Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte.
This Travel Insurance is
underwritten by Allianz Singapore
Insurance Pte. Ltd., with services
provided by AWP Services
Singapore Pte. Ltd trading as Allianz
79 Robinson Road, #09-01
Singapore 068897
Telephone: +65 6222 3350
Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd.
20230901 PW SG SCB NAC
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
This policy wording serves to disclose the terms & conditions of the
travel insurance policy underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore
Pte. Ltd. (AIS) with assistance services provided by AWP Services
Singapore Pte Ltd.
To understand this policy’s significant features, benefits and risks, We
advise that You read the following:
Benefits Table outlines the maximum amounts payable and
applicable sub limits for each policy benefit
Important Matters contains important information on Your
Eligibility for cover, Use of your personal Data, Information about
Your Insurer, Jurisdiction, and matters relating to Hospitalization
or medical evacuation
Policy Definitions defines words with special meanings
Policy Benefits sets out what We will pay” as well as what We
will not pay”
General Exclusions that are applicable to all Sections
Claims sets out certain obligations that You and We have, which
may determine the outcome of Your claims settlement
For customer service, please:
Call: 1 800 222 1818 (Toll-free) or +65 6222 3350
Mon Fri, 09:00 17:30 (Singapore Time)
For claim enquiries, please:
Call: 1 800 222 1818 (Toll-free) or +65 6222 3350
To file a claim, please visit:
For emergency assistance during your trip, please:
Call: +65 6995 1111
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
Travel Comprehensive
All sum in Singapore $
Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement
Emergency Medical Assistance, Evacuation and Repatriation
* Conveyance limit SGD 10M per event.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
By virtue of You holding a SCB eligible credit card, the provision of
these benefits is enabled by the master insurance policy held by
Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (hereinafter called
SCB) and issued by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. (AIS)
AWP Services Singapore Pte Ltd (AWP) has been appointed by AIS to
arrange the policy and provide general advice and other services in
relation to this Policy.
SCB is the only Policyholder under the insurance policy and only they
have direct rights under the Policy against the Insurer. This
agreement does not give You direct rights under the policy of
insurance. Strict compliance with the terms and conditions of this
agreement is required if You are to receive its benefit.
This policy wording and any endorsements written by Us make up
Your contract with the Insurer. Please retain these documents in a
safe place. Under this policy wording, the maximum amount We will
pay for the total of all claims under each policy benefit is detailed in
the Table of Benefits, subject to the applicable Conveyance Limits,
deductibles and excess.
The benefits summarised in this document are dependent upon You
being a valid SCB Journey Visa Signature Credit Card Cardholder at
the time of any incident giving rise to a claim. SCB will give You notice
if there are any material changes to these terms and conditions or if
the policies supporting the benefits available under these
agreements are cancelled or expire without renewal on equivalent
This is Your benefit guide and agreement with Us. It contains details
of benefits, conditions and exclusions relating to SCB Journey Visa
Signature Credit Card Cardholders and is the basis on which all claims
You make will be settled.
Benefits set forth in this document are to be asserted, in accordance
with the terms and conditions provided for in this document, against
the Insurer exclusively.
In using these benefits You also agree We may:
a) disclose and use information about You and Your benefits
including information relating to Your medical status and health
to companies within the Allianz Group of companies worldwide,
Our partners, service providers and agents in order to administer
and service Your benefits, process and collect relevant payments
and for fraud prevention;
b) monitor and/ or record Your telephone calls in relation to cover
to ensure consistent servicing levels and account operation.
c) use advanced technology and well defined employee practices
to help ensure that Your information is processed promptly,
accurately and completely and in accordance with applicable
data protection law.
If You want to know what information is held about You by the
Allianz Group, please write to:
Name: AWP Services Singapore Pte Ltd
Address: 79 Robinson Road, #09-01 Singapore 068897
This travel insurance policy is underwritten by Allianz Insurance
Singapore Pte. Ltd. The Insurer may be referred to as We”, Our
Companyand “Us” in this policy wording.
This insurance policy document is subjected and interpreted in
accordance to the laws of the Republic of Singapore.
Accident”, Accidentalor Accidentally means an unexpected,
unintended, unforeseeable and external event causing injury,
disablement, or death.
Allianz Travel means the trading name of the service provider,
AWP Services Singapore Pte Ltd located at 79 Robinson Road, #09-
01 Singapore 068897.
Arisesor Arisingmeans directly or indirectly Arising or in any
way connected with.
Benefits Table or Table of Benefits means the table listing the
benefit amounts on page1.
