PJAEE, 17 (7) (2020)
A Review on Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the Food
Manas Ranjan Padhi
Department of Mechanical Engineering Centurion University of Technology and
Management Odisha, India
Manas Ranjan Padhi: A Review on Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) in the Food Industry -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology
17(7). ISSN 1567-214x
Keywords: cfd; food processing; fluid flow; design;simulation.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful simulation tool to obtain fluid
flow and heat transfer simulation with the use of computers along with applied mathematics.
It is cost effective method to solve real-life problems in fluid dynamics. Mathematical models
in terms of conservation laws represent the flow physics in terms of strongly coupled non-
liner partial differential equations. CFD finds wide applications in automobiles, aerospace,
manufacturing, process industries, power plant equipment and electronic components as a
design and simulation tool. Since most of the processes in food industry involves the
application of fluid flow as well as heat and mass transfer, CFD provides a good early-stage
simulation for predicting the performance of these processes. It also allows the test engineers
to validate the test results obtained from simulation of the food processing equipment with
experimental study, thereby help them to improve the design and performance of equipment.
1. Introduction
For several years, CFD has been used extensively in many process
industries. However it has recently been used in the food processing
industry. Clean room construction, mixing of two fluids, refrigerated
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transport, static mixers and pipe flow are some of CFD's major applications.
An additional benefit in recent years has been the use of CFD to design food
processing equipment. Basically, the food processing machines such as
dryers, pasteurizers, sterilizers, freezers, mixers and baking ovens are used
to design them. The advancement of CFD by means of simulation is very
helpful in predicting the air flow movement over the food products within
the food processing equipment.
The performance of the baking oven is numerically simulated by predicting
the air flow inside it. CFD simulation also calculates the heat and mass
transfer and therefore helps to maintain the desired temperature and
moisture inside the oven. Therefore, it is apparent that CFD is a decent
technique in optimizing the performance of the food processing equipment.
The inclusion of mass transfer in CFD model is quite fruitful in controlling
the moisture content in bread to improve its quality. CFD has been used by
many researchers for numerically predicting the air flow and temperature
pattern inside the chillers and freezers. One practical example is air flow
distribution prediction in meat chillers, which is supplemented with a two-
dimensional CFD model in the design. It is obvious that current CFD
technique is useful in determining heat transfer between products and air
which takes into account the radiation effect. This will help in proper
designing the chiller wall with heat insulating material that will prevent the
heat loss and to give exact rate of cooling effect. Since, freezing process
involves phase change; it can also be modeled by using CFD particularly
the freezers which stores the frozen food for long period of time without
CFD has a vital role in impinging food processing equipment like spray
freezing and spray freeze drying by determining particle velocity,
temperature as well controlling the air velocity. Similarly it can be used for
the design and development of impingement jet oven. CFD has been proven
to be a good simulation tool to tackle with the problems faced in large scale
grain processing industries. One such example is to handle and control the
operating conditions of flour mill. Some food items require phase change
during their processing. The common example is processing of powdered
coffee which requires significant drying. In order to model that drier, the
turbulent flow of air inside the drier need to be considered along with heat
and mass transfer between air and coffee. The processing of some liquid
food products requires the application of pumping and mixing. Since the
modeling and analysis of these equipment can be taken proper care of with a
simulation tool like CFD. The common purpose of CFD as a numerical
simulating tool is to correctly predict the flow pattern and temperature
distribution inside the thermal processing of food. Examples of such
applications include numerical simulation of velocity and temperature
profiles for foods packed in can that are sterilized in a batch retort and
during the pasteurization of bottled wine. With the help of such CFD
simulations, the temperature distribution pattern inside the containers can be
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obtained and thereby lowest heating point can be identified. Due to the fast
development in the research of fluid dynamics in the last few years, CFD as
a tool of numerical analysis can be beneficial to several food processing
industries like drying, baking, spraying, sterilizing, mixing and
2. Applications of CFD in various areas of food industry
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been used widely in the food
processing field to great advantage. Its numerous applications include
predicting the gas flow pattern and particle histories such as temperature,
velocity, residence time, and impact position during spray drying, modeling
of ovens to provide information about temperature and airflow pattern
throughout the baking chamber to enhance heat transfer and in turn final
product quality, designing of heat exchanger to carryout pasteurization,
cleaning of storage tanks, sterilization, crystallization and refrigeration. This
paper focuses on various applications and recent developments of CFD
modeling in different food processing industries.
