DCMA Manual 4301-05, Volume 2
Financial Systems and Interfaces: Procure to Pay
Office of Primary
Responsibility: Stewardship Capability
Effective: June 24, 2019
Releasability: Cleared for public release
Implements: DCMA Instruction 4301, “Stewardship,” July 18, 2018
Internal Control: Process flows and key controls are located on the Resource Page
Labor Codes: Located on Resource Page
Resource Page: https://360.dcma.mil/sites/policy/ST/SitePages/4301-05v2r.aspx
Approved by: David H. Lewis, VADM, USN, Director
Purpose: This Manual is composed of several volumes, each containing its own purpose. In
accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense Contract Management
Agency (DCMA), this Manual implements policies and defines procedures as defined in
DCMA Instruction 4301.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION ........................................................ 4
1.1. Applicability ........................................................................................................................4
1.2. Policy ...................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................4
1.4. System Assumptions/Constraints ........................................................................................5
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................... 6
2.1. Overview .............................................................................................................................6
2.2. Director, DCMA ..................................................................................................................6
2.3. Executive Director, Financial and Business Operations ......................................................6
2.4. Director, Chief Financial Officer Compliance Division ......................................................6
2.5. Director, Contracts Executive Directorate Procurement Acquisition Procurement Center 6
2.6. Directors, FB International and Federal Business and Budget Divisions ............................6
2.7. Director, FB Financial Business Accounting Operations ....................................................6
2.8. Director, FBR Reporting and Analysis Branch ...................................................................7
2.9. Division Chief, Contracts Executive Directorate Strategic Engagement & Talent
Management Division .................................................................................................................7
2.10. DCMA Component Heads.................................................................................................7
2.11. DCMA Travel Team ..........................................................................................................7
2.12. DCMA Government Purchase Card Holders .....................................................................7
2.13. Funds Control Officer ........................................................................................................7
SECTION 3: PROCESS FOR P2P ............................................................................................ 8
3.1. Supplier Information............................................................................................................8
3.2. Purchase Request Creation ..................................................................................................8
3.3. Intergovernmental Procurement ........................................................................................ 10
3.4. Interagency Procurement ................................................................................................... 11
3.5. Miscellaneous Obligations ................................................................................................ 14
3.6. Government Purchase Card Process .................................................................................. 15
3.7. Defense Travel System ...................................................................................................... 17
3.8. Invoices and Accounts Payable Actions ............................................................................ 22
3.9. Foreign Currency ............................................................................................................... 26
SECTION 4: THE DAI ROLE DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................. 27
4.1. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 27
APPENDIX 4A: SYSTEMS ...................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX 4B: REPORTING ................................................................................................. 32
4B.1. P2P Standard Reports ..................................................................................................... 32
4B.2. P2P Dashboard Reports .................................................................................................. 34
APPENDIX 4C: WORK INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................ 37
4C.1. P2P Work Instruction ...................................................................................................... 37
GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................. 39
G.1. Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 39
G.2. Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... 41
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 44
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Table 1. DCMA DAI P2P Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................ 27
Table 2. DCMA DAI P2P Interfaces ........................................................................................... 31
Table 3. DCMA DAI P2P Standard Reports ............................................................................... 32
Table 4. DCMA DAI P2P Dashboard Reports ............................................................................ 34
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Section 1: General Issuance Information 4
1.1. APPLICABILITY. This issuance applies to DCMA Financial and Business Operations
Directorate (FB) and all its employees, contingent workers, and contractors of DCMA.
1.2. POLICY. Accurate and responsive procurement and payment processes are a fundamental
responsibility of all DCMA Commanders/Directors, supervisors, and employees. All DCMA
employees have a fiduciary responsibility as stewards of government resources and must comply
with guidance set forth in this Manual. It is DCMA policy that:
a. Scope. The Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) Procure to Pay (P2P) module is the
approved Agency tool used for contract procurement, intergovernmental procurement, and
varying smaller purchase avenues as outlined in this issuance.
b. Usage. DAI is the official data entry and repository system for DCMA and provides
centralized procurement data for DCMA personnel.
c. Execution. Employees execute this Manual in a safe, efficient, effective, and ethical
a. Background. DAI is a critical DoD effort to modernize financial management
capabilities. Developed by DoD to comply with DoD transformation goals to modernize the
Defense Agencies’ systems, DAI is also the name of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
tool which provides the basis for an integrated enterprise level resource for all defense Agencies.
The goal of an ERP is to allow an Agency to manage internal and external resources including
tangible assets, financial resources, materials, and human resources, and to facilitate the flow of
information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization, and
manage the connections to outside stakeholders. One of six modules in DAI is the P2P module.
The P2P process encompasses the initial request for goods or services through the payment for
those goods and services. There are several purchasing business scenarios that DAI supports
(1) Contract Procurement involving the procurement of goods and services through the
award of a contract or purchase order (PO).
(2) Intergovernmental procurement involving the purchase of goods and services through
other Agencies. This process is usually accomplished through the Military Interdepartmental
Purchase Requests (MIPR), Reimbursable Work Authorizations (RWAs), Security Work
Authorizations (SWAs) and Project Orders.
(3) Miscellaneous reimbursements for items such as fitness memberships, transportation
fringe benefits, personal protective equipment (PPE), and tuition reimbursements.
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Section 1: General Issuance Information 5
(4) Purchase cards are used by DoD Agencies to support departmental and small dollar
(5) Financial accounting events associated with travel including temporary duty (TDY)
and permanent change of station (PCS).
b. The DAI System for Award Management Interface. DAI interfaces with the System
for Award Management (SAM) and supports registered vendors. The Defense Finance and
Accounting Service (DFAS) is responsible for Accounts Payable Maintenance activities. The
P2P entitlement processing involves the entire payment management process from identifying a
need for goods and/or services to the final accounting of the transaction.
c. The DAI Effort. DAI is a critical DoD effort to modernize financial management
capabilities. DAI is an ERP tool that compiles the budget, finance, and accounting operations of
DoD Agencies to:
(1) Achieve accurate and reliable financial information.
(2) Deploy a standardized system to improve overall financial management and comply
with the Department’s Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) including Standard Financial
Information Structure and Office of Federal Financial Management requirements.
(3) Attain Chief Financial Officer (CFO) compliant business environments with
accurate, timely, authoritative financial data.
(4) Facilitation of vendor payment.
assumptions and constraints which are:
a. DCMA utilizes a contract writing system for contracts written by the DCMA Procurement
Center using Purchase Request Data Standard (PRDS) and the Procurement Data Standard (PDS)
b. DCMA performs miscellaneous pay transactions to include civilian employee fitness
reimbursement, personal protective equipment, and legal settlements.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 6
2.1. OVERVIEW. This chapter defines the roles and responsibilities of the individuals who are
primarily responsible for the execution of the policy implemented in this Manual. This section
identifies the key officials who must carry out the practices and also lists the overarching
obligations and associated duties that each individual must perform within the P2P process.
2.2. DIRECTOR, DCMA. The Director has the overall responsibility to ensure the Agency
complies with all laws, regulations, and policies for executing financial transactions on DoD
financial systems.
DIRECTORATE. The Executive Director, Financial and Business Operation (FB) is
responsible for overseeing the use of the DCMA P2P module. This includes:
a. Documenting the P2P functional processes in compliance with BEA 10.0.
b. Identifying the system and process owners.
c. Confirming the systems and interfaces that are in place to support P2P functions.
d. Validating source documents that support creating, maintaining, and reporting DCMA
e. Verifying regulations that support the P2P function.
Director, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Compliance Division (FBL) oversees the requirements
and qualifications of suppliers to be entered into DAI. The Director is responsible for
determining the data and reporting requirements within the P2P process.
ACQUISITION PROCUREMENT CENTER. The Procurement Center Director oversees
development of the Purchase Request (PR) creation and award process. The responsibilities of
the DCMA Procurement Center are documented and defined in DCMA-MAN 4301-03, Volume
1, “Acquisitions.”
BUDGET DIVISIONs. The Directors of International and Federal Business (FBR), and FB
Budget Division (FBB) are responsible for the agreement and consensus of the requirements
authorizing the support of intergovernmental procurement processes.
Director, Financial Business and Accounting Operations (FBLAO) oversees the requirements
and qualifications of miscellaneous payments to be issued via the P2P process. The Director is
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Section 2: Responsibilities 7
responsible for the determination of invoicing and Accounts Payable (AP) actions performed
within DAI.
Analysis Branch (FBLA) oversees the requirements and qualifications of travel related data
interfaced into DAI for P2P purposes.
manages the requirements and use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) for use as a contract
payment vehicle.
2.10. DCMA COMPONENT HEADS. The DCMA component heads and P2P Procurement
Officers/Initiators will enter direct purchase orders as necessary.
