AMENDED June 3, 2021
CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................. 1
Article 10. Authority and Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1
Sec. 1.10.010. Authority. ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Sec. 1.10.020. Scope. ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Article 20. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Sec. 1.20.010. Definitions. .................................................................................................................................... 1
Article 30. Designation and Citation ......................................................................................................................... 3
Sec. 1.30.010. Designation and Citation. .............................................................................................................. 3
Article 40. Findings ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Sec. 1.40.010. Findings. ........................................................................................................................................ 3
HEALTH PRACTITIONERS .................................................................................................................................... 5
Article 10. Initial Qualifications ................................................................................................................................ 5
Sec. 2.10.010. Initial Qualifications. ..................................................................................................................... 5
(a) General Requirements. ......................................................................................................................... 5
(b) Special Conditions. ............................................................................................................................... 7
Sec. 2.10.015. Certifications as CHA/P, DHA, and BHA/P ................................................................................. 8
Sec. 2.10.020. Surrender of a Certificate .............................................................................................................. 9
Article 20. Standards for Community Health Aides and Community Health Practitioners ...................................... 9
Sec. 2.20.100. Community Health Aide I Training and Education Requirements. .............................................. 9
Sec. 2.20.110. Community Health Aide I Competencies. .................................................................................... 9
Sec. 2.20.120. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as Community Health Aide I. ....................................... 12
(a) Minimum Requirements. .................................................................................................................... 12
(b) Employment. ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Sec. 2.20.200. Community Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements ............................................ 12
Sec. 2.20.210. Community Health Aide II Competencies. ................................................................................. 13
Sec. 2.20.300. Community Health Aide III Training and Education Requirements. .......................................... 14
Sec. 2.20.310. Community Health Aide III Competencies ................................................................................. 14
Sec. 2.20.400. Community Health Aide IV Training and Education Requirements. .......................................... 15
Sec. 2.20.410. Community Health Aide IV Competencies. ................................................................................ 16
Sec. 2.20.500. Community Health Practitioner Training and Education Requirements. .................................... 16
Sec. 2.20.510. Community Health Practitioner Competencies. .......................................................................... 17
Sec. 2.20.600. Certification by Credentials. ....................................................................................................... 17
Article 30. Standards for Dental Health Aides ........................................................................................................ 17
Sec. 2.30.010. Supervision of Dental Health Aides.
.......................................................................................... 17
(a) Generally. ........................................................................................................................................... 17
(b) Definitions of Levels of Supervision. ................................................................................................. 17
(c) Village-Based Practice. ...................................................................................................................... 18
Sec. 2.30.020. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as a Dental Health Aide. ............................................... 18
(a) Minimum Requirements. .................................................................................................................... 18
(b) Employment. ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Sec. 2.30.030. Multiple Certification .................................................................................................................. 18
Sec. 2.30.050. Certification by Credentials ........................................................................................................ 19
Sec. 2.30.100. Primary Dental Health Aide I Training and Education Requirements ........................................ 19
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(a) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 19
(b) Preceptorship. ..................................................................................................................................... 19
(c) Waiver. ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Sec. 2.30.110. Primary Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies. .................................................. 19
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 19
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 20
Sec. 2.30.150. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................. 20
Sec. 2.30.160. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................. 20
Sec. 2.30.200. Primary Dental Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements. ...................................... 20
Sec. 2.30.210. Primary Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies. ................................................. 21
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 21
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 21
Sec. 2.30.220. Sealant Requirements. ................................................................................................................. 22
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 22
(b) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 22
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. .............................................................................................. 22
(d) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 22
Sec. 2.30.230. Dental Prophylaxis Requirements. .............................................................................................. 23
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 23
(b) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 23
(c) Training and Education. ..................................................................................................................... 23
(d) Preceptorship. ..................................................................................................................................... 23
(e) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 23
Sec. 2.30.240. Dental Radiology Requirements. ................................................................................................ 24
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 24
(b) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 24
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. .............................................................................................. 24
(d) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 25
(e) [RESERVED] ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Sec. 2.30.250. Dental Assistant Function Requirements. ................................................................................... 26
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 26
(b) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 26
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. .............................................................................................. 26
(d) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 26
Sec. 2.30.260. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) Requirements. ........................................................... 26
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 27
(b) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 27
(c) Training and Education. ..................................................................................................................... 27
(d) Preceptorship. ..................................................................................................................................... 27
(e) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 27
Sec. 2.30.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training, Education, and Licensure Requirements ..................... 28
Sec. 2.30.310. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Supervision and Competencies. .................................................. 28
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 28
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 28
Sec. 2.30.400. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision, Training and Education Requirements. 29
(a) Training and Education. ..................................................................................................................... 29
(b) Preceptorship. ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Sec. 2.30.410. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies. ................................ 29
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 29
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 30
Sec. 2.30.500. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements. .................... 31
(a) Training and Education ...................................................................................................................... 31
(b) Preceptorship. ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Sec. 2.30.510. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies. ............................... 32
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 32
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 32
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Amended June 3, 2021
Sec. 2.30.550. Stainless Steel Crown Placement Requirements. ........................................................................ 33
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 33
(b) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 33
(c) Training and Education ...................................................................................................................... 33
(d) Preceptorship ...................................................................................................................................... 33
(e) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 33
Sec. 2.30.600. Dental Health Aide Therapist Training and Education Requirements. ....................................... 34
Sec. 2.30.610. Dental Health Aide Therapist Supervision and Competencies. ................................................... 34
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 34
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 34
Sec. 2.30.700. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Training and Education Requirements. .................... 35
Sec. 2.30.710. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Supervision and Competencies. ............................... 35
(a) Dental Supervision. ............................................................................................................................ 35
(b) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 35
Article 40. Standards for Behavioral Health Aides and Practitioners ..................................................................... 36
Sec. 2.40.010. Supervision of Behavioral Health Aides and Behavioral Health Practitioners. .......................... 36
(a) Clinical Oversight. .............................................................................................................................. 36
(b) Levels of Supervision. ........................................................................................................................ 36
(c) Definitions of Level of Supervision.................................................................................................... 36
Sec. 2.40.020. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as a Behavioral Health Aide or Practitioner. ................ 37
(a) Minimum Requirements. .................................................................................................................... 37
(b) Employment. ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Sec. 2.40.030. Behavioral Health Aide/Practitioner Trial Examination [Deleted]. ............................................ 38
Sec. 2.40.100. Behavioral Health Aide I Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements. ......................... 38
(a) Behavioral Health Aide I Specialized Training Program. .................................................................. 38
(b) Behavioral Health Aide I Alternative Training. ................................................................................. 38
(c) Behavioral Health Aide I Practicum. .................................................................................................. 38
(d) Behavioral Health Aide I Work Experience. ...................................................................................... 39
Sec. 2.40.110. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Aide I. ............................................... 39
Sec. 2.40.200. Behavioral Health Aide II Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements. ........................ 39
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 39
(b) Behavioral Health Aide II Specialized Training Program. ................................................................. 40
(c) Behavioral Health Aide II Alternative Training. ................................................................................ 40
(d) Behavioral Health Aide II Practicum.................................................................................................. 40
(e) Behavioral Health Aide II Work Experience. ..................................................................................... 40
Sec. 2.40.210. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Aide II. .............................................. 41
Sec. 2.40.300. Behavioral Health Aide III Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements. ....................... 41
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 41
(b) Behavioral Health Aide III Specialized Training Program. ................................................................ 42
(c) Behavioral Health Aide III Alternative Training. ............................................................................... 42
(d) Behavioral Health Aide III Practicum. ............................................................................................... 42
(e) Behavioral Health Aide III Work Experience. ................................................................................... 42
Sec. 2.40.310. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Aide III. ............................................ 43
Sec. 2.40.400. Behavioral Health Practitioner Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements. ................. 43
(a) Prerequisites. ...................................................................................................................................... 43
(b) Behavioral Health Practitioner Specialized Training Program. .......................................................... 43
(c) Behavioral Health Practitioner Alternative Training. ......................................................................... 44
(d) Behavioral Health Practitioner Practicum. ......................................................................................... 44
(e) Behavioral Health Practitioner Work Experience. .............................................................................. 44
Sec. 2.40.410. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Practitioner. ...................................... 45
Sec. 2.40.500. Behavioral Health Aide and Practitioner Knowledge, Skills, and Scope of Practice. ................. 45
(a) Minimum Knowledge and Skills. ....................................................................................................... 45
(b) Scope of Practice. ............................................................................................................................... 45
Sec. 2.40.510. Foundational Skills in Client and Community Engagement. ...................................................... 46
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 46
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 46
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Sec. 2.40.515. Foundational Knowledge to Be Applied in All Activities. ......................................................... 46
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 46
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 47
Sec. 2.40.520. Foundational Professional Readiness .......................................................................................... 47
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 47
(b) Knowledge and Skills ......................................................................................................................... 48
Sec. 2.40.525. Prevention, Community Education, and Community Organizing. .............................................. 49
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 50
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 50
Sec. 2.40.530. Routine Contact, Screening, Assessment, and Evaluation. ......................................................... 50
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 50
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 51
Sec. 2.40.535. Treatment Planning. .................................................................................................................... 51
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 51
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 51
Sec. 2.40.540. Community Resources and Referral............................................................................................ 52
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 52
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 52
Sec. 2.40.545. Case Management, Coordination, and Monitoring Treatment Plans. ......................................... 53
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 53
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 53
Sec. 2.40.550. Medication Management. ............................................................................................................ 54
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 54
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 54
Sec. 2.40.555. Counseling. ................................................................................................................................. 55
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 55
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 55
Sec. 2.40.560. Crisis Management. ..................................................................................................................... 58
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 58
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 58
Sec. 2.40.565. Supervision, Training and Professional Development ................................................................ 58
(a) Level of Performance. ........................................................................................................................ 58
(b) Knowledge and Skills. ........................................................................................................................ 59
Article 50. Term of Certificate ................................................................................................................................ 59
Sec. 2.50.010. Effective Date ............................................................................................................................. 59
Sec. 2.50.020. Date of Issuance. ......................................................................................................................... 59
Sec. 2.50.100. Expiration. ................................................................................................................................... 59
Sec. 2.50.200. Requirements for Renewal. ......................................................................................................... 59
Sec. 2.50.300. Reinstatement or Renewal of a Lapsed Certificate. .................................................................... 60
CHAPTER 3. CONTINUING EDUCATION ......................................................................................................... 60
Sec. 3.10.005. Multiple Certifications. ............................................................................................................... 60
Sec. 3.10.010. CHA/P Continuing Education Requirements. ............................................................................. 60
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. .......................................................................................................................... 60
(b) Lapsed Certificate. .............................................................................................................................. 61
Sec. 3.10.050. DHA Continuing Education Requirements. ................................................................................ 61
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. .......................................................................................................................... 61
(b) Lapsed Certificate. .............................................................................................................................. 61
Sec. 3.10.070. BHA/P Continuing Education Requirements. ............................................................................. 61
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. .......................................................................................................................... 61
(b) Lapsed Certificate. .............................................................................................................................. 62
Sec. 3.10.100. Approved Continuing Education Programs for CHA/P. ............................................................. 62
(a) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 62
(b) Sponsorship. ....................................................................................................................................... 62
(c) Tribal Continuing Education Programs. ............................................................................................. 62
(d) Self-Study Programs. .......................................................................................................................... 63
Community Health Aide Program Certification Board Standards and Procedures
Amended June 3, 2021
(e) Other. .................................................................................................................................................. 63
Sec. 3.10.200. Approved Continuing Education Programs for DHA. ................................................................ 63
(a) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 63
(b) Sponsorship. ....................................................................................................................................... 63
(c) Tribal Continuing Education Programs. ............................................................................................. 63
(d) Self-Study. .......................................................................................................................................... 64
(e) Other. .................................................................................................................................................. 64
Sec. 3.10.300. Approved Continuing Education Programs for BHA/P. ............................................................. 64
(a) Competencies. .................................................................................................................................... 64
(b) Sponsorship. ....................................................................................................................................... 64
(c) Tribal Continuing Education Programs. ............................................................................................. 65
(d) Self-Study Programs. .......................................................................................................................... 65
(e) Other. .................................................................................................................................................. 65
OR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATE..................................................................... 65
Sec. 4.10.010. Grounds for Discipline. ............................................................................................................... 65
Sec. 4.10.100. Community Health Aide or Practitioner, Dental Health Aide, or Behavioral Health Aide or
Practitioner Sanctions. ........................................................................................................................................ 67
Sec. 4.10.110. Withdrawing Probation. .............................................................................................................. 67
Sec. 4.10.120. Summary Suspension. ................................................................................................................. 67
Sec. 4.10.130. Consistency. ................................................................................................................................ 67
CHAPTER 5. CHA/P TRAINING CENTERS ....................................................................................................... 68
Article 10. Requirements for Certification .............................................................................................................. 68
Sec. 5.10.010. Certification. ............................................................................................................................... 68
Sec. 5.10.015. Educational Program Philosophy. ............................................................................................... 68
Sec. 5.10.020. Training Facilities. A .................................................................................................................. 68
Sec. 5.10.025. Training Staff. ............................................................................................................................. 68
(a) Qualifications and Roles. .................................................................................................................... 68
(b) Job Descriptions. ................................................................................................................................ 69
(c) Orientation of New Staff. ................................................................................................................... 69
(d) Faculty Turnover. ............................................................................................................................... 69
Sec. 5.10.030. Hospital/Clinic Affiliation........................................................................................................... 69
(a) Accreditation. ..................................................................................................................................... 69
(b) Hospital/Clinic Commitment .............................................................................................................. 69
Sec. 5.10.035. Volume, Hours and Distribution of Patient Encounters. ............................................................. 70
(a) Encounters. ......................................................................................................................................... 70
(b) (1) Primary Provider ........................................................................................................................... 70
(c) Distribution of Clinical Hours. ........................................................................................................... 70
Sec. 5.10.040. Trainees Selection Process. ......................................................................................................... 71
(a) Qualifications for Trainees and Application Process. ......................................................................... 71
(b) Statewide Priorities. ............................................................................................................................ 72
(c) Exceptions. ......................................................................................................................................... 72
Sec. 5.10.045. Trainee Services. ......................................................................................................................... 72
(a) Counseling and Health Services. ........................................................................................................ 72
(b) Academic Advising. ........................................................................................................................... 72
(c) Attrition. ............................................................................................................................................. 72
(d) Housing, Meals, and Transportation. .................................................................................................. 72
(e) Internet Connectivity. ......................................................................................................................... 72
Sec. 5.10.050. Community Health Aide Curriculum and Teaching Guidelines. ................................................ 72
(a) Duration of Training and Attendance. ................................................................................................ 72
(b) Class Size............................................................................................................................................ 72
(c) Faculty/Trainee Ratio. ........................................................................................................................ 73
(d) Classroom and Clinical Instruction..................................................................................................... 73
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Sec. 5.10.055. Field Training. ............................................................................................................................. 73
Sec. 5.10.060. CHA/P Training Center Administration and Records. ................................................................ 73
(a) Commitment of Administration. ......................................................................................................... 73
(b) Secretarial Support. ............................................................................................................................ 73
(c) CHA/P Training Center Files. ............................................................................................................ 73
(d) CHA/P Training Center Office Space. ............................................................................................... 74
Sec. 5.10.065. CHA/P Training Center Self-Evaluation. .................................................................................... 74
(a) CHA/P Training Center. ..................................................................................................................... 74
(b) QA/CQI. ............................................................................................................................................. 74
Sec. 5.10.070. Faculty Continuing Education. .................................................................................................... 74
Article 20. Types of CHA/P Training Center Certification and Recertification ..................................................... 74
Sec. 5.20.010. Start-up Certification. .................................................................................................................. 74
Sec. 5.20.030. Provisional Certification. ............................................................................................................ 75
Article 30. Continuing Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 75
Sec. 5.30.010. Periodic Submissions and Reviews ............................................................................................. 75
Sec. 5.30.020. Monitoring. ................................................................................................................................. 75
Article 40. CHA/P Training Center Sanctions ........................................................................................................ 75
Sec. 5.40.010. Probation or Termination ............................................................................................................ 75
Sec. 5.40.020. Conditions of Probation. ............................................................................................................. 75
CHAPTER 6. CERTIFICATION OF CHA/P TRAINING CURRICULUM ...................................................... 76
Sec. 6.10.010. Continuous Review. .................................................................................................................... 76
Sec. 6.10.900. Transition. ................................................................................................................................... 76
CHAPTER 7. CERTIFICATION OF DHA TRAINING AND CURRICULUM ................................................ 76
Article 10. Training Programs, Facilities and Training Staff .................................................................................. 76
Sec. 7.10.010. Facilities. ..................................................................................................................................... 76
Sec. 7.10.020. Training Staff. ............................................................................................................................. 76
(a) Qualification and Roles. ..................................................................................................................... 76
(b) Dental Advisor. ................................................................................................................................... 77
Sec. 7.10.030. DHA Training Administration and Records. .............................................................................. 77
(a) Commitment of Administration. ......................................................................................................... 77
(b) Secretarial Support. ............................................................................................................................ 77
(c) DHA Training Program Files. ............................................................................................................ 77
Article 20. Dental Health Aide Curricula ................................................................................................................ 77
Sec. 7.20.010. DHA Core Curriculum. ............................................................................................................... 77
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 77
(b) CHA/P Equivalency. .......................................................................................................................... 78
(c) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 78
Sec. 7.20.020. Primary Oral Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. ........................................................... 78
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 78
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 78
Sec. 7.20.030. Basic Dental Procedures.............................................................................................................. 78
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 78
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Sec. 7.20.040. DHA Advanced Dental Procedures. ............................................................................................ 79
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 79
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Sec. 7.20.050. Village-Based Dental Practice. ................................................................................................... 79
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 79
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Sec. 7.20.100. Sealants. ...................................................................................................................................... 79
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 79
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 80
Sec. 7.20.110. Dental Prophylaxis. ..................................................................................................................... 80
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 80
Community Health Aide Program Certification Board Standards and Procedures
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(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 80
Sec. 7.20.120. Dental Radiology. ....................................................................................................................... 80
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 80
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Sec. 7.20.130. Dental Assisting. ......................................................................................................................... 81
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 81
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Sec. 7.20.140. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). .................................................................................. 82
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 82
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Sec. 7.20.200. Basic Restorative Functions. ....................................................................................................... 82
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 82
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Sec. 7.20.210. Advanced Restorative Functions. ................................................................................................ 82
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 82
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Sec. 7.20.220. Stainless Steel Crowns. ............................................................................................................... 83
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 83
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Sec. 7.20.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training Program. ....................................................................... 83
Sec. 7.20.400. Local Anesthetic Administration................................................................................................. 83
(a) Subject Matter. ................................................................................................................................... 83
(b) Training. ............................................................................................................................................. 84
Sec. 7.20.500. Dental Health Aide Therapist Educational Program. .................................................................. 84
Article 30. Certification of DHA Training Curriculum ........................................................................................... 84
Sec. 7.30.010. Curriculum Approval. ................................................................................................................. 84
Sec. 7.30.100. Dental Academic Review Committee (DARC). ......................................................................... 84
(a) Membership. ....................................................................................................................................... 84
(b) Quorum. .............................................................................................................................................. 84
Sec. 7.30.200. Development and Transition. ...................................................................................................... 85
(a) Development. ...................................................................................................................................... 85
(b) Transition. ........................................................................................................................................... 85
CHAPTER 8. CERTIFICATION OF BHA TRAINING AND CURRICULUM ................................................ 85
Article 10. Training Programs, Facilities, and Training Staff. ................................................................................ 85
Sec. 8.10.010. Facilities. ..................................................................................................................................... 85
Sec. 8.10.020. Training Staff. ............................................................................................................................. 85
(a) Qualification and Roles. ..................................................................................................................... 85
Sec. 8.10.030. BHA/P Training Administration and Records. ........................................................................... 86
(a) Educational Program Philosophy........................................................................................................ 86
(b) Job Descriptions. ................................................................................................................................ 86
(c) Orientation of New Staff. ................................................................................................................... 86
(d) Commitment of Administration. ......................................................................................................... 86
(e) Secretarial Support. ............................................................................................................................ 86
(f) Training Program Files. ...................................................................................................................... 86
(g) Continuing Education. ........................................................................................................................ 86
Sec. 8.10.040. BHA Training Center Self-Evaluation. ....................................................................................... 87
(a) BHA Training Center. ........................................................................................................................ 87
(b) QA/CQI. ............................................................................................................................................. 87
Sec. 8.10.050. Trainee Services. ......................................................................................................................... 87
(a) Counseling and Health Services. ........................................................................................................ 87
(b) Academic Advising. ........................................................................................................................... 87
(c) Attrition. ............................................................................................................................................. 87
(d) Housing, Meals, and Transportation. .................................................................................................. 87
(e) Internet Connectivity. ......................................................................................................................... 87
Article 20. Behavioral Health Aide and Practitioner Curricula ............................................................................... 87
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Sec. 8.20.010. Equivalent Courses...................................................................................................................... 87
Sec. 8.20.050. General Orientation. .................................................................................................................... 87
(a) Minimum Hours. ................................................................................................................................ 87
(b) Content. .............................................................................................................................................. 88
(c) Communication Skills. ....................................................................................................................... 88
Sec. 8.20.100. Orientation to Behavioral Health Services. ................................................................................. 88
Sec. 8.20.110. Ethics, Consent, Confidentiality and Privacy .............................................................................. 88
Sec. 8.20.115. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................. 89
Sec. 8.20.116. Human Development. ................................................................................................................. 89
Sec. 8.20.125. Introduction to Behavioral Health Concerns ............................................................................... 90
Sec. 8.20.135. Introduction to Counseling. ......................................................................................................... 90
Sec. 8.20.140. Introduction to Documentation. .................................................................................................. 91
Sec. 8.20.145. Introduction to Case Management. ............................................................................................. 91
Sec. 8.20.150. Working with Diverse Populations ............................................................................................. 91
Sec. 8.20.155. Introduction to Group Counseling. .............................................................................................. 92
Sec. 8.20.160. Crisis Intervention. ...................................................................................................................... 92
Sec. 8.20.165. HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases ............................................................................................. 93
Sec. 8.20.170. Community Approach to Prevention ........................................................................................... 93
Sec. 8.20.175. Family Systems I. ........................................................................................................................ 93
Sec. 8.20.180. Maintaining Health, Wellness and Balance................................................................................. 94
Sec. 8.20.220. Psychophysiology and Behavioral Health. .................................................................................. 94
Sec. 8.20.225. Introduction to Co-Occurring Disorders ..................................................................................... 95
Sec. 8.20.228. Tobacco Use and Treatment ........................................................................................................ 95
Sec. 8.20.230. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Practice Application ............................................................. 95
Sec. 8.20.235. Advanced Interviewing Skills. .................................................................................................... 96
Sec. 8.20.240. American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria Practice Application. ...... 96
Sec. 8.20.245. Case Studies and Applied Case Management ............................................................................. 96
Sec. 8.20.250. Traditional Health Based Practices. ............................................................................................ 96
Sec. 8.20.255. Intermediate Therapeutic Group Counseling. ............................................................................. 97
Sec. 8.20.260. Applied Crisis Management. ....................................................................................................... 97
Sec. 8.20.270. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................. 97
Sec. 8.20.271. Community Needs and Action. ................................................................................................... 97
Sec. 8.20.275. Family Systems II. ...................................................................................................................... 98
Sec. 8.20.280. Behavioral Health Documentation. ............................................................................................. 98
Sec. 8.20.325. Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders. ....................................................................................... 98
Sec. 8.20.335. Advanced Behavioral Health Clinical Care. ............................................................................... 99
Sec. 8.20.340. Documentation and Quality Assurance ....................................................................................... 99
Sec. 8.20.345. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................. 99
Sec. 8.20.350. Applied Case Studies in Alaska Native Culture Based Issues .................................................... 99
Sec. 8.20.370. Behavioral Health Clinical Team Building ............................................................................... 100
Sec. 8.20.385. Introduction to Supervision. ...................................................................................................... 100
Sec. 8.20.390. Child Development ................................................................................................................... 100
Sec. 8.20.400. Village-Based Behavioral Health Services. .............................................................................. 101
Sec. 8.20.425. Challenges in Behavioral Health Services. ............................................................................... 101
Sec. 8.20.485. Competencies for Village-Based Supervision. .......................................................................... 102
Sec. 8.20.490. Principles and Practice of Clinical Supervision ........................................................................ 102
Sec. 8.20.495. Child Centered Interventions .................................................................................................... 102
Article 30. Certification of BHA/P Training Curriculum ...................................................................................... 103
Sec. 8.30.010. Curriculum Approval. ............................................................................................................... 103
Sec. 8.30.100. Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee. .................................................................... 103
(a) Membership. ..................................................................................................................................... 103
(b) Quorum. ............................................................................................................................................ 103
Sec. 8.30.200. Development and Transition. .................................................................................................... 104
(a) Development. .................................................................................................................................... 104
(b) Transition. ......................................................................................................................................... 104
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Article 10. Hearings .............................................................................................................................................. 104
Sec. 9.10.010. Hearings. ................................................................................................................................... 104
Sec. 9.10.020. Scheduling and Telephonic Participation. ................................................................................. 104
(a) Convenience of the Parties. .............................................................................................................. 104
(b) Delay. ............................................................................................................................................... 104
Sec. 9.10.030. Request for Hearing. ................................................................................................................. 105
(a) Written Request. ............................................................................................................................... 105
(b) Notice of Proceeding. ....................................................................................................................... 105
Sec. 9.10.040. Information Regarding Hearing. ............................................................................................... 105
Sec. 9.10.050. Written Presentation. ................................................................................................................. 105
Sec. 9.10.060. Conduct of Hearing. .................................................................................................................. 105
Sec. 9.10.070. Evidence. ................................................................................................................................... 105
(a) Presentation. ..................................................................................................................................... 105
(b) Subpoena. ......................................................................................................................................... 105
(c) Telephonic Participation. .................................................................................................................. 105
Sec. 9.10.080. Recommendation....................................................................................................................... 106
Sec. 9.10.090. Decision. ................................................................................................................................... 106
(a) Action by Board................................................................................................................................ 106
(b) Notice of Decision. ........................................................................................................................... 106
Article 20. Reconsideration ................................................................................................................................... 106
Sec. 9.20.010. Requests for Reconsideration. ................................................................................................... 106
(a) Generally. ......................................................................................................................................... 106
(b) Timing of Request. ........................................................................................................................... 106
(c) Additional Argument and Evidence. ................................................................................................ 106
(d) Mitigating Circumstances. ................................................................................................................ 106
(e) Deadline for Action. ......................................................................................................................... 106
Article 30. Appeals ................................................................................................................................................ 107
Sec. 9.30.010. Notice of Right of Appeal by Community Health Aides, Community Health Practitioners,
Dental Health Aides, Behavioral Health Aides, Behavioral Health Practitioners, CHA/P Training Centers,
DHA Course Providers and Training Programs, and BHA/P Course Providers and Training Programs. ........ 107
Sec. 9.30.020. Notice of Appeal to the Board. .................................................................................................. 107
CHAPTER 10. TRANSITIONAL AND TEMPORARY CERTIFICATION .................................................... 107
Sec. 10.10.015. Practice Pending Certification. ................................................................................................ 107
Sec. 10.10.020. Between Board Meetings ........................................................................................................ 107
CHAPTER 11. BOARD PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................ 108
Sec. 11.10.010. Officers.................................................................................................................................... 108
Sec. 11.10.020. Quorum. .................................................................................................................................. 108
Sec. 11.10.030. Meetings. ................................................................................................................................. 108
(a) Regular and Special. ......................................................................................................................... 108
(b) Public and Executive Sessions. ......................................................................................................... 108
Sec. 11.10.040. Committees. ............................................................................................................................ 108
(a) Executive Committee. ...................................................................................................................... 108
(b) Other Committees. ............................................................................................................................ 108
CHAPTER 12. AMENDMENTS............................................................................................................................ 109
Sec. 12.10.010. Effective Date. ........................................................................................................................ 109
Sec. 12.10.020. Consideration at More Than One Meeting .............................................................................. 109
CHAPTER 13. TEMPORARY EMERGENCY GUIDANCE ............................................................................. 109
DATE OF ACTION ................................................................................................................................................. 110
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Chapter 1. General Provisions 1
Article 10. Authority and Scope 3
History: June 18, 2008, the Title of Article 10 Chapter 1 was amended. 5
Sec. 1.10.010. Authority. The Community Health Aide Program Certification Board is established 7
under the authority of the Act of November 2, 1921 (25 U.S.C. § 13, popularly known as the Snyder Act) 8
pursuant to 25 U.S.C. § 1616l (Section 119 of Pub. L. 94-437), the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, 9
as amended, including the permanent reauthorization and amendments in Section 10221 of the Patient 10
Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. 111-148, which incorporated by reference, as amended by 11
Section 10221, S. 1790 as reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs in December 2009 and 12
directives and circulars of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health 13
Service, Indian Health Service, and Alaska Area Native Health Service. 14
History: January 13, 2011, Section 1.10.010 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 1.10.010 was 16
amended. 17
Sec. 1.10.020. Scope. The Community Health Aide Program Certification Board sets standards 19
for the community health aide program and certifies individuals as community health aides and 20
practitioners, dental health aides (including primary dental health aides, dental health aide hygienists, 21
expanded function dental health aides, and dental health aide therapists), and behavioral health aides and 22
practitioners. Each of these individuals is subject to specific requirements and engages in a specific scope 23
of practice set forth in these Standards. For historical reasons, these various health aides are often referred 24
to generically as “community health aides.” 25
History: June 18, 2008, Section 1.10.020 was added. 27
Article 20. Definitions 29
Sec. 1.20.010. Definitions. In these Standards and Procedures 31
(1) “ART” means atraumatic restorative treatment; 32
(2) “Atraumatic restorative treatment” means a maximally preventive and minimally 33
invasive approach to stop further progression of dental caries. It involves the removal of soft, completely 34
demineralized carious tooth tissues with hand instruments, and is followed by restoration of the cavity 35
with an adhesive dental material that simultaneously seals the remaining tooth structure that remains at 36
risk; 37
(3) “Behavioral health aide” means a behavioral health aide I, II, and III, except when the 38
level is specified; 39
(4) “Behavioral health professional” means a person who 40
(A) has at least a master’s degree in psychology, social work, counseling, marriage 41
and family therapy, substance abuse or addiction, nursing with a psychiatric mental health specialty, or a 42
related field; and 43
(B) satisfies the requirements of section 2.40.010(a)(2) [supervision of BHA/Ps; 44
clinical oversight; qualifications]; 45
(5) “BHA” means behavioral health aide; 46
(6) “BHAM” means the Behavioral Health Aide Manual, or its successor if approved by 47
this Board; 48
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(7) “BHA/P” means behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner; “BHP” 1
means behavioral health practitioner; 2
(8) “BLS” means Basic Life Support certification, which must include certification in 3
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (“CPR”) techniques based upon training equivalent to that required for 4
completion of a CPR course certified by the American Heart Association or American Red Cross; 5
(9) “Board” means the Community Health Aide Program Certification Board; 6
(10) “CHAM” means the Alaska Community Health Aide/Practitioner Manual, 2006 7
Edition, as revised, or its successor if approved by this Board; 8
(11) “CHA/P” means community health aide or community health practitioner; 9
(12) “CHA/P Curriculum” means the Community Health Aide Basic Training Curriculum, 10
1993, revised as of May, 1997, unless other revisions are adopted in which case “CHA/P Curriculum” will 11
incorporate those revisions; 12
(13) “CHP” means community health practitioner; 13
(14) “Community health aide” means a community health aide I, II, III, and IV, except 14
when the level is specified; 15
(15) “Contact hour” means no less than 50 minutes of instructional or clinical time, 16
provided that 17
(A) a course, seminar, or workshop offered or approved by an organization from 18
which educational or continuing education requirements may be obtained will be accepted for the number 19
of continuing education credits designated by the organization offering it; and 20
(B) academic credit will be converted to contact hours, as follows:
(i) one semester academic credit equals 15 contact hours; 22
(ii) one quarter academic credit equals 10 contact hours; 23
(16) “Dental health aide” means primary dental health aides I and II, dental health aide 24
hygienists, expanded function dental health aides I and II, dental health aide therapists, and dental health 25
aide therapist practitioner, except as used in Article 30 of Chapter 2 regarding requirements for special 26
classes of dental health aides; 27
(17) “Dental hygienist” means a person licensed as a dental hygienist in Alaska under AS 28
08.32.010 or a dental hygienist in the employ of the federal government in the discharge of official duties 29
who is a dental hygienist licensed in one of the states or territories of the United States; 30
(18) “Dentist” means a person licensed as a dentist in Alaska or a dentist in the employ of 31
the federal government in the discharge of official duties who is licensed in one of the states or territories 32
of the United States; 33
(19) “DHA” means dental health aide; 34
(20) “DHA Advanced Dental Procedures” means the curriculum set forth in section 35
7.20.040 [DHA advanced dental procedures]; 36
(21) “DHA Core Curriculum” means the curriculum set forth in section 7.20.010 [DHA 37
core curriculum]; and 38
(22) [Repealed October 3, 2006] 39
(23) “DHA Curriculum” means a curriculum for training dental health aides approved by 40
the Board pursuant to Article 20 [DHA curricula] of Chapter 7 [certification of DHA training and 41
curriculum]; 42
(24) “DHAH” means dental health aide hygienist; 43
(25) “DHAT” means dental health aide therapist; 44
(26) “DHATP” means dental health aide therapist practitioner; 45
(27) “EFDHA” means expanded function dental health aide; 46
(28) “eLearning” means formal instruction where students and instructors are separated by 47
geography, time or both for the majority of the instructional period; 48
(29) “EMT” means Emergency Medical Technician; 49
(30) “ETT” means Emergency Trauma Technician; 50
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(31) “ISDEAA” means the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Pub. 1
L. 93-638, as amended, 25 U.S.C. § 450 et seq.; 2
(32) “Licensed behavioral health clinician” means a person who 3
(A) (i) is a medical doctor who has completed a postgraduate residency or is 4
Board certified in psychiatry; 5
(ii) is a registered nurse who has completed a master’s degree with a 6
psychiatric mental health specialty; or 7
(iii) has completed either a doctorate or master’s degree in psychology, social 8
work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, substance abuse or addiction, or a related field; 9
(B) under which the person is authorized to diagnose disorders contained within the 10
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; and 11
(C) is fully or provisionally licensed in the State of Alaska or is in the employ of the 12
federal government and is fully or provisionally licensed in one of the states or territories of the United 13
States; and 14
(D) satisfies the requirements of section 2.40.010(a)(2) [supervision of BHA/Ps; 15
clinical oversight; qualifications]; 16
(33) “PDHA” means primary dental health aide; 17
(34) “Satisfactory performance” means the community health aide, community health 18
practitioner, or dental health aide, behavioral health aide, or behavioral health practitioner can do the skill 19
using the CHAM or other materials for reference without other assistance. “Satisfactory performance” is 20
measured by having the community health aide or practitioner, or dental health aide, or behavioral health 21
aide or practitioner demonstrate the skill with sufficient expertise to meet the standard of care in a daily 22
work situation; and 23
(35) “Session” means a course offered by a CHA/P Training Center providing a curriculum 24
approved by the Board. 25
History: June 3, 2020, Section 1.20.010(16) and (26) were amended. January 17, 2014, Section 27
1.20.010(4)(A) and (6) were amended. October 29, 2013, Section 1.20.010 was amended by adding (27). 28
June 18, 2008, Section 1.20.010 was amended by adding new subsections (3)-(6), (12)-(14), and (28), 29
renumbering all others and amending renumbered subsections (1), (15), (16), (17), and (30). October 3, 30
2006, Section 1.20.010(5) was amended, (22) was repealed, and (23) was added. October 8, 2003, 31
Section 1.20.010(10) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 1.20.010 was amended by adding new 32
subsections (1)-(3), (8)-(16) and 19; amending subsections (5), (7), (20) and (22); and renumbering all 33
subsections. 34
Article 30. Designation and Citation 36
Sec. 1.30.010. Designation and Citation. The Standards and Procedures of the Board may be 38
cited as “CB” followed by the number of the chapter, article, and section, separated by periods. For 39
example, this chapter may be cited as “CB 1” or “chapter 1”; this article may be cited as “CB 1.30” or 40
“article 30 of this chapter”; this section may be cited as “CB 1.30.010” or section 1.30.010”. Except as 41
otherwise indicated by the context, citations in accordance with this section include amendments and 42
reenactments of the provisions cited. 43
Article 40. Findings 45
History: November 26, 2002, Article 40 was added. 47
Sec. 1.40.010. Findings. The Community Health Aide Program Certification Board makes the 49
following findings. 50
(1) The community health aide program was established to provide for training of health 52
aides and practitioners and to maintain a system in which the health aides can relate to other health 53
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professionals while providing health care, health promotion and disease prevention services in rural 1
Alaska. 2
(2) The community health aide program was authorized by Congress to promote the 3
achievement of the health status objectives in the Indian Health Care Improvement Act in rural Alaska. 4
These objectives are broad in scope and address virtually every aspect of health care, access, delivery, and 5
status. Specialized training (medical, dental and behavioral health) and certification furthers those 6
objectives by creating opportunities for community health aides to focus their training and practice on 7
particular health issues and delivery strategies. Regardless of the specific title everyone certified under the 8
community health aide program has the same basic responsibility: to improve health status among Alaska 9
Natives living in rural Alaska. 10
(3) The need for the community health aide has not diminished – most villages in Alaska 11
still have no health provider in the community other than a community health aide or community health 12
practitioner. Although the infant mortality rate has diminished over the past 20 years, diabetes mellitus 13
has increased by 110%, compared to 23% for the United States all races; the unintentional injury death 14
rate of Alaska Natives is 4.5 times the rate for the United States; health status of rural Alaska Natives is 15
closely related to low socio-economic status and 24% of Alaska Natives live below the poverty level 16
compared to 13.1% for United States all races. 17
(4) The community health aide program has become a model for efficient and high quality 18
health care delivery in rural Alaska providing approximately 300,000 patient encounters per year and 19
responding to emergencies twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 20
(5) The existing community health aide program is over-taxed with persistently high rates 21
of turnover among community health aides and practitioners. 22
(6) The curriculum for training community health aides and practitioners and the CHAM 23
have always included dental care; however other demands on community health aides and practitioners 24
have resulted largely in only emergency dental services to relieve immediate pain being available. 25
(7) Only 29% of Alaska Native children and even fewer adults have had access to dental 26
care resulting in epidemic caries among children and loss of teeth among adults and elders. 27
(8) The Alaska Area Native Health Service, the Department of Health and Human 28
Services, and tribal health organizations recognize the strong connection between dental health and 29
physical health, including that caries is an infectious and contagious disease, which can result in pain, 30
infection and diminishment of nutritional and digestive health. 31
(9) Shortages in the number of dentists nationally and in Alaska have resulted in high 32
turnover among rural dentists (about 30%) and nearly a quarter of the dental positions in rural Alaska 33
being unfilled resulting in available dental care in rural Alaska to being limited principally to only 34
emergency services. 35
(10) This Board and the Alaska Area Native Health Service, together with Alaska tribal 36
health organizations, have agreed that improvements in dental health among Alaska Natives requires 37
health providers dedicated to dental preventive and acute care and that specialized training under the 38
community health aide program of community health aides, who will be called dental health aides and 39
who will limit their practice to dental care, is required to improve dental health status in rural Alaska. 40
(11) Approximately 58 percent of the Alaska Native population lives in small communities 41
that have limited or no direct access to behavioral health services (Alaska Native Tribal Health 42
Consortium, 2004 Rural Behavioral Health Needs Assessment Final Report, p. 4). 43
(12) Staff turnover is a barrier to maintaining access to behavioral health services in 44
villages (id., at p. 5). 45
(13) Despite improvements in the rate of deaths among Alaska Natives from many other 46
causes, in the period 1980 to 1998, the rate of alcohol-related deaths increased (Alaska Area Native 47
Health Service and Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Native Mortality 1980-1998, June 48
2001, p. 4). 49
(14) In the period 1996-1998, three of the five leading causes of Alaska Native deaths were 50
related to behavioral health conditions; unintentional injuries for which the age-adjusted death rate of 51
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Alaska Natives was 101.5 compared to 30.1 U.S. all races, alcohol-related for which the age-adjusted 1
death rate was 54.2 compared to 6.1, and suicide for which the same rate was 44.5 compared to 10.4 (id., 2
at p. 7). 3
(15) The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome “prevalence rate among Alaska Natives (4.8) is three and 4
a half times that for All Alaskans (1.4) and at least seven times the high end of the national rate of .1 to 5
.7” (Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Natives: Key Facts, August 2002, p. 6). 6
(16) “The suicide attempt rate for Alaska Native males, ages 15-19, is 5.6 times (1565) that 7
of Alaska males, ages 15-19 (275)...and for Alaska Native females, ages 15-19, is four times (3627) that 8
of Alaska females, ages 15-19 (886)” (id., p. 5). 9
(17) “Alaska Native children represent 49 percent of the custody children sent to out-of-10
state placements….” (Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Behavioral Health, 11
Bring the Kids Home Annual Report, December 2005). This constitutes a rate more than two times higher 12
than their representation in the general population; 13
(18) The Healthy People 2020 objectives, broadly and deeply address behavioral health 14
issues including injury and violence prevention, mental health, quality of life and well-being, social 15
determinants of health, substance abuse and tobacco, along with behavioral health considerations for each 16
stage of life. 17
(19) This Board and the Alaska Area Native Health Service, together with Alaska tribal 18
health organizations, have agreed that improvements in behavioral health among Alaska Natives requires 19
village-based health providers dedicated to behavioral health prevention and treatment and that 20
specialized training under the community health aide program of community health aides, who will be 21
called behavioral health aides and practitioners and who will limit their practice to behavioral health, is 22
required to improve behavioral health status in rural Alaska. 23
History: October 17, 2014, Section 1.40.010 was amended for renumbering of paragraphs (16)-(20) to 25
(15)-(19). October 12, 2011, Section 1.40.010 paragraphs (2) and (19) were amended. January 13, 2011, 26
Section 1.40.010 paragraph (2) was amended. June 18, 2008, in Section 1.40.010 the introduction and 27
paragraphs (2) and (5) were amended and paragraphs (11)-(20) were added. 28
Chapter 2. 31
Certification of Community Health Aides, Community Health Practitioners, 32
Dental Health Aides, 33
Behavioral Health Aides and Behavioral Health Practitioners 34
History: June 18, 2008, the Title of Chapter 2 was amended. November 26, 2002, the Title of Chapter 2 36
was amended. 37
Article 10. Initial Qualifications 39
Sec. 2.10.010. Initial Qualifications. 41
(a) General Requirements. The Board shall issue a community health aide, community health 43
practitioner, dental health aide, behavioral health aide, or behavioral health practitioner certificate to a 44
person who 45
(1) applies on forms provided by the Board; 46
(2) pays the application fees required; 47
(3) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person has not engaged in conduct 48
that is a ground for imposing disciplinary sanctions under Chapter 4; and 49
(4) [Repealed October 23, 1998] 50
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(5) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person has completed the training 1
and education requirements for the highest level of certification being sought, as follows: 2
(A) for a community health aide or practitioner the requirements are those under 3
section 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements], 2.20.200 [CHA II training & education 4
requirements], 2.20.300 [CHA III training & education requirements], 2.20.400 [CHA IV training & 5
education requirements] or 2.20.500 [CHP training & education requirements];
(B) for a dental health aide the requirements are those under section 2.30.100 7
[PDHA I training & education requirements], 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements], 8
2.30.220(c) [training, education & preceptorship], 2.30.230(c) [dental prophylaxis requirements; training 9
& education] and (d) [preceptorship], 2.30.240(c) [dental radiology requirements; training, education & 10
preceptorship], 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; training, education & preceptorship], 11
2.30.260(c) [ART requirements; training & education] and (d) [preceptorship], 2.30.300 [DHAH training 12
& education requirements], 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training and education requirements], 13
2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements], 2.30.550(c) [stainless steel crown placement 14
requirements; training & education] and (d) [preceptorship], 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education 15
requirements], and 2.30.700 [DHATP training & education requirements]; 16
(C) for a behavioral health aide or practitioner the requirements are those under 17
sections 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience requirements], 2.40.200 [BHA II training, 18
practicum, and experience requirements], 2.40.300 [BHA III training, practicum, and experience 19
requirements] or 2.40.400 [BHP training, practicum, and experience requirements]; 20
(6) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that at the time of consideration of the 21
application the person is employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program 22
operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; 23
(7) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person will practice as a 24
community health aide, community health practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or 25
practitioner only when employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program 26
operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; 27
(8) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person will practice as a 28
community health aide, community health practitioner, dental health aide, behavioral health aide, or 29
behavioral health practitioner only within the scope of practice, certifications granted to the person as 30
specified in subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) of this paragraph, except as required to satisfy the conditions 31
for achieving the next level of certification or when practice would be permitted under section 32
4.10.010(i)(2) [grounds for discipline; (unprofessional conduct; duties & responsibilities)]; 33
(A) for a community health aide or community health practitioner the scopes of 34
practice are defined in sections 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies], 2.20.210 [CHA II competencies], 35
2.20.310 [CHA III competencies], 2.20.410 [CHA IV competencies] and 2.20.510 [CHP competencies], 36
(B) for a dental health aide the scopes of practice are defined in sections 2.30.110(b) 37
[PDHA I competencies], 2.30.210(b) [PDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.220(d) 38
[sealant requirements; competencies], 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; competencies], 39
2.30.240(d) [dental radiology requirements; competencies], 2.30.250(d) [dental assistant function 40
requirements; competencies], 2.30.260(e) [ART requirements; competencies], 2.30.310(b) [DHAH 41
supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; 42
competencies], 2.30.510(b) [EFDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.550(e) 43
[stainless steel crown placement requirements; competencies], 2.30.610(b) [DHAT supervision & 44
competencies; competencies]; and2.30.710(b) [DHATP supervision & competencies; competencies]; 45
(C) for a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner the scopes of 46
practice are defined in sections 2.40.500(b) [BHA/P knowledge, skills, & scope of practice; scope of 47
practice]; 48
(9) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that 49
(A) the person will practice only under supervision and day-to-day direction of 50
individuals who are: 51
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(i) familiar with the community health aide program, these Standards, and 1
the CHAM; and 2
(ii) employed by the federal government or employed by or under contract 3
with a tribal health program operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; 4
and 5
(B) provided; that 6
(i) a community health aide, or community health practitioner may practice 7
only under the medical supervision of a licensed physician; and 8
(ii) as a dental health aide may practice only under the direct, indirect or 9
general supervision required under article 30 [standards for DHAs] of this Chapter [certification of CHAs, 10
CHPs, DHAs, BHAs, & BHPs]; and 11
(iii) a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner may practice 12
only under the direct, indirect, or general supervision required under section 2.40.010 [supervision of 13
BHA/Ps]; and 14
(C) notwithstanding the requirements under paragraphs (9)(B), other physicians, 15
dentists, mid-level providers, licensed behavioral health clinicians, and behavioral health professionals or 16
other independently-licensed qualified healthcare professionals designated by the referral doctor may 17
direct the day-to-day activities of a community health aide, community health practitioner; dental health 18
aide, behavioral health aide, or behavioral health practitioner, as appropriate; and 19
(10) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person meets continuing education 20
requirements as defined in Chapter 3, as applicable. 21
(b) Special Conditions. 23
(1) Pre-Certification Board CHA/Ps. An applicant who was a community health aide or 24
community health practitioner prior to the formation of the CHAP Certification Board and who seeks 25
initial certification by the Certification Board after January 1, 2003, must provide evidence satisfactory to 26
the Board that he or she 27
(A) meets all the requirements for initial certification by this Board and; 28
(B) in the two-year period preceding the application for initial certification by this 29
Board has met the requirements for continuing education set forth in section 3.10.010 [CHA/P continuing 30
education requirements]. 31
(2) Behavioral Health Aides or Practitioner’s Prior Practice. A person who applies for 33
certification as a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner within 24 months after June 18, 34
2009, may be certified as a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner without having met all 35
of the applicable requirements of section 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience 36
requirements], 2.40.200 [BHA II training, practicum, and experience requirements], 2.40.300 [BHA III 37
training, practicum, and experience requirements], or 2.40.400 [BHP training, practicum, and experience 38
requirements], provided the applicant provides evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she 39
(A) meets the general requirements under section 2.10.010(a)(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), 40
(8) and (9) [initial qualifications; general requirements]; 41
(B) within 24 months prior to applying for certification under this section, has 42
completed no fewer than 48 contact hours of training, education or continuing education, which may 43
include training intended for qualification at the next behavioral health aide or practitioner level, but must 44
include: 45
(i) a general orientation equivalent to that described in section 8.20.050 46
[general orientation] and an orientation to village-based behavioral health services that equivalent to that 47
described in section 8.20.100 [orientation to village-based behavioral health services]; and 48
(ii) no fewer than 4 contact hours each in ethics and consent and in 49
confidentiality and privacy; 50
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(C) demonstrates the knowledge and performance required of an individual seeking 1
certification at the level for which certification is sought as described in section 2.40.500 [BHA/P 2
knowledge, skills, and scope of practice]; 3
(D) has related work experience 4
(i) equivalent to no less than 20 hours a week for a period no less than 5
(I) 18 months within the 5 years prior to application if applying for 6
certification as a behavioral health aide I; 7
(II) 24 months within the 5 years prior to application if applying for 8
certification as a behavioral health aide II; 9
(III) 36 months within the 6 years prior to application if applying for 10
certification as a behavioral health aide III; 11
(IV) 48 months within the 7 years prior to application if applying for 12
certification as a behavioral health practitioner; 13
(V) provided the minimum hours of work, period of work experience and 14
the period in which it must have occurred prior to application set forth in subparagraphs (I), (II), (III), or 15
(IV) of this paragraph (D) may be waived upon review and recommendation of the Behavioral Health 16
Academic Review Committee based on a finding of exceptional circumstances; and 17
(ii) that includes village-based behavioral health services and a range of the 18
activities a person certified at the level of certification being sought by the applicant is expected to 19
perform; 20
(E) provides a statement from a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral 21
health professional attesting that the applicant has the knowledge and skills required under section 22
2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice]; 23
(F) provides two letters of positive reference from supervisors or others with whom 24
the applicant has worked within the two-year period prior to application; 25
(G) has demonstrated the ability to provide culturally competent services in a village 26
setting; and 27
(H) has completed the examination as provided for in section 2.40.030 [BHA/P trial 28
examination]. 29
(3) Delayed Application. An applicant for certification as a community health aide, 31
community health practitioner, dental health aide, behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner 32
who obtained the required training more than two years prior to submitting an application for certification, 33
must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she 34
(A) meets all the requirements for initial certification by this Board; and 35
(B) in the two-year period preceding the application for initial certification by this 36
Board has met the applicable requirements for continuing education set forth in chapter 3 section. 37
History: January 13, 2021, Section 2.10.010(9)(C) was amended. June 3, 2020, Section 39
2.10.010(a)(5)(B) and (a)(8)(B) were amended. October 30, 2014, Section 2.10.010(a)(5)(B) and 40
(a)(8)(B) were amended. January 17, 2014, Section 2.10.010(b)(2) was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 41
2.10.010(b)(2) was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.10.010(a), (a)(5)(C), (a)(7), (a)(8), (a)(9), (a)(10), 42
(b)(3), and (b)(3)(B) were amended and (a)(8)(C) and (b)(2) were added. October 3, 2006, Section 43
2.10.010(a)(6), (7), and (9)(B) was amended. October 8, 2003, Sections 2.10.010(a)(5)(B) and (a)(8)(B) 44
were amended. November 26, 2002, Section 2.10.010(a), (a)(5), (a)(7), (a)(8), (a)(9) and (a)(10) were 45
amended and subparagraphs (a)(5)(A) and (B) and (a)(8)(A) and (B), and subsection (b) were added. 46
June 12, 2002, Section 2.10.010 by adding paragraph (10). October 23, 1998, Section 2.10.010(4) was 47
amended. 48
Sec. 2.10.015. Certifications as CHA/P, DHA, and BHA/P. A person who meets all of the 50
applicable requirements of these Standards may be certified as a community health aide or community 51
health practitioner, as a dental health aide, and as a behavioral health aide or behavioral health 52
practitioner. Also see section 2.30.030 [multiple certifications]. 53
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History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.10.015 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 2.10.015 was 1
added. 2
Sec. 2.10.020. Surrender of a Certificate. A person certified under articles 20 [standards for 4
CHA/Ps], 30 [standards for DHAs], or 40 [standards for BHA/Ps] of this chapter shall surrender the 5
certificate to his or her employer or send the certificate to the Board if, at any time during the period in 6
which it would otherwise be in effect, the person no longer meets any requirement of initial certification 7
under section 2.10.010 [initial qualifications] except subsection 2.10.010(a)(6) [initial requirements; 8
general requirements; (employment)]. 9
History: November 26, 2002, Section 2.10.020 was amended. 11
Article 20. 13
Standards for Community Health Aides and Community Health Practitioners 14
History: November 26, 2002, the title of Article 20 of Chapter 2 was amended. 16
Sec. 2.20.100. Community Health Aide I Training and Education Requirements. A person 18
meets the training and education requirements to be a certified community health aide I upon successful 19
completion of 20
(a) a Presession, or its equivalent, unless waived under section 5.10.040 [trainees selection 21
process] by the CHA/P Training Center prior to admission to the Session I training course required under 22
section 2.20.100(c) [CHA I training & education requirements; (session I training course)]; 23
(b) an EMT or ETT training course approved by the State of Alaska, or its equivalent as 24
determined by the Board; 25
(c) Session I training course provided by a CHA/P Training Center; and 26
(d) approved field work after completion of Session I, including 27
(1) a minimum of 20 patient encounters; 28
(2) Post Session Learning Needs (PSLN), which identifies individual learning needs in 29
performing essential skills; and 30
(3) Post Session Practice Checklist, which identifies the skills to be taught. 31
History: June 19, 2008, Section 2.20.100(b) was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.20.100(b)(1), (b)(2) and 33
(b)(4) were amended. 34
Sec. 2.20.110. Community Health Aide I Competencies. A certified community health aide I 36
must successfully demonstrate and maintain 37
(a) an understanding of the topics addressed in the CHA/P Curriculum for Session I, which 38
generally include problem-specific complaints (acute care) for adults and children of the following body 39
systems: 40
(1) eye, 41
(2) ear, 42
(3) respiratory, 43
(4) digestive, 44
(5) skin; 45
(b) competency in the following subjects to the level of performance required after meeting the 46
requirements of section 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements]: 47
(1) role of the community health aides and practitioners, dental health aides, and behavioral 48
health aides and practitioners in the village; 49
(2) community health aide's and practitioner’s general scope of work; 50
(3) medical ethics, including patient confidentiality and patient rights; 51
(4) community health aide's and practitioner’s medical-legal coverage; 52
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(5) State of Alaska reporting requirements; 1
(6) consent for treatment issues; 2
(7) introductory interviewing skills; 3
(8) general health/wellness and disease processes; 4
(9) infection and communicable diseases; 5
(10) introductory anatomy and function of the human body; 6
(11) introductory medical vocabulary/abbreviations; 7
(12) importance of thorough documentation of patient encounter; 8
(13) introductory mental health issues, including suicide and other emergencies; 9
(14) introductory pharmacology, including identification and treatment of severe allergic 10
reactions; and 11
(15) [RESERVED] 12
(16) emergency care (to supplement ETT or EMT training), including facial trauma, altered 13
level of consciousness, potentially serious chest pain, acute orthopedic injuries, burns, hypothermia, 14
poisoning, and uncomplicated emergency delivery; and 15
(c) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 16
(1) use of the CHAM; 17
(2) problem-specific history taking; 18
(3) physical examinations of: 19
(A) vital signs of infant: 20
(i) pulse, 21
(ii) respiration, 22
(iii) rectal temperature, 23
(iv) length, 24
(v) weight, 25
(vi) head circumference; 26
(B) vital signs of child and adult: 27
(i) radial pulse, 28
(ii) apical pulse, 29
(iii) respirations, 30
(iv) oral temperature, 31
(v) blood pressure, 32
(vi) height, 33
(vii) weight, 34
(viii) orthostatic vital signs; 35
(C) systems: 36
(i) general appearance, 37
(ii) ear, 38
(iii) eye, including Snellen, 39
(iv) nose, 40
(v) throat, 41
(vi) neck, including nodes, 42
(vii) lungs, 43
(viii) heart, 44
(ix) abdomen, 45
(x) skin; and 46
(D) sick child; 47
(4) performance and interpretation of the following lab tests: 48
(A) blood glucose, 49
(B) hemoglobin, 50
(C) rapid strep, 51
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(D) urine dipstick; 1
(5) performance only of the following lab tests: 2
(A) finger stick, 3
(B) centrifuge/separate blood, 4
(C) adult clean catch urine specimen, 5
(D) throat culture; 6
(6) assessment, including: 7
(A) use of the CHAM, 8
(B) use of assessment lists, 9
(C) use of assessment charts, 10
(D) listing multiple assessments, 11
(E) plan for each assessment; 12
(7) medicines: 13
(A) dose calculations, 14
(B) reconstitution: oral, 15
(C) parenteral, 16
(D) label reading and making, 17
(E) drops for eye and ear; 18
(F) injections: 19
(i) intramuscular hip, 20
(ii) intramuscular infant thigh, 21
(iii) subcutaneous; 22
(G) inhaler/spacer, 23
(H) nebulizer, 24
(I) rectal suppositories, 25
(J) transdermal; 26
(8) patient education, including: 27
(A) explaining assessment, 28
(B) use of patient education sections, 29
(C) use of patient education handouts, 30
(D) CHAM Medicine Handbook for medicine instructions; 31
(9) the following treatments and procedures: 32
(A) ear: 33
(i) irrigation, 34
(ii) suction, 35
(iii) remove foreign body, 36
(iv) curette outer canal; 37
(B) eye: 38
(i) irrigation, 39
(ii) fluorescein stain, 40
(iii) eyelid eversion; 41
(iv) small foreign body removal, 42
(v) eye patches, 43
(C) orthopedics: 44
(i) elastic bandage, 45
(ii) hot/cold packs, 46
(iii) splinting, 47
(D) other: 48
(i) oxygen, 49
(ii) oral suction; 50
(E) prevention: 51
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(i) hand washing, 1
(ii) clean/sterile technique, 2
(iii) universal or standard precautions; 3
(iv) mailing hazardous substances; 4
(F) reporting; and 5
(G) recording. 6
History: October 3, 2006, Section 2.20.110(c)(8)(D) was amended. June 24, 2004, Section 8
2.20.110(b)(15) was deleted. October 8, 2003, the numbering of Section 2.20.110(c)(9)(D)(ii) was 9
corrected. November 26, 2002, Section 2.10.110(a), (c)(1), and (c)(6)(A) were amended. 10
Sec. 2.20.120. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as Community Health Aide I. 12
(a) Minimum Requirements. A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 14
2.20.120(b) [scope of practice prior to certification as CHA I] may perform services of a certified 15
community health aide I prior to being certified under section 2.10.010 [initial qualifications] and 16
2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements], provided the person is actively engaged in the 17
process of meeting the requirements under section 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] 18
through 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies] to become certified as a community health aide I; and 19
A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 2.20.120(b) [scope of practice prior to 20
certification as CHA I] who has submitted an application for certification as a community health aide I 21
may begin training to become certified as a community health aide II and perform services necessary to 22
satisfy the requirements of subsection 2.20.200(4) [CHA II training & education requirements; (field 23
work)] pending action on the community health aide I application. 24
(b) Employment. To be eligible to perform services under subsection 2.20.120(a) [scope of 26
practice prior to certification as CHA I], the person must 27
(1) be employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program operating a 28
community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; 29
(2) provide only those services for which the person has been trained and has demonstrated 30
successful performance; and 31
(3) practice as a community health aide only in compliance with the requirements in 32
section 2.10.010(a)(9) [initial requirements; general requirements (supervision & day-to-day direction)]. 33
History: October 30, 2014, Section 2.20.120 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.20.120(b)(3) was 35
amended. October 3, 2006, Section 2.20.120(b)(1) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 36
2.20.120(b)(3) was amended. 37
Sec. 2.20.200. Community Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements. A person 39
meets the training and education requirements to be a certified community health aide II upon successful 40
completion of 41
(1) all requirements under sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] 42
through 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies]; 43
(2) current ETT or EMT certification or its equivalent, as determined by the Board; 44
(3) Session II training course provided by a CHA/P Training Center; and 45
(4) 200 hours of approved field work after completion of Session II, including: 46
(A) a minimum of 60 patient encounters; 47
(B) Post Session Learning Needs (PSLN), which identifies individual learning 48
needs in performing essential skills; and 49
(C) Post Session Practice Checklist, which identifies the skills to be taught. 50
History: June 19, 2008, Section 2.20.200(2) was amended. 52
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Sec. 2.20.210. Community Health Aide II Competencies. In addition to meeting the 1
requirements of section 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies], a certified community health aide II must 2
successfully demonstrate and maintain: 3
(a) understanding of the topics addressed in the CHA/P Curriculum for Session II, which 4
generally includes problem-specific complaints (acute care) for adults and children of the following body 5
systems: 6
(1) dental, 7
(2) ear, 8
(3) respiratory, 9
(4) circulatory, 10
(5) digestive, 11
(6) urinary, 12
(7) male reproductive, 13
(8) female reproductive, 14
(9) musculoskeletal, 15
(10) nervous, 16
(11) endocrine, 17
(12) skin; 18
(b) competency in the following subjects to the level of performance required after meeting the 19
requirements of section 2.20.200 [CHA II training & education requirements]: 20
(1) dental health and prevention; 21
(2) mental health issues, including self-help, mental illness and mental health emergencies, 22
mental health promotion for patients and families, substance abuse and dependency, and grief, loss, dying 23
and death; 24
(3) management of medicines in the village; 25
(4) introduction to tuberculosis disease; 26
(5) introduction to sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted disease issues; 27
(6) HIV disease and issues; 28
(7) emergency care review, including medical evacuation; 29
(c) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 30
(1) physical examinations of 31
(A) the following systems: 32
(i) heart, 33
(ii) back/costal vertebral angle (CVA), 34
(iii) genitals: 35
(I) male, 36
(II) female: external/cervical motion; 37
(iv) external anus, 38
(v) extremities, 39
(vi) musculoskeletal,
(vii) nervous system,
(viii) mental status;
(B) adults; 43
(2) performance and interpretation of the following lab tests: 44
(A) purified protein derivative (PPD); 45
(B) fecal occult blood; 46
(3) perform the following lab tests: 47
(A) venipuncture for blood tests; 48
(B) clean catch urine specimen; 49
(C) infant (bag); 50
(D) urine culture; 51
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(E) stool for ova and parasites; 1
(4) topical medicines; 2
(5) the following treatments and procedures: 3
(A) wound: 4
(i) irrigation, 5
(ii) closure strips, 6
(iii) suture, 7
(iv) suture removal; 8
(B) orthopedics: 9
(i) crutch fit/walk, 10
(ii) plaster splinting; 11
(C) intravenous therapy; 12
(D) dental prevention: 13
(i) tooth brushing, 14
(ii) flossing, 15
(iii) disclosing tablets, 16
(iv) fluoride application. 17
(v) [Reserved] 18
History: June 11, 2015, Section 2.20.210(c)(5)(D)(iv) and (v) were amended. June 18, 2008, Section 20
2.20.210(b)(4) was amended to correct a capitalization error. November 26, 2002, Section 2.20.210(a) 21
and (c)(2) were amended. 22
Sec. 2.20.300. Community Health Aide III Training and Education Requirements. A person 24
meets the training and education requirements to be a certified community health aide III upon successful 25
completion of 26
(1) all requirements under sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] 27
through 2.20.210 [CHA II competencies]; 28
(2) Session III training course provided by a CHA/P Training Center; and 29
(3) 200 hours of approved field work after completion of Session III, including: 30
(A) a minimum of 60 patient encounters; 31
(B) Post Session Learning Needs (PSLN) which identifies individual learning needs 32
in performing essential skills; and 33
(C) Post Session Practice Checklist which identifies the skills to be taught. 34
Sec. 2.20.310. Community Health Aide III Competencies. In addition to meeting the 36
requirements of sections 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies] and 2.20.210 [CHA II competencies], a certified 37
community health aide III must successfully demonstrate and maintain 38
(a) an understanding of the topics addressed in the CHA/P Curriculum for Session III, which 39
generally include: 40
(1) male reproductive health; 41
(2) female reproductive health; 42
(3) adolescent health; 43
(4) well child care; 44
(5) sick child care; 45
(6) newborn care; and 46
(7) problem-specific complaints (acute care) of the following body systems: 47
(A) male reproductive; 48
(B) female reproductive; 49
(C) breast; 50
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(b) competency in the following subjects to the level of performance required after meeting the 1
requirements of section 2.20.300 [CHA III training & education requirements]: 2
(1) women's reproductive health issues; 3
(2) men's reproductive health issues; 4
(3) family planning issues; 5
(4) prenatal care; 6
(5) mental health issues, including substance abuse during pregnancy, family problems, 7
domestic violence, sexual abuse and rape; 8
(6) fetal alcohol syndrome; 9
(7) labor and delivery, including the importance of avoiding village deliveries; 10
(8) post-partum issues; 11
(9) newborn care issues; 12
(10) well child care issues; 13
(11) adolescent health care issues; 14
(12) immunization issues; 15
(13) [RESERVED] 16
(14) nutrition; and 17
(15) [RESERVED] 18
(16) emergency care review, emphasizing infants, children, and special considerations for 19
pregnant patients; 20
(c) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 21
(1) history taking: 22
(A) initial prenatal visit; 23
(B) prenatal revisit; 24
(C) well child; 25
(2) physical examination of: 26
(A) breast system; 27
(B) prenatal revisit; 28
(C) well child; 29
(3) performance and interpretation of urine pregnancy lab test; 30
(4) performance only of the following lab tests: 31
(A) phenylketonuria (PKU); 32
(B) urethral swab; 33
(5) medicines: 34
(A) vaginal suppository/creams; and 35
(B) immunizations. 36
History: June 24, 2004, Section 2.20.310(b)(13) and (b)(15) were deleted. November 26, 2002, Section 38
2.20.310(a) was amended. 39
Sec. 2.20.400. Community Health Aide IV Training and Education Requirements. A person 41
meets the training and education requirements to be a certified community health aide IV upon successful 42
completion of 43
(1) all requirements under sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] 44
through .310; 45
(2) Session IV training course provided by a CHA/P Training Center; and 46
(3) 200 hours of approved field work after completion of Session IV, including 47
(A) a minimum of 60 patient encounters; 48
(B) Post Session Learning Needs, which identifies individual learning needs in 49
performing essential skills; and 50
(C) Post Session Practice Checklist, which identifies the skills to be taught. 51
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Sec. 2.20.410. Community Health Aide IV Competencies. In addition to meeting the 1
requirements of sections 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies], 2.20.210 [CHA II competencies], and 2.20.310 2
[CHA III competencies]; a certified community health aide IV must successfully demonstrate and 3
maintain 4
(a) an understanding of the topics addressed in the CHA/P Curriculum for Session IV, which 5
generally include long-term care complaints (chronic care) of the following body systems: 6
(1) eye, 7
(2) ear, 8
(3) respiratory, 9
(4) circulatory, 10
(5) digestive, 11
(6) musculoskeletal, 12
(7) nervous, 13
(8) endocrine, 14
(9) skin; 15
(b) competency in the following subjects to the level of performance required after meeting the 16
requirements of section 2.20.400 [CHA IV training & education requirements]: 17
(1) management of tuberculosis in the village; 18
(2) introductory environmental health issues, including food/water borne disease, rabies, 19
and injury prevention; 20
(3) chronic disease; 21
(4) introductory cancer issues; 22
(5) pharmacology; 23
(6) clinic management; 24
(7) emergency care review; 25
(8) adult surveillance; 26
(9) introduction to smoking cessation training; 27
(c) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 28
(1) complete history taking; 29
(2) the following treatments and procedures: 30
(B) postural drainage. 32
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.20.410(b)(2) was amended to correct a capitalization error. June 24, 34
2004, Section 2.20.410(b)(8) and (b)(9) were added and (c)(2)(A) was deleted. November 26, 2002, 35
Section 2.20.410(a) was amended. 36
Sec. 2.20.500. Community Health Practitioner Training and Education Requirements. A 38
person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified community health practitioner upon 39
successful completion of 40
(1) all requirements under sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] 41
through 2.20.410 [CHA IV competencies]; 42
(2) an approved preceptorship, including: 43
(A) at least 30 hours of supervised direct patient care experience; 44
(B) a minimum of 15 patient encounters as primary provider; 45
(C) the Preceptorship Critical Skills List; 46
(3) both sections of the statewide written Alaska Community Health Aide/Practitioner 47
Program Credentialing Exam with a score of 80 percent or higher on each section; 48
(4) the statewide Medical Math Exam with a score of 100 percent; and 49
(5) an evaluation of the applicants clinical performance and judgment by the applicant's 50
direct supervisor or other approved evaluator. 51
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History: January 22, 2015, Section 2.20.500 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.20.500(3) was 1
amended to correct the title of the examination. November 26, 2002, Section 2.20.500(3) was amended. 2
Sec. 2.20.510. Community Health Practitioner Competencies. A community health 4
practitioner must successfully demonstrate and maintain the ability to meet all of the requirements of 5
sections 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies], 2.20.210 [CHA II competencies], 2.20.310 [CHA III 6
competencies], and 2.20.410 [CHA IV competencies]. 7
Sec. 2.20.600. Certification by Credentials. The Board may waive one or more of the 9
requirements of sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] through 2.20.510 [CHP 10
competencies] for a person who provides evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person has health 11
care training, education and experience at least equivalent in scope, quality, and difficulty to those 12
imposed under these sections, provided the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Board that the 13
applicant is adequately familiar with the CHA/P program and will limit his or her practice to the scope of 14
practice of a community health aide or community health practitioner operating under the community 15
health aide program. 16
History: November 26, 2002, Section 2.20.600 was amended. February 26, 1999, Section 2.20.600 was 18
amended. 19
Article 30. Standards for Dental Health Aides 21
History: November 26, 2002, Article 30 was added. 23
Sec. 2.30.010. Supervision of Dental Health Aides.
