BMO Travel Insurance Single Trip – Trip Protection Plan
Insurance Certificate
This certificate covers losses arising from sudden and
unforeseeable circumstances only. It is important that
you read and understand your coverage limitations and
exclusions outlined in this certificate.
Your certificate may not provide coverage for medical
conditions and/or symptoms that existed before your
trip. Check to see how this applies in the certificate and
how it relates to your departure date, date of purchase
or effective date.
You must notify Allianz Global Assistance through the
Operations Centre prior to any medical treatment.
Your benefits may be limited if you don’t contact the
Operations Centre at 1-800-661-9060 or collect at
519-741-0782 within the required time period. In the event
of an accident, injury or sickness, your prior medical
history may be reviewed when a claim is reported.
Should any event occur that would likely result in
you submitting a claim for the Trip Cancellation, Trip
Interruption, Trip Delay or Flight Delay benefits, you must
contact the Operations Centre at 1-800-661-9060 or
collect at 519-741-0782 within 48 hours of that event.
All accident and sickness benefits described in this
certificate are underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance
Company, a member of The Co-operators group of
companies (“CUMIS”) under Group Policy No. FC310000-B
referred to as the “Policy” issued to BMO Bank of Montreal
(the “Policyholder). All benefits are offered by CUMIS
General Insurance Company to you under an individual
policy of insurance.
This certificate contains a provision removing
or restricting the right of an insured person
to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
You may contact the plan administrator Allianz Global
Assistance at the following address:
Allianz Global Assistance
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON N3C 4N6
Travel Insurance is provided by CUMIS General Insurance
Company, a member of The Co-operators group of
companies (“CUMIS”), and administered by Allianz Global
Assistance, which is a registered business name of AZGA
Service Canada Inc. BMO Bank of Montreal receives
compensation from the insurer for the distribution of
this insurance. The insured person and any claimant
under this insurance may request a copy of the of the
certificate, the application, and any other written
statements (if any) that have been provided to CUMIS
as evidence of insurability, subject to certain access
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of
the certificate, as described in this certificate, which
along with your application and your Declaration of
Coverage Letter will form the entire agreement under
which benefit payments are made.
Please review this certificate before you travel to ensure
it meets your travel insurance needs. If you are not
completely satisfied, you may request a full refund of
premium only if you call the Operations Centre to cancel
within 10 days of your purchase date and if you have not
already departed on a trip or have incurred a claim.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one
certificate providing insurance coverage similar to that
provided in this certificate. In the event that any person
is recorded by the insurer as an “insured person” under
more than one such certificate, that person shall be
deemed to be insured only under the certificate which
provides that person the greatest amount of insurance
coverage. Under no circumstance will a corporation,
partnership or business entity be eligible for this insurance
coverage. This certificate supersedes any certificate
previously issued to you.
For more information contact Allianz Global Assistance.
From Canada and the U.S. call 1-800-661-9060.
From elsewhere call collect 519-741-0782.
Table of Contents
1 Plan overview – summary of benefits 1
2 Defined terms you need to know 2
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3 When coverage begins 7
4 When coverage ends 8
5 How your premium iscalculated 8
6 Your right to obtain arefund 9
7 Are you eligible for thiscoverage? 9
8 Your coverage details 10
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8.1 Trip assistance 10
8.1.1 Travel assistance services 10
8.1.2 Legal assistance services 10
8.2 Trip protection 10
8.2.1 Trip cancellation benefits
(prior todeparture) 10
8.2.2 Trip interruption/trip delay benefits
(post departure) 13
8.2.3 Flight delay benefits 16
8.2.4 Baggage and personal effectsbenefits 16
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8.2.5 Exclusions for baggage and
personal effects benefits 17
8.3 Flight accident & Travel accident 18
8.3.1 Flight accident & Travel accidentbenefits 18
8.3.2 Exclusions and limitations for flight accident
and travel accident benefits 20
8.4 General exclusions andlimitations 21
9 Conditions . 25
10 General provisions 26
11 How to file your claim 27
12 Protecting your personalinformation 29
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1 Plan overview – summary
of benefits
Trip length is subject to a maximum of 183 days
(or 212 if you reside in British Columbia, Manitoba,
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia or Ontario)
Trip Interruption/Delay – $3,000 per insured person
Trip Cancellation – up to sum insured to an overall
maximum of $20,000 per certificate
Flight Delay – $500 per trip
Baggage/Personal Effects – $1,000 per insured person,
to a max of $3,000 for all insured persons combined.
Flight accident – up to $100,000 per insured person
Travel accident – up to $50,000 per insured person
Trip Assistance
In order to add coverage, you must purchase the coverage
by calling BMO Travel Insurance (Allianz Global Assistance
Operations Centre) at 1-800-661-9060 or online at Coverage cannot be
purchased at the BMO branch.
Individual coverage and family coverage is available.
Dependent children are automatically covered under
the family coverage which is only available to parents
who are 59 years of age or under.
Trip Protection Plan:
provides coverage for unexpected trip interruption,
trip cancellation, flight delay, baggage expenses,
flightaccident and travel accident on a single trip up
to the maximum of 183 days (or 212 if you reside in
British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland Nova Scotia
or Ontario)
coverage is for the duration of a single trip
For full coverage details, applicable exclusions
(including a pre-existing condition exclusion)
and limitations, please refer to Section 8 – YOUR
In this certificate, certain terms have defined
meanings. Defined terms are printed in bold italics
throughout this document.
2 Defined terms you need
to know
Accident(al) means a sudden, unexpected,
unforeseeable, unavoidable external event and excludes
disease or infections.
Act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited
to hijacking, the use of force or violence and/or the threat
thereof or commission or threat of a dangerous act, of
any person or group(s) or government(s), committed for
political, religious, ideological, social, economic or similar
purposes including the intention to intimidate, coerce or
overthrow a government (whether de facto or de jure)
or to influence, affect or protest against any government
and/or to put the civilian population, or any section of the
civilian population, in fear.
Act of war means any loss or damage arising directly
or indirectly from, occasioned by, happening through
or in the consequence of: war; invasion; acts of foreign
enemies; hostilities or warlike operations (whether war
is declared or not) by any government or sovereign, using
military personnel or other agents; civil war; rebellion;
revolution; insurrection; civil commotion assuming the
proportions of or amounting to an uprising; military or
usurped power.
