Annual Report
© 2015 Planned Parenthood Federation of America. All Rights Reserved.
Message from our
Chair and President
Affiliate Medical
Services Data
and National
Financial Data
Top Achievements
Birth Control 6
Research 8
Abortion 10
Youth 12
Pop Culture 16
Innovation 18
Affiliate Strength 19
Sex Education 20
Civil Rights 22
Global 24
ACA 26
and Officers
Social Media
Annual Report
Annual Report
Letter from
our Chair
and President
Jill Lafer
Chair, Planned Parenthood
Federation of America
Cecile Richards
President, Planned Parenthood
Federation of America
Jill Lafer
2 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We are at a critical moment in our history.
Over the past several months, we have been
tested in every way imaginable — and have
emerged stronger than ever.
No one would bother attacking Planned
Parenthood if we didn’t matter. Planned
Parenthoods resilient staff and clinicians are
making a huge difference in the eld of
reproductive and sexual health care and in
the cultural landscape at large.
This year, we protected and expanded access
to health care for women, men, and young
people. Despite bosses who want to make
our birth control their business, today more
than 55 million women now have no-copay
birth control thanks to the Affordable Care
Act — saving women an estimated $1.4 billion
in its rst year alone.
Planned Parenthood health centers
continued to provide care in areas of the
country where people need it the most.
One half of the health centers are located in
medically underserved communities. This
fall, a Planned Parenthood health center
delivered birth control via oat plane to a
patient in a remote Alaskan village. If the
Arctic Circle isn’t too far away for Planned
Parenthood to provide care, we don’t know
what is!
Because of Planned Parenthood innovative
sex education programs, accessible to
anyone with a phone, together with our
afliates we reached 1.5 million young
people and adults in the U.S. this year.
No wonder we’re at a 40-year low in teen
pregnancy in this country. Our global
partners also continue to provide sexual
health information to young people around
the globe, from Nigeria to Ecuador.
Our advocacy efforts never slow down.
We are constantly working hard to deepen
our partnerships with allies, lobby in state
legislatures, and ght in the courts when
access to safe and legal abortion is
Your generosity makes all of this possible.
No parent in the world wants their daughter
to have fewer rights than they did — so it’s
up to us to make sure every girl growing up
today will be able to control her body, her
life, and her opportunities.
Because of you, we are protecting her future.
Thank you for your support and leadership.
There never has been a more important time to stand
for and with Planned Parenthood.
4 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
In 2015, Planned Parenthood expanded our reach, providing the
health care and education that help millions of people pursue their
dreams and realize their full potential. And because health care
only enhances people’s lives if they have access to it, we advocated
for full equity in women’s ability to obtain birth control, safe and
legal abortion, and basic preventive care. Planned Parenthood
Federation of America (PPFA) supports 59 independently
incorporated affiliates that operate 661 health centers across the
U.S., which have seen 2.5 million patients this year. Our website
provides health information — with 60 million visits annually. PPFA
partners closely with these afliates to protect the health and rights
of women, men, and young people at the national and state levels.
In the pages that follow, we present highlights from a year filled with
achievements and breakthroughs.
6 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We protected and expanded
access to birth control — and
broadened the conversation
about how truly revolutionary
birth control remains.
Through health centers across the country, Planned Parenthood afliates continued to train
staff and raise awareness about the most effective forms of reversible birth control — IUDs
and hormonal implants. These long-acting reversible contraceptives are shown to reduce
unintended pregnancy.
In 2015, some insurance companies denied birth control coverage or required women
to pay out-of-pocket for their birth control — in clear deance of the Affordable Care
Act. Together with a coalition of women’s health groups, we advocated that insurance
companies cover all 18 FDA-approved birth control methods for women without a copay —
not a curated selection. And we won. The Obama administration ensured that women have
access to affordable birth control that works best for them — including birth control pills, the
patch, the shot, emergency contraception, the implant, and the IUD.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, meanwhile, advocated for a landmark law
making Oregon the rst state in the nation to require health insurance companies to give a
year’s supply of the pill, patch, or ring up front.
