International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences
Vol-8, Issue-3; May-Jun, 2023
Journal Home Page Available:
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 160
Why Do People Choose Watching Adaptations of English
Literature Over Reading It?
Abin Mathew
Kalluvettamkuzhy (H) Punchavayal P.O., Kottayam (District) Kerala, India
Received: 19 Apr 2023; Received in revised form: 15 May 2023; Accepted: 21 May 2023; Available online: 29 May 2023
©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract Nowadays people prefer to watch movie adaptations of a work rather than reading it. The main
reason is the novel of around two fifty to n number of pages will finish within one and a half to three hours
of duration. Even students of literature follow this trend of watching movies rather than reading books. The
positive and negative of this trend are different for a student or academia of literature and people from other
professions. Through this research paper, I am analyzing what are the positive and negative sides of this
trend? How can we acquire the habit of reading books? What are the limitations of film adaptations? How
can some directors overcome these limitations? The research is based on my view on five movies from
multiple languages including Malayalam, English, Swedish, Hindi and Italian that are adapted from famous
novels and plays. The movies are Joji (2021), The Colour Purple (1985), A Man Called Ove (2015), 2 States
(2014) and Canterbury Tales (1972)
Keywords literature, film adaptation, novels, joji, the colour purple, 2 states
Nowadays you can find lots of used book sellers in most
parts of the country. If you have an experience in buying
books from any of this shop you may be able to realize what
I am going to say, most of the books that are sold by them
are new and you will realize that it hasn't been read by its
previous owner. I know many people who buy books with
great interest. After turning the pages for sometimes they
keep the book aside and they completely forget about it.
When I used to ask them about their reading h habits most
of the students who are between 15-25 said that, once they
used to read books including Novels, stories, or at least
comics and now they stopped reading, the reason that most
of them unanimously tells is the usage or addiction of
phone. Most of them are using phones especially due to the
recent Covid 19 pandemic most of the students had to
study from their homes and they all got a smartphone for
study purposes, in most cases after the study period they
used to play games in the phone or spent time in social
media platforms or video streaming platforms and this trend
took the beautiful worlds that a book gives them and took to
the darkest corners of their houses.
The role of smartphones is noticeably big in taking a reader
away from the book. Since most students possess a laptop
or at least a smartphone nowadays to study a novel or a
drama they first search on Google whether there is a movie
adaptation of that work if they find one, they watch that
movie adaptation and later read the plot, summary and the
themes of that novel, story or drama from any online
resources. It is quite helpful for them to pass the exam, but
this method has many pitfalls. Research on both the positive
and negative aspects of this trend of wholeheartedly trusting
adaptations of a literary work is a cardinal need of this age.
Watching a movie adaptation after reading the book is really
good, you will be able to realize the changes the director and
the scriptwriter made in the movie, and you will be able to
distinguish which one is best for you. It is only through
reading your imagination grows, the movie adaptation is the
representation of someone else who read the book. When it
comes to a student of literature or a literature enthusiast it is
important to read the book, it is only through reading books
you will be able to know the writing style of the author, the
way he describes each situation and write a critical review
on the book. If you are depending just on the adapted movie
Mathew Why Do People Choose Watching Adaptations of English Literature Over Reading It?
IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 161
in most cases your views and assumptions are wrong. On
behalf of reading drama in most cases, if you are able to
watch the enactment of the drama then it will help you to
relate to the scenes in a better way especially when you are
reading classic dramas like Spanish Tragedy, Doctor
Faustus, The Shoemaker's Holiday, Way of the World, etc.
If you watch a film adaptation after reading the book you
will be able to see the characters, the things, the dresses, and
the places you imagined in your mind, sometimes it may be
the same as you imagined in your mind and sometimes it
may be completely different. While making film
adaptations some directors even change the name of the
characters, in the film adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis’s
American Psycho, Paul Owen and Timothy Price in the
novel become Paul Allen and Timothy Bryce in the film. If
you are watching a movie considering it as an effective way
to judge the novel, then you are making a mistake for which
you will repent for sure.
