National Transportation Safety Board
Washington, DC 20594
Safety Recommendation
Date: February 9, 2016
In reply refer to: A-16-001 and -002
The Honorable Marie Therese Dominguez
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
Washington, DC 20590
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) urges the Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to take action on the safety recommendations issued
in this letter. These recommendations address cargo loading controls by limiting the density of
lithium batteries loaded in one place on an aircraft and segregating them from flammable liquids
to reduce the severity of potential cargo fires and to provide additional time to safely land an
airplane in the event a cargo fire is detected.
These recommendations are derived from the
NTSB’s participation in the Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Board (ARAIB),
Republic of Korea, investigation of the July 28, 2011, in-flight fire and crash of Asiana Airlines
Flight 991 in international waters about 130 kilometers (km) west of Jeju International Airport.
As a result of this investigation, we are making two safety recommendations to PHMSA.
Information supporting these recommendations is discussed below.
On July 28, 2011, about 04:11 Korean standard time, Asiana Airlines Flight 991, a
B747-400F airplane on a scheduled cargo flight from Incheon, Republic of Korea, to Shanghai,
China, crashed into international waters about 130 km west of Jeju International Airport. The
flight crew reported a cargo fire to Shanghai Area Control Center and attempted to divert to Jeju
In this document, unless otherwise specified, the term lithium battery refers to lithium metal, lithium alloy,
lithium-ion, and lithium polymer batteries.
Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Board, Crash Into The Sea After An In-Flight Fire, Asiana
Airlines, Boeing 747-400F, HL7604, International Waters 130 km West Of Jeju International Airport, 28 July 2011
ARAIB/AAR-1105 (Sejong Special Self-governing City, Republic of Korea: Aviation and Railway Accident
Investigation Board, 2015). The NTSB appointed a US-accredited representative in accordance with the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 13, because the United States is the state of manufacture of
the airplane.
International Airport. The two pilots aboard the flight died. The wreckage of the airplane was
distributed on the sea floor at an average depth of 85 meters (m), in an area 3 km by 4 km in a
southwest-northeast direction.
The ARAIB determined that the cause of this accident was a fire that developed on or
near two pallets containing dangerous goods packages, including hybrid-electric vehicle
lithium-ion batteries and flammable liquids, but no physical evidence of the cause of the fire was
The fire rapidly grew large and uncontained, which resulted in a loss of control and some
portions of the fuselage separating from the aircraft in midair, thereby resulting in the crash. The
ARAIB report cited as a contributing factor the flammable materials and lithium-ion batteries
that were loaded together either in the same or adjacent pallets.
The carriage of lithium cells and batteries in aircraft cargo compartments presents three
distinct hazards.
1. Lithium cells and batteries can be an ignition source. A damaged, shorted,
overheated or defective cell (from impurities, manufacturing defects, or
foreign object deposits) can spontaneously go into thermal runaway.
Thermal runaway can cause the cell to ignite or explode, and may
propagate to adjacent cells and surrounding materials.
2. Lithium cells and batteries can be a source of fuel for an existing fire.
Cells when heated and forced into thermal runaway release flammable
electrolytes and gases.
3. Lithium cells and batteries produce a pressure pulse when in thermal
runaway. The gases produced, when contained, can result in an explosive
mixture. This may increase the pressure within a loaded pallet or cargo
compartment, activate pressure relief features, and cause damage to cargo
covers and liners. This may result in a reduced suppressant agent
concentration and rapid fire escalation, and may force smoke into other
areas of the aircraft.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) research has found that a lithium cell in thermal
runaway will generate enough heat to induce adjacent cells into thermal runaway.
The thermal
runaway reaction generates very high temperatures and pressures within the cell. A cell in
thermal runaway can reach 1100°F or higher, and the high pressure can cause the cell to expel
flammable electrolytes. Once this occurs, propagation to the entire shipment can occur because
the ignition temperature of most ordinary combustibles, including paper and cardboard, typical
The term “dangerous goods” used in international regulations is synonymous with the term “hazardous
materials” used in domestic regulations.
Discussion of Issues Regarding Performance-Based Standards for Air Transportation of Lithium Batteries.
(Presentation before the ICAO International Multidisciplinary Lithium Battery Transport Coordination Meeting,
Third Meeting, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, July 2830, 2015).
Overheating a cell or battery has the potential to create thermal runaway, a chain reaction leading to the
self-heating and release of stored energy.
FAA lithium battery research may be accessed at https://www.fire.tc.faa.gov/systems/Lithium-Batteries.
materials used to ship lithium batteries, is much lower than 1100°F. The 1100°F temperature is
within the melting-point range of aircraft aluminum (935° to 1180°F), and a large shipment of
lithium cells could generate enough heat to potentially damage aircraft structures.
