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Angler preferences and satisfaction in a high-threshold bucket-list
recreational shery
Abigail S. Golden
, Christopher M. Free
, Olaf P. Jensen
Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Handled by B. Morales-Nin
Angler preferences, motivation, and satisfaction
Hucho taimen
Catch-and-release y shing
Discrete choice experiment
Mixed quantitative-qualitative methods
It is important to understand recreational anglers motivations for shing in order to predict when, where, and
how they interact with species that can be sensitive to overshing. So far, few studies have investigated angler
motivation in recreational sheries that are extremely distant from their angler population, require specialized
angler skill, and pose other barriers to participation like high travel and equipment costs. We collectively refer to
these as high-threshold sheries and explore angler motivation and its implications for anglers decision-
making in one particularly remote example, the Mongolian y shery for endangered taimen, Hucho taimen, the
largest salmonid in the world. We used a mixed-methods approach that enriched discrete choice experiments
with in-depth qualitative interview data to investigate anglers motivations for participating in the taimen
shery, their satisfaction with the shing experience, and their stated interest in participating in the shery in
the future. We found that anglers preferred fewer high-quality, trophy-sized sh to a higher catch rate of smaller
taimen, but that activity-general factors like the opportunity to travel to an exotic wilderness destination were
also highly motivating. The anglers we sampled were all rst-time taimen shermen and many were bucket-list
anglers who sought a wide variety of shing tourism experiences throughout their lifetime and therefore and had
no intention to return to the taimen shery. Instead, these shermen selected their future trips from among a set
of similarly remote, specialized, and costly sheries throughout the world, especially in developing countries.
We argue that these high-threshold sheries should not be studied in isolation but instead would benet from a
unied research approach that accounts for their unique traits and shared angler population.
1. Introduction
Recreational anglers are the primary users of many freshwater sh
stocks and can provide signicant economic, social, and environmental
benets (Arlinghaus et al., 2002; Parkkila et al., 2010). Recreational
sheries can be important economic engines at the local and regional
scale (Hyder et al., 2018) and they engage an estimated 220 million
people worldwide (World Bank, 2012), not to mention accounting for a
signicant fraction of the global sh harvest (Cooke and Cowx, 2004).
They also present unique management challenges. Fishing eort in
recreational sheries tends to be geographically diuse and to include
diverse targets and gear types even within a single shery (Arlinghaus
et al., 2014; Post et al., 2002). These factors can make it dicult to
collect accurate catch statistics, enforce regulations, and predict how
biological and regulatory changes might impact future eort. A large
body of literature and theory has emerged to address these challenges
and especially to understand the dynamics that control angler eort.
For instance, many researchers have modeled angler behavior as a
predator-prey interaction in which anglers intensify their eort when
they encounter rich patches of prey, causing eort to equalize across
a landscape (Johnson and Carpenter, 1994; Post et al., 2008; Wilson
et al., 2016).
This understanding of anglers as human predators works well in
sheries where anglers are uniformly catch-oriented to the exclusion of
other goals, but many sheries cater to a spectrum of anglers who range
from catch-oriented to trophy-seeking to casual recreationists
(Arlinghaus et al., 2008; Bryan, 1977; Magee et al., 2018). In these
sheries, the connection between current shery status and future
shery participation is more complex. Anglers are motivated by a di-
verse set of factors that include not only their preferred catch rate and
target species but also activity-general elements that are common to
many forms of outdoor recreation, such as experiencing nature,
Received 26 February 2019; Received in revised form 3 September 2019; Accepted 5 September 2019
Corresponding author at: Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.S. Golden).
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
0165-7836/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
enjoying solitude, and socializing (Arlinghaus, 2006; Oh and Ditton,
2008; Oh et al., 2013). These preferences and motivations set the ex-
pectations that determine anglers satisfaction and consequently their
future shing eort (Arlinghaus, 2006). Therefore, if anglers are mo-
tivated to sh partly or primarily by activity-general characteristics of
the activity, their satisfaction may depend heavily on factors other than
the number and perceived quality (size, species, etc.) of the sh they
catch (Curtis and Breen, 2017; Fedler and Ditton, 1994; Greiner et al.,
2016). For instance, a recent study of angler satisfaction in a German
multispecies shery found that the contribution of catch-related factors
to satisfaction plateaued above a certain threshold for most species,
demonstrating that catch provides diminishing returns in satisfaction
(Beardmore et al., 2015). In another case, 90% of surveyed anglers
reported that they would be satised with a trip even if they did not
catch any sh. These minimally catch-oriented anglers instead valued
relaxing in the outdoors at the water side and shing in pleasant
company (Arlinghaus, 2006).
Random utility theory provides one framework for understanding
this heterogeneity in preferences and weighing the relative importance
of dierent catch-related and activity-general factors (Aas et al., 2000;
Hunt, 2005). The theory states that anglers choose shing options by
subconsciously integrating the costs and bene ts of dierent options in
a way that maximizes their overall utility, or benet, from the shing
opportunity. This utility metric includes a set of deterministic compo-
nents that can be measured by the researcher and a stochastic term that
represents individual variation in taste, missing variables, and other
unmeasured factors (Train, 2002). Studies that use the framework of
random utility theory draw on stated or revealed preference data to
characterize the utility of dierent options and the marginal contribu-
tion of each aspect of an option to its overall utility (Hunt, 2005).
