, QuickBooks)
Magazine subscription
Newspaper subscription
Prohibited expenses include but are not limited to:
Video/TV/online streaming service
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Musical streaming service
In-game purchase or credit
Live television
Social media (except LinkedIn Learning for Students)
State policy defines curriculum as a complete course of study for a particular content area or grade level,
including any required supplemental materials, teachers’ manuals, and associated online instruction.
For the purposes of this section, a complete course of study may include postsecondary programs aimed
at career readiness or trade certification.
Parents/guardians may choose to submit a pre-authorization to determine expense eligibility prior to
purchasing a curriculum.
Curricula must be publicly available for SFOs to determine eligibility. Curricula that pose a safety threat to
the student or others will not be approved.
Tuition and Fees at an Eligible Private School
Tuition and fees at an eligible private school may be covered by FTC/FES-EO funds, with the exception of
full-time tuition which is not an eligible expense for FTC-PEP students.
Not all private schools are eligible to participate. Schools must meet state eligibility criteria and elect to
participate in the FTC/FES-EO program with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE). A list of schools
eligible to serve scholarship students can be found at the Florida Private Schools Directory.
The agreed-upon amount of tuition and fees for each student is a contractual agreement between the
parent/guardian and their eligible private school. Step Up recommends parents/guardians communicate
with their preferred private school about what is required before enrolling their student. For students
utilizing the private school option for these scholarships, the SFO is obligated to commit funds on behalf
of the student for tuition and fees for which the parent is responsible for payment at the private school
before using scholarship funds for additional uses.
Eligible fees:
Application fee (payable in the fiscal year preceding the academic year)
Registration fee (payable in the fiscal year preceding the academic year)
Uniform fee (basic uniform pieces purchased from a school-required vendor; shoes and
accessories are not eligible).
Book fee
Technology fee
Test fee
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Athletics and club Fees
Graduation fee
Prohibited fees:
Fundraising fee/donation fee/volunteer waiver fee
Annual funds
Giving funds
Therapies or services as fees (Credentialed Services including tutoring and therapies should be
billed in their categories)
Costs associated with scholarship management
Optional fees
Please note: Field trip fees at an eligible private school are reimbursable to the parent/guardian under the
Instructional Materials Field Trip expense category.
Tuition and Fees for Home Education Instructional Programs for Personalized Education Program (PEP)
A “Personalized Education Program” means the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed
by his or her parent in order to satisfy the attendance requirements of ss. 1003.01(13), and 1003.21(1)
while registered with an eligible nonprofit scholarship funding-organization pursuant to s. 1002.395.
FTC-PEP scholarship funds may be used to pay tuition and fees for programs, courses, or classes offered
to PEP students. These services must be part of the student’s sequential instruction per the PEP student
“Parent” is either or both parents of a student, any guardian of a student, any person in a parental
relationship to a student, or any person exercising supervisory authority over a student in place of the
parent (s. 1000.21(5)).
The following considerations apply when determining whether a program is an eligible home education
instructional program tuition and fee expense.
Eligible programs must:
Be a program selected by the parent as a part of their home education student’s parent-directed
instruction. Private schools, virtual schools, and public or charter schools are not considered home
education programs.
Provide courses and/or activities for home education students that enhance or enrich the child’s
learning opportunities.
Have publicly available/reviewable program descriptions of courses and/or activities.
Have a published tuition and fee schedule.
Be operated in a physical location (cannot be in online)
Be a business organization (tuition and fees may not be payable to an individual, with the
exception of regional program directors or designated liaisons of national home educational
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Tuition and Fees at an Eligible Postsecondary Institution
Tuition and fees required for enrollment at an eligible postsecondary institution, or a program offered by
an eligible postsecondary institution, are covered by FTC/FES-EO funds.
Eligible postsecondary institutions include:
A Florida College System institution
A state university
A school district technical center
A school district adult general education center
An independent college or university that is eligible to participate in the William L Boyd, IV
Effective Access to Student Education Grant Program under s. 1009.89
An accredited independent postsecondary educational institution, as defined in s. 1005.02, which
is licensed to operate in the State of Florida
Tuition and fee schedules must be published and made publicly available.
Tuition and Fees for an Approved Preapprenticeship Program
Tuition and fees for an organized course of instruction designed to prepare a person 16 years of age or
older to become an apprentice in a course approved by and registered with the department and
sponsored by a registered apprenticeship program under s. 446.042.
