DAF API Reference Architecture
1. Overview / Executive Summary (AV-1)...............................................................................................4
1.1. Purpose...................................................................................................................................................4
1.2. Scope.......................................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Principles................................................................................................................................................5
1.4. Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................7
1.5. Outcomes for Warfighters..............................................................................................................7
1.6. Architectural Products......................................................................................................................8
2. Operational Activities Overview (OV-1).............................................................................................9
3. Systems Overview (SV-4, SV-1, & SV-6)..........................................................................................10
3.1. Secure Data Access & Sharing...................................................................................................11
3.2. Interface Management..................................................................................................................11
3.2.1. API Publication & Lifecycle Management..............................................................11
3.2.2. API Integration...................................................................................................................12
3.3. Entity & Access Management.....................................................................................................12
3.3.1. Entity Registration............................................................................................................12
3.3.2. Role Management............................................................................................................13
3.3.3. Credential Generation & Validation..........................................................................13
3.4. Request Management....................................................................................................................14
3.4.1. Request Flow Management.........................................................................................14
3.4.2. Application & Data Interfacing...................................................................................15
4. Standards Overview (StdV-2).................................................................................................................16
Appendix: Acronyms........................................................................................................................................18
DAF API Reference Architecture
The Application Programming Interface (API) Reference Architecture represents an
important starting point in delivering the Department of the Air Force (DAF) API solution.
To enable seamless collaboration and coordination across the DAF, Department of Defense
(DoD), other federal organizations, and our allies and partners, the intent of the future API
solution is to provide convergence across a vast application ecosystem that spans
technologies and organizations. This initial architecture serves as a communication method
between the DAF, our mission partners, the broader Department of Defense (DoD), and
industry about the future strategic direction for a modern API ecosystem. It is not
intended to drive commercial product direction or formal proposals.
Modern API implementations bridge the software development and data ecosystems to
enable an API-First approach. This places APIs at the core of software design to drive
interoperability, scalability, accessibility, and security. APIs will allow the DAF to integrate
systems whether they are always connected to the enterprise or are in austere
environments. This approach will allow the Air and Space Force to become more data-
centric, supporting modern and agile systems to maintain the competitive advantage.
This architecture was built in collaboration with stakeholders across the Enterprise and
DoD. It is aligned to the NIST Secure Software Development Framework and the NIST
Software Supply Chain Security Guidance. We intend to incorporate further feedback from
stakeholders into future versions of this API Reference Architecture.
If you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know through the Contact Form
on the SAF/CN website. Please select Chief Technology Officer (CTO) as the recipient and
send us a message using the subject API Reference Architecture & Roadmap.
We look forward to continuing the API conversation.
Chief Technology Officer
Department of the Air Force
DAF API Reference Architecture
1. Overview / Executive Summary (AV-1)
The DAF Office of the Chief Information Officer’s (SAF/CN) mission is to provide the foundation for a secure,
digital, and data-centric Air and Space Force by delivering decision advantage and shortening the kill chain. This
API Reference Architecture supports success in SAF/CN’s mission by improving secure data access and software
interface sharing for the DAF. It is shaped by a commitment to an API-First approach that articulates APIs as the
foundation of software design. Through this methodology, the architecture depicts common services and
enterprise standards that will deliver increased security, accessibility, interoperability, and scalability of data access
and sharing for our Airmen and Guardians as well as the commercial partners that support our missions.
This document depicts an overview of operational activities before describing the specific system functions, system
features, data exchanges, and future standards required to improve secure data access and software interface
1.1. Purpose
The API Reference Architecture describes the critical elements the DAF will implement to improve secure data
access and software interface sharing. It provides: 1) service design principles; 2) an understanding of the
operational impact of an API solution; 3) definitions of foundational concepts and key technologies; 4)
desired characteristics of resource flows between key technological interfaces; and 5) and future standards
to shape the implementation of the overarching solution.
The DAF must work towards a standardized way to communicate between software systems in real time. By
providing architectural support at the enterprise level, software developers can be better equipped to develop
modern applications. API-First design represents the idea that APIs are the building blocks of software and
encourage re-usability, appropriate granularity, and lifecycle management in mission system architectures.