Discrete choice experiments used to elicit anglers stated preferences
can incorporate a wide variety of catch-related preferences and activity-
general factors like travel costs and crowding by other recreationists
(e.g. Beardmore et al., 2015). Combining these stated preference sur-
veys with qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews and focus
groups is less common, but this mixed-method approach can draw an
even more nuanced picture of
preferences and behavior
(Carr and Heyman, 2016; Magee et al., 2018).
The angler preference literature that uses this framework is domi-
nated by studies that investigate anglers decision-making in local- or
regional-scale sheries that include a range of generalist and specia-
lized anglers (e.g. Dueld et al., 2012; Arlinghaus et al., 2014; Curtis
and Breen, 2017). However, few studies investigate the behavior of
anglers in distant, high-cost recreational sheries that require specia-
lized angler skill, where one can expect dierent relationships between
catch and participation simply because the commitment required to
participate is so high (but see Nguyen et al., 2013; Pinder and
Raghavan, 2013). In many of these sheries, the targeted sh are highly
desirable for their size, appearance, or behavior, attracting avid and
generally wealthy anglers from around the world. These sheries often
require highly skilled shing techniques and specialized gear and have
either formal regulations or informal norms that enforce catch-and-re-
lease practices. One example is the bonesh (Albula vulpes) sheries of
the Caribbean, which provide millions of dollars annually to local
economies and are primarily catch-and-release (Adams et al., 2014).
Bonesh are highly valued by international sport shermen for their
speed and aggressive behavior when hooked, such that a single bonesh
has been estimated to be worth US$3500 to the local economy (Santos
et al., 2017). Other examples include peacock bass (Cichla spp.) in the
Amazon (Holley et al., 2008), tigersh (Hydrocynus vittatus ) in Africa
(Smit et al., 2009), mahseer (Tor spp.) in India (Pinder and Raghavan,
2013), and high-cost pelagic trophy sheries for marlin, tuna, and other
highly migratory species (Dueld et al., 2012). Collectively, we cate-
gorize these sheries as
high-threshold sheries,
where economic,
biological, and social factors combine to raise the barriers required to
In northern Mongolia, abundant populations of taimen (Hucho
taimen) attract wealthy y shermen willing to pay up to US$7000 per
week, excluding travel costs, for the chance to catch the largest sal-
monid in the world (Jensen et al., 2009). Taimen can reach lengths of
up to two meters and weigh up to 100 kg, and at about one meter total
length they undergo an ontogenetic shift that enlarges the head and jaw
disproportionately to the body (Holcik et al., 1988). This large size,
unusual appearance, and status as the worlds largest salmonid make
them a valued target for some highly specialized recreational anglers.
Many of these anglers travel to Mongolia with dedicated y-shing
outtting companies. The large size and selective feeding behavior of
taimen combine to make them hard to catch on y shing gear, in-
spiring shing guides to call them the sh of a thousand casts. The
high cost, low catch rate, and specialized skills required of anglers in
the international taimen shery make it an excellent place to in-
vestigate the preferences and behavior that characterize anglers in such
high-threshold recreational sheries.
This study investigates the preferences, satisfaction, and behavior of
international anglers in the taimen shery in northern Mongolia. Using
a mixed-methods approach that enriches discrete choice methodology
with in-depth qualitative interview data, we ask the following three
general questions: 1) What factors contribute to anglers motivation to
participate in the taimen shery, and what preferences do they have for
their taimen shing experience? 2) Based on these motivating factors,
are sampled anglers generally satised with their experience in the
taimen shery, and what factors drive satisfaction most strongly? And
nally, 3) How does satisfaction translate into future participation;
namely, do satised anglers express more interest in a return trip?
2. Methods
2.1. Study system
This study focuses on recreational taimen shing in the Eg-Uur
watershed in northern Mongolia, which is remote and relatively pristine
(Gilroy et al., 2010). The watershed is located primarily in the
Khövsgöl, Bulgan, and Selenge provinces in the transition zone between
Mongolias steppe ecosystem and Siberian taiga forest. The Eg River,
and its tributary, the Uur River, drain into the transboundary Selenge
River, the largest tributary of Lake Baikal (Fig. 1). The rivers support a
sh community dominated by the salmonids lenok (Brachymystax
and Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus arcticus), with taimen as
the apex predator (Mercado-Silva et al., 2008). Taimen are relatively
long-lived, large-bodied omnivorous sh with extensive habitat needs;
some individuals have been observed to traverse home ranges of over
100 km (Gilroy et al., 2010; Kaus et al., 2016). Mongolian rivers like the
Eg, Uur, and Selenge have historically served as refuge habitat for
taimen because of Mongolias limited culture of shing and sh con-
sumption (FAO, 2007). However, in the mid-1990s, the rst foreign
outtting companies began bringing y shermen to Mongolia to sh
for taimen (D. Vermilion, pers. comm.). Now, taimen are the primary
object of a growing recreational shery that includes both foreign y
shermen (Vander Zanden et al., 2007) and, increasingly, Mongolian
shermen (Chandra et al., 2005). The American and European-based
outtting companies that cater to many of these foreign y shermen
enforce strict catch-and-release policies, while Mongolian recreational
anglers vary in their adherence to catch-and-release practices.
