Short communication
Commentary: A critical assessment of the policy endorsement
for holistic management
David D. Briske
, Andrew J. Ash
, Justin D. Derner
, Lynn Huntsinger
Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia
USDA-Agricultural Research Service, High Plains Grasslands Research Station, Cheyenne, WY, USA
Society and Environment, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 18 August 2012
Received in revised form 18 November 2013
Accepted 2 December 2013
This commentary summarizes the evidence supporting holistic management (HM) and intensive
rotational grazing (IRG) to demonstrate the extent to which Sherren and coauthors (2012) have over-
stated their policy endorsement of HM for rangeland application. Five major points are presented dis-
tinction between HM and IRG, insufficient evaluation of the contradictory evidence, limitations of the
experimental approach, additional costs associated with IRG, and heterogeneous capabilities and goals
of graziers’ to manage intensive strategies to justify why this policy endorsement is ill-advised. The vast
majority of experimental evidence does not support claims of enhanced ecological benefits in IRG com-
pared to other grazing strategies, including the capacity to increase storage of soil organic carbon.
Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction
The objective of the paper by Sherren et al. (2012) was to eval-
uate graziers’ perceptions of landscape features and the relative
importance placed on specific features by contrasting perceptions
of graziers that have adopted holistic management (HM) with
those who have not. However, they move beyond this evaluation
and conclude with the policy recommendation that HM should
be broadly adopted to provide public benefits through either the
removal of current barriers or the development of government
interventions to accelerate adoption. We acknowledge that man-
agement strategies based upon adaptive capacity, sound financial
planning and recognition of ecological constraints, as broadly
espoused by HM, are important in achieving sustainable grazing
strategies. However, we find the authors’ endorsement of HM dis-
concerting given that only minimal qualitative data is presented in
support of this policy recommendation. Further, their endorsement
is based largely on the purported benefits of intensive rotational
grazing (IRG), a grazing strategy that is widely advocated by HM,
without either investigation or an assessment of the evidence asso-
ciated with this grazing strategy.
We wish to comment on the evidence addressing HM, and espe-
cially IRG, in a more comprehensive and systematic manner to
clearly identify the extent to which a policy endorsement of HM
and the purported benefits of IRG have been overstated by Sherren
et al. (2012). Intensive rotational grazing (syn. cell grazing and
time controlled grazing) involves the subdivision of individual
paddocks into multiple units often eight or more that are
grazed successively with a single herd or flock of animals to pro-
duce short, intensive periods of grazing followed by longer periods
of deferment (Heitschmidt and Taylor, 1991). Successive periods of
grazing by livestock concentrated in a single pasture to produce a
high grazing pressure (animal demand per forage availability) fol-
lowed by rest periods when supported by adaptive management
as prescribed by HM are assumed to provide the ecological ben-
efits attributed by the authors to IRG. We acknowledge that IRG
represents one of many viable grazing strategies (Briske et al.,
2008; Tanaka et al., 2011), but insufficient evidence exists to
support the occurrence of consistent ecological benefits relative
to other less intensive grazing strategies.
The debate regarding the relative ecological benefits of IRG
compared to other less intensive grazing strategies has been
prolonged by misinterpretation of concepts and terminology, eval-
uation of different response variables, and bioclimatic variability
among regions, in addition to inherent intra- and inter-annual
variability of rangeland systems (Briske et al., 2008). Rotational
grazing or deferment from grazing can be confused with IRG, and
grazing management can be considered synonymous with grazing
strategy, which obscures the importance of adaptive management
(Fazey et al., 2007; Teague et al., 2013). In this regard, the benefits
of strategic rest from grazing within a growing season and grazing
at different seasons among years on grassland vegetation and soils
can be implemented in the absence of IRG (Ash et al., 2011). The
benefits ascribed to IRG are often confounded with more effective
0308-521X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Ecosystems Science and Man-
agement, TAMU 2138, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2138, USA.
Tel.: +1 979 845 5581.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.D. Briske).
Agricultural Systems 125 (2014) 50–53
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animal distribution within paddocks, which can also be accom-
plished with paddock subdivision, herding, distribution of water
points, and patch burning, in addition to rotation of concentrated
herds or flocks of livestock (Briske et al., 2008; Teague et al., 2013).