2.11. DCMA TRAVEL TEAM. The responsibilities of the DCMA Travel Team are defined
and can be found in DCMA-MAN 4301-08, Volume 1, “Official Travel Business Rules.”
2.12. DCMA GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD HOLDERS. The responsibilities of the
DCMA Government Purchase Card Holders can be found in DCMA-MAN 4301-03, Volume 2,
“Government Purchase Cards.”
2.13. FUNDS CONTROL OFFICER. The Funds Control Officer FCO is responsible for the
accuracy and legality of obligations and payment of a voucher and has pecuniary liability for
improper payments. The FCO shall have a valid Defense of Department (DD) Form 577,
"Appointment/Termination Record - Authorized Signature" that denotes the appointment as a
Departmental Accountable Official.
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Section 3: Process for P2P 8
3.1. SUPPLIER INFORMATION. Vendors are identified within DAI as suppliers for billing
purposes. DAI has the capability of maintaining data for multiple supplier types to include
federal, commercial, and employee/payee data. This supplier data is brought into DAI through
the SAM interface, Certified Electronic Funds Transfer interface and by Manual entry. The
request to add new suppliers is submitted to the DAI Support Team (DST). A process overview
of adding a Supplier can be found on the Resource Page.
a. Overview. Excluding GPC micro purchases and training payments, DCMA utilizes the
Purchase Request (PR) to begin the process of acquiring supplies and services from commercial
vendors. The PR process is completed via proper approvals where the final approval is made by
a DCMA FCO. The DCMA FCO shall have a valid DD Form 577, which denotes the
appointment as a Departmental Accountable Official. The DD Form 577 shall contain language
in the responsibilities that cite “Functions as the Primary (or Alternate) Resource Manager or
Fund Holder and responsible for the assignment of proper funding citations on obligating
documents before obligations are incurred and maintain a system of funds control. This is a
certification of fund availability and not a certification for payment.” The FCO will establish a
commitment on the General Ledger (GL). The FCO must ensure that legal documents received
in DAI are posted within 10 business days. A process overview of the PR process can be found
on the Resource Page.
b. Administrative. Administrative and/or monetary changes are accomplished through
modification utilizing the initial PR. There are two major types of PRs, Planning and Funded,
which can be generated within DAI.
(1) A Planning PR is referred to as a Subject to Availability of Funds (SAF) PR. DAI
will consider a PR as an SAF whenever the funded value is equal to $0.00. An SAF PR must be
amended whenever funding becomes available and de-committed when funds remain unused.
(2) A Funded PR has a value more than $0.00.
c. Process.
(1) The PR is processed via DAI iProcurement. The initiator creates the PR and related
details for submission. Related details include address, delivery, billing, and review of approval
information. The address details include the Requesting, Issuing, Suggested Contracting
Officer’s Technical Representative, and Suggested Property Administration Offices. The
Requesting Office DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) is the code of the requiring activity
(i.e., S5121A for DCMA Procurement Center). The Issuing Office DoDAAC of S5121A is
entered into DAI, which allows the PRDS to initiate the automated process of transmission of
PRs, subsequent amendments, and its attachments to the P2P’s contract writing system of record.
Using DoDAAC S5121A as the Requesting and Issuing Office automatically sends the PR to the
Procurement Center for processing. When using DoDAAC S5102A (i.e. the DoDAAC for Head
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quarters (HQ) DCMA), the approved PR must be emailed to the Procurement Center for action.
The delivery details are composed of the Period of Performance (POP), Need-by Date, and
Requester. Billing details provide the DCMA Project Organization Expenditure Type (POET)
structure for the line of accounting (LOA). Approval details identify the individuals the
document will flow through for approval. The initiator is required to record details for each of
these related data elements and submit for approval.
(2) Upon receipt of submission, DAI initiates a funds check validation which confirms
sufficient funds are available when the initiator submits the PR for approval. If funds are
available, DAI routes the PR to the next Approving Official (AO) referred to as a Project
Manager. After the Project Manager reviews and approves the document it will automatically
route to the FCO. If the document does not pass the funds check, the initiator must consult with
the FCO to reconcile the funds issue. PRs that are unfunded or do not have available funds may
be saved in an incomplete status until funds are available.
(3) The FCO reviews the PR to verify if the purpose, POET, and amount on the
document are all correct. As part of the approval process, the FCO is required to verify the
distinct goods or services requested, the estimated price or cost, the need-by date or POP, the
accounting line, and any supporting documentation. If funds are available and the amount is
correct, the FCO approves and digitally signs the PR.
(4) DAI requires a minimum of two approvals - an organizational approval and a final
approval from the FCO. The initiator can manage approvers and reviewers prior to submitting
the PR. The initiator and the FCO cannot be the same person. The user assigned with the
DCMA Requisition Approval role and the FCO are determined by each component. The
approval routing of the document is determined by the Project and Task identified on the PR.
Key members for each organization/project who will approve the PRs are identified and
established in DAI by FBB. FBB is responsible for making changes to DAI Key Members.
(5) After a PR is approved and the funds check has passed successfully, a commitment
accounting transaction is posted in the GL and DAI Projects.
(6) The approved PR is ready for distribution to the Procurement Center for processing:
(a) If the Issuing Office is identified as DoDAAC S5121A, distribution to the
Procurement Center is automatic via the PRDS.
(b) If the Issuing Office is other than DoDAAC S5102A, then the PR must be
emailed to the Procurement Center.
(c) Once the contract is awarded:
1. The initiator will receive notification from the Electronic Document Access
system and the Procurement Center.
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2. All Unit Identification Code (UIC) FCOs are responsible for ensuring the
contract award is entered into DAI within 10 Business days.
a. An obligation posts in the GL upon award approval in DAI.
b. The UIC FCOs receive a DAI approval notification when the award has
been approved by the applicable funds holder.
a. Overview. Once a PR commitment is accepted, the DCMA Procurement Center takes
action to place it on contract. The contract award/modification establishes an obligation on the
b. Process.
(1) Through the PRDS interface, the Procurement Center receives PR documents. The
Procurement Center will use the approved PR as a source document for creation of the awarded
contract within the Contract Writing System (CWS).
(2) The contract award details will flow into DAI using the PDS interface to record the
contract award, which is an obligation. Contracts sent via DCMA’s CWS or contract obligations
from Direct Cite MIPRs are recorded inside DAI with an obligation type of “Contract (Other).”
c. Contract Award Creation.
(1) The PDS interface will create the obligation according to the contract information
indicated in the PDS file including Informational Contract Line Item Number
(CLIN)/Subcontract Line Item Number (SLIN) for funding. This is a significant change from
the previous method of entry. The funded amount and total amount can be different depending
on whether the contract is fully funded.
(2) A Contract Identification Number (CIN) on the contract must match the DAI PR
number and each PR line is required for creation of DAI obligation. If the identified DAI PR
only has one line then it will be used for linking to the original requisition. The Project, Task
and Object Class in the PDS Extensible Markup Language (XML) LOA must match the Project,
Task and Expenditure Type (first three) of the associated DAI PR line. Option Lines and Not
Separately Priced lines will not be created in DAI as they have no financial impact.
(3) Once Option Lines have been exercised via contract modification, they will be
created in DAI when the modification is imported via the PDS into DAI. Blanket Purchase
Agreements (BPA) and Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantities (IDIQs) will not be created, as
funding is not associated with those documents. BPA Calls and Delivery Orders will be created;
clauses will be removed.
d. PDS Inbound Files to DAI.
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Section 3: Process for P2P 11
(1) The government data exchange interface will only accept awards and modifications
that have passed the data exchange validation map.
(2) The DCMA CWS issuing office must produce the PDS version 2.5 Extensible
Markup Language files.
(3) The PDS resource only impacts contract awards and modifications.
(4) The approved DAI PR must be present in the PDS within the CIN field (and match
DAI requisition and line number) for the award to be created/approved.
(5) If DAI PR lines and contract line structure do not match (i.e., one line on the PR to
many CLINs on the contract award), the CIN number will need to be repeated by the
Procurement Center in CWS to associate the CLINs to the single PR line. A process overview of
DAI PDS process can be found on the Resource Page.
e. The PDS Interface Exceptions.
(1) PDS interface exceptions are monitored by DST utilizing the PDS Summary Report
(a core report that resides in DAI). Corrective actions to resolve these exceptions may require
Defense Travel System (DTS), FCO, or Procurement Center action. The FCO of the award must
ensure the contract award obligation records and executes properly within three business days.
(2) In the event of data corruption via interface transmission, contract awards can be
manually created using required data obtained from the Procurement Center. The FCO will
manually enter data into DAI in-lieu of the PDS interface for contracts and Direct-Cite MIPRs.
