Applicants for appointment as Correctional Officer, in addition to meeting the standard
prescribed by the Illinois Compiled Statutes, must;
Be no younger than 21 years of age at the time of the appointment. There is no
maximum age limit.
Must be a U.S. citizen
Possess a valid Illinois driver’s license
Must possess a valid FOID (Firearm Owner’s Identification) card.
Have acquired a high school diploma or equivalent certificate.
In addition to the above, applicants must meet the following requirements to be appointed
as a Correctional Officer:
Must pass a written examination as prescribed by the Merit Commission.
Must pass a thorough background investigation.
Must pass drug testing.
Sangamon County residency is required within six months of employment.
Applicants must be willing to accept any assignment or shift, and work any
scheduled holiday.
Applicants must possess the moral, ethical, and work characteristics befitting the
highest standards of law enforcement professionals.
Newly hired Sheriff’s Correctional Officers must pass a five-week basic training course
mandated by the State of Illinois, unless waived by the State Training Board due to prior training
and experience. New Correctional Officers also receive one-on-one training by veteran
Correctional Officers.
The Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office operates as a para-military organization.
Correctional Officers report to and receive assignments, instructions, and directions from
Sergeants, Lieutenants, Asst. Jail Superintendent, Jail Superintendent, Captains, the Chief Deputy,
and the Sheriff.
Correctional Officers have the general duties and responsibilities prescribed of all members
of the Sheriff’s Office and such specific duties as are herein prescribed. They observe and monitor
jail inmates, and detects and deters improper or unacceptable behavior. Controls and directs
inmates while out of cell areas during transfers, work assignments, meals, recreation, etc. Books
inmates into Inmate Processing Center and performs searches of individuals and jail cells to locate
weapons or contraband. Prepares logs, records, and reports of jail activities. Performs other duties
and activities as directed.
A. Correctional Officers are required to report for duty promptly, appearance and uniform
conforming to the specifications of the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office. Correctional
Officers are responsible for checking their individual mailboxes for correspondence, phone
messages, and notices which may need action taken. After shift briefing, they are to
immediately begin their duty assignment.
. Correctional Officers must enforce all rules of the Sangamon County Detention Center as
they pertain to inmate conduct within the guidelines set forth in the Inmate Handbook and
those others specified within this facility’s Rules, Policies and Regulations.
C. Correctional Officers must become thoroughly familiar and competent with the operation
of the Detention Center’s touch screen control and New World computer systems to
effectively perform required job duties.
D. Book inmates into Detention Center, including conducting inmate classification
interviews, operating computer terminal to input, verify, and obtain information;
fingerprinting and photographing inmates; counseling and advising inmates on jail rules
and procedures, and preparing related documents.
E. Observe and monitor jail inmates to detect behavioral problems, adjustment difficulties,
recognition of interpersonal problems and disputes, and identify unmanageable, suicidal,
or mentally ill inmates.
F. Direct and control inmates to ensure appropriate behavior in cells in the jail area, during
recreation and meals, and while escorting inmates within the jail premises. Prepare, direct
and control inmates to ensure appropriate behavior while being transported outside the jail
facility. Supervise, instruct, direct and control inmates performing trustee work
G. Conduct inspections of cells to ensure jail rules are being observed, including searching
inmates and their personal items for weapons and contraband articles, and inspecting jail
equipment, materials, and facilities for signs of tampering.
H. Collect and distribute inmate mail and items such as clothing, bedding, toiletries, reading
materials, etc.
I. Provide information and instructions to jail visitors, secure weapons, resolve visitor
problems and complaints, and monitor visitor and inmate interactions. Calm nervous or
agitated inmates and jail visitors, and physically restrain unruly inmates and visitors as
J. Maintain and update records, logs, and periodic reports of jail and inmate activities,
including narrative reports, memorandum, and notes of incidents and offenses.