Actual cash value means the insurer will pay the
the actual purchase price of a similar item;
the actual cash value of the item at the time of loss,
which includes deduction for depreciation (for items
without receipts, the insurance will pay up to 75% of
the determined depreciated value); or
the cost to repair or replace the item.
Aggregate limit means the total number or the maximum
value of insured losses resulting from any one (1) accident
or event causing loss.
Baggage means luggage and personal possessions,
whether owned, borrowed or rented, and taken by you on
your trip.
Certificate means a summary of the benefits provided
under the Group Policy issued to BMO Bank of Montreal
covering accident and sickness, and the policy of
insurance for all other benefits.
Common carrier means a licensed airline, bus, taxi
(excluding rideshare, carshare, and peer-to-peer carshare
programs), car service, train, cruise ship or government-
operated ferry system offering its transportation
services to paying passengers at published rates and
scheduled times.
Coverage period means the time insurance is in effect,
as indicated in the various sections of this certificate.
Covered service means a service or supply, specified
herein, for which the insurer provides benefits under
Declaration of Coverage Letter means the letter setting
out the details of your coverage under the certificate.
Departure date means the date and time on which you
depart from your province or territory of residence on
your trip (using local time at your Canadian address).
Dependent child means an unmarried natural, adopted
or stepchild of an insured person principally dependent
on the insured person for support who is:
20 years of age or under; or
25 years of age or under and a full-time student
attending a recognized college or university; or
21 years of age or older and permanently mentally or
physically challenged and incapable of self-support and
became so while eligible as a dependent child.
Effective date means the following:
For Trip Cancellation Benefits (prior to departure), effective
date means the later of:
the date indicated as the application date on your
Declaration of Coverage Letter; or
the date you make the initial non-refundable payment
for your trip.
For all other benefits, effective date means the laterof:
the date indicated on your Declaration of Coverage
Letter; or
the date you exit your province or territory of residence
for your trip.
Emergency means a sudden, unforeseen sickness or
injury occurring during a trip, which requires immediate
intervention by a physician or legally licensed dentist and
cannot reasonably be delayed. An emergency is deemed
to no longer exist when medical evidence indicates that
you are able to continue your trip or return to your place
of ordinary residence in Canada.
Epidemic means a contagious disease widely occurring
in a community at a particular time recognized or referred
to as an epidemic by a representative of the World Health
Organization (WHO) or an official government authority.
Essential items means necessary clothing and/or
toiletries purchased during the time period in which
checked baggage has been delayed.
Expiry date means the earlier of:
the date indicated as the expiry date on your
Declaration of Coverage Letter; or
the date and time you return to your province or
territory of residence.
Family coverage means coverage is provided for the
insured person, the insured person’s spouse and
dependent children.
Hospital means a facility incorporated or licensed as
a hospital by the jurisdiction where such services are
provided and which has accommodation for resident
inpatients, a laboratory, a registered graduate nurse and
physician always on duty and an operating room where
surgical operations are performed by a physician. In no
event shall this include a convalescent or nursing home,
home for the aged, health spa, or an institution for the
care of drug addicts, alcoholics or persons suffering from
mental or emotional disorders.
Immediate family member means the insured
person’s spouse, child including adopted children and
stepchildren, parent, sibling, legal guardian, parent-in-law,
grandparents, grandchildren, daughter-in-law, son-in-law,
brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
Individual coverage means coverage is provided for the
insured person named in the certificate.
Injury means any bodily harm caused by an accident
which results in a covered loss and which requires the
immediate medical care or treatment of a physician.
Inpatient means a person who is treated as a registered
bed patient in a hospital or other facility and for whom a
room and board charge is made.
Insured person means the eligible person(s) named
on the Declaration of Coverage Letter for whom the
required insurance premium has been paid.
Insurer means CUMIS General Insurance Company,
amember of The Co-operators group of companies.
Loss, with reference to loss of life, means death, including
clinical death determined by the local governing medical
authorities. Loss means, with reference to a hand or foot,
complete and permanent severance through or above the
wrist or ankle joint; with reference to arm or leg means
complete and permanent severance through or above the
elbow or knee joint; with reference to thumb and index
finger means complete and permanent severance of the
thumb and index finger of the same hand. With reference
to hearing, loss means the permanent and irrecoverable
total loss of hearing in both ears, as determined by
a physician; with reference to sight, loss means the
permanent and irrecoverable loss of the entire sight,
meaning that the remaining vision must be no better than
20/200 using a corrective aid or device as determined by
a physician; with reference to speech, loss means the
permanent and irrecoverable total loss of the capability
of speech without the aid of mechanical devices, as
determined by a physician.
Medical condition means any sickness, injury
or symptom.
Mountain climbing means the ascent or descent of a
mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment,
including crampons, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabiners
and lead or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre
maintained by Allianz Global Assistance.
Pandemic means an epidemic that occurs over a
wide geographic area and is recognized or referred to
as a pandemic by a representative of the World Health
Organization (WHO) or an official government authority.
Personal effects means property normally worn or
designed to be carried on or by an insured person solely
for private purposes and not used for business.
Physician means person other than you, who is legally
qualified and licensed to practice medicine or perform
surgery in the location where the services are performed,
and who is not related to you by blood or marriage.
Political risk means any type of event, organized
resistance or actions intending or implying the intention
to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to
nationalization; confiscation; expropriation (including
selective discrimination and forced abandonment);
deprivation; requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection;
civil commotion assuming to proportion of or amounting
to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Professional sport means participation in, training
for or practice in a sporting event for remuneration or
financial gain.
Quarantine means mandatory involuntary confinement
by order or other official directive of a government, public
or regulatory authority, a physician, or the captain of a
commercial vessel on which you are booked to travel
during your trip, which is intended to stop the spread of a
contagious disease to which you or a travel companion
has been exposed.
Reasonable and customary charges means the services
customarily provided or the costs customarily incurred for
covered losses, which are not in excess of the standard
practice or fee in the geographical area where the
services are provided or costs are incurred for comparable
treatment, services or supplies for a similar sickness or
Recurrence means the appearance of symptoms
caused by or related to a medical condition, which
was previously diagnosed by a physician or for which
treatment was previously received.