Taimen are IUCN Red Listed throughout their range because of
overshing and habitat degradation (Hogan and Jensen, 2013), and
Mongolian law prohibits the harvest and consumption of taimen. Re-
search has shown that purely catch-and-release shing for taimen can
be sustainable, but that even limited consumptive shing could lead to
local extirpation of taimen populations (Jensen et al., 2009). As a result,
foreign outtting companies and Mongolian conservation activists have
found common cause in supporting catch-and-release angling by for-
eigners, which provides economic revenues to rural, isolated areas, and
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
thus discourages consumptive shing by local herders and urban,
middle-class Mongolians. The outtting companies provide funding to
several non-prot conservation organizations for research and en-
forcement of Mongolias shing laws and permitting regulations. These
eorts have been concentrated in the Eg-Uur watershed, which was also
one of the earliest areas of Mongolia to see foreign y-shing eort. As
a result, the watershed has become known for its abundant taimen
2.2. Research sites and study population
Fieldwork was conducted throughout the six-week 2017 shing
season (August to October) at two shing camps operated by the
Mongolian-run Hovsgol Travel Company in partnership with the
American-based Sweetwater Travel Company. One camp is located on
the Uur River, 9 km above its conuence with the Eg, and the other is
located 89 km downstream of the Eg-Uur conuence on the Lower Eg
(Fig. 1). Data were collected for approximately three weeks at each
camp to ensure roughly equal sampling of respondents. The two shing
camps hosted 60 clients over the 6-week shing season, of which 38
overlapped with the research team. Of these 38 anglers, 30 completed
paper surveys and 26 participated in semi-structured interviews for a
79% and 68% response rate, respectively. An additional angler who had
recently completed a shing trip at another camp completed a survey
and interview at the travel companys headquarters in Ulaanbaatar.
Although the 60-person sampling frame is small in absolute numbers, so
is the overall population of foreign anglers who y-sh for taimen in
Mongolia each year. This research protocol was approved by the Rut-
gers Institutional Review Board (Protocol #E17-714).
2.3. Survey design and implementation
Anglers were surveyed using a brief (15 min) paper survey
instrument that included two components: 1) a series of six discrete
choice scenarios designed to elicit preferences and motivations for
participating in a Mongolian shing trip, and 2) questions about re-
spondent's demographic characteristics (e.g., age, location, and past
shing trips) and shing experience. Discrete choice experiments
(DCEs) present respondents with multiple hypothetical scenarios in-
volving tradeos between desired attributes of an experience and ask
them to rank or choose their most preferred option (Train, 2002). These
data allowed us to assess the relative importance of dierent attributes
of the experience to respondents, analyze decision-making, and eval-
uate the utility of dierent options. In this case, anglers were presented
with three options within each scenario: two alternative shing trips
that varied in the number of taimen caught and the size of the largest
sh, and a third option in which they did not travel to Mongolia to sh,
following the survey design of Carter
and Liese (2012). The size attri-
bute had six levels, ranging from 0 cm (i.e., no sh caught) to 150 cm,
which were presented in both centimeters and inches (Table S1). The
catch attribute had seven levels ranging from zero taimen (no sh
caught) per week to eighteen, representing a maximum catch rate of
about three sh per day. Attribute levels were developed to represent
the whole range of outcomes possible on a taimen shing trip based on
our knowledge of the shery. We chose to include only two attributes
because we anticipated a small pool of respondents, which would limit
our sample size and force us to focus on a small number of attributes of
high interest. Although including a cost attribute would have enabled
us to estimate anglers willingness to pay (WTP) for a taimen shing
experience, we deemed the tradeo between size and catch rate in
anglers preferences to be a higher research priority for this shery
given the high WTP already demonstrated by taimen anglers.
Anglers were asked to select the best and worst alternatives (Fig. 2),
allowing for a full ranking of the three alternatives as implemented by
Lew and Larson (2012). Discrete choice experiments often do not use a
full factorial design because the number of unique combinations would
Fig. 1. Study sites. Map of the Eg and Uur Rivers in northern Mongolias Eg-Uur watershed showing the two shing camps where research was conducted (black
triangles). The Sweetwater/Hovsgol Travel companies have exclusive rights to sh the river section emphasized in grey, which occupies a total of 219 river
kilometers. The black dotted line marks the boundary between waters shed by the upper camp (109 river km) and lower camp (110 river km).
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
be prohibitively large (Fox, 2007; Kuhfeld, 2010). In this case, a frac-
tional factorial design was developed from a full factorial design re-
presenting the entire set of combinations of attribute levels. Illogical
choices within the full factorial design (i.e., a catch rate of zero with a
non-zero maximum size) were then discarded. Since most of the re-
maining scenarios were non-informative in that they possessed a logi-
cally superior option that was better in terms of both size and catch
(e.g., a choice between 10 sh with a maximum size of 100 cm versus
ve sh at 50 cm), we followed Train et al. (1987) in narrowing down
our fractional design to focus on the scenarios that presented in-
formative choices. Scenarios were divided into control scenarios
(those with an obviously superior option as described above) and ex-
perimental ones that present a meaningful tradeo (e.g., a choice
between 10 sh with a maximum size of 50 cm and two sh with a
maximum size of 100 cm). Thirty unique survey variants were devel-
oped in order to include all of the experimental scenarios. Each survey
variant included ve experimental scenarios and one control scenario,
selected from the large pool of potential control scenarios, to screen for
survey fatigue and respondent disengagement.