The API Reference Architecture documents the DAF’s contribution to the visions for data and software
interoperability at the DoD. This architecture considers the intent, outcomes, and frameworks described in three key
strategy documents: FY23-28 CIO Public Strategy, DoD Software Modernization Implementation Plan Summary
(2023), and DoD Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Adoption Strategy (2023). It will evolve based on feedback
from the community, lessons learned during implementation, as well as any updates to DAF and DoD strategy.
Concepts included in this architecture also support the visions of other federal guidance and frameworks outside of
the DoD. Specifically, it supports the vision laid out in Executive Order 14028, OMB M-22-18, and M-23-16
requirements. The architecture also aligns with the NIST Secure Software Development Framework, SP 800-218 and
the NIST Software Supply Chain Security Guidance. It was also designed to incorporate OUSD R&E API Technical
Guidance cybersecurity measures and best practices.
1.2. Scope
The API Reference Architecture describes how the DAF will implement an API-First methodology to improve secure
data access and software interface sharing. Rather than immediately replacing existing solutions, the architecture
describes a feature-complete end state that the DAF will deliver before converging existing solutions over time. This
convergence will eventually support all software development and methods of data sharing across the DAF.
DAF API Reference Architecture
1.3. Principles
Seven service design principles shape the systems and system functions of this architecture. These principles are
not intended to describe future requirements, but rather to begin a sketch of the features and functionality of the
systems that will comprise a future enterprise API solution. All principles are subject to change based on feedback.
Principle 1. The API solution will establish modern architectures
Principle 1.1. Design patterns will encourage modern, API-First designs that:
Force lifecycle management from the start;
Facilitate simplified management of multiple APIs per organization; and
Encourage creation and management of APIs to promote interoperability.
Principle 2. The API solution will be publisher- and developer-friendly
Principle 2.1. Enterprise services will only relay API requests that conform to DAF API standards so that
publishers will not have to manage API traffic
Principle 2.2. The architecture will facilitate interactions with published APIs through a DAF-supported
Software Development Kit (SDK) and scale via enterprise gateways
Principle 2.3. Public documentation of API standards and conventions will help users navigate complex
systems and promote code sharing and re-use
Principle 2.4. Publisher and developer participation in the ecosystem will be supported by pre-production
API services as well as sample code
Principle 2.5. API publishers will avoid creating DAF-specific wrappers to existing APIs from third-party
vendors, except to provide an independent access layer to DAF data
Principle 3. The API Architecture will be available at all classification levels
Principle 3.1. APIs will work the same at each classification level, where appropriate, reducing the
integration burden of delivering capabilities in highly secure environments
Principle 3.2. The API Architecture will enable high-side SDK add-ons to cover classified or in-
development interfaces
Principle 3.3. Gateways will run as-a-service at all classification levels, where appropriate
Principle 3.4. The Enterprise API standards and associated services will support architectures designed to
run in denied, degraded, intermittent, and limited (DDIL) environments
Principle 4. The API solution will have strong API standardization that addresses most use cases
Principle 4.1. The API solution will initially support Representational State Transfer (REST) and JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON)
Principle 4.2. API flow control and metadata standards will include message size and results pagination
DAF API Reference Architecture
Principle 5. The API solution will provide an enterprise gateway that assists in the secure scaling of API
Principle 5.1. Gateways will require additional security scrutiny due to their multi-tenant nature
Principle 5.2. The solution will ensure gateways only talk to endpoints, avoiding gateway to gateway
communication relays
Principle 5.3. Gateways will perform message validation and coarse-grained access control before passing
a request to the endpoint
Principle 5.4. Gateways should support response caching where requested by the API provider
Principle 5.5. The gateway will manage API traffic acting as a global load-balancer and reverse-proxy to
protect API Endpoints
Principle 5.6. The solution will have API traffic logs available to cybersecurity providers and endpoint
Principle 5.7. Endpoints will be responsible to verify that requests do not circumvent the gateway
Principle 5.8. Clients will need assurance that they are talking to the gateway rather than a rogue
intermediary by:
Validating the Domain Name System (DNS) entry for the gateway; and