Refunds means cash, credit, or a voucher for future travel
that you are eligible to receive from a travel supplier, or
any credit, recovery, or reimbursement you are eligible to
receive from your employer, another insurance company,
or any other entity.
Return date means the date and time that you return
to your province or territory of residence (using the local
time at your Canadian address).
Sanctions means any business or activity that would
violate any Canadian or any other applicable national
economic or trade sanction law or regulations.
Sickness means any sudden illness or disease.
Speed contest means participation in an illegal/legal
motorized race contest including training or practice for
the same.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to you;
or if there is no such person, the person who has been
living with you in a conjugal relationship and who resides
in the same household as you and is publicly represented
as your spouse. For the purposes of this insurance you
may have only 1 spouse.
Stable means any medical condition or related condition
(including any heart condition or any lung condition)
there has been no new treatment; and
there has been no change in treatment or change in
treatment frequency or type; and
there have been no signs or symptoms or new
diagnosis; and
there have been no test results showing
deterioration; and
there has been no hospitalization; and
there has been no referral to a specialist (made or
recommended) and you are not awaiting surgery
or the results of investigations performed by any
Top up means purchasing a higher insured maximum for
trip cancellation coverage from the insurer to increase
the insured amount for which the trip cancellation
insurance applies.
Travel companion means any person who travels
with the insured person during the trip and who is
sharing transportation and/or accommodation with the
Treatment means a medical, therapeutic or diagnostic
procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by
a physician including, but not limited to, prescribed
medication, investigative testing or surgery. It does
not include checkups or cases where you have no
specific symptoms.
Trip means a period during which the insured person is
travelling outside of their province or territory of residence
and for which coverage is in effect.
You or Your means the insured person.
3 When coverage begins
Except as otherwise stated herein, coverage under this
certificate begins when:
the insurer receives and approves your application
full and complete payment is made of the required
premium; and
the insurer issues a certificate number on a
Declaration of Coverage Letter where you are
named as an insured person, or you are a spouse or a
dependent child of the named insured person.
4 When coverage ends
Coverage under this certificate ends on the earliest of:
the date your trip is cancelled when cancelled prior to
your departure date;
your return date; or
at 11:59 p.m. on the last date of coverage as shown on
your Declaration of Coverage Letter except in the
circumstances outlined under the Automatic Extension
of Coverage heading.
How to extend coverage
Your coverage period can be extended prior to or after
departure, provided no event has occurred that would give
rise to a claim under this insurance and your request for
an extension is received prior to your scheduled return
date. Your total trip length including extensions cannot
exceed the maximum of 183 days (212 days if you reside
in British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia
or Ontario). To arrange for a top up call the Operations
Centre at 1-800-661-9060 while in North America, or if
elsewhere, call collect 519-741-0782. Premium payment
must be charged to a valid credit card issued by a
financial institution.
NOTE: Period of coverage will vary according to the
specific benefit as described under “Coverage Period
within each benefit.
5 How your premium
is calculated
Premiums are calculated based on the type of coverage
selected. Criteria that may be used in the calculation
include trip duration, number of insured persons, cost of
the trip and taxes in the province or territory of residence
(if applicable). The required premium is due and payable
at the time of purchase and will be determined according
to the schedule of premium rates then in effect, which is
subject to change from time to time in accordance with
the terms of this certificate.
6 Your right to obtain
Your right to examine
Please review this certificate before you travel to ensure
it meets your travel insurance needs. If you are not
completely satisfied, you may request a full refund of
premium only if you call the Operations Centre to cancel
within 10 days of your purchase date and if you have not
already departed on a trip or have incurred a claim.
Your right to obtain a refund
You may call the Operations Centre to request a refund
of premium only if your trip is cancelled prior to your
departure date and:
you cancel your trip before any cancellation penalties
are chargeable for your trip; or
the travel supplier (airline, tour operator, etc.) cancels
your trip and all penalties are waived; or
the travel supplier (airline, tour operator, etc.) changes
the travel dates and you are not able to travel on these
dates and all penalties have been waived
7 Are you eligible for
this coverage?
You are eligible for coverage if you meet all of the
following conditions:
you are a resident of Canada;
you are a BMO Financial Group customer;
you purchase the Trip Protection plan prior to your
departure date; and
you have paid the applicable premium for the full
duration of your trip.
IMPORTANT: Failure to meet any of the above eligibility
requirements applicable to the insurance you have
purchased will void your coverage under this certificate.
8 Your coverage details
8.1 Trip assistance
8.1.1 Travel assistance services
Coverage benefits
1. Emergency Cash Transfer – When you are travelling
away from home, the Operations Centre will help
you to obtain an emergency cash transfer. Funds for
such transfer will be your responsibility.
2. Lost Document and Ticket Replacement – The
Operations Centre will help you replace lost or stolen
travel documents. The cost of obtaining replacement
documents will be your responsibility.
3. Lost Luggage Assistance – The Operations
Centre will help you locate or replace lost or stolen
luggage and personal effects. The cost of obtaining
replacement luggage and personal effects will be
your responsibility.
4. Pre-trip Information You can call the Operations
Centre to obtain information regarding passport
and visa regulations and vaccination and inoculation
requirements for the country to which you are
8.1.2 Legal assistance services
Coverage benefits
If while travelling you require legal assistance, you can
call the Operations Centre for referral to a local legal
advisor and/or for assistance in making the arrangements
for the posting of bail and the payment of legal fees, to a
maximum of $5,000. Payment of the legal fees incurred
and the posting of bail will be your responsibility.
8.2 Trip protection
8.2.1 Trip cancellation benefits (prior
Coverage period
Under this benefit, coverage begins on your effective
date and ends on your departure date.
Coverage benefits
You will be reimbursed for the prepaid portion of your
trip which is non-refundable and non-transferable to
another travel date up to:
the sum insured, less any available refunds, to an
overall maximum of $20,000 per certificate.
Top Up for Trip Cancellation is available subject to
additional premium, by calling Allianz Global Assistance
Operations Centre at 1-800-661-9060.
IMPORTANT: Failure to notify your travel provider and the
Operations Centre within 48 hours of a claim event may
reduce the amount payable.