Survey disengagement is a well-established concern in the im-
plementation of discrete choice experiments (Petrik et al., 2013), and
the interview portion of this project, combined with the inclusion of
control questions, provided a unique opportunity to address this po-
tential source of bias. To take advantage of this opportunity, re-
spondents who failed the control scenario (n = 3) or displayed pre-
ferences that were notably di erent from the majority of survey
responses (n = 7 out of 31) were asked about their DCE responses
during the interview stage. One angler revealed that he had failed the
control due to disengagement and his responses were removed from the
data. The other two anglers who failed the control revealed that they
had misunderstood the survey questions in an easily resolved way
(circled their best and second-best choices instead of best and worst),
and their responses were amended to reect this. The remainder were
asked about their responses because their choices suggested unusual
preferences which could be protably explored in the qualitative in-
terview phase, like the frequent choice of the no trip option even
when catch rates were high. These respondents clarications were
included in the interview data but did not aect the DCE analysis in any
Surveys were distributed at the beginning of the anglers trip and
anglers completed them at their leisure throughout the shing week.
Some completed and returned them immediately, and some returned
them when they left a week later. The day that anglers returned the
survey did not have a signicant eect on their choices and did not
improve the model t(Table 1).
2.4. Semi-structured interviews
semi-structured interviews were conducted with anglers
to expand on discrete choice experiment results. An interview guide
was designed based on 10+ years of experience working on the
Mongolian taimen shery and following best practices in qualitative
research techniques (Roller and Lavrakas, 2015). The guide was mod-
ied several times in the eld to address unforeseen circumstances and
saturation of some interview questions (that is, reaching a point when
no new insights emerge from further responses) (Appendix). Interviews
were conducted at both shing camps and during breaks on the river
during the shing day. Most interviews lasted 15 to 30 min, with out-
liers ranging from 8 min to over an hour. All interviews were audio
Fig. 2. Sample discrete choice scenario.
Table 1
Candidate models with explanatory variables, number of parameters (K), log
likelihood (LL), Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) score, and dierence in AIC
score relative to the model with the lowest AIC score (ΔAIC). Models with a
ΔAIC < 2 are similarly supported.
size + ln(catch) + size * ln(catch) 5 163.1 336.1 0
size + catch + size * catch 5 164.6 339.1 3
size 3 167.3 340.6 4.5
size + catch + trip-day + size* catch 7 163.4 340.7 4.6
size + ln(catch) 4 167.2 342.3 6.2
size + catch 4 167.2 342.4 6.3
catch 3 188.4 382.8 46.7
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
recorded and transcribed by a professional transcriber, following which
the transcripts were checked for accuracy by the researchers. Twenty-
six interviews were conducted in English and one was conducted in
French; this was translated and transcribed by a native English speaker
with an advanced degree in French.
2.5. Additional data sources
A researcher accompanied anglers and guides throughout the
shing day for 26 of the 43 days of the shing season and recorded
catch and eort data in units of angler hours per day. Limited catch logs
were also maintained by some shing guides. These were used to es-
timate the size structure of captured taimen. Unstructured key in-
formant interviews were conducted with shing guides and outtting
company sta members (n = 8) to assess longer-term shery dynamics.
2.6. Data analysis
2.6.1. Modeling angler preferences
A multinomial logit model was t to anglers ranked choices using
the mlogit package (Croissant, 2018) in R v.3.4.3 (R Core Team, 2017).
Candidate models included catch, size, both catch and size, and an
interaction term between catch and size as parameters. One candidate
model included a natural log-transformed catch rate and natural log
transformation of the catch component in the catch-size interaction
term because the observed data showed a diminishing eect of catch
rate on utility (Fig. 3) and other studies have found diminishing returns
of high catch rate (Beardmore et al., 2015). We also included trip day as
an individual-specic variable to test whether the day the survey was
returned aected anglers responses. Models were competed using
Akaikes Information Criterion (AIC; (Akaike, 1974)(Table 1). In-
dividual-specic parameters like y shing experience and days shed
per year (a proxy for angler avidity) were not included because the
interview portion of the project allowed us to explore the importance of
these characteristics in a richer, albeit more qualitative, way, and be-
cause drawing valid conclusions about these parameters in DCE
analysis generally requires larger sample sizes (Louviere et al., 2000:
2.6.2. Qualitative analysis of interview responses
Interviews were coded for themes using the qualitative coding
software NVivo 12.1.0 (NVivo qualitative data analysis Software; QSR
International Pty Ltd. Version 12, 2018).
Themes used for this analysis were divided into the general cate-
gories of angler demography, angler preferences/satisfaction, and trip
choice, and sub-themes were developed inductively during the coding
process; that is, guided by the themes that emerged throughout parti-
cipants responses rather than a priori assumptions about which factors
would be important (Roller and Lavrakas, 2015). References to angler
preference subthemes were quanti
by their frequency in responses
to questions about angler motivation (e.g., What appealed to you about
coming to Mongolia to sh for taimen?) and satisfaction (e.g, How do
you feel about the trip so far?). These preference themes were iden-
tied as either catch-related or activity-general. Anglers were also
classed into groups based on their expressed interest in returning to the
shery in future years.
