10.88 Release Summary
New enhancements to Android agent enrollment workflows >>
Android app version 8.0, MaaS360 revamped Android agent enrollment screens with a new user interface and productivity enhancements. In the
previous releases, the new enrollments enhancements were available only to Device Admin bulk enrollments by default. Administrators had to create
and embed a custom URL in the HTML le to apply new enrollment changes to Prole Owner, Device Admin, and SPS.
MaaS360 adds the following enhancements in Android app version 8.10:
Extends new enrollment enhancements to all the enrollment modes (Device Admin, Prole Owner, and Device Owner). All devices automatically go
through the new enrollment flow during the enrollment without requiring additional conguration.
Allows administrators to force the device enrollment as a part of device provisioning so that users cannot skip important device enrollment screens.
Replaces local authentication screens with a unied webview.
Removes enrollment completion notication and displays the enrollment status directly on the enrollment screen.
Displays the number of retry attempts directly on the enrollment screens.
Note: New enrollment screens are available only on devices running Android OS version 7 and later. Requires MaaS360 for Android app version 8.10.
Support to remotely deploy OS upgrade to corporate-owned devices >>
MaaS360 adds a new device-level and group-level dynamic action Android OTA upgrade to allow administrators to remotely deploy OS upgrade to
Device Owner (DO), WPCO devices, and non-GMS devices. This command uses OS binary package as an input to execute the OS update on devices.
Administrators can use device groups to target multiple devices for the OS update. Prerequisite: Administrators must get the OS binary package from
the corresponding device manufacturer (OEM). For Nexus and Pixel drives, administrators can download the OTA packages from this URL -
OS requirements:
Device Owner enrolled devices - Android 10+
Work Prole on Corporate Owned (WPCO) enrolled devices - Android 11+
Non-GMS enrolled devices - Android 10+
Android OS versions 5 and 6 is no longer recommended by MaaS360 >>
In Q1 2022, MaaS360 announced the end of support timelines and then constantly reminded customers to target devices running Android OS versions
5 and 6 for OS upgrade or replacement. Effective with MaaS360 agent version 8.10, devices that run these OS versions will no longer receive new
MaaS360 apps. The MaaS360 agent app version 8.05 is the last supported version for devices running OS versions 5 and 6. If there are issues or bugs
with OS versions 5 and 6, customers cannot raise support tickets for problems that occur on these OS versions.
Customer impact on devices running OS versions 5 and 6:
Devices that are currently enrolled can continue to be enrolled and secured until further notication. These devices are automatically locked to the
MaaS360 app version 8.05.
New devices can be enrolled with MaaS360 app version 8.05, which is the last supported agent version on unsupported devices.
Effective with MaaS360 SDK version 8.10, MaaS360 freezes support for these older versions. The minimum OS version requirement for the MaaS360
SDK jar 8.10 is Android 7 and later.
The apps that are wrapped or updated after the 10.88 release are compatible only on Android devices running OS versions 7 and later. Existing apps
continue to work on older OS versions unless they are updated or re-wrapped after the 10.88 release. If customers want to manage both existing and
new apps, the apps wrapped after 10.88 release must be added as an additional version.
End of support announcement for Knox enrollments on Android OS version 7 >>
Samsung announced the end of support for Knox enrollments on Android OS version 7 in the policy update statement. As per the policy update,
Samsung updated the minimum supported versions to restrict Knox enrollments to Android OS versions Android 8.0 (Knox 3.0) and later. For more
information on the policy update, see https://www.samsungknox.com/en/blog/policy-update-on-knox-supported-versions.
To comply with Samsung's policy update requirements, MaaS360 no longer supports Samsung Knox enrollments (new/re-enrollment) on Android OS
version 7 effective with MaaS360 for Android app version 8.10.
Existing devices - Android 7 devices that are already enrolled into MaaS360 are unaffected, but they will not be able to re-enroll.
New devices - Android 7 devices can no longer enroll with MaaS360 for Android app version 8.10.
Updated messaging in the MaaS360 for Android app to improve end-user transparency >>
MaaS360 improves messaging in some permission request and dialog boxes that are presented in the MaaS360 for Android app based on Google's
privacy policies.
MaaS360 adds the following enhancements:
Updated permission dialogs based on Google's best practices to make permissions more understandable, useful, and secure for users. The updated
permission dialogs clearly explain what data the MaaS360 app is trying to access and what benets the app can provide to the users if they grant that
permission. In scenarios where the permission is critical to the functioning of the MaaS360 app, MaaS360 displays a rationale screen to explain why
the permission is required and what functionalities are affected if the permission is denied.
informed decisions.
Displays the list of all the policies that are enforced by the organization to manage devices.
Support to congure custom policy restrictions on managed devices >>
MaaS360 now allows administrators to create custom policy restrictions that aren't built in to the MaaS360 portal. The custom policies include the
features and settings that administrators can control on managed Android Enterprise devices.
Congure time for the kiosk device to return to the single app mode >>
MaaS360 adds a new policy setting to allow administrators to congure the time before the congured app is automatically launched when users exit
the single app mode. Users exit the single app mode to perform activities such as changing device settings and checking the billing ID. In the previous
releases, the timer was automatically set to 60 seconds by default. If this setting is not congured, the congured app is automatically launched 60
seconds after users exit the single app mode.
Note: Supported only for the single app mode. COSU Mode Type must be set to Automatically launch a required app and lock the device to display
only this.
Path: Android Enterprise settings > COSU (Kiosk mode) > Time after which app should be launched automatically (in seconds).
New device summary parameter to track when the MDM command was last executed on the device >>
MaaS360 adds a new device summary parameter MDM Last Reported Time under the WorkPlace & Security section. This parameter displays the time
the native MDM client on the device reached the MaaS360 Portal to pick any waiting commands such as lock device, change policy, and wipe device.
Note: The MDM Last Reported Time parameter should not be confused with the Last Reported parameter, which displays the time the MaaS360 agent
or MDM client last reported to the MDM Portal.
Fixed an issue with a push iOS update command and other usability improvements >>
MaaS360 xed an issue where the push OS update command Download and Install could not execute the installation after downloading the software
update. Effective with 10.88, when administrators issue the Download and Install command, MaaS360 downloads the software update and then
automatically installs the previously downloaded software update. In the previous releases, administrators had to issue the Download and Install
command twice. There is no impact to the other push iOS update commands: Download only and
Install earlier downloaded updates immediately
MaaS360 removes the
Distribute updates over
option in the Push iOS Update group-level action. As a result, the iOS update command is executed
immediately without a delay. In the previous releases, administrators could distribute OS updates over a period of time to avoid network congestion.
Enhancements to License Management Alerts >>
The license expiration alert sent to administrators when a license is about to expire has been enhanced as follows:
For trial customer accounts, an email notication is sent to the customer 15 days before the trial subscription expires.
The email notication is not sent to customers who opted for auto-renewal of the license subscription.
Support device enrollment for suspended license bundles >>
MaaS360 allows enrollment of new devices to suspended license bundles for a congured period. This feature is useful in cases where a customer
raises renewal request for a license subscription and the renewal process takes some time. This enhancement helps the customer to receive
uninterrupted service and add new devices to the suspended license bundles for the congured temporary period until the subscription turns active.
Previously, a suspended license bundle could not be assigned to new devices, and this caused disruption in the services offered to customers during
this period.
If you have raised renewal request for a suspended license bundle, contact MaaS360 Support to get this feature enabled for your account until your
request is successfully processed and the subscription becomes active.
Support revocation of licenses from a device in the Inactive or Pending Remove Control state >>
In the previous releases, the licenses assigned to a device remained assigned even if the device moved to an inactive state. Administrators could not
revoke the license from an inactive device if the device did not return to an active state. As a result, the License Overview page displayed incorrect count
for the total license units consumed.
Effective 10.88, Administrators can revoke the license entitlements that are assigned to a device that is in an Inactive or Pending Remove Control
status. As a result, the License Overview page displays correct count for the total license units consumed.
Enhancements to the Auto App Addition Status for the VPP Token upload >>
MaaS360 enhances the UI of the Token Details page for improved usability. The changes include the following:
A column name is modied.
The Comments column displays additional information on the Auto App Addition Status of the apps that are automatically added to the App Catalog
from the VPP Token upload.
Enhancements to the administrator details >>
The administrator details displayed on the Administrators page have been enhanced as follows:
Includes date and time of the last successful login of an administrator into the MaaS360 Portal.
Excludes the Authentication Status of the administrator who logged in to the MaaS360 Portal.
Track policy distribution progress for iOS devices >>
MaaS360 tracks all the stages in the policy distribution progress for iOS devices. For the Change Policy action taken on iOS devices, the status of the
policy distribution progress is displayed on the Actions and Events page for devices and the device history page. The statuses include various
intermediate stages and transition phases involved in the policy distribution process. For information on Actions and Events that occurred on devices,
see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=devices-viewing-action-history-events-device.
Security Dashboard enhancements >>
MaaS360 adds usability improvements and signicant security enhancements in the Security Dashboard. The widgets in the Security Dashboard are
consolidated and arranged in a single layout so that the important information is immediately accessible at a glance. The detailed information about the
affected devices in the Top risk incidents widget is displayed on new pages instead of a modal window.
MaaS360 adds the new Security Events widget in the Security Dashboard. This widget displays an aggregate view of all security events that were
detected in the past 60 days. The security events are categorized based on whether a risk rule is congured for those events. MaaS360 uses separate
color codes to clearly differentiate the events that have risk rules congured from the events that do not have risk rules congured in the MaaS360
Portal. Administrators can drill down to the Security Events page from this widget, where they can view the detailed summary of exposed devices, track
the event types without risk rules, and enhance security by modifying the risk rules or conguring new risk rules. Administrators can also track the top 5
event types without risk rules that contributed to the most security events in their organization. For more information on Security Events widget, see
These enhancements allow administrators to identify security vulnerabilities in their organization and help them make informed decisions such as
conguring risk rules and updating policy settings.
Web services API
The following API was updated for this release:
Search Action History (v1): A new sample response attribute named
resultwas added to the API that fetches a detailed description about the status
of the actions that were taken on a device.
What's New Since 10.87 Release Summary
Version 10.87.cd.12102022 Released 12 October 2022
Policy modernization support for iOS policies >>
In the previous releases, MaaS360 added policy modernization framework for Android and Windows platforms. In this release, MaaS360 extends the
policy modernization enhancements to the iOS platform. In the redesigned framework, MaaS360 simplies user experience, improves performance,
and adds signicant enhancements to policy conguration, policy assignment, review changes, policy audit, and bulk update workflows.
Flagging invalid policy congurations with an error icon.
Review policy parameter changes at the policy setting level with the help of color codes.
Real-time validation of policy conguration.
New search widget support for all policy settings.
New lter to narrow down iOS policy settings.
bulk update flow.
Support to track policy change history for more events.
Support to track all policy assignments in one place.
Availability of modernized security policy workflows:
For existing customers, modernized security policy workflows will be available in a phased rollout.
For new customers, modernized security policy workflows are available by default.
Version 10.87.cd.28092022 Released 28 September 2022
Enhancements to Threat Management and Security Dashboard >>
IBM MaaS360 modernizes existing Threat Management and Security Dashboard workflows by adding new detection capabilities, and responses in
addition to near-real-time processing of threat incidents, and a new security centric policy. For more information on MaaS360 Endpoint Threat
Management, see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=maas360-endpoint-threat-management.