A. Improving cleanliness of food processing tank
Food processing tanks are used to store inventories for food items. These
inventories include raw materials, finished food items and semi-finished
item needs for further processing like mixing, heating, cooling and
fermentation. It is necessary to maintain proper cleanliness of these food
processing tanks in order to avoid wastage and to improve the efficiency.
The improper cooling leads to the formation of biofilm on the equipment
surfaces that can results in the formation of corrosion and may cause health
hazards. Therefore, it is very essential to keep the tank surface clean and
adequate hygiene to be maintained. CFD as simulation tool can be used to
analyse fluid flow not only to keep the tank surface clean but also for an
improved design with respect to the cleanliness. Along with flow
simulations in tanks and pipes, CFD can also be used to deduce the shear
stress in the joints of the tank wall and determine the nature of the boundary
layer formed, whether laminar or turbulent and accordingly can suggest for
a better design. It can be used to compare the results of the preliminary
design of the storage tanks with the experimental results obtained so as to
assure the design engineers to go for an effective design without much
expense. In this way, it will be economical to use it for designing
complicated food processing tank structures consisting of many joints and
bends. Asteriadou et al. [1] used CFD for the cleaning of food processing
equipment with T-joint. They carried out the experiment to clean the salt
solution using deionized water. The comparison gave an error which is
within acceptable limit for both steady and transient condition.
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B. Drying
Drying is an important food manufacturing process. Food products like dry
fruits, chips prepared from vegetables and nuts require adequate amount of
drying during their processing. We also dry some foods to preserve it for
long time. Some organic fruits are properly dehydrated to preserve it.
Hence, drying plays a major role in food processing in recent times. Drying
not only keeps the moisture away but also inhibits the functions of bacteria
and yeast. The velocity, temperature and moisture of air are the main factors
in drying food items. Therefore, it is very important to know the velocity
and quality of air during its flow inside the drying chamber that leads to
give information about the areas of sufficient air velocities for proper
drying. The velocity and discharge of air can be measured by means of
sensors. But it is a difficult job to place sensors at so many locations and to
mount them is not cost effective. Cereals and oilseeds are dried after
harvesting to the moisture content that prevent growth of microorganisms.
Drying in vegetables not only helps in preventing the microbial growth, but
also to avoid the formation of brown colour during storage. CFD as a
powerful simulation tool can help in prediction of air flow along with
temperature pattern. Determination of pressure and velocity profiles with
the aid of CFD can estimate the drying rate and moisture content even in
complex physical model of drier. Though prediction of flow pattern and air
velocity is not a complicated job using CFD, but to go for accurate
measurement of cooling rate and energy consumption, one should go for
correct assumptions.