Bodily Injury means an identifiable physical Injury caused by a
sudden, violent, external, unexpected specific Event. Injury as a
result of Your unavoidable exposure to the elements shall be
deemed to be a Bodily Injury.
Cardholder means the holder of a covered card.
Carriermeans any bus, coach, ferry, cruise ship, train (including
underground train, light rail and magnetic train companies) operated
by a carrier duly licensed from relevant government authorities for
the regular transportation of fare-paying passengers, including any
fixed, wing aircraft provided by a regular flight operating airline or
an air charter company; and any helicopter provided and operated
by an airline operating only between established commercial
airports or licensed commercial heliports.
Computer System means any computer, hardware, software, or
communication system or electronic device (including but not
limited to smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable device), server,
cloud, microcontroller, or similar system, including any associated
input, output, data storage device, networking equipment, or
backup facility.
Conveyance Limit means the maximum amount that may be
claimed as the result of a single Occurrence.
Country of Residencemeans the country in which you are granted
rights of citizenship or permanent residence by the government
authorities or is a country where you spend more than 90 days in any
one year.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
Covered Cardmeans a SCB eligible credit card, including primary,
supplementary and replacement cards, issued in Singapore, the card
being valid and the account balance having been paid in accordance
with the Cardholder agreement at the time of any incident giving rise
to a claim.
Cyber Risk means any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost, or
expense of any nature directly or indirectly caused by, contributed
to by, resulting from, or arising out of or in connection with, any one
or more instances of any of the following:
1. Any unauthorized, malicious, or illegal act, or the threat of such
act(s), involving access to, or the processing, use, or operation of,
any Computer System;
2. Any error or omission involving access to, or the processing, use,
or operation of any compute Computer System;
3. Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process, use,
or operate any Computer System; or
4. Any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement,
restoration or reproduction of any data, including any amount
pertaining to the value of such data.
Emergency means a sudden and unforeseen situation or condition
requiring immediate action, assessment or treatment.
Epidemic means a contagious disease recognized or referred to as
an epidemic by a representative of the World Health Organization
(WHO) or an official government authority.
Event means an Occurrence, including continuous or repeated
exposure to the Occurrence.
Family means Your legal spouse, legally recognized de facto son,
Home means the place where You normally live in Singapore.
Hospital means an institution which meets all of the following
requirements: 1) it must be operated according to law; 2) it must give
24 hour medical care, diagnosis and treatment to the Sick or Injured
on an inpatient basis; 3) it must provide diagnostic and surgical
facilities supervised by Medical Practitioner; 4) registered nurses
must be on 24 hour call or duty; and 5) the care must be given either
on the Hospital’s premises or in facilities available to the Hospital on
a pre-arranged bases.
A Hospital is not a rest, convalescent, extended care, rehabilitation
or other nursing facility; a facility which primarily treats mental
Illness alcoholism, or drug addiction (or any ward, wing, or other
section of the Hospital used for such purposes); or a facility which
provides hospice care (or wing, ward, or other section of a Hospital
used for such purposes).
Illness means a physical condition marked by a pathological
deviation from the normal healthy state manifesting itself during
Your period of cover, excluding any Pre-existing Medical Condition.
Injure or Injuredor Injury means bodily injury caused solely
and directly by violent, accidental, visible and external means, which
occurs during your period of cover, and occurs independently and
does not result from any illness, sickness or other bodily disease.
Insured Person(s) means each Standard Chartered Bank
(Singapore) Limited’s valid eligible credit card holder.
Insurer means Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. (AIS).
Loss of Sight means complete and permanent irrecoverable loss of
Medical Condition(s) means any medical or psychological disease,
Sickness, condition, Illness or Injury that has affected You.
Medical Practitioner means a qualified doctor of medicine or
dentist registered in the place where you received the services/ or
treatment or who is licensed and legally entitled to practice medicine
in the applicable field for which services are delivered. A medical
practitioner cannot be related to you.
Occurrence means a single incident or Event causing a loss.
Overseas means any country outside of Singapore.
Pandemic means an epidemic that is recognized or referred to as
a pandemic by a representative of the World Health Organization
(WHO) or an official government authority.
Permanent Disablementmeans you have lost either: all sight in
one or both eyes, or the use of a hand or foot at or above the wrist
or ankle, and the loss is for at least 12 months and in our opinion
after consultation with an appropriate medical specialist, that loss
will continue indefinitely.