(a) Before manually creating a contract award, the FCO must verify the document
has not already been recorded.
(b) The PDS interface exceptions are manually recorded in DAI by the responsible
FCO for applicable contract modifications. Examples include the following categories:
Addition of a new contract line item
Incremental funding on an existing line item
De-obligation of funds
Administrative modification
Correction modifications – required for erroneously recorded awards/
a. Overview. DCMA utilizes MIPRs, RWAs, SWAs and Project Orders to acquire goods
and services from DoD and non-DoD Federal Government Agencies. The MIPR process is
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completed via proper approvals where the final approval is made by the FCO. The FCO’s
signature will establish a commitment on the GL.
b. MIPR Utilization. DCMA utilizes the automated DD Form 448, “Military
Interdepartmental Purchase Request,” to acquire goods or services from servicing entities. The
servicing entity in return provides an Acceptance of MIPR (DD Form 448-2) identifying the
acceptance as direct or reimbursable. A process overview of the Outgoing MIPR process can be
found on the Resource Page.
c. Administrative. Administrative and/or monetary changes can be accomplished through
modification of the initial MIPR.
d. MIPR Process.
(1) The initiator will manage/monitor the MIPR from commitment until it is closed and
finalized. The initiator will attach any supporting documentation to the MIPR. The MIPR must
(a) Acquisition Authority: A Determination and Findings (D&F) report is required,
stating that use of an interagency acquisition represents the best procurement approach. This
document should be signed by the requiring FCO and General Counsel before the MIPR is
(b) An Interagency Support Agreement signed by the servicing Agency and the
requesting Agency is required for MIPR-assisted acquisitions greater than $3,000. In accordance
with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4000.19, "Support Agreements," DD Form 1144 "Support
Agreement" is required to ensure reimbursement of funds unless the party providing the support
has completed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) verifying the acceptance of a voluntary
exchange reimbursement.
(c) If the acquisition is for building space or real property, a lease agreement must be
provided. The DD Form 1144, MOA/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), or lease
agreement must be attached with the MIPR.
(d) The MIPR (DD Form 448-2) must denote whether funding is direct cite authority
or reimbursement authority. The direct cite authority is the amount of funds from the annual
operating budget that is immediately available to the servicing Agencies for commitment and
obligation. Reimbursable MIPRs provide authority for another Agency to incur costs and
present invoices for reimbursement. Reimbursement authority is available upon acceptance of
(e) The initiator will need the Receiving Office DoDAAC before the MIPR can be
submitted. The Receiving Office is the Agency name that appears in the To: (block 7) of the
DD Form 448. If the DoDAAC cannot be found in DAI, a DAI Change Gear ticket must be
submitted requesting a DoDAAC to be added.
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(2) Upon submission of the MIPR, the document is routed to the Project Manager for
(3) The DCMA Procurement Center Point of Contact (POC) receives a notification
request via email for MIPR approval for action and executes:
(a) The Procurement Center POC ensures all required interagency acquisition
supporting documentation is attached and completed prior to its approval.
(b) If the Procurement Center POC determines that a D&F is required, they will
review and sign the D&F stating the interagency acquisition authority.
(c) If the MIPR is for contracted services, the Procurement Center POC will ensure
DCMA Acquisition Review Board approval has been obtained and attached to the MIPR.
(d) Upon approval of the Procurement Center, DAI routes the MIPR to the FCO for
review. The FCO will verify available funds, the correct MIPR project/task structure, the correct
accounting data, and the correct amount of the MIPR.
(4) Upon FCO approval, the initiator receives notification. The initiator then proceeds to
download and email the DD Form 448 to the accepting/servicing Agency.
(5) The initiator and FCO cannot be the same individual. In support of this approval
format, DAI workflow defines the MIPRs approval levels automatically.
(6) If the MIPR is a Reimbursable MIPR the accepting/servicing Agencies are requested
to accept and provide a signed copy of its Trading Partner/Treasury Account Symbol
(TAS)/Business Event Type Code (BETC) and LOA information on the DD Form 448-2 within
15 business days of receipt of a completed DD Form 448. If the process takes longer than 15
business days, the FCO will notify the initiator of the expected completion date.
(7) It is the responsibility of the initiator to cancel MIPRs that have not been accepted
exceeding 30 business days. Proper notification and documentation of conclusion or acceptance
will be given to the FCO.
(8) If the MIPR was accepted as a direct cite, a copy of the contract will also be
forwarded to the MIPR initiator.
(9) The initiator FCO will review the DD Form 448-2 for accuracy and perform MIPR
Acknowledgement in DAI, attaching the DD Form 448-2 and the contract if applicable. If the
MIPR is a Reimbursable MIPR, the initiator FCO should ensure the DD Form 448-2 lists the
receiving Agency's Trading Partner and LOA information, or request the information from the
receiving Agency before inputting into DAI.
(10) Upon recording a MIPR Obligation, the FCO will record the obligation by creating
an Award in DAI.
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a. Overview. DCMA utilizes a Miscellaneous Obligation Reimbursement Document
(MORD) to obligate funds for approved miscellaneous transactions. The FBLAO will establish
an obligation on the GL with final approval of the MORD.
b. Process. A Miscellaneous Obligation is a valid obligation of the government having one
or more attributes such as:
(1) Payment for arrangements other than a formal contracting arrangement. These
arrangements may include special acts through legislative and Executive Orders.
(2) Payments authorized under formal contracting arrangements that necessitate
subsequent funding arrangements.
(3) Payments and funding made by other federal Agencies under special authority that
necessitates special billing/reimbursement conditions.
(4) Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases.
c. MORD. Miscellaneous obligations not supported by a commitment are handled by
MORD in DAI. These transactions include but are not limited to PCS Travel, Foreign National
Agreements, TDY, and training.
(1) The FCO enters the MORD in DAI and attaches supporting documentation. Upon
submission of the award, it is routed to the identified award approver.
(2) The FBLAO or UIC FCO Approver reviews/approves the MORD. When FBLAO
approves the award in DAI, the funds check process is executed to confirm there is sufficient
funding for the award.
d. Miscellaneous Pay Process. Miscellaneous payments for items such as fitness
memberships, transportation fringe benefits, PPE, and tuition reimbursements are also handled
through DAI’s MORD process.
(1) The FCO is responsible for creation of the obligation document for the miscellaneous
payment. The FCO ensures funding is available to support the obligation and creates the award
for reimbursement. Upon submission of the award, the document is automatically routed to
FBLAO via DAI workflow.
(2) Miscellaneous Pay processes are recorded and processed in accordance with DoD
Financial Management Regulations.
(3) A workflow notification for approval of the award is received and is sent to each UIC
POC for reassignment to appropriate FCO (the approving FCO should be different from the FCO
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who created the MORD). The FCO approves and invoices the award, as indicated on the
Resource Page. Upon invoice submission, payment processing normally occurs within two
business days.
a. Overview. GPC is used for Micro Purchases (Supplies/equipment <= $10,000; Services
<= $2,500; Construction <= $2,000). The contract payment process within DAI is partially
supported by the automatic interface with “Access Online,” (AXOL) which is also referred to as
Electronic Access System (EAS). An overview of the GPC process can be found on the
Resource Page.
b. GPC Card for Micro Purchases.
(1) Overview. When GPCs are used for purchases, the obligations and invoices are
automatically interfaced into DAI. Unless an error occurs, no Manual intervention is required to
capture the accounting events in DAI for a card used for micro Purchases.
(2) Process.
(a) A requestor determines a requirement, obtains pricing, and sends the request to
the GPC Cardholder. The Cardholder determines whether the requirement can be fulfilled with
the GPC and completes a GPC Pre-approval form. The Cardholder sends the GPC pre-approval
form to the Billing Official (BO) for approval.
(b) If approved by the BO, the cardholder orders the supplies using a purchase card
issued by the Credit Card Vendor (CCV) and creates an order record in AXOL.
(c) The supplier receives an ‘order’ from the GPC cardholder and the authority to
charge the GPC for the order.
(d) Supplier’s bank sends the invoice to the CCV.
(e) The CCV pays the supplier's bank and posts transactions in AXOL.
(f) As the transactions are posted in Access Online AXOL with a status of pending,
transactions are matched to the “Order Record.” The transaction status is changed to Approved,
and LOA is assigned. When the cycle closes, the cardholder approves the statement.
(g) The statement is routed to the BO for final approval and certification. When all
statements are certified, the individual LOA are consolidated and the bank generates a file
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 821, which is sent to DAI through the data exchange.
(h) FBB monitors Access Online interface exceptions for review and resolution. The
Program Management Office completes a recurring review of Access Online interface errors that
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are communicated to DST. DST advises FBB of the errors that require resolution. FBB reviews
the transaction for accuracy and updates data fields as required for successful processing.
