Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
ARTICLE I. Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be the Western High School National Honor Society.
Section 2. The object of this chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to
render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in all students
of Western High School.
ARTICLE II. Membership
Section 1. Membership in this chapter shall be based upon Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.
Section 2. Candidates shall be members of the Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class. Candidates (sophomores &
juniors) eligible for selection to the chapter shall have a minimum scholastic average of 3.3 (un-weighted
GPA) and a minimum of 30 recorded Community Service hours. The scholastic level of achievement shall
remain fixed and shall be the required minimum scholastic level of achievement for both admission and
continued membership. All students with this scholastic average may be considered for membership so long
as they demonstrate the service, leadership, and character requirements of the chapter as determined by the
national NHS organization.
ARTICLE III. Faculty Honor Council
Section 1. The Faculty Honor Council shall consist of at least five (5) members of the faculty.
Section 2. The chapter advisor will be an ad hoc member of the Faculty Honor Council.
Section 3. The Faculty Honor Council will be responsible for determining acceptance and dismissal from the
chapter. The Faculty Honor Council will meet at least once to review member applications and make a
determination, based on the national NHS organization’s criteria, whether applicants qualify for membership
ARTICLE IV. Selection of Members
Section 1. Members of the Sophomore class will submit an application during the second semester of the
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
school year. The deadline for this application will be determined by the advisor and disseminated through
meetings and bulletins.
Section 2. Members of the Junior class will submit an application during the second semester of the school
year. The deadline for this application will be determined by the advisor and disseminated through meetings
and bulletins.
Section 3. Notification of meetings for prospective members will be published in bulletins and in posters and
shall be the responsibility of the corresponding secretary. Ultimately, the President and Vice Presidents will be
responsible for adherence to this policy.
Section 4. A list of candidates who submitted their applications by the deadline will be presented to the
chapter advisor. The chapter advisor will check on the character aspect of the candidates. This includes, but is
not limited to, a check of referrals and/or suspensions.
Section 5. The chapter advisor will record the grade point average of each candidate to confirm eligibility. The
chapter advisor will also verify the required 30 Community Service hours.
Section 6. A contract stating the requirements for continued membership will be given to each new member.
This contract must be signed by both applicant and parent. Failure to achieve the standards stated for
membership will result in probation. If during this probationary period, which lasts for the next academic
quarter or a date designated and advertised by the advisor, the member fails to fulfill his/her current
obligations as well as make up any requirements which were the basis of the probation, he/she will be notified
that his/her membership is subject to termination.
Section 7. When a member is notified of the probation, the member will be given a time frame for submitting
written notification to the chapter advisor of his/her intent to dispute this dismissal. A hearing with the
Faculty Honor Council will be scheduled at which time the member will be allowed to present his/her case.
The decision of the Faculty Honor Council will be final.
Section 8. When a member is dismissed, he/she will be notified in writing. Once a member is dismissed,
membership in National Honor Society is never again offered.
Section 9. An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers to this school is automatically
accepted for membership. These members must fulfill all obligations of membership as stated by this chapter.
Section 10. An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers to another school may request a
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
letter from the advisor indicating membership and status.
ARTICLE V. Officers
Section 1. The officers of this chapter shall include but not be limited to the following: a President, Vice-
President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Historian. Optional officer positions
include: a Parliamentarian, Director of Activities, and Director of Service Hours. No member is eligible to run
for or be appointed to any office if he/she is on probation when elections and/or appointments to positions
begin or did not accomplish the responsibilities and expectations as an Active member. The officers are
responsible for attendance at both the fall and spring County Conventions. Incoming officers will attend in the
Spring Convention in order to introduce them to the County's activities.
Section 2. The appointment of officers will be held in the fall. All officers are required to attend weekly
meetings, typically reserved for Tuesdays unless otherwise modified by the executive board by majority vote.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the chapter as well as meetings of
the Executive Committee. The President or his/her delegates will inform the chapter of all Broward County
Honor Society activities.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall act as President in the President's absence and aid in any other way. This
officer shall also oversee the Brain Brawl team entered in County competition.
Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall have the responsibility of keeping the minutes of all meetings, both
chapter and Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep a record of all information in a 3-prong binder or
on the organization’s Canvas course to be presented to the chapter advisor at the end of his/her term.
Section 6. Corresponding Secretary shall have the responsibility of assisting the Recording Secretary with
taking minutes at all club meeting, tracking members' progress, keeping attendance for all meetings, keeping
records of all club activities, keeping all members informed through social media and Remind announcements,
notifying all club members of events/ activities/project/ etc. via email or text message, and assisting Historian
in the creation of the scrapbook.
Section 7. The Treasurer shall receive the funds of the chapter and keep accurate accounts in accordance with
school regulations.
Section 8. The Historian shall photograph club activities and prepare a scrapbook showing the chapter's
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
activities for that year.
Section 9. The Parliamentarian shall have the responsibility to maintain order during all meeting, make sure
the club abides by parliamentary procedures and is responsible for all votes.