Validating the cryptographic signatures on the API connection, likely via standardized checks in
the SDK core library
Principle 6. The API solution will make all APIs available through a single SDK framework
Principle 6.1. The DAF will support modern and appropriate major programming languages
Principle 6.2. The SDK style will be expressed in a format that matches the language it is targeting (e.g.,
matching casing and underscores)
Principle 6.3. Documentation will be available for raw protocols so developers can publish alternative
Principle 6.4. The SDK will be distributed wherever possible through language specific package
management mechanisms (e.g., NPM, PIP)
Principle 6.5. The SDK will receive regular updates to directly reflect lifecycle events across the API
Principle 6.6. The SDK will have an independently versioned core library function that is maintained
separately from API Catalog lifecycle events
Principle 6.7. The SDK will cover both participant-provided and internal APIs (e.g., Secure Token Service
(STS), Identity Access Management (IAM))
Principle 6.8. The SDK will be a reference implementation for automated adherence to standards and
DAF API Reference Architecture
Principle 7. The API Gateway will govern request flow rather than content
Principle 7.2. There will be minimal API response and data format translation inside of the API Gateway to
avoid creating a fragile delivery ecosystem
Principle 7.3. The API Gateway will include rate limiting controls and provide request budgeting features
Principle 7.4. The API Gateway will return appropriate error codes even when the endpoint does not
return a well-timed, proper response
1.4. Assumptions
The assumptions listed below reflect the DAF’s goal to integrate with DAF and DoD data, Enterprise Identity
Credential and Access Management (ICAM), and Enterprise Zero Trust (ZT) efforts.
Data that is served via APIs adheres to the VAULTIS Framework that ensures data is v
isible, accessible,
nderstandable, linked, trustworthy, interoperable, and secure as well as the Data Quality Dimensions set forth
by the DoD;
Services described in the architecture are supported by the broader DAF Zero Trust Architecture and are in
part implemented within the DAF ICAM solution;
The implementation of this architecture will be a phased rollout of supporting services with pilot organizations
working together to test standards as they are proposed; and
This architecture must be supported by existing or near-term commercial products so that delivery of a solution
can be built upon a robust ecosystem of technology providers.
1.5. Outcomes for Warfighters
Security | Enterprise API Gateways will provide a standardized visibility and policy enforcement point for modern
application traffic.
Accessibility | Enterprise API services will connect end users and systems to data and software interfaces by
facilitating access across missions and organizations.
Interoperability | Enterprise API services will standardize and increase the ease of integration with our mission
partners, other government entities, and industry providers.
Scalability | Enterprise API standards and services will help API providers manage the volume of requests
incurred by participating in a future, more interoperable environment.
DAF API Reference Architecture
1.6. Architectural Products
Product Short Name Description
Overview / Executive Summary AV-1
Presents the purpose, scope, and subjects of an architecture
Operational Activities Overview OV-1
Presents the concepts of operation of a described
Systems Functionality Description SV-4
The hierarchical structure of system activities and their
resource flows
Systems Interface Description SV-1
The identification of system resource flows and their
Systems Resource Flow Matrix SV-6
The details of resource flows among systems; the activities
performed; the resources exchanged; and the attributes
(rules and measures) associated with these exchanges
Standards Forecast StdV-2
Presents rules that will constrain activities and their
performers in the future
Table 1: The Architectural Products table presents the different DODAF Viewpoints utilized in this architecture
DAF API Reference Architecture
2. Operational Activities Overview (OV-1)
The Operational Activities Overview (OV-1) depicts the integration of data from multiple mission systems into one
software application using the DAF’s API Architecture. The Systems Viewpoint discussed later in this architecture
covers the specific systems included in the solution, expanding on the interaction displayed between API Gateway,
API Catalog, and API Endpoint within the overall API request and response process.
Figure 1: The OV-1 Operational Activities Overview presents the concepts of operation of a described architecture
DAF API Reference Architecture
3. Systems Overview (SV-4, SV-1, & SV-6)
A variety of technological systems and services are necessary to deliver a feature-complete API ecosystem. Figure 2
depicts the critical system functions for the ecosystem and Figure 3 further specifies the solution by mapping
specific system interfaces. Finally, Table 2 details the data flows between the system interfaces found in Figure 3.