Tuition and fee schedules must be published and made publicly available.
Tuition and Fees for a Full-Time Private Tutoring Program Programs for Personalized Education
Program (PEP) Students
Tuition and fees required for enrollment in an eligible private tutoring program, authorized under s.
1002.43 are covered by FTC/FES-EO funds.
Requirements for approved private full-time tutors include:
Tutor must hold a current, valid Florida teaching certificate for the subject or grade level in
which they will tutor.
For grades K-3, full-time tutoring is considered 720 hours per school year.
For grades 4-12, full-time tutoring is considered 900 hours (equivalent to 180 teaching days)
Tutor seeking to provide services must certify compliance with relevant statutes, including
attendance requirements, and file annually a W9 form with the appropriate SFO prior to the
receipt of ESA, and then annually thereafter. The FLDOE may institute a standardized compliance
A full-time private tutor receiving ESA funds may not serve more than 5 students at one time. However, a
full-time private tutor may provide tutoring for up to 25 students if the following facility requirements are
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Private tutoring may be provided for up to students in any commercial building with a valid
certificate of occupancy, library, community service, museum, performing arts, theatre, cinema,
or church facility; in any facility or on any land owned by a Florida College System institution or
university; in any similar public institution facility; and in any facility recently used to house a
school or child care facility licensed under s. 402.305 within the preexisting zoning and land use
designations of the facility without obtaining a special exception, rezoning, or a land use change
so long as the provision of such tutoring meets all applicable state and local health, safety, and
welfare laws, codes, and rules, including those pertaining to fire safety and building safety.
Tuition and fee schedules must be published and made publicly available.
Tuition and Fees at an Approved Online or Virtual Provider
Tuition and fees required for enrollment at an eligible or approved online or virtual provider are covered
by FTC/FES-EO funds.
Approved online or virtual providers include:
An approved private online provider under s. 1002.45(2)(a), F.S.
A program offered by the FLVS in which the eligible student is enrolled as a private paying student.
(Please note: If a student is enrolled in FLVS as a public-school student the student will be
considered a public-school student and will be ineligible for a Family Empowerment Scholarship)
An approved online course offered pursuant to ss. 1003.499 or 1004.0961, F.S.
A private virtual school that meets the requirements of s. 1002.421, F.S.
FLDOE has approval authority for these funding categories. The FLDOE may publish or maintain a list of
approved online or virtual providers pursuant to the above statutory authority.
Approved Virtual Instruction Program (VIP) providers (approved as a course and VIP provider)
Accel Schools East (grades K-12 through 2023-24)
Connections Education of Florida, LLC (grades K-12 through 2024-25)
Graduation Alliance (grades 9-12 for 2023-24)
Imagination Learning (grade K-12 through 2024-25)
K12 Florida (grades K-12 for 2018-19 to 2024-25)
Mater Virtual Academy (grades K-12 through 2023-24)
OptimaED, LLC (grades K-9 through 2023-24)
Somerset Virtual Academy (Grade K-12 through 2023-24)
Approved online course providers
Accelerate Education (grades K-5 through 2025-26) /approved courses listed here
EdisonLearning (grades 6-12 for through 2024-25) / approved courses listed here
Edmentum/Apex Learning (grades 9-12 through 2025-26)/approved courses listed here
eDynamic Learning ULC (grades 6-12 through 2024-25) / approved courses listed here
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Founders Education LLC (grades 9-12 through 2025-26) / approved courses listed here
Grade Results, Inc. (grades K-12 for through 2023-24) / approved courses listed here
My Virtual Academy (grades 9-12 through 2025-26) / approved courses listed here
National Highway Safety Administration (grades 9-12 through 2024-25) / approved courses
listed here
Tuition and Fees as a Private-Pay Student for Florida Virtual School
Tuition and fees required for enrollment as a private-pay student at FLVS are covered by FTC/FES-EO
Students utilizing FLVS must be enrolled as a private-pay student. FLVS will submit reimbursement requests
to Step Up For Students, which must be approved by the parent/guardian prior to payment being released.
If a student is enrolled in FLVS and funded as a public-school student, the student may lose eligibility and
funding for FTC/FES-EO scholarship.
Tuition and fee schedules must be published and made publicly available.
Fees associated with standardized testing or examinations are covered by FTC/FES-EO funds.