Section 10. The Director of Activities shall have the responsibility to coordinate volunteer activities in which
members of the chapter may participate. He/she will make sure all SAN Forms are completed in a timely
manner. It is not enough to volunteer as individuals but as a chapter the members should learn to work
together for a common end.
Section 11. The Director of Service Hours shall have the responsibility of maintaining the service hours
database, inform advisor if student is not completing service hours and to inform students of recorded hours.
Section 12. All officers shall communicate information to the membership when necessary. It will be up to
each to determine the way to contact the members for whom each is responsible.
ARTICLE VI. Executive Committee
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the chapter officers, Mr. and Ms. NHS, the chapter advisor,
any chapter members serving as Broward County officers, and all Committee Chairpersons.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter between its
business meetings (to be held weekly), make recommendations to the chapter, and to perform other
duties as they become necessary. All actions and recommendations of the Executive Committee will be subject
to the review of the chapter membership.
ARTICLE VII. Supervision
Section 1. The activities of this chapter shall be subject to the approval of the principal or the administrator in
charge of activities and the advisor.
Section 2. The advisor will be appointed by the principal or the administrator in charge of activities.
Section 3. The chapter will maintain its membership to (by paying annual dues) and follow the guidelines of
the Broward County Honor Society.
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
Section 1. The regular meetings of this chapter shall be held on a bi-weekly basis during the school year. All
meeting will be held every first and third Tuesday after the regular school day beginning at 2:50 PM -3:45
PM for the face-to-face school year and from 3:20 PM- 4:20 PM for the extent of any eLearning school year.
Section 2. Special meetings and Executive Committee meetings may be called by the President.
Section 3. All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held in the presence of the principal or the faculty
members selected by him/her to supervise the chapter.
Section 4. The chapter shall conduct its meetings according to Robert's RULES OF ORDER or a similar manner
to keep order in the meeting room.
Section 1. The annual dues for each member shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of
the chapter.
Section 2. All members will pay $30 dues no later than December 1
of the school year (for the 2020-21 &
2021-22 school years, reduced from $35 due to the COVID-19 pandemic voted on in our October 6, 2020
ARTICLE X. Amendments
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the chapter. The changes must be in
accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the National Council of the National Honor Society.
Section 2. All changes must be presented to the membership at least on two weeks prior to the meeting at
which the change is to be discussed and decided.
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
Bylaw Language
Your membership in the National Honor Society carries a responsibility to the chapter. If this chapter of the
National Honor Society is to be effective and meaningful, each member must be involved. You must live up to
the four qualities that are the foundation of the National Honor Society: leadership, scholarship, service,
and character. The member guidelines set forth here are reminders of what is required and expected of you.
1. Attendance is mandatory at all NHS functions, including the following:
A. Meetings: general members must attend 6 of 8 meetings per semester. (Complete absence form
when necessary). In the 1
semester of 2021-22, there are only 6 meeting dates; members must
attend 5 of them.
B. Tutoring: attendance will be recorded in the Western High NHS tutoring log. Members must
accumulate 8 hours per semester. (For the 2021-22 school year, the Executive Board voted to
keep our tutoring requirement at 5 hours per semester voted on in September 21, 2021 officer
mtg.) Please be aware that senators are responsible for collecting attendance and will be initialed
by teacher.
C. Community Service Projects: Must participate in 6 of 8 events (3 of 4 per semester)
D. Officer and Senator Meetings: Attendance is mandatory for Officers and Senators only.
(NOTE: Some of these requirements might be adjusted in consideration of the effects of the COVID-19
pandemic and eLearning environment.)
2. All pre-excused absences due two days in advance and submitted in designated folder located in the
sponsor’s room. You must complete an Absence Form. The NHS Advisor will determine whether it is an
excused or unexcused absence.
1. Officer meetings will be held on alternating Tuesdays of every month after our regularly scheduled
member meetings.
2. Unless members are otherwise notified, general member meetings will be held on the first and third
Tuesday of every month at 2:50 pm (for eLearning on Teams @ 3:20 PM).
1. Tutoring will take place in Room 724 and any other designated area on campus as announced -
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
Monday and Friday from 2:45-3:45. For the duration of any eLearning, Tutoring will take place on
Microsoft Teams from 3:20 PM 4:20 PM.
2. There will be a Sign-in Log located in the respective area. You must sign in and remain at the session
for one hour to receive the appropriate credit for your tutoring session and it will be verified and
initialed by the senator and supervising teacher.
3. All members are required to tutor, as indicated on the tutoring pledge. Members must accumulate 8
hours per semester. Failure to adhere to this will result in probation or possible termination. (For the
2021-22 school year, the Executive Board voted to keep our tutoring requirement at five (5) hours
per semester, ten (10) for the school year voted on in September 21, 2021 officer mtg.)