CFD is a powerful tool to aid the prediction of drying process. Mathioulakis
et al. [2] applied CFD for the prediction of air flow in an industrial batch
type tray drier. They used different fruits for their drying test and concluded
from simulation results that the position of fruits inside the drier had
considerable impact on extent of dryness. Spray driers are often used in
food industry for effective and uniform drying. CFD can be used for
evaluating the efficiency and analysing the design and operating conditions
of spray driers in food processing industries. Zbicinski [3] carried out the
research by developing a numerical model of mass, momentum and energy
transfer during spray drying process. He used CFX, a tool of computational
fluid dynamics to determine heat and mass transfer of air inside the dryer
and to calculate particle trajectories for different phases. The experimental
results were validated with numerical results and found to be within
acceptable limit. Huang et al. [4] used FLUENT, a commercial software in
CFD to analyse the profiles of different parameters such as temperature,
velocity and humidity of air at different stages inside a spray dryer. CFD
can be a quite convenient tool for forecasting the profiles of gas flow and
estimating crucial parameters such as temperature, velocity, and residence
time and impact position of gas particles in spray drying. It can also be used
as a design tool for chamber designing of spray dryer according to the
behaviour of food item along with substantial information on air particle
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interaction. Many notable researchers like Zbicinski, Zietara, Simon Lo and
Huang have used CFD for their analysis in spray dryer. Lo [5] used Euler-
Lagrange model in CFD to calculate the motions of the spray droplets and
the heat and mass transfers between the droplets and the air stream. Many
valuable results were presented in the form of percentage of particle leaving
are exit, the operating conditions of the particle like size, temperature and
moisture content. Based on the results, the optimum operating conditions
can be selected to achieve the desired product quality at minimum cost.
During spray drying the adherence of particle to the wall of spray dryer may
occur which may affect the product quality. This practical problem can be
eliminated by the use of CFD analysis.
C. Pasteurization
Pasteurization is a heating process to keep the food product free from
pathogenic bacteria. This process is named after Louis Pasteur. It is
generally adopted in the case of liquid food products such as milk, fruit
juice and beer. The process involves heating the food products at specific
temperature, especially at low temperature for a specific period of time to
kill the harmful bacterial that could cause deterioration, disease and
undesired fermentation. Both packaged and unpackaged food can be
pasteurized. Since it a mild heat treatment process, therefore the control of
temperature and duration of heating are very crucial. In less acidic food
such as milk and liquid egg, this heat treatment in pasteurization may not be
sufficient to remove harmful bacteria. Subsequent refrigeration is also
necessary to kill harmful microorganisms. Hence it will be a wise decision
to go for simulation software like CFD that can generate temperature file for
the effective control of both heating temperature and time. Most liquid
foods are subjected to pasteurization in bulk quantities in continuous system
consisting of heating zone, holding tube and cooling zone. Therefore, proper
designing of this whole system is necessary considering the velocity and
temperature of liquid food products. CFD has bigger role to play in this
continuous pasteurization system for controlling fluid speed, quantity and
temperature. Different types of heat exchangers are used in pasteurization
process. Low viscosity food products like different animal milks, nut milks
and juices are generally pasteurized by using plate heat exchanger. A plate
heat exchanger is a compact heat exchanger which consists of many thin
stainless steel plates that separates the liquid from heating or cooling
medium. Similarly, scraped surface heat exchanger contains an inner
rotating shaft in the tube which can scrap highly viscous material from the
tube wall. Common heat exchangers used in pasteurizing plant are shell or
tube heat exchanger which are designed for the pasteurization of the Non-
Newtonian foods such as dairy products, baby food and tomato sauce. In a
concentric tube heat exchanger, food passes through the inner tube and
cooling or heating medium is circulated through the outer tube. After the
heat exchangers, the products are allowed to flow through a hold tube for a
definite period of time to achieve the required treatment. The benefits of
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heat exchangers are that they provide uniform heating or cooling and simple
to analyse because of their construction. Since basic design of all types of
heat exchangers are based on the calculation of heat flux, therefore, it is
essential to use CFD as a fluid simulation tool to calculate the heat transfer
and performance of these heat exchangers. The performance of heat
exchanger is expressed in terms effectiveness which is the ratio between
actual heat transfer and maximum heat that can be transferred. The
effectiveness can be calculated from the temperature results obtained from
heat transfer analysis using CFD.
CFD not only useful in designing heat exchanger but also can optimize the
important parameters like pressure, velocity and temperature. The leakage
inside the pasteurizers can be detected by the effective utilization of CFD by
the maintenance engineers. Therefore, both design and maintenance of these
foods processing equipment used in the pasteurization process can be taken
care of by CFD. There are some investigations using CFD carried out by the
researchers. Denys et al. [6] used CFD in their analysis to carry out thermal
pasteurization of eggs and validated the experimentally obtained results.
