Annual multi-trip travel insurance policy
Cover is only available if you have your main home in, and are registered with a doctor in, the UK,
the Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney and Herm only) or the Isle of Man.
This policy does not cover claims relating to existing medical conditions.
Important phone numbers 2
Suitability statement 2
About us and our insurance services 3
Schedule 4-5
Important information 6-9
Definitions 10-11
Health declaration and health exclusions 12-13
Reciprocal health arrangements 14
HealthHero 24/7 GP telephone and video consultations 15-16
24-hour emergency medical assistance 16
Sports and leisure activities 17-18
General exclusions 19
General conditions 20-21
Claim conditions 22
Making a complaint 23
Section 1 Cancellation or cutting your trip short 24-26
Section 2 Emergency medical and associated expenses 27-29
Section 3 Loss of passport 30
Section 4 Delayed personal possessions 30
Section 5 Personal possessions 31-32
Section 6 Personal money 33
Section 7 Personal accident 34-35
Section 8 Missed departure 35
Section 9 Delayed departure 36
Section 10 Personal liability 37
Section 11 Legal expenses 38-39
Section 12 End supplier failure 40
Section 13 Winter-sports cover 41-42
Section 14 Business cover 43
Important phone numbers
Customer Services: 020 8603 9653
24-hour emergency medical assistance UK dialling code then 44 20 8686 1666
(for medical emergencies or requests to cut your
trip short):
HealthHero 24-hour GP consultation service: UK dialling code then 44 161 468 3803
24-hour legal helpline: UK dialling code then 44 20 8603 9804
Claims under sections 1 to 11 and 13 to 14: 020 8603 9958
Claims under section 12: UK dialling code then 44 345 266 1872
In a life-or-death situation, call the emergency services in the country you are visiting (for example
112 in the European Union or 911 in the USA).
Suitability statement
Allianz Assistance travel insurance suits the needs of customers who want to insure themselves
against medical emergencies, delayed or missed departures, cancellation, cutting a trip short, lost,
stolen or delayed possessions, loss of travel money and passport, personal accident, personal
liability and legal expenses when travelling.
The levels of cover depend on which option you choose and where you travel (whether in the UK or
Travel insurance does not cover everything. You should read this policy carefully to make sure it
provides the cover you need.
You may already have insurance for some or all of the features and benefits provided by this travel
insurance. It is your responsibility to check whether you do.
We, AWP Assistance UK Limited, trading as Allianz Assistance, have only provided you with
information and have not given you any recommendation or advice about whether this
product meets your specific needs.
About us and our insurance services
Allianz Assistance
102 George Street
1 Whose products we offer
We offer products from a single insurance company, AWP P&C SA. This is a French company
properly authorised in France. We act on their behalf.
2 The service we will provide you with
You will not receive any personal advice or a recommendation from us for travel insurance. We
may ask some questions to narrow down the products that we will give you details of. You will
then need to make your own choice about how to go ahead.
3 What you will pay us for this service
You will only pay us the premium for your policy. You do not pay us a fee for arranging the policy
on your behalf. AWP P&C SA pay us for our services to you. The payment is a mixture of
commission and other fees based on our costs for managing your policy.
4 Who regulates us
Allianz Assistance is a trading name of AWP Assistance UK Ltd of 102 George Street, Croydon,
CR9 6HD. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA
is the independent watchdog that regulates financial services.
Our Financial Services Register number is 311909. Our regulated business includes arranging
travel insurance.
You can check this by visiting the FCA’s website at www.fca.org.uk/register or by phoning the
FCA on 0800 111 6768.
5 What to do if you have a complaint
If you want to make a complaint, please contact us.
Write to: Customer Service, Allianz Assistance, 102 George Street, Croydon, CR9 6HD
Phone: 020 8603 9853
Email: customersupport@allianz-assistance.co.uk
If we cannot settle your complaint, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman
Service for an independent decision. You can do this as follows.
Visit the website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Write to: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Phone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123
Email: complaint.info@financialombudsman.org.uk
6 Cover under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
For your added protection, we are covered by the FSCS. You may be entitled to compensation
from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations to you, such as not being able to pay a claim.
The scheme covers 90% of any claim to do with us advising on and arranging this policy, with no
upper limit.
You can get more information about the compensation scheme from the FSCS by phoning
0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100, or by visiting their website at www.fscs.org.uk.
The following is a summary of the main limits of cover. You should read the rest of this policy for the
full terms and conditions. The level of cover and extra sections of cover you have chosen are shown
on your insurance confirmation email.
Bronze limit
Silver limit
Gold limit
£100 (£150 for
personal liability)
1 Cancellation or cutting
your trip short
- Missed excursions
2 Emergency medical and
associated expenses
- Inpatient benefit
- Dental
- Funeral expenses
- Excursions
£2 million
£10 a day
(up to £200)
£5 million
£20 a day
(up to £200)
£10 million
£20 a day
(up to £500)
3 Loss of passport
No cover
4 Delayed personal
5 Personal possessions
- Single item, pair or set
- Limit on valuables
- Limit on tobacco and
vaping products,
alcohol, fragrances
No cover
No cover
No cover
No cover
6 Personal money
- Limit on cash
No cover
No cover
7 Personal accident
8 Missed departure
9 Delayed departure
- Trip delayed
- Trip abandoned
£10 for each
12 hours
(up to £100)
£20 for first
12 hours, £10
for each extra
12 hours
(up to £250)
£30 for first
12 hours, £15
for each extra
12 hours
(up to £300)
10 Personal liability
£1 million
£1.5 million
£2 million
11 Legal expenses
12 End-supplier failure
No cover
No cover
Extra cover
Bronze limit
Silver limit
Gold limit
13 Winter-sports cover
Ski pack
Delayed ski equipment
Ski equipment (own)
- Single item
Ski equipment (hired)
Piste closure
Avalanche cover
No cover
No cover
No cover
No cover
No cover
No cover
£20 a day
(up to £200)
£25 a day
(up to £250)
£20 a day
(up to £200)
£25 a day
(up to £250)
14 Business cover
Replacement business
Business equipment
No cover
No cover
Important information
Thank you for taking out Allianz Assistance travel insurance with us.
Your insurance confirmation email shows the level of cover and sections of the policy you have
chosen, the people who are covered and any special terms or conditions that may apply.
Your policy does not cover everything. You should read this policy carefully to make sure it provides
the cover you need. If there is anything you do not understand, you should call Allianz Assistance
travel insurance on 020 8603 9653, write to Travel Department, Allianz Assistance, 102 George
Street, Croydon, CR9 6HD, or email insurance@allianz-assistance.co.uk.
Sections 1 to 11 and 13 to 14 of your Allianz Assistance travel insurance is underwritten by AWP P&C
SA and is managed in the United Kingdom by Allianz Assistance.
Section 12 is underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE and is provided by International
Passenger Protection Limited.
How your policy works
Your policy and the insurance confirmation email form a contract of insurance between:
you and each person insured under this policy (as shown on the insurance confirmation email)
who the appropriate premium has been paid for; and
us, AWP Assistance UK Ltd, trading as Allianz Assistance.
Unless this policy document says otherwise, the benefits and exclusions of each section apply to
each person insured under this policy.
We will pay for any claim you make which is covered by this policy and happens during the period of
Period of insurance
For cancellation cover under section 1, the period of insurance begins on the start date shown on
your insurance confirmation email or the date you booked your trip, whichever is later, and ends
when your trip starts.
The period of insurance for all other sections begins when your trip starts and ends when your trip
All cover ends on the expiry date shown on your insurance confirmation email, unless you cannot
finish your trip as planned because of an event covered by this policy. In these circumstances, we will
extend your cover free of charge until you can reasonably finish your trip.
Information you need to tell us
There is certain information that we need to know as it may affect the cover we can offer you.
You must give accurate answers (to the best of your knowledge) to the questions we ask when you
take out your Allianz Assistance travel insurance policy. If you do not answer the questions truthfully,
it could result in your policy not being valid and could mean that we do not pay all or part of a claim.
If you think you may have given us any incorrect answers, or if you want any help, please call
020 8603 9653 as soon as possible and we will be able to tell you if we can still offer you cover.
Cancellation rights
If your cover does not meet your needs and you would like a refund of your premium, please tell us
within 14 days of receiving your insurance confirmation email.
If you have travelled or made a claim during the 14-day period, or you intend to make a claim, we will
not refund any premium you have paid.
If you want to cancel this insurance, you can write to us at Allianz Assistance travel insurance,
102 George Street, Croydon, CR9 6HD, phone us on 020 8603 9653 or send an email to
Please note that your cancellation rights no longer apply after this initial 14-day period.