We also empowered people to share their own birth control stories through our
#BirthControlHelpedMe social media campaign. Within a matter of hours, more than 1,500
supporters wrote comments and posted seles on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram,
including Teri, who shared the following message: “#BirthControlHelpedMe deploy to a
combat zone and serve my country. #armystrong #NotEveryGIIsAJoe, and a woman named
Elizabeth, who wrote: “#BirthControlHelpedMe be the rst person in my family to graduate
from college & to have control over my body. This conversation continues to grow louder and
stronger as we push forward to expand birth control access to all who need it.
My private law school blocked me from getting a birth
control refill by making me go through crazy hoops and
then telling me to stop taking it. Then I found out about
Planned Parenthood and went there, and they told me all my
options. I chose to get a hormonal implant, which is good
for three years, and I was able to get it covered under health
insurance with no copay. The implant is the right choice for
me because now I have control over my birth control.
Kathryn N.
26 Years Old, Arlington, Virginia
8 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We engaged in
research projects leading to
cutting-edge health care.
Planned Parenthood researchers participate in the rigorous studies necessary to give women
more options to prevent unintended pregnancies.
In February 2015, the FDA approved Liletta, an IUD that is safe and effective for up to three
years and is priced at $50 at qualifying public health clinics. Many Planned Parenthood
afliates participated in the clinical studies that led to the FDA approval of this affordable
option for women in the U.S. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Medical Services
Department is now working with Medicines360, the developer of Liletta, to ensure that
Planned Parenthood afliates have clinical staff trained on this new product.
In June 2015, The Lancet published a study conducted by Planned Parenthood afliates and
researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, about how training health care
providers in contraceptive counseling and insertion of the most effective forms of reversible
contraception — IUDs and implants — could affect patients’ contraceptive decisions and
prevent unintended pregnancies. The rst trial of its kind, the study showed the importance
of evidence-based provider training in reducing unintended pregnancies. The study
results showed that patients whose providers had enhanced training chose highly effective
contraception more often and experienced reduced unintended pregnancy over one year.
Training based upon the study is now being replicated at additional Planned Parenthood and
independent health centers nationwide.
10 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We protected and expanded
access to abortion.
Over the past year, we won court victories protecting abortion access. In Indiana, Louisiana,
and Wisconsin, we fought back against targeted restrictions of abortion providers — known
as TRAP laws — that would have severely limited the practices of abortion providers as well as
abortion facilities and made it much harder for women to access safe and legal abortion care.
Thanks to our attorneys’ work, we were also able to block a mandatory ultrasound law in
North Carolina, which had no medical purpose and would have only served to shame women
accessing basic health care.
And in Iowa, we won a signicant victory
when the state Supreme Court struck down
a ban on medication abortion through
telemedicine. Had this ban gone into effect,
many women would have had to take
multiple trips of up to 400 miles to access
safe, legal abortion, as more than one-third
of Iowans live in rural areas.
Because of the advocacy work by Planned
Parenthood Afliates of California, the state
of California passed a law authorizing nurse
practitioners, certied nurse-midwives, and
physician assistants to perform a method
of rst-trimester abortion, increasing the
number of providers and raising abortion
access to a gold standard.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
also led a coalition of Returned Peace
Corps Volunteers and reproductive health
organizations to advocate for the Peace
Corps Equity Act — and we won! For the
rst time in over three decades, Congress
extended equitable abortion coverage to
Peace Corps Volunteers, who previously
had been denied any coverage for
abortion, even in the cases of rape, incest,
and life endangerment. More than half of
all Peace Corps Volunteers are women,
and hundreds of volunteers were raped or
sexually assaulted between 2000 and 2009.