(a) Generally. The supervision of a dental health aide may be general, indirect, direct via 27
telehealth or direct, as defined in section 2.30.010(b) [supervision of DHAs; definitions of levels of 28
supervision], provided that 29
(1) the person providing the supervision must satisfy the criteria provided under section 30
2.10.010(a)(9) [initial qualifications; general requirements (supervision & day-to-day direction)]; 31
(2) the dental health aide must be supervised at whatever level of supervision is required 32
for the specific care being provided; 33
(3) a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner 34
providing supervision may impose a higher level of supervision on the dental health aide than that 35
provided in this article, and 36
(4) when a dental health aide therapist or dental health aide therapist practitioner requires 37
supervision the supervision must be provided by a dentist. 38
(b) Definitions of Levels of Supervision. For the purposes of this article: 40
(1) “Direct supervision” means the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health 41
aide therapist practitioner in the dental office, personally diagnoses the condition to be treated, personally 42
authorizes the procedure, and before dismissal of the patient evaluates the performance of the dental 43
health aide; 44
(2) “General supervision” means the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health 45
aide therapist practitioner has authorized the procedures and they are being carried out in accordance with 46
standing orders issued to a specific dental health aide; and 47
The supervision (at whatever level is required) of a dental health aide who provides services 50
for which a Medicaid claim will be made must be provided by a dentist. 51
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(3) “Indirect supervision” means a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide 1
therapist practitioner is in the facility, authorizes the procedures, and remains in the dental facility while 2
the procedures are being performed by the dental health aide; and. 3
(4) “Direct via telehealth” means the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health 4
aide therapist practitioner via telehealth including a video component, personally diagnoses the condition 5
to be treated, personally authorizes the procedure, and before dismissal of the patient evaluates the 6
performance of the dental health aide and this form of supervision is only allowed for Primary Dental 7
Health Aide I preceptorships. 8
(c) Village-Based Practice. Any dental health aide practicing under general supervision, except 10
a primary dental health aide I, must have successfully completed a Board approved village-based dental 11
practice course that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.050 [village-based dental practice]. 12
History: June 3, 2021, Section 2.30.010(a) and (b) were amended. June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.010(a) and 14
(b)(1)(2) and (3) were amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.30.010(a)(2) was amended to correct a citation. 15
October 3, 2006, Section 2.30.010 was amended by adding a footnote to the section title and Section 16
2.30.010(a) was amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.010(a) was amended. 17
Sec. 2.30.020. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as a Dental Health Aide. 19
(a) Minimum Requirements. A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 21
2.30.020(b) [scope of practice prior to certification as a DHA; employment] may perform services of a 22
certified dental health aide prior to being certified under this article to the extent the services are 23
performed 24
(1) as part of training required for certification; 25
(2) as part of a required preceptorship under sections 2.30.100(b) [PDHA I training & 26
education requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.220(c)(1)(B) [sealant requirements; training, education & 27
preceptorship; (sealants during training)] or (c)(2) [sealant requirements; training, education & 28
preceptorship; (preceptorship)], 2.30.230(d) [dental prophylaxis requirements; preceptorship]; 29
2.30.240(c)(1)(D) [dental radiology requirements; training, education & preceptorship; (radiographs 30
during training)] or (c)(2) [dental radiology requirements; training, education & preceptorship; (minimum 31
number radiographs)], 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; training, education & 32
preceptorship], 2.30.260(d) [ART requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.400(b) [EFDHA I supervision, 33
training and education requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.500(b) [EFDHA II training & education 34
requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.550(d) [stainless steel crown placement requirements; preceptorship], 35
2.30.600(3) [DHAT training & education requirements; (preceptorship)]; or 36
(3) while an application for certification is pending before the Board after successful 37
completion of all required training and preceptorship. 38
(b) Employment. To be eligible to perform services under subsection 2.30.020(a) [scope of 40
practice prior to certification as a DHA; minimum requirements], the person must be employed or 41
sponsored by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal program operating a community health aide 42
program in Alaska under the ISDEAA. 43
History: October 30, 2014, Section 2.30.020(a)(2) was amended. January 31, 2008, Section 2.30.020(b) 45
was amended. October 3, 2006, Section 2.30.020(a) and (b) were amended. 46
Sec. 2.30.030. Multiple Certification. Under this article a person may be certified under more 48
than one section. 49
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Sec. 2.30.050. Certification by Credentials. The Board may waive one or more of the 1
requirements of sections or 2.30.100 [PDHA I training & education requirements] through 2.30.610 2
[DHAT supervision & competencies] for a person who provides evidence satisfactory to the Board that 3
the person has health care training, education and experience at least equivalent in scope, quality, and 4
difficulty to those imposed under these sections, provided the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of 5
the Board that the applicant is adequately familiar with the CHA/P program and will limit his or her 6
practice to the scope of practice of dental health aide under these Standards. 7
Sec. 2.30.100. Primary Dental Health Aide I Training and Education Requirements. A 9
person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified primary dental health aide I upon 10
successful completion of the requirements set forth in subsections (a) [training] and (b) [preceptorship] of 11
this section. 12
(a) Training. 13
(1) (A) A Presession or Session I training course provided by a CHA/P Training Center, 14
provided that a Presession training course must address at a minimum all of the topics identified in section 15
7.20.010 [DHA core curriculum]; or 16
(B) a Board approved DHA core curriculum course that satisfies the requirements of 17
section 7.20.010 [DHA core curriculum]; 18
(2) a Board approved primary oral health promotion and disease prevention course that 19
satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.020 [primary oral health promotion & disease prevention]; 20
(3) a Board approved basic dental procedure course that satisfies the requirements of 21
section 7.20.030 [basic dental procedures]; and 22
(4) Basic Life Support certification. 23
(b) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must after completion of the requirements in subsection 25
(a) of this section, under the direct supervision or direct via telehealth supervision of a dentist, dental 26
health aide therapist or dental hygienist, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship, which must include 27
satisfactory performance in the 28
(1) delivery of a minimum of 20 topical fluoride treatments; 29
(2) delivery of a minimum of 40 oral hygiene sessions of which 30
(A) a minimum of 10 must be with children under 6 years of age; 31
(B) a minimum of 10 must be with patients between ages 6 and 14; and 32
(C) a minimum of 10 must be with patients over age 14; 33
(3) delivery of a minimum of 20 diet education sessions, including a minimum of: 34
(A) 10 provided to the primary caregiver of children under age 6; and 35
(B) 5 provided to an adult regarding the adult’s own diet; and 36
(4) an additional 40 hours of relevant work experience. 37
(c) Waiver. A person who has equivalent education, training or experience may be deemed by 39
the Board to meet the requirements in subsections (a)(2) [PDHA I training & education requirements; 40
(oral health promotion disease prevention course] and (3) [PDHA I training & education requirements; 41
(basic dental procedure course)] and (b) [PDHA I training & education requirements; preceptorship] of 42
this section. 43
History: June 3, 2021, Section 2.30.100(b) and (b)(1) were amended. 45
Sec. 2.30.110. Primary Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies. 47
(a) Dental Supervision. A certified primary dental health aide I may provide services under the 49
general supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 50
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(b) Competencies. A certified primary dental health aide I must successfully demonstrate and 1
maintain 2
(1) an understanding of: 3
(A) basic dental anatomy; 4
(B) caries disease process; 5
(C) periodontal disease process; 6
(D) infection control; 7
(E) health care system access, including access to Medicaid and other third-party 8
resources; 9
(F) scheduling; 10
(G) theory of prevention; 11
(H) fluoride as a drug and related issues; 12
(2) competency in the following subjects: 13
(A) topical fluoride treatments; 14
(B) diet education; 15
(C) oral hygiene instruction; 16
(D) identification of potential dental problems and appropriate referrals; 17
(E) those provided for under sections 2.20.110(b)(1), (3) through (12), (14) and (15) 18
[CHA I competencies; (competencies)]; 19
(F) dental health aide's general scope of work; 20
(G) basic life support; 21
(3) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 22
(A) use of CHAM; 23
(B) general medical history taking; 24
(C) patient education including: 25
(i) oral hygiene instruction; 26
(ii) diet education; 27
(iii) explanation of prevention strategies, including fluoride and sealants; 28
(D) tooth brush prophylaxis; 29
(E) providing topical fluoride treatments; 30
(F) clean/sterile techniques; 31
(G) universal precautions; and 32
(H) hand washing. 33
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.110(a) was amended. September 12, 2019, Section 35
2.30.110(b)(2)(A) and (b)(3)(E) were amended. 36
Sec. 2.30.150. [RESERVED] 38
History: October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.150 was deleted and the section number reserved. 40
Sec. 2.30.160. [RESERVED] 42
History: October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.160 was deleted and the section number reserved. 44
Sec. 2.30.200. Primary Dental Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements. A 46
person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified primary dental health aide II upon 47
successful completion of 48
(a) (1) (A) all requirements under sections 2.30.100 [PDHA I training & education 49
requirements] through 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & competencies]; 50
(B) a Board approved DHA Advanced Dental Procedures training session that 51
satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.040 [DHA advanced dental procedures]; and 52
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(C) one or more certifications under 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 1
[dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 2.30.250 [dental assistant 2
function requirements] or 2.30.260 [ART requirements]; or 3
(2) the requirements of section 2.30.300(b)(1) and (2) [DHAH training & education 4
requirements; (education options)]; and 5
(b) a Board approved DHA village-based dental practice course that satisfies the requirements 6
of section 7.20.050 [village-based dental practice]. 7
History: October 30, 2014, Section 2.30.200(a)(1)(C) was amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.200 (a)(3) 9
was amended. 10
Sec. 2.30.210. Primary Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies. 12
(a) Dental Supervision. A certified primary dental health aide II may provide the services 14
under paragraph (b)(2) [competencies; (satisfactory performance)] under the general supervision of a 15
dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 16
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.110 [PDHA I 18
supervision & competencies], a certified dental health aide II must successfully demonstrate and maintain 19
(1) (A) an understanding and knowledge of dental anatomy; 20
(B) an understanding and knowledge of caries and the periodontal disease process; 21
(C) identification and knowledge of dental instruments and equipment; 22
(D) an understanding of telemedicine technology; 23
(E) dental charting; 24
(F) problem-specific medical and dental history taking; 25
(G) basic knowledge of relationship between medical conditions and oral health; 26
(H) basic management of dental emergencies; 27
(I) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; 28
(J) disinfection of the operatory; and 29
(2) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 30
(A) problem-specific medical and dental history taking; 31
(B) recognition of medical and dental conditions that may require direct dental 32
supervision or services; 33
(C) recognition of relationship between medical conditions and oral health; 34
(D) dental charting and patient record documentation; 35
(E) instrument handling and sterilization procedures; 36
(F) intra- and extra-oral photographs, if equipment is available; 37
(3) meeting the requirements of one or more of the following sections: 38
(A) 2.30.220 [sealant requirements]; 39
(B) 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements]; 40
(C) 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements]; 41
(D) 2.30.250 [dental assistant function requirements]; or 42
(E) 2.30.260 [ART requirements]. 43
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.210(a) was amended. October 29, 2015, Section 2.30.210(b)(1)(D) 45
was amended. October 30, 2014, Section 2.30.210(b)(3) was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 46
2.30.210(b)(1)(2) was amended. October 8, 2003, the title to Section 2.30.210 and subsections (a) and 47
(b) were amended. 48
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Sec. 2.30.220. Sealant Requirements. 1
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform sealants 3
under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section provided the dental health aide 4
satisfies the requirements of sections: 5
(1) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II supervision & 6
competencies]; 7
(2) 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training & education requirements] and 2.30.410 8
[EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; or 9
(3) 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education] and 2.30.510 [EFDHA II supervision & 10
competencies]. 11
(b) Dental Supervision. 13
(1) The sealant procedure must have been ordered by a dentist, dental health aide therapist, 14
or dental health aide therapist practitioner prior to the sealant procedure. 15
(2) Sealants may be performed under this section by a dental health aide under the general 16
supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner provided 17
the dental health aide has met the requirements of this section, including successful completion of the 18
requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental 19
practice course)]. 20
(3) An expanded function dental health aide I or II who has not completed the requirements 21
of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice 22
course)] may perform sealants under this section only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, 23
dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 24
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. The dental health aide must have satisfactorily 26
completed 27
(1) (A) a course in sealants 28
(i) approved by the Board that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.100 29
[sealants]; 30
(ii) offered by an accredited school of higher education; or 31
(iii) offered by IHS; and 32
(B) under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, dental 33
health aide therapist practitioner or licensed dental hygienist, satisfactory performance of a minimum of 34
25 sealant procedures including: 35
(i) a minimum of 10 on molars; 36
(ii) a minimum of 5 on children under 7 years of age; and 37
(iii) a minimum of 10 on second molars; or 38
(2) under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or licensed dental 39
hygienist, satisfactory performance of a minimum of 50 sealant procedures including: 40
(A) a minimum of 20 on molars; 41
(B) a minimum of 10 on children under 7 years of age; and 42
(C) a minimum of 10 on second molars. 43
(d) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health 45
aide must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the following competencies and skills: 46
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 47
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for sealant treatment; 48
(3) explaining sealant procedure and responding to questions from patient regarding 49
sealants; 50
(4) proper patient and provider safety procedures; 51
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(A) proper use and safety procedures related to curing light; 1
(B) proper use of etchant material; 2
(5) isolating and drying teeth to be sealed; 3
(6) identifying and correcting occlusal discrepancies caused by excess sealant; and 4
(7) ensuring retention of the sealant. 5
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.220(b)(1)(2) and (3) and (c)(1)(B) were amended. October 29, 2015, 7
Section 2.30.220(c)(1)(B) and (c)(2) were amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.220(a) was amended. 8
Sec. 2.30.230. Dental Prophylaxis Requirements. 10
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform dental 12
prophylaxis under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section provided the dental 13
health aide satisfies the requirements of sections: 14
(1) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II 15
supervision & competencies]; 16
(2) 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training & education requirements] and 2.30.410 17
[EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; or 18
(3) 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.510 [EFDHA II 19
supervision and competencies]. 20
(b) Dental Supervision. 22
(1) The dental prophylaxis procedure must have been ordered by a dentist, dental health 23
aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner prior to the performance of the procedure. 24
(2) Dental prophylaxis performed under this section must be carried out under the direct or 25
indirect supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner 26
unless the dental health aide has successfully completed the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA 27
II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 28
(c) Training and Education. The dental health aide must have satisfactorily completed one of 30
the following: 31
(1) a Board approved course in dental prophylaxis that satisfies the requirements of section 32
7.20.110 [dental prophylaxis]; 33
(2) a course in dental prophylaxis offered by an accredited school of higher education; or 34
(3) a course in dental prophylaxis offered or approved by IHS, including “Clinical 35
Periodontics for the Dental Assistant.” 36
(d) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must, after completion of the requirements in 38
subsection (c) of this section, under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, dental 39
health aide therapist practitioner or licensed dental hygienist, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship 40
during which the dental health aide satisfactorily performs a minimum of 40 dental prophylaxis of which 41
(1) a minimum of 10 must be performed on children under 8 years of age; and 42
(2) a minimum of 10 must be performed on adults with supra-gingival calculus. 43
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health 45
aide must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the following competencies and skills: 46
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 47
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing 48
prophylaxis; 49
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(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out 1
prophylaxis; 2
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding 3
prophylaxis; 4
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures; 5
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; 6
(B) proper use of ultrasonic scalers; 7
(6) scaling and polishing to remove plaque, calculus, and stains from the coronal or 8
exposed surface of the tooth; and 9
(7) [Reserved] 10
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.230(b) and (d)(1)(2) were amended. January 26, 2017, Section 12
2.30.230(e)(5)(B) and (7) were amended. October 29, 2015, Section 2.30.230(d) was amended. October 30, 13
2014, Section 2.30.230(e)(6) was amended. January 11, 2012, Section 2.30.230(d) was amended. June 8, 14
2010, Section 2.30.230(e) was amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.230(a) was amended. 15
Sec. 2.30.240. Dental Radiology Requirements.
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform dental 19
radiology under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section provided the dental 20
health aide satisfies the requirements of sections: 21
(1) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II 22
supervision & competencies]; 23
(2) 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training & education requirements] and 2.30.410 24
[EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; or 25
(3) 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.510 [EFDHA II 26
supervision & competencies]. 27
(b) Dental Supervision. Dental radiology may be performed under this section by a dental 29
health aide under the general supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist provided the dental 30
health aide has met the requirements of all of the requirements of this section. 31
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. The dental health aide must have satisfactorily 33
completed one of the following: 34
(1) (A) a Board approved course in dental radiology that satisfies the requirements of 35
section 7.20.120 [dental radiology]; 36
(B) a course in dental radiology offered by an accredited school of higher education; 37
(C) a course in dental radiology offered or approved by IHS, including “Basic 38
Radiology for Dental Staff”; or 39
(D) satisfactory performance in exposing and developing a minimum of 75 dental 40
radiographs under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or licensed dental 41
hygienist including: 42
(i) a minimum of 10 sets of bitewing radiographs, provided that a minimum 43
of 5 sets of the bitewings must be on children under 7 years of age, and 44
(ii) a minimum of 20 periapicals and 3 occlusals. 45
(2) If in the course under (1)(A) through (C) the dental health aide did not satisfactorily 46
expose radiographs on at least 10 patients, then after the completion of the course, the dental health aide 47
must complete, under direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or licensed dental 48
hygienist, enough additional radiographs to have satisfactorily completed exposures on no less than 10 49
patients. 50
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(d) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, a dental health 1
aide may only perform dental radiology, if the dental health aide successfully demonstrates and maintains 2
(1) an understanding of 3
(A) components of an x-ray machine, 4
(B) kilovoltage (kVp), 5
(C) density and contrast, 6
(D) milliamperage (mA), 7
(E) exposure time, 8
(F) film type, 9
(G) automatic processing equipment, 10
(H) darkroom lighting, and 11
(I) purpose of film mounts; 12
(2) competency in the following: 13
(A) radiological protection, 14
(B) radiographic quality, 15
(C) radiographic technique, 16
(D) processing technique, 17
(E) presentation of radiographs, 18
(F) radiographic infection control, 19
(G) special radiograph techniques, 20
(H) maintenance of processor equipment, and 21
(I) mounting and labeling of radiographs; 22
(3) satisfactory performance of the following skills:
(A) radiological protection of operator and patient; 24
(B) use and storage of the lead apron and thyroid collar; 25
(C) review medical history and identify contraindications for performing x-rays; 26
(D) dosimeter (film badge) and radiology reports; 27
(E) recognition and correction of; 28
(i) distortion, 29
(ii) overlap, 30
(iii) cone-cutting, and 31
(iv) automatic processing problems; 32
(F) use of film holding devices; 33
(G) positioning and exposing intra-oral radiographs; 34
(H) troubleshooting: 35
(i) technique errors, and 36
(ii) processing errors; 37
(I) film handling during processing, 38
(J) film labeling, 39
(K) use of landmarks to mount film, 40
(L) use of daylight loader; and
(M) basic knowledge of digital radiography.
(e) [RESERVED] 44
History: September 12, 2019, Section 2.30.240(c)(1)(D)(ii) was amended. January 22, 2016, Section 46
2.30.240(e) was deleted and reserved. October 29, 2015, Section 2.30.240(c)(1)(D) and (c)(2) were amended. 47
May 15, 2014, Section 2.30.240(c)(1)(D) and (2) were amended. June 8, 2010, Section 2.30.240(d)(3) was 48
amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.240(a) was amended. 49
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Sec. 2.30.250. Dental Assistant Function Requirements. 1
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform the 3
functions of a dental assistant under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (c) of this section 4
provided the dental health aide satisfies the requirements of: 5
(1) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II 6
supervision & competencies]. 7
(b) Dental Supervision. A dental health aide certified under this article who satisfies the 9
requirements of this section may perform the functions of a dental assistant only under the direct or 10
indirect supervision of a 11
(1) dentist; 12
(2) dental health aide therapist; 13
(3) licensed dental hygienist; 14
(4) [RESERVED] 15
(5) dental health aide therapist practitioner; or 16
(6) primary dental health aide II or expanded function dental health aide I or II who is 17
performing procedures under the general supervision of a dentist. 18
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. In addition to performing functions as provided 20
for the level of certification achieved by the dental health aide, a dental health aide may perform the 21
functions of a dental assistant, if the dental health aide has successfully completed one of the following: 22
(1) an accredited dental assisting program; 23
(2) a Board approved dental assisting program that satisfies the requirements of section 24
7.20.130 [dental assisting]; or 25
(3) a program provided by a dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental health aide hygienist, 26
dental health aide therapist, dental health aide therapist practitioner, or dentist who directly supervised the 27
person carrying out a sufficient number of patient encounters for the person to develop satisfactory skills, 28
as determined by the supervising dentist, in each of the functions identified in 2.30.250(d) [dental 29
assistant function requirements; competencies]. 30
(d) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health 32
aide must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the ability to satisfactorily perform the 33
following functions: 34
(1) applying topical anesthetic agents; 35
(2) placing and removing rubber dams; 36
(3) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures; 37
(4) four-handed instrument transfer; 38
(5) dental charting and patient record documentation; 39
(6) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; and 40
(7) disinfection of operatory. 41
(8) [RESERVED] 42
History: June 3, 2021, Section 2.30.250(b) and (c) were amended. June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.250(b)(5) was 44
amended. January 26, 2017, Section 2.30.250(d) was amended. October 29, 2015, Section 2.30.250(b)(4) was 45
deleted and reserved. October 30, 2014, Section 2.30.250 was amended and renumbered. June 8, 2010, 46
Section 2.30.250(c) was amended, numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 were deleted and reserved. October 8, 2003, Section 47
2.30.250(a)(5) was amended. 48
Sec. 2.30.260. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) Requirements. 50
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(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform atraumatic 1
restorative treatment (ART) under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section 2
provided the dental health aide satisfies the requirements of sections: 3
(1) (A) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II 4
supervision & competencies]; 5
(B) 2.30.300 [DHAH training & education requirements] and 2.30.310 [DHAH 6
supervision & competencies]; 7
(C) 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training & education requirements] and 8
2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; or 9
(D) 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.510 [EFDHA II 10
supervision & competencies], and (2)2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis 11
requirements], and 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements] and 2.30.240 [dental radiology 12
requirements]. 13
(b) Dental Supervision. 15
(1) The dental health aide may perform ART only after consultation with a dentist, dental 16
health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner (exception is the dental health aide 17
hygienist who must be supervised by a dentist) who has reviewed appropriate dental records regarding the 18
patient, which may include radiographs and intra-oral photographs. 19
(2) ART may be performed under this section by a dental health aide under the general 20
supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health therapist practitioner (exception is 21
the dental health aide hygienist who must be supervised by a dentist) provided the dental health aide has 22
met the requirements of all of the requirements of this section, including successful completion of the 23
requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental 24
practice course)]. 25
(3) An expanded function dental health aide I or II who has not completed the requirements 26
of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice 27
course)] may perform ART under this section only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, 28
dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 29
(c) Training and Education. The dental health aide must have satisfactorily completed one of 31
the following: 32
(1) a Board approved course in ART that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.140 33
[ART]; 34
(2) a course in ART offered by an accredited school of higher education; or 35
(3) a course in ART offered or approved by IHS, including the course “Early Childhood 36
Caries (ECC) and Midlevel Providers: an Expanded Role for Hygienists and Therapists.” 37
(d) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must, after completion of the requirements in 39
subsection (c) of this section, under the direct supervision of a dentist, satisfactorily complete a 40
preceptorship during which the dental health aide satisfactorily performs ART on 41
(1) a minimum of 10 patients of whom a minimum of 5 must be children under 4 years of 42
age; and 43
(2) a minimum of 50 teeth. 44
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, a dental health 46
aide may only perform ART, if the dental health aide successfully demonstrates and maintains: 47
(1) an understanding and following dental orders; 48
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing ART; 49
(3) identify cases appropriate for ART; 50
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(4) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist; 1
(5) explaining ART procedure and responding to questions from patient regarding ART; 2
(6) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including proper use dental instruments; 3
(7) isolating the tooth/teeth; 4
(8) removing gross caries with hand instruments; 5
(9) mixing, placing and contouring appropriate restorative material; and 6
(10) recognizing potential and actual procedural complications and consulting appropriately 7
with the dentist. 8
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.260(b)(1)(2) and (3) were amended. October 30, 2013, Section 10
2.30.260(b)(1) and (2) were amended. June 8, 2010, Section 2.30.260(e)(3) was amended. October 8, 2003, 11
Section 2.30.260(a) was amended. 12
Sec. 2.30.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training, Education, and Licensure 14
Requirements. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified dental health 15
aide hygienist upon successful completion of 16
(a) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) [PDHA I training & education requirements; 17
training (presession)] and (4) [PDHA I training & education requirements; training; (BLS)]; 18
(1) an accredited school of dental hygiene; or 19
(2) a dental hygiene training and education program approved by the Board; and 20
(c) if not covered in the training under (b)(1) or (2) of this section or if the training has not been 21
kept up-to-date through practice or continuing education, a course in local anesthetic that is 22
(1) approved by the Board that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.400 [local 23
anesthetic administration]; 24
(2) offered by an accredited school of higher education; or 25
(3) offered or approved by IHS; and 26
(d) is licensed as a dental hygienist in Alaska under AS 08.32.10 or a dental hygienist in the 27
employ of the federal government in the discharge of official duties who is a dental hygienist licensed in 28
one of the states or territories of the United States. 29
History: May 15, 2014, Section 2.30.300 was amended. 30
Sec. 2.30.310. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Supervision and Competencies. 32
(a) Dental Supervision. 34
(1) Dental hygiene services may be performed under this section by a dental health aide 35
hygienist under the general supervision of a dentist provided the dental health aide hygienist has met the 36
requirements of all of the requirements of this section. 37
(2) a dental health aide hygienist may perform services identified in section 2.30.260 [ART 38
requirements] under general supervision of a dentist upon successful completion of all of the requirements 39
of the applicable section and requirements of section 2.30.200 (b) [PDHA II training and education 40
requirements]. 41
(b) Competencies. In addition to demonstrating the competencies identified in section 43
2.30.110(b) [PDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.210(b) [PDHA II supervision & 44
competencies; competencies], 2.30.220(d) [sealant requirements; competencies], 2.30.230(e) [dental 45
prophylaxis requirements; competencies], 2.30.240(d) [dental radiology requirements; competencies], and 46
after satisfying the requirements of 2.30.300 [DHAH training & education requirements], a certified 47
dental health aide hygienist must successfully demonstrate and maintain satisfactory performance of the 48
following skills: 49
(1) removing calculus deposits, accretions and stains from the surfaces of teeth by scaling 50
and polishing techniques; 51
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(2) non-surgical periodontal therapy; 1
(3) placing sulcular medicinal or therapeutic materials; 2
(4) peridontal probing; and 3
(5) administration of local anesthetics and identification and responding to the side effects 4
of local anesthetics. 5
History: October 29, 2013, Section 2.30.310(b) was amended. October 12, 2011, Section 2.30.310(a) and (b) 7
were amended. October 14, 2004, Section 2.30.310(a) was amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.310(b) 8
was amended. 9
Sec. 2.30.400. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision, Training and 11
Education Requirements. 12
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a 14
certified expanded function dental health aide I upon successful completion of 15
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a) [PDHA I Training and Education 16
Requirements; Training] and meet requirements of Sec. 2.30.250(c) and (d) [Dental Assistant Function 17
Requirements; Training, Education and Preceptorship; and Competencies]; 18
(2) (A) (i) a Board approved course in basic restorative functions that satisfies the 19
requirements of section 7.20.200 [basic restorative functions]; 20
(ii) a course in basic restorative functions offered by an accredited school of 21
higher education; or 22
(iii) a course in basic restorative functions offered or approved by IHS, 23
including “Restorative Functions – Basic”; or 24
(B) training that meets the requirements under section 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis 25
requirements]; and 26
(3) a preceptorship that satisfies the requirements in subsection (b) [EFDHA I 27
preceptorship] of this section. 28
(b) Preceptorship. 30
An expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements of 31
(1) subsection (a)(2)(A) [EFDHA I training & education; (basic restorative functions 32
course)] must, after completion of the other requirements in subsection (a) [EFDHA I training and 33
education] of this section, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship, which must 34
(A) be under the direct supervision of a dentist; 35
(B) continue after completion of the training under subsection (a)(2) for a minimum 36
of six months or 800 hours, whichever is longer; and 37
(C) include satisfactory performance in the dental health aide's clinical setting under 38
direct supervision of a dentist of a minimum of 50 restorations of which a minimum of 5 must be in each 39
classification of amalgam class I, class II, and class V and composite class I, class III and class V; or 40
(2) subsection (a)(2)(B) [EFDHA I training and education (dental prophylaxis course)] 41
must, after the completion of the other requirements in subsection (a) [EFDHA I training and education] 42
of this section, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship as required under section 2.30.230 [dental 43
prophylaxis requirements]. 44
History: January 26, 2017, Section 2.30.400(a)(1) and (2)(A)(i) were amended. October 12, 2011, Section 46
2.30.400(a) and (b) were amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.400(a)(2) and (b) were amended. 47
Sec. 2.30.410. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies. 49
(a) Dental Supervision. 51
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(1) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the functions identified for a 1
dental assistant under sections 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies] and 2
2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies] only under the direct or indirect 3
supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or practitioner. 4
(2) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the services identified in 5
section 2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements] under the direct or indirect supervision of 6
a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon successful 7
completion of all the requirements of the applicable section. 8
(3) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the services identified in 9
section 2.30.410 (b)(1) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies] under general supervision of a dentist, 10
dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon completion of the 11
requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental 12
practice course)]. 13
(4) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform services as provided for under 14
sections 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental 15
radiology requirements], and 2.30.260 [ART requirements] under the general supervision of a dentist, 16
dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon successful completion of all 17
of the requirements of the applicable section and the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II 18
training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 19
(b) Competencies. In addition to satisfying the requirements of 2.30.400 [EFDHA I training & 21
education requirements], a certified expanded function dental health aide must successfully demonstrate 22
and maintain the following: 23
(1) (A) an understanding of: 24
(i) basic dental anatomy; 25
(ii) caries disease process; 26
(iii) periodontal disease process; 27
(iv) infection control; 28
(v) health care system access, including access to Medicaid and other third-29
party resources; 30
(vi) scheduling; 31
(vii) theory of prevention; 32
(viii) fluoride as a drug and related issues; 33
(ix) [RESERVED]; 34
(B) competency in the following subjects: 35
(i) topical fluoride treatment(s); 36
(ii) oral hygiene instruction; 37
(iii) identification of potential dental problems and appropriate referrals; 38
(iv) recognition of medical and dental conditions that may require direct 39
dental supervision or services; 40
(v) those provided for under sections 2.20.110(b)(1), (3) through (12), and 41
(14) [CHA I competencies; (competencies)]; 42
(vi) dental health aide's general scope of work; 43
(vii) basic life support and basic management of dental emergencies; 44
(C) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 45
(i) use of CHAM; 46
(ii) general medical history taking; 47
(iii) patient education including the explanation of prevention strategies, 48
including fluoride and sealants; 49
(iv) toothbrush prophylaxis; 50
(v) clean/sterile techniques; 51
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(vi) universal precautions; and 3
(vii) hand washing; 4
(viii) [RESERVED]; 5
(ix) [RESERVED]; 6
(x) [RESERVED]; 7
(xi) [RESERVED]; 8
(2) (A) for an expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements 9
of section 2.30.400(a)(2)(A) [EFDHA I training & education requirements; training & education; (basic 10
restorative functions course)] and (b) [EFDHA I training & education requirements; preceptorship]: 11
(i) (I) advanced understanding of tooth morphology, structure and function; 12
and 13
(II) an ability to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable 14
restoration; and 15
(ii) competency in and satisfactory performance of the following skills: 16
(I) placement and finishing of Class I, II and V dental amalgams 17
(simple fillings) after preparation by the dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 18
(II) dental composite placement Class I, III and V (simple fillings) 19
after preparation by a dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 20
(III) provide appropriate post-procedure instructions; and 21
(B) for an expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements 22
of section 2.30.400(a)(2)(B) [EFDHA I training & education requirements; training and education; 23
(prophylaxis training)], the requirements of section 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; 24
competencies]. 25
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.410(a)(1)(2)(3) and (4) were amended. October 27, 2016, Section 27
2.30.410(b)(1)(A)(ix) and (C)(I), (II) and (C)(viii)(ix)(x) and (xi) were amended. October 29, 2015, Section 28
2.30.410(b)(C)(ix) was amended. October 12, 2011, Section 2.30.410 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 29
2.30.410(b)(2)(ii)(III) was amended by adding punctuation at the end. In the Standards amended January 31, 30
2005, Section 2.30.410(a)(1) a cross-citation was corrected. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.410(b)(1)(B) and 31
(C) were amended. 32
Sec. 2.30.500. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Training and Education 33
Requirements. 34
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a 36
certified expanded function dental health aide II upon successful completion of 37
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I training & education 38
requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)], and 2.30.400(a)(2)(A), and (b)(1) [EFDHA I training & 39
education requirements] and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; 40
(2) (A) a Board approved course in advanced restorative functions that satisfies the 41
requirements of section 7.20.210 [advanced restorative functions]; 42
(B) a course in advanced restorative functions offered by an accredited school of 43
higher education; or 44
(C) a course in advanced restorative functions offered or approved by IHS, including 45
“Restorative Functions Advanced”; and 46
(3) a preceptorship that satisfies the requirements in subsection (b) [EFDHA II 47
preceptorship] of this section. 48
(b) Preceptorship. An expanded function dental health aide II must after completion of the 50
requirements in subsection (a) [EFDHA II training & education]of this section, satisfactorily complete a 51
preceptorship, which must 52
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(1) be under the direct supervision of a dentist; 1
(2) continue after completion of the training under subsection (a)(2) [EFDHA II training & 2
education; (advanced restorative functions course] for a minimum of six months or 800 hours whichever 3
is longer; and 4
(3) include satisfactory performance in the dental health aide's clinical setting under direct 5
supervision of a dentist of a minimum of 50 complex restorations. 6
History: October 29, 2015, Section 2.30.500(a)(1) was amended. October 12, 2011, Section 2.30.500(a)(1) 8
was amended. October 7, 2009, Section 2.30.500(a)(1) was amended. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.500(a)(1) 9
was amended. 10
Sec. 2.30.510. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies. 12
(a) Dental Supervision. 14
(1) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the functions identified for a 15
dental assistant under sections 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies] and 16
2.30.510(b) [EFDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies] only under the direct or indirect 17
supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 18
(2) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the services identified in 19
section 2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements] under the direct or indirect supervision of 20
a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon successful 21
completion of all of the requirements of the applicable section. 22
(3) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the services identified in 23
section 2.30.410 (b)(1) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies under general supervision 24
of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon completion of the 25
requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental 26
practice course)]. 27
(4) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform services as provided for under 28
sections 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental 29
radiology requirements], and 2.30.260 [ART requirements] under the general supervision of a dentist, 30
dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon successful completion of all 31
of the requirements of the applicable section and the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II 32
training & education requirements; village-based dental practice]. 33
(b) Competencies. In addition to satisfying the requirements of 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & 35
education requirements], a certified expanded function dental health aide must demonstrate and maintain 36
the following: 37
(1) the satisfactory performance of the competencies identified in sections 38
(A) 2.30.240(d) [dental radiology requirements; competencies]; 39
(B) 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies]; 40
(C) 2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies]; and 41
(2) understanding of 42
(A) the basics of occlusion as they apply to restorative dentistry; and 43
(B) current state-of-the-art dentinal bonding agents; 44
(3) competency in and satisfactory performance of the following skills: 45
(A) placement and finishing of cusp protected amalgam and complex Class II 46
amalgams (complex fillings); 47
(B) placement and finishing of dental composite Class II and IV (complex fillings); 48
and 49
(C) provide appropriate post-procedure instructions. 50
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History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.510(a)(1)(2)(3) and (4) were amended. October 27, 2016, Section 1
2.30.510 was amended. October 12, 2011, Section 2.30.510 was amended. In the Standards amended January 2
31, 2005, Section 2.30.510(a)(1) a cross-citation was corrected. October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.510(b)(1)(B) 3
and (D) were amended. 4
Sec. 2.30.550. Stainless Steel Crown Placement Requirements. 6
(a) Prerequisites. An expanded function dental health aide may be certified under this section 8
to place stainless steel crowns under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (e) of this section 9
provided the expanded function dental health aide satisfies the requirements of 10
(1) sections 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) [EFDHA I training & education 11
requirements; training & education & preceptorship] and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & 12
competencies]; or 13
(2) sections 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.510 14
[EFDHA II supervision & competencies]. 15
(b) Dental Supervision. An expanded function dental health aide I or II may perform stainless 17
steel crown placement only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or dental health aide 18
therapist. 19
(c) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to place 21
stainless steel crowns upon successful completion of 22
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.400(a)(1), (a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) [EFDHA I 23
training & education requirements; training & education & preceptorship] and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I 24
supervision & competencies] or 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.510 25
[EFDHA II supervision & competencies]; 26
(2) (A) a Board approved course in stainless steel crown placement that satisfies the 27
requirements of section 7.20.220 [stainless steel crowns]; 28
(B) a course in stainless steel crown placement offered by an accredited school of 29
higher education; or 30
(C) a course in stainless steel crown placement offered or approved by IHS, which 31
includes “Advanced Pediatric Restorative Techniques for Expanded Function Dental Assistants”; and 32
(3) a preceptorship that satisfies the requirements of subsection (d) [preceptorship] of this 33
section. 34
(d) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must after completion of the requirements in subsection 36
(a) of this section, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship, which must 37
(1) be under the direct supervision of a dentist; and 38
(2) include satisfactory performance under the direct supervision of a dentist in the 39
expanded function dental health aide's clinical setting of placing a minimum of 20 stainless steel crowns. 40
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the expanded 42
function dental health aide must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the following 43
competencies and skills: 44
(1) selecting the appropriate stainless steel crown; 45
(2) modifying the crown, as necessary; 46
(3) checking and correcting occlusion, contact and margins of stainless steel crown; 47
(4) cementing and removing excess cement; 48
(5) re-verifying the occlusion; and 49
(6) providing appropriate post-procedure instructions. 50
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History: October 12, 2011, Section 2.30.550(a) and (c) were amended. October 8, 2003, Section 1
2.30.550(a)(1), (2) and (c)(1) were amended. 2
Sec. 2.30.600. Dental Health Aide Therapist Training and Education Requirements. 4
A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified dental health aide therapist upon 5
successful completion of 6
(1) the requirements of section 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I training & education 7
requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)], and 8
(2) (A) an accredited school of dental therapy or its equivalent; or 9
(B) a Board approved course of dental therapy that satisfies the requirements of 10
section 7.20.500 [DHAT training program]; and 11
(3) a clinical preceptorship under the direct supervision of a dentist for a minimum of three 12
months or 400 hours whichever is longer. The preceptorship should encompass all competencies required 13
of a dental health aide therapist outlined in section 2.30.610(b)(1), (2) and (3) [DHAT supervision and 14
competencies; competencies], and students should demonstrate each procedure or service independently 15
to the satisfaction of the preceptor dentist. 16
History: October 30, 2014, Section 2.30.600(3) was amended. June 20, 2007, Section 2.30.600(3) was 18
amended. 19
Sec. 2.30.610. Dental Health Aide Therapist Supervision and Competencies. 21
(a) Dental Supervision. Dental health aide therapist services may be performed under this 23
section by a dental health aide therapist under the general supervision of a dentist provided the dental 24
health aide therapist has met the requirements of this section. Pulpal therapy (not including pulpotomies 25
on deciduous teeth) or extraction of adult teeth can be performed by a dental health aide therapist only 26
after consultation with a licensed dentist who determines that the procedure is a medical emergency that 27
cannot be resolved with palliative treatment. 28
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) 30
[PDHA I training & education requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)] and 2.30.600 [DHAT 31
training & education requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist must successfully demonstrate 32
and maintain 33
(1) an understanding of 34
(A) medical evaluation, 35
(B) dental evaluation, 36
(C) periodontic techniques, 37
(D) clinic management and supervision, 38
(E) restorative dentistry, 39
(F) oral surgery and local anesthesia, 40
(G) infection control, 41
(H) equipment maintenance and repair, 42
(I) community and preventive dentistry, and 43
(J) management of the medicines in the village; 44
(2) competency in the above subjects to the level of performance required at the time of 45
meeting the requirements of section 2.30.600(2)(A) [DHAT training & education requirements; 46
(education options)]; and 47
(3) satisfactory performance under general supervision of a dentist of 48
(A) all of the skills identified in sections 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & 49
competencies], 2.30.210 [PDHA II supervision & competencies], 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 50
2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 2.30.250 [dental 51
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assistant function requirements], 2.30.260 [ART requirements], 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & 1
competencies], 2.30.510 [EFDHA II supervision & competencies], and 2.30.550 [stainless steel crown 2
placement requirements]; 3
(B) diagnosis and treatment of caries; 4
(C) performance of uncomplicated extractions of primary and permanent teeth; 5
(D) response to emergencies to alleviate pain and infection; 6
(E) administration of local anesthetic; 7
(F) recognition of and referring conditions needing space maintenance; 8
(G) maintenance of and repair of dental equipment; 9
(H) development of and carrying out community health prevention and education 10
program; and 11
(I) performance of pulpotomies on primary teeth. 12
History: September 12, 2019, 2.30.610(b)(1) was amended. Section October 30, 2014, Section 14
2.30.610(b)(3)(A) was amended. June 13, 2012, Section 2.30.610(a) was amended. January 11, 2012, 15
Section 2.30.610(b)(3) was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 2.30.610(b)(3) was amended. June 18, 2008, 16
Section 2.30.610(a) and (b) were amended. October 14, 2004, Section 2.30.610(b)(3)(B) was amended. 17
October 8, 2003, Section 2.30.610(b)(3) was amended. 18
Sec. 2.30.700. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Training and Education 20
Requirements. 21
A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified dental health aide 23
therapist practitioner upon successful completion of 24
(1) all the requirements of section 2.30.600 [DHAT Training & Education Requirements]; 25
and 26
(2) two consecutive recertification as a dental health aide therapist outlined in section 27
2.50.200 [Requirements for Renewal] and section 3.10.050 [DHAT Continuing Education Requirements]; 28
and 29
(3) requirements of section 3.10.050 [DHA Continuing Education Requirements; Unlapsed 30
Certificate]; and 31
(4) Letter of Recommendation to the CHAP Certification board by the applicant’s direct 32
clinical supervisor verifying the DHAT meets clinical competency and has satisfactory completion of 30 33
chart audits. 34
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.700 was added. 36
Sec. 2.30.710. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Supervision and Competencies. 38
(a) Dental Supervision. Dental health aide therapist practitioner services may be performed 40
under the requirements set forth in 2.30.610(a) [DHAT dental supervision]. 41
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.700 [DHATP 43
training & education requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist practitioner just successfully 44
demonstrate and maintain requirements set forth in 2.30.610(b) [DHAT competencies]. 45
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.30.710 was added. 47
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Article 40. 1
Standards for Behavioral Health Aides and Practitioners 2
History: June 18, 2008, Article 40 was added. 4
Sec. 2.40.010. Supervision of Behavioral Health Aides and Behavioral Health Practitioners. 6
(a) Clinical Oversight. 8
(1) Program Responsibility. A behavioral health aide or practitioner may only practice in 9
a program in which clinical oversight of the behavioral health program is provided and responsibility is 10
taken by a licensed behavioral health clinician who must be 11
(A) familiar with the BHA/P program, the Standards and the BHAM; and 12
(B) employed by the federal government or employed by or under contract with a 13
tribal health program operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA. 14
(2) Qualifications. A licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional 15
providing clinical oversight or clinical supervision 16
(A) must have demonstrated the ability to provide culturally competent services; and 17
(B) if providing direct supervision of behavioral health aides or practitioners: 18
(i) must have demonstrated the ability to provide such services in a village 19
setting; and 20
(ii) through education and experience, be able to supervise village-based 21
behavioral health aides and practitioners. 22
(b) Levels of Supervision. The clinical supervision of a behavioral health aide or practitioner 24
may be direct, indirect, or general as defined in section 2.40.010(c) [supervision of BHA/Ps; definitions 25
of level of supervision] provided that 26
(1) the person providing clinical supervision must either be a licensed behavioral health 27
clinician or behavioral health professional, provided that a behavioral health practitioner acting within the 28
scope of his or her certification may provide day-to-day support and mentoring of behavioral health aides; 29
(2) the behavioral health aide or practitioner must be supervised at what ever level of 30
supervision is required for the specific service or care being provided; 31
(3) the supervisor may impose a higher level of supervision on the behavioral health aide or 32
practitioner than that provided in this article; and 33
(4) the supervisor may develop an individualized protocol under which the behavioral 34
health aide or practitioner is permitted to engage in a wider range of activities than that allowed under this 35
article, provided 36
(A) the individualized protocol is in writing signed by the behavioral health aide or 37
practitioner and a licensed behavioral health clinician who is both familiar with the work of the behavioral 38
health aide or practitioner and the setting in which the authorized services will be provided; 39
(B) the level of supervision and level of performance required for each service to be 40
provided under the individualized protocol is specified; and 41
(C) the individualized protocol must be reviewed and updated upon re-certification 42
of the behavioral health aide or practitioner. 43
(c) Definitions of Level of Supervision. For the purposes of this article: 45
(1) “Direct supervision” means that a licensed behavioral health clinician or a behavioral 46
health professional 47
(A) consults in advance with the behavioral health aide or practitioner prior to the 48
behavioral health aide or practitioner performing service; 49
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(B) is available in person or through the use of telehealth, which for the purposes of 1
supervision and consultation with behavioral health aides and practitioners includes instant messaging and 2
telephone communications, while the behavioral health aide or practitioner performs the service; and 3
(C) reviews the outcome of specific services performed with the behavioral health 4
aide or practitioner on a relatively contemporaneous basis after their completion. 5
(2) “Indirect supervision” means that a licensed behavioral health clinician or a behavioral 6
health professional 7
(A) consults in advance with the behavioral health aide or practitioner with regard to 8
the plan for performing services; and 9
(B) routinely reviews with the behavioral health aide or practitioner services 10
provided. 11
(3) “General supervision” means, with regard to 12
(A) direct client services, that a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral 13
health professional has authorized and or planned with the behavioral health aide or practitioner and client 14
a treatment, case management, or services plan that is intended to be carried out by a specific behavioral 15
health aide or practitioner subject to regular case review by the supervisor; or 16
(B) outreach (including initial contacts with individuals who may seek or be referred 17
for services, community-based education and prevention activities, and community organization work), 18
that a licensed behavioral health clinician or a behavioral health professional has consulted with and 19
authorized the behavioral health aide or practitioner to perform such activities independently so long as 20
the behavioral health aide or practitioner is within the scope of practice for which the behavioral health 21
aide or practitioner is certified and will be reported to and periodically reviewed by the supervisor. 22
History: May 15, 2014, Section 2.40.010(a)(1) was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.010 was added. 24
Sec. 2.40.020. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as a Behavioral Health Aide or 26
Practitioner. 27
(a) Minimum Requirements. A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 29
2.40.020(b) [scope of practice prior to certification as a BHA/P; employment] may perform services of a 30
certified behavioral health aide or practitioner prior to being certified to the extent the services are 31
performed 32
(1) as part of the required training for certification; 33
(2) as part of a clinical practicum; 34
(3) to satisfy work experience requirements required for certification; or 35
(4) after the application for certification has been submitted to the Board, while 36
certification is pending after successful completion of all training, clinical practicum and work experience 37
requirements. 38
(b) Employment. To be eligible to perform services under subsection 2.40.020(a) [scope of 40
practice prior to certification as a BHA/P; minimum requirements], the person must 41
(1) be employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program operating a 42
community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; 43
(2) provide only those services for which the person has been trained and has demonstrated 44
successful performance; and 45
(3) provide services only under the direct, indirect, or general supervision as required under 46
section 2.40.010 [supervision of BHA/Ps] and other relevant sections of this article 40 [standards for 47
BHAs] of this Chapter. 48
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.020 was added. 50
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Sec. 2.40.030. Behavioral Health Aide/Practitioner Trial Examination [Deleted]. 1
History: June 13, 2012, Section 2.40.030 was deleted in its entirety. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.030 was 3
added. 4
Sec. 2.40.100. Behavioral Health Aide I Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements. 6
A person meets the training and education, practicum, and experience requirements to be a certified 7
behavioral health aide I upon successful completion of the requirements set forth in subsections (a) [BHA 8
I specialized training program] or (b) [BHA I alternative training] and the requirements of (c) [BHA I 9
practicum] and (d) [BHA I work experience] of this section. 10
(a) Behavioral Health Aide I Specialized Training Program. The specialized behavioral 12
health aide I training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or their equivalent, that satisfy the 13
requirements of sections: 14
(1) 8.20.050 [general orientation]; 15
(2) 8.20.100 [orientation to village-based behavioral health services]; 16
(3) 8.20.110 [ethics and consent]; 17
(4) 8.20.115 [confidentiality and privacy]; 18
(5) 8.20.125 [introduction to behavioral health]; 19
(6) 8.20.135 [introduction to counseling]; 20
(7) 8.20.140 [introduction to documentation]; 21
(8) 8.20.145 [survey of community resources and case management]; 22
(9) 8.20.150 [working with diverse populations]; 23
(10) 8.20.155 [introduction to group counseling]; 24
(11) 8.20.160 [crisis intervention]; 25
(12) 8.20.165 [HIV/AIDS and blood borne pathogens]; 26
(13) 8.20.170 [community approach to promoting behavioral health]; 27
(14) 8.20.175 [family systems I]; and 28
(15) 8.20.180 [recovery, health, wellness and balance]. 29
(b) Behavioral Health Aide I Alternative Training. 31
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing one or more of the specialized training 32
courses described in subsection (a) [BHA I specialized training program], a person may satisfy the course 33
requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I by successfully completing courses of study 34
determined by the Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required under 35
subsection (a) [BHA I specialized training]. 36
(c) Behavioral Health Aide I Practicum. After completion of the training listed in subsection 38
(a) [BHA I specialized training program] or (b) [BHA I alternative training] of this section, the applicant 39
must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical practicum under the direct supervision of a licensed 40
behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional. The applicant must satisfactorily perform 41
each of the following: 42
(1) no fewer than 25 hours of providing client orientation to services including screening 43
and initial intake, with appropriate case documentation; 44
(2) no fewer than 25 hours of providing case management and referral with appropriate 45
case documentation; 46
(3) no fewer than 35 hours of providing village-based community education, prevention, 47
and early intervention services with appropriate case documentation; and 48
(4) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections 49
(c)(1) through (c)(3) of this section. 50
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(d) Behavioral Health Aide I Work Experience. 1
(1) Minimum Experience. Prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide I, a person, 2
who seeks certification based on training or education described in subsections (a) [BHA I specialized 3
training] or (b) [BHA I alternative training], must have provided village-based behavioral health services 4
for no fewer than 1,000 hours under the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or 5
behavioral health professional. 6
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies 8
the applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice] and has 9
the capacity to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be 10
exempted from the experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph. 11
(A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than 12
that described in subsection (d)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that 13
required for this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 14
(B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 15
required under subsection (a) [BHA I specialized training] or subsection (b) [BHA I alternative training] 16
may be relied upon to satisfy the requirement under subsection (d)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour 17
for hour basis. 18
History: June 12, 2014, Section 2.40.100(b)(c) and (d) were amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.100 was 20
added. 21
Sec. 2.40.110. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Aide I. Except as 23
provided in section 2.40.010(b) [supervision of BHA/Ps; levels of supervision], a behavioral health aide I 24
requires the direct supervision by a licensed behavioral health clinician or a behavioral health professional 25
when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) [knowledge and skills] of sections: 26
(1) 2.40.510 [foundational skills in client and community engagement]; 27
(2) 2.40.515 [foundational knowledge to be applied in all activities]; 28
(3) 2.40.520 [foundational professional readiness]; 29
(4) 2.40.525 [prevention, community education, and community organizing]; 30
(5) 2.40.530 [routine contact, screening, assessment, and evaluation]; 31
(6) 2.40.535 [treatment planning]; 32
(7) 2.40.540 [community resources and referral]; 33
(8) 2.40.545 [case management, coordination, and monitoring treatment plans]; 34
(9) 2.40.550 [medication management]; 35
(10) 2.40.555 [counseling]; 36
(11) 2.40.560 [crisis management]; and 37
(12) 2.40.565 [supervision, training, and professional development]. 38
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.110 was added. 40
Sec. 2.40.200. Behavioral Health Aide II Training, Practicum, and Experience 42
Requirements. A person meets the training and education, practicum, and experience requirements to be 43
a certified behavioral health aide II upon successful completion of the requirements set forth in subsection 44
(a) [prerequisites], and subsections (b) [BHA II specialized training program] or (c) [BHA II alternative 45
training], and subsections (d) [BHA II practicum] and (e) [BHA II work experience] of this section. 46
(a) Prerequisites. A behavioral health aide II must satisfy all requirements applicable to a BHA 48
I under sections 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, & experience requirements] and 2.40.500 [BHA/P 49
knowledge, skills, and scope of practice]. 50
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(b) Behavioral Health Aide II Specialized Training Program. The behavioral health aide II 1
specialized training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or their equivalent, that satisfy the 2
requirements of sections: 3
(1) 8.20.220 [psycho-physiology and behavioral health]; 4
(2) 8.20.225 [introduction to co-occurring disorders]; 5
(3) 8.20.228 [tobacco dependency treatment]; 6
(4) 8.20.230 [DSM practice application]; 7
(5) 8.20.235 [advanced interviewing skills]; 8
(6) 8.20.240 [ASAM patient placement criteria practice application]; 9
(7) 8.20.245 [case studies and clinical case management]; 10
(8) 8.20.250 [traditional health based practices]; 11
(9) 8.20.255 [intermediate therapeutic group counseling]; 12
(10) 8.20.260 [applied crisis management]; 13
(11) 8.20.270 [community development approach to prevention]; and 14
(12) 8.20.275 [family systems II]. 15
(c) Behavioral Health Aide II Alternative Training. 17
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing one or more of the specialized training 18
courses described in subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training program], a person may satisfy the 19
course requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide II by successfully completing courses of 20
study determined by the Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required 21
under subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training]. 22
(A) Such course of study must have included the content equivalent to that described 23
in subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training program]; or 24
(B) to the extent it did not, the person successfully completed the courses listed in 25
subsection (b) as necessary to fill any gaps. 26
(d) Behavioral Health Aide II Practicum. After meeting the requirements of subsection (a) 28
[prerequisites] and completion of the training listed in subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training] or (c) 29
[BHA II alternative training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical 30
practicum under the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health 31
professional. The applicant satisfactorily perform each of the following: 32
(1) no fewer than 35 hours of providing client substance use assessment and treatment 33
planning using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and American Society of Addiction Medicine 34
patient placement criteria with appropriate case documentation; 35
(2) no fewer than 30 hours of providing rehabilitative services (e.g., comprehensive 36
community support services or therapeutic behavioral health service) with appropriate case 37
documentation; 38
(3) no fewer than 25 hours of providing community readiness evaluation and prevention 39
plan development with appropriate case documentation; and 40
(4) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections 41
(d)(1) through (d)(3) of this section. 42
(e) Behavioral Health Aide II Work Experience. 44
(1) Minimum Experience. Except as provided in paragraph (2) [exceptions and 45
substitutions] of this subsection, prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide II, a person, who seeks 46
certification based on training or education described in subsections (b) [BHA II specialized training] or 47
(c) [alternative training], must have provided village-based behavioral health services for no fewer than 48
2,000 hours under the direct or indirect (as applicable) supervision of a licensed behavioral health 49
clinician or behavioral health professional. 50
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(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies 1
the applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, & scope of practice] and has 2
the capacity to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be 3
exempted from the experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph. 4
(A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than 5
that described in subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that 6
required for this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 7
(B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 8
required under subsections (b) [BHA II specialized training] or (c) [BHA II alternative training] and in 9
meeting the experience requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I may be relied upon to 10
satisfy the experience requirement under subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour for hour 11
basis. 12
History: June 12, 2014, Section 2.40.200 (c)(d) and (e) were amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.200 was 13
added. 14
Sec. 2.40.210. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Aide II. 16
Except as provided in section 2.40.010(b)[supervision of BHA/Ps; levels of supervision], a behavioral 17
health aide II requires supervision by a licensed behavioral health clinician or a behavioral health 18
professional, as provided below: 19
(a) direct supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 20
[knowledge and skills] of sections: 21
(1) 2.40.535 [treatment planning]; 22
(2) 2.40.550 [medication management]; 23
(3) 2.40.555 [counseling]; 24
(4) 2.40.560 [crisis management]; and 25
(5) 2.40.565 [supervision, training, and professional development]; and 26
(b) indirect supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 27
[knowledge and skills] of sections: 28
(1) 2.40.510 [foundational skills in client and community engagement]; 29