Policy excess
Under some sections of your policy, you will have to pay an excess. This is the deduction we will
make from the full amount we would otherwise pay under this policy. The excess applies to each
insured person, for each section, and for each incident leading to a claim. For example, a couple who
both have personal possessions stolen from their bag, and who both have to pay medical expenses
during the same trip, will have a total of four excesses deducted. Two of these will be for the two
claims under section 5 (Personal possessions) and two will be for the two claims under section 2
(Emergency medical and associated expenses).
Area of cover
You will not be covered if you travel outside the area you have chosen, as shown on your insurance
confirmation email.
If you have chosen ‘Europe’, the area of cover is the UK, Continental Europe, islands in the
Mediterranean, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt,
Israel, Turkey, Madeira, the Canary Islands, the Azores, the Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Russia,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
If you have chosen ‘Worldwide (excluding USA and Canada)’, the area of cover is any country
apart from USA and Canada.
If you have chosen ‘Worldwide (including USA)’, the area of cover is any country.
You will not be covered if you do not follow any advice or recommendation made by any of the
following: the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), World Health Organization
(WHO) or any government or other official authority at any destination you are travelling from, through
or to. For more details of the FCDO travel advice, visit the website at gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
For your added protection, AWP P&C SA is covered by the FSCS. You may be entitled to
compensation from the scheme if AWP P&C SA cannot meet their obligations (that is, pay you the
amounts they owe you). The amount of compensation depends on the type of business and the
circumstances of the claim.
Insurance cover provides protection for 90% of the claim, with no upper limit.
You can get more information on the scheme by calling 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100, or by
visiting the website at www.fscs.org.uk.
Governing law
Unless you and we have agreed otherwise, the law of England and Wales will apply to this policy and
all communications and documents will be in English.
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
No part of this contract of insurance can be enforced by someone else under the Contracts (Rights of
Third Parties) Act 1999.
Data protection notice
We care about your personal information.
The summary below and our full privacy notice explain how we protect your privacy and use your
personal information. You can see our full privacy notice on our website at
If you need a printed version of our privacy policy, write to:
Customer Support (Data Protection), Allianz Assistance, 102 George Street, Croydon CR9 6HD.
How we will get and use your personal information
We will collect your personal information from a variety of sources, including:
you; and
certain third parties, such as your insurance broker, doctors (in a medical emergency) or airline
companies (if you need to return to the UK for treatment).
We will collect and process your personal information in order to meet our obligations to you and for
the purposes of our ‘legitimate interests’, including:
entering into or managing contracts with you; and
telling you about products and services you might be interested in.
Who will have access to your personal information
We may share your personal information with:
public authorities, other companies in the Allianz Group, industry governing bodies, regulators,
fraud-prevention agencies and claims databases;
organisations who provide services on our behalf;
organisations who provide part of the service to you (for example, in a medical emergency);
the relevant ombudsman, if you make a complaint about the product or service that we have
provided to you.
We will not share information about you for marketing purposes unless you have specifically given us
your permission to do so.
How long we will keep your personal information
We will keep your personal information for up to seven years from the date the relationship between
you and us ends. If we can, we will delete certain areas of your personal information, or make them
anonymous, as soon as we no longer need that information for the purposes we collected it for.
Where your personal information will be processed
Your personal information may be processed both inside and outside the United Kingdom (UK) and
the European Economic Area (EEA). Whenever we transfer your personal information to other Allianz
Group companies outside the UK and the EEA, we will do so under our approved ‘binding corporate
rules’. If our binding corporate rules do not apply, we will take steps to make sure personal
information transferred outside the UK and the EEA receives an adequate level of protection.
Your rights relating to your personal information
You can do the following.
Ask to see the personal information we hold about you, and learn more about how it is processed
and shared.
Ask us to restrict the processing of any information about you.
Withdraw any permission you have given for us to use your personal information for a particular
purpose, such as for marketing purposes.
Ask us to update information or delete it from our records.
Ask us to pass your information to a new insurer.
Make a complaint about how we have used or stored your information.
Automated decision-making, including profiling
We use automated methods to make decisions relating to you. We may also use ‘profiling’ when
necessary. This means that we may process your personal information using software that can
evaluate your personal circumstances.
How to contact us
If you would like a copy of the personal information that we hold about you, or if you have any
questions about how we use your personal information, you can contact us as follows.
By post: Customer Support (Data Protection), AWP Assistance UK Ltd, 102 George Street,
Croydon, CR9 6HD
By phone: 020 8603 9853 By email: AzPUKDP@allianz.com
When the following words and phrases appear in the policy document or insurance confirmation
email, they have the meanings given below.
Business associate
Any person in your home country who you work closely with, and whose absence from work means
that the director of your business needs you to cancel your trip or cut it short.
Business equipment
Computer, television, fax and phone equipment (including mobile phones and devices) and any other
equipment including samples which you need to carry out your business duties.
Close relative
Wife, husband, civil partner or partner
Mother, father, step parent, sister, brother, son and daughter
Mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-parent-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and daughter in-law
Stepchildren, foster children, grandparents and grandchildren
Uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces and cousins.
Computer system
Any computer hardware, software, communication system or electronic device (including
smartphones, laptops, tablets and wearable devices), server, cloud, microcontroller or similar system
(including any associated input, output or data storage device, networking equipment or backup
Cyber risk
Any unauthorised, malicious or illegal act (or the threat of such an act), involving access to or the
processing, use or operation of any computer system;
Any error or omission involving access to or the processing, use, or operation of any computer
Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process, use or operate any computer
system; or
Any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement, restoration or reproduction of any
data, including any amount relating to the value of such data
Departure point
The airport, international train station or port where:
the outward journey of your trip begins;
your return journey back home begins; and
any connecting transport during your outward or return journey leaves from.
A legally qualified doctor holding the necessary certification in the country they are currently
practising. The doctor cannot be you or a close relative.
End supplier
The company that owns and operates the following services: scheduled airline, hotel, train operator
including Eurostar, car ferries, villas abroad and cottages in the UK, coach operator, car or camper
hire company, caravan sites, campsites, mobile home, safaris, excursions, Eurotunnel, theme parks
or attractions.
A contagious disease recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official government
authority in your home country or your trip destination.
The deduction we will make from the full amount we would otherwise pay under this policy. The
excess applies to each insured person, for each section, and for each incident leading to a claim. For
example, a couple who both have personal possessions stolen from their bag, and who both have
to pay medical expenses during the same trip, will have a total of four excesses deducted. Two of
these will be for the two claims under section 5 (Personal possessions) and two will be for the two
claims under section 2 (Emergency medical and associated expenses).
Financial failure
The end supplier becoming insolvent or having an administrator appointed and being unable to
provide agreed services.
The place you usually live in the UK, the Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney and
Herm only) or the Isle of Man.
An epidemic that is recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO) or an official government
authority in your home country or your trip destination.
Personal money
Cash, cheques, postal and money orders, current postage stamps, traveller’s cheques, coupons or
vouchers which have a monetary value, admission tickets and travel tickets, as long as they are not
held for business purposes.
Personal possessions
Each of your suitcases, holdalls and similar containers (including their contents) and articles worn or
carried by you (including your valuables).
Mandatory confinement, intended to stop the spread of a contagious disease to which you or
someone booked to travel with you has been exposed.
Ski equipment
Skis, poles, boots, bindings, snowboards or ice skates.
Ski pack
Hired ski equipment, ski-school fees and lift passes.
A trip that takes place during the period of insurance which begins when you leave home and ends
when you get back home or to a hospital or nursing home in your home country, whichever is earlier.
You will only be covered if you are aged 65 or under on the date your policy starts.
The trip must be for no longer than 31 days. There is absolutely no cover for trips which are
longer than 31 days.
Trips within your home country must be for at least two nights and:
Have pre-booked transport or accommodation; and
Be more than 25 miles from your home (unless they involve a sea crossing).
Adults insured on the same policy may travel independently. Children aged 17 or under may only
travel independently if travelling with at least one adult aged 18 or over and with the full
knowledge and consent of an insured parent or guardian.
Jewellery, watches, items made of or containing precious metals, precious stones or semi-precious
stones, furs, binoculars, telescopes, computer / video games, PCs, laptops, tablets and other
computerised equipment, any kind of photographic, audio, video, television, satellite navigation and
phone equipment (including mobile phone accessories), multimedia players, recorded media
(including CDs and DVDs) and drones.
Health declaration and health exclusions
It is very important that you read the following.