We advocated for Congress to reject a ban
on abortion at 20 weeks because while
women should not have to justify their
personal medical decisions, the reality is
that abortion later in pregnancy is very rare
“ I became pregnant in my mid-twenties,
which was a wake-up call for me. My
partner was abusive, and the pregnancy
made me realize that I needed to
escape this man. I knew I could not
be tethered to him for the next 18
years; that would have devastated me.
I decided to have an abortion, which
I was able to do at my local Planned
Parenthood health center. Since the
government prohibits the use of federal
funds for abortion and I couldn’t afford
it, I borrowed money from a friend.
Leaving my abusive partner was
difficult. The abortion was not. I can’t
even imagine what my life would be
like if I’d carried that pregnancy to
term. I would not have been able to
continue my education, and chances
are high that I would have stayed in my
old lifestyle with my abusive partner,
too much alcohol, and zero self-
respect. I am so grateful that abortion
is safe and legal in this country.
Amanda H.
32 Years Old, Houston, Texas
and often happens under very complex
circumstances. We lifted up the real-life
stories of women and families to remind
lawmakers and voters that abortion is a
complicated, personal decision that should
be made by a woman in consultation with
her doctor — not her lawmaker.
12 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We launched
a new movement
of young leaders.
“I decided to start the Generation Action chapter at
Spelman College after I attended a local meeting about
drug testing. The legislation targeted those receiving
federal assistance within the African American community,
yet I was the only African American in the room. I
realized that my classmates would benefit from knowing
whats going on legislatively. Thats when I decided
that I wanted to bring advocacy to campus, including
advocacy for keeping abortion safe and legal. I work
to make folks understand how important their health
is and meeting them where they are. I’ve now turned
my advocacy into my profession: Im the public policy
manager of Georgia for Planned Parenthood Southeast.
Janiene T.
24 Years Old, Atlanta, Georgia
Last year, Planned Parenthood Action Fund and PPFA made it ofcial, launching Planned
Parenthood Generation Action (or PPGenAction for those in the know) and PPGeneration,
respectively, creating a movement. The 2014 Power Tour and Youth Organizing Policy
Institute trained and mobilized a whopping 1,000 young activists representing all 50 states
and Washington, DC, 40 percent of whom were youth activists of color. Over the course of
seven incredible weeks, these young leaders visited seven cities and honed their activist chops.
And PPFA’s PPGeneration worked with two campaign partners — Advocates for Youth and
Feminist Majority Foundation — to motivate over 12,500 young people across 28 states to get
more involved in their communities and become more civically engaged.
14 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We expanded care
to even more
LGBTQ patients.
This year, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that the right to marry extends to same-sex
couples in all 50 states. The ruling afrmed what Planned Parenthood already knew — that
all couples should be treated equally and that politicians should not get to decide what you
do with your body or what your family looks like, and that rights in this country should not
depend on the state you live in.
Planned Parenthood believes that reproductive rights are deeply connected to LGBTQ
rights and is proud to be a provider of health care and information for so many in the
Planned Parenthood afliates expanded access to hormone treatments for transgender
patients, with 26 centers now offering this care in California, Colorado, Maine, Montana,
North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, New York, Vermont, and Washington State. Many
Planned Parenthood afliates also now provide programs for LGBTQ youth and allies,
creating safe and supportive environments that allow youth to get the information and
support they need to make healthy decisions and feel comfortable in their identities.
“ I have access to quality and compassionate health
care at Planned Parenthood, where I am getting
hormone treatment. I’m so glad that not only can
I do advocacy work with Planned Parenthood;
I can get my health care services here, too.
Brooke B.
20 Years Old, Denver, Colorado
16 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We reshaped the narrative
about sexuality
through popular culture.
We collaborated with leading celebrities who are outspoken about the right of every person
to own their sexuality. And they have stood with us. Scarlett Johansson, Laverne Cox, Selenis
Leyva, Jenny Slate, Aisha Tyler, Gabrielle Union, Julianne Moore, Lena Dunham, and other
celebs tweeted messages of support with #IStandWithPP.