Version 10.87.cd.06092022 Released 06 September 2022
Enhancements to the Policy Precedence UI >>
MaaS360 revamps the Policy Precedence UI with an intuitive design and modern user interface. In the redesigned framework, administrators can easily
provide policy precedence value or use + and - icons to adjust the precedence instead of drag and drop. MaaS360 also makes it easier for
administrators to narrow the list of policies, change policy precedence, and track the impact of policy change on existing devices and groups.
10.87 Release Summary
Knox E-FOTA on MDM to be deprecated 31 July 2022 >>
Knox E-FOTA on MDM is an enterprise solution that allows remote management of Samsung rmware updates for managed devices through MDM
solutions. Samsung announced the end of service for Knox E-FOTA on MDM in favor of its successor Knox E-FOTA One. MaaS360 removes the Knox
E-FOTA on MDM integration from MaaS360 portal in July 2022. Managing Knox E-FOTA rmware updates in the MaaS360 portal is no longer possible
after 31 July 2022. However, customers can continue to deactivate licenses through the MaaS360 portal after 31 July 2022.
Deprecation of app approval in managed Google Play and its impact on MaaS360 app management >>
Google announced deprecation of app approval in managed Google Play. To align with Googles strategy, MaaS360 disables app approval in the
MaaS360 portal effective 10.87 release. This deprecation will impact app management workflows in MaaS360 that currently use app approval APIs.
Android 13 Zero-day support
MaaS360 announces zero-day support for Android 13. With this support, new Android 13 devices enroll with MaaS360, and existing devices upgrading
to Android 13 continue to work seamlessly without any disruption. MaaS360 ensures that both IT and end-users take advantage of new features built
into Android’s updated OS from the day of release.
Notication runtime permission >>
Android 13 introduces a new runtime notication permission, allowing users to focus on the notications that are most important to them. The
notication permission is turned off by default on Android 13 devices. Apps that are installed on Android 13 devices (or devices that upgraded to
Android 13) will now request the notication permission before posting notications. Users must explicitly grant the permission for the notications
to work. For Android Enterprise devices, MaaS360 automatically grants notication permission to core app, PIM, Docs, Browser, VPN, and Remote
control. Administrators can use Android Enterprise policies to remotely control notication permission on the managed apps, and also to block apps
that use the notication permission on managed devices. For device admin and SPS activated devices, users must explicitly grant notication
permission for MaaS360 rst-party apps from the corresponding app.
End of Life for Kiosk Mode on Standard Device Admin Devices >>
Google deprecated legacy Device Admin for enterprise use effective with the Android 10 Q release. As a part of this deprecation, a number of Device
Admin APIs are removed from support over time. To promote the adoption of Android Enterprise mode, MaaS360 stops supporting Kiosk mode on
standard (non-OEM) Android 13 devices that are enrolled in the Device Admin mode.
There is no impact to Android devices running OS version 12 or lower. Customers can continue to use Kiosk mode on Android 12 and lower devices
without any disruption.
This deprecation does not impact supported OEM devices. Customers can continue to use Kiosk mode on Samsung, LG, Bluebird, and Zebra.
There is no impact to Android devices that are enrolled in the Android Enterprise mode.
Requires MaaS360 for Android app version 7.95+.
Impact on Android 13 Device Admin devices:
Kiosk policies are no longer supported on standard Android 13 devices (with an exception for OEM devices such as Samsung, LG, Bluebird, and
The options to launch Kiosk mode are unavailable for users when they upgrade to Android 13.
Revamped Policy workflows for intuitive design, faster performance, and advanced features >>
MaaS360 modernizes security policy workflows with fresh looks and intuitive design. The redesigned interface simplies the user experience, optimizes
performance, and introduces new productivity enhancements.
In the redesigned framework, MaaS360 adds signicant enhancements to policy conguration, policy assignment, review changes, policy audit, and
bulk update.
Flagging invalid policy congurations with an error icon.
Review policy parameter changes at the policy setting level with the help of color codes.
Real-time validation of policy conguration.
New search widget support for all policy settings.
Simplied bulk update flow.
Support to track policy change history for more events.
Support to track all policy assignments in one place.
Note: These enhancements are rolled out to all customers by default. For existing customers, MaaS360 migrates policy settings and corresponding
values to the new framework.
Enhancements to Administrator Audit Reports for Administrator Role Changes >>
The Administrator Audit report generated for the administrator role changes has been enhanced for improved usability. The report is modied to delete
unused column data, and logically group data for easier comparison. This is helpful to review the data for auditing purposes.
This feature is not available to all customers by default. Contact MaaS360 Support to get this feature enabled for your account.
The Role change history report provides the role change history details for a selected administrator account for the previous 180 days. For more
information, see
MaaS360 IBM Docs site content is now automatically translated to 12 languages >>
The MaaS360 content that is published on the IBM Docs site is now automatically machine-translated in near real-timeusing IBM Watson Translation
Services for the following 12 languages:
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)
Czech (cs)
French (fr)
German (de)
Italian (it)
Japanese (ja)
Korean (ko)
Polish (pl)
Simplied Chinese (zh-tw)
Spanish (es)
Traditional Chinese (zh-ch)
Turkish (tr)
Machine-translated pages:Any content that is machine-translated displays a banner and a disclaimer stating that the content has been machine-
translated and provides users the option to revert back to English and to submit feedback:
Switching from English to a machine-translated language: Scroll to the bottom of the IBM Docs site window and click on the language that you want
to view (to switch back to English, click on English):
Deprecation of System Preferences policy settings on macOS 13 >>
Apple deprecated managed System Preference prole, the payload that congures the preference panes on managed macOS devices. There is no
impact to versions below macOS 13. Administrators can continue to congure this restriction on devices that run macOS 10.7–12.0.
Support for advanced policy restrictions for macOS 13+ devices >>
MaaS360 adds new policy restrictions:
Allow Universal Control
and Allow UI Conguration Prole Installation, allowing administrators to remotely
control device restrictions on managed devices.
Allow Universal Control
- If set to false, disables Universal Control.
Allow UI Conguration Prole Installation
- If set to false, prohibits the user from installing conguration proles and certicates interactively.
Path: macOS MDM policies > Restrictions > Functionality.
Moved GlobalHTTPProxy payload to device context >>
MaaS360 moves the GlobalHTTPProxy payload from user context to device context.
Changes to the deployment of Policy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC) prole >>
If Global proxy settings are congured through policies, MaaS360 now automatically deploys PPPC proles during the device enrollment.
Cloud Extender/Mobile Enterprise Gateway (MEG)
New health check alerts for MEG for Apple WKWebview >>
NewEnterprise VPN Gateway alerts evaluate the status of MEG and, if triggered, notify administrators by email message or text message about the
following events:
Relay server is not reachable
DNS settings are invalid or corrupted
Maximum limit reached for hosts that are not connected
From the MaaS360 Portal, administrators can choose remediation actions to troubleshoot the events.
New TCP settings for MEG in the Cloud Extender Device view on the MaaS360 Portal >>
TCP settings were added to the Cloud Extender Device view to assist administrators with troubleshooting issues with MEG.
No APIs were added or updated for this release.
What's New Since 10.86 Release Summary
Version 10.86.cd.15062022 Released 15 June 2022
Enhancements to the exported security policy report >>
You can export policy congurations in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. The export data has been enhanced to introduce new columns to display
required information and logically group the data for improved usability. This is helpful to review the data for auditing purposes. For more information
on exporting a security policy, see
Note: This feature is available to customers who have migrated to the new Policy UI. This feature will be rolled out to all customers in phases.
10.86 Release Summary
Congure background apps for Android Kiosk mode >>
MaaS360 now allows administrators to congure background apps on devices that are locked to single app or multi-app kiosk mode. Background apps
are hidden from the kiosk launcher and users cannot interact with them. Kiosk apps invoke these background apps to execute essential system
functions. For example, you can add Android System Web View ( com.google.android.webview
) as a background app to render web content on some
Android devices. Note: Supported only for Android Enterprise devices.
Control notication permission for managed apps through Security policies >>
Android 13 introduces a new runtime notication permission, allowing users to focus on the notications that are most important to them. Apps that are
installed on Android 13 will now request the notication permission from the user before posting notications. Effective 10.86, MaaS360 makes it
easier for administrators to control notication permission through Security policies. Administrators can use Android Enterprise policies to
automatically grant notication permission to the managed Google Play apps, and also to block apps that use the notication permission on managed
devices. Note: Supported only for Android Enterprise devices.
Deprecation of app approval in managed Google Play and its impact on MaaS360 app management >>
Google announced deprecation of app approval in managed Google Play. To align with Googles strategy, MaaS360 will disable app approval in the
MaaS360 portal effective 10.87 release. This deprecation will impact app management workflows in MaaS360 that are currently use app approval APIs.
Google Play app management enhancements >>
Granular instant installation options - MaaS360 adds new granular instant installation options for Google Play apps - Install once and Retry
installation. These options are available in the Add app workflow and the App Summary page. Instant once is the default option for the existing apps
that have the Instant Installation option selected. Both the options install the app on devices automatically.
New granular installation state for the Install once option - When an app is distributed with the Install once option, the Status is changed to
Distributed and State is changed to
App Available with auto install once setting
in the App Distribution page.
Support for asynchronous API for better management of apps
- In the previous releases, MaaS360 used different synchronous APIs for various app
management tasks, which caused issues in app cong distribution and app distribution. Effective 10.86, MaaS360 moves to the newer Google API
(asynchronous), wherein all those tasks are performed by a single API and thereby reducing the delays occurring across app cong and app
Removed deep link support for app installation - Users can no longer use deep links to install apps directly from the Play Store.
Use package name to congure an Always On VPN prole through Security policies >>
In the previous releases, MaaS360 supported only a limited pre-dened set of VPN connection types: F5 Edge Client, Pulse Secure, MaaS360 VPN,
Cisco AnyConnect, and Aruba VIA. MaaS360 now allows administrators to use the package name (Application ID) of the target VPN application to
congure an Always On VPN prole.
Path: Security > Policies > Android Enterprise policies > VPN > Enable Always on VPN > Always on VPN Package Name.
Requires MaaS360 for Android app version 7.85+
This conguration is applied only if a VPN Type is not selected. If you provide both VPN type and Always on Package Name, then VPN type is applied
on the device.
Support for passcode-based DEP enrollments for managed devices >>
The Basic Enrollment Settings have been enhanced to support passcode-based DEP enrollment for managed devices
. Note: The administrators who
use the passcode-based DEP enrollment for managed devices have an action item and must ensure to manually disable this setting within the
specied time. For more information, see
While adding devices to send enrollment request, the Override authentication mode for enrollment with passcode option is deprecated for enrolling
DEP devices. For more information, see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=portal-adding-devices-in-maas360.
Multiple application support for Kiosk mode (assigned access) apps (UWP and Win32) >>
MaaS360 now supports multi-app kiosk mode for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) and Win32 (Windows desktop applications) on Windows devices.
With Kiosk mode(assigned access), administrators provide limited access to an end-user device by restricting access to a few apps. End users can only
access apps that are in kiosk mode after signing in to the device.
With multi-app support, administrators can congure up to 10 apps in a single group in kiosk mode on end-user devices by enabling theMulti app Kiosk
(recommended)option in the updated Kiosk Mode (Assigned Access) policy (Security > Policies > Windows MDM policy > Advanced Settings).