3. Results
3.1. Angler demography
Surveyed anglers were primarily male (87%), white (100%), and
middle-aged, with a median age of 52. The majority (51%) had a pro-
fessional degree, with another 32 percent possessing a bachelors de-
gree or some college education. Forty percent of anglers were
American, 23 percent were European, and the rest were from Canada,
Australia, and Morocco. Key informant interviews with shing guides
suggest that the majority of Sweetwaters clientele are American, al-
though the outtter sometimes hosts large groups of anglers from
countries not represented in this sample, such as Russia. Angler ex-
perience and avidity, as measured by frequency of shing (Beardmore
et al., 2015; Ferter et al., 2013), varied widely among surveyed anglers.
Fig. 3. Discrete choice model results. The marginal eect at the mean of (a) size of largest sh available and (b) expected catch rate per week on the predicted
probability that anglers will choose a trip option in a discrete choice experiment. The black points show the observed proportion of trips selected with each level of
the size and catch rate attributes. Panel c) shows the predicted probability of trip choice based on the interaction between size of largest sh and catch rate per week
(deeper blues indicate higher probabilities of selection).
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
The median angler had 30 years of shing experience and 18 years of
y-shing experience; however, several were novices who had never y
shed before and a few had over 50 years of experience as y sh-
ermen. The surveyed anglers spent an average of 29 days per year
shing (interquartile range = 1438 days). All the anglers in the sur-
veyed population were rst-time taimen shermen, although guide
interviews indicate that typically about 25 percent of Sweetwaters
clientele are repeat visitors.
3.2. Angler preferences and motivation
The best t model included size of largest sh, natural log-trans-
formed catch rate, and an interaction term between size and natural
log-transformed catch (Table 1). The size term, catch term, and the
interaction term were statistically signicant (p = 0.000, p = 0.048,
and p = 0.005 respectively), as was the intercept for the no-trip option
(p = 0.002) (Table 2). The no-trip intercept represents the utility of not
traveling to Mongolia to sh compared to a trip with the lowest levels
of each attributethat is, a trip in which no sh are caught. The mean
probability of choosing a trip with a catch rate of six sh per week and a
maximum size of 50 cm was 0.32, while the mean probability of
choosing a trip with a catch rate of 12 and a largest sh of 100 cm was
0.63, an increase of 31%. Doubling only the maximum sh size while
maintaining the catch rate at six sh per week moderated this impact to
some degree, increasing the probability of choosing a trip by only 24%
instead of 31%. In contrast, doubling the expected catch rate while
maintaining the size of largest sh constant at 50 cm increased the
probability of choosing an option by only two percent. Overall, the
eect of catch rate was low at small maximum sh size and stronger at
high maximum sh size ( Fig. 3c). The best tting model had a
McFaddens Pseudo R
value of 0.475. McFaddens Pseudo R
is ana-
logous to a standard R
statistic but generally produces lower values
(Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985). This is considerably better than the
20% standard of t proposed as a benchmark in Hensher and Johnson
In interviews, anglers discussion of their motivations for traveling
to Mongolia conrmed and expanded on this result. Anglers were mo-
tivated by catch quality over catch rate, with quality dened mostly by
size but also by the interaction between size and other factors, such as
the way the sh fought on the line. As one 49-year-old Canadian angler
said, If the largest you catch is 30 inches and you get a dozen sh, that
wouldn't be enough to motivate metheyre cool sh, but theres not a
spectacular run, theres not a spectacular jump. Frankly, youre hand-
lining in a 30-inch shyoure basically just dragging them in.
Overall, anglers expressed a desire for 40- to 50-inch (100- to 125-cm)
trophy-sized sh in interviews; this size class represents the 98th
percentile of the sh caught during the season (Supplemental Fig. 1).
Catch rate expectations were more heterogeneous, but most anglers
expected to hook one or two sh per 8 -h shing day. Anglers were split
between being frustrated with these low catch rates and valuing the sh
more highly because they were dicult to catch. One 53-year-old
British angler who typied the latter view said that landing a sh is
more enjoyable when you [have] to work a bit harder, wade a bit
deeper, cast a bit further, ght the weather.
More broadly, interviews reected anglers interest in a variety of
catch-related motivators beyond size and catch rate, as well as in fac-
tors related to the overall experience of the trip. Slightly over half of
anglers references to their motivation for traveling to Mongolia men-
tioned these catch-related factors, which included not only taimen size
and catch rates, but also being able to catch a diversity of species and
the desire to catch speci
c species (primarily taimen, but also lenok,
Arctic grayling, and northern pike) (Fig. 4). Anglers valued taimen in
particular for its size, its aggressiveness, its interesting-looking mor-
phology, its evolutionary lineage as an ancient sh, and its status as
the largest salmonid in the world. Although a few anglers mentioned
taimens rarity and endemism as a draw, many did not know that the
species was endangered, and its conservation status was not a factor in
their shing decision: I didnt know if there were a million sh a mile,
or two, no idea. I dont know any more now. Some even assumed that
if anglers knew taimens conservation status, it would be a less ap-
pealing target. As one 48-year-old British sherman speculated, it
would hurt the operators interest to share the information because
theyre going to want people to think, theres loads of them: youre
going to come, youre going to catch loads every day, and theyre going
to be huge.