(i) The file EDI 821 is imported into DAI as an approved PO/obligation (MORD).
(j) A separate PO is created for each LOA.
(k) Two days after receiving the EDI 821 file, DAI receives the invoice / EDI 810
(l) In accordance with the Prompt Payment Act, Section 3903 of Title 10, United
States Code (U.S.C.), and Prompt Payment Regulations at Part 1315 of Title 5, Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR), DFAS entitles and disburses the funds to the CCV.
(m) CCV has the ability to send rebates or credits. However, DFAS and/or DAI
cannot process either as a stand-alone credit. It must be netted against a charge or the same
c. GPC as a Contract Payment Method. The GPC may be used for contracts with
indefinite quantities or applicable contracts that are obligated to the total amount. When the
GPC is the method of payment on indefinite quantities, calls are made against charges accrued
on contract. Contracts of indefinite quantities may include products such as packing or shipping
and the charges are not incurred until utilization of the service. When the GPC is the method of
payment against an obligation, the charges are obligated for the full amount and partially de-
obligated based on actual use.
(1) Process Overview. The initiator creates a PR within DAI and identifies the Issuing
Office as S5121A TAC1 and a valid Product Service Code for it to automatically go to the
Procurement Center upon final approval via the Purchase PDS Interface. Upon final approval of
by the FCO, the PR is automatically routed to the “DCMA’s contract writing system of record”
which is accessed by the Procurement Center. Once the contract has been awarded, the contract
obligation is recorded within DAI utilizing the PDS interface. The cardholder is responsible for
performing the statement reconciliation at the end of the monthly billing cycle.
(2) Process.
(a) PR Entry and Approval.
1. For any request to be formally awarded by the Procurement Office, the PR
initiator will utilize the work instructions for entry and approval of the PR funding type action.
2. The FCO provides final approval of the PR document. Upon approval, the PR
is routed to the Procurement Center via “DCMA’s contract writing system of record.”
(b) PO Creation and Approval recognizes that upon award creation, the FCO will
verify that these data elements are identified on the contract award:
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Section 3: Process for P2P 17
1. PO’s Supplier has a GPC payment site.
2. PO’s contract Bill-to Site is DoDAAC credit card DCMA.
3. Obligation Type is Contract (Other).
4. Contract terms will specify GPC-appropriate information for invoicing and
a. Overview. DTS processes travel authorizations and Travel Vouchers or Sub-vouchers
(DD Form 1351-2) for DoD travelers. The DTS interface records the accounting transactions
into DAI for financial processing. DTS, DAI, and the disbursing system will pass transactions to
one another through the data exchange system in a predetermined format. A figure outlining
DAI DTS PO creation process can be found of the Resource Page. Transactions processed by
the DTS interface include:
Initial Obligations
Adjusting Obligations
Supplemental Obligations
Accounts Receivables (AR)/Debt Management
Centrally Billed Accounts
b. DTS Interface Assumptions.
(1) DAI is not responsible for any travel-related tax reporting and withholding.
(2) Files are either completely accepted or rejected by DAI. There is no partial
acceptance (e.g., Individually Billed Account (IBA) portion cannot be accepted if the Centrally
Billed Account (CBA) portion is rejected and or vice versa).
(3) All necessary configuration setups including creation of a Buyer, Buyer approval
hierarchy, and Employee and Bank supplier will be completed in DAI.
(4) DTS interface will not create any commitment accounting in DAI.
(5) DTS captures the data of the debt collection process.
(6) DTS will only send invoices to DAI when it has received a positive
acknowledgement that an obligation has successfully been created or updated in DAI.
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(7) DTS adjustments will not interface into DAI without an initial obligation in DAI;
likewise, cancellations will not interface without an initial obligation.
(8) Each DTS file will include a single record. Records defined as Travel Authorization
Number (TANUM) transactions may include both CBA and individual traveler transactions, and
may have multiple line items with multiple LOAs.
(9) DAI Purchase Orders Awards will use a line type of “DTS Travel.”
(10) Defense Cash Accountability System (DCAS) will process all DD Form 1351-2,
advance payments, and AR debt.
(11) In the event of the total expenditure exceeding the total obligation, the processing of
payment would be rejected or the funds holder must modify the award to increase the obligation.
c. Process.
(1) The DTS process begins with the traveler creating a request for travel. When this
request is authorized in DTS by the Authorizing Official, it triggers the transaction to interface
into DAI. DAI systematically performs a data query to ensure there is an obligated amount
entered in DAI.
(2) Based on the funding authorization in DAI, it will either return a positive
acknowledgement (POSACK) or a negative acknowledgement (NEGACK) to the traveler.
(a) The receipt of a POSACK denotes the DTS travel authorization has successfully
interfaced with DAI.
(b) The receipt of a NEGACK denotes an error in the DTS authorization. The
traveler must update the authorization with valid data within DTS. Upon completion of error
correction, the authorization will be retransmitted to DAI for data review and determination of
POSACK status.
(3) DTS uses either IBA or CBA transactions to obligate funds.
(a) IBA. Travel charges that are incurred by government and military personnel and
are reimbursed to the employee or paid to a government-sponsored individually issued credit
card on behalf of the employee.
(b) CBA. Travel charges that are charged to and paid directly to a government
sponsored, centrally billed credit card.
(4) DTS obligations fall into four categories: Initial, Cancelled, Adjusting, or
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(a) Initial. An Initial obligation is received from DTS after approval is granted by
the AO. Funds are checked and obligated in DAI. If funds are not available, a rejection notice is
sent back to DTS and the traveler.
(b) Cancelled. A Cancelled obligation is received from DTS after AO approves the
cancellation of an entire trip. Funds are de-obligated on DAI side and a notice to this effect is
sent to DTS.
(c) Adjusting. An Adjusting obligation is received from DTS after an AO approves
an amended authorization or a travel settlement claim. Adjustments occur when an amount or
LOA related to an existing obligation is modified. Funds are checked and obligated /de-
obligated according to the type of adjustment made on the DAI side.
(d) Supplemental. A Supplemental obligation is received from DTS after an AOs
approval of a supplemental travel claim. Funds are checked and obligated/de-obligated
according to the type of adjustment made in DAI and the traveler. A supplemental obligation
will only come to DAI after the initial obligation is fully paid.
(5) Voucher Processing. After travel is completed, a voucher is submitted in DTS by the
(6) The Voucher is routed to the Supervisor for approval. The Supervisor verifies all
items over minimum dollar threshold have a receipt and are authorized for payment. Mandatory
receipts for travel and lodging must be attached.
(7) IBA Invoice Creation and PO Matching includes:
(a) Once the DD Form 1351-2 is approved, DTS will generate an invoice file and
forward it to the data exchange. The data exchange forwards it to DFAS who performs functions
to support consolidated disbursements. IBA transactions are passed to the disbursing system for
payment. Once the disbursement is made, the disbursing system will generate an Advice of
Payment transaction to DCAS. DCAS then passes the transaction to DAI.
(b) IBA invoices will be created through DAI interface and matched to a PO. The
TANUM is used to identify the matching PO by looking for a PO number for that travel order.
In the case of line matching, the line number will be matched based on the Line Item Identifier
(8) The CBA Invoice Creation and PO Matching process involves DTS support of travel
expenses charged to a CBA. DCMA has multiple CBAs. Payment processing for CBAs
requires Manual input to align each transaction to each correct CBA account. The payment
process is:
(a) The CBA cardholder retains Manual record of transactions made during the
month and aligns each transaction to a DAI obligating document (Award).
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(b) In DAI, CBA cardholders manually create monthly invoices in DAI for each
CCV statement.
(c) The CCV statement is reconciled and matched to DAI obligating document
(Award) and submitted within DAI to DFAS for payment and processing.
(9) The CCV electronically sends an invoice to DTS. DTS performs a review of the
invoice to ensure that it is a proper invoice and meets the Prompt Payment Act requirements.
(a) If the invoice does not pass either of these reviews, it is rejected and sent back to
the CCV within seven business days, with the reason for rejection annotated.
(b) If the invoice passes these reviews, DTS performs an initial automatic
reconciliation of the CCV invoice, annotating system classifications on the CBA invoice
transactions based on the status of travel records in DTS. The invoice is sent to the
Transportation Officer for review, acknowledgement, and certification. The certified CBA
invoice is then sent electronically to the data exchange for translation and transmission to DAI.
(c) In DAI, the CBA invoice will be created using the CCV. The invoice will be
created with multiple distribution lines, each representing a separate travel authorization. The
TANUM on the CBA invoice line will be used to identify the matching PO by looking for a PO
number for that travel authorization. In the case of line matching, the line number will be
matched based on the LII contained in the CLIN/SLIN Descriptive Flexfield
(PO_LINE_LOCATIONS Attribute 13) at the PO line level which will represent the travel order
line number.
d. Employee Debt AR Invoice and Adjustments.
