All Summer in a Day - Guided Questions
1. How do the children feel about the weather?
a. They clearly remember what the sun looks and feels like.
b. They are afraid of the rain because it haunts their dreams.
c. They do not remember the sun and are accustomed to the constant rain.
d. They do not care about the weather because it is always the same.
2. How do the children feel about Margot?
a. They are suspicious of her.
b. They are jealous and dislike her.
c. They are curious about her.
d. They are concerned for her.
3. The boy and the other children tell Margot that…
a. she is not their friend.
b. the scientists lied about the sun.
c. the sun will be out in a few minutes.
d. the sun will not be coming out today.
4. What do the children in the class do to Margot?
a. They push her over onto the floor.
b. They lock her in a closet by herself.
c. They tease her until she goes to hide in a closet.
d. They lead her out of the classroom and into the tunnels.
5. When the sun comes out, the children are…
a. thrilled and run around wildly.
b. too stunned to move.
c. uncomfortable with the silence.
d. able to go outside for the first time.
6. How do the children feel at the end of the story?
a. The children are glad that Margot did not see the sun.
b. The children are unsure if Margot will believe that they saw the sun.
c. The children are ashamed of locking Margot in a closet.
d. The children are afraid that Margot will never speak to them again.