U.S. Small Business Administration
Surety Bond Guarantee Program
for Small Businesses
The Basics What to Look For
Contract Surety Bonds:
Contract bonds & why they are required
Suretys underwriting focus
SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program:
Program parameters
Required information
Application process & fees
Common Definitions
Principal: small business/contractor or its owner(s).
Agent: representative of the Surety with power of attorney to issue bonds. They
market and prepare applications to the SBA and Surety. Principal’s primary
relationship is with the agent.
Surety: corporate entity legally responsible for paying claims after a Principal
has defaulted and SBAs program partner.
Obligee: project owner who contracts with the Principal for the performance of
a contract. If the Principal defaults on a project the Obligee is made whole by
the Surety.
What is a Surety Bond?
Agreement between:
Surety Company
Obligee/Project Owner
Types of contract surety bonds:
Bid Bond
Performance Bond
Payment Bond
Maintenance Bond
Contract Bonds Defined
Bid Bond: guarantees that if the Principal is awarded a contract, the required
performance and payment bonds will be provided
Performance Bond: guarantees the contract will be successfully completed in
accordance with contract terms and conditions
Payment Bond: guarantees that subcontractors and labor and material suppliers
will be paid for their work
Maintenance Bond: guarantees that any defects in workmanship or materials will
be remedied within a specified time period following completion, usually one
to two years
Use bonds instead of an ILOC or cashiers check. Bonds conserve your small
business’s working capital and provide you with protection from fraudulent
Why Surety Bonds are Required
Surety bonds are required on many projects to ensure that the contracts
are properly completed, protecting the Obligee, subcontractors and labor
and material suppliers.
Federal Government: all Federal construction contracts greater than
$150,000 require surety bonds under provisions of the Miller Act
State, County & Local Government: most other governmental entities
have adopted similar provisions referred to as “Little Miller Acts”
Private Sector: many private sector Obligees also require surety bonds
Pre-Qualification & Bonding Capacity
Pre-qualifying means knowing what your bonding capacity will be in
advance of bidding or negotiating to assure bonds will be available
Becoming bondable is similar to the process of obtaining bank credit
Setting up bonding may take several weeks
Know Your Bonding Capacity:
Single Contract Bond Limit (i.e. $300,000)
Total Aggregate Bonding Capacity (i.e. $2,000,000)
Approved Type of Work
Approved Geographical Area
Suretys Underwriting Focus
Technical & Managerial Ability
Track Record past experience demonstrates ability to perform future projects
Typically no more than two times largest successfully completed job to date
Financial Resources/Financial Statements
Working capital, net worth, debt to equity ratio, profitability
Adequate working capital is essential to obtaining bonding
Quality financial statements required
CPA prepared typically required for $1 million & larger job sizes
Credit Resources
Credit History (business and owners)
Banks & Suppliers
What is Working Capital?
Measures business’s ability to meet current and future financial
Total bonding capacity typically based on available working capital
Working Capital is calculated from the balance sheet:
Cash + Accounts Receivable + ½ of Inventory
- Current Liabilities
= Allowed Working Capital
Bank Support
A good banking relationship is important to obtaining bonding.
Agent will request information on:
Cash Balances
Bank Line of Credit (BLOC)
BLOC - SBA counts the available balance on a BLOC as additional
available working capital!
SBA Loans
SBAExpress Loan/SBA Microloan/SBA Community Advantage Loan
Finance short term working capital needs
$50,000 to $350,000 limits
LOCs Available (Express)
Contact a local SBA participating lender to apply
Maximize Your Surety Credit
Retain profits and build up these important balance sheet items:
Working Capital
Net Worth
Debt/Net Worth
Prepare quality financial statements
CPA Prepared is Preferred 3 Levels of CPA Financials
Its an Investment in Your Business!
SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program
SBA guarantee allows small businesses to obtain contract specific bid,
performance, payment and maintenance bonds not available elsewhere
SBA can assist many small businesses including:
Start-ups and firms in business less than 3 years
Firms with limited track record in prior completed job size
Firms with limited financial resources (cash, working capital, net worth)
Firms with insufficient financial presentations
Firms with recent losses
Firms with some credit issues
Firms wishing to increase current bond limits
SBA Surety Bond Guarantees
SBA provides the Surety a guarantee of 70% to 90%, reducing the Suretys
liability for each bond, allowing the Surety to issue bonds to businesses that
would not otherwise qualify.
Preferred Program 70% Guarantee through Surety Line of Authority
Prior Approval Program -
90% Guarantee:
All veteran owned & service disabled firms
Minority owned businesses
8(a) and certified HubZone businesses
All projects not exceeding $100,000
80% Guarantee:
All other small businesses
SBA Advantages
Available balance on BLOC counted as additional available
working capital!
Total bonding capacity typically double that of traditional surety!
Exception available for insufficient financial statement
Business Size Eligibility
Business (including affiliates and subsidiaries) must be small for the
primary industry it and the affiliates are engaged in
Based on average annual revenues for the last three fiscal years
compared with established NAICS (North American Industry
Classification) Codes size standards
Construction Firms
$ 15 million for specialty trades such as:
electrical (238210) or roofing (238160)
$ 36.5 million for heavy construction such as:
commercial construction (236220) or highway, street
and bridge (237310)
Service, supply and manufacturing firms may also be eligible
Contract and Bond Eligibility
Maximum Contract Size: $6.5 million
Up to $10 million on Federal prime contracts with contracting
officer certification
The small business and its owners must:
Certify they need a bond and are unable to obtain it elsewhere
with reasonable terms
Not be debarred from doing business with the Federal Government
Not be on probation or parole or in bankruptcy
Must be current on all taxes
Bond Application Package
Additional information may be required based on individual surety requirements.