Covered reasons
Trip Cancellation benefits are payable if you cancel an
insured trip when a covered event listed below occurs
during the coverage period:
1. The unexpected sickness (including being diagnosed
with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as
COVID-19), injury or death of you, your immediate
family member, your travel companion, your
travel companion’s immediate family member or
a caregiver with whom you have contracted to care
for a dependent in your absence. Sickness and injury
must require the care and attendance of a physician
and the physician must recommend in writing
cancellation of your trip.
2. Quarantine of you or your travel companion.
3. Complications of your, or your travel companion’s
pregnancy within the first 28 weeks of pregnancy or
complications following the normal full term birth of
a child.
4. Side effects and/or adverse reactions to vaccinations
required for your trip.
5. Hospitalization or death of the host at your
principal destination.
6. Cancellation of a planned business meeting due to
death or hospitalization of the person with whom
the insured person is to meet, or cancellation of a
conference (for which the insured person has paid
registration fees) due to circumstances beyond the
control of the insured person or their employer.
Benefits are only payable to insured person(s) who
are attending the meeting. Proof of registration will be
required in the event of a claim.
7. You, or your travel companion, are selected for jury
duty or subpoenaed to appear as a witness in court
when the date of the hearing conflicts with the trip.
8. A disaster renders your, or your travel companion’s,
principal residence uninhabitable or your, or your
travel companion’s, place of business unusable.
9. A transfer by your employer necessitates a change of
your permanent residence.
10. A call to service of the insured person(s) by the
Canadian Government with respect to reservists,
military, police or fire personnel.
11. Refusal of your, or your travel companion’s, visa
application for the destination country provided that
documentation shows you are eligible to apply, that
refusal is not due to late application, and that the
application is not a subsequent attempt for a visa that
had been previously refused.
12. Involuntary loss of your principal employment
provided a letter of termination or official notice
of layoff is produced and provided you had no
knowledge of this loss at the time of trip payment.
13. The Canadian government issues a travel advisory,
after your effective date, to avoid non-essential
travel or to avoid all travel to your ticketed destination,
for a period that includes your scheduled trip. This
includes written warnings to avoid non-essential
travel, or to avoid all travel, on a common carrier.
14. Default when a contracted travel supplier stops
all service completely as a result of bankruptcy
15. As a result of the delay of a connecting vehicle, you
miss the scheduled departure as ticketed due to:
inclement weather; mechanical failure or accident
of a common carrier; a traffic accident; or an
emergency police-directed road closure. Such delay
due to traffic accident or emergency police-directed
road closure must be substantiated by an official
police report. All such missed connections are subject
to the connecting vehicle arriving at the point of
departure not less than 2 hours prior to scheduled
departure time. In the event of a missed connection
this insurance covers the entire trip, up to the
coverage limits, as originally ticketed or the cost of
a one-way economy fare via the most cost-effective
route, to catch up to the tour.
16. Weather conditions delay your connecting scheduled
carrier for 30% or more of the total duration of the
trip and you elect not to continue with the trip.
7. You miss your connecting flight as a result of a
hedule change of the airline carrier that is providing
transportation for a portion of your insured trip.
NOTE: Reimbursement under this covered reason
islimited to $1,000 per insured person, less
available refunds.
Should you have to cancel a trip before your scheduled
departure date, you must cancel your trip with the
travel provider and notify the Operations Centre within
48 hours of the event that caused you to cancel your trip.
Please see section 8.4 for applicable exclusions
and limitations.
8.2.2 Trip interruption/trip delay
benefits (post departure)
Coverage period
Under this benefit, coverage begins on your departure
date and ends on your return date.
Coverage benefits
If for one of the reasons listed below you must interrupt
an insured trip already commenced or if you must delay
your return beyond the scheduled return date, you will
be reimbursed up to a maximum of $3,000 per insured
person, less any available refunds, for:
a) the extra cost to change your return ticket to a
one-way economy fare, via the most cost-effective
route, by regular scheduled transportation back to
your departure point or the next destination on
your trip; or
b) the cost of a one-way economy fare by regular
scheduled transportation back to your departure point
or the next destination on your trip, if your existing
ticket cannot be changed; and
c) the non-refundable and non-transferable, portion of
your unused prepaid travel arrangements, excluding
the cost of unused prepaid transportation back to your
departure point, if your insured trip is interrupted; and
d) the cost incurred to adjust your prepaid accommodations
to a single supplement, if your travel companion’s
trip is interrupted for any of the reasons stated under
the trip interruption/trip delay benefits; and
e) if you must interrupt an insured trip already commenced,
due to an emergency, the insurer will also pay the
necessary and reasonable costs of commercial
accommodation and meals up to $350 per day to a
maximum $700 for all insured persons combined; or
f) if you must delay the return portion of your insured
trip beyond the scheduled return date due to an
emergency, the insurer will also pay the necessary
and reasonable costs of commercial accommodation
and meals up to $250 per day to a maximum of 10 days,
per insured person (maximum of $5,000 for all
insured persons combined).
Covered reasons
Trip interruption or trip delay benefits are payable when a
covered event listed below occurs before your scheduled
return date.
1. The unexpected sickness (including being diagnosed
with an epidemic or pandemic disease such as
COVID-19), injury or death of you, your immediate
family member, your travel companion, your
travel companion’s immediate family member or
a caregiver with whom you have contracted to care
for a dependent in your absence. Sickness and injury
must require the care and attendance of a physician
and the physician must recommend in writing that
you interrupt or delay your trip.
2. Quarantine of you or your travel companion.
3. Complications of your, or your travel companion’s,
pregnancy within the first 28 weeks of pregnancy or
complications following the normal full term birth of
a child.
4. Side effects and/or adverse reactions to vaccinations
required for your trip.
5. Hospitalization or death of the host at your
principal destination.
6. Cancellation of a planned business meeting due to
death or hospitalization of the person with whom
the insured person is to meet, or cancellation of a
conference (for which the insured person has paid
registration fees) due to circumstances beyond the
control of the insured person or their employer.
Benefits are only payable to insured person(s) who
are attending the meeting. Proof of registration will be
required in the event of a claim.
7. You, or your travel companion, are selected for jury
duty or subpoenaed to appear as a witness in court
when the date of the hearing conflicts with the trip.
8. A call to service of the insured person(s) by the
Canadian Government with respect to reservists,
military, police or fire personnel.