Figure 2: The SV-4 Systems Functionality Description shows the hierarchical structure of system activities and their resource flows
Figure 3: The SV-1 Systems Interface Description depicts the identification of system resource flows and their composition
DAF API Reference Architecture
3.1. Secure Data Access & Sharing
The three system functions described in Figure 1 Interface Management, Entity & Access Management, and
Data Sharing Management deliver Secure Data Access & Sharing by standardizing and facilitating real-time
system-to-system communication. Each system function is delivered by a suite of specific system interfaces and are
described in their own sections below.
3.2. Interface Management
Interface Management describes the services that register, publish, and manage the lifecycle of an API so that
consumers can incorporate them into their systems.
3.2.1. API Publication & Lifecycle Management
To expose data for retrieval by APIs, publishers will register their APIs into an enterprise catalog so that consumers
know what they can incorporate into their applications. Registration will include information about the endpoint,
what data it expects, and the data it returns. The catalog also allows publishers to update their APIs and handles
version control and other lifecycle events. API Catalog
The API Catalog is an enterprise service that allows publication and lifecycle management of APIs. To upload to the
catalog, publishers will use a facility such as a web user interface (UI) or a Git repository. The catalog includes
records of an API’s technical documentation, input and output expectations, and associated endpoints. DAF API
policy will state that a publisher must maintain backwards compatibility for a set amount of time within a major
version or create a new version. When creating a new version, the publisher must deprecate the existing version
and allow for transition time. The DAF will first develop an API Catalog prototype based on exposing existing data
sets currently housed by major data platforms. Outputs from the catalog will drive the configuration of the API
Table 2: The SV-6 Systems Resource Flow Matrix shows the details of resource flows among systems, the activities performed, and the resources
DAF API Reference Architecture
The catalog also acts as the canonical source from which the DAF builds the SDK and any environment-specific
add-ons. How the system builds the SDK will be transparent so that developers can test their APIs pre-publication
with prototype language bindings and can be assured of the output. The DAF intends to survey available services
and commercial products to align to best practices prior to fielding.
3.2.2. API Integration
Software developers are the principal consumer of APIs and associated services. The DAF can facilitate this
consumption by providing an SDK available for download to integrate into applications with different versions for
all classification levels. Since API Catalog entries are meant to generate language-specific SDK bindings in an
automated fashion, the SDK provides enormous convenience to both consumers and publishers. SDK
The SDK exposes a language-specific interface for every supported API registered in the catalog. It facilitates
integration of the entire architecture by providing helper functions for interaction with supporting systems such as
ICAM. This first-party software supports automated adherence to DAF API Standards & Policy by including facilities
that enable clients to stay within rate limits and properly handle errors and appropriate retries. Because the SDK
draws information from the API Catalog that receives constant API updates and additions, it will be rebuilt
periodically and published to consumers for update.
As a set of programming language bindings that will support major languages, the SDK will be distributed through
standard library management systems for each language (PIP, NPM, etc.). To support APIs at different classification
levels, the SDK should have extension hooks so that developers can integrate non-public APIs into a publicly
distributed SDK. While there are some open-source tool kits that help build an SDK, there may be commercial
products that perform more of this work as part of an integrated solution. The DAF will need to establish an
outreach office to maintain the SDK publication system and support the development community.
3.3. Entity & Access Management
Entity & Access Management supports the security of software interfacing by describing the rules and methods
that govern how a person or system can consume an API. The services that comprise Entity & Access Management
are designed to manage the volume of authorization traffic at scale.
3.3.1. Entity Registration
To ensure API requests are secure, both publishers and consumers must have an agreed upon way to authenticate
and authorize API traffic. The DAF will provide an enterprise process called Application & Organization (App & Org)
Registration to manage the assignment of publishers and consumers into groups that may contain both Person
Entities (PEs) as well as Non-Person Entity (NPE) software systems. This will enable groups of people as well as
group-owned software to be granted permissions on specific resources and receive credentials. In addition,
organization registration is required to publish APIs and access API lifecycle management tools.
DAF API Reference Architecture
SYSTEMS VIEWPOINT (SV-4, SV-1, SV-6) App & Organization Registration
As a part of the ICAM system, Org Registration allows for definition of the business roles and grouping necessary to
manage API permissions. App Registration should require a valid Org registration so that applications are tied to
business entities rather than people who may shift roles over time. Both App & Org Registration are enterprise
ICAM components that support Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and have other purposes outside of the API
ecosystem. App & Org Registration is necessary to structure the permissions inside of the Role Definition /
Registration System. Development will be tightly coordinated with the Enterprise ICAM team and will hinge on
requirements on the authoritative data attribute fulfillment inside of ICAM. When Attribute-Based Access Control
(ABAC) is mature enough, the system will not require explicit permissions on organizations.