Pre-existing Medical Condition means:
1. An ongoing Injury, medical or dental condition of which You
are aware, or related complication you have, or the symptoms
of which You are aware;
2. A medical or dental condition that is currently being, or has
been investigated, or treated by a health professional
(including dentist or chiropractor) at any time in the past, prior
to policy purchase;
3. Any condition for which You take prescribed medicine;
4. Any condition for which You have had surgery;
5. Any condition for which You see a medical specialist;
This definition of Pre-existing Medical Condition applies to you,
your travelling companion(s) or any other person.
Policyholder means Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited
(SCB) (the “Bank”).
Reasonable means:
the standard level of medical or dental care given in the country
You are in;
the standard level of accommodation and travel that You have
booked for the rest of Your Journey or, as determined by Us;
the actions that a Reasonable person could be expected to take
in a given scenario, as determined by Us.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
"Sick" or "Sickness" means a medical condition that is not an injury
or not a pre-existing medical condition, which first occurs during
your period of cover.
Strike or Industrial Action means any form of Industrial Action
which is carried out with the intention of stopping, restricting or
interfering with the production of goods or provision of services.
Terrorism means an act or acts, of any person or group(s) of
person, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar
purposes with the intention to influence any government and/or to
put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. Terrorism can
include, but not be limited to, the actual use of force or violence
and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore the perpetrators of
Terrorism can either be acting alone, or on behalf of, or in
connection with any organization(s) or governments(s).
Trip or Journey means the period which the Insured Person are
riding solely as a fare-paying passenger in or boarding on or alighting
from a scheduled Carrier or any Carrier while travelling directly to
the place of departure immediately preceding scheduled departure
or from the place of arrival immediately following scheduled arrival
of such scheduled Carrier on which the Insured Person is covered by
this policy, provided that the entire fare for travel on such scheduled
Carrier has been fully charged in advance of the scheduled departure
time to the Covered Card maintained with the Policyholder.
We”, Us”, Our”, Company and Insurer means Allianz
Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. (AIS) or its appointed assistance
provider, AWP Services Singapore Pte Ltd
You and Your means all Insured Persons under the policy.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
1. Only journeys for which 100% of the travel conveyance fare is paid
using the covered card are insured. If the travel conveyance fare is
incorporated as part of a travel package this requirement is
deemed satisfied provided that the total cost of the travel package
is fully charged to the covered card. The policy and the covered
card must still be in force at the time you commence your Trip.
2. All benefit amounts listed in the Benefit Table are per beneficiary
per trip unless otherwise noted.
3. These benefits will be governed by the law of Singapore.
4. You are covered worldwide for up to 90 consecutive days.
Period of cover refers to the period between
Trip start date and
Trip end date or the date when the card account is
terminated or when these benefits are cancelled or expire,
whichever comes first
Cover will end when the card account is terminated or when these
benefits are cancelled or expire. The period you are covered while
overseas may not exceed 90 consecutive days.
The benefits commence when you leave your home or hotel, or your
place of business (whichever is the later) to commence the trip and
terminates at the time you return to your home, hotel or place of
business (whichever is the earlier) on completion of the trip.
AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel is a travel
assistance service company with its registered address at 79 Robinson
Road, #09-01 Singapore 068897 and has been appointed by us to
administer all emergency assistance and claims services and benefits
of this insurance. You may contact them in an emergency 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
If you are hospitalized, you or a member of your travelling party, MUST
contact our assistance team at Allianz Travel as soon as possible. If you
do not, we will not pay for these expenses or for any evacuation or
airfares that have not been approved or arranged by us.
If you are not hospitalized but you are being treated as an outpatient
and the total cost of such treatment will exceed SGD 2,000 You MUST
contact the Allianz Travel medical team. You will at your expense
furnish us with all such certificates, information and evidence as we
may require.
You are free to choose your own medical practitioner or we can
appoint an approved medical practitioner to see you. You must,
however, advise us of your admittance to hospital or your intended
early return to Singapore based on medical advice. To guarantee cover
you must follow set instructions from us or the Allianz Travel medical
If you do not get the medical treatment you expect, we can assist you
but we and/or the agent, are not liable for anything that results from
that advice
The benefits mentioned in this policy wording apply to countries
worldwide outside the Country of Residence. However, We and Our
appointed Assistance Company shall not be required to provide
services under Section 2 to the Insured Person located in areas which
represent war zones or war risks or political or civil conditions such as
to make such services impossible or reasonably impracticable.
The Company will reimburse Our appointed Assistance Company for
all payments made by Our appointed Assistance Company in
accordance with Section 2.
In the event that You suffer Injury while travelling as a fare-paying
passenger on board any common Carrier during the Journey which
within180 days of its happening is the sole cause of Your death or
permanent disablement as certified by a Medical Practitioner.