Interview responses revealed that a nuanced interaction between
Table 2
List of parameters in best-t model with the parameter estimates, standard error, p-values, and signicance.
Parameter Attribute β Std. Error Pr(> |z|)
Alternative-specic coecients generic trip intercept 0.0712 0.1673 0.6703
no-trip intercept no trip 2.2739 0.9778 0.0200
Generic coecients size size of largest sh caught 0.0140 0.0039 0.0003
Ln(catch) catch rate per week 0.2195 0.1108 0.0475
size x ln(catch) interaction between catch rate and size 0.0066 0.0024 0.0054
N = 180 McFadden R
: 0.475
* Signicant to p < 0.05.
** Signicant to p < 0.01.
*** Signicant to p < 0.001.
Fig. 4. Interview themes related to angler motivation and satisfaction.
Proportion of interview text that refers to catch-related (blue) and activity-
general (orange) themes in responses to questions about angler motivation and
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
catch-related factors and aspects of the broader trip experience com-
bined to draw anglers to the taimen shery. These activity-general
motivating factors included the social aspect of shing with friends, the
lure of travel to an exotic or pristine wilderness destination, and the
experience of a novel culture. Anglers mentioned these activity-general
factors almost as often as their catch-related expectations and motiva-
tions for the trip; approximately 44 percent of motivation-related re-
ferences fell in this group (Fig. 4). Thus, the very aspects of the taimen
shery that create barriers to participationits distance, its remote-
ness, and its skill requirementswere also strong motivators for many
anglers. As one 72-year-old American angler said, Probably, if these
taimen were in Bakerseld, California, I wouldnt go there. But because
theyre in Mongoliatheres a certain air where people say, Wherere
you going? and you say, Im going to Mongolia’—their eyes kind of
light up and they go, Oh, thats cool. ’” For some anglers, these factors
even outweighed their interest in trophy-sized taimen. One 56-year-old
American sherman had recently begun y shing and spoke passio-
nately about his new sport. He said, Its not about catching sh, its
about shing. Its about the challenge. Can you get everything lined up
to where you can get that hit? You know, get the y in the right place,
in the right fashion, at the right time? So its cool [that] theres big sh
here, but I would have come if there werent big sh. I would have
come if it were just lenok and grayling.
3.3. Angler satisfaction
ierent set of catch-related factors emerged in interviews when
anglers spoke about their satisfaction with their ongoing trip, rather
than their motivation for taking it. The size and number of sh that they
had caught still mattered, but for many, catching a single taimen was
enough to full their goals for the trip: one seventy-year-old British
sherman said, If I dont catch another taimen, Im not going to go
home and say to friends and family, Well, that was a waste of time, I
only caught one taimen.’” A minority were frustrated by the pace or
diculty of the shing, and especially by blanking or skun-
king”—the experience of spending a day on the water without en-
countering any sh. One Australian angler, who came with a group of
friends who were all nding the shing more dicult than they ex-
pected, said on his fourth evening: After the rst day, I didnt take a
sh. And I thought, my god, these are the sh of ten thousand casts.
People said to me, hows your day? And I said, look, it was a beautiful
day, in that youre out there and enjoying the environment, the wild-
erness, but it was really a hard days shingvery, very dierent to my
anticipation and expectation of coming here. For him, the frustration
of going multiple days without seeing a sh on the line outweighed the
experience of enjoying the environment, the wilderness. Overall, as
typied by this interview, catch-related themes like this one dominated
anglers responses to questions about satisfaction, while activity-general
themes were secondary. This contrasted with their responses about
where catch-related and activity-general themes were al-
equally prominent (Fig. 4).
3.4. Anglers' intentions to return
The model indicated signicant negative utility for the alternative
of not traveling to Mongolia to sh for taimen (p = 0.02), showing that
anglers strongly preferred even an unsuccessful taimen shing trip to
no trip (Table 2). This would be a surprising result in many catch-or-
iented recreational sheries, but the high prevalence of activity-general
motivations in the taimen shery revealed by the interview data sug-
gest that it is realistic for taimen anglers to have a positive utility for a
Mongolia shing trip even if they catch no sh. However, this tolerance
for unsuccessful trips did not translate into equivalent interest in future
taimen trips. In interviews, only one angler expressed a denite in-
tention to return to Mongolia to sh. Of the rest, thirteen said they
would not return, eleven said they might under the right circumstances,
and one was undecided (Fig. 5).
The anglers who stated some intention to return mostly did so in
vague terms, or only if certain conditions were met; for instance, if their
children or friends became interested in the trip, or if they could expect
better shing in the future. Some weighed their mixed satisfaction with
the experience against the longer-term population dynamics described
by the guides, like one 53-year-old Welsh sherman who had been
frustrated with several blank days before catching four taimen in the
span of an hour, including a 42-inch trophy sh: I get the sense that
this week has been quite slow compared to what the guides normally
expect. And so I wouldnt come back to repeat the week, but I would be
interested in coming back to something that [had] more action, and
bigger sh around.
