Agilent Molecular
Spectroscopy Solutions
For the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries
Our range of molecular spectroscopy products includes:
Ultraviolet visible spectrophotometers (UV-Vis)
Fluorescence spectrometers (FLR)
Fourier transform infrared spectrometers (FTIR)
Laser direct infrared chemical imaging systems (LDIR)
Transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS)
Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS)
These analytical instruments can be used for basic research, drug discovery,
and drug development, and most have the necessary features to be used in
manufacturing environments.
Agilent also has an extensive range of other instrumentation, including
chromatography, mass spectrometry, and atomic spectroscopy instruments.
All instruments are designed and manufactured according to a quality
management system certified to ISO 9001. We also offer a wide range of support
services to help with instrument qualification, maintenance and repair, and
operator training.
Agilent’s innovative molecular spectroscopy products are
designed to meet the application requirements that are critical
for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical laboratories.
Analytical Workflows for
Drug Discovery, Drug Development,
and Drug Manufacturing
Basic research/drug discovery
Instruments Applications
Lead compound discovery and optimization
Structure confirmation
Ligand binding interaction
Reaction monitoring
DNA and protein quantification
Drug receptor binding studies
Drug manufacturing
Instruments Applications
Raw material analysis
Packaging material identification
Raw material verification/identification
Batch release testing—identification
Batch release testing—content uniformity
and assay
Drug development
Instruments Applications
Structure elucidation and confirmation
Purity analysis
Organic impurity analysis
Formulation development
API stability and degradation analysis
Polymorph screening
Content uniformity and assay
Tablet dissolution studies
Cary 60 UV-Vis
Cary 3500 UV-Vis
Cary 630 FTIR
Vaya & RapID portable SORS
TRS 100 Transmission Raman
Cary Eclipse Fluoresence
Cary 60 UV-Vis
The flexible UV-Vis for wide ranging applications
The wide range of accessories available for the Cary 60 make it suitable for
many applications. From measuring sample volumes of less than 4 µL, to dilute
samples in long pathlength cells, through to solid samples or those remote
from the instrument.
The Cary 60:
Is ideal for routine pharma QA/QC workflows and R&D applications
Accepts low-volume and long-pathlength cuvettes
Offers fiber-optic probe capability for fast measurements without pipetting
or cuvettes
Collects data fast, giving you high sample throughput
Applications include:
Characterization and quantification of unknown or newly synthesized
Monitoring kinetics of chemical or biological reactions that occur at
sub-second rates
Nucleotide and protein quantification
Measuring cold biological samples immediately after removal from
the refrigerator
Analyzing small amounts of precious sample (< 4 µL)
Measuring low concentration samples with a range of long pathlength cells
Learn more:
The Cary 60 fiber-optic probe removes the
need for expensive cuvettes. It can measure
cold, hot, and odd-shaped samples. Samples
can be measured straight out of the fridge,
without condensation causing problems.
The Cary 60 has a highly focused beam, ideal
for use with small volume cuvettes.
As well as being a standalone instrument for routine UV-Vis measurements,
the Cary 60 is also a powerful component of application-specific systems.
This includes the Agilent 708-DS dissolution apparatus (shown here).
Cary 3500 UV-Vis
Multiply your experimental possibilities and amplify confidence
in your results
The Cary 3500 has an integrated, permanently aligned multicell holder with
no moving parts—removing the risk of misalignment and incorrect results.
All eight cuvettes can be measured at the same time—with the cuvettes
grouped into one, two or four temperature zones, each at any temperature
between 0 and 110 °C. You can run reaction kinetics or temperature
stability studies in parallel, slashing data collection from days to minutes.
Having eight cuvette positions means you can measure your standards and
sample concentrations at the same time, under the same conditions.
The Cary 3500 is ideal for liquid sample measurements, such as:
Biological samples: nucleic acids and proteins for thermal analysis
Chemicals: concentration and characterization
Enzymes, other catalysts: kinetics and time-based measurements
The Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer is compatible with the
Agilent OpenLab software suite of products.
Learn more:
The Cary3500 Multizone UV-Vis has no moving
parts and allows up to four temperature zones
to be configured. Each pair of cuvettes can be
held at a different temperature.
In-cuvette temperature probes accurately
control experimental temperature via feedback
from within the sample itself. The instrument’s
light beam is tightly focused, making it ideal for
small volume samples.
A single zone instrument configuration is also
available, with temperature ramping supported.
TRS100 Quantitative
Pharmaceutical Analysis System
Content uniformity, drug product assay, and identity for oral
solid dosages
Completing quality control to release your products after manufacture can be
a significant bottleneck. Traditional wet chemistry techniques take skill,
resources, and much time spent preparing samples. The Agilent transmission
Raman technology (TRS) can reduce the bottleneck by analyzing oral solid
dosages (OSD) directly in manufactured form, without dissolving. Sample
preparation involves putting the tablets in a tray. Content uniformity, product
assay, and ID can all be done in around 15 minutes per batch.
R&D applications in formulation development and polymorph quantification
The TRS100 is used in R&D and formulation development applications for both
qualitative and quantitative analysis of a variety of sample types; tablets and
capsules, powders, creams, gels or liquids.
The versatile sample tray can accommodate all these sample types to allow
fast, non destructive, high throughput screening.
For polymorph and crystallization analysis, the Agilent TRS100 can be used to
quantify the amount of crystalline material in whole, intact tablets. This is useful
for stability studies where the same sample is required to be measured multiple
times over a long period of time. The instrument has limits of detection as low
as 1%w/w.
Learn more:
TRS100 FAQs:
2. Place the tray in the instrument for analysis.
No sample preparation is required.
1. Place tablets or capsules on a tray.
Cary 630 FTIR
Multifunction FTIR with a tiny footprint
The small footprint Cary 630 can be fitted with a range of easy-to-swap sampling
modules. Common measurement types include variable pathlength transmission
measurements (DialPath accessory) and standard diamond/ZnSe/Ge ATR.
The Cary 630 meets the performance specifications of global pharmacopoeia
such as the European, U.S., Indian, and Japanese pharmacopoeia.
Analyzing polymers used in pharmaceutical packaging
The Cary 630 is ideal for:
Detecting pharmaceutical counterfeits with packaging analysis
Testing of plastic materials used to package pharmaceutical products in
accordance with regulations such as USP Chapter <661.1>
Identifying packaging materials when investigating product quality issues
Verifying the identity and quality of raw materials, in-process materials
and final products
The Cary 630 reliably identifies materials, using spectral-matching, generally
without sample preparation. Spectral libraries can be created from reference
materials and new spectra can be easily added to a library. Alternatively,
Agilent offers application-specific spectral libraries. The instrument's MicroLab
software has logic-setting capabilities that allow it to easily distinguish between
different material qualities.
Quantifying small and large molecules
The Cary 630 can be used to quantify multiple components with a single
measurement. Typical routine quantification applications include:
APIs in tablets
Antibiotics in formulations
Immunoglobins in plasma
Assays of final products (according to pharmacopeial methods)
Learn more:
Attach the required
sampling module
The Agilent MicroLab software uses step-by-step
guidance with pictures. The easy workflow
interface means less training and fewer mistakes.
Follow the picture-driven software
guidance and load the sample
Instantly receive color-coded,
actionable results
The Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer with a
DialPath sampling module eliminates the need for
fragile and error-prone liquid cells.
450 500 550
Intensity (a.u.)
Wavelength (nm)
Emission spectra of a fusion protein (blue
fluorescent protein and green fluorescent
protein) following 360 nm excitation.
Green fluorescent protein emission
(~510 nm) is seen upon specific excitation
of blue fluorescent protein alone (360 nm).
This emission is indicative of fluorescence
resonance energy transfer.
Candidates for
Using a Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrometer and a PEPBOPS dye as a fluorescent probe, you can
prescreen samples for size exclusion chromatography (SEC), or other higher resolution techniques.
Cary Eclipse Fluorescence
Multifunctional fluorescence measurements for pharmaceutical
research and development
The Cary Eclipse is a general-purpose fluorescence instrument with a wide
range of optional accessories, making it suitable for many applications.
Its Xenon lamp is guaranteed for 10 years and enables immunity to room light.
You can run your samples in many configurations, including outside the
sample compartment, using a fiber-optic probe. The lamp also minimizes
photobleaching effects in sensitive samples.
The instrument has accessories for precise sample temperature control,
a rapid-mix accessory for ultrafast kinetics studies, and automated polarizers
with a wavelength range that allows proteins to be analyzed. The microplate
reader is ideal for biopharma applications.
The Cary Eclipse operates in fluorescence, phosphorescence,
chemiluminescence, bioluminescence, and time-resolved collection modes.
The Cary Eclipse is ideal for:
Qualitative and quantitative fluorescence, phosphorescence,
chemiluminescence, or bioluminescence measurements
Protein quantification and structural studies
Protein-protein interactions
Membrane studies
Enzyme kinetics with fluorescent substrate
Fluorescent protein expression
Drug receptor binding studies
High throughput mAb aggregation prescreening
Learn more:
The wide range of accessories available for
the Cary Eclipse includes a microplate reader,
ideal for biopharma applications.
dye added
mAbs samples containing
aggregates and monomers
Measure aggregation-induced
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate in white polyethylene container
Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate in white polyethylene container
Calcium Phosphate in white polyethylene container
550 750 950 1150 1550 17501350 1950
Intensity (a.u.)
Wavenumber in cm-1
Lactose monohydrate in meggle sack
Lactose monohydrate through Meggle sack
525 725 925 152513251125
Lactose monohydrate in thin PE bag
RapID and Vaya Portable
Raman Spectrometers
Through-container raw material verification
The portable RapID and the handheld Vaya instruments use Spatially Offset
Raman Spectroscopy (SORS) technology to identify solid and liquid materials
inside their containers. They are designed for high-throughput identification
testing of incoming raw materials. They work through opaque packaging,
such as paper sacks, FIBC, thick plastic containers, and amber glass bottles,
with a single 5 to 30 second measurement. Both instruments can verify the
identity of most active APIs, and common excipients and be used in a cGMP
warehouse for ID at receipt. They can replace existing Raman, NIR and FTIR
spectroscopy instruments being used for this purpose.
Identifying materials through the packaging allows you to:
Avoid sampling booth, sampling booth costs, and quarantine delays
Reduce QC lab turnaround times and expensive outsourced testing
Maintain sterility, prevent cross-contamination
Preserve shelf life of unopened products
Avoid worker exposure to high potency APIs
Learn more:
FAQs about Vaya handheld instruments:
The overlaid spectra of lactose monohydrate inside a Meggle sack and inside a polyethylene
liner show good agreement. By producing a spectrum of the raw material, free of container
interferences, the Agilent Vaya instrument can easily verify the identity of a raw material
through multilayer paper bags. Study: Rapid Identification of Raw Materials Inside Packaging
The Vaya and RapID instruments can measure
the Raman spectra of solid and liquid materials
without opening containers.
The overlaid Raman spectra of L-Alanine,
L-Phenylalanine, and Glycine amino acids.
These three amino acids can easily be
distinguished by their specific spectral markers.
Study: Differentiating Biopharmaceutical
Raw Materials Using Spatially Offset Raman
21 CFR Part 11/Annex 11 compliance support
Agilent offers software tools to help meet the requirements of electronic records
regulations, as indicated in the table following:
Instrument Instrument software
Software tools to support
21 CFR Part 11 compliance
Cary 60 UV-Vis Cary WinUV Yes
Cary 3500 UV-Vis Cary UV Workstation Yes
Agilent OpenLab compatible
Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Cary WinFLR No
Cary 630 FTIR MicroLab Yes
TRS100 TRS ContentQC Yes
Vaya Vaya software Yes
1. Optional
2. Does not support the requirements of subpart C, electronic signatures, of US FDA CFR 21 Part 11.
GMP Compliance
Learn more:
Set Up Your Lab for Success
Maximize instrument performance with Agilent CrossLab services. Our industry-leading services—tailored to meet
your needs—can help your lab extend uptime, produce reliable data, stay compliant, and have predictable service costs.
And because a skilled team is a key driver of lab success, we also offer comprehensive learning opportunities from
beginner to expert.
Compliance services
Labs are increasingly outsourcing their
compliance tasks to save time and
maximize efficiency. Agilent CrossLab
compliance services—including
operational and repair qualification—
give you confidence that your
equipment and processes conform.
Rely on our Network Distributed ACE
platform to simplify deployment
and preserve data integrity, while
enabling paperless electronic reports
and signatures. Most importantly,
you’ll also be confident that you are
audit ready.
Financial solutions
Acquire the latest innovations through
flexible installment plans—without a
large down payment.
CrossLab service plans
Maintain instrument performance
with Agilent CrossLab service plans.
Choose Enhanced Extended Warranty
for added peace of mind with annual
preventive maintenance after your
first year.
Agilent University
Gain insights for boosting efficiency
and minimizing downtime with flexible
training options—including in person,
virtual, and on-demand online.
CrossLab start up
Prepare your site, familiarize
yourself with operations, and
maximize accuracy from the start
with installation, introduction, and
First Run Assist.
Method & applications services
Overcome application problems—
and reduce the time it takes to deploy
new methods—by partnering with our
global team of application experts.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022
Published in the USA, March 9, 2022
Agilent CrossLab: Real insight, real outcomes
CrossLab goes beyond instrumentation to bring you services, consumables,
and lab-wide resource management. So your lab can improve efficiency,
optimize operations, increase instrument uptime, develop user skill, and more.
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