The principles governing the international transport of dangerous goods by air are
contained in Annex 18 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
ICAO Technical
Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air are international standards that
each member state, under the provisions of Annex 18, is required to introduce into national
legislation to provide worldwide harmonization of safety standards to the greatest extent
The ICAO Technical Instructions provide six packing instructions depending on
whether the cells and batteries are lithium metal/lithium alloy or lithium-ion/lithium polymer,
and whether the batteries are contained in equipment, packed with equipment, or shipped in bulk.
The lithium-ion batteries that were shipped on board Flight 991 were packaged in accordance
with Packing Instruction 965, Section 1A, which included the following general requirements:
limited net quantity per package on cargo aircraft to 35 kilogram (kg) per package
protection to prevent short circuits
inner packaging that completely encloses the cell or battery
outer packaging that conforms to Packing Group II requirements
Part 7 of the ICAO Technical Instructions details the responsibilities of operators
regarding acceptance, handling, and loading of dangerous goods. Chapter 2, Storage and
Loading, Paragraph 2.2.1, Segregation, states that packages containing dangerous goods that
might react dangerously with one another must not be stowed on an aircraft next to each other or
in a position that would allow interaction between them in the event of leakage. At a minimum,
the segregation scheme must maintain acceptable segregation between packages containing
dangerous goods having different hazards. However, the Technical Instructions do not prohibit
storing and loading hazard class 3 flammable materials and hazard class 9 lithium cells and
batteries next to one another on board an aircraft, as was the case with Asiana Flight 991.
Further, the ICAO Technical Instructions do not specify measures operators should implement to
reduce the density of lithium batteries and flammable materials cargoes in a single location
within an aircraft.
International Civil Aviation Organization, Convention on International Civil Aviation, 9th Edition.
Doc. 7300/9. (Montréal, Quebec, Canada: International Civil Aviation Organization, 2010).
International Civil Aviation Organization, Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods
by Air 2015-2016 Edition. Doc. 9284 AN/905. (Montréal, Quebec, Canada: International Civil Aviation
Organization, 2010).
A Class 3 flammable liquid means a liquid having a flash point of not more than 60°C (140°F) or any material
in a liquid phase with a flash point at or above 37.8°C (100°F) that is intentionally heated and offered for
transportation or transported at or above its flash point in bulk packaging, with certain exceptions.
A Class 9 lithium cell means a material which presents a hazard during transportation, but which does not meet
the definition of any other hazard class.
In the United States, the PHMSA Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) are
harmonized with the ICAO Technical Instructions to control stowage and compatibility of
aircraft cargo. Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 175.78(a) states:
For stowage on an aircraft, in a cargo facility, or in any other area at an airport
designated for the stowage of hazardous materials, packages containing hazardous
materials which might react dangerously with one another may not be placed next
to each other or in a position that would allow a dangerous interaction in the event
of leakage.
Similar to the ICAO Technical Instructions, the only stowage restriction currently
required for Class 3 flammable materials is proximity to material classified as a
Division 5.1 oxidizer.
The HMR currently provides no segregation or loading density
requirements for Class 3 flammable materials and Class 9 lithium cells and batteries.
On October 8, 2010, the FAA issued Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 10017
recommending that air carriers stow bulk shipments of lithium batteries in Class C cargo
compartments or in locations where alternative fire suppression is available, and evaluate the
training, stowage, and communication protocols in their operations with respect to the
transportation of lithium batteries in the event of an unrelated fire.
However, the safety alert
stopped short of recommending the segregation of lithium batteries from other classes of
dangerous goods.
In August 2011, the NTSB conducted tests as part of a study to better understand the
characteristics of cargo container fires, the threats these fires pose to the aircraft, and whether the
current fire protection strategy is suitable for those threats.
The study concluded the following:
Container design has a significant effect on the time it takes for an internal fire to
become detectable to a smoke detector outside the container.
Container construction materials have a significant effect on the total fire load and
energy release rate of a cargo fire.
The time it takes for a fire detection system to detect a fire originating within a cargo
container may easily exceed the 1-minute time frame specified in 14 CFR 25.858(a).
Oxidizer (Division 5.1) means a material that may, generally by yielding oxygen, cause or enhance the
combustion of other materials.
Federal Aviation Administration, Risks in Transporting Lithium Batteries in Cargo Aircraft. Safety Alert for
Operators, SAFO 10017 (Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
A Class C cargo compartment, as defined in 14 CFR Part 25.857(c), is a compartment equipped with a separate
approved smoke detector or fire detector system to give warning at the pilot or flight engineer station; has an
approved built-in fire extinguishing or suppression system controllable from the cockpit; has a means to exclude
hazardous quantities of smoke, flames, or extinguishing agent from any compartment occupied by crew or
passengers; and has a means to control ventilation and drafts within the compartment.