3.3.2. Role Management
Registered consumers must also have the proper set of roles assigned to them for access to specific APIs.
Publishers set access permissions for their APIs based on roles in the Role Definition / Registration System. This
system allows a publisher to set a wide range of permissions from broad group membership for any registered user
all the way to explicit individual approvals for more restrictive APIs. Regardless of whether a consumer is a PE or an
NPE, they must have an appropriate entitlement granted through the Role Definition / Registration System to
access an API. Role Definition / Registration System
In the Role Definition / Registration System, a publisher chooses the coarse-grained permissions for the API
Gateway to enforce on their API, as defined in the API Catalog. Management of these roles should be flexible
enough to cover either broad group requests or explicitly approved individual requests for more restrictive APIs.
The System will be managed by the ICAM team and have the same global entitlement management elements as
the access management system that replaces the DD2875.
3.3.3. Credential Generation & Validation
Like other elements that support a Zero Trust Architecture, the DAF must incorporate strong identity foundations in
the API marketplace. As a result, the DAF will support credentialing API consumers inside of the ICAM system. To do
so, the API Architecture uses an STS to verify identity from PEs and NPEs and issue a unified but short-lived access
Token to make requests. STS
The purpose of the STS is to enable people and software to transform long-lived PKI credentials into lower-risk
access Tokens that are tightly scoped to specific API operations. By performing this operation, the shorter-lived
Token can be more conveniently consumed by an SDK. The STS is a special class of API that securely returns
credential information rather than data or API results. Consequently, it will likely use Mutual Transport Layer
Security (TLS) to help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks so that credentials cannot be stolen during transit. The
Mutual TLS component of the STS API simplifies the role of the API Gateway to accept a single Token-based
credential that can be more easily scaled.
DAF API Reference Architecture
The STS API should mint API Tokens with entitlements that are a subset of an organization’s total possible
entitlements. This concept of using only the roles that are necessary to accomplish a task further limits the impact
of credential theft. API Tokens should also have a considerably shorter lifespan than organization credentials with
some flexibility for refresh. However, Tokens are ultimately time-bounded by DAF API policy to limit exposure if
credentials are mishandled. It may be advisable to constrain the locations and platforms from which organization or
personal credentials may be used to generate API Tokens, for example only allowing from specific IP ranges or from
government-managed end user devices.
For particularly complex Cloud architectures that need to consume DAF APIs, the DAF suggests the use of a Token
Broker. A Token Broker bridges the use of a hardware-protected PKI credential that represents the overall software
system to Cloud resources that can consume an STS-provided Token received as a part of its execution context.
Rather than having a system in which everything needs access to the organization’s master credential, having a
gatekeeper process through a Token Broker is a suggested pattern to properly manage an organization’s set of
entitlements and provide least privilege when generating Tokens.
The DAF is considering pursuing JSON Web Token (JWT) as the API Token format but is examining industry best
practices and software support for the STS. DAF Enterprise ICAM will manage the STS. Token formats should be
easy to work with inside of modern programming languages as well as mirror design patterns from major Cloud
and software providers who have implemented complete IAM ecosystems.
3.4. Request Management
Request Management enables publishers in the API ecosystem to better support the high volume of requests
incurred by participating in a modern, interoperable environment. It does so by automating adherence to DAF API
standards and applying standard web scalability techniques to the enterprise architecture.
3.4.1. Request Flow Management
To ensure effective request flow management, the DAF will establish enterprise API Gateways that filter, validate,
and route API requests. The gateway ensures requests are valid, going to a known endpoint, have basic
authorization, and are within policy. It also validates the response from the endpoint and sends it to the requestor,
supplying the appropriate error code if the endpoint is unable to respond to the request. Managing the flow of
requests with an API Gateway not only eliminates the challenge of unknown endpoint locations but also adds
another layer of request validation to increase the security of data sharing. API Gateway
The API Gateway routes and load-balances requests from consumers to the appropriate endpoint, filtering invalid,
unauthorized, or out-of-policy requests to reduce the burden on publishers. Consumers also benefit from the API
Gateway as it eliminates the need for them to know where an endpoint lives. The API Gateway receives information
about the universe of supported APIs and associated endpoints from the API Catalog and should be updated in
near-real time based upon lifecycle events.