9. A disaster renders your, or your travel companion’s,
principal residence uninhabitable or your, or your
travel companion’s, place of business unusable.
10. Weather conditions delay your connecting scheduled
carrier for 30% or more of the total duration of your
trip and you elect not to continue with your trip.
11. Hijacking of your common carrier while en route to
your scheduled destination point.
12. The Canadian government issues a travel advisory,
after you depart on your trip, to avoid non-essential
travel or to avoid all travel to your ticketed destination,
for a period that includes your scheduled trip. This
includes written warnings to avoid non-essential
travel, or to avoid all travel, on a common carrier.
13. You, or your travel companion, are denied boarding
based on a suspicion that you or your travel
companion have a contagious medical condition (this
does not include your or your travel companion’s
refusal or failure to comply with rules and requirements
to travel or of entry to your or your travel
companion’s destination).
14. You miss your connecting flight as a result of a
schedule change of the airline carrier that is providing
transportation for a portion of your insured trip.
NOTE: Reimbursement under this covered reason
islimited to $1,000 per insured person, less
available refunds.
Expenses will be reimbursed when you provide, at the
insurers request, any of the following when applicable:
1. a statement completed by the attending physician
in attendance where the sickness or injury occurred,
stating the diagnosis and the complete reason for
the necessity of your trip interruption or delay
2. documentary evidence of the emergency situation
which caused the interruption or delay;
3. any tickets or receipts for any extra transportation
costs incurred.
Should you have to delay or change your scheduled
return date, you must notify the Operations Centre
within 48 hours of the event forcing your delay, to enable
the Operations Centre to assist you in making alternative
travel arrangements. Failure to notify the Operations
Centre within 48 hours may reduce the amount payable.
Please see section 8.4 for applicable exclusions
and limitations.
8.2.3 Flight delay benefits
Coverage period
Under this benefit, coverage begins at the time of your
scheduled departure date and ends on your return
Coverage benefits
Flight Delay benefits are payable in the event of a
delay of more than 6 hours in the arrival or departure
of your regularly scheduled airline flight. You will be
reimbursed up to $500 per trip for reasonable, additional
accommodation and travelling expenses. Expenses must
be incurred by you as a result of the delay. You will be
required to submit original, itemized receipts for any
expense that you incur in this regard. Prepaid expenses
are not covered.
Please see section 8.4 for applicable exclusions
and limitations.
8.2.4 Baggage and personal
effects benefits
Coverage period
Under this benefit, coverage begins on your departure
date and ends on your return date.
Coverage benefits
This baggage and personal effects insurance covers the
actual cash value of baggage and personal effects up
to a total loss of $1,000 per insured person (maximum of
$3,000 for all insured persons combined) for:
1. Loss or damage of baggage and/or personal effects
worn or used by you when accompanying you during
the trip. Coverage is limited to $500 per item.
2. Theft, burglary, fire or transportation hazards to
baggage and/or personal effects worn or used
by you during the trip. Coverage is limited to $500
3. Loss or damage to camera equipment during the trip.
Camera equipment is collectively considered one item.
Coverage is limited to $500 per item.
4. Loss or damage to jewelry during the trip. Jewelry is
collectively considered one item. Coverage is limited
to $500 per item.
5. Up to $500 will be reimbursed for the purchase of
essential items as a result of your checked baggage
being delayed by the carrier for 6 hours or more,
during the trip en route to your destination and
fore returning to your original point of departure.
Proof of delay of checked baggage from the common
carrier along with receipts of purchases must
accompany your claim. Purchases must be made
within 36 hours of your arrival at your destination.
The costs of items purchased under this benefit will
reduce the maximum amount payable under the
baggage and personal effects benefit, if it is later
determined that your personal baggage has been
lost, stolen or damaged.
6. The replacement cost of any of the following documents
e to loss or theft, when supported by a police report:
passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate or travel
visa. Coverage is limited to $250 per insured person,
for all documents combined.
Additional conditions specific to baggage and
personal effects benefits
1. In the event of loss of an article which is part of a pair
or set, the measure of loss shall be at a reasonable
and fair proportion of the total value of the pair or set,
giving consideration to the importance of such article
and with the understanding that such loss shall not be
construed to mean total loss of the pair or set.
2. The insurer shall not be liable beyond the actual
cash value of the property at the time any loss
occurs. The insurer reserves the right to repair or
replace any damaged or lost property with property
of like quality and value, and to require submission of
property for appraisal of damage.
8.2.5 Exclusions for baggage and
personal effects benefits
In addition to all applicable exclusions and limitations in
Section 8.4, this insurance does not cover, provide services
for or pay claims resulting from:
1. Loss caused by normal wear and tear, gradual
deterioration, insects, or vermin.
2. Animals; automobiles (including equipment and
contents), trailers, motorcycles, bicycles, boats,
motors, other vehicles or their accessories; souvenirs;
fragile or collectible items; consumable or perishable
goods; household effects and furnishings; contact
lenses, non-prescription sunglasses; artificial teeth
and prostheses, medical equipment and appliances;
money, securities; tickets, documents; any property
pertaining to a business, profession or occupation;
personal computers, tablet computers, software; or
cellular phones.
3. Loss or damage to jewelry, gems, watches and furs or
garments trimmed with fur and camera equipment
while in the custody of an airline or common carrier.
4. Loss of covered and non-covered items sustained
due to any process or while being worked upon;
confiscation by any government authority; act of
war (declared or undeclared); contraband or illegal
transportation or trade.
5. Loss incurred while you are performing a negligent
act(s) or criminal act(s).
6. Items specifically or otherwise insured.
Please see 8.4 for additional applicable exclusions
and limitations.
8.3 Flight accident & Travel accident
8.3.1 Flight accident & Travel
accident benefits
Coverage period
Under this benefit, coverage begins on your effective
date and ends on your expiry date.
Coverage benefits
Flight accident and Travel accident benefits are payable in
the event you suffer a loss as a result of an accidental
injury that occurs during your trip.
For Flight Accident Insurance, the following
conditions must be met:
loss is sustained as the result of an accident occurring
while you are a ticketed passenger on, or while you
are entering or exiting, any licensed passenger plane
during your trip; and
the passenger plane must be a certified passenger
conveyance on a regularly scheduled route on which
you are a ticketed passenger.