For the purpose of this Section, common Carrier includes taxi service,
but excludes rented vehicle, vehicle on hire, tour coach or any mode
of transportation that is chartered or arranged for the tour.
Sum Insured
(up to)
Each Insured Person up to 80 years old at the
commencement of the Journey
$ 500,000
Table of Compensation
100% of the
Sum Insured
Permanent Total Disablement for which
satisfactory proof has been given to the
Company that the total disablement has
been continued for twelve (12) months
from the date of the Injury and will in all
probability continue for the remainder of
the Insured Person’s life and prevent the
Insured Person from attending to any
kind of business, profession or
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in
one or both eyes
Loss by physical severance at or above
the wrist or ankle or the total and
permanent loss of use of an entire hand,
arm, foot or leg
If You suffer Injury that results in more than one of the results
described in 1 to 4 above, the maximum We will pay is 100% of the
Sum Insured in total. In relation to accidental death, we will pay the
capital benefit to the estate of the deceased.
We will not pay for expenses caused by any other reason than injury.
You must check “General Exclusions Applicable to All Sections” for
other reasons why we will not pay.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
By using Allianz Travel, you accept that solely Allianz Travel makes
decisions and organization of the appropriate and necessary
assistance measures.
a) Allianz Travels decisions are taken solely in Your medical interest.
b) Allianz Travel doctors contact the local medical facilities and, if
needed, Your usual doctor to collect information allowing Allianz
Travel to take the decisions best suited to your health condition.
c) Any refusal on your part to comply in part or in full with the
decisions taken by Allianz Travel means You exempt us from any
liability concerning the consequences of such an initiative and You
will then lose all rights under this policy from the point you refused
to comply with the decisions taken by Allianz Travel.
d) Allianz Travel is entitled to the right to decide the means of
evacuation and repatriation and the final destination according to
your health condition and the treatment needed by You.
e) The means of evacuation and repatriation assistance are based on
Allianz Travel opinion of Your Medical Condition and will include
the arrangement of necessary transportation vehicles, necessary
medical escorts and any other medically necessary items, at the
discretion of Allianz Travel. Necessary transportation vehicles can
be air ambulance, road ambulance, commercial airline, railway or
any other appropriate means.
f) Expenses incurred in the repatriation of mortal remains include
service and material fees for embalming, preservation, cremation,
delivery and cinerary casket.
g) Allianz Travel interventions are carried out under the national and
international laws and regulations. Allianz Travel services are
subject to the required authorizations by the relevant authorities.
h) Allianz Travel and the Insurer cannot be held liable for delays in,
or prevention of, the agreed services resulting from a case of force
majeure or from Events such as Strikes, riots, civil commotion,
restrictions to free circulation, sabotage, terrorist attacks, civil or
foreign war, and any consequences of a source of radioactivity or
of any other Act of God.
i) You must transfer ownership of any transport tickets to Allianz
Travel and You must undertake to send the unused transport
tickets back to Allianz Travel or reimburse Allianz Travel with the
amount recovered from the organization having issued the
transport tickets.
j) Allianz Travel reserves the right to amend or upgrade the
transport tickets in order to deliver the assistance detailed under
this section. Any benefits will be transferred to Us. Allianz Travel
at its option will deduct the value of the unused transportation
ticket from any claim amount payable to You.
We will arrange and pay (upon confirmation from the Policyholder)
for the following assistance services if you Injure yourself or become
Sick (including being diagnosed with an Epidemic or Pandemic disease
such as COVID-19) whilst Overseas:
a) Access (including transportation costs) to a Medical Practitioner
for Emergency medical treatment.
b) Any urgent messages which needs to be passed on to your Family
or employer in the case of an Emergency.
c) Provide written guarantees for payment of reasonable expenses
for emergency hospitalization.
d) Your medical transfer or evacuation if you must be transported to
the nearest hospital for emergency medical treatment.
e) Your repatriation back to Singapore if you are sick or injured
overseas with appropriate medical supervision.
We will also arrange and pay for reasonable costs of either an overseas
funeral or overseas cremation or for the reasonable costs for
repatriating your remains back to your home country, in the event of
your death while overseas.
The maximum aggregate limit payable by under Section 2 in respect of
each Insured Person shall not exceed S$25,000 per Event for all the
services and benefits under Section 2, except for those costs
specifically stated to be borne by You.