1. NHS will conduct four fundraisers a year.
2. Members are required to participate in 3 of the 4 fundraisers.
Community Service Projects
1. Each month, NHS is required to actively participate in service projects that assist our school and the
surrounding communities, including charitable organizations. The calendar will show the community
service projects at least a month in advance. The Vice-President will oversee Senators and facilitate
their responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each Senator to communicate to their respective
committee the supplies and/or service required to achieve the individual and group goals. Members
must participate in 3 of the 4 per semester.
2. Consult the NHS calendar or your Senator if you have any questions pertaining to a specific month’s
project. The Senators will be responsible for contacting the members in their respective committee in
regard to the specificity of the service project being implemented.
Service Project Hours and Grades
1. NHS Guidelines state that, to remain in good standing, a member must have:
A. A minimum cumulative (unweighted) GPA of 3.3 at all times.
B. At least sixteen (16) tutoring service hours completed annually at Western High School (Due to the
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
2021-22 COVID-19 pandemic and difficulty returning to face-to-face learning, the Executive Board
voted to keep tutoring hour requirements at 10 for the year).
C. A minimum of forty (40) community service hours annually (NHS & Other) from any approved
agency. (project hours may vary)
D. The minimum total of fifty-six (56) community service hours includes the sixteen (16) NHS tutoring
hours in addition to any other service activities you have participated in throughout the year. All
NHS hours count toward the fifty-six (56) community service hours. (As voted on by the Executive
Board in its September 21, 2021 meeting, due to the student body still adjusting to a full face-to-
face return, total community service hours for this school year will equal fifty (50), comprised of
forty (40) annual community service hours and ten (10) tutoring hours for the year.
2. Grades will be checked every semester and service hours will be checked at the end of every month.
Please make sure that all of your hours outside of NHS have been collected and turned in for official
verification. Provide one copy to our recording secretary and one to the WHS Community Service
sponsor (box in guidance). Remember to make a copy of every form turned in for your records. It is
your responsibility to ensure your records are accurate.
3. Please bring a photocopy of your report card to the first NHS meeting of the year, and on the next
meeting day of every new nine-week period. It is your responsibility to accurately monitor the
calendar for beginning and end of marking periods.
4. If you did not meet last year’s service hour or tutoring requirement, you will receive a probation letter
and you must make-up the deficit service hours by the following semester.
1. An NHS member can be placed on probation for any of the following reasons:
A. Absence of meetings unexcused absences will result in probation. On the first unexcused
absence, the NHS member will receive a notification or warning from the NHS Advisor. On the
second unexcused absence, the NHS member will receive a probation letter. Two excused absences
permitted per year (one per semester).
B. GPA below 3.3 an NHS member will have one nine-week period to raise their GPA to the
minimum requirement of 3.3.
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
C. Service hour deficit an NHS member will have until the following semester of the school year to
earn the shortage of NHS hours from the previous semester.
D. Service Project deficit- must attend three of four projects per semester.
E. A faculty member reports cheating or other conduct unbecoming of an NHS member.
2. NHS Faculty Council will review the probationary case for termination. The faculty council will vote to
demote or dismiss a member based on the above.
3. While on probation, the NHS member must attend all meetings and events sponsored by NHS and
continue to maintain the minimum GPA requirements and service hours.
NHS Annual Member Dues
The NHS annual membership dues are a financial necessity to successfully maintain and operate the chapter’s
projects and activities. Some examples of how NHS dues are utilized, but not limited to: ceremonial activities,
service awards, certificates, community activities and t-shirts. Please be aware that NHS dues generally do
not cover registration fees or related expenses with regard to mandatory state or county NHS chapter
conventions. These registration fees are requested by the sponsoring organization.
NHS annual membership dues are $30.00. (This adjustment has been recommended and approved by the
Executive Board and NHS Organization to accommodate those experiencing financial hardship during the
2020 Pandemic and resulting economic downturn and voted on to continue in the 2021-22 school year.)
Payments can be made online at the Western High eStore site - visit www.westernhigh.org
In the event you require additional financial assistance, please see the NHS Advisor to discuss payment
options. However, payment arrangements must be made in order to participate in NHS. Please be aware
that Western High School does NOT accept personal checks. All dues must be paid online via credit /debit
card. You will receive a school receipt indicating your payment has been received.
Western High School Constitution and Bylaws
National Honor Society
NHS Member Agreement
Membership is more than an honor. It carries with it certain privileges, and it incurs in members a
responsibility and an obligation to demonstrate those outstanding qualities that resulted in your selection.
Please do so and continue the fine tradition of the National Honor Society while at the same time creating
positive, memorable experiences that will impact others and carry you through a lifetime of personal and
professional achievements.
By printing your name and signing below, you agree that you have read and understand the NHS Guidelines
of Western High School’s Chapter and will uphold NHS’s credo Noblesse Oblige (Behavior that is Honorable)
to the highest of all standards, both on and off campus. You agree that you will fulfill all of the
requirements (including maintaining GPA, attending NHS meetings, earning 25 volunteer service hours per
semester, participating in NHS service events, etc.) to maintain your membership in good standing and help
promote the values and goals of NHS through school and community service projects.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Student Signature Print Student Name
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Parent Signature Print Parent Name