Exclusions relating to your health
1 You will not be covered for any claims arising as a direct or indirect result of the following if, in the
12 months before taking out this insurance or booking your trip (whichever is later), you:
were prescribed medication;
received treatment for any medical condition;
consulted a medical practitioner about any medical condition;
attended a hospital or a clinic as an outpatient or inpatient for any reason;
were referred for tests, investigations, treatment or surgery, or are waiting the results of any
tests or investigations; or
were diagnosed with a terminal illness.
2 You will not be covered unless you are fit to travel and able to take your planned trip.
3 You will not be covered if you travel against the advice of a doctor or if you would have been
advised not to travel if you had got a doctor’s advice before starting your trip.
4 You will not be covered if you know you will need medical treatment or a consultation at any
medical facility during your trip.
5 You will not be covered if you had any symptoms you were waiting for a diagnosis for.
6 You will not be covered if you are travelling specifically for the purpose of having any surgery,
procedure or hospital treatment that is not medically necessary.
If we cannot cover the medical condition (or conditions) your claim relates to, this will mean that you
and any other person insured by us will not be covered for any directly or indirectly related claims
arising from the medical condition (or conditions). This applies even if the person with the medical
condition (or conditions) decides to buy cover from another provider.
Exclusions relating to the health of someone not insured on this policy, but
whose health may affect your decision whether to take or continue with your
You will not be covered for any directly or indirectly related claims (see note at the end of this section)
arising from the health of:
someone booked to travel with you;
someone you were going to stay with;
a close relative; or
a business associate;
if, at the time your policy was issued, you knew any of the following.
That during the previous 12 months they had received medical treatment or consultations for a
medical condition at any medical facility.
That they had been waiting for medical treatment or consultation at any medical facility, or had
been under investigation for a medical condition.
That a doctor had diagnosed them as having a terminal condition, or that their medical condition
was likely to get worse in the next 12 months.
Indirectly related claims
An indirectly related claim means a medical problem that is more likely to happen because of another
medical problem you already have. Sometimes these conditions can lead to other conditions. For
if you suffer from asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or other lung disease, you are
more likely to get a chest infection;
if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, you are more likely to have a heart
attack or a stroke;
if you have osteoporosis, you are more likely to break or fracture a bone; and
if you have or have had cancer, you are more likely to suffer a secondary cancer.
Level of medical cover provided
This is not a private medical insurance policy and it only gives cover for emergency medical treatment
in the event of an accident or unexpected illness occurring during your trip.
Policy renewals
At the end of your period of insurance, we may change the terms of your cover and the premium. This
means we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide the same terms of cover on your renewed
policy, or even renew it at all.
If you book a trip that does not start until after your policy has ended, you may find that the cover
provided for that trip will change when the policy renews.
Reciprocal health arrangements
European / Global Health Insurance Card (EHIC and GHIC)
If you already have a valid EHIC, it will continue to entitle you to reduced-cost, sometimes free,
medical treatment that becomes necessary while you are in a European Economic Area (EEA)
country or Switzerland. The EEA consists of the European Union (EU) countries plus Iceland,
Liechtenstein and Norway. Cover will end on the expiry date of your EHIC.
If you do not have a valid EHIC or it is due to expire before you travel, you can apply for a GHIC.
This entitles you to reduced-cost, sometimes free, medical treatment that becomes necessary
while you are in a European Union Area (EU) country.
These cards give access to state-provided medical treatment only. Remember, this might not
cover all the things you would expect to get free of charge from the NHS in the UK. You may have
to pay towards the cost of your care.
You can apply for an GHIC online at www.ghic.org.uk or by calling 0300 330 1350.
If you are travelling to Australia you can enrol in Medicare. This will entitle you to reduced-cost
hospital treatment and medicines. You can enrol by contacting a local Medicare office in Australia.
All claims for refunds under the Medicare scheme must be made before you leave Australia. For
more information on Medicare visit the website at www.medicareaustralia.gov.au or email
If you make use of these reciprocal health arrangements, or any other reciprocal health arrangement
around the world, and this reduces your medical expenses, you will not have to pay an excess under
Section 2 – Emergency medical and associated expenses.
The EHIC / GHIC do not cover the cost of medical treatment in a private hospital or clinic, the cost
of returning to your home country, or for a close relative to stay with you or fly out to be with you.
In a medical emergency you may have no control over the hospital you are taken to, and the
closest hospital may be private.
HealthHero 24/7 GP telephone and
video consultations
We are pleased to offer you a 24/7 GP telephone and video consultation service as part of the
medical cover provided by the policy.
If, while you are overseas, you have a medical issue that you would like to speak to a qualified GP
about, you can book an appointment, through HealthHero Solutions Ltd (HealthHero), to receive GP
advice by telephone or video. The telephone service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The video service is available daily between 8am and 10pm (UK time) except for Christmas Day.
Expert medical advice
Get the expert medical advice you need through a private telephone or video service with a UK GP,
whenever you are outside the UK, wherever you are in the world.
HealthHero has a team of experienced UK GPs who can offer you advice, diagnosis, reassurance or
a second opinion for a wide variety of symptoms, conditions and injuries.
The confirmation email you receive when you take out the policy will include a link to an app for the
service. Once you have clicked on the link in the email and saved the app to your home screen, this
will allow you to use the service. You can either arrange a video or telephone appointment with a GP
through the app or by calling the UK dialling code and then 44 161 468 3803.
If you are travelling outside the UK and the GP feels you need a private prescription for
medication, you will be issued with a UK prescription issued by a General Medical Council (GMC)
registered GP. Although we cannot guarantee that prescriptions will be dispensed by pharmacies
outside of the UK, HealthHero will assist you subject to the local rules and regulations..
You will have to pay the cost of the medication and delivery.
If the GP feels you would benefit from further specialist assessment, HealthHero can send you a
private open referral letter for the consultant specialism you require. HealthHero will send you the
referral letter securely by email.
For more information on prescribing abroad and referrals, go to
Length of consultation
There is no time limit on a consultation.
The GPs
All HealthHero GPs are registered with the GMC and work in the NHS. They are experienced GPs
who use patient feedback and monitoring systems to make sure that they offer the very best service
possible. Each GP’s performance is continually monitored to make sure it is consistent with best
Quality assurance
HealthHero Solutions Ltd is regulated by the Care Quality Commission in England.
Privacy statement
Your medical records will be held privately.
When you book an appointment and speak to a GP, details of your medical history will be recorded
during the consultation, including details of allergies and medication where relevant. This information
will help the GP when making their recommendations.
Each time you talk to one of HealthHero GPs, they will make notes. Where appropriate and with your
permission, the GP will share the notes with your own NHS GP to make sure you have a full medical
For the full privacy policy, go to www.healthhero.com/privacypolicy/
24-hour emergency medical assistance
Please tell us immediately about any serious illness or accident you have during your trip which
means that you need to:
go into hospital abroad;
return home early;
extend your stay; or
have medical treatment costing over £500.
If you cannot contact us immediately because of the seriousness of your condition, you should
contact us as soon as you can. If you are claiming for a minor illness or accident you should, if
possible, pay the medical costs and claim the money back from us when you return. You can send us
an email or call us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Phone: UK dialling code then 44 20 8686 1666
Fax: UK dialling code then 44 20 8603 0204
Email: medical@allianz-assistance.co.uk
Please give us your age and the reference number on your insurance confirmation email. Say that
you are insured with Allianz Assistance travel insurance. Below are some of the ways the
24-hour emergency medical assistance service can help.
Confirmation of payment
If you have a valid claim, we will contact hospitals or doctors abroad and guarantee to pay their fees.
If our medical advisers think it would be in your medical interests to repatriate you (bring you back to
your home or to a hospital or nursing home in your home country), you will normally be transferred by
regular airline or road ambulance. In very serious or urgent cases, we will use an air ambulance if this
is medically necessary. We will consult the doctor treating you and our medical advisers first.
If you need to go home early, the doctor treating you must provide a certificate confirming that you
are fit to travel. Without this, the airline can refuse to carry any sick or injured person.
You can contact us at any time, day or night. You will be answered by one of our experienced
assistance co-ordinators who should give you all the information you need. Please make sure you
have details of your policy before you phone.
Sports and leisure activities
You are covered to take part in the sports and leisure activities listed below, as long as you are not:
taking part as a professional;
racing; or
taking part in a competition.
You must use all recommended safety equipment and keep to all local laws and regulations.
We may be able to cover you for other activities that are not listed. Please phone us on
020 8603 9653 to find out.
Safari trekking or
tracking in the bush
Sailing in the territorial
waters of the state or
country you are in
(You will not be covered under
section 10 Personal liability
while taking part.)