For Travel Accident Insurance, the following condition
must be met:
loss results directly from accidental injury, occurring
during a trip, except while you are a ticketed
passenger on, or while you are entering or exiting, a
passenger plane
The following benefit amounts are payable for your loss
resulting from an accidental injury that occurs during
your trip. The loss must occur within one (1) year from
the date of the accident:
Benefit Amount
Loss of Life $100,000 $50,000
Loss of Both Hands and/or Both Feet $100,000 $50,000
Loss of One Foot or One Hand and
the Entire Sight of One Eye
$100,000 $50,000
Loss of Entire Sight of Both Eyes $100,000 $50,000
Loss of One Hand and One Foot $100,000 $50,000
Loss of Speech and Hearing $100,000 $50,000
Loss of One Hand or One Foot $50,000 $25,000
Loss of Entire Sight of One Eye $50,000 $25,000
Loss of Speech or Hearing $50,000 $25,000
Loss of Thumb and Index Finger on
the Same Hand
$25,000 $12,500
The insurer will not pay for covered losses caused by
the same event under more than one of: Flight Accident
benefits or Travel Accident benefits. In the event a loss is
eligible for payment under both the Flight Accident benefit
and the Travel Accident benefit, or if you suffer multiple
covered losses as the result of one accident, you will be
eligible for the single largest benefit amount applicable to
all covered losses.
Exposure and disappearance
If by reason of an accident covered under this certificate,
you are unavoidably exposed to the natural elements and
it causes a loss shown in the table above, you will be paid
If by reason of an accident covered under this certificate,
you disappear and your body has not been found within
twelve (12) months after the date of accident, it will be
presumed that you suffered loss of life unless evidence
indicates otherwise.
Any loss of life benefit payable under this certificate will
be paid to your estate, unless a beneficiary designation
has been filed with Allianz Global Assistance. All other
benefits are payable to you. If you wish to designate a
specific beneficiary, please contact the Operations Centre
at 1 800 661-9060 or 519 741-0742.
Aggregate Limit
The total aggregate limit for all Flight accident and Travel
accident claims is $10 million.
8.3.2 Exclusions and limitations for flight
accident and travel accident benefits
In addition to all applicable exclusions and limitations in
Section 8.4, this insurance does not cover, provide services
for or pay claims resulting from:
a) Sickness Sickness, illness, bodily or mental infirmity
or disease of any kind.
b) Treatment – Medical or surgical treatment or
complications arising therefrom, except when required
as a direct result of an accidental injury.
c) Operating or Learning to Operate an AircraftYour
operating, learning to operate or serving as a member
of the crew of any aircraft.
8.4 General exclusions
The insurance does not cover, provide services for or pay
claims resulting from:
1. Pre-Existing Conditions as described in your
Declaration of Coverage Letter and will be one or
more of the following:
Where the
was stable
for at least
90 days
This insurance will not pay for expenses
incurred during the
coverage period
related to:
treatment, recurrence, or medically
recognized complication relating
directly or indirectly to a medical
condition for which you consulted,
investigated, were diagnosed or for
which treatment was taken by you
during the 90 day period immediately
before your coverage period
began; and
the treatment of, or relating to, a
medical condition which exhibited
any symptom during the 90 day period
immediately before your coverage
period began for which a reasonable
person would have made enquiries
regarding their medical condition,
regardless of whether or not such
enquiries were made.
NOTE: This exclusion does not apply to
a medical condition controlled by the
consistent use of medication(s) taken
as prescribed by a physician provided
that during the 90 day period before
coverage period began there has
been no change in any medication(s)
and no other treatment has been taken
or recommended. A new medication
or an alteration in usage or dosage
of a medication constitutes a change
Where the
was present
180 days
This insurance will not pay for expenses
incurred during the coverage period
related to:
treatment, recurrence, or medically
ognized complication related
directly or indirectly to a medical
condition for which you consulted,
investigated, were diagnosed or for
which treatment was taken by you
during the 180 day period immediately
before your coverage period
began; and
the treatment of, or relating to, a
medical condition, for which a person
exhibited any symptom during the 180
day period immediately before your
coverage period began for which a
reasonable person would have made
enquiries regarding their medical
condition, regardless of whether or
not such enquiries were made.
NOTE: This exclusion does not apply to
a medical condition controlled by the
consistent use of medication(s) taken
as prescribed by a physician provided
that during the 180 day period before
your coverage period began there has
been no change in any medication(s)
and no other treatment has been taken
or recommended. A new medication
or an alteration in usage or dosage
of a medication constitutes a change
in medication.
Where the
was stable
for at least
180 days
Regardless of whether the medical
condition has been stable or has not
been stable, this insurance will not
pay for expenses incurred during the
coverage period related to:
treatment, recurrence, or medically
recognized complication relating
directly or indirectly to a medical
condition for which you consulted,
investigated, were diagnosed or for
which treatment was sought, taken
by you during the 180 day period
immediately before your coverage
period began.
2. Any reason, circumstance, event or medical condition
which on your effective date, could reasonably have
been expected to prevent you from travelling as
booked (applies to Trip Cancellation Benefits only).
3. Any reason, circumstance, event or medical condition
which prior to your departure date, might reasonably
have been expected to necessitate your immediate
return or delayed return (applies to Trip Interruption/
Trip Delay Benefits only).
4. Pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth or complications of
any of these conditions occurring within 9 weeks of
the expected date of birth.
5. Riot or civil disorder; committing or attempting to
commit a criminal offence.
6. Intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide.
7. Abuse of any medication or non-compliance with
prescribed medical treatment or therapy.
8. Mental, nervous or emotional disorders.
9. Any injury or accident occurring while the insured
person is under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol
(where the concentration of alcohol in the insured
person’s blood exceeds 80 milligrams of alcohol in
100 millilitres of blood or when the insured person
illustrates a visible impairment due to alcohol or
illicit drugs) and any chronic illness or hospitalization
related to, or exacerbated by, the habitual use of
alcohol or illicit drugs.
10. An epidemic or pandemic, except when and to the
extent that an epidemic or pandemic is expressly
referenced in and covered under Trip Cancellation
benefits, Trip Interruption/Delay benefits and
Emergency Medical benefits.
11. An act of war whether declared or undeclared;
rebellion; revolution; hijacking or an act of terrorism;
political risk; and any service in the armed forces.