(1) Unspent dollar amounts associated with travel advance vouchers (prepaid AP
invoice) are processed in the Receivables module as travel related transactions. DAI will accept
and process various AR transaction types that are transmitted by DTS through a custom interface
process. All transactions will go through a pre-validation process and be identified as an error
transaction or proceed for further processing in DAI receivables module.
(2) The DTS Employee Debt (ED) AR Invoice and Adjustments automated interface
resource will create an AR invoice, or apply credit/adjustments to an existing invoice and create
the associated GL journals based on the transaction type received from DTS through the data
exchange. Transactions are expected to be received in order to record employee reimbursement
amounts paid back to an Agency such as:
(a) Initial. An Initial DTS receivables transaction is sent to DAI upon trip approval
by the DTS AO. If the transaction passes validation, a new transaction will be manually created
in Receivables using the information provided on the DTS transmittal.
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(b) Adjustment. An Adjustment is sent from DTS when an AO approves
supplemental transaction information regarding an existing transaction. If everything passes
validation, DAI will apply the new amount to the transaction.
(c) Waiver. A Waiver is the relief of an employee’s debt that may, if collected, cause
hardship. A small waiver for a transaction is determined and issued by the DFAS Indianapolis
Director, routed through the FBLA Supervisory Staff Accountant, and entered into DAI as
assigned. Once it passes validation, the waiver will be applied to the transaction, adjusting the
amount down. If the resulting amount is negative, a cash payment will be dispensed to the
(d) Cancellation. A Cancellation for a transaction is sent to DAI when the AO
approves a trip that is eventually cancelled. Once it passes validations, DAI will cancel the
transaction. This will be done by creating a credit memo with the current amount of the invoice
and applying it to the invoice.
(e) Write-Off. A Write Off is the removal of a public delinquent debt from financial
records and statements that has not been collected within two years of delinquency. A Write-Off
for a transaction is received after an AO has approved the transaction for write-off and the AO’s
request has been approved by the FBLA Supervisory Staff Accountant. If the write-off request
passes validation, DAI will process the write-off. The write-off amount should be charged to the
selected account.
(f) Authorization for Multiple LOA. An Authorization for Multiple LOAs occurs
when DTS sends a transaction that involves more than one LOA.
e. ED AR Invoice and Adjustments Process.
(1) DTS will process unspent travel dollar amounts. DTS will send the initial and
adjustment receivable transactions to DAI via the data exchange.
(2) The data exchange will translate and send the DTS file to DAI.
(3) Upon receipt of the file from the data exchange, Business Process Execution
Language (BPEL) will automatically load the DTS ED receivable transaction information into
DAI custom staging table.
(4) BPEL will verify record count and any errors will be reported back to DTS via the
data exchange.
(5) A successful BPEL load will initiate submission of the DTS ED AR Invoice and
Adjustments Interface process.
(6) The process will retrieve all of the incoming transactions from DTS and pre-validate
the data and further process the transactions in the DAI receivables module based on validations.
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Section 3: Process for P2P 22
(7) Transactions that are successfully pre-validated will proceed for further processing to
create a new invoice or apply a credit or adjustment to the existing invoice in DAI receivable
(8) Transactions that fail pre-validation or could not be processed will generate a
(9) All errors and transaction processing outcomes in DAI will be recorded in the
concurrent log and output file as part of the interface run. POSACK and NEGACK status of
transactions are on the P2P XXDAI DTS Interface Status Rep report. Users can review the
concurrent log and output file of XXDAI DTS Interface Status Rep to review successfully
processed and/or error transactions.
(10) Based on the outcome of interface processing, a success or failure notice will be
generated such as:
(a) If a transaction is created successfully in Receivables, a success notice will be
generated to initiate POSACK and the data exchange will translate DAI file and generate an
824P for DTS to update the trip record and debt management module.
(b) If a transaction could not be processed successfully in Receivables, a failure
notice will be generated to initiate negative acknowledgement and the data exchange will
translate DAI file and generate an 824R for DTS to update the trip record and debt management
a. Overview. DCMA manages AP transactions and processes invoices with the DAI P2P
module, including reporting, reconciliation, and manual invoicing. Invoices are submitted using
a variety of systems, to include, Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIIE) and
Wide Area Workflow (WAWF), and AXOL.
b. Invoices.
(1) DAI invoice documents are received through the WAWF application which
automatically flows to DFAS.
(2) The P2P process supports validating the receiving document. This process involves
the assurance that goods/services have been received and proper inspection has been performed
when required. Approved and matched invoices are consolidated into a single Ready for
Payment file that is sent to DFAS the Automated Disbursing System (ADS) for processing.
(3) Invoice Matching.
(a) Invoice processing involves ensuring the goods/services have been received so
the invoice can be processed for payment.
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Section 3: Process for P2P 23
(b) DAI performs either a two-way, three-way, or four-way match depending on the
type of procurement and the contractual requirements.
1. Two-way match means the invoice and PO information match and is used for
FAST PAY and Miscellaneous payments.
2. Three-way match means the Invoice, Purchase Order, and Receiving Report all
match and is used with the purchase of goods and services.
3. Four-way match means the Invoice, Purchase Order, Receiving Report from
DAI, and Inspection/Acceptance Report from Mechanization of Contract Administration
Services (MOCAS) all match. This method is usually used with contracts involving equipment
or complex contracts.
(4) Foreign Currency Invoices.
(a) Once a foreign currency invoice is authorized in WAWF, the file containing the
invoice details and contract number interfaces into DAI. The invoice is processed into DAI
invoice staging table where initial data validations take place. Invoices that fail validation
remain on the staging table until corrections are made or manually entered into DAI.
(b) The WAWF Interface Status report will display the foreign currency invoices
interfacing from WAWF into DAI for a particular date, contract, and/or supplier.
(c) Prior to entering the invoice into DAI, the Award Budget Rate must be identified.
DAI identifies the Budget Rate as the Corporate Rate. This rate is assigned based on the Fiscal
Year (FY) the award was created.
(5) WAWF Acceptance/Approval.
(a) DAI is the financial record system that captures receipt and invoice transactions
received from WAWF. DAI WAWF interface is used when DAI is the entitlement system.
Vendors access WAWF and input invoices into the WAWF module; Agency users perform
receipt and acceptance functions in WAWF. Once the invoice/receipt transaction is approved or
accepted in WAWF, WAWF submits the information to the data exchange that further extracts
invoice information for interface into DAI. This is designated by the pay office DoDAAC on the
contract. The interface between DAI and WAWF systems forms an integrated receipt to
invoicing process. The WAWF Interface Data Flow is outlined on the Resource Page of this
(b) WAWF uses a data exchange for translations and transactions between DAI and
WAWF. The data exchange also combines gateway and network entry point functions at a
single location and for an enhanced transaction audit trail and end-to-end reliability and
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Section 3: Process for P2P 24
c. Inbound WAWF Interface - Receipts.
(1) DAI receives accepted receipt transactions from WAWF as XML file. This file is
created in WAWF and sent to the data exchange which translates the file and sends it to DAI
staging table. An interface program runs validation on the records in the staging table and the
validated records are sent to the Oracle standard open interface tables. When a standard import
program performs additional Oracle logic on the transactions and successful transactions are
loaded into the Oracle receiving tables. The Accepted Receipts Interface Process is located on
the Resource Page.
(2) DAI receives shipment and acceptance information (receipts) from WAWF in the
Standard Accept Approve Data format. DAI uses the information in the XML file to compare
the receipt information in the file to the associated award and contract information that is already
stored in DAI.
(3) If the records inserted into staging tables fail the validation logic, an error report
listing the error condition is generated and sent to the WAWF AO for troubleshooting. These
situations include:
(a) Contract Number is not found in DAI.
(b) Contract CLIN/SLIN is not found in DAI.
(c) The WAWF Accepted Receipt (861) Unit of Measure does not equal DAI
Purchase Order Line Unit of Measure.
(d) The WAWF Accepted Receipt (861) Unit Price does not equal DAI Purchase
Order Line Unit Price.
(e) The purchase order shipment line is closed.
(f) The purchase order shipment line is canceled.
(g) The WAWF 861 quantity shipped plus the quantity already received on the
purchase order shipment line is greater than the quantity ordered on the purchase order shipment
(h) A duplicate WAWF 861 number is submitted by a vendor.
(i) The receipt requires Manual processing.
d. Inbound WAWF Interface - Invoices.
(1) When an invoice is authorized in WAWF, the file with the invoice details and
contract number is interfaced to DAI via the data exchange. DAI scheduled BPEL processes the
interfaced invoices file from WAWF 810 into the invoice staging table. Initial data validations
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Section 3: Process for P2P 25
take place and the validated invoices are interfaced to Oracle standard AP open interface tables.
