Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Liquor Control Commission (MLCC)
Constitution Hall - 525 W. Allegan, Lansing, MI 48933
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30005, Lansing, MI 48909
Toll-Free: 866-813-0011 - www.michigan.gov/lcc
Business ID:
Request ID:
(For MLCC Use Only)
Special License Application
Part 1 - Applicant Organization Information
Applicant organization name:
Applicant address:
Contact name:
Address of event location:
City, township, or village where event will be held:
Phone: Email:
Zip Code:
Yes No
2. Do you have permission from the property owner of the location listed above to hold your event(s) on
the date(s) listed below (see pages 2-3) at this location?
1. Has the applicant organization previously received a Special License?
2. Has the applicant organization been established for one (1) year or longer?
Date the applicant organization was established (month/day/year):
3. Is the applicant organization a municipality?
Yes No
Part 2 - Event Information - For requests at more than one location, submit separate forms for each location.
3. Has the local law enforcement agency with primary jurisdiction over the event location approved this
application for a Special License? (See Part 5 on Page 5)
4. Is the event location within 500 feet of a church or school?
If Yes, the church or school must consent to the event(s). (See Part 6 on Page 5)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Page 1 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Michigan organizations must provide current articles of incorporation filed with Michigan Corporations Division.
Out-of-state organizations must provide: (a) current articles of incorporation from state of issuance; (b) current
certificate of good standing from state of incorporation; and (c) current Certificate of Authority to Transact Business in
Michigan issued by the Michigan Corporations Division.
contact name:
Yes No
Leave Blank - MLCC Use Only
A completed Special License application must be submitted as early as possible before your event(s) to avoid any delays in processing. It is
strongly recommended that you submit the application as soon as you know the date of your event(s). Failure to submit a completed application at
least ten (10) business days prior to the event(s) may result in no Special License being issued, pursuant to administrative rule R 436.575.
1. Will you submit your completed application at least ten (10) business days before your event?
It is strongly recommended that you submit the application as soon as you know the date of your event(s).
5. Is the event location outdoors or partially outdoors?
If Yes, list the exact dimensions of the outdoor area:
Submit a clear diagram of the outdoor service area
with your application form.
Describe type and height of the barrier that will be used to enclose the outdoor area:
6. Describe type of security that will be used for event(s) and how it will be utilized to secure and monitor to prevent sales to minors
and visibly intoxicated persons:
feet X feet = square feet
Yes No
Width Length
LCC-110 (01-23)
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Yes No NoYes
Start Time End Time
Describe event being held:
12. The applicant organization may request up to twelve (12) Special Licenses total (one Special License per day) in a calendar year. Please
complete the information below for each individual date for which you are requesting a Special License at this location. If you are
requesting Special Licenses for consecutive days, completely fill out a separate box for each date. If you request a Special License for
on-premises consumption AND for a Wine Auction both on the same date at the same location, you are requesting two (2) separate
licenses and you must pay a license fee for both licenses.
Beer & Wine Service Beer, Wine, & Spirit Service Wine Auction
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
Wine Auction
Wine Auction
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
Wine Auction
Wine Auction
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Page 2 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
Wine AuctionBeer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Yes No Yes No
9. Will the event(s) involve an auction of donated wine?
Yes No
10. Will marijuana be sold and consumed under a Temporary Marihuana Event License issued by the Cannabis
Regulatory Agency (CRA) within the proposed event area where alcoholic liquor will be sold and consumed?
Yes No
If Yes, the existing licensee must request to place its license in escrow during the event(s). (See Part 7 on Page 5)
8. Is there an existing liquor licensee issued at the event location, such as a Class C or Club license?
Yes No
If Yes, please check "Wine Auction" for the applicable event date(s) on pages 2-3. Only donated wine may be auctioned under a Special License; beer and spirits
cannot be auctioned. If you request a Special License for on-premises consumption AND for a Wine Auction both on the same date at the same location, you are
requesting two (2) separate licenses and you must pay a license fee for both licenses.