Film adaptations are blessings to those people who want to
know the story or plot but do not know the language. Maybe
these people do not want to read the novel because
sometimes they do not know how to read or the language of
the classic dramas like Doctor Faustus, King Lear, etc. must
be not as easy as the English language that we use right now
so watching a drama or a film adaptation will help them to
possess a knowledge on that particular drama. There are
many films that are adapted from great classic dramas, for
example, the 1997 Jayaraj movie Kaliyattam is an
adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Othello, Kannaki is
another Jayaraj film that was released in 2001 is a loose
adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra,
Iyobinte Pusthakam by Amal Neerad which released on
2014 reportedly a loose adaptation of King Lear and Joji,
which released on 2021 is a loose adaptation of Macbeth.
These movies will help the common man to get the basic
knowledge about the drama at least they will be able to
know the plot of the drama but, a student of literature
overcomes these limitations.
Every study is conducted with some objective. The present
study is taken with an objective.
To study the positive and negative side of depending on
a film adaptation of a literary work.
To compare and analyze the characters, plot, and
content between novels and movies.
According to Oxford Reference Hypothesis, is a statement
of the expected relationship between things being studied,
which is intended to explain certain facts or observations or
an idea to be tested. A research Hypothesis is an assumption
or the outcome of a study. It is a prediction or speculation
by the researcher which may prove or may be disapproved.
The hypothesis of this study is:
1. People from all streams consider watching film
adaptations rather than reading books.
2. You cannot trust a movie adaptation, if you want to
know about a book or its author you must read the
This research is conducted because of my interest in literary
works and their film adaptations, for this, I have read many
books and watched their film adaptations. For the successful
completion of this research, I have read many books which
I am going to explain in the upcoming parts of this paper. It
gave me a direct experience in this subject with which I am
dealing. For the sake of my studies, reading these books and
watching their film adaptations were particularly important.
By reading and watching I came to a conclusion which I
would like to prove through this research.
According to Wikipedia Literary adaptation is the
adaptation of a literary source for example a novel, short
story, or poem to another genre or medium, such as film,
stage play, or videogame.’ While I was doing my research,
I found an interesting fact that a game named Assassin`s
Creed II portrays Renaissance Italy as its open-world
playground so playing this game will give you a valuable
experience and you will feel that you are in Italy during
Renaissance. So, this game gives us the idea that even video
games can be adapted from literary works or literary
backgrounds. Seth Schiesel wrote in Assassin's Creed II In
New York Times that now the teachers who teach Italian
history will be surprised when the students tell them that
they have already visited Renaissance Italy, which is the
effect of adaptations, people trust them, and they depend
on them more than getting direct knowledge through literary
The India Today in its report Joji Movie Review:
Fahad Fasil’s Macbeth adaptation is exceptional states
that Power corrupts. So does greed. This is what
Shakespeare’s Macbeth has taught those who read it. They
are also asking who better than Fahad Fasil can show greed
in his eyes.
The New York Times in its report Film ‘The Colour
Purple by Steven Spielberg’ states that the characters in
the movie adaptation are big and vibrant but beyond that
they resemble Miss Walker barely at all.
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IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 162
The Times of India in its edition that came out on May 13,
2014, reported that “2 States crosses the 100-crore mark
at the box office” It states that people are very excited to
watch the movie.
Differences between a literary work and its film
The first thing that we have to keep in our mind is that both
novels and movies are two different forms of art, both are
independent in their sense. The usual page of a novel is
between 200-380, in some cases especially when it comes
to long novels it goes in between 750-10000 or more. In
most cases, this gives an inconvenience for the person who
just wants to know the story or plot of the book. In these
cases, people depend upon film or any other literary
adaptations. In most cases, the duration of a film is between
90-120 minutes. This is one of the main reasons people
depend upon film adaptation rather than reading a physical
or soft copy of a literary work.