The standard payables import program performs an additional Oracle logic on the transactions
and successful transactions are loaded into the AP invoice tables. The Accepted Invoice
Interface Process is located on the Resource Page.
(2) Invoice interface logic validates the award number, line, and distributions details to
see if they are valid and derive all the required values based on the business rules defined for the
interface. The CLIN/SLIN related to the award line and award distribution is stored in the
inbound file. The necessary LOA information is based on the Code Combination Identification
(ID) from the award. If the award cannot be matched to the invoice record errors are displayed
in the error report with the appropriate messages. In addition, if the records inserted into staging
tables fail the validation logic, an error report listing the error condition is generated and sent to
the WAWF AO for correction to the WAWF record. Situations which will fail the validation
logic and generate an error report include:
(a) Contract Number is not found in DAI.
(b) CLIN or SLIN is not found in DAI.
(c) Multiple Instances of Contract, CLIN or SLIN are found in DAI.
(d) The WAWF Invoice Unit of Measure does not equal DAI PO line Unit of
(e) The WAWF Invoice Unit Price does not equal DAI Purchase Order Line Unit
(f) The PO shipment line is finally closed.
(g) The PO shipment line is cancelled.
(h) The PO is not approved in DAI.
(3) The invoice (WAWF 810) information is interfaced into DAI via Oracle Payables
open interface. Once the invoice record is imported in DAI, it will be validated and approved for
payment. The DCMA WAWF Administrator is responsible for communicating WAWF related
validity errors. The Contract Officer Representative is responsible for coordination and
correction WAWF related validity errors to include:
(a) A returned invoice is resubmitted by a vendor.
(b) A duplicate invoice number is submitted by a vendor.
(c) A voided invoice is submitted by a vendor.
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Section 3: Process for P2P 26
a. Overview. To support DAI handling of Foreign Currency transactions, daily foreign
currency exchange rates will be loaded programmatically into DAI GL using the GL Daily Rates
Application Programming Interface. The source of the foreign exchange rates used by DAI will
be the International Treasury Service (ITS) who currently publish two-day, three-day, four-day,
and five-day projected spot exchange rates. ITS is also responsible for processing all DAI
foreign disbursement transactions, both U.S. Dollars and foreign currency, via DAI’s ADS
b. Process. DCMA is not a part of the centrally managed account; a separate POET from
the base obligation must be created for foreign currency gains and losses every FY. The
concurrent programs and request sets to complete the process will be scheduled to run daily in
DAI. The process of entering and maintaining exchange rates within DAI are established using
automated steps to include:
(1) ITS will generate a daily exchange rate data file daily and route this file to the
Defense Enterprise Computing Center Mechanicsburg facility for distribution to DoD systems.
(2) The data exchange will receive the ITS daily exchange rate data file, translate the
data within into the data mappings, and route the resulting data to DAI for processing.
(3) DAI will receive the daily exchange rate file from the data exchange, parse the daily
exchange rates data, and interface the data into DAI GL Daily Rates Interface table.
(4) DAI will automatically interface staged daily exchange rate data into DAI GL by
initiating the Program - Daily Rates Import and Calculation concurrent program for review to
ensure no errors occur.
(5) DFAS will review the log and output files from the Program - Daily Rates Import
and Calculation concurrent program to ensure successful completion.
(6) DFAS will manage the error handling process by:
(a) Contacting the Defense Logistics Agency DAI Help Desk to open an Incident or
Service Request.
(b) Coordinating with ITS to get the correct rate information.
(c) Providing the correct rate information for the file, having the file corrected and
reloaded by the technical support group.
(7) Successfully loaded foreign currency daily exchange rates will automatically be used
by the foreign currency transaction processes.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Section 4: DAI Role Descriptions 27
4.1. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Access to initiate, approve, or view any P2P related
transaction or transaction details in DAI is restricted to only those individuals whose
responsibilities are to initiate, approve, or view such information. This section lists DAI roles
and responsibilities that support the P2P process area. The DCMA P2P roles and responsibilities
are outlined in Table 1. Within this process area, DCMA and DFAS are responsible for
functions including:
a. Procurement of goods and services through the award of a contract or PO.
b. Procurement of departmental and small dollar purchases obtained using the GPC.
c. Intergovernmental procurements of goods and services from other Agencies.
d. Financial accounting events associated with travel including TDY and PCS.
e. DFAS is responsible for AP maintenance activities.
Table 1. DCMA DAI P2P Roles and Role Responsibilities
DAI Role /
Role Responsibility Description
Ability to:
Enter Requisitions
Inquire on all Requisitions
P2P Inquiry DCMA
Ability to:
Run Purchasing and Payables Reports
Inquire on:
SAM Vendors
Purchase Orders
Receiving Transactions
Document Cross Reference
Exceeded Price Tolerances
Pending Purchase Order Changes
Purchase Order Change History
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Section 4: DAI Role Descriptions 28
Table 1. DCMA DAI P2P Roles and Responsibilities, Continued
DAI Role /
Role Responsibility Description
P2P Procurement
Ability to:
AutoCreate a Purchase Order
Enter a direct Purchase Order
Run Purchasing and Payables Reports
Manage Deliverables
Inquire on:
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Vendors
Purchase Orders
Exceeded Price Tolerances
Pending Purchase Order Changes
Purchase Order Change History
P2P Purchasing
Ability to:
Auto Create a Purchase Order
Enter a direct Purchase Order
Run Purchasing and Payables Reports
Manage Deliverables
Research commitments, obligations, and accruals
sourced in the Purchasing Module in DAI
Inquire on:
CCR Vendors
Purchase Orders
Exceeded Price Tolerances
Pending Purchase Order Changes
Purchase Order Change History
Purchase Orders
The PDS Summary
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Section 4: DAI Role Descriptions 29
Table 1. DCMA DAI P2P Roles and Responsibilities, Continued
DAI Role / Responsibility DCMA / DFAS Role
Role Responsibility
P2P AP Technician
Ability to:
Enter invoices
Assign Reason Codes for
Interest, Credit and
Rejected Invoices
Run Purchasing and
Payables Reports
Inquire on:
CCR Vendors
Purchase Orders
P2P Unmatched Transaction
By Others (TBO) Technician
Ability to:
Research commitments,
obligations and accruals
that are sourced from DAI
Purchasing Module
Record Manual Invoices
with a ‘Clearing’ Payment
Enter in Manual Invoices
with a Pay Group of 1080
or TBO
Void Transactions Posted
(Payments) and Cancel
corresponding invoice
P2P DTS AXOL Procurement
Ability to:
Modify DTS and Access
Online interface obligations
P2P 1099 Inquiry
Inquire on:
Purchase Orders
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Section 4: DAI Role Descriptions 30
Table 1. DCMA DAI P2P Roles and Responsibilities, Continued
DAI Role /
Role Responsibility Description
P2P AP Manager
Ability to:
Enter and validate invoices
o Assign Reason Codes for Interest, Credit and
Rejected Invoices
o Load values via Web Applications Desktop Integrator
o Run Purchasing and Payables Reports
Inquire on:
CCR Vendors
Purchase Orders
Document Cross Reference
P2P Payment
and Treasury
Ability to:
Create Payment Batches
Perform Treasury Confirmation
Run Purchasing and Payables Reports
Inquire on:
CCR Vendors
P2P Unmatched
TBO Manager
Ability to:
Research commitments, obligations and accruals that
are sourced from DAI Purchasing Module
Record Manual Invoices with a ‘Clearing’ Payment
Enter in Manual Invoices with a Pay Group of 1080 or
Void Transactions Posted (Payments) and Cancel
corresponding invoice
Run the P2P DCAS APTBO Automatic Invoice
Correction Process.
Run the B2R DCAS Posting Results Outbound.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4A: Systems 31
4A.1. In addition to DAI for P2P, Table 2 – DCMA DAI P2P Interfaces lists the applications
that interface data to and from DAI to support the P2P process.
Table 2. DCMA DAI P2P Interfaces
System Name System Full Name
Access Online (AXOL) Access Online (AXOL)
Automated Disbursing
BEIS-FR Budgetary
Business Enterprise
Information Services
Family of Systems
Financial Reporting
Defense Cash
Accountability System
Defense Civilian
Personnel Data System
Defense Civilian Payroll
Defense Property
Accountability System
DTS Defense Travel System
EDA Electronic Data Access
Elimination of
Integrated Automated
Travel System
Payment and Collection
Program Budget
Accounting System
Purchase Requisition
data Standard
Procurement Data
WAWF Wide Area Work Flow
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4B: Reporting 32
4B.1. P2P STANDARD REPORTS. Listed in Table 3 are P2P specific reports that have been
identified to support DAI P2P resource.