Scuba-diving (to a
depth of 30 metres if
PADI or equivalent
qualified or
accompanied by a
qualified instructor and
not diving alone)
Sea canoeing or
Sea fishing
Surfing, including on
Banana boating, donuts and
other inflatables towed
behind a powerboat
Beach games
Bungee jumping
Kayaking (up to grade 2
Marathon running
Motorcycling, as long as
you hold a valid, full UK
motorcycle licence and
wear a crash helmet.
The helmet must either
meet the British
Standard BS 6658:1985
and carry the BSI
Kitemark, or be of an
equivalent EEC
(You will not be covered under
section 10 Personal liability
while taking part.)
Mountain biking
Non-manual work
(including professional,
administrative or clerical
Outward-bound pursuits
Camel riding
Canoeing (up to grade 2
Clay-pigeon shooting
(You will not be covered under
section 10 Personal liabilitywhile
taking part.)
Cycling (touring)
Paintballing (if wearing
eye protection)
Parachute jumping (one
jump only)
Parasailing or
parascending over
Pony-trekking (if
wearing a helmet)
Racquet ball
River canoeing (up to
grade 2)
Roller skating,
rollerblading or in-line
skating (if wearing pads
and helmet)
Running – sprint or long
Track events
Trekking, hiking,
walking or hill walking
(without using any
climbing equipment)
Dinghy sailing
Elephant riding
Fell walking or running
Fencing (training only)
War games
Water polo
White-water rafting (up
to grade 4 rivers)
Hiking (without using any
climbing equipment)
Horse riding
Hot air ballooning
(You will not be covered under
section 10 Personal liability
while taking part.)
Winter-sports activities
(available for an extra premium)
If you have paid the extra premium to take part in winter sports for up to 17 days during the period of
insurance, you will be covered for the following activities as long as you are not:
taking part as a professional;
racing; or
taking part in a competition.
You must use all recommended safety equipment and follow all local laws and regulations.
Bigfoot skiing
Glacier skiing
Off-piste skiing and snowboarding are only covered when you are skiing within the ski-area
boundaries of a recognised ski resort and following ski-patrol guidelines.
General exclusions
The following exclusions apply to the whole of your policy.
We will not cover you for any claim arising from, or relating to, the following.
1 War, invasion, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, civil commotion, rebellion,
revolution, uprising, military force, terrorism (except for claims made under section 2 ‘Emergency
medical and associated expenses’ and section 7 ‘Personal accident’) or weapons of mass
2 Any epidemic or pandemic except as expressly covered under Section 1 - Cancellation or cutting
your trip short, Section 2 - Emergency medical and associated expenses and Section 13 – Winter-
sports cover.
3 You not following any advice or recommendation made by the Foreign, Commonwealth and
Development Office (FCDO), World Health Organization (WHO) or any government or other
official authority. This includes where:
Certain vaccinations or other preventative measures (such as malaria tablets) are
The FCDO has advised against:
- all travel; or
- all but essential travel (unless the purpose of your journey is necessary, urgent and
cannot be postponed. Evidence of this will be required see Making a claim);
You have travelled against the advice of a local authority at any destination you are travelling
from, through or to.
For further details on FCDO travel advice, visit: gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice
4 Any economic sanction (restriction) which prohibits us, AWP P&C SA or members of the Allianz
Group from providing cover under this policy.
5 Cyber risk of any kind.
6 Your property being held, taken, destroyed or damaged under the order of any government or
customs officials.
7 Ionising radiation, radioactive contamination from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste, or any risk from
nuclear equipment.
8 Changes in exchange rates.
9 You acting in an illegal or malicious way.
10 The effect of your alcohol, solvent or drug dependency or long-term abuse.
11 You being under the influence of alcohol, solvents or drugs (except drugs prescribed by a doctor,
but not for the treatment of drug or alcohol addiction), or doing anything as a result of using these
12 You not enjoying your trip or not wanting to travel.
13 Any loss caused as a direct or indirect result of anything you are claiming for (for example, loss of
earnings), unless it says differently in the policy.
14 You knowingly giving us an incorrect answer to any question we asked you when you took out
this policy, if the incorrect answer may have affected our decision to provide you with this policy.
15 You taking part in a sports and leisure activity that is not listed under ‘Sports and leisure activities’
on pages 17 to 18, or that we have not agreed in writing to cover.
16 If you have winter-sports cover, you taking part in any winter sport that is not listed under ‘Winter-
sports activities’ on page 18, or that we have not agreed in writing to cover.
17 Something that happened before your policy or travel tickets for your trip were bought (whichever
is later) and which could reasonably have been expected to be the reason for a claim, unless we
agreed in writing to cover it.
General conditions
The following conditions apply to the whole of your policy. Please read these conditions carefully as
we can only pay your claim if you meet them.
1 You must:
have your main home in, and be registered with a doctor in, the UK, the Channel Islands
(Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney and Herm only) or the Isle of Man; and
have not spent more than six months abroad during the 12 months before this policy was
2 You must take reasonable care to protect yourself and your property against accident, injury, loss
and damage, as if you were not insured, and to keep any potential claim to a minimum.
3 You must have a valid insurance confirmation email from us.
4 You accept that we will not extend the period of insurance beyond the date your policy ends.
5 You must contact us as soon as possible with full details of anything which may result in a claim,
and give us all the information we ask for. Please see ‘Claims conditions’ on page 22 for more
6 You accept that the terms and conditions of the policy cannot be changed unless we agree to the
change in writing.
7 You must not be older than 65 on the date your policy starts.
8 Adults insured on the same policy may travel independently. Children aged 17 or under may only
travel independently if travelling with at least one adult aged 18 or over and with the full
knowledge and consent of an insured parent or guardian.
We have the right to do the following.
9 Cancel the policy if you tell us something that is not true and this influences our decision to
provide cover.
10 Cancel the policy and make no payment if you, or anyone acting for you:
make a claim that is dishonest, intentionally exaggerated or fraudulent in any way; or
provide any false or misleading information when applying for this insurance or supporting a
In these circumstances we may report the matter to the police.
11 Only cover you for the whole trip and not issue a policy if you have started your trip has started.
12 Take over and deal with, in your name, any claim you make under this policy.
13 Take legal action in your name (but at our expense) and ask you to give us any details we need,
and to fill in any necessary forms (including Department for Work and Pensions forms), which will
help us to recover any payment we have made under this policy.
14 With your or your personal representative’s permission, get information from your medical
records to help us or our representatives deal with any claim. This could involve you being
medically examined or having a postmortem after your death. We will not give personal
information about you to any other organisation without your permission.
15 Send you home at any time during your trip if you are taken ill or injured. We will only do this if
the doctor treating you and our medical advisers agree. If there is a dispute, we will ask for an
independent medical opinion.
15 Not accept liability for the costs of repatriation or treatment if you refuse to follow advice from the
doctor treating you and our medical advisers.
17 Only refund or transfer your premium if you decide that the policy does not meet your needs and
you have contacted us within 14 days from the date you receive your policy and insurance
confirmation email. We can recover all costs that you have used if you have travelled or made a
claim, or you intend to make a claim.
18 Refuse to pay any claim on this policy (except under section 7 ‘Personal accident’) for any
amounts covered by another insurance, or by anyone or anywhere else (for example, any
amounts you can get back from private health insurance, any reciprocal health agreement,
transport or accommodation provider, home contents insurer or any other claim amount
recovered by you). In these circumstances we will only pay our share of the claim.
19 If you cancel your trip or cut it short for any reason other than those specified in section 1, we
will cancel all cover provided by your policy for that trip, without refunding your premium.
20 Ask you to pay us back any amounts that we have paid and which are not covered by this policy.
Claim conditions
For sections 1 to 11 and 13 to 14
To make a claim, please visit the website at www.azgatravelclaims.com. This will lead you to our
online claims notification service where you can fill in an online claim form.
You can also get a claim form by:
phoning 020 8603 9958;
sending an email to travel.claims@allianz-assistance.co.uk; or
writing to Allianz Assistance, Travel Insurance Claims, PO Box 451, Feltham, TW13 9EE.
For section 12
You must report any incident or event that could give rise to a claim. You should do this as soon as
reasonably possible by:
writing to IPP Claims, Sedgwick, Oakleigh House, 14-15 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3DQ;
phoning the UK dialling code then 44 345 266 1872;
sending an email to insolvency-claims@ipplondon.co.uk; or
contacting IPP through their website at www.ipplondon.co.uk/claims.asp.
Please quote your policy number and reference ESFI-V1.21.