Administrators can also apply the same kiosk prole to multiple users on the device. The new kiosk apps are displayed on end-user devices in a
standard 2x2 tile size and will be available for all congured users.
In previous releases, administrators could only create a single app in kiosk mode for UWP apps only. Multi-app congurations were not supported.
Creating an app conguration using an existing conguration >>
Administrators can now use an existing app conguration as a base for creating a new app conguration. In the previous releases, administrators had to
build new congurations from scratch. When adding a new app conguration, administrators can toggle the Create from existing conguration option
to select from the list of existing app congurations. Note: Supported for both Android OEM/App conguration and iOS App congurations.
Enhancements to license management
MaaS360 provides the following administrator settings which can be congured to send alert notication emails to the customer:
License Usage Threshold: Sends an email notication to the user when the usage of a MaaS360 service license bundle (MaaS360 Part Name)
exceeds the congured threshold.
License Exhaustion: Sends an email notication to the user when a MaaS360 service license bundle (MaaS360 Part Name) is completely utilized.
For more information on this enhancement, see
MaaS360 provisions the following email notications to the user:
When a license assignment request is submitted to MaaS360, an acknowledgment email for request submission is sent to the user who submitted
the request. This email includes an attachment with the details of the selected licenses.
After successful completion of license assignment, a process completion mail is sent to the user who submitted the request. This email includes
an attachment with details of successful and unsuccessful (if any) license assignments.
If the license assignment fails due to any technical issue, a process failure mail is sent to the user who submitted the request
For more information on this enhancement, see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=management-license-overview.
Enhancements to Administrator Audit reports
MaaS360 now records the Delete action in the Administrator Audit > Administrator Changes report. This feature makes it easier for administrators to
track administrator account deletions in the MaaS360 portal. The administrator audit report now records details of the delete action such as time of
deletion, admin who performed the action, etc. In the previous releases, the report included the details about all the actions performed on the
administrator accounts except the delete operation. For more information, see
The username, email, and other details of the deleted user are masked in the report.
This feature is not generally available. Contact MaaS360 Support to get this feature enabled for your account.
The Administrator change history report provides the change history details for a selected administrator account for the previous 180 days. For more
information, see
App Management
Support for disabling app reviews on the MaaS360 Portal and end-user devices >>
The App Settings have been enhanced with a new setting to perform the following:
Disable the Reviews section in the end-user app catalog for iOS and Android devices for a customer. The user is not allowed to provide or view the
reviews given for an app.
Disable the Reviews from users section in the App Catalog on the Portal. The reviews given for an app are not visible to the Administrator.
Hide the Enterprise App Rating in the App Catalog on the Portal. The rating given for an app is not visible.
Support for bulk deletion for app and bundle distributions >>
MaaS360 supports the selection of multiple app and bundle distribution records to perform bulk deletion. For more information on this enhancement,
see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=catalog-tracking-app-distributions and https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=bundle-
Deprecation Notice
MaaS360 Multi Policy Feature Deprecation>>
Multi policy feature allows administrators to assign multiple policies to devices. MaaS360 has removed the multi policy feature from all MaaS360
environments in this release.
The following web services were added or updated for this release:
The Get Admin Changes Audit API has been enhanced to fetch audits with the Deleted account status.
The Add Local User Account API has been enhanced to include a new parameter
emailSetPwdLink that sends an email link to the user to set a
For more information, see the latest Webservices guide.
10.85 Release Summary
New permission dialog for requesting location accuracy on Android 12 devices >>
On Android 12 or higher, users can specify the accuracy of the locations they share by choosing betweenPrecise (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) or
Approximate (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) location accuracy.
When the MaaS360 app targets Android 12, the new system permissions dialog includes the following options for the user:
Precise: Allows the MaaS360 app to get precise location information.
: Allows the MaaS360 app to get only approximate location information.
The Precise location pinpoints the device’s location down to a few meters. MaaS360 uses this level of location accuracy to perform some of the crucial
functions such as enabling geo-fencing, detecting insecure Wi-Fi connections, and recognizing the device's entry into precongured locations. MaaS360
Kiosk app requires this permission to display congured Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth devices in close range.
Automatic generation of consistent device ID for Android 11 and lower devices >>
Google generates an enrollment-specic identier for the device as a part of Android Enterprise enrollment. This identier remains consistenteven if
the work prole is removed and enrolled again (to the same organization), or the device is factory reset and re-enrolled. To avoid a trial of duplicate
device records, MaaS360 uses the same identier for the device re-enrollment. In the previous releases, administrators had to enable this feature for
Android 11 or lower devices through device enrollment settings. In this release, MaaS360 removes the parity between Android 11 and 12 versions and
automatically enables this capability for all Android Enterprise devices.
Enhancements to Settings in the MaaS360 Portal >>
The MaaS360 Portal UI has been enhanced to replace the term Local with MaaS360 Directory.
The User Password settings have been enhanced with the following changes:
Administrators have the provision to auto-generate or manually set a password or disable password generation for users during account creation in
MaaS360 (Local) Directory.
The options to generate a password on request from an administrator or during App Catalog distribution and to automatically generate a user
password during new device enrollment have been deprecated.
The customers with Unied Sign-in enabled can disable the MaaS360 (Local) Directory user authentication type to restrict authentication for users
belonging to this type.
Support self-serviceable onboarding for existing customers to device-based license management >>
MaaS360 provisions self-serviceable onboarding for existing customers to enable device-based license management for themselves. When a customer
enables license management, MaaS360 generates a license assignment report based on the current usage of the services by the existing devices which
the customers can conrm to migrate their existing devices to license management.
Note: This feature is not generally available and will be rolled out to eligible customers in phases.
The custom user attributes value for the text attribute is increased from 10 to 15 >>
Administrators can now dene a maximum of 30 custom user attributes which includes 15 text or string attributes, two secure value attributes, and ve
attributes each of date, enum, or boolean.
Per app VPN changes >>
If the policy contains multiple per app VPN proles (for example Cisco and F5), the payload does not install on ios 15 devices.
Action - Administrators must publish the policy containing multiple per app VPN proles to allow MaaS360 to push and reload the VPN payload on iOS
Note: The policies that have a single per app VPN prole (for example only Cisco) do not have an impact.
Deprecation notice
MaaS360 Multi Policy Feature Deprecation >>
Multi policy feature allows administrators to assign multiple policies to devices. In the upcoming Q2 2022 10.86 MaaS360 release, MaaS360 will
remove the multi policy feature from all MaaS360 environments.
New Windows 11 Readiness report>>
MaaS360 introduces a Windows 11 Readiness report that uses real-time data to show the Windows devices on your network that are ready to upgrade
to Windows 11.
The report provides two dashboards: Summary and Readiness Criteria.
The Summary dashboard shows the overall readiness of Windows devices on your network to upgrade to Windows 11. You can lter data for devices
as ready, not ready, or not available.
The Readiness Criteria dashboard shows which devices are ready to upgrade to Windows 11 based on whether the device meets the minimum
requirements from Microsoft for the following criteria: TPM, storage, memory, system rmware, processor speed, and display. For more information
about upgrading your devices to Windows 11, see
Users can export data from the report to a CVS le and send the report to recipients who are signed up to receive the report.
The following new API was added for this release:
The Get Audit of Ruleset Changes API
fetches audits of all rule changes that were made within a specic timeframe for the billing ID of an
Cloud Fixes Summaries
MaaS360 Cloud Fixes Summaries
November 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - November 2022
45485 Newly enrolled devices did not receive certicate-based proles. 01-Nov-22
44958 The Forgot Pin screen in the Android agent app displayed an error message after authentication. 03-Nov-22
45051 Administrators were unable to update certicates on iOS devices through the Update Device Certicate action. 04-Nov-22
45278 The sim card removal notications were issued with a delay. 04-Nov-22
45496 The option to select Modern Auth was unavailable in App Cong for the Outlook app. 07-Nov-22
43137 Automatic deletion of inactive users and devices after 90 days failed. 08-Nov-22
45367 MaaS360 displayed an incorrect Source IP Address in the View Change History. 09-Nov-22
45139 The deleted administrators continued to receive email notications from the MaaS360 portal. 09-Nov-22
After the MDM control was removed, a blank page was displayed when administrators tried to open the device summary page. As a
result, administrators could not issue the Hide device action to the device.
44996 When customers enabled Azure AD SAML SSO auth for portal admin login, the redirect URL for the web session failed to load. 09-Nov-22
45261 MaaS360 reports were sent sporadically even though customers activated daily subscriptions. 10-Nov-22
45365 MaaS360 Portal displayed an incorrect number of licenses available for the account. 10-Nov-22
45519 iPadOS devices were unable to access the enrollment URL when they use the mobile desktop view. 10-Nov-22
45410 Endpoint Security policies were unavailable in the MaaS360 portal. 11-Nov-22
45395 Azure AD child groups are not synced to the MaaS360 Portal. 17-Nov-22
45476 The location name was not displayed in the Device history under the Comments when the policy is changed due to location changes. 18-Nov-22
10.88 Release Fix Summary
The following customer issues were xed in the 10.88 release:
Fix number
43137 System was failing to delete user records after 90 days.
43288 iOS update pushing to devices failed from the Portal.
44052 No lter options available on the PC Inventory Software report after subscribing for email delivery.
44500 Unable to upload Android Enterprise on the MaaS360 Portal.
44897 Enrolling devices failed after account expired and was converted to a trial account.
45072 Old VPN conguration was being applied to devices.
45215 Partner was unable to view their account page (page kept loading).
45599 Unable to log in to the Portal with AD credentials.
44026 Addressed pen testing ndings.
44195 iOS policy settings were missing under Supervised Settings.
45007 Admin attempted to add a default domain.
45119 Missing password eld in the CardDav iOS policy.
45120 Admin security check for portal actions failed to authenticate.
45123 IBM Verify customer incorrectly listed as trial.
45161 Long URL custom attribute error.
45244 Initial SSO setup wasn't working.
45345 Android Chrome Managed App Cong was not working as expected.
45394 Discrepancy with the count number for all administrators.
45469 App Client ID information on Admin Portal was updated.
45509 Email eld was not being saved in the Maas360 Portal compliance rules for the Standard Email List.
45514 License overview count was displaying more units consumed than what was displayed on the main dashboard page.
44469 Advanced Search Criteria "Congurator Supervised Mode" out of alphabetical order and was possibly mis-labeled.
45301 API call updated for Stop Distribution API.
October 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - October 2022
45225 Administrators could not initiate remote control using the Remote Support app on Samsung SM-A336E models. 11-Oct-22
The App Allowlist in iOS Supervised Settings did not return matching results against the search input provided by the
45383 Administrator Log in reports displayed an incorrect IP address. 13-Oct-22
45404 The apps in the App Catalog were not updated automatically. 14-Oct-22
45395 Azure AD child groups are not synced to the MaaS360 Portal. 14-Oct-22
Administrators were unable to congure Modern Authentication for the Outlook app through the App Cong workflow. 25-Oct-22
45356 The data in the Deployment Overview report received via email subscription was misaligned. 28-Oct-22
Administrators could not publishApp Compliance policy settings without providing an app ID for the Other System Apps to
be Allowed.