Table 3. DCMA DAI P2P Standard Reports
Report Description
Requisition Summary
Requisition Summary is used to execute online queries. The
Requisition Summary form provides detailed information
about a given commitment. This online form presents real-
time data and enables user-defined data presentation using
DAI folder capability.
Purchase Requisition Status
This report provides: requisition status for specified
requisition numbers, creation dates, preparer and “deliver-to
Requisition Activity Register
This report provides the requisition activity for a specified
period of time, preparer and or type.
This report displays the standard DAI Purchase Request
form for submission to contracting.
This report displays the standard MIPR form for submission
to a servicing DoD Agency.
This report displays the standard Interagency Agreement
(IAA) form for submission to a servicing non-DoD Agency.
XXDAI APS Workload
Management Report
This report provides a list of all DAI purchase requisitions
(PRs, MIPRs and IAAs) that will be or are approved for
procurement and have not yet been created into a solicitation
or award.
Purchase Order Summary
Purchase Order Summary is used to execute online queries.
The Purchase Order Summary form provides detailed
information about a given obligation. This online form
presents real-time data.
Purchase Order Detail
This report provides detail information on purchase order
XXDAI Obligation Status by
Project and Task
This report shows obligation details (ordered, cancelled,
delivered, billed, and remaining amounts) by project and
XXDAI Access Online LOA
Extract Report
This report is used to provide the bank with the appropriate
project and task IDs
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4B: Reporting 33
Table 3. DCMA DAI P2P Standard Reports, Continued
Report Description
GPC Program Management
This report is used to validate the setup of the card for use as
a payment method in DAI.
GPC Statement
Reconciliation Details
This report is used to reconcile invoices related to the GPC
card program.
GPC Payment Reconciliation
Details Extract
This report is used to reconcile payments related to the GPC
card program.
XXDAI DTS Interface
Status Report
This report is used by the Agency to identify and correct
errors in the DTS interface.
WAWF Interface Status
This report provides the user with the WAWF invoices or
receipts that require action to resolve. The report also
provides which ones have passed validations in the interface
Unmatched Receipts Report
The Unmatched Receipts Report identifies all receipts
without matched invoices. This report enables the Agency
and DFAS to view what has been received and not shown
XXDAI Payment Pre-
Validation Report
This report identifies pre-validation errors and assists in the
correction with Mechanization of Contract Administration
Services and DFAS.
Invoices on Hold Report
This report provides details on the invoices that are on hold.
DCMA uses this report to be aware of the invoices that are
on hold. Collaboration between DCMA and DFAS is
required to resolve the issues causing the hold status on the
invoice. The primary reason the transaction is on hold is due
to funding issues.
Invoice Aging Report
This report is useful for the purpose of viewing unpaid
invoices, matched unpaid invoices, and incorrectly posted
This report provides information about invoice payments due
within four aging time periods that are specific in the Aging
Periods parameters.
Invoice Approval Report
This report provides the status of any invoices pending
certification or those that have been rejected by the certifier.
XXDAI Document Level
Execution Report
Transaction level execution for budgets, commitments,
obligations and expenditures
PRDS Status for a
PRDS Status Matrix
PRDS Error Matrix
Provides status of PR’s outbound to Procurement
PDS Summary
Provides detailed status of the PDS awards inbound to DAI
from Procurement into DAI.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4B: Reporting 34
4B.2. P2P DASHBOARD REPORTS. Table 4 represents a sample of the reports that are
available in DAI. In addition to these reports delivered by the system, DCMA can utilize
business intelligence reporting to run and save queries against data in the financial system to
respond to ad hoc requests or other data calls.
Table 4. DCMA DAI P2P Dashboard Reports
Report Description
Funds Status
This report shows funds status details for a single
project or range of projects.
Open Commitments
This report shows all open commitments. Open
commitments are either fully open or partially open
based on obligation activity.
Obligation Status
This report shows all obligations for the
regardless of status.
Labor Cost
This report shows labor summary data for a given
project and organization. The project and
organization data can be partially input to generate a
broader result set.
DTS Travel
This report shows execution activity exclusively for
DTS and Access Online
This report exposes the Project ID and Task ID used
to build LOAs in DTS and Access Online.
The report also shows a tab of valid object classes in
DAI and the Access Online format for object class
DCMA Suppliers
This report shows all valid government and
commercial suppliers in DAI for DCMA. No
employee suppliers are exposed in this report.
GPC Transactions
These reports highlight GPC statements and its
overall status for obligation and payment.
FB Health Check
This page shows the following health metrics:
Default CLINSPO lines still not assigned to
a valid CLIN.
Default Suppliers – PO headers that do not
have a valid supplier.
Gross Pay Defaults – Number of lines and
dollar amounts still hitting overhead lines.
FBL Unmatched Disbursement
(UMD) Performance
This report shows the overall UMD volume and
clearing performance by DFAS.
This report shows all unmatched disbursements. This
invoice number and description shows data on where
the UMD was trying to match.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4B: Reporting 35
Table 4. DCMA DAI P2P Dashboard Reports, Continued
Report Description
FBL Access Online Payments
This report shows all Access Online
in DAI that have not been paid.
statements that are
FB Access Online Errors
This report shows any
in error.
Access Online statements that are
FBB – Defense Acquisition
Workforce Development Fund
This report shows the status of funds specifically for
DAWDF by each DAWDF funding line.
FBB – Funds Distribution
This report shows by FY and UIC the overall amounts of
allotments and suballotments.
FBB Summary Status of Funds
This report shows the UIC level summary for the Agency
status of funds. This report can be exported to Excel to
perform appropriate pivots. This report is designed for
current year funds.
FBB Prior Year Allotments
This report shows the available amounts that can be
suballotted in prior FYs.
FBL Trial Balance
This report shows a full trial balance with
FY, GL period and fund.
prompts by
FLC Fringe Exceptions
This report highlights limit mismatches that require
correction. These corrections allow for immediate Funds
Balance with Treasury issue relief.
FBB Outgoing MIPRs
This report shows outgoing MIPRs to other service
providers. The description field describes what is
FB PO Approval Status
This report shows all POs that are pending approval and
the number of days the document has been outstanding.
FB Interest by FY
This report shows total interest by FY.
FB Organization Report
This report shows the organization structure
Contract Management Office.
by UIC and
This report displays all invoices that are related to a
contract or MIPR. The report displays contract, supplier,
line details with all invoice and payment details.
DCMA_Access Online_STATUS
This report shows the status of all
obligations with payment status.
Access Online related
This report shows all modifications that were converted
to DAI. This report shows potential deobligations since
modifications frequently hold funds for bulk obligations.
This report shows MIPRs that are in the commitment
phase. These MIPRs have been created but not
necessarily obligated.
This report shows all reimbursable obligations with
DCMA trading partners with information on supplier and
open obligation balance.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4B: Reporting 36
Table 4. DCMA DAI P2P Dashboard Reports, Continued
Report Description
This report is used to show total obligation activity
for DCMA for a given accounting period. This
report is exclusively used by FBB.
This report is used to show detail beginning balances,
activity, and ending balances for a specific fund and
United States Standard General Ledger combination
for a given accounting period.
This report is used to extract non-labor for a given
accounting period. This report can only be run after
an accounting period has been closed.
This report is used to extract
system for all labor activity f
labor records from the
or a given accounting
This report is used to show the average rate of labor
for a given project and task. It is used to calculate
hours for accrued labor costs.
This report shows all labor cost records posted
against the DCMA Overhead Project. This labor cost
records are waiting assignment to the correct project
and task.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4C: Work Instructions 37
4C.1. P2P WORK INSTRUCTION. This is a list of P2P work instructions that have been
identified to support DAI P2P resource.