(2) 2.40.515 [foundational knowledge to be applied in all activities]; 30
(3) 2.40.520 [foundational professional readiness]; 31
(4) 2.40.525 [prevention, community education, and community organizing]; 32
(5) 2.40.530 [routine contact, screening, assessment, and evaluation]; 33
(6) 2.40.540 [community resources and referral]; and 34
(7) 2.40.545 [case management, coordination, and monitoring treatment plans]. 35
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.210 was added. 37
Sec. 2.40.300. Behavioral Health Aide III Training, Practicum, and Experience 39
Requirements. A person meets the training and education, practicum, and experience requirements to be 40
a certified behavioral health aide III upon successful completion of the requirements set forth in 41
subsection (a) [prerequisites], and subsections (b) [BHA III specialized training program] or (c) [BHA III 42
alternative training], and subsections (d) [BHA III practicum] and (e) [BHA III work experience] of this 43
section. 44
(a) Prerequisites. A behavioral health aide III must satisfy all requirements applicable to a 46
behavioral health aide I and II under sections 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience 47
requirements], 2.40.200 [BHA II training, practicum, and experience requirements] and 2.40.500 [BHA/P 48
knowledge, skills, and scope of practice]. 49
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(b) Behavioral Health Aide III Specialized Training Program. The behavioral health aide III 1
specialized training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or their equivalent, that satisfy the 2
requirements of sections: 3
(1) 8.20.325 [treatment of co-occurring disorders]; 4
(2) 8.20.335 [advanced behavioral health clinical care]; 5
(3) 8.20.340 [documentation and quality assurance]; 6
(4) 8.20.345 [introduction to case management supervision]; 7
(5) 8.20.350 [applied case studies in Alaska Native culture based issues]; 8
(6) 8.20.370 [behavioral health clinical team building]; 9
(7) 8.20.385 [introduction to supervision]; and 10
(8) 8.20.390 [child development]. 11
(c) Behavioral Health Aide III Alternative Training. 13
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing the specialized training courses described in 14
subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training program], a person may satisfy the course requirements for 15
certification as a behavioral health aide III by successfully completing courses of study determined by the 16
Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required under subsection (b) 17
[BHA III specialized training]. 18
(A) Such course of study must have included the content equivalent to that described 19
in subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training program]; or 20
(B) to the extent it did not, the person successfully completed the courses listed in 21
subsection (b) as necessary to fill any gaps. 22
(d) Behavioral Health Aide III Practicum. After meeting the requirements of subsection (a) 24
[prerequisites] and completion of the training listed in subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training] or (c) 25
[BHA III alternative training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical 26
practicum under the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health 27
professional. The applicant must satisfactorily perform each of the following components: 28
(1) no fewer than 45 hours of providing behavioral health clinical assessment, treatment 29
planning, and rehabilitative services for clients with issues related to co-occurring disorders; 30
(2) no fewer than 20 hours of providing quality assurance case review with documentation 31
of review activity; 32
(3) no fewer than 20 hours of providing clinical team leadership by leading clinical team 33
case reviews; and 34
(4) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections 35
(d)(1) through (d)(3) of this section. 36
(e) Behavioral Health Aide III Work Experience. 38
(1) Minimum Experience. Except as provided in paragraph (2) [exceptions and 39
substitutions] of this subsection, prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide III, a person, who 40
seeks certification based on training or education described in subsections (b) [BHA III specialized 41
training] (c) [alternative training], must have provided village-based behavioral health services for no 42
fewer than 4,000 hours under the direct or indirect supervision (as applicable) of a licensed behavioral 43
health clinician or behavioral health professional. 44
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies 46
the applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice] and has 47
the capacity to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be 48
exempted from the experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (B) of this 49
paragraph. 50
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(A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than 1
that described in subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that 2
required for this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 3
(B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 4
required under subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training] or (c) [alternative training] and in meeting 5
the experience requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I and II may be relied upon to 6
satisfy the experience requirement under subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour for hour 7
basis. 8
History: June 12, 2014, Section 2.40.300(c), (d) and (e) were amended. May 15, 2014, Section 2.40.300(b) 10
was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.300 was added. 11
Sec. 2.40.310. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Aide III. 13
Except as provided in section 2.40.010(b) [supervision of BHA/Ps; levels of supervision], a certified 14
behavioral health aide III requires supervision by a licensed behavioral health clinician or a behavioral 15
health professional, as provided below: 16
(a) direct supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 17
[knowledge and skills] of section 2.40.560 [crisis management]; 18
(b) indirect supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 19
[knowledge and skills] of sections: 20
(1) 2.40.535 [treatment planning]; 21
(2) 2.40.545 [case management, coordination, and monitoring treatment plans]; 22
(3) 2.40.550 [medication management]; 23
(4) 2.40.555 [counseling]; and 24
(5) 2.40.565 [supervision, training, and professional development]; and 25
(c) general supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 26
[knowledge and skills] of sections: 27
(1) 2.40.510 [foundational skills in client and community engagement]; 28
(2) 2.40.515 [foundational knowledge to be applied in all activities]; 29
(3) 2.40.520 [foundational professional readiness]; 30
(4) 2.40.525 [prevention, community education, and community organizing]; 31
(5) 2.40.530 [routine contact, screening, assessment, and evaluation]; and 32
(6) 2.40.540 [community resources and referral]. 33
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.310 was added. 35
Sec. 2.40.400. Behavioral Health Practitioner Training, Practicum, and Experience 37
Requirements. A person meets the training and education, practicum and experience requirements to 38
be a certified behavioral health practitioner upon successful completion of the requirements set forth 39
in subsection (a) [prerequisites], and subsections (b) [BHP specialized training program] or (c) [BHP 40
alternative training], and subsections (d) [BHP practicum] and (e) [BHP work experience] of this 41
section. 42
(a) Prerequisites. A behavioral health practitioner must satisfy all requirements applicable to a 44
behavioral health aide I, II and III under sections 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience 45
requirements], 2.40.200 [BHA II training, practicum, and experience requirements], 2.40.300 [BHA III 46
training, practicum, & experience requirements] and 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of 47
practice]. 48
(b) Behavioral Health Practitioner Specialized Training Program. The behavioral health 50
practitioner specialized training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or their equivalent, that 51
satisfy the requirements of sections: 52
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(1) 8.20.400 [issues in village-based behavioral health care]; 1
(2) 8.20.425 [special issues in behavioral health services]; 2
(3) 8.20.485 [competencies for village-based supervision]; 3
(4) 8.20.490 [principles and practice of clinical supervision]; and 4
(5) 8.20.495 [child-centered interventions]. 5
(c) Behavioral Health Practitioner Alternative Training. 7
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing one or more of the specialized training 8
courses described in subsection (b) [BHP specialized training program], a person may satisfy the course 9
requirements for certification as a behavioral health practitioner by successfully completing courses of 10
study determined by the Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required 11
under subsection (b) [BHP specialized training]. 12
(A) Such course of study must have included the content equivalent to that described 13
in subsection (b) [BHP specialized training program]; or 14
(B) to the extent it did not, the person successfully completed the courses listed in 15
subsection (b) as necessary to fill any gaps. 16
(d) Behavioral Health Practitioner Practicum. After meeting the requirements of subsection 18
(a) [prerequisites] and completion of the training listed in subsection (b) [BHP specialized training] or (c) 19
[BHP alternative training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical 20
practicum under the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health 21
professional. The individual must satisfactorily perform each of the following: 22
(1) no fewer than 20 hours engaging, mentoring, and supporting, as well as participating in 23
supervision and evaluation of a behavioral health aide I, II, or III based on the understanding of the 24
supervisee’s level of knowledge and skills, professional goals, and behavior; 25
(2) no fewer than 25 hours of providing clinical team leadership by leading clinical team 26
case reviews;27
(3) no fewer than 30 hours building cultural competence by learning about the Alaska 28
Native cultural context and developing a wellness framework for this cultural context within which 29
positive therapeutic relationships can be developed; and 30
(4) the balance of the hours may be related to practicum components listed in subsections 31
(d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3) of the section or provision of integrated clinical services or child/adolescent 32
services. 33
(e) Behavioral Health Practitioner Work Experience. 35
(1) Minimum Experience. Except as provided in paragraph (2) [exceptions and 36
substitutions] of this subsection, prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide practitioner, a person, 37
who seeks certification based on training or education described in subsections (b) [BHP specialized 38
training] or (c) [BHP alternative training], must have provided village-based behavioral health services for 39
no fewer than 6,000 hours under the direct or indirect (as applicable) supervision of a licensed behavioral 40
health clinician or behavioral health professional. 41
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies 43
the applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice] and has 44
the capacity to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be 45
exempted from the experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph. 46
(A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than 47
that described in subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that 48
required for this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 49
(B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 50
required under subsection (b) [BHP specialized training] or (c) [BHP alternative training] and in meeting 51
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the experience requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I, II and III may be relied upon to 1
satisfy the experience requirement under subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour for hour 2
basis. 3
History: January 13, 2021, Section 2.40.400(d) was amended. June 12, 2014, Section 2.40.400(b), (c), (d) 5
and (e) were amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.400 was added. 6
Sec. 2.40.410. Clinical Supervision Requirement for Behavioral Health Practitioner. 8
Except as provided in section 2.40.010(b) [supervision of BHA/Ps; levels of supervision], a certified 9
behavioral health practitioner requires supervision by a licensed behavioral health clinician or a 10
behavioral health professional, as provided below: 11
(a) direct supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 12
[knowledge and skills] of section 2.40.560 [crisis management]; 13
(b) indirect supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 14
[knowledge and skills] of sections: 15
(1) 2.40.550 [medication management]; and 16
(2) 2.40.555 [counseling]; and 17
(c) general supervision when carrying out any of the activities referred to in subsection (b) 18
[knowledge and skills] of sections: 19
(1) 2.40.510 [foundational skills in client and community engagement]; 20
(2) 2.40.515 [foundational knowledge to be applied in all activities]; 21
(3) 2.40.520 [foundational professional readiness]; 22
(4) 2.40.525 [prevention, community education, and community organizing]; 23
(5) 2.40.530 [routine contact, screening, assessment, and evaluation]; 24
(6) 2.40.535 [treatment planning]; 25
(7) 2.40.540 [community resources and referral]; 26
(8) 2.40.545 [case management, coordination, and monitoring treatment plans]; and 27
(9) 2.40.565 [supervision, training, and professional development]. 28
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.410 was added. 30
Sec. 2.40.500. Behavioral Health Aide and Practitioner Knowledge, Skills, and Scope of 32
Practice. 33
(a) Minimum Knowledge and Skills. In addition to meeting all other requirements of sections 35
2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience requirements], 2.40.200 [BHA II training, 36
practicum, and work experience], 2.40.300 [BHA III training, practicum, and work experience], and 37
2.40.400 [BHP training, practicum, and work experience], as applicable to the level of certification for 38
which the individual is applying, the behavioral health aide or practitioner must understand and 39
successfully demonstrate and maintain the knowledge and skills listed in subsection (b) [knowledge and 40
skills] of sections 2.40.510 [foundational skills in client and community engagement], through 2.40.565 41
[supervision, training, and professional development] at the applicable level of performance described in 42
subsection (a) [level of performance] of each of these sections. 43
(b) Scope of Practice. Except as provided in section 2.40.010(b)(4) [supervision of BHA/Ps; 45
levels of supervision; (individualized protocols)], a certified behavioral health aide or practitioner must 46
limit their scope of practice to performing only those activities described in subsection (b) [knowledge 47
and skills] of the sections listed in subsection (a) [minimum knowledge and skills] of this section at the 48
applicable level of performance described in subsection (a) level of performance] of each of these 49
sections. 50
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.500 was added. 52
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Sec. 2.40.510. Foundational Skills in Client and Community Engagement. 2
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 4
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) [knowledge & skills] as 5
provided in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 6
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 7
seeks assistance; 8
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the knowledge or skill consistently and recognizes 9
when to seek assistance; 10
(3) a behavioral health aide III utilizes the knowledge or skills consistently as a means 11
toward meeting treatment goals; and 12
(4) a behavioral health practitioner applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the 13
use of the skill and to participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 14
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Client and community engagement require a behavioral health aide 16
or practitioner to 17
(1) demonstrate client centered communication that focuses on the concerns and decisions 18
of the client by 19
(A) demonstrating active, reflective listening and communication skills; 20
(B) demonstrating capacities of warmth (acceptance, respect, commitment and 21
unconditional regard), empathy (ability to perceive and communicate, accurately and with sensitivity, the 22
feelings of an individual and the meaning of those feelings) and genuineness (openness, spontaneity, and 23
congruence) in communication; 24
(2) demonstrate cultural competence by 25
(A) valuing diversity; 26
(B) conducting self-assessment; 27
(C) managing the dynamics of difference (e.g. engaging in activities that help reduce 28
any negative impacts of cultural differences); 29
(D) acquiring and incorporating cultural knowledge in practice; and 30
(E) adapting to diversity and the cultural contexts of the villages; 31
(3) promote mutual respect by being 32
(A) knowledgeable about cultural differences and their impact on attitudes and 33
behaviors; 34
(B) sensitive, understanding, and non-judgmental in dealings with others; and 35
(C) flexible in responding and adapting to different cultural contexts and 36
circumstances, including recognizing that acculturation occurs differently and at different rates even 37
within the same family; 38
(4) demonstrate ability to apply critical judgment in interactions in evaluating information 39
from the client and assessing the need to follow-up; 40
(5) demonstrate ability to communicate appropriately with client’s significant others and 41
family; and 42
(6) act professionally in client interactions and in the community. 43
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.510 was added. 45
Sec. 2.40.515. Foundational Knowledge to Be Applied in All Activities. 47
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 49
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 50
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 51
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(1) a behavioral health aide I recognizes issues and provides general information to clients 1
and the community that incorporates that recognition; 2
(2) a behavioral health aide II recognizes symptoms, condition, or characteristics and 3
responds therapeutically with support from the supervisor; 4
(3) a behavioral health aide III applies knowledge in interaction with a client in the 5
assessment and treatment of that client; and 6
(4) a behavioral health practitioner applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the 7
use of the skill and to participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 8
(b) Knowledge and Skills. A behavioral health aide and practitioner must apply in all activities 10
the fundamental knowledge and skills described below: 11
(1) community culture, language, history, and demographics and stages of acculturation; 12
(2) inter-generational losses and trauma (e.g. flu epidemic, boarding schools, suicide), with 13
emphasis on experience in Alaska, and their application to individuals and communities and risk and 14
experience of substance use and mental health disorders and other disruptive or traumatic experiences 15
(e.g. child abuse, domestic violence); 16
(3) role of gender, including its role in the culture being served; 17
(4) life span development (e.g. developmental milestones and expectations at various 18
stages) with emphasis on differences that may occur among cultures; 19
(5) general characteristics and dynamics of families and significant others, including 20
(A) familiarity with role of extended family and kinship within the culture (e.g. 21
cultural placement and adoption, clan systems); 22
(B) ability to develop with client genograms and sociograms (including multi-23
generational biological and formal and informal familial relationships and other significant relationships); 24
(C) effect of family disruption due to illness, separation and divorce, death, abuse, 25
legal interventions and other causes; 26
(6) strategies for improving health (e.g. how increased physical activity can reduce 27
symptoms of depression); 28
(7) substance use and mental health disorders, co-occurring disorders and other behavioral 29
issues, including characteristics of addictive behavior, addiction, abuse and violence, and separation and 30
loss; 31
(8) interaction between substance use disorders and mental health disorders; 32
(9) how to screen for medical and substance use and mental health disorders and their 33
symptoms; 34
(10) risk factors for substance use and mental health disorders, including impact of risk 35
behaviors (e.g. infectious diseases); 36
(11) behavioral, psychological, physical health and social effects, including symptoms 37
associated with use, of most prevalent psychoactive substances (licit and illicit), provided; 38
(12) effects of substance use and mental health disorders on physical health (egs. diabetes, 39
cardiac disease, cancer, etc.); 40
(13) effects of substance use and mental health disorder on families and significant others; 41
(14) Alaska Native traditional communication and support and their role in prevention and 42
treatment (e.g. storytelling, deferring to elders, talking circles); and 43
(15) the role of research and reported experience in developing best practices. 44
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.515 was added. 46
Sec. 2.40.520. Foundational Professional Readiness. 48
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 50
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in 51
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(1) subsections (b)(1) [Ethics], (b)(2) [Consent], and (b)(3) [Confidentiality and Privacy] as 1
provided in paragraphs (A) through (D) of this paragraph, as applicable: 2
(A) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and 3
routinely seeks assistance; 4
(B) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and recognizes when to 5
seek assistance; 6
(C) a behavioral health aide III consistently applies the principles to specific client 7
and community situations; and 8
(D) a behavioral health practitioner applies knowledge to mentor and support others 9
in the use of the skill and to participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and 10
III; and 11
(2) subsection (b)(4) [Documentation] as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of this 12
paragraph, as applicable: 13
(A) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and 14
routinely seeks assistance; 15
(B) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and recognizes when to 16
seek assistance; 17
(C) a behavioral health aide III consistently applies the principles to specific client 18
and community work; and 19
(D) a behavioral health practitioner applies knowledge to mentor and support others 20
in the use of the skill and to participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and 21
III. 22
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Professional readiness requires a behavioral health aide or 24
practitioner to: 25
(1) Ethics. 26
(A) Demonstrate understanding of Behavioral Health Aide Code of Ethics and 27
ethical considerations of helping professions; 28
(B) demonstrate understanding of professional standards from the perspective of 29
laws to agency policies; 30
(C) demonstrate understanding of personal and professional boundaries and 31
application of them appropriately in a village setting, including identification of personal relationships and 32
potential conflicts that may make certain client interactions inappropriate; 33
(D) demonstrate understanding of and communicate with the client about the client’s 34
rights and responsibilities; 35
(E) protect and advocate client’s rights; 36
(F) incorporate advances in clinical practice to improve services and seeks 37
continuing education; 38
(G) seek out and accept supervision, as required or needed; and 39
(H) model appropriate personal and professional behavior within the community; 40
(2) Consent. 42
(A) Demonstrate understanding of client consent; 43
(B) apply special rules that are applicable to 44
(i) minors; 45
(ii) individuals subject to guardianships or other court orders that authorize 46
others to grant consent on their behalf, and 47
(iii) individuals who may have limited capacity to understand and therefore to 48
consent; 49
(C) provide information and obtains appropriate level of consent prior to providing 50
services; and 51
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(D) be aware of and respond appropriately in situations in which exceptions to the 1
requirement for consent apply (e.g. involuntary commitments and reporting obligations); 2
(3) Confidentiality and Privacy. 4
(A) Comply with applicable laws requiring confidentiality, including the Health 5
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), Federal Privacy Act (including 42 C.F.R. Part 2 6
regulations applicable to alcohol and substance abuse programs), and laws and regulations that may be 7
applicable based on the way in which service is delivered or the payer for the service, if any; 8
(B) demonstrate understanding of laws and doctrines limiting application of 9
confidentiality laws, including exceptions provided for in confidentiality laws, mandatory reporting laws, 10
and situations in which there is risk of harm to an individual or others; 11
(C) comply with formal requirements that must be satisfied prior to disclosure of 12
otherwise confidential information; 13
(D) accurately inform clients and others about the protections and limits of 14
confidentiality, including those that apply in family and group counseling, when applicable; 15
(E) assist clients to understand options regarding disclosure of information held by 16
the behavioral health aide or practitioner’s agency; 17
(F) assist clients to appropriately authorize disclosure of confidential information 18
held by other agencies; 19
(G) obtain appropriate authority for disclosure of otherwise confidential information 20
prior to disclosure, including information obtained from other agencies; 21
(H) protect written and electronic information regarding clients from breaches of 22
confidentiality by maintaining appropriate security, including locking cabinets and using electronic 23
security measures; 24
(I) maintain confidences and privacy of clients and others, even when not required 25
to do so by confidentiality laws or policies; 26
(J) when sharing information does so in a respectful manner; 27
(K) communicate with clients and others in a way most designed to minimize 28
disclosures of confidential information; 29
(L) protect client anonymity in provision of information for statistical reporting and 30
research; and 31
(M) assist in assuring that all individuals with working in or using the offices in 32
which behavioral health services are provided are familiar with and abide by the requirements of this 33
paragraph. 34
(4) Documentation. 36
(A) Demonstrate understanding of professional documentation practices and 37
appropriate use of different documentation formats, including those specific to screening, intake, 38
treatment plans, monitoring treatment (including family and group counseling) and discharge (including 39
dating and signing all documentation); 40
(B) maintain orderly records of all client and client-related contacts; 41
(C) maintain record of non-client related activities; 42
(D) complete documentation on a timely basis; 43
(E) respond appropriately to client requests to review records; and 44
(F) when reviewing records with client, do so with sensitivity and assists client to 45
understand the information. 46
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.520 was added. 48
Sec. 2.40.525. Prevention, Community Education, and Community Organizing. 50
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(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 1
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 2
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 3
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 4
seeks assistance; 5
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and recognizes when to seek 6
assistance; 7
(3) a behavioral health aide III consistently applies the skills to specific client and 8
community situations; and 9
(4) a behavioral health practitioner applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the 10
use of the skill and to participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 11
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Prevention, community education and community organizing 12
require a behavioral health aide or practitioner to: 13
(1) use foundational knowledge to educate clients, other individuals, and the community as 14
part of primary prevention or to fortify treatment strategies; 15
(2) in individual and community settings, de-stigmatize mental health and substance use 16
disorders and seeking help to address these disorders; 17
(3) use community gatherings to encourage support for healthy behaviors and community 18
stability; 19
(4) participate in community-based advocacy and in work-groups that are focused on 20
prevention and early intervention efforts related to behavioral health issues; 21
(5) work with community leadership and elders to develop supports for at-risk individuals 22
and families; 23
(6) understand and communicates the difference between prevention and treatment 24
processes; 25
(7) recognize and engage with individuals at risk; and 26
(8) assess community readiness for prevention and early intervention activities (e.g. 27
community surveys, work with community leaders and subgroups), provided 28
(A) a behavioral health aide I may administer surveys; 29
(B) a behavioral health aide II contributes to developing survey tools and other 30
readiness assessment strategies; 31
(C) a behavioral health aide III interacts directly with village leaders with regard to 32
development of and carrying out the assessment; and 33
(D) a behavioral health practitioner is able to initiate programs and services in 34
response to community feedback. 35
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.525 was added. 37
Sec. 2.40.530. Routine Contact, Screening, Assessment, and Evaluation. 39
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 41
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 42
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 43
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 44
seeks assistance; 45
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and seeks additional 46
intervention or assistance as needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; and 47
(3) a behavioral health aide III engages the client more effectively based on a 48
understanding of the client’s information or behavior; and 49
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(4) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to applicable 1
restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to participate 2
in supervision and evaluation of the skill in behavioral health aides I, II and III. 3
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Routine contact, screening, assessment, and evaluation require a 5
behavioral health aide or practitioner, in non-emergency situations, to 6
(1) gather basic demographic information; 7
(2) demonstrate sensitivity to the client’s personal level of assimilation or acculturation; 8
(3) assess client’s literacy in English (oral and written), as is relevant to the client’s 9
situation or treatment, and arranges for appropriate assistance and/or services; 10
(4) assess the extent to which there are language barriers and arrange for appropriate 11
assistance and services; 12
(5) assist clients to complete appropriate screening tools intended to initially identify 13
substance use disorders, mental health conditions, or other behavioral health issues; 14
(6) score the screening tool; 15
(7) identify additional evaluation that may be needed; 16
(8) gather additional bio-psycho-social information through a standardized interview 17
process, including medical history; 18
(9) identify immediate risk of harming self or others and intervenes; 19
(10) evaluate information obtained during intake, including likelihood or presence of co-20
occurring conditions, and determines whether additional evaluation is necessary; 21
(11) communicate with client regarding need for referral for additional evaluation; 22
(12) organize referral material, including written materials when required; 23
(13) communicate directly with the person or agency to whom the client is being referred for 24
additional evaluation; 25
(14) complete, when appropriate, American Society of Addiction Medicine (“ASAM”) 26
alcohol and drug screening criteria used for treatment planning and “best fit” of level of rehabilitative 27
care; and 28
(15) evaluate substance use and mental health conditions using criteria contained within the 29
current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. 30
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.530 was added. 32
Sec. 2.40.535. Treatment Planning. 34
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 36
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 37
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 38
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 39
seeks assistance; 40
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and identifies when additional 41
intervention or assistance may be needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; and 42
(3) a behavioral health aide III engages the client more effectively based on a 43
understanding of the client’s information or behavior; and 44
(4) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to applicable 45
restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to participate 46
in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 47
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Treatment planning, which is to be carried out with the active 49
participation of the client to the maximum extent possible, requires the behavioral health aide or 50
practitioner to 51
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(1) (A) be aware of a variety of treatment interventions and modalities; 1
(B) evaluate their appropriateness based on experience and research; and 2
(C) select those most appropriate to meet the client’s needs; 3
(2) encourage client willingness to participate in planning; 4
(3) develop a list of client strengths, needs, and other issues; 5
(4) evaluate the identified client’s 6
(A) substance use and mental health disorder; 7
(B) other behavioral health issues, if any; 8
(C) strengths and how to use them to improve the likelihood of positive outcomes 9
for the client; 10
(5) communicate the outcomes of the assessment; 11
(6) assist client to understand his or her condition and the effects on the client and others; 12
(7) assess readiness for treatment; 13
(8) assist client to identify desired outcomes and the objectives necessary to achieve those 14
outcomes; 15
(9) discuss treatment options; 16
(10) solicit response to options; 17
(11) identify other resources for the client, including family, and services available in the 18
community and outside the community; 19
(12) identify the issues that will be addressed initially and longer term; 20
(13) establish treatment goals with maximum client participation; 21
(14) assist client to communicate needs to family or other significant people and, as 22
appropriate, communicate directly with the client’s family and other significant people; 23
(15) plan course of initial and continued interaction; and 24
(16) evaluate progress and modify the plan appropriately. 25
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.535 was added. 27
Sec. 2.40.540. Community Resources and Referral. 29
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 31
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 32
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 33
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 34
seeks assistance; 35
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and identifies when additional 36
intervention or assistance may be needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; 37
(3) a behavioral health aide III applies knowledge and skills to increase access to resources 38
and engages the client more effectively based on a understanding of the community and the client’s 39
information or behavior; and 40
(4) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to applicable 41
restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to participate 42
in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 43
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Use of community resources and referral requires the behavioral 45
health aide or practitioner to: 46
(1) obtain client information from service providers who have knowledge of the client; 47
(2) know about professional, agency, volunteer, organized, or pre-existing resources that 48
exist in the community; 49
(3) know about resources to assist client to access services, including eligibility for tribal 50
health program and to Medicaid, Medicare, and other insurance; 51
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(4) identify traditional support and intervention resources, e.g. elders, traditional healers, 1
shaman; 2
(5) access various services - including how to determine eligibility for services and to 3
complete the intake process; 4
(6) use traditional support and intervention resources appropriately; 5
(7) identify other community resources that can be brought to bear and know how to 6
engage them; 7
(8) if a behavioral health aide III or a behavioral health aide practitioner, identify resources 8
outside the community that may be needed (either to be brought in or to which the client may be referred); 9
(9) motivate and assist client to accept referral services; 10
(10) ensure that each referral was accepted and the client received the services, and, if not, 11
make an alternative plan; 12
(11) if client accepted for referral services: 13
(A) monitor the course of treatment as it proceeds; 14
(B) support the client and referral provider; 15
(C) continue to motivate the client to use services, as appropriate; 16
(D) participate in developing and monitoring the discharge plan; 17
(E) obtain the discharge plan; and 18
(F) use the referral agency’s discharge plan in follow-up with the treatment plan; 19
(12) initiate collaboration with other providers, including those from other disciplines; 20
(13) work with treatment teams within the behavioral health aide’s or practitioner’s agency 21
and across agencies to ensure coordination of services for the client; 22
(14) establish routine working relationships and collaboration among agencies, programs, 23
and others involved in treatment and monitoring services; and 24
(15) assist in negotiating formal relationships with other agencies, including development of 25
written agreements regarding service delivery, prevention activities, and other issues of multi-agency 26
concern. 27
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.540 was added. 29
Sec. 2.40.545. Case Management, Coordination, and Monitoring Treatment Plans. 31
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 33
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 34
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 35
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 36
seeks assistance; 37
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and identifies when additional 38
intervention or assistance may be needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; 39
(3) a behavioral health aide III applies knowledge and skills to increase access to resources 40
and engages the client more effectively based on a understanding of the client’s information or behavior; 41
and 42
(4) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to applicable 43
restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to participate 44
in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 45
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Case management, coordination of services, and monitoring 47
treatment plans require a behavioral health aide or practitioner to 48
(1) implement plan (e.g. referral, begin treatment services); 49
(2) assess client progress on a continuous basis, including beneficial and detrimental 50
behaviors of the client that affect treatment progress; 51
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(3) review treatment plan, with the client when feasible, at regular intervals and as needed 1
and adjust treatment plans, as needed; 2
(4) encourage client participation in the plan and address issues that impede progress with 3
the plan; 4
(5) recognize when progress slowed and, as appropriate, address barriers and assist to 5
motivate the client; 6
(6) reach out to clients who are not following through with the plan of service; 7
(7) recognize crisis events as they occur during the course of a treatment plan and 8
intervene; and 9
(8) engage in discharge planning, including identification of other services from which the 10
client may benefit (e.g. support groups, other community activities). 11
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.545 was added. 13
Sec. 2.40.550. Medication Management. 15
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 17
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 18
(1) through (4) of this subsection, as applicable: 19
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 20
seeks assistance; 21
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and identifies when additional 22
intervention or assistance may be needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; 23
(3) a behavioral health aide III applies knowledge and skills and engages the client more 24
effectively based on a understanding of the client; and 25
(4) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to applicable 26
restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to participate 27
in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III. 28
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Medication management requires the behavioral health aide or 30
practitioner to 31
(1) recognize biological, psychological, and social effects of medications; 32
(2) monitor the client, including 33
(A) supporting the client to use medications appropriately; 34
(B) assisting the client to self-monitor response to medication and to report 35
information about the response accurately to the medical provider who prescribed the medication or who 36
is providing ongoing medical or psychiatric care to the client; 37
(C) assisting client to cooperate with medical monitoring of use of medications, 38
when necessary, including making and keeping appointments for follow-up testing, such as urinalysis and 39
blood tests; 40
(D) supporting the education of the client regarding predictable course of response to 41
medication and possible side effects; 42
(E) coaching the client with regard to strategies for following medication regimen 43
(e.g. keeping logs, using pill boxes, soliciting family help to remember to take medication); 44
(3) assist the client to identify when there is a less than desirable or negative outcome and 45
refer the client for appropriate follow-up; and 46
(4) assist the family and other support systems to participate in medication monitoring, as 47
appropriate. 48
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.550 was added. 50
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Sec. 2.40.555. Counseling. 1
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 3
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in 4
(1) subsections (b)(1) [Individual Counseling] and (b)(2) [Family Counseling], as provided 5
in paragraphs (A) through (D) of this paragraph, as applicable: 6
(A) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill at a basic level, applies it as 7
directed, and routinely seeks assistance; 8
(B) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and identifies when 9
additional intervention or assistance is needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; 10
(C) a behavioral health aide III applies knowledge and skills and engages the client 11
more effectively based on a understanding of the client’s information or behavior; and 12
(D) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to 13
applicable restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to 14
participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III; and 15
(2) subsection (b)(3) [Group Counseling], as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (D) of 16
this paragraph, as applicable: 17
(A) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and 18
routinely seeks assistance; a behavioral health aide I may assist in facilitating groups, but is not expected 19
to be able to independently plan groups or facilitate them; 20
(B) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and identifies when 21
additional intervention or assistance may be needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; a behavioral 22
health aide II may assist in facilitating groups and is expected to be able to participate in planning groups; 23
(C) a behavioral health aide III applies knowledge and skills to plan and participate 24
in groups more effectively based on a understanding of the clients who will be in the group, but is not 25
expected to be able to plan or carry out group treatment described in subsections (b)(3)(C)(vi) or (vii) 26
without a co-facilitator; and 27
(D) a behavioral health practitioner performs the skill independently, subject to 28
applicable restrictions, and applies knowledge to mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to 29
participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III, provided that a behavioral 30
health practitioner is not expected to plan or carry out group treatment described in subsection 31
(b)(3)(C)(vii) without a co-facilitator. 32
(b) Knowledge and Skills. 34
(1) Individual Counseling. The behavioral health aide or practitioner applies the 36
knowledge described throughout this article, understands the stages of counseling, and engages in: 37
(A) Problem Definition to 38
(i) support the client in telling his or her story (empathy, establishing rapport, 39
recognizing blocks, etc.); 40
(ii) help the client focus by helping them develop clarity (exploration, probing, 41
etc.); and 42
(iii) challenge the client to develop new perspectives to encourage action 43
(challenging, self-challenge, ownership, etc.). 44
(B) Goal Development to 45
(i) help the client construct new scenarios; 46
(ii) help the client evaluate scenarios; and 47
(iii) help the client choose goals and commit to them. 48
(C) Action to 49
(i) help the client consider possible strategies (e.g. help clients with divergent 50
thinking, brainstorming, reflection on past experiences in responding to issues; client education); 51
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(ii) help the client choose strategies and formulate action plans (choose “best 1
fit” strategies, planning, contingency planning, elaboration, etc.); and 2
(iii) help the client implement action plan (e.g. improving readiness for change, 3
overcoming external barriers; contracting; and providing feedback and training such as assertiveness 4
training). 5
(2) Family Counseling. Family, couple and significant other counseling requires the 7
behavioral health aide or practitioner to apply the knowledge and skills described in subsection (b)(1) 8
[Individual Counseling] in interactive counseling with the client and family members or significant others 9
and to 10
(A) understand family systems and theory: closed and open systems; 11
(B) understand family dynamics; 12
(C) understand and respect family roles, including the accommodations made to 13
respond to substance use or mental health disorders within the family; 14
(D) recognize the elements of functional family units versus dysfunctional systems; 15
(E) recognize barriers to communications within the family; 16
(F) understand roles and impact of extended family; 17
(G) recognize the effects of housing concerns, financial status, and outside factors on 18
family functioning; 19
(H) apply the knowledge described in subparagraphs (A) through (G) of this 20
paragraph; 21
(I) assess family norms (e.g. mealtimes, use of electronics, child care and 22
babysitters); 23
(J) understand and respond to mitigating factors in family functioning such as 24
debilitating illnesses, substance use disorders, mental health disorders, history of molestation or violence, 25
history and nature of deaths, etc.; 26
(K) recognize familial fears (inherited diseases, family grief, family self-image, 27
family expectations); and 28
(L) understand and implement engagement among family members in which issues 29
are defined within safe therapeutic boundaries. 30
(3) Group Counseling. Group counseling requires the behavioral health aide or 32
practitioner to apply the knowledge and skills described in section (b)(1) [Individual Counseling] and to 33
(A) know about different group models; 34
(B) identify appropriate membership for groups by identifying individual 35
characteristics and needs of potential members to assure they can be met within the group (e.g. matching 36
individuals with similar needs, minimizing risks); 37
(C) know the appropriate application and the limitations or risks associated with 38
different types of groups: 39
(i) educational (teaching) groups, (groups for the transmission of information 40
- largely preventative, e.g. parenting, communications, alcohol and narcotics); 41
(ii) self-help groups (e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Alateen, Narcotics 42
Anonymous); 43
(iii) support groups (e.g. adult children of alcoholics, family members of people 44
with mental health, cancer and other chronic diseases, nutrition and weight control; 45
(iv) activity groups (e.g. crafts, nutrition, subsistence activities, sweat houses, 46
movie nights, physical activities); 47
(v) skill development groups (e.g. parenting skills, couples communication); 48
(vi) psycho-educational groups for clients as part of a treatment plan to address 49
specific behavioral health issues (e.g. anger management, parenting, substance abuse); and 50
(vii) therapeutic group treatment (focused counseling); 51
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(D) develop cohesion among members of the group; 1
(E) set therapeutic boundaries in groups, including assisting participants to make 2
appropriate levels of disclosure; 3
(F) assist group members who are in transition from one group to another; and 4
(G) determine criteria for ending a group or a client’s participation in a particular 5
group and assist with regard to identifying other services, as appropriate. 6
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.555 was added. 8
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Sec. 2.40.560. Crisis Management. 1
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 3
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) as provided in paragraphs 4
(1) through (3) of this subsection, as applicable: 5
(1) a behavioral health aide I demonstrates the skill, applies it as directed, and routinely 6
seeks assistance; 7
(2) a behavioral health aide II utilizes the skill consistently and determines, with assistance, 8
when additional intervention or assistance may be needed to achieve the purpose of the interaction; and 9
(3) a behavioral health aide III and behavioral health practitioner apply knowledge and 10
skills and engages the client more effectively based on a understanding of the client; and 11
(4) a behavioral health practitioner, subject to applicable restrictions, applies knowledge to 12
mentor and support others in the use of the skill and to participate in supervision and evaluation of 13
behavioral health aides I, II and III. 14
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Crisis management requires the behavioral health aide or 16
practitioner to have knowledge of and be able to: 17
(1) recognize behavioral health crisis events; 18
(2) identify the crisis and report to a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral 19
health professional regarding crisis events; 20
(3) conduct assessment of risk of harm to self or others; 21
(4) conduct assessment of risk associated with acute intoxication, overdose, detoxification, 22
and withdrawal; 23
(5) obtain assistance from supervisors and other community resources (e.g. CHA/P, Village 24
Public Safety Officer) to respond; 25
(6) follow clinical instructions; 26
(7) communicate with family and others regarding existence of and response to crisis; 27
(8) assist with necessary steps to achieve and follow-up involuntary treatment, when 28
required; 29
(9) refer to and cooperate with authorities after deaths (including suicide and homicide), 30
child neglect or abuse, elder abuse, and other reportable events; 31
(10) assist client to report violence (e.g. domestic violence or sexual assault); 32
(11) assist client to obtain immediate services after a critical event (e.g. domestic violence 33
shelter, foster care) and provide support for others immediately affected, such as family members and 34
close friends; 35
(12) assist individuals who have experienced critical event (themselves or as a family 36
member, friend or community member) to consider behavioral health services; and 37
(13) apply foundational and other skills, subject to direction, to assist with emergency 38
management and critical incident response to individual events and mass casualties, whether manmade or 39
natural. 40
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.560 was added. 42
Sec. 2.40.565. Supervision, Training and Professional Development. 44
(a) Level of Performance. A behavioral health aide or practitioner must demonstrate the 46
knowledge and perform the skills and competencies described in subsection (b) in their own interaction 47
with supervisors, mentors and trainers, in pursuing their own professional development, and as provided 48
in paragraphs (1) through (3) of this subsection, as applicable: 49
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(1) a behavioral health aide I or II does not perform supervision, training, or professional 1
development of other behavioral health aides or practitioners, but a BHA I may provide peer support for a 2
person training to be a behavioral health aide I and a BHA II may provide peer support for a BHA I; 3
(2) a behavioral health aide III demonstrates the skills and competencies and applies it as 4
directed and routinely seeks assistance; and 5
(3) a behavioral health practitioner applies the knowledge and skills to engage, mentor and 6
support, and participate in supervision and evaluation of behavioral health aides I, II and III, based on an 7
understanding of the supervisee’s level of knowledge and skills, professional goals, and behavior. 8
(b) Knowledge and Skills. Supervision and mentoring of other behavioral health aides requires 10
a behavioral health aide II or III or behavioral health practitioner to 11
(1) use supervision, peer consultation and self-evaluation to enhance self-awareness and 12
improve professional performance; 13
(2) identify methods of health promotion, stress reduction, and burn out prevention; 14
(3) use evaluations to improve professional performance and quality of services; 15
(4) assist in defining continuing education opportunities consistent with professional 16
development needs; and 17
(5) provide professional development through education and participation in regular 18
supervision and consultation. 19
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.565 was added. 21
Article 50. Term of Certificate 23
History: June 18, 2008, Article 40 was renumbered as Article 50. November 26, 2002, Article 30 was 25
renumbered as Article 40. 26
Sec. 2.50.010. Effective Date. The effective date is the date of issuance under section 2.50.020 28
[date of issuance]. 29
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.010 was renumbered as Section 2.50.010 and amended to address 31
renumbering of other sections. November 26, 2002, Section 2.30.010 was renumbered as Section 32
2.40.010 and amended. 33
Sec. 2.50.020. Date of Issuance. The date of issuance of a certificate shall be the date the 35
certificate is provisionally approved by the staff of the Board or final Board approval is granted, 36
whichever is earlier. 37
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.020 was renumbered as Section 2.50.020. November 26, 2002, 39
Section 2.30.020 was renumbered as section 2.40.020. 40
Sec. 2.50.100. Expiration. A certificate as a community health aide, community health 42
practitioner, dental health aide, behavioral health aide, or behavioral health practitioner expires two years 43
from the last day of the month in which the Board took final action to approve the certificate. 44
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.100 was renumbered as 2.50.100 and amended. November 26, 46
2002, Section 2.30.100 was renumbered as Section 2.40.100. 47
Sec. 2.50.200. Requirements for Renewal. 49
(a) A certified community health aide, community health practitioner, dental health aide, or 51
behavioral health aide or practitioner applying for certificate renewal shall: 52
(1) apply on a form provided by the Board; 53
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(2) pay the application fees required by the Board; 1
(3) provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant has met the continuing 2
education requirements of the Board; 3
(4) provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant continues to demonstrate 4
the practical professional competencies required for the level of certification sought; 5
(5) continue to meet the requirements of chapter 2 [certification of CHA/Ps, DHAs, & 6
BHAs]; and 7
(6) if seeking recertification as a community health practitioner, no less often than once 8
every six years, the individual must re-satisfy the requirements of section 2.20.500 [CHP training & 9
education requirements]; or 10
(7) if seeking recertification as a dental health aide therapist practitioner, no less often than 11
once every six years, the individual must re-satisfy the requirements of section 2.30.700(3) and (4) 12
[DHATP training & education requirements]. 13
(b) An applicant who has not been employed as a community health aide, community health 15
practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner an average of at 16
least 15 hours a week for at least six months of the previous 12 months prior to submission of the 17
application must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has been monitored in the 18
performance of each required competence until he or she has demonstrated successful performance of 19
each. 20
History: June 3, 2020, Section 2.50.200(a)(7) was amended. January 22, 2015, Section 2.50.200(b) was 22
amended. June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.200 was renumbered as Section 2.50.200 and subsections (a) and 23
(b) were amended. November 26, 2002, Section 2.30.200 was renumbered as Section 2.40.200 and was 24
amended. 25
Sec. 2.50.300. Reinstatement or Renewal of a Lapsed Certificate. The Board will, in its 27
discretion, reinstate or renew a certificate that has lapsed if the applicant complies with the certificate 28
renewal requirements under section 2.50.200 [requirements for renewal], provided that the applicant must 29
provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant has completed the continuing education 30
requirements under chapter 3 [continuing education]. 31
History: June 18, 2008, Section 2.40.300 was renumbered as Section 2.50.300 and amended to address 33
renumbering of other sections. November 26, 2002, Section 2.30.300 was renumbered as Section 34
2.40.300 and was amended. 35
Chapter 3. Continuing Education 38
Sec. 3.10.005. Multiple Certifications. Up to 12 hours of training, acquired in the previous 2 40
years, obtained to achieve initial certification, to increase the level of certification, or to satisfy continuing 41
education requirements under this chapter 3 [continuing education] as a community health aide or 42
practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or practitioner, may be applied to satisfying the 43
continuing education requirements for other certificates held by the same person under these Standards. 44
Sec. 3.10.010. CHA/P Continuing Education Requirements. 46
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. A community health aide or practitioner whose certification has not 48
lapsed who is an applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 20 of chapter 2: 49
(1) (A) as a community health aide who has not completed the requirements for the next 51
level of certification prior to the deadline for recertification; or 52
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(B) as a community health practitioner. 1
(2) must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has completed a 2
minimum of 48 contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board on varied or updated topics 3
during the concluding two-year certification period. No more than 24 of the required contact hours may be 4
regarding emergency care. A minimum of 24 of the required contact hours must be in the competencies 5
listed in sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] through .510 [CHP competencies]. 6
(b) Lapsed Certificate. An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 20 of chapter 2 8
whose certification has lapsed must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has met the 9
requirements for continuing education set forth in subsection (a)(2) of this section. 10
History: June 18, 2008, Section 3.10.010(a) was amended and (b) was deleted. November 26, 2002, 12
Section 3.10.010(a) was amended and (b) was added. June 12, 2002, Section 3.10.010 was amended. 13
Sec. 3.10.050. DHA Continuing Education Requirements. 15
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. 17
(1) An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 30 of chapter 2 whose certificate 18
has not lapsed must meet 19
(A) any specific recertification requirements set forth therein; 20
(B) satisfactory performance under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental 21
hygienist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner of a minimum of 22
(i) 80 hours, demonstrating competence in each procedure for which the 23
dental health aide is certified; or 24
(ii) 8 of each procedure for which the dental health aide is certified; and 25
(C) if the dental health aide has not completed the requirements for another level of 26
certification or module during the concluding two-year certification period, satisfactory completion of 24 27
contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board on varied or updated topics. 28
(2) If the direct supervision required under subsections (1)(B) of this section is provided by 29
anyone other than a dentist, the supervisor must have been authorized to supervise the preceptorship of the 30
procedures being performed under the applicable provision of chapter 2, article 30 [Standards for Dental 31
Health Aides]. 32
(b) Lapsed Certificate. An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 30 of chapter 2 34
whose certification has lapsed must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that in the two years 35
preceding recertification he or she has met the requirements for continuing education set forth in 36
subsection (a) of this section. 37
History: June 3, 2020, Section 3.10.050(a)(1)(B) was amended. January 11, 2013, Section 3.10.050 was 39
amended. June 18, 2008, Section 3.10.050(a)(1(C)(i) was amended. June 20, 2007, Section 3.10.050(a) 40
was amended. October 8, 2003, Section 3.10.050(a)(3) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 41
3.10.050 was added. 42
Sec. 3.10.070. BHA/P Continuing Education Requirements. 44
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. A behavioral health aide or practitioner whose certification has not 46
lapsed who is an applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 40 [standards for BHA/Ps] of chapter 47
2 [certification of CHAs, CHPs, DHAs, BHAs, and BHPs]: 48
(1) (A) as a behavioral health aide who has not completed the requirements for the next 49
level of certification prior to the deadline for recertification; or 50
(B) as a behavioral health practitioner; 51
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(2) must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has completed a 1
minimum of 40 contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board on varied or updated topics 2
during the concluding two-year certification period, provided that 3
(A) no fewer than 4 of the required contact hours must be regarding ethics and 4
consent; 5
(B) no fewer than 4 of the required contact hours must be regarding confidentiality 6
and privacy; and 7
(C) no fewer than 4 of the required contact hours must be regarding cross cultural 8
communication and understanding and working with diverse populations: 9
(i) various ethnicities or cultural heritages, age groups, genders, lifestyles, 10
family dynamics, or socioeconomic statuses, or diagnostic categories; or 11
(ii) effective strategies for working with diverse populations, conducting self-12
assessments and navigating value differences, developing cultural awareness and an understanding of the 13
potential influence on a person’s behavioral health; and 14
(D) the balance of the hours must be related to the knowledge and skills identified or 15
related to those described in section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice]; and 16
(E) a minimum of 20 CEUs are attended via face-to-face instruction. 17
(b) Lapsed Certificate. An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 40 [standards for 19
BHA/Ps] of chapter 2 [certification of CHAs, CHPs, DHAs, BHAs, and BHPs] whose certification has 20
lapsed must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has met the requirements for 21
continuing education set forth in subsection (a)(2) [BHA/P continuing education requirements; unlapsed 22
certificate; (required continuing education)] of this section in the two-year period prior to seeking 23
recertification. 24
History: June 12, 2014, Section 3.10.070 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 3.10.070 was added. 26
Sec. 3.10.100. Approved Continuing Education Programs for CHA/P. 28
(a) Competencies. To be approved by the Board, a continuing education program must 30
(1) cover one or more of the course of study subjects or competencies listed in sections 31
2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] through .510 [CHP competencies], the CHA/P 32
Curriculum, or the CHAM; 33
(2) directly relate to the clinical practice of a community health aide or community health 34
practitioner; and 35
(3) be no less than 1 hour in length. 36
(b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 38
3.10.100(a) [approved continuing education programs for CHA/P; competencies] and is sponsored by any 39
of the following organizations is considered approved by the Board: 40
(1) a certified CHA/P Training Center; 41
(2) the American Medical Association; 42
(3) the American Nurses' Association; 43
(4) an accredited postsecondary educational institution; 44
(5) the Indian Health Service; 45
(6) an emergency care course approved by the State of Alaska, Indian Health Service, 46
American Heart Association, or American Red Cross; or 47
(7) Smiles for Life. 48
(c) Tribal Continuing Education Programs. A continuing education program provided by the 50
tribe or tribal organization's health program that meets the requirements of section 3.10.100(a) [approved 51
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continuing education programs for CHA/P; competencies] shall be approved by the Board. Submission of 1
the plan or CHA/P Curriculum for the continuing education program or programs to the Board may be 2
done prior to or after the program has been conducted. Approval may be granted for more than one 3
program at a time. Re-approval need not be obtained for an approved program that is being repeated 4
within a three year period after the most recent approval. 5
(d) Self-Study Programs. A self-study continuing education program sponsored by one of the 6
organizations listed in subsections 3.10.100(b) [approved continuing education programs for CHA/P; 7
sponsorship] or (c) [approved continuing education programs for CHA/P; tribal continuing education 8
programs] that meets the requirements of section 3.10.100(a) [approved continuing education programs 9
for CHA/P; competencies] is considered approved by the Board. 10
(e) Other. A continuing education program not sponsored by one of the organizations listed in 12
subsections 3.10.100(b) [approved continuing education programs for CHA/P; sponsorship] or (c) 13
[approved continuing education programs for CHA/P; tribal continuing education programs] must be 14
individually approved by the Board. Such approval can be provided at the time of application for 15
recertification if the applicant submits evidence sufficient to permit the Board to determine whether the 16
training meets the requirements of this section. 17
History: January 22, 2016, Section 3.10.100(b) was amended. October 4, 2012, Section 3.10.100(a) was 19
renumbered and amended. June 18, 2008, Section 3.10.100(c) was amended. November 26, 2002, 20
Section 3.10.100(a), (b) and (c) were amended and titles were added to (d) and (e). 21
Sec. 3.10.200. Approved Continuing Education Programs for DHA. 23
(a) Competencies. To be approved by the Board, a continuing education program for a dental 25
health aide must 26
(1) cover one or more of the course of study subjects or competencies listed in sections 27
2.30.100 [PDHA I training & education requirements] through 2.30.610 [DHAT supervision & 28
competencies]; 29
(2) directly relate to the clinical practice of a dental health aide; and 30
(3) be no less than 1 hour in length. 31
(b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 33
3.10.200(a) [approved continuing education programs for DHA; competencies] and is sponsored by any 34
of the following organizations considered approved by the Board: 35
(1) a certified CHA/P Training Center; 36
(2) the American Dental Association; 37
(3) the Academy of General Dentistry; 38
(4) the Alaska Dental Society; 39
(5) the Alaska Dental Hygiene Society; 40
(6) an accredited postsecondary educational institution; 41
(7) the Indian Health Service or other agencies of the Federal government; or 42
(8) an emergency care course approved by the State of Alaska, Indian Health Service, 43
American Heart Association, or American Red Cross. 44
(c) Tribal Continuing Education Programs. A continuing education program provided by the 46
tribe or tribal organization's health program that meets the requirements of section 3.10.200(a) [approved 47
continuing education programs for DHA; competencies] shall be approved by the Board. Submission of 48
the plan or DHA Curriculum for the continuing education program or programs to the Board may be done 49
prior to or after the program has been conducted. Approval may be granted for more than one program at 50
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a time. Re-approval need not be obtained for an approved program that is being repeated within a three 1
year period after the most recent approval. 2
(d) Self-Study. A self-study continuing education program sponsored by one of the 4
organizations listed in subsections 3.10.200(b) [approved continuing education programs for DHA; 5
sponsorship] or (c) [approved continuing education programs for DHA; tribal continuing education 6
programs] that meets the requirements of section 3.10.200(a) [approved continuing education programs 7
for DHA; competencies] is considered approved by the Board. 8
(e) Other. A continuing education program not sponsored by one of the organizations listed in 10
subsections 3.10.200(b) [approved continuing education programs for DHA; sponsorship] or (c) 11
[approved continuing education programs for DHA; tribal continuing education programs] must be 12
individually approved by the Board. Such approval can be provided at the time of application for 13
recertification if the applicant submits evidence sufficient to permit the Board to determine whether the 14
training meets the requirements of this section. 15
History: October 4, 2012, Section 3.10.200(a) was renumbered and amended. June 18, 2008, Section 17
3.10.200(c) was amended. November 26, 2002, Sections 3.10.200 was added. 18
Sec. 3.10.300. Approved Continuing Education Programs for BHA/P. 20
(a) Competencies. To be approved by the Board, a continuing education program must 22
(1) contribute to the knowledge or skills described in section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, 23
skills, and scope of practice] or expand on content or subject matter described in chapter 8 [BHA 24
curricula]; 25
(2) directly relate to the clinical practice of a behavioral health aide or practitioner, which 26
shall include courses related to the effects of tobacco use and tobacco use assessment and treatment; and 27
(3) be no less than 1 hour in length. 28
(b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 30
3.10.300(a) [approved continuing education programs for BHA/P; competencies] and is offered or 31
sponsored by any of the following organizations is considered approved by the Board: 32
(1) a certified BHA/P Training Center; 33
(2) Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification (ACBHC); 34
(3) the Indian Health Service; 35
(4) Alaska Board of Social Work Examiners; 36
(5) Alaska Training Cooperative; 37
(6) Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME); 38
(7) an accredited postsecondary education institution; 39
(8) American Counseling Association (ACA); 40
(9) American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC); 41
(10) American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA); 42
(11) American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM); 43
(12) American Psychological Association (APA); 44
(13) Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC); 45
(14) International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC); 46
(15) (Safetalk); 47
(16) National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC); 48
(17) National Association of Social Workers (NASW) or any state chapter of NASW; 49
(18) National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC); 50
(19) National Association of Direct Service Providers (NADSP); or 51
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(20) QPR Institute. 1
(21) [RESERVED]. 2
(c) Tribal Continuing Education Programs. A continuing education program provided by the 4
tribe or tribal organization's health program that meets the requirements of section 3.10.300(a) [approved 5
continuing education programs for BHA/P; competencies] shall be approved by the Board. Submission of 6
the plan or BHA Curriculum for the continuing education program or programs to the Board may be done 7
prior to or after the program has been conducted. Approval may be granted for more than one program at 8
a time. Re-approval need not be obtained for an approved program that is being repeated within a three 9
year period after the most recent approval. 10
(d) Self-Study Programs. A self-study continuing education program sponsored by one of the 12
organizations listed in subsections 3.10.300(b) [approved continuing education programs for BHA/P; 13
sponsorship] or (c) [approved continuing education programs for BHA/P; tribal continuing education 14
programs] that meets the requirements of section 3.10.300(a) [approved continuing education programs 15
for BHA/P; competencies] is considered approved by the Board. 16
(e) Other. A continuing education program not sponsored by one of the organizations education 18
programs] must be individually approved by the Board. Such approval can be provided at the time of 19
application for recertification if the applicant submits evidence sufficient to permit the Board to determine 20
whether the training meets the requirements of this section. 21
History: January 13, 2021, Section 3.10.300(b) was amended. October 27, 2016, Section 23
3.10.300(a)(21) was amended. October 29, 2015, Section 3.10.300(b) was amended. October 4, 2012, 24
Section 3.10.300(a) was amended. 25
Chapter 4. 28
Discipline, Suspension or Revocation 29
of a Community Health Aide, Community Health Practitioner, 30
Dental Health Aide, Behavioral Health Aide or 31
Behavioral Health Practitioner Certificate 32
History: June 18, 2008, the title for Chapter 4 was amended. November 26, 2002, the title for Chapter 4 34
was amended. 35
Sec. 4.10.010. Grounds for Discipline. The Board may impose a disciplinary sanction under this 37
chapter on a person holding a certificate under these standards if the Board finds that the person 38
(a) secured a certificate through deceit, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation; 39
(b) engaged in deceit, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation in the course of providing 40