We worked closely with Lena Dunham during her book tour for Not That Kind of Girl,
partnering with her in nine cities. When asked by Vanity Fair who her heroes were, Dunham
said, “The men and women who work at Planned Parenthood health centers across America.
We asked Dunham to feature a story line in her HBO show, Girls, that destigmatized
abortion — and not only did Dunham work closely with us on the storyline and script, we also
coordinated publicity in People, the most widely read weekly magazine in the nation.
We arranged for MTV’s Virgin Territory to be lmed at a Planned Parenthood health center
(featuring PPFA’s Chief Medical Ofcer, Raegan McDonald-Mosley) and collaborated on
the lms Grandma and Unexpected to ensure they handled issues related to unintended
pregnancy and pregnancy options, including abortion, accurately and sensitively.
We also joined with legendary riot grrrl rock band Sleater-Kinney on their “No Cities to Love”
tour to create the Riot 4 Repro tour — with afliate volunteers handing out condoms, selling
T-shirts, and helping concert goers sign up for the “My Health, My Life, No Matter What
pledge to lobby legislators to stop interfering in women’s health care decisions.
Continuing Planned Parenthood’s strenuous efforts to ght abortion stigma in popular
culture, we partnered with the 1 in 3 Campaign to educate people that nearly a third of
American women have an abortion at some point. With President Cecile Richards leading
the way by sharing her own abortion story, we amplied the voices of Planned Parenthood
patients and supporters who have had an abortion.
Artwork by Molly Schiot
18 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We expanded access to health care
through technology and innovation.
For patients living in rural areas, getting access to health care can be a challenge. But those
in Alaska, Idaho, Minnesota, and Washington State now can talk with a Planned Parenthood
provider online, face-to-face, through real-time video technology — and then receive birth
control or an STD test kit and treatment (if necessary) in the mail.
Patients in California can download an app called Planned Parenthood Direct, enabling them
to order an at-home STD kit and then return it to the lab in a prepaid, self-addressed envelope.
These programs are in the pilot stage, and we will work to expand them as we continue to learn
from patients and providers about their experiences.
This generation of patients doesn’t want to wait for care — and why should they? Currently
patients in 31 of 59 afliates can book an appointment any time, night or day, through online
appointment scheduling — and to date patients have booked over 400,000 appointments at
over 375 health centers. As online health care delivery evolves, Planned Parenthood evolves
with it.
We helped strengthen
afliate operations.
We helped afliates improve the patient and staff experiences within their health centers.
We implementedthe Patient Activity Tracker at 12 afliates, enabling them to track
thepatients entire visit in real time. We launched a program to reduce patient wait times
and increase productivity by creating more efcient workows at four pilot health centers—
resulting in an average 25% decrease in patient waiting time and a 30% increase in total
visits per hour.
We continued our CEO programto onboard new afliate CEOs, giving four new and eight
interim CEOs the tools they need to build and leverage leadership skills, build connections
with staff across the federation, and enhance awareness of the resources available to their
afliates. We helped several afliates return to nancial health to ensure patients continued
to receive the services they need. We also provided grants to a number of afliates for
increased security measures.
20 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We “got realabout
sex education.
TheGet Realcurriculum is powerful for teens and their families in a
very important way: It provides young people the truth about what is
happening in their bodies, what it means, and how to understand both
sex and sexuality … On different nights, my kids would come home with
‘homework’ — to ask me about my own experiences, to ask me what I
believe, to discuss with me case scenarios that were germane to their
realities.Get Realmakes it a little less awkward and a lot easier to have
those important conversations.Get Realmeans parents are able to make
real headway in helping young teens learn to navigate the road ahead.
Lisa Goldblatt Grace
Parent and Social Worker, Boston, Massachusetts
Over 90 percent of parents and teens support sex education in both middle and high school —
and Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching
1.5 million young people and parents in 2014. This year, Planned Parenthood League of
Massachusetts completed a rigorous research study showing that students who received their
middle school curriculum, Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works, waited until
they were older to have sex. As a result, the program has been placed on the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review, a listing of
programs showing evidence of effectiveness in reducing teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted
infections, and associated sexual risk behaviors. Get Real is widely used across the United
States in over 215 schools in 14 states.