The anglers who said they would not return were mostly bucket-list
travelers; that is, those who wished to collect a variety of experiences
and achievements during their lifetime (Thurnell-Read, 2017), and who
therefore rarely traveled to the same place twice regardless of their
satisfaction with a particular shing destination. One 53-year-old
Englishman typied the bucket-list view: Probably, I wont ever come
back. Too big a world, too many places. And theresanite amount of
time physically I can do it, because this [kind of shing] is quite a
physical job; I wont be on this water when Im seventy years old. [So] I
don't go on holiday anywhere twice in my life. While overcoming lo-
gistical and physical challenges was part of his motivation for this rst
trip—“the shing
is the bit you do on the river, [but] theres [also] the
traveling to it, preparing for it, planning for it, trying new places, new
airports”—those same challenges posed a high barrier to a second trip.
As evident above, many anglers felt that the time and resources for a
second trip could just as well go toward another bucket-list destination.
They had many destinations to choose from; the more avid and ex-
perienced anglers in the study group participated in a wide range of
recreational sheries around the world. Common targets were bonesh
and tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in the Caribbean, sea run brown trout
(Salmo trutta) in Patagonia, tropical reef sh like milksh (Chanos
chanos) and giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) in the Seychelles, and a
variety of salmonids in Alaska, Canada, and northern Europe. Some
bucket-list anglers saved money to travel every two or three years,
while others took expensive international trips multiple times a year to
Fig. 5. Angler attitudes to a return trip. Bar plot showing the frequency of
dierent attitudes to taking a return trip to Mongolia as expressed in interviews.
On the right are selected quotes representative of each attitude.
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
a mix of old and new destinations. Though these anglers target species
were diverse, they were united in being large, visually unusual, ag-
gressive, and best caught on specialized y-shing gear. They were also
found in a range of scenic destinations in remote parts of low-income
countries where anglers could experience a human culture that is
outside your normal experience, a long way from civilization. These
traits matched the activity-general factors that motivated anglers to sh
for taimen in Mongolia.
4. Discussion
This paper aims to investigate anglers motivations for participating
in a remote, high-threshold recreational shery and to understand how
these motivations could impact future shery participation. We found a
strong link to the bucket list cultural phenomenon (Thurnell-Read,
2017), where anglers were motivated largely by the prospect of accu-
mulating a novel and exotic travel experience to catch an unusual sh.
The size and morphological traits of the sh contributed to its appeal,
while its perceived abundance and catchability were less important.
This focus on size over expected catch rate adds to a growing literature
assessing the catch-related preferences of anglers across a diverse range
of sheries (Hunt et al., 2019) and provides important information for
guiding shery-specic management, because strategies that maximize
catch often require giving up size and vice versa (Hansen et al., 2015).
More broadly, the importance of this one and done travel and shing
experience to anglers motivations meant that satisfaction with the
shing itself was, for many anglers, a poor predictor of future partici-
pation in the shery. The majority of anglers did not intend to return to
the taimen shery, and even those who expressed some interest in fu-
ture participation were not strongly motivated to do so. We found that
the high barriers to entry in the taimen shery, especially its dicult
logistics and physical demands, contributed to the appeal of a single
trip but discouraged anglers from seeking out further experiences.
This nding contrasts with our usual understanding of angler par-
ticipation in recreational sheries as a functional response by in-
dividual anglers to their past experiences of catching sh prey,
mediated by the mechanism of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with prior
shing trips (
Johnson and Carpenter, 1994). There has been a trend
toward emphasizing specic catch-related goals and catch satisfaction,
rather than general shing motivations, as the primary drivers of future
shing eort (e.g. Robert Arlinghaus, 2006; Beardmore et al., 2011).
However, our results show that in some contexts, anglers general
motivations for shing, or for taking a particular kind of shing trip,
can be crucial to understanding their future shery participation. In
settings like the Mongolian taimen shery, the desire to experience a
bucket-list vacation and encounter a unique sh can outweigh expected
catch rates and the availability of trophy sh in driving participant
behavior. Therefore, we must tailor our theoretical assumptions about
angler behavior and participation to the individual sheries we study
and especially to the goals and demography of participants, as pre-
viously argued by Beardmore et al. (2015).
Our study represents a rst step toward lling a gap in the con-
ceptual scope of the angler satisfaction literature. There is a large body
of research on the relationship between angler site choice and travel
distance, recently reviewed by Hunt et al. (2019), but few studies focus
on sheries characterized by extreme travel distances, dicult logistics,
high costs, and intensive skill requirements. The Mongolian taimen
shery provides an excellent example of this high-threshold dynamic,
given that the average angler surveyed here traveled thousands of
kilometers to participate and paid approximately US$7000 plus travel
expenses for a week of shing. Additionally, its participants have access
to a network of similar high-threshold bucket-list sheries throughout
the world, including sea run brown trout in Argentina, the salmon
sheries of Alaska and Canada, and tropical reef sheries in the Car-
ibbean and the Indian Ocean. The variety of options available to these
anglers suggests that participation in a shery like Mongolias taimen
shery is best modeled not as a binary choice between participation and
non-participation but as a multivariate decision about how to allocate
shing days among a set of globally distributed shing options. Con-
sequently, future participation in the taimen shery, and other sheries
like it, may depend just as much on dicult-to-measure climatological
and geopolitical factors as they do on maintaining abundant popula-
tions of the target species, as posited in the metacoupling framework
proposed by Liu (2017). Water conditions in Argentina, the length of
hurricane season in the Bahamas, and volatility in global
to give a few examples, could all have unseen ramications for
the year-to-year shing eort in the Mongolian taimen shery halfway
around the world.