professional services or engaging in professional activities, including holding himself or herself out as 41
another health provider for which he or she has not met applicable licensing or other credentialing 42
requirements; 43
(c) failed to surrender the certificate if required to do so under section 2.10.020 [surrender of a 44
certificate]; 45
(d) has been convicted of a felony or other crime that affects the certified community health 46
aide or practitioner’s, dental health aide’s, or behavioral health aide or practitioner’s ability to continue to 47
practice competently and safely; 48
(e) intentionally or negligently engaged in or permitted the performance of patient care by 49
persons under the certified community health aide or practitioner’s, dental health aide’s, or behavioral 50
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health aide or practitioner’s supervision that does not conform to minimum professional standards 1
regardless of whether actual injury to a patient occurred; 2
(f) failed to comply with any requirement or order of the Board applicable to the certified 3
community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or practitioner; 4
(g) continued to practice after becoming unfit due to 5
(1) professional incompetence; 6
(2) failure to keep informed of current professional practices; 7
(3) addiction or dependency on alcohol or other drugs that impair the ability to practice 8
safely; 9
(4) physical or mental disability; 10
(h) engaged in lewd or immoral conduct in connection with the delivery of service to patients; 11
(i) engaged in unprofessional conduct, including having: 12
(1) failed to use sufficient knowledge, skills or judgment for the community health aide or 13
practitioner’s, dental health aide’s or behavioral health aide or practitioner’s level of certification; 14
(2) assumed duties and responsibilities: 15
(A) without sufficient preparation; 16
(B) for which competency has not been maintained; or 17
(C) for which the community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or 18
behavioral health aide or practitioner is not certified, provided that such duties were not assumed as part 19
of meeting the requirements for the next level of certification; 20
(D) for which the community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or 21
behavioral health aide or practitioner has not been trained through training described in sections 22
[competencies], sections 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience requirements] through 23
2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice], as applicable, or continuing education 24
approved under Chapter 3, provided that the community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or 25
behavioral health aide or practitioner may provide services under this paragraph only at the direction of 26
his or her employer; or 27
(E) a community health aide or practitioner or behavioral health aide or practitioner 28
assigned to be available on-call failed to respond to an emergency; 29
(3) knowingly delegated a community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide or 30
behavioral health aide or practitioner function to another who is not certified to perform that function; 31
(4) violated the confidentiality of information or knowledge concerning a patient; 32
(5) physically or verbally abused a patient; 33
(6) performed duties as a community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or 34
behavioral health aide or practitioner while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or any other 35
substance likely to impair the community health aide or practitioner’s, dental health aide’s, or behavioral 36
health aide or practitioner’s ability to provide competent care; 37
(7) violated state or federal laws regulating drugs, including but not limited to forging 38
prescriptions or unlawfully distributing drugs or narcotics; 39
(8) failed to maintain a record for each patient which accurately reflects the patient 40
encounter and interventions provided, or falsification of a patient's records or intentionally making an 41
incorrect entry in a patient's record; 42
(9) left a clinic assignment without properly notifying the appropriate personnel; 43
(10) failed to report, through proper channels, facts known to the community health aide or 44
practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or practitioner regarding incompetent, 45
unprofessional or illegal practice of another health care provider; 46
(11) signed a record as a witness attesting to the wastage of controlled substances which the 47
community health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or practitioner did not 48
actually witness; 49
(12) exploited a patient for financial gain or offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving fees for 50
referral of a patient; 51
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(13) was responsible for untruthful or misleading advertisement of available services; 1
(14) knowingly violated laws regulating health insurance or the potential for health 2
insurance reimbursement; 3
(15) been found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, any offense 4
under Federal, State or Tribal law involving crimes of violence; sexual assault, molestation, exploitation, 5
contact or prostitution; or crimes against persons within the meaning of section 408 of the Indian Child 6
Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, P.L. 101-630, 25 U.S.C. § 3207; 7
(16) failed to comply with applicable mandatory reporting laws of the State of Alaska; or 8
(17) failed to respond to a request for services where a duty to respond existed. 9
History: June 18, 2008, Section 4.10.010(d), (e), (f), (i)(2)(C), (i)(2)(D), (i)(2)(E), (i)(3), (i)(6), (i)(10), and 11
(i)(11) were amended. November 26, 2002, Section 4.10.010 introductory paragraph, (b), (d), (e), (f), (h), 12
(i)(1), (i)(2)(C), (D) and (E), (i)(3), (i)(6), (i)(10), (i)(11) were amended. September 25, 1998, Section 13
4.10.010(i)(15), (16), and (17) were amended. 14
Sec. 4.10.100. Community Health Aide or Practitioner, Dental Health Aide, or Behavioral 16
Health Aide or Practitioner Sanctions. When it finds that a person holding a certificate as a community 17
health aide or practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or practitioner has violated one of 18
the conditions of section 4.10.010 [grounds for discipline], the Board may impose the following sanctions 19
singly or in combination: 20
(1) permanently revoke a certificate to practice; 21
(2) suspend a certificate for a determinate period of time; 22
(3) censure a person holding a certificate; 23
(4) issue a letter of reprimand; 24
(5) place a person holding a certificate on probationary status and require the person to 25
(A) report regularly to the Board upon matters involving the basis of probation; 26
(B) limit practice to those areas prescribed; 27
(C) continue professional education until a satisfactory degree of skill has been 28
attained in those areas determined by the Board to need improvement; and 29
(6) impose limitations or conditions on the practice of a person holding a certificate. 30
History: June 18, 2008, Section 4.10.100 title and introductory sentence were amended. November 26, 32
2002, Section 4.10.100 title and introductory sentence were amended. 33
Sec. 4.10.110. Withdrawing Probation. The Board may withdraw probationary status if it finds 35
that the deficiencies that required the sanction have been remedied. 36
Sec. 4.10.120. Summary Suspension. The Board may summarily suspend a certificate before 38
final hearing or during the appeals process if the Board finds that the person holding a certificate poses a 39
clear and immediate danger to the public health and safety if the person continues to practice. A person 40
whose certificate is suspended under this subsection shall be entitled to a hearing pursuant to section 41
9.10.010 [hearings]. The person may appeal the suspension after a hearing to the Area Director of the 42
Alaska Area Native Health Service. 43
Sec. 4.10.130. Consistency. The Board shall seek consistency in the application of disciplinary 45
sanctions, and significant departure from prior decisions involving similar situations shall be explained in 46
findings of fact or orders. 47
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Chapter 5. CHA/P Training Centers 1
Article 10. Requirements for Certification 3
Sec. 5.10.010. Certification. The Board shall issue a CHA/P Training Center certificate to a 5
training center which 6
(1) applies on a form provided by the Board; and 7
(2) adopts and adheres to requirements of sections 5.10.015 [educational program 8
philosophy] through 5.10.070 [faculty continuing education]. 9
Sec. 5.10.015. Educational Program Philosophy. A CHA/P Training Center must have on file a 10
mission statement that reflects the statewide nature of the program and the goals and objectives of the 11
program, which must include quality health care, competency based instruction, emphasis on clinical 12
instruction and skills, emphasis on a positive learning environment, and respect for the unique needs of 13
the adult learner must also be on file. 14
Sec. 5.10.020. Training Facilities. A CHA/P Training Center facility must provide classroom, or 16
e-classroom and clinical environments that are conducive to a positive learning experience for faculty and 17
community health aide trainees by ensuring that 18
(1) traditional classrooms have appropriate space and privacy. An environmental health 19
review of the facility must be performed and on file. Specific consideration and evaluation in the areas of 20
safety, adequacy of space, air quality, lighting, heating, and storage and disposal of hazardous waste must 21
be documented; and 22
(2) e-classrooms have appropriate policies on Internet safety and privacy, appropriate 23
language, emergency procedures for Internet outages, and recommendations on lighting, noise, and an 24
ergonomic environment. 25
History: October 29, 2013, Section 5.10.020 was amended. 27
Sec. 5.10.025. Training Staff. 29
(a) Qualifications and Roles. 31
(1) Director/Instructor of Record. The following standards apply to the CHA/P Training 32
Center Director/Instructor of Record. 33
(A) The CHA/P Training Center Director/Instructor of Record should be an 34
individual with a combination of education, research, work, and/or life experience which are relevant to 35
providing leadership in a CHA/P Training Center Program. 36
(B) In recognition of the diverse role of the CHA/P Training Center 37
Director/Instructor of Record, it is preferred that the Director or Instructor of Record have a background 38
in health and education and be able to administrate, serve in a statewide liaison role, hold the mission of 39
the statewide program, and provide program direction, development, and leadership. 40
(C) The Instructor of Record must at a minimum be a state licensed mid-level 41
practitioner who will assume responsibilities for course development, evaluation and revision, clinical site 42
development and evaluation, and evaluation of students and instructors. 43
(2) Instructor. CHA/P Training Center instructors must consist of a majority of full-time 45
equivalent mid-level practitioner or physician instructors who are employees of the federal government or 46
licensed by the State of Alaska. Additional instructors should be certified or licensed and have formal 47
training in the knowledge and skills that they are teaching, including CHPs with current CHP credential, 48
CHAPCB certification, and EMT certification. All instructors will be monitored to assure compliance 49
with the CHA/P Curriculum and competence in subject being taught. Instructors teaching CHA 50
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curriculum via eLearning must demonstrate competency in e-teaching by experience, completed 1
coursework, or other approved measure. 2
(3) Clinical Instructor. Clinical instructors must be mid-level practitioners or physicians 4
who are employees of the federal government or licensed by the State of Alaska. Certain patient 5
encounter, exams, or procedures may be taught by other persons who have appropriate experience or 6
certification (e.g. well child visits and return prenatal visits by a public health nurse; surrogate body 7
system exams by a CHP). These encounters must be periodically reviewed by an experienced mid-level 8
practitioner or physician trainer as part of the training center quality assurance program. The majority of 9
clinical experiences for a student must be taught by a mid-level practitioner or physician trainer. 10
(4) Medical Advisor. The CHA/P Training Center Medical Advisor must be a physician 11
employed by the federal government or licensed by the State of Alaska who is practicing primary care and 12
is currently working with community health aides or practitioners. The Medical Advisor should have prior 13
experience with the CHA/P program. The Medical Advisor's classroom instruction and clinical 14
preceptorship will comply with the CHA/P Curriculum and statewide goals of the Community Health 15
Aide Program. The Medical Advisor will participate in quality assurance/continuing quality improvement 16
efforts, serve as a resource and be available for consultation and regular meetings. 17
(b) Job Descriptions. Job descriptions for each of the training staff which reflect these roles 19
and responsibilities must be on file. 20
(c) Orientation of New Staff. Each CHA/P Training Center must have in place a written 22
orientation procedure for new employees which will minimally include the CHA/P Training Center's 23
mission, goals, and objectives; the CHA/P Curriculum; the methods of instruction and function of the 24
statewide Community Health Aide Program; cultural diversity; the role of the CHA/P; and the CHA/P 25
certification process. 26
(d) Faculty Turnover. In order to maintain the quality of instruction, the Board must be 28
notified if during any twelve-month period 50 percent of the instructor staff of a CHA/P Training Center 29
resigns and whenever a CHA/P Training Center Director resigns. Documentation of new employee 30
orientation, peer review and student evaluation and examination must be available for review for each 31
new instructor. 32
History: September 12, 2019, Section 5.10.025(a)(3) was amended. June 13, 2019, Section 34
5.10.025(a)(2) was amended. October 29, 2013, Section 5.10.025(a)(2) was amended. June 24, 2009, 35
Section 5.10.025(a)(2) and Section 5.10.025(d) were amended. November 26, 2002, Section 36
5.10.025(a)(2), (3) and (4) and (c) were amended. 37
Sec. 5.10.030. Hospital/Clinic Affiliation. 39
(a) Accreditation. A CHA/P Training Center must be affiliated with the Alaska Native Medical 41
Center or a hospital or clinic accredited by The Joint Commission (formerly known as the Joint 42
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)) or licensed by the State of Alaska. 43
Exception can be made in a clinic facility for which The Joint Commission accreditation or state licensing 44
is not available. 45
(b) Hospital/Clinic Commitment. A CHA/P Training Center must have the support of 47
hospital/clinic and/or corporation administration to provide on-going access to clinical training for 48
CHA/Ps. A letter of support should be updated with each new clinical director and hospital or clinical 49
administrator or corporation Board. 50
History: June 18, 2008, Section 5.10.030(a) was amended. 52
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Sec. 5.10.035. Volume, Hours and Distribution of Patient Encounters. Clinical hours will be 1
scheduled in compliance with the CHA/P Curriculum. For each trainee a CHA/P Training Center's 2
documentation of volume, hours and distribution of patient encounters must meet the requirements of this 3
section. 4
(a) Encounters. 6
(1) Session I. Ten encounters under the following conditions: the trainee will be the 7
primary provider in at least four patient encounters with particular emphasis on the patient problems 8
delineated in the CHA/P Curriculum, as outlined below, and at least six additional encounters with the 9
trainee as an active participant. 10
(2) Session II. Ten encounters under the following conditions: the trainee will be the 11
primary provider in at least four patient encounters with particular emphasis on patient problems 12
delineated in the CHA/P Curriculum, as outlined below and at least six additional encounters with the 13
trainee as active participant. 14
(3) Session III. Ten encounters under the following conditions: the trainee will be the 15
primary provider in at least six patient encounters with particular emphasis on the patient problems 16
delineated in the CHA/P Curriculum, as outlined below, and at least four additional encounters with the 17
trainee as active participant. 18
(4) Session IV. Fourteen encounters under the following conditions: the trainee will be the 19
primary provider in at least ten patient encounters with particular emphasis on the patient problems 20
delineated in the CHA/P Curriculum, as outlined below, and at least four additional encounters with the 21
trainee as active participant. 22
(b) (1) Primary Provider. Under subsection (a) [volume, hours & distribution of patient 24
encounters; encounters] of this section, the primary provider must perform the history and examination, 25
and depending on the complexity of the encounter and the skill and confidence level of the trainee, 26
determine the assessment and plan in conjunction with the instructor. 27
(2) Active Participant. Under this section, the active participant performs part of the 28
patient encounter with direction or guidance of the instructor. 29
(c) Distribution of Clinical Hours. The distribution of clinical hours must be available in the 31
following kinds of patient encounters: 32
(1) Session I. 34
Encounter Type Hours 35
Acute care 12 36
Lab 1 37
Respiratory 1 38
Ear 1 39
Digestive system 1 40
Screening exam 1 41
Sick child 4 42
Vital signs 3 43
Approach to child (observe) 2 44
Total Hours 26 45
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(2) Session II. 1
Encounter Type Hours 2
Acute care 12 3
Lab 1 4
Respiratory 1 5
Circulatory 1 6
Digestive system 1 7
Prenatal 2 8
Mental illness 4 9
Sick child 4 10
Screening physical exam 1 11
Approach to child (observe) 4 12
Total Hours 31 13
(3) Session III. 15
Encounter Type Hours 16
Prenatal 8 17
Newborn 1 18
Sick child 4 19
Post partum (fundus exam) 1 20
Well child 8 21
STD 4 22
Total Hours 26 23
*Note: if no new postpartum patient is available, a RAC-approved model may be substituted. 24
(4) Session IV. 26
Encounter Type Hours 27
Acute care 8 28
Ear 1 29
Respiratory 1 30
Circulatory 1 31
Digestive 1 32
Female reproductive 4 33
Prenatal 3 34
Sick child 4 35
Well child 3.5 36
Newborn 1 37
Chronic disease 4 38
H & P 2.5 39
Total Hours 34 40
History: June 13, 2019, Section 5.10.035(c)(3) was amended. June 30, 2016, Section 5.10.035(a)(2) and 42
(b)(1) were amended. January 16, 2009, Section 5.10.035(c)(2) and (c)(4) were amended. November 26, 43
2002, Section 5.10.035(a) was amended. 44
Sec. 5.10.040. Trainees Selection Process. 46
(a) Qualifications for Trainees and Application Process. The CHA/P Training Center will 48
have a policy for selection of trainees. The selection process will include requiring applicants for trainee 49
slots to file a completed statewide application form recommended no less than four weeks prior to the 50
start of the training session, unless extraordinary circumstances are present. The policy for selection must 51
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include requirements that the training applicants have no less than sixth grade math and reading skills and 1
that they have completed Pre-Session, unless the applicant satisfies one of the exceptions to these 2
requirements adopted under section 5.10.040(c) [trainees selection process; exceptions]. 3
(b) Statewide Priorities. The CHA/P Training Center must adhere to statewide placement 5
priorities for training applicants for a limited number of training slots. 6
(c) Exceptions. The CHA/P Training Center must have exception policies. Policies must be 8
written to incorporate individual hardship cases, including emergency training needs in communities 9
where there are no trained personnel and in situations where community health aides or practitioners have 10
no access to field site courses (presession and ETT). Exception policies must also include arrangements 11
for applicants with prior medical training, such as registered nurses, National Guard Corpsman, etc. 12
History: January 16, 2009, Section 5.10.040(a) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 4.10.040(a) was 14
amended. 15
Sec. 5.10.045. Trainee Services. 17
(a) Counseling and Health Services. The CHA/P Training Center must have a system for 19
onsite or online initial individual counseling for trainees, which may include assigning faculty members 20
for this purpose. Referral for confidential counseling by mental health professionals must be available to 21
trainees. A system to provide acute care and emergency health services must also be provided. 22
(b) Academic Advising. A CHA/P Training Center must provide an onsite or online system for 24
trainee academic advising, documentation of formative and summative evaluations, and advising 25
pertinent to the role of the community health aide and practitioner and certification. 26
(c) Attrition. A system of recording trainee attrition data including the causes and timing of 28
attrition during training must be in place. 29
(d) Housing, Meals, and Transportation. Housing, meals and transportation should be 31
available, affordable, and conveniently located to face-to-face or traditional trainees. 32
(e) Internet Connectivity. A workstation with Internet connectivity must be accessible as an 34
alternate to an eLearning student's own Internet service. 35
History: October 29, 2013, Section 5.10.045 was amended. 37
Sec. 5.10.050. Community Health Aide Curriculum and Teaching Guidelines. 39
(a) Duration of Training and Attendance. The length of Sessions I, II, III and IV training 41
sessions are based on the competencies as stated in Sec. 2.20.110, CHA I; Sec. 2.20.210, CHA II; Sec. 42
2.20.310. CHA III; and Sec. 2.20.410, CHA IV. The CHA/P Training Center must establish and enforce 43
an attendance policy, which assures that each training participant fully satisfies all conditions of the 44
training. 45
(b) Class Size. The size of classes must allow for faculty/trainee ratios under section 47
5.10.050(c) [CHA/P curriculum & teaching guidelines; faculty/trainee ratio], and otherwise be 48
determined by the number of exam rooms available for clinical experience, the size of the 49
classroom for onsite didactic instruction, course content, past trends identified in the particular 50
class, and the CHA/P Curriculum requirements for lab skills instruction. 51
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(c) Faculty/Trainee Ratio. Due to the short, intensive nature of CHA/P courses, faculty/trainee 1
ratios for clinical instruction during patient encounters, in which the trainee is the primary provider, as 2
defined in Sec. 5.10.035(b)(1), must be done on a one-to-one basis. For all other clinical instructions the 3
following faculty/trainee ratios for clinical instruction may not be exceeded: 4
(1) Sessions I and II: one to one; 5
(2) Sessions III and IV: one to two depending on the independence of the trainees. 6
(d) Classroom and Clinical Instruction. The intent in instruction for each session is to 8
integrate the CHA/P Curriculum, the CHAM, and the training and skill of the community health 9
aide/practitioner, with consideration to the “Role of the Community Health Aide/Practitioner.” 10
(1) The CHA/P Curriculum objectives must be followed as a minimum standard. 11
(2) The CHAM must be used as a reference book for teaching community health aides and 12
practitioners, as a minimum standard. 13
(3) The instructional materials for faculty must consist of the CHA/P Curriculum course 14
objectives and lesson plans. Instructional materials must be updated every three years. Additionally, 15
eLearning classes externally linked content not created by the CHA/P instructor must be checked for 16
accuracy prior to every session. 17
(4) Learning objectives and course expectations must be clearly defined for each trainee. 18
History: October 29, 2013, Section 5.10.050 was amended. January 13, 2011, Section 5.10.050(c) and 20
(d)(3) were amended. October 7, 2009, Section 5.10.050(d)(3) was amended. June 24, 2009, Section 21
5.10.050(c) was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 5.10.050(d) was amended. November 26, 2002, 22
Section 5.10.050(a), (b), and (d) were amended. 23
Sec. 5.10.055. Field Training. 25
(a) The CHA/P Training Center staff must evaluate each trainee at the end of each session and 27
prepare a Post Session Learning Needs (PSLN) form to reinforce training and help the trainee to gain 28
further competency during the 200 hours of village clinical experience between sessions. 29
(b) CHA/P Training Center staff must review the Post Session Field Training Follow-up Plan 31
for completion of the field training requirements of Basic Training for placement in the next session. 32
History: June 24, 2009 Section 5.10.055(a) and (b) were amended. 34
Sec. 5.10.060. CHA/P Training Center Administration and Records. 36
(a) Commitment of Administration. A CHA/P Training Center must have a memorandum of 38
agreement updated with each new CHA/P Training Center administrative agency to document on-going 39
support of staffing positions and program needs. 40
(b) Secretarial Support. A CHA/P Training Center should have administrative and secretarial 42
support sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program. 43
(c) CHA/P Training Center Files. A CHA/P Training Center must have on file for review: 45
CHA/P Curriculum outlines, learning objectives/lesson plans, session quizzes/exams, CHA/P evaluation 46
records, application forms, student training files, quality assurance/continuous quality improvement files 47
and a training plan for employees. A CHA/P Training Center must adopt and enforce policies regarding 48
retention of CHA/P Training Center files and conditions under which transfer of files may occur. The 49
retention schedule policy must be consistent with a schedule approved by the Board. The file transfer 50
policy must require that a record be retained identifying the files that were transferred and to whom. 51
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(d) CHA/P Training Center Office Space. A CHA/P Training Center should have offices 1
available for instructors which provide an environment that is conducive to high productivity of its faculty 2
in preparation for instruction. 3
History: November 26, 2002, Section 5.10.060(c) was amended. 5
Sec. 5.10.065. CHA/P Training Center Self-Evaluation. 7
(a) CHA/P Training Center. A CHA/P Training Center must have a policy on quality 9
assurance (QA)/continuous quality improvement (CQI). This policy must include 10
(1) documentation of post-session meetings for staff evaluation of training sessions and 11
quarterly program reviews; 12
(2) evaluation of CHA clinical encounters; 13
(3) Patient Encounter Form (PEF) evaluation for quality and appropriateness of patient care 14
as delineated by the CHAM; 15
(4) weekly evaluation of the CHA in a learner role; 16
(5) a summary evaluation of the CHA; 17
(6) CHA evaluations of training sessions and individual instructors; and 18
(7) faculty peer review of didactic and clinical instruction. 19
(b) QA/CQI. The QA/CQI process must be in effect, documenting that evaluation tools are in 21
use, trends are identified and the continuous quality improvement process is being implemented to 22
address and modify those identified trends. 23
History: June 8, 2010, Section 5.10.065 was amended and reformatted. November 26, 2002, Section 25
5.10.065 was amended. 26
Sec. 5.10.070. Faculty Continuing Education. A CHA/P Training Center must have a 28
policy on faculty continuing education both in the educational and medical fields. A plan should be 29
developed annually to meet the policy goals. 30
Article 20. 32
Types of CHA/P Training Center Certification and Recertification 33
Sec. 5.20.010. Start-up Certification. A CHA/P Training Center may obtain start-up 35
certification prior to conducting its first training session upon submission of evidence satisfactory to the 36
Board that it will meet the requirements of sections 5.10.010 [certification] through 5.10.070 [faculty 37
continuing education]. Start-up certification shall be valid only until the Board evaluates and acts on the 38
first on-site evaluation, which shall occur during the first training session. At the end of the start-up 39
certification period the Board shall terminate the certification or grant provisional or full certification. 40
Sec. 5.20.020. Full Certification. The Board shall grant full certification to a CHA/P Training 42
Center that demonstrates substantial compliance with the requirements of sections 5.10.010 [full 43
certification] through 5.10.070 [faculty continuing education], through evidence satisfactory to the Board. 44
Such evidence shall include submission of required materials, satisfactory performance during the on-site 45
review and satisfactory completion of at least one training session. “Substantial compliance” shall require 46
a minimum score of 90% on the Review and Approval Committee CHA Education Program Evaluation 47
Checklist to include meeting all essential items as defined in the checklist. 48
History: January 13, 2011, Section 5.10.020 was amended. October 7, 2009, Section 5.10.020 was amended. 50
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Sec. 5.20.030. Provisional Certification. The Board may grant provisional certification to a 1
CHA/P Training Center with Start-up Certification that is not eligible for full certification under section 2
5.20.020 provided it meets all the requirements for full certification, except that it is required to score only 3
a minimum of 80% on the Review and Approval Committee CHA Education Program Evaluation 4
Checklist. Provisional certification shall be effective for only six months and may be renewed only one 5
time for a total of no more than one year. 6
History: June 24, 2009, Section 5.20.030 was amended. 8
Article 30. Continuing Requirements 10
Sec. 5.30.010. Periodic Submissions and Reviews. A CHA/P Training Center fully certified 12
under section 5.20.020 [full certification] shall submit a CHA/P Training Center Annual RAC 13
Requirements Review Checklist each year and shall be subject to on-site reviews, upon reasonable notice, 14
at the discretion of the Board, provided that an on-site review must occur no less often than once every 15
five years. Such a CHA/P Training Center must notify the Board if a change in any of the following 16
occurs: 17
(1) the person responsible for coordination of the training within the center; 18
(2) 50 percent or more of the staff within a three-month period; 19
(3) Medical Advisor; 20
(4) major changes in methods of CHA/P Curriculum delivery to be submitted prior to 21
implementation; 22
(5) facilities used for training; or 23
(6) administration or finance that affects the viability of the training program. 24
History: January 25, 2018, Section 5.30.010 was amended. June 22, 2017, Section 5.30.010 was amended. 26
October 7, 2009, Section 5.30.010 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 5.30.010(4) was amended. 27
Sec. 5.30.020. Monitoring. A fully or provisionally certified CHA/P Training Center may be 29
required to submit periodic reports of progress regarding its response to any changes reported under 30
section 5.30.010 [periodic submissions and reviews], or problems or deficiencies noted during any review 31
or on-site evaluation. 32
Article 40. CHA/P Training Center Sanctions 34
Sec. 5.40.010. Probation or Termination. Upon determining that a provisionally certified 36
CHA/P Training Center has failed to achieve full certification within the required time limit or that a 37
provisionally or fully certified CHA/P Training Center has failed to demonstrate continued performance at 38
the applicable levels required under this section, the Board may place the center's certification in a 39
probationary status or terminate the certification. 40
Sec. 5.40.020. Conditions of Probation. If the Board grants a probationary status, it must specify 42
the conditions for reinstatement of full or provisional certification, which must be satisfied within the time 43
frame established by the Board, which shall not be longer than six months. The conditions of probation 44
may include, but are not limited to 45
(1) requiring reports to the Board upon matters involving the basis of probation; 46
(2) limiting training to those sessions prescribed by the Board; and 47
(3) terminating training until prescribed conditions are satisfied. 48
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Chapter 6. 1
Certification of CHA/P Training Curriculum 2
History: November 26, 2002, Chapter 6, title was amended. 4
Sec. 6.10.010. Continuous Review. The Board shall develop and follow a schedule for periodic 6
review, amendment, and adoption of all aspects of the CHA/P Curriculum and standards relied upon in the 7
Community Health Aide Program for Alaska. Comments and participation shall be solicited from 8
Association of Community Health Aide Program Directors, field staff, community health aides and 9
practitioners, CHA/P Training Center staff, and health care providers who relate in any way to the 10
Community Health Aide Program. 11
History: November 26, 2002, Section 6.10.010 was amended. 13
Sec. 6.10.900. Transition. The Board shall use the CHA/P Curriculum, field work guidelines, and 15
other materials and standards developed by committees of the Community Health Aide Directors 16
Association, including the Academic Review Committee (ARC), Review and Approval Committee 17
(RAC), CHAM Revision Committee, until such time as it can review and adopt such materials under this 18
section. 19
History: October 3, 2006, Section 6.10.900 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 6.10.900 was 21
amended. 22
Chapter 7. 25
Certification of DHA Training and Curriculum 26
History: November 26, 2002, Chapter 7 was renumbered Chapter 8 and this new Chapter 7 was added. 28
Article 10. Training Programs, Facilities and Training Staff 30
Sec. 7.10.010. Facilities. Dental health aide training may occur in: 32
(1) any certified CHA/P Training Center with facilities appropriate to the training being 33
provided; 34
(2) for training not requiring clinical activity, any classroom that generally meets the 35
standards set under section 5.10.020 [training facilities]; 36
(3) for training requiring clinical activity, any Federal, State, university, or tribal facility 37
with space, equipment and materials appropriate and adequate to provide each student with a sufficient 38
opportunity to observe and participate in the training activities; and 39
(4) as necessary, other locations may be used provided they meet the standards set forth in 40
this section. 41
History: November 26, 2002, Section 7.10.010 was added. 43
Sec. 7.10.020. Training Staff. 45
(a) Qualification and Roles. Dental health aide training may be coordinated and conducted by 47
any person who generally meets the standards of section 5.10.025(a) [training staff; qualifications & 48
roles] as applicable to the specific training being conducted. 49
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(b) Dental Advisor. All dental health aide training must be conducted under the general 1
supervision of a dental advisor who must be a dentist, as defined in section 2.30.010 [supervision of 2
DHAs], who is familiar with the CHA/P Program. The dental advisor may or may not participate directly 3
in the training, but must be familiar with and have approved the curriculum being taught and the 4
qualifications of the training staff, and be available to consult with training staff during the training 5
session should the need arise. Such consultation may occur telephonically or in person. 6
History: November 26, 2002, Section 7.10.020 was added. 8
Sec. 7.10.030. DHA Training Administration and Records. 10
(a) Commitment of Administration. The sponsor of Board approved DHA training programs 12
must have an agreement with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Department of Oral Health 13
Promotion which will document on-going support of staffing positions and program needs and accept and 14
retain records regarding training and continuing education carried out by the DHA training program. 15
(b) Secretarial Support. A DHA training program should have administrative and secretarial 17
support sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program and transmittal of records to 18
the Department of Oral Health Promotion. 19
(c) DHA Training Program Files. 21
(1) A DHA training program must have on file for review, or transmit to the Department of 22
Oral Health Promotion for retention, DHA training outlines, learning objectives/lesson plans, session 23
quizzes/exams, dental health aide evaluation records, application forms, student training files, quality 24
assurance/continuous quality improvement files and a training plan for employees. 25
(2) A DHA training program must promptly after the conclusion of each training session, 26
course or continuing education program transmit to the Department of Oral Health Promotion a list of 27
each student who attended the program with information about whether the student completed the course 28
and an evaluation of the student's performance. 29
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.10.030(a), (b) and (c) were amended. November 26, 2002, Section 31
7.10.030 was added. 32
Article 20. Dental Health Aide Curricula 34
Sec. 7.20.010. DHA Core Curriculum. 36
(a) Subject Matter. A DHA Core Curriculum course must address the following topics: 38
(1) role of community health aide and practitioner, dental health aide and behavioral health 39
aide and practitioner in a village; 40
(2) general scope of work; 41
(3) medical ethics; 42
(4) legal issues; 43
(5) State of Alaska reporting requirements; 44
(6) consent for treatment; 45
(7) interviewing skills; 46
(8) health/disease process; 47
(9) infection and communicable disease; 48
(10) introductory anatomy and dental anatomy; 49
(11) vocabulary and abbreviations; 50
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(12) documentation, including “HEAP” (history, examination, assessment and plan) and 1
“SOAP” (subjective, objective, assessment and plan) forms of documentation; 2
(13) introduction to pharmacology; 3
(14) introduction to clinic management; 4
(15) health care system access, including Medicaid and third party insurance; 5
(16) scheduling; 6
(17) use of CHAM; and 7
(18) introductory medical history taking. 8
(b) CHA/P Equivalency. The topics listed in subsection (a) must be addressed in a way 10
comparable to that required under the CHA/P Curriculum for the comparable topics. 11
(c) Training. The training will include didactic instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or 13
clinic setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter listed in subsection (a) of this 14
section. 15
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.010(c) was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 7.20.010(a)(1) 16
was amended. January 31, 2005, Section 7.20.010 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.010 17
was added. 18
Sec. 7.20.020. Primary Oral Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. 20
(a) Subject Matter. A primary oral health promotion and disease prevention course must 22
address the following topics: 23
(1) introduction to caries disease process; 24
(2) introduction to periodontal disease process; 25
(3) theory of oral health promotion and disease prevention; 26
(4) fluoride as a drug and related issues, including toxicity; 27
(5) topical fluoride treatments; 28
(6) diet counseling; and 29
(7) oral hygiene instruction. 30
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 32
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-33
on practice must include a minimum of 6 hours of clinical encounters. 34
History: September 12, 2019, Section 7.20.020(a)(5) was amended. January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.020(b) 36
was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.020 was added. 37
Sec. 7.20.030. Basic Dental Procedures. 39
(a) Subject Matter. A Basic Dental Procedures course must address the following topics: 41
(1) introductory dental anatomy; 42
(2) basic infection control principles and practices, including 43
(A) universal precautions; and 44
(B) hand washing; 45
(3) introductory clean/sterile techniques; 46
(4) introductory identification of dental problems, including oral cancer, and referral; 47
(5) introductory problem specific history taking; and 48
(6) introductory dental charting. 49
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(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 1
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-2
on practice must include a minimum of 6 hours clinical encounters. 3
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.030(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.030 was 5
added. 6
Sec. 7.20.040. DHA Advanced Dental Procedures. 8
(a) Subject Matter. A DHA Advanced Dental Procedures course must address the following 10
topics: 11
(1) dental anatomy; 12
(2) caries and periodontal disease process; 13
(3) dental instruments and equipment; 14
(4) dental charting; 15
(5) handling and sterilization of instruments; 16
(6) disinfection of operatory; and 17
(7) patient record documentation. 18
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 20
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-21
on practice must include a minimum of 7 hours of clinical encounters. 22
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.040(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.040 was 24
added. 25
Sec. 7.20.050. Village-Based Dental Practice. 27
(a) Subject Matter. A Village-Based Dental Practice course must address the following topics: 29
(1) use of telemedicine technology, including use of intra- and extra-oral cameras; 30
(2) problem specific medical and dental history taking; 31
(3) recognition of medical and dental conditions; and 32
(4) recognition of relationship between medical conditions and oral health. 33
(b) Training. The Training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 35
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-36
on practice must include a minimum of 7 hours clinical encounters. 37
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.050(b) was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.050(a) was 39
amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.050 was added. 40
Sec. 7.20.100. Sealants. 42
(a) Subject Matter. A course in sealants must address the following topics: 44
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 45
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for sealant treatment; 46
(3) explaining sealant procedure and responding to questions regarding sealant; 47
(4) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including 48
(A) proper use and safety procedures related to curing light; and 49
(B) proper use of etchant material; 50
(5) isolating and drying teeth to be sealed; 51
(6) identifying and correcting occlusal discrepancies caused by excess sealant; and 52
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(7) ensuring retention of the sealant. 1
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 3
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-4
on practice must include a minimum of 7 hours clinical encounters. 5
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.100(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.100 was 7
added. 8
Sec. 7.20.110. Dental Prophylaxis. 10
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental prophylaxis must address the following topics: 12
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 13
(2) reviewing medical history and identify contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 14
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out 15
prophylaxis; 16
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding 17
prophylaxis; 18
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including: 19
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; and 20
(B) proper use of ultrasonic scalers; 21
(6) scaling and polishing to remove plaque, calculus, and stains from the coronal or 22
exposed surface of the tooth; and 23
(7) consistent with direct orders from the dentist after a dental examination, sulcular 24
irrigation. 25
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 27
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-28
on practice must include a minimum of 16 hours of clinical encounters. 29
History: October 27, 2016, Section 7.20.110(a)(5)(B) was amended. January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.110(b) 31
was amended. October 30, 2014, Section 7.20.110(a)(6) was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.110(a) and 32
(b) were amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.110 was added. 33
Sec. 7.20.120. Dental Radiology. 35
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental radiology must address the following topics: 37
(1) components of an x-ray machine, 38
(2) kilovoltage (kVp), 39
(3) density and contrast, 40
(4) milliamperage (mA), 41
(5) exposure time, 42
(6) film type, 43
(7) automatic processing equipment, 44
(8) darkroom lighting, 45
(9) purpose of film mounts, 46
(10) radiological protection, 47
(11) radiographic quality, 48
(12) radiographic technique, 49
(13) processing technique, 50
(14) presentation of radiographs, 51
(15) radiographic infection control, 52
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(16) special radiograph techniques, 1
(17) maintenance of processor equipment, 2
(18) mounting and labeling of radiographs, 3
(19) radiological protection of operator and patient, 4
(20) use and storage of the lead apron and thyroid collar, 5
(21) review medical history and identify contraindications for performing x-rays, 6
(22) dosimeter (film badge) and radiology reports, 7
(23) recognition and correction of 8
(A) distortion, 9
(B) overlap, 10
(C) cone-cutting, and 11
(D) automatic processing problems; 12
(24) use of film holding devices, 13
(25) positioning and exposing intra-oral radiographs, 14
(26) troubleshooting 15
(A) technique errors, and 16
(B) processing errors; 17
(27) film handling during processing, 18
(28) film labeling, 19
(29) use of landmarks to mount film, 20
(30) use of daylight loader; and 21
(31) basic knowledge of digital radiography. 22
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 24
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-25
on practice must include a minimum of 12 hours of clinical encounters. 26
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.120(b) was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.120(a) was 28
amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.120 was added. 29
Sec. 7.20.130. Dental Assisting. 31
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental assisting must address the following topics: 33
(1) applying topical anesthetic agents; 34
(2) placing and removing rubber dams; 35
(3) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures; 36
(4) four-handed instrument transfer; 37
(5) dental charting and patient record documentation; 38
(6) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; and 39
(7) disinfection of operatory. 40
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 42
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-43
on practice must include a minimum of 20 hours of clinical encounters 44
History: January 26, 2017, Section 7.20.130(a) was amended. January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.130(b) was 46
amended. June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.130(a) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.130 was added. 47
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Sec. 7.20.140. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). 1
(a) Subject Matter. A course in atraumatic restorative treatment must address the following 3
topics: 4
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 5
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing ART; 6
(3) identify cases appropriate for ART; 7
(4) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist, dental health aide 8
therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner; 9
(5) explaining ART procedure and responding to questions from patient regarding ART; 10
(6) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including proper use of dental 11
instruments; 12
(7) isolating the tooth/teeth; 13
(8) removing gross caries with hand instruments; 14
(9) mixing, placing and contouring appropriate restorative material; and 15
(10) recognizing potential and actual procedural complications and consulting appropriately 16
with the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 17
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 19
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-20
on practice must include a minimum of 21 hours of clinical encounters 21
History: June 3, 2021, Section 7.20.140 (a)(4) and (10) were amended. January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.140(b) 23
was amended. June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.140(a)(3) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.140 was 24
added. 25
Sec. 7.20.200. Basic Restorative Functions. 27
(a) Subject Matter. A course in basic restorative functions must address the following topics: 29
(1) advanced tooth morphology, structure and function; 30
(2) discrimination between acceptable and unacceptable restoration; 31
(3) placement and finishing of Class I, II and V dental amalgams (simple fillings) after 32
preparation by the dentist or dental health aide therapist; 33
(4) dental composite placement Class I, III and V (simple fillings) after preparation by a 34
dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 35
(5) appropriate post-procedure instructions. 36
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 38
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-39
on practice must include a minimum of 21 hours of clinical encounters. 40
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.200(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.200 was 42
added. 43
Sec. 7.20.210. Advanced Restorative Functions. 45
(a) Subject Matter. A course in advanced restorative functions must address the following 47
topics: 48
(1) the basics of occlusion as they apply to restorative dentistry; and 49
(2) current state-of-the-art dentinal bonding agents; 50
(3) placement and finishing of cusp protected amalgam and complex Class II amalgams 51
(complex fillings); 52
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(4) placement and finishing of dental composite Class II and IV (complex fillings); and 1
(5) appropriate post-procedure instructions. 2
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 4
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-5
on practice must include a minimum of 21 hours of clinical encounters. 6
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.210(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.210 was 8
added. 9
Sec. 7.20.220. Stainless Steel Crowns. 11
(a) Subject Matter. A course in stainless steel crowns must address the following topics: 13
(1) selecting the appropriate stainless steel crown; 14
(2) modifying the crown, as necessary; 15
(3) checking and correcting occlusion, contact and margins of stainless steel crown; 16
(4) cementing and removing excess cement; 17
(5) reverifying the occlusion; and 18
(6) providing appropriate post-procedure instructions. 19
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 21
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-22
on practice must include a minimum of 14 hours of clinical encounters. 23
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.220(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.220 was 25
added. 26
Sec. 7.20.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training Program. A DHA hygienist training 28
program must provide instruction and clinical training equivalent to that required for accreditation by the 29
Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association. 30
History: June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.300 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.300 was added. 32
Sec. 7.20.400. Local Anesthetic Administration. 34
(a) Subject Matter. A course in local anesthetic administration must address the following 36
topics: 37
(1) medical history evaluation procedures; 38
(2) anatomy of the head, neck and oral cavity as it relates to administering local anesthetic 39
agents; 40
(3) pharmacology of local anesthetic agents, vasoconstrictors and preservatives, including 41
physiologic actions, types of anesthetics, and maximum dose per weight; 42
(4) systemic conditions which influence selection and administration of anesthetic agents; 43
(5) signs and symptoms of reactions to local anesthetic agents, including monitoring of 44
vital signs; 45
(6) management of reactions to, or complications associated with, the administration of 46
local anesthetic agents; 47
(7) selection and preparation of the instruments, supplies and equipment for administering 48
various local anesthetic agents; and 49
(8) methods of administering local anesthetic agents with emphasis on 50
(A) technique, 51
(B) aspiration, 52
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(C) slow injection; and 1
(D) minimum effective dosage. 2
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 4
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-5
on practice must include clinical experience sufficient to establish the dental health aide’s ability to 6
adequately anesthetize the entire dentition and supporting structure in a clinical setting, and a minimum of 7
16 hours of clinical encounters. 8
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.400(b) was amended. January 13, 2011, Section 7.20.400(b)(3) was 10
amended. June 8, 2010, Section 7.20.400(b) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.400 was added. 11
Sec. 7.20.500. Dental Health Aide Therapist Educational Program. A DHAT Educational 13
Program must provide instruction and clinical education equivalent to that established by the Commission 14
on Dental Accreditation (CODA) in their accreditation standards for dental therapy education programs or 15
the Alaska DHAT Educational Program. 16
History: January 22, 2016, Section 7.20.500 was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.20.500 was added. 18
Article 30. Certification of DHA Training Curriculum 20
Sec. 7.30.010. Curriculum Approval. Dental health aide training curriculum may be approved 22
by the Board generally or on a class by class basis provided each course curriculum meets the minimum 23
content requirements set forth in article 20 of this chapter and has been reviewed and is recommended by 24
the Dental Academic Review Committee described under section 7.30.100 [DARC]. 25
History: November 26, 2002, Section 7.30.010 was added. 27
Sec. 7.30.100. Dental Academic Review Committee (DARC). 29
(a) Membership. The dental academic review committee satisfies these Standards if it 31
includes: 32
(1) 3 dentists, as defined in sec 2.30.010 [supervision of DHAs], who are employed by the 33
IHS, a tribe or tribal organization, provided that at least: 34
(A) one must be actively involved in development and implementation of dental 35
health aide training; 36
(B) one must be the chief or deputy chief dentist in a tribal health program, and 37
(C) one must be actively engaged in clinical practice; 38
(2) one licensed dental hygienist employed by the IHS, a tribe or tribal organization; and 39
(3) to the extent feasible, 40
(A) one representative of the CHA/P Academic Review Committee; and 41
(B) one CHA/P Training Center representative; and currently employed by a 42
certified CHA/P Training Center; and 43
(4) provided that at least one of the members must have community health aide or dental 44
health aide field supervision experience. 45
(b) Quorum. Recommendations for approval of curriculum under section 7.30.010 [curriculum 47
approval] may only be made by the DARC if a quorum was first established. A quorum shall consist of a 48
minimum of four members at least two of whom must be dentists. 49
History: June 18, 2008, Section 7.30.100(a) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.30.100 was 51
added. 52
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Sec. 7.30.200. Development and Transition. 1
(a) Development. The Board shall use IHS training and work guidelines, standardized materials 3
accepted in the dental practice community, materials developed by DARC, applicable materials and 4
standards developed by committees of the Community Health Aide Directors Association, including 5
ARC, RAC, CHAM, and other appropriate resource material until fully integrated DHA program center 6
and curriculum standards are developed and reviewed and approved by the Board. 7
(b) Transition. The absence of a fully developed DHA training program and DHA curriculum 9
standards shall not be justification for the Board deferring the review and approval of curriculum 10
recommended by DARC or for denying certification to an individual who has otherwise met the 11
requirements of Chapter 2 Article 30. 12
History: October 3, 2006, Section 7.30.200(a) was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.30.200 was 14
added. 15
Chapter 8. 17
Certification of BHA Training and Curriculum 18
History: June 18, 2008, Chapter 8 was renumbered Chapter 9 and this new Chapter 8 was added. 20
Article 10. Training Programs, Facilities, and Training Staff. 22
Sec. 8.10.010. Facilities. A BHA training center facility must provide classroom, or e-classroom 24
and clinical environments that are conducive to a positive learning experience for faculty and behavioral 25
health aide trainees by ensuring that: 26
(1) Traditional classrooms have appropriate space and privacy. Specific consideration and 27
evaluation in the areas of safety, adequacy of space, air quality, lighting, heating, and storage must be 28
documented; and 29
(2) e-classrooms have appropriate policies on Internet safety and privacy, appropriate 30
language, emergency procedures for Internet outages, and recommendations on lighting, noise, and an 31
ergonomic environment. 32
History: January 22, 2015, Section 8.10.010 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.010 was added. 34
Sec. 8.10.020. Training Staff. 36
(a) Qualification and Roles. Behavioral health aide and practitioner training may be 38
coordinated and conducted by any person who generally meets the standards of this section. 39
(1) Director/Instructor of Record. The BHA training center Director/Instructor of Record 40
(A) must be a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional 41
who will assume responsibilities for course development, evaluation and revision, and the evaluation of 42
students and instructors. 43
(B) should be an individual with a combination of education, research, work, and/or 44
life experience which are relevant to providing leadership in a BHA training center program, including an 45
orientation to Alaska Native culture and traditions and be familiar with the CHA Program. 46
(C) may or may not participate directly in the training, but must be familiar with and 47
have approved the curriculum being taught and the qualifications of the training staff, and be available to 48
consult with training staff during the training session should the need arise. Such consultation may occur 49
telephonically or in person. 50
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(D) should have a background in health and education and be able to administrate, 1
serve in a statewide liaison role, uphold the mission of the statewide program, and provide program 2
direction, development, and leadership. 3
(2) Instructor. BHA training center instructors must consist of a majority of behavioral 4
health professionals or licensed behavioral health clinicians. All instructors will be monitored to assure 5
compliance with the BHA Curriculum and competence in subject being taught. Instructors teaching BHA 6
curriculum via eLearning must demonstrate competency in e-teaching by experience, completed 7
coursework, or other approved measures. All instructors should be certified, licensed, or have other 8
training in the knowledge and skills that they are teaching, including knowledge of Alaska Native 9
traditions and culture. 10
History: January 22, 2015, Section 8.10.020 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.020 was added. 12
Sec. 8.10.030. BHA/P Training Administration and Records. 14
(a) Educational Program Philosophy. A BHA training program must have on file a mission 16
statement that reflects the statewide nature of the program, and the goals and objectives, which must 17
include quality health care, competency based instruction, emphasis on clinical instruction and skills, 18
awareness of cultural influences, emphasis on a positive learning environment, and respect for the unique 19
needs of the adult learner. 20
(b) Job Descriptions. Job descriptions must be on file for each member of the training staff 22
which reflect the roles and responsibilities outlined in Sec. 8.10.020(a) [Qualifications and Roles]. 23
(c) Orientation of New Staff. A training program must have in place a written orientation 25
procedure for new employees which will minimally include the BHA mission, goals, and objectives; the 26
BHA Curriculum; the methods of instruction, and function of the statewide program; cultural diversity; 27
the role of the BHA; and the BHA certification process. 28
(d) Commitment of Administration. A training program must document on-going support of 30
staffing positions and program needs and accept and retain records regarding training and continuing 31
education. 32
(e) Secretarial Support. A training program should have administrative and secretarial support 34
sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program and transmittal of records to the 35
Certification Board, as required. 36
(f) Training Program Files. A training program must have on file for review: training outlines, 38
learning objectives, lesson plans, session quizzes and exams, behavioral health aide or practitioner 39
evaluation records, application forms, student training files, quality assurance/continuous quality 40
improvement files and a training plan for employees. 41
(g) Continuing Education. A training center must have a policy on continuing education 43
requirements for the Director and Instructors. A plan should be developed annually to meet the policy 44
goals. 45
History: January 22, 2015, Section 8.10.030 was amended. October 17, 2014, Section 8.10.030(a) was 47
amended. June 12, 2014, Section 8.10.030 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.030 was added. 48
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Sec. 8.10.040. BHA Training Center Self-Evaluation. 1
(a) BHA Training Center. A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program must have 3
a policy on quality assurance (QA)/continuous quality improvement (CQI). This policy must include: 4
(1) BHA evaluations of training sessions and individual instructors, and 5
(2) documentation of meetings for staff evaluation of training sessions and quarterly 6
program reviews. 7
(b) QA/CQI. The QA/CQI process must be in effect, documenting that evaluation tools are in 9
use, trends are identified and the continuous quality improvement process is being implemented to 10
address and modify those identified trends. 11
History: January 22, 2015, Section 8.10.040 was added. 13
Sec. 8.10.050. Trainee Services. 14
(a) Counseling and Health Services. A system must be in place to refer trainees to confidential 16
counseling by a behavioral health professional or licensed behavioral health clinician which may include 17
having such persons available during course training. A system to provide acute care and emergency 18
health services must also be provided. 19
(b) Academic Advising. A training center must provide a system for trainee academic advising 21
pertinent to the role and certification of the BHA. 22
(c) Attrition. A system of recording trainee attrition data including the causes and timing of 24
attrition during training must be in place. 25
(d) Housing, Meals, and Transportation. Housing, meals and transportation should be 27
available, affordable, and conveniently located to the face-to-face training site. 28
(e) Internet Connectivity. A workstation with Internet connectivity must be accessible as an 30
alternate to an eLearning student’s own Internet service. 31
History: January 22, 2015, Section 8.10.050 was added. 33
Article 20. 35
Behavioral Health Aide and Practitioner Curricula 36
Sec. 8.20.010. Equivalent Courses. The Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee shall 38
maintain and provide to the Board a list of courses that the Behavioral Health Academic Review 39
Committee has determined to contain course content equivalent to that required under this Article 20 40
[BHA curricula]. Applicants who have satisfactorily completed such courses shall be deemed to have met 41
the applicable curricula requirements. 42
History: June 12, 2014, Section 8.20.010 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.010 was added. 44
Sec. 8.20.050. General Orientation. 46
(a) Minimum Hours. This course shall be no fewer than 28 contact hours which must include 4 48
contact hours regarding communication skills identified in section 8.20.050(c) and may be provided as an 49
in-service training program by the employer. 50
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(b) Content. This course shall provide an introduction to: 1
(1) the Alaska Tribal Health System; 2
(2) the history, statutory authority for, and current status of the Community Health Aide 3
Program; 4
(3) community health aide program certification and the Community Health Aide Program 5
Certification Board; 6
(4) the Alaska Community Health Aide/Practitioner Manual and the Behavioral Health 7
Aide Manual and their uses; 8
(5) the dental health aide component of the community health aide program; 9
(6) the behavioral health care system in Alaska and how individuals may access it; and 10
(7) how the Alaska Tribal Health System is structured and the relationship of behavioral 11
health within the care system, including individual regional differences, as appropriate. 12
(c) Communication Skills. During this general orientation, an evaluation of the trainee’s 14
communication, including writing skills, shall be conducted. If the trainee’s communication skills are 15
insufficient to allow the trainee to successfully complete the remainder of the training and perform the 16
work of a behavioral health aide or practitioner, a plan for improvement must be developed, before the 17
trainee may proceed with other courses. The plan must be monitored for successful achievement of skills 18
sufficient for the trainee to successfully perform the requisite course work and, ultimately, the work 19
required for certification at the level of certification sought by the trainee. The communication skills 20
improvement plan and monitoring may be required and continued throughout training and certification for 21
each level of behavioral health aide or practitioner certification. This requirement shall not preclude 22
assisting the trainee to satisfy the minimum communication skills requirements through accommodations 23
such as dictation; computer assisted spelling programs and other means to assist the trainee to adequately 24
communicate necessary information. 25
History: June 12, 2014, Section 8.20.050 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.050 was added. 27
Sec. 8.20.100. Orientation to Behavioral Health Services. This course which shall be 8 contact 29
hours, will provide: 30
(a) an introduction to: 32
(1) village-based behavioral health services; 33
(2) the rationale and philosophy for providing prevention, early intervention and case 34
management within the community of client residence; 35
(3) emergency behavioral health response protocols; and 36
(4) the use of clinical supervision to support quality of services. 37
(b) The instructor will work with each student to create a strength-based professional 38
development plan that identifies the student’s training and supervision needs and use the student’s test 39
results to identify strengths and areas for development. The BHA/P must present this plan and receive 40
approval and feedback from their supervisor. 41
History: June 3, 2021, Section 2.20.100 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.100 was added. 43
Sec. 8.20.110. Ethics, Consent, Confidentiality and Privacy. This course, which shall be 16 45
contact hours, will provide 46
(a) foundational information regarding: 47
(1) the need for professional ethics; 48
(2) the difference among ethics, agency policies and procedures, and laws that govern 49
practice; 50
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(3) personal and professional boundaries in a village-based setting, including identification 1
of personal relationships and conflicts and their effect on a professional relationship; 2
(4) client’s rights and the duty to protect and advocate for client rights; 3
(5) the code of ethics for Behavioral Health Aides, with discussion of using the code of 4
ethics as guidance in providing client services; 5
(6) the duty to obtain informed consent, including its application to: 6
(A) adults, minors, individuals with limited or impaired capacity, and individuals 7
subject to court order such as guardianship; 8
(B) disclosure of information and the limitations to authorizations; 9
(C) providers who are delivering services through tele-health modalities; 10
(7) confidentiality and privacy requirements under applicable law and regulation, including 11
the Federal Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), US 12
Code of Federal Regulations (42 CFR part 2), and their application to delivery of behavioral health 13
services; 14
(8) exceptions to confidentiality requirements that occur without client consent, including: 15
(A) a review of reporting requirements, including those arising from suspected child 16
abuse, elder vulnerable adult abuse;
(B) risk of harm to self or others; 18
(C) others permitted by law; and 19
(D) distinguishing among types of court orders (e.g. subpoenas vs. direct judicial 20
orders); 21
(9) protecting written and electronic records; 22
(10) protecting privacy in various situations, including crowded settings, and in family and 23
group counseling; and 24
(11) special rules regarding information subject to special confidentiality or privacy rules; 25
and 26
(b) applied exercises to 27
(1) identify and develop responses to common ethical, consent, confidentiality and privacy 28
situations; and 29
(2) obtain appropriate authorizations for release of information and how to use and 30
document such authorizations. 31
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.110, was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.110 was added. 34
Sec. 8.20.115. [RESERVED] 36
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.115 was deleted and section number was reserved. June 18, 2008, Section 38
8.20.115 was added. 39
Sec. 8.20.116. Human Development. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 41
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information regarding: 42
(1) the development of the individual through the lifespan, from conception through 43
adulthood including common maladaptive behaviors and childhood behavioral health concerns; 44
(2) prevention and early intervention for childhood behaviors and behavioral health 45
concerns; 46
(3) common theories of human development , ages and stages 47
(4) processes, experiences and influences that affect a developing person; 48
(5) physical, intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, sexual, and 49
occupational components of a person 50
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(6) attachment theories and their impact on development, adulthood and potential 1
behavioral health concerns 2
(7) life stages and their role in family dynamics; 3
(8) the interaction of home, school, and community settings on human development; and 4
(9) the interaction of nature and nurture in shaping human development with a focus on 5
socioeconomic status, family background, culture, rural vs. urban settings, and traditional ways of living; 6
and 7
(b) applied exercises to help trainees recognize that the stages of development inform behavioral 8
health interventions and treatment. 9
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.116 was added. 11
Sec. 8.20.125. Introduction to Behavioral Health Concerns. This course, which shall require 12
24 contact hours (which shall include 8 contact hours regarding mental health, 8 contact hours regarding 13
substance use disorders, and 8 contact hours regarding other behavioral health issues), will provide an 14
introduction to 15
(1) the range of behavioral health issues experienced by individuals, families, and 16
communities; 17
(2) the comprehensive continuum of care that can address behavioral health issues of 18
various degrees of seriousness; 19
(3) common mental health disorders and the associated risk factors and treatment options, 20
including therapeutic medications; 21
(4) addictive substances, including alcohol, tobacco (cigarettes/cigars/pipe, commercial 22
chew, Iqmik/Dedigus/Blackbull), psychoactive substances (stimulants, depressants, opiods and 23
psychedelics), and other substances (e.g., inhalants, anabolic steroids, and prescription drugs) and the 24
associated risk factors and treatment options; 25
(5) other addictive behaviors (e.g. gambling, pornography) and the associated risk factors 26
and treatment options; and 27
(6) other behavioral health issues, including child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, 28
elder abuse, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), homicide, disaster events, attention deficit disorder 29
(ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), developmental disabilities, co-occurring 30
disorders, and other conditions and events that effect behavior and adjustment. 31
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.125 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.125 was added. 33
Sec. 8.20.135. Introduction to Counseling. This course, which shall be 12
contact hours, will 35
provide 36
(a) foundational information about: 37
(1) personal characteristics of an effective counselor (establishing personal counseling 38
values and philosophy); 39
(2) interviewing and listening skills; 40
(3) defining counselor and client roles; 41
(4) how to establish a counseling relationship; 42
(5) problem identification, goal development, and action planning with a client; 43
(6) the client’s responsibility in counseling and how to assist and motivate a client to 44
discover and practice more appropriate and healthy behavior; and 45
(b) applied exercises in which trainees can practice the client-centered approach, using 46
communication skills such as listening, attending, and reflection. 47
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20135 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.135 was added. 49
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Sec. 8.20.140. Introduction to Documentation. This course, which shall be 12 contact 1
hours, will provide 2
(a) foundational information regarding: 3
(1) the establishment and maintenance of a quality client record, including the essential 4
components of clinical/counseling records, including screening tools, assessments, treatment plans, 5
progress notes, discharge summaries, and authorizations for disclosure; 6
(2) the purpose and elements of case narrative recording, including using data, assessment, 7
and plan (“DAP”); subjective, objective, assessment and plan (“SOAP”); data, intervention, response and 8
plan (DIRP) and other formats for case narrative recording; 9
(b) an introduction to: 10
(1) the use of standardized information management systems and screening tools widely 11
used by Alaska behavioral health programs; 12
(2) using criteria contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and American Society 13
of Addiction Medicine (“ASAM”) Patient Placement Criteria (“PCC”) to standardize documentation in 14
relation to treatment and service planning (problem list, goals, objectives, and interventions); 15
(3) documentation requirements specific to prevalent payers and accrediting bodies, such 16
as Medicaid, Medicare, Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (“CARF”), and The 17
Joint Commission; and 18
(4) [RESERVE] 19
(5) administrative record keeping; and 20
(c) applied exercises in which trainees practice 21
(1) documenting client related work and consider the effect of confidentiality rules on the 22
application of documentation requirements. 23
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.145 was amended. May 15, 2014, Section 8.20.140(c) was amended. 25
June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.140 was added. 26
Sec. 8.20.145. Introduction to Case Management. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, 28