We will not pay for expenses:
a) Incurred for services provided by another party for which You are
not liable to pay, or any expenses already included in the cost of a
scheduled Trip.
b) For a service not approved and arranged by Allianz Travel, or an
authorized representative of Allianz Travel, provided always that
we reserve the right to waive this exclusion in the event that you
or your travel companion cannot for reasons beyond your control
to notify Allianz Travel during an emergency medical situation. In
any event, we reserve the right to reimburse you only for those
expenses incurred for service which Allianz Travel would have
provided under the same circumstances.
c) Incurred if you do not take the advice of Allianz Travel.
d) Incurred in Singapore.
e) Relating to funeral services or cremation or bringing your remains
back to your home country unless it has been first approved by Us.
Allianz Travel will not be held liable for any delays in, or prevention of,
the agreed services resulting from a case of force majeure or from
events such as strikes, riots, civil commotion, and restriction to free
circulation, sabotage, terrorist attacks, civil or foreign war, and any
consequences of a source of radioactivity or of any act of God.
You must check “General Exclusions Applicable to All Sections” for
other reasons why we will not pay
The maximum liability of the Company in respect of all Insured
Persons travelling in one conveyance shall not exceed the Conveyance
Limit of $ 10,000,000 or the total amount of Compensation payable in
respect of such Insured Persons, whichever is the lesser.
If the total amount of all claims for Insured Persons travelling in one
conveyance exceeds the Conveyance Limit, the
Company’s liability in respect of each of such Insured Persons will be
a rateable proportion of the benefits due in respect of that person.
The Company will not be liable for any claims, damages, losses, death
or disablement, Injury, Illness or liability directly or indirectly caused
by, or in connection with, or arising from:
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
1. Any known Event.
2. Sexually transmitted disease, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus) and/or any HIV related Illness including AIDS (Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or any mutant derivative or
variations thereof howsoever caused.
3. An Epidemic or Pandemic, or the threat of an Epidemic or
Pandemic, except when and to the extent that an Epidemic or
Pandemic is expressly referenced in and covered under Section 2.1
Emergency Medical Assistance, Evacuation and Repatriation..
4. Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or menopause.
5. Suicide or attempted suicide, intentional self-inflicted Injury or any
act which could reasonably be considered as exposure to danger
(except when undertaken in an attempt to save human life),
insanity, or whilst You are under the influence of intoxicating
liquor, drugs or other substance abuse (other than drugs taken
under medical supervision and not for the treatment of drug
6. Any Pre-existing Medical Condition or physical conditions of any
Insured Person which has required consultation or treatment
including any recurring, chronic or continuing Illness or condition
during the twelve (12) month period before the commencement
of the Journey. Medical or physical conditions upon which a claim
has been made on a previous Journey shall be deemed a Pre-
existing Medical Condition with regard to subsequent Journey.
7. You engaging in or practising for
a) Flying or other aerial activities except travelling as a fare paying
passenger in a properly licensed, regular scheduled commercial
airline operating between established and licensed commercial
b) Rafting or canoeing involving white water rapids, bungee jumping,
sky diving, paragliding, jet skiing, underwater activities involving
artificial breathing apparatus, winter sports and activities including
skiing, snowboarding, the use of bobsleigh or skeleton, hunting,
pot-holing, mountaineering or rock climbing that ordinarily
requires the use of ropes or guides and extreme sports which
involve speed, height, danger, a high level of physical exertion,
highly specialised gear or spectacular stunts.
c) Taking part in or practising for speed or time trials, competitions,
sprints or racing of any kind, or as a professional sportsperson
(where one could earn income, remuneration or sponsorship from
engaging in such sport or activity) or any organised team football.
d) Manual work of any kind unless You inform Us when applying for
the insurance and it is accepted by Us in writing.
e) Taking part in expeditions or the crewing of a vessel from one
country to another or engaging in active service in the armed
forces of any nation.
8. You engaging in naval, military, air force, civil defence or police
services or operations, testing of any kind of conveyance, whilst
engaged in off-shore or in mining, aerial photography or handling
of explosives, ammunitions or firearms, travelling as an operator
or crew member of any public Carriers.
9. Any wilful, malicious, criminal or unlawful acts committed by You
and/or the Insured Person or any person acting on Your and/or
the Insured Person’s behalf.
10. Any prohibitions or regulations by any government or local
11. Any consequential loss not specified in the Policy.
12. We will not pay for expenses:
a) The cost of any elective (non-Emergency) treatment or surgery,
including exploratory tests, which are not directly related to the
Illness or Injury which necessitated Your admittance into Hospital.
b) Any form of cosmetic surgery or treatment.
c) Any expenses in respect of normal dental inspection and/or
treatment or in obtaining dentures or eye glasses or the like or
hearing aids or prosthesis and corrective devices.
d) Treatment or service provided by a health spa, convalescent or
nursing Home or any rehabilitation centre.
e) Any claim if You are under treatment not recommended by or
undertaken by a Medical Practitioner.
f) Any claim if You are travelling against the advice of a Medical
Practitioner or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment
while overseas.