Similarly Paul et al. [7] carried out the numerical simulation to determine
the temperature distribution inside the canned milk. They took the rotation
of can into consideration during their investigation and obtained the
effective results. Augusto et al. [8] used packaged pasteurization for beer to
increase microbiological stabilization. They carried out their research by
changing the orientations of the cans in packaged pasteurization.
D. Sterilization
Sterilization is an important process in food processing industries. It
involves applying sufficient heat to a food to minimize the chances of
survival of microorganisms or enzymes that is capable of producing
enzymatic changes in the food. Sterilization is ideal for packaged foods like
sauces, vegetables pickled in oil, jams, creams, candied fruit, canned fruit,
soups and juices. The difference between pasteurization and sterilization is
that former is applicable to liquid food products while sterilization is used
for solid and liquid food products that remove all types of bacterial by
supplying sufficient heat. CFD can be used to obtain the flow pattern and
temperature distribution in sterilization process to improve the quality of
food. Thermal processing deactivates the functions of microorganism but in
some cases decreases in quality is observed particularly flavour due to
excessive heating. In that context, CFD can be useful for calculation of
exact amount of heat transfer without hampering the quality of food
Optimization of thermal sterilization of food without compromising with the
food quality as well as retaining its nutritional value has been carried out by
different researchers from time to time. CFD was used for obtaining
transient temperature distribution, generating velocity profile along with the
determination of slowest heating zone for carrot soup in pouches. Most of
the sterilization of liquid foods is conducted along with packed cans. Some
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researchers worked to find out the orientation effect of metal can and its
shape and size on sterilization. Tattiyakul et al. [9] carried out the research
in canned corn by using CFD simulation considering the axial rotation of
the can. They observed that the rotation effect prevented the heat transfer in
radial direction at higher speed. Kannan and Gourisankar Sandaka [10]
carried out numerical analysis of heat transfer on canned food sterilized in a
still-retort. Varma and Kannan [11] studied the effect of sterilization by
taking different shapes can. They observed that the inclination of can wall
as well as its geometry has substantial effect on the sterilization system. The
thermal effect on nutritional value during sterilization of packed liquid food
was investigated by using CFD by several researchers. Abdul Ghani et al.
[12] prevented the destruction of Vitamin C in carrot orange soup packed in
pouches. They found that the temperature and concentration profiles of
Vitamin C were strongly affected by convection. Shahsavand and Nozari
[13] carried out their research on continuous thermal sterilization process
for both laminar and turbulent flow. They told that sterility can be enhanced
by putting a mixer at the entrance of the holding zone while maintaining
quality of food products for laminar condition. They investigated the
turbulent flow using CFD and concluded that the thermal resistance of solid
particles has considerable effect on performance of continuous thermal
sterilization process.
There are many modern techniques which being implemented in food
processing in recent time such as ultra-violet, visible and infrared light
surface sterilization, plasma sterilization, electrons and X-rays sterlization,
pressure sterlization of fresh fruit juices. CFD will be great asset for all
these modern techniques in terms of simulation and analysis.
E. Mixing
Mixing is one of the most common operations in food processing industries.
Mixing applications involve the substances of gas, liquid and solid.
Thought, it appears to be simple but modelling the mixing process and
designing the mixing chamber is difficult job without the aid of fluid flow
simulation tool. Most of the mixing cases deal with multiphase and
turbulent in nature. CFD is a versatile tool not only in modelling such
mixing processes but also to give adequate information regarding fluid flow.