will provide 29
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information about 30
(1) the use of available community resources (locally, regionally and statewide) related to 31
coordinating services and case management; 32
(2) identifying and evaluating the appropriateness of potential resources for the individual 33
client and making referrals when necessary; 34
(3) an emphasis on the inventive use of agency-based and other community and family 35
resources; and 36
(4) an introduction to the role and delivery of case management services; 37
(5) an emphasis on finding resources for diverse populations and complex clients; 38
(6) roles related to assisting clients in medication management and medication education; 39
and 40
(7) focus on evaluation of service usefulness and accessibility issues that need to be 41
considered in village-based practice; and 42
(b) applied exercises in recognizing the role and components of case management. 43
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.145 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.145 was added. 45
Sec. 8.20.150. Working with Diverse Populations. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, 47
will provide 48
(a) foundational and information regarding: 49
(1) working with clients of different ethnic or racial heritage, age, gender, lifestyle, sexual 50
orientation, spirituality, and socioeconomic status; 51
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(2) an introduction to beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and skills generally maintained by an 1
effective multi-culturally aware counselor; 2
(3) barriers that clients of diverse populations may face when seeking or receiving 3
treatment; and; 4
(b) applied exercises to develop skills associated with respectfully assessing client needs: 5
(1) strategies for working in Alaska Native communities with other prominent 6
minority/cultural groups in rural Alaska; and 7
(2) regarding the implications of personal and cultural historical trauma. 8
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.150 was amended. May 15, 2014, Section 8.20.150 was amended. June 10
18, 2008, Section 8.20.150 was added. 11
Sec. 8.20.155. Introduction to Group Counseling. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, 13
will provide 14
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information about: 15
(1) types and uses of groups for education and treatment; 16
(2) how to encourage and support self-help groups, e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous and Adult 17
Children of Alcoholics; 18
(3) how to assess the potential for establishing other groups; 19
(4) group counseling dynamics, including open ended and closed groups; and 20
(5) determining the criteria for participation in groups of various types and how to screen 21
appropriate candidates for participation; 22
(6) time-limited group process; 23
(7) privacy and documentation issues arising in various group models; 24
(8) providing group resources to communities for the purpose of education, prevention, or 25
team building; and 26
(b) [RESERVE] 28
(c) [RESERVE] 29
(d) applied exercises that provide exposure to the therapeutic group process and focus on the 30
purpose, planning and conducting of: 31
(1) educational/informational groups; 32
(2) talking circles” or traditional healing groups as a therapeutic group process. 33
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.155 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.155 was added. 35
Sec. 8.20.160. Crisis Intervention. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide an 37
introduction to foundational and practice information about 38
(1) common crisis events (domestic violence, physical or sexual abuse or assault, other 39
violence, depression, substance use relapse, psychosis, job loss/financial problems, death, onset of serious 40
medical condition or injury, loss of a relationship, bullying); 41
(2) dynamics of crisis events and response, including: 42
(A) assessment and evaluation of immediate risks, including risk of harm to self or 43
others, and protective factors; 44
(B) using crisis for positive change; 45
(C) working with families and communities affected by crisis events; 46
(3) stages and course of response to crisis events, including continuum of care from least to 47
most restrictive; 48
(4) applying dynamics of crisis to suicide, including 49
(A) common misconceptions regarding suicide; 50
(B) age-related suicidal ideation; 51
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(C) evaluation of risk of harm to self or others; 1
(D) working with families and communities affected by suicide; 2
(5) recognition of and immediate response to risk to clients who pose a risk to themselves 3
or others; 4
(6) working with clinical supervisor to respond to imminent crises; 5
(7) the “civil commitment” process under Alaska law; 6
(8) survivor (family, friends, & community) care; and 7
(9) how community-based suicide prevention may be started and supported. 8
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.160 was added. 10
Sec. 8.20.165. HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, 12
will provide 13
(1) practice information regarding universal precautions and risk reduction; 14
(2) health status and risk information regarding hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, 15
tuberculosis, HIV and other infectious diseases that pose common risks for individuals with substance use 16
disorders; 17
(3) information regarding availability of testing, counseling and treatment for sexually 18
transmitted diseases; 19
(4) practice information about how to approach lifestyle or risk issues with clients; 20
(5) guidance in providing referral options for client pre-test/post-test counseling support for 21
HIV testing. 22
(6) foundational information about how behavioral health issues can increase risk of HIV 23
and other infectious diseases; and 24
(7) foundational information about how HIV and infectious diseases can increase risk of 25
developing or worsening behavioral health issues. 26
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.165 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.165 was added. 28
Sec. 8.20.170. Community Approach to Prevention. This course, which shall be 8 contact 30
hours, will provide 31
(a) foundational philosophy and practice information related to: 32
(1) community readiness assessment, community based prevention activities, and 33
community development; 34
(2) key features of prevention (universal, selective, and indicated); 35
(3) [RESERVE]; 36
(4) determine key stakeholders with whom to partner when addressing community issues; 37
(5) community readiness and key issue evaluation for developing effective prevention 38
plans; and 39
(b) applied exercises for developing 40
(1) [RESERVE]; 41
(2) community prevention strategies; and 42
(3) providing brief public presentations. 43
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.170 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.170 was added. 45
Sec. 8.20.175. Family Systems I. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide, with 47
an emphasis on Alaska Native family systems 48
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information regarding: 49
(1) family systems theory, kinship patterns, and family dynamics; 50
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(2) family roles and effect of behavioral health disorders on individuals within the family 1
and on the family as a system; 2
(3) communication within families and assessment of barriers; 3
(4) common response to stresses such as inadequate housing or income, job loss, illness; 4
(5) recognition and assessment of family norms; 5
(6) understanding life stages and their role in family dynamics; 6
(7) role of extended family; 7
(8) recognition of harm or risk or harm occurring within a family; 8
(9) effects of separation and loss due to divorce, death, foster care, or adoption; 9
(10) parenting and the importance of healthy parent-child dynamics; and 10
(b) a focus on supporting healthy family by identifying strengths and working with families to 11
develop strategies to promote health and healing; and 12
(c) applied practice exercises associated with: 13
(1) assessing family functioning; 14
(2) supporting healthy family functioning; 15
(3) improving family communication and support; 16
(4) responding to risks and harm occurring within a family; and 17
(5) teaching clients healthy parenting skills. 18
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.175 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.175 was added. 20
Sec. 8.20.180. Maintaining Health, Wellness and Balance. This course, which shall be 8 22
contact hours, will provide 23
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information regarding: 24
(1) how personal health, wellness, and balance improved the ability to provide behavioral 25
health services; 26
(2) strategies for coping with personal and work-related stress so it does not interfere with 27
providing appropriate services; and 28
(3) appropriate use of supervision to address issues that arise for behavioral health service 29
providers in a rural or remote setting; 30
(4) compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma; and 31
(b) applied exercises help trainees practice skills associated with the maintenance of their own 32
health and wellness. 33
(1) identification and recognition of personal stress levels and potential impairment; and 34
(2) skills for maintaining their own health and wellness. 35
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.180 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.180 was added. 37
Sec. 8.20.220. Psychophysiology and Behavioral Health. This course, which shall be 16 contact 39
hours, will provide 40
(a) foundational information about: 41
(1) the brain-body connection, 42
(2) nervous system structure, 43
(3) neuro-anatomy, 44
(4) neurotransmitter & receptor function, and 45
(5) drug class/medication effects, and working with medical providers regarding 46
medication management; and 47
(b) exercises to help the trainee: 48
(1) understand the impact and importance of psychoactive substances (legal and illicit),on 49
the brain and body; and 50
(2) develop ability to discuss psychoactive effects/implications with clients. 51
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History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.220 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.220 was added. 1
Sec. 8.20.225. Introduction to Co-Occurring Disorders. This course, which shall be 8 contact 3
hours, will provide 4
(a) a basic understanding of how mental health, substance use disorders, and other conditions 5
can exist in combination, and affect treatment services and process and therapeutic medication 6
management: 7
(1) [RESERVE] 8
(2) [RESERVE] 9
(3) [RESERVE] 10
(4) [RESERVE] 11
(5) [RESERVE] 12
(6) [RESERVE] 13
(7) [RESERVE] 14
(b) [RESERVE]; 15
(c) information about potential cause and origin of mental health disorders, along with a client 16
perspective of the symptoms and limitations; 17
(d) applied exercises will help the trainees practice their developing skills associated with 18
identifying and describing these disorders; and 19
(e) an understanding of the process of recovery techniques for relapse prevention as they relate 20
to both substance use and mental health disorders. 21
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.225 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.225 was added. 23
Sec. 8.20.228. Tobacco Use and Treatment. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will 25
provide information on 26
(a) the magnitude of tobacco use prevalence and morbidity/mortality in Alaska; 27
(b) the implications of Alaska Native tobacco use patterns, methods, and products for client 28
evaluation and treatment; 29
(c) tobacco-specific biology and pharmacotherapy; 30
(d) treating tobacco users with special medical conditions; 31
(e) best practices for tobacco treatment: United States Public Health Service (USPHS) “Treating 32
Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline” and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine 33
Dependence; and 34
(f) statewide and regional treatment options and resources. 35
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.228 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.228 was added. 37
Sec. 8.20.230. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Practice Application. This course, which 39
shall be 12 contact hours, will provide 40
(a) foundational information about: 41
(1) the philosophical and practice basis of evaluating behavioral health disorders using 42
criteria contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (“DSM”); 43
(2) the use of DSM-derived screening tools to develop working impressions and contribute 44
information to clinical diagnosis; 45
(b) application exercises for practicing use of the DSM in case samples; and 46
(c) analyze and discuss the need for and appropriate use of clinical supervision and consultation 47
related to client evaluation. 48
History: June 22, 2017, Section 8.20.230 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.230 was added. 50
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Sec. 8.20.235. Advanced Interviewing Skills. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will 1
provide 2
(a) applied information about: 3
(1) the theoretical, evidence-based, and practical bases of various therapeutic modalities, 4
e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy; 5
(2) stages of change as pertinent to helping clients understand the counseling process, set 6
and reach goals, and have realistic expectations; and 7
(b) practice exercises using evidence-based interviewing practices to enhance client readiness 8
for behavior change, screening, intake, plan development, and relapse prevention. 9
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.235 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.235 was added. 11
Sec. 8.20.240. American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria Practice 13
Application. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will provide 14
(a) foundational information about: 15
(1) the philosophical and practice basis of evaluating behavioral health disorders; and 16
(2) using criteria contained within the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) 17
Patient Placement Criteria; 18
(b) guidance in evaluation of client risk and/or severity associated with the six ASAM 19
dimensions; and 20
(c) exercises in which trainees can practice: 21
(1) developing client placement recommendations based on what is available within the 22
continuum of care, and 23
(2) use of later changes in client risk and/or severity associated with the six ASAM 24
dimensions to document treatment/services progress. 25
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.240 was added. 27
Sec. 8.20.245. Case Studies and Applied Case Management. This course, which shall be 8 29
contact hours, will provide applied exercises to practice: 30
(a) participation in discussion and analysis of case studies with different behavioral health issues 31
(abuse, addiction, child abuse, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, mental illness, etc.); 32
(b) information on Alaska Native health care disparities and an evaluation of services available 33
in communities, hub towns, and the state; 34
(c) more in-depth understanding of the importance of referrals, steps for making an appropriate 35
and effective referral, receiving referrals, and following-up on referrals; and 36
(d) case presentation for treatment team review, including Multi-Disciplinary teams (MDTs), 37
and treatment teams. 38
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.245 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.245 was added. 40
Sec. 8.20.250. Traditional Health Based Practices. This course, which shall be 8 contact 42
hours, will provide 43
(1) foundational information regarding traditional lifestyles and health practices of the 44
Alaska Native people prior to Western contact; 45
(2) an introduction to beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge of health promotion and 46
maintenance that were practiced historically; 47
(3) tools for seeking and employing traditional resources to promote individual and 48
community health; 49
(4) an examination of the major changes that have led to the current health status of Alaska 50
Native communities; and 51
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(5) potential strategies for improving behavior-based health status. 1
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.250 was added. 3
Sec. 8.20.255. Intermediate Therapeutic Group Counseling. This course, which shall be 16 5
contact hours, will provide information and practice related to: 6
(a) therapeutic group process with a focus on: 7
(1) determining the criteria for participation in groups of various types and how to screen 8
appropriate candidates for participation; 9
(2) managing dual relationship and boundary challenges in small town or village-based 10
settings; 11
(3) role and function of therapeutic group leadership, and 12
(4) therapeutic outcomes and risks associated with group educational and treatment 13
experiences; and 14
(b) applied exercises in which trainees will practice skills associated with planning, facilitating, 15
and leading groups. 16
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.255 was added. 18
Sec. 8.20.260. Applied Crisis Management. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will 20
provide 21
(a) information and discussion with a focus on:: 22
(1) facilitation community debriefing related to crisis events such as natural disasters, 23
homicide, and suicide that have impact on families and other community members; 24
(2) encouraging and supporting posttraumatic growth following a crisis event; and 25
(b) applied exercises focusing on: 26
(1) [RESERVE] 27
(2) accessing additional resources necessary for effective response to a crisis event that 28
occurs in a village-based or urban setting; 29
(3) short and long term intervention models for responding positively to crises; 30
(4) using cultural activities, self-care, and stress management techniques to manage 31
personal, client, an community responses to crises; and 32
(5) providing and facilitating formal crisis response and stress management activities 33
within the community. 34
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.260 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.260 was added. 36
Sec. 8.20.270. [RESERVED] 38
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.170 was deleted and the section number reserved. June 3, 2021, Section 40
8.20.270 was June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.270 was added. 41
Sec. 8.20.271. Community Needs and Action. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will 43
provide: 44
(a) focus on in-depth prevention (universal, selective, and indicated) plan development 45
strategies that are appropriate and compatible with individual village characteristics; and 46
(b) applied exercises to help trainees practice: 47
(1) identification and evaluation of community needs; 48
(2) completing a community readiness assessment; 49
(3) evaluation and development of various intervention efforts targeting behavioral health 50
issues; and 51
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(4) writing a community development strategy to promote community involvement in 1
accomplishment of specific goals based on the results of the community readiness assessment. 2
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.171 was added. 4
Sec. 8.20.275. Family Systems II. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide 6
(a) review and more advanced foundational and practice information related to: 7
(1) family systems work; 8
(2) child development and parenting; 9
(3) couples issues and implications for behavioral health treatment; 10
(4) teaching basic communication, parenting, and anger management skills on an 11
individual and group basis; 12
(b) information regarding special practice issues, such as reporting abuse or neglect, ethical and 13
confidentiality issues associated with conducting couples or family counseling, domestic violence and 14
compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act; 15
(c) strategies for working with disrupted families and other agencies that may be engaged with 16
them; and 17
(d) applied exercises in which trainees practice skills associated with: 18
(1) providing intervention and support to families experiencing dysfunction; and 19
(2) teaching and facilitating healthy family behavior and skills. 20
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.275 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.275 was added. 22
Sec. 8.20.280. Behavioral Health Documentation. This course which shall be 8 contact hours, 24
will provide: 25
(a) in depth information regarding quality documentation of: 26
(1) assessments, treatment plans, progress notes and discharge summaries; 27
(2) risk levels, and safety planning; 28
(3) diagnosis and recommendations informed by the current version of the DSM and 29
ASAM criteria; and 30
(4) treatment progress; and 31
(b) applied exercises in which trainees: 32
(1) practice documenting the process from intake, screening, assessment, treatment 33
planning to progress notes and how all of these connect and inform each of the next steps using provided 34
case studies; 35
(2) provide samples of their documentation without identifying information to receive 36
feedback; and 37
(3) practice documentation in special situations such as: group counseling and family 38
sessions, and individualized education plan (IEP) consultations. 39
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.280 was added. 41
Sec. 8.20.325. Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders. This course, which shall be 12 contact 43
hours, will provide 44
(a) more advanced information and guidance related to: 45
(1) services and treatment planning with clients experiencing co-occurring disorders 46
including the process through screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment 47
services; 48
(2) limitations and considerations directly related to the existence of more than one 49
diagnosed behavioral health disorder; and 50
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(3) how environmental issues such as family dynamics, social support or isolation, and 1
identification of meaningful community roles can influence the course of substance use and mental health 2
disorders; and 3
(b) application exercises to provide: 4
(1) experience in developing individualized treatment/services plans addressing multiple 5
clinical issues requiring complex evaluation and planning. 6
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.325 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.325 was added. 8
Sec. 8.20.335. Advanced Behavioral Health Clinical Care. This course, which shall be 20 10
contact hours, will provide, in a seminar format, an opportunity for trainees to participate in exercises to: 11
(1) [RESERVE]; 12
(2) learn counseling approaches having value and application within village-based 13
behavioral health services targeting individuals affected by multiple disorders and complex disorders; 14
(3) participate in exercises to support applied use of “Best Practice” models; 15
(4) identify ways to work with those who need or receive psychiatric care outside of the 16
community including discharge care, referrals, and community support; and 17
(5) increase familiarity with the eBHAM “overlapping issues” chapter and how it relates to 18
providing advanced behavioral health clinical care. 19
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.335 was amended. May 15, 2014, Section 8.20.335 was amended. June 21
18, 2008, Section 8.20.335 was added. 22
Sec. 8.20.340. Documentation and Quality Assurance. This course, which shall be 16 contact 24
hours, will provide 25
(1) advanced information regarding clinical/counseling records; 26
(2) an introduction to quality assurance and how to evaluate: 27
(A) the quality of clinical record documentation; 28
(B) documentation to determine compliance with payer requirements and grant 29
conditions, including how to conduct chart audits and compile information necessary to respond to 30
external reviews and audits; and 31
(3) applied exercises in evaluating record documentation and potential remediation for 32
record deficits. 33
History: May 15, 2014, Section 8.20.340 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.340 was added. 35
Sec. 8.20.345. [RESERVED] 37
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.345 was deleted and the section number reserved. June 18, 2008, Section 39
8.20.345 was added. 40
Sec. 8.20.350. Applied Case Studies in Alaska Native Culture Based Issues. This course, 42
which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide, in the context of case studies and skill development: 43
(a) how traditional lifestyles and health practices impact the Alaska Native community; 44
(b) how Alaska Native beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge of health promotion can promote 45
positive changes to the current health status; 46
(c) emphasis on potential strategies for improving behavioral health services; 47
(d) incorporating traditional ways of healing into treatment plans, as appropriate; and 48
(e) improving recognition and acceptance of cultural differences that affect treatment planning 49
among clinical team members. 50
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.350 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.350 was added. 52
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Sec. 8.20.370. Behavioral Health Clinical Team Building. This course, which shall be 12 1
contact hours, will provide 2
(a) practical approaches to: 3
(1) team building, facilitation of team meetings, and support of a team approach to 4
providing integrated behavioral health services; 5
(2) collaboration and partnership among individuals with different training and work 6
settings, especially with community health aides and practitioners and dental health aides; 7
(3) [RESERVE]; 8
(4) interaction among different teams that may be involved with a single client; and 9
(b) applied exercises in which each trainee will develop a team building plan; and 10
(c) practice providing support and feedback to others regarding clinical interventions, including 11
counseling; and 12
(d) practice initiating, designing, and facilitating a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and/or 13
clinical team including public speaking and lead roles. 14
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.370 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.370 was added. 16
Sec. 8.20.385. Introduction to Supervision. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will 18
provide 19
(a) an introduction to philosophy and practical application of functions of: 20
(1) supervision, including coach/mentor, tutor/teacher, consultant, role model, evaluator, 21
and administrator; 22
(2) guidance in developing a vision for supervisory relationships and defining expectations; 23
(3) skill development in nurturing counselor development, promoting development of skills 24
and competencies, and achieving accountability; 25
(4) an introduction to ethics of supervision; 26
(5) an introduction to administrative requirements and related supervision; 27
(6) guidance in managing conflicting functions expected of supervisors; and 28
(7) introduction to dual roles of providers, including mentors, administrative supervisors, 29
and clinical supervisor roles; 30
(8) encouraging the development and enhancement of community resources by the 31
supervisee; 32
(9) addressing complaints from referral agencies and other community resources to 33
maintain relationships with community, sate, and tribal partners; and 34
(b) application exercises to assist trainees to practice various functions of supervision and begin 35
developing their own supervisory approaches. 36
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.385 was amended. May 15, 2014, Section 8.20.385 was amended. June 38
18, 2008, Section 8.20.385 was added. 39
Sec. 8.20.390. Child Development. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will provide 41
(a) foundational information regarding: 42
(1) review of developmental needs of youth ages in utero/birth to 17; 43
(2) developmental screenings and how to participate in an integrated approach with 44
community health aides who perform well child checks; 45
(3) overview of threats to development, including 46
(A) domestic violence, lack of social/family connection, neglect, and related 47
biological, emotional and psychological distress; and 48
(B) role of parenting and social supports; 49
(4) cultural influences of development; 50
(5) adaptive and maladaptive behavior in the developing child; 51
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(6) issues of development related to exposure to alcohol and other substances in utero to 1
age 3; and 2
(7) the impact of trauma on child development, including: 3
(A) hyper and hypo physiological responses manifested in maladaptive behaviors, 4
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); 5
(B) preverbal versus verbal trauma and expression; 6
(C) brain and nervous system functioning; 7
(D) social functioning; and 8
(E) adverse childhood experiences. 9
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.290 was amended. June 12, 2014, Section 8.20.390 was added. 11
Sec. 8.20.400. Village-Based Behavioral Health Services. This course, which shall be 20 13
contact hours and be conducted in a seminar format, will require participants to 14
(a) analyze and discuss contemporary problems and issues associated with providing village-15
based behavioral health services, including emerging clinical issues, funding, billable services, staffing 16
levels, manpower development, etc.; 17
(b) [RESERVE]; 18
(c) analyze how to address practice challenges in a village-based setting, including ethical 19
issues, dual relationships, lack of alternative services, isolation, compassion fatigue, counselor burnout, 20
and lack of training and supervision support. 21
(d) recognize the importance of cultural and professional humility; and 22
(e) evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the BHA/P in the area of cultural and professional 23
humility. 24
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.400 was amended. May 15, 2014, Section 8.20.400 was amended. June 26
18, 2008, Section 8.20.400 was added. 27
Sec. 8.20.425. Challenges in Behavioral Health Services. This course, which shall be 16 contact 29
hours, will provide an opportunity for trainees to participate in development of specialized service 30
planning for: 31
(a) evaluation, services, treatment, and case management needs of individuals affected by 32
(1) experiences such as 33
(A) child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, or other violence; 34
(B) alcohol related brain disorder and traumatic brain injury; 35
(C) disasters, fires, and other traumatic events; and 36
(2) conditions such as 37
(A) fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD; 38
(B) attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 39
(ADHD); 40
(C) developmental disabilities; 41
(D) tobacco dependency, especially in patients with medical conditions, such as 42
periodontal disease, pregnancy, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and lung disease that are affected by 43
tobacco use; 44
(E) other health conditions that affect behavior or adjustment; and 45
(b) participate in the development of specialized service planning to address the needs of 46
clients with these clinical issues.; 47
(c) using the eBHAM as a resource to work appropriately with clients with overlapping 48
issues. 49
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.425 was amended. June 12, 2014, Section 8.20.425 was amended. June 51
18, 2008, Section 8.20.425 was added. 52
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Sec. 8.20.485. Competencies for Village-Based Supervision. This course, which shall be 6 1
contact hours, will provide: 2
(a) information regarding specific cultural issues that affect supervision; 3
(1) models of culture-specific oral and written communication with supervisees 4
regarding consultation, mentoring, support and evaluation regarding competencies and administrative 5
performance; and 6
(2) [RESERVED] 7
(3) [RESERVED] 8
(4) [RESERVED] 9
(5) [RESERVED] 10
(b) [RESERVED] 12
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.485 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.485 was added. 14
Sec. 8.20.490. Principles and Practice of Clinical Supervision. This course, which shall be 40 16
contact hours, will provide: 17
(a) philosophy and practical application approaches to clinical supervision; 18
(b) strategies for facilitating effective participation by supervisees in individualized clinical 19
supervision sessions; 20
(c) information regarding the use of technology (telehealth, real-time interactive e-mail, and 21
other developing capacities) and how it modifies the clinical supervision relationship; 22
(d) guidance regarding how to delineate the difference between mentorship, clinical and 23
administrative supervision, and to identify potential ethical “boundary” issues with supervisees; 24
(e) strategies for providing expectations to the supervisee on how to present client cases to a 25
supervisor in a way that is effective for case review, consultation, and supervision; 26
(f) application exercises in which each trainee will develop a clinical supervision plan that can 27
be used within their individual work environment; 28
(g) evaluating work-related competencies, including 29
(1) improving supervisees’ self-assessment skills 30
(2) practice providing feedback both informally, and formally for evaluation of supervisee 31
work performance, and behavior. 32
(h) documentation of supervision to meet ethical, and credentialing requirements. 33
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.490 was amended. June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.490 was added. 35
Sec. 8.20.495. Child Centered Interventions. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will 37
provide: 38
(a) [RESERVE] 39
(1) [RESERVE] 40
(2) [RESERVE] 41
(3) [RESERVE] 42
(4) [RESERVE] 43
(5) [RESERVE] 44
(6) [RESERVE] 45
(7) [RESERVE] 46
(b) applied exercises to: 47
(1) define the counselor role in the playroom; 48
(2) practice therapeutic approaches to counseling children and interventions for preverbal 49
trauma; 50
(3) conduct crisis intervention appropriate to children and youth; 51
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(4) increase culturally competent skills; 1
(5) increase skills associated with assessment and diagnosis and consultation with a 2
treatment team and the client’s family; 3
(6) effectively engage and counsel children, youth, and their parents/legal guardians. 4
History: June 3, 2021, Section 8.20.495 was amended. June 12, 2014, Section 8.20.495 was added. 6
Article 30. Certification of BHA/P Training Curriculum 8
Sec. 8.30.010. Curriculum Approval. Behavioral health aide and practitioner training 10
curriculum may be approved by the Board generally or on a class by class basis provided each course 11
curriculum meets the minimum content requirements set forth in article 20 of this chapter and has been 12
reviewed and is recommended by the Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee (BHARC) 13
described under section 8.30.100 [BHARC]. 14
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.30.010 was added. 16
Sec. 8.30.100. Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee. 18
(a) Membership. The behavioral health academic review committee satisfies these Standards if 20
it includes: 21
(1) the following voting members: 22
(A) three licensed behavioral health clinicians as defined in section 1.20.010(32) 23
[licensed behavioral health clinician], or behavioral health professionals, as defined in section 1.20.010(4) 24
[behavioral health professional], who are employed by the IHS, a tribe or tribal organization, provided 25
that at least 26
(i) one must be actively involved in clinical supervision of BHA/Ps at their 27
organization, 28
(ii) one must be actively licensed in the field of behavioral health; and 29
(iii) one must be actively engaged in clinical practice; 30
(B) one CHAP Certification Board Member Representative, appointed by the Tribal 31
Behavioral Health Directors Committee (TBHDC); and 32
(C) three behavioral health aides employed by the Indian Health Service, a tribe, or 33
tribal organization; and 34
(2) The following invited non-voting members that are actively involved in BHA/P 35
training, including: 36
(A) training and development staff from the ANTHC Behavioral Health Department; 37
(B) the Tribal Liaison representing the State of Alaska Department of Behavioral 38
Health and/or a State designee to the BHARC; 39
(C) faculty, instructors, or other staff representing academic institutions, training 40
entities or tribal health organizations hosting trainings for use towards BHA/P certification; and 41
(D) other members might include those that serve similar clinical or community 42
populations as BHA/Ps. 43
(b) Quorum. Recommendations for approval of curriculum under section 8.30.010 [curriculum 45
approval] may only be made by the BHARC if a quorum was first established. A quorum shall consist of 46
a minimum of four members at least two of whom must be licensed behavioral health clinicians or 47
behavioral health professionals. 48
History: January 13, 2021, Section 8.30.100(a) was amended. June 12, 2014, Section 8.30.100 was amended. 49
June 18, 2008, Section 8.30.100 was added. 50
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Sec. 8.30.200. Development and Transition. 1
(a) Development. The Board shall use IHS training and work guidelines, standardized materials 3
accepted in the behavioral health practice community, materials developed by BHARC, applicable 4
materials and standards developed by committees of the Community Health Aide Directors Association, 5
including ARC, RAC, CHAM, and other appropriate resource material until fully integrated behavioral 6
health aide program center and curriculum standards are developed and reviewed and approved by the 7
Board. 8
(b) Transition. The absence of a fully developed behavioral health aide or practitioner training 10
program and behavioral health aide or practitioner curriculum standards shall not be justification for the 11
Board deferring the review and approval of curriculum recommended by BHARC or for denying 12
certification to an individual who has otherwise met the requirements of Chapter 2 [certification of 13
CHA/Ps, DHAs, BHA/Ps] Article 40 [standards for BHA/Ps]. 14
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.30.200 was added. 16
Chapter 9. 19
Hearings, Requests for Reconsideration, and Appeals 20
History: June 18, 2008, Chapter 8 was renumbered Chapter 9. November 26, 2002, Chapter 7 was 22
renumbered Chapter 8. 23
Article 10. Hearings 25
Sec. 9.10.010. Hearings. Upon written request made under section 9.10.030 [request for hearing], 27
the Board must conduct a hearing 28
(1) prior to the imposition of any sanction, except a summary suspension; 29
(2) within 10 working days after a summary suspension; and 30
(3) within 30 days after the Board receives a request from a person or training center 31
denied 32
(A) certification; 33
(B) renewal; 34
(C) reinstatement; or 35
(D) a waiver of requirements based on credentials. 36
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.010 was renumbered as Section 9.10.010 and the introductory 38
paragraph was amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.10.010 was renumbered as Section 8.10.010 and the 39
introductory paragraph was amended. 40
Sec. 9.10.020. Scheduling and Telephonic Participation. 42
(a) Convenience of the Parties. To the extent possible, hearings must be scheduled at a time 44
and place convenient to the parties. Telephonic participation by any participant is permitted. 45
(b) Delay. At the request of, or with the consent of the person requesting a hearing, the hearing 47
may be delayed to a date mutually agreed upon. 48
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.020 was renumbered as Section 9.10.010. November 26, 2002, Section 49
7.10.020 was renumbered as Section 8.10.020 and titles were added to subsections (a) and (b). 50
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Sec. 9.10.030. Request for Hearing. 1
(a) Written Request. A party requesting a hearing must notify the Board and other interested 3
parties by submitting a written request for a hearing within 30 days of the date upon which the party 4
received notice of the action being appealed. The request must include a statement identifying the action 5
being appealed, the remedy sought and a statement explaining the facts and points of law that support the 6
requested Board action. 7
(b) Notice of Proceeding. At least five working days prior to a hearing under section 9
9.10.010(2) [hearings] and ten days prior to other hearings, all parties shall receive notice of 10
(1) the time and place of the hearing; 11
(2) their rights to 12
(A) respond to assertions of facts and law; 13
(B) present evidence, arguments and/or mitigating circumstances; and 14
(C) be accompanied and/or assisted by an attorney or another person. 15
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.030 was renumbered as Section 9.10.030 and subsection (b) was 17
amended. November 26, 2002, Section 7.10.030 was renumbered as Section 8.10.030, titles were added to (a) 18
and (b) and (b)(2)(C) was amended. September 25, 1998, Section 7.10.030(a) was amended. 19
Sec. 9.10.040. Information Regarding Hearing. Parties subject to disciplinary action also receive 21
notice of 22
(1) the nature of the hearing; 23
(2) the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing may be held; and 24
(3) the matters of fact and law asserted. 25
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.040 was renumbered as Section 9.10.040. November 26, 2002, Section 27
7.10.040 was renumbered as Section 8.10.040. 28
Sec. 9.10.050. Written Presentation. Parties subject to disciplinary action may submit a written 30
response any time up to and including the date of the hearing. 31
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.050 was renumbered as Section 9.10.050. November 26, 2002, Section 33
7.10.050 was renumbered as Section 8.10.050. 34
Sec. 9.10.060. Conduct of Hearing. Hearings may be conducted by the Board or a hearing officer 36
or panel selected by the Board. Individuals who have a conflict of interest or who cannot otherwise be fair 37
and impartial must notify the Board of their disqualification. 38
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.060 was renumbered as Section 9.10.090. November 26, 2002, 40
Section 7.10.060 was renumbered as Section 8.10.060. 41
Sec. 9.10.070. Evidence. 43
(a) Presentation. A party may present oral or documentary evidence, submit rebuttal evidence, 45
and conduct cross-examination. 46
(b) Subpoena. Upon request of a party or its own motion, the Board, hearing officer or panel 48
may issue a subpoena to secure testimony or other evidence reasonably necessary for a full and fair 49
determination of the matter in dispute. 50
(c) Telephonic Participation. Telephonic testimony shall be accepted unless there is good 51
cause to doubt the identity of the witness. 52
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History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.070 was renumbered as Section 9.10.070. November 26, 2002, 1
Section 7.10.070 was renumbered as Section 8.10.070 and titles were added to subsections (a), (b) and (c). 2
Sec. 9.10.080. Recommendation. If the hearing is conducted by a hearing officer or panel, a 4
written recommendation along with all evidence collected will be submitted to the Board for its 5
consideration. The recommendation will include 6
(1) proposed findings and conclusions on all material facts and law; 7
(2) evidence and other reasons that support the proposal; 8
(3) a recommendation for Board action specifying the proposed rule, order, sanction, relief, 9
denial or conditions or limitations on certification. 10
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.080 was renumbered as Section 9.10.080. November 26, 2002, 12
Section 7.10.080 was renumbered as Section 8.10.080. 13
Sec. 9.10.090. Decision. 15
(a) Action by Board. Unless the Board adopts the recommendation of the hearing officer or 17
panel “in toto,” it must issue a written decision that contains an explanation of the grounds for the 18
decision. 19
(b) Notice of Decision. In any case, parties must be notified in writing of the decision within a 21
reasonable time. 22
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.10.090 was renumbered as Section 9.10.090. November 26, 2002, 24
Section 7.10.090 was renumbered as Section 8.10.090 and titles were added to subsections (a) and (b). 25
Article 20. Reconsideration 27
Sec. 9.20.010. Requests for Reconsideration. 29
(a) Generally. Upon request or upon its own motion, the Board may reconsider all or part of a 31
decision. 32
(b) Timing of Request. A request for reconsideration must be filed with the Board within 15 34
days of receipt of the decision and must include 35
(1) a statement of the law, facts and/or mitigating circumstances that support the Board 36
action requested; and 37
(2) notice of any additional argument or evidence the requesting party intends to submit for 38
consideration. 39
(c) Additional Argument and Evidence. The Board may consider additional argument or 40
evidence provided all parties are notified and afforded 41
(1) a chance to respond to new argument and/or evidence; and 42
(2) a chance to submit additional argument and/or evidence. 43
(d) Mitigating Circumstances. The Board may consider mitigating circumstances. 45
(e) Deadline for Action. If the Board does not act on the request for reconsideration within 30 47
days after receipt, the request is deemed denied. 48
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.20.010 was renumbered as Section 9.20.010. November 26, 2002, 49
Section 7.20.010 was renumbered as Section 8.20.010 and titles were added to subsections (a) - (e). 50
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Article 30. Appeals 1
Sec. 9.30.010. Notice of Right of Appeal by Community Health Aides, Community Health 3
Practitioners, Dental Health Aides, Behavioral Health Aides, Behavioral Health Practitioners, 4
CHA/P Training Centers, DHA Course Providers and Training Programs, and BHA/P Course 5
Providers and Training Programs. The Board shall provide notice to each person entitled, under draft 6
AANHS Circular 98-150, to appeal an adverse decision made under Article 20 of this chapter about their 7
right of appeal and the conditions under which it may be exercised. 8
History: June 18, 2008, Section 8.30.010 was renumbered as Section 9.30.010. November 26, 2002, 10
Section 7.30.010 was renumbered as Section 8.30.010 and amended. 11
Sec. 9.30.020. Notice of Appeal to the Board. A person, including a Board member, who appeals 13
a decision of the Board shall provide notice of the appeal to the Board. 14
History: November 26, 2002, Section 7.30.020 was renumbered as Section 8.30.020. 16
Chapter 10. 19
Transitional and Temporary Certification 20
History: November 26, 2002, Chapter 8 was renumbered Chapter 9 and Section 8.10.010 was repealed. 22
Sec. 10.10.015. Practice Pending Certification. An individual who has completed the training, 24
education and clinical practice or preceptorship as a community health aide or practitioner, dental health 25
aide, or behavioral health aide or practitioner may continue to provide services on the same basis as 26
during his or her training period while final action to approve or deny the application for certification is 27
pending. 28
History: June 18, 2008, Section 9.10.015 was renumbered as Section 10.10.015. November 26, 2002, 30
Section 9.10.015 was added. 31
Sec. 10.10.020. Between Board Meetings. Under rules developed by the Board, staff assigned to 33
the Board may issue temporary certifications between Board meetings provided the staff has fully 34
evaluated the application and has determined that the staff would recommend approval of the application 35
to the Board. Such temporary certification is effective only until formal action is taken by the Board on 36
the application. 37
History: June 18, 2008, Section 9.10.020 was renumbered as Section 10.10.020. November 26, 2002, 39
Section 8.10.020 was renumbered as Section 9.10.020. 40
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Chapter 11. Board Procedure 1
History: November 26, 2002, Chapter 9 was renumbered as Chapter 10. 3
Sec. 11.10.010. Officers. The Board shall at its first meeting elect a chair, vice-chair and a 5
secretary from among its members to terms of one year. Thereafter, annually the Board shall elect a vice-6
chair and secretary. At the end of the one year term of the chair, the vice-chair shall succeed to the office 7
of chair. 8
History: June 18, 2008, Section 10.10.010 was renumbered as Section 11.10.010. November 26, 2002, 9
Section 9.10.010 was renumbered as Section 10.10.010. 10
Sec. 11.10.020. Quorum. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board. 12
History: June 18, 2008, Section 10.10.020 was renumbered as Section 11.10.020. November 26, 2002, 14
Section 9.10.020 was renumbered as Section 10.10.020. 15
Sec. 11.10.030. Meetings. 17
(a) Regular and Special. The Board shall meet no less than twice annually and may hold 19
special meetings at the call of the chair or on the written request of five Board members. Special meetings 20
may be held by teleconference. 21
(b) Public and Executive Sessions. Meetings of the Board shall be public, except when the 23
Board goes into an executive session. Executive sessions may be convened only when necessary to 24
protect the privacy of a person or as otherwise authorized under federal law. 25
History: June 18, 2008, Section 10.10.030 was renumbered as Section 11.10.030. November 26, 2002, 27
Section 9.10.030 was renumbered as Section 10.10.030 and titles were added to subsections (a) and (b). 28
Sec. 11.10.040. Committees. 30
(a) Executive Committee. The officers shall serve as an Executive Committee. The Executive 32
Committee shall have the authority to take actions between meetings only to the extent authorized by the 33
Board. 34
(b) Other Committees. The Board may appoint such committees, or rely on committees of the 36
Association of Community Health Aide Program Directors, as may be helpful to the Board in carrying out 37
any of its responsibilities. Such committees may include Board members and non-Board members. 38
History: June 18, 2008, Section 10.10.040 was renumbered as Section 11.10.010. November 26, 2002, 40
Section 9.10.040 was renumbered as Section 10.10.040. 41
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Chapter 12. Amendments 1
History: November 26, 2002, Chapter 10 was renumbered as Chapter 11. 3
Sec. 12.10.010. Effective Date. Amendments to these Standards and Procedures may be adopted by 5
this Board and shall become effective on the later of the effective date adopted by the Board or thirty days 6
after the date upon which the amendment was adopted by the Board, unless stayed by the AANHS Area 7
Director under draft AANHS Circular 98-150. 8
History: June 18, 2008, Section 11.10.010 was renumbered as Section 12.10.010. November 26, 2002, 10
Section 10.10.010 was renumbered as Section 11.10.010 and amended. 11
Sec. 12.10.020. Consideration at More Than One Meeting. The Board shall not take action on a 13
proposed amendment to these Standards and Procedures at the first meeting at which the amendment was 14
proposed unless it first determines that 15
(1) an emergency or other exigent circumstance exists; 16
(2) the amendment is necessary to correct an error in the Standards and Procedures; 17
(3) the amendment does not have a substantive effect; or 18
(4) the amendment is necessary to assure compliance with law or regulation to which tribal 19
health programs are subject. 20
History: June 18, 2008, Section 11.10.020 was renumbered as Section 12.10.020. October 3, 2006, 22
Section 11.10.020 was amended by adding paragraphs (2) - (4). November 26, 2002, Section 10.10.020 23
was renumbered as Section 11.10.020. 24
Chapter 13. Temporary Emergency Guidance 28
Sec. 13.10.010. Consistent with the authority set forth under CB 1.10.010, this Board, with the 30
approval of the AANHS Area Director, may issue temporary emergency guidance or non-statutory 31
waivers regarding the community health aide program and related processes, when the Secretary has 32
declared a public health emergency, or the President has declared a major disaster or emergency. 33
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Detailed History of 1
CHAP Certification Board Standards and Procedures by Date of Action 2
July 29, 1998, Standards and Procedures adopted by the CHAP Certification Board ............................. 108 6
September 25, 1998 ................................................................................................................................. 108 7
October 23, 1998 ...................................................................................................................................... 108 8
February 26, 1999 .................................................................................................................................... 108 9
June 12, 2002 ........................................................................................................................................... 108 10
November 26, 2002 .................................................................................................................................. 109 11
October 8, 2003 ........................................................................................................................................ 111 12
June 24, 2004 ........................................................................................................................................... 115 13
October 14, 2004 ...................................................................................................................................... 115 14
January 31, 2005 ...................................................................................................................................... 115 15
October 3, 2006 ........................................................................................................................................ 116 16
June 20, 2007 ........................................................................................................................................... 117 17
January 31, 2008 ...................................................................................................................................... 118 18
June 18, 2008 ........................................................................................................................................... 118 19
June 19, 2008 ........................................................................................................................................... 124 20
January 16, 2009 ...................................................................................................................................... 124 21
June 24, 2009 ........................................................................................................................................... 126 22
October 7, 2009 ........................................................................................................................................ 126 23
June 8, 2010 ............................................................................................................................................. 127 24
January 13, 2011 ...................................................................................................................................... 131 25
October 12, 2011 ...................................................................................................................................... 131 26
January 11, 2012 ...................................................................................................................................... 135 27
June 13, 2012 ........................................................................................................................................... 136 28
October 4, 2012 ........................................................................................................................................ 136 29
January 11, 2013 ...................................................................................................................................... 137 30
October 29, 2013 ...................................................................................................................................... 137 31
January 17, 2014 ...................................................................................................................................... 139 32
May 15, 2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 139 33
June 12, 2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 142 34
October 17, 2014 ...................................................................................................................................... 149 35
October 30, 2014 ...................................................................................................................................... 149 36
January 22, 2015 ...................................................................................................................................... 152 37
June 11, 2015 ........................................................................................................................................... 155 38
October 29, 2015 ...................................................................................................................................... 155 39
January 22, 2016 ...................................................................................................................................... 156 40
June 30, 2016 ........................................................................................................................................... 159 41
October 27, 2016 ...................................................................................................................................... 159 42
January 26, 2017 ...................................................................................................................................... 161 43
June 22, 2017 ........................................................................................................................................... 161 44
January 25, 2018 ...................................................................................................................................... 162 45
June 13, 2019 ........................................................................................................................................... 162 46
September 12, 2019 ................................................................................................................................. 163 47
April 24, 2020 .......................................................................................................................................... 164 48
June 3, 2020 ............................................................................................................................................. 164 49
January 13, 2021 ...................................................................................................................................... 168 50
June 3, 2021 ............................................................................................................................................. 173 51
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July 29, 1998, Standards and Procedures adopted by the CHAP Certification Board. 1
September 25, 1998, Section 4.10.010(i)(15) was amended; a new paragraph (16) was added; and paragraph (16) was 3
renumbered as paragraph (17), as follows: 4
(15) been found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, any offense under Federal, 6
State or Tribal law involving crimes of violence; sexual assault, molestation, exploitation, contact or prostitution; or 7
crimes against persons within the meaning of section 408 failed to comply with the intent or requirements of the Indian 8
Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, P.L. 101-630, 25 U.S.C. § 3207 3201 et seq., or 9
(16) failed to comply with applicable mandatory reporting laws of the State of Alaska; or 10
(17) failed to respond to a request for services where a duty to respond existed. 11
September 25, 1998, Section 7.10.030(a) was amended, as follows: 13
(a) A party requesting a hearing must notify the Board and other interested parties by submitting a written 15
request for a hearing within 30 days of the date upon which the party received notice of the action being appealed. 16
The request, which must include, a statement identifying the action being appealed, the remedy sought and a statement 17
explaining the facts and points of law that support the requested Board action. 18
October 23, 1998, Section 2.10.010(4) was repealed. The repealed subsection read, as follows: 20
(4) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant meets the standards of character 22
required under 25 U.S.C. § 3207 [Section 408 of the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act] and 23
other applicable federal or state law; 24
February 26, 1999, Section 2.20.600 was amended, as follows: 26
The Board may waive one or more of the requirements of sections 2.20.100 through 2.20.510 for a person who 28
provides evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person is a licensed health care provider in Alaska or another state 29
with licensing requirements at least equivalent in scope, quality, and difficulty to those imposed under these sections, 30
provided the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant is adequately familiar with the 31
CHA/P program and will limit his or her practice to the scope of practice of a community health aide or community 32
health practitioner operating under the community health aide program. 33
June 12, 2002, multiple sections were amended, as described below: 35
Section 2.10.010 was amended by adding a new paragraph (10), as follows: 37
(10) effective January 1, 2003, furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person meets 39
continuing education requirements as defined in sections 3.10.010 and 3.10.100 for the two-year period preceding 40
initial certification. 41
Section 3.10.010 was amended, as follows: 43
Sec. 3.10.010. Requirements. (a) An applicant 45
(1) for initial or renewal of a certificate as a community health aide who has not completed the requirements 46
for the next level of certification prior to the deadline for recertification or the two years preceding initial certification 47
or 48
(2) for initial or renewal of a certificate as a community health practitioner 49
(b) must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has completed no fewer than 48 contact 50
hours of continuing education approved by the Board during the concluding two-year certification period or two years 51
preceding initial certification. No more than 24 contact hours must may be regarding emergency care. No fewer than 52
24 of the required contact hours must may be in the competencies listed in sections 2.20.100 through .510. 53
Section 5.10.035(a)(3) was amended, as follows, although the change was not reflected in the Standards until the 55
November 26, 2002 amendments were completed. 56
(3) Session III. Ten Twelve encounters under the following conditions: the trainee will be the primary 58
provider in at least six eight patient encounters with particular emphasis on the patient problems delineated in the 59
Curriculum, as outlined below, and at least four additional encounters with the trainee as active participant. 60
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November 26, 2002, the Standards were substantially amended to incorporate standards for certification of dental health 1
aides and to make certain other amendments to the Standards applicable to community health aides. 2
A copy of the Standards showing all of the amendments is available from the CHAP Certification Board. These amendments 3
required many new sections, which then required substantial renumbering. The table below identifies the section number as of 4
the November 26, 2002, amendments, the prior section number (if any), and whether a section found in the June 12, 2002, 5
Standards was amended. 6
Table Comparing 11/26/02 Amendments to 6/12/02 Standards
1.20.010(1 9)
Yes - (a), (a)(5), (7), (8), (9), (10), (b) [new]
yes - (a), (c)(1), (c)(6)(A)
yes - (b)(3)
yes - (a), (c)(2),
yes - (a)
yes - (a)
Yes (3)
2.30.010 610
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Table Comparing 11/26/02 Amendments to 6/12/02 Standards
2.40.020 - 100
2.30.020 - 100
Yes [(a)(2) and (b) are new]
Yes intro, (b), (d)-(f), (h), (i)(1), (i)(2)(C)-(E),
(i)(3), (i)(6)-(&), (i)(10)-(11)
Yes intro
4.10.110 No
5.10.010 - 020
4.10.010 - 020
Yes (a)(2)-(4), (c)
Yes intro, (a)(1)-(4)
Yes (a)
Yes (a), (b), (d)
Yes (c)
5.20.010 - 030
5.20.010 - 030
Yes (4)
7.10.010 7.30.200
7.10.010 – 7.30.200
Yes - intro
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October 8, 2003, the Standards were amended to eliminate the PDHA II, rename PDHA III as PDHA II, add requirements 24
to the EFDHA I, and to make certain other amendments to the Standards applicable to community health aides. These 25
amendments are detailed below. 26
Section 1.20.010(10) was amended, as follows: 28
(10) “DHA” means Dental Health Aide and, except as used in Article 30 of Chapter 2 regarding 30
requirements for special classes of dental health aides, shall include primary dental health aides I, and II and III, dental 31
health aide hygienists, expanded function dental health aides I and II and dental health aide therapists; 32
Section 2.10.010(a)(5)(B) was amended, as follows: 34
(B) for a dental health aide the requirements are those under section 2.30.100, 2.30.150, 2.30.200, 36
2.30.220(c), 2.30.230(c) and (d), 2.30.240(c), 2.30.250(c), 2.30.260(c) and (d), 2.30.300, 2.30.400, 2.30.500, 37
2.30.550(c) and (d) and 2.30.600; 38
Section 2.10.010(a)(8)(B) was amended, as follows: 40
(B) for a dental health aide the scopes of practice are defined in sections 2.30.110(b), 2.30.160(b), 42
2.30.210(b), 2.30.220(d), 2.30.230(e), 2.30.240(d), 2.30.250(c), 2.30.260(e), 2.30.310(b), 2.30.410(b), 2.30.510(b), 43
2.30.550(e), and 2.30.610(b), and 44
Section 2.20.110(c)(9)(D)(ii) was amended, as follows: 46
(ii)(II) oral suction; 48
Section 2.30.010 was amended, as follows: 50
(a) Generally. The supervision of a dental health aide may be general, indirect or direct, as defined in 52
section 2.30.020(b), provided that 53
Table Comparing 11/26/02 Amendments to 6/12/02 Standards
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Section 2.30.150 was deleted. It read: 1
Sec. 2.30.150. Primary Dental Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements. A person meets 3
the training and education requirements to be a certified primary dental health aide II upon successful completion 4
of: 5
(1) (A) all requirements under sections 2.30.100 through 2.30.110; 6
(B) a Board approved DHA Advanced Dental Procedures training session that satisfies the 7
requirements of section 7.20.040; and 8
(C) one or more certifications under 2.30.220 (sealants), 2.30.230 (prophylaxis), 2.30.240 9
(dental radiology) or 2.30.260 (ART); or 10
(2) the requirements of section 2.30.300(b)(1) and (2). 11
Section 2.30.160 was deleted. It read: 13
Sec. 2.30.160. Primary Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies. 15
(a) Dental Supervision. A certified primary dental health aide II may provide the services under 17
paragraph (b)(2) under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist. 18
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.110, a certified dental health 20
aide II must successfully demonstrate and maintain: 21
(1) (A) understanding and knowledge of dental anatomy, 22
(B) understanding and knowledge of caries and the periodontal disease process; 23
(C) identification and knowledge of dental instruments and equipment; 24
(D) understanding telemedicine technology; 25
(E) dental charting; 26
(F) problem-specific medical and dental history taking; 27
(G) basic management of dental emergencies; 28
(H) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; 29
(I) disinfection of the operatory; and 30
(2) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 31
(A) problem -specific medical and dental history taking; 32
(B) recognition of medical and dental conditions that may require direct dental supervision 33
or services; 34
(C) dental charting and patient record documentation; 35
(D) instrument handling and sterilization procedures; 36
(E) intra- and extra-oral photographs, if equipment is available; 37
(3) meeting the requirements of one or more of the following sections: 38
(A) 2.30.220 (sealants); 39
(B) 2.30.230 (prophylaxis); 40
(C) 2.30.240 (dental radiology); or 41
(D) 2.30.260 (ART). 42
Section 2.30.200 was amended, as follows: 44
Sec. 2.30.200. Primary Dental Health Aide II III Training and Education Requirements. A person 46
meets the training and education requirements to be a certified primary dental health aide II III up on successful 47
completion of: 48
(a) (1) (A) all requirements under sections 2.30.100 through 2.30.110; 50
(B) a Board approved DHA Advanced Dental Procedures training session that satisfies the 51
requirements of section 7.20 .040; and 52
(C) one or more certifications under 2.30.220 (sealants), 2.30.230 (prophylaxis), 2.30.240 53
(dental radiology) or 2.30.260 (ART); or 54
(2) the requirements of sections 2.30.150 and 160; or 56
(3) the requirements of section 2.30.300(b)(1) and (2); and 57
(b) a Board approved DHA village-based dental practice course that satisfies the requirements of 59
section 7.20.050. 60
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Section 2.30.210, Title and subsections (a) and (b) were amended, as follows: 1
Sec. 2.30.210. Primary Dental Health Aide II III Supervision and Competencies. 3
(a) Dental Supervision. A certified primary dental health aide II III may provide the services under 5
paragraph (b)(2) under the general supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist. 6
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.110, a certified dental health 8
aide II III must successfully demonstrate and maintain 9
Section 2.30.220(a) was amended, as follows: 11
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform sealants under the 13
conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section provided the dental health aide satisfies the 14
requirements of sections: 15
(1) 2.30.150 and 2.30.160 (PDHA II), 16
(2) 2.30.200 and 2.30.210 (PDHA II III), 17
(2)(3) 2.30.400 and 2.30.410 (EFDHA I), or 18
(3)(4) 2.30.500 and 2.30.510 (EFDHA II). 19
Section 2.30.230(a) was amended, as follows: 21
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform dental prophylaxis 23
under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section provided the dental health aide satisfies 24
the requirements of: 25
(1) 2.30.150 and 2.30.160 (PDHA II), 26
(2) 2.30.200 and 2.30.210 (PDHA II III), 27
(2)(3) 2.30.400 and 2.30.410 (EFDHA I), or 28
(3)(4) 2.30.500 and 2.30.510 (EFDHA II). 29
Section 2.30.240(a) was amended, as follows: 31
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform dental radiology 33
under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (d) of this section provided the dental health aide satisfies 34
the requirements of: 35
(1) 2.30.150 and 2.30.160 (PDHA II), 36
(2) 2.30.200 and 2.30.210 (PDHA II III), 37
(2)(3) 2.30.400 and 2.30.410 (EFDHA I), or 38
(3)(4) 2.30.500 and 2.30.510 (EFDHA II). 39
Section 2.30.250(a)(5) was amended, as follows: 41
(5) a primary dental health aide II or III or expanded function dental health aide I or II who is 43
performing procedures under the general supervision of a dentist. 44
Section 2.30.260(a)(1) was amended, as follows: 46
(1) (A) 2.30.150 and 2.30.160 (PDHA II) 48
(B) 2.30.200 and 2.30.210 (PDHA II III), 49
(B)(C) 2.30.300 and 2.30.310 (DHAH), 50
(C)(D) 2.30.400 and 2.30.410 (EFDHA I), or 51
(D)(E) 2.30.500 and 2.30.510 (EFDHA II), and 52
Section 2.30.310(b) was amended, as follows: 54
(b) Competencies. In addition to demonstrating the competencies identified in section 2.30.110(b) 56
(PDHA I), 2.30.210(b) (PDHA II III), 2.30.220(d) (sealants), 2.30.230(e) (prophylaxis), 2.30.240(d) (dental 57
radiology), and after satisfying the requirements of 2.30.300 (DHAH), a certified dental health aide hygienist 58
must successfully demonstrate and maintain satisfactory performance of the following skills: 59
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Section 2.30.400(a)(2) was amended, as follows: 1
(2) (A) (i) a Board approved course in basic restorative functions that satisfies the 3
requirements of section 7.20.200; 4
(ii)(B) a course in basic restorative functions offered by an accredited school of 5
higher education; or 6
(iii)(C) a course in basic restorative functions offered or approved by IHS, 7
including “Restorative Functions -- Basic”; or 8
(B) certification under section 2.30.230 (prophylaxis); and 9
Section 2.30.400(b) was amended, as follows: 11
(b) Preceptorship. An expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements of 13
subsection (a)(2)(A) must, after completion of the other requirements in subsection (a) of this section, 14
satisfactorily complete a preceptorship, which must: 15
Section 2.30.400(b)(2) was amended, as follows: 17
(2) (A) for an expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements of 19
section 2.30.400(a)(2)(A) and (b), 20
(i) understanding of 21
(I)(A) advanced understanding of tooth morphology, structure and function; 22
and 23
(II)(B) an ability to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable 24
restoration; and 25
(ii)(3) competency in and satisfactory performance of the following skills: 26
(I)(A) placement and finishing of Class I, II and V dental amalgams 27
(simple fillings) after preparation by the dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 28
(II)(B) dental composite placement Class I, III and V (simple fillings) after 29
preparation by a dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 30
(III)(C) provide appropriate post-procedure instructions; 31
(B) for an expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements of 32
section 2.30.400(a)(2)(B), the requirements of section 2.30.230(e). 33
Section 2.30.410(b)(1)(B) and (C) were amended, as follows: 35
(B) 2.30.1602.30.210(b)(1)(A), (C), (E), (G), and (H), and (I) and (B)(b)(2)(C) and (D) 37
(PDHA II); and 38
(C) 2.30.250(c)(d) (dental assistant); and 39
Section 2.30.500(a)(1) was amended, as follows: 41
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4), and 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), 43
and (b), and 2.30.410; 44
Section 2.30.510(b)(1)(B) was amended , as follows: 46
(B) 2.30.210 2.30.160(b)(1)(A), (C), (E), (G), and (H), and (I) and (B)(b)(2)(C) and (D) 48
Section 2.30.510(b)(1)(D) was amended, as follows: 51
(D) 2.30.250(c)(d) (dental assistant); 53
Section 2.30.550(a)(1)and(2) was amended, as follows: 55
(1) sections 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A),(a)(3), and (b and 2.30.410 (EFDHA I) or 57
(2) sections 2.30.500 and 2.30.510 (EFDHA II). 58
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Section 2.30.550(c)(1) was amended, as follows: 1
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.400(a)(1), (a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) and 2.30.410 (EFDHA 3
I) or 2.30.500 and 2.30.510 (EFDHA II); 4
Section 2.30.610(b)(3) was amended, as follows: 6
(A) all of the skills identified in sections 2.30.110 (PDHA I), 2.30.210 (PDHA II III), 8
2.30.220 (sealants), 2.30.230 (prophylaxis), 2.30.240 (dental radiology), 2.30.260 (ART), 2.30.310 (DHAH), 9
2.30.410 (EFDHA I), 2.30.510 (EFDHA II), and 2.30.550 (stainless steel crown); 10
Section 3.10.050(a)(3)(A) and (C) were amended, as follows: 12
(A) 24 contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board, or 14
(C) some combination of (A) and (B) adding up to 24 hours. 16
June 24, 2004, multiple sections were amended, as described below: 18
Section 2.20.110(b), was amended by deleting paragraph (15), which read: 20
(15) introductory clinic management; and 22
Corresponding technical changes were made to reserve the number (15) rather than renumber paragraph (16) 24
and to move “and” to the end of paragraph (14). Changes to these two paragraphs, thus, are, as follow s: 25
(14) introductory pharmacology, including identification and treatment of severe allergic 27
reactions; and 28
(15) [RESERVED] introductory clinic management; and 29
Section 2.20.310(b) was amended by deleting paragraphs (13) and (15) and reserving those numbers. These 31
paragraphs read: 32
(13) adult health surveillance; 33
(15) introduction to smoking cessation training; 34
Section 2.20.410(b) was amended by adding two new paragraphs, as follows: 36
(8) adult health surveillance; 38
(9) introduction to smoking cessation training. 39
