AP Studio Art Summer Assignments
Assignment #1: Create a self portrait. This self portrait should tell something about you, (how are you
posed? What are you holding? What is the point of view?) Think about background and props and
overall placement within the composition. The measurements should be no larger than 18”x24”. The
materials used to execute this are up to you. The final work of art will be on a separate sheet of paper.
Examples of AP Drawing
AP Studio Art Summer Assignments
Examples of AP 2D Design
Assignment #2: Fabric Study: Materials are up to you.
Size not to exceed 18*24
AP Studio Art Summer Assignments
Assignment #3: Shiny or reflective object. Think interesting composition and rule of thirds. This
should be a zoomed in image. You select the image.
AP Studio Art Summer Assignments
Assignment #4: Choice between bathroom interior or overlapping hands. See back. Final work of art
should be at least 8x10 should not exceed 18x24. Sketches in your sketchbook but final art work on a separate
sheet of paper.
Bathroom Interior or Overlapping Hands
AP Studio Art Summer Assignments
Drawing Examples
2D Examples
AP Studio Art Summer Assignments
Assignment #5: Visit AP Central
1. Look at Breadth pieces (overall mastery of elements and principles of art)
2. Look at the Concentration
2D Design: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-studio-art-2-d-design
Drawing: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-studio-art-drawing
3. Record your first impressions
4. Begin researching and coming up with ideas for concentration (12 works of art that have a
Assignment #6: Artist study: List 5 artists that you like, provide at least one photocopy, printed copy of
a work of art for each artist. Explain what it is that you like about the artist and his/her artwork. This
will be in your sketchbook. Create a work of art combining 2 of these artists with your own subject
matter. This should be your first concentration piece.
Assignment #7
New Students: Pick up a copy of the book Art and Fear. There will be questions for you to answer in
Edmodo. I will have the assignment due dates set for the first month of school. To avoid stress you
could finish reading the book in a weekend and answer the questions during the summer. To be posted
after school gets out.
Returning students: you will lead the discussions on each chapter (you need to be ready with insights,
reread your notes and your answers...Have at least 2 questions for each chapter ready.)