All types of mixing processes adopt some methods for mixing due to which
there is a change in properties like pressure and temperature occurs. It is
obvious to control these parameters during mixing process. Since the mixer
is basically meant for mixing viscous materials, therefore the proper design
of this equipment is essential in order to increase efficiency with a reduction
in energy consumption. To make steering effective, a paddle wheel or
stirring is often used in mixing. CFD code has been used to enhance the
stirrer design with an optimum mixing time that could reduce the energy
consumption. Recently, CFD has been employed for study in the modelling
of impeller-vessel geometry, energy balance and linkage between the flow
fields. The effect of configurations of impeller on hydrodynamics and
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mixing performance in stirring was numerically optimized by the use of
CFD. Aubin and Xuereb [14] carried out their research on multiple impeller
stirring tanks by varying the distance and rotation angle between impellers
and the system was observed to give better performance when the impellers
were rotating at 45
rather than 90
F. Baking
Baking is a process of preparing food products such as bread, biscuits and
cakes that require dry heat inside an oven. During baking, heat is transferred
from the surface of the baked item to their center. The baking quality of
breads improves as heat travels through it, results a formation of firm dry
crust and a softer centre. Baking process involves the simultaneous heat and
mass transfer where heat is allowed to transfer into the food from the hot
surfaces and both air and moisture gets transferred from the food to air that
surrounds it and then removed from the oven. Therefore the role of oven is
crucial for retaining the baking quality. With the help of CFD, the
temperature and velocity profile of air moving over food inside the oven can
be generated with a substantial control of air rate. Since, removal of
moisture also determines the baked quality of food, a fluid simulation tool
like CFD can be very useful in predicting the mass transfer.
CFD can be used to numerically determine the heat transfer, temperature
and velocity profile of air inside the baking oven for laminar flow
conditions. For baking industry which employs indirect heating baking
process, the heating is carried out four different zones. The temperature
profile at each zone is important, on which the final bread quality gets
affected. Here the computation fluid dynamics can provide the transient
temperature distribution for analysis. Therdthai et al. [15] built a two
dimensional mathematical model of continuous baking process which is
often used in industry in an oven to study the air flow and temperature
distribution pattern inside the baking chamber for different operating
conditions. The CFD simulation results helped to modify configuration of
oven for better heat distribution. With the help of CFD, the position of the
heating source which affects the air circulation can also be optimized. Thus
CFD serves as a practical tool for design, optimization and validation of the
process control. It can also be used a versatile tool for design, scale up and
optimization of baking ovens.
G. Refigeration
The consumption of frozen food has increased its demand in recent years
due to good quality and safety aspect. Refrigeration can slow down bacterial
growth and preserve food. Hence researchers have used CFD for the
modeling of heat and mass transfer in foods during refrigeration (chilling
and freezing). Hu and Sun [16] investigated the heat and moisture transfer
for determining the cooling rate and weight loss of cooked ham during air
blast chilling process by using CFD simulations.
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CFD can give correct information regarding design based on temperature
modelling with minimum cost before manufacturing the actual refrigeration
system. It is very important during refrigeration design that accurate control
of temperature is maintained with less cost in short period of time. Taking
all these points into consideration, CFD can effectively be used for design
optimization of equipment used in refrigeration such as chillier and freezers.
With the help of computational fluid dynamics, the simulation of air flow
over the food products can be done inside the refrigeration. It can be used as
modelling technique for the successful prediction of airflow inside
refrigerated space including cold stores, transport equipment and retail
display cabinets. Gaspar et al. [17] carried out heat transfer and air flow
simulations in an open refrigerated display cabinet to predict air
temperature, relative humidity and air velocity.
3. Conclusion
CFD is a possible simulation method for the flow pattern modelling process.
It can be used to build performance-enhanced food processing equipment.
Storage tank washing, pasteurisation, conventional cyclones, drying,
sterilisation, crystallisation, mixing and refrigeration, fermentation, baking,
etc. are the key applications. CFD practicability depends on CFD packages,
device settings, and the basic knowledge of fluid flow analysis. By
performing experiments for validation, it is also important to validate the
simulation results since some instances of CFD are based on approximate
models with certain assumptions. The versatility and wide range of CFD
applications, however is a boon for the food processing industry.
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