These dynamics are worth investigating because shery participa-
tion by international anglers can have important local-scale economic
and conservation consequences. Many high-threshold sheries are in
remote rural areas, meaning that the sheries are signicant economic
drivers in places with few other sources of employment and income
(Zwirn et al., 2005). But if shery participation is in fact driven by
global forces, these economic benets could be unstable, causing un-
intended consequences like the employment precarity observed among
tourist industry employees in the Seychelles (Lee et al., 2015). In ad-
dition, these specialized catch-and-release sport sheries are particu-
larly suited to being channeled into conservation solutions, as described
by Cooke et al. (2016), because of the wealth and avidity of their
participants and the resource stewardship norms that often accompany
catch-and-release practices. One example is the growing shery for
mahseer (Tor spp.) in southern India, where catch-and-release angling
organizations that place high value on this large and aggressive species
have supported research and retrained former poachers as shing
guides (Pinder et al., 2015; Pinder and Raghavan, 2013; Raghavan
et al., 2011). But if shery participation by wealthy international an-
glers varies greatly from year to year, funding and human capital for
these eorts will uctuate as well, and the community of anglers may
be too fragmented to share the social norms and best practices that
enable good conservation outcomes.
Fisheries that attract bucket-list anglers pose particular sampling
and generalizability challenges in human dimensions research because
they possess a high proportion of anglers who, by denition, are un-
likely to return. Much of the angler satisfaction and recreational shing
participation literature describesor assumesa relationship between
future eort and aspects of the angler experience on previous shing
trips (Johnson and Carpenter, 1994). The bucket list angler has no plans
to return, regardless of the experience, and the current pool of bucket
list anglers will not necessarily reect the demography and decision-
making process of future participants. Therefore, the population of
potential anglers for a
shery of this type is inherently diuse and
poorly dened, requiring researchers to reach for creative sampling and
data collection methods to understand and anticipate future shery
participation. One possible avenue is to compensate by collecting richer
data on the sampling pool that is available, for instance by combining
conventional surveys with qualitative techniques like focus groups and
interviews. This approach has been used extensively to inform and
enrich discrete choice experiment results in health (Coast and Horrocks,
2007), transportation (Pineda Jaramillo et al., 2016), and other elds
(Que et al., 2017). However, there are still relatively few examples of
research combining discrete choice methods and semi-structured in-
terviews in sheries, especially in a recreational context (Carr and
Heyman, 2016). In addition, the examples that do exist tend to use
interviews mostly to gather quantitative data or guide survey devel-
opment (e.g Ward et al., 2013). While this is a useful approach, it does
not take advantage of the key strength of qualitative data: the rich in-
sight it provides into the thoughts and motivations of others (Weiss,
1995). Our approach of pairing surveys with simultaneous in-depth
interviews allowed us to harness this strength and compensate for the
limited sample size by gathering rich, in-depth data from each in-
dividual participant using mixed quantitative-qualitative methods.
A.S. Golden, et al.
Fisheries Research 220 (2019) 105364
5. Conclusion
In summary, we found that anglers are motivated to sh for taimen
in Mongolia by a mix of catch-related and activity-general factors,
particularly the size and morphology of the species and the chance to
sh in a destination perceived as an exotic, pristine wilderness. Many
anglers were bucket-list travelers who rarely shed in the same place
twice but instead allocated their shing eort among a variety of ex-
pensive, remote, and specialized sheries for unusual sh, often in
developing countries. We collectively label these sheries as high-
threshold sheries because of the barriers to participation posed by
their location, cost, skill requirements, and other factors. We argue that
the populations of anglers who surmount these barriers are qualita-
tively dierent from their counterparts in more accessible sheries and
that sheries with these traits require research approaches that re-
cognize the unique niche they occupy. Such study is especially urgent
since many of these high-threshold sheries are in developing countries
with little funding for proactive research and shery management,
leaving scientists at risk of following sheries around (Neis, 2011)
and focusing attention only where crises have already occurred.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Abigail S. Golden: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing -
original draft, Visualization, Project administration, Funding acquisi-
tion. Christopher M. Free: Methodology, Software, Validation, Writing
- review & editing, Visualization. Olaf P. Jensen: Conceptualization,
Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Funding acquisition.
This project would not have been possible without the help of the
many anglers and shing guides who shared their time with the au-
thors, and without the support of the leadership and sta at the
Sweetwater Travel Company and Hovsgol Travel Company. Special
thanks are due to Bazartseren Boldgiv, Batsaikhan Ganzorig, and Bud
Mendsaikhan for scientic expertise and in-country support. Ben
Beardmore provided key feedback and advice during the analysis
phase. We also thank Holly Kindsvater, Kiva Oken, Mattea Berglund,
and the Jensen and Pinsky labs for their comments on this manuscript.
This research was funded by a U.S.A.I.D. Research and Innovation
Fellowship to ASG. Additional support was provided by NSF grants
OISE #1658251, CNH #1716066, and DEB #1442436 to OPJ and a
U.S. State Department Title VIII fellowship in Mongolian language to
ASG. ASG is supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate
Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. NSF DGE-1842213. Any
opinions, ndings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this
paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the views of
the National Science Foundation.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
online version, at doi:
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