Approved standardized testing or assessments include:
Nationally standardized, norm-referenced assessments
Advanced Placement (AP) examinations
Industry certification examinations
Assessments related to postsecondary education.
Other assessments as outlined in the scholarship Purchasing Guide
Contracted services provided by a public district or charter school, or school district are covered by
FTC/FES-EO funds.
A scholarship recipient may take courses, participate in programming (including after school,
extracurricular, supplemental, or summer school programs) or receive services from a public school
(including charter schools and the FLVS), if the student contracts for classes/services on a private pay
The parent/guardian can pay for services and request reimbursement, or the school district can choose
to be paid directly as a provider.
There is no requirement for public district or charter schools, or school districts, to contract for services
with a scholarship participant or to set up an account for payment as a provider. Participation is optional
for the public schools and/or districts.
A student who receives contracted services under this paragraph is not considered enrolled in a public
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
school for scholarship eligibility purposes. However, if the district reports the student for any FTE funding
or other state funding, the student will be ineligible for the Family Empowerment Scholarship.
Tuition and fees for part-time tutoring or fees for Choice Navigator services are covered by FTC/FES-EO
Part-time tutoring includes tuition and fees for services provided by a person who:
Holds a valid Florida educator's certificate pursuant to s. 1012.56, F.S..
Holds an adjunct teaching certificate pursuant to s. 1012.57, F.S..
Has a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree in the subject area in which instruction is given.
Is certified by a nationally or internationally recognized research-based training program as
approved by the department.
Has demonstrated a mastery of subject area knowledge pursuant to s. 1012.56(5), F.S. by one of
the following ways:
For a subject requiring only a baccalaureate degree for which a Florida subject area
examination has been developed, achievement of a passing score on the Florida-
developed subject area examination specified in state board rule.
For a subject for which a Florida subject area examination has not been developed,
achievement of a passing score on a standardized examination specified in state board
rule, including, but not limited to, passing scores on both the oral proficiency and written
proficiency examinations administered by the American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages.
For a subject for which a Florida subject area examination has not been developed or a
standardized examination has not been specified in state board rule, completion of the
subject area specialization requirements specified in state board rule and verification of
the attainment of the essential subject matter competencies by the district school
superintendent of the employing school district or chief administrative officer of the
employing state-supported or private school.
For a subject requiring a master's or higher degree, completion of the subject area
specialization requirements specified in state board rule and achievement of a passing
score on the Florida-developed subject area examination or a standardized examination
that is directly related to the subject specified in state board rule.
Documentation of successful completion of a United States Defense Language Institute
Foreign Language Center program.
Documentation of a passing score on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT); or
For a subject requiring only a baccalaureate degree for which a Florida subject area
examination has been developed, documentation of receipt of a master's or higher
degree from an accredited postsecondary educational institution that the Department of
Education has identified as having a quality program resulting in a baccalaureate degree
or higher in the certificate subject area as identified by state board rule.
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Tuition and fee schedules must be published and made publicly available.
A “Choice Navigator” means an individual who meets the credentialing requirements of a part-time tutor
(above) and who provides consultations, at a mutually agreed upon location, on the selection of,
application for, and enrollment in educational options addressing the academic needs of a student;
curriculum selection; and advice on career and postsecondary education opportunities. A Choice
Navigator may not oversee or exercise control over the curricula or academic programs of a student.
Fee schedules must be published and made publicly available.
Step Up For Students has placed a feedback form on our website where parents/guardians may submit
suggestions for improving this Purchasing Guide. Step Up will periodically review these suggestions and
implement improvements when appropriate.