10.87 Release Fix Summary
The following customer issues were xed in the 10.87 release:
Fix number
44764 Fixed an issue with the API timestamp for the Admin Login report.
44820 Fixed an issue with the Error.Parsing Request failing after selecting Device > Enrollment.
Fixed an issue with Android app wrapping failure after recompiling the app.
44958 Fixed an issue with the Forgot pin option not working for Android users.
44998 Fixed an issue where Android Enterprise users couldn't install apps.
45084 Fixed an issue where Maas360 admins could not publish a MaaS360 policy.
42432 Fixed an issue with bulk updating iOS policies.
43543 Fixed an issue where iOS app distribution and installation details weren't loading.
43813 Fixed an issue where bulk updates to an Android policychanged other settings.
44454 Fixed an issue where mobile congurations for macOS was failing and did not allow for full disk access to be enabled.
44676 Fixed an issue where the password reset message on the portal needed to be updated across all instances.
44685 Fixed an issue with the Remove on Stopping Distribution action not working properly on the portal.
44686 Fixed an issue where additional Ofce 365 user records were being added for some users.
44867 Fixed an issue with a large number of incomplete SSL handshake requests to https://login.maas360.com.
Fixed an issue withthe location name not appearing in Device history under comments when a policy was changed due to location
Fixed an issue where the admin received an error prompt during Android Device enrollment when tje admin unchecked 'enroll with
45118 Fixed an issue where a policy was not updated on Android devices.
45163 Fixed an issue where the customer tried to export an Android policy, but received a blank page.
45222 Fixed an issuewithapp congurations for the Microsoft Outlook app on Android devices.
Fixed an issue where multiple iOS policies were not changed even though customer enabled the 'Apply changes to more Policies' check
September 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - September 2022
45253 Users were unable to install iOS enterprise apps from the MaaS360 app catalog 02-Sep-2022
45263 An administrator could not override an already uploaded app cong XML le with a new one. 12-Sep-2022
When a location-based policy was assigned to a specic user group, the policy was auto-assigned to some users who were not
part of that group.
When a policy was applied to a single device, administrators could not load the device view on clicking the Applied to <> devices
option in the Policies list page.
Administrators were unable to create a device group using the advance search that was pre-populated on their MaaS360 Home
45261 Administrators did not receive email notications for the subscribed reports. 20-Sep-2022
45073 F5 Access app did not receive VPN congurations pushed through app congurations in the MaaS360 portal. 20-Sep-2022
The App Conguration workflow was unavailable in the MaaS360 account, and the App Conguration section was unavailable for
an app.
45319 MaaS360 could not automatically renew user and device certicates. 21-Sep-2022
August 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - August 2022
45149 A web app remained on the device even though the app was deleted from the App Catalog in the MaaS360 portal. 04-August-22
45071 Exchange ActiveSync integration in Cloud Extender failed due to an error in the incremental sync in the Exchange Server. 18-August-22
When attempting to enroll a DEP device, the enrollment of devices failed with
Invalid Prole
error or Invalid Request
Parameters error.
July 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - July 2022
45018 After the enrollment, devices failed to report network payload to the MaaS360 portal on M3 instances. 04-July-22
44807 Users were able to remove a device through End User Portal (EUP) without requiring MaaS360 passcode. 05-July-22
When adding an iTunes App Store app through the MaaS360 portal, the countries Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kosovo, and
Nauru were not listed in the Region dropdown. As a result, administrators were unable to add an iTunes App Store App via MaaS360
App catalog to those countries.
When a cong le without an extension was pushed to internal device storage through Docs, MaaS360 automatically added a
.unknown le extension. As a result, third-party apps were unable to read the le.
After the enrollment, devices failed to report device summary data such as IMEI, Manufacturer, and OS to the MaaS360 portal on
M3 instances.
44851 After migrating from Ping-One to ISV, the samAccountName attribute was not used as a username in the MaaS360 portal. 19-July-22
44941 Customers were unable to delete hidden/inactive devices from the MaaS360 portal. 22-July-22
45063 A conguration eld was unavailable in app congurations for an Android Enterprise app. 25-July-22
45077 The default domain values congured in the MaaS360 Settings were not displayed in the Domain eld during the enrollment. 26-July-22
45093 Administrators could not re-upload an iOS Enterprise app after deleting the app. 27-July-22
44923 When administrators tried to view exceptions in the Exceptions Report page, the View link did not load. 28-July-22
Administrative access control
flag was greyed out, even though no administrators or distributions were congured for the
June 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - June 2022
44795 The app congurations that were uploaded in the old flow did not load after migrating to the new app conguration flow. 14-June-22
The identity certicates were automatically removed on editing a policy, and those certicates were removed on devices on
publishing that policy.
44818 Reports from App Inventory in Device Details were missing columns when exported. 16-June-22
After migrating Device Admin devices to Android Prole Owner mode, the enrollment e-mail client shows as a separate device
44169 There was a discrepancy between the count of devices shown in UEM Overview report and the Device inventory page. 22-June-22
44752 A newly added Azure user was deactivated on each sync. 22-June-22
44941 Hidden/Inactive devices were not being deleted from the portal after 24 hours. 22-June-22
The App Inventory report displayed an error message when administrators tried to generate Installs by App Version and App
Installs by OS Version reports for an OEM Cong app.
44734 The document that was distributed from the portal was not available on the device. 28-June-22
44951 Policy publish failed with an error message even though the corresponding values were selected in the VPN prole. 29-June-22
When administrators tried to view exceptions in the Exceptions Report page, the View link on page 2 does not navigate them to the
third page.
10.86 Release Fix Summary
The following customer issues were xed in the 10.86 release:
Fixed an issue where Android MDM policies that were scheduled for bulk edit failed to publish if multiple permissions were congured for a
single app ID.
44679 Fixed an issue where administrators could not deploy iOS public apps and iOS web apps in a single distribution to a specic iOS device.
44225 Fixed an issue with MaaS360 Portal slow response times on M4 accounts.
Fixed an issue where MaaS360 advanced search exports blank spreadsheet with only headers when FileVault Recovery Key Present is
included in the search criteria.
44706 Fixed an issue where the More option under the device name on the Device Inventory view was not displaying the correct page.
44714 Fixed an issue where the list of Cloud Extenders was not loading when the administrator accessed Setup > Cloud Extender.
44736 Fixed an issue where the MaaS360 app prompted the customer to enter their 4-digit passcode instead of their corporate password.
44331 Fixed an issuewhere the customer was not receiving an email after creating a report subscription.
44397 Fixed an issuewith the primary admin listed in the Accounts tab for the customer.
44484 Fixed an issue where the User Password Link email was not sent when the Local User was created from the API.
44504 Fixed an issue with a page hanging after saving a group of devices.
44567 Fixed an issue with an iOS device not being enrolled in SPS mode.
Fixed an issue where enforcement rules changed a policy even though the Application Compliance conguration was different between
Fixed an issue where the MaaS360 Portal wasdisplaying garbled Japanese text when the criteria of device groups were created in an
earlier platform release.
44611 Fixed an issue with G Suite SAML failing.
44717 Fixed an issue where Android devices were being prompted for a 4-digit passcode in the MaaS360 app instead of the LDAP password.
44837 Fixed an issue with a passcode error after the administrator set the Portal login for SSO from Duo.
44343 Fixed an issue where updated user record attributes from an API call to update MailDomain were being reverted back after 24 hours.
44408 Fixed an issue where Advanced Search wasn't exporting data correctly.
44487 Fixed an issue where the More link in the MaaS360 Portal wasn't showing menu options.
Fixed an issue where the number lter at the bottom of the Actions and Event workflow (Devices > Actions & Events) was showing NaN (Not
a Number) instead of the actual number.
44509 Fixed an issue where creating a new policy showed placeholder text instead of the actual policy name.
44641 Fixed an issue with Bulk User Upload formatting that previously worked.
44772 Fixed an issue with the Learn More link that was broken for an IBM ID linking to admin accounts.
May 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - May 2022
Description Date Released
44777 Administrators were unable to upload an enterprise app of type Packages for Windows in the App Catalog. 20-May-22
44636 Administrators were unable to sync Azure AD groups to MaaS360. 20-May-22
April 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - April 2022
Apple devices did not receive the default MDM policy after enrolling through DEP.
The PC Inventory Software report did not display existing lter options when subscribing for Email Delivery.
44520 Newly enrolled iOS 15 devices did not receive the VPN policy that consisted of the list of apps that were allowed to use VPN. 07-April-22
44600 Customers could not log in to IBM Security Verify portal through MaaS360. 07-April-22
Administrators were unable to deploy iOS updates to device groups.
Android devices enrolled in DO mode did not receive the latest version of an Android enterprise app.
Administrators who subscribed to UEM Overview report did not receive the report to the congured email address.
Administrators could not generate Mobile Data Usage Analysis reports in the MaaS360 portal.
When adding an iTunes App Store app through the MaaS360 portal, the country Bosnia and Herzegovina was not listed in the
region dropdown.
44293 Enterprise Email Integration for G-Suite stopped syncing new devices to the MaaS360 portal. 27-April-22
44635 Biometric unlock was disabled and users could not change biometric settings on the device. 27-April-22
A blank white screen was displayed when administrators tried to release VPP licenses from a device
10.85 Release Fix Summary
The following customer issues were xed in the 10.85 release:
43923 Fixed an issue where device enrollments were failing if the license type wasn't set automatically.
43696 Fixed an issue with the Device Name column in custom reports.
43963 Fixed an issue where the user was unable to set app conguration for a specic app.
43951 Fixed an issue where the MSP master account was not showing the correct account information after a timeout.
44073 Fixed an issue with garbled Japanese text in the[Department/Business Unit]�eld in device inventory.
44099 Fixed an issue where the user was receiving an error when they clicked Device Details in a report.
44442 Fixed an authentication issue with the user logging in to the end-user portal.
38252 Fixed an issue that restricted admins from viewing My Alert Center on all devices.
43619 Fixed an issue with changing policies on macOS machines.
43688 Fixed an issue where a new admin was not receiving a temp password to log in to the portal.
43828 Fixed an issue where the macOS wi prole kept disconnecting andrequired a password every time a macOS device restarted.
44192 Fixed an issue where the admin could not delete/remove alerts from My Alert Center.
43867 Fixed an issue where the admin could not generate an installed software inventory report.
43985 Fixed an issue wherethere was no option for IP address under network information on the Advanced Search page.
44096 Fixed an issue where the portal was not updating custom attribute values in the device inventory when Japanese was selected.
44143 Fixed an issue where the customer was receiving email alerts from the portal containing Chinese characters.
44204 Fixed an issue where the term 'whitelist' was still displayed in the WorkPlace Persona policy settings.
44225 Fixed an issue where the customer was receiving slow portal response times when logging into their M4 accounts.
44348 Fixed an issue where the per app VPN payload for the iOS MDM policy failed to install.
43600 Fixed an issue where 'Bulk Add' failed if the CSV le contained an Access Control policy.
43959 Fixed an issue where Chrome was not detected as an OS type in the Administrators Logins report.
44228 Fixed an issue with incorrect Japanese translations in the Add Device workflow for License Management.
44297 Fixed an issue where customers could not view details under Device Summary > App Distributions > App Distributions Details.
Fixed the syntax of the wildcard from.*domainname.com to
that is displayed in the help text below the Android Enterprise
policies > Congure Allowed Accounts (Allowlist).