12. War & Terrorism Exclusion
This Policy does not cover:
Death, disability, loss, damage, destruction, any legal liabilities, cost or
expense including consequential loss of whatsoever nature, directly or
indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any of the
following regardless of any other cause or Event contributing
concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss;
a) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike
operations (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the
proportions of or amounting to any uprising, military or usurped
power; or
b) Any Act of Terrorism including but not limited to
(i) the use or threat of force, violence and/or
(ii) harm or damage to life or to property (or the threat of such
harm or damage) including, but not limited to, nuclear
radiation and/or contamination by chemical and/or biological
agents, by any person(s) or group(s) of persons, committed for
political, religious, ideological or similar purposes, expressed
or otherwise, and/or to put the public or any section of the
public in fear; or
c) Any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any
way relating to (a) or (b) above.
If the Company alleges that by reason of this Exclusion, any loss,
damage, cost or expense is not covered by this insurance the burden
of proving the contrary shall be upon the Insured Person.
13. Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological,
Biochemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion.
This clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained
in this insurance inconsistent therewith:
In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense
directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by, or Arising from
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
a) Ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from
any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion
of nuclear fuel.
b) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or
contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or
other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
c) Any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or
fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.
d) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or
contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The Exclusion
in this sub-clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other
than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are being prepared, carried,
stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or
other similar peaceful purposes.
e) Any chemical, biological, bio-chemical, or electromagnetic
14. Political Risks Exclusion
This Policy does not cover loss or damage occasioned directly or
indirectly by or through or in consequence of any of the following
Occurrences namely:
a) Permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation
nationalisation commandeering or requisition by any lawfully
constituted authority
b) Permanent or temporary dispossession of any property resulting
from the unlawful acquisition of such property by any person
provided that the Company is not relieved of any liability to the
Insured Person in respect of physical damage to the property
Insured occurring before dispossession or during temporary
dispossession which Is otherwise covered by this Policy.
c) The destruction of property by order of any public authority.
In any action suit or other proceeding where the Company alleges that
by reason of the provisions above any loss destruction or damage is
not covered by this insurance the burden of proving that such loss
destruction or damage is covered shall be upon the Insured Person.
15. This policy does not cover Cyber Risk.
16. Sanction Exclusion
This policy does not cover any loss or expenses with respect to Iran,
North Korea, Syria, Sudan or Cuba.
For the avoidance of doubt no (re)Insurer shall be deemed to provide
cover and no (re)Insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any
benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover,
payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that
(re)Insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United
Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or
regulations of the European Union, United States of America and/or
any other applicable national economic or trade sanction law or
17. Force Majeure
Your claim Arises from, or is anyway related to force majeure unless
the benefit specifically offers coverage.
The Policy, the Schedule and any amendments thereto shall be read
together as one contract and any word or expression to which a
specific meaning has been attached in any part of the Policy or the
Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear.
Every notice or communication to be given or made under this Policy
shall be delivered in writing to Us.
This Policy may be renewed from year to year by mutual agreement
between the Policyholder and the Insurer.
a) Notice shall be given by You to Us as soon as possible of the
happening of any Event in respect of which a claim is to be made.
b) You shall at Your own expense furnish Us such certificates
information and evidence as We may reasonably require.
c) In respect of a claim under Section 1 of the Policy
i. You shall as soon as possible after the happening of any Event
in respect of which a claim is to be made procure and follow
medical advice from a duly registered Medical Practitioner.
ii. As often as required, You shall submit to medical examination
on behalf of Us at its own expense.
If You or anyone acting for You makes a claim under this Policy
knowing the claim to be dishonest, fraudulent or intentionally
exaggerated in any way, We will not pay the claim and all benefits
under this Policy shall be forfeited. We reserve the right to notify the
Police of any such claim.
We will not recognise or be affected by any notice of trust, charge or
assignment relating to this Policy. The receipt of You, or Your legal
personal representatives or of any person(s) to whom any benefit is
expressed to be payable shall in all cases effectively discharge Our
If any loss damage or legal liability covered under this Policy is also
covered by any other insurance, We shall not be liable under this Policy
except for any excess beyond the amount payable under such other
If the premium for this Policy has been calculated on any estimates
furnished by the Policyholder, the Policyholder shall keep an accurate
record containing all particulars relative to it and shall at all times allow
the Insurer to inspect such record. The Policyholder shall within one
calendar month from the expiry date of each Period of Insurance
furnish to the Insurer such particulars and information as the Insurer
may require. The premium for such Period of Insurance shall then be
adjusted and the difference paid by or allowed to the Policyholder as
the case may be subject to receipt and retention of any minimum
premium applicable.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
We may cancel this Policy by sending sixty (60) days’ notice by
registered letter to the Policyholder at its last known address and in
such Event will return to the Policyholder the premium paid less the
pro rata portion thereof for the period the Policy has been in force.