We also continued to provide innovative digital education for teens and young adults with
an emphasis on meeting the needs of African American and Latino youth, who experience
signicant disparities in sexual and reproductive health. Our digital education combines the
science of what helps young people to engage in healthy behaviors and what young people
like to do online. Close to 350,000 youth have engaged with our teen apps and more than
425,000 have used our decision-making tools for adults.
Our Chat/Text program, reaching young people in moments of urgent need, is more popular
than ever — with over 500,000 conversations with live health educators to date. Teens who
need an answer right away to an urgent question — such as what to do if they need emergency
contraception after unprotected sex — only need to go as far as their phone or computer to
22 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We showed how
women’s health care intersects
with civil rights.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina
marched side by side with leaders of the Moral March movement in Raleigh, North Carolina, to
protest the extreme efforts not only in North Carolina’s state legislature, but across the nation,
to restrict fundamental human rights for people of color and low-income people.
To mark Black History Month, Planned Parenthood Action Fund celebrated the courageous
leadership in the Black community that pushes our nation toward a more equal and just
society. Planned Parenthood Action Fund highlighted 99 Dream Keepers — one for each
year since Planned Parenthoods founding — who have demonstrated that we are stronger
together in our commitment to the ght for racial reproductive justice.
Their achievements range from the paradigm-shifting lmmaking ofAva DuVernayto the
Reproductive Justice movement leadership ofCherisse Scott, from the hard-hitting analysis
ofJamilah Lemieuxto the gender-busting art and advocacy ofLaverne Cox.These leaders
inspire us to break down barriers to opportunity posed by poverty, racism, sexism, and
oppression and to continue our work to end racial health disparities so that all communities
are the healthiest they can be.
24 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We expanded
our global work.
For more than 40 years, Planned Parenthood Global has partnered with grassroots
organizations to ensure that women, men, and young people in some of the worlds most
neglected areas have access to the health care they need.
This year, we expanded our global efforts and supported several key initiatives.
We piloted Global Mobile — a joint effort by Planned Parenthood and the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) — using mobile technology to connect young people around the
world with health information and services.
In April, we supported a youth campaign in support of rights-based sex education in schools
and provision of sexual and reproductive health services for all students.
And this summer, in Nicaragua, we supported a coalition that brought partners with expertise
in strategic litigation together with media and communications experts, youth, and more.
Together, they raised awareness about very early pregnancy and the need for safe abortion.
Supported by social and traditional media, street actions, and coalition work, the campaign
has garnered national and local radio and television coverage, and is shifting the climate
around reproductive rights in the region.
26 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
We worked to protect access to
health insurance for everyone.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has enabled more Americans than ever before to receive
health insurance. But in King v. Burwell, this historic gain could have been wiped out. The
U.S. Supreme Court decided whether or not to overturn a core component of the ACA which
would have caused 4.1 million women in 34 states — including 1.4 million women of color —
to lose their health insurance subsidies, making their coverage unaffordable.
The Courts 6-3 ruling was a victory for low- and middle-income women and families,
securely establishing that the ACA is woven into the fabric of our health care system. Planned
Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund led the way in
sending the message to anti-ACA politicians that they have already wasted ve years trying
to take away affordable coverage for millions of people, and its time to move on.
“Health insurance had been inaccessible to me. It felt like a luxury.
With the help of a Certified Applications Counselor at Planned
Parenthood, I was able to enroll in a plan that met my needs. And
with the help of a financial subsidy I qualified for, I could enroll
in a plan that fit my budget too. I now have a plan that provides
no-copay preventive care and affordable mental health services.
For the first time in four years, I have a sense of security because
I don’t have to choose among rent, educational expenses, or
a visit to the doctor. Because of the ACA, I can stay healthy.
Delma L.