Section 2.20.410(c)(2) was amending by deleting subparagraph (A) and reserving that number. 41
Subparagraph (A) read: 42
(A) eye: tonometry; 44
October 14, 2004, multiple sections were amended, as described below: 46
Section 2.30.310(a) was amended, as follows: 48
(a) Dental Supervision. Dental hygiene services may be performed under this section by a dental health 50
aide hygienist under the general supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist provided the dental health 51
aide hygienist has met the requirements of all of the requirements of this section. 52
Section 2.30.610(b)(3)(B) was amended, as follows: 54
(B) diagnosis and treatment of caries, including placement of pins and performance of pulpotomies 56
on deciduous teeth; 57
January 31, 2005, Section 7.20.010(c) was deleted and new language inserted, as follows: 59
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(c) Training. The training will include didactic instruction and hands-on practice in a lab setting 1
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter listed in sub section (a) of this section. Hours of 2
Training. The course in which the topics listed in 3
subsection (a) are addressed must include a minimum of: 4
(1) 18 hours of didactic instruction and 5
(2) 4 hours of hand s-on practice in a lab setting. 6
In the Standards amended January 31, 2005, two sections were amended to correct a cross-citation, as follows: 8
Section 2.30.410(a)(1) was amended, as follows: 10
(1) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the functions identified for a 12
dental assistant under sections 2.30.250(c)(d) and 2.30.410(b) (EFDHA I) only under the direct or indirect 13
supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist. 14
Section 2.30.510(a)(1) was amended, as follows: 16
(1) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the functions identified for a 18
dental assistant under sections 2.30.250(c)(d) and 2.30.510(b) (EFDHA I) only under the direct or indirect 19
supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist. 20
October 3, 2006, multiple sections were amended, as described below: 22
Section 1.20.010(5) was amended, as follows: 24
(5) “CHAM” means the Alaska Community Health Aide/Practitioner Manual, 2006 1998 26
Revised Edition, as revised, or its successor if approved by this Board; 27
Section 1.20.010(22) was repealed. The repealed subsection read, as follows: 29
(22) “VMR” means Village Medicine Reference, revised April, 1997, or its successor if 31
approved by this Board. 32
Section 1.20.010 was amended by adding a new paragraph (23), as follows: 34
(23) “ISDEAA” means the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Pub. L. 36
93-638, as amended, 25 U.S.C. § 450 et seq. 37
Section 2.10.010(a)(6) and (7) were amended, as follows: 39
(6) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that at the time of consideration of the 41
application the person is employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program operating a 42
community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA Indian Self-Determination and Education 43
Assistance Act [P.L. 93-638, 25 U.S.C. § 450 et seq .]; 44
(7) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that the person will practice as a community 45
health aide, community health practitioner or dental health aide only when employed by the Indian Health Service 46
or a tribe or tribal health program operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA Indian 47
Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act [P.L. 93-638, 25 U.S.C. § 450 et seq.]; 48
Section 2.10.010(a)(9)(B) was amended, as follows: 50
(B) as a community health aide, or community health practitioner only under the 52
medical supervision of a licensed physician, who is familiar with the CHA/P program and CHAM and is employed 53
by the federal government or employed by or under contract with a tribal health program operating a community 54
health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA licensed in the State of Alaska. This requirement does not 55
preclude other physicians, dentists, and mid-level providers directing the day-to-day activities of a community 56
health aide or community health practitioner under the direction of the physician providing medical supervision. 57
Section 2.20.110(c)(8)(D) was amended, as follows: 59
(D) CHAM Medicine Handbook VMR for medicine instructions; 61
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Section 2.20.120(b)(1) was amended, as follows: 1
(1) be employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program operating a 3
community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance 4
Act; 5
Section 2.30.010 was amended by adding a footnote to the title of the section, as follows: 7
The supervision (at what ever level is required) of a dental health aide who provides services for which a Medicaid 9
claim will be made must be provided by a dentist. 10
Section 2.30.010(a) was amended to correct a typographical error, as follows: 12
(a) Generally. The supervision of a dental health aide may be general, indirect or direct, as defined in 14
section 2.30.010(b) 2.30.020(b), provided that 15
Section 2.30.020 was amended, as follows: 17
(a) Minimum Requirements. A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 2.30.020(b) may 19
perform services of a certified dental health aide prior to being certified under this article to the extent the services 20
are performed 21
(1) as part of training required for certification; 22
(2) being performed as part of a required preceptorship under sections 2.30.100(b), 2.30.220(c)(1)(B) 23
or (c)(2), 2.30.230(d), 2.30.240(c)(1)(D) or (c)(2), 2.30.260(d), 2.30.400(b), 2.30.500(b), 2.30.550(d), 2.30.600(3), 24
or 25
(2) are performed while an application for certification is pending before the Board after successful 26
completion of all required training and preceptorship. 27
(b) Employment. To be eligible to perform services under subsection 2.30.020(a), the person must be 29
employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal program operating a community health aide program in 30
Alaska under the ISDEAA Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. 31
Section 6.10.900 was amended, as follows: 33
Sec. 6.10.900. Transition. The Board shall use the CHA/P Curriculum, field work guidelines, and other 35
materials and standard s developed by committees of the Community Health Aide Directors Association, including 36
the Academic Review Committee (ARC), Review and Approval Committee (RAC), Community Health Aide 37
Manual/Village Medicine Reference (CHAM/VMR) Revision Committee, until such time as it can review and 38
adopt such materials under this section. 39
Section 7.30.200(a) was amended, as follows: 41
(a) Development. The Board shall use IHS training and work guidelines, standardized materials accepted 43
in the dental practice community, materials developed by DARC, applicable materials and standard s developed by 44
committees of the Community Health Aide Directors Association, including ARC, RAC, CHAM, VMR and other 45
appropriate resource material until fully integrated DHA program center and curriculum standard s are developed 46
and reviewed and approved by the Board. 47
June 20, 2007, two sections were amended, as described below: 49
Section 2.30.600(3) was amended by adding a new sentence at the end, as follows: 51
The preceptorship should encompass all competencies all competencies required of a dental health aide therapist 53
outlined in section 2.30.610(b)(1), (2) and (3), and students should demonstrate each procedure or service 54
independently to the satisfaction of the preceptor dentist. 55
Section 3.10.050(a) was amended, as follows: 57
Sec. 3.10.050. DHA Continuing Education Requirements. 59
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. 61
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(1) An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 30 of chapter 2 whose certificate has not 1
lapsed must meet: 2
(A)(1) any specific recertification requirements set forth therein; 3
(B)(2) satisfactory performance under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental hygienist, or 4
dental health aide therapist of a minimum of 8 of each procedure for which the dental health aide is certified; and 5
(C)(3) if the dental health aide has not completed the requirements for another level of 6
certification or module during the concluding two-year certification period, satisfactory completion of: 7
(i)(A) 24 contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board, 8
(ii)(B) an additional 24 hours of patient contact under direct supervision of a 9
dentist, dental hygienist, or dental health aide therapist; or 10
(iii)(C) some combination of (i)(A) and (ii)(B) adding up to 24 hours. 11
(2) If the direct supervision required under subsections (1)(B) or (1)(C)(ii) of this section is 12
provided by anyone other than a dentist, the supervisor must have been authorized to supervise the preceptorship 13
of the procedures being performed under the applicable provision of chapter 2, article 30 [Standards for Dental 14
Health Aides]. 15
January 31, 2008, one section was amended, as follows: 17
Section 2.30.020(b) was amended, as follows: 19
(b) Employment. To be eligible to perform services under subsection 2.30.020(a) [minimum 21
requirements], the person must be employed or sponsored by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal program 22
operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA. 23
June 18, 2008, the Standards were substantially amended to incorporate standards for certification of behavioral health 25
aides and practitioners and to make certain other amendments to the Standards applicable to community health aides and 26
practitioners and dental health aides. 27
Bracketed citations to other sections of the Standards were corrected and expanded throughout without editorial markings. A 29
copy of the Standards showing all of the amendments, except those in which only the citation was corrected or expanded, is 30
available from the CHAP Certification Board. These amendments required many new sections, which then required substantial 31
renumbering. The table below identified the section number as of June 19, 2008, amendments, the prior section number (if any), 32
and whether a section found in the January 31, 2008, Standards was amended. 33
Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
Chapter 1, Article 10
Chapter 1, Article 10
1.20.010(20), (21), (23), (24)
1.20.010(12), (11), (13), (14)
1.20.010(25)-(28) & (29)
1.20.010(15)-(18) & (23)
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Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
6/18/08 1/31/08 Amended
1.20.010(30) new
1.40.010 intro, (2) & (5)
1.40.010 intro, (2) & (5)
1.40.010 (3)-(4), (6)-(10)
1.40.010 (3)-(4), (6)-(10)
1.40.010 (11)-(20)
Chapter 2, Title
Chapter 2, Title
yes - (a), (a)(5)(C), (a)(7), (a)(8), (a)(8)(C) [new],
(a)(9) & (a)(10), (b)(2) [new], (b)(3) & (b)(3)(B)
yes - (b)(1), (b)(2) & (b)(4)
yes - (b)(3)
yes - (b)(4)
Yes (b)(1)
Yes (b)(3)
Yes (a)(1)
2.30.200 2.30.200 no
2.30.210 2.30.210 no
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Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
6/18/08 1/31/08 Amended
yes - (b)(2)(ii)(III)
yes (a), (b)
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Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
yes & renumbered
yes & renumbered
yes - (a) & (b) & renumbered
yes & renumbered
yes - (a)(1)(C)(i)
yes - (c)
yes - (c)
Chapter 4 - Title
Chapter 4 - Title
yes - (d), (e), (f), (i)(2)(C), (i)(2)(D), (i)(2)(E),
(i)(3), (i)(6), (i)(10), (i)(11)
yes - title & introduction
yes - (a)
yes (d)
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Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
yes - (a)(1)
yes - (a)
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Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
6/18/08 1/31/08 Amended
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June 19, 2008, two sections were amended, as follows: 49
Section 2.20.100(b) was amended, as follows: 51
(a) an EMT or ETT training course approved by the State of Alaska, or its equivalent as determined by 53
the Board; 54
Section 2.20.200(2) was amended, as follows: 56
(2) current ETT or EMT certification or its equivalent, as determined by the Board; 58
January 16, 2009, four sections were amended, as follows: 60
Section 5.10.025(a)(2) was amended, as follows: 62
(a) Qualifications and Roles. 63
Table Comparing 6/19/08 Amendments to 1/31/08 Standards
6/18/08 1/31/08 Amended
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(2) Instructor. CHA/P Training Center instructors must consist of a majority of full-time 1
equivalent mid-level practitioner or physician instructors who are employees of the federal government or licensed 2
by the State of Alaska. Additional instructors should be certified or licensed and have formal training in the 3
knowledge and skills that they are teaching. All These additional instructors will be monitored to assure 4
compliance with the CHA/P Curriculum and competence in subject being taught. 5
Section 5.10.025(d) was amended, as follows: 7
(d) Faculty Turnover. In order to maintain the quality of instruction, the Board must be notified if 9
during any twelve three month period 50 percent of the instructor staff of a CHA/P Training Center resigns and 10
whenever a CHA/P Training Center Director resigns. Documentation of new employee orientation, peer review 11
and student evaluation and examination must be available for review for each new instructor. 12
Section 5.10.035(c)(2) and (c)(4) was amended, as follows: 14
(c) Distribution of Clinical Hours The distribution of clinical hours must be available in the following 16
kinds of patient encounters: 17
(2) Session II. 19
Encounter Type Hours 20
Acute care 12 21
Lab 1 22
Ear 1 23
Respiratory 1 24
Circulatory 1 25
Digestive system 1 26
Prenatal 2 27
Mental illness 4 28
Sick child 4 29
Screening physical exam 1 30
Approach to child (observe) 4 31
Immunizations 1 32
Total Hours 31 33 33
(4) Session IV. 35
Encounter Type Hours 36
Acute care 8 37
Ear 1 38
Respiratory 1 39
Circulatory 1 40
Digestive 1 41
Female reproductive 4 42
Prenatal 3 43
Sick child 4 44
Well child 3.5 45
Newborn 1 46
Chronic disease 42 47
H & P 2.5 48
Total Hours 3432 49
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Section 5.10.040(a) was amended, as follows: 1
(a) Qualifications for Trainees and Application Process. The CHA/P Training Center will have a 3
policy for selection of trainees. The selection process will include requiring applicants for trainee slots to file a 4
completed statewide application form recommended no less than four two weeks prior to the start of the training 5
session, unless extraordinary circumstances are present. The policy for selection must include requirements that 6
the training applicants have no less than sixth grade math and reading skills and that they have completed Pre-7
Session, unless the applicant satisfies one of the exceptions to these requirements adopted under section 8
5.10.040(c). 9
June 24, 2009, three sections were amended, as follows: 11
Section 5.10.050(c) was amended, as follows: 13
(c) Faculty/Trainee Ratio. Due to the short, intensive nature of CHA/P courses, the following 15
faculty/trainee ratios for clinical instruction during complete patient encounters must be done on a one-to-one basis 16
may not be exceeded. For all other clinical instruction the following faculty/trainee ratios may not be exceeded: 17
(1) Sessions I and II: one to one; 19
(2) Sessions III and IV: one to two depending on the independence of the trainees. 20
Section 5.10.055 was amended as follows: 22
(a) The CHA/P Training Center staff must evaluate each trainee at the end of each session and prepare 24
a Post Session Learning Needs (PSLN) form plan to reinforce training and help the trainee to gain further 25
competency during the 200 hours of village clinical experience between sessions. 26
(b) CHA/P Training Center staff must review the Post Session Field Training Follow-up Plan as a 28
component in the application and approval process for selection of trainees. (Ref: Field Component Guidelines.) 29
for completion of the field training requirements of Basic training for placement in the next session. 30
Section 5.20.030 was amended, as follows: 32
Sec. 5.20.030. Provisional Certification. The Board may grant provisional certification to a CHA/P 34
Training Center with Start-up Certification that is not eligible for full certification under section 5.20.020 provided 35
it meets all the requirements for full certification, except that it is required to score only a minimum of 80% 121 36
points on the Review and Approval Committee CHA Education Program Evaluation Checklist evaluation. 37
Provisional certification shall be effective for only six months and may be renewed only one time for a total of no 38
more than one year. 39
October 7, 2009, five sections were amended, as follows: 41
Section 2.30.500(a)(1) was amended, as follows: 43
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified 45
expanded function dental health aide II upon successful completion of 46
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I training & education 47
requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)], and 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) [CHA IV EFDHA I 48
supervision, training & education requirements; training & education; (PDHA I requirements), (basic restorative 49
functions), & (preceptorship)], and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; 50
Section 5.10.050(d)(3) was amended, as follows: 52
(d) Classroom and Clinical Instruction. The intent in instruction for each session is to integrate the 54
CHA/P Curriculum, the CHAM, and the training and skill of the community health aide/practitioner, with 55
consideration to the “Role of the Community Health Aide/Practitioner.” 56
(1) The CHA/P Curriculum objectives must be followed as a minimum standard. 57
(2) The CHAM must be used as a reference book for teaching community health aides and 58
practitioners, as a minimum standard. 59
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(3) The instructional materials for faculty must consist the Curriculum of course objectives with 1
either lesson plans, lecture notes, or student learning notes. Instructional materials must be updated every three 2
years. 3
Section 5.10.055(a) and (b) were amended, as follows: 5
(a) The CHA/P Training Center staff must evaluate each trainee at the end of each session and prepare 7
a Post Session Learning Needs (PSLN) form to reinforce training and help the trainee to gain further competency 8
during the 200 hours of village clinical experience between sessions. 9
(b) CHA/P Training Center staff must review the Post Session Field Training Follow-up Plan for 10
completion of the field training requirements of Basic Training for placement in the next session. 11
Section 5.20.020 was amended, as follows: 13
Sec. 5.20.020. Full Certification. The Board shall grant full certification to a CHA/P Training Center that 15
demonstrates substantial compliance with the requirements of sections 5.10.010 [full certification] through 16
5.10.070 [faculty continuing education], through evidence satisfactory to the Board. Such evidence shall include 17
submission of required materials, satisfactory performance during the on-site review and satisfactory completion 18
of at least one training session. Substantial complianceshall require a minimum of 90% 136 points on the 19
Review and Approval Committee CHA Education Program Evaluation Checklist to include meeting all essential 20
items evaluation. 21
Section 5.30.010 was amended, as follows: 23
Sec. 5.30.010. Periodic Submissions and Reviews. A CHA/P Training Center fully certified under section 25
5.20.020 [full certification] shall submit a CHA Training Center Annual Self-Evaluation Checklist each year 26
CHA/P Training Center Evaluation no less often than once every two years and shall be subject to on-site reviews, 27
upon reasonable notice, at the discretion of the Board, provided that an on-site review must occur no less often 28
than once every five years. Such a CHA/P Training Center must notify the Board if a change in any of the 29
following occurs: 30
(1) the person responsible for coordination of the training within the center; 31
(2) 50 percent or more of the staff within a 12 month period; 32
(3) Medical Advisor; 33
(4) methods of CHA/P Curriculum delivery; 34
(5) facilities used for training; or 35
(6) administration or finance that affects the viability of the training program. 36
June 8, 2010, thirteen sections were amended, as follows: 38
Section 2.30.210(b)(1)(2) was amended, as follows: 40
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & 42
competencies], a certified primary dental health aide II must successfully demonstrate and maintain: 43
(1) (A) understanding and knowledge of dental anatomy, 44
(B) understanding and knowledge of caries and the periodontal disease process; 45
(C) identification and knowledge of dental instruments and equipment; 46
(D) understanding telemedicine technology; 47
(E) dental charting; 48
(F) problem-specific medical and dental history taking; 49
(G) basic knowledge of relationship between medical conditions and oral health; 50
(H) basic management of dental emergencies; 51
(I) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; 52
(J) disinfection of the operatory; and 53
(2) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 54
(A) problem-specific medical and dental history taking; 55
(B) recognition of medical and dental conditions that may require direct dental supervision 56
or services; 57
(C) recognition of relationship between medical conditions and oral health; 58
(D) dental charting and patient record documentation; 59
(E) instrument handling and sterilization procedures; 60
(F) intra- and extra-oral photographs, if equipment is available. 61
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Section 2.30.230(e) Dental Prophylaxis Requirements was amended, as follows: 1
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health aide 3
must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the following competencies and skills: 4
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 5
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 6
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out 7
prophylaxis; 8
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding 9
prophylaxis; 10
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures; 11
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; 12
(B) proper use of ultrasonic or piezoelectric scalers; 13
(6) scaling and polishing to remove calcereous deposits, accretions, and stains from the 14
coronal or exposed surface of the tooth; and 15
(7) consistent with direct orders from the dentist after a dental examination, sulcular 16
irrigation. 17
Section 2.30.240(d)(3) was amended as follows: 19
(d) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, a dental health aide may 21
only perform dental radiology, if the dental health aide successfully demonstrates and maintains: 22
(3) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 23
(A) radiological protection of operator and patient; 24
(B) use and storage of the lead apron and thyroid collar; 25
(C) review medical history and identify contraindications for performing x-rays; 26
(D) dosimeter (film badge) and radiology reports; 27
(E) recognition and correction of: 28
(i) distortion, 29
(ii) overlap, 30
(iii) cone-cutting 31
(iv) automatic processing problems; 32
(F) use of film holding devices 33
(G) positioning and exposing intra-oral radiographs; 34
(H) troubleshooting 35
(i) technique errors 36
(ii) processing errors; 37
(I) film handling during processing; 38
(J) film labeling; 39
(K) use of landmarks to mount film; 40
(L) use of daylight loader; and 41
(M) basic knowledge of digital radiography. 42
Section 2.30.250(c) was amended, as follows: 44
(c) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health aide 46
must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the ability to satisfactorily perform the following 47
functions: 48
(1) taking impressions for study or working casts; 49
(2) removing sutures and dressing; 50
(13) applying topical anesthetic agents; 51
(4) removing excess cement from coronal surfaces; 52
(52) placing and removing rubber dams; 53
(6) placing and removing matrices; 54
(73) knowledge of dental procedures and use of instruments appropriate for the procedures 55
basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures; and 56
(84) four-handed instrument transfer. 57
Section 2.30.260(e)(3) was amended, as follows: 59
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, a dental health aide may 61
only perform ART, if the dental health aide successfully demonstrates and maintains: 62
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(3) identify cases appropriate for referral for ART; 1
Section 2.30.610(b)(3) was amended, as follows: 3
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I 5
training & education requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)] and 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education 6
requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist must successfully demonstrate and maintain: 7
(3) satisfactory performance under general supervision of a dentist of: 8
(A) all of the skills identified in sections 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & competencies], 9
2.30.210 [PDHA II supervision & competencies], 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis 10
requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 2.30.260 [ART requirements], 2.30.310 [DHAH 11
supervision & competencies], 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies], 2.30.510 [EFDHA II supervision 12
& competencies], and 2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements]; 13
(B) diagnosis and treatment of caries; and performance of pulpotomies on deciduous teeth 14
(C) performance of uncomplicated extractions of primary and permanent teeth; 15
(D) response to emergencies to alleviate pain and infection; 16
(E) administration of local anesthetic; 17
(F) recognition of and referring conditions needing space maintenance; 18
(G) maintenance of and repair of dental equipment; 19
(H) development of and carrying out community health prevention and education program; 20
(I) performance of pulpotomies on primary teeth. 21
Section 5.10.065 was amended and reformatted, as follows: 23
Sec. 5.10.065. CHA/P Training Center Self-Evaluation. A CHA/P Training Center must have a policy on 25
quality assurance (QA)/continuous quality improvement (CQI). This policy must include documentation of post-26
session meetings for staff evaluation of training sessions and at least quarterly program reviews, evaluation of 27
CHA tools for CHA/P clinical encounters, Patient Encounter Form (PEF) patient care component evaluation tool 28
for quality and appropriateness of patient care as delineated by the CHAM, weekly on-going classroom evaluation 29
of the CHA/P in a learner role, and a summary evaluation of the trainee as well as CHA/P, CHA evaluations of 30
training sessions and individual instructors, and faculty peer review of didactic and clinical instruction. The 31
QA/CQI quality assurance/continuous quality improvement process must be in effect, documenting that evaluation 32
tools are in use, trends are identified and the continuous quality improvement process is being implemented to 33
address and modify those identified trends. Completed QA evaluation tools must be on file and available for 34
review by RAC. 35
Sec. 5.10.065. CHA/P Training Center Self-Evaluation. 37
(a) A CHA/P Training Center must have a policy on quality assurance (QA)/continuous quality 39
improvement (CQI). This policy must include: 40
(1) documentation of post-session meetings for staff evaluation of training sessions and quarterly 41
program reviews, 42
(2) evaluation of CHA clinical encounters, 43
(3) Patient Encounter Form (PEF) evaluation for quality and appropriateness of patient care as 44
delineated by the CHAM, 45
(4) weekly evaluation of the CHA in a learner role, 46
(5) a summary evaluation of the CHA, 47
(6) CHA evaluations of training sessions and individual instructors, and 48
(7) faculty peer review of didactic and clinical instruction. 49
(b) The QA/CQI process must be in effect, documenting that evaluation tools are in use, trends are 50
identified and the continuous quality improvement process is being implemented to address and modify those 51
identified trends. 52
Section 7.20.050(a) was amended, as follows: 54
(a) Subject Matter. A Village-Based Dental Practice course must address the following topics: 56
(1) use of telemedicine technology, including use of intra- and extra-oral cameras; 57
(2) problem specific medical and dental history taking; 58
(3) recognition of medical and dental conditions; 59
(4) recognition of relationship between medical conditions and oral health. 60
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Section 7.20.110(a) and (b) were amended, as follows: 1
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental prophylaxis must address the following topics: 2
(1) understanding and following dental orders if any; 3
(2) reviewing medical history and identify contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 4
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out 5
prophylaxis; 6
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding 7
prophylaxis; 8
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including: 9
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider and 10
(B) proper use of ultrasonic or and piezoelectric scalers; 11
(6) scaling and polishing to remove calcereous deposits, accretions, and stains from the coronal or 12
exposed surface of the tooth; and 13
(7) consistent with direct orders from the dentist after a dental examination, sulcular irrigation. 14
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 15
include a minimum of: 16
(1) 8 4 hours of didactic instruction and 17
(2) 16 14 hours of clinical encounters. 18
Section 7.20.120(a) was amended by adding paragraph 31, as follows: 20
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental radiology must address the following topics: 22
(31) basic knowledge of digital radiography. 23
Section 7.20.130(a) was amended by deleting paragraphs and renumbered, as follows: 25
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental assisting must address the following topics: 27
(1) taking impressions for study or working casts; 28
(2) removing sutures and dressing; 29
(1 3) applying topical anesthetic agents; 30
(4) removing excess cement from coronal surfaces; 31
(2 5) placing and removing rubber dams; 32
(6) placing and removing matrices; 33
(3 7) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures knowledge of dental 34
procedures and use of instruments appropriate for the procedures; and 35
(4 8) four-handed instrument transfer. 36
Section 7.20.140(a)(3) was amended, as follows: 38
(a) Subject Matter. A course in atraumatic restorative treatment must address the following topics: 40
(3) identify cases appropriate for referral for ART; 41
Section 7.20.300 was amended, as follows: 43
Sec. 7.20.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training Program. A DHA hygienist training program 45
must provide instruction and clinical training equivalent to that required for accreditation by the Commission on 46
Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association Commission on Accreditation of Dental and Dental 47
Auxiliary Education Programs of the American dental Association. 48
Section 7.20.400(b) was amended, as follows: 50
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 52
include a minimum of: 53
(1) 16 14 hours of didactic instruction; 54
(2) 8 7 hours of laboratory instruction during which time 3 injections each of the maxillary 55
infiltration, palatal, inferior alveolar, long buccal, and posterior superior alveolar injections anterior palatine, 56
incisive palatine, anterior and middle superior alveolar, posterior superior are administered; and 57
(3) clinical experience sufficient to establish the dental health aides ability to adequately 58
anesthetize the entire dentition and supporting structures in a clinical setting, requiring a minimum of 6 hours of 59
clinical encounters under direct supervision of faculty during which time each patient receiving an injection 60
receives a dental service; and including a minimum of 4 each of the injections listed above. 61
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January 13, 2011, five sections were amended, as follows: 1
Section 1.40.010. Findings, paragraph (2) was amended, as follows: 3
(2) The community health aide program was authorized by Congress to promote the achievement 5
of the health status objectives in the Indian Health Care Improvement Act in rural Alaska. These objectives are 6
broad in scope and address virtually every aspect of health care, access, delivery, and status. Specialized training 7
(medical, dental and behavioral health) and certification furthers those objectives by creating opportunities for 8
community health aides to focus their training and practice on particular health issues and delivery strategies. 9
Regardless of the specific title everyone certified under the community health aide program has the same basic 10
responsibility: to improve health status among Alaska Natives living in rural Alaska. 11
Section 5.10.050(c) was amended, as follows: 13
(c) Faculty/Trainee Ratio. Due to the short, intensive nature of CHA/P courses, faculty/trainee ratios 15
for clinical instruction during patient encounters, in which the trainee is the primary provider, as defined 16
Sec.5.10.035(b)(1), must be done on a one-to one basis. For all other clinical instruction the following 17
faculty/trainee ratios may not be exceeded: 18
(1) Session I and II: one to one; 19
(2) Sessions III and IV: one to two depending on the independence of the trainees. 20
Section 5.10.050(d)(3) was amended, as follows: 22
(d) Classroom and Clinical Instruction. The intent in instruction for each session is to integrate the 24
CHA/P Curriculum, the CHAM, and the training and skill of the community health aide/practitioner, with 25
consideration to the “Role of the Community Health Aide/Practitioner.” 26
(3) The instructional materials for faculty must consist of the CHA/P Curriculum course 27
objectives and lesson plans. Instructional materials must be updated every three years. 28
Section 5.20.020 was amended, as follows: 30
Sec. 5.20.020. Full Certification. The Board shall grant full certification to a CHA/P Training Center that 32
demonstrates substantial compliance with the requirements of sections 5.10.010 [full certification] through 33
5.10.070 [faculty continuing education], through evidence satisfactory to the Board. Such evidence shall include 34
submission of required materials, satisfactory performance during the on-site review and satisfactory completion 35
of at least one training session. Substantial complianceshall require a minimum score of 90% on the Review 36
and Approval Committee CHA Education Program Evaluation Checklist to include meeting all essential items as 37
defined in the checklist. 38
Section 7.20.400(b)(3) was amended, as follows: 40
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 42
include a minimum of: 43
(3) clinical experience sufficient to establish the dental health aide’s ability to adequately 44
anesthetize the entire dentition and supporting structures in a clinical setting, requiring a minimum of 6 hours of 45
clinical encounters under direct supervision of faculty during which time each patient receiving an injection 46
receives a dental service; which must include and including a minimum of 4 each of the injections listed above. 47
October 12, 2011, eight sections were amended, as follows: 49
Section 1.10.010 Authority was amended, as follows: 51
Sec. 1.10.010. Authority. The Community Health Aide Program Certification Board is established under 53
the authority of the Act of November 2, 1921 (25 U.S.C. § 13, popularly known as the Snyder Act) pursuant to 25 54
U.S.C. § 1616l (Section 119 of Pub. L. 94-437), the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, as amended, including 55
the permanent reauthorization and amendments in Section 10221 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care 56
Act, Pub. L. 111-148, which incorporated by reference, as amended by Section 10221, S. 1790 as reported by the 57
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs in December 2009 and directives and circulars of the United States 58
Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Indian Health Service, Alaska Area Native 59
Health Service. 60
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Section 1.40.010. Findings. paragraphs (2) and (19) were amended, as follows: 1
(2) The community health aide program was authorized by Congress to promote the 3
achievement of the health status objectives in the Indian Health Care Improvement Act in rural Alaska. These 4
objectives are broad in scope and address virtually every aspect of health care, access, delivery, and status. 5
Specialized training (medical, dental and behavioral health) and certification furthers those objectives by creating 6
opportunities for community health aides to focus their training and practice on particular health issues and 7
delivery strategies. Regardless of the specific title everyone certified under the community health aide program 8
has the same basic responsibility: to improve health status among Alaska Natives living in rural Alaska. 9
(19) The Healthy People 2020 objectives, broadly and deeply address behavioral health issues 10
including injury and violence prevention, mental health, quality of life and well-being, social determinants of 11
health, substance abuse and tobacco, along with behavioral health considerations for each stage of life. 12
Section 2.30.310. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Supervision and Competencies was amended, as follows: 14
(a) Dental Supervision. 16
(1) Dental hygiene services may be performed under this section by a dental health aide hygienist 17
under the general supervision of a dentist provided the dental health aide hygienist has met the requirements of all 18
of the requirements of this section. 19
(2) a dental health aide hygienist may perform services identified in section 2.30.260 [ART 20
requirements] under general supervision of a dentist upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the 21
applicable section and requirements of section 2.30.200 (b) [PDHA II training and education requirements] 22
(b) Competencies. In addition to demonstrating the competencies identified in section 2.30.110(b) 23
[PDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.210(b) [PDHA II supervision & competencies; 24
competencies], 2.30.220(d) [sealant requirements; competencies], 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; 25
competencies], 2.30.240(d) [dental radiology requirements; competencies], and after satisfying the requirements of 26
2.30.300 [DHAH training & education requirements], a certified dental health aide hygienist must successfully 27
demonstrate and maintain satisfactory performance of the following skills: 28
(1) removing calculus deposits, accretions and stains from the surfaces of teeth by scaling and 29
polishing techniques; 30
(2) non-surgical periodontal therapy root planing and periodontal soft tissue curettae; 31
(3) placing sulcular medicinal or therapeutic materials; 32
(4) peridontal probing; and 33
(5) administration of local anesthetics and identification and responding to the side effects of local 34
anesthetics. 35
Section 2.30.400. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision, Training and Education Requirements 37
was amended, as follows: 38
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified 40
expanded function dental health aide I upon successful completion of 41
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I training & education 42
requirements; (presession) & (BLS)]; 43
(2) (A) (i) a Board approved course in basic restorative functions that satisfies the 44
requirements of section 7.20.200 [basic restorative functions]; 45
(ii) a course in basic restorative functions offered by an accredited school of high 46
education; or 47
(iii) a course in basic restorative functions offered or approved by IHS, including 48
“Restorative Functions Basic”; or 49
(B) training that meets the requirements certification under section 2.30.230 [dental 50
prophylaxis requirements]; and 51
(3) a preceptorship that satisfies the requirements in subsection (b) [EFDHA I preceptorship] of 52
this section. 53
(b) Preceptorship. 55
An expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements of 56
(1) subsection (a)(2)(A) [EFDHA I training & education; (basis restorative functions course)] 57
must, after completion of the other requirements in subsection (a) [EFDHA I training and education] of this 58
section, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship, which must: 59
(A1) be under the direct supervision of a dentist; 60
(B2) continue after completion of the training under subsection (a)(2) for a minimum of six 61
months or 800 hours, which ever is longer; and 62
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(C3) include satisfactory performance in the dental health aide's clinical setting under direct 1
supervision of a dentist of a minimum of 50 restorations of which a minimum of 5 must be in each classification of 2
amalgam class I, class II, and class V and composite class I, class III and class V; or. 3
(2) subsection (a)(2)(B) [EFDHA I training and education (dental prophylaxis course)] must, after 4
the completion of the other requirements in subsection (a) [EFDHA I training and education] of this section, 5
satisfactorily complete a preceptorship as required under section 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements]. 6
Section 2.30.410. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies was amended, as 9
follows: 10
(a) Dental Supervision. 12
(1) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the functions identified for a dental 13
assistant under sections 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies] and 2.30.410(b) 14
[EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies] only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or 15
dental health aide therapist. 16
(2) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the services identified in section 17
2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements] under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or 18
dental health aide therapist upon successful completion of all the requirements of the applicable section. 19
(3) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the services identified in section 20
2.30.410 (b)(1) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies ] 2.30.110(b)(1)(B), (C), (F) and (G), 21
(b)(2)(A) through (C), and (b)(3)(D) [PDHA I supervision & competencies] under general supervision of a dentist 22
or dental health aide therapist upon completion of the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & 23
education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 24
(43) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform services as provided for under sections 25
2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology 26
requirements], and 2.30.260 [ART requirements] under the general supervision of a dentist or dental health aide 27
therapist, upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the applicable section and the requirements of 28
section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 29
(b) Competencies. In addition to satisfying the requirements of 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision 31
training & education requirements], a certified expanded function dental health aide must successfully demonstrate 32
and maintain the following: 33
(1) (A) understanding of: 34
(i) basic dental anatomy; 35
(ii) caries disease process; 36
(iii) periodontal disease process; 37
(iv) infection control; 38
(iv) health care system access, including access to Medicaid and other third-party 39
resources; 40
(v) scheduling; 41
(vi) theory of prevention; 42
(vii) fluoride as a drug and related issues; 43
(ix) dental charting and patient record documentation; 44
(B) competency in the following subjects: 45
(i) topical fluoride treatment(s) 46
(ii) oral hygiene instruction; 47
(iii) identification of potential dental problems and appropriate referrals; 48
(iv) recognition of medical and dental conditions that may require direct dental 49
supervision or services; 50
(v) those provided for under sections 2.20.110(b)(1), (3) through (12), and (14) 51
[CHA I competencies; (competencies)]; 52
(vi) dental health aide's general scope of work; 53
(vii) basic life support and basic management of dental emergencies; 54
(C) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 55
(i) use of CHAM; 56
(ii) general medical history taking; 57
(iii) patient education including the explanation of prevention strategies, including 58
fluoride and sealants; 59
(iv) toothbrush prophylaxis; 60
(v) clean/sterile techniques 61
(I) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; 62
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(II) disinfection of the operatory 1
(vi) universal precautions; and 2
(vii) handwashing; 3
(viii)basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments and procedures; 4
(ix) four-handed instrument transfer; 5
(x) applying topical anesthetic agents; 6
(xi) placing and removing rubber dams; and 7
(1) the satisfactory performance of the competencies identified in sections (A) 8
2.30.110(b)(1)(A), (D) and (E), (b)(2)(A), (E) through (G), and (b)(3)(A) and (E) through (H) [PDHA I 9
supervision & competencies]; 10
(B) 2.30.210(b)(1)(A), (C), (E), (G), (H), and (I) and (b)(2)(C) and (D) [PDHA II 11
supervision & competencies; competencies]; and 12
(C) 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies]; and 13
(2) (A) for an expanded function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements 15
of section 2.30.400(a)(2)(A) [EFDHA I supervision training & education requirements; training & education; 16
(basic restorative functions course)] and (b) [EFDHA I supervision, training & education requirements; 17
preceptorship], 18
(i) (I) advanced understanding of tooth morphology, structure and function; and 19
(II) an ability to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable restoration; 20
and 21
(ii) competency in and satisfactory performance of the following skills: 22
(I) placement and finishing of Class I, II and V dental amalgams (simple 23
fillings) after preparation by the dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 24
(II) dental composite placement Class I, III and V (simple fillings) after 25
preparation by a dentist or dental health aide therapist; and 26
(III) provide appropriate post-procedure instructions; (B) for an expanded 27
function dental health aide I who has satisfied the requirements of section 2.30.400(a)(2)(B) [EFDHA I 28
supervision, training & education requirements; training and education; (prophylaxis training certification)], the 29
requirements of section 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; competencies]. 30
Section 2.30.500. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements was 32
amended, as follows: 33
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified 35
expanded function dental health aide II upon successful completion of 36
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I training & education 37
requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)], and 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) [EFDHA I supervision, 38
training & education requirements; training & education; (PDHA I requirements), (basic restorative functions), & 39
(preceptorship)], and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; 40
Section 2.30.510. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies was amended, as 42
follows: 43
(a) Dental Supervision. 44
(1) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the functions identified for a dental 45
assistant under sections 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies] and 2.30.510(b) 46
[EFDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies] only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or 47
dental health aide therapist. 48
(2) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the services identified in section 49
2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements] under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or 50
dental health aide therapist upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the applicable section. 51
(3) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the services identified in section 52
2.30.410 (b)(1) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies under general supervision of a dentist or 53
dental health aide therapist upon completion of the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & 54
education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 55
(4) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform services as provided for under 56
sections 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology 57
requirements], and 2.30.260 [ART requirements] under the general supervision of a dentist or dental health aide 58
therapist, upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the applicable section and the requirements of 59
section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; village-based dental practice]. 60
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(b) Competencies. In addition to satisfying the requirements of 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & 1
education requirements], a certified expanded function dental health aide must demonstrate and maintain of the 2
following: 3
(1) the satisfactory performance of the competencies identified in sections 4
(A) 2.30.110(b)(1)(A), (D) and (E), (b)(2)(A), (E) through (G), and (b)(3)(A) and (E) 5
through (H) [PDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies]; 6
(B) 2.30.210(b)(1)(A), (C), (E), (G), (H), and (I) and (b)(2)(C) and (D) [PDHA II 7
supervision & competencies; competencies]; 8
(AC) 2.30.240(d) [dental radiology requirements; competencies]; 9
(BD) 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies]; 10
(CE) 2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies]; and 11
(2) understanding of 12
(A) the basics of occlusion as they apply to restorative dentistry and 13
(B) current state-of-the-art dentinal bonding agents; 14
(3) competency in and satisfactory performance of the following skills: 15
(A) placement and finishing of cusp protected amalgam and complex Class II amalgams 16
(complex fillings); 17
(B) placement and finishing of dental composite Class II and IV (complex fillings); and 18
(C) provide appropriate post-procedure instructions. 19
Section 2.30.550(a) and (c). Stainless Steel Crown Placement Requirements were amended, as follows: 21
(a) Prerequisites. An expanded function dental health aide may be certified under this section to place 23
stainless steel crowns under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (e) of this section provided the 24
expanded function dental health aide satisfies the requirements of: 25
(1) sections 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) [EFDHA I supervision training & 26
education requirements; training & education & preceptorship] and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & 27
competencies] or 28
(b) Dental Supervision. An expanded function dental health aide I or II may perform stainless steel 29
crown placement only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist. 30
(c) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to place 31
stainless steel crowns upon successful completion of: 32
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.400(a)(1),(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b) [EFDHA I 33
supervision, training & education requirements; training & education & preceptorship] and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I 34
supervision & competencies] or 2.30.500 [EFDHA I training & education requirements] and 2.30.510 [EFDHA II 35
supervision & competencies]; 36
January 11, 2012, two sections were amended, as follows: 38
Section 2.30.230(d) was amended, as follows: 40
(d) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must, after completion of the requirements in subsection (c) of 42
this section, under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, licensed dental hygienist or 43
dental health aide hygienist, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship during which the dental health aide 44
satisfactorily performs a minimum of 40 20 dental prophylaxis of which: 45
(1) a minimum of 10 5 must be performed on children under 8 years of age and 46
(2) a minimum of 10 5 must be performed on adults with supra-gingival calculus. 47
Section 2.30.610(b)(3) was amended, as follows: 49
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA 51
I training & education requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)] and 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education 52
requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist must successfully demonstrate and maintain: 53
(3) satisfactory performance under general supervision of a dentist of: 54
(A) all of the skills identified in sections 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & 55
competencies], 2.30.210 [PDHA II supervision & competencies], 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 56
[dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 2.30.260 [ART requirements], 57
2.30.310 [DHAH supervision & competencies], 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies], 2.30.510 58
[EFDHA II supervision & competencies], and 2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements]; 59
(B) diagnosis and treatment of caries; 60
(C) performance of uncomplicated extractions of primary and permanent teeth; 61
(D) response to emergencies to alleviate pain and infection; 62
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(E) administration of local anesthetic; 1
(F) recognition of and referring conditions needing space maintenance; 2
(G) maintenance of and repair of dental equipment; 3
(H) development of and carrying out community health prevention and education 4
program. 5
(I) performance of pulpotomies on primary teeth. 6
June 13, 2012, two sections were amended, as follows: 8
Section 2.30.610. Dental Health Aide Therapist Supervision and Competencies was amended, as follows: 10
(a) Dental Supervision. Dental health aide therapist services may be performed under this section by a 12
dental health aide therapist under the general supervision of a dentist provided the dental health aide therapist has 13
met the requirements of this section. Pulpal therapy (not including pulpotomies on deciduous teeth) or extraction 14
of adult teeth can be performed by a dental health aide therapist only after consultation with a licensed dentist who 15
determines that the procedure is a medical emergency that cannot be resolved with palliative treatment. 16
Section 2.40.030. Behavioral Health Aide/Practitioner Trial Examination was deleted. It read: 18
Sec. 2.40.030. Behavioral Health Aide/Practitioner Trial Examination. 20
(a) Findings. Standardized assessment measures, which may include written or oral testing and other 22
standardized practice activities such as role playing, may be useful devices for evaluating the knowledge and skills 23
of candidates for certification. Such tests need to be validated to assure that they are testing accurately for the 24
knowledge and skills required. This requires that the tests be culturally sensitive and not biased towards unrelated 25
skills, such as reading in English (except when that is the skill being tested). Requiring candidates for certification 26
who have been practicing for some time to take the tests will allow measuring the outcomes of the tests against the 27
assessment of the actual practice skills of the candidates. 28
(b) Requirements. All applicants for certification as a behavioral health aide or practitioner must take 30
the Trial Behavioral Health Aide/Practitioner examination applicable to the level of certification for which the 31
applicant is applying, provided that 32
(1) if the trial examination has not been approved by the Board prior to application for 33
certification this requirement will not apply; 34
(2) if a behavioral health aide or practitioner is certified without having taken the trial 35
examination, the aide or practitioner will take the trial examination, upon request of the Board; and 36
(3) the results of the trial examination shall not be considered when evaluating the applicant’s 37
application for certification. 38
October 4, 2012, three sections were amended, as follows: 40
Section 3.10.100. Approved Continuing Education Programs for CHA/P was renumbered and amended, as 42
follows: 43
(a) Competencies. To be approved by the Board, a continuing education program must: 45
(1) cover one or more of the course of study subjects or competencies listed in sections 2.20.100 46
[CHA I training & education requirements] through .510 [CHP competencies], the CHA/P Curriculum, or the 47
CHAM; and 48
(2) directly relate to the clinical practice of a community health aide or community health 49
practitioner; and, 50
(3) be no less than 1 hour in length. 51
Section 3.10.200. Approved Continuing Education Programs for DHA was renumbered and amended, as 53
follows: 54
(a) Competencies. To be approved by the Board, a continuing education program for a dental health 55
aide must: 56
(1) cover one or more of the course of study subjects or competencies listed in sections 2.30.100 57
[PDHA I training & education requirements] through .610 [DHAT supervision & competencies]; and 58
(2) directly relate to the clinical practice of a dental health aide; and 59
(3) be no less than 1 hour in length. 60
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Section 3.10.300. Approved Continuing Education Programs for BHA/P was renumbered and amended, as 1
follows: 2
(a) Competencies. To be approved by the Board, a continuing education program must: 4
(1) contribute to the knowledge or skills described in section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, 5
and scope of practice] or expand on content or subject matter described in chapter 8 [BHA curricula] and; 6
(2) directly relate to the clinical practice of a behavioral health aide or practitioner, which shall 7
include courses related to the effects of tobacco use and tobacco use assessment and treatment; and 8
(3) be no less than 1 hour in length. 9
January 11, 2013, one section was amended, as follows: 12
Section 3.10.050. DHA Continuing Education Requirements was amended, as follows: 14
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. 16
(1) An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 30 of chapter 2 whose certificate has not 17
lapsed must meet: 18
(A) any specific recertification requirements set forth therein; 19
(B) satisfactory performance under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental hygienist, or 20
dental health aide therapist of a minimum of: 8 of each procedure for which the dental health aide is certified; and 21
(i) 80 hours, demonstrating competence in each procedure for which the dental health 22
aide is certified, or 23
(ii) 8 of each procedure for which the dental health aide is certified; and 24
(C) if the dental health aide has not completed the requirements for another level of 25
certification or module during the concluding two-year certification period, satisfactory completion of 24 contact 26
hours of continuing education approved by the Board on varied or updated topics.: 27
(i) 24 contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board on varied or 28
updated topics, 29
(ii) an additional 24 hours of patient contact under direct supervision of a dentist, dental 30
hygienist, or dental health aide therapist; or 31
(iii) some combination of (i) and (ii) adding up to 24 hours. 32
(2) If the direct supervision required under subsections (1)(B) or (1)(C)(ii) of this section is 33
provided by anyone other than a dentist, the supervisor must have been authorized to supervise the preceptorship 34
of the procedures being performed under the applicable provision of chapter 2, article 30 [Standards for Dental 35
Health Aides]. 36
October 29, 2013, seven sections were amended, as follows: 39
Section 1.20.010. Definitions (27) was amended, as follows: 41
(27) “eLearning” means formal instruction where students and instructors are separated by geography, time 43
or both for the majority of the instructional period. 44
Section 2.30.260(b). Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) Requirements was amended, as follows: 46
(b) Dental Supervision. 48
(1) The dental health aide may perform non-emergency ART only after consultation with a 49
dentist or dental health aide therapist (exception is the dental health aide hygienist who must be supervised by a 50
dentist) who has reviewed appropriate dental records regarding the patient, which may include radiographs and 51
intra-oral photographs, and 52
(2) ART may be performed under this section by a dental health aide under the general 53
supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist (exception is the dental health aide hygienist who must be 54
supervised by a dentist) provided the dental health aide has met the requirements of all of the requirements of this 55
section, including successful completion of the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education 56
requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 57
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Section 2.30.310(b)(2). Dental Health Aide Hygienist Supervision and Competencies was amended, as follows: 1
(b) Competencies. In addition to demonstrating the competencies identified in section 2.30.110(b) 3
[PDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.210(b) [PDHA II supervision & competencies; 4
competencies], 2.30.220(d) [sealant requirements; competencies], 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; 5
competencies], 2.30.240(d) [dental radiology requirements; competencies], and after satisfying the requirements of 6
2.30.300 [DHAH training & education requirements], a certified dental health aide hygienist must successfully 7
demonstrate and maintain satisfactory performance of the following skills: 8
(1) removing calculus deposits, accretions and stains from the surfaces of teeth by scaling and 9
polishing techniques; 10
(2) non-surgical periodontal therapy root planing and periodontal soft tissue curettae curettage; 11
Section 5.10.020. Training Facilities was amended, as follows: 13
Sec. 5.10.020. Training Facilities. A CHA/P Training Center facility must provide classroom, or e-15
classroom and clinical environments that are conducive to a positive learning experience for faculty and 16
community health aide trainees by ensuring that: 17
(1) traditional classrooms have this should include appropriate space and privacy. An 18
environmental health review of the facility must be performed and on file. Specific consideration and evaluation in 19
the areas of safety, adequacy of space, air quality, lighting, heating, and storage and disposal of hazardous waste 20
must be documented. 21
(2) e-classrooms have appropriate policies on Internet safety and privacy, appropriate language, 22
emergency procedures for Internet outages, and recommendations on lighting, noise, and an ergonomic 23
environment. 24
Section 5.10.025(a)(2). Training Staff was amended, as follows: 26
(a) Qualifications and Roles. 28
(2) Instructor. CHA/P Training Center instructors must consist of a majority fulltime equivalent 29
mid-level practitioner or physician instructors who are employees of the federal government or licensed by the 30
State of Alaska. Additional instructors should be certified or licensed and have formal training in the knowledge 31
and skills that they are teaching. All instructors will be monitored to assure compliance with the CHA/P 32
Curriculum and competence in subject being taught. Instructors teaching CHA curriculum via eLearning must 33
demonstrate competency in e-teaching by experience, completed coursework, or other approved measure. 34
Section 5.10.045. Trainee Services was amended, as follows: 36
(a) Counseling and Health Services. The CHA/P Training Center must have a system for onsite or 38
online initial individual counseling for trainees, which may include assigning faculty members for this purpose. 39
Referral for confidential counseling by mental health professionals must be available to trainees. A system to 40
provide acute care and emergency health services must also be provided. 41
(b) Academic Advising. A CHA/P Training Center must provide an onsite or online system for trainee 42
academic advising, documentation of formative and summative evaluations, and advising pertinent to the role of 43
the community health aide and practitioner and certification. 44
(d) Housing, Meals, and Transportation. Housing, meals and transportation should be available, 45
affordable, and conveniently located to face-to-face or traditional trainees. 46
(e) Internet Connectivity. A workstation with Internet connectivity must be conveniently accessible 47
as an alternate to an eLearning students’ own Internet service. 48
Section 5.10.050. Community Health Aide Curriculum and Teaching Guidelines was amended, as follows: 50
(a) Duration of Training and Attendance. The length of Sessions I, II, III and IV training sessions 52
must meet the minimum standards delineated in the CHA/P Curriculum are based on the competencies as stated in 53
Sec. 2.20.110, CHA I; Sec. 2.20.210, CHA II; Sec. 2.20.310, CHA III; and Sec. 2.20.410, CHA IV. The CHAP 54
Training Center must establish and enforce an attendance policy, which assures that each training participant fully 55
satisfies all conditions of the training. 56
(b) Class Size. The size of classes must allow for faculty/trainee ratios under section 5.10.050(c). 57
[CHA/P Curriculum and teaching guidelines; faculty/trainee ratio], and otherwise be determined by the number of 58
exam rooms available for clinical experience, the size of the classroom for onsite didactic instruction, course 59
content, past trends identified in the particular class and the CHA/P Curriculum requirements for lab skills 60
instruction. 61
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d) Classroom and Clinical Instruction. The intent in instruction for each session is to integrate the 1
CHA/P Curriculum, the CHAM, and the training and skill of the community health aide/practitioner, with 2
consideration to the “Role of the Community Health Aide/Practitioner.” 3
(3) The instructional materials for faculty must consist of the CHA/P Curriculum course 4
objectives and lesson plans. Instructional materials must be updated every three years. Additionally, for eLearning 5
classes externally linked content not created by the CHA/P instructor must be checked for accuracy prior to every 6
session. 7
(4) For each training session the percentage of classroom/clinical time must meet the requirements 8
of the CHA/P Curriculum. skills practice and clinical hours will meet the requirements of the CHA/P Curriculum. 9
(45) Learning objectives and course expectations must be clearly defined for each trainee. 10
January 17, 2014, two sections were amended, as follows: 12
Section 1.20.010. Definitions (4) was amended, as follows: 14
(4) “Behavioral health professional” means a person who 16
(A) has a at least a master’s degree in psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and 17
family therapy, substance abuse or addiction, nursing with a psychiatric mental health specialty, or a related field; 18
and 19
Section 1.20.010. Definitions (6) was amended, as follows: 21
(6) “BHAM” means the Behavioral Health Aide Manual, as revised, or its successor if approved 23
by this Board; 24
Section 2.10.010(b)(2). Initial Qualifications was amended, as follows: 26
(b) Special Conditions 28
(2) Behavioral Health Aide’s or Practitioner’s Prior Practice. A person who applies for 29
certification as a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner within 24 months after June 18, 2008 30
June 18, 2009 may be certified as a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner without having met all 31
of the applicable requirements of section 2.40.100 [BHA I training, practicum, and experience requirements], 32
2.40.200 [BHA II training, practicum, and experience requirements], 2.40.300 [BHA III training, practicum, and 33
experience requirements], or 2.40.400 [BHP training, practicum, and experience requirements], provided the 34
applicant provides evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she 35
May 15, 2014, twelve sections were amended, as follows: 37
Section 2.30.240(c). Dental Radiology Requirements was amended, as follows: 39
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. The dental health aide must have satisfactorily 41
completed one of the following: 42
(1) (A) a Board approved course in dental radiology that satisfies the requirements of section 43
7.20.120 [dental radiology]; 44
(B) a course in dental radiology offered by an accredited school of higher education; 45
(C) a course in dental radiology offered or approved by IHS, including “Basic Radiology 46
for Dental Staff”; or 47
(D) satisfactory performance in exposing and developing a minimum of 75 dental 48
radiographs under the direct supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, dental health aide hygienist, or 49
dental hygienist including: 50
(i) a minimum of 10 sets of bitewing radiographs, provided that a minimum of 5 51
sets of the bitewings must be on children under 7 years of age, and 52
(ii) a minimum of 20 periapicals and 3 occulsals. 53
(2) If in the course under (1)(A) through (C) the dental health aide did not satisfactorily expose 54
radiographs on at least 10 patients, then after the completion of the course, the dental health aide must complete, 55
under direct supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist, dental health aide hygienist, or dental hygienist 56
enough additional radiographs to have satisfactorily completed exposures on no less than 10 patients. 57
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Section 2.30.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training and Education was amended, as follows: 1
Sec. 2.30.300. Dental Health Aide Hygienist Training, Education, and Licensure Requirements. A 3
person meets the training, education, and licensure requirements to be a certified dental health aide hygienist upon 4
successful completion of 5
(a) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) [PDHA I training & education requirements; 6
training (presession)] and (4) [PDHA I training & education requirements; training; (BLS)]; 7
(b) (1) an accredited school of dental hygiene or 8
(2) a dental hygiene training and education program approved by the Board; and 9
(c) if not covered in the training under (b)(1) or (2) of this section or if the training has not 10
been kept up-to-date through practice or continuing education, a course in local anesthetic that is: 11
(3) approved by the Board that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.400 [local 12
anesthetic administration]; 13
(4) offered by an accredited school of higher education; or 14
(5) offered or approved by IHS; and 15
(d) is licensed as a dental hygienist in Alaska under AS 08.32.10 or a dental hygienist in the 16
employ of the federal government in the discharge of official duties who is a dental hygienist licensed in one of 17
the states or territories of the United States. 18
Section 2.40.010. Supervision of Behavioral Health Aides and Behavioral Health Practitioners was amended, as 20
follows: 21
(a) Clinical Oversight. 23
(1) Program Responsibility. A behavioral health aide or practitioner may only practice in a 24
program in which clinical oversight of the behavioral health program is provided and responsibility is taken by a 25
licensed behavioral health clinician who This person must be: 26
(A) familiar with the BHA/P program, the Standards and the BHAM; and 27
(B) employed by the federal government or employed by or under contract with a 28
tribal health program operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA. 29
Section 2.40.300. Behavioral Health Aide III Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements: 31
(b) Behavioral Health Aide III Specialized Training Program. The behavioral health aide III 32
specialized training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or their equivalent, that satisfy the 33
requirements of sections: 34
(1) 8.20.325 [treatment of co-occurring disorders],; 35
(2) 8.20.335 [advanced behavioral health clinical care]; 36
(3) 8.20.340 [documentation and quality assurance]; 37
(4) 8.20.345 [introduction to case management supervision]; 38
(5) 8.20.350 [applied case studies in Alaska Native culture based issues]; 39
(6) 8.20.370 [behavioral health clinical team building]; and 40
(7) 8.20.385 [introduction to supervision]; and 41
(8) 8.20.390 [child development]. 42
Section 8.20.140. Introduction to Documentation. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will provide 44
(a) foundational information regarding 45
(1) the establishment and maintenance of a quality client record, including the essential 46
components of clinical/counseling records, including assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, discharge 47
summaries, and authorizations for disclosure; 48
(2) the purpose and elements of case narrative recording, including using data, assessment, 49
and plan (“DAP”); subjective, objective, assessment and plan (“SOAP”); and other formats for case narrative 50
recording; 51
(b) an introduction to 52
(1) the use of standardized information management systems and screening tools widely used 53
by Alaska behavioral health programs; 54
(2) using criteria contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and American Society of 55
Addiction Medicine (“ASAM”) Patient Placement Criteria (“PCC”) to standardize documentation in relation to 56
treatment and service planning (problem list, goals, objectives, and interventions); 57
(3) documentation requirements specific to prevalent payers and accrediting bodies, such as 58
Medicaid, Medicare, Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (“CARF”), and The Joint 59
Commission; and 60
(4) special documentation issues arising 61
(A) in family and group counseling; 62
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(B) when recording information subject to special confidentiality conditions, such as 1
information about infectious diseases; and 2
(5) administrative record keeping; and 3
(d)(c) applied exercises in which trainees practice documenting client related work and consider the 4
effect of confidentiality rules on the application of documentation requirements. 5
Section 8.20.150. Working with Diverse Populations was amended, as follows: 7
Sec. 8.20.150. Working with Diverse Populations: This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will 9
provide 10
(1) foundational and practice information regarding working with clients of different ethnic or 11
racial heritage, age, gender, life-style lifestyle, sexual orientation, spirituality, and socioeconomic status; 12
(2) an introduction to beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and skills generally maintained by an effective 13
multi-culturally aware counselor; 14
(3) applied exercises to develop skills associated with respectfully assessing client needs; 15
(4) strategies for working in Alaska Native community with other prominent minority/cultural 16
groups in rural Alaska; and 17
(5) information regarding the implications of personal and cultural historical trauma. 18
Section 8.20.335. Advanced Behavioral Health Clinical Care was amended, as follows: 20
Sec. 8.20.335. Advanced Behavioral Health Clinical Care: This course, which shall be 40 20 contact 22
hours, will provide, in a seminar format, an opportunity for trainees to 23
(1) analyze and discuss the philosophical and practice basis of the major counseling theories (e.g. 24
psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, gestalt, transactional, behavioral, rational-emotive, and 25
other cognitive-behavioral) in behavioral health; 26
(2) present approaches having value and application within village-based behavioral health 27
services targeting individuals affected by multiple disorders; and 28
(3) participate in exercises to support applied use of “Best Practice” models. 29
Section 8.20.340. Documentation and Quality Assurance Care was amended, as follows: 31
Sec. 8.20.340. Documentation and Quality Assurance. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, 33
will provide 34
(1) advanced information regarding clinical/counseling records; 35
(2) an introduction to quality assurance and how to evaluate: 36
(A) the quality of clinical record documentation; 37
(B) documentation to determine compliance with payer requirements and grant conditions, 38
including how to conduct chart audits and compile information necessary to respond to external reviews and 39
audits; 40
(2)(3) applied exercises in evaluating record documentation and potential remediation 50 for 41