Ineligible Items/Services
Any item for which the scholarship student does not meet manufacturer’s minimum age
Digital devices including laptops or desktops
Live animals
Food or housing for live animals
Gas or electric powered gardening tools
Ornamental plants (shrubs, landscaping, houseplants). Please note: this does not include seeds,
seedlings, or fruit/vegetable/herb plants which are eligible expenses
Household items, other than cooking supplies or items on the classroom furnishings list
Commercial grade tools/equipment
Blades or knives or items with blades or knives (except for scissors, math tools, or some cooking
Water parks admission or annual pass
In-ground or above-ground swimming pools or Jacuzzis
Bouncy houses
Inflatable slides
Trampolines larger than those for an individual
Motorized exercise equipment (other than treadmills or walking pads)
Motorized boats
Motorized scooters or ride-ons (including golf carts)
Single-admission leisure events (with the exception of bowling, trampoline park, or ice skating
Pool toys/floats (except kickboards)
Family memberships to gyms, YMCAs, libraries, museums or other facilities
Family or Multi-User Subscriptions (when a single-user subscription is available)
Group admissions or rentals (exceptexcept for a canoe or two-person kayak rental)
Pool tables
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Arcade games or visits
Footwear of any kind
Sports uniforms
Performance costumes
Outdoor televisions/Inflatable outdoor theatres
Video streaming service
Television services
In-Game/in-app purchases or video game credits
Social Media Subscriptions or purchases (except LinkedIn Learning for Students)
Activities occurring outside of the State of Florida that are not pre-authorized
Costs of transportation (including gas, mileage, or public transportation)
Costs of accommodations (including lodging or meals)
Medical items, including mobility aids, hearing aids, contact lenses, non-prescription eyeglasses,
prescription sunglasses (Please note: One pair of prescription eyeglasses may be submitted for
reimbursement each year)
One reimbursement request for a Florida theme park ticket or annual pass during the school year
(7/1/23 6/30/24) may be submitted per scholarship student, which may be reimbursed up to $299
(before tax). Only the actual cost of the basic admission for the student will be covered. Additional
services (such as parking, food and beverage packages, photographs or souvenirs, or premium access)
will not be covered.
The following Florida Theme Parks are eligible:
o Animal Kingdom
o Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
o Epcot
o Hollywood Studios
o Islands of Adventure
o LegoLand Florida
o Magic Kingdom
o Peppa Pig Theme Park
o SeaWorld Orlando
o Universal Studios Florida
*An annual pass or multi-day ticket may include admission to more than one of the theme parks
above in the same resort family.
Admission to amusement parks, waters parks, and out-of-state theme parks is not an eligible
Special event ticketing (for example, seasonal or after-hours events) at a Florida Theme Park is
not an eligible expense.
Reimbursement Requirements:
The reimbursement request must be submitted under Instructional Materials > Field Trips >
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Florida Theme Park Admission and may not include any additional items for reimbursement.
An Educational Benefit Form must be completed and submitted with the reimbursement
The reimbursement request must be submitted after the ticket or pass has been paid in full,
or the parent has incurred $299 before tax.
For purchases made with a payment plan: the parent/guardian may only be reimbursed for
the actual amount paid at the time of reimbursement submission, parents utilizing a
payment plan must wait until the ticket or pass has been paid in full (or up to $299) before
submitting their reimbursement request.
Requests will be reviewed and reimbursed at the amount expended at the time of the
reimbursement request.
The purchase date is the date the ticket/pass is paid in full (or the purchaser has paid $299,
whichever is earlier). For example: an Annual Pass is purchased in August 2023, but paid on
a payment plan; a total of $299 has been paid as of November 15, 2023, and a
reimbursement is submitted. The reimbursement request should be submitted with Invoice
Date would be November 15, 2023.
Proof of Purchase requirements:
o Must include student name on the receipt or invoice.
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options
Purchasing Guide 2023-24
Effective March 2024 Step Up For Students
Educational Benefit Form
Student Name:
Student ID:
Reimbursement Type (example: PE equipment, field trip, etc.):
Item for which Reimbursement is Requested (the item you purchased or plan to purchase):
Learning subject area(s) (for example: math, reading, physical education, social development):
Supporting curriculum or course description (curriculum or course with which the item requested
will be used; curriculum may either be purchased or parent-designed. Note: This section required
for Cooking, Gardening, Mechanical, and Woodworking Equipment and Supplies):
How will this item help my student learn? (Describe in as much detail as you can how this
purchase will benefit your student’s education):
Cost of purchase:
Place of purchase:
Date of purchase:
Link to website where item was purchased (if applicable; please provide the url to the purchased
I affirm that scholarship program funds are used only for authorized purposes as described
in Florida Statutes 1002.394(4) or 1002.395(6), as applicable, and serve the listed student’s
educational needs.
Parent Name:
Parent Signature:
PLEASE NOTE: Any violation of the FES/FTC scholarship statutes, rules, policies, or
procedures may result in the loss of the scholarship, ineligibility for future scholarships, or
financial or criminal penalties. Please see the Parent Handbooks for FES-UA or FES- EO/FTC.