7. Is the event location situated in or on state owned land, such as a state park or National Guard armory?
If Yes, attach a copy of your documentary proof of approval to use the state owned land.
Yes No
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
Yes No11. Is the event location within the commons area of a Social District?
If Yes, you must obtain written documentation from the local governmental unit, including a clear diagram, that delineates the part of the commons
area of the Social District to be used exclusively for your event and the part to be used exclusively by the Social District permittees during the time
period for your event pursuant to MCL 436.1551(3). Submit the documentation and the diagram with this application.
LCC-110 (01-23)
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
Wine Auction
Wine Auction
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
If Yes, will alcohol be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon?Is this date a Sunday?
Describe event being held:
Special License will be used for:
Wine Auction
Wine Auction
Wine Auction
Wine Auction
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Beer, Wine, & Spirit ServiceBeer & Wine Service
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
12. Special license date information Continued from Page 2.
Part 3 - Special License Fees - Complete the Special License fee calculation on Page 4
For Organizations established less than one year or are municipalities - a $50.00 Special License base fee for each separate, consecutive day
of the event is required. If the event is held on a Sunday and spirits will be served after 12:00 Noon, an additional $7.50 Sunday Sales Permit (P.M.)
fee is required. In addition, if any alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits, will be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon, an
additional $160.00 Sunday Sales Permit (A.M.) fee is required. Sunday Sales Permit (A.M.) and/or Sunday Sales Permit (P.M.) fees will be required
for each date that is a Sunday. If you request a Special License for on-premises consumption AND for a Wine Auction both on the same
date at the same location, you are requesting two (2) separate licenses and you must pay a license fee for both licenses.
For Organizations established one year or more - a $25.00 Special License base fee for each separate, consecutive day of the event is required.
If the event is held on a Sunday and spirits will be served after 12:00 Noon, an additional $3.75 Sunday Sales Permit (P.M.) fee is required. In
addition, if any alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits, will be served between 7:00AM and 12:00 Noon, an additional $160.00
Sunday Sales Permit (A.M.) fee is required. Sunday Sales Permit (A.M.) and/or Sunday Sales Permit (P.M.) fees will be required for each date that
is a Sunday. If you request a Special License for on-premises consumption AND for a Wine Auction both on the same date at the same
location, you are requesting two (2) separate licenses and you must pay a license fee for both licenses.
The fees must be paid by check, bank or postal money order, or by credit card, using the attached Credit Card Authorization Form (LCC-300).
Checks and money orders should be made payable to State of Michigan.
Page 3 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
A completed Special License application must be submitted as early as possible before your event(s) to avoid any delays in processing. It is
strongly recommended that you submit the application as soon as you know the date of your event(s). Failure to submit a completed application at
least ten (10) business days prior to the event(s) may result in no Special License being issued, pursuant to administrative rule R 436.575.
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
End TimeStart Time
LCC-110 (01-23)
LCC-110 (01-23)
Special License Base Fee:
x Number of Special Licenses:
= Special License Fees:
+ Sunday Sales Permit (P.M.) Fees:
+ Sunday Sales Permit (A.M.) Fee:
(per Special License requested)
MLCC Fee Code: 4008
MLCC Fee Code: 4032
MLCC Fee Code: 4033
Make checks payable to:
State of Michigan
Leave Blank - MLCC Use Only
Part 3 Continued - Special License Fees Calculation
Part 4 - Signatures of Applicant Organization's Officers, Witnesses, and Notary
Pursuant to administrative rule R 436.575, the president and secretary of the organization making application shall sign the application and the signatures shall
be notarized . Political candidates only need to sign the president section and have it notarized.
By signing below the applicant organization's officers attest that:
We certify that all profits from the sale of beer, wine and/or spirits or from a wine auction will go to the applicant organization and not to any individual.
We further certify that any license issued by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission is a contract subject to suspension or revocation by the
Commission, that there shall be no liability on the part of the State of Michigan, the Commission, or any of its officers or employees by reason of such
suspension or revocation, and that the granting of the license does not create a vested right.