23 Years Old, Austin, Texas
28 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
* Using formula developed by the Guttmacher Institute.
271,539 Pap tests performed
363,803 breast exams performed
71,717 women whose cancer was detected
early or whose abnormalities were identified
Pap tests and breast exams performed.
931,589 emergency contraception kits provided
578,681 unintended pregnancies averted by Planned Parenthood
contraceptive services*
Birth control information and services provided.
651,695 HIV tests conducted
171,882 STIs diagnosed, enabling people to get treatment and
to learn how to prevent the further spread of STIs
Tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections provided.
Health Impact of
Planned Parenthood Affiliates
Other Women’s
Health Services
Cancer Screening
and Prevention
Other Services
Abortion Services
STI/STD Testing & Treatment
Afliate Medical Services Data
3. A colposcopy examination aids in the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal
growth cells in the cervix. LEEP and cryotherapy are treatments for abnormal
4. Primary Care Services: Some afliate health centers offer primary care services,
which may include treatment of acute and chronic disease, minor ofce
procedures, evaluations for referral to specialists, authorization for hospital care,
health assessments, and well-person/well-child preventive maintenance. Other
afliate health centers provide limited Family Practice Services, which may
include assessment and management of uncomplicated conditions related to
the skin (e.g., acne, contact dermatitis, tinea corporis, etc.); the gastrointestinal
system (e.g., diarrhea, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.); ear, eye,
nose. throat, and respiratory system (e.g., bronchitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis,
etc.); medication management of previously evaluated controlled hypertension;
and medication management of previously evaluated hypothyroidism.
5. Some examples in this category include WIC services (a federally funded
nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and children up to the age
of ve), pediatric care, and immunizations, including hepatitis vaccinations.
6. A service is a discrete clinical interaction, such as the administration of a
physical exam or STI test or the provision of a birth control method. In 2014,
Planned Parenthood health centers saw approximately two and a half million
patients, collectively delivering nearly 10 million services during over four
million clinical visits.
Oral 35.1%
Other/Unknown 19.7%
Nonprescription Barrier 16.8%
Progestin-Only Injectables 11.9%
IUD 6.9%
Combined Hormone Ring 4.1%
Contraceptive Implant 3.6%
Combined Hormone Patch 2.0%
(rounded to nearest tenth percent) (PPFA, 2014)
1. Patient Care Provided by Planned Parenthood Afliate Health Centers from
10/01/13 - 09/30/14
2. Reversible Contraceptive Methods, Women (percentage) chosen by Planned
Parenthood Clients Receiving Contraceptive Services, 2014
30 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
STI/STD Testing & Treatment
STI Tests, Women and Men 3,533,522
Genital Warts (HPV) Treatments 32,233
HIV Tests, Women and Men 651,695
Other Treatments 699
Reversible Contraception Clients, Women
Emergency Contraception Kits 931,589
Female Sterilization Procedures 718
Vasectomy Clients 3,445
Cancer Screening and Prevention
Pap Tests 271,539
HPV Vaccinations 24,063
Breast Exams/Breast Care 363,803
Colposcopy Procedures
LEEP Procedures
Cryotherapy Procedures
Other Women’s Health Services
Pregnancy Tests 1,172,989
Prenatal Services 17,419
Abortion Services
Abortion Procedures 323,999
Other Services
Family Practice Services, Women and Men
Adoption Referrals to Other Agencies 2,024
Urinary Tract Infections Treatments 55,912
Other Procedures, Women and Men
Total services