R12_WI_P2P Create an IAA
R12_WI_P2P Process a MIPR Acceptance
R12_WI_P2P Create a MIPR
R12_WI_P2P Create an (IAA - Services Billed By Amount).docx
R12_WI_P2P Manually Generate a MIPR Report
R12_WI_P2P Manually Generate and Attach a Draft Report in iProcurement
R12_WI_P2P Manually Generate a Global PR Document
R12_WI_P2P Creating a PR SAF
R12_WI_P2P Worklist Access and Vacation Rules
R12_WI_P2P Manage Workflow Notifications
R12_WI_P2P Query a PR
R12_WI_P2P Process a Requisition Amendment for Quantity Based Line
R12_WI_P2P Process a Requisition Amendment for Amount-Based Lines
R12_WI_P2P Cancel a Requisition (De-Commit Funding)
R12_WI P2P Buyer Workload Assignment
R12_Wi_P2P Research Funds Check Errors
R12_WI_P2P Enter an Invoice for Miscellaneous Pay
R12_WI_P2P_Create a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) Award from a MIPR
R12_WI_P2P_Create a CLM Award from a PR
R12_WI_P2P_Create a CLM Award from an IAA
R12_WI_P2P_Create a CLM Award Using Foreign Currency
R12_WI_P2P Manually Record a Miscellaneous Obligation
R12_WI_P2P Correct an Invoice
R12_WI_P2P Manually Record a PCS Award
R12_WI_P2P Manually Record a DTS Award
R12_WI_P2P_Modify an Award to De-obligate Funding
R12_WI_P2P_Create an Award Modification to add New Funding
R12_WI_P2P_Modify an Award to Un-Link a Requisition Line
R12_WI_P2P Research Available Funds
R12_WI_P2P Maintain WAWF Status Report
R12_WI_P2P Run DAI AP Invoice Variance Report
R12_WI_P2P View and Redirect Workflow Approval - Not Part of R12 CLM Solution
R12_WI_P2P Maintain Agent Attributes
R12_WI_P2P Change the Preparer on a PR
R12_WI_P2P_Manage Buyer Information
R12_WI_P2P Copy an Award
R12_WI_P2P Process a Receipt
R12_WI_P2P Process a Return
R12_WI_P2P_Document Cross Reference
R12_WI_P2P_Initiate Post Award Request (PAR) for Increment Funding and Admin Mod
R12_WI_P2P Set Purchasing Preferences
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Appendix 4C: Work Instructions 38
R12_WI_P2P Set Requisition Preferences
R12_WI_P2P Create a PR for Foreign Currency
R12_WI_P2P Process a Contract Novation - will be part of Supplier Maintenance Manual when
EST completes solution
R12_WI_P2P Manage Sub_lines
R12_WI_P2P Create a PR with Partial Funding
R12_WI_P2P_Create an Award Modification to Increment Funding on an Existing Line
R12_WI_P2P_Create an Award Modification to Decrease Funding
R12_WI_P2P View Upgraded (CLMized) Requisitions
R12_WI_P2P View Upgraded (CLMized) Awards
R12_WI_P2P_Create an Administrative Modification
R12_WI_P2P_Create a New Modification using the Document Builder
R12_WI_P2P_Create a New Award (Utilizing the Linking Feature)
R12_WI_P2P_Funds Check Results by Period Report
R12_WI_P2P_Manage the Approval Process of an Award
R12_WI_P2P_Manage the Approval Process of a Requisition
R12_WI_P2P_Create a Modification to Increment a Partially Funded Award
R12_WI_P2P_Process an Incomplete Amendment
R12_WI_P2P_Create a CLM Award (Reimbursable) from a MIPR
R12_WI_P2P_Liquidate the Fund Balance on a Requisition
R12_WI_P2P Create a Request for Goods Billed By Amount
R12_WI_P2P Request a new Supplier in DAI
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Glossary - Definitions 39
AO. Official with the authority to formally assume responsibility for operating an information
system at an acceptable level of risk to Agency operations (including mission, functions, image,
or reputation), Agency assets, or individuals.
BEA. A conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an organization. The
intent of an enterprise architecture is to determine how an organization can most effectively
achieve its current and future objectives.
BPA. One of many methods the contracting office has to meet the Customers' needs for goods
and services. BPAs are a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or
simple services by establishing charge accounts with qualified sources.
Business Process Execution Language. An XML-based language that allows Web services in a
service-oriented architecture to interconnect and share data.
BETC. This code that the Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS, formerly the
Government Wide Accounting system) uses for the type of activity you are reporting, such as
payments, collections, investments, etc. The BETC must always accompany the TAS along with
the dollar amounts in order to classify the transaction against the fund balance with Treasury.
CLIN. A part of a defense contracts that break the contract down by the commodities being
procured (labor hours of services, funding for travel, quantity product A, etc.). They help
identify the supplies or services to be acquired as separately identified line items on a contract
that provides for accounting traceability.
DoDAAC. A six position code that uniquely identifies a DoD unit, activity, or organization that
has the authority to requisition, contract for, receive, have custody of, issue, or ship DoD assets,
or fund/pay bills for materials and/or services.
D&F. A special form of written approval by an authorized official that is required by statute or
regulation as a prerequisite to taking certain contract actions.
Foreign currency transactions. Transactions denominated in a currency other than the local
(domestic) currency of the country in which the banking office is located.
Government Wide Accounting. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service) has the
critical responsibility of maintaining the federal government's set of accounts and serving as the
repository of information about the financial position of the United States government.
IDIQ. A type of contract that provides for an indefinite quantity of supplies or services during a
fixed period of time.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Glossary - Definitions 40
LOA. The funding associated with a defense organization’s budget. By understanding the
elements that comprise a LOA, you can determine the Service designator, FY, appropriation,
subhead, object class, plant UIC, suballotment, authorized accounting activity, transaction type,
and Work Breakdown Statement (WBS) element/cost element.
MOA. An MOA is a written document describing a cooperative relationship between two
parties wishing to work together on a project or to meet an agreed upon objective that involves
MOU. An MOU is a nonbinding agreement between two or more parties outlining the terms and
details of an understanding, including each parties' requirements and responsibilities that do not
involve reimbursement.
MORD. Used to record obligations of a recurring and/or continuing nature, such as
communications services, public utilities, and rent.
Trading Partner. An agreement drawn up by two parties that have agreed to trade certain items
or information. The agreement outlines the terms of the trade or trading process.
TAS. The TAS is used in the Government Wide Accounting system to indicate the type of
activity being reported, such as payments, collections, intragovernmental, borrowings, etc. The
BETC must always accompany the TAS along with the dollar amounts in order to classify the
transaction against the fund balance with Treasury.
UIC. A six character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each United States Department
of Defense entity.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Glossary - Acronyms 41
ADS Automated Disbursing System
AO Authorizing Officer or Approving Official
AP Accounts Payable
AR Accounts Receivable
AXOL Access Online
BEA Business Enterprise Architecture
BETC Business Event Type Code
BO Billing Official
BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement
BPEL Business Process Execution Language
CBA Centrally Billed Account
CCR Central Contractor Registration
CCV Credit Card Vendor
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CIN Contract Identification Number
CLIN Contract Line Item Number
CLM Contract Lifecycle Management
CWS Contract Writing System
D&F Determination and Findings
DAI Defense Agencies Initiative
DAWDF Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund
DCAS Defense Cash Accountability System
DD Form 1144 Support Agreement
DD Form 1351-2 Travel Voucher or Subvoucher
DD Form 448 Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
DD Form 448-2 Acceptance of MIPR
DD Form 577 Appointment/Termination Record – Authorized Signature
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DoDAAC Department of Defense Activity Address Code
DoDI Department of Defense Instruction
DST DAI Support Team
DTS Defense Travel System
ED Employee Debt
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
FB DCMA, Financial and Business Operations Directorate
FBB DCMA, Financial and Business Operations, Budget Division
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Glossary - Acronyms 42
FBL DCMA, Financial and Business Operations, Compliance and Accounting
FBLA DCMA, Financial and Business Operations, Reports and Analysis Branch
FBLAO DCMA, Financial and Business Operations, Accounting Operations
FCO Funds Control Officer
FY Fiscal Year
GL General Ledger
GPC Government Purchase Card
IAA Interagency Agreement
IBA Individually Billed Account
ID identification
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantities
ITS International Treasury Service
LII Line Item identifier
LOA Line of Accounting
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MORD Miscellaneous Obligations Reimbursement Document
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NEGACK Negative Acknowledgement
P2P Procure To Payment
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDS Procurement Data Standard
PO Purchase Order (Obligation)
POC Point of Contact
POP Period of Performance
POET Project, Organization, Expenditure Type, Task
POSACK Positive Acknowledgement
PPE personal protective equipment
PR Purchase Request (Commitment)
PRDS Purchase Request Data Standard
RWA Reimbursable Work Authorizations
SAF Subject to Availability of Funds
SAM System for Award Management
SLIN Subcontract Line Item Number
SWA Security Work Authorizations
TANUM Travel Authorization Number
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
Glossary - Acronyms 43
TAS Treasury Account Symbol
TBO Transaction by Others
TDY Temporary Duty
UIC Unit Identification Code
UMD Unmatched Disbursement
WAWF Wide Area Work Flow
XML Extensible Markup Language
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 2, June 24, 2019
References 44
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5
DCMA-Manual 4301-03, Volume 1, “Acquisitions”, September 30, 2019
DCMA-Manual 4301-03, Volume 2, “Government Purchase Cards”, September 30, 2019
DCMA-Manual 4301-08, Volume 1, “Official Travel Business Rules”, August 11, 2019
DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),” January 10, 2013
DoDI Instruction 4000.19, “Support Agreements,November 30, 2017
United States Code, Title 10, Section 3903