Another major difference is that films give us a clearer
picture than a book gives us. While film directly stimulates
our perceptions, literary works indirectly stimulate them.
While reading a book sometimes we find ourselves sinking
into the imagination and spending time thinking or
visualizing a situation in our mind but on the contrary, a film
is fast-paced it will start at a specific time and end at a
specific time, we don’t have to think all that we have to do
is just to watch the movie and understand the story, plot, and
Regarding the visual imagination of the novel we read, it
varies from person to person and their purpose of reading.
Some people skim books, they just read fast and complete
the text but that is unimaginable for some people, they turn
each page very slowly reading each sentence by imagining
that in their mind like a movie. We will be unsure about
whether they will like the movie or not especially when they
watch the film adaptation of their dearest book. Sometimes
when the film is released, they will come to know that their
favorite scene is cut. In most cases it happens because of the
limitation of time. The 1972 Italian movie Canterbury Tales
directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini is an example of this; the
film is an adaptation of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury
Tales. Canterbury Tales is a collection of twenty-four
stories that have over 17000 lines, but the film portrays only
a few stories among them, and it shows just the important
scenes. If you need to get a clear understanding of the work,
you must read the book. This short information that the
movie gives you will not help you.
The film adaptation has many limitations; it varies from
person to person, culture to culture, and place to place. In
some places people will not understand the direct adaptation
of a literary work, for example for a common man in Kerala,
Macbeth is something that they are not able to relate to. The
crew of a film can’t introduce a film to a group of audiences
who will not be able to relate what they are trying to present
before them, in this situation the movie will become a flop.
The Malayalam movie Joji is a loose adaptation of William
Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Through some of the events that
any Kerala man can relate to, the director tells us how greed
destroys a person’s life. The female character who acted as
the sister-in-law resembles the Shakespearian character,
Lady Macbeth.
But adaptation is always a big question for
academia. Choosing the literary work over the adaptation
needs a strong will. It is a literary work that will give a
person a good understanding of the subject. Indian film has
its audience always waiting for entertainment. All they want
is entertainment, so a director cannot give a direct
adaptation of a foreign literary work. Even though this is a
fact many films including, Satyajit Ray’s Pather Panchali,
Apur Sansar, and Shatranj Ke Khiladi were made from great
Bengali works and audiences received it with both hands.
Data Collection
The data collection is based on my view of five movies from
multiple languages including Malayalam, English, Swedish,
Hindi, and Italian that are adapted from famous novels and
plays. The movies are Joji (2021), The Colour Purple
(1985), A Man Called Ove (2015), 2 States (2014), and
Canterbury Tales (1972)
Joji is inspired by William Shakespeare’s
famous play Macbeth. Joji was released through the OTT
platform Amazon Prime on 7 April 2021 since the covid
forced lockdown forced people to sit in their homes many
people watched the movie. Critics praised the movie
relating it to the play Macbeth. The plot of the movie
consists of a father and his three children. The father is 74
years old and still he oversees the family affairs. He is like
a dictator in the family. His three children include Jomon a
divorcee, Jaison and his wife Bincy, and Joji the youngest
son who is also an engineering dropout. All three sons are
leading a life of fear under their father’s domination. An
unexpected event occurred in the family and gave hope to
Joji that the death of his father will give him a fortune. His
greed turns him into a modern Macbeth and by supporting
him and motivating his greed Bincy becomes the modern
Lady Macbeth.
The novel ‘The Colour Purple’ v/s Movie ‘The Colour
Colour Purple is an epistolary novel in which Celie writes
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IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 163
fifty-six letters to God and fourteen to her sister Nettie. To
make an epistolary novel into a film is possible only with a
man with a strong will. The famous director, producer, and
screenwriter Steven Allan Spielberg did the direction of the
movie. The name ‘Steven Spielberg’ itself gives us a reason
to watch this film adaptation because he is such a promising
director in Hollywood. The movie and novel have more
similarities than dissimilarities. One of the similarities is
Celie’s stepfather raped her and she gave birth to two
children named Adam and Olivia they were later given to
Samuel and Corrine who were unable to have children.