Monocultures of forage grasses and grass-legume mixtures
grown in high precipitation regions, in contrast to rangelands, do
show consistently greater plant production (mean of 30%) and per-
sistence of highly palatable species, but not improvements in for-
age quality or livestock production, in a majority (85%) of
comparisons between IRG and continuous grazing (Sollenberger
et al., 2012). The mechanism(s) contributing to the distinct re-
sponses of IRC in pasture and rangeland systems remains unclear,
but these highly productive forage systems are comparable to
those investigated by Voisin (1988) who initially developed the
concepts supporting rotational grazing in France and Western
Europe. Variables in addition to total annual precipitation may
contribute to these distinct responses, because investigations in
mesic rangelands (800 mm precipitation/yr) have shown both
positive (Cassels et al., 1995; Teague et al., 2011) and negative
(Gillen et al., 1998; McCollum et al., 1999) plant production and
livestock responses to IRG compared to continuous grazing. The
important distinction regarding the application of IRC in mesic
compared to arid and semiarid systems has been previously
identified and addressed (Briske et al., 2008; Teague et al., 2013).
The study region investigated by Sherren et al. (2012) had a mean
annual precipitation of 600–866 mm which represents a mesic
rangeland by global standards, but the wheat-sheep belt region
has a mean annual precipitation as low as 300 mm on the dry
end. Paddocks in this region have been created through clearing
of box gum (predominantly Eucalyptus albens and Eucalyptus melli-
odora) grassy woodlands and vary from unfertilized native
grassland to fertilized grassland with exotic grasses and forbs. It
is unclear how broadly Sherren et al. (2012) were directing their
policy recommendations, so here we addresses the purported
benefits of IRG as applied to global rangelands and native
grasslands distributed along wide precipitation gradients.
2. Primary rebuttal points
This assessment highlights five major points—distinction
between HM and IRG, insufficient evaluations of the contradictory
evidence, limitations of the experimental approach, additional
costs associated with IRG, and heterogeneous capabilities and
goals of graziers’ to manage intensive strategies—that challenge
the policy endorsement of HM by Sherren et al. (2012), and we
conclude with a more comprehensive, evidence-based interpreta-
tion of HM and IRG. First, it is essential to draw a clear distinction
between HM and the closely associated grazing strategy of IRG. A
clear contribution of HM is the emphasis on adaptive management
a form of structured decision making that uses measured out-
comes of management actions to inform subsequent management
objectives and strategies (Allen and Gunderson, 2011). We have
previously hypothesized that strong testimonials in support of
IRG from some HM managers may have originated from enhanced
adaptive management strategic planning and goal setting, finan-
cial rigor, and regular assessment of management outcomes -
rather than from the promotion of beneficial ecological processes
by IRG (Briske et al., 2011). This hypothesis reconciles, as least in
part, the continued support of some managers for IRG, even though
a large amount of experimental research has not found IRG to in-
crease plant or livestock production compared to other grazing
strategies. The hypothesis that IRG may promote more effective
adaptive management requires rigorous evaluation following the
comparative approaches of Jacobo et al. (2006) and Teague et al.
(2011), but initial findings suggest that adaptive management
may be an important component of these divergent interpreta-
tions. We are not aware of any reason why emphasis on adaptive
management as espoused by HM is specific to only IRG. Adaptive
management would appear to benefit all grazing management
strategies and more broadly all activities associated with ecosys-
tem management, although these benefits are poorly documented
(Fazey et al., 2007; Briske et al., 2011; Teague et al., 2013).
Second, a policy endorsement of HM seems ill-advised when
Sherren et al. (2012) explicitly acknowledge ‘the lack of conclusive
evidence on measurable benefits of HM grazing’. We agree that
HM, and more broadly adaptive management, have not been
experimentally evaluated in rangeland systems because the hu-
man dimensions of ecosystem management have only recently
been emphasized (Fazey et al., 2007; Briske et al., 2011). The lack
of information regarding the effectiveness of HM is sufficient rea-
son to restrain a policy endorsement. Recent research does suggest
that the effectiveness of adaptive management does provide a clear
and perhaps overriding contribution to the success of grazing strat-
egies (Jacobo et al., 2006; Pinchak et al., 2010; Teague et al., 2013).