The Policy may be cancelled at any time by the Policyholder by giving
sixty (60) days’ notice to Us and provided no claim has arisen during
the then current Period of Insurance the Policyholder shall be entitled
to a return of premium paid on a pro-rated basis less the period the
Policy has been in force and subject to any adjustment of premium
required by the terms or conditions of this Policy.
The cover of an Insured Person under this Master Policy will terminate
immediately in any of the following circumstances, whichever first
a) When the Master Policy is terminated;
b) When the Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited’s eligible
credit card Program is terminated; or
c) When You (the holder of Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore)
Limited’s eligible credit card) cease to hold such credit card.
The cancellation of the Policy under General Condition 8 or
termination of an Insured Person’s cover under General Condition 9
shall not prejudice a covered claim Arising prior to such cancellation
or termination for the Insured Person concerned.
If any difference shall arise as to the amount to be paid under this
Policy (liability being otherwise admitted) such difference shall be
referred to an arbitrator to be appointed in accordance with the
statutory provisions on arbitration for the time being in force.
Where any difference is by this condition to be referred to arbitration
the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of
action against the Insurer.
Unless any such action or suit be commenced within six (6) months of
the making of an award the Insurer shall not be liable to make any
payment in excess of the amount of the award.
It is hereby declared that as a condition precedent to the liability of
the Company, the Policyholder and each Insured Person have agreed
that any personal information in relation to the Insured Person
provided by the Policyholder and the Insured Person to the Company
may be held, used and disclosed to enable the Company or individuals
/ organisations associated with the Company or any independent third
party (within or outside of Singapore) to
a) process, assess or deal with any matter Arising from the Policy
b) provide all services related to this Policy.
The policy is to be construed according to the laws of the Republic of
Singapore. The parties submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the Courts of Singapore for the resolution of any conflict or dispute
relating to the Policy save where the circumstances are governed by
the Arbitration clause of the Policy.
If the Insurer shall offer an amount in settlement or disclaim liability
for any claim under this Policy and such claim shall not within twelve
(12) calendar months from the date of such offer or disclaimer have
been referred to arbitration under the provision contained in the
Policy or where liability is in dispute, been made subject to pending
court action then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have
been abandoned and shall not then be recoverable under this Policy.
The due observance and fulfilment of the terms provisions and
conditions of this Policy insofar as they relate to anything to be done
or not to be done by the Policyholder or Insured Person or other
claimant and the truth of the statements and answers in the proposal
shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Insurer to make
any payment under this Policy.
A person who is not a party to this Policy contract shall have no right
under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act to enforce any of its
terms. For avoidance of doubt, the Insurer and the Policyholder are
the only parties to this Policy contract.
We reserve the right to vary the terms conditions and exclusions of the
Policy by giving the Policyholder 30 days’ written notice of any such
variation subject to the proposed amended terms being agreed by the
Policyholder. The changes as agreed between Us and the Policyholder
are binding on all the Insured Persons without notice.
AWP Services Singapore Pte Ltd (AWP) is authorized by Allianz
Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. (AIS) to also provide claims handling
services as Our agent, not as Your agent. AWP acts under an
agreement with the Insurer which means that AWP can handle claims
and make recommendations of claim settlements to the Insurer and is
jointly referred to as We”, Ourand Usin this policy wording for
this purpose only.
You must do everything reasonably possible to prevent a loss from
occurring, or when a loss has occurred, ensure that the loss is
minimized. If You do not, We can reduce Your claim by the amount of
prejudice We have suffered, or reject Your entire claim.
As soon as practicable, and in any case within 30 days after the date of
Occurrence of an Event which may give rise to a claim, You must give
written notification to Us.
If You do not, We can reduce Your claim by the amount of prejudice
We have suffered because of the delay.
You must give Us any information We reasonably ask for to support
Your claim at Your expense, such as but not limited to police reports,
valuations, medical reports, car rental agreement, car insurance policy
and claim result, original receipts, proof of ownership, or proof of an
item’s age. If required, We may ask You to provide translations of Your
documents into English at Your expense to enable Us assess Your
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
If You cannot provide the requested support document, then We can
reject Your claim.
