brand study for richer,
faster insights
Actionable insights
with a stronger link to
brand exposure and
media investments
Research data
at regional level to
provide actionable
insights to country
management levels
24/7 access
to one centralized
dashboard with the
most up-to-date
AIR FRANCE KLM, the leading global air transport player, wanted to improve its annual Brand study
of air travelers, and partially replace it with a continuous brand tracker covering 22 key countries with
more likely to be added in the coming years.
As the airline industry faced unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, AIR
FRANCE KLM approached Dynata in July 2020 to address its needs for rapid, data-led, actionable
and cost-ecient insights into the ever-faster evolution of its customers in an uncertain world.
Continuous, robust
and reliable data, for stable
and trustworthy analysis,
independent from incidental
or time-specific situations
in the market place
Working in close partnership with AIR FRANCE KLM’s Customer and Market Insight team, Dynata
provided a powerful, innovative and high-quality solution that leverages three key elements to transform
and elevate our client’s brand tracker:
Reach: By tapping into Dynata’s
proprietary panel of nearly 70
million consumers and business
professionals, AIR FRANCE KLM
can easily access their audience
across 22 countries and connect
this data set with their own data,
other Dynata panelists’ data, as
well as third-party sources.
Technology: The Dynata
Insights Platform brings this
high-quality data to life through
a centralized, user-friendly
dashboard with key metrics
tailored to the specific needs of
AIR FRANCE KLM’s functional
and regional teams across the
Services: Weekly sprints with
Dynata teams ensured that
the dashboard was developed
quickly and eciently, with
on-going changes in features,
widgets and filters being
implemented in real time in
the dashboard environment,
as and when needed.
2020 forced organizations across the world to react quickly to the challenges brought by the COVID-19
pandemic, with the sudden halt in global travel hitting players in the airline industry particularly hard. Within
this context of financial pressure, uncertainty and constant change, AIR FRANCE KLM needed to obtain
rapid, data-led, actionable insights into their customers, whilst managing tighter research budgets.
AIR FRANCE KLM was looking to improve their existing annual Brand study to better inform their decision
making and support their business transformation. They needed to increase the measurement frequency of
their existing tracker, from an annual set up to an ongoing monitoring of three of their brands - Air France,
KLM and Transavia - as well as the competition across 22 countries. This would enable them to better
understand the performance of their brands, compared to competition, over time, and versus the desired
brand image.
AIR FRANCE KLM required one centralized brand performance portal to be accessed through an automatic,
user-friendly dashboard by dierent stakeholder groups within their organization, whilst optimizing their
investment in time, eorts and funds.
Thanks to the new, continuous, Dynata-powered
Brand Tracker and its visual online dashboards,
the monitoring of our brands has become a key priority
and part of monthly management steering. Not only for the
central brand teams, but also for the 22 countries that now
have continuous brand tracking data available in a
user-friendly way.
- Hans Zijlstra,
Director CMI,
© 2022 Dynata, LLC. All rights reserved.
The impact of the new brand tracker has spread fast across AIR FRANCE KLM, with a two-fold increase in
the number of stakeholders (from 75 to 150 users) accessing the dashboard on a monthly basis (instead of
once per year) to monitor in real time key metrics, including brand awareness, consideration, image, usage,
preference, and NPS.
This dashboard enables AIR FRANCE KLM to quickly and easily spot trends, address issues, and identify
opportunities. It has contributed to improving the decision-making process, that would otherwise be
dicult to analyze. Within 18 months of its launch in February 2021, the dashboard had been accessed over
15,000 times by AIR FRANCE KLM stakeholders to produce and share reports across various teams.
The success of the dashboard has also increased the visibility of the AIR FRANCE KLM’s Customer & Market
Insight (CMI) team and strengthen their reputation as center of expertise of research at both a global and
country level.