Combined Balance Sheet:
National and Affiliates
June 30, 2015
[All Amounts In Millions]
Afliates National
Current Assets 719.1 83.7 -22.6 780.2
Property, Equipment, Endowment, Other 713.9 299.4 -4.0 1,009.3
Total Assets 1,433.0 383.1 -26.6 1,789.5
Liabilities & Net Assets
Current Liabilities 127.6 52.1 -22.6 157.1
Mortgages, Notes Payable, Other 105.0 46.6 -4.0 147.6
Total Liabilities 232.6 98.7 -26.6 304.7
Net Assets
Unrestricted 515.8 118.6 634.4
Property & Equipment, Net 381.3 24.3 405.6
Temporarily Restricted 130.7 115.7 246.4
Permanently Restricted 172.6 25.8 198.4
Total Net Assets 1,200.4 284.4 1,484.8
Total Liabilities & Net Assets 1,433.0 383.1 -26.6 1,789.5
32 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Combined Revenue and Expenses:
National and Afliates
Government Health Services
Grants & Reimbursements
Private Contributions
and Bequests
Health Services
Program Services
Management and
General Support
Medical Services
Combined Statement of Revenue,
Expenses & Changes in Net Assets:
National and Afliates
Afliates National
Non-Government Health Services Revenue 309.2 309.2
Government Health Services Grants
& Reimbursements
553.7 553.7 [c]
Private Contributions and Bequests 218.5 201.2 -66.2 353.5 [d]
Support from Afliates 16.9 -16.9 0.0
Other Operating Revenue 65.2 14.5 79.7
Total Revenue 1,146.6 232.6 -83.1 1,296.1
For The Year Ended June 30, 2015
Operating & Other Funds
[All Amounts In Millions]
Our broad base of committed donors provides approximately 87 percent
of the national organization’s revenue and 19 percent of afliate revenue —
evidence of our powerful grassroots support.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., is a tax-exempt corporation
under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) and is not a private foundation
(Tax ID #13-1644147). Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent
available under the law. Planned Parenthood afliates have similar tax status.
The IRS classies the Planned Parenthood Action Fund as a 501(c)(4) not-
for-prot organization. Contributions are not tax deductible. Many Planned
Parenthood afliates operate ancillary organizations with similar tax status.
A list of all organizations that received contributions from PPFA during
the year that ended June 30, 2015, may be obtained by writing to PPFA,
123 William Street, New York, NY 10038. Audited nancial statements are
available on the PPFA website.
[a] National organization gures reect operations of Planned Parenthood
Federation of America, Inc., Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc.
(including its related organizations, the Planned Parenthood Federal
PAC, Planned Parenthood Votes, and Community Outreach Group, LLC),
and Voxent for the year ended June 30, 2015. Afliate gures reect the
operations of 61 Planned Parenthood afliates and are based on amounts
reported in afliate audited nancial statements for scal years ended
during 2014.
[b] Payments and receipts between afliates and the national organization
have been eliminated. These include dues and rebates. Related
adjustments have been made to the balance sheet.
[c] The report groups revenue by source (either government or non-
government) rather than the manner of disbursement (income versus
grants and contracts). Payments from Medicaid managed care plans are
listed as “Government Health Services Grants and Reimbursements” to
reect the ultimate source of the funds.
[d] Includes foundation grants, corporate contributions, and support from
more than 518,000 active individual contributors. This also includes
$53.8 million of bequests.
[e] Expenses do not include capitalized expenditures for property, plant, and
equipment and repayment of related loans, but do include depreciation
and amortization of such property, plant, and equipment and interest
expense on such loans.