12. Participation in professional sports; any speed
contest; SCUBA diving, unless the insured person
holds a basic SCUBA designation from a certified
school or other licensing body; hang-gliding; sky
diving; parachuting; bungee jumping; parasailing;
spelunking; mountain climbing; rock climbing;
or a flight accident, except as a passenger in a
commercially licensed airline.
13. Nuclear reaction or radiation.
14. Radioactive, biological or chemical contamination.
15. Seepage, pollution or contamination.
16. Any trip commenced or continued against the advice
of the insured person’s physician.
17. Failure of any travel supplier from whom you contract
for services if this supplier is, at the time of booking,
in bankruptcy, insolvency or receivership; or in the
case of U.S. Air Carriers, under Chapter 11 in the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code. No protection is provided for failure
of travel agent, agency or broker.
18. Non-presentation of required travel documents, i.e.,
visa, passport, inoculation/vaccination reports.
19. The death or serious and/or terminal illness of a
person when the purpose of the trip is to provide
support and physical care for that person.
20. Your travel to a country, region or city with a published
formal travel advisory issued by the Canadian
government, before your effective date, advising
travellers to avoid all travel, or to avoid non-essential
travel, and you have an emergency or medical
condition related to the travel warning, your claim
will not be paid. This includes written warnings to
avoid non-essential travel, or to avoid all travel, on a
common carrier. To view the advisories, visit the
Government of Canada Travel site. Please be advised
that events in such locations could restrict our ability
to assist you.
21. Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business
or activity to the extent that such cover would violate
any applicable national economic or trade sanction
law or regulations.
22. Cyber risk.
Cyber Risk means any loss, damage, liability, claim,
cost, or expense of any nature directly or indirectly
caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, or
arising out of or in connection with, any one or more
instances of any of the following:
* Any unauthorized, malicious, or illegal act, or the
threat of such act(s), involving access to, or the
processing, use, or operation of, any computer system;
* Any error or omission involving access to, or the
processing, use, or operation of any computer system;
* Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access,
process, use, or operate any computer system; or
* Any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair,
replacement, restoration or reproduction of any data,
including any amount pertaining to the value of
Computer System means any computer, hardware,
software, or communication system or electronic
device (including but not limited to smart phone,
laptop, tablet, wearable device), server, cloud,
microcontroller, or similar system, including any
associated input, output, data storage device,
networking equipment, or backup facility.
9 Conditions
1. Due Diligence: The insured person shall use diligence
and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish
any loss of or damage to property protected by
2. You must repay to the insurer amounts paid or
authorized for payment on your behalf if the insurer
later determines the amount is not payable under
3. You, or someone acting on your behalf, must give
written notice of a claim to the Operations Centre
not later than 30 days from the date the claim arises.
The Operations Centre must be provided by you
or someone acting on your behalf with satisfactory
proof of loss no later than 90 days from the date the
4. Failure to give notice of claim or furnish proof of
loss within the time prescribed does not invalidate
the claim if it is shown that it was not reasonably
possible to give notice or furnish proof within the
time so prescribed and if the notice or proof is given
or furnished as soon as reasonably possible, and in no
event later than 1 year from the date of the event for
which benefits are being claimed. Failure to provide
the requested documentation to substantiate your
claim under this certificate will invalidate your claim.
5. You agree to cooperate fully with the insurer, and as
a condition precedent to the payment of benefits, the
Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all
pertinent records or information from any physician,
dentist, practitioner, hospital, clinic, insurer, individual
or institution to assess the validity of a claim
submitted by or on behalf of any insured person.
Failure to provide the requested documentation to
substantiate your claim under this certificate will
invalidate your claim.
6. Physical Examination: The Operations Centre has
the right to investigate the circumstances of loss and
to require a medical examination; and in the event of
death to require an autopsy if not prohibited by law.
10 General provisions
1. All amounts stated in the certificate are in Canadian
currency unless otherwise indicated. This insurance
does not reimburse interest charges. If you have
paid a covered expense, you will be reimbursed in
Canadian currency at the prevailing rate of exchange
on the date the service was provided.
2. Payment of Benefits: Benefits payable under this
certificate will be paid within 60 days of receipt of
satisfactory proof of loss. Payment made in good faith
will discharge the insurer to the extent of this claim.
3. False Claim: If an insured person makes any claim
knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect,
coverage under this certificate shall cease and
there shall be no payment of any claim made under
4. In the event of a payment under this certificate,
the insurer has the right to proceed in the name of
any insured person against third parties who may
be responsible for giving rise to a claim under this
insurance. The insurer has full rights of subrogation.
The insured person will execute and deliver such
documents, and fully cooperate with the insurer,
so as to allow the insurer to fully assert the right to
subrogation. The insured person will not do anything
after the loss to prejudice such rights.
5. Legal Action: Every action or proceeding against
an insurer for the recovery of insurance money
payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance
Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws
of Alberta and British Columbia), The Insurance Act
(for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario), The
Limitations Act (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Saskatchewan) or other applicable
legislation. For those actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is
set out in the Quebec Civil Code. In addition you,
your heirs and assigns consent to the venue of any
action or arbitration being only in the province or
territory where the Certificate of Insurance was issued
and at a venue the insurer and/or Allianz Global
6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no
provision of this certificate shall be deemed to
have been waived, either in whole or in part, unless
the waiver is clearly stated in writing and signed by
7. The benefits, terms and conditions of this certificate
shall be governed by the insurance laws of the
province or territory in Canada where the insured
person normally resides.
8. Any provision of this certificate, which is in conflict
with any federal, provincial or territorial law of the
insured person’s place of residence, is hereby
amended to conform to the minimum requirements
of that law.
9. The certificate does not provide any cover for any
business or activity to the extent that such cover
would violate any applicable national economic or
trade sanction law or regulations.
10. From time to time the insurer and the policyholder
may agree to make changes to the benefits or
premiums through an amendment to the certificate.
The amendment is not valid unless both the insurer
and the policyholder approve it. You will be given
prior written notice of any changes in the certificate.
The insurer will send this notification to you at your
address as it appears on the insurer records.
11. Statutory Conditions: Despite any other provision
contained in the contract, this contract is subject to the
statutory conditions in The Insurance Act respecting
contracts of accident insurance. For Qbec residents,
notwithstanding any other provision, this contract is
subject to the mandatory provisions of the Civil Code
of Québec respecting contracts of accident insurance.