record deficits. 42
Section 8.20.385. Introduction to Supervision was amended, as follows: 44
Sec. 8.20.385. Introduction to Supervision. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide 46
(1) introduction to philosophy and practical application of functions of 45 supervision, including 47
coach/mentor, tutor/teacher, consultant, role model, evaluator, and administrator; 48
(2) guidance in developing a vision for supervisory relationships and defining expectations; 49
(3) skill development in nurturing counselor development, promoting development of skills and 50
competencies, and achieving accountability; 51
(4) introduction to ethics of supervision; 6t0 52
(5) introduction to administrative requirements and related supervision; and 53
(5)(6) guidance in managing conflicting functions expected of supervisors; and 54
(b) (7) application exercises to assist trainees to practice various functions of supervision and begin 55
developing their own supervisory approaches. 56
Section 8.20.400. Introduction to Supervision was amended, as follows: 58
Sec. 8.20.400. Issues in Village-Based Behavioral Health. This course, which shall be 40 20 contact 60
hours and be conducted in a seminar format, will require participants to 61
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(1) analyze and discuss contemporary problems and issues associated with providing village-1
based behavioral health services, including emerging clinical issues, funding, billable services, staffing levels, 2
manpower development, etc.; 3
(2) present and evaluate the effectiveness of individual and community intervention models in 4
village-based behavioral health services; and 5
(3) analyze how to address practice challenges in a village-based setting, 6
Section 8.20.425. Special Issues in Behavioral Health Services was amended, as follows: 8
Sec. 8.20.425. Special Issues in Behavioral Health Services. This course, which shall be 16 contact 10
hours, will provide an opportunity for trainees to 11
(a) analyze and discuss the specialized evaluation, services, treatment, and case management needs of 12
individuals affected by 13
(1) experiences such as 14
(A) child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, or other violence, and 15
(B) alcohol related brain disorder and traumatic brain injury, 16
(C) disasters, fires, and other traumatic events; and 17
(2) conditions such as 18
(A) fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); 19
(B) attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 20
(C) developmental disabilities, 21
(D) tobacco dependency, especially in patients with medical conditions, such as peridontal 22
disease, pregnancy, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and lung disease that are affected by tobacco use; 23
(E) other health conditions that affect behavior or adjustment; and 24
(3) (2) participate in the development of specialized service planning to address the needs of 25
clients with these clinical issues. 26
June 12, 2014, ten sections were amended, as follows: 28
Section 2.40.100(b)(c)(d). Behavioral Health Aide I Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements were 30
amended, as follows: 31
(b) Behavioral Health Aide I Alternative Training. 33
(1) Minimum Required Content. In lieu of completing one or more of the specialized training 34
courses program described in subsection (a) [BHA I specialized training program], a person may satisfy the course 35
training requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I by successfully completing one of the courses 36
of study determined by the Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required 37
under subsection (a) [BHA I specialized training]. identified in paragraph (2) [alternate courses of study] of this 38
subsection, provided. 39
(A) such course of study must have included content equivalent to that described in 40
subsection (a) [specialized BHA I training program] or 41
(B) to the extent it did not, the person successfully completed those courses listed in 42
subsection (a)(1) as necessary to fill any gaps. 43
(2) Alternate Courses of Study. Alternate courses of study are: 44
(A) the Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Training (RADACT) resulting in 45
Counselor Technician certification from the Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification (ACBHC); 46
(B) the University of Alaska Rural Human Services Behavioral Health program resulting 47
in an Occupational Endorsement; 48
(A)(C) those from an accredited college or university resulting in an associate, bachelor or 49
master of arts, science or social work degree with a major in human services, addictions and chemical dependency, 50
behavioral health, psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, or nursing with a behavioral 51
health specialty; or a related field; or 52
(B)(D) one determined by the Board to be equivalent to that required under subsection (a) 53
[BHA I specialized training] or (b)(2)(A) through (B) (C) of this section. 54
(c) Behavioral Health Aide I Practicum. After completion of the training listed in subsection (a) 55
[BHA I specialized training program] or (b) [BHA I alternative training] of this section, the applicant must 56
additionally complete a 100 hour clinical practicum under the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health 57
clinician or behavioral health professional. The applicant must satisfactorily perform each of the following: fewer 58
than: 59
(1) no fewer than 25 35 hours of providing initial intake and client orientation to services 60
including screening and initial intake, paperwork with appropriate case documentation; 61
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(2) no fewer than 25 30 hours of providing case management and referral with appropriate case 1
documentation; and 2
(3) no fewer than 35 hours of providing village-based community education, prevention, and early 3
intervention services with appropriate case documentation; and 4
(4) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections (c)(1) 5
through (c)(3) of this section. 6
(d) Behavioral Health Aide I Work Experience. 7
(1) Minimum Experience. Prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide I, a person, who 8
seeks certification based on training or education described in subsections (a) [BHA I specialized training] or (b) 9
[BHA I alternative training] (b)(2) [alternate courses of study], must have provided village-based behavioral health 10
services for no fewer than 1,000 hours under the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or 11
behavioral health professional. 12
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies the 13
applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice] and has the capacity 14
to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be exempted from the 15
experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (C) and (B) of this paragraph. 16
(A) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health aide I based on education 17
described in subsection (b)(2)(C) [associates degree] need not have work experience prior to being certified. 18
(B) (A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than that 19
described in subsection (d)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that required for 20
this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 21
(C) (B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 22
required under subsection (a) [BHA I specialized training] or (b) [BHA I alternative training] subsection (b)(2) 23
[alternate courses of study] may be relied upon to satisfy the requirement under subsection (d)(1) [minimum 24
experience] on an hour for hour basis. 25
Section 2.40.200(c)(d)(e). Behavioral Health Aide II Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements were 27
amended, as follows: 28
(c) Behavioral Health Aide II Alternative Training. 30
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing one or more of the specialized training courses 31
program described in subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training program], a person may satisfy the course 32
training requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide II by successfully completing one of the courses 33
of study determined by the Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required 34
under subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training]. 35
(2) Alternate Courses of Study. Alternate courses of study are: 37
(A) the University of Alaska Rural Human Services program resulting in a Behavioral 38
Health Certificate; 39
(B) those from an accredited college or university resulting in an associate of 33 arts or 40
sciences with a major in human services, addictions and chemical dependency, behavioral health, psychology, 41
social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, or nursing with a behavioral health specialty; or a related 42
field; 43
(C) at an accredited university resulting in a bachelor or master of arts, science or social 44
work degree with a major in one of the courses of study listed in subparagraph (2)(B) of this paragraph; or 45
(D) one determined by the Board to be equivalent to that required under subsection (b) 46
[BHA II specialized training] or (c)(2)(A) through (C) of this section. 47
(d) Behavioral Health Aide II Practicum. After completion of subsection (a) [prerequisites] and 49
completion of the training listed in subsection (b) [BHA II specialized training program] or (c) [BHA II alternative 50
training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical practicum under the direct 51
supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional. The applicant must 52
satisfactorily perform each of the following: 53
(1) no fewer than 35 hours of providing client clinical evaluation substance use assessment and 54
treatment planning using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and American Society of Addiction Medicine 55
patient placement criteria with appropriate case documentation; 56
(2) no fewer than 30 hours of providing treatment planning and client rehabilitative services (e.g., 57
comprehensive community support services or therapeutic behavioral health service) case management with 58
appropriate case documentation; and 59
(3) no fewer than 25 35 hours of providing community readiness evaluation and prevention plan 60
development with appropriate case documentation; and 61
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(4) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections (d)(1) 1
through (d)(3) of this section. 2
(e) Behavioral Health Aide II Work Experience. 4
(1) Minimum Experience. Except as provided in paragraph (2) [exceptions and substitutions] of 5
this subsection, prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide II, a person, who seeks certification based on 6
training or education described in subsections (b) [BHA II specialized training] or (c) [alternative training] (2) 7
[alternate courses of study], must have provided village-based behavioral health services for no fewer than 2,000 8
hours under the direct or indirect (as applicable) supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral 9
health professional. 10
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies the 11
applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, & scope of practice] and has the capacity 12
to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be exempted from the 13
experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (D) and (B) of this paragraph. 14
(A) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health aide II based on education 15
described in subsection (c)(2)(C) [bachelors degree] need not have work experience prior to being certified. 16
(B) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health aide II based on education 17
described in subsection (c)(2)(A) [RHS behavioral health certificate] or (B) [associates degree] needs to have only 18
1000 hours of experience. 19
(C) (A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than that 20
described in subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that required for 21
this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 22
(D) (B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 23
required under subsections (b) [BHA II specialized training] or (c) [alternative training] [alternate courses of 24
study] and in meeting the experience requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I may be relied 25
upon to satisfy the experience requirement under subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour for hour 26
basis. 27
Section 2.40.300(b)(c)(d) and (e). Behavioral Health Aide III Training, Practicum, and Experience Requirements 29
were amended, as follows: 30
(b) Behavioral Health Aide III Specialized Training Program. The behavioral health aide III 32
specialized training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or their equivalent, that satisfy the 33
requirements of sections 34
(1) 8.20.325 [treatment of co-occurring disorders], 35
(2) 8.20.335 [advanced behavioral health clinical care], 36
(3) 8.20.340 [documentation and quality assurance], 37
(4) 8.20.345 [introduction to case management supervision], 38
(5) 8.20.350 [applied case studies in Alaska Native culture based issues], 39
(6) 8.20.370 [behavioral health clinical team building], and 40
(7) 8.20.385 [introduction to supervision], and 41
(8) 8.20.390 [child development]. 42
(c) Behavioral Health Aide III Alternative Training: 44
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing the specialized training courses requirements 45
described in subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training program], a person may satisfy the course training 46
requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide III by successfully completing one of the courses of study 47
determined by the Board under Sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those required under 48
subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training]. identified in paragraph (2) [alternate courses of study] of this 49
subsection, provided 50
(A) such course of study must have included the content equivalent to that described in 51
subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training program], or 52
(B) to the extent it did not, the person successfully completed the courses listed in 53
subsection (b) as necessary to fill any gaps. 54
(2) Alternate Courses of Study. Alternate courses of study are 56
(A) those from an accredited college or university resulting in an associate of arts or 57
sciences with a major in human services, addictions and chemical dependency, behavioral health, psychology, 58
social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, or nursing with a behavioral health specialty; or a related 59
field; 60
(B) those at an accredited university resulting in a bachelor of arts, science or social work 61
degree with a major in one of the courses of study listed in subparagraph (2)(A) of this paragraph; 62
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(C) those at an accredited university resulting in a master of arts, science or social work 1
degree with a major in one of the courses of study listed in paragraph (2)(A) of this paragraph; or 2
(D) one determined by the Board to be equivalent to that required under subsection (b) 3
[BHA III specialized training] or (c)(2)(A) through (C) of this section. 4
(d) Behavioral Health Aide III Practicum: After meeting the requirements of subsection (a) 6
[prerequisites] and completion of the training listed in subsection (b)[BHA III specialized training] or (c) [BHA III 7
alternative training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical practicum under 8
the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional. The applicant 9
must satisfactorily perform each of the following components: under the direct supervision of a licensed 10
behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional, the applicant satisfactorily completes a Board 11
approved 100 hour clinical practicum, which must include satisfactory performance of each of the following 12
components of no fewer than: 13
(1) no fewer than 45 60 hours of providing behavioral health clinical evaluation assessment , 14
treatment planning, and rehabilitative services case management for clients with special treatment issues related to 15
domestic violence, sexual assault and alcohol related brain damage (ARBD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) co-16
occurring disorders; 17
(2) no fewer than 20 hours of providing quality assurance case review with documentation of 18
review activity; and; 19
(3) no fewer than 20 hours of providing clinical team leadership by leading clinical team case 20
reviews; and 21
(4) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections (d)(1) 22
through (d)(3) of this section. 23
(e) Behavioral Health Aide III Work Experience: 25
(1) Minimum Experience. Except as provided in paragraph (2) [exceptions and substitutions] of 26
this subsection, prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide III, a person, who seeks certification based on 27
training or education described in subsections (b) [BHA III specialized training] (c)(2) [alternative training 28
alternate degree program], must have provided village-based behavioral health services for no fewer than 4,000 29
hours under the direct or indirect supervision (as applicable) of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral 30
health professional. 31
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies the 32
applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice] and has the capacity 33
to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be exempted from the 34
experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (E) and (B) of this paragraph. 35
(A) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health aide III based on education 36
described in subsection (c)(2)(C) [masters degree] need not have work experience prior to being certified. 37
(B) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health aide III based on education 38
described in subsection (c)(2)(B) [bachelors degree] needs to have only 500 hours of experience. 39
(C) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health aide III based on education 40
described in subsection (c)(2)(A) [associates degree] needs to have only 2000 hours of experience. 41
(D)(A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than that 42
described in subsection (e)(d)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that required 43
for this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 44
(E) (B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 45
required under subsection (b) [BHA III specialized training] or (c) [alternative training alternate degree program] 46
and in meeting the experience requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I and II may be relied upon 47
to satisfy the experience requirement under subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour for hour basis. 48
Section 2.40.400(b)(c)(d) and (e) Behavioral Health Practitioner Specialized Training Program were amended, as 50
follows: The behavioral health practitioner specialized training program is comprised of Board approved courses, or 51
their equivalent, that satisfy the requirements of sections: 52
(1) 8.20.400 [issues in village-based behavioral health care]; 53
(2) 8.20.425 [special issues in behavioral health services]; 54
(3) 8.20.485 [competencies for village-based supervision], and 55
(4) 8.20.490 [principles and practice of clinical supervision]; and 56
(5) 8.20.495 [child-centered interventions]. 57
(c) Behavioral Health Practitioner Alternative Training: 58
(1) Required Content. In lieu of completing one or more of the specialized training courses 59
described in the requirements under subsection (b) [BHP specialized training program], a person may satisfy the 60
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course training requirements for certification as a behavioral health practitioner by successfully completing one of 1
the courses of study determined by the Board under sec. 8.20.010 [equivalent courses] to be equivalent to those 2
required under subsection (b) [BHP specialized training].identified in paragraph (2) [alternate courses of study] of 3
this subsection, provided 4
(d) Behavioral Health Practitioner Practicum: After meeting the requirements of subsection (a) 6
[prerequisites] and completion of the training listed in subsection (b) [BHP specialized training] or (c) [BHP 7
alternative training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical practicum under 8
the direct supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional. The individual 9
must satisfactorily perform each of the following: The applicant must satisfactorily complete a Board approved 10
100 hour clinical practicum, which must include satisfactory performance of each of the following components: 11
(1) no fewer than 60 45 hours engaging, mentoring, and supporting, as well as participating in 12
supervision and evaluation of a behavioral health aide I, II, and III based on the understanding of the supervisee’s 13
level of knowledge and skills, professional goals, and behavior; on knowledge and skills on the of providing 14
behavioral health clinical supervision mentorship and support, training and professional development, subject to 15
applicable restrictions,; 16
(2) no fewer than 40 25 hours of providing clinical team leadership by leading clinical team case 17
reviews; and 18
(3) the balance of the hours must be related to practicum components listed in subsections (d)(1) 19
and (d)(2) of this section. 20
(e) Behavioral Health Practitioner Work Experience: 21
(1) Minimum Experience. Except as provided in paragraph (2) [exceptions and substitutions] of 22
this subsection, prior to being certified as a behavioral health aide practitioner, a person, who seeks certification 23
based on training or education described in subsections (b) [BHP specialized training] or (c) (2) [BHP alternative 24
training alternate degree program], must have provided village-based behavioral health services for no fewer than 25
6,000 hours under the direct or indirect (as applicable) supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or 26
behavioral health professional. 27
(2) Exceptions and Substitutions. An applicant who demonstrates that he or she satisfies the 28
applicable requirements of section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice] and has the capacity 29
to provide culturally appropriate services in a village setting may substitute experience, or be exempted from the 30
experience requirement, as provided in subparagraphs (A) through (E) and (B) of this paragraph. 31
(A) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health practitioner based on 32
education described in subsection (c)(2)(C) [masters degree] need not have work experience prior to being 33
certified. 34
(B) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health practitioner based on 35
education described in subsection (c)(2)(B)[ bachelors degree] needs to have only 1000 23 hours of experience. 36
(C) An applicant who seeks certification as a behavioral health practitioner based on 37
education described in subsection (c)(2)(A) [associates degree] needs to have only 4000 hours of experience. 38
(D) (A) An applicant with experience providing behavioral health services other than that 39
described in subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] or who has education and training beyond that required for 40
this level of certification may substitute such training and education. 41
(E) (B) Relevant practice experience acquired while obtaining the education or training 42
required under subsection (b) [BHP specialized training] or (c) [BHP alternative training alternate degree program] 43
and in meeting the experience requirements for certification as a behavioral health aide I, II and III may be relied 44
upon to satisfy the experience requirement under subsection (e)(1) [minimum experience] on an hour for hour 45
basis. 46
Section 3.10.070. BHA/P Continuing Education Requirements, was amended, as follows: 48
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. A behavioral health aide or practitioner whose certification has not lapsed 50
who is an applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 40 [standards for BHA/Ps] of chapter 2 [certification 51
of CHAs, CHPs, DHAs, BHAs, and BHPs]: 52
(1) (A) as a behavioral health aide who has not completed the requirements for the next level 53
of certification prior to the deadline for recertification; or 54
(B) as a behavioral health practitioner; 55
(2) must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has completed a minimum of 56
40 contact hours of continuing education approved by the Board on varied or updated topics during the concluding 57
two-year certification period, provided that: 58
(A) no fewer than 4 of the required contact hours must be regarding ethics and consent; 59
(B) no fewer than 4 of the required contact hours must be regarding confidentiality and 60
privacy; and 61
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(C) no fewer than 4 of the required contact hours must be regarding cross cultural 1
communication and understanding and working with diverse populations; cross cultural communication and 2
understanding; sensitivities to topics of diversity or diverse cultures, including but not limited to: 3
(1) various ethnicities or cultural heritages, age groups, genders, lifestyles, family dynamics, 4
or socioeconomic statuses, or diagnostic categories; or 5
(2) effective strategies for working with diverse populations, conducting self-assessments 6
and navigating value differences, developing cultural awareness and an understanding of its’ potential influence 7
on a person’s behavioral health; and 8
(D) the balance of the hours must be related to the knowledge and skills identified or related to 9
those described in section 2.40.500 [BHA/P knowledge, skills, and scope of practice]; and 10
(E) a minimum of 20 CEUs attended via face-to-face instruction. 11
Section 8.10.030. BHA/P Training Administration and Records was amended, as follows: 13
(a) Commitment of Administration. The sponsor of Board approved behavioral health aide training 15
programs under sections 2.40.100(a) [BHA I training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 16
program], 2.40.200(b) [BHA II training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training program], 17
2.40.300(b) [BHA III training, practicum, & experience; specialized training program], and 2.40.400(b) [BHP 18
training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training program] must document have an agreement 19
with the Alaska Behavioral Health Support Center, operated by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, 20
under which the Support Center will document on-going support of staffing positions and program needs and 21
accept and retain records regarding training and continuing education carried out by the behavioral health aide 22
training program. 23
(b) Secretarial Support. A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program should have 24
administrative and secretarial support sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program and 25
transmittal of records to the Certification Board, as required. 26
(c) BHA/P Training Program Files. 27
(1) A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program must have on file for review, or 28
transmit to the Support Center for retention, training outlines, learning objectives, lesson plans, session quizzes 29
and exams, behavioral health aide or practitioner evaluation records, application forms, student training files, 30
quality assurance/continuous quality improvement files and a training plan for employees. 31
(2) A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program must promptly after the 32
conclusion of each training session, course or continuing education program transmit to Support Center a list of 33
each student who attended the program with information about whether the student completed the course and an 34
evaluation of the student's performance.the 35
Section 8.20.010. Equivalent Courses, was amended as follows: 37
Sec. 8.20.010. Equivalent Courses. The Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee shall maintain 39
and provide to the Board a list of courses offered by publically funded universities in Alaska that the Behavioral 40
Health Academic Review Committee has determined to contain course content equivalent to that required under 41
this Article 20 [BHA curricula]. Applicants who have satisfactorily completed such courses shall be deemed to 42
have met the applicable curricula requirements. 43
Section 8.20.050. General Orientation was amended, as follows: 45
(a) Minimum Hours. This course shall be no fewer than 28 contact hours which must include 4 47
contact hours regarding communication skills identified in section 8.20.050(c) and may be provided as an in-48
service training program by the employer. 49
(b) Content. This course shall provide an introduction to 50
(1) the Alaska Tribal Health System; 51
(2) the history, statutory authority for, and current status of the Community Health Aide 52
Program; 53
(3) community health aide program certification and the Community Health Aide Program 54
Certification Board; 55
(4) the Alaska Community Health Aide/Practitioner Manual and the Behavioral Health Aide 56
Manual its use and their uses; 57
(5) the dental health aide component of the community health aide program; 58
(6) the behavioral health care system in Alaska and how individuals may access it; and 59
(7) how the Alaska Tribal Health System is structured and the relationship of behavioral health 60
within the care system, including individual regional differences, as appropriate. 61
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Grammar and Formatting Edits for June 12, 2014 1
Section 8.20.390. Child Development was amended, as follows. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will 3
(a) foundational information regarding 4
(1) developmental needs of youth ages in utero/birth to 17; 5
(2) overview of threats to development, including 6
(A) domestic violence, lack of social/family connection, neglect, and related biological, 7
emotional and psychological distress; and 8
(B) role of parenting and social supports; 9
(3) cultural influences of development; 10
(4) adaptive and maladaptive behavior; 11
(5) issues of development related to exposure to alcohol and other substances in utero to age 3; 12
and 13
(6) the impact of trauma on child development, including 14
(A) hyper and hypo physiological responses manifested in maladaptive behaviors, 15
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); 16
(B) preverbal versus verbal trauma and expression; 17
(C) brain and nervous system functioning; and 18
(D) social functioning 19
Section 8.20.495. Child-centered Interventions. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will provide 21
(a) foundational information regarding 23
(1) common legal and ethical issues of counseling children and adolescents in school and 24
community settings, including 25
(A) children in state custody under the Indian Child Welfare Act or by the Office of Children 26
Services, and 27
(B) children of divorced parents; 28
(2) special documentation issues for 29
(A) group counseling sessions; 30
(B) family counseling sessions; and 31
(C) individualized educational plan (IEP) consultations; 32
(3) special populations: 33
(A) counseling children and adolescents with special needs; and 34
(B) treating children with FASDs including the waiver process, resources for parents, and 35
how to attain a diagnosis for the client: 36
(4) defining the counselor role in the playroom; 37
(5) therapeutic approaches to counseling children and adolescents, including Trauma-focused 38
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), directive and non-directive child-centered play therapy, Adlerian play 39
therapy, and interventions for preverbal trauma 40
(6) crisis interventions appropriate to youth; and 41
(7) culturally competent skills. 42
Section 8.30.100. Behavioral Health Academic Review Committee was amended, as follows: 44
(a) Membership. The behavioral health academic review committee satisfies these Standards if it 45
includes 46
(1) two licensed behavioral health clinicians as defined in section 1.20.010(30) [licensed 47
behavioral health clinician], who are employed by the IHS, a tribe or tribal organization, provided that at least 48
(A) one must be actively involved in development and implementation of behavioral 49
health aide training, 50
(B) one must be the director of a tribal behavioral health program; or and 51
(C) one must be actively engaged in clinical practice; 52
(2) two one behavioral health professionals, as defined in section 1.20.010(4) [behavioral health 53
professional], employed by the IHS, a tribe or tribal organization; and 54
(3) to the extent feasible 55
(A) one representative of the CHA/P Academic Review Committee; and 56
(B) one CHA/P Training Center representative currently employed by a certified CHA/P 57
Training Center; and one CHAP Certification Board Member Representative; 58
(4) provided that at least one of the members must have community health aide, dental health 59
aide, or behavioral health aide field supervision experience. Four Five behavioral health aides employed by the 60
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Indian Health Service, a tribe, or tribal organization will be designated by the Tribal Behavioral Health Directors 1
Committee; and 2
(A) One BHA Trainee, 3
(B) One BHA I, 4
(C) One BHA II, 5
(D) One BHA III, and 6
(E) One Behavioral Health Practitioner. 7
(5) Invited non-voting members that are actively involved in BHA/P training, including: 8
(A) Training and development staff from the ANTHC Behavioral Health Department, 9
(B) The Tribal Liaison representing the State of Alaska Department of Behavioral 10
Health and/or a State designee to the BHARC; and 11
(C) Faculty, instructors, or other staff representing academic institutions, training entities 12
or tribal health organizations hosting trainings for use towards BHA/P certification. 13
October 17, 2014, Formatting edits for two sections, as follows: 15
Section. 1.40.010. Findings. was reformatted for the renumbering of paragraphs (16)-(20) to (15)-(19). 17
Section 8.10.030. BHA/P Training Administration and Records, was reformatted, as follows: 19
(a) Commitment of Administration. The sponsor of Board approved behavioral health aide training 21
programs under sections 2.40.100(a) [BHA I training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 22
program], 2.40.200(b) [BHA II training, practicum,, & experience requirements; specialized training program], 23
2.40.300(b) [BHA III training, practicum, & experience; specialized training program], and 2.40.400(b) [BHP 24
training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training program] must document on-going support of 25
staffing positions and program needs and accept and retain records regarding training and continuing education 26
carried out by the behavioral health aide training program 27
(a) Commitment of Administration. The sponsor of Board approved behavioral health aide training 29
programs under sections 30
(1) 2.40.100(a) [BHA I training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 31
program]; 32
(2) 2.40.200(b) [BHA II training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 33
program]; 34
(3) 2.40.300(b) [BHA III training, practicum, & experience; specialized training program]; and 35
(4) 2.40.400(b) [BHP training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 36
program] must document on-going support of staffing positions and program needs and accept and 37
retain records 38
regarding training and continuing education carried out by the behavioral health aide training 39
program. 40
October 30, 2014, ten sections were amended, as follows: 42
Section 2.20.120. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as Community Health Aide I was amended, as follows: 44
(a) Minimum Requirements. A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 2.20.120(b) 46
[scope of practice prior to certification as CHA I] may perform services of a certified community health aide I 47
prior to being certified under section 2.10.010 [initial qualifications] and 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education 48
requirements], provided the person is actively engaged in the process of meeting the requirements under section 49
2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] through 2.20.110 [CHA I competencies] to become certified 50
as a community health aide I; and 51
(c )A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 2.20.120(b) [scope of practice prior to 52
certification as CHA I] who has submitted an application for certification as a community health aide I may begin 53
training to become certified as a community health aide II and perform services necessary to satisfy the 54
requirements of subsection 2.20.200(4) [CHA II training & education requirements; (field work)] pending action 55
on the community health aide I application. 56
(b) Employment. To be eligible to perform services under subsection 2.20.120(a) [scope of practice 58
prior to certification as CHA I], the person must 59
(1) be employed by the Indian Health Service or a tribe or tribal health program operating a 60
community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; 61
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(2) provide only those services for which the person has been trained and has demonstrated 1
successful performance; and 2
(3) practice as a community health aide only in compliance with the requirements in section 3
2.10.010(a)(9) [initial requirements; general requirements (supervision & day-to-day direction)]. 4
(c) A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 2.20.120(b) [scope of practice prior to 6
certification as CHA I] who has submitted an application for certification as a community health aide I may begin 7
training to become certified as a community health aide II and perform services necessary to satisfy the 8
requirements of subsection 2.20.200(4) [CHA II training & education requirements; (field work)] pending action 9
on the community health aide I application. 10
Section 2.10.010 (a)(5)(B) was amended, as follows: 12
(B) for a dental health aide the requirements are those under section 2.30.100 [PDHA I 13
training & education requirements], 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements], 2.30.220(c) [training, 14
education & preceptorship], 2.30.230(c) [dental prophylaxis requirements; training & education] and (d) 15
[preceptorship], 2.30.240(c) [dental radiology requirements; training, education & preceptorship], 2.30.250(c) 16
[dental assistant function requirements; training, education & preceptorship competencies], 2.30.260(c) [ART 17
requirements; training & education] and (d) [preceptorship], 2.30.300 [DHAH training & education requirements], 18
2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training and education requirements], 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education 19
requirements], 2.30.550(c) [stainless steel crown placement requirements; training & education] and (d) 20
[preceptorship] and 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education requirements]; 21
Section 2.10.010 (a)(8)(B) was amended, as follows: 23
(B) for a dental health aide the scopes of practice are defined in sections 2.30.110(b) [PDHA I 25
competencies], 2.30.210(b) [PDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.220(d) [sealant 26
requirements; competencies], 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; competencies], 2.30.240(d) [dental 27
radiology requirements; competencies], 2.30.250(cd) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies], 28
2.30.260(e) [ART requirements; competencies], 2.30.310(b) [DHAH supervision & competencies; competencies], 29
2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.510(b) [EFDHA II supervision & 30
competencies; competencies], 2.30.550(e) [stainless steel crown placement requirements; competencies], and 31
2.30.610(b) [DHAT supervision & competencies; competencies]; and 32
Section 2.30.020. Scope of Practice Prior to Certification as a Dental Health Aide was amended, as follows: 34
(a) Minimum Requirements. A person who satisfies the requirements of subsection 2.30.020(b) 36
[scope of practice prior to certification as a DHA; employment] may perform services of a certified dental health 37
aide prior to being certified under this article to the extent the services are performed 38
(1) as part of training required for certification; 39
(2) as part of a required preceptorship under sections 2.30.100(b) [PDHA I training & education 40
requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.220(c)(1)(B) [sealant requirements; training, education & preceptorship; 41
(sealants during training)] or (c)(2) [sealant requirements; training, education & preceptorship; (preceptorship)], 42
2.30.230(d) [dental prophylaxis requirements; preceptorship]; 2.30.240(c)(1)(D) [dental radiology requirements; 43
training, education & preceptorship; (radiographs during training)] or (c)(2) [dental radiology requirements; 44
training, education & preceptorship; (minimum number radiographs)], 2.30.250 (c ) [dental assistant function 45
requirements; training, education & preceptorship], 2.30.260(d) [ART requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.400(b) 46
[EFDHA I supervision, training and education requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.500(b) [EFDHA II training & 47
education requirements; preceptorship], 2.30.550(d) [stainless steel crown placement requirements; preceptorship], 48
2.30.600(3) [DHAT training & education requirements; (preceptorship)]; or 49
(3) while an application for certification is pending before the Board after successful completion 50
of all required training and preceptorship. 51
Section 2.30.200 (a)(1)(C) was amended, as follows: 53
Sec. 2.30.200. Primary Dental Health Aide II Training and Education Requirements. A person meets 55
the training and education requirements to be a certified primary dental health aide II upon successful completion 56
of 57
(a) (1) (A) all requirements under sections 2.30.100 [PDHA I training & education requirements] 58
through 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & competencies]; 59
(B) a Board approved DHA Advanced Dental Procedures training session that satisfies the 60
requirements of section 7.20.040 [DHA advanced dental procedures]; and 61
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(C) one or more certifications under 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis 1
requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 2.30.250 [dental assistant function requirements], or 2
2.30.250 [dental assistant function requirements] or 2.30.260 [ART requirements]; or 3
Section 2.30.210 (b)(3) was amended, as follows: 5
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & 7
competencies], a certified dental health aide II must successfully demonstrate and maintain 8
(3) meeting the requirements of one or more of the following sections: 9
(A) 2.30.220 [sealant requirements]; 10
(B) 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements]; 11
(C) 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements]; or 12
(D) 2.30.250 [dental assistant function requirements]; or 13
(E) 2.30.260 [ART requirements]. 14
Section 2.30.230(e)(6). Dental Prophylaxis Requirements was amended, as follows: 16
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health aide 18
must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the following competencies and skills: 19
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 20
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 21
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out 22
prophylaxis; 23
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding 24
prophylaxis; 25
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures; 26
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; 27
(B) proper use of ultrasonic or piezoeletric scalers; 28
(6) scaling and polishing to remove plaque, calculus calcereous deposits, accretions, and stains 29
from the coronal or exposed surface of the tooth; and 30
(7) consistent with direct orders from the dentist after a dental examination, sulcular irrigation. 31
Section 2.30.250. Dental Assistant Function Requirements was amended, as follows: 33
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform the functions of a 35
dental assistant under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (c) of this section provided the dental 36
health aide satisfies the requirements of: 37
(1) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II supervision 38
& competencies] 39
(ba) Dental Supervision. A dental health aide certified under this article who satisfies the requirements 40
of this section may perform the functions of a dental assistant only under the direct or indirect supervision of a 41
(1) dentist; 42
(2) dental health aide therapist; 43
(3) licensed dental hygienist; 44
(4) dental health aide hygienist; or 45
(5) primary dental health aide II or expanded function dental health aide I or II who is 46
performing procedures under the general supervision of a dentist. 47
(cb) Training, and Education and Preceptorship. In addition to performing functions as provided for 49
the level of certification achieved by the dental health aide, a dental health aide may perform the functions of a 50
dental assistant, if the dental health aide has successfully completed one of the following: 51
(1) an accredited dental assisting program; 52
(2) a Board approved dental assisting program that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.130 53
[dental assisting]; or 54
(3) a program provided by a dentist who directly supervised the person carrying out a sufficient 55
number of patient encounters for the person to develop satisfactory skills, as determined by the supervising dentist, 56
in each of the functions identified in 2.30.250(db) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies training & 57
education]. 58
(dc) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health aide 60
must understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the ability to satisfactorily perform the following 61
functions: 62
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(1) applying topical anesthetic agents; 1
(2) placing and removing rubber dams; 2
(3) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures; and 3
(4) four-handed instrument transfer. 4
Section 2.30.600(3) Dental Health Aide Therapist Training and Education Requirements was amend, as follows: 6
A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified dental health aide therapist upon 8
successful completion of 9
(3) a clinical preceptorship under the direct supervision of a dentist for a minimum of three 10
months or 400 hours whichever is longer. The preceptorship should encompass all competencies all competencies 11
required of a dental health aide therapist outlined in section 2.30.610(b)(1), (2) and (3) [DHAT supervision and 12
competencies; competencies], and students should demonstrate each procedure or service independently to the 13
satisfaction of the preceptor dentist. 14
Section 2.30.610(b)(3)(A). Dental Health Aide Therapist Supervision and Competencies was amended, as 16
follows: 17
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA 19
I training & education requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)] and 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education 20
requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist must successfully demonstrate and maintain 21
(3) satisfactory performance under general supervision of a dentist of 22
(A) all of the skills identified in sections 2.30.110 [PDHA I supervision & competencies], 23
2.30.210 [PDHA II supervision & competencies], 2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis 24
requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 2.30.250 [dental assistant function requirements], 25
2.30.260 [ART requirements], 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies], 2.30.510 [EFDHA II supervision 26
& competencies], and 2.30.550 [stainless steel crown placement requirements]; 27
Section 7.20.110(a)(6). Dental Prophylaxis was amended, as follows: 29
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental prophylaxis must address the following topics: 31
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 32
(2) reviewing medical history and identify contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 33
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out 34
prophylaxis; 35
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding 36
prophylaxis; 37
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including: 38
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; and 39
(B) proper use of ultrasonic or piezoeletric scalers; 40
(6) scaling and polishing to remove plaque, calculus calcereous deposits, accretions, and stains 41
from the coronal or exposed surface of the tooth; and 42
(7) consistent with direct orders from the dentist after a dental examination, sulcular irrigation. 43
January 22, 2015, Chapter 8 was amended and 2 sections were amended, as follows: 45
Amend Article 10. Training Programs, Facilities, and Training Staff, was amended, as follows: 47
Section 8.10.010. Facilities. Behavioral health aide and practitioner training may occur 49
(1) in any certified CHA/P Training Center with facilities appropriate to the training being 50
provided; 51
(2) for training not requiring clinical activity, any classroom that generally meets the standards 52
set under section 5.10.020 [training facilities]; 53
(3) for training requiring clinical activity, any Federal, State, university, or tribal facility with 54
space appropriate to assure the client’s need for privacy and confidentiality is protected; and 55
(4) as necessary, other locations may be used provided they meet the standards set forth in this 56
section. 57
Section 8.10.010. Facilities. A BHA training center facility must provide classroom, or e-classroom and clinical 59
environments that are conducive to a positive learning experience for faculty and behavioral health aide trainees by 60
ensuring that: 61
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(1) traditional classrooms have appropriate space and privacy. Specific consideration and 1
evaluation in the areas of safety, adequacy of space, air quality, lighting, heating, and storage must be 2
documented; and 3
(2) e-classrooms have appropriate policies on Internet safety and privacy, appropriate language, 4
emergency procedures for Internet outages, and recommendations on lighting, noise, and an ergonomic 5
environment. 6
Section 8.10.020. Training Staff was amended, as follows: 8
(a) Qualification and Roles. Behavioral health aide and practitioner training may be coordinated and 10
conducted by any person who generally meets the standards of this section. 5.10.025(a) [training staff; 11
qualifications & roles] as applicable to the specific training being conducted. 12
(b) Behavioral Health Advisor. All behavioral health aide and practitioner training must be 14
conducted under the general supervision of a behavioral health advisor who must be a licensed behavioral health 15
clinician who meets the standards of section 2.40.010(a) [supervision of BHA/Ps; clinical oversight], who is 16
familiar with the community health aide program and with training village-based behavioral health providers. The 17
behavioral health advisor may or may not participate directly in the training, but must be familiar with and have 18
approved the curriculum being taught and the qualifications of the training staff, and be available to consult with 19
training staff during the training session should the need arise. Such consultation may occur telephonically or in 20
person. 21
(1) Director/Instructor of Record. The BHA training center Director/Instructor of Record 22
(A) must be a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional who 23
will assume responsibilities for course development, evaluation and revision, and the evaluation of students and 24
instructors. 25
(B) should be an individual with a combination of education, research, work, and/or life 26
experience which are relevant to providing leadership in a BHA training center program, including an orientation 27
to Alaska Native culture and traditions and be familiar with the CHA Program. 28
(C) may or may not participate directly in the training, but must be familiar with and 29
have approved the curriculum being taught and the qualifications of the training staff, and be available to consult 30
with training staff during the training session should the need arise. Such consultation may occur telephonically or 31
in person. 32
(D) should have a background in health and education and be able to administrate, serve 33
in a statewide liaison role, uphold the mission of the statewide program, and provide program direction, 34
development, and leadership. 35
(2) Instructor. BHA training center instructors must consist of a majority of behavioral health 37
professionals or licensed behavioral health clinicians. All instructors will be monitored to assure compliance with 38
the BHA Curriculum and competence in subject being taught. Instructors teaching BHA curriculum via eLearning 39
must demonstrate competency in e-teaching by experience, completed coursework, or other approved measures. 40
All instructors should be certified, licensed, or have other training in the knowledge and skills that they are 41
teaching, including knowledge of Alaska Native traditions and culture. 42
Section 8.10.030. BHA/P Training Administration and Records was amended, as follows: 44
(a) Commitment of Administration. The sponsor of Board approved behavioral health aide training 46
programs under sections 47
(1) 2.40.100(a) [BHA I training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 48
program]; 49
(2) 2.40.200(b) [BHA II training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 50
program]; 51
(3) 2.40.300(b) [BHA III training, practicum, & experience; specialized training program]; and 52
(4) 2.40.400(b) [BHP training, practicum, & experience requirements; specialized training 53
program] must document on-going support of staffing positions and program needs and accept and retain records 54
regarding training and continuing education carried out by the behavioral health aide training program. 55
(b) Secretarial Support. A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program should have 57
administrative and secretarial support sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program and 58
transmittal of records to the Certification Board, as required. 59
(c) BHA/P Training Program Files. 61
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(1) A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program must have on file for review 1
training outlines, learning objectives, lesson plans, session quizzes and exams, behavioral health aide or 2
practitioner evaluation records, application forms, student training files, quality assurance/continuous quality 3
improvement files and a training plan for employees. 4
(a) Educational Program Philosophy. A BHA training program must have on file a mission 6
statement that reflects the statewide nature of the program, and the goals and objectives, which must include 7
quality health care, competency based instruction, emphasis on clinical instruction and skills, awareness of 8
cultural influences, emphasis on a positive learning environment, and respect for the unique needs of the adult 9
learner. 10
(b) Job Descriptions. Job descriptions must be on file for each member of the training staff which 12
reflect the roles and responsibilities outlined in sec. 8.10.020(a) [Qualifications and Roles]. 13
(c) Orientation of New Staff. A training program must have in place a written orientation procedure 15
for new employees which will minimally include the BHA mission, goals, and objectives; the BHA Curriculum; 16
the methods of instruction, and function of the statewide program; cultural diversity; the role of the BHA; and the 17
BHA certification process. 18
(d) Commitment of Administration. A training program must document on-going support of staffing 20
positions and program needs and accept and retain records regarding training and continuing education. 21
(e) Secretarial Support. A training program should have administrative and secretarial support 23
sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program and transmittal of records to the Certification 24
Board, as required. 25
(f) Training Program Files. A training program must have on file for review: training outlines, 27
learning objectives, lesson plans, session quizzes and exams, behavioral health aide or practitioner evaluation 28
records, application forms, student training files, quality assurance/continuous quality improvement files and a 29
training plan for employees. 30
(g) Continuing Education. A training center must have a policy on continuing education 32
requirements for the Director and Instructors. A plan should be developed annually to meet the policy goals. 33
Section 8.10.040. BHA Training Center Self-Evaluation was amended, as follows: 35
(a) BHA Training Center. A behavioral health aide or practitioner training program must have a 37
policy on quality assurance (QA)/ continuous quality improvement (CQI). This policy must include: 38
(1) BHA evaluations of training sessions and individual instructors, and 39
(2) documentation of meetings for staff evaluation of training sessions and quarterly program 40
reviews. 41
(b) QA/CQI. The QA/CQI process must be in effect, documenting that evaluation tools are in use, 42
trends are identified and the continuous quality improvement process is being implemented to address and modify 43
those identified trends. 44
Section 8.10.050. Trainee Services was amended, as follows: 46
(a) Counseling and Health Services. A system must be in place to refer trainees to confidential 48
counseling by a behavioral health professional or licensed behavioral health clinician which may include having 49
such persons available during course training. A system to provide acute care and emergency health services must 50
also be provided. 51
(b) Academic Advising. A training center must provide a system for trainee academic advising 53
pertinent to the role and certification of the BHA. 54
(c) Attrition. A system of recording trainee attrition data including the causes and timing of attrition 56
during training must be in place. 57
(d) Housing, Meals, and Transportation. Housing, meals and transportation should be available, 59
affordable, and conveniently located to the face-to-face training site. 60
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(e) Internet Connectivity. A workstation with Internet connectivity must be accessible as an alternate 1
to an eLearning students’ own Internet service. 2
Section 2.50.200(b). Requirements for Renewal was amended, as follows: 4
(b) An applicant who has not been employed as a community health aide, community health 5
practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner an average of at least 15 6
hours a week for at least six months of the previous 12 months prior to submission of the application must provide 7
evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she has been or will be monitored in the performance of each required 8
competence until he or she has demonstrated successful performance of each. 9
Section 2.20.500 was amended, as follows: 11
Sec. 2.20.500. Community Health Practitioner Training and Education Requirements. A person meets 12
the training and education requirements to be a certified community health practitioner upon successful completion 13
of 14
(1) all requirements under sections 2.20.100 [CHA I training & education requirements] 15
through 2.20.410 [CHA IV competencies]; 16
(2) an approved preceptorship, including: 17
(A) at least 30 hours of supervised direct patient care experience; 18
(B) a minimum of 15 patient encounters as primary provider; 19
(C) the Preceptorship Critical Skills List; 20
(3) both sections of the statewide written Alaska Community Health Aide/Practitioner Program 21
Credentialing Exam with a combined score of 80 percent or higher on each section; 22
(4) the statewide Medical Math Exam with a score of 100 percent; and 23
(5) an evaluation of the applicants clinical performance and judgment by the applicant's direct 24
supervisor or other approved evaluator. 25
June 11, 2015, one section was amended, as follows: 27
Section 2.20.210(c )(5)(D). Community Health Aide II Competencies, was amended as follows: 29
(D) dental prevention: 31
(i) tooth brushing, 32
(ii) flossing, 33
(iii) disclosing tablets, 34
(iv) fluoride application. rinse; and 35
(v) fluoride gel. 36
October 29, 2015, ten sections were amended, as follows: 38
Section 2.30.210(b)(1)(D) was amended, as follows: 40
(b)(1)(D) an understanding of telemedicine technology; 42
Section 2.30.220(c)(1)(B) was amended, as follows: 44
(c)(1)(B) under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or licensed dental hygienist, 46
or dental health aide hygienist satisfactory performance of a minimum of 25 sealant procedures including: 47
Section 2.30.220(c)(2) was amended, as follows: 49
(c)(2) under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or licensed dental hygienist or 51
dental health aide hygienist, satisfactory performance of a minimum of 50 sealant procedures including: 52
Section 2.30.230(d) was amended, as follows: 54
(d) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must, after completion of the requirements in subsection (c) of this 56
section, under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or licensed dental hygienist, or dental 57
health aide hygienist, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship during which the dental health aide satisfactorily 58
performs a minimum of 40 dental prophylaxis of which 59
(1) a minimum of 10 must be performed on children under 8 years of age; and 60
(2) a minimum of 10 must be performed on adults with supra-gingival calculus. 61
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Section 2.30.240(c)(1)(D) was amended, as follows: 1
(c)(1)(D) satisfactory performance in exposing and developing a minimum of 75 dental radiographs under the 3
direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, dental health aide hygienist, or licensed dental hygienist 4
including: 5
Section 2.30.240(c )(2) was amended, as follows: 7
(c)(2) If in the course under (1) (A) through (C) the dental health aide did not satisfactorily expose 9
radiographs on at least 10 patients, then after the completion of the course, the dental health aide must complete, 10
under direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, dental health aide hygienist, or licensed dental 11
hygienist, enough additional radiographs to have satisfactorily completed exposures on no less than 10 patients. 12
Section 2.30.250(b) was amended, as follows: 14
(b) Dental Supervision. A dental health aide certified under this article who satisfies the requirements of this 16
section may perform the functions of a dental assistant only under the direct or indirect supervision of a 17
(1) dentist; 18
(2) dental health aide therapist; 19
(3) licensed dental hygienist; or 20
(4) dental health aide hygienist; or [RESERVED] 21
(5) primary dental health aide II or expanded function dental health aide I or II who is performing 22
procedures under the general supervision of a dentist. 23
Section 2.30.410(b)(C)(ix) was amended, as follows: 25
(b)(C)(ix) 27
four-handed instrument transfer; 28
Section 2.30.500(a) was amended, as follows: 30
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified 32
expanded function dental health aide II upon successful completion of 33
(1) all requirement under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a) (4) [PDHA I training & education 34
requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)], and 2.30.400(a)(2)(A), (a)(3), and (b)(1) [EFDHA I training & 35
education requirements] ; training & education; (PDHA I requirements), (basic restorative functions), & 36
(preceptorship)], and 2.30.410 [EFDHA I supervision & competencies]; 37
Section 3.10.300 (b) was amended by adding paragraph 20, as follows: 39
(b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 3.10.300(a) 41
[approved continuing education programs for BHA/P; competencies] and is sponsored by any of the following 42
organizations is considered approved by the Board: 43
(20) National Association of Direct Service Providers (NADSP). 44
January 22, 2016, eighteen sections were amended, as follows: 46
Section 2.30.240(e) was deleted in its entirety and reserved: 48
Sec.2.30.240. Dental Radiology Requirements. 50
(e) Radiology Recertification. No less often than once every two years, the dental health aide must 51
expose a minimum of 20 radiographs under the direct supervision of a dentist or dental health aide therapist and 52
those radiographs must be reviewed by a dentist and determined to have been performed satisfactorily. 53
Section 3.10.100(b) was amended by adding paragraph 7, as follows: 55
(b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 3.10.100(a) 57
[approved continuing education programs for CHA/P; competencies] and is sponsored by any of the following 58
organizations is considered approved by the Board. 59
(7) Smiles for Life 61
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Section 7.10.030. DHA Training Administration and Records was amended, as follows: 1
(a) Commitment of Administration. The sponsor of Board approved DHA training programs must 2
have an agreement with the Alaska Dental Clinical and Preventive Support Center, operated by the Alaska Native 3
Tribal Health Consortium, under which the Support Center Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Department 4
of Oral Health Promotion which will document on-going support of staffing positions and program needs and 5
accept and retain records regarding training and continuing education carried out by the DHA training program. 6
(b) Secretarial Support. A DHA training program should have administrative and secretarial support 7
sufficient to assure timely and smooth functioning of the program and transmittal of records to the Department of 8
Oral Health Promotion. 9
(c) DHA Training Program Files. 10
(1) A DHA training program must have on file for review, or transmit to the Support Center 11
Department of Oral Health Promotion for retention, DHA training outlines, learning objectives/lesson plans, 12
session quizzes/exams, dental health aide evaluation records, application forms, student training files quality 13
assurance/continuous quality improvement files and a training plan for employees. 14
(2) A DHA training program must promptly after the conclusion of each training session, course or 15
continuing education program transmit to the Support Center Department of Oral Health Promotion a list of each 16
student who attended the program with information about whether the student completed the course and an 17
evaluation of the student's performance. 18
Section 7.20.010(c) was amended, as follows: 20
(c) Training. The training will include didactic instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic 22
setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter listed in subsection (a) of this section. 23
Section 7.20.020(b) was amended, as follows: 25
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 27
include a minimum of 28
(1) 12 hours of didactic instruction; and 29
(2) 6 hours of hands-on practice in a lab setting. The training will include instruction and hands-on 30
practice in a lab or clinic setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of 31
this section; hands-on practice must include a minimum of 6 hours of clinical encounters. 32
Section 7.20.030(b) was amended, as follows: 34
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 36
include a minimum of 37
(1) 14 hours of didactic instruction; and 38
(2) 6 hours of clinical encounters. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a 39
lab or clinic setting sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; 40
hands on practice must include a minimum of 6 hours of clinical encounters. 41
Section 7.20.040(b) was amended, as follows: 43
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 45
include a minimum of: 46
(1) 14 hours of didactic instruction; and 47
(2) 7 hours of clinical encounters. 48
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 49
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 50
include a minimum of 7 hours of clinical encounters. 51
Section 7.20.050(b) was amended, as follows: 53
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 55
include a minimum of 56
(1) 12 hours of didactic instruction; and 57
(2) 7 hours of clinical encounters. 58
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 59
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 60
include a minimum of 7 hours of clinical encounters. 61
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Section 7.20.100(b) was amended, as follows: 1
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 3
include a minimum of 4
(1) 7 hours of didactic instruction; and 5
(2) 7 hours of clinical encounters. 6
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 7
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 8
include a minimum of 7 hours of clinical encounters. 9
Section 7.20.110(b) was amended, as follows: 11
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 13
include a minimum of 14
(1) 8 hours of didactic instruction; and 15
(2) 16 hours of clinical encounters. 16
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 17
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 18
include a minimum of 16 hours of clinical encounters. 19
Section 7.20.120(b) was amended, as follows: 21
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 23
include a minimum of 24
(1) 12 hours of didactic instruction; and 25
(2) 12 hours of clinical encounters. 26
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 27
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 28
include a minimum of 12 hours of clinical encounters. 29
Section 7.20.130(b) was amended, as follows: 31
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 33
include a minimum of 34
(1) 12 hours of didactic instruction; and 35
(2) 20 hours of clinical encounters. 36
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 37
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 38
include a minimum of 20 hours of clinical encounters. 39
Section 7.20.140(b) was amended, as follows: 41
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 43
include a minimum of 44
(1) 14 hours of didactic instruction; and 45
(2) 21 hours of clinical encounters. 46
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 47
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 48
include a minimum of 21 hours of clinical encounters. 49
Section 7.20.200(b) was amended, as follows: 51
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 53
include a minimum of: 54
(1) 14 hours of didactic instruction; and 55
(2) 21 hours of clinical encounters. 56
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 57
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 58
include a minimum of 21 hours of clinical encounters. 59
Section 7.20.210(b) was amended, as follows: 61
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(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 1
include a minimum of 2
(1) 7 hours of didactic instruction; and 3
(2) 21 hours of clinical encounters. 4
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 5
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 6
include a minimum of 21 hours of clinical encounters. 7
Section 7.20.220(b) was amended, as follows: 9
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 11
include a minimum of 12
(1) 7 hours of didactic instruction; and 13
(2) 14 hours of clinical encounters. 14
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 15
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 16
include a minimum of 14 hours of clinical encounters. 17
Section 7.20.400(b) was amended, as follows: 19
(b) Hours of Training. The course in which the topics listed in subsection (a) are addressed must 20
include a minimum of 21
(1)16 hours of didactic instruction; 22
(2)8 hours of laboratory instruction during which time 3 injections each of the maxillary infiltration, 23
palatal, inferior alveolar, long buccal, and posterior superior alveolar injections are administered; and 24
(3) clinical experience sufficient to establish the dental health aide’s ability to adequately 25
anesthetize the entire dentition and supporting structures in a clinical setting, requiring a minimum of 6 hours of 26
clinical encounters under direct supervision of faculty during which time each patient receiving an injection 27
receives a dental service; which must include a minimum of 4 each of the injections listed above. 28
(b) Training. The training will include instruction and hands-on practice in a lab or clinic setting 29
sufficient to demonstrate competency of the subject matter in subsection (a) of this section; hands-on practice must 30
include clinical experience sufficient to establish the dental health aide’s ability to adequately anesthetize the 31
entire dentition and supporting structures in a clinical setting, and a minimum of 16 hours of clinical encounters. 32
Section 7.20.500. Dental Health Aide Therapist Training was amended, as follows: 34
Sec. 7.20.500. Dental Health Aide Therapist Training Educational Program. A DHAT Educational 36
therapist training pProgram must provide instruction and clinical training education equivalent to that established 37
established by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) in their accreditation standards for dental therapy 38
education programs or the Alaska DHAT Educational Program. or approved by the Canadian National School of 39
Dental Therapy, the Medical Services Branch of the Canadian Ministry of Health or the New Zealand Board of 40
Dentistry. 41
June 30, 2016, one section was amended, as follows: 43
Section 5.10.035. Volume, Hours and Distribution of Patient Encounters (a)(2) and (b)(1), were 45
amended, as follows: 46
Sec. 5.10.035. Volume, Hours and Distribution of Patient Encounters. Clinical hours will be scheduled 48
in compliance with the CHA/P Curriculum. For each trainee a CHA/P Training Center's documentation of volume, 49
hours and distribution of patient encounters must meet the requirements of this section. 50
(a) Encounters. 52
(2) Session II. Ten encounters under the following conditions: the trainee will be the primary provider in 53
at least six four patient encounters with particular emphasis on patient problems delineated in the CHA/P Curriculum, 54
as outlined below and at least four six additional encounters with the trainee as active participant. 55
(b) (1) Primary Provider. Under subsection (a) [volume, hours & distribution of patient 57
encounters; encounters] of this section, the primary provider must initiate perform the history and examination, and 58
depending on the complexity of the encounter and the skill and confidence level of the trainee, determine the 59
assessment and plan in conjunction with the instructor. 60
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October 27, 2016, four sections were amended, as follows: 1
Section 2.30.410(b)(1)(A)(ix), (C)(I) and (II) and (C)(viii)(ix)(x) and (xi), were amended, as followed: 2
(b) Competencies. In addition to satisfying the requirements of 2.30.400 [EFDHA I training & education 3
requirements], a certified expanded function dental health aide must successfully demonstrate and maintain the 4
following: 5
(1) (A) an understanding of: 6
(i) basic dental anatomy; 7
(ii) caries disease process; 8
(iii) periodontal disease process; 9
(iv) infection control; 10
(v) health care system access, including access to Medicaid and other third-party 11
resources; 12
(vi) scheduling; 13
(vii) theory of prevention; 14
(viii) fluoride as a drug and related issues; 15
(ix) dental charting and patient record documentation; 16
(B) competency in the following subjects: 17
(i) topical fluoride treatment(s); 18
(ii) oral hygiene instruction; 19
(iii) identification of potential dental problems and appropriate referrals; 20
(iv) recognition of medical and dental conditions that may require direct dental 21
supervision or services; 22
(v) those provided for under sections 2.20.110(b)(1), (3) through (12), and (14) 23
[CHA I competencies; (competencies)]; 24
(vi) dental health aide's general scope of work; 25
(vii) basic life support and basic management of dental emergencies; 26
(C) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 27
(i) use of CHAM; 28
(ii) general medical history taking; 29
(iii) patient education including the explanation of prevention strategies, 30
including fluoride and sealants; 31
(iv) toothbrush prophylaxis; 32
(v) clean/sterile techniques; 33
(I) proper handling and sterilization of instruments; 34
(II) disinfection of the operatory; 35
(vi) universal precautions; and 36
(vii) hand washing; 37
(viii) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments and procedures; 38
(ix) four-handed instrument transfer; 39