NTSB Materials Laboratory Study Report 12-019, March 21, 2012, fire load contribution of lithium and
lithium-ion batteries and burning characteristics of aircraft cargo container fires. See case number DCA10RA092 on
the NTSB website at http://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/dms.html.
Fire load refers to the amount of heat that can be generated by a substance if ignited within a given area.
The growth rate of container fires after they become detectable by the aircraft’s
smoke detection system can be extremely fast, precluding any mitigating action and
resulting in an overwhelming fire.
Based on this research and test data, the NTSB is concerned that when fires inside
containers become detectable to an aircraft’s smoke detection system, there is little time until the
fires reach levels that can compromise the integrity of the cargo compartment and then threaten
the structure and systems of the aircraft. The NTSB is further concerned that in a cargo fire
situation, the close proximity of lithium cells and batteries with other flammable materials would
significantly increase the severity of the fire and reduce the time for flight crews to react.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recently published lithium battery
risk mitigation guidance for aircraft operators, which includes recommended practices for cargo
acceptance and handling.
This guidance was designed to outline potential strategies airlines
should consider to reduce the risks associated with the transport of lithium batteries. With respect
to loading lithium batteries on board aircraft, the guidance states:
As an item of dangerous goods in Class 9 (miscellaneous dangerous goods), there
is no requirement for packages of lithium batteries to be segregated from other
types of dangerous goods. However, operators may wish to consider segregating
packages of fully regulated lithium batteries from packages of other dangerous
goods except those of classes 6, 7, or 9.
In October 2015, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Dangerous Goods
Panel (DGP/25) Working Group met in Montréal, Quebec, Canada, to discuss the development
of measures to mitigate the risks associated with the transport of lithium batteries when carried
as cargo. The ICAO DGP/25 considered limiting the number of batteries loaded in one place and
segregating them from other classes of dangerous goods, as addressed in this recommendation
letter. However, the ICAO DBP/25 did not adopt the amendments and deferred discussion on
these issues until its next biennium meeting.
Asiana Airlines Flight 991 was carrying 18 (258.6 kg) lithium-ion batteries configured
for use in hybrid-electric vehicles. Each battery was comprised of 6 or 12 cells, each rated about
90 watt-hours (Wh). The lithium-ion batteries were regulated as Class 9, UN3480, Packing
Group II, hazardous materials. Figures 1 and 2 show a lithium-ion cell and battery packaging
identical to that which was loaded on board the accident aircraft.
International Air Transport Association, Lithium Batteries Risk Mitigation Guidance for Operators, Effective
1 January 31 December, 2015. 1st edition, (Montréal, Quebec, Canada: International Air Transportation
Association, 2014).
Figure 1. A 12-cell lithium-ion battery contained in a Packing Group II fiberboard box.
Figure 2. Individual 90 Wh cell removed from the battery module.
In addition, packages containing about 519 liters (137 gallons) of Class 3 flammable
materials and other hazardous materials were commingled with the lithium-ion batteries on a
single pallet. An adjacent pallet contained an additional 439 liters (116 gallons) of Class 3
flammable materials; no other hazardous materials were identified elsewhere on the main cargo
deck. Thus, all of the declared hazardous materials were concentrated in a single location on the
Based on analysis of Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
(ACARS) messages from the accident aircraft, investigators determined that smoke detectors
first detected fire in the aft fire zones near the two hazardous materials pallets. Recovered debris
showed that structural damage to the aircraft was greatest in the region of the pallets with the
hazardous materials, leading the ARAIB to conclude that the origin of the fire was in or around
the pallets where hazardous materials had been loaded onto the aircraft. (Figure 3.) About 3 to 4
minutes after detection, the smoke and fire spread rapidly throughout the main deck cargo
compartment. Analysis of thermal damage to the recovered wreckage revealed that the greatest
damage was concentrated at the location where the hazardous materials were stowed. The
practice employed by Asiana Airlines to concentrate all of the multiple classes of hazardous
materials on the aircraft in a single location on the cargo deck, as authorized by current
regulations, intensified the fire. The airplane broke up in flight and crashed within 17 minutes of
the pilots reporting the cargo deck fire.
Figure 3. Location of hazardous materials and fire origin on board Asiana Flight 991.