43738 Fixed an issue where administrators were unable to upgrade an Android enterprise app in the Maas360 portal.
44249 Fixed an issue where devices were enrolled in the Device Admin mode instead of the Prole Owner mode.
March 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - March 2022
Fix Description
Android devices did not receive the latest policy version from the MaaS360 portal.
Administrators were unable to log into the MaaS360 portal and users were unable to authenticate device enrollments with
Azure credentials.
44410 MDM policy was changed on iOS devices and administrators were unable to apply the original policy to those devices.
References to racially insensitive terminology such as Blacklist/Whitelist was found in Windows MDM policies > Device
Settings > Advanced App Compliance.
The PC Inventory Software Report Custom Filter name with space shows junk characters (%@x20) instead of the actual
Administrators were unable to view custom lters they created in the Reports workflow.
Some workflows in the MaaS360 portal (For example - Device Inventory) were loading slowly or irresponsive.
When the administrators assigned a policy to iOS devices, MaaS360 changed the policy back to the default policy.
Delete Device option was unavailable for an inactive device.
An invalid date was displayed in Next Mail schedule for subscription hardware inventory reports.
Samsung was not listed in the Reports > App inventory > Overview > Total Apps installed by Device Manufacturer
44380 Inactive devices were still displayed in the MaaS360 portal 24 hours after administrators deleted those records.
The option to set maximum number of devices allowed to enroll in to MaaS360 account was unavailable for customers in the
Advanced Device Enrollment Settings.
When conguring a Box certicate in Docs > Content Sources, the Submit button was unavailable in the MaaS360 portal.
When a user tried to change the From Date of a Calendar event, MaaS360 displayed a transparent background for the
overlaid calendar, making it difcult for users to select a new date.
A web app was active on devices even though it was deleted in the MaaS360 App Catalog.
February 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - February 2022
After setting up Okta integration for user authentication, users were redirected to the IBM MaaS360 login page instead of the Okta
login page.
44210 When adding an iTunes App Store app through the MaaS360 portal, Serbia was not listed in the region dropdown. 07-Feb-2022
When a user's email address was updated in the Active Directory, the changes were not reflected on the Device Summary page
44298 Administrators could not deploy enterprise apps to Android devices. 08-Feb-2022
44291 The options to create an Android MDM policy were unavailable in the MaaS360 portal for new customers. 14-Feb-2022
New device enrollments failed to auto-approve even thoughAuto-Quarantine and auto-approval of devices were enabled in the
Cloud Extender policy settings.
42001 Gateway timeout error message was displayed when administrators tried to export device inventory from the MaaS360 portal. 14-Feb-2022
44356 A blank screen was displayed when users tried to reset the PIN for the MaaS360 for Android app. 17-Feb-2022
44279 An error message was displayed when administrators tried to distribute a folder path via Windows le share. 17-Feb-2022
44351 Administrators could not deploy enterprise apps to Android devices. The app distribution was stuck at the Downloading state. 21-Feb-2022
January 2022 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - January 2022
Fix #
43960 Administrators could not generate an App Inventory report to retrieve Device Details for an app in the MaaS360 portal. 06-Jan-2022
44056 The user data was not displayed on the user view page if the user custom attributes were congured with the (/) symbol. 06-Jan-2022
43713 The storage data is missing in the Hardware Inventory report. 11-Jan-2022
When a device merge action was performed via Devices > Exceptions workflow, the page darkens and the action does not
43908 When Install Automatically was selected on the App Summary page, the page became unresponsive. 18-Jan-2022
43686 An iOS Enterprise app could not connect to the database server. 19-Jan-2022
44105 An incorrect app icon was displayed for the Android app version 7.71 in the MaaS360 portal > App Catalog. 19-Jan-2022
After enrollment, devices were displayed in the correct enrollment group, but users had to wait up to 15 minutes before app
distributions were processed on devices.
43996 Administrators could not publish an app conguration for the Samsung Smart Switch Mobile app. 27-Jan-2022
44208 The default Android policy was not applied to the devices after the enrollment. 28-Jan-2022
44251 The DEP enrollments that require authentication against AD/AzureAD authentication could not be processed. 31-Jan-2022
10.84 Release Fix Summary
The following customer issues were xed in the 10.84 release:
43606 Fixed an issue where the admin was unable to launch the Setup > Administrator page.
41566 Fixed an issue where the admin was unable to search for a Zebra device after enrolling the device in the portal.
43159 Fixed an issue where the macOS shell script was not executing.
43261 Fixed an issue where the admin was unable to add Windows.exe apps to the MaaS360 platform.
Fixed an issue where clicking the "Add User" button in the upper right corner of the portal home page incorrectly inserted a compliance
43646 Fixed an issue whereOEMCong was not applied to devices during app distribution.
43649 Fixed an issue where the admin received an error message while enrolling Android devices in DO mode.
43769 Fixed an issue with the Exchange ActiveSync payload not installing on iOS devices.
43809 Fixed an issue with iOS VPP apps not installing.
43881 Fixed an issue with devices not being reclassied from inactive to active as expected.
40947 Fixed an issue withhost pairing not working on iOS 13+ devices.
Fixed an issue where the admin was unable to access an iOS 14.4.2 DEP supervised device, with a DEP Prole that had Allow Pairing
unchecked, from iTunes with the Allowing Host Pairing MDM policy.
42714 Fixed an issue where the customer was getting stuck during initial portal setup (during quick start).
42750 Fixed an issue with the Wandera app not automatically re-installing when re-added to a Group that had Wandera as a pushed app.
42866 Fixed an issue where the admin was not receiving enrollment emails after trying to enroll their test device.
43074 Fixed an issue where a policy was failing email login authentication for new enrollments.
43334 Fixed an issue where auto device naming was not functioning for multiple iOS devices.
43414 Fixed an issue where the admin was experiencing delays when trying to apply OEMCong settings on Android Enterprise devices.
43422 Fixed an issue where the admin could not create a Google account during Knox enrollment.
43484 Fixed an issue with the Expense Management Plan not being applied to individual devices after being applied through Device Groups.
43486 Fixed an issue where the admin was unable to add a new admin to the portal.
43581 Fixed an issue with the incorrect app version being installed on devices.
Fixed an issue where after enabling "License Management" for the account, enrollment by local authentication was not completing after
43765 Fixed an issue where text in a Android Enterprise Security policy setting was out of place.
43829 Fixed an issue where the portal was not allowing users to use iOS dictation.
43856 Fixed an issue where the admin couldn't change a ruleset message.
43870 Fixed an issue where the admin couldn'tcreate a web apps approval template.
41691 Fixed an issue where the portal user interface still displayed a deprecated service, IBM Connections Cloud.
43580 Fixed a misspelled word in an iOS policy.
December 2021 Daily Fixes Summary
MaaS360 Daily Fixes - December 2021
Fix #
43885 Android devices did not report the Last reported data to the MaaS360 portal. 02-Dec-2021
44012 The error message Device registration request failed was displayed and the enrollment of Android devices failed. 08-Dec-2021
44064 The bulk enrollment of Bluebird devices in the Device Admin mode failed. 20-Dec-2021
MaaS360 displayed an incorrect folder structure wherein Deleted items were displayed in the root folder instead of the All
Folders list in the Secure Mail app.
44111 The distribution of Android app version 7.71 was stuck at the Pending Update state.
iOS Release Summaries
MaaS360 iOS Release Summaries
iOS SDK and Wrapping 4.40 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS SDK and Wrapping version 4.40 available on 20 December 2022.
45052, 45619 Customers were unable to perform wrapping on the app via MaaS360 if the SDK app is built with iOS 13.3 and above.
Secure Browser 3.90 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS Secure Browser app version 3.90 beta available on TestFlight on 27 October 2022.
Discontinued support for iOS 13 >>
The Secure Browser app version 3.90 is no longer supported on devices running iOS version 13 and lower. The minimum OS requirement for the Secure
Browser app version 3.90 is now iOS 14. The end of support implies that users running versions older than iOS 14 cannot download the Secure Browser
app version 3.90 from the App Store. MaaS360 recommends customers to upgrade to the supported OS versions to take advantage of future Secure
Browser app versions.
Secure Editor 3.20 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS Secure Editor app version 3.20 beta available on TestFlight on 27 October 2022.
Discontinued support for iOS 13 >>
The Secure Editor app version 3.20 is no longer supported on devices running iOS version 13 and lower. The minimum OS requirement for Secure Editor
app version 3.20 is now iOS 14. The end of support implies that users running versions older than iOS 14 cannot download Secure Editor app version
3.20 from the App Store. MaaS360 recommends customers to upgrade to the supported OS versions to take advantage of future Secure Editor app
User Interface enhancements >>
The updated Secure Editor app features a redesigned document detail view and other productivity improvements.
iOS 5.30 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS app version 5.30 beta available on TestFlight on 27 October 2022.
PDF Form support >>
MaaS360 upgrades the PSPDFKit library to allow users to easily view, edit, and save PDF Form data.
Note: MaaS360 does not support Signature eld in PDF Forms.
Discontinued support for iOS 13 >>
MaaS360 app version 5.30 is no longer supported on devices running iOS version 13 and lower. The minimum OS requirement for MaaS360 app version
5.30 is now iOS 14. The end of support implies that users running versions older than iOS 14 cannot download MaaS360 app version 5.30 from the App
Store. MaaS360 recommends customers to upgrade to the supported OS versions to take advantage of future MaaS360 app versions.
MSAL SDK Upgrade >>
MaaS360 upgrades MSAL SDK version from 1.1.26 to 1.2.2.
Defect Fixes
The mail content was not displayed intermittently after migrating the email server to Google Workspace.
The Search option was unavailable in the PDF les on MDM enrolled devices.
45460, 45366 Email and Calendar sync improvements.
iOS 5.21 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes iOS app version 5.21 available on App Store on 19th October 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
45325 Users were unable to send les and photos to the MaaS360 Secure Mail app via Share extension.
iOS SDK and Wrapping 4.35 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS SDK and Wrapping version 4.35 available on 09 September 2022.
Defect Summary
44309 A wrapped app could not complete the activation after switching to the MaaS360 app.
iOS Secure Browser 3.80 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Secure Browser version 3.80 available on App Store on 13 September 2022.
Discontinued support for iOS 12 >>
The Secure Browser app version 3.80 is no longer supported on devices running iOS version 12 and lower. The minimum OS requirement for Secure
Browser app version 3.80 is now iOS 13. The end of support implies that users running versions older than iOS 13 cannot download Secure Browser app
version 3.80 from the App Store. MaaS360 recommends customers to upgrade to the supported OS versions to take advantage of the future Secure
Browser app versions.
iOS 16 Zero day support >>
MaaS360 announces zero-day support for iOS 16. With this support, the Secure Browser app works seamlessly on iOS 16 devices without any
Defect Fixes
Defect Description
44866 Users were unable to connect to intranet sites through MaaS360 Secure Browser after conguring Mobile Enterprise Gateway (MEG) module.
After connecting toMobile Enterprise Gateway (MEG), users were unable to download les through Secure Browser in scenarios where lename
was missing in the HTTP header.
When users launch the Secure Browser app from the background, the gateway connection times out and the device does not start MEG
connection until users manually tap Retry.
To allow the devices to automatically re-establish MEG connection, follow these steps:
Open the Persona policy.
2. Navigate to WorkPlace >
Provide the following key value pair in Advanced Conguration Details.