You must co-operate with Us at all times in relation to the provision of
supporting evidence and such other information as We may
reasonably require.
a) For all claims, provide the transaction of the Covered Card to
prove the purchases
b) For Hospital claims, contact Us as soon as possible. We will require
You to submit a medical report clearly outlining the diagnosis of
the Medical Condition, any relevant past medical history and the
required treatment plan.
c) For damage or permanent loss of Your Luggage report it
immediately to the police or the Carrier within 24 hours and obtain
a written statement of Your report including any offer of
settlement that they may make.
Please note that We will never pay more than Your actual loss.
We endeavour to process Your claim within 10 working days of Us
receiving a completed claim form and all necessary documentation. If
We need additional information, a written request will be sent to You
within 10 working days. We will pay all claims in Singapore Dollars. The
rate of currency exchange that will apply is the rate at the date of loss
Occurrence. No indemnity from Us will carry any interest.
Indemnity for Your loss of life is payable to Your estate. All other
indemnities of this Policy are payable to You. All the relevant claim
forms should be completed and submitted by You, If not, an
authorization letter signed by You is required to proof that others have
the right to make a claim instead of You.
In the Event upon investigation, AWP discovers that the individual
whom AWP has rendered assistance to is not a valid SCB eligible credit
card Cardholder and/or is not eligible for the benefits. AWP reserves
the right to demand for payment from You, the Cardholder for the full
costs of assistance rendered to said recipient of benefits.
In relation to any claim under this policy You must not admit that You
are at fault, and You must not offer or promise to pay any Money, or
become involved in litigation, without Our approval.
If We have a claim against someone in relation to the Money We have
to pay under this policy, You must do everything You can to help Us
do that in legal proceedings. If You are aware of any third party that
You or We may recover Money from, You must inform Us of such third
If You intend to commence legal proceedings to recover Your costs or
seek compensation against a third party, You must inform Us as soon
as possible.
We will apply any Money We recover from someone else under a right
of subrogation in the following order:
1. To Us, Our administration and legal costs Arising from the
2. To Us, an amount equal to the amount that We paid to You under
the policy.
3. To You, Your uninsured loss (less Your excess).
4. To You, Your excess.
Once We pay Your total loss We will keep all Money left over.
If We have paid Your total loss and You receive a payment from
someone else for that loss or damage, You must pay Us the amount of
that payment up to the amount of the claim We paid You.
If We pay You for permanently lost, stolen or damaged property and
You later recover the property or it is replaced by a third party, You
must pay Us the amount of the claim We paid You.
If We pay Your claim and You receive a payment from someone else
for the same costs, fees or expenses, You must pay Us the amount of
that payment up to the amount of the claim We paid You.
We may seek reimbursement from You if You receive a payment from
any other source for any amount of the claim We paid You.
If You can make a claim against someone in relation to a loss or
expense covered under this policy and You do not get paid the full
amount of Your claim, We will make up the difference. You must claim
from them first.
At Our discretion, We may start, control and settle legal proceedings
for Our own benefit in Your name to recover compensation or secure
indemnity from any party in respect of anything covered by this policy.
We may do so in Your name and on Your behalf. You also consent to
Us seeking to recover any Money We have paid to You from a third
You must help Us to do this, even if We have not yet paid Your claim,
and even if the amount We pay is less than full compensation for Your
In the Event that You are covered under more than one policy for the
same loss underwritten by other companies, including Us, You must
seek compensation from other companies before submitting Your
claim to Us. We will reimburse the balance if You do not get full
compensation from other companies.
In the Event of any claim, the age of the Insured Person will be
determined as at the date of Injury or Illness with reference to their
date of birth.
If We admit liability for a claim but there is a dispute as to the amount
to be paid, the dispute will be referred to an arbitrator. The arbitrator
will be appointed jointly by You and Us in accordance with the law at
the time. You may not take legal action against Us over the dispute
before the arbitrator has reached a decision.
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.
IMPORTANT- The Insured and Insured Person are requested to read
this Policy. If any error or misdescription be found, the Policy should
be returned to the issuing office for correction.
For customer service, please:
Call: 1 800 222 1818 (Toll-free) or +65 6222 3350
Mon Fri, 09:00 17:30 (Singapore Time)
For claim enquiries, please:
Call: 1 800 222 1818 (Toll-free) or +65 6222 3350
To file a claim, please visit:
For emergency assistance during your trip, please:
Call: +65 6995 1111
This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd., with services provided by AWP Services Singapore Pte. Ltd. trading as Allianz Travel.