Another similarity is that in the novel Celie is afraid of men.
There are a few differences. One notable difference is in the
novel Celie writes back letters to Nettie, but she does not
write back letters in the movie. There are differences in
some dialogues, in the novel Shug ask, “How is your god?”
and in the movie, Shug and Celie do not even talk about
Novel ‘A Man Called Ove’ v/s Movie ‘A Man Called
Both in the book and the movie the character of Love is
presented as the same stereotypical character. Most of the
important scenes including the death of Ove’s father is
shown in the movie.
Even though the novel gives a long description introducing
Ove’s life, the movie shows Ove’s life after his wife’s death.
The movie repeatedly shows Ove’s various attempts of
suicide and his visit to his dead wife’s tomb alike it
somehow forgets to portray the whole life of Ove as it is in
the novel.
Novel 2 States: The Story of My Marriage v/s Movie 2
2 States tells the story of Krish, who is a Punjabi, and
Ananya who is a Tamilian who meets in IIM-A a prestigious
institution in India, and become friends later fall in love, and
eventually get married. The whole plot is about how they
both are convincing their parents to agree to the marriage.
The main reason for their parents opposing their marriage is
that their language and culture are different.
Notable differences are hard to find but the second part of
the movie seems hurriedly taken. As the novel is a lengthy
version there are many limitations, so people are forced to
make the movie shorter and more convenient for the
audience. A few scenes like the scene which was shown in
the promo were cut off. Some parts of the novel like Krish’s
transfer and his work environment in Chennai were omitted.
The name of the company where they both are working is
also changed.
Canterbury Tales book v/s Canterbury Tales Movie
The Canterbury Tales movie is a movie that came out in
1972. We will realize the talents of the director of this movie
Paolo Pasolini when we think about the limitations that any
director and crew members of a film face especially when it
comes to the technical side.
The movie retells only eight stories from The Canterbury
Tales that are, The Merchant’s Tale, Friar’s Tale, Miller’s
Tale, Wife of Bath’s Tale, Reeve’s Tale, Pardoner’s Tale,
and Summoner’s Tale. Even though this film adaptation is
largely faithful, Pasolini expands some stories.
Nowadays people adhere to the trend of watching film
adaptations of literary works rather than reading the work.
Trusting film adaptations is not a good trend. We will get
first-hand knowledge and all the relevant knowledge about
the book from the original literary work itself. Due to its
heterogeneous audience, the film is more popular than the
book. Due to the limitation of time, many directors and
scriptwriters are forced to shorten the movie, which lets
many of the important parts go missing, this scenario may
not affect a common man who watches the movie for the
sake of entertainment but it will definitely affect a student
or academia of literature who watch the movie for the sake
of learning the novel or the literary work. As we have seen
in Paolo Pasolini’s The Canterbury Tales many important
scenes were cut off and many stories also cut off, so
depending on this will not be helpful.
Some of the major limitations that a filmmaker will face
while he adapts a story are casting, he should find casts that
exactly fits the character in the work, and this will decide
the success of the work. Another limitation is the
technology, the imagination of a writer will go on and on
to create an exact visual effect for this is a challenge for a
director. In most cases, people do not read books because
they feel lazy or bored after turning a few pages. That is why
they depend on film adaptations. Depending on film
adaptation is not a good trend for a student or researcher
who works in literature even though it somehow helps them.
Only reading the original text will help a person to know
about the author, his work, his writing style, and the
limitations he faced during his period, it will also sharpen
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IJELS-2023, 8(3), (ISSN: 2456-7620) (Int. J of Eng. Lit. and Soc. Sci.) 164
the imaginative skills of the writer, and reading will give a
reader more empathetic experience while he or she goes
through each page.
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