You should fill in the claim form and send it to us as soon as possible with all the information and
documents we ask for. You must give us as much detail as possible so we can handle your claim
quickly. Please keep photocopies of all the information you send us.
You will need to get some information we need while you are still on your trip. Below is a list of the
documents we will need to deal with your claim.
For all claims, we will need the following.
Your original booking invoice and travel documents showing the dates and times of travel.
Original receipts for all out-of-pocket expenses you have had to pay.
Original bills or invoices for amounts you have been asked to pay.
Details of any other insurance you have that may cover the same loss, such as household
insurance or private health insurance.
As much evidence as possible to support your claim.
If you have decided to travel despite the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
advising against all but essential travel, we will need evidence of why you believe your travel
should be considered essential. Examples of what we consider to be essential travel are if:
- A close relative is in intensive care in hospital or has unexpectedly been given a terminal
prognosis with a short life expectancy;
- A close relative has died and you need to attend the funeral;
- Your property abroad has been seriously damaged and you need to arrange and/or oversee
professional repairs;
- You have an urgent work matter that cannot reasonably be cancelled, postponed or delayed;
- You have a full-time but short-term placement at a recognised educational establishment
where attendance must be in person.
If you are unsure whether the purpose of your travel would be considered as essential or want to
discuss any other aspect of the policy cover, please contact Allianz Assistance travel insurance
on 020 8603 9653, write to Travel Department, Allianz Assistance, 102 George Street, Croydon,
CR9 6HD, or email insurance@allianz-assistance.co.uk
As well as the claims conditions above, there are conditions specific to particular types of
claim. These are set out at the end of each section.
Making a complaint
We aim to provide a first-class policy and service. If you feel that we have not done so, please tell us
so that we can do our best to solve the problem. Making a complaint does not affect your right to take
legal action against us.
Step 1
For sections 1 to 11 and 13 to 14
Write to: Customer Service, Allianz Assistance, 102 George Street, Croydon, CR9 6HD.
Phone: 020 8603 9853 Email: customersupport@allianz-assistance.co.uk
Please give us your name, address, policy number and claim number (if you have one), and
enclose copies of relevant correspondence between you and us as this will help us to deal with
your complaint as quickly as possible.
For section 12
Write to: Compliance Officer, Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE, 20 Fenchurch Street, London
EC3M 3AW United Kingdom.
Phone: UK dialling code then 44 20 3758 0840 Email: complaints@libertyglobalgroup.com
Quote your policy number and claim number (if you have one).
Step 2
For all sections
If you are not satisfied with the final response you get to your complaint, you can refer it to the UK
Financial Ombudsman Service.
Write to: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Phone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Section 1 Cancellation or cutting your trip short
If you think you may have to cut your trip short, you must tell us immediately (see under the heading
‘24-hour emergency medical assistance’ on page 16 for more information).
What is covered
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for unused
accommodation, transport, excursions and other travel expenses which you have paid or will have to
pay and that you cannot recover from anywhere else.
We will provide this cover in the following necessary and unavoidable circumstances.
For cancellation
If you cancel your trip before it begins because one of the following happens.
The death, serious injury or serious illness of
1 you;
2 someone booked to travel with you;
3 a relative of you or someone booked to travel with you;
4 someone you were going to stay with; or
5 a business associate of you or someone booked to travel with you.
For 1, 2 and 3 above, this will include being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such a
You or someone booked to travel with you is called for jury service in your home country or as a
witness in a court in your home country.
The police say that you or someone booked to travel with you need to stay in your home country
because of a burglary or damage caused to your home or place of business by serious fire,
storm, flood, explosion, subsidence, vandalism, fallen trees or being hit by an aircraft or vehicle.
If you are aged 18 to 65, being made redundant by an employer you have been employed by for a
continuous period of two years or more.
you or someone booked to travel with you being held in quarantine by order or other requirement
of a government or public authority, based on their suspicion that you or someone booked to
travel with you, specifically, have been exposed to a contagious disease (including an epidemic
or a pandemic disease such as COVID-19). This does not include any quarantine that applies
generally or broadly to some or all of a population, vessel or geographical area, or that applies
based on where you are travelling to, from or through.
you or someone booked to travel with you being refused boarding of the public transport on which
you are booked to travel, on the order of government, public authority or carrier, due to you or
someone booked to travel with you displaying symptoms of a contagious disease (including an
epidemic or a pandemic disease such as COVID-19).
For cutting your trip short
If you cut your trip short because of one of the following.
Anything mentioned above for cancellation, except redundancy.
You having to be in hospital for the rest of your trip.
We will calculate claims for cutting your trip short from the date you need to return to your home
country, or the date you are either held in quarantine or go into hospital as an inpatient, to the end of
your booked trip. We will pay unused accommodation and other travel expenses based on each 24-
hour period you have lost. If you need to be repatriated, we will not refund the cost of your unused
return travel tickets. We will put the value of these tickets towards the extra transport costs we have to
What is not covered
For cancellation and cutting your trip short
The excess shown in the schedule.
Any medical condition set out under ‘Health declaration and health exclusions’ on pages 12 to 13.
Anything which the company providing your transport or accommodation, their agents, any person
acting for you, or your conference organiser, is responsible for.
Booking, credit-card and non-sterling transaction fees.
The cost of any airport tax which you can recover from elsewhere.
Administration costs your travel, accommodation or other provider charges to process any refund
due as a result of cancelling all or part of your booking.
More than the lowest market value of equivalent accommodation, transport charges and other
travel expenses, if you paid for them using frequent-flyer points, Avios, loyalty-card points
vouchers or another similar scheme.
Anything caused by any of the following.
You not having the correct passport or visa.
Your transport provider refusing to allow you to travel for any reason, except those shown as
being covered.
Any restriction caused by the law of any country, or by people enforcing those laws.
The company providing your transport or accommodation, their agents, or any person acting
for you, going bankrupt or into liquidation (see section 12 if you have gold cover).
Your vehicle being stolen or breaking down.
You not wanting to travel or not enjoying your trip.
Riot, civil commotion or industrial action.
You travelling in an aircraft other than a fully-licensed, passenger-carrying aircraft.
You committing suicide, deliberately injuring yourself or deliberately putting yourself at risk
(for example, swimming while under the influence of alcohol or climbing from one balcony to
another), unless you were trying to save another person’s life.
The death of any pet or animal.
An aircraft, cross-channel train or sea vessel you were booked to travel on being withdrawn
from service (temporarily or permanently) by the carrier, or on the recommendation or order of
any government, civil aviation authority, port authority, rail authority or other similar authority
in any country.
For cancellation only
Any extra cancellation charges arising because you did not tell the company providing your
transport or accommodation, their agents, or any person acting for you, as soon as you knew you
had to cancel.
Financial circumstances or unemployment, except caused by redundancy, which you find out
about after the date you took out this policy or booked your trip (whichever is later).
For cutting your trip short only
Cutting your trip short when we have not agreed to you doing so.
Any costs when you did not get a medical certificate (from the doctor who treated you in the
place where you were staying) saying that you needed to come home because of a death, injury
or illness, unless our medical advisers agreed with the reason for cutting the trip short and
decided that you were fit to travel.
The cost of any of your remaining pre-booked tickets that you have not used, if we have paid
extra transport costs for you to return to your home country earlier than planned.
You travelling on a motorcycle, unless the driver holds a valid UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle
of Man motorcycle licence and any insured person on the motorcycle was wearing a crash
Anything caused by you taking part in a hazardous activity or winter sports, unless this cover is
shown on your insurance confirmation email.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
If you need to cut your trip short, call us immediately by phoning the UK dialling code then
44 20 8686 1666 to get our agreement for you to return home early.
You must provide an original cancellation invoice setting out all cancellation charges that must be
For claims relating to illness or injury, you must provide a medical certificate filled in by the doctor
treating you. For claims after a death, we will need a certified copy of the death certificate.
If your claim results from any other circumstances, you must provide evidence of these
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 2 Emergency medical and associated
If you are taken into hospital, you think you may have to come home early or extend your trip
because of illness, injury or accident, or your medical expenses are over £500, we must be told
immediately (see under the heading ‘24-hour emergency medical assistance’ on page 16 for more
What is covered
We will pay you or your personal representatives for the following necessary and unforeseen
emergency expenses if you die, are injured, have an accident or are taken ill during your trip
(including being diagnosed with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19 as well as
being subject to compulsory quarantine on the orders of a treating doctor).
Cover outside your home country
Up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) for reasonable fees or charges that must
be paid for any of the following.
Fees for medical and surgical treatment, medication costs, the cost of hospital, nursing home or
nursing services.