11 How to file your claim
Please contact the Operations Centre at 1-800-661-9060
or 519-741-0782 or visit
to obtain a claim form. This insurance will not pay for
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this
insurance, the Operations Centre will need certain
information from you if you need to file a claim. This
documentation will include, at a minimum and is not
limited to, the following:
1. General Documentation
a. Receipts and itemized bills for all expenses.
b. Original of all refunds or expense allowances
received from your tour operator, travel agency,
common carrier or other entity.
2. Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption/Trip
Delay Benefits
a. Any appropriate documentation that officially
explains the cause of your trip cancellation, delay
or interruption.
b. The report of your physical examination (if
applicable), and any explanation of diagnosis along
with original itemized bills, receipts, and proof of
other insurance payments.
c. Certified death certificate in the event of a death.
d. Original unused tickets, copies of invoices, proof of
payments, and other documents that substantiate
the cost or occurrence of the trip cancellation, delay
or interruption.
e. Documentation of refunds received from the travel
supplier(s) and/or common carrier(s).
f. Copy of the supplier’s literature that
describes penalties.
g. A letter from the tour operator or an itemized bill
from the travel agent stating the non-refundable
amounts of the trip costs.
3. Flight Delay Benefits
a. Original police, common carrier or other report
that verifies the cause and duration of the delay.
b. Original, itemized receipts.
4. Baggage and Personal Effects Benefits
a. Original claim determination from the common
carrier, if applicable.
b. Original police report or other report of
local authorities.
c. Original receipts and list of stolen, lost or
d. Statement of loss providing amount of loss, date,
time and cause of loss.
5. Flight Accident & Travel Accident Benefits
a. The police report including any witness statements.
b. The coroner’s report in the event of death.
c. Certified death certificate in the event of a death.
d. A copy of flight itinerary.
e. A copy of incident report from airline or airport.
f. The Medical Certificate completed by the attending
physician or hospital medical records.
g. Any other documentation that may be required to
process your claim.
12 Protecting your
personal information
Protecting your personal information is a top priority. This
Privacy Notice explains how and what types of personal
data will be collected, why it is collected and to whom it is
CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The
Co-operators group of companies (the“insurer”) and
the insurer’s insurance administrator, Allianz Global
Assistance, and the group policyholder, and the insurer’s
agents, representatives and reinsurers (for the purpose
of this Privacy Notice collectively “we” “us” and “our)
require your personal information.
Personal Information we collect
We will collect your personal information including but
not limited to:
Surname, First name
Date of Birth
Telephone numbers
Email addresses
Credit/debit card and bank account information
Sensitive personal information such as: Medical
information relating to your health status, excluding
genetic test results.
How will we obtain and use your
personal information?
This personal information is collected for the following
insurance purposes when offering and providing insurance
and related services:
To identify and communicate with you
To consider any application for insurance
If approved, to issue a Policy or Certificate of Insurance
To administer insurance and related benefits
To evaluate insurance risk, manage and coordinate
claims, re-price medical expenses and negotiate
payment of claims expenses
To adjudicate claims and to determine eligibility for
insurance benefits
To provide assistance services
For fraud prevention and debt collection purposes
As required or permitted by law
We reserve our right to collect personal information,
necessary for insurance purposes, from the
Individuals who apply for insurance products
Certificate holder and/or Policyholders
Insureds and/or Claimants
Family Members, spouses, or as a last resort friends or
travelling companions of a Certificate or Policyholder,
Insured or Claimant, in cases where the proper
individual is unable, for medical or other reasons, to
communicate directly with us.
Who will have access to your
personal information?
We disclose information for insurance purposes, to and
with, third parties such as, but not necessarily limited to,
other Allianz group companies, health care practitioners
and facilities in Canada and abroad, government and
private health insurers and family members and friends/
travelling companions of the Certificate holder or
Policyholder, Insured or Claimant and agencies. We may
also use and disclose information from our existing files
for insurance purposes. Our employees who require this
information for the purposes of their duties will have
access to this file. Upon your request and authorization,
we may also disclose this information to other persons.
From time to time, and if permitted by applicable law,
we may also collect, use or disclose personal information
in order to offer additional or upgraded products and
services (the “optional purposes”). In some instances
we may additionally maintain or communicate or
transfer information to health care and other service
providers located outside of Canada. As a result, personal
information may be accessible to regulatory authorities in
accordance with the law of these other jurisdictions.
What are your rights in respect of your
When permitted by applicable law and regulations you
have the right to:
Access your personal data held about you
Withdraw consent at any time where your personal
data is processed
Update or correct your personal information so that it is
always accurate
Delete your personal information from our records, if it
is no longer needed for the purposes indicated above
File a complaint with us and/or relevant data protection
You may exercise these rights by contacting the Privacy
Officer at
How long do we keep your personal data?
We will retain the personal information we collect
for a specified period of time and in a storage
method appropriate with legal and our internal
corporate requirements. Personal information will be
securely destroyed following the expiration of the
appropriate retention period. Individuals have a right
to request to access or correct personal information
we have on file by contacting the Privacy Officer at or by writing to:
Privacy Officer
Allianz Global Assistance
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON
N3C 4N6
How can you contact us?
For information about how to obtain access
to written information about our policies and
procedures with respect to service providers outside
of Canada, please contact the Privacy Officer at
For a complete copy of our Privacy Policy
How often do we update this privacy notice?
We regularly review this Privacy Notice. We will ensure
the most recent version is available on our website,
Administered by:
Allianz Global Assistance
Underwritten by:
CUMIS General Insurance Company
Contact information
Please contact Allianz Global Assistance with any
questions or claims.
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON
N3C 4N6
Toll-free: 1-800-661-9060 (In Canada & U.S.)
Collect: 519-741-0782 (from elsewhere)
P.O. Box 5065, 151 North Service Road
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4C2
BMO Travel Insurance Coverage
(Allianz Global Assistance Operations Centre)
Learn more
Travel Insurance is provided by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co--operators group of companies (CUMIS), and
administered by Allianz Global Assistance, which is a registered
business name of AZGA Service Canada Inc.
® Registered trademark of Bank of Montreal.