DAF API Reference Architecture
The API Gateway first receives a signed request a JSON Web Token (JWT) from the consumer, facilitated by the
SDK, where it then makes a coarse-grained API access decision. Unlike fine-grained access decisions that will need
to be handled by the endpoint, a coarse-grained decision considers only roles granted to the API Token. The
shorter-lived JWTs that sign API requests are provided by the STS and are requested by using personal longer-lived
Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) or Non-Person Entity (NPE) credentials. API
Gateways act as a standardized Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) and Policy Decision Point (PDP) for application
traffic and validate API standards such as request format, size, and transmission rate. Valid requests are then
forwarded to the endpoint for response; however, caching of certain request-response pairs may be desirable. In
addition to filtering requests, the gateway will provide a centralized facility for monitoring and analytics for
integrations with security operations.
The DAF will provide both deployable gateways as well as enterprise gateways. It will explore existing vendors and
look for integrated solutions that include API Catalog functionality. Deployable gateways will support both
development environments as well as deployed architectures. API Gateways for integrating the major DAF data
platforms into an enterprise API ecosystem may require a specialized adapter inside of those platforms.
3.4.2. Application & Data Interfacing
Mission Systems manage their own API Endpoints, receive requests from API Gateways, and return the appropriate
response. When necessary, the API Endpoint is responsible for fine-grained authorization of API requests. The Role
Definition / Registration System and ICAM system provide supporting infrastructure for this entitlement
management. API Endpoint
The API Endpoint is the mission-provided infrastructure that translates incoming API requests into the specific
application logic or data request that each API requires. It is not a specified technology or product but is likely co-
located with the application infrastructure for the rest of the system that is providing the API. The DAF will explore
best practices for endpoint management and configuration to 1) make it as easy as possible to run an endpoint;
and 2) consistently respond to requests to ensure a good developer experience and a resilient, integrated system.
DAF API policy will outline expectations for endpoints to conform to such as appropriate return codes as well as
best practices for how to ensure a request comes from a valid API Gateway.
If the DAF does not implement an enterprise gateway at the outset of this API journey, early adopter endpoints
must be willing to take on those gateway responsibilities such as coarse-grained authorization and request format
validation. Consumers that participate in the early API experimentation phases must keep in mind the eventual
migration to an enterprise gateway and must carefully coordinate application cutovers. Additional responsibilities
on the endpoint, such as the specific processes around fine-grained authorization, are subject to feedback from
stakeholders and maturation as best practices emerge.
DAF API Reference Architecture
4. Standards Overview (Std-V2)
The Standards Overview describes desired standards / policy the DAF will implement as it builds out the API
Table 3: The StdV-2 Standards Forecast presents rules that will constrain activities and their performers in the future
DAF API Reference Architecture
Acronym Meaning
API Application Programming Interface
CAC Common Access Card
CIO LOEs Chief Information Officer Lines of Effort
DAF Department of the Air Force
DDIL Denied, Degraded, Intermittent, Limited
DNS Domain Name System
DoD Department of Defense
DoDIN DoD Information Network
EIEMA Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area
IAM Identity & Access Management
ICAM Identity Credential & Access Management
IT Information Technology
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
JWT JSON Web Token
Mutual TLS Mutual Transport Layer Security
NPEs Non-Person Entities
PDP Policy Decision Point
PE Person Entity
PEP Policy Enforcement Point
PIV Personal Identity Verification
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
RBAC / ABAC Role Based Access Control / Attribute Based Access Control
SAF/CN Office of the CIO
SAF/CND Chief Data & AI Office
SDK Software Development Kit
STS Secure Token Service
VAULTIS DoD Framework for Visible, Accessible, Understandable, Linked, Trustworthy, Interoperable, and Secure data
Web UI Web User Interface
ZT Zero Trust
Table 4: The Acronyms table defines all major acronyms used throughout this document
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