Returning you to your home or to a hospital or nursing home in your home country, if this is medically
Transport and accommodation
Reasonable extra transport and accommodation costs for you and one other person who stays with or
travels with you, or travels to you from your home country, on medical advice.
Funeral expenses
The reasonable cost of transporting your body or ashes to your home, or up to £1,500 for your funeral
expenses in the place where you die, if this is outside your home country.
Search and rescue
Mountain search and rescue services when medically necessary.
We will also pay the following.
Inpatient benefit
Up to the amount shown in the schedule if you are in hospital as an inpatient during the trip, as well
as any fees or charges paid under ‘Treatment’ above.
Up to the amount shown in the schedule for emergency dental treatment to relieve sudden pain.
Up to the amount shown in the schedule in total for excursions that you paid for before your trip
began, if you cannot recover the costs from anywhere else, and you get written advice from a doctor
stating that you cannot go on the excursions because of an injury or illness that arose during your
Cover within your home country
Up to £50,000 for the following.
The reasonable extra transport and accommodation costs for you and one other person to stay
with or travel with you, or travel to you from your home country, on medical advice.
The reasonable cost of transporting you, your ashes or body home.
What is not covered
Under both ‘Cover outside your home country’ andCover within your home
Any medical condition set out under ‘Health declaration and health exclusions’ on page 12 to 13.
Extra costs for transport and accommodation which are of a higher standard to those you have
already used on your trip, unless we agree otherwise.
Anything caused by you:
travelling in an aircraft other than a fully-licensed, passenger-carrying aircraft;
committing suicide, deliberately injuring yourself or deliberately putting yourself at risk (for
example, swimming while under the influence of alcohol or climbing from one balcony to
another), unless you were trying to save another person’s life; or
travelling on a motorcycle, unless the driver holds a valid UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle
of Man motorcycle licence and any insured person on the motorcycle was wearing a crash
Any costs arising more than 12 months after the date of your death, injury or illness.
Any costs for taxi fares and phone calls (including mobile calls) resulting from an incident a claim
is being made for under this section.
Except for inpatient benefit and excursions, the excess shown in the schedule on pages 4 to 5,
unless your claim is reduced because you used an EHIC, GHIC or any other reciprocal health
arrangement (see ‘Reciprocal health arrangements’ on page 14 for more information).
Except for inpatient benefit and excursions, the cost of replacing any medication you were using
when you began your trip.
Under ‘Cover outside your home country’ only
Services or treatments you receive in your home country.
Services or treatments you receive which we and the doctor treating you think can wait until you
get back to your home country.
Medical costs over £500 which we have not authorised.
Inpatient treatment or repatriation which we have not authorised.
The extra costs of having a single or private room in a hospital or nursing home.
The cost of all treatment which is not directly related to the illness or injury that caused the claim.
Funeral expenses
You being buried or cremated in your home country.
Replacing or repairing false teeth or artificial teeth (such as crowns).
Dental work using precious metals.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
If you go into hospital or need to return to your home or to a hospital or nursing home in your
home country, or your medical fees are likely to be more than £500, you must phone our 24-hour
emergency medical assistance line by phoning the UK dialling code then 44 20 8686 1666.
You must get medical evidence from the doctor treating you to confirm the illness or injury and
the treatment given, including the dates you went into and left hospital, if this applies.
If a doctor at your resort advised you to not go on your pre-booked excursions for medical
reasons, you must get a medical certificate from them to confirm this.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 3 Loss of passport
What is covered
We will pay the following if your passport is lost, stolen or destroyed on your trip.
Cost of issuing a temporary passport
Up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for the cost of extra transport,
accommodation and administration costs you have to pay to get a temporary passport so you can
return to your home country.
Remaining value of original passport
The equivalent cost (based on the current replacement costs) of the period remaining on your
passport that is lost or has been stolen or destroyed.
What is not covered
Any claim if you have not got a letter from the consulate you reported the loss to.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following condition also applies.
You must provide a receipt from the consulate confirming the cost of the replacement passport,
and a written report from the police if your passport has been stolen.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 4 Delayed personal possessions
What is covered
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for essential
replacement items if there is a delay of 12 hours or more in your personal possessions (not
including valuables or ski equipment) arriving at the destination of your outward trip.
You must send us the receipts for any replacement items that you buy. If the items are permanently
lost, we will take any amount that you are due to be paid under this section from the final claim
settlement under section 5 ‘Personal possessions’. This only applies if you have chosen Silver or
Gold cover (not Bronze).
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must get a property irregularity report (PIR) from the airline or a carrier’s report from the rail
company, shipping line or their handling agent. You should do this within seven days of the delay.
You must write to the airline within 21 days to confirm details of the essential replacement items
you have bought.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 5 Personal possessions
What is covered
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for your personal
possessions (not including ski equipment or business equipment) that are damaged, stolen, lost
or destroyed on your trip.
The most we will pay in total for valuables, whether you own them yourself or jointly, is shown in the
schedule. There is also a single-article limit, and a limit for items that are part of a pair or set. These
limits are shown in the schedule.
We will decide whether to:
pay the cost of repairing your items;
replace your belongings with equivalent items; or
pay the cost of replacing your items (in which case we will take off an amount for wear, tear and
loss of value).
What is not covered
The excess shown in the schedule.
More than £50 for tobacco and vaping products, alcohol, fragrances and perfumes.
More than the part of the pair or set that is stolen, lost or destroyed.
Breakage of or damage to:
sports equipment while it is being used;
fragile items; or
audio, video, computer, television, fax and phone equipment.
Loss or damage due to the climate, wear and tear, loss in value, cleaning, moths or vermin.
The cost of replacing or repairing false teeth.
More than one mobile phone for each person insured under this policy.
Loss or theft of, or damage to, the following.
Items which you cannot provide a receipt or other proof of purchase for.
Films, tapes, cassettes, computer games, electronic games, minidiscs, DVDs, video and
audio tapes, cartridges or discs, unless they were pre-recorded, in which case we will pay up
to the replacement cost.
Goods which deteriorate, bottles or cartons, and any damage caused by these items or their
Personal possessions unless you are wearing or carrying them, they are locked in the
accommodation you are using on your trip or they are out of sight in the locked boot or
covered luggage area of a locked motor vehicle.
Valuables left in a motor vehicle.
Valuables carried in suitcases, holdalls or similar containers, unless they are with you all the
Valuables unless you are wearing or carrying them, they are locked in a safe or safety
deposit box (if one is available), or they are locked in the accommodation you are using on
your trip.
Contact or corneal lenses, unless as a result of theft or damage caused by fire.
Bonds, share certificates, guarantees or documents of any kind.
Personal money (see section 6).
Passport (see section 3).
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must report the theft, damage or loss to the police within 24 hours of discovering it and ask
them for a written police report.
If appropriate, you should also report the theft, damage or loss to your courier or your
accommodation manager and ask them for a written report.
You must provide original receipts, vouchers or other suitable evidence to prove that you bought
or own the lost, stolen or damaged personal possessions, and showing the value.
You must keep any damaged items as we may need to inspect them. If we make a payment, or
we replace an item, the damaged item will then belong to us.
You must get an estimate for repairing the damaged items.
For a claim for loss or damage during the course of a trip, please get a property irregularity report
(PIR) from the airline or a carrier’s report from the rail company, shipping line or handling agent.
You must do this within seven days of the theft, loss or damage.
You must block lost or stolen mobile phones with your network provider and ask them for written
confirmation that this has been done.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 6 Personal money
What is covered
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) for loss or theft of your
personal money (but no more than the amount shown in the schedule in total for cash, whether
jointly owned or not) while on your trip.
What is not covered
The excess shown in your schedule.
Compensation, unless you can provide receipts for the amount of currency you had, from the
place where you got the currency.
Loss or theft of personal money, unless it is on you, locked in a safe or safety deposit box (if one
is available), or locked in the accommodation you are using on your trip.
Personal money left in a motor vehicle.
Loss caused by a drop in exchange rates, or any shortage caused by mistakes made when
exchanging currency.
Loss or theft of traveller’s cheques if the place you got them from provides replacements.
More than the lowest market value of equivalent accommodation, transport charges and other
travel expenses, if you paid for them using frequent-flyer points, Avios, loyalty-card points,
vouchers or another similar scheme.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the general claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply if you make a
You must report the theft, damage or loss to the police within 24 hours of discovering it and ask
them for a written police report.
If appropriate, you should also report the theft, damage or loss to your courier or accommodation
manager and ask them for a written report.