Under administrative rule R 436.1003, the licensee shall comply with all state and local building, plumbing, zoning, sanitation, and health laws, rules, and
ordinances as determined by the state and local law enforcements officials who have jurisdiction over the licensee. Approval of this application by the
Michigan Liquor Control Commission does not waive any of these requirements. The licensee must obtain all other required state and local licenses,
permits, and approvals for this business before using this license for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises.
We certify that the information contained in this form is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief. We agree to comply with all
requirements of the Michigan Liquor Control Code and Administrative Rules. We also understand that providing false or fraudulent information is a
violation of the Liquor Control Code pursuant to MCL 436.2003.
Signature of President
Print Name and Phone Number of President
My commission expires
Print Name of Notary Signature of Notary Date
Notary Public, State of Michigan, County of Acting in the County of
DateSignature of SecretaryPrint Name and Phone Number of Secretary
My commission expires
Print Name of Notary Signature of Notary Date
Notary Public, State of Michigan, County of Acting in the County of
Page 4 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
If you request a Special
License for on-premises
consumption AND for a
Wine Auction both on
the same date at the
same location, you are
requesting two (2)
separate licenses and
you must pay a license
fee for both licenses.
A completed Special License application must be submitted as early as possible before your event(s) to avoid any delays in processing. It is
strongly recommended that you submit the application as soon as you know the date of your event(s). Failure to submit a completed application at
least ten (10) business days prior to the event(s) may result in no Special License being issued, pursuant to administrative rule R 436.575.
LCC-110 (01-23)
Part 5 - Local Law Enforcement Approval*
The local law enforcement agency with primary jurisdiction over the event location must complete this section.
Part 7 - Existing On-Premises Licensee Escrow Request (If Applicable)
If the event location is currently licensed with an on-premises license, the licensee must request that its license be placed into escrow
for the date(s) and time(s) of the Special Licenses issued for use at the event location requested on this application. If the existing
license would prefer to temporarily drop space from its licensed premises, it must submit a letter to the Commission requesting to drop
space temporarily from its licensed premises during the event date(s) and time(s), accompanied by a diagram showing the area where
the license will temporarily drop space from its licensed premises to accommodate the applicant organization.
Part 6 - Church/School Consent (If Applicable)*
If the event location is located within 500 feet of a church or school, the applicant organization must obtain the consent of the church or school. A
church or school within 500 feet of the event location may object based on such the sale of alcohol at the location adversely affecting the church or
school's operations. If a proper objection is filed, the Commission shall hold a hearing to determine whether the granting of the application will
adversely affect the operation of the church or school.
Name of law enforcement agency:
Name & title of reviewing officer:
Phone number of officer: Email of officer:
I certify that I have reviewed the application of the applicant
organization for a Special License and approve the issuance of a
Special License by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission at
the proposed event location.
Signature of Reviewing Officer Date
Name of church or school:
Name of licensee: Business ID Number:
Name of clergy member or superintendent:
Address of church or school:
Phone number: Email:
I, the authorized representative of the above named church or
school, state that the church or school has no objection to the
issuance of a Special License to the applicant organization at its
proposed event location.
Signature of Clergy Member or Superintendent
Zip Code:City:
If event will be held on a Sunday, is the sale of alcohol from 7:00am to 12:00 Noon on Sunday allowed in this local governmental unit?
If the event will be held on a Sunday, is the sale of alcohol after 12:00 Noon on Sunday allowed in this local governmental unit?
*Please note: the Commission has the sole and only right to approve or deny this request for a Special License.
Name of authorized signer for licensee:
Type of license held at this location (e.g. Class C, Club, Tavern, etc.):
Phone number: Email:
I, the authorized signer, for the above named on-premises
licensee, request that the licensee's licenses at this location be
placed into escrow during the date(s) and time(s) specified for
the Special Licenses issued for use at this location.