Value: Yes
iOS 5.20 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes iOS app version 5.20 available on App Store on 13 September 2022.
Discontinued support for iOS 12 >>
MaaS360 app version 5.20 is no longer supported on devices running iOS version 12 and lower. The minimum OS requirement for MaaS360 app version
5.20 is now iOS 13. The end of support implies that users running versions older than iOS 13 cannot download MaaS360 app version 5.20 from the App
Store. MaaS360 recommends customers to upgrade to the supported OS versions to take advantage of future MaaS360 app versions.
iOS 16 Zero day support >>
MaaS360 announces zero-day support for iOS 16. With this support, new iOS 16 devices can enroll with MaaS360, and existing devices upgrading to
iOS 16 continue to work seamlessly without any disruption.
Changes to the device name for devices activated in MaaS360 >>
To protect the end-user's privacy, iOS 16+ devices that are activated in MaaS360 no longer share user-assigned device name (General > About > Name)
with the MaaS360 portal. As a result, MaaS360 uses the combination of MaaS360 username and Device type separated by a hyphen as a device name
for the SPS activated devices.
MaaS360 uses the following format to generate the device name for activated devices running iOS 16 and later:
<username>-<device model>
iOS 15 and earlier iOS 16 and later
Denise’s iPhone 13 Pro denise-iPhone
Note: There is no impact to the device name for MDM enrolled devices.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
S-153820 EWS push notications played sound when the device was in silent mode.
An incorrect password error was displayed when administrators tried to open password-protected device log zip les that were gathered
from the MaaS360 portal.
The Inbox dropdown overrides with the tick mark icon in the Secure Mail app after changing the orientation from landscape to portrait on iOS
16 devices.
45218 A blank white space was displayed in the email preview pane when emails were selected in the Secure Mail app on iOS 16 devices.
iOS SDK and Wrapping 4.30 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS SDK and Wrapping version 4.30 available on 30 July 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
on th
pinning, if an SDK app was inactive
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time, th
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opened th
iOS Secure Browser 3.70.5 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes Secure Browser app version 3.70.5 available on iTunes on 19 May 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Description
43916 The gateway requests from the devices failed to reach the gateway server, resulting in the MaaS360 Secure Browser app crashes.
iOS 5.10 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes iOS app version 5.10 beta available on TestFlight on 09 June 2022.
MaaS360 app automatically uses the latest Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol if users upgrade to EAS 16 >>
In the previous releases, administrators had to enable the use of EAS 16 protocol on end-user devices through an advanced conguration parameter in
the Security policies.
Effective MaaS360 for iOS app version 5.10 release, if an upgrade to EAS 16 is available for the device, MaaS360 app will automatically use the EAS 16
protocol and starts syncing mails, calendar, and contacts in the background. Because the MaaS360 app version 5.10+ automatically uses EAS 16, the
prompt to enable the use of EAS 16 will not be displayed to the end-users.
Customer impact
All emails will be re-synced from the Exchange server. However, the previously downloaded email attachments must be re-downloaded.
The re-sync process may show empty mail list temporarily until MaaS360 app starts syncing new mails from the Exchange server.
The re-sync process might block UI touch events for a few seconds while cleaning up previously downloaded emails.
Note: There is no impact to existing accounts that have the EAS 16 protocol enabled through advanced conguration settings in Security policies.
Defect Fixes
Badge count was not displayed and new email notications were not delivered even though subscription-based email notications setting was
The following error message was displayed during the enrollment and activation of devices.
Cert pinning error message
44803 When a reoccurring or single calendar appointment was forwarded from one user to another, the email body was blank at the recipient's end.
44862 When replying to an email, the Secure Mail app did not display From, Date, To, and Subject elds.
iOS Secure Editor 3.10.18 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS Secure Editor app version 3.10.18 available on TestFlight on 10 May 2022.
Secure Editor upgrades zlib to version 1.2.12.
iOS Secure Editor 3.0 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS Secure Editor app version 3.0 available on iTunes on 27 April 2022.
Secure Editor upgrades its OpenSSL library to version 1.1.1m.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
43521 Users could not save Windows File Sharing les to the source in Secure Editor.
iOS MaaS360 VPN 3.22.1 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the VPN app version 3.22.1 available on the iTunes app on 20 April 2022.
MaaS360 adds a x to support TCP mode of MaaS360 VPN server and makes changes to the client conguration that are required to establish a
connection with the MaaS360 VPN in the TCP mode.
iOS 5.0 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS app version 5.0 available on the iTunes app on 06 April 2022.
MaaS360 upgrades zlib to version 1.2.12.
Defect Fixes
Defect # Summary
44367 If the pdf le had a comma in the lename, the pdf le was split into two les when imported into MaaS360.
44342 Users could not sign in to the MaaS360 app on DEP devices.
44283 The activation of iOS devices through a QR code failed with the "Enrollment Request Invalid" message.
44136 The certicate pinning failed on devices due to an unsupported algorithm in the customer certicate.
44227 iOS devices were unable to play MP3 attachments that were received via emails on the Secure Email app.
iOS SDK and Wrapping 4.20.000 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS SDK and Wrapping version 4.20.000 available on 23 March 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
44306 Users had to restart iOS Enterprise apps to reconnect to MaaS360 Mobile Enterprise Gateway (MEG).
44305 iOS Enterprise apps did not load the UI labels on the login screen.
iOS 4.92.4 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS app version 4.92.4 available on iTunes on 4th March 2022.
MaaS360 upgrades its OpenSSL library to version 1.1.1m.
iOS 4.91 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS app version 4.91 available on the iTunes app on 22 January 2022.
Defect xes
Fix #
When the administrators deployed a certicate, users were unable to download the certicate on the devices and the conguration of
certicates on the MaaS360 app failed.
iOS SDK and Wrapping 4.10 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS SDK and Wrapping version 4.10 available on 19 January 2022.
Defect Fixes
Fix #
The VPN setting was automatically turned off on iOS devices. As a result, the
SDK apps failed to connect to MaaS360 Enterprise
Gateway (MEG).
iOS 4.90 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the iOS app version 4.90 available on iTunes on 17 January 2022.
Defect xes
When the subscription-based notications are enabled through WorkPlace persona policies, the MaaS360 for iOS app crashed after signing in
to the Secure Mail account.
Android Release Summaries
MaaS360 Android Release Summaries
Android 8.10 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 8.10 beta available on Play Store on 28 November 2022.
New enhancements to Android agent enrollment workflows >>
Android app version 8.0, MaaS360 revamped Android agent enrollment screens with a new user interface and productivity enhancements. In the
previous releases, the new enrollments enhancements were available only to Device Admin bulk enrollments by default. Administrators had to create
and embed a custom URL in the HTML le to apply new enrollment changes to Prole Owner, Device Admin, and SPS.
MaaS360 adds the following enhancements in Android app version 8.10:
Extends new enrollment enhancements to all the enrollment modes (Device Admin, Prole Owner, and Device Owner). All devices automatically go
through the new enrollment flow during the enrollment without requiring additional conguration.
Allows administrators to force the device enrollment as a part of device provisioning so that users cannot skip important device enrollment screens.
Replaces local authentication screens with a unied webview.
Removes enrollment completion notication and displays the enrollment status directly on the enrollment screen.
Displays the number of retry attempts directly on the enrollment screens.
Note: New enrollment screens are available only on devices running Android OS version 7 and later. Requires MaaS360 for Android app version 8.10.
Android OS versions 5 and 6 is no longer recommended by MaaS360 >>
In Q1 2022, MaaS360 announced the end of support timelines and then constantly reminded customers to target devices running Android OS versions
5 and 6 for OS upgrade or replacement. Effective with MaaS360 agent version 8.10, devices that run these OS versions will no longer receive new
MaaS360 apps. The MaaS360 agent app version 8.05 is the last supported version for devices running OS versions 5 and 6. If there are issues or bugs
with OS versions 5 and 6, customers cannot raise support tickets for problems that occur on these OS versions.
Customer impact on devices running OS versions 5 and 6:
Devices that are currently enrolled can continue to be enrolled and secured until further notication. These devices are automatically locked to the
MaaS360 app version 8.05.
New devices can be enrolled with MaaS360 app version 8.05, which is the last supported agent version on unsupported devices.
Effective with MaaS360 SDK version 8.10, MaaS360 freezes support for these older versions. The minimum OS version requirement for the MaaS360
SDK jar 8.10 is Android 7 and later.
The apps that are wrapped or updated after the 10.88 release are compatible only on Android devices running OS versions 7 and later. Existing apps
continue to work on older OS versions unless they are updated or re-wrapped after the 10.88 release. If customers want to manage both existing and
new apps, the apps wrapped after 10.88 release must be added as an additional version.
End of support announcement for Knox enrollments on Android OS version 7 >>
Samsung announced the end of support for Knox enrollments on Android OS version 7 in the policy update statement. As per the policy update,
Samsung updated the minimum supported versions to restrict Knox enrollments to Android OS versions Android 8.0 (Knox 3.0) and later. For more
information on the policy update, see https://www.samsungknox.com/en/blog/policy-update-on-knox-supported-versions.
To comply with Samsung's policy update requirements, MaaS360 no longer supports Samsung Knox enrollments (new/re-enrollment) on Android OS
version 7 effective with MaaS360 for Android app version 8.10.
Existing devices - Android 7 devices that are already enrolled into MaaS360 are unaffected, but they will not be able to re-enroll.
New devices - Android 7 devices can no longer enroll with MaaS360 for Android app version 8.10.
Updated messaging in the MaaS360 for Android app to improve end-user transparency >>
MaaS360 improves messaging in some permission request and dialog boxes that are presented in the MaaS360 for Android app based on Google's
privacy policies.
MaaS360 adds the following enhancements:
Updated permission dialogs based on Google's best practices to make permissions more understandable, useful, and secure for users. The updated
permission dialogs clearly explain what data the MaaS360 app is trying to access and what benets the app can provide to the users if they grant that
permission. In scenarios where the permission is critical to the functioning of the MaaS360 app, MaaS360 displays a rationale screen to explain why
the permission is required and what functionalities are affected if the permission is denied.
informed decisions.
Displays the list of all the policies that are enforced by the organization to manage devices.
Congure time for the kiosk device to return to the single app mode >>
MaaS360 adds a new policy setting to allow administrators to congure the time before the congured app is automatically launched when users exit
the single app mode. Users exit the single app mode to perform activities such as changing device settings and checking the billing ID. In the previous
releases, the timer was automatically set to 60 seconds by default. If this setting is not congured, the congured app is automatically launched 60
seconds after users exit the single app mode.
Note: Supported only for the single app mode. COSU Mode Type must be set to Automatically launch a required app and lock the device to display
only this.
Path: Android Enterprise settings > COSU (Kiosk mode) > Time after which app should be launched automatically (in seconds).
Android 8.05 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes Android app version 8.05 available on Play Store on 15 November 2022.
MaaS360 Docs app no longer uses REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission >>
To comply with Google Play policies, MaaS360 no longer requires REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission for the Docs app.
Impact: Users cannot install the .apk les distributed by the administrators via the Docs app. As an alternative, administrators can use MaaS360 App
Catalog to distribute .apk les to devices.