The ARAIB report stated that for safer transportation of dangerous goods, flammable
dangerous goods (Class 3) and lithium batteries (Class 9) bearing the Cargo Aircraft Only
label should be loaded and transported only in a Class C cargo compartment equipped with a
separate smoke detector or fire detection system and with an approved built-in fire extinguishing
or suppression system controllable from the cockpit, and that lithium batteries (Class 9) should
be loaded in a separate unit load device (ULD) and segregated from other flammable dangerous
goods (Class 3).
While ARAIB recommended these actions to Asiana Airlines and to the
Republic of Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, it did not issue
recommendations to ICAO or other foreign entities regarding lithium battery transport
The ARAIB issued the following safety recommendations pertaining to the stowage of
lithium batteries and flammable materials:
To Asiana Airlines:
1. Ensure that flammable liquid dangerous goods (Class 3) and lithium
batteries (Section 1, 1A) which are bearing the “Cargo Aircraft Only
(CAO)” label are segregated and loaded on separate ULDs.
To Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Republic of Korea:
1. Develop relevant standards for ensuring that flammable liquid dangerous
goods (Class 3) and lithium batteries (Section 1, 1A) which are bearing the
“Cargo Aircraft Only (CAO)” label are segregated and loaded on separate
ULDs (pallets, etc.).
2. Develop loading standards for ensuring that various kinds of flammable
dangerous goods (Class 3) are not concentrated in a single ULD within an
A ULD is a pallet or container used to load freight onto an aircraft. It allows a large quantity of cargo to be
bundled into a single unit.
Section 1A refers to fully regulated lithium batteries under ICAO Packaging Instructions 965-967.
As a result of the NTSB investigation of the February 7, 2006, in-flight fire on United
Parcel Service Flight 1307 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the NTSB issued Safety
Recommendation A-07-104 to PHMSA.
Require aircraft operators to implement measures to reduce the risk of primary
lithium batteries becoming involved in fires on cargo-only aircraft, such as
transporting such batteries in fire resistant containers and/or in restricted
quantities at any single location on the aircraft. (A-07-104)
The NTSB closed this safety recommendation as “reconsidered” because it was never
actualized. PHMSA did not implement the safety recommendation because of the provisions of
Section 828 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FAA Act).”
Under the FAA
Act, the US Department of Transportation is prohibited from issuing or enforcing any regulation
or other requirement regarding the air transportation of lithium cells or batteries if the
requirement is more stringent than the requirements of the ICAO Technical Instructions.
However, the FAA Act allows PHMSA to issue permanent regulations if it obtains credible
evidence that demonstrates a deficiency in the ICAO Technical Instructions that has substantially
contributed to the initiation or propagation of an on board fire, which could be addressed with
specialized packaging, additional stowage restrictions, or other measures.
The NTSB believes that the circumstances and findings in the Asiana Flight 991 accident
constitutes such credible evidence that demonstrates a deficiency in cargo segregation
requirements that would permit the HMR to be changed to be more stringent than the current
ICAO requirements. Current regulations that allow the loading of packages containing lithium
batteries, a potential ignition source, in close proximity to packages of flammable materials and
other classes of hazardous materials, and also allows these materials to be stowed on board
aircraft in large quantities in a single location constitute an unacceptable risk to the safe
transportation of these hazardous materials.
Therefore, the National Transportation Safety Board makes the following safety
recommendations to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration:
Require that Class 3 flammable liquids and fully regulated Class 9 lithium
batteries be physically segregated when stowed on board an aircraft such that
packages containing these materials may not be placed on the same or adjacent
pallets or ULDs.
National Transportation Safety Board, Inflight Cargo Fire United Parcel Service Company Flight 1307
McDonnell Douglas DC-8-71F, N748UP, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 7, 2006, NTSB/AAR-07/07
(Washington, DC: National Transportation Safety Board, 2007).
Section 828 of the “FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012.” Pub. L 11295, 126 Stat. 133
(February 14, 2012).
See Section 828(a), Pub. L. 112-95, Stat. 133 (February 14, 2012).
See Section 828(b)(2)(B), Pub. L. 112-95, Stat. 133 (February 14, 2012).
Establish maximum loading density requirements that restrict the quantities of
Class 3 flammable hazardous materials or Class 9 lithium batteries stowed on a
single pallet or ULD, or on a group of pallets or ULDs, within an aircraft such
that cargo fires can be effectively managed by on-board fire suppression
Chairman HART, Vice Chairman DINH-ZARR, and Members SUMWALT and
WEENER concurred in these recommendations.
The NTSB is vitally interested in these recommendations because they are designed to
prevent accidents and save lives. We would appreciate receiving a response from you within
90 days detailing the actions you have taken or intend to take to implement them. When replying,
please refer to the safety recommendations by number. We encourage you to submit your
response electronically to [email protected].
[Original Signed]
By: Christopher A. Hart,