Signature of Authorized Signer for Licensee
Page 5 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
LCC-110 (01-23)
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Liquor Control Commission (MLCC)
Constitution Hall - 525 W. Allegan, Lansing, MI 48933
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30005, Lansing, MI 48909
Toll-Free: 866-813-0011 - www.michigan.gov/lcc
Business ID:
Request ID:
(For MLCC Use Only)
Certified Resolution of the Membership or Board of Directors Authorizing the Application for Special License
(Required under Administrative Rule R 436.576 - Not Required for Candidate Committee)
(Date) (Time)
(Name of Organization)
for a Special License to serve alcohol on
(Event Date or Dates)
to be located at
(Physical Address - Include Location Name, Street Address, City, State, & Zip Code)
It is the consensus of this body that the application be for issuance.
Approval Vote Tally
(Recommended or Not Recommended)
At a
meeting of the
that the application from
the following resolution was offered:
called to order by
Moved by
and supported by
I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and is a complete copy of the resolution offered and adopted by the
meeting held onat a
DateSignature of Authorized OfficerPrint Name & Title of Authorized Officer
Certification by Authorized Officer of Organization:
Page 6 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Regular Special Membership Board of Directors
SpecialRegularBoard of DirectorsMembership
LCC-110 (01-23)
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Liquor Control Commission (MLCC)
Constitution Hall - 525 W. Allegan, Lansing, MI 48933
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30005, Lansing, MI 48909
Toll-Free: 866-813-0011 - www.michigan.gov/lcc
Business ID:
Request ID:
(For MLCC Use Only)
Wine Auction Special License Wine Donation Record
List the name and address of each person that has donated wine to the applicant organization for the wine auction and list the brand(s)
and quantity donated. The applicant organization shall not accept donations of wine from a business licensed by the Michigan Liquor
Control Commission. An authorized officer of the applicant organization must sign this donation record form.
Donor Name Donor Address Wine Brand(s) Donated Quantity Donated
DateSignature of Authorized OfficerPrint Name of Authorized Officer
Page 7 of 8
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Applicant organization: Wine auction date:
Signature of Authorized Officer
I hereby certify that all persons listed above have donated wine to the applicant organization listed above for this wine auction, to be
conducted pursuant to the Michigan Liquor Control Code, MCL 436.1527. The persons listed above have donated wine to the applicant
organization as individuals and not for or on behalf of any retail or nonretail business licensed by the Michigan Liquor Control
LCC-110 (01-23)
Credit Card Authorization Form
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Finance and Administrative Services
Revenue Services
Name on Card:
Card Number:
Security Code/CVV Code:
Billing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Payment is for:
Applicant/Licensee Name: Request or Business ID #:
Payment Amount:
Check One:
Requests with credit card payments that are not faxed to the above secure fax line will be destroyed along with the credit card authorization in
order to ensure the security of applicants’ personal credit card numbers.
LARA is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids, services and other reasonable accommodations are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
LCC-300 (10-20)
Credit Card Payment Itemization:
Special License Fee(s):
Sunday Sales Permit (AM):
Sunday Sales Permit (PM):
Catering Permit:
New Add Bar Transfer Add Bar:
License Renewal Fee(s):
New Retailer License(s):
Manufacturer License(s):
Transfer Retailer License(s):
Temporary Authorization Fee:
Inspection Fee(s):
Fee Amount
Fee Code
Fee Type
Wholesaler License(s):
LARA Revenue Services is not a part of the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission (MLCC). Receipt of payment and application forms by
LARA Revenue Services does not constitute receipt of an application
by the MLCC. Applications submitted through LARA Revenue
Services may take up to two (2) additional business days to be
received by the MLCC after receipt by LARA Revenue Services.
For requests that require a timely receipt of an application by the
MLCC to be processed, such as Special Licenses and temporary
requests, please ensure that your application will be received in
adequate time to be processed by the MLCC after the payment is
received and processed by LARA Revenue Services.
LARA Revenue Services is not a part of
the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission (see note below).
Conditional License
Expiration Date:
Discover MasterCard Visa American Express