You must get confirmation, such as foreign-exchange receipts and withdrawal slips, from your
bank or bureau de change for issuing foreign currency, or other suitable evidence for sterling.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 7 Personal accident
What is covered
If you have an accident during your trip, we will pay you or your personal representative one of the
amounts shown below. For the purposes of this section 7, an accident is an unexpected event caused
by something external that:
can be identified; and
results in a physical bodily injury that leads to death, permanent loss (of sight or use of a hand or
foot) or permanent disability within a year of the accident.
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) for death. (We will not pay
more than £2,500 if you are aged 15 or under at the time of the accident.)
Permanent loss
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule for total and permanent loss of sight in one or
both eyes, or total and permanent loss of use of one or both hands or one or both feet.
Permanent disability
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule for a permanent physical disability which
prevents you from doing paid work. (We will not pay this if you are aged 15 or under or aged 65 or
over at the time of the accident.)
Any claim payment made as a result of your death will be paid to your personal representative.
What is not covered
Any medical condition set out under ‘Health declaration and health exclusions’ on pages 12 to 13.
Any claim arising more than one year after the original accident.
Anything caused by the following.
You having any illness or condition that is gradually getting worse, unless it is shown on your
insurance confirmation email.
You travelling in an aircraft other than a fully-licensed, passenger-carrying aircraft.
You committing suicide, deliberately injuring yourself or deliberately putting yourself at risk
(for example, by swimming while under the influence of alcohol or climbing from one balcony
to another), unless you were trying to save another person’s life.
You travelling on a motorcycle, unless the driver holds a valid UK, the Channel Islands or the
Isle of Man motorcycle licence and any insured person on the motorcycle was wearing a
crash helmet.
We will not pay more than one of the benefits resulting from the same injury.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must give us a detailed account of the circumstances surrounding the event, including
photographs and video evidence (if appropriate).
We will need medical evidence from the doctor treating you to confirm the extent of the injury and
the treatment given, including dates you went into and left hospital.
You must give us full details of any witnesses, and written statements from them if possible.
We will need a certified copy of the death certificate, if appropriate.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 8 Missed departure
What is covered
We will pay you up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for the cost of
extra accommodation and transport which you have to pay to get to your destination or back home if
you do not get to the departure point by the time shown in your travel itinerary (plans) because:
public transport (including scheduled flights) does not run to its timetable; or
the vehicle you are travelling in has an accident or breaks down.
What is not covered
Any claim where you did not:
get a letter from the public-transport provider (if appropriate) confirming that the service did
not run on time;
get confirmation of the delay from the company or authority who went to the accident or
breakdown (if appropriate) affecting the vehicle you were travelling in; or
allow enough time in your travel plans for delays which could reasonably be expected.
Any delay caused by a riot, civil commotion, strike or industrial action which began or was
announced before you took out this policy or booked your trip (whichever is later).
Public transport not running on time because of a riot, civil commotion, strike or industrial action
which began or was announced before you left home, or if you could reasonably have made
other travel arrangements.
An aircraft, cross-channel train or sea vessel you were booked to travel on being temporarily or
permanently withdrawn from service by the carrier or on the recommendation or order of any
government, civil aviation authority, port authority, rail authority or other similar authority in any
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must give us a detailed account of the circumstances causing you to miss your departure,
together with supporting evidence from the public-transport provider or the breakdown company
or other authority attending the private vehicle you were travelling in.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 9 Delayed departure
What is covered
We will pay compensation if the transport you are booked on is delayed at its departure point from
the time shown in your travel itinerary (plans) because of:
a serious fire, storm or flood damage at the departure point;
industrial action;
bad weather;
mechanical breakdown of the transport; or
a mechanical or structural fault in the vehicle.
We will pay the following.
If you continue with the trip after the delay
Up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5).
If you abandon the trip because of a delay of more than 24 hours in your home
Up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for the unused parts of the trip
which have been paid for or must be paid for, and which you cannot recover the cost of from
anywhere else.
What is not covered
Anything caused by you not checking in at the departure point when you should have done.
Missed connections.
Compensation, unless you get a letter from the airline, railway company or shipping line giving the
reason for the delay and showing the scheduled departure time and the actual departure time.
Any delay caused by a riot, civil commotion, strike or industrial action which began or was
announced before you took out this policy or booked your trip (whichever is later).
An aircraft, cross-channel train or sea vessel you were booked to travel on being temporarily or
permanently withdrawn from service by the carrier or on the recommendation or order of any
government, civil aviation authority, port authority, rail authority or other similar authority in any
If you abandon the trip
The excess shown in the schedule.
More than the lowest market value of equivalent accommodation, transport charges and other
travel expenses, if paid for them using frequent-flyer points, Avios, loyalty-card points, vouchers
or another similar scheme.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must provide written confirmation from the airline, rail company, shipping line or handling
agent of the scheduled and actual departure times, and why the departure was delayed.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 10 Personal liability
If you are hiring or using a motorised or mechanical vehicle or machinery while on your trip, you must
make sure that you get the necessary insurance from the hire company or owner. We do not cover
this under our policy.
What is covered
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5), plus any other costs we
agree to in writing, for anything you do during your trip which makes you legally liable for one of the
Bodily injury to any person.
Loss of or damage to property which you do not own and which you or a close relative have not
hired, loaned or borrowed.
Loss of or damage to the accommodation you are using on your trip that does not belong to you
or a close relative.
We must be told as soon as you or your personal representatives become aware of a possible
prosecution, inquest or fatal injury which might lead to a claim under this section.
Please do not negotiate with or make any payment to the other person, or admit or deny any liability,
without our permission in writing.
What is not covered
The excess shown in the schedule.
Any liability for something which:
is suffered by anyone employed by you or a close relative and is caused by the work they
are employed to do;
is caused by something you deliberately did or did not do;
is caused by your employment or the employment of a close relative;
is caused by you using any firearm or weapon;
is caused by any animal you own, look after or control; or
you agree to take responsibility for, if you would not have otherwise been held responsible for it.
Any contractual liabilities.
Any liability for bodily injury suffered by you, a close relative or someone booked to travel with you.
Compensation or other costs caused by accidents arising from you owning, hiring or using:
any land or building (except for you staying in the accommodation you are using on your trip);
motorised or mechanical vehicles and any trailers attached to them; or
aircraft, motorised watercraft or sailing vessels.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must give us a detailed account of the circumstances surrounding the claim, including
photographs and video evidence (if appropriate).
You must give us any writ, summons or other correspondence you receive from a third party.
(Please note that you should not admit liability, offer to make any payment or correspond with any
third party without our permission in writing.)
You must give us full details of any witnesses, and written statements if possible.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 11 Legal expenses
You can call our 24-hour legal helpline for advice on travel-related legal problems to do with your trip.
Phone: UK dialling code then 44 20 8603 9804
What is covered
If you die, fall ill or are injured during your trip and you (or your personal representative) take legal
action against a third party to claim damages or compensation for negligence, we will do the following.
Nominate an appointed adviser to act for you. This could be a solicitor or a suitably qualified
person or company (including us). If you and we cannot agree on an appointed adviser, the
matter can be referred to an alternative resolution facility.
Pay legal costs of up to the amount shown in the schedule on pages 4 to 5 for you (but not more
than twice this amount in total for all people insured under this policy) for each event giving rise to
a claim.
You must conduct your claim in the way specified by the appointed adviser.
You must keep us and the appointed adviser fully aware of all facts and correspondence,
including any offers you receive to settle the claim.
We will not be bound by any promises you give to the appointed adviser, or which you give to any
person about payment of fees or expenses, unless we have given our permission.
We can withdraw cover, after we have agreed to the claim, if we think we are unlikely to get a
reasonable settlement or that the cost of the legal action could be more than the settlement.
If we, you or the appointed adviser cannot recover our legal costs after a successful claim for
compensation, we can take the costs from the compensation you receive. The amount we take is
limited to the actual legal costs and will not be more than half of the compensation you receive.
If you do not accept a reasonable settlement, we will not cover your claim. In this situation you
should use alternative resolution facilities such as mediation.
If you withdraw from a claim without our agreement, you must pay our legal costs. You will
become responsible for all legal costs.
What is not covered
The excess shown in the schedule.
Any claim:
not reported to us within 90 days of the event giving rise to the claim;
if we think we are unlikely to get a reasonable settlement;
if we think the cost of the legal action could be more than the settlement we could get;
involving a dispute between you and a member of your household, a close relative, someone
booked to travel with you, or one of your employees;
if another insurer or service provider has refused your claim, or there is a shortfall in the cover
they provide; or
against a travel agent, tour operator or carrier, us, AWP P&C SA, another person insured
under this policy, or our agent.