In contrast to HM, IRG has been rigorously evaluated, primarily
in the US, by numerous investigators at multiple locations and in a
wide range of precipitation zones over a period of several decades.
Collectively, these experimental results clearly indicate that IRG
does not increase plant or animal production, or improve plant
community composition, or benefit, soil surface hydrology com-
pared to other grazing strategies (Briske et al., 2008, 2011). A re-
cent assessment report commissioned by Meat and Livestock
Australia (2011) to evaluate grazing strategies in northeastern Aus-
tralia similarly concluded that no discernible differences in plant
species composition or soil surface characteristics existed between
IRG and continuous grazing. This assessment was undertaken in
sub-tropical and tropical grasslands of north-eastern Australia,
rather than in temperate grasslands of south-eastern Australia,
but the findings of this assessment are entirely consistent with
the conclusions of Briske et al. (2008).
However, recent research has provided evidence of improved
plant species composition and, to a less extent, some indication
of improved soil quality for IRG compared to continuous grazing
in mesic rangelands (Jacobo et al., 2006; Teague et al., 2011). Inves-
tigation of a 4- and 8-paddock rotational system also demonstrated
improvement in vegetation composition, but not livestock produc-
tion, and the ability to accumulate fuel so that fire regimes could
be incorporated within grazing strategies (Pinchak et al., 2010).
Teague and coworkers provide a valuable interpretation of the po-
tential limitations of the results generated by previous grazing
experiments and suggest hypotheses that may support greater in-
sight into the effectiveness of grazing strategies (Teague et al.,
Sherren et al. (2012) incorrectly state ‘‘The perennial pastures
that are encouraged through HM practices have been shown to
hold more soil carbon (Sanjari et al., 2008; Teague et al., 2011),
contributing to the carbon sequestration that is becoming increas-
ingly important for averting severe climate change.’’ The majority
of experimental evidence indicates that grazing strategy has a min-
imal effect on carbon sequestration, especially in arid and semi-
arid rangelands where rainfall is a major driver of sequestration,
and rangelands act as weak carbon sinks in wet years and weak
carbon sources in dry years (Svejcar et al., 2008; Ingram et al.,
2008; Zhang et al., 2010; Booker et al., 2013). Further, the authors
failed to recognize that Sanjari et al. (2008) did not find more soil
organic carbon (P value was 0.16, not statistically significant) with
time-controlled grazing compared to continuous grazing at the
same stocking rate. Similarly, Teague et al. (2011), working in a
mesic rangeland with a mean annual precipitation of 820 mm, only
observed an increase in soil organic carbon when soil depths from
0 to 90 cm were pooled, there were no statistical differences
D.D. Briske et al. / Agricultural Systems 125 (2014) 50–53
between the grazing strategies (continuous at light stocking rate
and multi-paddock at heavy stocking rate) at any individual soil
depth (0–15, 15–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm).
Data comparing soil organic carbon between IRG and continu-
ous grazing in south-eastern Australian are limited, but Badgery
et al. (2013) undertook a comprehensive survey of soil organic car-
bon across different management histories in grasslands of south-
eastern Australia (600–900 mm annual precipitation) and found no
difference between set stocking (akin to continuous grazing) and
rotational grazing in 36 comparisons. They found that pasture pro-
ductivity was a more important driver of soil organic carbon than
grazing strategy. Similarly, recent research in the Northern Table-
lands of New South Wales (Cowie et al., 2013) and in northeastern
Australia ( Allen et al., 2013) found no clear evidence for greater soil
organic carbon in IRG compared to continuous grazing. Allen et al.
(2013) identified a small, but significant decrease in soil organic
carbon in IRG compared to continuous grazing, while Cowie et al.
(2013) identified several indicators of biological soil function that
suggest the potential for increased soil organic carbon in IRG com-
pared to continuous grazing. The prevailing view is that manage-
ment should seek to first conserve existing soil carbon to sustain
soil quality and ecosystem function, mitigate for conditions that
may accelerate carbon loss from soil into the atmosphere, and
sequester additional carbon from the atmosphere as opportunities
present themselves (Ingram et al., 2008; Booker et al., 2013). This is
particularly the case in Australia where infertile and highly weath-
ered soils and low annual precipitation reduce carbon sequestra-
tion rates to the point that they may not offer extensive
opportunities as an abatement measure (Lam et al., 2013).