Summary of nancial activities for the year ended June 30, 2015
34 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Afliates National
Domestic Programs
A. Medical Services 782.3 782.3
B. Sexuality Education 48.3 48.3
C. Public Policy 39.3 39.3
D. Engage Communities 9.1 16.7 -3.0 22.8
E. Increase Access 130.8 -52.4 78.4
F. Build Advocacy Capacity 33.1 -9.4 23.7
G. Renew Leadership 4.1 -0.6 3.5
H. Refresh Our Brand 4.6 -0.8 3.8
Total Program Services 879.0 189.3 -66.2 1,002.1
Supporting Services
A. Management and General 145.0 19.4 164.4
B. Fundraising 41.3 26.3 67.6
Total Supporting Services 186.3 45.7 232.0
Other Expenses
A. Payments to Related Organizations 19.1 -16.9 2.2
B. Non-Program Related 1.0 1.0
Total Other Expenses 20.1 -16.9 3.2
Total Expenses 1,085.4 235.0 -83.1 1,237.3 [e]
Excess of Revenue Over Expenses 61.2 -2.4 58.8
Other Changes In Net Assets 2.1 -0.2 1.9
Net Assets: Beginning of Year 1,137.1 287.0 1,424.1
Net Assets: End of Year 1,200.4 284.4 1,484.8
For The Year Ended June 30, 2015
Operating & Other Funds
[All Amounts In Millions]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Board of Directors 2015-2016
Jill Lafer
Vice Chair
Naomi Aberly
Michael Newton
Veronica Dela Rosa
Dharma E. Cortés
Stephen DeBerry
Juanita (Nita) Francis
Colleen Foster
Linda Gruber
Cathy Hampton
Maryana Iskander
Kate Jhaveri
Dr. Paula Johnson
David Karp
Mini Krishnan
Maria Theresa Kumar
Ken Lambrecht
Diane Max
Rev. Timothy McDonald
Alexis McGill Johnson
Laura Meyers
Margot Milliken
Donya Nasser
Kimberly Olson
Anna Quindlen
Nathalie Rayes
Dale Reiss
Joe Solmonese
Dayle Steinberg
Judy Tabar
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Board of Directors 2015-2016
Laura Tucker
Vice Chair
Michael Vachon
Julianna Smoot
Kiki McLean
Naomi Aberly
Phillip Agnew
Lori Carpentier
Stacy Cross
Gov. Jim Doyle*
Joanne Egerman
Alexis McGill Johnson
Kim Molstre
Donya Nasser
Timothy Stanley
Sen. Nina Turner
Urvashi Vaid
Directors and Officers
* Honorary Director
36 2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Ofcers & Senior Leadership Team
Cecile Richards
Executive Vice President & Chief Experience
Dawn Laguens
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Ofcer
Melvin Galloway
Executive Vice President,
Health Care
Kim Custer
Chief Information Ofcer
Tom Subak
Chief Medical Ofcer
Raegan McDonald-Mosley, M.D., M.P.H, FACOG
Chief Development Ofcer
Jethro Miller
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Debra Alligood White
Chief Financial Ofcer
Wallace D’Souza
Chief Human Resources Ofcer
Dannette Hill
Vice President & Executive Director,
Planned Parenthood Global
Latanya Mapp Frett
Vice Presidents & Senior Leaders
Vice President, Health Care Innovation
Jill Balderson
Vice President, External Medical Affairs
Vanessa Cullins, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
Vice President, Planned Parenthood Experience
Molly Eagan
Vice President, Operations & Strategic Initiatives
Rebecca Epstein
Vice President, Communications
Eric Ferrero
Vice President, Education
Leslie Kantor, Ph.D.
Vice President, Health Outcomes
& Performance Optimization
Katie Magill
Vice President, Public Policy & Government Affairs
Dana Singiser
Senior Medical Advisor
Carolyn Westhoff, M.D.
Vice President, Information Services
Rebecca Willett
Naomi Seboni, Ph.D.
Sujatha Natarajan
Tewodros Melesse
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a founding member of the International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is comprised of Member Associations working in 170 countries.
IPPF’s Governing Council has 24 members representing each global region.
Social Media Properties
Planned Parenthood Health
@PPFA (twitter.com/PPFA)
Planned Parenthood Global
@ppglobe (twitter.com/ppglobe)
Planned Parenthood Action
@PPact (twitter.com/ppact)
@ppact (instagram.com/ppact)
Latinos for Planned Parenthood
@latinos4pp (twitter.com/latinos4pp)
Planned Parenthood Black Community
@PPBlackComm (twitter.com/ppblackcomm)
Planned Parenthood Generation Action
@PPGenAction (twitter.com/ppgenaction)
@PPGenAction (instagram.com/ppgenaction)