New enrollment workflow changes now available for DA and PO enrollments by default >>
In MaaS360 for Android app version 8.0, MaaS360 redesigned the Android agent enrollment screens and made the new enrollment enhancements
available to Device Admin bulk enrollments available by default. In previous releases, administrators had to create and embed a custom URL in the
HTML le to apply new enrollment changes to Prole Owner, Device Admin, and SPS. Effective with MaaS360 for Android app version 8.05, MaaS360
turns on new enrollment changes for Prole Owner, Device Admin, SPS, and Device Owner (token-based) enrollments. With this support, the new
enrollment changes are now available to Prole Owner, Device Admin, SPS, and Device Owner (token-based) enrollments by default without requiring
additional conguration.
For more information, see
Android 8.01 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes Android app version 8.01 available on Play Store on 03 October 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
45225 Administrators could not initiate remote control using the Remote Support app on Samsung SM-A336E models.
Android 8.0 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes Android app version 8.0 beta available on Play Store on 29 August 2022.
Refactoring of Android agent enrollment workflows >>
MaaS360 redesigns Android agent enrollment screens to enhance the user experience and streamline the enrollment steps. As a part of design
refactoring, MaaS360 adds granular enrollment steps and improves error handling.
Completes device enrollment as a part of device provisioning
Fixes issues with Zero-touch parameters.
Optimizes retry logic.
Resumes enrollment after restart from where it left off.
Displays a uniform error screen across all steps in the enrollment flow, with support to Retry and Abort.
Displays the enrollment stages with the help of labels/titles, allowing users to easily track the progress of the enrollment.
Deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online and G Suite >>
Microsoft announced they are turning off Basic Authentication for legacy protocols: Exchange Active Sync (EAS), Post Ofce Protocol (POP), Internet
Message Access Protocol (IMAP), and Remote PowerShell (RPS) in Exchange Online. The adoption of Modern Authentication is the only path forward for
the existing Exchange Online customers leveraging Basic Auth.
Android 13 Zero-day support
MaaS360 announces zero-day support for Android 13. With this support, new Android 13 devices enroll with MaaS360, and existing devices upgrading
to Android 13 continue to work seamlessly without any disruption. MaaS360 ensures that both IT and end-users take advantage of new features built
into Android’s updated OS from the day of release.
Notication runtime permission >>
Android 13 introduces a new runtime notication permission, allowing users to focus on the notications that are most important to them. The
notication permission is turned off by default on Android 13 devices. Apps that are installed on Android 13 devices (or devices that upgraded to
Android 13) will now request the notication permission before posting notications. Users must explicitly grant the permission for the notications
to work. For Android Enterprise devices, MaaS360 automatically grants notication permission to core app, PIM, Docs, Browser, VPN, and Remote
control. Administrators can use Android Enterprise policies to remotely control notication permission on the managed apps, and also to block apps
that use the notication permission on managed devices. For device admin and SPS activated devices, users must explicitly grant notication
permission for MaaS360 rst-party apps from the corresponding app.
Android OS version 5 and 6 will no longer recommended by MaaS360 >>
MaaS360 does not recommend running devices on Android versions 5 and 6. MaaS360 will drop support for these OS versions with MaaS360 for
Android app release 8.10, which is scheduled to be released in Q4.
In case there are issues or bugs, customers cannot raise support tickets for problems that occur on these OS versions. Customers can still raise tickets
if they occur on later versions of the Android OS. But, these devices cannot receive bug xes that are released with agent releases from October 2022.
Enhancements to Ofce 365 account sign out screen >>
MaaS360 displays the sign in information such as sign-in date, sign in app, sign in type in the MaaS360 Settings > Ofce 365 Accounts screen for
Modern authentication-enabled Ofce 365 accounts.
Direct boot reset passcode support for Samsung devices >>
MaaS360 adds support to issue the reset passcode command to Samsung devices running 11+ when they are in the Direct boot mode.
Defect xes
The following error message was displayed when wrapping an app if android:extractNativeLibs was set to false in the
AndroidManifest.xml le.
To avoid the error message, administrators must set the following app wrapping parameter to true.
See https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/maas360?topic=wrapping-android-app-parameters
44969 The Wi-Fi icon changed to Android green icon on changing the language preferences in the Kiosk launcher.
44943 When admins congured attribute-based group assignment, the group membership failed and devices reverted to the default policy.
42785 A device reported Secure Browser app as an installed service, even though administrators did not deploy the app through policies.
Android 7.95 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes Android app version 7.95 beta available on Play Store on 25-July-2022.
Android 13 Zero-day support
MaaS360 announces zero-day support for Android 13. With this support, new Android 13 devices enroll with MaaS360, and existing devices upgrading
to Android 13 continue to work seamlessly without any disruption. MaaS360 ensures that both IT and end-users take advantage of new features built
into Android’s updated OS from the day of release.
Notication runtime permission >>
Android 13 introduces a new runtime notication permission, allowing users to focus on the notications that are most important to them. The
notication permission is turned off by default on Android 13 devices. Apps that are installed on Android 13 devices (or devices that upgraded to
Android 13) will now request the notication permission before posting notications. Users must explicitly grant the permission for the notications
to work. For Android Enterprise devices, MaaS360 automatically grants notication permission to core app, PIM, Docs, Browser, VPN, and Remote
control. Administrators can use Android Enterprise policies to remotely control notication permission on the managed apps, and also to block apps
that use the notication permission on managed devices. For device admin and SPS activated devices, users must explicitly grant notication
permission for MaaS360 rst-party apps from the corresponding app.
End of Life for Kiosk Mode on Standard Device Admin Devices >>
Google deprecated legacy Device Admin for enterprise use effective with the Android 10 Q release. As a part of this deprecation, a number of Device
Admin APIs are removed from support over time. To promote the adoption of Android Enterprise mode, MaaS360 stops supporting Kiosk mode on
Standard Android 13 (non-Samsung) devices.
Kiosk policies are not supported and administrators cannot enable Kiosk for Device Admin devices.
The options to launch Kiosk mode are unavailable for users when they upgrade to Android 13.
Android 7.91 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 7.91 available on Play Store on 26 June 2022.
H-54886 When administrators published a policy with new passcode settings, the passcode evaluation failed on Samsung Device Admin (DA) devices.
H-54885 The MaaS360 for Android app crashed when users upgraded the MaaS360 app on activated devices.
C-44978 Some Device Owner (DO) devices that were enrolled through Knox Mobile Enrollment (KME) automatically signed off after the enrollment.
Android 7.90 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 7.90 beta available in Play Store on 6th June 2022.
Congure background apps for Android Kiosk mode >>
When a device is locked to single app or multi-app kiosk mode, you can specify a list of apps that are allowed to run in the background. These
background apps are hidden from the Kiosk home screen and users cannot interact with them. Kiosk apps can invoke these background apps to execute
custom system functions.For example, you can add Android System WebView as a background app to render web content on some Android devices.
Note: Supported only for Android Enterprise devices.
All MaaS360 apps are now compliant with Android 12 >>
MaaS360 is now fully compatible with Android 12 and adopts all the behavior changes related to Android 12.
Behavior changes
Special permission required to set exact alarms
- Exact alarms schedule an alarm to be delivered precisely at the stated time. MaaS360 uses exact
alarms to perform time-sensitive actions such as Out of Compliance Timer, Calendar/Task reminders, and Selective Wipe on inactivity. Apps that
target Android12 must have the
permission in order to setexact alarms. The apps that have SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
permission can access
Alarms & reminders
capability that appears within the Special app access screen in system settings. This permission is auto-
granted to apps on new enrollments or upgrade to MaaS360 app version 7.90. However, both users and system can revoke
Alarms & reminders
special app access. If the Alarms & Reminders access is revoked, the app stops functioning and all future exact alarms are cancelled.
Support for new Bluetooth permissions to use Bluetooth features
- Apps that target Android 12 must use the new dynamic permissions
BLUETOOTH_SCAN, BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE and BLUETOOTH_CONNECT to access Bluetooth functionality. To grant the new Bluetooth
permissions, users must allow the app to access Nearby devices. This permission is not granted by default. Users must grant the Nearby devices
permission on the device to allow the device to discover and connect to nearby Bluetooth devices.MaaS360 app needs this permission to collect
peripheral device data.
Passcode length & Quality cannot be set for prole owners anymore - In the previous releases, the passcode settings: Minimum Passcode Quality
and Minimum Passcode Length were deprecated for Android 12+ Prole Owner (PO) devices in favor of Minimum Password Complexity, but
administrators were allowed to push deprecated policies to the devices. The deprecated policy settings: Minimum Passcode Quality and Minimum
Passcode Length are no longer supported on Prole Owner (PO) devices when they enroll with or upgrade to MaaS360 for Android app version 7.90+.
Administrators must use Minimum Password Complexity to set passcode settings on PO devices running MaaS360 for Android app version 7.90+.
Control notication permission for managed apps through Security policies >>
Android 13 introduces a new runtime notication permission, allowing users to focus on the notications that are most important to them. Apps that are
installed on Android 13 will now request the notication permission from the user before posting notications. Effective 10.86, MaaS360 makes it
easier for administrators to control notication permission through Security policies. Administrators can use Android Enterprise policies to
automatically grant notication permission to the managed Google Play apps, and also to block apps that use the notication permission on managed
Note: Supported only for Android Enterprise devices.
Google Play app management enhancements >>
Granular instant installation options - MaaS360 adds new granular instant installation options for Google Play apps - Install once and Retry
installation. These options are available in the Add app workflow and the App Summary page. Instant once is the default option for the existing apps
that have the Instant Installation option selected. Both the options install the app on devices automatically.
New granular installation state for the Install once option - When an app is distributed with the Install once option, the Status is changed to
Distributed and State is changed to
App Available with auto install once setting
in the App Distribution page.
Support for asynchronous API for better management of apps
- In the previous releases, MaaS360 used different synchronous APIs for various app
management tasks, which caused issues in app cong distribution and app distribution. Effective 10.86, MaaS360 moves to the newer Google API
(asynchronous), wherein all those tasks are performed by a single API and thereby reducing the delays occurring across app cong and app
Removed deep link support for app installation - Users can no longer use deep links to install apps directly from the Play Store.
Added My Device section in Android Kiosk mode >>
MaaS360 adds the My Device section to allow users to view device related information such as Device ID directly in the kiosk mode. In previous
releases, if MaaS360 app was not added to the kiosk launcher, users had to exit the kiosk mode and access the device related information from the
MaaS360 app.
Defect Fixes
When a cong le without an extension was pushed to internal device storage through Docs, MaaS360 automatically added a .unknown le
extension. As a result, third-party apps were unable to read the le.
Remote device enrollment via Experitest was unsuccessful, and a blank screen was displayed when the MaaS360 app was launched from the
Work prole.
The runtime permissions congured through Android MDM policies were not applied to the DO devices.
Android device users did not receive email notications for Exchange favorite contacts.
44506 Secure Mail attachments could not be opened/imported into a third-party app called Secure ID.
The rewall policy settings are not applied to Samsung devices that are enrolled in Device Admin mode.
After enrolling the Pixel 6 Pro device in Android Enterprise mode, the MaaS360 agent failed to report the Device Enrollment Mode information
to the MaaS360 portal.
44244 Attachments in Outlook did not open with Secure Viewer on devices enrolled in DO mode.
Android 7.85 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 7.85 available on Play Store on 26 April 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
44635 When users tapped on a biometric lock setting on the device, an error message was displayed and the setting could not be modied.