Third, we have methodological concerns with the manner in
which the participant interviews were designed and conducted.
The participants were divided into HM and non-HM groups for
comparison, but the two groups appeared to possess substantial
dissimilarities other than whether or not they had HM training.
The HM group was much younger and there are suggestions that
they were better educated than the non-HM group, yet all of the
variation in participant responses was assigned solely to HM train-
ing. It is highly likely that HM training accounted only for only a
portion of the variation between groups. In addition, the compari-
sons were made numerically despite the qualitative nature of the
study, with much weight given to small differences, and no ability
to statistically validate these differences.
Alternative explanations based on human cognition and behav-
ior exists for the results presented by Sherren et al. (2012). Theory
of ‘‘cognitive dissonance’’ (Festinger, 1957) holds that people are
motivated to behave in ways that are consistent with their beliefs,
and even when evidence suggests that such behaviors are unhelp-
ful, they tend to reject the evidence, rather than reject the belief
(Tanaka et al., 2011). Research on consumer satisfaction indicates
that once a product has been purchased, the act of having adopted
a new product or behavior predisposes consumers to a more posi-
tive evaluation (Mano and Oliver, 1993; Tanaka et al., 2011).
Fourth, it was inferred by Sherren et al. (2012) that non-HM
managers use higher levels of cultural inputs than HM managers.
More inputs in the form of fertilization and intensive forage-based
systems tend to be used in the higher rainfall sheep-wheat regions
of south-eastern Australia regardless of grazing strategy. In
contrast, such cultural inputs are not common in more extensive
grazing lands in semi-arid regions. Consequently, less intensive,
traditional grazing strategies likely operate with fewer cultural
inputs and lower costs than IRG as evidenced by the author’s claim
that AUD $75 per hectare to support fencing and water develop-
ment capable of supporting large numbers of livestock would be
required to convert traditional grazing strategies to IRG. The poten-
tial exists for this additional investment in infrastructure a form
of agricultural intensification to have the unintended
consequence of encouraging graziers to increase stocking rates to
offset the cost of these investments (Bracy Knight et al., 2011). In
addition, fences and water developments can minimize related
ecosystem services, including wildlife habitat, recreation, and
landscape aesthetics. Fencing is known to cause mortality in grass-
land birds and other wildlife species by collisions with wire, facil-
itation of predation, interference with access to resources, and
fragmentation of habitats (Owen and Owen, 1980; Connelly
et al., 2000; Wolfe et al., 2007).
Fifth, not all managers are comfortable with intensive, multi-
paddock grazing strategies so alternatives must be made available
to accommodate the capabilities and goals of all managers (Teague
et al., 2013). It is generally recognized that IRG requires greater
management commitment and expertise than more traditional
grazing strategies that do not concentrate and frequently rotate
livestock among multiple paddocks. This establishes that IRG
should not be implemented in situations where this managerial
capacity does not exist, or where it cannot be rapidly developed,
because of the risk of exceeding the limits of sustainable livestock
production. For example, ranch scale investigations have indicated
that effective management is essential to the operation of IRG sys-
tems and that it may take up to 2–3 years for both managers and
livestock to transition from continuous grazing to IRG (Pinchak
et al., 2010; Teague et al., 2013). The management complexity
associated with promotion of intensive grazing strategies merits
careful attention in policy development given that potential exists
for unanticipated negative outcomes.
3. Conclusion
We fully appreciate and endorse the emphasis on adaptive
management espoused by HM and that managers may select IRG
as a means to pursue desired management outcomes. However,
our commentary provides a number of sound reasons for why
everyone is not adopting IRG and why HM is a ‘marginal activity’
as indicated by Sherren et al. (2012). A series of viable grazing
strategies exists between IRG and continuous grazing and minimal
evidence exists to indicate that more intensive strategies yield
improved ecological outcomes, including the capacity to increase
soil carbon sequestration. Currently, the preponderance of
evidence does not justify extensive promotion and adoption of
IRG strategies, especially in arid and semiarid systems. We strongly
recommend that the full body of evidence, especially regarding the
controversial value of IRG, should be consulted when contemplat-
ing policy implications regarding HM.
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