Costs for legal action that we have not agreed to.
Costs awarded as a penalty against you or the appointed adviser personally (for example, for not
following court rules and protocols).
Costs for legal action taken in more than one country for the same event.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
You must give us a detailed account of the circumstances of the event, including photographs and
video evidence (if appropriate), within 90 days of the event causing your claim.
You must send us any writ, summons or other correspondence you receive from any third party in
connection with your claim. You should not reply to any correspondence without our permission in
You must give us full details of any witnesses, and any written statements from them.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 12 End supplier failure
What is covered
The insurer will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total, for costs you
incur as a result of insolvency of the end supplier that you made travel arrangements with prior to
Financial failure prior to departure
Irrecoverable sums paid prior to the financial failure of the end supplier not forming part of an
inclusive holiday; OR
Financial failure after departure
In the event of financial failure of the end supplier after your departure:
additional pro rata costs incurred by you in replacing that part of the end suppliers travel
arrangements to a similar standard of transportation as enjoyed prior to the curtailment of the
travel arrangements; or
if curtailment of the trip is unavoidable – the cost of return transportation to the UK, Channel
Islands or Isle of Man to a similar standard of transportation as enjoyed prior to the curtailment of
the travel arrangements.
What is not covered
Scheduled flights, travel or accommodation not booked within the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of
Man prior to departure.
Any costs resulting from the financial failure of:
- Any end supplier which is, or which any prospect of financial failure is known by you or
widely known publicly at the date you bought this policy.
- Any loss or part of a loss which at the time of the happening of the loss is insured or
guaranteed by any other existing policy, policies, bond, or is capable of recovery under
section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act or from any bank or card issuer or any other legal
The financial failure of any travel agent, tour organiser, booking agent or consolidator with whom
you have booked a scheduled flight, travel or accommodation.
Any losses which are not directly associated with the incident that caused you to claim. For
example, loss due to being unable to reach a pre-booked hotel, villa, car hire or cruise following
the financial failure of an airline.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
Cover will not apply if by us making a payment of any claim or providing any benefit we would
breach any sanction, prohibition or restriction imposed by law or regulation.
No title, right or interest under this policy may be assigned, transferred, conveyed or removed
without the written agreement of the insurer. Any attempt to assign rights or interests without the
insurers written agreement is null and void.
Where possible you should contact us before you make alternative arrangements so that we
can agree to the costs.
Section 13 Winter-sports cover
This section only applies if you have paid the appropriate extra premium to take part in winter sports
for up to 17 days during the period of insurance and cover is confirmed in your insurance confirmation
What is covered
Ski pack
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total for your ski-pack
costs that you have paid if:
you have to cancel your trip or cut it short; or
you cannot ski because of an injury or illness (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or
pandemic disease such as COVID-19) during your trip;
and you cannot recover the costs from anywhere else.
Delayed ski equipment
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule for you to hire alternative ski equipment if yours
is stolen on your outward journey or is delayed for more than 12 hours from when you arrived at your
Ski equipment
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule in total for your own ski equipment, and up to
the amount shown in the schedule in total for hired ski equipment, that is damaged, stolen, lost or
destroyed on your trip.
There is also a limit for any single item. This limit is shown in the schedule.
For ski equipment, we will decide whether to:
pay the cost of repairing your items;
replace your belongings with equivalent items; or
pay the cost of replacing your items (in which case we will take off an amount for wear, tear and
loss of value).
Piste closure
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule:
for the cost of extra transport or lift passes to let you ski or snowboard at another resort; or
as compensation if no other resort is available;
if you cannot ski or snowboard at your pre-booked ski resort because the ski lifts and ski schools are
closed because of the weather.
Avalanche closure
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule for extra accommodation and transport costs you
need to pay to get to your trip destination or back home because of an avalanche in your resort.
What is not covered
Ski pack
Anything mentioned under the heading ‘What is not covered’ in section 1 ‘Cancellation or cutting
your trip short’.
Anything mentioned under the heading ‘What is not covered’ in section 2 ‘Emergency medical and
associated expenses’.
Delayed ski equipment
Anything mentioned under the heading ‘What is not covered’ in section 4 ‘Delayed personal
Ski equipment
Anything mentioned under the heading ‘What is not covered’ in section 5 ‘Personal possessions’.
Piste closure
Any compensation for the first full 24 hours at your booked ski resort.
Any trip in your home country.
Any claim where you do not have a letter from the ski-lift or ski-school operators giving the reason
for closing the piste and showing the number of days the piste was closed for during your trip.
Compensation which you can get from your tour operator or anywhere else.
Costs if the ski lifts or ski schools in your pre-booked resort were closed when you took out the
policy or booked your trip, if this was less than 14 days before the beginning of your trip.
Any trip that takes place outside a recognised ski resort or the resort’s official opening dates.
Avalanche closure
Any claim where you do not have a letter from the relevant authority, or your tour operator’s
representative, confirming the dates and location of the avalanche.
Compensation which you can get from your tour operator or anywhere else.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
Ski pack
You must provide medical evidence from the doctor treating you to confirm the illness or injury
and the treatment given, including the dates you went into and left hospital, if this applies.
If a doctor at your resort advised you not to take part in your pre-booked ski activities for medical
reasons, you must get a medical certificate from them to confirm this.
Ski equipment
You must give us all hire receipts and luggage labels or tags.
If your ski equipment is delayed or misdirected, you must get a written report from your airline or
other carrier.
Piste closure and avalanche closure
You must get written confirmation from your tour operator, the local piste authority or the ski-lift
operator to confirm the dates of and reason for the closure.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
Section 14 Business cover
This section only applies if you have paid the appropriate extra premium and cover is confirmed in
your insurance confirmation email.
What is covered
Replacement business associate
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule (see pages 4 to 5) in total to send a replacement
business associate to complete your business duties if you have to cut your trip short.
Business equipment
We will pay up to the amount shown in the schedule in total for your business equipment that is
damaged, stolen, lost or destroyed on your trip.
What is not covered
Replacement business associate
Anything mentioned under the heading ‘What is not covered’ in section 1 ‘Cancellation or cutting
your trip short’.
Business equipment
Anything mentioned under the heading What is not covered’ in section 5 ‘Personal possessions’.
Conditions for making a claim
As well as the claim conditions on page 22, the following conditions also apply.
Replacement business associate
If a business associate needs to take your place after you have had to cut your trip short you
must call us immediately to get agreement from us. Phone the UK dialling code then
44 20 8686 1666.
Business equipment
You must report the theft, damage or loss to the police within 24 hours of discovering it and ask
them for a written police report.
If appropriate, you should also report the theft, damage or loss to your courier or your
accommodation manager and ask them for a written report.
You must provide original receipts, vouchers or other suitable evidence to prove that you bought
or own the lost, stolen or damaged business equipment, and which show the value.
You must keep any damaged items as we may need to inspect them. If we make a payment, or
we replace an item, the damaged item will then belong to us.
You must get an estimate for repairing the damaged items.
For a claim for loss or damage during the course of a trip, please get a property irregularity report
(PIR) from the airline or a carrier’s report from the rail company, shipping line or handling agent.
You must do this within seven days of the theft, loss or damage.
The general exclusions (page 19), general conditions (pages 20 to 21) and
claim conditions (page 22) also apply.
If you want a copy of this policy in large print or Braille,
or you need an audio version, phone us 020 8603 9653.
Section 1 to 11 and 13 to 14 of Allianz Assistance travel insurance is underwritten by
AWP P&C SA and is administered in the UK by Allianz Assistance.
Allianz Assistance is a trading name of AWP Assistance UK Ltd, Registered in England.
Registration no: 1710361 Registered office: PO Box 74005, 60 Gracechurch Street, London EC3P 3DS.
AWP Assistance UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
AWP P&C SA is authorised and regulated by L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution
in France. Deemed authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).
Subject to regulation by the FCA and limited regulation by the PRA.
Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK
for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the FCA’s website.
Allianz Assistance acts as an agent for AWP P&C SA for receiving money from customers,
settling claims and handling premium refunds.
Section 12 of Allianz Assistance Travel insurance is provided by International Passenger Protection
Limited, IPP House, 22-26 Station Road, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 0PR, United Kingdom.
The cover under this section is underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE which is authorised
and regulated by the Luxembourg Minister of Finance and the Commissariat aux Assurances.
Deemed authorised by the PRA. Subject to regulation by the FCA and limited regulation by the PRA
(registered number 829959). Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms
to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the FCA’s website.
Ref: 7363TVL 07/21