44604 Duplicate entries were created for the same device on re-enrollment.
43878 Shared devices that were enrolled without a user displayed an error message when users tried to sign in to the MaaS360 app.
Android 7.81 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 7.81 available on Play Store on 23 March 2022.
Defect Fixes
H-54776 Fixed potential MaaS360 app crash on upgrading to the latest version.
Android 7.80 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 7.80 available on the Play Store on 17 March 2022.
New permission dialog for requesting location accuracy on Android 12 devices >>
On Android 12 or higher, users can specify the accuracy of the locations they share by choosing betweenPrecise (ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) or
Approximate (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) location accuracy.
When the MaaS360 app targets Android 12, the new system permissions dialog includes the following options for the user:
Precise: Allows the MaaS360 app to get precise location information.
: Allows the MaaS360 app to get only approximate location information.
Note: The Precise location pinpoints the device’s location down to a few meters. MaaS360 uses this level of location accuracy to perform some of the
crucial functions such as enabling geo-fencing, detecting insecure Wi-Fi connections, and recognizing the device's entry into precongured locations.
MaaS360 Kiosk app requires this permission to display congured Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth devices in close range.
Automatic generation of consistent device ID for Android 11 and lower devices >>
Google generates an enrollment-specic identier for the device as a part of Android Enterprise enrollment. This identier remains consistenteven if
the work prole is removed and enrolled again (to the same organization), or the device is factory reset and re-enrolled. To avoid a trial of duplicate
device records, MaaS360 uses the same identier for the device re-enrollment. In the previous releases, administrators had to enable this feature for
Android 11 or lower devices through device enrollment settings. In this release, MaaS360 removes the parity between Android 11 and 12 versions and
automatically enables this capability for all Android Enterprise devices.
End of support announcement
Android OS version 5 and 6 is no longer recommended by MaaS360
MaaS360 does not recommend running devices on Android versions 5 and 6. Effective October 2022, devices that run these OS versions will no longer
receive new MaaS360 apps. For more information, see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6554444
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
44334 Devices that were activated in the SPS mode stopped reporting to the MaaS360 portal.
When a user tried to change the From Date of a Calendar event, MaaS360 displayed a transparent background for the overlaid calendar, making
it difcult for users to select a new date.
Android devices did not receive the latest policy version from the MaaS360 portal.
44281 Android 12+ WPCO devices did not report IMEI to the MaaS360 portal.
44266 Proofpoint meeting URLs were not processed correctly in Secure Mail and meeting invites.
Devices enrolled in bulk into the Device Admin mode unexpectedly rebooted shortly after enrollment and failed to retain kiosk settings after
the reboot.
The lock screen conguration settings are flagged as failed in the MaaS360 app > Settings > Corporate Settings.
44101 The Secure Mail app did not load inline images with the jpgx le extension.
44068 The Secure Mail app did not show emails that were sent from the Prowide app.
44049 Devices were flagged as non-compliant if the devices were not unlocked after a reboot.
When administrators added some domains to the blocklist, other domains that were not specied in the blocklist were also blocked
Android 7.75 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes the Android app version 7.75 beta available on App Store on 10 February 2022.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
43888, 44171, 44211 The default Android policy was incorrectly applied to the devices after the dynamic policy assignment.
End of support announcement
Android OS version 5 and 6 is no longer recommended by MaaS360
MaaS360 does not recommend running devices on Android versions 5 and 6. Effective October 2022, devices that run these OS versions will no longer
receive new MaaS360 apps. For more information, see
macOS Release Summaries
macOS Release Summaries
macOS Agent 2.48.000, App Catalog 1.57.000, and macOS App Packager 1.47.000
MaaS360 makes the macOS Agent 2.48.000, App Catalog 1.57.000, and macOS App Packager 1.47.000 available on 27 September 2022.
Defect Summary
44960 MaaS360 displayed an incorrect app installation status.
macOS Agent 2.47.000 Release Summary
MaaS360 makes macOS agent 2.47.000 version available on 24 June 2022.
Minor xes and improvements.
macOS Agent 2.46.000, App Catalog 1.56.000, and App Packager 1.46.000 Release
MaaS360 makes macOS Agent 2.46.000, App Catalog 1.56.000, and macOS App Packager 1.46.000 available on 14 April 2022.
Minor xes and improvements.
macOS Agent 2.45.100, App Catalog 1.55.100, and macOS App Packager 1.45.000
Release Summary
MaaS360 makes macOS Agent 2.45.100, App Catalog 1.55.100, and macOS App Packager 1.45.000 available on 17 February 2022.
MaaS360 Packager notarization is now compatible with Xcode 13.
Minor xes and improvements.
Defect Fixes
Defect Summary
44326 The installation of the MaaS360 App Catalog app failed unless Rosetta was already installed.
Cloud Extender Release Summaries
MaaS360Cloud Extender Release Summaries
Cloud Extender 3.00.001 Release Summary
The following features and xes were xed in this release:
Deprecation of Windows 2012 support
Information about upgrading to Cloud Extender 3.x version
Fix #
45485 Identity certicates failure on newly enrolled devices.
45342 MaaS360 was causing a Denial of Service (DDOS) on the client's LDAP environment.
45317 Conguring modern authentication for email notications failure.
44620,43350 Certicate Integrationmodule was still displaying in CE after removing the conguration in CE.
43665 iOS devices were not receiving secure mail notications.
Agent version: v3.00.001
Cloud Extender 2.106.700 Release Summary
The following features and xes were xed in this release:
New health check alerts for MEG for Apple WKWebview >>
NewEnterprise VPN Gateway alerts evaluate the status of MEG and, if triggered, notify administrators by email message or text message about the
following events:
Relay server is not reachable
DNS settings are invalid or corrupted
Maximum limit reached for hosts that are not connected
From the MaaS360 Portal, administrators can choose remediation actions to troubleshoot the events.
Fix #
45223 Modern Authentication failure when Azure account is on a GCC High environment.
45211 Cloud Extender cannot install latest MEG module.
45187 Email Notication not working after Modern Auth was enabled.
45160 Android device unable to connect to intranet resources post MEG module upgrade.
45111, 45080,
MEG failure due to incorrect .net version.
44940 After upgrade, MEG was unable to connect.
44184 iOS devices failing to connect due to MEG module crash.
Agent version: v2.106.701.001
Features included in agent: new signing certicate
Cloud Extender 2.106.651 Release Summary
The following issues were xed in this release:
Agent only : v2.106.651.002
Cloud Extender agent hanging.
*note this was partially xed in v2.106.600, but after reviewing logs additional scenarios were found that still had CE agent hanging.
Cloud Extender 2.106.650 Release Summary
The following security issues and xes are included in this release:
# Description
45071 Cloud Extender EAS data sync errors when migrating to O365 and Modern Authentication
CVE Security Bulletins
The following CVE security bulletin was issued for this release:
Affected Product(s) Version(s) CVE(s)
IBM MaaS360 Cloud Extender Agent 2.106.600.007 and prior CVE-2022-32205, CVE-2022-32206, CVE-2022-32207, CVE-2022-32208
IBM MaaS360 Cloud Extender Base 2.106.600 and prior CVE-2022-32205, CVE-2022-32206, CVE-2022-32207, CVE-2022-32208
To Upgrade MEG/VPN Modules
Cloud Extender agent v2.106.650.002 :IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender 2.106.600 Release Summary
The following security issues and xes are included in this release:
Upgrade of log4net
# Description
43518 Auto Quarantine not approving specic devices.
44447 Cloud Extender agent hanging.
44448 LDAP Authentication failed when OU added.
44029 LDAP groups failing after adding Azure User Visibility.
CVE Security Bulletins
The following CVE security bulletin was issued for this release:https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6826101
Affected Products(s) Version(s) CVE(s)
IBM MaaS360 Cloud
Extender Agent
2.106.500.011 and
CVE-2022-27780, CVE-2022-27781, CVE-2022-27778, CVE-2022-27782, CVE-2022-30115,
IBM MaaS360 Cloud
Extender Base
2.106.500 and
CVE-2022-27780, CVE-2022-27781, CVE-2022-27778, CVE-2022-27782, CVE-2022-30115,
IBM MaaS360
Conguration Utility
n/a none
IBM MaaS360 Email
n/a none
IBM MaaS360 Exchange
n/a none
IBM MaaS360 User
Visibility LDAP
n/a none
IBM MaaS360 User
n/a none
IBM MaaS360 Mobile
Enterprise Gateway
n/a none
IBM MaaS360
Conguration Utility
n/a none
To Upgrade Cloud Extender Agent and MEG/VPN Modules
MEG/VPN:IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender agent v2.106.600.007:IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender 2.106.500 Release Summary
The following features and xes were xed in this release:
Certicate request Prioritization for New Enrollments : with the 2.106.500.011 Cloud Extender agent and modules the MaaS360 platform will now
detect new enrollment requests and delivery the certicate to these devices as priority allowing certicate delivery for new wi, mail and vpn requests
over existing enrolled devices.
Fix #
44710 Certain intranet sites show blank or incomplete page shown when connected through proxy.
44285 Cloud Extender Visibility module not syncing users and groups.
44585 NTLM authentication failing when connecting through MEG
The following security issues were xed in this release:
CVE Security Bulletins
The following CVE security bulletin was issued for this release:
Affected Product(s) Version(s)
IBM MaaS360 VPN Module 2.106.100 and prior CVE-2022-0547, CVE-2022-0778
IBM MaaS360 Mobile
Enterprise Gateway
2.106.200 and prior
CVE-2021-22060, CVE-2022-22965, CVE-2022-22950, CVE-2021-28165, CVE-2021-34429,
CVE-2021-28164, CVE-2021-34428, CVE-2021-28163, CVE-2021-28169
IBM MaaS360 Cloud
Extender Agent and
To Upgrade Cloud Extender Agent and MEG/VPN Modules
MEG/VPN:IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender agent v2.106.500.011:IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender 2.106.400 Release Summary
The following security issues were xed in this release:
CVE Security Bulletins
The following CVE security bulletin was issued for this release:
Affected Products and Versions
IBM MaaS360 Mobile Enterprise Gateway 2.106.200 and prior
IBM MaaS360 Conguration Utility
2.105.200 and prior
To Upgrade MEG/VPN Modules
MEG/VPN:IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender 2.106.300 Release Summary
The following xes were added in this release:
Fix #
43943 Fix applied to display of the correct version of the MEG module within the UI.
44275 SCEP certicates failing to GETCACert
44149 Error when conguring Cloud Extender Ofce365 Integration
Cloud Extender 2.106.200 Release Summary
The following xes were added in this release:
Fix #
43396 Not able to access personal drive after password changed after changing AD password.
39818 No prompt for re-authorizing using Enterprise Gateway changing AD password.
42287 IBM Java upgrade to version8.0.6.36.
Cloud Extender 2.106.100 Release Summary
The following security issues were xed in this release:
CVE Security Bulletins
The following CVE security bulletin was issued for this release:
Affected Product(s)
IBM MaaS360 Base Module 2.105.300 and prior
IBM MaaS360 VPN Module 2.105.300 and prior
IBM MaaS360 Certicate Integration Module 2.105.300 and prior
IBM MaaS360 Cloud Extender Agent
2.105.300.005 and prior
To Upgrade Cloud Extender Agent and MEG/VPN Modules
MEG/VPN:IBM Documentation Page
Cloud Extender agent v2.106.100.008:IBM Documentation Page