Business financial statements
Last three fiscal year-ends plus current interim
Owners personal financial statements
Bank relationship information
SBA Form 912 - Statement of Personal History
Misdemeanors and minor criminal offenses older than 10 years typically cleared
SBA Form 994 - Application for Surety Bond Guarantee Assistance
Job Specific
QuickApp for Jobs Up to $250,000
FAST Approval
Relaxed SBA Underwriting
Eliminates Business and Personal Financial Statements for SBA
All Types of Work Excluding Environmental, Demolition, Timber Sales
and Projects Already Underway
Liquidated Damages Up to $1,000/Day and Maintenance Terms Up to
Two Years
Same Guarantee Percentages
Fees for SBA Bond Guarantees
Bid Bonds: No fee
Performance/Payment/Maintenance Bonds:
SBA Guarantee Fee: .729% of the Contract Amount
Suretys Bond Premium: 1.5% - 3% of the Contract Amount
Surety pays SBA 26% of the premium collected from the small business
Include these costs in bid estimates and initial pay requests to
ensure reimbursement by the Obligee.
Costs of Bonding Example
A minority-owned small business received an SBA guaranteed bid bond and
was subsequently awarded a $500,000 Federal contract to install new energy
efficient windows in three buildings at an airbase.
Contractors Bond Costs:
$ 9,000 1.8 % Suretys Bond Premium ($500,000 X 1.8%)
3,645 .729% SBAs Guarantee Fee ($500,000 X .729%)
$12,645 Total Cost for Bonds
Pay.Gov Electronic Fee Payments
Free Service of the U.S. Treasury
Register at www.pay.gov
Eliminates Fee Checks
Pay SBA Bond Guarantees Online
ACH, Debit or Credit Card
Application Process
1. Small business contacts SBA approved bond Agent requesting assistance
2. Agent evaluates application package
3. Agent approaches SBA Surety for approval
4. Agent applies for a bond guarantee to SBA electronically on behalf of small
business when required by Surety*
5. SBA staff reviews & approves qualified applications in 3 Area Offices based on
the location of the small business
currently less than 2 days on average
6. Agent provides bond to the small business so that work may begin
*Participating Sureties may bond a business with or without an SBA guarantee or decline
to bond the business if it does not qualify.
Locating an SBA Approved Bond Agent
Use SBAs list of Bonding Agencies by State available at:
Contact an SBG Area Office or SBA District Office for a referral
Florida Agents
Alter Surety Group
Miami Lakes, FL
(305) 517-3798
Associates Insurance
Temple Terrace, FL
(813) 988-1234
Bonds Only
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 733-8885
Bowen, Miclette & Britt
Maitland, FL
(407) 647-1616
Brown Insurance Services
Panama City, FL
(850) 596-9598
C & D Insurance
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 292-0803
Cecil Powell & Co
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 353-3181
FSB Agency
Pembroke Pines, FL
(954) 323-3587
Fisher Brown Botrell Ins
Pensacola, FL
(850) 432-7474
Florida Surety Bonds
Maitland, FL
(888) 786-2663
Greene-Hazel & Assoc
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 398-1234
Heacock Insurance
Sebring, FL
(863) 385-5171
Miami, FL
(305) 670-6111
Joseph Johnson & Co
Orlando, FL
(407) 843-1120
MB Underwriters
Pensacola, FL
(850) 478-0400
Matson-Charlton Surety
Coral Gables, FL
(305) 662-3852
Neilson Hoover & Co
Sandford, FL
(407) 330-3990
Roger Bouchard Ins
Clearwater, FL
(727) 447-6481
Security Bond Assoc
Miami, FL
(305) 552-5414
Smith Insurance & Bonds
Ft. Meyers, FL
(239) 560-0137
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
(888) 951-8680
Surety Services Unltd
St. Petersburg, FL
(813) 400-0235
Whitehead Agency
Altamonte, FL
(407) 831-4424
USI Insurance Services
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 669-0729
Unique Surety & Insurance
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
(561) 429-3600
Waldorff Insurance & Bonding
Gainsville, FL
(352) 374-7779
SBG Program Primary Contacts
Tamara E. Murray
Underwriting Marketing Specialist
(303) 927-3479
Denver Area Office
721 19th Street #426
Denver, CO 80202
Jennifer Vigil
Area Director
(303) 927-3489
Servicing Small Businesses in:
WY, Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands
Tamara E. Murray
Eastern U.S. + CO Marketing
(303) 927-3479
Seattle Area Office
2401 4th Avenue #450
Seattle, WA 98121
M. Catharine Powers
Area Director
(206) 553-8541
Servicing Small Businesses in:
WA & Guam
Linda M. Laws
Western U.S. Marketing
(206) 553-7317
DC Area Office
409 Third Street SW #8600
Washington, DC 20416
Peter C. Gibbs
OSG Deputy Director
(202) 205-6548
Servicing Small Businesses in: