Advantages of purchasing Journey Plan:
Primary emergency medical coverage if you get
sick or injured
Existing medical conditions and supplier
financial default coverage
Optional Required to Work coverage
Generous baggage delay coverage
Coverage if you miss a connection, or experience a
departure delay of six or more hours
No charge for covering kids 17 and under when they
are traveling with their parents or grandparents.
Coverage Limit
Trip Cancellation
Up to 100% of Trip Cost
Trip Interruption
Up to 150% of Trip Cost
Frequent Flyer Mile Redeposit Fee Coverage Up to $250
Change Fee Coverage
Up to $250
Primary Emergency Medical/Dental Coverage
Emergency Medical Transportation
Baggage Loss/Damage $1,000
Baggage Delay $300
Travel Delay $800 ($200/day)
Missed Connection $800
Personal Concierge Included
24-Hour Hotline Assistance Included
Required to Work Coverage
AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator for this plan.
Journey Plan can help you make the most of your
trip by giving you peace of mind while you’re away.
With features like comprehensive trip cancellation
protection, primary medical coverage, and 24-hour
assistance services, it’s the perfect companion to your
perfect vacation.
The Best Time to Buy Journey Plan:
Within 14 days of initial trip deposit
[In order to be eligible for supplier financial default coverage. Restrictions and
exclusions may apply.]
On or before your final trip payment date
[In order to be eligible for available Required to Work enhancement and existing
medical conditions coverage. Restrictions and exclusions may apply.]
Allianz Global Assistance
Journey Plan
World-wide protection and assistance for
cruises, tours and vacations.
* Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Plans may not be
available to residents of all states.
Final trip payment date is the final payment due date for your trip as
reflected on your original invoice.
Benefits are per person. All insureds must purchase the same plan in
order to be on the same policy.
Maximum coverage available is $100,000.
Maximum coverage available is $150,000.
NY Residents: This coverage is covered under the trip cancellation/
interruption protection benefit.
$750 maximum for emergency dental coverage.
FL, NY, OR, & WA residents see 2.
Must be purchased on or before your final trip payment date.
This is a brief description of the insurance and assistance
benefits provided by this plan. Terms, conditions, and
exclusions apply. A complete description of coverage can be
found in the Certificate of Insurance/Policy.
Journey Plan Rates
Trip Cost
Per Person ($)
$28 $32 $43 $56 $64 $83
1–500 $32 $40 $53 $85 $103 $149
5011,000 $45 $60 $80 $113 $139 $197
1,001–1,500 $58 $81 $110 $150 $184 $258
1,5012,000 $72 $107 $150 $193 $235 $324
2,001–2,500 $95 $134 $179 $242 $296 $404
2,5013,000 $112 $155 $206 $273 $333 $452
3,001–3,500 $130 $153 $239 $311 $379 $515
3,501–4,000 $141 $174 $267 $346 $422 $571
4,0014,500 $174 $205 $275 $356 $435 $586
4,501–5,000 $176 $249 $370 $477 $586 $783
5,001–5,500 $199 $285 $418 $538 $662 $882
5,501–6,000 $221 $321 $468 $600 $740 $983
6,0016,500 $266 $392 $563 $722 $892
6,501–7,000 $298 $439 $624 $793 $975
7,0018,000 $315 $466 $661 $839
$1,031 $1,362
8,001–9,000 $345 $513 $725 $920
9,001–10,000 $367 $548 $773 $979
10,00111,000 $538 $614 $926 $1,251 $1,546 $2,281
11,001–12,000 $604 $699 $1,017 $1,375 $1,735 $2,385
12,00113,000 $679 $767 $1,100 $1,481 $1,898 $2,701
13,00114,000 $732 $851 $1,201 $1,608 $2,129 $3,350
14,00115,000 $787 $956 $1,298 $1,770 $2,376 $3,607
15,001–16,000 $849 $1,067 $1,457 $1,898 $2,596 $3,625
16,00117,000 $868 $1,140 $1,553 $1,993 $2,628 $3,662
17,00118,000 $924 $1,208 $1,646 $2,132 $2,945 $3,712
18,00119,000 $980 $1,277 $1,739 $2,271 $3,091 $3,933
19,001–20,000 $1,105 $1,345 $1,832 $2,425 $3,288 $4,158
20,001–21,000 $1,235 $1,449 $2,007 $2,526 $3,444 $4,386
21,001–22,000 $1,297 $1,495 $2,144 $2,691 $3,599 $5,402
22,001–23,000 $1,321 $1,648 $2,253 $2,843 $3,794 $5,475
23,001–24,000 $1,427 $1,721 $2,361 $3,000 $3,982
24,00125,000 $1,446 $1,824 $2,382 $3,094 $4,187
25,001–26,000 $1,452 $1,881 $2,498 $3,279
$4,246 $5,641
26,001–28,000 $1,472 $1,915 $2,513 $3,317
28,00130,000 $1,586 $2,034 $2,629 $3,426
Journey Plan Rates (continued)
Trip Cost
Per Person ($)
30,00132,000 $1,751 $2,240 $2,877 $3,728 $4,769 $6,413
32,00134,000 $1,816 $2,319 $3,009 $4,013 $5,010
34,001–36,000 $2,013 $2,345 $3,078 $4,136 $5,100
36,00138,000 $2,111 $2,573 $3,347 $4,460
$5,589 $7,542
38,001–40,000 $2,209 $2,702 $3,517 $4,684
40,001–42,000 $2,255 $2,729 $3,586 $4,807 $5,968 $8,353
42,001–44,000 $2,303 $2,806 $3,705 $5,031 $6,259 $8,758
44,001–46,000 $2,500 $3,084 $4,024 $5,454 $6,749 $9,164
46,00148,000 $2,597 $3,212 $4,193 $5,678 $7,038 $9,570
48,001–50,000 $2,695 $3,339 $4,363 $5,900 $7,378 $9,976
50,001–52,000 $2,507 $3,380 $4,404 $5,977 $7,437 $10,345
52,001–54,000 $2,587 $3,415 $4,484 $6,164 $7,677 $10,703
54,001–56,000 $2,667 $3,490 $4,621 $6,347 $7,913 $11,0 66
56,001–58,000 $2,745 $3,593 $4,757 $6,527 $8,146 $11,427
58,001–60,000 $2,822 $3,745 $4,923 $6,705 $8,376 $11,784
60,001–62,000 $2,933 $3,846 $5,056 $6,969 $8,683 $12,139
62,00164,000 $3,010 $3,946 $5,187 $7,144 $8,907 $12,490
64,001–66,000 $3,090 $4,044 $5,316 $7,317 $9,129 $12,839
66,001–68,000 $3,183 $4,182 $5,491 $7,487 $9,347 $13,185
68,001–70,000 $3,230 $4,278 $5,617 $7,654 $9,561 $13,528
70,001–72,000 $3,340 $4,372 $5,741 $7,713 $9,864 $13,868
72,001–74,000 $3,412 $4,465 $5,864 $7,877 $10,074 $14,330
74,001–76,000 $3,482 $4,602 $6,037 $8,039 $10,281 $14,731
76,001–78,000 $3,551 $4,693 $6,156 $8,199 $10,485 $15,133
78,001–80,000 $3,619 $4,782 $6,274 $8,355 $10,685 $15,533
80,001–82,000 $3,730 $4,871 $6,389 $8,620 $11,033 $15,935
82,00184,000 $3,797 $5,007 $6,560 $8,774 $11,230 $16,335
84,00186,000 $3,863 $5,093 $6,673 $8,925 $11,424 $16,736
86,001–88,000 $3,927 $5,178 $6,785 $9,073 $11,614 $17,138
88,001–90,000 $3,991 $5,261 $6,954 $9,220 $11,802 $17,538
90,001–92,000 $4,100 $5,396 $7,063 $9,484 $12,206 $17,940
92,001–94,000 $4,162 $5,478 $7,170 $9,627 $12,390 $18,340
94,001–96,000 $4,223 $5,558 $7,337 $9,769 $12,572 $18,742
96,001–98,000 $4,284 $5,637 $7,442 $9,908 $12,751 $19,143
98,001–100,000 $4,342 $5,714 $7,545 $10,045 $12,928 $19,544
Required to Work Rates
Additional $34 per person.
Zero trip cost means there is no coverage for trip cancellation or trip interruption.
Children 17 years of age or under on the date the insurance is purchased are
also covered in full when traveling with their parents or grandparents—at no
extra cost. The maximum benefit payable to a child (under 18 years of age) is
equal to the maximum benefit payable to a covered parent or grandparent.
Travelers under the age of 18 who are not traveling with their parent(s) or
grandparent(s) will be subject to the rates for travelers 0–30.
Prices subject to change.
When you purchase a plan from Allianz Global
Assistance, you have a review period determined
by your state of residence, to examine coverage
details. If for any reason, you wish to cancel your
plan during the review period, we will refund
your premium as long as you haven’t filed a
claim or departed for your trip/event.
General Exclusions
In addition to any other exclusions that may apply to a particular benefit,
no coverage is provided for any loss that results directly or indirectly
from any of the following unless as specifically included: existing medical
conditions (unless as specifically covered); intentionally self-inflicted
harm, suicide or attempted suicide by you, your traveling companion or
your family member; normal pregnancy (unless as specifically covered),
fertility treatments, childbirth or elective abortion, other than unforeseen
complications of pregnancy, of you, a traveling companion, or a family
member; mental or nervous health disorders, including but not limited
to: anxiety, depression, neurosis, psychosis and others; or physical
complications related thereto of you, a traveling companion or a family
member; alcohol or substance abuse or use; or conditions or physical
complications related thereto of you, a traveling companion or a family
member; war (whether declared or undeclared), acts of war, military duty
(unless as specifically covered), civil disorder or unrest (except as provided
for in travel delay); participation in professional or amateur sporting
events (including training); all extreme, high risk sports including but not
limited to: bodily contact sports; skydiving; hang gliding, bungee jumping,
parachuting; mountain climbing or any other high altitude activities,
caving, heli-skiing, extreme skiing, or any skiing outside marked trails; scuba
diving (unless accompanied by a dive master and not deeper than 120
feet); operating or learning to operate any aircraft as pilot or crew; nuclear
reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination; natural disasters (unless
as specifically covered); terrorist events (unless as specifically covered);
epidemic or pandemic; pollution or threat of pollutant release; any unlawful
acts committed by you, family members, or traveling companions, whether
they are insured or not; any expected or reasonably foreseeable events; or
financial default of a travel supplier (unless as specifically covered).
Existing Medical Conditions Coverage & Exclusion
Your plan may provide Existing Medical Conditions Coverage if you, a
traveling companion or family member has an Existing Medical Condition.
An Existing Medical Condition is an illness or injury that exhibited
symptoms or was treated for any time 120 days prior to purchasing your
plan. Coverage for an Existing Medical Condition is excluded unless: 1.)
You purchased your plan on or before your final trip payment date;
You purchased trip cancellation coverage that covers the full cost of all
your non-refundable trip arrangements; 3.) You were a U.S. resident and
medically able to travel on the day you purchased the plan; and 4.) The
total cost of your trip is $50,000 per person or less.
All other contract terms and conditions apply.
Supplier Financial Default Protection
Supplier financial default protection is provided when:
1) You purchase your insurance within 14 days of initial trip payment
or deposit; 2) Financial default occurs more than seven days after the
policy’s effective date; and 3) You use a travel supplier (other than
the organization from which you purchased this insurance or their
affiliate companies) listed as a covered supplier at the time of insurance
purchase. A list of these covered suppliers can be found on our website
PLEASE BE ADVISED: This optional coverage may duplicate coverage
already provided by your personal auto insurance policy, homeowner’s
insurance policy, personal liability insurance policy or other source of
coverage. This insurance is not required to purchase any other products/
services. Unless separately licensed, travel retailer employees are not
qualified/authorized to answer technical questions about coverage details
or evaluate your existing coverage. Plan is intended for U.S. residents only
and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Additionally:
California Residents: This plan contains disability insurance benefits or
health insurance benefits, or both, that only apply during the covered trip.
You may have coverage from other sources that already provides you
with these benefits. You should review your existing policies. If you have
any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or health
plan. We are doing business in California as Allianz Global Assistance
Insurance Agency, License # 0B01400.
Florida Residents: Emergency Evacuation benefits are limited to
coverage for travel or use of accommodations for a period of no longer
than 60 days, beginning on your date of departure. This limitation only
applies to your Emergency Evacuation benefits.
New York Residents: The licensed producer represents the insurer for
purposes of the sale. Compensation paid to the producer may depend
on the policy selected, or the producer’s expenses, volume of business, or
profitability. The purchaser may request and obtain information about the
producer’s compensation, except as otherwise provided by law.
Utah Residents: We are doing business in Utah as Allianz Global
Assistance Insurance Agency.
Online Services
With Allianz Travel Insurance, you can purchase your plan,
modify your plan, and even file and track claims, through
2 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance
Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakbrook Terrace, IL), rated
“A-” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201
series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY,
Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by
A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P
series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance
and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company.
AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator
of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company.
The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage
because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and
Jefferson Insurance Company.