The Manager
State Bank of India
__________ Branch Date : ___/___/20___
Dear Sir,
I/We request you to issue duplicate passbook for below mentioned SB account(s) as the same has
been lost / misplaced / damaged (Strike out whichever is not applicable).
I/We agree to deduct from my/our Account with the charges for the issue of duplicate passbook (i.e.
MVR 50/- or USD 3/- per passbook for MVR & USD SB a/c respectively).
In case, the original passbook is found at a later stage, I/We undertake to return the duplicate
passbook to the Bank.
1 2
1 2
Yours faithfully,
Tel/Mobile: ……………………… Tel/Mobile: ………………………
For Office Use
Account holder(s) signature(s) verified Duplicate Passbook issued &
Please issue duplicate passbook applicable charges recovered on ______
Officer In-Charge Assistant
Signature of the Authorized Signatory
Signature of the 2
Authorized Signatory