(x) applying topical anesthetic agents; 40
(xi) placing and removing rubber dams; 41
Section 2.30.510. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide Supervision and Competencies, was amended, as 44
follows: 45
Sec. 2.30.510. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies. 47
Section 3.10.300(b)(21) was amended, as follows: 50
(b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 25 3.10.300(a) 51
[approved continuing education programs for BHA/P; competencies] and is sponsored by any of the following 52
organizations is considered approved by the Board: 53
(21) American Counseling Association (ACA) 54
Section 7.20.110(a)(5)(B) was amended, as follows: 56
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental prophylaxis must address the following topics: 57
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 58
(2) reviewing medical history and identify contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 59
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out prophylaxis; 60
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding prophylaxis; 61
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including: 62
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(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; and 1
(B) proper use of ultrasonic or piezoelectric scalers; 2
January 26, 2017, four sections were amended, as follows: 4
Section 2.30.230 was amended, as follows: 6
(e) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health aide must 7
understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the following competencies and skills: 8
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 9
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing prophylaxis; 10
(3) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist prior to carrying out prophylaxis; 11
(4) explaining prophylaxis procedure and respond to questions from patient regarding prophylaxis; 12
(5) proper patient and provider safety procedures; 13
(A) proper use of dental instruments for safety of patient and provider; 14
(B) proper use of ultrasonic or piezoeletric scalers; 15
(6) scaling and polishing to remove plaque, calculus, and stains from the coronal or 37 exposed 16
surface of the tooth; and 17
(7) consistent with direct orders from the dentist after a dental examination, sulcular irrigation. 18
Section 2.30.250 was amended, as follows: 20
(d) Competencies. In addition to meeting all other requirements of this section, the dental health aide must 21
understand and successfully demonstrate and maintain the ability to satisfactorily perform the following functions: 22
(1) applying topical anesthetic agents; 23
(2) placing and removing rubber dams; 24
(3) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures; 25
(4) four-handed instrument transfer; 26
(5) [RESERVED] dental charting and patient record documentation; 27
(6) [RESERVED] proper handling and sterilization of instruments; and 28
(7) [RESERVED] disinfection of operatory. 29
(8) [RESERVED] 30
Section 2.30.400 was amended, as follows: 32
(a) Training and Education. A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified 33
expanded function dental health aide I upon successful completion of 34
(1) all requirements under sections 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) [PDHA I training & education 35
requirements; (presession) & (BLS)]; [PDHA I Training and Education Requirements; Training] and meet 36
requirements of Sec. 2.30.250(c) and (d)[Dental Assistant Function Requirements; Training, Education and 37
Preceptorship; and Competencies] 38
(2) (A) (i) a Board approved course in basic restorative functions that satisfies the 39
requirements of section 7.20.200 [basic restorative functions]; 40
(ii) a course in basic restorative functions offered by an accredited school of higher 41
education; or 42
(iii) a course in basic restorative functions offered or approved by IHS, including 43
“Restorative Functions Basic”; or 44
(B) training that meets the requirements under section 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis 45
requirements]; and 46
(3) a preceptorship that satisfies the requirements in subsection (b) [EFDHA I preceptorship] of this 47
section. 48
Section 7.20.130 was amended, as follows: 50
(a) Subject Matter. A course in dental assisting must address the following topics: 51
(1) applying topical anesthetic agents; 52
(2) placing and removing rubber dams; 53
(3) basic knowledge of dental materials, instruments, and procedures; and 54
(4) four-handed instrument transfer. 55
(5) dental charting and patient record documentation 56
(6) proper handling and sterilization of instruments 57
(7) disinfection of operatory 58
June 22, 2017, two sections were amended, as follows: 60
Section 5.30.010 was amended, as follows: 62
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Sec. 5.30.010. Periodic Submissions and Reviews. A CHA/P Training Center fully certified under section 1
5.20.020 [full certification] shall submit a CHA/P Training Center Annual RAC Requirements Review Annual Self-2
Evaluation Checklist each year and shall be subject to on-site reviews, upon reasonable notice, at the discretion of the 3
Board, provided that an on-site review must occur no less often than once every five years. Such a CHA/P Training 4
Center must notify the Board if a change in any of the following occurs: 5
(1) the person responsible for coordination of the training within the center; 6
(2) 50 percent or more of the staff within a three-month period; 7
(3) Medical Advisor; 8
(4) methods of CHA/P Curriculum delivery; 9
(5) facilities used for training; or 10
(6) administration or finance that affects the viability of the training program. 11
Section 8.20.230 was amended, as follows: 13
Sec. 8.20.230. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Practice Application. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, 15
will provide 16
(a) foundational information about: 17
(1) the philosophical and practice basis of evaluating behavioral health disorders using criteria 18
contained in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (“DSM”); 19
(2) the use of DSM-derived screening tools (e.g. Global Assessment of Function Scale (“GAF”), 20
Patient Health Questionnaire 9-Item Depression Module (“PHQ-9”) and Beck Depression Inventory (“BDI”)); to 21
develop working impressions and contribute information to clinical diagnosis; 22
(b) application exercises for practicing use of the DSM Axis I V and related screening tools to 23
develop working impressions and contribute information to clinical diagnosis; in case samples. 24
(c) information and exercises to develop an understanding and appreciation of the need for analyze and 25
discuss the need for and appropriate use of clinical supervision and consultation related to client evaluation. 26
January 25, 2018, one section, was amended, as follows: 28
Section 5.30.010 was amended, as follows: 30
Sec. 5.30.010. Periodic Submissions and Reviews. A CHA/P Training Center fully certified under section 5.20.020 [full 32
certification] shall submit a CHA/P Training Center Annual RAC Requirements Review Checklist each year and shall be 33
subject to on-site reviews, upon reasonable notice, at the discretion of the Board, provided that an on-site review must 34
occur no less often than once every five years. Such a CHA/P Training Center must notify the Board if a change in any of 35
the following occurs: 36
(1) the person responsible for coordination of the training within the center; 37
(2) 50 percent or more of the staff within a three-month period; 38
(3) Medical Advisor; 39
(4) Major changes in methods of CHA/P Curriculum delivery to be submitted prior to implementation; 40
(5) facilities used for training; or 41
(6) administration or finance that affects the viability of the training program. 42
June 13, 2019, two sections, were amended, as follows: 44
Section 5.10.025 was amended, as follows: 46
Instructor. CHA/P Training Center instructors must consist of a majority of full-time equivalent mid-level 47
practitioner or physician instructors who are employees of the federal government or licensed by the State of Alaska. 48
Additional instructors should be certified or licensed and have formal training in the knowledge and skills that they are 49
teaching, including CHPs with current CHP credential, CHAPCB certification, and EMT certification. All instructors 50
will be monitored to assure compliance with the CHA/P Curriculum and competence in subject being taught. 51
Instructors teaching CHA curriculum via eLearning must demonstrate competency in e-teaching by experience, 52
completed coursework, or other approved measure. 53
Section 5.10.035 was amended, as follows: 55
Sec. 5.10.035. Volume, Hours and Distribution of Patient Encounters. Clinical hours will be scheduled in 57
compliance with the CHA/P Curriculum. For each trainee a CHA/P Training Center's documentation of volume, hours 58
and distribution of patient encounters must meet the requirements of this section. 59
(c) Distribution of Clinical Hours. The distribution of clinical hours must be available in the following 61
kinds of patient encounters: 62
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(2) Session III. 2
Encounter Type Hours 3
Prenatal 8 4
Newborn 1 5
Sick child 4 6
Post partum (fundus Exam) 1 7
Well child 8 8
STD 4 9
Total Hours 26 10
*Note: if no new postpartum patient is available, a RAC-approved model may be substituted. 11
September 12, 2019, six sections, were amended, as follows: 13
Section 5.10.025(a)(3) was amended, as follows: 15
(3) Clinical Instructor. Clinical instructors must be mid-level practitioners or physicians 17
who are employees of the federal government or licensed by the State of Alaska. Certain patient encounters, exams, or 18
diagnostic procedures may be taught by other persons who have appropriate experience or certification (e.g. well child 19
visits and return prenatal visits examination, prenatal exam by a public health nurse; surrogate body system exams by a 20
CHP). These encounters must be periodically reviewed by an experienced occur under the general review of the mid-21
level practitioner or physician trainer as part of the training center quality assurance program. The majority of clinical 22
experiences for a student must be taught by a midlevel practitioner or physician trainer. 23
Section 2.30.110(b)(2)(A) was amended, as follows: 25
(b) Competencies. A certified primary dental health aide I must successfully demonstrate and 27
maintain 28
(2) competency in the following subjects: 29
(A) topical fluoride treatments, including gels, foams, varnish and mouth rinse; 30
Section 2.30.110(b)(3)(E) was amended, as follows: 32
(b) Competencies. A certified primary dental health aide I must successfully demonstrate and 34
maintain 35
(3) satisfactory performance of the following skills: 36
(A) use of CHAM; 37
(B) general medical history taking; 38
(C) patient education including: 39
(i) oral hygiene instruction; 40
(ii) diet education; 41
(iii) explanation of prevention strategies, including fluoride and sealants; 42
(D) tooth brush prophylaxis; 43
(E) providing topical fluorides, including gels, foam, varnish and rinses; 44
(F) clean/sterile techniques; 45
(G) universal precautions; and 46
(H) hand washing. 47
Section 2.30.610(b)(1) was amended, as follows: 49
(a) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.100(a)(1) and (a)(4) 50
[PDHA I training & education requirements; training; (presession) & (BLS)] and 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education 51
requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist must successfully demonstrate and maintain 52
(1) an understanding of 53
(A) medical evaluation, 54
(B) dental evaluation, 55
(C) periodontic techniques, 56
(D) clinic management and supervision, 57
(E) restorative dentistry, 58
(F) oral surgery and local anesthesia, 59
(G) infection control, 60
(H) equipment maintenance and repair, 61
(I) community and preventive dentistry; and 62
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(J) management of the medicines in the village 1
Section 7.20.020(a)(5) was amended, as follows: 3
(a) Subject Matter. A primary oral health promotion and disease prevention course must address the 5
following topics: 6
(1) introduction to caries disease process; 7
(2) introduction to periodontal disease process; 8
(3) theory of oral health promotion and disease prevention; 9
(4) fluoride as a drug and related issues, including toxicity; 10
(5) topical fluoride treatments, including gel, foam, varnish and rinse; 11
(6) diet counseling; and 12
(7) oral hygiene instruction. 13
April 24, 2020, Chapter 13, was added, as follows: 15
Sec. 13.10.010. Consistent with the authority set forth under CB 1.10.010, this Board, with the approval of 17
the AANHS Area Director, may issue temporary emergency guidance or non-statutory waivers regarding the 18
community health aide program and related processes, when the Secretary has declared a public health emergency, or 19
the President has declared a major disaster or emergency. 20
June 3, 2020, twenty-one sections were, was added, as follows: 22
Amend Article 30. Standards for Dental Health Aides 24
Sec.2.30.700. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Training and Education Requirements 25
Sec. 2.30.710. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Supervision and Competencies 26
(a) Dental Supervision 27
(b) Competencies 28
Section 1.20.010 was amended, as follows: 30
(16) “Dental health aide” means primary dental health aides I and II, dental health aide hygienists, expanded 31
function dental health aides I and II, and dental health aide therapists, and dental health aide therapist practitioner, 32
except as used in Article 30 of Chapter 2 regarding requirements for special classes of dental health aides; 33
Section 1.20.010 was amended, as follows: 35
(26) “DHATP” means dental health aide therapist practitioner; 37
Section 2.10.010(a)(5)(B) was amended, as follows: 39
(B) for a dental health aide the requirements are those under section 2.30.100 [PDHA I training & 40
education requirements], 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] 2.30.220(c) [training, education & 41
preceptorship], 2.30.230(c) [dental prophylaxis requirements; training & education] and (d) [preceptorship], 42
2.30.240(c) [dental radiology requirements; training, education &preceptorship], 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function 43
requirements; training, education & preceptorship], 2.30.260(c) [ART requirements; training & education] and (d) 44
[preceptorship], 2.30.300 [DHAH training & education requirements], 2.30.400 [EFDHA I supervision, training and 45
education requirements], 2.30.500 [EFDHA II training & education requirements], 2.30.550(c) [stainless steel crown 46
placement requirements; training & education] and (d) [preceptorship], and 2.30.600 [DHAT training & education 47
requirements], 2.30.700 [DHATP training & education requirements]; 48
Section 2.10.010(a)(8)(B) was amended, as follows: 50
(B) for a dental health aide the scopes of practice are defined in sections 2.30.110(b) [PDHA I 51
competencies], 2.30.210(b) [PDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.220(d) [sealant requirements; 52
competencies], 2.30.230(e) [dental prophylaxis requirements; competencies], 2.30.240(d) [dental radiology 53
requirements; competencies], 2.30.250(d) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies], 2.30.260(e) [ART 54
requirements; competencies], 2.30.310(b) [DHAH supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I 55
supervision & competencies; competencies], 2.30.510(b) [EFDHA II supervision & competencies; competencies], 56
2.30.550(e) [stainless steel crown placement requirements; competencies], and 2.30.610(b) [DHAT supervision 57
&competencies; competencies]; and 2.30.710 (b) [DHATP supervision & competencies; competencies]; 58
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Section 2.30.010. Supervision of Dental Health Aides, was amended as follows: 2
(a) Generally. The supervision of a dental health aide may be general, indirect or direct, as defined in 4
section 2.30.010(b) [supervision of DHAs; definitions of levels of supervision], provided that 5
(1) the person providing the supervision must satisfy the criteria provided under section 2.10.010(a)(9) 6
[initial qualifications; general requirements (supervision & day-to-day direction)]; 7
(2) the dental health aide must be supervised at whatever level of supervision is required for the 8
specific care being provided; 9
(3) a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner providing 10
supervision may impose a higher level of supervision on the dental health aide than that provided in this article, and 11
(4) when a dental health aide therapist or dental health aide therapist practitioner requires supervision, the 12
supervision must be provided by a dentist. 13
Section 2.30.010(b)(1)(2) and (3) was amended, as follows: 15
b) Definitions of Levels of Supervision. For the purposes of this article: 17
(1) “Direct supervision” means the dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist 18
practitioner in the dental office, personally diagnoses the condition to be treated, personally authorizes the procedure, 19
and before dismissal of the patient evaluates the performance of the dental health aide; 20
(2) “General supervision” means the dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist 21
practitioner has authorized the procedures and they are being carried out in accordance with standing orders issued to a 22
specific dental health aide; and 23
(3) “Indirect supervision” means a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide 24
therapist practitioner is in the facility, authorizes the procedures, and remains in the dental facility while the procedures 25
are being performed by the dental health aide. 26
Section 2.30.110. Primary Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies, was amended, as follows: 28
(a) Dental Supervision. A certified primary dental health aide I may provide services under the general 30
supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 31
Section 2.30.210. Primary Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies, was amended, as follows: 33
(a) Dental Supervision. A certified primary dental health aide II may provide the services under paragraph 35
(b)(2) [competencies; (satisfactory performance)] under the general supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide 36
therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 37
Section 2.30.220(b)(1)(2)(3) was amended, as follows: 39
(b) Dental Supervision. 41
(1) The sealant procedure must have been ordered by a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health 42
aide therapist practitioner prior to the sealant procedure. 43
(2) Sealants may be performed under this section by a dental health aide under the general supervision of a 44
dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner provided the dental health aide has met 45
the requirements of this section, including successful completion of the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II 46
training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 47
(3) An expanded function dental health aide I or II who has not completed the requirements of section 48
2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)] may perform sealants 49
under this section only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health 50
aide therapist practitioner. 51
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Section 2.30.220(c)(1)(B) was amended, as follows: 1
(c) Training, Education and Preceptorship. The dental health aide must have satisfactorily 3
completed 4
(1) (A) a course in sealants 5
(i) approved by the Board that satisfies the requirements of section 7.20.100 [sealants]; 6
(ii) offered by an accredited school of higher education; or 7
(iii) offered by IHS; and 8
(B)under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, dental health aide therapist 9
practitioner or licensed dental hygienist, satisfactory performance of a minimum of 25 sealant procedures including: 10
Section 2.30.230(b) was amended, as follows: 12
(b) Dental Supervision. 13
(1) The dental prophylaxis procedure must have been ordered by a dentist, or dental health aide 14
therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner prior to the performance of the procedure. 15
(2) Dental prophylaxis performed under this section must be carried out under the direct or indirect 16
supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner unless the dental 17
health aide has successfully completed the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education 18
requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 19
Section 2.30.230(d) was amended, as follows: 21
(d) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must, after completion of the requirements in subsection (c) of this 23
section, under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist, dental health aide therapist practitioner or 24
licensed dental hygienist, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship during which the dental health aide satisfactorily 25
performs a minimum of 40 dental prophylaxis of which 26
Section 2.30.250(b)(4) was amended, as follows: 28
(b) Dental Supervision. A dental health aide certified under this article who satisfies the requirements of 30
this section may perform the functions of a dental assistant only under the direct or indirect supervision of a 31
(1) dentist; 32
(2) dental health aide therapist; 33
(3) licensed dental hygienist; or 34
(4) dental health aide therapist practitioner 35
(5) primary dental health aide II or expanded function dental health aide I or II who is performing 37
procedures under the general supervision of a dentist. 38
Section 2.30.260(b)(1)(2)(3) was amended, as follows: 40
(b) Dental Supervision. 42
(1) The dental health aide may perform ART only after consultation with a dentist, or dental health aide 43
therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner (exception is the dental health aide hygienist who must be 44
supervised by a dentist) who has reviewed appropriate dental records regarding the patient, which may include 45
radiographs and intra-oral photographs. 46
(2) ART may be performed under this section by a dental health aide under the general supervision of a 47
dentist or dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner (exception is the dental health aide 48
hygienist who must be supervised by a dentist) provided the dental health aide has met the requirements of all of the 49
requirements of this section, including successful completion of the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II 50
training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 51
3) An expanded function dental health aide I or II who has not completed the requirements of section 53
2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)] may perform ART 54
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under this section only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental 1
health aide therapist practitioner. 2
Section 2.30.410(a)(1)(2)(3) and (4) was amended, as follows: 4
Sec. 2.30.410. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide I Supervision and Competencies. 6
(a) Dental Supervision. 8
(1) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the functions identified for a dental assistant 9
under sections 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies] and 2.30.410(b) [EFDHA I 10
supervision & competencies; competencies] only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, or dental health 11
aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 12
(2) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the services identified in section 2.30.550 13
[stainless steel crown placement requirements] under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide 14
therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner upon successful completion of all the requirements of the applicable 15
section. 16
(3) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform the services identified in section 2.30.410 17
(b)(1) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies] under general supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or 18
dental health aide therapist practitioner upon completion of the requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training 19
& education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 20
(4) An expanded function dental health aide I may perform services as provided for undersections 2.30.220 21
[sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], and 22
2.30.260 [ART requirements] under the general supervision of a dentist , or dental health aide therapist, or dental health 23
aide therapist practitioner upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the applicable section and the 24
requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice 25
course)] 26
Section 2.30.510(a)(1)(2)(3) and (4) was amended, as follows: 28
Sec. 2.30.510. Expanded Function Dental Health Aide II Supervision and Competencies 30
a) Dental Supervision. 32
(1) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the functions identified for a dental assistant 33
under sections 2.30.250(c) [dental assistant function requirements; competencies] and 2.30.510(b) [EFDHA II 34
supervision & competencies; competencies] only under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, or dental health 35
aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 36
(2) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the services identified in section 2.30.550 37
[stainless steel crown placement requirements] under the direct or indirect supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide 38
therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the 39
applicable section. 40
(3) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform the services identified in section 2.30.410 41
(b)(1) [EFDHA I supervision & competencies; competencies under general supervision of a dentist, or dental health 42
aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. upon completion of the requirements of section 43
2.30.200(b)[PDHA II training & education requirements; (village-based dental practice course)]. 44
(4) An expanded function dental health aide II may perform services as provided for under sections 45
2.30.220 [sealant requirements], 2.30.230 [dental prophylaxis requirements], 2.30.240 [dental radiology requirements], 46
and 2.30.260 [ART requirements] under the general supervision of a dentist, or dental health aide therapist, or dental 47
health aide therapist practitioner. upon successful completion of all of the requirements of the applicable section and the 48
requirements of section 2.30.200(b) [PDHA II training & education requirements; village-based dental practice]. 49
Section 2.30.700 was added, as follows: 51
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Sec. 2.30.700. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Training and Education Requirements. 1
A person meets the training and education requirements to be a certified dental health aide therapist 3
practitioner upon successful completion of 4
(1) all the requirements of section 2.30.600[DHAT training & education 5
requirements]; and 6
(2) two consecutive recertification as a dental health aide therapist outlined in section 2.50.200 [ 7
Requirements for Renewal] and section 3.10.050 [DHA Continuing Education Requirements]; and 8
(3) requirements of section 3.10.050 [DHA Continuing Education Requirements; Unlapsed Certificate]; 9
and 10
(4) Letter of Recommendation to the CHAP Certification Board by the applicant’s direct clinical 11
supervisor verifying the DHAT meets clinical competency and has satisfactory completion of 30 chart audits. 12
Section 2.30.710 was added, as follows: 14
Sec. 2.30.710. Dental Health Aide Therapist Practitioner Supervision and Competencies. 16
(a) Dental Supervision. Dental health aide therapist practitioner services may be performed under the 18
requirements set forth in 2.30.610 (a) [DHAT dental supervision] 19
(b) Competencies. In addition to meeting the requirements of section 2.30.700 [DHATP training & 21
education requirements], a certified dental health aide therapist practitioner must successfully demonstrate and 22
maintain requirements set forth in 2.30.610 (b) [DHAT competencies] 23
Section 2.50.200. Requirements for Renewal was amended, as follows: 25
(a) A certified community health aide, community health practitioner, dental health aide, or behavioral 27
health aide or practitioner applying for certificate renewal shall: 28
(1) apply on a form provided by the Board; 29
(2) pay the application fees required by the Board; 30
(3) provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant has met the continuing education 31
requirements of the Board; 32
(4) provide evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant continues to demonstrate the practical 33
professional competencies required for the level of certification sought; 34
(5) continue to meet the requirements of chapter 2 [certification of CHA/Ps, DHAs, & BHAs]; and 35
(6) if seeking recertification as a community health practitioner, no less often than once every six years, the 36
individual must re-satisfy the requirements of section 2.20.500 [CHP training & education requirements]; or 37
(7) if seeking recertification as a dental health aide therapist practitioner, no less often than once every six 38
years, the individual must re-satisfy the requirements of section 2.30.700 (3) and (4) [DHATP training & education 39
requirements]. 40
Section 3.10.050. DHA Continuing Education Requirements was amended, as follows: 42
(a) Unlapsed Certificate. 44
(1) An applicant for renewal of a certificate under article 30 of chapter 2 whose certificate has not lapsed 45
must meet 46
(A) any specific recertification requirements set forth therein; 47
(B) satisfactory performance under the direct supervision of a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental 48
health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner a minimum of 49
January 13, 2021, four sections were amended, as follows: 51
Section 8.30.100(a) was amended, as follows: 53
(a) Membership. The behavioral health academic review committee satisfies these Standards if it includes; 55
(1) the following voting members: 56
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(A) three licensed behavioral health clinicians as defined in section 1.20.010(32) [licensed 1
behavioral health clinician], or behavioral health professionals, as defined in section 1.20.010(4) [behavioral health 2
professional], who are employed by the IHS, a tribe or tribal organization, provided that at least 3
(i) one must be actively involved in clinical supervision of BHA/Ps at their organization, 4
(ii) one must be actively licensed in the field of behavioral health, and 5
(iii) one must be actively engaged in clinical practice; 6
(B) one CHAP Certification Board Member Representative, appointed by the Tribal Behavioral 7
Health Directors Committee (TBHDC); and 8
(C) three behavioral health aides employed by the Indian Health Service, a tribe, or tribal 9
organization; and 10
(2) the following invited non-voting members that are actively involved in BHA/P training, including: 11
(A) training and development staff from the ANTHC Behavioral Health Department; 12
(B) the Tribal Liaison representing the State of Alaska Department of Behavioral Health and/or a 13
State designee to the BHARC; 14
(C) faculty, instructors, or other staff representing academic institutions, training entities or tribal 15
health organizations hosting trainings for use towards BHA/P certification; and 16
(D) Other members might include those that serve similar clinical or community populations as 17
BHA/Ps. 18
Section 2.40.400(d) was amended, as follows: 20
(d) Behavioral Health Practitioner Practicum. After meeting the requirements of subsection (a) 22
[prerequisites] and completion of the training listed in subsection (b) [BHP specialized training] or (c) [BHP alternative 23
training] of this section, the applicant must additionally complete a 100 hour clinical practicum under the direct 24
supervision of a licensed behavioral health clinician or behavioral health professional. The individual must 25
satisfactorily perform each of the following: 26
(1) no fewer than 45 20 hours engaging, mentoring, and supporting, as well as participating in 27
supervision and evaluation of a behavioral health aide I, II, and III based on the understanding of the supervisee’s level 28
of knowledge and skills, professional goals, and behavior; 29
(2) no fewer than 25 hours of providing clinical team leadership by leading clinical team case 30
reviews; and 31
(3) no fewer than 30 hours building cultural competence by learning about the Alaska Native cultural 32
context and developing a wellness framework for this cultural context within which positive therapeutic relationships 33
can be developed; and 34
(34) the balance of the hours must may be related to practicum components listed in subsections (d)(1), 35
and (d)(2), and (d)(3) of this section. or provision of integrated clinical services or child/adolescent services. 36
Section 3.10.300(b) was amended, as follows: 38
3.10.300 (b) Sponsorship. A continuing education program that meets the requirements of section 40
3.10.300(a) [approved continuing education programs for BHA/P; competencies] and is offered or sponsored by any of 41
the following organizations is considered approved by the Board: 42
(1) a certified CBHA/P Training Center; 43
(2) Alaska Commission for Behavioral Health Certification (ACBHC); 44
(3) the Indian Health Service; 45
(4) an accredited postsecondary educational institution Alaska Board of Social Work Examiners 46
(5) Alaska Training Cooperative 47
(6) Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) 48
(7) an accredited postsecondary educational institution; 49
(8) American Counseling Association (ACA) 50
(5) American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA); 51
(6) American Psychiatric Association (APA); 52
(9) American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) 53
(10) American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA); 54
(11) American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM); 55
(12) American Psychological Association (APA); 56
(13) Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) 57
(10) American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA); 58
(11) Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE); 59
(12) Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES); 60
(13) Association for Counselors and Educators in Government (ACEG); 61
(14) International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors (IAAOC); 62
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(15) International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC); 1
(14) International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC); 2
(15) (Safetalk) 3
(16) National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC); 4
(17) National Association of Social Workers (NASW) or any state chapter of NASW; 5
(18) National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC); 6
(19) National Association of Direct Service Providers (NADSP); or 7
21) American Counseling Association (ACA). Moved to # 8 8
(20) QPR Institute 9
(21) [RESERVED]. 10
Section 2.10.010(9)(C) was amended, as follows: 12
(9) furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Board that 14
(A) the person will practice only under supervision and day-to-day direction of individuals who 15
are: 16
(i) familiar with the community health aide program, these Standards, and the CHAM; 17
and 18
(ii) employed by the federal government or employed by or under contract with a tribal 19
health program operating a community health aide program in Alaska under the ISDEAA; and 20
(B) provided; that 21
(i) a community health aide, or community health practitioner may practice only under 22
the medical supervision of a licensed physician; and 23
(ii) as a dental health aide may practice only under the direct, indirect or general 24
supervision required under article 30 [standards for DHAs] of this Chapter [certification of CHAs, CHPs, 25
DHAs, BHAs, & BHPs]; and 26
(iii) a behavioral health aide or behavioral health practitioner may practice only under the 27
direct, indirect, or general supervision required under section 2.40.010 [supervision of BHA/Ps]; and 28
(C) notwithstanding the requirements under paragraphs (9)(B), other physicians, dentists, mid-29
level providers, licensed behavioral health clinicians, and behavioral health professionals or other independently-30
licensed qualified healthcare professionals designated by the referral doctor may direct the day-to-day activities of a 31
community health aide, community health practitioner; dental health aide, behavioral health aide, or behavioral health 32
practitioner, as appropriate; and 33
June 3, 2021, forty three sections were amended, as follows: 36
Section 8.20.100 Orientation to Behavioral Health Services. This course which shall be 8 contact hours, will 39
provide: 40
(a) an introduction to: 41
(1) village-based behavioral health services; 42
(2) the rationale and philosophy for providing prevention, early intervention and case 43
management within the community of client residence; 44
(3) emergency behavioral health responses protocols; and 45
(4) the use of clinical supervision to support quality of services. 46
(b) The instructor will work with each student to create a strength-based professional development plan 47
that identifies the student’s training and supervision needs and uses the student’s test results to identify strengths 48
and areas for development. The BHA/P must present this plan and receive approval and feedback from their 49
supervisor. 50
Section 8.20.110 and 8.20.115 will be combined. 52
Section 8.20.110. Ethics, and Consent, Confidentiality and Privacy. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, 54
will provide: 55
(a) foundational information regarding: 56
(1) the need for professional ethics; 57
(2) the difference among ethics, agency policies and procedures, and laws that govern practice; 58
(3) personal and professional boundaries in a village-based setting, including identification of 59
personal relationships and conflicts and their effect on a professional relationship; 60
(4) duty to protect and advocate for client rights; 61
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(5) the code of ethics for Behavioral Health Aides, with discussion of using the code of ethics 1
as guidance in providing client services; and 2
(6) the duty to obtain informed consent, including its application to 3
(A) adults, minors, individuals with limited or impaired capacity, and individuals subject 4
to court order such as guardianship; 5
(B) disclosure of information and the limitations to authorizations; 6
(C) providers who are delivering services through tele-health modalities; and 7
(7) confidentiality and privacy requirements under applicable law and regulation, including the 8
Federal Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), US Code of Federal 9
Regulations (42 CFR part 2), and their application to delivery of behavioral health services; 10
(8) exceptions to confidentiality requirements that occur without client consent, including: 11
(A) a review of reporting requirements, including those arising from suspected child 12
abuse, elder vulnerable adult abuse; 13
(B) risk of harm to self or others; 14
(C) others permitted by law; and 15
(D) distinguishing among types of court orders (e.g. subpoenas vs. direct judicial orders); 16
(9) protecting written and electronic records; 17
(10) protecting privacy in various situations, including crowded settings, and in family and group 18
counseling; and 19
(11) special rules regarding information subject to special confidentiality or privacy rules; and 20
(b) applied exercises to: 21
(1) identify and develop responses to common ethical, consent, confidentiality and privacy 22
situations; and 23
(2) obtain appropriate authorizations for release of information and how to use and document 24
such authorizations. 25
Section 8.20.115. [RESERVE] 27
Section 8.20.116. Human Development. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 29
(c) an introduction to foundational and practice information regarding: 30
(1) the development of the individual through the lifespan, from conception through adulthood 31
including common maladaptive behaviors and childhood behavioral health concerns; 32
(2) prevention and early intervention for childhood behaviors and behavioral health concerns; 33
(3) common theories of human development , ages and stages 34
(4) processes, experiences and influences that affect a developing person; 35
(5) physical, intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, sexual, and occupational 36
components of a person 37
(6) attachment theories and their impact on development, adulthood and potential behavioral 38
health concerns 39
(7) life stages and their role in family dynamics; 40
(8) the interaction of home, school, and community settings on human development; and 41
(9) the interaction of nature and nurture in shaping human development with a focus on 42
socioeconomic status, family background, culture, rural vs. urban settings, and traditional ways of living; and 43
(b) applied exercises to help trainees recognize that the stages of development inform behavioral health 44
interventions and treatment. 45
Section 8.20.125. Introduction to Behavioral Health Concerns. This course, which shall require 24 contact hours 47
(which shall include 8 contact hours regarding mental health, 8 contact hours regarding substance use disorders, and 8 48
contact hours regarding other behavioral health issues), will provide an introduction to: 49
(1) the range of behavioral health issues experienced by individuals, families, and communities; 50
(2) the comprehensive continuum of care that can address behavioral health issues of various 51
degrees of seriousness; 52
(3) common mental health disorders and the associated risk factors and treatment options, 53
including therapeutic medications; 54
(4) addictive substances, including alcohol, tobacco (cigarettes/cigars/pipe, commercial chew, 55
Iqmik/Dedigus/Blackbull), psychoactive substances (stimulants, depressants, opioids and psychedelics), and other 56
substances (e.g., inhalants, anabolic steroids, and prescription drugs) and the associated risk factors and treatment 57
options; 58
(5) other addictive behaviors (e.g. gambling, pornography) and the associated risk factors and 59
treatment options; and 60
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(6) other behavioral health issues, including child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, elder 1
abuse, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), homicide, disaster events, attention deficit disorder (ADD), 2
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), developmental disabilities, co-occurring disorders, and other 3
conditions and events that effect behavior and adjustment. 4
Section 8.20.135. Introduction to Counseling. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will provide: 6
(a) foundational information about: 7
(1) personal characteristics of an effective counselor (establishing personal counseling values 8
and philosophy); 9
(2) interviewing and listening skills; 10
(3) defining counselor and client roles; 11
(4) how to establish a counseling relationship; 12
(5) problem identification, goal development, and action planning with a client; 13
(6) the client’s responsibility in counseling and how to assist and motivate a client to discover 14
and practice more appropriate and healthy behavior; and 15
(b) applied exercises in which trainees can practice the client-centered approach, using communication 16
skills such as listening, attending, and reflection during intake, assessment/evaluation, planning and case 17
management. 18
Section 8.20.140. Introduction to Documentation I. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will provide: 20
(a) foundational information regarding: 21
(1) the establishment and maintenance of a quality client record, including the essential 22
components of clinical/counseling records, including screening tools, assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, 23
discharge summaries, and authorizations for disclosure; 24
(2) the purpose and elements of case narrative recording, including using data, assessment, and 25
plan (“DAP”); subjective, objective, assessment and plan (“SOAP”); data, intervention, response and plan (DIRP) 26
and other formats for case narrative recording; and 27
(b) an introduction to: 28
(1) the use of standardized information management systems and screening tools widely used 29
by Alaska behavioral health programs; 30
(2) using criteria contained in the Patient Placement Criteria (“PCC”) to standardize 31
documentation in relation to treatment and service planning (problem list, goals, objectives, and interventions); 32
(3) documentation requirements specific to prevalent payers and accrediting bodies, such as 33
Medicaid, Medicare, Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (“CARF”), and The Joint 34
Commission; and 35
(4) [RESERVE] 36
(5) administrative record keeping; and 37
(c) applied exercises in which trainees practice 38
(1) documenting client related work and consider the effect of confidentiality rules on the 39
application of documentation requirements. 40
Section 8.20.145. Introduction to Case Management. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 42
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information about 43
(1) the use of available community resources (locally, regionally and statewide) related to 44
coordinating services and case management; 45
(2) identifying and evaluating the appropriateness of potential resources for the individual 46
client and making referrals when necessary; 47
(3) an emphasis on the inventive use of agency-based and other community and family 48
resources; 49
(4) an introduction to the role and delivery of case management services; 50
(5) an emphasis on finding resources for diverse populations and complex clients; 51
(6) roles related to assisting clients in medication management and medication education; and 52
(7) focus on evaluation of service usefulness and accessibility issues that need to be considered 53
in village-based practice; and 54
(b) applied exercises in recognizing the role and components of case management. 55
Section 8.20.150. Working with Diverse Populations. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will provide: 57
(a) foundational and practice information regarding: 58
(1) working with clients of different ethnic or racial heritage, age, gender, lifestyle, sexual 59
orientation, spirituality, and socioeconomic status; 60
(2) an introduction to beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and skills generally maintained by an 61
effective multi-culturally aware counselor; 62
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(3) barriers that clients of diverse populations may face when seeking or receiving treatment; 1
and 2
(b) applied exercises to develop skills associated with respectfully assessing client needs: 3
(1) strategies for working in Alaska Native communities with other prominent minority/cultural 4
groups in rural Alaska; and 5
(2) regarding the implications of personal and cultural historical trauma. 6
Section 8.20.155. Introduction to Group Counseling. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 8
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information about: 9
(1) types and uses of groups for education and treatment; 10
(2) how to encourage and support self-help groups, e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous and Adult 11
Children of Alcoholics; 12
(3) how to assess the potential for establishing other groups; 13
(4) group counseling dynamics, including open ended and closed groups; 14
(5) determining the criteria for participation in groups of various types and how to screen 15
appropriate candidates for participation; 16
(6) time-limited group process; 17
(7) privacy and documentation issues arising in various group models; (8) providing group 18
resources to communities for the purpose of education, prevention, or team building; and 19
(b) [RESERVE] 20
(c) [RESERVE] 21
(d) applied exercises that provide exposure to the therapeutic group process and focus on the purpose, 22
planning and conducting of: 23
(1) educational/informational groups; 24
(2) talking circles” or traditional healing groups as a therapeutic group process. 25
Section 8.20.165. HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 27
(1) practice information regarding standard precautions and risk reduction; 28
(2) risk factors regarding hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, HIV and other 29
infectious diseases; 30
(3) information regarding availability of testing, counseling and treatment for sexually 31
transmitted infections; 32
(4) practice information about how to approach lifestyle or risk issues with clients; 33
(5) guidance in providing referral options for client counseling support for HIV testing; 34
(6) foundational information about how behavioral health issues can increase risk of HIV and 35
other infectious diseases; and 36
(7) foundational information about how HIV and infectious diseases can increase risk of 37
developing or worsening behavioral health issues. 38
Section 8.20.170. Community Approach to Prevention. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 40
(a) foundational philosophy and practice information related to: 41
(1) community based prevention activities, and community development; 42
(2) key features of prevention (universal, selective, and indicated); 43
(3) [RESERVE] 44
(4) determine key stakeholders with whom to partner when addressing community issues; 45
(5) community readiness and key issue evaluation for developing effective prevention plans; 46
and 47
(b) applied exercises for developing: 48
(1) [RESERVE] 49
(2) community prevention strategies; and 50
(3) providing brief public presentations. 51
Section 8.20.175. Family Systems I. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide, with an emphasis on 53
Alaska Native family systems: 54
(a) an introduction to foundational information regarding: 55
(1) family systems theory, kinship patterns, and family dynamics; 56
(2) family roles and effect of behavioral health disorders on individuals within the family and 57
on the family as a system; 58
(3) communication within families and assessment of barriers; 59
(4) common response to stresses such as inadequate housing or income, job loss, illness; 60
(5) recognition and assessment of family norms; 61
(6) understanding life stages and their role in family dynamics; 62
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(7) role of extended family; 1
(8) recognition of harm or risk of harm occurring within a family; 2
(9) effects of separation and loss due to divorce, death, foster care, or adoption; 3
(10) parenting and the importance of healthy parent-child dynamics; and 4
(b) a focus on supporting healthy family by identifying strengths and working with families to develop 5
strategies to promote health and healing; and 6
(c) applied practice exercises associated with: 7
(1) assessing family functioning; 8
(2) supporting healthy family functioning; 9
(3) improving family communication and support; 10
(4) responding to risks and harm occurring within a family; and 11
(5) teaching clients healthy parenting skills 12
Section 8.20.180. Maintaining Health, Wellness and Balance. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will 14
provide: 15
(a) an introduction to foundational and practice information regarding: 16
(1) how personal health, wellness, and balance improve the ability to provide behavioral health 17
services; 18
(2) strategies for coping with personal and work-related stress so it does not interfere with 19
providing appropriate services; 20
(3) appropriate use of supervision to address issues that arise for behavioral health service 21
providers in a rural or remote setting; and 22
(4) compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma; and 23
(b) applied exercises help trainees practice skills associated with 24
(1) identification and recognition of personal stress levels and potential impairment; and 25
(2) skills for maintaining their own health and wellness. 26
Section 8.20.220. Psychophysiology and Behavioral Health. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will 28
provide: 29
(a) foundational information about: 30
(1) the brain-body connection; 31
(2) nervous system structure; 32
(3) neuro-anatomy; 33
(4) neurotransmitter & receptor function; and 34
(5) drug class/medication effects, and working with medical providers regarding medication 35
management; and 36
(b) exercises to help the trainee: 37
(1) understand the impact of psychoactive substances (legal and illicit), on the brain and body; 38
and 39
(2) develop ability to discuss psychoactive effects/implications with clients. 40
Section 8.20.225. Introduction to Co-Occurring Disorders. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will 42
provide 43
(a) a basic understanding of how mental health, substance use disorders, and other conditions can exist 44
in combination, and affect treatment services and process and therapeutic medication management; 45
(1-7) [RESERVE] 46
(b) [RESERVE] 47
(c) information about potential cause and origin of mental health disorders, along with a client 48
perspective of the symptoms and limitations; and 49
(d) applied exercises will help the trainees practice their developing skills associated with identifying 50
and describing these disorders; and 51
(e) an understanding of the process of recovery techniques for relapse prevention as they relate to both 52
substance use and mental health disorders. 53
Section. 8.20.228. Tobacco Use and Treatment. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide 55
information on: 56
(a) the magnitude of tobacco use prevalence and morbidity/mortality in Alaska; 57
(b) the implications of Alaska Native tobacco use patterns, methods, and products for client evaluation 58
and treatment; 59
(c) tobacco-specific biology and pharmacotherapy; 60
(d) treating tobacco users with special medical conditions; 61
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(e) best practices for tobacco treatment: United States Public Health Service (USPHS) “Treating 1
Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline” and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence; and 2
(f) statewide and regional treatment options and resources. 3
Section 8.20.235. Advanced Interviewing Skills. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide: 5
(a) applied information about: 6
(1) the theoretical, evidence-based, and practical bases of various therapeutic modalities, e.g. 7
cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational enhancement therapy; 8
(2) stages of change as pertinent to helping clients understand the counseling process, set and 9
reach goals, and have realistic expectations; and 10
(b) practice exercises using evidence-based interviewing practices to enhance client readiness for 11
behavior change, screening, intake, plan development, and relapse prevention. 12
Section 8.20.245. Case Studies and Applied Case Management. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will 14
provide applied exercises to practice: 15
(a) participation in discussion and analysis of realistic case studies with different behavioral health 16
issues (abuse, addiction, child abuse, co-occurring disorders, domestic violence, mental illness, etc.); 17
(b) information on Alaska Native health care disparities and an evaluation of services available in 18
communities, hub towns, and the state; 19
(c) more in-depth understanding of the importance of referrals, steps for making an appropriate and 20
effective referral, receiving referrals, and following-up on referrals; and 21
(d) case presentation for treatment team review, including Multi-Disciplinary teams (MDTs), and 22
treatment teams. 23
Section 8.20.255. Intermediate Therapeutic Group Counseling. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will 25
provide information and practice related to: 26
(a) therapeutic group process with a focus on: 27
(1) determining the criteria for participation in groups of various types and how to screen 28
appropriate candidates for participation; 29
(2) managing dual relationship and boundary challenges in small town or village-based 30
settings; 31
(3) role and function of therapeutic group leadership, and 32
(4) therapeutic outcomes and risks associated with group educational and treatment 33
experiences; and 34
(b) applied exercises in which trainees will practice skills associated with planning, facilitating, and 35
leading groups. 36
Section 8.20.260. Applied Crisis Management. This course, which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 38
(a) information and discussion with a focus on: 39
(1) facilitating community debriefing related to village-based crisis events such as natural 40
disasters, homicide, and suicide that have impact on families and other community members; 41
(2) encouraging and supporting posttraumatic growth following a crisis event; and 42
(b) applied exercises focusing on: 43
(1) [RESERVE] 44
(2) accessing additional and external resources necessary for effective response to a crisis 45
event that occurs in a village-based or urban setting. 46
(3) short and long term intervention models for responding positively to crises; 47
(4) using cultural activities, self-care, and stress management techniques to manage personal, 48
client, and community responses to crises; and 49
(5) providing and facilitating formal crisis response and stress management activities within 50
the community. 51
Section 8.20.270. [RESERVE] 53
Section 8.20.271. Community Needs and Action. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will provide: 55
(a) focus on in-depth prevention (universal, selective, and indicated) plan development strategies that 56
are appropriate and compatible with individual village characteristics; and 57
(b) applied exercises to help trainees practice: 58
(1) identification and evaluation of community needs; 59
(2) completing a community readiness assessment; 60
(3) evaluation and development of various intervention efforts targeting behavioral health 61
issues; and 62
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(4) writing a community development strategy to promote community involvement in 1
accomplishment of specific goals based on the results of the community readiness assessment. 2
Section 8.20.275. Family Systems II. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide: 4
(a) review and more advanced foundational and practice information related to: 5
(1) family systems work; 6
(2) child development and parenting; 7
(3) couples issues and implications for behavioral health treatment; 8
(4) teaching basic communication, parenting, and anger management skills on an individual 9
and group basis; 10
(b) information regarding special practice issues, such as reporting abuse or neglect, ethical and 11
confidentiality issues associated with conducting couples or family counseling, domestic violence, and compliance 12
with the Indian Child Welfare Act; 13
(c) strategies for working with disrupted families and other agencies that may be engaged with them; 14
and 15
(d) applied exercises to in which trainees practice skills associated with 16
(1) providing intervention and support to families experiencing dysfunction; and 17
(2) teaching and facilitating healthy family behavior and skills. 18
Section 8.20.280. Behavioral Health Documentation. This course which shall be 8 contact hours, will provide: 20
(a) in depth information regarding quality documentation of: 21
(1) assessments, treatment plans, progress notes and discharge summaries; 22
(2) risk levels, and safety planning; 23
(3) diagnosis and recommendations informed by the current version of the DSM and ASAM 24
criteria; and 25
(4) treatment progress; and 26
(b) applied exercises in which trainees: 27
(1) practice documenting the process from intake, screening, assessment, treatment planning to 28
progress notes and how all of these connect and inform each of the next steps using provided case studies; 29
(2) provide samples of their documentation without identifying information to receive 30
feedback; and 31
(3) practice documentation in special situations such as: group counseling and family sessions, 32
and individualized education plan (IEP) consultations. 33
Section 8.20.325. Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will 35
provide: 36
(a) more advanced information and guidance related to: 37
(1) services and treatment planning with clients experiencing co-occurring disorders including 38
the process through screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment services; 39
(2) limitations and considerations directly related to the existence of more than one diagnosed 40
behavioral health disorder; and 41
(3) how environmental issues such as family dynamics, social support or isolation, and 42
identification of meaningful community roles can influence the course of substance use and mental health 43
disorders; and 44
(b) application exercises to provide: 45
(1) experience in developing individualized treatment/services plans addressing multiple 46
clinical issues requiring complex evaluation and planning. 47
Section 8.20.335. Advanced Behavioral Health Clinical Care. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will 49
provide, in a seminar format, an opportunity for trainees to participate in exercises to: 50
(1) [RESERVE] 51
(2) learn counseling approaches having value and application within behavioral health services 52
targeting individuals affected by multiple and complex disorders; 53
(3) support applied use of “Best Practice” models; 54
(4) identify ways to work with those who need or receive psychiatric care outside of the 55
community including discharge care, referrals, and community support; and 56
(5) increase familiarity with the eBHAM “overlapping issues” chapter and how it relates to 57
providing advanced behavioral health clinical care. 58
Section 8.20.345. [RESERVE] 60
Content recommended to remove, content is covered in other sections. 61
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Section 8.20.350. Applied Case Studies in Alaska Native Culture Based Issues. This course, which shall be 8 2
contact hours, will provide, in the context of case studies and skill development: 3
(a) how traditional lifestyles and health practices impact the Alaska Native community; 4
(b) how Alaska Native beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge of health promotion can promote positive 5
changes to the current health status; 6
(c) emphasis on potential strategies for improving village-based behaviorally health services; 7
(d) incorporating traditional ways of healing into treatment plans, as appropriate; and 8
(e) improving recognition and acceptance of cultural differences that affect treatment planning among 9
clinical team members. 10
Section 8.20.370. Behavioral Health Clinical Team Building. This course, which shall be 12 contact hours, will 12
provide: 13
(a) practical approaches to: 14
(1) team building, facilitation of team meetings, and support of a team approach to providing 15
integrated behavioral health services; 16
(2) collaboration and partnership among individuals with different training and work settings, 17
especially with community health aides and practitioners and dental health aides; 18
(3) [RESERVE] 19
(4) interaction among different teams that may be involved with a single client; and 20
(b) applied exercises in which each trainee will develop a team building plan; 21
(c) practice providing support and feedback to others regarding clinical interventions, including 22
counseling; and 23
(d) practice initiating, designing , and facilitating a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and/or clinical 24
team including public speaking and lead roles. 25
Section 8.20.385. Introduction to Supervision. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will provide: 27
(a) an introduction to philosophy and practical application of functions of: 28
(1) supervision, including coach/mentor, tutor/teacher, consultant, role model, evaluator, and 29
administrator; 30
(2) guidance in developing a vision for supervisory relationships and defining expectations; 31
(3) skill development in nurturing counselor development, promoting development of skills and 32
competencies, and achieving accountability; 33
(4) an introduction to ethics of supervision; 34
(5) an introduction to administrative requirements and related supervision; 35
(6) guidance in managing conflicting functions expected of supervisors; 36
(7) introduction to dual roles of providers, including mentors, administrative supervisors, and 37
clinical supervisor roles. 38
(8) encouraging the development and enhancement of community resources by the supervisee; 39
(9) addressing complaints from referral agencies and other community resources to maintain 40
relationships with community, state, and tribal partners; and 41
(b) application exercises to assist trainees to practice various functions of supervision and begin 42
developing their own supervisory approaches. 43
Section 8.20.390. Child Development. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will provide: 45
(a) foundational information regarding: 46
(1) review of developmental needs of youth ages in utero/birth to 17; 47
(2) developmental screenings and how to participate in an integrated approach with community 48
health aides who perform well child checks; 49
(3) overview of threats to development, including 50
(A) domestic violence, lack of social/family connection, neglect, and related 51
biological, emotional and psychological distress; and 52
(B) role of parenting and social supports; 53
(4) cultural influences of development; 54
(5) adaptive and maladaptive behavior in the developing child; 55
(6) issues of development related to exposure to alcohol and other substances in utero to age 3; 56
and 57
(7) the impact of trauma on child development, including 58
(A) hyper and hypo physiological responses manifested in maladaptive behaviors, 59
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); 60
(B) preverbal versus verbal trauma and expression; 61
(C) brain and nervous system functioning; and 62
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(D) social functioning. ; and 1
(E) adverse childhood experiences 2
Section 8.20.400. Village-Based Behavioral Health Services. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours and be 4
conducted in a seminar format, will require participants to: 5
(a) analyze and discuss contemporary problems and issues associated with providing village-based 6
behavioral health services, including emerging clinical issues, funding, billable services, staffing levels, manpower 7
development, etc.; 8
(b) [RESERVE] 9
(c) analyze how to address practice challenges in a village-based setting, including ethical issues, dual 10
relationships, lack of alternative services, isolation, compassion fatigue, and counselor burnout. and lack of 11
training and supervision support; 12
(d) recognize the importance of cultural and professional humility; and 13
(e) evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the BHA/P in the area of cultural and professional humility. 14
Section 8.20.425. Challenges in Behavioral Health Services. This course, which shall be 16 contact hours, will 16
provide an opportunity for trainees to participate in development of specialized service planning for: 17
(a) evaluation, services, treatment, and case management needs of individuals affected by: 18
(1) experiences such as 19
(A) child abuse, domestic violence, vulnerable adult abuse, sexual assault, or other 20
violence; 21
(B) alcohol related brain disorder and traumatic brain injury; 22
(C) disasters, fires, and other traumatic events; and 23
(2) conditions such as 24
(A) fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD); 25
(B) attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 26
(ADHD); 27
(C) developmental disabilities; 28
(D) tobacco use especially in patients with medical conditions, such as periodontal 29
disease, pregnancy, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and lung disease that are affected by tobacco use; 30
(E) other health conditions that affect behavior or adjustment; and 31
(b) participate in the development of specialized service planning to address the needs of clients with 32
these clinical issues. 33
(c) using the eBHAM as a resource to work appropriately with clients with overlapping issues. 34
Section 8.20.490. Principles and Practice of Clinical Supervision. This course, which shall be 40 contact hours, 36
will provide 37
(a) philosophy and practical application approaches to clinical supervision; 38
(b) strategies for facilitating effective participation by supervisees in individualized clinical supervision 39
sessions; 40
(c) information regarding the use of technology (telehealth, real-time interactive e-mail, and other 41
developing capacities) and how it modifies the clinical supervision relationship; 42
(d) guidance regarding how to delineate the difference between mentorship, clinical and administrative 43
supervision, and to identify potential ethical issues with supervisees; 44
(e) strategies for providing expectations to the supervisee on how to present client cases to a supervisor 45
in a way that is effective for case review, consultation, and supervision; 46
(f) application exercises in which each trainee will develop a clinical supervision plan that can be used 47
within their individual work environment. ; 48
(g) evaluating work-related competencies, including 49
(1) improving supervisees’ self-assessment skills 50
(2) practice providing feedback both informally, and formally for evaluation of supervisee 51
work performance, and behavior. 52
(h) documentation of supervision to meet ethical, and credentialing requirements. 53
Section 8.20.485. Competencies for Village-Based Supervision. This course, which shall be 6 contact hours, will 55
provide: 56
(a) information regarding specific cultural issues that affect supervision: 57
(1) models of culture-specific oral and written communication with supervisees regarding 58
consultation, mentoring, support and evaluation regarding competencies and administrative performance. 59
(4) [RESERVE] 60
(A) [RESERVE] 61
(B) [RESERVE] 62
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(5) [RESERVE] 1
(b) [RESERVE] 4
Section 8.20.495. Child Centered Interventions. This course, which shall be 20 contact hours, will provide: 6
(a) [RESERVE] 7
(1) [RESERVE] 8
(B) [RESERVE] 10
(2) [RESERVE] 11
(A) [RESERVE] 12
(B) [RESERVE] 13
(C) [RESERVE] 14
(3) [RESERVE] 15
(A) [RESERVE] 16
(B) [RESERVE] 17
(b) applied exercises to: 18
(1) define the counselor role in the playroom; 19
(2) practice therapeutic approaches to counseling children and interventions for preverbal 20
trauma; 21
(3) conduct crisis intervention appropriate to children and youth; and 22
(4) increase culturally competent skills; 23
(5) increase skills associated with assessment and diagnosis, and consultation with a treatment 24
team and the client’s family; 25
(6) [RESERVE] 26
(7) effectively engage and counsel children, youth, and their parents/legal guardians. 27
Section 7.20.140. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) 29
(a) Subject Matter. A course in atraumatic restorative treatment must address the following topics: 30
(1) understanding and following dental orders; 31
(2) reviewing medical history and identifying contraindications for performing ART; 32
(3) identify cases appropriate for ART; 33
(4) understanding when the patient should be referred to a dentist, dental health aide therapist, 34
or dental health aide therapist practitioner; 35
(5) explaining ART procedure and responding to questions from patient regarding ART; 36
(6) proper patient and provider safety procedures, including proper use of dental instruments; 37
(7) isolating the tooth/teeth; 38
(8) removing gross caries with hand instruments; 39
(9) mixing, placing and contouring appropriate restorative material; and 40
(10) recognizing potential and actual procedural complications and consulting appropriately with 41
the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide therapist practitioner. 42
Section 2.30.250(b). Dental Assistant Function Requirements. 44
(a) Prerequisites. A dental health aide may be certified under this section to perform the functions of a 46
dental assistant under the conditions set forth in subsections (b) through (c) of this section provided the dental 47
health aide satisfies the requirements of: 48
(2) 2.30.200 [PDHA II training & education requirements] and 2.30.210 [PDHA II 49
supervision & competencies]. 50
(b) Dental Supervision. A dental health aide certified under this article who satisfies the requirements 52
of this section may perform the functions of a dental assistant only under the direct or indirect supervision of a 53
(1) dentist; 54
(2) dental health aide therapist; 55
(3) licensed dental hygienist; or 56
(4) [RESERVED] 57
(5) dental health aide therapist practitioner; or 58
(6) primary dental health aide II or expanded function dental health aide I or II who is 59
performing procedures under the general supervision of a dentist. 60
Section 2.30.250. Dental Assistant Function Requirements. 62
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(a) Training, Education and Preceptorship. In addition to performing functions as provided for the 2
level of certification achieved by the dental health aide, a dental health aide may perform the functions of a dental 3
assistant, if the dental health aide has successfully completed one of the following: 4
(1) an accredited dental assisting program; 5
(2) a Board approved dental assisting program that satisfies the requirements of section 6
7.20.130 [dental assisting]; or 7
(3) a program provided by a dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental health aide hygienist, 8
dental health aide therapist, dental health aide therapist practitioner, or dentist who directly supervised the person 9
carrying out a sufficient number of patient encounters for the person to develop satisfactory skills, as determined 10
by the supervising dentist, in each of the functions identified in 2.30.250(d) [dental assistant function 11
requirements; competencies]. 12
Section 2.30.100(b)(1) 14
2.30.100 (b) (1) delivery of a minimum of 20 topical fluoride treatments, which must include a minimum of 5 15
varnish, 5 rinse and 5 foam or gel treatments; 16
Section 2.30.010(a) 18
(a) Generally. The supervision of a dental health aide may be general, indirect, direct via telehealth or 19
direct, as defined in section 2.30.010(b) [supervision of DHAs; definitions of levels of supervision], provided that 20
Section 2.30.010(b) 22
(b) Definitions of Levels of Supervision. For the purposes of this article: 23
(1) “Direct supervision” means the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide 24
therapist practitioner in the dental office, personally diagnoses the condition to be treated, personally authorizes 25
the procedure, and before dismissal of the patient evaluates the performance of the dental health aide; 26
(2) “General supervision” means the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide 27
therapist practitioner has authorized the procedures and they are being carried out in accordance with standing 28
orders issued to a specific dental health aide; and 29
(3) “Indirect supervision” means a dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide 30
therapist practitioner is in the facility, authorizes the procedures, and remains in the dental facility while the 31
procedures are being performed by the dental health aide.; and 32
(4) “Direct via telehealth” means the dentist, dental health aide therapist, or dental health aide 33
therapist practitioner via telehealth including a video component, personally diagnoses the condition to be treated, 34
personally authorizes the procedure, and before dismissal of the patient evaluates the performance of the dental 35
health aide and this form of supervision is only allowed for Primary Dental Health Aide I preceptorships. 36
Section 2.30.100(b) 38
(b) Preceptorship. A dental health aide must after completion of the requirements in subsection (a) of this 39
section, under the direct supervision or direct via telehealth supervision of a dentist, dental health aide therapist or 40
dental hygienist, satisfactorily complete a preceptorship, which must include satisfactory performance in the 41
(1) delivery of a minimum of 20 fluoride treatments, which must include a minimum of 5 42
varnish, 5 rinse and 5 foam or gel treatments; 43
(2) delivery of a minimum of 40 oral hygiene sessions of which 44
(A) a minimum of 10 must be with children under 6 years of age; 45
(B) a minimum of 10 must be with patients between ages 6 and 14; and 46
(C) a minimum of 10 must be with patients over age 14; 47
(3) delivery of a minimum of 20 diet education sessions, including a minimum of: 48
(A) 10 provided to the primary caregiver of children under age 6; and 49
(B) 5 provided to an adult regarding the adult’s own diet; and 50
(4) an additional 40 hours of relevant work experience. 51